15 , ~,,- - _ -. _ always dreaded to hear him any he wanted boiled eggs fur breakfast, for unless they were cooked 'just so,' she knew what a tirade upon careless cooks she must be prepared to hear, and she wondered how these would suit. lle broke one on his plate—for his good mother had never heard , of egg cups—broke it, and it was as hard as the hi4ll girl's when she had boiled it half an hour. 'Are they all hard?' asked he. 'Why yes,' said. Mrs Lawrence; you liked them so—you used tn.' , Well, I don't any longer—they are nJt so healthy as soft-boiled ones.' 'Oh, well then, I can boil some more,' and with alacrity she set about it; but alas, these latter when, : brought to the table'Were am rare, ,the white scarcely warmed through. 'Shan't I boil you some?' asked his wife; 'as I'm fiscal to Ltd ing them soft, perhaps I can suit you.' `Yes, do,' said he, in a tone that bespoke relief. She did so,.and as she dropped them into his plate, he observed to his mother, 'this is the way I like them—two minutes and a half by the Cfock. These are very !dec.!' `Very nice!' said his wife. 'Well, lam glad if once in my life, I have suited you. Oh, i I were only your mother—then you'd never find fault with my cooking,' and the old self same mischievous smile lurked in her eye and dimpled her lips. 'Why he's fnund fault with every thing We cooked . since . 'he came home,' said his mother. 'lle's...grown to be mighty particular, for I cook just as I used to.' 'Why, muthcr,' said Harry, 'Have I said a word? 'No, but you've acted it. I know when things relish, and I know you havn't relished any thing since you came home that you've eat off the table, save the, peaches and milk, and those I did'ot cook. And see your coffee, you havn't tasted it hardly.' There was no gainsaying .this truthful re mark, a:nits - to the-offee, why, he wouldn:t have been hired to drink it, boiled as it hail beeirfrom the hour his mother had been pre paring breakfast, and having beside the bitter taste that of itself would give, another which he could not anylize, but which he afterwards learned was the result of boiling molasses in it,;?bCda.use it-was thought the cheaper sweet ening, and also a bit of dandelion root to pievent the coffee from injuring the' health of the drinker, 'Your wife must have a good deal of patience to get along with you, if jou are always so particular—more than ever I had. I always brought up my family to eat what was sot be fore them, and not complain if it wasn't quite as good as they wanted. Woman don't always feel like cooking, and then mistakes will hap, pen, and failures too, and you cant help it.— The only way is to make the best of every thing. A,t any rate, a man should never fret at his wife, for goodness knows she has enough to fret her at the boat.' As the' good mother concluded; Mary felt like saying - amek, and though she refrained from doing so, she did in her heart wish that Harry would lay the words he had just heard deep in his memory, and eon them over often. An hour or two after breakfast, Mary found her mother picking chiokAs.. 'What are we to have now? inquired she pleasantly. Oh, that chicketi pie that Harry wanted; I)llf:3ear:rife, 'and she sighed, •it isn't any use for me to bake one—ho won't touch it. I wish you'd make it,' and she looked at her pleadingly. - A new thought flashed over Mary's mind, and she exclaimed eagerly, will, mother, on two conditions-4 shall have as much of every thing as I choose, and you shall not let Harry know but you made it, till we get his opinion,' The mother gave a glad assent, and the young wife proceeded at once to her task.— She spared neither material nor time, and proud indeed was she when she bore it to the tahlu. Like a mass of snow flakes was the rich puff crust, and never found fouls a deeper grave or a more tempting gravy. can't see how Harry can find fault with your cooking when you can cook like that, said the mother. 'lt beats every thing I over did.' 'Because it's his wife's and not his mother's cooking; but we'll cheat him for once.' 'Do you see that,' exclaimed Harry, as when the horn bad sounded, he entered the kitchen; 'do you see that?' and be came up to his wife, who stood looking out, of a window, the while idly drumming on it, never evincing by word or look that her reputation as a cook was at stake. 'We've got the chicken pie, and it's a glori ous one, too; deep; wide, rich, with crust that will melt in your mouth. Mother Is herself again—if you could cook like that!' 