Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 04, 1855, Image 7

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We copy the- following from the Farmer's
Monthly Visitor; There is a good Moral con
veyed in it, told with a rich vein of humor
that is capital.. •It IS from the pen of S. D
Little, of the Merimao (N. II.) Agricultural
The tnnifteence of the Creator, is ma:ti
tested in so disposing our tastes and so.adapt
ing these to make life a scone of enjoyment
instead of a burden. It might have been-that
necessary food would have been - noisOtrie as it
is sometimes to the diseased stomach :had it
nothave pleased the dres:tor to have ordered
it OtheriviSe. Bread, is the staff, of life; -but
butter is-given to make it slip down easier,
and with a better relish. But it depends
something on who makes the butter, whether
it answers .this. itrpose.- _Butter made in ,Joe
Bunkur's, hbuie, needs to be eaten in the dark ;
then to 'make it pais well, one or two• other
senses should be laid aside—while that made
by his brother Jonathan may be eaten in the
full blaze of noon ; you would - wish that your
neck was as long again, that you might have
the pleasurable sensation of-swallowing pro
longed.. Perhaps a bit of the history of their
bettOr halves will explain tbo. whole mat
Joe's wife was Sally Sly—when a small
girl she was sly—she woulAtithalf wash the
Milk pail, but sly it away Atria it sour.—
She was sly at school and did not half get hou
lessons, but would have her book in sight
:when reciting—but as she grew older she
learned that to get well married, she must
appear well, and so she bent all her cunning
to get a superficial education in everything,
-from roasting a potato to playing the piano.
Poor Joo fell in love with, her, and 'loge has
no eyes,' so be married her. But soon after
she entered on housekeeping, his eye sight
ctme, and he saw hi- , - fix, that it was 'for
better or worse,' and he thought it was all
for worse. Like a true philosopher, he con
eluded to endure what he could not avoid or
cure, and got along tolerably well, only when
he came to her butter, for his mother was a
real'butter maker. Every timo he saw or
Mated of Sally's butter he felt the horrors.—
Her manner'of making butter is somewhat as
follows : " She thinks it of no consequence
whether the milk pail is sweet or se%`rL-sets
the milk in a warm room, because it is easier
than to go into the cellar, and if some dirt
should blow into the pans she thinks every
man must 'oat a peck of dirt,' and-in tro place
will it slip down easier than in butter—she
lets the cream pots be open, and when she
churns forgets the poke; leaves the cream at
blood heat that it may come Oink. When
sho takes it out of the churn silo picks out
the bodies of all flies and spiders—the legs
and wings are so small they can he swallowed.
She works out half the buttermilk and sets it
away in a warm place for use. Poor Jne has
Been so much of this kind' that ho declares
butter does not agree with his health, and
will not taste it. Yet his wife wonders why
he does not try it, and marvels why he does
not keep a dairy, and make butter for mar
Jonathan was a younger brother of Joe, and
ho had occasion to cat at his brother's enough
to know why he did not eat butter; and ho de
clared he never would marry without knowing
what his broad would be buttered with. Fol:
lowing the bent of his fancy he made several
attempts at matrimony, and Julia Jumber al
most caught .him—for there was always good
butter on the table for tea, but ho was deter
yaiued to know who Made it -On inquiry, she
says: "La .me! mother makes the butter; I
take lessons on the piano."
"Well" says Jonathan, "I want a wife that
takes lessons on the churn— I shall look
After several unsuccessful attempts, and
just ready to dispair, he started in pursuit of
stray cattle before breakfast, , , and wandered
through • the forest into the next town, and
weary and hungry, - called at n docent looking
house and asked for some refreshments, which
were most cordially granted, for the family
were what are called Scotch Irish—in religion
Presbyterian, and in hospitality boundless.
nore ho found the butter exactly right;
though the weather was hot, the butter kept
its shape as well as bees wax. lie 'catechised
the old lady about her housewifery, for the
bread was as right as the btAtter. The old
lady said her health was feeble—she could do
but little, and Jenny had -the Whole manage
ment. - lie made some round-about inquiries
emicernieg Jenny; and beard that she was a
hearty, black eyed' lass of about two and
twenty; had never seen a piano or attended a
bal, bat knew the assembly's / catechism, and
could sing Old Hundred to charm, suin flax
i darn atoehings, and was then g.unc to
cio/ loift-r. llc Mligi ro.l, bolt :AR,
10:t‘n !!is'
ltiptl.l,l, he .t!1...1t.:!..;
the good. butter out of his mind, andlevr it.
happened I know not, he soon found his way
there again, and the result of his,,adveriture
was be msde a wife of Jane McKean. And
now one lump of his butter it worth more
than Joe's wife would make in on month
Thera's no trouble in going to market, the'
keepers of genteel boarding 'bonsai in the
neighboring vilnges sohd and take it at the
highest market price.
