Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 04, 1855, Image 8

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1)e 111allicto.
tfarfisfe Frobuce 317arftet.
Cirliale,•,lirednesdny.Morning, July 3.
FLoureSuper&ne, per bbl. - - $ 0,50
do Extra, do - - 9.75
do Family do - - 10.00
flyrt do - - 6,50
WHITE WHEAT per bus' e 1 - - . 2,10
R 1 E
FLOUR AND ME %L. ---The flour market this* was quiet, anti very little disrm.ition
t( 3 ; purehaqe. A sale of 200 bbls. Howard st
brands at *9,7: , , more than which buyers are
net disrr sod to give. Some, however, ask
more ICc tire tt , t nwnre of any trnnsactinro.
in City Mills. Holders are risking *9 87!
I•er bbl, v ilu cct finding Irlycr ; Ilye Flour -
Tl . :e supply is very light nn , l ,letrintrl moil( r
)V.. g u ide nominally at `ii rA l l per hhl
It very choice bruit is might bring st.
G RAIN. t—ne m»rher to-tiny wn
quiet, acid very little offering. About 1,20(
1 nshels otTercd on 'cl,nn;.tc•, and moll staler (
;rood pr:tne red at 2 00 n $2 05; white at 2
.1. $2,12 ter bushel• .1 Me •of XOO bushel
/nixed at *2 li. Sales yet-terday of 2.(,0.
t?nshols Western red , not heret.,fore reported,
at :+I 93. We may remark that the tendenQ
of while is downward. Some inferior lets ar.
selling nt 15 to 25 cents per hwdlel Ices that
the above quotations. Corn—The marl,-et i.
dull, and I Vsees dept. s•e,l. About 7,000 ht-h
-e's offered to-day, and small sales of white at
*1 02, yellow at 9 . 3 a OS cents per bushel, Sc
to quality.
r lIE subscribers in Ereildoun, Ches
ter county: hare °Maim! a right t t make and
tiAl.i..hs , v ?I'.t N' IA AND REA PElt, natoate , i 110,
tram Man KM. Eire hundred of the Mow ors wort , t: 'ld
last season, and when well mods give uniy t ow,' WI.
faction. A great number of eirt 'Mattes im Mimi to that
foct. The mice is 4;105 with two cutters.
The.Roaper and Mower combined hasi a high rharaetel
Waiving premiums at a number of County. Fairs, 11,
well its at the late `tale Fair. Prier $:4O with two rut •
Dirs. To be list at W. V. DINtl EE'( Nlanufartory. Sic 1.
or by ft.:him:n-11m early the sobserlhers at Ereildomi
Coester emiely. they (till be delivered at any station on
the Cumberland Valler hail itistil. the purehmser Dm Ing
the freight. PEI lICE A NEI LAW.
moll II 't,s
The L ind raritt,
004 nod filo ad:Hi:lug Lo t...ntiont• t.
tn nt tlf.l,•tnt, extn•ilsiN m r ..r, !I s
cel,:lirttt.,l RI: tl.l-:It. Nik I\l NA7 MAciliss
tr,oneritllv In itnn, at hi' thnp tht - no q nirtn9 of a otilv
uort.ll of Itailover... Fanners wi , hing to entza , ...r a livali•
Cl. or a Reapor 11TH Muwar valahhiva. fhr sf..t•
A , ll, roka With I.
5e11,1111 . 4 thlllll on Irnmodiately. 'flu .'f thet,e nu.
rhiugr are as follou
V..r a Itoaper,- - - $1
For a !trawl. and Mowyr, front- - :105 t. , 1 1
tro... % , 141 - I . AR 1110 through :the lianoverl'o.t 001,
'l:uric - county, Pa. • . Ctr4IINI) 310 UL.
j, are now prepared to fursilsli If. It, 1117125V 1 Pat.
t V AT. klt'S VI farmers, InitnetliAtely
roeblvt. of Volt. oril •r= Which 1 , , warranted to an:% ,
v 6 ' ll ß'r chum' - g or gathering, manure 111 lat
yards, aini Co, , :anp, machine with a very Flight nit
atlon is ali+o warrated to answ.o. h”tter 11 , r clocathn; II
in Barns than ally other F.',rk 1n 11`30.
Price $10,6 , 1 per trytelitne. For further partfoula
AddretA 11.1t.1 Utti New unthe rlaral,'Agen t for Cu
I;orland County. aprh
Aif OTI.I'S I',AT ENT. R. M It
v u...)11.11:11 - .--Thes" 1'1 ,1 , 1 41`111.1 /111 a. 1% ttn
tli 1..4 ijl 1/ •i ..•111.1.11: rou wl,' er0111 , 1111 ,, 14 1 . 1111 Intl prevPtitr Les
are Illtaie vari ,, lts Si 194 t,,, q.!
•tro p.trt,lllo, etas I t r
.it't hl the hittl,ll f.,. 11 , 1
11 0.1 11 , 1, Or c , lll ..f 4• 1.i1 . 10 I. 1 l ii
ta:), I) Lill.;
110. , i.)1(1:1. ,,
1.. Ili 1: ',, Liz
A 1,1, l'A Eii .—.l nit ftTei ved
t.ttwk ri foper
; .1 q1.1 , •!, it‘i.l I 'oc.l curls win!' WA
T , ll t.t.y The 11,•4
and pricey 6ot.•11 (is cammt
lii Ito our CI -lo t& and lho gomi
Is in e t el A nd oxnuilne bcf .,, r ,, pun hasi
,lfowll err.. • : 4 A XTON,
inarol2l FAmt,Main :Arent, Cal Ili
. 1 k- AO
- -7 / '
Nos. 21 and 23 South Sixth Street,
A ern (11'1:ilia Nl. TMIM.nM M ANLTM . TORY. rtriP4ol, Pa.