'lt does look nice,' said . she,'but I don't be lieve after all, it will prove any better than the one /7 made last Christmas.' Not taste bettor than yours' I guess then it will. I tell you, Mary, you'll own 'after this, you . never knew any thing about a chicken p 'o. You may well, father, be proud of your Wife's cooking. I shall be proud of mine when site blikes me a pie like this.' And he inter- laded the whole meal with like expression— praising his mother rind causing some indireot, and Willy, too, direct reflections on his wife Eto you really think this a good chicken pie? sked Mory, as her husband at length dropped is knife an I f.n•k . • A goo I one? yes more than that. And would you like sometime to have an other like it? Indeed I should. Well, then, I will make you one next Christ 'I thought mss. You! His tone was an incredulous one. Me! ,yes Why not me! I mac this. Harry's chair found its place next the wall in marvellously quick time, and about as quickly did he walk off towards an old musing spot in the woods, but Harry's wife never afterwards helrd anything said by him about mother's cooking SniNNING IT TO ALI. ETERNITY. —One of ow big speculators in real estate met a friend and relative in the street, a few days since, when the f Mowing dialogue took place : 'How do you do, ol' 'Not very well, Ez.' •IVliy7wliiit's the matter ? you should ho in good spirits ; money is getting easier ; lots me gradually rising.' •\Nell, tisn't that altogether. I was down in S.'s office a whole hour to day. We were talk ing about the other world. You know he is Swoeden' orginn. He sass :we will be do'rl7, the same kind of work in the nest world;.-that we have been engaged in here. I tell you, Ez hats what makes , ' me feel bad. 1 have bet n li'n&ng it here for the last twe ity years, and 'II, be hanged if I like the idea of shinning it u all eternity !' 4:1 BARBAROUS.—One of our friends was being shaved at Antwerp. The barber was a fe male. What was his surprise, when he saw the good lady spit into the box, - andbesmear his face with the foaming saliva! An expressive grimace did not escape the she barber. 'My dear sir,' said she, 'I don't treat you as I do my other customers, hecnulie I per ceive very well you do not belong to these parts.' •i3y Jupiter: Madam, what do you do in their ease ?' •IVhy sir, I spit on - their cheeks instead of pitting into the soap box.' roa s .'Children,' says MrA. Grant, 'are first vegetahles, .and then they are anitnals, and sometimes come to people.' But it is sad .enough to see holy lelv 01,1.17 g flPt- hocued the [lemma stage. 1 .G 001 ) BOOKS BY MAIL! Published by FOWLERS WELLS, Now York. in order to accommodate -The Pelvic" residing in all parts of the United States, the Publishers will forward by return u,} the first mail any book named lu the fol lowing list. The postage will be prepaid by them at the New York Office. By this arrangement of prepaying, postage in advance, fifty per cent Is saved to the pur cyaser. All letters containing orders should bo post paid and directed as follows— rowunts & WELLS, 308 Broadway, New York. Constitution of Man. By George Combo. The only au thorized American Edition. With twenty engr.iv lugs, and a Portrait of the Author. Price, muslin,s cents. Defence of Phrenology. Containing an Essay on the Nature And slue of Phrenological Evidenco; also, au able Vindication of Phrenology. Ify Boarding. Price 87 cents. Domestic Life. *oughts on its Concord and Discord, with valuable Hints and Suggestions. By N. Sher.— Is'conts. Education: its Elementary Principles founded ou the Nature of Man. By .1. G. Spurzhelm, M. D. With an Appendix, containing a description of the Temera• and an Analysis of the Phronological Facuitlus. 87 cents. We regard this volume as one of the most Important that has boon (awed to the public for many years.—BOSTON MED. AND Sun. JOURNAL. Lectures on Phrenology. By Goo. Combo. With Notes, an Essay on the Phrenological Mode of Investigation, and an Historical Skotch. By Dr. Boardman. Illus trated. $1 25 cents. Marriage: its Ilistory and Philosophy. A Phrenological and Physiological Exposition of the Functions and Qualitications necessary for Happy Marriages. Illus trated. 75 cents. Memory and Intellectual Improvement; applied to Self- Education and Juvenile instruction. Twentieth udl time, illustrated. 