Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 06, 1855, Image 8

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Cnufisfe Frobuce 3liarfirt
C-alisle, Wednesday Morning, June 6
FLOUR Superfine, per LLI
EYE do,,
WHITE WHEAT per bushel
do .do -
do -
do -
do -
do Ex Ern,
do Fnmily
!1) 111 vs; ED
11 UN EVENING, June 4
Fl.ilT'll AND MEAL. —TI1( re W7 , S more inquiry
, r Pour this morning. with Nir trnnnietions.
Sales in nil 1200 hhls Flownrd street hrntuls nt
Some holders, however, nre not dis
,',“pseti to take less than $ll. The recent ruins
Rktye hail some effect in causing hollers to
'give way a tritlo. Nothing reporie.l in City
`lil!s, we quote it nominally nt 10:Tra0;7410,S1
ilhi Flour held at ;till per Uhl. Rye Finny—
demand and small sales We quote at
,I'2 l , per IMI. torn Meal--There is an it -
6:t.ea•'.ug, ilmnanil for this article. We quote
untry at -1,7:;:k5.1,511. ,in .1 city innitunictuti
] '.or N‘ith sits
. Cr 1 -nrly i li l Lt. 0111 . ‘
ql.coit 510 Ipu-hels rod (no,:white) 0irt1,411.,•
' 1 1,,v 'we note so'ei of r. lat niol
NN hite volnina!ly at 2,10) a *2,I;()
11,1'14 ior lots tit 18 to
It: s. Co: 11--A at.lnand this morn
I,g. :in 1 I , l•;ces slightly
101-11:•1:: raid situ if,white
; A) , ln?I,0 Err Ini.licl. (hits—A t•h vn lc (b•
uod I vices 1 to '2 cents per bushel higher
ll ,nit 200 bushels tiered to day, and salt
f Itluryand and Vilginia et 1.5 n ecet.,
IrNnin at 67u68 cents, and Ohio (bits at
1,7 a r,ti cents bushel. Rye—About 12t,
I•ushels; Pt.unsyllania offered to-duy, and sold
t ::::•1,58 per bushel. No Mai:3lam! Rye of.
subscribers in la Menu, Ches
ter county, have obtained a fight to walce 111,1
Sul ALLEN'S MOAN ER AND REAPER. patellted 11th
mo. SthlBs3. Five hundred of the - iii1,11:!..141 were told
last season. and when well made give . mai - et:01 tatir
faction. A great nutuber of cirtiticates on baud to that
effort. The price to $lll5 with twoyutt'olll..
Tho Reaper and :Slower conil.lited lins a high filar:valet
re.elrlng premiums at ft number of County
well as at the late Ftate Fair. Price $l4O with toot ut
torn. To he had at W. ty. DINII.I , ,E'S Man itthetor.s . Vt. I.
or by addressing; early the subserilwrs rat Lreilikun
Cheater emulty. they will be delivered at ally slat It •u uu
Om Cumberland faller liail Itt:atl, the purell,er pas inF
the froklit.
aptil 11 '55
IN CIIINES.—MANNY'S latest. patent combiged
usta hie Reaper and Mower, with Wood's 1111111'01.111111t.
will be ofTered to the farmers of Eastern POTlTlNylvniil3.
fur the harvest of 15fi5, on usual terms, viz: $125,
er Anne. Customers would do well to send in their
orders early, as preeedeueo will he given to first orders.
April 11 :no. Harrisburg,
The undersigned respectfully informs the Farmers Cl
Is and the adjoining counties, that he continues li•
manufacture morn extensively than ever, 0, Ilussey's
1.0 generally in use, at tils ~hop three quarters of a mile
north of Hanover. Farmers wishing to engage ait
er, or a Reaper and Mower combined, for the next sea.
am, eon have their orders tilled with promptness by
sanding thom on immediately. The prices of these ma.
chines are us follows: .
Fora Reaper, - r - f:101
Fora Reaper mal Mower, from - - ,SlO5 to 12t.
f in, Address um through the Ilimover PnIA Mitre.
Yo At county, Pa. CONRAD 310111...
A - this.—W ml e
are now.pritpured to furnish IL It, In.ritsrs. Nowt
ANURE ENCAVAtOIt'S to farmers, Immediately 011
reielpt of their ord-rs. Which is warranted to answer
wall for clean' -..g stables, or gathering manure In barn.
yards, anti Coe same machine with a very slight alter
ation is also warratial to answer tier for elevating hay
in Herne than.any other ilook or Fork in .use.
--Prim 410,00 -parAnaehlue— For further,. particulars.
Address MIL HURST, New Cumberland, Agent for Cunt,
borhind County. ' npril 11.
LAID CASHMERES, &e.—The sub.
scriber has jitst opened' a variety of plaids a n d
I ties at roducod
a.w. ii IT.' :I'.
sTATioNERv sToBB, North West corner or filth
wal Arch Streets, Philailulphh.—GßEAT BA,prldS4S, IN
it .luvonllo, Miscellaneous Staintardlincl
Presentation Boohs, very cheap'
Superior Whit, Ruled Letter Paper at 1,59 per Ream
Lector and Note Envelopes in great variety.
wel.tingq Furnished at very moderate rates.
