tittlt 11E1 NJ VELL TOLD A LILT. Once there Wasa Intel boy, IVith early hair and pluavant eye A buy wile always spoke Thy trnidi, And never, never I dd a lie, And every' body loved him sr, Ileett , e he always told the truth, That every day as 'he grew up, , There g - oor. the he ne;st youth V And when the people that stood near, Would turn to aslc the rea. , ;on why, The answer would bealways this— Derange he never tells a lie od_Re_c_ommendatio "Please, sir, don't you want a cabii boy ?" "I do want a cabin boy, my lad, but what's that to you? A little chap like you ain't fit for the birth." "Oh, sir I'm real strong. I can do a great deal of work if I ain't so very old." ''But what are you here for ? You dont lmik like a city boy. Run sway from home, hey ?" -44 N "Oh, no, indeed, sir, my father died, and mother is very poor, and I want to (1 , ) something to help her. She let me MIEM "Weil, Bonney where are your letters of reconimendation ? Can't take any boy without those." Here was a damper. Willie had 'ley_ er thought of its being necessary to have letters from his minister, or his teachers, or from sonic other person to prove to Strangers, that he was an honest and good boy. Now, what should he do. He stood in deep thought, the captain mean_ while curiously watching the workings of his expressive face. At length he put his hand into his bdsoin and drew out his little Bible, and without one word put it in the Captain's hand. Ile opened to the Haulc page and read : Willie Graham, presented as a reward for regular and punctual attendatr e at Sabbath School, and for his blameless conduct there and elsewhere. From his Sabbath School Teacher.'' Capt. McLeod was not a pious man, but he could not consider the ease be fore him with a heart unmoved. The lit tle fatherless child, standing hutubly be fore him, referring him to the testimony of his Sabbath School Teacher, as it was given in his little Bible, touched a tender sp it in the breast of the noble seaman, and clapping Willie heartily on the shoul d,:r, lie said : "lou arc .the boy for me ; you shal sail. with me; and if you are as good a lad as I think you are, your pockets shan't be empty when you go home to your good mother." Truth vs. Falsehood Ellen and Elizabeth had started *eth er for their homes, at the close of school, both rejoicing that they had not been kept among the delinquents to finish the recitations. They had been absent the whole day, and both were eager to get home again "I am so glad," said Elizabeth, "I have not missed today, and so have to stay to get my lesson over." "Neither did I miss," said Ellen, c'and was not kept with the rest.', "Yes, you missed once in your Geog raphy, for .I,heard you," said Elizabeth. "So I did," replied Men, "I had for gotten - it, I told the teacher that I had not missed. - But it was not right, I will tell her the mistake to-morrow." True to her promise, Ellen informed 'tier teacher on the next day of the mis sake she had made, and expressed her orrow at the circumstance. The teacher vas pleased with the confession, and not mly that. but forgave her entirely; and n the end, Ellen was made happy, not only by the coneionsnesi of haying done I ht but by,the forgiveness and increas -4 osteem of her teacher. All young per ,ms may see by - example how ouch better truth is than _falsehood. .\\TATI.II-1, COMERS, Of variuliN 1 , 1 „, u; tho very bait conntrudlon for rrtlo ~ t pos•crlbor ,/II Ifumover street. A len ti lot tlrht rata COOlit STO.Lii, which he Is auxioue to '1,,,t r.tt, s for C3Ol. 310NR01311101t111:. )1.1.‘ Mures attO ()L1)353. 14 1 '0,1{, T. 1.1 Lljji FANCY HOODS, cti , "r noußs, s. W. liAvEßsTicii has just received trout the city :and is now opening a splendid diFpiny , ,,f FANCY Wit IDS. suitable thr the appronehing llolidny Season, to which he desires to tail the tatuution of his Cleans Met the public. Ills assortment in this line eeneet be surpasSed in novelty and ehwaiee. rmd both iu quality and price of tint articles, cannot:hill to please purchasers. it Week! he iteNSSade to enumerate his IbiLIDAY EANCV (RODS, which comprise every vericty or fancy article of the most, exquisite shape such as Paiper Minim Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink•StalldB and trays. Fancy ivory, pearl And shell card cases, Ladies' Plumy Baskets, Fancy ‘Vork Boxes, With sewing instruments, Port Mummies, of every variety. Gold pens and pencelti, Fancy paper weights, Papeteries, Hued al :nip variety of ladles Fancy station ery, Motto seals and wafers. Silk and bead purses. Ladies' riding While:, elegantly finished, Ladies' fine eittberv. ____Perfume_haskets_atuLhiws 1/rashes of every hind