87 cents. Matrimony: or, Phrenology and Physiology applied to the selection of ,Congenial Companions tier Life; in eluding Directions to the Married for living together Afroctionately and happily. 30 cents. Phrenology Proved, Illustrated, and Applied; accompa nied by a Chart,embraeing an Analysis of the Primary Monte! Powers In their various Degrees of Develop ment, the Thenonfone produced by their combined Activity, and the Location of the Phrenological Organs. Together with a View of the Moral and Theological Bearing of Um Science. Price $1 25. Phrenological Almanic. With Portraits. 6 cents. Phrenology and the Scriptures. An able, though small work. By Rev. John Pierpont. 12 cents. Phrenological Guide. Designed fur Students of their own Characters. Price 15 cents. Self-Culture, and Perfection of Characture; including the Education and. Ma agoment of Youth. Price 87 conts. ' • "SEtr-51ant, or NEVER MAIM, is the motto. No indi vidual can read a page of it without being Improved thereby.--Common School Advocate. Self-Instructor in Phrenology and Physiology. Illus trated with Ono Hundred Engravings; including a Chart for recording the various Dogroes of Develop. talent. By 0. S. and L. N. Fowler. Price in paper, 30 cents. Muslin 50 cents. Accidents and Emotgencies: A Guide, containing Dl ructions for Treatment In Blooding, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Broken-Bonus, Dislocations, Railway and Steamboat , Accidents, Burns and Scalds, Bites of Mad . Dogs, Cholont, Injured Eyes, Choking, Poison, Flts, Sun-Stroke. Lightning, Drowning, &c., Ac. Appendix by Dr. Trail. 15 cents. Bulwor, Forbes, and Houghton on the Water Treatment, C o mpilation of Papers and Lectures on the Subject of giene and Ilydropathy. Edited by Iloughton.—• $1,25. Consumption? Rs Prevention and Cre by the Water Trealment. With Advice concernin u g hemorrhage the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Sore Throat. By Dr. Show. 87 cents. Domestic Practice of Ilydropathy, with a Form of a re port for the Assistance of Patients in consulting their Physielans by Correspondence. By Ed. Johnson, M. Si. $1,50. Ilydropathic Encyeloptrdia a System of Ilydrepathy and Hygiene. Containing Outlines of Anatomy publicatio 115. Q)SrexII.IIIC _ 401.1L1)),;- Physiology of the Human Body; Hygienic Agencies .and the Preservation . of Health; Dietetics, and Ily• dropathie Cookery; Theory and Practice of Water- Treatment; Specirl Pathology., and Hydro-Thor:lime tic 2, inelmang the Nature, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of all known Insaases; Appileation of Hy dr 'ratty to 3lidwifery and the Nursery. Designed t/ Panties and Students, and a Tina- Rwl; 6.r Vhysioians. ny It. T. Troll, M. D. Illus trated with upwards of Three Iluntired'Engravings and Col mod Plates. Substantially bound. Prepaid by mall, $3,00 This is the ;a kit comprehensive and popular wad: yet published on the subject of Ifydrepathy. Of all the pabli .ations which hare rat:timid such a wide popular. Ity, as Issued by Fowlers and Well, perhaps none are !awe a 11,1pLod to general utility than this rich, compro lionsive, and well arranged Enclopoodia.—N. V. Tribue. erwtice of Water-Cure, Containing a detailed account of the various processes used in the Witter-Treatment, 0. IlyilsonTflid Holly. :10 rents. Philos ph). ‘,f• Water-Cure. A Development of the true Princip:es of Health and Longevity. By Balhirnie.— 30 ceots. New Ilydr.,pathle rook Book. fly R. T. Trill. M.l). A Symtozo of Cooking on Ifydrupathic Principles. Coa t.l111111:4' all EXp.kacti m of tho True Relations of all Aihnentary So hstaneos to Health, with Plain Ileelpt, for preparia4 all lopproprlotto Diaboa for Ilydroopatlile Establislioneals, N'e,4utariati Boarditig-toommes, l'rivate It is the Cook'sGftuplete Uulde for P:r•niliov. &a. k.• ,all tvlt;'•eat to live." Paper, cts.; muslin, si cts. 'Science of S.vinuning. With Instructions to Learners.; Illustrated. 15 cents. Water-Cure in America. 'Oyer Three Hundred Cases of Varlets Diseases treated VICE Water. With Cases of I/miles:le Practice. $1 25. Water Cure applied 'to every known Disease. A New Theory. A complete Demonstration of the Adwm ta4es of the Usdropathic System of Curing. Diseases showing also the Ii llacy of the Allopathic Method and Its utter Inability' to effect a Permanent Cure.