New r3vationnetitti. SCIIIEDA:11 AROMATIC SIINAPS, TO TILE CITIZENS OF PENN S Y I,VA N A.- 1 beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of rennsy lvanin to the above article, man ft fact ured r py my. self exclusively, at my factory in Schiedam, land, expressly for medical purpfo4s. It Is made front the best Barley that can be selected In Europe and the essence of fifteenth. Italian berry, of acknowledged and ex trams' i nary medicinal proptirtios: and it has long si ovt acquired a higher reputation, both in Europe and !interim, than lacy other dietetic beve rage, In Hatvst., Gorr, and litmcm.trtsm; fu obtt ructions of tne Bladder anti Kidneys, and del flit)' of the urinary functions, its effects are prompt, decided and In varibly . reliable. And it not only a remedy ftr these mala dieS, but, in all cases in whielf they ar 0 produced by drinking bad water, which is almost u nlversally, the cause or them, it operates as a sure prevent iye. • The distressilig effect upon the Stomach, Bowels, and Bladder, of travelers. new residents, and all persons um aceustotned Willem. produced by the waters of nearly all of our gist& Inland risers. like the 4thio, Mhodssippi awl Alabama, from the large quantity of dent) ed Vega table matter contained in them, in a state or sianal, , ,e, i s well known: as is also that of the waters of limestone regions, in producing kVEI., CVlkaiLl. and stone in the Ittuntsa. The ARUM ATic SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS is an tibs!d ute'correcti ye of nil these injurious pr o perties of Lad wits r, and consequently prevents t he disease which they ore...sloth It is also found to he a cure and proven- I tics of Fri'ver and Ague. a complaint caused by the eon joint tqleets of vegetable malaria inn the atmoyphere, and vegetable putresconces in the water of 'those districts in which It mit/civilly prevails. The / Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps Is consequently in great &metal by persons traveling. or about to settle in these parts of the mum try espottlally ; as well :is by many in every community where it has become known, on account of its various Other remedial properties. More than them, thousand physicians, among whom are numbered the greatest names'beloinging to the facul ty of medicine in this country, have certified, over their own slzmatures, to the valuable medicinal properties of such en- article, as the st!verest tests have proved the Soldedatn Aromatic Schnapps to be anti have accepted it as a Most desirable addition to the MATInd. , , Mfunel. rut Up in plait, or pint bottles, enveloped in yellow paper with my name on the bottle, cork and seal. For sale by all respectable Druggists and Orocers. UDOLPII WOLFE, IS, 20 and 22 Beaver street, New York. 25 South Front street. Philadelphia. I he; leave to call the attention of the public t the following letters from physkians LALIORATORY.N. Y. May 2.1823 . . MR. UT:11.1•11 Wotrc—llear Sis : I c:innot speak too highly of the purity of your Schiedam Schnapps. It is decidedly superior to anything of the kind in the mar ket. it is perfectly free ,rum the admixture of fusil oil, or of any of those artistic compounds which prod ore such a mischievous anti irreparable effect up in the con stituti in. and which very few alcoholic distilled liquors are without—most of them being largely bnpregnated with it. I have porsunly inspected the various process of distilatlm practiced at Schiedam, and know that un usual ~are is taken to separate the noxious (demon hi from the pate alcohol, and your Schnaps is a striking proof of its success. As a medicinal agent for chronic and renal affections. I have successfully prescribed it, and recontend it as an agreable cordial and harmless stimulant. and shall continue to do so; as well as t s it as a source of pure alcohol for chemical invediga ta tns tad eX.peritueldS. YourISIAH s obedient, DECK., Consulting Analytical Chemist." Dr. Charles A. Leas, Coll3llllSsjoller of Ilealth, Miff -711 we, AV rites 35 111 relation to the value of Schtrilips as /I remedy in ehronie catarrhal complaints, Th.• letter is dated July '27 , 1853: '•I Lance meat pleasure in tearing highly creditable testimony to its efficacy as a remedial agent in the di- F 4,1.0 fir which you recomend it. Having a natural tonden , y to the mintous-surfams,,with a slight degree of stimulation, I regard It us one of the most important remedies In chronic catarrhal affections, particularly those of the emit° urinary apparatus. With much res. poet your obedient servant, CHARLES A. LEAS, M. 1). TADELPHI A. .1 illy 15. 