Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 06, 1855, Image 6

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occasionally meet with ilews
i gip. r articles, written for the day, in the
1!11TY of editorial life, which would do
,nor to the finest writers _of English
~nguage. We have rarely seen fancy,
:koetry and philosophy more beautifully
:nobined than in the following thoughts
):1 spring, which we copy from the Lca-
Spring Time of the Year is Coming
The snow-drop rises up timidly from
till' earth, and opens upon a world (R n
with the relic.; of last years flow-
And yet it is FO fiesh, - So green; Fr ,
:nialthful, that it seerns as if it Were
a:iver to decoy and die. Its beauty is
it a Odle: of Chance. but of design.—
whole mass of the earth front role
and trout centre to (irenli,f. r
a r. mu:4 hove hien taken into the
...iount ;11111 weighed in !odor that jut
'hi pr ,, per degree of stren;_ t th, might he
to its steni. At a certain stage,
ind its head bows, and
after a while the health of the
requires that it shonld.lift iti,elf up
!Hort , . \Vero- the bulk of the earth
r kss, the fihre would l etio weak
n- ;Inll this flower could nut
'l‘ p. , pktualed. And so tut) up to tile
of its perfection, all the ule-
ColltribUtC to its ptogres
imi se,qii as if made Lut fur this and fur
,11 , ,ne. The frosts of winter are fla
t ire great ploughshare to, stir the
4ruulid, and the snow affords it a warm
•r:oring for the delicate root, the rains
;oftun the earth around it, and the dews
rliR•11 its t.aves. The beams of the
w trill sun develop,: it, anti the gentle
wind, waft open the flower. All nature
thus contributes to its perfection, and
elrth, like a happy mother, exults in the
modest bending beauty of her offspring.
And yet wait but a few days, and the
very elements that combined for its per
fection, now conspire for its destruction.
The rains beat it clown, the sun scorches
and withers it, the winds tear and twist
it, and at last the frost utterly destroys
it And now all seems d tad and gone,
and the cool sntering s , iperticial reasoner
asks why all this purposeless profusion.
this beauty wasted, this prodigality of without end or aim ? Because
this apparent decay has ripened the
seeds of more life than has withered.
And man too " cometh forth as a
thw,.u.," and enters life a modest, stran
ger in the midst of a word strewn thickly
with the relics of the dying and the
dead. And vet each generation comes
with a freshness and a faith, a gaiety,
innocence, hope and courage of its own,
that seems as if it could brave the law of
misery and of mortality. We may be
told that, like the flower, all this must
soon wither. What then ? • It is a shal
low philosophy that Cannot admire the
purity of the snow-drop to-day, because
i will have faded to-morrow ; that re
fuses to adore the great Author for the
beauty and fragrance we now enjoy, be
cause-we cannot possess them forever.
Every element .of nature, every law
alike of matter and of mind, must have
been taken into account and weighed in
the arrangements of man's powers and
his capacity for happines, and this on a
.more extensive scale than iu the life of
any flower. INlark how yon infant ma
tare expands and unfolds ; first the blade
and then the bud, and then the flower.
The physical form, the intellectual pow
ers', -Lind last and chiefest, the moral
character, rearing themselves in mild
supremacy, and in the fulness of their
glory, turning towards the great centre,
as the sunflower to the sun'. The marks
of design are morelperfect in the works
and ways of Providence to man, than in
the whole, creation beside.' All physical
and spiritual laws have been taken into
the account and adjusted to man, and
ann to them so wonderously that, it,
would seem at,times as if they were ar
ranged for nothing else than his teinpur
ial happiness. All have far, more of joy
than sorrow in the mingled cup of life
nor there a single law of nature, what
- elle r_ i n it_ may ~oecaston. when -v iol a feel
. o but, produces a fair preponderating a
mount of happiness on the whole.
Arid yet the human flower too soon
.d3eays. And . , the very laws and ele
ments which contri utes to man's
velopment, soon co,nb ne to lay him low.
Jhe ex.eroie4 that strengthened 'his
Oath overtask his age, Care ploughs
its. furrows in the face, and passion, sor
row, and error bend down alike the head
and the heart to the earth. Yet even
this has all been taken into the account.
All is part of that necessary ,process, by
Ivhich. the seeds of character are ripen
d. A nd,if there are thus laws that
gravitate downwards, there are higher
t',reett gravitating upwards, and drawing
the good to the true centre of happiness.
Ile-tides this, all the joys and sorrows of
t-tch nation and individual are reprodu
yin:, germs of experience and develope
went fur the service of every future age.
Thus is wrought out that highest , proof
design, and of a governing power in
human. affairs—the /ato of progress.
1; 1 .1 17 Ell.' VI, FEIIAI,IiI S
N A IlV.—This I nqtituti..ll o ill open on the first
'I of Mach. in a now itnil
ere-ted for that purpese, under rho direction and super
i lib-1.1,11w of Het lionneily and Samuel
The oi the B,ninar) Is healthy and retired.--
I I Is th, ;a of (Ti., Priooipal that tilt , voursrl of in
.•Tt,tiott hr th irltl.4ll, and th , expenses mod rate.