Card.: ‘l'ritten and Engraved.
Oillott's and other Steel Pens.
Soperi,r Mott t Waters, 323 on a sheet, for 25 cents.
lnkat•uuts. Penknives. Paper Weights, &v.
Fine Turkey Motored Porte Monnaies,
Part Odi,,s, Card Cases, BarkgamtnotT Boards, &v.
With a very large and ehoire asfortment oT
10 2 i
A 11,unt4, Sorap Hooka and Engra\•l - iitts.
may 2-1 y P. TIIOMSON,
. P./CK lI) 1K and DItESSINt: CASE
inufacquror, N.W. corner 4th and Chosnut stivots
iti7- \ I ways oil baud a large and %Irina assortment of
Port 1101ln:des, Rork Bozos.
P,n•ket 1\ 'ohs, Callas.
P.IIIII:or: las e s, Irrovellim; flags,
Note llold,rs, 11a•kl; a mtnnrt llourdg,
Port. F.tlios, ' (`hots - 3lon.
—llortablo.-Dask.s, .._ni,eii_d_mansdndlutn Books
Drossi t." CaSO4, Picot. Cast's, .tr.
Als t a !..ttitoral ;tssort.trutnt of Ent.tllslt. Fronott andnor
iwts Palter 1; , ) ,, ,15. fin, p•••liot entiory, Razors, Razor
..drtts and (told l'ons.
it,,:t Wit desalt, sortnd and third Floors.
ttprl i F. 11. 8111T11.
N.W. corner •Ith and Chesnut. streets.
N. the roreipt of $1 a euperlor bold
Lip s at to anv p irt of the c.oratry t) utsil—d•.rri him
p..a thus, 111,i111111. bard (a. soft.
FRENC II TItUSSES —hernia or
.11upturpsurro,p.fally treated. and stuifort insured,
by 11. , Of 11111 lillilVllll. Vi•oneli Trusse3. imparted by the
rlbor, mil 1111 In l t'i fir.ier expressly r sale,.
with 11 uptiire will be Irratifted t .learn
th it OP , now olb•rs to pr..ou re a Trlll...ii V 0110.111:
i t o t II:10110,A. with 0 1 4 . 1 . 1111r1.11111ty awl eup r et.l
.• lair kl , •ti ill. In 11•.11 01 the en:W.l.lns and mirdniforta•
1.10 utirla a>u 1111 sold. An extensive always
„p Ii tnd. adopt..l 1.. ever v variety of Rupture in adults
ibtren, 1111,1 f.r 1.1 lie at :1 11111:n of prie- P. stilt all.
l', of 'Sin,rlo 'Trusses. E,2, $ I, $1 1111fi Double, $l.
:I - , •11 , 1 ; 1 1111
41.1 •
111 n distant. 'NW 'MVO a rirlls4 .011 t 1.0 oi l y ad
rentittitvz Iho 11,1 1 .1111 . 'l.llllllllg 1111111,11r0 3r.10.1
hips. and st ttln. :0.1, ,?meted.
For Salo Whole,lle and Retail by the iropqrter.
(1%1..X11 11. NEElthrs.
S. \Y. eor. o f Tw.‘llth k , Ate , 1.111111,1,411111.1
h•.p..r Dr. Itsunio , fs I mprovel l'atont II sly I;roce
Ghost hep.ri,l •rs In I Eroctr . s. 'tracer: l'ateot
hr.) s•s; , u,pons .ry .I`cops and Sup
ports. 1.3 , 1 Itooins. with c p:•t ,I,t, lady
120 cent, 1.,
ON FIRE PRO )F SA FES, wiCh IlaTs Patent
-.0... 0 " hare a itnessed and lintu, test I.
admv I.) their a I.V1:1E FWANG tiro pr lid . qualities. More
the, Safes hare loon actually wild, and
I nt • till have passed triumphantly thrnc,ll
ae.-idental Th,i public are assured that all Safes
unit:t•tarr.l Lc the Stllo4 , ril , Vr.i are 'IA only guar:in
t-03 di he tuft o pill, but In ni.iny respects VVI.II
.r t liii ohi -11 hair been sn sevoiely tried In lire.
will r,r4rt their services in tit, burning, of the
• Tribune eitalrlidoueet, - New Vert:, and at the lireat
Sire in Strawberry street, at the largo tiro lust .lair.
app ',lto the tlirard and still more recently
in the Fire at Fifth and Chesnut sts , In the city of
I.hillelphi 1., In which these SArit3 4attne forth the ric
itnewle4ed thi.otrioN, when many other securities
Inns Sara t'in 13t7in IMF" MAKI:RS, 4 -
31 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.
Chilled Iron Fcifoo, with Powder Proof Locks, intinn.
:a.ttnrel oxpreosly for littnks, Brokers, Jewellers, and
csinlrlng 50,11rity front roAttoo. Bank Vaults.
It tor, ko. on It tritl :Intl mato to ordor. All the must
ettlehrateti Lotto; fir Kali' at 1111 11 nlitrt urorre prices.