Now the main difference between these two
women arises from manner of training, though
there is no difference in natural disposition.—
Old Madam - : - Sally never looked on to see that
Sally did up her work right, but suffered her
to shy off her work as she chose, and though
a good housekeeper herself, was altogether
too indulgent, and like some other mothers,
thought more of getting sally well married
than of making her fit for a wife—while Old
Madam McKean was determined Jenny should
be fit for any man's wife, Whether she 'got
married or" not.. Perhaps there is no certain
criterion by whielr - to jiidge of woman's 'gene
ral character ftir neatness and „good house
keeping, than by the quality of for butter.—
Find on the farmer's table, a good solid. pro
perly salted well worked slice of butter, and
you need not tear to eat the cakes or hash;
but see a splash of hallvvorked butter—salt
in lumps, and a sprinkling of hair and flies'
legs, you may be sure that if you board there
very long, death will not be obliged to wait
much.for you to finish your volt of dirt.
My advice is, to young farmers, to make it
a sine qua non in a wife that she makes prime
butter, and the young ladies who aspire to be
farmer's wives •bad much better be imperfect
in,fdlagree and music, than be deficient in
that most important art of making butter,
which smoothes not only the sharp corners of
crust and crackers, but will smooth asperities
of the husband's temper.
Woonrst Ntrrsmos OnTom:v.—There is a
Parisian dandy, who we think, rather outdoes
'C had at his residence a comptete
costume of a groom. When of an atten :
Lion to one of the fair sex, 'he used to say,
Permit me to send you a bouquet try my
black servant.'
Ho then repaired to his garret, took out his
blacking bottle, polished his face and hands,
put on his livery and knocked at the lady's
'Here,' he said, •are sonic flowers sent by My
master to Madame.' '
'lle has spent the the lase five francs In the
purchase. Madame was so delighted
the present, that she presented a Louis to the
That is a clear pocketing of three dollars,
and a lady's favor in the bargain.
A ntinicifous M [STAKE. —A abort-sighted
deacon in giving out a hymn to be bung, wben
lie aurae to the lines,
put the audience in a roar of laughter by rett
ding2"Out in a loud voice :
For many years it has been the objet ordeepest study
ith chemists and others, to produce a Hoot th a t, al ,
plied to the hair, would.cause it to wave and curl equal
in beauty to the tiatttral curl. TIIE EXOLLERION Is
the only article ever offered le the world that will effect
th is most desirable object. But three Or four applica
tions are necessary to end it as much ft!: luny be desired,
and for any length of time. Prom thoiinany tertimendnis
of those who base used it, the subscriber does not hesi
tate to.l4rrent the Crollerion to giro satisfaction, and
prove inCt'ecomended in all ['M.S.
The rectipo fbr making with full directions for use,
will ho sent on the receipt of ond dollar, post pad. The
ingredients will not cost over 12 cents.
Direct to 11. A. TREMONT,
April It, '55 Warren, Trumbull Cu., 0.
kiADIES! please call at 'RAWLINS'
Wholesale and Retell SHOE STORE, opposite the
tall Road Depot, it you 0 ant
Good French Morocco Boots fur e • $1 00
Tan colored Gaiters, foxed,
Fine French Morocco Jenny Linda,
Linen Lustre Gaiters
Good Cloth Shoes,
French Morocco Tics,
Good Madras Slippers,
Children's Roans,
Carllslo, May 23
p)AKERY REMOVED.----George
orossman informs his customers that his Broad and
Lake Bakery .hue boon removed to the room formerly
occupied by Mr. Jacob Senor, as a Hardware store, on
North Hanover street, whore be has made extensive
arrangements, than beretorore bible baking department,
with the view. of acetenodating the Inertauoul demand fiT
Domestic , Bread. Lie will bake FliEsll - MEAD nod
BOLLS every day from the carry best Flour. A variety
of cakes kept constant!) . on hand. Families supplied at
short notice with Broakfast and Tea cakes. 'thankful
to the public for the patronage buretofbre received, he
respectfully solicits a continuance of their favors.
1 tit. May, 9'15, 0 HOWIE ()HOMAN.