SI:I . D I 1C..01 , (:)ti (370 Aeres) Illuenunlale, near Brktol. Pa
"(rub: oPEN BIBLE ."
A g ent, wanted to sell a 110 W 0 . 01 . k. entitled
" Paranism. Popery and Christianity, or the hlessings
of an open bible." as shown in the history eiftliristian
tv. frein the time of our Saviour to the present day. 15
Vincent W. Milner. With a view of the latest deve'nie
meats of IV 'ME'S M.)S . III,ITV to, .tho; BIBLE. nseshilr
various parts of the world, mid an expose of the
aliimrilitio4 of the Immaculate eoneept ion, and the 11.1.11-
0i... 1 0; veneration of the Virlet -1 Mary, by Rev..l. F.
Berg, D. 8.. author of "rho Jesuits,' Church and State,'
The author of this work, Dr. Berg. Is acknowledged
to be the et set able writer 00 1:01MANIS1I hi the conn
try ; Chas', vii', have read his diseussiens with Arrh
ltsim .11 flu thos.will tiP,ll neaseuranre of this fart.
Agents will tint this the mast hank publish
-0 1 : it is: 3 1.0 . ,1,0 U art. V0(11010, of.
(0111 . 11010.10011 and
thirty pages. illeiCtrated with numerous In:l.i:ravings
ho ill' ifully and substantially bound, and at
per copy.
Speoi men 0-ipbsv . sent by mail, pint paid to any part
if Elm Unit,' 1 States. on riseeipt of the above price.
, --45
(1.5( 1
SO:141 it, Ca opy, tout itt , tue yorirsOvvs. Addrers
J. W. BR A I)I.EY.
4, N. Pouvtli street, Plala
In •le
11 I 1 T FOR COl7 NTItY 11017-
for Burning e.mtiplieno, ni.l
'rho snli,rilsit is now pr‘ i 1
linrii - to sell
tits for nsi ci 11(19 , z - ill, i.r Itinosplierle (Ins.
one of the wall as t he
r‘tis.. , rl tll.nt 'has ever b ioi olTereil to
It is ri4lielly ntrt tt, no tr )111,1e ,vhat ,
ver. :i•vt the (7eneratt , r is no lar,i;er than ail orditnity
I litor.
F..m• N furlltor infornyttloo apply to Hoffman. Lcinan
tin.; Nil torc. No. 13 South Sevo-All St root.
• ween Nlarket mil Clo,mot. where the
van praoti,nl onoratlon. County 111,flit,
ill 1., at snot' rat ov as will minLle nay per. , o
•Inko a Isitok.ono pistil nn their In, r>ttnrnt Foi tur
p ‘rti,, r. , p , •••tin4 the 1 . 13.: ne.ft.ti
County W I 'ri'
A A;sen IPw the Stn of Penna.,
nr 3:ply j,r,onallo to him at No. 13 s: Sovontli St..
r II lIEA I) (!.1S 11001( AN I )
S'i'.lTh)NEl Y litE. North Nt - eqt corner of I (II
i 1 ,1 4 .\r-h Street.,. Hatt' It tan ti's to
It i !---Peetie.d..l u, on and
tlreitentilti ore elletp I
Sl' t PLY. AND FA \('V , S'l7.\ TIONER V.
STiperler White It tiled Letter l'Aper at 1.50 per Ream.
I. itter and Net , Envelopes in great variety.
Furnished at very moderate rates.
etr.i. ‘Vritttm and Isnrra rod.
11111foit s mod nthin• Ft n&1 Pons.
Autporl,r M•ltt on a shoot. far 25 colds
Inkstands C011 . ...Tn.:ea. I'dner Weht.hts,
Vine Turkey NI
P.aa. Folids. Card Cases, Ilaekeanunan Itaarda. &c.
With a vory harao and eholee wtolont of
T. 11" B I tM DissEcri , , T Pir."ruitEs,
Al hwas, Scrap 80.,1cs and Engraving.
may 2—ly P. TIT 111 R• IC.
F 8)11TII, I'olll'
m•K Fa' III.IIC anfi 111tESSING CAFI.I
Manufteturer, N.W, corner itti at,ti Clunmilt taretits
Ari, ways on hand a largo and varied assortment of
Port \Tot-an:ties, Work Boxes.
1'0,3;0t Itookq, Cabag.
lialikors Cass, Traroliinu lbws.
Nan Holders, 11.1.,krlonnt.,n Boards,
1' n.t 1 , 111 - ,, C10,,r, ?ten,
P.,rt•.!•l, If • , : ks, P. , ekot Mem rant! um 11,101'
1)111 , j II • 11 .
.1,11 .rtm." - kt ni En!.11,1) Fr,n..11
111111 Caller it fine' p,cket Cutlery, Ila,:ers, Hazel
Strote 'nut fluid Pens.
/Ca • Wil .10. al t, ne •.111t1 end third Flour..
apri s r. 11. SNITT.II.
N.AV, eerner 4th and Che..nut streek.
N,ll.—On thy receipt of $1 sup,•ri r (inhl Pen nil
be sent to any part of the ;- , untry by an;dl---deseril i;
pcn thus. nteliwn, hard nr aft.
1 - , 1 it ENC TIZ ETSS MS —Hernia of
,nn! 4,1`,11 , 1141111V Invited a n d
hr the 010 preneh intriortcd to Os ,
:Ind 11114 , to 611 , 100 rev his :cll.'s.