Th.. I, , st I . 'll tie to, Ite'r, nil! 110 oilii,l3yorl.
ill TI. Arr,tll.4otl l.i elli:seg 3 , e,r , ting to the aireotion of
t I'd acto,tl. There will be three clas.,, —Primary,
w3,lll:ig, 111,4 and light, per S12:1,11 sit
of I 111.,nthq.
Soni nt elass per session,
Prim u•y •4
Lal in or Fronvit,
uso ~r in,trumont,
kii Fdriting and di.awing,
For further likfmnitl.):‘ s 4 ir,s
.1. ESN EDY, Prio
Jannary 17, 1C3.).-'';n "Payettvilla, Franklin Co. Pa.
Ad ILN \ I'o 01) ACII)Eill Y".
v l sii.t DE 9.k Iluntin7lif/T1 County, Penn.
he neat ROSSI , III of this vt nil known Institution will
the first Wednesday in May. It is loaded at Shade
eighteen miles rmal the MOnnt Union stall •ri ott
Pennsylvania Railroad, fracti which place thorn is fl
In,' line of staxvs. Penn; sit anted in the country It is
r.iinared from all the vie,. and temptati ins of town.-
11,i Landings aro large, iilry and emimeilions,eapalile of
•.maiumilating serno fit) iroarilOrg. Th Ise whe eannnt
,••• .icemicalated in the • institution can obtain gine]
mailing in the nei
s ,s.hisirlimel $1 50 per week.
esAmi 6r fire months payable gnar
ly in•; Waslibm 110 ets per des; light and fuel
extra. For further partieulars address.
W. 11. WOODS; Principal.
The 1'1111,4p:0R address will be Emston Pa. until the
Ist of April after which time Shade Cip. Hunting:deli
i . e. P 3. 51nreh 14th.
NIT - 11 IT E 11AL1. AA.; AI)E Y, throe
milna w,,t, o f liacrlobnr4. The ninth SeSKIOII
of this 'ovular and llonrloblng Institution 11.111 mom
-111,"109. Mnolay. the 7th or :%Iny next, tinder the
, neat fivorable nimices. Baling the present year Snell
onooivements and additions have been mode no Its in
-111.11.111(10,1. Prinelpal,,will be no
hy II full corpo of competent and experienced
bet .here. and spe-lal nttent ion will be piIQ to the health
to,l ...mrort the st tblonts.
Boarding, Washing find Tuition In the English Branch
es. and Vocal Must... per rtooslon„ (5 month's) 100. m)
Instruction in Latin and Breeit, each, - 10 00
French and Burman - 5.00
The attention of parents and guardians is earnestly
invited t , this Institution. rireulars will be furnished
any infl , rolat ion will he given. on appliention,either
personal Or by letter to
1). PEN LINGER, Principal,
Ilarrlabu ru:, Pa
)tar. 11, 13r,5
101.1:, near Carlisle, Pa. Thu, I.ith Session ivillcom
mon, on TI/SSII.I.Y. M v Lit. it - 6. Numb,
and coIIISLIIIL effort u.,: fir tlieir moral
in•l intolle•tual improvement. per
Circulars ssith references aunt run infor , nation furnish
od, hp It. IC BURNS,
Principal and Proprietor,
Plainfield. Cumberland en. Pus
, 6Z7/#4:4Y
/ N.,. 127 it ki,Ti l lrllE STREET, BALT' MultE, Md.
I i ,n pre.ents superior facilities to young
111011 of obtaining, a in:laical business educa
The course of study embraces Bauble Entry llook•
liceplug, no prar•ticnlly applied to the management of
Mercantile, Bank, Manufacturing and Stomnboat Books
--Business Penmanship and Mercantile Contputations
—funillar Lectures on Commercial Law—upon the sub
ject of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes., Contracts,
Partnerships. &c., Re.
The exercises are strictly practical, being deducted
from netUfli business transactions, -and so completely
combine practice with, theory that students, on comple•
Lion of the course. are in every respect competent to
.ndoet, on sebmtific principles, any set of Double Entry
Books. The students pare access to a Commercial l.i
br+n•y procured u xpt•eunly fu• their accommodation.
Usual longth of tinio to comploto tho whole courso,
from 8 to 10 wooka.
Fur particulars writo and recolVO a circular by mall
npril 11
I T I kMILY. COAL.-500 Tons Lyken's
Valliiy Coal. infilacroonod, proparod
prosdy for family uso, reoelving and for Atli.) Ly
Jan. 11 Sm W. B. MURRAY, Agt.
y' y Superior Heavy and Evon '‘Yoollen Yarn just
vcolved, much bettor than thu city yarn, all colours.
110V8 CILAS. 0(1.11.11Y.
) EFT E 1,. KNHIIET, (Successor to
tr thrtior 1.7 Knight.) BEDDING AND OA RPET
VAREIIOUSE N0..1.13 ziouth Seennd Street, fire doors-
Spruce street, Philadelphia; where he keeps can.
.m o lly o n hand a full assortment of every article In his
line of business. Feathers, Feather Beds, Patent
Mattresses Velvet,. Tsiwetry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three
Ply, Imre:dm Venetian, List, Rag and lfemp Carpetings,
Oil Cloths, Cantrin Mattings,CocoaandSpanishMettings
Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, TuLle
and Piano Govern. To whi it ho invites the attention of
pu rchasoi:s. i 4eet.'s4
_Am% SED:—Notive Is here iNk given that Letters of
Administration un the estate tJr`Fsintual Buhr, late of
West Pe n shore toWnship,Cumberland cOnnty:doevased,
have been duly. granted by the Register of paid county
to the subscribers, the first residing in Dickinson and
the latter In West l'ennstero township. All persons
knowing themselves indebted to sold estate are requirs
ed to wake Immediate payment, and these haying datum
to present them fur settlement to •
, .