CMNEB.--51ANNY'S latest patent Combliiod ad•
justable Reaper and Mower, with Wood's Improvement,
will be olTered to the farmers of Eastern l'ounsylvania,
fur the harvest of 1855, on usual terms, vie: $125, emu'
Al' Sum. Customers would do well to send hi their
orders early, an preettleuee will hu given to first orders.
Address. J. WINEBRENNER & CO.,
april 11 2mo. Harrisburg, l'a.
r0 . P....CAR1t1.A.G1 4 1 FOR SALE.-
first-rat() Family Car(lnv folll'one or two lAorboti. It Is
strongly I,llllt of Ow brat inatrrlulr, and Vital Ixi sold low
for rash. Apply to
11'31. P. SKYMOIIIt
Sllrl.r.lT„tij:P•i.l, 11.1
„ •00 ;•,•,, , ,:t • t, I t
It "It ill- ./-:,1
:;t S:'..;•••• 1..1
ii;.: ~:.oti!cl taut get
I •
"The eastern sages shall come in
'With roLasages of grace,"
"The eastern stages shall come in ,
With sausages and cheese!"
0.L'N 1 :!: M:QII'N
- "I' - ffiltigIff'"` - 14a - toltIt.V; .
61je Ihurkerpfr.
Farina is one of the most eeonernical, nutri
tious, and )vholesome preparation ever brought,
to the table, eminently combining the gratifi
cation of the palatoWith ample and heathful
sustenance of the 'body, and destined to be
come a popular, if not an indispensable item
of daily nourishment. Unlike most other
articles, but little time and labor are required
in cooking it. The following are some of the
more prominent Inotles,'but, good_mok will
vary them oftentimes with aifvantagei
Boil one quart of milk, or water; while
boiling, sprinkle in slowly one quarter of a
pound, or four large table-spoonsful of Farina;
continue the boiling from half an hour to an
hour. When done, turn it into a jelly mould,
and place it in ice or in cold water to stiffen.
It thus becomes a beautiful.oruriment for the
table, and may be eaten with wino or other
sauce, pulverised sugar, or any condiment
more pleasing to the taste. This pudding
even when a day or so old, may be sliced and
fried brown„ and forma 'Most excellent dish
for breakfast.
Boil three pints of milk or water; sprinkle
iu slowly a quarter of a pound of Farina; con
tinue boiling half an hour or more; stir in
the fruit; put the whole in a bag, and boil till
Boil one quart of milk or water; and add
the Farina as above. While the mass is cool
ing, take four eggs and half a pouud of sugar,
beat up well with a quart of milk, and stir it
into the mass of the Farina, which should be
lukewarm at the time. Add spices it
ble. Put into pans and bake.
Cook the Farinn as directed fur ico pud
ding; when blood warm, bent up eight eggs
with it, adding salt, parsley, leeks, &e. Fry
,vertu I lanover street, next door to „^f" 0, 7 , .-*t . 1. 1;
Wass's itotul.
lie would resped hilly - in ferm the
citizens of Catrlisle and dm public generally, that he
has now on hand a large and olugantassortmeut FUlt
ti 1 ltli,ronsisting in part of Vi'ardrobes.Card and oth
er Tables, Sofa% Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy
sewing stands, .te.. manufactured of the hest material
and quality warranted.
Al s o a general as,,ortinent of CHAIRS at the lowest
prices. \'osni. S BUN thl made to order, and repairing
promptly attendea
.6s)• NS made at the ihortettt notice; and hav
it4r a splendid hearse he will attend funerals In town or
av Rementher the stand—next door to 11. 013R8'S
11010. it, It. SMILEY.
1 —.I AMES It. IVEA VElt would resoerfeully call
the :Attention of House-hectors and the public.
' to lib:extensive stock of elegant FU It N ITUIt E,
including Sofas, M'ardrobrs.Centro and Tables,
..r. —
Pressing and Plain Bureaus, and every other
article in his branch of loisliwss. Also now on h an d ,
the largest assortment of CHAIRS In Carlisle, at
the lowest prices. AIM , FINS mud() at the short
est notice and n Hearse provided for funerals: He
Koliclts a call at his establishment, on North Han
over street, near ti [rise's !load.
41:4) - Fur0iture hired out by the month or year.
ow\CIORNER of Han
, k_,./ over and Louther. sts.