•'Salanittriers — and •• Troe
of other makers, have been taken In part parr.
:mint, for Herring's for sale at 11 elf prire. 01.1.11
":tkluing. do Yarn, Carpet Chain. Canon Yams,
he offer., to sell al tho I..west Cash Prices at No.
dLorliet Street above Si cud, North side, Philadelphia
jpA 3111,'S 31' CIA I. vruo K, M. 1). ,—Late
41. Profess .i. of Anatomy and inner; lit th , . Phil:Mel
, . hla of llediefnr, and .leting Professor of Mid
wifery; one of the Com:tilting Physielans of the Phil
adelphia Hospital. Illookley; late member of tto Na
ti mal Nfelleal Association; member of the Philadel
phia Mo•lioal Society; member of the Modleo.Chirtirgi
eal 0 Alm:a - M . Philadelphia: formerly President and
Professor ,d• Anatomy and Surgery in Castleton Medi
cal Odle vr., Vormant; and also, lute Professor of An
atomy and l'lsysialogy in Berkshire Medical 'lnstitu
tion, Pittuiebt. Mass., &v., &c.
!Int lately introduced in u popular form. several of hit
vorite preseriptions for the principal diseases of this
(inmate. 'file name of eleh tartlets x ill imply thu dis.
0:‘,0 for which It is intended to be lI,LI.
Ds. Mel!iaN l'ot'it'S...M.a AND COUI7II %SIT:U.—For C"ltls,
Conchs, &c.. Prieo 25 its.
D.I. M ,- C!.IITGeK'S A5T113.1.1. Aso lIVOPING COUGH HT.:BE
RT. I'ri s) 50 cis.
Da. MeCiaNrocii's TONI(' AAA e.R.ti k.TIVE St are—For Pm
rlf , .. inf. the Blood. Pries I.
Du. )Icci.: \ lOCK'S Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving tone
f, t 11 0 sla nt,ll, relies in 4 pains after eating. boarthurn,
and „ii di...,„ 4 ",,,04,. symptoms :aiming from iinligetlon.
Price il.
Du. Meetivroes's iturrm 5Th) MIXTURE—A Purely Ve
getable lltnnedy Mr internal use. Price 50 its.
Da. itirthaNroes's iIiiIMMITIC LINIMENT—FOE Rheuma
tism, Sprains, Swellings, ate. Price 50 etc.
Da. Met`mxToctes ANonvss MtxruitE—Por Pains, Tooth
ache, Headache, Neuralgia, Ac. Price 511 its.
curd fir all Intermittents. Price $l.
VENTIVE—.A Safe Remedy.
Costiveness, lloadoehe, &e. Price 25 ots.
Da. MeCt.7eies:ANTl-1111.1011.1 PILLR—For Irregularity
in the Funetl its of the Liver and llowols—the best Liv.
or Pill made. Price 25 ets. a box.
For sale by Dr. J. McCIANTOCR, at his Medical Depot,
N. W. Corner NINTH . and FILBERT Streets, Philadel
phia, and all Drug4ists. It.mggists and Dealers in Med
eines itt Ito wish to be Agon:..s, will
,please address Dr.
McClintock, furnishing reference, numo of Post Office,
county and State.
IYst For sale by W. A. Kelso, Samuel Elliott, Carlisle.
.1. 11. Criswell, Shippennburg; Emininger &Co., 1.. Ka off:
man, Meehanicsburg; Joseph Ilerroit. Newville; J. B.
Zimmerman, .k inlorsonburg; Haines at Pertl4, Millers
tow it ; A. C. Klink, Now lthanntield; Harriet Ti!. Singer,
No wport; It. P. (lardner, York Springs; A.J. Miller and
.1. S. Nixon, Chamborsburg; B. Mentzer, IVaynesbort).;
llearge Bergner and 1). R. Jones & Co., Harrisburg..
DR. MeOI.IN'OOCK eau he consulted, without charge,
daily, from Di to 12 o'elock, A. M., at his Depot. .
December 43, 14154-Iy.
_ of you who Intro boon afilictod for yours with this
- bothursomo' diseasa, and who have boon lasing nlmost
'ivory Nostrum beforo tho public without relief, we say
to you try " Klotlees Dyspoptio" and you 15111 soon
.hu.courillood'of its..ttruat. superiurity_over_orery other.
preparation. We could slco you ina4y ourtitiout..scoreb.
orating our assertions, but a cilia trhil is worth 'norn
than all. This remedy is prepared and sold at the Drug
Store of D. J. NEUTER, Mouth Ilanovor street, n fow
doors south of the Court llonso, Carlisle.
'au - der Praof baoks, a hit Is wei .-
yara to Nodal.. at the
Vol Id's Pair, lealdoll, I , and
Is. at the World's Pair• :\ eNt .
ork, and . 51. The sul.seri
a, are the sale mall a facture,
sad Idaprietok's In this Slate sul
he alms, lane itialled Safes and
ntks. The reputathai of the
rnutno i IVorld
Ide, and f.r the last thirteen
, ars the taer,...antile cannot' ity
4.11 kinds of Printing done hove.
UtiTlioart tafil.V,
Stores alit) Sljops.
