Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 13, 1855, Image 1

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    . E. BEATTY,
Tho Oinusit 'Mama, Ia published weekly on a IWrge
sheet, containing FOIVIT COLUMNS and furnished to sub
scribers at the rate of $1.50 if paid strictly In advance;
41.75 if paid within the year; or s'2 in all cases NI ben
?ayment is delayed until after the expiration of the
year. No subscriptions received for a less period than
six months, and none discontinued nutil all arm:tinges
are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. rapers
sent to subscribers living out of Cumberland county
must be paid tin. In advance, or the payment assumed
by some responsible person living in Cumberland coon.
tY. These terms will be rigidly adhered to In all cases.
Advertisements willhe charged jl.oo per square of
ttwelvell nes fir throe :inSertions. and Vi rents Mr each
snhsoquent insertion: - All advertisement sof less thou
twelve lines ronsidered as 0 square. The following rates
be ellarmet. for Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly
3 'Months. 0 Months. 12 Months,
I Square, (12 lines,) $3.00 $O,OO $B.OO
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- - 8,00
.12.00 16,00
• - 12.00 20.00 30.00
- - 25.00 30.00 45.00
Advertisements inserted before Marriages and Deaths,
8 cents per line for lirst insmilon, and 4 rents per line
-- rwsul-eque fit insertions:—Communications-on-subjects
of limited or individual interest will be charged 5 cents
per line. The Proprietor will not be responsible in dam
auses for errors in advertisements. Obituary notices not
ex,emling live lines, will he inserted without charge.
Column, -
The Ilminto JOB PRINTING OFFICE is the
largest and most complete establishment in the county.
Throe good Preases, and a general variety of material
,suited thr Plain and Fancy work of every kind, enables
114 to do .10b.Printing at the shortest ;lethal and on the
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terest to give us a call. Every variety of BLANKS. con
stantly oh hand.
All letters on business must be poet-paid to se
cure attention.
Cum{ ti; Coca( 31tformation.
Vico Prosltlent—(do D. it. ATcair.sov.
Strrotary of Stuto—NV tio•Y..
Seorotury of Interior- 7 1:ousnT :114.17i.ELLAND.
tio,rotury of TrenStlry---.) F,B tri
Sol•roti ry of 1V:1 T:Yrilt,o, k
Sei!rtitary of Navy—.l Posurs.
Post 11 aNter lit, n oral —.I OILS I 011'11E1.1..
Attnrnoy Colnlrni--C %LEE ('U:'111,;.
Chief Justi•o of toilet Ststos—li. 11. 'f %NEI'
(I''°rnor—.l lil is Pro.i.ocK.
BL•^r'•tarp of Sta AS Dr. ENV It. CURTIN.
Surr,yor Conerd—.l. rt. t
Au titer litNxs.,
TwaNttrw—.losErli I AILEY.
~r tho Ru l nl•t c,mrt,, J. S. 131.10 E
W. LI. howam, \V. N .1. C. KNux.
Provident IlnAn‘u.
.1 4, •eiato Judgei---flon. John Ilupp, Samuel
UI 11.
Attmnev—John M. Shearer.
l'e,tim,km try—Daniel IC Noel'.
Iteeorder, Se..--John (Itegg.
ite.tktm — Lytle.
1114 . 11 She:ll . --Jesepfi MeDeramml; Deputy, James
'VI-ensurer—N. NV. MbEds.
Conner—Joseph C. Thompson.
C It/11V C nnnlh.i oo•rs—,l111111Bol.b..lomos A nogtromr;
, rxd ClOrk to Clllllllllllll.lOllOl'S. Wil11:1111
I)irto•tors of lLu Poor—qeorgo Shooffor. iloorge Brio
-4110. John C. ,111 . .)w rt. Soporliktontlout of Poor Hou,—
.1 ow.pli . ,
Chief Burs;•ss—C , .l. Anm,TltoNi; No
Town. Con:loll --it. C. Woothrartl, I,Pro:jdontl Henry
ors, John lint Potor Miolver, P. llardncr, H. A.
St klr:onn, Slirhlr,l Monftrr, Jolla flionvson, ll.vid :Ape.