CPo WA. -eAF CARTA SLE.—Th oendersigri
e has always on hand a large steel: or superior Cabinet
Ware, In all the different styles, ehioh he Is prepared to
sell at jhe lowest prices. Ile finites attention particu
larly to the PAThrsT $1051:‘ , / Mori Imosrs to, a I . IW it
I.lherall article, which entirely oh r later, all objections._
The lrettom can he attached to old Bedsteads. They have
given entlrsi satibfaetion to all who have them in use.
/Fir COFFINS wade to order at the shortest notice.
)DRY 0 0 i p — s - NEW . STORE&
NUN)" 00D31—The tt.
iierslgned 114 now opening in the. store room of 'William
Leonard, on tho corner of lianovur and Leather stroots,
In the Roeungh of Carlisle, a large and veneral assort•
moat of S TALE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, umbrae.
log almost. every kind and variety of goods Adaated to
this Market, together - with an assortment of (mom
Rims. Ills stock having been nearly all purchased within
the lost two weeks, buyers o iii have the advantage of
selecting from a FRESH STOCK, as well as of the late
decline in the price of many articles. Ile will be happy
to exhibit his goods to all who may thvor him with a
call, and pledges himself to soil every article 119 low or
lower than they can be purchased elseirhero.
Carlisle, Nov. lf), IRSI. ROBERT DICK.
T 00K OUT IN TI .111 E !—Cholern
morbus, Dysentery, Marines, ,tc., am making
their uppearane. You know the remedy. ]f you linen
any regard fur the wel Ifs re of yourself, your wife, or your
children, supply yourselves with BEECHER% MATCH
LESS CORDIAL, otherwise abide the consequence re
2, lilting from n bigoted adherence to old quackery. This
• Mal,chless itothedy" can be had at the Drug Stern of
South Hanover street, a few doors south of the Court
I louse, Carlisle. •
_..7.' - 'k
BOOTS AND SHOES. The subscrib
er has now on hand a very extonsfre and well se
octed stock of 001' 5 and SIIO E 5,
whirls ho will soil at unusually low prin.
es. Purchased from wholesale dealers,
at low rates, ho call oiler such induce- •
wilts to purchasers as will make It their interest to vim
it his establishment. Ile . has every article In the Boot
and Shoe lino—fbr Ladles' or Oontioinens' wear—ho
therefore deems tt unnecessary to particularize.
4W Portions desiring good and cheap goods are invit•
lid to giro him a cull.
R su - bsoribin• Ants just
(tatted to Ma f.(roler stock a - goon -al selection of ellol6ll
lES, as II as all the other variety of articles
77„,,snaliy 1:1'14 in a 11 rotary Store. embracing 'Rio
';R' - jat:!uffe,—r(ostotl and itro4o--(at 123.; and 14 001ItA
1 Per lb." Orleans, 04, Crushed and 'Pulverized
8'401..4, of floe, illutlities; C11(.001:1105, Splei's,
Salt, and a variety of all (4 NVI/11 . 1) Z 1. 1 .0 u.
forea /It tlO 1"1 , t1 10'10 1,". AVO 111•0 the
I . OIIIIOV ,ilfrport 11,. :17t , L iut it, a 1 . 1,11 - 111.‘r
I • Cp•!,), 1,0 11% • ,
11:6 0'
proliivtly executed
_ ••
"Reason's whale pleasure, alrthe joys of sense,
Lie in three words—llealth, Peace, and Compttence.
But where we bail. pains, affliction or anguish of die
eases, is net our pleasure, our :jry, and Mir 'happiness
thereby destroyed? Why let our sick, fidloW-Veing suf
fer? Doom not Christ- say: the setae measure ye
mete, It shall bo measured to yott agulti?"—Mat. 7, li.
"Who is a a Ice man and Onion-ea with knowledge a
mong you, let bin, show out or a geed conversation his
works with menknosli and elsdena.” t u to .,, 3 r
:iumulitY AND MEDICINE.—Doetor. P. C. CIALI)-:
DER, Surgeon and Physleiau, elm Is .11utaidst, arid
Physiologist, and is Graduate of our Lest t
ges, and has made himself acriunint , sl meth all the sall
ow; systems of Medical Science, :not with the
discoveries and Improvements in the tare.
us depart
ments of the Letting Arts. litithfully attends to orders
for Surgical and Medical and abuse medicines are
all made or (~:mposed strictly in accordance with the
Sciences of Pathology, Itotany, ilydropatby and Pli)si
ology ; and whose medicines are all conuspsad of ail, d n .
some roots, plants, and hydropathy, good In all diseases,
and to whom the afilictoe aro lilt Red to apply timely..