1853. "Mr. Vit.:lom Wolfe, No 2 - 2 Beaver st. N. Y.—Lear sir: is wt season the writer received. through your agent In tills city, a bottle of your An omit it Sehledain Schnapps, unit since that period has prescribed the same in eertnin forms 14 urinary complaints; also in eases of debility in persons. So far. the Schnapps has been of much benefit to those using it *- " In conclusion, where a diuretic Schiedam stmulant is required, I should n,e the Ar omatic Schnapps. Thanking you for your kindness, I am respectfully yours, A. I). CH ALONEIt, M. Tit., ISO S. 'Eighth st. The subjoined letter from Dr. Paine. of Manchester, N. 11., relates to one of the most valuable medicinal prop , erties possessed by flit 'Aromatic Schnapps. and shows that it acts as a specific in a very painful disease—the Cresol: "Ma. Wous:—Permit me to address you a few lines. which you aro at liberty to use if you think proper, in respect to your medicine, called Schiedam Samapps.— I Imve had a very obstinate case of gravel and stone, of sonic five years' standing, causing very acute pain in evory attempt to urinate. After using many remedies without much relief, I was induced to try a bottle of your medicine. In the course of three days It proved effectual, dislogiug large pieces of stone ' some of which was as large as a marrowfat pea. I continued the cor dial according to directions. and the patient continued to gain, and is fast recovering. I think a medicine of so much value in so distressing n complaint, should be known to the public, and the world at large. And 1 for one. must give it my approbation and Fign :du re. THOS. M , 1)." Frun Dr. John S. Reuse, Chemist, Baltimore, Md. Sept. If, 1a5•2 : "A number of our physicians are ordering the article, and several have already prescribedit. Persousto whom I have sold it speak very highly of its qualities. A Gentlemen of my own personal acquaintance, having suffered greatly with an affection of the kidneys and Madder' tothk two bottlea and subsequently passed a stone ...el' considerable size, and was greatly' relieved. ^ It will do doubt go into general use," . CARLISLE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, the subscriber has the satisfaction of formite , his old friends and patrons that r. his estradishinout is again in active ope r n, now buildings having been erected since the late h Irons firo and the whole establishment put in com plete working order. Orders are therefore respectfully sallcited for work in his line, which will be done with proMptuess and in the best manner. STEAM ENGINES BUILT TO ORDER . and repaired. All kinds of ::tiachinery in Paper Mills, Grist Mills and FactorierFepalrod — at short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. HORSE POWERS and THRESHING MACHINES such as Bevil Gear Four Mrs() Power, Horizontal Gear Four Horse and Two Horse Powers,"Ploughs, Corn Shel ters and Crushers, &c. Patternsanado to order. Iron and Brass CASTINGS executed to ordifi r if not. on hand, at the shortest notice, such as Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Plow Castings, Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and Coach Box es, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, Ice. He has also on hand a largo supply of Philadelphia and Troy 'COOK ING STOVES, and Is constantly making Cooking Stoves of various improved patterns fur coal or wood, ton plate Stoves, Grates, &c. Repairing done to allitinds of Ma chinery. All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work. may 9 CARD. -DOCTOR S. P.' ZEIGLER recently from Lancaster city. offers Ills Profession al services to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity in all its various branches.. ()ince and residence in the house ihrznerly occupied' as' honor's Hardware Store, North lianover Street, whore ho mn be consulted at all hours when' not professionally engaged. Calls to the country promptly attended to. Itu_Charges moderate. ' Carlisle, May 16, 1855-3 m ' ' R YG NEW AND SE ASON -00 DS ABLE.