for the toilet. Roussel's Perfumes of the Vorkus hinds. Musical instruments, of all kinds and at Al prices. together with an innumerable variety ofart Hes elegant ly finished and suitable for holllday protents, to which be invites special attention. . Also, an extensive and elegant colleetion of HALIDAY (IIFT BOOKS, comprising thevarious Englishand A ineri,,in ANNUALS for 1F55, richly tunbelished and ilustrated POETICAL WORNS, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for children of all avert, than which nothing can be more iippropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. • His assortment If School Books and Sehnni Statioury is also etOnlidefe. and comprises every thing utiisf - fil College and the Schools. Ile also desires to ean the particular attottion 4F:twines to his elegant O', - *;re s'! LAM I'S. MR A N DOLES. from the extensive establishmeots of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, compriSing every style o f Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning • either lard sperm or ethereal oil, t , getln , r tt It li Vintner Vases. Fancy Screens. he. His assortment in this line is un equaled in the borough. Also, FRC ITS, FANCY CONF EC'fIONA SER VED FR UFO, .Cr., in every variety and ilt, all prices, all of tt Web are intro and fresh. such as can h" IdithO4tly ree..mmended to his friend. and the little (pits. Ills steek end.,a,,s every thin. , in the line of Valley With eta e . % , d her articles nsolul hou,ekeepor s whieh the pud]j, especially ine ited and, •ee del he: the hond fleleeether the Old Steed. hedll, ildie th e y a nk ~,, North I lam, cr strei dee - 1111 , ;:kT A'171ZA("11()N? 110 F 01; ( 1,, Tin; I:INiiLE'S 01,1) 11.11,1. i. TIOW and :till t P bl • sn ppli r dwith the Croat est uevelties up t, the elese a( the seas,u.rompri,ing iu part 1 - 7,/N Ft.:47'llONA 111 t.B Of (lie eh est rariette..., gp,t. as Vino Cutely 11,13 Ite,t i; t•,,,a1t,1 LO:11011. Pill,. Vanilla. aual 1111rIlt. French and exploding Secrets. Also all the oreuttion varieties, all of M. NI ill he Sold M sale and retail at low rates. We hat e just received FRUITS AND . NUTS of th e latest imp,rlat lons suits as Oranges. Lemons. Itaisins. El 7 , , Prunus Citr.m.Curinnts. saft and paper shelled Almonds. Filberts. Cocoa. Cream and Ground Nuts. In connection xvith the ;those the largest assortment TOYS AND FANCY rICIODStof evert . hind from all pads of Fur, pe, nnumfactnred of wo o d, glass. china. papier maybe, tin ii.11(1 111111:1 ruldstr, rind. kr., such as Fine ,Wax. kid and jointed Dolls. se, hug and rand Baskets. Work and Fancy Boxes. Flower Vases. Itotto Cups. Ti,. Setts. Music Boxes. Port Moldie's. Itat tie Doors. (trace lloops. Masks, Druins, (Inns 'is limpets Dominoes. butt.. and of beer games, Ae. Fancy Soaps and !fair of every Val Int V. 711 1 , 11111(...I. M the a b o v e a l ar4 e stock of W1W1...H1 ES. such as intiverised. crushed and brown Sugars, of every gr...te. (101lne. Stare'l. Green and Flask Teas. Side, Butter, soda, Sugar. Water and other ('rockers, dives,. &e. The subscriber returns ids sincere thanks to it gener ous public for the patronage heretofote host., tot on him, a n d h ,p o ,s. by ado ire 1 , 10350, t r merit II eontluuaure of the same, Carlisle, Der.r 7, 1S:.I OOR'S FOR. TUE 1101,IDA We have just received from Plillaaelphia, a larac RAl:Damon t of new rind SP LEN LOD ANSI; ALS. mid Ol FT BOOKS for the I 1 , 11 MAN'S. which having been purchased below the usual whales:ou Malls, we are enabled to sell at greatly reduced prices 'They have now In store a splendid A.. 0. k of Annuals, Gift it •ot s. .. Illustrated Poets. Standard %irks, Bibles: all sirs, Prover Books, Hymn Books,ZOKl Sunday School Hooks. Traci Books. Juveniles. Kr., All of which are NEW BOOKS. fresh front the publishers. splendidly hound and einhelisinst and got tip expressly for the ehristmaxs MAW', s. Also FANCY STATION 1 . odd Fancy articles generally. in areal variety. The pul.. lie are invited to call and examine samples now ready for iespeetlon. ifirliemember. the place to buy books, cheap, is at PIPER'S. Main street. i)ce'r 20, 1554 EATIIER.—Fritz & llendry, Store, 29 North :Id st. Moroeen Manttfsrt ut ors. Corriere:, Importers, COMMlSsitoll and Genet al Lest] er busleess. WIMESALH AND ILE'fAIL-31nnufactory 1f Alm hsallstreet.Sep. 7-1 y • I~EMOVAL !