Ills Character by Respectable Neighbors, Sc.
Copy of a later from the Rev. C. 11. Leinbach to .Mr.
11. 11. Etter, of the Warm Springs.-.lle spouted
me to introduce to your friendly notice, Dr. CA . LD- of Now York. hate known'-1)r. C. for sixtevn
years, ho has done business for me with sobriety, hom
esty and with accuracy; therefore I do bono,o
be perfectly sober, honest and trustworthy. Any Ms ors
you may sue proper to eviller , n 1 him. will be highly op.
predated by his numerous friends, and by none more
highly than your sincere friend :Ind humble sersunt.
Landisburg, Pa., July nib,
Copy of a letter from George Spihr, Esq., County
Treasurer.—l ylo certify that the medical advice of Dr.
P. 0. earthier has surpassed any other which 1 have
hitherto had In the cure of N1 , V01.11 fever in
wou:d therefore recommend hint to such 0474017 h mho
may he afflicted with athresaid disease or others
LORG STA lilt.
Bloomfield, August 20th, 1851.
DR. CARDDER :being well acquainted with the re
cent French discoveries, with their lota and safe usedeuu
,if treatment, nod the speedy nod certain remedies anal
cures for Dyspepsia, 1.1% or Complaints, liy mast. ry, Clod
era Merino; and all Complaints of the .1i1 , 1% chi Ur,/ Stuns
:oi; Superior Remedies fur the pre% tuition and cute of
Asiatic. Cholera. 'Melodies for all the defects and dis
eases of the Denerative Organs anti repnaluctivoi ecoms
iny intim!), and Nomen; Comedies for InliallitYlccitaiu
and timely cures for all COnMlniptions, hop tenet,. Ster
ility. Sexual Abuses, Vault:real Diseases Ds all their thrum;
Suppressions and other delicate female complaints. All
there reniedie'S emanate from the most noble science , t
Botany and Ily dropuut hy combined, (hut Ito indson.7—
'•Ileal all manner of sickness and all sesszoter uf.lineasc.
New Testament. "It is for healing that Christ v 4,11111.04-
dct h ti e 4 10, Sua to t. 7, soul with com
mon means. "Prune all things, hull Pant that alibis it.
good."—lot. Thessalonians, 5, 21. "Therothre let us
ware of laying up what we should lay out for health.
for there is that seattereth and yet Inescaseth, and these
is that withboldeth More thau is beet, but it toodeth."
Proverbs, 11, 23,
The different medicines and their directions will' he
sent to theatllLsted In any direction hy mail or express.
Address Pr. P. C. CARDDER, Carlisle, Cumberland coun
ty, Pa., post paid, and the fee $1 always accompanyfug
the letter, with the order, together aft!' a description, o.
the feeliugs and the symptoms of the complaints el t he
afilleted inclosed. " It Is this system of Medical Science
the itotuhs and the modes of cute only, a hhdt Or. Cal d
der employs that allow of useulleines entirely made or
composed of 11 holesoine Boots, Plants. and Ilydroputisv,
good in all diseases, (no poison), upd %%hutch tan maim
speedy and certain remedies and cures tor "all maniser
of sickness and all ninioter of disease," and which sur
pass all other medical minims In point of gmudoess, be
yored all bounds of cOmparlson. OFFICE South Illatuner
street, East side near and below the Presbyterian Church
Carlisle, Pa. Testimonials Irma numerous persons ~t
the highest respectability lit this and the adjoining
counties, Kite authentic in idence of tins goodness of
Dr. eardtler's character, and e11111!‘• seen at his office.
N. B. The aillivted cant revel% e superior untaliel nes and
the directions for their use by the lirst return of mall or
express. If littera lie, be desired. or skits requested,
Dr. C. will endeavour to amouninu slate applicants as tar
AS use earl. The Doctor speaks the Log) nob and the Cm--
In:ill Languages, ate. Jun. 17, 1 `1.,5
1111. cif EE4E,IAN'S PILLS.