- 1 1 4 ALL STYLE OF HATS for 1854.
k (s DAME KELLER respectfully fIIIIIOIIIICeS to his
old Patrons and the public generally that ho has just ro
colved the RAI.I. STYLE W/ tiENTWIEN'S
WITS, ninnuthetured at ono of the best establish
='' meets in Philadelphia, to which ho invites special
attention. •
Ito has also constantly on hand a large and varied as
sortment of his own manufacture as well as city made
I fats and Caps, suitable for the season, comprising every
variety of Russia., Beaver, Moleskin and Silk flats. fin
ished In the latest style, together with a full assortment
of CAPS of every shape and description, and at every
price. Ile particularly invites the public to call and ex
amine his exioinsive assortment, which in style, ache
riti and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market.
and which he is able to put at prices lower than ever.
Remember his old stand on North Hanover street, be
t aeon 1111111 PCS and Sencr's stores.
WM. 11. TROUT, desires to inform his old ft lends
that he has removed to his 11E.W establishment on High
street, near the Railroad Depot, Mid is DOW opening a
/..12 large and elegaut . assortinent of the FALL STYLE
6.41 - 1 n.m. just receiverom Piladelphia, which
4.4 the gentlemen of Carli d sle f are re h quasted avll and
05111111[1e. Ile has also it large assortment Of .•.•7111t, Fur
and Slouch Hots uc his own manufacture. got up in the
hest sty he and at various mires. the oseellente and finish
— tirwifieliThe WI WalTaTI . Is stuck lie is confident 011.
' ly 'needs to ba examined to he approved. Also, ala roe
supply of Men's. Bay's and Children's CAPS, of Cloth
and Fur, and of every variety of style and'prive just re
volved from Philadelphia. Let all who want a flat or
Cap give him a call, as they may he sure of being suit
ed to their own satisfaction.
131..A5S ANI) QIT.F;EN
ty.t It E—Old housekeepers and '•oring, with thos
also who are' expecting to beetune housekeepers, are ins it
ed to call at HALBERT'S FAMILY GIIDCERY and I's
It his elgenutassortnwntof China, (Hass and Queen s
ware and otlit , r articles in the housekeeping line. such
as French and English ten sets, heavy 141110y4:old plain,
NVitita t; rani te, glided and Nue plain, Dinner sets of ev
'cry, vl . trietv and price, bowls and pitchers, tureens. dish
es. lass-ware—contro table and mantel lamps,
Candelabras and other lamps. great rarity. table and bar
tumblers. goblets. AT. Fruit and preserve dishes, In a
riety. Cctlar-Ware—tubs. bizekets. churns, )n is Is, 1-111 ter
prints a tot ladles, meal bucket 5..t.e. Thrushes—.sweeping,
white wash. scrubbing, hand and shoe brushes. dusters,
)14111.,4, chiles and travelling I askets.
Ab ) n choice ass, rtmont cf Tolcirce and Nee/11 - s. hall
VI. who arc fond or choice brands ~r S.• gars mid try 1h•
Principes. Regolias. 11.11 , 1.1.1:errIll , :i varieties.
lott pot will find I 11,1, flr 1111i11111PalquILII, Ads,.
11.111 . Spatilsh and ronnn”n Pega u s. with (1.,d,0 snug and
11()11 Tim M11,1,1()N
40 ,Pn , ,
•• • -
.111:a I'Vel•ll'ing my Frill
t I. /f lAI I II 1:XI /1:xl /..
SAY nide!) surpass In style. quality
i t"
1111,4 price any that ha% A' ci
ion exhil:eted in Carlisle. I CCS111 ,, lf1111) 11' licit n call
inns persinis In want et Paper des , Hie
lin. as I alit Pi,I1f1,1••11l. 1 , 1 a'' ,,, l'tlllll.lll. fur stirp:/,, , any,
in the linixeczli: 111111 iu /4) le stud liriecs lists but f a r
ral~ in the city. I only ash at the public to call and ex:
.ireine toy Jusairtniant ladiere put rhashoz. as I tin Cllllll
- my chaste dx•signs cannot fail to please the most
fast:Wiens. • JOHN I.
'West side of North Hanover St
IE !—Cliolora
j ninrhus. Dysentery, filarrlera. &r., are mak in:
then appcarane. Von I. nun the retnedy. I r yon c
ray ri!aril for the wel l /fire :if you/self, per nr yew
children, supply youraelxiis with Awl!.
I,lisS CORDIAL. of horn isr ehide the ~n, eiwetwe
adherence tn old niiackery.
)latchless Iteineily" can he had at the St: re . r
It. J.
South Ilaitever str(Tt, n few doors south of the t',-art
1)0( )TS AND SHOES. The subscrib
) or }tar now on lintel a very extensive and w e ll cc
-1,1”41 st , d, of It 0 0 T S and 8 it O E S.
which he will sell at unusually low prie
es. Purchased from windesale dealers.
at low rates. he ran offer such induce- •
ments to purchasers as will make it. their illt”rest to its
it his ostablishmont. • Ile has every article in the In-ot
and Site line—for Ladies' or Oontlemens' wear—he
therefore deems it unnecessary to particularize.