-BESSON & SON. ) hex hstve to inform yon that they have remoc• ed the PIIII.ADELPIIIA Ftun.v Cron No. fd tzuntli Seentid Street, to the new building No. 2011 Chesnut Street. (five doors above Eighth. South ~ i dej where they will offer an Increased stock at re duced prices. rt_New Spring floods daily opening. EAT lIE ! LE AT II E ! FRITZ. IFENDIa S: CO. No, '2l, North Third Street. Philadelphia. MOROCCO M AND PM111111!: RS, Curl-len.; a n d port ors of FRENCH CALF SKINS, nod Dealers in lied 10111 Oak Solo Leather and Ki'p. relf2S—ly ( .. .J1.71.41US STERN, No. 145, North Third. Street, Philadelphia, WholeFalo Dealer In Fancy Dress Trimmings and Millinery floods, and Sinnufacturer of Fancy 6111 c "Mullets. keeps constantly on hand n - very extensive assortment of Silks, Ribbons, LACON, Flowers, Bonnet Frames. (limps Fringes. besides n great variety of other Fancy Goods. fie solicits a call from Country Merchants vleiting the City, and assures them that they will be dro to fled any article nbove mentioned nt the lowest prices. marebl4-2m MILLINERY CI 00 4S-1855- FOIL SPRING SALES! ~,a:... .10IIN STONE & SONS, No. 45. South Second Strout. Philadelphia. Itavo just opened their Spring Importations of SILKS, BONNET RIBBONS. FLOWERS, LACES, CRAPES, kr. Ac. Including a general assortment of MILLINERY ARTT or,Es, of the most fashionable styles. The above floods have been imported eqpressly for our Spring sales anti romprlse the largest and Lest assortment In our line he found In the market. uutrchld•Jut SIIIM3TER 111 ATS.—Just received at th, 3tQro of RA )11ERT .11101 i. a largo assortment 01 :Ifen's, -Youth's and Children's 'SLIM 'AI EU lIATS, con sisting of Panama, Leghorn. Irrimeh .. .. 4 .4traw, Canton and other rarletles, part of whirl' Ma' colored and black -04‘1041 quite Irny In prlre„ may 2. f' A 1)IES I)ItESS G )01.)5.—.7 ust FIJ open tu g a . largo assortioont of Spring zinc' Siiininor lircsm floods vonsii , ting of Plain and Fllurrd liar; ytes, ['lain an , 1 Figured Silk Tlssiter:, Mirage Ile htitie Wain ;ink!, 31111,11u5, Seolvit llilig• Lutttut, and a great varltny of other goods at as low prirk, ad can la found any where In flue t.nrn. May tutli, '65, • tIE1). IV. 111TNEIt. rirkft 001‘ lIEHE r ISAIWAIN The !cul•rcrilwr In ronsbineneo of ilbilealtb. offers his on t Ist. stock of 11A liN‘ A lir; to any [lei s..n or port: to outer Into the Hardware 1 nsinesF. Ile hating o. 11 , SnlVed in quitting the business, will gllu a bargain. besides his litilnenre and rustran. Any one desirous o. ~.., e tting into this I.UnineM, do well to roll on. and If not disposed of by the Ist of (kiot or nest, helvlll then commence off at cost at the old 'and Well known stand. in North Ittr.OVer tti ect. nt`Xt , Inor to ('harks .lAl'Oll SEN Elt WARS.J 1 11.1;811 ARR IVAI , itIi,\YIISANTON. The sukseriber having retvarned frourt he city would call the attention of Ids friends ;Lint the puldie generally to the large and well selected assortment of Hardware whieh be has just received. consisting in part of. BUILDING ALS, nails ; screws. hinges. lucks. bolts. glms. putty, paints. oils. &r.' TOOLS.—edge tools; saws and planes o. every description, With files.' rasps, hatnmers. not HS. fir. A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS AND F,Ap. DLEits )01,S, together with morocco. lining and find ing skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount ing. saddletrees. (c. IACII TlllMMlNO—entivann (plain, enamelled. fig tired :111(1 11111110S 1 :11(1 ) patent and enamelled leather . sprilgs, hubs. spokes. (Ohms ' , halts. ke. Cabinet Alalters will find n large assnrtnielit of earn (•Les mahogany and in alma veneers.muulding.ronettos Lade cloth curled hair. hr. The steel; of Iron Is large.and selerted. compris ing, all the hinds In general use,as hammered and roiled Imo of all sines. thit. bar end hand iron, round. square and oval Iron.hrrrseshr e in n runt reds. M ith a iar4l itit of east and spring steel. English and American lis vr steel. to. Ihm~rl:ropers and nit so al out l' , 1,11111 . 11,1111.: tvl'•ll'ed it. LJ their :tit alitagx to call anti examine our cutlery. I it tani:: anti plated mate pale:. 4 ri11,4 et tar are. lupLats. In adilit i , a to the all re we lint, mci•ist‘ti si sid, t did asserthietit or 41,11.1. log the click 11 il, and t 'll. I , Pi as ; - atrt t 1)111 gat iLfne t ton. 41 . 0 int lte ail ft lei ti< :•11 Ent sling it mill I chi, thl it 1,11,1 li.l cs, tic,' ( - kJ Stal.d 1 I.( S. %V. iIAVEItS.II(I\. I With Stre , et rai 74.1\T(1N. 4r itESII AIU ()If HA It 1)- Iv A It E.—The satseriler ha, in:: returned (rem "the rite has ja , t opened the Fall trade a large and s•dootod stook of fl,roiLfn and d , nu•stic Hard, are. umin•a ring evoryt Mug volt:Illy rm.,' in that Ilne 01 I,u -,ine,s. The a t ter. t 311(1 till, public generally is respectfully t d to the assortment on hand, as , •tiring ikon. It. I .( ds (4 all kinds P ill 1.. e sold for oar ) , :It :1. yen' ' 0 ) :oil:woe on manufacturers mires. mem' or in, old stand, hint Strout. Carlisle. Pa. Aug :u. iti 1. 