The combination of Ingredients In these 1 Ills Is the r,.
suit of a long and extensile prat live; they are mild In
their operation, and contain of restoring nature to Its
proper channel. In r cry ittstame lime these Pills pro
ed successful. The)' Invariably open those obstructions
to ohich Fem a les are liable, and lying nature Into its
pr , ,per.eluinmd, %thereby health Is restored and the pale
and datialy countenance changed to a healthy One. No
female can enjoy geed health unless she is regular; and
ahoneverau obstruction takes - place, o halter from ex
posure-. cold or any other Anse, the general health Im
mediate)) 14. gins to decline, and the ',ant ~f sc a b a rem
edy has heeu the cause of so entry I:OIISUIMPUOMN 11111.4. r,
young females. To ladles wle•ile health will not reitnit
of an increase Of tholpfOßily. these pills will prove a mei
cable acquisition, as t itesw ill prevent pregnaml%—
Ile:050110, pale' In the side. forlyntation of the heart. len
thing Of (mid, and di turbed sleep do most always ads'
from she Interruption of nature; and. NI hcnever that
the ease. the pills will invariably remedy all t'bert (Mk
Nor are the less nilicaelons in the cure of Leucorrhwe -
C01111110111)7 called the ••Whites." Tlll , O 0110 should net
er he taken during pregnancy*, no they would he sure t.
cause a Miscarriage. Warranted purely t'egebldu an'
free from inything Injurious to 11111,,r health. Fuliam
explicit direetions accompany eael, box.
These pills are put up in square Pat boxes. Person'
residing where there is IRO agency established. I.y end'
sing glue Dollar in a letter, pre-paid. to Dr. t'. 1.. CHM.)
MAN. No. 167, Dleecker straw'', New York. can have then
sent to their respective addressive by mail.
my oltocEitY sToitE of tiu stasalber, n 31n
Hon Hall,
A new supply of fresh Witter Crackers,
Soda, Luttor, Pio Nle and Sugar Iseult,
Patina, Corn :Starch, Tapleen, :ago. Pearl 'tinley,
Extract of Coffee, Mee Flour, Its4lim Ponder, Ac.,
A new lot of superior 'fable Oil,
Ph:laes, Tomato Ketamp,'Prtuell Mustard, Stay
ittun, Ae. J. W. EBY.
_ t o AND VARIETY swim.
Tiny auhscrlbor would respoctfu I ly inform his Mop cis and
the puidie generally, that he hal:Just returned fryin the
city with a large and varied assortment of
tiltDeghLES, GLASS and QUERNS-WARY 'IF '''" - e'l
FISH, Ace., Si., xr bleb he oilers for sale MI all I 11111 H il l
N j
most reasonable terms, at his ;dew Store.. I % ot,
corner of North Ilimover street and the Nil . ~,m, i '
lic Square, directly opposite the carlish) fh..
posit 11:111k. Ms Stock maniacs everything usually
in a Orocery and Variety store.
The/public are Invited to call and 07(1111111/0 hit stock
before purchasing elsewhere, nv,ho reels confident ho can
sell the host goods at the lowest prices.
.1. D. 11A LTILItT.
SALT.-5000 Sucks G. A:
~ SALT, fiir is:do by
Flour k Grain Commission lib:irritants, Spear's wharf,
Baltimore, Doe 5
WE call the attention of the public to
Mitering gardens or extinguishing fires. Au excellent
articlo, neat, cheap and convenient. For sale nt
novl-1354 SAXTON'S.
ki er y ti ).my spring stook of PAPER HANGINGS
which it; t hugest And most r Mod nmortmeut ever
(Toned Ili Carlllile, to which I in 'lto tho odrly Attoothm
of tho, a 4 I Intontl honing At Prices which conout
lull to please the domest purvlmper,
mareb2S 31111 N I'. LYNE.
14: "I"ENTIONr 1)1' Si` E 1".1` 1 CS --T lioHe
I ,kor you wh Ituro been nollvto,l f r o (111 -
bot hors ono ilkolso, And mho a n,. 1.0%.21- ,t'tttt.ttf
Ivory Nit:4llln It.•l' not p111111".,1111. it! t't•ittr, t• ,t•
o you try Kieft ‘:•',4 11 , y v. u v i:; .
111•1.1 i• 1 , 111,
I,ll', h 1113 I ,
11U'Jr1,1 1 .1uth C 11..) C'uL lIA'III3, (*Mak'
jpi~iki clpl;r.
E. G OULD, [SuccessOT to A. not.
P N. L 4 olostnnt Swain's BUJlding. Philadel
ei.t.•usive Music Publisher, and Deale?in Mimics
Instruments of every . ' descrlfitlon.
I.lclushko agent fur the sale of Davis & Go
Palest :iin.pone , ien Bridge ..Eulian and oihor PIANOS,—
r.libert's leanfoir Pltnios, :11e14,deens, Martin's Guitars
VI II us, Sheet Music, Music Books, &o.