Clirk t l'ounell-ICllliana 'Wetzel.
Onnttahlos—.Tohn Cantonal, High Constable; Robert
31,,C,trtnoy, Wurtl Cunstublo.
First Progbyterinn,Church, northwest Anglo of Centro
Fin ire. I v. I:0 %11' P. IV LNG, Paatur.--Services every
Su olay nrWaiug at 11 o'clock, A. M., cud i%olelock,
P. M.
lround Pipshytorlan Churrh,cornor of South I [allover
a'+ I '.iint s ret street... No pastor at present, but pulpit
tia.• I WS. l'ppliytprial appointments. Sexy Ices CoouUence
at IL and 7 o'clock, P. M.
St, Joh nit Church, (-Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of
Cita tro Squaru. Rev. JACOB 11. ItNtl, Rector. berViceS
at I I o'clock, .1.)1., and 3 o'clock, I'. .11.
1:a livh Lutitertu Church, Bedford between Main and
I....uther streets. 11ev. .I.tcou PRY, l'astor. Services
at II o'clock, A. Ni., and O'clock, p. M.
ilernhia Re:farmed Church - . Louther, between Ilanover
all I Pitt streets. Rev. A. 11. lini:sl/1,, Pastor. Services
at 10 , e, o'clock, A. M., and 6!,4
Metriedist E. Church, (first Charge) corner of Main and
Pitt ~ t reets. Rey. S. L. M. CONALI:, Pastor. Servicesut
1. o'clock, A. M., and 7V I o'clock, I'. M.
Mothoaist E. Church, (second Charge) Rev,. .1. M.
.laNt!•:4, 'Pastor. Services in College Chapel, at 71 o'clock,
A. M.. ana .5 o'clock, P. IIL .
Roman Catholic Church, Pouttret, near East street.—
Servieol by Rev. Mr. DuNAnoo, every second Sunday.
Oertnan Lutheran Church, corner of I•osetret and
lle.tford streets. Rev.]. P. Naschold, Pastor. sery ice at
10!;, A. M.
it - e• When chlngos in the above are necessary the pro
per perous are roclueeted to notify uc.
11,v, cliarles Collins, President and Professor of Moral
Rev. Herman M. Johnson, Professor .of Philosophy
ald English Literature.
.lames \V. Marsholl, Professor of Autiont Lftngunges.
Per. Otis IL Titfany,, Professor of Mntionnulics.
\Valiant M. Wilson. Lecturer on Natural Science and
Curator of the , Museum.
Alemunior Sellout,'Professor of Hebrew and Modern
Benjamin Arbogast, Tutor In Languages.
SA/11U0i 11. ilißman, Principal of the Grammar School.
William A. Snively, Assistant in the Grammar School
.Enudsbr, Dsoosn• ria..u..---Preeidunt, Richard Paticor;
Cashier, Wm. id. Bynum; Clerks, Henry A. Sturpon,
Joipeplt O. Huffer.. 1/treaters ) Richard parker, floury Sax
t John S. Sterrett, Joint Zug, Henry Logan; Robert
dlieere, Santee! Wherry, John Sanderson, Hugh Stuart.
Eutinian..asii VALLEY PAIL ROAD 00h1PANIN—PrOSidellt,
Frederick Watts; Secretary and Trocionrer, Edward H.
Itlddle ; Superintendent, A, F. Smith. passenger trains
t ,ebie a day Eastward, leaving Carlisle . at 7.18 o'clock,
A.M. and 8.18;O'clock,P; H. Two troina Limy day West,
ward, leaving Carlisle at 9 o'clock, A. H. and 2.20, P. M.
Ontr.csi.n 018 AND WAtElf. COWiNY.—Prosident, Fred
ariek IVatts; Secretary Lomita Todd; Treasurer, Win.
Si. Root:coil Directors, P. Watts, Richard Parker, Lemuel
'l' in. Win. M. Ductem, Dr: W. W. Dale, Franklin (lard
tier, Henry Glass.