All sitirminz with itupturo will ho gratified tt,
OVA tins 111,t,i,1 m sissy torproetire n 'Prose combin
In: octE . ."ll , ' /I'4 lo //eSS with ditrnbility and eorre,st
coustrueti in. In lieu of Cho cumbrous and uneantforta
article usually soli. An extetivivangsortmen alway.
no Irma. tot,tptell to every variety of Rupture In t
will children. and fur snip sit a rmige of price to Pult all
Cost of ciin..tle Trusses, $2, s:i, $1 and $5• 1/11111,11.1,
$3. S i. iZS :soul $l(),
itersdna stn distance can hAVe'irttss rent to nny nd
hr remit tln.t t tu
atntnt. ttt
onlitileineruturo arennil
I Itu hip:, and sditAttz site ttlierteit.
For Solo IVir.l,slin and itetail by the ingortar.
CA 14E11 It. NMEDIA:S..
F. \V. a r . of 1' ellwt 11 k 'tare Sts., Plitta4.ll,hia•
r.r Ur. 111 , 1,1134's linpr , vetl Patent liodv Brace .
Cheat Eaiitu3wa and Erectly linteos• Pattint A h nu htar
Pwacea; 1 "- 1 avons •ry 13:tudagus Spinal 1 , 14,p5, - Sup
pacts. Ladies' Rooms, with competent hely attendants.
april 11.
01N Hu: pit Ont" SA yrs, with ItierN Patent
powd, Proof Locks which were
c 4 , - c .co4 / :-'7 ".,...," : ',„,.- - ; , -„,: ,- ,. awarded separate Nl:atals at the .
41-7.,%,"- - -;\.„; ...„,, !,..00.1 '‘ orld s . Fair, bondqn, I shi, ;rut
1 ,- [ :4 0 „ . .41 r ..., ~; ro a . h.o at. the wt , ,, , lin, " Fair, Nett
A- utat ..., i t t ; 0,... , - ; z-! 1 orb. I fs.3 and •.4.- I
ill' 'iliCk. , l -
'jr,AlP i Cr f f 1 - ,..,..''= 7 , 1 ; I. '" ." thin . ! ,'' lean ufiteturet,
11 , ),,h,' '.- '' " '" -lifPit and promietors in this State Id
l:, , :! - - . :':',. -!---,..
,',,ii , !'„: the above Irl , 111.11:01.1 SIV:VS 1111.1
,' ,'., , , 5, 2 4 - boebs. The r . eputatbut , of the
" , ,1,' . .! , ... '+‘ , +ln , VCIIIIIIIO "I lerring s :-.. , ale' is world
I, i
~,,_ ,
, ~.,,,.
~. lase
ears the mercantile community
' -", ' - " have witnessed and' bores) I ,ti.
MnflY to their NES' EU I , % I MN.) tire proor qualiti e s. Mn'„
than l'2,;fit , i of th- , se Safes have been actually salt, and
over Savo /I ll SIOU:1 , have passed triumphantly through
accidental fi res. 'rho pulilio tire assured 'that all Sates
inattuthetured by t h e subscribers are not only guaran
teed to lie fully mind, but in many respects oven supe
rhr to tiii;so which have been NO severely tried by fire.
Few - will im-get, their services in rho burning of the
"Tribune establishment,” Now, York, and at the (treat
hire In StrawborrY street, at the huge nee 1114 duly.
imp ;silo (lie Girard llnuser mind still mare recefitty
In the Fire at FitTh and Chosnut sts., In the city .4 -
Mind Aphia, in which these Safes came forth th,, 1 4 e.
loruoletzed 13b sit PI IS, when matty other securities
10M1, k CAL
hov SAPP-SNA 1/A:ig LacK 31txtm$:
%Wit DowdAr front Locks, manu•
fioturo.i. aeprossly for Willi:8, DTA:Ars, ~ lAlvt.liArs, and
ut:yer..4 „rortuirin;r security frAm Aguos.,
livid and nvlla to Ardor.- "All tlio most
Te);:k.3,C.T salt, :I t. in Inurt , 'lneers' prices.
Sa •- •.ing hvyt "S•111m," "SnlymandArs" an t i
chz , sis - ( ,1, 4 1,, r 0 nia t.,,,,. ha t rt -,lwOn t.21,1(.1/ n irtrt p•tv•
f-r at ILLIC a111:11
17. NC:N . 1•11T':
• "
\NITACTI - ri'.7t (W ( 1 ."I'll'ON LA P. 4..
Ti.. Yl• 1 . 1:•69. 1' i! .11 * 1":11 . 11 ,, ..
•II L' - ‘V.'( , •;l 1 . .. H, :it No.
t; )I.o:•!:,st Ze ;:kt
Tkret aitil
oit lii )0• nt '_+•. iJ
:nil, [co.
too of a Fir
0 01 • It •.410 4 :1 r •I . Tltti ii . s 0:1
1 < wit :mil aro ...000 1.0 for th..l, honesty.
till ..1111 giro y,‘li
, !,t t., ~!,•,.• f in, imd aro. 11-I,.iii!l tdr
iiitli nIl tilt) liAtoi' , t Spring. Will g lintrinr
I ' or OOw „ dn'+d+ from voloi.nit.”ll
4tTaloart -
Store , uIA tjops
61.101 ME KELLER reFpectfelly aimeunees to hix
Ilia ratl , lllß and the rulaegeuerally that he has just re
HATS, mamithettared at one of the best estal,l6h
tnents lu Philadelphia, to which he lust Los special
Ile has also constantly on hand a large and varied as
sortment of his own manufacture as well as city made
Ilats and Caps, suitable for the sin son, comprising every
variety of Russia, Reacts•, Moleskin And :ilk Hats, fin
ished in the latest style, together with a full assortment
of CA PS of erom•v shape and deserlpthOl, and at every
mice, Ile particularly Invites the public to call mid mc
linine til eXoonolVis asscrtment, which in style, matt`
rill and finish, cannot he surpassed lq• any in market,
and which he Is Ado to put, at prices lower than veer.