11. SA 'CMOS. r ()() TIIIV A SII. Beau t iful, 11Ilit T.•.•th tby I; im..s and a : ,, ,eet Itreatli— wh are desirous of el fairing', th e set„,,,fa s should u se ZEir N't , to I.I:IIIt.aTED At•II. 'this delirious eithitire, w. many mot ilea it us gUalitirs that it has uuu l cr. Ill.' .1 't.tndard taverlte with the rit Izei.s o. New Vert:. Philadelphia and It:Minion% Dentl , ts pre serlre it in their pia, tn.,. 111.14 Ku...se:stiffly. and it - eta et ery sourer the innet nattering laud:tarns are awarded it. nlla mod 31.4 bleeding. gurus are immediately beneft• trl,l by Its o.'lll I` . . • tesdhing nod effertite. It ele.tnst, the teeth(, thonFlizbly, that they are rival pearl In al hitenuss. and tiltiuses tilt• mouth ..11.11 a deli:land ft eslineys that the' breath Is rendered evtinisltely all est. It disinfects those imintritleo h tend to pr o duce deeay. and. as a eon s., 'nonce, when these are !VIM.% IA must al ways remain sound. Itead the f Mow Ing flint, Dr. J. A. Carman: P. )10N Y Eli F. Zerninn—Sir: Ira lug used and recommended your 'Tooth Wash In Illy practice fur I,nne time, I find it the mok effect riat liontrilice in use. and therefore rectum Mend it to the public. Pr. .1. A. Cu:, Dentist, Ilarriaburg, Pa Timid the testhanny: Mu. ZgestAN—Dear Sir: I have fully tested the merits of your valuable Tooth Wash. and ran, without hesita tion. recommend It as the hest that has come under my notice during :in expo: tenet. as Dentist of Myr, than six teen years. It eh•:utses the Teeth, soothes and Modem. irritated Gums. and imparts a delicious flagrance to the Breath. From the mmitlis of these who niche use of it, however, it will certainly speak for Itself. Wu. I'. Seittvrt.r. Surgeon Dentist, f.:79. South Tenth st.. Philadelphia. It Is 11 , ell and recemmended by all the eminent Dent ists in New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore. and other cities where It has been ifitrodured. All should give it a trial. a - ,:r Pro p:trod only by Frauels 7.4.rman. Druggist rind Chemist, Philadelphia, and sold trholesale and rrtail Samuel Carllslo, .1. Dorslielm e r, .1. Durum, New C. Williams, ,Slilinponslatrg, aml I,y all Druggi.tg at only '2.5 rents perbottle. PILEPSY ('an be Cured. Lake's VEOETADLE COMPOUND, :or the cure of EN- Li.rsv or Fits: is performing more wonderful euree than any other median. , yet known or before the public.— PRICE FIVE DOLI,AIIB A Burri.E. 'Pte proprietor 11:14 In his possession numerous certifi cates. narrating the Itstotaishing and miraculous cures etTected by this medicine. And directs attention to the to assure these who are so unfortunate to be afflicted with the terrible disease heretotbre regard ed incurable. that 1,111 C:: prc}su•atien lei ALMOST INP.U.I - IN ITS CURE! From Mrs. Brooks, widow of Mnj. 'Jas. Brooks, late o Conneaut, 0. Mr. Z. Luc c—Sir: Please Fend me another bottle of Fit Medicine, as I do not like to be without It on hand. When I commenced giving the medicine to my son Ed gar. he had from one to three fits per day. Ito has now taken the medicine over five months, and has had, I think. but two tits in that time, and those very light— ing body and mind are very mmli Improved: and by the blessing of God. I teeithat the medicine will restore his body and mind to their wonted activity. lie Is 28 years old. and hies had tits over 12 years, which tome been very frequent, and very destructive to his constb: talon amt mind. llimdreds of dollars have been ix pended for medicine to "CORE Firs," but nothing has relieved him until ho used your medicine. Respectfully yours, I'OLLY BROOKS. From Linloon Landon, Comity Superintendent of the Ashtabula County Infirmary.. KINOSCILI,F, Feb. 4, Itif4:l. Mr. 7.. I.tun—Slr: Please stind a few more bottles of your " Fit Medicine;" I may not need It. but think sat. or to keep It oh hand. Your mediritie hasdone wonders I gave it to Miss Jane Delano; she has had fits for 243 years, brought on by having the measels when but four years old, which could not be Iwought out to the surface. After tailing the medicine a few days, SUE 11AD A FIN/1 CROP OF MEASEIA, and has had no fits idnee. Shelia() fits or symptoms almost daily. She and her tither concur with me in saying that we believe the medicine has or will work a perfect cure. I also irave the medicine to Miss Jane Henderson and Arts Carhy, who have had fits almost daily, tbr a number of years. 'Their fits have ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the desired effect. Much money has boon expended by the friends of the above patients for doctoring. all t•. 110 purpose.