May' - I.o—pil.
1-I_,i , ..,.
1 ,4 reate4l.—Notion in fiereby given tlint letters testa.
.!iuuit:trr.on_th LI .F..stato_of John Sprout, into or litunpitun
township, Cuml!erland county, deeenged, !Inv) beerk4.
smut hy the lleakter of 'bald county • to the aubscr,lber,
residing in tdio Famo township. All persona knotting
themselves indelted to mid estate aro required to Tliaja.
1 1 11.111UOIMP payment, and those liming claims to present
tbeni fOr - setlionent to.. .• • . . .
aprlf.lal .
- TIIDNIAS n: BRYSON, Atho'r. ..____
)Avilll;,.pAynit.—Per q pits ypp nt i ing
, 'WALL will find nu ext,onsivo bluer for
vw•y Cue , tin u 6 lt, 11/C/0. 4 .
Car/Isle, April 4, 1555: aws
tliiilleS9 kilarbs.
NI 1 ( m ) I T I I (1:1;117'e7t1;1'''.1.; hereby given
( :I, l ,y ic : ( :,,so i cluti.d with me in the
practice of my prnibssinn. m. nnirnse and Thos. U.
All busin e ss. in tniiire will be attended
tnby ti n• nl.l e under the tirm t , l"l;treotr (t. VENlinsi . .."
Feb. 1.11.11 M
IV. . 111 1/D1,1 , 1. A 'ty at Li w .
1 1l P. 111_,N11tIC11, Attorney at Law.
e —Ulllrn in Deelln's lieu'. All lAndnet‘s entrust
ed Lublin will he p,,,,,rt1y n ttetilled 1,.
IV I 1.1,1A1)1 RI I , Attorney
iu Main St rret, Carlisle.
la him a ill be promptly at
tended Feb, 7.'55.
AL N. GREEN, Attorney at law, has
1,,, satb...l in Nialmideslimg. fa' the practice of his
profession. All I,,inds of Legal Writing, Collections,
Court btu:Moss, i(c., promptly attended to. (Mice oppo
site Ur. bong's residence. SURVEYING In all Ito diffe
rent branches promptly attended to.
i n B. COLE Attorney at Litw, will itt
k,X tend pr.wiptly to all hominess entrusted to Wm.—
(Mice In the mein h,ran•rly ecru iled by William Irvine,
Esq.. North Ilatiover street, Carlisle.
April O. I9:12.
nit. •C. E. 11 EN'.IIIA L,' .110-
miEtll'ATitir pit YSICIAN. 011Ico and residencj
1111 Imuthar streot, one door east (Ti the iiernian Ile
l'nrined l'hureli, Dr. Illowienthal respiTt fully offers Ills
professional services to the citizens of.c . ' arlisle and
cinit y.
irl'orsons from n tliqtanec laboring u n der Throttle
dlsaascs oral• etllltiult by lettor. Unice holfrs, from 7 to
fA. M., and to 4 I'. M. septf~ Salt
. B. K I EH.' .;1-t Olfice in North
jrt...,,,stroet two rum Wi.6a & Cifinr.l•••ll . l:
SCOTe. I Mi.oc hour.,, inory partirn vly from 7 to 9 o'clock.
A. and trio 3to 7 o•cloi.1:, I'. V. „
- •
?,,10 00
8 00
6 00
4 00
5 00
15 00
5 110
111. , -(;E(1. NE.II)ICIi
1 DENTIsI' enrefully attendt: to all
:Iti,llS 111.11 teeth and adjacent
part , : that irre.,:tliarity may re.taire. lie will
at. inNert ti Tl•i•t bof every d,t-ription. sto It as
I. Slo t , 1•• mol te , th. and ith
a al- illl - 11 . , 1 • ,.1 vs 111 1 -, ne 4 truct Artitl,ial Palates. tII,-
turat ,, , 11e -ail 11111.: l',, and ON I•re applionce weal in
th e iteht.,l.let ”111 /It. the , residence .1 .
Ur Smotwi 1.1 f tt, 111.11 , In et, Cm-lisle.
CA; , :c1;( ; Z. lilt F7l.'Z, I).
. P.
temlers his proles.sienal sen lCc> tt , I hI•
•. , 111.1 , 1 teeth inserte.l, frnm
a si.mle tooth. t .1:I , 'lli I. •01, 4111 HI , lateht.
/11 — pt , "..11 ptlt•L 4 11, gt6,l
01111 , 11.. I; 'l,ct I.f the 1..n.t.11 :nod
01.TIcE at Om residence
of his ?A. ih ron rllt lilt Street, Carlisle. j jan lu
• . liff:7-,/, 1,0,()-
-- - I l 7
MIS will perfnrm
all peral ions upon the
Teeth that are required fur their ;west, ration. slmil
. or ,111 reSt..l . l , 010 of
them hr le—erting Teeth. flout a single tooth
to a full sett. 'lire on Vitt stront, a few doors
nntfh of th.. I 1..t.1. absent from Car
lisle tin. 11.4 ton ol every month.