Remember his old stand 01 NIII - til Hanover street, he.
tween Hume'''. and Sener's stores. .
A_i lAl.l, STY.I.E OF ilArrs & CA FS.
wM. 11. TROUT, desires to Inform his old friends
that he has removed to his ni.w establishment on liich
street, near the Railroad Depot, and is new opening a
, Z .. .19a:g I r ta , s i, sezt
i ee i
the gontleinim of Carlisle - are rent uosted to and
examine. lie has also a largo assortment of Silk. Fur
and Slouch Mats no WS own manufiteture, gut up in the
he s t style and :it prieits, the o'xrellenre and finish
which be will warrant. his stork he Is eonfalentsm-
IY needs to ho examined to lie apprevi,4l, ,-Also, a largo
supply of Mon's, lloy's and Children's CAPS, of Cloth
and.Pur.3llll of every variety of style and price just 10
~1ve:1 from Philadelphia. Let all who cant a flat or
Cap give hint n call. ine they may be sure of h e lm; suit
ed to their own satisfast
WAR honsolieepers tied ytitillg, nitlt SitrilOS
NVilii 31• e beettme•housekeepers. are his i
,o 1 to call itt HALBERT'S FA ?I I LT - I/ Ili WEIR Y nod ex
1 China,
ware and other artleleA In the holiseliceptrW HD, mush
Fralleh :1,14 1111;.:IISII ten ,4itS. !WAN V I :Lliih`ll:lllLlpiaill,
ilra nit,. and 7 toe plain. ' , inner si to it ev
ery variety and price, him ls and !duller , . I oreeer. dish
es, tiinw svano--cen t table and nnin h.! hull , .
and other lain varity. and Lat.
111111iierN, &r. Fruit aunt presers e hi i
rlety. Cedar- ,ca re—tubs. chorus. I, ti In. Lotter
printsnoil ladles. meal it. Ac. Brushes—so rephitt.
o bite n ash, scrubbing. hand it.t,
brooms. kr. :Barliet, clothes and travelling 1 arliet.i.
Als tie tire ni:S..,rtm e ,, I nl :" . 4.,:11F. 1'.,11
• ho a r. , .. Ire the
o, ltiolpec , 'oh- and et lo r coin al let
, 11 ,1 11nd them f imrencinil
half Spaili At and 0 , 111111..11 t ;loft t• .1.11:1. at d
•ho, t fn.,,
- `llll ril 4 1,1,10 N
s , A .4
I ale jte-t tut' Fall
.. a?AtiCillCSVt i— ' , " stork ol I'Al'l,ll II
uldrli surpass ie 5t..%
told pri , •o :rev that hal, 101.1.1.
Leon extliketed le Oirliulu I rr , p , ” tinily soli. it a call
from porsoes in wael, of Palen, 11.ted;:
ns .f der,rlt.
tj ou . I tfi AN MI:401U by• htiSOltutent far Pm - pus • s any
te 01..11 .r• 11,111. and IX sty It• and lute Litt few ri
vals , in ritv. I oely ask 01 111 , peltir to caII pod Vl. -
311111111 RI)" ios itniant ilet;.n • pen-Itasing. as 14111 ci•irtl
my chaste designs cannot fail to plorise tha
fastidious. .101I\
West. g1 , 10 ,, f North ll.Lnetur Ftreet,
4: 111E611,E:1T 1)1;4'0 E y.
cui:LING II Al If'—
teor ninny your* It has tvorl tho olor, ntdo{ , ut u. 12.
with cin•nlista and ntliers. to -4 , 1 , 4111 Cc n Etlld Ihat. ap
pliC4l to the hair• would caufw It to w:tl o oL,I Purl equal
in beout2. to the inittirnl Pori. BIN Is
the only article ever offered to the stolid that will effeet
this !nest desiraldu of ject. lint three Cr P.M' al pliCa
tlol,B are ne , ereary to end] it as niuch as hint' ,h sired,
And for any lot:ttli of time. Prom thnmany I t r tl Snulalr
Isrtdunm.who ll4ta need it, tho subs, wine:. ones t ot h e m_
Cate to Warrant the cvollesi,m tt , ;,,,Ive satisfaction, nod
trove as reeotnetaled in all eases.
The nwelpe for nuthint: with full directions for use,
Mill bo sent on the reeelpt of and post lola. The
ingredients will nut cost to ce 12 tents.
Direct to • 11. A. VitE)lols:T,
A pril IS, '.15 NVarren. Trumlodi Co., 0.
yAni.Es: please en!! at: BAWL] NS'
.r ,d W h•llesali• o r pvtAte the
Di•p.,t, if ymi
4,04 Fr.••i••11 r ;11 c ,
co Jenny Li,
1.11,(1// 1•11Nt1 . 0
pt•oi rit LL s.
311.r0c., 'I 11‘,F,
10,30, 1:2
Carl!slit. Mn' as
p:1:1'.:11Y REM 0 V ED. ---- G °urge
inc.rws Ills customers that his Ih - ratt
Lakin lini:ery tints I'l.oll retwf , vett to the V.. 111 r
, rettplott Lv Mr..lac4d. Setter, as a lleCritu aro store. ett
Not th II tnocor stieet, where hi , haii malt. exten , lie
irr.incentools than heretorcre In his I aking .letta 'Atom , t.
with tint View 14 aCI , IIIII untie; the hieremieil
tkiineNtie !tread. ite will hake Fitt:SU BlitilAD nod
WILLS every day from the verry bust Flour. A varlet
oC rotor held constantly on hand. Fttittilic= supplied at
short male(' with Monti ra;-t mail Toni rakes. Thatil,fiii
to the public fir the patreirwrge heriiteforo net mired, ltr
resped.fillly a corithiwithre of their Cavort..