—Tbe undersiguedhav fug enlarged and fitted up the Storeroom formerly °c oupled as the post Office, immediately opposite the office of the American Volunteer, , In South Remover Street, has opened a large and general assortment of NEW AND SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, c omprising a great variety of fancy and staple French, British and domestic m ode, a general assortment of L a dled' Leghorn, Straw, Neapolitan and Gimp Bonnets, B l oo mers of various kinds and quality, Gentlemen, y ou th and Children's Panama, Leghorn and Straw hats, white and colored Carpet Chain, Groceries &c., &c. all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Telety 10, '65 • ROBERT DICK. %LIST OF DEA LERS 0F foods, Wares and " 'AI erehand i ze. Also, Distillers, Millers, Lumbermen, Ac., W Mall HIM county of Cumberland, returned and classified by •Joskeit C. 'PnomPsms, 51er Intik, Appraiser, in accord- Illiill With the several acts f Assembly, as follows: CARLISLE. CLASS. LICENSE. A. Bentz & lire., 10 $2O 140 I'llllllll Arnold, 12 12 50 Charles Ogilby, 12 12 50 hoorge NV. Ilitner, • 12 • I'2 f) N. W. Woods, Agt. _ ]3 1t) 00 It. Dirk, 13 10 00 Jason W. Eby, 13 10 uu I'. 1 nholf, Agt. - 10 20 00 John O. Willians, , 'u 12 12 50 Joseph 1). halbert, 12 12 50 S. W. Ilaverstiek, 13 10 00 Samuel Elliott, T 4 7 0(1 William Kelso, 14 7 00 Steiner & Itro.. 113 10 00 William Sheldon, 14 7 00 11..1. Kieffer, 14 • 700 It 11. Itaulins, 14 • 7 tio Samuel r. II tie ott, 113 10 00 H. NV. Caufman, 14 7 00 • Charles Itarnilz, 14 7 00 Wln. NI. Ilenderson A Son, 10 20 00 W.,thrard A Schmidt, 20 20 00 Henry Sax ton, 12 ~12 50 John P. Lyne, 12 . 12 50 bald& Eiliels,] 14 7 00 .1(.1)n Falter, 14 7 00 .1. A 1). Rhoads, 11 7 00 Wm. It. Murray, Agt. 14 7 00 Thomas Conlyu, • 14 700 Peter Monyer,ll 7 00 Haller & leohrer,M3 14 tr 1.01 .lohn N. Armstrong, 14 7 (10 .1. A. Lehn. ' 14 7 00 'Prof. H. Si. Johnson, 14 7 00 S. NI. hoover, 14 7 00 Thos. 11. Skiles, 14 7 00 Arnold A Liling,ston, 13 10 00 John Keeny, 14 7 00 Philip Messersmith, 14 7 00 Harkness .1 Orore, - 14 -- -7 00 James Nl'flranahan, 14 7 (10 ' A. M. Piper, Agt. 14 7 00 I)av id rornman, 14 7' 00 (te,a•ge Libey, 14 7 00 ' Jonathan Common, 14 7 00 Jacob lioover, 14 7 00 John Fredericks, 14 7 00 .lonics ('al lie, sr., I 14 7 00 .I,,nat ban Cornman . , or., 147 00 llenry Wass. 814 7 00 Arnold & Son, - ' 14 700 FRANKLIN GARDNER Ncw 7tbucrtisLtnoit. SUS NW:SWIM. ' .10110 CriSW CI I, 14 7 00 .1. C. Altick, 14 7 04) Kunkle & Stevlrk, 13 ' 10 00 D. W. To' ton tie., 13 10 00 C. F. Kunkle, 14 7 00 Jonh Stambaugh, 14 7 00 Jacob hinge, 14 7 00 D. H. Miller, 14 7 00 .1. Bridges, 14 7 00 .1. C. Williams, ; 14 7 00 ' W. 1). A. Nagle," . 14 700 Samuel Sugards, 14 7 00 John tiish, 13 10 00 S. 11. Swansey, 12 19 50 P. S. Ariz, 14 7 00 deck, II tililey & Co., 12 12 50 Nevin & Braidings, 11 15 00 Meddinger & Bro. 11 13 00 " ', A,Cornelius, 11 13 11(1 J. It. Duncan, Agt. 14 7 00 ('blip Dear'eh, 14 7 00 John Wonderitch, 10 20 00 S. C. dollar, 14 7 00 Christian Shade, 14 ' 7 00 10LCILiNliC$10!110. F. k. Mateer, 14 7 00 Eminger & Co., 13 10 00 Jacob Dorshelmer, 14 7 00 Kaufman. Rupp & Co., (drugs) 14 7 00 Simon Arnold, 19 19 50 Blizzard & 'n isher, 14 7 00 Ilorsh & Bradman, 14 7 00 Rau MUM. it upp 0 Co., (hardware) 14 700 Joseph M..ssr, 14 7 04 b John T. Ayres, 14 7 00 Lori Snell, 14 7 lou George Webbert, 13 10 oo Henry Ix" 114 7 Do John Belgic, 13 10 00' Ira Day, 14 7 ell John liarlen, 14 7 00 Ephraim 'Zug, 13 10 00 George Singizer, 114 7 00 Oswald .0 Kaufman, 11.7 00 Lewis Shut, 114 7 00 Singizer & CO., 110 20 ((0 Isaac BlizzariL 10 ' 20 00 ' Joseph Mintzer', 10 20 00 rIptVILLE. Anthony Foreman, 14 7 00 William Stitzell, 14 7 (444 . William Reed. 14 . 7 00 Joseph Laughlin, 114 7 0b Thomas Stough, 112 19 50 William Brattou,l4 7 E., John M. Davidson, 13 10 00 T. & .1. M'Candlioh, 113 10 00 .1. 11. Herron, 14 7 00 S. G. Wild, 14 7 00 Boar & Cobaugh.' 14 7 (.10 MIFFLIN. John .1. Crawford, 14 , 7 00 henry Snyder. , 14 700 W ESTPENNSIMOUG IL Davidson & .lames, 11 10 00 Edward Rodgers, • 11 7 00 Woodward .1; Schmidt, 11 7 00 John Hood, - 13 10 00 Illin'TON. S. IV. Sharp, ' 10 20 00 .lacoh 8 wuyer. - 13 10 00 VV. & .1. Oracey, _ . 14 700 .I. IV. Vanderbelt & Co., 114 7 00 M. & .1. A. Kunkle, u 14 7 00 John ?Mulch, 14 700 Kyle .4 Weshinger, • 14 1 7 00 Peter Oarver. 14 7 00 HOP EWELL. John Ferguson, 114 7 00 Wherry & Co., 13 10 00 John Holler, 14 7 00 Shoemaker & Elliott, 13 lO 00 Thaddeus 3FClift. 