, • ,
TATTitn. POFrAIIE.-L•-•ToAtage on ell letters of
on ova ,Luiglicor unilr'r, konts proluvidor 4 !lents un
p tll,,,;eseept Call6mnia and Oregon, which ere 6 cents
oe 10 cea,th • J '
na-v,ktges.--i'ostati,e on the 1112tamt---within the
anti., rian.' Wlthin the Stistol3 cent; par year. To
_the United Staten, 26 emits. •
l' , ;stwo uu ell tvansiunt papers - under • 3 ounces tin
w•O , ,tht, 1 peat*prispaitt or 2 eentis untpahl, •
bAzz:Listit. atrium:pm"
BO 6K:r.
COUR.T 110112 E.
I'v:ry 4rription of 113 nit nrul,.Tni)'Printing extrirt.64
n lid oh roantinatintetril,4:
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nounced the publication, by the Messers Ap
pleton, of this admirable Compendium of
Church Ilistur . l, translated by Prof Blumen
that, of Dickinson C,llego, and Rev. C. P.
Wing, of Carlisle, Pa. In some respects it is
the very model of a Compendium. All parts
of it arc elaborated with the most minute
care. Every word is carefully chosen, and
the result is a finished picture. It is a . miuia•
Lure painting. .The whole arrangement is ox•
ecedingly clear. A copious table ( f contents
and appendix make it valuable for referenc
No one in realing this book need complain
that church history is a dry study. TV
characters live again in the lifelike portraitureS
of Prof. !lase.
The author is distinguishe;Vill his own
country for his various compendia: His 'Life
of Chri , t;" his "Dogmatics:" his "Iluaunts
Redivivos," a representation of the Lutheran
system, with abundant citations; and this
Manual of Church History, all show a 111/I ,, terV
is the difficult art of making a digest, withou't
lain! , indefinite and abstract. So carefully is
the Church History executed, that it meets
the wants of the learned as well as of the on
skilled; while it can be folly appreciated only
by those who have a considerable acquaintance
with the subject, it Will also he interesting and
profitable to all who care fur hi-gtory. The
general reader will here find an accurate repre
sentation, from the author's point of view, of
the whole wide field.
Dr. Huse writes church history as an artist
Ile has not the deep feeling, the broad sym
pathy, or the range of i.ivestigation which
characterize the work of Neander; nor can h s
manual supersede the history of (lieseler,
which is indispensable to nor who NNinll I be
directed to the original sources. Dot it is
superior to both of these in graphic deserip•
tine. The author loves portrait painting—
Ifis charaiiters stand out distinctly upon the
C s a 11 V;IFQ.
The difficulties in translating such n work
must have bet n very great. It is eruditahlo
to our American scholarship that the tarp has
been so well performed. ft would be almost
impos,ilde to_y,produee many of the finest
touches, the shades of thought, the felieitou4
allusions, the dexterous turns of expression,
and the snhtle irony in which the original
abound's. S , far as we have exandn:d the
translation, it seems to us to have been most
faithfully and conscientiously executed. Use
ful literary references have been added, and
the section upon this country has been re
Dr. [lases work is composed inn free and
independent spirit.. He is attached to no
school or party. He opposes the Rationalists;
he is not altogether pleased with the Evan
gelicals; he holds controversy with the To
binge') school, against which he has just issued
a small volume. lie judges nit met. and
parties without reserve. He honors Christmu
feeling and reprobates dogmatism wherever he
finds them. His work should be. read and
studied with the same independence in which
it was written. His sarcasms remind one
sometimes of gibbon, but there is no levity
about them. He does not make Christian
history as orthodox as it really is; he does not
put the Christian Church in its highest place;
he judges Christian doctrines with doubts as
to its most definite formulas. But with theso
abatements, his work is still the most com
plete and artistic manual of Christian history,
in the same compass, that has yet been pro
duced in any country.—New York Euanyebst.
(Me.) papers bring us full accounts of the un
fortunate affair hi that city on Saturday night,
growing out of the opposition to the purchase
of some lil,qoo worth of liquors by Mayor
Neal Dow, for the use Ile .he Meld of the city
agency. Mr. Dow, it is alleged, made the pur
chase in New York, on his own responsibility,
nod by br,inging the liquors into Maine, it was
contended ho had violated the "Maine law,"
as the transfer to the city was not made until
three weeks after the purchase, and not until
after a warrant had been issued against him
for the infraction of the law, end then only by
his own casting veto in the Board of Aldermen.