1,1 N. It( /S EN ST EEL, II ottse, Sign,
v ,„, a n nd on nn.nnnenntnni hninntor, n inn's t formerly
II itro•r's Un t;: , , , tks Iff! will
:atom! prolort!.. 0..111 the :11 , ove (1 , ,-tiptions of paint-
HILL nit 701,1II:11 , 1 , 1 , 1 . 1 , ` , . The sari. lit Elude of grnlni,,,r
atteffil.,l 1 n. ,ti. h av ii,:lo,rany, i , a6, I , lllllllt, the
1111prove‘l sit lot.
1 IV. 13 N 1 rr, :Van ufucturer of
k_A Mineral M :dere., French Mead,
heat 1,1 Ale, Pert, and Cider,
Sart h East !-dreet.. Ititr the I:ail 11, :el I:ridge, Carlisle
I ,'Ztovc 4! tti-tUlll'f.
)1' ES ! ST( r‘' ES!! s'l' )1' ES
Jou.; It. 0.110;.(s o mld itif.,rm the public that
Tihr Ii: 1 ,, 1131'd It
tleNt t.i MLl . j.tll llali, tiik• 1.11 . 1!” , t ~,it I, 111.
••'hhi s ' a ". l M d o ' n .r t " e i f t n 1 e 1 . 1 . 0 s at 1 14 t ( I ' , f
pr,“ cd 1 '.l'l•[N T 11i. INO SLOP ES. finished
In the most complete manner. and caleulatml for either
wood or coal, or both. All tin: old standard pattern,
which halo stood the trot of es per4mce, may be found
at his establishment. Als a great variety of tho mont
approt ed and beautiful l'A It la OFFICR STOVES, im
eluding a number •:1 new styles. possessing very supe
rior tide:natures over those heretufiwo in use. Families
and housekeepers are respectfully invited to give him it
call I,,,hharo purchasing else, hole. riot es dulliered to
any part of the ronntry and put up at the showiest In,
(Ace, He continues to du all hinds of TIN ;gib:ET
IRON 1Y ARE, and Copper Work, and has constantly on
hand or till! make to order every neticht required by
housekeepers or others In this line. Ills stork of Tin
and Copper Ware - embraces every kind of household and
kitchen utensil, 'warranted equal to the hest manufac
tured. Persons In want of articles In his lino may al
ways be Sllro of being tmeommodatedto their sat Isfactlon
by giving him a call.
subscriber at his old stand on North littllOVer st.,
Carlisle, the sign of the —Mammoth Red Coffee Pot," de
sires to call the attention of the public to his large as
sortment of STOVk S. of the rum est and most fashiona.
hie styles, from tho best nonatfiletories In the
. country. and at all prices from sa to $l5.
* , 4s, are the Mirror Stove, the Arctic ]furore, Star,
- A., Persian, Union and :Etna Air light, together
with at her patterns which lie has of all sizes
for parlors or chambers, and calculated forburning either
wood or coal. Also, the .Etna, Moho. Astor, Albany,
Fiat-top and Bandbox or Poor Man's. with other COOK
INO sTov ES, comprising, the latest Improvements In
kitchen StrWOO, and Intendod for either wood or coal.—
Also, the Dining Room Cooking Stove---a now anti ohs
gout article, t which he invites the particular atten
tion of Mini lies. Ills cooking stoves ra ot!e in price lime
$lO io 25, with the fixtures complete. A1.,0 Nino Plate
Stoves of various patterns and different priers.
lug Stoves. Drass Ratios, &c. Also, every article In the
line of Tin and Copper• Ware. The public-are respect
fully invited to call LIZ ho is confident with Ids 'large
stock, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en
tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and FOO.
Oet. 25, 1854. M. MORRIS.
- vANICEII FREDI4I'I.'I'IIIS, mttrintro. ~r.:(1 for
I:;DMCIf-R: SAIttENT,No: , 4I4 Markot - Ftrect;Thilada
ThiF cutter Is superlfir 1,1 any 'now In use, for ntrongth
dininbilitY , and Pllllol.'oo , of roust' Alalou : It cuts fast
er, and .Is-the only noir sharpening' itay, Straw. and Corn
:IVOR Cutter ever inade. It has but ONE STIt A irr
KNIFE, which any purson etivrgrliol apt toil ~ctth ease,
Inkt lit ordinary east), is.ground In thu nndiino. Thon.
funnla - halo already' been sold, nnd
,the donauud in dally
Inereziking., rWlnost int exioninatlon Is slifllelrnt
ca since onu of its mallet iorlty. Isio one after a short
trial Wotatigart with it fo,r any other. All sizes of tin
+om9 cuµsta9tly on hand 'a!-1.4 ruy tide by
Ne . Agolit for CumborlEihVeouilty
!, , 'und'erland county.—
' VE
MO continue to sup
• , , lune ply Lumber of all kinds, at the shortest
• notice. and on terms lower than ran he
had elsewhere. All orders directed to E. IT khKELL,
portown, or Wm.l). Srruotat,'Jr.,Carllsle, will be prompt
ly attended to.