14 7 00 FRANRPORD. ''‘. W. & J. Green, 1 t 7 00 BOUTHAMPTON. lrigi John W. Clover, 11 ' 700 George Clever, 11 7 00 - William Hauck, 1 i 7 00 .1. F. Iluginnan, 114 7 00 (toured Fasnaught, 14 7 00 Henry !dyers, 14 7 00 DICKINNON, ring Iblys k - Palm, 14 7.00 Russel k Dice, 14 7 00 W. & J. Green, 13 10 00 B. L. Beelman, . _ 73 • 10 00 Joseph L. Sterner, 14 • 700 Francis 'Williamson, 14 7 00 Wm. M. Watts, [l4 7 00 lionjatain Plant, [l4 7 00 ROUTH MIPDLETON.I ' A. IV. Lebligh, , 13 10 00 S. N..Diven' .14 7 00 Mullen & Alestmder, 0 It. Given & Co., 74 7 00 NORTII MIDDLETOn NO Elias Light, l4 7 00 . MONROE. . Devlny k Hull, 18 10 DO 51rs. Mary Mese; 14 . 7 00 Singloor /c Sanderson, 'llB' 10 00 UPPER ALLEN. Peter Gingering, 14 7 00 Hiram Longnecker, 13 10 00 Gosweller k Zook, • 13 10 00 Jonathan Eekels, 14 7 00 LOWER ALLEN, Isaac Barton, 14 7 00 W. Loyd, 14 • 7 00 Ernst A Hance, 14 L 7 00 Brower A Marthlaud, 14 7 00 Walker & Gehr, 14 7 00 • NEW CUMDFILLAND. .."-'-- 7 00 John G. Miller, ' 14 . .1. F. Leo. 12_ 12 50 - 11.11. !dosser & Co., - 111 14 00 John Horn. 14 7 00 Valentine Feamart, pi 7 00 Charles Oyster, 13 10 00 John A. Macann, ~ 14 700 gulitiotti ofoliao E4STPENNSIIOIIOI. 7 I.III. (i vorge NV. Fesler, . • 13 700 7 00 Andrew lislinger.• 14 John :11'Cortniek, 14 7 00 Jacob Longneeli, 14 7 00 Ji1t...1) Benninger, 14 7 Oil Bucher k Son. 13 10 00 km. A liiiiiiinel, 11 11 00 Michael Freese, 13 • 10 00 1/..t.1. Itaynard, 11 7 00 Itudollihus White. 14 7 00 tNivoml John . , . Ilenry it app., 14 7 00 !Henry Nefiligli, 13 12 LO Win. 11. Erliels, 14 7 00 shaffer& lire., 14 7 00 snovEn tiNIINC, John 11. Luling, ' 13 10 00 John Coyle, -13 ' 10 00 John linnek, 14 7 00 David Stroliiii, ~ 13 10 00 .10e01) Simmons, J 14 ip 00 I). 11. Swller, . 114 700 11.31. Ipilliglx, 14 7 00 Andrew Singizer, . 13 10 00 BEER, OYSTER A: EATING H )USI Wm. Wlnholtz, WeStpeniashoro' 8 0 00 Harriet Watson, " 8 0 00 Jaroh in x ler, /.1 8 5 00 ileerge NI urphy, Newrille, 8 5 00 Jane Kershaw, 8 0 00 l'lirles Brewster, Newton, A 5 00 tieorge Miller, 5 00 .1. It. Meld, 5 00 John Browne well James Ilachey, Shippensburg, 8 5 00 Slms° A: !Amply, 7 Is OD 3111111'Sloy, Slevhanicsburg, 8 5 00 David Lang, 8 5 00 Peter Baker, 8 5 no Samuel It. llrove, Lower Allen, 8 L 00 Samuvl Shireumn .t I+.Llr. Eastpcutnsboro' Phillips, John H ❑stun, A. (i. Smith, New ('umberland, 8 5 (4) Joe. Brew newel!, Silver Spring, 8 5 (81 liemge H ughes, - 8 5 00 Jamb Low, Carl itde, 8 5 00 henry Peters, " 8 5 00 henry Warner, " 8 500 Go) hub Sweitzer, (' 8 5 04) Jacob Stratton. " 8 5 00 MILLS Marshall ,lames, Westpennsboro' 13 • in 00 Diller & Krider. 14 7 00 Jacob Slialliiharger, " . 14 700 Zeigler & Myers, 14 7 00 Isaac M 0 arquart, 14 7 00 ElTlAlluel Barnhart, " 14 7 iiii John Moore. Dickinson, 14 7 ilo Elder Barnitz," 13 10 00 = W. 1,. kT. li. Crniglouni, " 13 10 00 ShonfTer k Shupp, o 14 7 00 11...41 .. r k son, tt 14 7 (TO Ilavhl Vf.glesong, Monroe, (T. \V. Leidigh, J. A. & I'. W. Ahl, `• Isaar 1111Azartl, . Miller tt: V.u,g.. Merbanielntrg, 10 20 00, chrlst. Eberly, Lower Allen, 11 15 (01 Saint. Intmer, " 13 10 110 J. K. Kaufman, " 14 7 tio C. Rupp, i 13 10 00 John Horn, n / 13 10.00 J. M. Haldeman, " _1 11 lb 00 Jacob Eouvor,jr., Upper Allen, 14 7 00 J. 5. Haldeman. East.peumanly' 14 7 (01 I leery Rup p . llainvelen. 14 7 10) T. It. 11,,.... `• 11 15 00 John ShatTner, Silver Spring, 14 7 - 00 I. 11. Pitcher, 1:1 10 00 . David Shank, 0 14 7 00 David liy,,ver. " 14 7 00 NV. NI. Henderson & Son, N. Mid. 12 12 :',O I; nbriel Natelicr, 12 12 50 DISTILLERIES & BREWERIES • . 151 word Shower, 9 8 00 C. I ntiolL Agent. 0 5 00 P. A.. 81. A. A hi, Newton, 8 12 50 .14,epli Rotor, 9 5 00 Robert QtaElley, " 9 SOO A. ilehler .1. Son. South Middleton, 8 12 50 !lotto. 171:1,s. 1 , 1 . to li. t 7. Itoltt.h,over, Moort,e, K 12 MI .1. A. A C. lid. 5 12 50 • .. . . . .1•4 1 a 15•wmau. Upper A 11..”, 9 S 00 Ileatiers•at Az lical, N. Middleton, 7 29 00 Alan. Bosley, 9 5 00 11 illinal Ilzt. ylitz, Carlisle, 9 8 09 , i. %V. Brandt. 8 5 00 John 1101.10901, " 8 5 00 TEN PIN - ALLEY: .1:wob Low, Owlish!, 11livid boor, Mechanlesburg, Jue!!l.