While the Aldermen were in session the liquors
were seized by an officer, and here commenced
the excitement; The Argus comments with
severity upon the course of Mr. Dow in the
execution of the liquor brW, which, it alleges,
has excited much fueling against him. It ex
presses the belief that the purpose of the peo•
ple assembled was only to spill sonic of the li
quor which they believed to have been illegal
ly obtained, and that if ho bad not appeared
with ; the ,military, no serious harm would havo
been done.
. .
REJoicixa.—'rho New Orleapp,papers of the
Ist inst. are in eestacies on acoonnt of the re
frbehinif4ijiTth-cro - cm - Vio - driy.previous.--- The
Cr.oqueut says ,it..was a regular. "old fashioned
Mow Orlenna rain, s'ttell al`.4 'they used to ,have
in Noah's' tirnio Strearni 'that had been dry
for Six tuenthsAyere replenished,rnoterns
the. streets well washed, 0011,Negelatio.n given
;new life.
fur flit ,fitutilti
The municipal election in Washington city,
on Monday, resulted in the :election of .the
American candidate fitr-City--Collectdm-by_2o2,
majority, the American candidate for City
Register by 333 majority, and the American
candidate frr City Surveyor by 397 majority.
The same party have. also elected a majority
of the members of both branches of the City
Council, A telegraphic despatch says that
the average American majority on the general
ticket was 00, and that the Americans lost
six Councilmen, and gained four Aldermen,
lensing, them a majority of 15 on joint ballot
The 'Other fiemres,we give above are from the
Baltimore Sun. A telegraphic despatch from
New Orleans says that the mortality in that
city last week was 500 'including .f47"0 from
cholera. The Washingtion Union off ic i a lly
announces that Buckingham Smith, of Florida
has been appointed Secretary of the U. S,
Legation in Madrid, vice JI J. Perry, recalled.
Further advice' from California say that the
paper Pag,e, 'Bacon & Co. is selling at 50
per rear. discomit. A rich silver mine has
Leon discovered in Sonora. The Sandwich
Island Commissi Ter io the rnited States has
nu antlyrity to treat G.o•
News froty Virginia confirms the election of
S Carlisle, the American candidate fur
congress in the Ilth district. A fatal duel is
reported to have tat.e:l pliice in New York, in
which the challg , n: , •r, n Man named Leaven
worth, wa. and his antagonig, named
Breckrm 'Age, received a severe wound. The
vaarrel was about some offensive remarks of
Breckenridge, at n club room. Two mail
agents have been 'arrested and brood over at
New Orleans, to answer for breaking open pri
vate lotto-8.
The steamship Northern Light 111-rived
New York yesterlay, from San Jima, with
11•01i . ..N,02ti in gold, and late Californiu news.
The failure of Page, flacon Co , ' is n very
1,",1 one L a rg e quahtities of floor nn-J grain
Lave been shipped from California fOr New
y or h, net the prospect is that much more will
oem e. Neal .ftew has been negnitted by the
Court on the liquor charge at Periland. The
Coroners jury has also given a verdict in fa
or of the doing, of the noili , Tities fig4inst the
mob A railway mail train of ears W:11 thrown
ntf the track - near Worcester, 31fiss.ralo,Tuas
day night by some daring villains. who kied
up the rails, and put stones under them
Thr ong,ine was thrown into it ditch, the bag
gage car broken up and six persons hurt.—
Half a million of dollars in specie was in the.
train, and it was to get it that the attempt
was made. The money is safe.
The steamship Africa arrived at Boston yes
terday. The details of hei news will be four
in our columns to-day. It embraces much of
interest, but nothing specially important in
addition to what we have previously given,
A meeting of the City Councils of Philadelphia
was held yesterday, and some of the Amer'.
can members being absent at the National
Banquet, the Democratic and fusion majority
seized the occasion to elect Directors of Girard
College. Two Democrats were chosen, and
MtVoseph R. Chandler came neqr twin.; also
elected. The national banquet to the mem
bers of the American Convention, in session
in Philadelphia, took place yesterday, ut
Sansom street Hall, and was quite a handsome
affair. Mayor Conrail presided and spee c h es
were delivered by him and Messrs. Kenneth
Rayner, of North Carolina, 3. B. Ricard, of
Maryland, E. A. Andrews, of Maryland, and
The mail bring us full particulars of the
destruction by fire of the steamer Keystone
State, which occurred at Florence, on the
Illinois river, on Thursday night of last week
the 80th of May. Sho wns insured on the
31st. in St Louis, but as she was burnt the
day before, it was of no avail to' her owners.