— With A ppondlx. containing the Ilydropethie Diet, and Rules for Bathing. By Rausse, 87 et.s. Voter-Cure Manual. A Popular Work, entbraelng De scriptions of the Various Modes of Bathing. the Hy gienic and Curative Effects of Air, Exercise, Clothing, Occupati in, Diet, ‘Cater, Drinking, &c. Together with Descriptions of Dise.ases, and the Ilydropathic Ecologies. By Dr. Slice. 87 rents. ' Water-Cure' Almanac. Illustrated. 6 cents. . _ tloanb's Pysiology.rApplied to the PrOtierratiTm of Health and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Ed• wution. With Notes by 0. S. Fowler. 87 cents. Chronic Diseaies: ospeelally the Nervous Diseases of Womon. Ity D. Bosch. From tha tlerntan. :A.l rents. Biestion, rhvsiolog) of. Considered with Relation to the rrinciples of Dietetics. By Combe. Illustrated. PHA, :t() e-nts. Food and Diet. With Observltions on the Dietetic Rag imen suited to Discirderad States of the DiAestive Or gaus;' and an Account of the Dietaries; of SOlllO of the Principal Metrowsli tan and other Establissitments for Paupers. Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the. Sick, te. By Periera. 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A lecture. Ity Kossuth. With a likeness. 12 cents: What the Sister Art, Teach as to Farming. An Address. By liora,e Ureeley. 12 cents. True Basis of American Independence. An Address.— By lion. W. 11. Steward. 12 cents. Labor: its History and Prospects. By Robert Dale Ow- • en. 30 cents. flint, toward Itefortns. Conelstlng of Lectitres. Ewolys. Ad.lresses. :Ind Other Writings, Second Editioh, En- larged. By Horace tirooloy, $1 25. - 'lope. anti Helps for tho Young of Both Foxes. Relat ing to alio Form/slim' of Charsetor, Choice of Avoca tion, Health, A nmseinen t, Music, Conversation, ("tit tle:Won of Intoßert. Nloral Sontimonts. Social Affeer- Hon, Court:it'll) and Alarriage. By Rev. U. S. Weaver. 87 , eunte. Hm uan Itbzlit a aml their N .l ut " ,, " - "` tlea• m - / 1 7 ee, by bworg aCubu. Si coots. Moue fur All. A New, Cheap, Convenient and Superior in.,10 of Pulldiug, containing full Directions for can st rurting iiravel Walks. With Plana: and En graved illustrations. New Edition, Del Ised and En- large& 87 cent... Theory of Population. Doctored from the General Law of Animal Fertility - . lutrodurtion by Dr. Trull. 16 cents Woman: hqr Education and hattnowe. By Mrs. lingo Rood. With iii ilitroductionby Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. With Portraits. 87 vents. Either of these works may be ordered and received by rotor! , of the first Mail, postage prepaid by the Pub lishers. Please enelt.se the amount in bank notes or postage stamps, and address all orders, post paid, to FOWLERS ELLtt, 308 Broadway. Now York. N. B. Name your Post Otilcu, Connty and State. furniturc. Io.) °BERT B. SMILEY, CABINET MAKER and u N DEENA K ER rth Ilanover street, next dour to .7,N0.-"..."'"' Ulass's ltutel. lle would respectfully Inform the eltjzens of Carlisle and the Public generally, that he has now on hand a large and elegantassortment of Fun. N ITURE, consisting in part of Wardmbes,Card and oth er Tables Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy &mini Stands,: Se., mauulhetured of the best material and quality warranted. Also a general assortment of CILAIRS at the lowest prices. rENITIAN MINDS Made to order, and repairing promptly attended to. COFFINS made at the shortest notice • and hav ing a splendid hearse he will attend funerals in town or country. 0J Remember the stand—lima door to 11. (ijass's hotel, It. B. SMILEY. • EXTENSIVE FURNITURE 110031 --JAMES R. WEAVER would resnerofoully era; the attention of House-keepers and the public to hisoxtensivestock of elegant FURNITURE, including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and Tables, , Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every other article in his branch of business- Also now on hand, the largest assortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. AOFFINS made at the short est notice audit Hearse provided far funerals. Ile solicits a call at his establishment, on North Ban over Areal, near °lasso's MBA. , AX.r•Furniture hired out by the month or year. d s. 7 . 4 , r - o ,otik• s cOßNElt of Ilan app. 4 vaL•v s ocer and Louthor sta. '• C ItLISLE.—The undersign ed has always on hand a large stock of superior Cabinet Ware, in all the dliferent styles, which ho is prepared to sell at the lowest prices. Ho invites attention particu larly to the PATENT SPRINO BOTTOM BEDSTEAD, a most useful article, whirls entirely obviates all objections.