• liounetnan, North 31Iddleton, CUMDERAND CouNTy, so. I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of the Dealers in Merchandise, Patent Medicines, Millers Instillers. Lumbermen, Ac. in Cumberland county, as returned to me by Joseph C. Thompson, Mercantile Ap praiser. All persons returned and classified as above, are hereby notified to call and take out their Licenses on or bef.,re the 2d day of July, 1555. All licenses not lifted by that time wiP he placed iu the hands of an ollb err for collection. May 2 N. W. WOODS, Co. Treasurer. I :I OWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA =1 To all persons afflicted with Sexual _diseases, such as SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, tioNORRIREA, OLEET. SYPHILIS, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of P h iladelphia, in view of the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which ate practised twin the UnfOrtllllo.o Vlaims or FLICh IikeILSCA Ins Quacks, have directed their consulting Surgeon. flit CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE IMAM, to all FOli.mos thus af flirted, (Male or Female,lwho apply by letter, (post-paid,) with a destription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in extreme poverty and suffering to FUItNISII MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epi demic diseases," and its funds can lie used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It. Is needless to add that the Assedation commands the highest Medical skill of the age. Address, (lost -paid.) Dr. DEO. R. CALHOUN, Consult ing, Surgeon, Howard Association Philadelphia, Pa. Ily order of the Directors, EZRA D. lIHARTWELL, President opril 11. Secretary. ANCASTER COLLIERY. TO COAL DEALERS. e bog leave to introduco ourselves to your acquain tance as ostensive Minors and Shippers of wurrm ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, at Lancaster Colliery, Nor thumberland County, where wo have very extunsive improvements and a Breaker, which fur capacity to pre pare and clean Coal cannot bo surpassed. Our sizes of Coal arc as follows: Lump, for smelting purposes, Steapiboat, fdr smelting and steamboats, Broken, Egg and Stove,for Fatally use and steam, Nut and Pea, for Idmeburtaers and steam. Our Limoburners' Coal Is a vary superior quality, to which we would especially call the attention of dealers and consumers. • Our point of shipping is Sunbury,where arrangements are made td load boats without any delay, Orders ad dressed to us at Shamokin, Sunbury or Lancaster, will receive pro mpt 'patent ion. sprift COCHRAN. PEALE k Co. J.. 1. Cochran, Lancaster. Beni. Reinhold, Lancaster. C. W. Peale, Shamokin, .' 11. Baumgardner, do. Merchants and others who feel themselves aggrieved by the above classification, are hereby notified that I will hold en appeal at the Court Mouse, in Carlisle, on Friday the 27th day of April, 1865, between the hours of 9 and 12 o'olock A. M., and 2 and 4 o'clock P. M., when and where they can attend If they think proper. JOS. 0, THOMPSON, WEILCANTLIS APPEL/USU. Carlisle. Auril 4,1865-4 t.. CEMENT. --The snbsoriber has on hand a largo supply of CEMENT, manufactured at the Cement Mills, In Scotland, Franklin county, Pa. which he offers to those In want of a superior artlelo, at low rates. This Cement Is very highly recommended by a large number of persons who have used It, among whom is the Superintendent of the Cumberland Valley Rail Read, who warmly testifies to Its quality. may 2 11. SAXTON. fiIOWYPROPEIITY AT PRIVATE 1 SALE.—I nm authirized to offOr at private rale a two story ST6 110I1Sli and lot of groulid :;(f feet in front by 210 in depth situated on the south side of Moine St. in this Borough. adjoining Mr..lanok 1. radon's Book Store. -yfhe sale gill be made un nosy terms May 0. 'Oft --, lAND FOR SALE Olt BARTER.— '' J I will Sell or Barter. a tract of land in Monroe township, Bedford enmity. Penna. containing SIX 111 , N BUDD Sr SIXTY' FIVE Alit ES. It is situate three miles from the town of Cleanille. ten tulles south of blaord y run, and eighteen north of Motet al; Mal—the latter ! d m , situate on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and eon tit: to out, to the Baltimore and Ohio Bailnad, affording at all times an excellent market for lumber, produce, tile., and furnishing supplies of plaster, salt and I imeeries at very little above city prices. About two hundred iteies of the land is cleared, fifteen of which is natural meadow land_ the balariee is under tolerable cultia at ion. The sa it . ....., is of niedialn quality, part slate, part red shale 'l ll j ' i i ll ) u e L i l t c ;iJ T l l .- 1 :1,., 5 1 117.1 e1n '- utc u ar ,, ,e, a k, t r'r s 7 t :'l l.- N. yr 1 .41 giiod . saw l Mili 2 tnis p ( ro7ie u rt " y ra NT , would divi d e very very well into three farm giving to cacti a portion a d* cleared land. with a gem! spring. In a suitable plan e par buildings. Or it would altogether make an ox to rsi a e stock farts for which it Is Well adapted. being well an tlered and liaising a largo quantity el meadow had ) a t to .clear. The terms will . be made easy Mahe purchas • er. noBENT DICK. May 8. . Carlisle, Ca. 14 7 00 ITIZI VALUABLE SLATE FARM AT Public file.