.-0 (—rho un.ior,if2:llefi ‘ll,Uhl Infix in the
eitiv.ons of Cal lisle that he has made arrange
ments.todo GAS Fri TING and FLU NI LONG at shalt UV ,
tire, and on reason:tido I erms. Ills has engmled the Her
% iCes of a first ruts hand viiiindorbi, and has sup
plied himself with ith2,alt extensity assortment of FINT-
U FS, which will epable him to fill all orders promptly.
All work will be warranted. Ills stork of (Ins Fixtures
will is , foand In the room rsmetly opposite his Tinning
establishmen t on North Ilanes or street, w here ho invites
a raft
TINNIN(I, SPOUTING. also prepnretl to
furnish, or make to order. vvery article of TIN \V ARE
used by housekeepers nod others. lie HI 'also attend
and PLUM [ONG.
Thrmkful.fer the patromme e ilh whieli he has already
been favored, he resi.e. tfully selleits a continuance of
the same.
Carlisle, Julio 14, 'r,4
jifEILEN respvct fully informs the citizens of Car-
lisle: nd vi , in ity. that he lots just return
' e"l'litferortill'l (bays
riT 'l'' st .- r ' r i r ' k 'd er i r s o l il. r e, c ' l tTi l it e N ' t l i t t i l ' i e- l '' ll '' s
I/ • ' N - // i r i rTa ' r ‘ it 'l e b r i t i s ' s i rYr ' t ' ir s :rtri t " ::f " 1 -n r s it t r i l i v w n?a s „t ‘ i -n It h i ' llt i : 1
>,a r
(inns, l'istrils. Lochs, Koss. (tun TrillUnlngs. &c., all of
~I lirlb Ito u ill sell a belo,ale or retail. Ile also attends
te repairing rtrins, clocks. irrel,s, Ari engraves on brass.
copper and iron. Ile hopes r list by strict attention to
business. 31111 3 11CHitl. L'i please. Ill• ii ill Merit. unit receive
publiri patronage.
.11) - ' All liirds of Fire Arms made to order. '
Carl isle, -1 y
I 'I , N 1.) I 1 EAV
•• street,,
S1,11V! Pies
to t
• A. c.- Tll Il s cON
-11 nfeii
sC ) t I 1,11.11014 , 1 s
3 4 - t Las just re
, 7 r . 5 the largeAt must
hs , crt trent rf supe
rior J.., vlrau er tilhaed ill I arli- eonsisting in pail
01 001.1 11nt.10 ‘,.tit ty. and IA all
At day I.hnn RS, I, lap and il•fl
toil I. rits .10.1 Latter hail ~tlll and silvt r
la•Il :11111
clll/1, t,•111..) dt n. i-n. ear and tint; er rings,
I pins. 4c.. at :ill pi c•. Ac. 01,11.00 s and
al ith t rt.,t sot its..r Faro Art ides, se
lectial r tic... 11..11.1a, Persons desiring to
pur. lose are it. vitt..l to gall and t•sawirrtla.assnrttneut.
NV e are pi. ;..rt ti to at, i i•C) rt,sul , a) ,l r pi if eS. Quai
-Ity of g., ds v.:l:ranted t.. Lo 11 , ti. r as -.lit tl r.
'f Ili 131 AS (TIN LYN.
• ‘Vest High st.
iviAlti()N 11A(11•EitiiEAN
K El.'!' liar lag taken the 11:iguer
reari 1 , ..1•10 , 1 ill MA1.1,1 il:111. I. t s.II pa A. Ttil,b's
trry. aria tic infra in the ladies ,1101 Gentlemen tot Car
lisle that he is prepared I.ll.enesses in the uscst
r style of the art. sm It e. w ill folly sustain the
reputati of this p 1 itlar estahlislitin•nt. Ills rooms
are rind ly furnish
ell. Ile I, pros Wel with the most la , iterful and poi fest
IllFtlll,ll,it f r pi. parry nod ',PM a !It!, SPI infile
tl!.ll in /ill A hill supply of .asts it every vat int)
of .lt l r 7kl ph thtl/• 1 .1 • /in I tail VI It rousta ntly
°,l hand. Eagruvia.,s, go, As ac , tinitely ropied
and duplicates tal.en of orkli,al likeneses. Llkeneses
tahen of sick or decease.l p.,, , .1/5. Prices ne..lerate and
satisfit..tion given in all eases. The puldie Is invited to
call at the Marlon Hall Daguerrean 1100iiis and exr.inine
if•ii • placuerruoty pis illt.alta.l In LocLets. Breast Pins,
Finger l' hies. fear II Ileady ,C c.
Carlisle..llloe Id, 'I.I.