AZ Persons desiring good and cheap goods are Invit
ed to give Win a call. _
, K COAL, now on hand and
• 'EI: receiving at the following :
liattiddo Limo Ceal - - $2 50 to 2 ito
Stole. - • 2 00 to 4 50
Lykens Valley Limo - 3 71 to 4 00
Stove - - - 4 no to 4 75
Phno Grove Limo - • 71 to .1 od
• Stove 4 70 to 5 nu
Vittston Stove Coal - 5 WI to 5 rpt)
Coal, per bushel, - 22 to 2:wts.
tri;i_Also LUMBER of all kinds. Common Boards and
Scant Lit 4 from $lO to $lB -per-100 feet. Fir: t-Con:111011
and Panel according to quality.
decl2.---3m S. M. lICIOVEIt.
ear : , r I E AS, 4T11:1 , : —.
R I E The subscriber has just
added to his former stock a general selection of
Gni WERIES, as well as all the (Abel variety of articles
::Thusually kept in tt , flrocery Store, eminucing Itlo
! , iX!I/relfee—ronste,l and green—at 11.!!,e. and 14 rents
lb" Orleans, Clarified.Crtwhed acid Pulverized
u,.2;rlrs, of fine qualities: . Chocolates, Spices, pairY
Salt, aft(' a variety of Fancy articles; all of tvhich are 0.
bored itt the lowest cash prices. We are thankful for the
refiner support given its, and Invite a further call frets
our friends and customers. J. W. EDI%
'tlarlon Hall, Carlisle.
VEW 0001)8.-11e subscriber is just
opening a fresh assortment of very CHEAP (7001)S
Morzht at redueml prices. Call and see them.
Aug. 2.;. WM. W. lITTN 1:1t
Tons Lytton's Valley Nut Coal, n Eupert..r urtide
receiving an.l for sale
.laulu :4U W. B. MURRAY, Agt.
mars that he lu•eps conston
tly on hand n supply of tho "Shinuansegner," an mind
rade Wash for the hair. manuffirtnred by himself. The
excellence of this 'Tonic is testiged to by all of his cus
tomers who have used it to ho 0110 of this hest articles
known fur cleansing the hair of dandruff. Ile also man
ufactures a Hair Restorative, known as the "Cernsbets
nuns," fur giving new growth to the hair on held beads.
Ample testimony exists of the efficacy of this excellent
Restorative. While the Shemansagner clears the hair
of dandruff and prevents it from coming out, the Co
-111511001111111 supplies a now growth to tllOOO who have
huh tin, misfortune to loco their hair. The public Is In
vited to call, examine and purchase thesis invaluable
articles, es ho is I.olllldont they will render satisfaction.
811AMPOONING attended to In the best style as usual,
at his old rooms on West Main Street, near Merton
Carlisle, Pee. 27, IM-1. WM. BURGESS
rt l , 4 E.W tt ff C A RRIAG E FOR S A
rst-rata a Family Oarringo for ono or two horses. It Is
strongly built of the beat materials, and will bo sold low
for rash. Apply to
tintreti74lni WI. D. SEYMOUR
(`TORN siruILLERs.---x
,/ ENT CAEN Sur:Licit, decidedly the host and cheap.
eat In'oc In use.Earinorn atro retiner.tod t. ..4,11 and ox•
amine kt at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop, or
at Saxon's Hardware Store. ~„.For tole at reasonable
prices by I •
Aug. 2'
S 11-F.I.DON
11 ERE 18 IV 1 T,
:011 NEED AT ritEsENT
—The subscriber respectful
ly informs the ladles and
!,unitlemen of Carlisle and
delnity that ha has now on
land at his Hair Dressing
Lind Shaving. Room on W es t
divot. an elegant a'Ssortmet
lentletnen's With S. a nd can
furnish to order at shortest
aotice every kind of flair
Work of the best quality.
Ito Also begs leave to in
rm his friends and custo.
k LAND COUNTY.—The undersi•med respectfully
olfors himself as a mmlidato f;a. the office of STI Kill IF.
and solicits your staftragos, at the ensuing Election.
May 24111.1855. WM.
How often it happens, that the wife lingers from
!ear to — Year in that pitiable condition as not even
lir one day to feel the happy and exhilarating influ
loco incident to the enjoyment of health
But a few years ago in the flush of health rrnd youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, end apparently in
explicably, becomes a' feeble, Richly, sallow, debili.