Itosititorto Orli)" coinitry supplied by mall or
oth,rw v,ith music they luny nI;11. as lum :IN if put -
' 1 '. 40,1 In p'•rson. lug ono of the largest stteks iu
the ratted St.ta,A. I f , •ei confident of it bfying all who
utv , favor the with a call Cr order.
itealors In lfueic supplied On the most 111 efal terms
Manus to It. Sceoutt•hand Pianu,, for sale.
May 20. I
.4.141 AP NY AT,(2,11.1is ANI) JiLWEL-
ItY, NV MAP-SA LK and 111•ITf• 1 1., nt the •• I'llra •
„ d.• 11,1•1:: IN'utrli :lllli .loyelr: Style,'
Nu:her O 8 North stponol Isirect, • • r•
nur,!'uf Quarry. PhlltutZdrhia. Gold
Lover Watches, fall jewelled, 18 car
4t, eases, - - - $2O Ou
tlold I.eidne, 1$ carat case,,:4
Silver •. jeWi3ll, • 0 'OO
_...• $ll , er Lever, full jos; elled, 12 01
SUpsrlor Qtddrtiors,. - -' 7 00
Gold Spectacles, • - - 7 0i)
11:‘•3 Stilvt•r Stl'eet:y.les,l 00
Gold Itra.s.tots. • - a Go
Ladies' ih.lit r.ntwils. • . . . I 04)
sil rtit• Tea Spoons. frt. - - 4 S 0
ti•• 1•1 Puns, yWI Poncll and r;i Ivor jf,dder, . 1 (go
Gold Finger 101101 :....‘" '. cents to t.B: Witte!: (Ilassrt,
olatn, 12 1 :, coat', Patent lor;),, l•tmet- 25; other al tide:
in Proportion! Al! goods n Anzatiryd to 1, :ant they sirs
sold for.
S'FAl'l.l;Elt k 11A111,1. - X,
An 111 , 11. W1T111 . • Gild and Piper fonors and Leplue
s tilt ItIV.- than tin' pi i, vs.
11 AT(..' I 1 ES ! - 31 ATt' 11 ES ! !-J OH N
1 x DONNF:LLY, tnitituraeturer and inventorof SA t 1.:
TY I'ATENTSQUA III: 1:1•1116111t N I NA) lb IA MAT, 111..,,.;
N o . Inn N, no h 1.'..1i 11 . 1 . II Street Mbove I: nee) I'll 1 LA ht. I.
1' 111 A. Nl:itches basing, tectin t e at. indispti,ableartit le
In house \, the Yll' ,ril er II ft.•r a great •acrif ce at
t line and money; ia enabled t. , , infer to the. Puldic an at
ti Lt• at , one, ...onbinitor I Wit). and I heapness. 'lllO itl
N "la,' 1:110, lag the datnret. spprellembot on . ~,,n o . 0 ,
the tilmsey manner in , Li. it / e ale g,,,,,.. 0 11 5
pooh cd In paper, has by the :lid or Now Steam Mtn-bitter,
or hittown In vention., succeeded hi getting up aliAl. ITV
PATENT SQUARE U1'11.11;11'1' ll'utd> IstlN ; this lux ts
far preferable, in as much that It necuples no ta< re rot au
;Imo the old round nomd box, and contains at least
Two Hundred per Cent more Matches, tt WA) tp Shippers
is considerable advantage; it is entirely now. and secure
it zaltist moisture and sporiXineous combustion, dispels
all danger On transportation I.y means of Itailtettd, Steam
boat or any other mode of Cons 0:11...e. .
These llatc•hes are parked so that one Props nr mot,.
may be stapped to any part of thu 111111,1 w ith perk., r
sandy. Tboy are the 11)0 , 4 deeirallo at title her Hewn
t`o•):nmptton, and the Soutlierti,and nriderit market
that have ever been invented.
W.:ALF:HS and will do well to call an
oxannno fur themrehes.
I.l%)..Tbese matches. aro WAdql A STET to Lo r.uporwc
to anything heretofore offered Get hu
Nat. 7.)7 , e'r 4, 1' 5;
FRENCH TRUSSES, Weighing lesz4
than 2% nura•es, Po. the• uptnr
aeknowledged hy the bit:hest niedlealauthoritiesot
adolphin, Incomparably superior to any taller in ure.--
Siillezers will lot gnitilied to learn that the eemaion
offers to prOtmre not highest and In , !..t may, but
as durable agruss as any other, in lieu of theetimbreu.
and uncomfortable article usually sold, 'there is no
Iculty attending' the fitting, and o hen the pint is lcuit
ed It will retain its wikiticierwithi,ut
Persons at a distance unable to call on the subseriter,
Mil hare the Truss sent to any address, by remitting
tivo dollars for the single Truss, Or tan AT the double—
with Innnstlln round the hips; and stating side affected.