1 in. ?far. 9 '55. IThttl it lildS,Nl AN.
I i
1(0TS AN I) SII OES. The sttl)::eril.)-
Jo er has now on hand n very cx ten Al ve Ana well se
et. ed steel: of Ho 0 T s and i it is E F...,
which-be will sell at llTlthillallr lOW link , k p
es. Purchased front Is holes:tie dealers. ' ..
:it low rates. be can offer such induce- ,' . ' ~, l i:11
merits t) purchasers as will audio It their liiterei-t r, vis
It his estahlkliment. lie box every article In the Itool
and Shoo line—for Ladles' or tientleinens' mvtr—lic
therefore deems it unnecessary-to partiettialize.
Ard- Persons desiring geed and cheap gpods are invit.
ed to give 111111 a call
<6 — p — A „r siEAS,
:id,hl to his f saner stork a selc Una of (110T1'E
OROCEIIIES, a.; well as all the other variety of arthtli'.
kept hi a Groecry Store. onhradog
loltee—r..n.tra and ~ :rcen—at 17 1 1 13 rents
nny (1i0, , ,1at Soo , s.Pair:.
9 1.,1 a val . ': ty of Val.,' all of 1i hi, it Ai e.
fared at the lowe,t rash pri;•e.. We aro thankful fir till,•
forwer support given us, ;out luvlte a further call fn an
our 31111 .•11Stf triers. W. EltY.
`llal.ll Iran. Carliele.
f PING- AND \\ft:NG MA-
I t o CIIINES.—MANNY'S latest patent routlioett ad.
justahle Iteoper and Mower. with Wood's hopr.veme . -
will ho offered to the forme,* of Eastern l'ounsvie ,
tl.r the harvest of I.S)Ii, on usual terms, via: CABII
Vl' Stier. Customers would do well to send in their
orders early, as pr ocedouve ,011 he given to first ordel s.
Address, d. WINEDItENNEU k CO.,
april Il 2nto. nurristurg, Pa.
% ,.. . l 'arl'"*C,%.loll:AG - E FOR SALE.—
lirsi.lwii - Parnlly Carrivo Al . one or two horses. 'lt is
stroplAy.lwillt of t.b bust materials, mid will Le void low
for 1/1141,'
,L. 41 pply to
rtitirchi.gtn • WM. D. SEYMOUR
clOrtN SI I ELLEItS.---X_Akm - 11' S PAT.
NT Conn Suruni, decidedly the 1n:1 . ar:cl 4
klt• duty In wre, Ficrunert; .are. l tequeA , !tl to 4 , :11 11.7n1 41x ,
tnne it :tt the Carlisle 1..1111111.Y and'l'dneldne `ny, Or
At ; 4 :t x tvA's lIA 1.41 ware !i tom , . 1 , 44. mile :It ri.:ISoENEI4.
111'104 i.y
A ing...:,-3:111
1 . , k„. ( 1.1; Icti 1,11 Tit.k 'I, ‘..kN - D - :4loir.i . i.
c ".. r 1, 1 ,.%.1. Tt tt/t.5,.--Sttl.etrt , .. , ' Utllitttllng 1 Itty
1.... i t, t ,, :1 t v rta i pet :I; t t•tt : . Filtr , vrtt Horst' Ilt•et-, Cult it at.
t - .L.N. colt.t Irt•tt ~ Itt , lit•t,l;ttototlt Ett.:11,t,.. l'ut ill tr
t rttr; `t•\. tltt• t , :A...2 , ..1:,,w, I,..1•11 1.. 1 . ;1',;l101 ' I: i I I,•
...., 1 rd i 1: 1.:1V..1 .', i h •:1 , :i%•• k IN: ~,
TII Clgt, ;•.I‘lo'l`,
L Oil, i.. 1 Ai`:l , li ,, r•. Wl .,' 1 .,, : ' ra , • /4,,, I !,.,
.1 . 1 , 11',1/ . ^, %, it II '' ' .l: o l filk • tlt.t ticc,:lizr:;l'l%) J, 1, 1 . ;:,/, ,_
f., :A.:11L , . •
\ear 16 IN • .-11,!•10,,,i
:i Ni..;;,t . t ti.. 11,ra
Nvo()L.,-1.1.EN X' Alt N vvry
. s ui ,,,tor i(•hvy u vl Es.••,: 1V,.,.11,..;.1 Yarn ita:.l
roz•eiv. d. much bettr than the city rim, an cob tic,.
FOR, couivrir TREM3tirtER—
JoIIN G. WILLIAMS, of Carlisle.
Carlisle, :lune Li.
I offer usynelf as a candidate fir the Mike of Count.
Treasurer, and respectfully solicit your suffrilgea_at W,
ensuing general elef 1 leti. ' JACt at ItiIEEM. -
Carlisle, June 0. 10, , ,,5„
r 10 TII E, VOTERS OP Ct.'. 3113 ER -
1_ LA ND COUNTY.—The undersigned respectfully
Infers himtalf as a candidate for the: office of sill Ell 11. 1
:out solicits your sufferages, at the emulng Election
Nlay I.Lith t-5:, ViM. RILEY.