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,.
spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress
.1 ) 1 4 1C1 COU R I O F QI A WIER of suffering, and an utter physical rind mental pros-
SES.SIONS.—AVI:REAS: The .lAmps li, (1", tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and
.lodge of the tier eral Conrts of Common plainest rules of; ( bealth as connected with the mar-
Hess. of the counties of Citinberlaini. ferry and Jul - nags state, the violation of which entails disease,
min, and .i lee the ss.ei,d courts of Dyer and Te - Buffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often
miner and letioral Delivery in said i-outies: mai HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN
lin. Samuel woodlairii and ll on . Joh n R upp.
of the Court a o)er and l'erniiner and General sail
' ''Delivery, thr the trial of all Capital andothor otremileis UNTO THE THIRD AND FOURTH CIENF.RATION,"
in tint N. id County of cumberiand, by their pi eeept, Transmitting CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA,
to tee directed, dated the 24 tit of May, l have ordered HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, GOUT,
a Special Court of Quarter t•tissinais of the Pelll`l.. to Le KING'S EVIL, and other and
holden at (arlisle, in anti the County of Canal er- worse Diseases, as a
laud. on Thursday the 2.lst flay ..f June. A. D., ISM), At
the l'utiti vonom•RADg at DI o'eloeh A. M„ of DREADFUL INHERITANCE
said ikty, and that nil ire thereat' Le give,, by the clerk FROM
oi sand ProinWrry — prit7ll - earkUly
Ittirtalgil 11. r Om.° sueeesslve weeks
eandbluto for the otfico of SHERIFF of Cum
berland county, and pledge myself if olootod to discharge
the duties of tho office to the hest of my judgment and
ability. ROBERT MoCA ItTN EY.
Carlisle, May 23,
Itv the Court,
wit n ess my hand and seal of said Court at Carfish
the '2: , th day of Bay 1K.3.
.101 IN 31. 0111:60, Clerk
INjOTICE.—In the Court of Ctinunon
tri,•Asof Cumberland tat. August
Suhpa•un sur 1111.1ree, ecru II by her
, itetefatlier and next friend, John hitiler. Ts. Jelin
Saint. vs. Sam e. No. 1, Noveniher term. 1,54. :Viias
.111.111'11,0t ilivoico r ,,,ZLui . .i6aina and aline sal pima
has in v. hsnial ahove. :lad due prof
Made that the said John Ittialivs is not 1.. t , und in
said County: Now y o n, the said .14.11i1 Ilnalies, the res
-3r4. hr roliy notified to hi , and aliii,•av on the Ist
day of the rest term. Leiria . Ilie 27111 day of A tigitst next
to:l.ll,4We'. to the sunlit •,111plaiut.
Inch: I'll mcDArtmosn,
FjST:IT E F J(7)1 IN It EE ' .l), de( cased..
•- given that Letter,, of A on the estate rit' feed. late of is di
, aeil. hen e )1,11 Issued by the lennilierland
Conn tv. t 11 e subs, ibex, ri siding in New C0m
1....1 land county. Pa. All VerBollA 1,1111. theloget,e,
11,11•1 left Li estate Ale required to make
pat Illelft, nun 010, hen lot soot tiff yo li r
settlement to 1.1 . ,
011( 1.:!) BRIDGE
--Th. , Couunis. i , vers , r cum) 1•11 Ina comity „ill
recd , .' pt oposals at their utllee untilthe 1 t'i
, lay nit dune mud : for the liiiildhie, of it Nu 1111...\
itit I DI.; tiimosii the ('lie doguiriel m lime the mail
leading Nl't lure's liap to Siliitint , 'rococo said
oreoli, near Frain ' s II ill. 111 the ton iiship of !Vest n.•
borough, ethltilit , llllV. The bridge to 1017 of the
f1i11101,1 , 415. tto :—Tio contain ill it•llf.tit
feet to the dear csiont one nbutuient, t, the Other, t. 1 e
It. feet (rimy out to nut. and to be I'l feet high from the
floor di square of the roof. t vii bridge to be di uhle
tMored ,Ith two Inolt the lOW en Ilisir to be pine
and the upper their' to 1 e in - id raised in the
iu in, lies and well Tine bridge r„, tie el
to extend Limn abutment to rilititnieht, the root lieu
arid., to lie tirst quality of timber. `hid l ridge ti lie
elosidy tt Mil ind•lA NVitil iitia*ter Dub pine
hoar& well lapped: line entire roiling /WIT ii gum d nod
pine 'I he root - ii ,'treed at
rash end of the bible,. 111 fret .1“ . 1 - tile live! it tilt' and,
tool on each rifle or on• bridge over the n wither
hoarding tiro feet. All 01 the woodwork outsidelii lie
• ' , tinted with 1 . gis prim: it well, of is bite
lend min.d W ith tithed linseed oil; the !WSW(' of the
no de, k to hale two gir lid r , ats of s, ti,h Inn,-
stonework L. lie s : Two abutments to be
burst Aft A soIIJ f uu , ini ton, subjeei to the app rot n 1 id
saint Conimissionvis. to be In site tit Ott! feet nt the
bottom, nut to he fret 1,1:11 fri in low water murk to
the l'Orti. 'hie or top ( rahntincntg; to bp built of good.
hard large stone and iii, e and retorter, with a hal
tering wall id one inch to the root on three sides of the
111111tIllelitti. With Wing Wails 011 Oftch side of the SOW
to extend on the north side fifteen feet, runt on
the south side feet in said lit Mee: said wing wall ,
to ills °rile to suit the rand. The said it lug nalls to be
five feet thick at the abutment, with a battering of ion:
limb to the font to the top of the filling and extend' 1
in that 111:11111er on the Li, o extriiims until it meets the
road With All 11Sitent not uncle of 11, o 11,
vro. , . W 111, curtain war.. nalls suilti lout lei gt h.