(, - ,1A1)111,E AND IIAIINESS .51J‘K
. -, I Nil. lb° su! :writ er el ',thin, , to carry en the
a jeive laNine,e•. in :111 it. Im-ions Lraili.Les, in North Ilan
,er stroot, Carlii , le ti, IF ii..,r. :`,., tll ?,1 le.,:ird's comerwhere Ile ~tends keei.ihe ~ii liana a veneral :nairtnient
in hi s ii ii e, e , ,iihi,ting ..i till kind, . I tn.ltionable SA D
DLES, Erlll. s, ..‘ln:tillvttivs, Ili rthg,
l'ircirl,zles,.l,ll I Ltltt.n., alga Ti c tu - NE! , ,
tiavidiiii.: arid %addle
. — D
di d , Hi , idi..., um ". ..,, -
Ikfileturt•s. the nwont' , . I "
~ppoo. S r NI S
S I' n 1 o a 511 , 1 , 1.1 , evi , r used In tills
country. and ih ,, e NS {shim; a hand
-11111,1 ir and pleasant
will a., a 4.11 to call and Sist, 010111. lit.
ai, 1LL1111 , ,, Mine!,
:l,(1 R hips 1n all their vnriii.
ties. and mini:dent ly v.. t I'i.• nyprol a
lion a 111, Cu. taloors. that h,• rna:.,•. the trustiest and
gears. in a❑ their arloty o 1 lalltth, that Is Tondo in
the vonotty. Ile all hinds of Mat raFso. to
order, vie: St , aw, Ilu.k. Ctirlial Hair soul Sprltir 3lnt
rasses. All thorthol,e aril,-11, will 1.0 n;:wli , M llto
innterlal :And worhutall,liip, sod ulth the utmost Iles
pat. h. 11 M. °SIMI: N.
11,01'11 IN (1 AT COST—The subserih
kJ or has an ass”rtmont of fashionablo and wolf made
COYIIIII\ G, whlob will he s.dd oIT nt r o b t for ca ! h.
'rho eonsists of Cloth and Caslimarett Coats, Lin
en Illvd Uimrham 0-nts, 'lnce.) and Joan roots; Marnills
silk and Satin Ve , ling; Cassimers..lean's and Cord pan•
Wool's. Linen and Uotteflondo pan tali.... s. with ail kinds
of Clothing usually fund Inn clothing store.
Intending to rid inqui.l) thin idanch of my business,
groat haraiiiO4‘ run 1.0 bad by rolling soon at the cheap
stor e of CIIAPLES (a 111.11 Y.
CAU NII,—A fuv, piecrs ju.trreeirrdircul auction
and sclll ng cry
:lune 21, '5l, CITAF. 0011,11 Y.
3 11511''Vancc.
, - ~..
. 'RANCE COMPANY of n l county, Incorp”..
rated by nn tol. of Assomlty, Is wow fully organized, and
In operation under the managvhient of tho Wowing
cot - Innis:donors, NIZ : ,
Daniel Halley, William h. Coro., Michael Coe
Me'choir lirentmman, Christian ~tat man, John C.
lap, Jacob li. Coover, Loads Ilyer, Henry L4 , 01).1100.
min It. Masser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wickersham,
Alexander Cathcart.
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any
Company of the . 4ind In the State. Persons Wishing to
bomano moinhois are Invited to make application to the
agents of the company, who aro a Wing to wait upon
them at any ,thno. _
1311N.1. 11. MOSSER, President.
lIENRY LOGAN, Yke President.
LEWIS OYER, Seeretnry
CUM BFAILAND COUNTY.—II udolph Martin, N. Cum
berland ; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Henry Zearing,
Shiremanstown ; Charles Hell, Carlisle ; Pr. .1. Abl,
Churchtown ; Samuel Graham, West Pennstorough ;
Jrunes Me Bowel, Frani:ford; :Mode Griffith, South Mid
dleton; Samuel Cotner, Benjamin Ilaverstick, Meehan
itsburg ; John Sherriek, Lisburn; David Coover, She )-
YORK lloynattn, Dillsbumt — Potor
Wo'ford, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., IVathingtnn; 'W.
S. ricking, Dover; .1. W. Craft. I'ara(ll;e.
I 1 It R I S11(11;(1.-11otier d tocliman.
llienthors of the company having polldea about to ex
pire, can have them renewed by making application to
any of the agents.
II A It D 'WAR 14`,..-=-Ithribinoth
3.5,,E Spring Arrival at LYNKS on North Iran-
EtAl th z:over Street, where the public Are "Whig
supplied with every variety of Ha rtl4;iire, Paints. Oils
Ht the towr,r r %Hn rnlcra . Tali in, we ran Iletl , lll
module a onf More.
eorlbrn h as just (Toiled a variety of fluids owl
it not nt rothvod prli ay.
N '
v 'T ( . . i .1 , 1 r 1 14: S
d. ,
FANCY,T 1 , ,11NT .114
0 :i t. , ,, 1 ) 5 , , , 1 ,, T , S A I r L VER -
ne .
merit of the finest quality, far sale at the Inc st cash
grit es, at 11 ni. C:IvIlf011 II CA lr'Sl, No, It-4 1-;:ot 1 Second
blintrt bet it een fine and Cuittn, Nest ride. I tiladelphia
The hrsortnient embraces a large at ti select at. It
11110 ' W at elles, .11INVelry Silver Ware, All Etta 11 are, last of
is lilt CHO silt er, in `'locus, Furls, l atilt s, A c.—.lct gt t tic,
Fens and fancy articles of a superit r quality, di secs lug
the ex ILL ins ti. n of 111..1 win desire to prOCIIII, the Lost
•—• gn ods at the II rarest 0.11 prices.
.7 ' ,....7" •
A ''''' '''''''
.. ,.. L .