—The subscriber having determined to change his location, will sell hie FARM at public wile, on reasonable terms, ON SATURDAY', the Oth of :lune next. 8 5 .10 This Farm is situate in Frankfwd township, Cumi er Ismi county. • miles north west of Carlisle, one milt north of Frain's Mill, and a quarter of a mile east rink Hers ilk. The Faro. contains ONE HUNDRED s l TWESTV-NINE ACRES and 120 Perches, striet awns ure, about 20 acres of Which are covered with valuable Timber and the residue cleared, of whleh a large portion is meadow or b o ttom land. The improvements are a gond substantial Lis: !POISE, Lug Ram and sal ';•t.' other necessary out-buildings. The farm is under peel' fence, and there is a tine young Orchard of good friiit. .tlso an unfailing well of good water near the dour. There is also a spring of 'good sulphur water adjoining this•farm and but a short distance from the house. This farm is susceptible, at ordinary expense, of great impros omen t, py means of manuring and lim ing. for lime can be purchased cheaply at a distant.e t only two or three miles. and ns the tam has an exceed ingly even surface whieh effeetually prevents washinr it may be wanured and limed permanently and l rata bly. It is also a Well known fact that slate land, by ren goll of Its cheapness and moderate taxes, pays much let ter than limestone land, considering the extrasagni prices and oppressive taxes of the latter. The subscri ber having resolved to change his location and engsse In his profession for which reason the said property w ill assur e dly be sold. The right and title to this property are perfectly past. For further Information enquire of the subscriLsr and proprietor who resides in Carlise: and those who wish to see said farm prior to the sale can do so by calling upon his tenant Henry Smith, who Hies upon the farm. l'ho terms of sale will be easy. Sale to commence at One o'clock to the afternoon alien at tendance will be given and terms made known by soya LEY I M El LY. N 5 MI 8 - 5 00 8 5 00 QM 13 10 00 14 700 13 10 00 11 15 of) riIIVO SPLENDID FARMS FOR SALE.—The subscriber will sell at pHs ate sale the too folio. lug described farms., to wit: No. I—ls situated north-west of Carlisle adjohdpg the inhabited part of said Borough, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES of first rate Lillie- StVl.l Land, having thereon erected a new large BANE BARN, a large HAY HOUSE, a comfortable CATTLE AY. Also, a 'emntortalde DWELLING ;;;T HoUSE, and, other out-buildings. The laud is in a high statd of cultivation and all under got d post and rail fence. It is bounded on the north by tl c heirs of Samuel Alexander, deed., on the east by .1.1 n Not Its. Wm. E. Seymour and others.on the west by .100. Moore. Dal, id Grier. Ac., and on the south by the public road leading from Cal lisle to II aggouyr's bridge. No. Y= Is situated in North Middleton township, miles from Carlisle. on the Harrisburg and Carlisle turnpike road. about li_ miles trim Middli sex Mills, bounded as foll o ws: on the north by the Conislogninet. Creek, on the west by Irvine's heirs. on the Pest by J. Noble and Jesse Zeigler, and on the son tit by Abraham Hetrick and the Harrisburg turnpike road. containing TWII HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE ACRES, about 100 acre‘ of Limestone and the residue is black shay, about 1t , 4) acres id this tract cleared, under good fence, and In a good state of cultivation. the balance Is v•-ry heavy timber. A large portion of the rut in is meadow land. The improvements are a large STONE DWEIc LING 11011 SE a largo LOU, AND FRAME BARN, stone Spring Muse and othor out-buildings. an Apple Orchard 31111 a large quantity of other fruit trees. No. 3.—ls it small tract of land about 1 3 mile west Cl No 1., on the Baker road leadieg from Carlisle to Wag goner's bridge, containing TWENTY-SIN ACRES of first rate limestone land. Inouided by said road on the north, by John Noble on the south. by Brown's heirs on the east, and by Raker. on the west. '1 he subscriber will also sell a number of orr LOTS to suit purchasers.- The above Beset Hod property us ill I' , o dd on reasonablt terms. ARMSTRONG NOIII.F. Carlisle, January 10, 'Mt 30 00 30 00 30 00 ATVLITIBLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PIRVATE SALE.