height and titlektim.s. ;mil to be well rut ered W !tin pm.
shingles, he said work ileserlbeil M.o.e to le done iu
A giftiti Anti WOrklflllffilke 1113111fler. the lIIIIKAfeWort
Pointed from the hod: of the ;Ointments.
shall consi<t of earth and stone well put denim the un
dertaker to furnish all niatorials n t his oW n
rind Lt give sunnily as the Cirutnissiiitmr , shall,equine
for the Willful li...form:trim of the workmanship nod
permanence .1 said bridge, for and tinting the term Of
seven years from tint' time the said Midi-re shall lit rim
W . :11. 31. 1 ;111AM,
Cemmisskner's Office,, May '2:l.
LIAILLISLE 1)1..:1'()S1T BA NK.—
‘ sm:OAL DEpoNiTs .kill be recut% ed at this Bank f,
any length of thee over ft.ur months. and intere,.t paid
nt the rate of Fut' it PElt per annum, and the
principal paid lentk at any time after maturity without
notice. Interest Ceill4CS /Liter the expiratien of the timc
specified ill the rortilieato, unless renetted for anethe,
given peried, In Si hielt once the Interest ts paid up no
tll the time or the I enepval. Bank opens at U o'clock, A.
M. and closes at '.!u'eltibk, P. M.
It. PARKER., Presith , lit.
W. M. lIKETEm, Cashier. tirr2s
aT 0 'l' IC E.—To the !heirs fl u b leg; 1
iteimesentati ve of M.\ HY A. KI•IEPERS. late of
the borough of Carl isle, 'Take Notice, that by vir
tue of a writ of Partition and Valuation, i.wstyvl out o f
tho Orpitati's Court of Cumberland County and to tiw di
rortett, I ,t 11l hold an inquest ill di, id°. raid Or Vidal. the
Beal Estate of iferM.. on the pretith-to , , uu Till 1:F,
DAY, the :list day of May. A. U. Isr,n. at
it twit and where you tun, attend If you think proPcf.
Jik4:l'll , 3ll4).lltMOND, Sheriff.
Shiners Ofilve, Carlisle, May 2.
SSES.M ENT. -- Notice is hereby
given that an assessment of FOUR PER CENT
Kati hero laid nu the premium notes of the Cumberland
Valley M a tun) Protection Company, which were in Dare
on the 15d.11 day of Itlarrh last. 'I ho members of said
Company are here' , y 1 . 0 lulred to pay the pro rata to
tho authorbted Collechtra or Treasurer of the Company
within thirty days, in aceordanee with the hy-Laws and
Charter of said Company. Ity order of the hoard.
may 2 TOIIN T. OltkiEN, Sevey.
A ss ESSMENT.—The members of
11 the Allen and East Pennsboro . )lninal Fire tnsm
same Company ; tire hereby notified that a tax of FOCH
PElt CENT. has 1 een laid on all premium notes duo on
the 84th day of Mandl last. and that a Coliet for will call
on them f i r the purpose of coil...Alm: immediately.
apr 8. , C,w LEWIS JIVER, Seery.
For many years It has boon the of ofdeopest t•tudY
with chemists and others, to produce a fluid that, Sr
plied to the hair. would cause it to wave and curl equal
in beauty-to the natural curl. THE KIIOLLIAIION to
the only article ever offered to the world that nilt effect
this most desirable (ed. But three or four applica
tions are necessary to curl itas much as may be desired,
and for any length of time. Front the many tot timonials
of those who have used It, the subscriber does not hi sb ,
tate to warrant the erollerion to give satisfaction, and
prove as 14,e , allelailat in till eaSeN.
. .
The reveille tin. making with full directions fur use,
will be sent on the receipt of end dollar, trust paid. The
Ingredients rill not cost over 12 roots. •
Dite, t to
April lti,"Ni
dia star!: of needle worl;ed Collars Under.
V ,17:>eleoVeS, Flouncing, Shoo isotts, fbont two of
wo of the largest importing houses In ;"'e
York. which WM be sold at Prlees truly asroillsblng'at
the duet') store of OUILBY.
Nay, Ptb, lsts,
11. A. 11{1 , 21IONT,
Warren, Trumbull CO, 0
"And must this continuo this Im? Ia thoro no
remndyP No relief? No l po nt ,
The remedy Is by knowing the carmen and avoiding
them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them
These are pointed out In
• rrtorkon OF DISRAHI.I; OP WOMIN.
One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), 18m, , pp. 250
A standard work of established reputation, found classed
In the catalogues of the great trade sales is Now York,
Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal
°Gaseliers in the United States. It was tl 'at published
in 1847, since which time
have been seta, of which there were upwards of
sttesting the high estimation in which it Is hold its a re
liable popular Medical
the.Antlfor latch, devoted his exclusive atter lion to the.
treatment of comrditints peculiar to females, In respect to
which he is yearly consulted by thousands both in person
and by letter.