1110 ing a practical Litt w ledge of
prg '
. .-- t.1111;ti1‘i:111 r :;; p To.ratriClignlllllllYlllltani'llillltf‘a‘t:Uil:
rnr7thr'sul , scriter enittlidently list ices purchasers. Its
}lrving that he inn supply I 114•111 in tennis I. n11'1.1111.1.e
I. any other estal lislintent in either of the A thattlit
I, Ines:
'AU Hu de f.f Diernor de and Pearl Jen dry and SU% er
Were mnut fed tired to c rder, tt itl Ina reasonitle Uwe,
.0-9 ;We tebet, jewelry and silver vs are faith] ully re
pel' ed: WM. F. LLT4TIIEAD,
No, 254 t rulh 2d 1,.. 4 t, n few doe re abet e the 2.1 6f,. Mar.
het. West Fide,
,Tll 1 n the ,enith window of the Ftore. may Le seen
the ildneusilird whkb commands the admiration
of the scientific and curious. (tpt. 2S, '54-Iyr,
L.131k1.--From City ,Chemical & Union 11 - orks,
made after the most inspn.ifed articlesand 'tarp perit.r.
- Prepared Anhydi Ito Map ore. made after the Lunlittli ur•
(tele. and intst superior, lielng much lower than Guano,
anti fully equal. The attention of Lualcts and armeta
is particularly called here for Lila]. Alan. Pettit ian u•
anti, in large or small quantilb s, for solo by
MONROE 310111113
JoiiN 1..1 , 631ER0y,
22 South Wharves, :Id door :dole Lhesthut at. I hila
/ TING ft'l!\ACE.—ThcsulFrrilor a, uld oall the
miontl,,l l all pal ties roquirleg n doshal , le I tzi.taae
Lu CIIIT-FiON'S CELF./.1:AI}.01 AItNIYU A.^:ll, 1 t .7‘lll !: , 0 Au
-1 0.
The 2 ohtitatioU of this fortifier is now I r.ewn.linsing
11.1.11 it.Ltdvrod doting the I nit foie ars ieio
I Zito inittlo iii.d noir e than Hiai i,rh ate .to. It
this together issith the Immerse iriirelisO of sales
1.% or) )ctir is dd. l tot et iihince that ran 10 d of
Its supr fierily 1,11:r :ill idler fon Aloes. i 1i) the use of
Cid:Sen . , 1 1.11-114( e., yeti secede the titles% irg ads ants[ bi
rt . Art—The beating surfaces tishig at a a.
01:11. oill 1.. 1i,f44,14te
1,":, 3'D 11. t !.71nc,1
rI TI !I 11 l'.•ing Trade entird) f Cfl,t Ir• r:,
ro t lial le 1, rust. utlt 11 , 111ile Pa zrp/iis dm]: c a lit,
t - it t ela:•• lA, I ttd
tr hi Ns Li, k, ‘1.1 , 1,1 lu tt, Lt,. ;OA tilt
• 11,4 I {MI .111 s.
010 Iraimpninls rrf bur dreds of in, ,t
10 111I.1:14 tt, the hiith r r the
1111'1' t. 1111 r 1 1 11 , 111 1.1 , 1 , 1111'10 It 1.11 1I: del I 111,11:. the I c•-t
fin I.u, lA , (11.1111 Ir n 1411'1 . 111 (1 1.0 . ../111y
a Una !..01. re. IN 1: herewith ai.i ex the 1 :.11 I'S 14 u fey
veil htiow i. Situ C11 1 1C1:11t.r.r1111•FS, Is. %111.• I at e inst il tt
fun.l,lled us their
f. .1 , tin S. Ilart, Prof. I iff. t, n. I r,s
Wu, 11. Anon. l'arsotis,Frol. Papaws, If, ;11
111,511, f.
. _ _
e 11qt-educed this FeLSCI: fle t, atr SiZf F. F‘ 11.1 t.
all F tea} !trail thenisell es tit this grist hilt', %c
-hichi :it a t my thcelerzite cost. e ate how pill Mt U to
therlsh an 9.l.nratus to wain] a sit,t le ri rim, hr the larg ,
t t ..l I uililii.g iu the country.
No. 1 tt
I , 0,, )
VI& the IhrCeSt I•:.+++rful rut t :ut•
rondo in this e. wary, and is ntinnially ndnpird II r
I hun•Les and large class builuinp..
lie enntinne to sell tho arirrirlitus at the same print
nn +then intnrd aced, tiro :xenis ago. Alibi ufL the
pn rent e.t their rest !XI
lent 1,1 itlg to tII/1111 gretit still 1%1. Mehl
the.great inerenso tit bales Lt lull t>lr the Intl. L It tin,
lon est pt esl Lle price. litie thurnit.)
nick lota einnittarted to fin hish us uILI. ,
tODS of tifhaces this SCILSOIi, SI/ chid M ale 111 n peril!
ed fin vish then, holeFfli zihil it.ta We SIII I-11h It I d
the erne tie ii of :ill Finnun cs, iii/lA/ it glared, /II II II :II •
rant tilt in in all cores.
111.1 c , aI,LITAN ct. , ()KIA; LANGI . . \\r it,t‘t.
the lin ini.lete ll v Mt, Ranee that Ln> I e t 11 11,
ti ei, is Si i/i1 'I Il• ealrthe attentil 1/ of all••. LS 11 .