—The subscriber will Fell the property he 110 W owns rind wen k 11,, , ... pies, (formerly owned by the. E ev. T. V r il l., 7 Moire. situated 011 South Ilanover set .t, iti" Carlisle, adjoining the property of Mr ew Wm. Oraltam. near the Wathul Hot . tom 11.004.1. consisting of a 'IN oWN myr AND A II AI. F 00,hy 240 feet. upon which are erected a good two st, ry FRAME 1161 SF, Wood Done and Stable, together wit h other out-buildings. There is,also a good brick vemented Cistern. capable of holding forty-five hogsheads of water. The property is lit t;:ofal repair. Also. for sale, a full TOWN LOT adjoining the above, GO by •210 feet. Any one wanting such property will do well to call and examine. n0v2.2.-6m lIENEDICT LAW. AKE RY REMOVED. --G corge Grossman luttrtus his customers that his Bread and site Bakery has been removed to the room formerly occupied by Mr. Jacob Setter, as it Hardware store, on North Hanover street, where he has made extensive arrangements than itereton,re in his baking department, witlr , the view of accomodating the increased demand fur Domestic Bread. lie will bake FRESII BREAD and ROLLS every day front the verry• best Flour. A variety of cakes kept constantly on band. Families supplied at short notice with Breakfast anti Ton cakes. Thankful to the public for the patronage heretofore received, he respectfully solicits a continuance of their favors. m. May, 0'56. G EURO E MAN, Drg 4joobs. ])ONNETS, BONNETS.* The subhcriber is just receiving another supply ot Spring and Summer Bonnets consist lug of English Straw chip, Braid. satin Straws, Neopollthin, and Ben Braid. also a new supply of very choke Colored and White Bonnet Ribbons varying - ln Price from 1234 . to 50 cents per yard. Also a large assortment of Childrens and Misses Straw and Braid Flats. OEO. W. I IBM 88. May 16.'55 fIARPETING.—An entire now assort ximont of Otrpotingjust rocoivod. Imlierial, ingrain, Venation and cotton, selling very cheap by May 9'55. Alti.RB 001 JAW. CARD.-SVIL T.- ip Fine Factory tilled and Ground Mum Salt, con stantly on hand and for sale. CAltlt, GIESE k CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Commission Merchants. Spear's Wharf. Aloe, CEMENT and CALCINED PLASTER. Agency of the N. A. and Rosendale Co. Baltimore, Jan. 22, 1855. ATS I—SPRING STYLES receiv ed and for tutle at KELLER'S Old Stand on North anorer street. A beautiful assortment of Gentlemen's White Otter Hats, the' fashionable style for summer, now on hand. Call and see them May 16.,'55 HAVE rOceived my Spring supply of GARDEN BREDS from Mr. Landreth. AR soeds told by me are warranted YRII6II and UNNUISII. Carlisle, AIM 4, 1855. - • B. ELLIOTT. Rear t'state Safes .INO. R. PARKER, Atty. for thr Owners BY LAST MAILS, LATEST DESPATCHES! K. N. Triumph at Washington WAstipttroN, D. C June s.—The municipei election't , ok place here to-day for the choice of a r.t3 Co:lector, Register and Surve..Yor. oral for Councilmen. There NVCIT only two in the field, the Americali end Union tie:,( is The American inejority last year for May, r was 431; over the democratic Candidate T' day the Americans again triumphed eleetif.g their Candidates by II majority of neatly dbli, and eleetimz n majority in both brnothetz file City Council. The election Wes warmly contested but passed off without ilisturbabe, N. National Convention PHILADELPHIA, June 4. The Know Noth ttsNational Convention assembles here to-, morrow. Two hundred and ten delegates firg...A: reported to be present, and every State ansl-"" Territory is represented. The first day's se - sion will be private. but if possible the subsc quent Fessions will be open to the public. Liquor Mot at Portland, !quint. flos - roN, June 4 —Tifh Portland papers of this morning'fornish some additional particu lar,: of the Liquor riot in that city on Saturday night. The attack upon the building wht re the liquor was stored was made chiefly fy b o ys, who threW' moues and other missiles. Nlayor Neal Dow soon after appeared upon tl ground, armed with a sword, and closely ft'- lowed by the military companies whom he had ord,red out 'The appearance of the May' r and military exasperated the crowd, and they were received with groans and hisses. Ti c captain refused to obey, saying the circum stances did riot call for such measures. The Rine Guard soon afterwards approached, a r.d the mat looing burst open the'door of the pow roms, cue seeti ,, n of the company fire'', by order of the Mayor. One person was kit - ed, and six or seven wounded. A public nu (r -ing of citizens was held this nu ruing, and a committee appointed to investigate all the cir cumstances. They passed a resolution r , - questing the Mayor to resign. Marringe Party Poiscined BA LTIMORE, June 4.