— The mire was bit fn• your mail hue In perform, and I can cheerfully reemathend it as it V:0111040 di.,,,re r s.— ItesperAfttily pairs, .111D: 7 .0N LA Superintendent Ashtabula CO. Infirthary. Prepared and ssild at wholesale by Z. Ls Re, Collllellllt, 01110. 12. V. travelw, ;went. Sold by S. \V. llttvimttick. E. 11. M chaniesburg; I). AV. Gross, lba•rlebnrg. OA. AV" AN I) t4T.ti .I.IV - CUTTERS jit s I lELLNIIS ' .--A ' l,trge ass . :wlinent ik ot tw preyed flay, !7 , t.raw and Vittltter Cuttors, now on littntl. Also, ilonble and pltr.fle corn shollerg thr either liana or horse lower. of (Ito Very latest, manufacturo, Including tin , premium Fliuller at the late I:ennsylvanta Stat." Vali. r or sale :-111A1.11. C"., At:Henn ural WarehenFe anti tcud `'tore, e( natl. et It.ll nd Nlarket, Doe. C, lt,L4—tf ,`Ufilaizai. - (isTilfiav4 , ijarbwarc, ()IIN P. L 1 NJ and He Qtill ‘b%hir in A merican, English and Herman j II A HMV Alt E, 011 s, Ninth. &r., k. Meehani, s. 1 %Hiders and the public generally, Who are In Is ant of Hardware .. - , lk 3 ~. k . ..11 .." of any Lind, ire laxity,' to mil In and , ..•' Lindy. ancislially long stocl, of cif . w hich lam selling at very low jirkes. Just storia; It will only detain you a very feu minutes to irt , et - 111 vi need thilt y hat 'every lady NI) h —that Lyn's in decidedly the place to get gaud goods iit law priCII:I-111Uht Ito true. LY N F.'S Hardware etiiiy, WCtit, Slde NCTI.II 1111.110Ver 6t11.1.t. Ai/chit - Ines CONNEAUTiTub. 3, ism 11cbicilic5 r us I)ISCOVERY OF THE AOF.--Forams. Families ohd faIIVIS, van per tith.2.1.1 no remedy equal to Or. 'lOlll er,tion moot, for 113ientery, (luup. (l,tr plc I I.tuthatiti gainsay, Sore Ilacat, tloo he, hen I 4oo llinas, Old Fores, 3lnsquito Ftlngs. 111.11. A in Ow I.lmla, Llaht, luck. &c. It It th not F ite the Inol.ey N, 111 Le reilll.lll 01l that asked. Is n trial. mat use it IleCt (ding to dirtatios. article is an English remedy. of d Noh used 1.3. VI in. I\, king Of Eliglllllll, tertib.,l t o by bin, as u cum r , , hltelonottltan, 0 hen ILA or.) thing else lerfaumendttl Ly Lis ph . ‘ hod faikd. Ut or 10,000000 of Lottles hale bean and In the lilt ed `fates, u Khalil:a tangle tail we. and families hale slated that It wan worth .$lO per 1. ttle, the} fr% er would I a without it, In cane of cloup, as it Is as tel to in ar. It 1. applied. it curet; 'I 1,1 that he 111 three mi n utes; Headache In half an hour. and Cholera. alien Erst tak• an. Ina few hours. It is perfectly iIII.OI ant to take terually, and lint the IVCOMUICIIIIIIt ion of litany of the inobt. eminent Ph.) SHILLS hi the LiiitetPlAatert. Price, In nod bo riots. has also put up n Liniment for florlif'S. in Wit bottles. Is hirh in unrinnled—rhenper nr.(l totter th,,r. :my other, the mire of Colic, Galls. Suellings, _klii_Eotes—Cuts.. ll r_uhant4erskt,bes,__C-rael.edllevh-Al, Ihivr,Gu rents. hr. 'robins could fell a dozen newspaperti with the evr tihrates and lettots level% VII. I elating La the 'wonderful cores Heetanpiithattl by his Liniment 1 ut cot side's that arranting It Is suflicient. as any person who tiees not obtain relief, need not pay fir It. There lane been so much worthless medicine as Id to the public. that Pr. To bias wishes his article to rest 011,MS nicrit ard if he gives the %aloe of the mone3s reel Ned, then he eaks the patrontwe (if the public. not otherwise. 1111. TOBIAS' Offiv, 240 tiIiF.ENIF ICH street, New fork. For sale by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut streets; Dy.tt & Son, 132 N. SCrliflll street: T. R. Callender. ES S. Third street, and by tho Drugglst2: thri urin ut the United States. • f'ARTER'S SPANISH TilE GREAT Ph 11l FIER OF THE BLOOD.— a pal tide of Memory in it. An infallible Tented) I Scrofula, King's Evil, Ithemnatisnut,bstinatettitano Erupt', us, l'ilap'efi or Pustules on the Fare, lilt ti lo Bolls. chronic Sore Eyes. Eing Wolin or 'fetter. Eve Head. klnlargement and Pain of Gm Icon, and Joint Etul ors l'ltvrs. Syphilitic Disordets, Luml ago. Spiv-. Pemplvints and all dise:cses arising from tut injudicit t use of :de imprudence in Life, or 11110 u-it, of ti 1304 d. I 1 1,11,.. Tlth, gt eat dterative medleit.e and Purifier of tl 111 codo hot% Used by thousands of grateful patienTs all parts op the United States, who testify daily to it retnarka VW. cures perfumed by the grpatest of all n duet:, •C A ETEIPS :WAND!! M N'i rills." Neut.:4j Rheumatism, Ecrolula, Et uptions n the Ain. Licit ease, Fe, ers• Ulcers, Ohl Eons. Affection!, of the Eidee . Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Loins au 1-. - hine- of the Belies and Joints. are very speedily pu to alight by using this great and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the lard. nothing In yet het, found-to minpare to It. It cleanses the s 3 stem t f all no. purities, arts gently and efficiently on the t.is era nd h id het stivngt hens the Digestion, gives tone to the FA m ath, makes the skin Hear told healthy, and rests rt-s the Constitution, enfeeltled'hy disease or broken down by the excesses of youth. to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies it is incontprahly better than all the o smetivs ever used. A few dotes Of CALIF:ICS SPANISH MIXTURE it ill remove all sallow tires of complexion, In log the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step. and improve the genet al health In a rental kaffic de gyve beyond all the medicines ever heard of. The large numher of certificates which we have reedy. ea from from persons from all parts of the United Stoles, Is the hest evidence that there is no Humbug aLeut it. The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians. and public men, well known to the community, till held their testimony to the wonderful effects of this GREAT BLOOD Pt-IEII/IER. Call on the AIiPNT, 111111 get a Circular and Almanac. and read the wonderful curve thin truly greatest of all Medieloea has pertlwnw d. Font geiudue unle:s signed IiENNETT k DEERS, Pro prietors. No. 3. l'onrl street. Richmond. Va. to whom all orders for suiqdles and agencies must be addressed. And for sale by S. Elliott, S. W. Ilaverstiek, Carlisle ; Int Day. Nlechaniesburg; J. 11. hereon, Newville; J. C. Altle, Shlppensburg, and by dealers in medicines every where. 1•11 E WON DER OF TIIE AGE:- For the cure of Saltrheum, Chilblains, Common Sores, Chapped or Cracked Hands. Burns or Scalds, ( uts or Wounds, Piles, Inflammation of the Breast, bites of inserts, Sore Lips. Pimples on the Fate. and Breaking tkeit. and Sores on Childre», and all diseases of (lee Skin. This Ointment will cure the Saltrheum and Burns. or ('Lapped 111111115, quicker and surer than any other medl• eines of the kind before the public, To suhstantlate the" above, I can give hundreds•of rep. tificates, but I consider It no use, as (any peison con (4 the same, If they have friends, f r even a worthless ale tide.) I rely solely on the um Its of the Ointment for the, public patronage. N. 11.—A single box of this ()harm .t will keep Any blacksmith's, Farmer's, Sailor's, Or ; Ic hank's hands. let them chap or crack ever so lad, sou a And in good work ing order all whiter. Prepared awl ...+ltt Ly 1d0:110E TEIIIIEL, Anu,,tatuck, Conn. Sold also by the principal Drugg.sts,mtd CountlT Mee chants. Prier, 2.5 cents per box. Nov. 10, 1553-ly 11 AV you a cold ?----Gallolter's Elixir has acquired a just celebrity for the rime of all diseases arising front severe colds, and its enicary lias been attested and approved by hundreds of; our must re spootable eltitens. in CVO*• instance immediate relief has been given, as the following certificate from those who have tried it bears testimony. 31anitfactured and for sale by JAMES (IALLOIIEIt, Agent We the undersigned.do certify that we have used Ord. loiter's. preparation for .Consumptiou. Colds, inlseasen of the Lungs, Liver, &c., and having experienced homed!. ate relief therefrom would recommend it to all afflicted in that way. Thos. 11. Skiles, Mrs. M. Muhl R, 11411eVoy, E. L Wolf. Peter Monycr, S. Hackett, Joseph Loharb, N R. Woods. C,arlimle, April 25, 1854-ly AMAP OF CUMBF e RLA ND COTlN TY.—Vrom'entirely original &arroyo. by artual moasuremeta throughout tho wholo county, by 11. F. IMIDGENS. The subscriber Is now, engaged In making_Surveys preparatory to publishing a new and 'complete Map of Cumberland County, upon a huge scale, livery :Public Road and Ftream, with the locatior.% of all Milts, Stores, Dwellings. and Piddle Buildings, will bo-aevrately lnitl down.' All the Pqblic BUlldings In the Con ty will ho distinctly indicated, and the names of ownert, of proper ty generally, will be Inserted in their proper& Mous on the Map. A Table of illOanres, St:abates of t h e Cox My, en -I,trg-ed plots of the principal l'illagea. and a few or th e most attractPre views In the County. will be Diserted lu too margin; thus giving every Fatisfaction, and render ing the Map mo 4 velnalle to the Owners of Property, March:Bats, Travelers, Conveyancers, and the Inhabitants generally, ,W the tkLlon_delinented In nv mneli as this work'-is to be made up of mine] stirrers made upon the ground, It Will.oequire time to arcomplish It: It Is not exported. therefore, that It will bs toady for publication much under the period of Two Years, The size of the Map will le3 about five feet by four; Mid will cost five dollars. IL F. BIiTIKIENS, Publisher. N. E. corner of Marshall and Wood St. Philadelphia. field. :27-Im, d. ~~lcliciti~~~. L I V E It C().IIII'LAINT, liyspBi: . Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous defility. Lies. so We a idneys, and all diseases arising (shin a disordere Liver i r ttoinach, such as Constipation, inward plus fulness of blood to the head, aridity' of the stonot. I nausea heartburn, disgust for food, fill ants (I' s Cif. ht il LllO stinotteli, sour eructations. sinking or It tate, Jig a the pit of the stomach, swimming et the head, hurl its and difficult breathing, Esitteting tit the heart, • hoS in. or ' , allocating setsations Islam in a lying potd tire. can nest. at tision, th is or tvehst before the sight ta sir ni,, doll pain in the hood, dffidieney of persplial ion. 3 silos Hess . r lice shin ;Led eyes. pain in the sole, Int P. • hest litill.s, S:c., sudden 1111€11CS of heat, hurtling iii tie test constatt iinagii.ings Of e\ if. and great depressi• n of spa its. Cflll I. e elre , dually cur.(' by Dit. 1100 l aAs x'S ct.I.E DRAPED GERMAN BI'ITEIII3, prepared 1y luau. C. id .I.tcssoN, No. la/ Arch Street, l'hilodelphie. Theft poster of er the shove diseases is not excelled. etititOledqll3 , 4l4 other preparation in the United t.totet as the . ures attest, Its many cases after skilful ph3x clans had failed. 'flies.• bitters are worthy the attention of invalid, - Possessing great virtues in the rectification of disel.ht of the cl.lier and lesser glands,, exercising the 1.111.£ searehing,poweis in weakness and affections of tip• (1: - gestive - organsi-tirt, are withal nuritaiii and Frett: tit. TESTIMONY FLOM PENNSYLVANIA. .1. IL Spring. Laceyline. Yu.. Ain II f, ltr.4. Fnyv, `• call get you some gm d el Mutt, for your Cory an Pil tors in this vicinity if you wish them. A lads rmehai ing some of it this week, it a that it is by far the bow , tnedich.e slie user ',new, 'having done her aLd he daughter much gel d. Ac. S. It. Lamson, Itel.faLll's Store.' Somerset en, In.. A Li mys, "1 am lintril attm lied to your Corm: lilt tors. il3 Ilg Used tIVII tittles of it; ix blob I T,r4 cntci from S. Kurtz. your agont. at Si - mei - FM, coal f ut d Fna relief from It in disease of the er. 1 I.d it I groat Minot on Iny - luily.s. strengthening and liiiii cd in, them, ultinL. as I am a public speaLer. is a punt help me." Dr. Hiles. Newton Hamilton. 31ay. IRi 1. I.a id " hal e used myself half a Boren bottles.of your Lemon Bittern , for hirer (n mid:slot and diseases r.f a terse t character, resulting from tine abuse of mere nry. I wt 41Thieted In Nil 111:1,1111. Elllll tine tie. nil tin latter art He. the German Litters is tine lerr art 1. 1 Co.tri whin in 10l twined any relief. 1 111011111 SO gin Ir. t 1 article to 1111111) d) With . the no st frlititar . ) 1 %IlitS. I t !link aslllally 1111 re 11 (ties ‘V (tine 11,1 I . IIIIIIV, hat.. of lannininin. 19t.. w rites May 5. 'I . •1 1N 41s :1111ln-tent tt nth Henneral 14.1 illty. Intestlual r I 11111 , ‘ 411111 rostheness. for It pith I used many' difTenen remedies y itht ut relief. I nit last used your 111 e•l:ar tl tierniann Litters. I took a few bottles &ern !din gtn rect nets M4l tut. V 11111140.1 I) 1.111 - 1.(1. 1 hate not I cent 1111111tily fir too years ns I base 1 ern sinner I for k 11illets w Lin In is oh int coo sear tire" litters nre YNT11:1:11 vital always ,t: er yt ening the si stein and tici - cr pn .ti ntnig it. dcalrrs in tncdh•inr and storehriTers r 11 bete. :Mit tt. N. Ilntereti. k al,c: I W. Cnullinitn, Ethinger & C... m e , riity.l4:r & Diehl, Nett t urg, gi.d he healers iu ?lt•tliLa _enerallt•. Not IF4I-ly ' 0(701t 1 . 0 I SELF—PRIVATELY routs, by means of the pow! ...ESCI:LAPII - S.. or or (Inc 1118 OWN PHYSICIAN The t hirty-six t n. • it one hundred engravings, Flo o ing Private Diseases and Ma formations of the Gentrati System, in every sh.rl e arr form: to which is neded Treatise r n the !riser..., N males. intended ll r t I.e to. fetuales only. see ; nb.c I t log of the hi hest tmpr r•an to married he'ld e. r r thr sr temp 111ZIrriar. By. 1% YoUNG, M, D. n.i „a of Our University of Pennsvlrtinia, Moiler ct el , e r c, n 1 College of tiury.mons, London, nod Honorary Mont) of the Philadelphia Medical society. The various fern of Secret diseases. Seminal Weakness, Diseases of tt Prostrate land,lm paency , sol itary habits of youth, at faithfully described, and soil the receipts ph . el. Ir. pint language. 'the chapters on self abuse acid For.itt ‘Veakness is worthy of particular attention, and ritroul be read by eye. y ono. Young men who, tuar,c 1., nu fortunate In contracting disease. 