'rl 10 ,Tll E V orE RS OF CU Al j; r it.
j_ . LAND COUNTY.— Ft LLOW CITIM:N6 : I offer my
volt as a eanaidote for the on, of 0.110,1,1 pp of c„io,
berhand enmity. and ideillte It elected to dischare•
the duties Of the tithe, to the Lest of my judgment an,
ability. ROD lila Mr:CAIOIN EV.
Carlisle, May till, Ill;15.
_ .. . . . _
c! PFAI I A .1", c(/ERN. OF QU ARTEI ,
kj ltlltiSlONS.—Wtinntins: The Mon. J.Gitts 11. Gma
i f vii, President Jud;!e i.t . the SON oral Courts of Comm.!
Pleas, of the Coll titles 01 Cumberland. Perry and Jun -
joitia. and Justive or the Several Courts 01 tiyet. and ri. -
1 miner and General Jail Delivery in said counties; am
' lion. Fauluel Woodburn and Wm. John Rupp. Judge
of the Court of Oyer and Tetnfiner and General Jall
1 Delivery. fur the ti MI of all Capitol and other offendet •
in the ff. id County of cumber:um'. bi,: their precept
to toe directed, dated Gm'24 . th of May. lsfifi, have order..
a speci t al C., Met. of Gum ter Fesslfms of the Frace, b. I
hidden at radish , . In and for tIM County . •f Cund ei
land. on Thursday 111 ,, :list day of .Inne. A. D., 1,-55, a
the Court !louse. ef inmenfring at hi c'et.clt Ar. M.. ,
stud day. and tlnd tint ire them I Le ~ ,ii en by the clef I
of Sala court ly publiefttlen in Om or is Spft)Nra of FA,
Lon ugh 1 r three sueeessive Oct.', F
1:y 111 i.
itmsss my Imnil and seal Cf Said eUlla t at CadiS,l,
lie i t ny t f May A—
[L. :41 In t o o iw.nn ahem I I hare set
„hand Ilia soil of the said Court. at Carllsk.,
day of April, A. 11. IbL5.
Junel.l JOHN (1111:“Ii, Clod, O. C.
GA111;N1111 111101VN
IHAS 0.;11.111%,
.101 I N lilt COG, Ctrrk.
(.)11.('E.—At rn Orphans' Court be
gait on MONDAY, the It tit tiny of Apr
and holden at Carlitolu, in and for l'unti•orlittni Count,
,of - r. , (Ito lloon. Jain,: II tiraltuta. ettitien I tlntlge.ftto•
tormituri Wootit•nrn writ John Cupp. f:Ittooto. into.luo
the f olott•ittg wtt, 0 1 1 :111,"to Sri!:
In the ntattor of Om writ of itorrlittttrt mid
,11 [llO rent eittuto of Elimi 'tic nhunk. lat.! t•f Dieittnot
tie 110,41. 111•,,,S1 . 11, ..;..111/1 . inc Inert rorlin 1,1! I
oltostpti inl• 44:11:10 riff folk 111111,11:Uld mr MO
lOy IC.
N,w. to wit. •.:at In of 11,plit , . r. V. 7.4. ni , +iti. , n
link' I u tile heir: and ortit, it. intere.4 t
appear at tin. , nes.t. I tr, hails Coml. Slid t 0.1• •
nit nn-nn in. Ws, ..thee: to to uhf the at
I.....vemiy to I e 1.1. t..
it° parties 'thin ('ri
anal l,y tati•lii ittinnO n.lll. 1,1•11 , Inin ver 01l thy:
ft - SidiniV I...ryt.ii , t forty nuke. 13) the Cell, t.
And now, Yl at V•Tr., tale lion log tai
over since line rot urn 1.1 it 11011 t. tiny tictin a t
tin. - Conn 1.. a ne.t ,•1 Mr. M filler. nc.nnl n new • livi'•
Upon t Ina TI It rettiranble at the ext ntAted
tin- the Court.
/TICE.—To the Heirs anti Legit'
Itettrr atirrs rd ./011S PI Plit Ett, late
coo .1LIp• ('tunla•rlsnd „County deecastl. 'raise nhat
that by hill(' Of n wribot Partial/ and Valuation U
, uctl t to of the Orphans Court or Cuml .•viand count,
and to Inc tiir . cctetl.l, NI ill hold an inquest to tlitill
pct I t r tul tit' tho Mal eN at, of S3litt th
I , fl EIINEFI) AY. the 11th thy of .7 oly, A I
11•.15. nt 1V Crivrk, A. I. when and t* hot c May
tend U you thin!; proper. 30.SEPI? Wit-tit:VON a
; 4 11.•1,
Juno nth
OTlCE.—Thepublic are hereby cau
tinned mminst raying any motley to Den
on either .1. lt. Julies. or Jones mid llorlier'it necoutit
they may 1111 NT rilllThilYed from him (Writ:,
the time be ttns io their employ merit. Ile has mot h ....
,rigged I , y Illt•111 Olive the iitenth of•-
iml they lint a 1)0 it;zeitts enoge..l in the :^tme 1 wine:
CI them in the Stitto of Perim., it =dm
It INES .4; 1,,n J. IL .1, grit
v clty Iron \% x. Ilarrl.l urg. Jun, 1•.:.