1•1: t. , e-exue the perftel tlethal le I
tutettus tier itiveLtetl.
I.II.I:SeIN'S l'.l'll VENTILATtI.-11 e tl
cmh A.tent% 11l 1 . (.11111.) 11 mein fur the man unit tore fit
taluri'thlc Ventilate r. to. Itieh Is nelenouleth,.l I. le ti n
Dole perfet t Ventalat r ever trade f r tiny 11, 0
dra tittlit in •zurlty t and far - veuttlatir g I niht
ings et All 4.11,15. As there ate aFt vat r..aL) in itr.tie , r
cf this Nsltlable artiele um uttered f r utle.
Le cateful tel examine that it hat, the Etuereet 1 edge ut
lukre pu.Chrgest atop most complete nos', IA st' 11, t
11, ltegist6*s and Ventilators to I c found Is tl a trill
I tntes., Turtles Who wish to purchase either O-r psi. t.,
rise Or wholesale, will find It greatly to their tahalitate
esnnline their -k.
A\ll 110, ?MANTIFF•-I'ehn\e aleay rll
hand an extvnsivti w.s ,- rtinent of these I.eautiful ti,11.-
tles,„ln exact imitatith of Egyptian, SpanD•ll.l:alita3 d
other rare marbles.
OI'EN (MAUI:S.—For Anthracite rind llitumiuirs
Coa). Also, an etltiro new pattern the low
Grata, nnule from the I:ttglish l'attorns, and
new in tints country.
AIIE.NTS f r the EIWIWI Encaustic }lte,itg
Tile, Oa rnltirit Chimney Taps Iliad Terra t'otta (!rnan.t• t.t
such as Garden Vases,
l'ersong about building IA out,' do well to examine
steel< lelbre pnrelms r ltig elFen here. Tisin•rs, r
bwrebnhlwg Sr mt., tire cordially weir( teed to ~nr extt 1.-
I,lre Waren:tents, and is here see should to happy to in
nish any Intl rilintifill respecting any of f Ilr rt NJ, tl ..t
may to it. A 1., ok on Warming end Vent flat
ran had patultously at our stole, either peit.,.ind,y
or by letter. S. A, IfAlt ld t.N,
\Vanning and Ventilating Warebruse, '
Nit Waltint st., below Sixth,
), ull.A1»:1.1111A.
31ny 31-7 m)
- 1 - 01.1.ARD, Premium Artiste in
Inventor of theCalelanted Goss/dinar Ventilntiug
1 and Elastic! Band TOUIWCS. tistructiolsto vnal is
Ladies mut Gentlemen to measure their heads nil li
Foe Mos, inehee.—No. 1. The round of the heed; No
l!. From forehead over the head to the meek; No. 3.
From ear to ear over the top; No. 4. From ear to ear
round the forehead.
Toupees and sralps, Inches.—No". 1. From forehead to
Lark ns its Laid; No. 2. Over forehead astnr as tapir
ed; No. 2. Over the crown of the head.
B. DOLLARD has, always ready for sale a_ splendid
stock of Gents' Wigs,..roupees, Ladles' Wigs. ball Wigs,
I•'rirots, Druids, Curls, te ., beautifully manufacturedand
as cheap as any establishment in the_Union.
DoDards Herb:l'l4nm Extrnietci Lustrous flair Tonic,
prepared from f. 4 outh American Herbs and Dents. the
most successful article over produced for preserving ter
hair from falling out or changing colcr, restoring nod
preserVing it:ln n healthy. nod Invariant state. Marin;
other reaSenii why Dollard's hair cutting saloon main
tains its immense popularity is the fact that lila Tonic is
applied to every head of hair cut at his establishmtnt,
consequently it is kept in Letter preservation ilium un
der any known application.' It being thus practically
tested by thousands, offers the greatest gnaw utro of its
wholesale road retail at his Old Establishment 177
Xhestuut street opposite the llouse, Philadelpb
IL Pollard has at least illtrovered the nu plus ultra of
11Allt DYE, and announces it fer sale with perfect it n
fttlence in its sari net every thing of the kind new in
use. It colors the hair either black or brown, (tot wity
to desired) and is used without injury to the heir a r
ii either by slain or otherwise, can it, washed aft io
'ten minutes after application, without departing fr, in
its, eillcacv. Persons visiting give
'hint a Call. •
letters addressed to It. DOLLARD, 177 Chestnut st..
Philadelphia. will revolve attention. Jan.
110 NN ITI'S AN D 131,0()11 E S.-
i)/A. very tante assertmont of the latest stY/ 05
• Itto r tlish Donstable and split. straw, Neapolitan,
Hair, taro, Leghol o 111111 ll , a•rnre Braid 11..ot•ts.
11:.1•+1;$i 111111 Children's Bluotata of vto low It hats,.
Strait . Itradds and (limps, Arilfsdat Vil/11.1 . 6.
• 1 1 1111.111 1 1 .1111111 AS itotildldwid, 4,...,1111 of 101011111 1 1•.•
sold cheap at the stare, of the bubserthor, Smith ILKI ) "" 7
strert. lt.ltia PICK
Aprp 25.
l'urtnble te,
du do
du d
do fol l ri, k 11.
do do
I:Xt I:adiao.r. to ill/ 1.1 Frelnlii
1 1
5 do
1, do