10001. in; to 11,,, on vMtrselvero under the rule, or any duo br. ro re ; , rr, ,• i n his In•teushms IuAY get n ropy of this truly work . . • Fen Captains and NI sous voing. tr. , ca uh! Young 'N Tre.utts . c on Marriage. the Pochrt, , us, or El cry one Ins na n 1'1131.1,Am). Qd • Let no father Itti ashamed to presci.t a n-py .I.:srulapi us to his child. It may NIA 0 his fr. to grave. het no }prang man 4.r mi mot n enter into th, eret obligations of married life without iv:Ming thcp. et A:sent:intim. Let no one stittstring In nt a had, ir rough, pain in the side ' restless nights, rent us fec.in and the whole train of Dyspeptie sensati o ns, and gt , • up 1-y their physician. he another moment w ithr rat 4o suiting. the /I::sculapitis. }have the married rr tho about to be married any impediment. read this ti u useful Book. as it has leen the means of sm. lug Iho vinds Of unftrtuntite creatures front the very jaws death. Upwards of a MILLION m , pleg of nib ; re i c .t ~„1 , work has been sold In this country and Luicpc 1 11g. when the first edition was Any person Fending TI4 . ENTY-F1 rant;,, elom.tl 0t n letter. will receive one ropy of ti is book mall: or lit e Copies will 1e bent. for $l. Addrtts I 1V11.1.1A VOUN(I. No. 1,52 :Inure street, I'hiL•tdelphl lost Ttienty years practice in the city or Phil:WOO la i Willy entitles Dr. Young to the confid etwe acted. and he may 1•e consulted on any of th e ( 11,,,",, described in his different publications, at his off«. if., Spruce street. every day between 0 and days excepted) and persons at any distance tan « t.. a« Young by letter, roev c Ale. C. A F E—SPE E iST—S LIRE !—S u In c. num; FUR YOUR OWN ItENEEIT!!! A plodl eine adapted to get:oral UFO. greatly superior and w•itbin the moms of exert' 100 1 . 11.1.5. fi.r twenty-five emits! No ex tottion in prlee—:notaietniel—Uo mineral poison NVlJatOler. D N . TowNsEFat'S HEALTH I'ILLS fully merit tbegreat reputation they have:ter/111ml. are called for Mom all parts of the land, because THEY ARE. ALL THAT THEY e1.\131 TO 11E. WILAT THEY WILL no—They purify the bleed. th e y Ilei , se the System of limners, they etu'e Dyspepsia alai Indhre.tion. they create an Appetite, they cure eS:rit leadadie. Dizziness mot Low Spirits, they arrest Fevirs, they promote a healthy to thou of the Liver, they ate a sure cure for o.t.thesfers and Habitual Constipation, they are highly eflicaelous lit Female Complaints, they strew:then mol give time to the System. They are a hest Fatuity I%h:divine known, an obvious inquiry, how one medicine can cure re many different complaints. ThCFO Pills, however, are so compounded of eundit e materials that,persom, have en ly to TRY THEM and the answer will be found in a re stored body and au invigorated constitution. Each Box contains 100 ►'ills, at the astonishingly lovf price of 25 cents. Every individual should have them- For sale by the Druggists and Storekeepers generally F. A. PALMER, general Agett, Stouington, Ct. ALMIRACLE OF SCIENCE.-Dr. C. L. Kellictg. of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county; Pa.. announces to those afflicted with TllLir'io Wows. Cancers, Polypus. Lupus, Moles or Marks, Fel ttla. King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually treated with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them with. out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chloroform et •Ether is administered to the patient. It Is no matte, on• what part of the body they may be, he can remove them with perfect safety, and in a remarkably short time. No Mineral pt Vegetablepoison is applied, and DC money required until a cure is perfected. Prolapses Uteri. .Female Complaints, Chroni c , V e n t . real and all other diseases treated with positive snectra Full part lenlars ran be obtained by addressing in either English or (tornian, post paid. Patients can be accrta modeled with Board on reasensi l e t er m s . Mechanicsburg is one cf rue prettiest and healthy towns in this or any Mho, t•ttote. It is F miles hem I larch burg. in the Cumbe.mtnti Valley PM/ Roan, and acces font] all parts of the Colon. The Doctor will v i•it e.tses in any part of the llato when desired. r, ind render if you know any afflicted fellow ores tore, delay not to tell them of this trvatment• • TALL PAPER.—Just received I T . 'Splendid Ntock of raper flanging's. oWiridore Shades and yireboard Prints. maim/wing all the nc wok nud most approved styles. The designs aro neat r.nd chaste, and the, prices such as cannot fail to give Fat it • fiction. We invite our friends And the public general ly to call and examine our assortment before purchasing elsewhere. if. SAXTON, March2l East Main Street, Cai Hole LB