— The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. 'they have given entire satisfaction to all who have them in use. Oil - COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice, JACOB FETTER. WRYGo STORE & • HOODS` NEW COODS l—The un• dersigned is now opening In the store room of William Leonard, on the corner of Hanover and Loather streets, in the Borough of Carlisle, a largo and general assort ment of fl TALE AND FANCY DRY ROODS, eubrne. log almost every kind and variety of goods adsated to this market, together with an tossortment of GROCE. itl ES. Ills stock having boon nearly all purchased within the last two weeks, buyers will have the advantage of selecting from is 'FRESH STOCK, as well as of the late decline In the price of many articles. Ho will be happy to'exhibit his goods to all who may favor him with a call, and pledges himself to sell every article as low or lower than they can be purchased elsewhere. Carlisle, Nov. 15, 1851. ROBERT DICK. THRASHING MACHINES of the best utak° constantly on hand and for Halo at the ftarlittle Foundry and Machine Shop. OA.RONER & DROWN a ilicbirines, IJA PPM ESS ! HA MIN ESS ! WHAT CAN MAKE US HAPPY? • `lfeason ' a whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, Lie in three wurds—health, fence, and Competence. (Pope.) • But when we have loins, affliction or anguish Of ills oases, is not Our pleasure, our joy, and our happines:- thereby destroyed r 11 by let oar hick fellow-being sul fur I lilies nut Christ nay : '•With the Kuno measure y, mete, it sludi be measured to jou again is a wise Mall and endowed with knowledge a mong you, let hill phew out of a good conversation hit works with meekness and wisdom."----,lnmes SUlUil•l'i AND MEDICINE.—Doctor. P. C. CARD DEB, Surgeon and Physician, who is Botanist 80. Physiologist, and is Graduate of our Lest ;ilcdlcal tZes, and has made hilieselr acquainted with all the val. ous 19 arena or 31edlral Science, and with the reset discoveries and improvements in the various tiepin! ments dr the lie:Ging Arts. laithrolly attends to (Adel for Surgical and Medical Aid. and whose medicines nt an made or tmp•,sed strictly in acorrdance with Sciences of Pathology, Botany, ilydropaihy and P 1135, °logy; and whose medicines are all cumposad of whit. sonic roots,•piants, and hydropathy, good in all disease; and to whom the afflicted are insitial to apply timely. llis Chanicter by Itespectnble INelglitrors? Copy of a letter front the Rev. C. 11. Leinbath to NI 11. H. Etter, of the Warm Springs. Respected 1-ir : A hcw me to introduce to your ft lend ly notice. hr. Catty not of' New fork. 1 have known Dr. ( f .'s for six tee years, he Int'S - Ilanu business foi me with sobriety, hot estv and with accuracy; therefore I do believe hitn't be perfectly sober, honest and trustworthy. Any taxi), you may see proper to confer on him, is ill be highly at predated by his numerous friends, and by none unnt highly than your sincere friend and humble servant. C. 11. Lit:NBA( 11. Landisburg, Pa., July 151 h, 1551.' Copy of a letter from tleorge Spahr, Esq., County Tremurer.-1 do certify that the medical advice of Pr. P. C. tardder has out-posted any other which 1 hate hitherto Inn' in the cure of severe furor in my Candi).- 1 would therefore ro.teommend Itlin to such persons oho may be afflicted with aforesaid disease or ot berm he. Iloonifield, A ugu.t 2Gth, ISS 1)1t. CARDDER ibeing well acquainted w ith the re •ent French diseuveritit, with their new and H a le 'males it treatment, and the Fpeet Is and certain remcdiii,in.d cure, fir Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Dysentivy, ( lwl ern Merlins and all Complaints 0 the Boa ela anti Stovn aril ; Superior Remedies for the prel elation and cure i.l Asiatic. Cholera. Remedies for till the defects and dia. vaties of the Generative Grimm+ and repn,durtive 111) in men and women; liennallea far Inv.:malty ; certal❑ and timely cures for all Consumptions, 11111.1cm-1.. :-ter- Idly'. Sexual A huses, Vedemal Dixenses in ell their 11.rins; Suppremlionx and other delicate female complaints. All here remedies emanate from the nest nobli; silence of Intany and Hydropathy eimiLined, (hut uu faisoli,-- • Ileal all manner of slei,ness and all manner of disease. New . Testament. '•lt is for healing that Christ rem mem deli the Samaritan.—Lute, In, 3:1 to 87, and with ri To ulon means. "Prove all things, hold fast that whhL is good."