OTIC.E.—In the Court of (.'ototnol
nf Cumberland C. unty,:\ 41. ro. A u;:tisl tern
F‘ll !,2% .ur div. ire. lrlebeeea Pu be.. In In
step-father a n d ;mat friend. John Miner, IF. .11.11
I M ,
Same VP. <:mr. No. 1 , November term, U.'.4. Alia•
-.1T.. ! a gur Ent urn% Sul pa nu mat mil pal.:
hat fug iSPAllal 119, nod due proof Lasing her ,
nuulv that the said Johu t 1.. 1 v taual
paid C,•ulay Nou JAM ree
herd) 110; itird t.. hr al.ti appeal or. tho i • of the IN - at term, being the 27tb day 01 Augurs TA,
to allellA the bald complaint.•23 McDARMONI). ;.he,ifL
• .I `TATki OF JOH N 11.1E.1), tIeCCUSed
_,4--!` I ke her.t.y ltrn that Letters of Admini. ,
raw on the estate of Jelin heed. late of 1111 1,4 Is: 41,
have teen I,44ted by the ile,tiker olCurnheriam
'runty. V. t h e su Lseril er, residing , In Nettoille, Cmn
oer!a4 d r‘.44r.ty. fa. All persons knouing thetat,elVC
to f.aid estate are required to 'nage humediati
1131 ment. and the 00 having dulunt to pOsent them fo
•eltlelnent SCOTT t2fYy
N'av la. Adm'r.
v,n , ,Eatt. win ha reeelyed at thla Bank ft
.4 41) length IS time over four months, and intere4 ph
al ti., rate of FuUlt PER CENT. per anntun, and tin
phi feel, at any time after maturity mithou
huller. 1441 ere“ eva4e, after the explantion of the thy.
,nrcitioAl In the e, ri lin ate. wants I unmet( for :motile
.!iven perk d. In uhirh fe , o the interest i , paid up no
tit thu Limy Of the renewal. 1144 0h t 1W1.16 at U (.I . OOC/i, A
3l.aud rimes ut :2 o'oorg,.P. ;IL
it. lAlih Eli, 1 1 resid, nt.
W. 31. ltm 7171. Ca shlor.
1 7 ,N T. Notice is herd , \
of 1,,t an a,5e..;11,0p1 ~f FolT, pEp,
11:, I p v111 . ..141 P t).t. rpt.trs tbo (*unit et lane
ital l'i( tee tion CPPlatrally, uhitL VC4PIC ih !late
tim I: tlt lam mmi Mar, It laFt. or add
hotylpy rpoqiiirett to pity their pry rata tk
be ; M t it. rind t.r Ts ~asurl;l. of (hi' Ctanlnnt
IN 'thin tl,iu t 2. mitt u. In tire , rdalp,e %lab the lty-I.utr>aud
(11, rter i f Maid Con{ anym Ly 11,1vr cf lhu lit art'.
, tnay2 TOILS T. (lILELN, Favr-y.
• A ss Ess EN T.—The in embers of
the Allen and Eliot l'enr.shon. Mutuill lusti.
rate Company, ate herely nollted that a ini of FOUI:
CENT. has le n t lnid nn all premium nrteFdue eu
the 24th day of March laFt, and that a Collet ter AS in call
on then% for the purpose of collecting' Immediately.
aprlB4Ow LEM' IS 111LER, Seery.
The sal srril er is just reedvlng anothnr supply
Spring and IFlnttmer Itonnct scm,rtsting of Enelish Straw
:hip. Ilraid. rutin Straws, Neopditain, and Ilea Prald.
also a now, supply of very cla ire Colored and IA hlte
log In price fr to 12;5 to :10 tents
per yard.
Also a lame assortment of Chlltitens and Shwa
and Braid Flats. (MO. W. 111 M
Mae IS.
'I 1.1.11 A P GO( O 1 i4.—'The bttbseriber is
14•1111 , ! n rr,gt, lrft ~f got , ils, /It 1) , 1'
1•1,1111(1 - , • pr rite th , Vain 1)11;(1. ill 1111111,11`et.
Si(' Winch 1 , t*C FOid tit Ili.. 11,31'4 priCO 3
bpi ')tik 110AlitiT fiN(inGnA FS.
" ,i,..:1,1•01 1 v.
tt ni• 1,11- ik: t tri,ttly
er ,o, th, rt-tt I ;tot,• ti a hi. fpr
r, in :!iiih t• 7;
rl.l FF.,rimNott-t4--. 1
NM t•D 1 , 5.1" 1101.1
, •32..1.:1....11 , g a_tt,.t Vitt t)•t! f.illry .;isi Frei , It,
Ist_ iii.ll dome•rtle di, t ;vt rral
fticntp, 1111(1 p LE( Ig,
P rarfrt.. i wits :11,1 qtril ity. (:11a}:( IT
Chi:tiren'e Para:lea, Lev.l.% nt and F t ,r::w•
all Wei tart a Carpet Chain, Grocrr'es ,le„
,11 of which will 1•e epld at the loweit prices.
Niy 10, 't's 1251 PELT raCK.
How often it happens, that the wife lingers from
Lar to. year in that pitiable condition ns not even
r one day to feel the happy and exhilarating intlu•
Noce incident to the enjoyment of health.
But a few years ago in the flushof health and youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in
explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, tallow, &bill
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,
spirits depressed, countenance healing the impress
of suffering, and an utter pkysicat and mental pros
tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest nut
plainest rules of health as connected with the mar
ring° state, the violation of which entails disease,
suffering and misery, not only td the wife, bat often
KING'S •EVlL,*and other stud
- Worse Disentes, ns a
"And must this continue? Must this x P In there no
remedy P No relief? No hope?"
The remedy - is by knowing the causes snd nrolding
them, ttnd knowing the remedies, and benefiting by tlitrti.