The boat was four years 'old, •worth, $lB,OOO
and owned by Captain Ruggles and Willard.
There were lost in her 6000 sacks of grain,
and . 600 bbls. of whiskey, pork, Ste. The
two colored stewards and the colored chamber
maid are missing and supposed to be drowned
or burnt. „The wife or Dr. Greene, of Belk
ville. also jumped overboard and'utas drown
ed. Several other ladies.who Jumped over
board were rescued with difficulty. The New,
York Sun intimates that the. Kinney expedi
tionists haite sailed for Central Americti, with-'
out waiting- for the steamer Mlisstichusetts,
and thus by taking another vessel have eluded
the government , The, Washington :Union
gives nu otlicutl denial to the assertion of Cap
'tain Graben, owner ortlie steamer, that mem
biers' of the cabinet have given him to under..
Stand by letters that the geverninent •knew
nothing objectionable to the eitpetlitien of Col.
Kinney seat ef-govetnment in :Canada
to bo rcineed to Toroniti.' Sonie' d tif the
ilr'srelass lintett4 in Neiv York city hrive found
the recent advance in prices a•tspecu
;lotion, and have, returned to ,the:old
The New Hampshire- legislature will &ea,
United States'Senatorit on Wednesday next
IVF:DNnsnAr, Jurie
Tit rilsi)%y June 7
FIy,DAY, Tune 8
SATunnAi. June J
An election was held this week. in Illinois, to
test the popular sentiment on the ,prohibitory
liquor law. As far as heard from (sixty coun
ties) there is a majority of 30 for the law. It
is defeated. Col. Kinney, the alleged filli
buster chief, did not make his appearance yes-
tertlay- morning in the' IL S District Count, _a t
New York, and the District Attorney said he
had been informed that the Colonel had left
'the United States. This agrees with the in
formation in the New York Sun. The tunnel
on the line of the Cincinnati - Railroad caved
in lin s yednesdny morning, burying a dozen
men, who were nt work in it. Six were com
pletely buried, and the five following instantly
killed:—James Pierce,. foreman of the gang,
Dennis Dryman, John Collins,. Philip De Vero
and Patrick Hagerty. James Coleman was
also so badly injured that he is'l not expected
to live. An investigation of the cause of the
accident is being had.
''orimwsivir, DEFALCATION
TI.TION —The city of Lancaster WIEN thrown in
tremendous excitement on Tuesday morning
last, by rumors of n serious defalcation on the
part of tho accounting officer of the Institu
tion, CHARLES llotranrrn. At 9 o'clock a no
tice wns posted on the door of the Institution
that it would be closed until an investigation
of its nlrairs had been made.
A large crowd assvmbled around the Institu-
tionnony- of them persons of limited menus
having small amounts deposited, and some all
they possessed—the savings of years. It was
painful, says the Mang' Daily, of Wednesday,
to hear the lamentations of some of these,
whose all, though little, they considered as
having "taken to itself wings" and down be
yond their reach. No ili,sturbanee or violence
was nttemprod. We uriderstand that nn inves
tigation has been going on, for some days, on
the port at the Trustees of the Institution, and
that a rumor was prevalent on ,Monday that
all was ni-t right, in consequence of which some
ten thousand dollars of deposits were drawn
On Tuesday morning Mr. BorourrEn, the
Treasurer, was arrested On complaint of the
Trustees, end committed to prison for went of
bail, to await his trial, on a charge of fraud
and euthezz'etnent.