—A marriage Washington county, Maryland, were poisoned, a day or two since, by eating custard in wt icb arsenic bad been s placed. Some twenty-five are not expected to live. The bride is among the number. It is n mystery as to who corn 'flitted the net. The servants are all sick from eating of the custard. Sam in Open SCPBIOII. NPNV YouK, June 4.—A public meeting of Enow•Nothings was held at Stuyvesam het:- tute to night to make an open declaration ci American principles. The meeting wa• large. The addresses and resolutions p embodied sentiments eimilar to those 0 Barker Know-Nothings. An attctop lunde to introduce the question of till %%hick caused some disturbance, but the ment signally failed, and the meeting adjourned, with three times three cheers r the firs! fuli le ,, gth crew cf Sam, and groans for Seward and Greely. The Virginia Election Rummest:, June 4.—The official retums from Virginia reduce Wise's official mojerity below ten thousand. The election of Lewis, Dem., in the Eleventh Congressional Distr!ct is in doubt,. The Richmond Enquirett, says it is prepared to hear of his defeat. ' Anti-Prohibitory Demonstration. READING PA., Juno 4.—There was a large and enthusiastic meeting of citizens ofillerke and the adjoining counties held here to day, in opposition to the recently enacted Liquor Law. Dr. Muhlenburg presided, and a num ber of speeches were made. A series of reso lutions, strongly denunciatory of the law, passed. The streets were thronged, and can non fired during the day. 1)14.74NTZ & 13 0 Tll ) enured A 'very great excitement by their large Amt magnificent stock or N.L.W UOODS,jus - t opened among which NY I I be found._ . • • CLOTHS, CAStzIMERS, vEsTiNas, Cotton and Linen coat and pants stvW. Ladles Tress goods in great variety, consisting of nod and Shitted SILKS, the best brands of Black Silks, Barge, Do Laittes. Tissues, Barge de laines. Ortmadines, Tissue Sebastimol, Lawns, llingbants, Alpachas, Riad, Strirtd and Plain dress tousling ' CLiutzes, Prints of all qualities and a tremendous stock of them, Flannels, Ticking, :111$11111‘, I,IIIVIIB or our own importation. Pm an Is. laces. Edgings, frees trimming, foolery, Gloves, tiLd a full supply of BONNETS AND\IOIIIIONS, From 25'cts. to tita. for bonnets, and t!,:i" to 3734 ets• yard for Ribbons, Hats, Caps, Oil Cloths, Window shades,. and an immense variety of goods in our line, 1111 to laty' t , sold at prices that defy competition. moll 11. N EW T G ui C . ) L O A D T V 4T I GOODS-: t, N iti .l l l :A .o W sTyi si I ant now receiving from New York and Philadelphia an Immense stet:Rini new, desirable and Cheap (loclis,to which I would call the attention of all my' old friends and customers, as well as the public genera fly. slaving purchased most of my goods freer the largest importing houses In New York, 1 am enabled to give better bar gains than can be had at ally other house In thecounty. Our assortment of NEW STYLE. DRESS GOODS Is large, complete and beautiful. Another lot of those elegant and cheap BLACK SILKS, embroidered hand kerchiefs, sleeves, collars, ruffles, edgings, and insert lugs, a stock that: for extent and cheapness defies all competition. gingham, calicoes, de li e g e s, de tlrkings, checks, a tremendous assortment.— thieves and hosiery cheaper than over. Cloths, mod mores, cords, cottonades, Sc. 4:c. a full assortment and very low In price. CARPETINGS AND MATTING& An entire new.stock of three ply, ingrain, cotton and venitlan carpeting, bought very cheap and will be sold very low. Also white tad colored Mattings. ROOTS AND SHOES. A large supply of ladles and gentlemen's hoots, shoes and gaiters. Intending to give up the Grocery depart ment, I will dispose of what I have on band in that 'line, at low prices. Also' some well wade Clothing cn hand, which 1 will sell for less than cost as I want to close It out. Come one and all to the Old Stand on East Main street, and select your (1004111 from the largest and cheapest stock ever brought to Carlisle. apr4 CHARLES OGILBY. CHEAP GoolS.—Tho 13ubsoriber is now opening a fresh lot of seasonablo goods, at her new location, opposite tho Railroad Mee, iprice.n Alain strert. Carlisle, which will be sold the lowest april . ll, 4t. MatAJilLtitET SNODORA . 1B BENTZ S Rno