—hat. Thessalonians • t, 21. '"l•hercfere let us I°- ware of Jay log up what we should lay out tbr health. for there is that scattoreth and net Wet easeth. and there Is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth." Proverbs, 11, 21. The different medicines and their directions will be sent to the ailli:ted In any direction by mall or express. Address 1)r. P. C. CARDDER, Carlisle. Cumberland mum tY , 1 0 a, post paid, and the fee V always ttectanvinying the letter, with the order, together with a description o. the feelings and the symptoms of the complaiLts of the afflicted inelcsed. It Is this system of Medical Scieuce the Books and the modes of cure only, which Dr. Card der employs that allow of medicines entirely made or composed of V% hole.some Roots, Plants, and 113 drops thy, good in nil diseases, (no poison), and which can make speedy and certain remedies and cures for "all manner of sickness and all manner of disease," and which sin pass all other medical means in point of goodness, be yond all bounds of comparifam. OFFICE South Hanover street, East side near and below the Presbyterian Church Carlisle, Pa, Testimonials from numerous persons of the highest respectability in this and the adjoining counties. give authentic evidence of the goodness of Dr. (•ardder's character, and can be seen at his office. N. It. Thu afflicted can receive superior medli ineS and the directions for their use by the first return of mail or express. If interviews ho desired. or visits reouested, Dr. C. will endeavour to acc,moun data applicants as tar as be can. The Doctor speaks the English and the Ger man I. latraii. n*e. CM 111 PORTANT TO FEIN! ALES ! Lit, CHEESE.MAN'S The eninbination of ingredients in these 1 ills is the re sult of a long and extensive practice; they nru mild in their operation, and certain of restoring nature to its proper channel. In every instance have these tills pro ved sucLessful.,They invariably open those obstructions to which Females are liable. and bring nature into its proper ehannel, whereby health Is restored and the pale and deathly countenance changed to a healthy ono. No fount° eau enjoy good health unless she is regular; and whenever an obstruction takes place, whether from ex posure, cold or any other cause,the general health im mediately begins to decline, altithe want of such art:ra wly has been the cause of so many consumptions among young females. To ladies whose health will not remit of an increase of their family. these pills will prove n rid cable acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.— Headache Italia, in the side, palpitation of the heart, Ka thing of enni v aini di Imbed sleep do most always arise from she Interruption of nature; and whenever that is the case, the pills will invariably remedy all thert evils. Nor are the lees atlicaelous In the cure of Leueorrlima, commonly called the-Whites." These pills should acv er be taken during pregnancy, ns they would be sure to cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable. and free from anything injurious to Dfd or health. Fulland explicit directions accompany each box. These - pills arc put up in square flat boxes. Person! residing where there Is no agency established. by encl.. sing fine Dollar in a letter, pre-paid. to Dr. C. L. CHEFS) use, No. '2O, Bleeeker street, New York, can have then sent to their respective addresske by mail. JUST RECEIVED AT .Tlll4l FA Al. UROCERY STORE of tho subscriber, n Mn rlon Hall, . A now supply of fresh 'Water Crackers, Soda. butter. Pic Nic and Sugar Bub:cult. Parina. Corn Starch, Tapioca, Sago, Pearl Barley, Extract of Coffee, Rico Flour. Baking l'owder, A new let of superior Table Oil, Plekles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, Pay Rum. ttc. J. W. EBY. tGROc AND GROCERY a.; AND VARIETY STOBE. The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has just returned frt tu the city with a large and varied assortment of OROCERIEB, ()LASS and QUEENS-WARY .fAL- 4 .J FISH, Ar.,4.rwhich he offers for sale on Ito 14 ' F Y most reasonable terms, at his 'cNew Store % corner of North Hanover street and the l'ul • lic Square, directly opposite the Carlisle lir. msit Bank. Ills stock embrases everything usually in a Grocery and Variety store. The public are Invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as ho feels confident he can sell the best goods at the lowest prices. J. D. HALBERT.