The amount of defalcivion is reported to he
$300,000, Before his arrest, Mr. Boron - mit
laid .assigned over to the Trustees, all his real
"tutu-antrictlier property. amounting in
to 4420,000, leaving an. unbalanced deficit es
timated at $lBO.OOO. The capital stock of the
NB6OO/ 0 11 was $50,000, till paid in, which talc
en fihtt i $150,000 leaves slBo,otlo to be lost
by thiqlepositors. The deposits are set down
at ‘illi,60 4 000; and from this statement it is es
titnaditqthat the depositors trill realize from
P 4: to . ::so.' . .per cent. on their deposits. Some
sonsinclined to believe that they'will eveetu
ally realiZe.the whole, and that the Institution
will he again put into operation.
' The Trustees of the Institution nre the lion.
E. Shaeffer, 'President, Col. Beni) Frazer, ilon.
C. Kieffer, Newton, Lightner, Esq., John S.
Gable end Adam Wolf, of this city, and Dr.
Jeremiah B. Stubbs', of Fulton township.
Theso gentle Men are all known to be men
„of means, of staid'and thorough business hob•
its ; and Who have never used the funds of
the Institution fur speculation. The defalca
tion rests alone 'upon the Treasurer, who had
so managed the matter ns to prevent detection
by the Trustees, until recently. The security
of Mr. Bountureat, OH Treasurer, GEOIME Kam:,
A. W,,RIISSEL .Ond HENRY REED, are bound in
the sum of $20,00..
The Daily, of Thurs2dny adds—the interest
in the matter of the failure of the Institution
seemed nearly as great yesterday its the day
before. The subject absorbed all others.
Many persons came in from the country, who
were interested in the Ilistitutitn either as
stockholders or depositors, but no new facts
of material consequence were elicited:
We are glad to learn, tbat the Trustees of
the Institution, and such stockholders as have
beeh consulted, are resolved to sustain it and
put it in operation again, provided their efforts
are seconded by the depositors, whose inter
ests, it seems to us, would prompt such a co
A Meeting of the stockholders rind deposi
tors is called nt Fulton 'Hall, on Wednesday
next, for tho purpose of receiving the report
of the Committee engaged in investigating the
affairs of the Institution, and of considering
any measure that he recommended to protect
and Advance the interests of the depositors.
The effort of the stockholders to save the In
stitution, is coratnendable, and it is to bo hop- ,
ed, will succeed, especislly when it is consid
ered that, such a result will bo beneficial to the
depositors. '
Mr. BotrairrEu still remains in prison, with
out any hope .of being released by bail. Ile
is visited by his friends whs speak of him na
feeling most sensibly the position he occupies,
and the great error be has comtni tod. •
address. delivered by him at .a Temperance
molting ind3rooklyn, Mayor Idatt. made 'the
following statmpent:
,",gore than three hurt
drokl ill used wives have Called upon me, since
the : first - Of January; to complain of their drun- .
kon•husbands, who squandered nil their mon
ey in ruin, and leftt.bentwithout the means of,
,support," lle,esiiinated the total expenditure,
for rum' in Brool v elyn, the cow's° of, a
year, .at near'thr'ec mations of dollars. ' i '
Sebastopol still Impregnable
The Vienna C onferenee to be Re-opened
Inuaens'e - Salen of cotton—Further Ad
vances—Brendstnffs Unchanged.
NO. 41.
ILtrantx, June sth, P. bl.—The Royal mail
steamer Africa arrived hero this afternoon at
20 minutes past 4 o'clock, with Liverpool
dates to Saturday, `the 26th ult., one week
later than the advices per steamer Pacific.
The advices by this arrival are interesting
and_ important.. The Vienna confererwes- are -
to he re-opened. A secret expedition is pre
paring in the Crimea for some important enter
prise. The siege of Sebastopol is uachanged,
the place still remaining impregnable to the
assaults of the allies. Gen. Pellis'sier, the
new French commander in chief, contemplates
making an attack on the Russians 41 the open
field. The motion of a want of .cotitidenee in
the ministry mule in the British Parliament
was unsuccessful. The latest intelligence
from the Crimea says that in an engagement
before the Flagstaff Kittery the French des
troyed the Russian works.
On the 2 1 )th of M.ty, Count Buol had an in
terview with Lord Westtnoreland and Count
Bourgueny, and suggeste i that tho members
of the late Conference meet again. The
French and English ..)linisters could not give
any reply, but it was understood that,if they
assent, Count Bwd, on the part of Austria,
would again attempt to arrange the third poin.