Those are pointed out in
BY Ifft. A. M. MAURICE:a),
One Hundredth Edition, (500,000),1S-nn , pp. 250
[ON FINE rArgn, EXTRA BINDING, $1 011.1
A standard work of established reputation, found &forma
in the catalogues of the great trade sales I Nen York,
Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the iniecipal
000ksellers in the United States. It was ti ai pohliched
n 1847, since which tithe
have been sold, of which there were upwards of
tttecting the high estimation in whiult it ii 'kohl aa a re
liable popular Medical
thogituglor having devoted hilt exchtsive atter!Mn to the
treatment I f cnhipLintm peculiar to females. in recpert to
which he is yearly consulted by thousands both M person
and by letter.
hiero every woman can digenrer, by cnmpirk her "ma
symptoms, with those describe , l, the nature, ~.haraeler,
causen of. and the proper remedies forOtgr comptaintß
The wire about becoming a mother boo often need of
instruction and advico of tho utmost importance to het
future health, in respect to which her ralasitiveness for•
Lids consulting, a medical gentleman, will find such in
'traction and advice, and also explain many symptoms
which otherwise would ocandon anxiety or alart.t aJ Jai
the peculiarities incideo to her situation are described
How many are suffering from obstructions or irregular•
Mies peculiar to the female system, which undermine the
health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and fez
which their delicacy forbids seeking medicd advice.
Many suffering from prolapna uteri (falling, of the womb),
or from fluor calm (weakness, debility . , &c) Many are
In constant agony for many months preceding coneno
ment Many bare difficult If not dangerous deliveries,
and slow and uncertain recoveries. some whose Eves are
hazarded during much time, will each dud in its pages the
means of prevention, amelioration and relief.
It Is of `iourso impracticable to convey fully the various
atibjecte treated of, as they are of a nature strictly In
tended for the married of those contemplating marriage.
Reader, arc you a husband or a father? a Naito or a
mother?' Bare you tho sincere welfare of these you lore
at heart? Prose your Fineerity, and lose no time in
learning what causen Interfere with their health nod hap.
pines not len+ than your on - n. It will avoid to you and
yours, as it has to thousands, many a day or rain nod
anxiety, followed by Ft leepleo nights incapacitating tlai
mind for its onlihary avocation. an 4 exbaniting than
means for medical attendance, medicines and adco.rtise4
nostrums which otherwise wouli vomit , for deolinin e
yeanythe infirmities of ago and the proper education of
your children.
In consequence of the nniversal popularity of the work,
as eVidenced by its extraordinaty oak, various impost-
Cons have been attempted, na well en booksellers as 00
the public., by intiLaions of title page, Fwirieus editions,
and pinrreptitious Infringements of cupynght, and other
levices and decepti.,us, it, Las been fuuLd necessary,
therefore, to
to buy no book onlevi the vonti 0 11 r. A. M. Meunier-4r,
MI liberty Street. N. Y.," is on (aul the entry in the
tleol'a Mice on the back of) the title rage ; and buy
only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by
Weil, and address to Pr. A M. Slaurimtu.
Ira" Upon receipt of One. Dollar "TIM MAR•
PANION" Is sent (shallot free) to any part of the
United States, the Oanadas and British Provinces,
All letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr.
MAURIOEAU, box 1224, Newyork City.
Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New•
Tr atliktvd with S.• , :lutl 2.1 . 1 hs
'I he it W.% till ICI ATI ON ii' _Philadelphia, in
.iew ill tie an fill destruction of human life and liva.:th,
rn used lw '.• , ex unl ilii.eases, and the dereptiims wlii, it 11:T
lintrtiSCli Ul4 II the tiatfortUrate ti..thna Jorsuch /1,1•14
in (;1111H.S. hose directed their consofting sunovu. as a
CIIAIiII'ALLE ACT wen by of their rune, to Into
nil MICA G ATIS, to nib persons thus at
flirted, Maki or reniale.) w In. apply by letter.(pest-palil.)
nith a dee, riptien of their condition, ( r in:o. oroithuti"ni
liabits of life, and in extreme poverty and suffering;
. Howard A ssoclat irn is a benevolent Institution,
established by special endowment, for the relief of the
4910 and distressed, afflicted with . " Virulent and Epi
demic diseases," and its funds can be used for tie other
purpose. It has now a surplus of menne, which the
Direrti ft. have t °Jed , to advertise the above notice, It
Is needless to add that the Am:elation rtniniands the
highest Medical skill of the age.
Address, jvisi-pahl,) Pr, GEO. it. CAT.lffir: , i, entlsult
log tWnzvon, Irouard Aesovtat.len Pa.
Ity order of, the Directeis,
GEO. FAR EC1111.1), eyeretary.,
april 11
1 - 1,111:G4. AM) CONI..ECI;IOIN AJAX .
1 The undqrgiglicd hasreturr,ed fro in 1 Lila.
nttitn fri.ol !.ri , ply 01 IItVOS CoNFI.:I‘II . 4o.N A IA ....._
Tho I . , , i . irter in roulKrtit n with Lis nn
nil r his Nti,th
00mplrio. t PLC TIiJN.III:. it; A 1 . ,.
1 . .11( j f puir nit
Car.ty y.: (':tn.h f' , ll.l`l , it. llgforti d nrrl Cl,l;;Ut
f t ILO , . nt d
.. ....... dri,a 1; 1 ',I He
•.nprild,o Con fr ly ri
f io• I oirrrg ncr I
f 11,111 t ;'1
r • f,l. pro !I 0
ill t•. I• 1 I.
i I It,
• •
VI: Y ()I 11 (L 1)
p.i.t C r : , 117.1.1...J.)p1t fl' ~,,k
tr.,71. at. th••• F. M:1: . 1,!ro rL p. •
FRANIi. (1 k°l.l;Ni ii
/3e - ob l riiiting promptly (.3:colt( d