Hero every woman can discover, by comparir t her mvn
tymptoms with those described, the nature, _Miracle:,
canoes of, and the proper reme , lles for, her enmptaintg
The wife abotit becoming a mother has often need of
instruction and advice of tho utmost importance to hot
future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for.
bida consulting a medical gentleman, will Owl finch in
ph-nation and advice, and also explain many s}mptonis ,
which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm an ati.
the pectdiaritieß incident to her situation.are described
How many aro suffering from obstructions or irregular
Rios peculiar to the female system, which utelermiMe the
health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and 'tot
which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice.
Many suffering from prolarus uteri (falling of the womb),
or from fluor a/bus (weakness, debility, &c.) Many are
In constant "agony for many months preceding confno
meet Many have difficult If not dangerous deliveries,
and slow and uncertain recoveries. Borne whose lives are
hazarded during such time, will each find in its pages the
means of provention, amelioration and relief.
It is of course impracticable to convey fully the varion
subjects treated of, as they are of a natnro strictly In.
tended for the man-led or those contemplating marriage.
Reader, aro you a husband or a father? a wife or a
mother? Have you the sincere welfare of those you lore
at heart? Prose your sincerity, and lose no time in
learning what =tines interfere with their health and hap
piness not less than your own. It will avoid to you. tint
yours, as it has to thousands, many a day of pain sad
anxiety, followed by sleepless nights . Incapacitating the
mind for Its ordinary arocntion, an exhausting. tilos*
means for medical attendance, medicines and advorti,c/
nostrums which otherwise would' provi.lo for declining
yenta, the infirmitio.4 of ago and the proper etlucationftl
your children
In consequence of the universal popularity of the work,
as evidences] by its extraordinary sale ' various impost
Vona hare been attempted, l'l.l %sell on booksellers as na
the public, by imitations of tale page, 'iqvirious editions,
and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and Mimi
leviers and deceptions, it has been found necessary,
therefore, to
to buy no book unleAs the words "Dr. A. M. mAturcn7,
1::9 Liberty Street, N. Y.," is on (and the entry In the
Clerk's Wilco on the back of) the title page; and bey
only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by
mall, and address to In-. A M. Mouriceau.
AB" Upon receipt of One Dollar "THE MAR
PANION" is sent (rnadoi free) to any part of the
United States, the Canadas and British Provinces.
All letters must he post-paid, and addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAURICE/IU, box 1224, New-York Ctty
. .
Publishing Office, .No. YZI Liberty Street, New
iThc und,,,,i g ,,,,1 hut, just returntrout bli
tutted i,.1
. it!) a fresh supply of 11111.isIand CONIVEcTIIiNAIt\ --
The fmoner in conneetion with Lis stock on hand o 111
1.4:11.c Ilk 3:-% , IADILIFIt orilralgti, Medicines a nit.f, lictil i 4,1: 1
complete. II Is oss , mtment of et INI , Et ITI ON'A it Y is . i , -
f ne: conslting of pure sugar white and tianspaim.t
Candy Toys; Ciindy,emunion, assm ted, and tine Candi, s
ot °vet,. varlets; also Frults, Nuts, and every I Id ,
belonging to that department of trade. Ile would cto
special attention to his supply of FA.NCY AItTICI.I :4
for the I lolidayo, and general use, inning which may I
found the ~ ,s m il. the tasteful, and the useful. Ail ale
Int fi t ted to call AN heater they wish to perch, so or in .t. ~.
.It. J. El EFFEIif
Carl6lo, Tiers .64
IF OT` s - l'A TENT F A
it" 1101LEIt.S.—These POHirsS an advantage ovt , t nli
others In being made ith outside iron camng, Nl 111
greatly "OCGllollliSeti feel and prevents less of heat. 1I y
ale made of ittrious sizes. from 10 to 126 yodb,u,,, '1 hi p
are portable, anti may be set in the Litchen for ht,u,e
hold use, or out of doors convenient to the barn, 1 ig
pens, Ac., for ladling food for stock. Vor sale by
Agricultural Warehouse anti seed store, N. E. corner
of 7th and Market streets. Philadelphia.
4, - ,Z ET TLINO UN—The subscribers
have put their hooks Into tho hands of W. C.
1:4 for settlement: Office in Main street nearly opposite
Marlon Hall. All persons who urn Indebted to us will
please call Immediately upon him and save thennielves
urthor trouble,
• April IS, IS $. 'WEISE & CAMPBELL.
01—A full supply of the above celebrated Churn_now
on hand of all the different sl/es, from 4 gallons to P.
It received Ihe first premium at the late l'annsylvtoda
State Fair, the first premium at the Franklin Institute
and Delaware mid Maryland State Fairs, and verionA ,
others at different places. It will make more 'hod tatter
I nVer fr4n a glVell amount of cream, niol In lesg time
than any churn in the market. _ For Fah) )111p10:4rit_plitt
retail 'lyi ' PASCUAL'. MOI U A:
vieultural Warehouse mid Seed Stare, corner of l'ltt
and Market. I'hiladelphia. Pee. 11, ISSI--tr
>eeitM. FRESH SHAD.—A fe
barrels of prima %n.l SIIAP, ju=t
received at WII.I.TAMS." FAMILY (1110C111 0 . - .
• april 11. .