The Berlin papers report that the Austrian
mediatory I j /ropes:xis are that Russia and Turkey
settle between themselves the number of ships
cacti shill keep in the Black . Sea—England
and Franco to keep each two ships therein—
Tut key to µinlet take niit to enter into any
treaty with Russia, unless first submitted to
Feanee and England.
According to the Vienna papers the con
ferences would he re opened. A meeting
would be held on the 26th, without tho Rus
sian plenipotentiaries, and another,ou the 28th,
at which those functionaries would be present.
Lord Palmerston's explanations in Parlia
ment, in regard to this matter, indicate that
the meetings above referred to
.. would be pre
liminary only,
General Pelissier's appointment to the com
mand of the French forties proves to be im
mensely p +pular, and operations on a great
scale ore confidently hoped jor soon. It was
surmised that Pelissier would make a bold at
tempt to cut off Liprandi's army. It was
said that Omer Pacha had offered to take ai,d
bold Simpheropol with his Turki,sh troops it
the French support his advances. The secret
expedition which was recalled front Restsch is
reported to have again sailed—destination un
known. The recent arrival of three French
divisions makes the allied force about 200,000
tnen--any. French troops, 120,000; English
30,000; Turks 40,000, and Sardinia 11,000.
General Pellissier telegraphs under data of
May as follows:
"A eery lively combat against our most im
portant position lasted all of last night, but
we obtained complete success. The Russian
loss was enormous and ours . considerable."
The Patrio
,gives. some further information
of the affair. The French attacked the Rus
sian entrenched camp near the •Quarantine
bastion on the night of the 22d, and again on
the night of the 23d, and carried it by assault.
Correspondence from the English Camp to
the Bth says: "The army is well supplied with
luxuries ns well as necessaries. Some fever
and cholera still prevails." It. spirited en
gagement in a night attack on the, night of the
lOth took place, and was attended with con
siderable toss. It was repeated on the Ilth.
On the 12th a sortie was made against the left
attack. The Russians charged up the trenches,
and some leaped over the parapets, where they
were bayonetted. The loss on both sides was
severe. The British lost a captain, and over
one hundred men were put hors du combat.—
Oa the .lOth of May, Gortschakotf telegraphs
as follows: "The enemies' fire is weak, and our
lasses are moderate. Both sides are reparing
and erecting batteries."
A great debate occurred in the House of
Commons, on the 21th, on D'lttraelPs motion
of a want of conflatince,Nand Pxpresling dis
satisfaction with the ambiguous language and
uncertain conduct of the 'government Sir
Francis Baring, in behalf of the government,
moved an amendment regretting the failure of
the conferences, and promising every support
to continue the war. Ll'lsraoti and his party
lashed the gotiernment, especially Lords Pal
merston and Russell. ' The latter replied, de
fending' his couduot at Viennai The, debate
was continued on Friday, when, on a diviSion,
there were 219. for Insraell, 'and 319 - against
WS motion; consequently' the MiniStry stands.
On .the 24th, Lord Palmersten hadtaxidvate
meeting of the members of Parliament ip his
house, when over 200 were present.. He as
serted the unanimity of the government, and
- declared the-intention Of prosecuting the war.
The, proceedings striaref harmonious. •
It wee expected that, by June 20th every
availahle maw in Great Britain belonging to
the infantry reglinents will htiVe embarked for
the 'war. •
'lt was expected that an uncontlitional.parden
of Smith O'Brien would, be obtained.
Queen VietorhLwill visit Pariii on the 6th
of August.
Cotton'—Lgale of - p'oat week lnive leen
lltelargeAt on redord.,--Bredstufro—Tlatrcrket
is gen erall yi nehanged: ,- Went era Canal Flour
08(420; 'Olilo 96n¢tza Gti;•
,Wheat 2a a
12, , t 9kl; 'White Corp 6, stitil4 Oa; Yaloiir Aos a
61)3'; tritAetV e.lo4cilSOs; ' 4O 046. fifth IS een
fatibriebl&fdrtivelteeph. r., t l ,"
il'Au . 'kiTs;