It will exchanged to suit if not fitting, by retuning
at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer,
- MOM. U. Is:EEDI,Eti,
-,Corner Twoifth and Race street Philadelphia
I.thus; requiring the tonal. of :I,fechanical Sup
porters, owing; to Mu derangement of the internal Or
I.ans,,indtming falling of the Womb. Vocal. Pulmcnary.
Dyspeptic, Nt rrotts and Spinal Weal:nes., fire inforThed
that p Conapetent end experienced LAI , r 1. ill le in at
tendanco at tho Rooms. (set apart f , r their exclust% a
use). No. 114 TWELFTH St., 1,,,t door Lelow Race.
July 46, 'la.
H I A.YES ' Patent 'TubularOvenAlit RANGE,' yttrium , tosuit ID
ing unges and Hotels:
Thestrin want of a superior Oolting Apparatus at
ited to van at our Warehouse and examine this Et
for durability, co3llollly and elmphcity in ;penal 1-
itatols unrivaled. It tits a perfect hot air veutllnta
:01.1 Meat, bak.l lit this 01 cu w ill retain their juin t
;laver eq toll Lit that r asted before an men fire. If
and pastr,v eoc.l,,cd at Ow snow tin, witbrut t,Ve '
11114 the other. It will sinidy sufficient heated 'r
heat additional rooms for the coldest wrath; r. lib'
descending or return lima and is equally well ad, ty
to bituminous or common hard cell!. The steam •si
fit or the boiling -part of the itange carries off the St fir
and scent of coohing, as well as !mu In summer.
Every Range sold warranted to give satinthetion,c t
expense to the purchaser.
HAVES' VENTILATOR, Patented October, 1541
Punic Ilalls, Factories, Railroad Cars, Chimnies, pt
• Ships, Steamers, Ae.
Pure air is a onlject claiming the attention of
individual, and all should ho provided 1/.1
the proper means of vontilatlen,
Also, a powerful Mumma AND VeNTILA TIKO lartnae
tor Dwellings, School Rouses, Churches, llal
A largo assort moot of face, Mallard Cooking P .
Parlor Orates, Registers, Ae. Wholesale and ; I
82 North Sixth street, rh.i.*
Air Personal attention ghat; to warming and v
hating both public and private buildings.
wholesale and retail I.OOIiINO GLASS AND PIC
oppasite the Theater, Philadelphia.
N. N. & Ce. received tan only Prize Modal, awarded
the Crystal Palace exhlbition, N.Y., IF:3, In the United
States, for Wit, Deoot at.M, Mantel and Pler Wawa.
GRATIS !—Just !I( v.
Discomtv IN ill EDICINE.—A few words no the
national Treatment, without Medicine, Sperniater hen.
or local weakness, nervous deliility,low sphitOittNitude,
weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition and tt ca•
putty for study and labor, dullness of apprehension,
Loss of memory, aversion to society, love of solitude. ti•
midity, 'self distrust, dizziness, headache, itivolunf any
dischorges,•Tains in the side, affection of the oyes, pim
ples on the face, sexual and other Infirmities in man.
From the liVench lietancey:
The Important foal that these alarming comphhata
-may easily be removed WITHOUT tame's'', is in tbissmall
tract clearly demonstrated:and the entirely now nod
highly successhil treatment, as adopted by the Author,
fully explained,by menus of which every ono is rusted
to cure himself perfectly HMI at the kind P 01411 1 ,10 CI st,
avoiding thereby all the tleivertls....... o nostrums of the
Wont to any address, gratis and post In a soalod
itoeidopo, by rotalttine (pest paid) two ostage t
to Dr. IL 1/,•Latirey, 17 I.lspwnard street, York.
plt Ess C LOA IS' 'l'll.lllllNi INOS.
cp. 1% . iN1. - 1 . t-9'111.11.T. Ulevcnth,:ini
'I II STltri 'F. 11111
.111 It.l-!.1. VVr fnv lit. t. , t.; ..!
IP l ' h • •L I '1 1! •
- •
I 1 ‘ • t
Nortti z.l.l.l:i:ad'a