4 61 - 1 i 0e --1 /r sLc'' \ r .- f tc,. ... I r'. ' \, 100Evi 4 --e sil ' CARLISLE, A. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6. 1855 TH. LARGEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER CUMBKRLAND COUNTY Terms —Two Dollars a year, or One Dollar and Fifty Cents, if hair, puqctually in Advance • •$1 76 (1 paid within the year. NATIONAL K. N. COUNCIL It is said that an American National Council will assemble this week in Phil ' adelphia. The special purpose of its as sembling is not distinctly known, but the results of its labors, says a eotempor ary, " are artxiously awaited, and the po .sitions the Councils may adopt, for the Party, on questions of-great public im port., such us the slavery question, the revenue system, the currency, internal improvements, our foreign relations, &c., will not only materially retard, impede and - arrest, or improve and impel the movement to still greater achievements, but seriously injure or advantage all oth er parties in their future operation, and vitally affect the futur3 destinies of the country itself. Though it has triumph ed in all parts of the country, wheeling one State after another into the Ameri can line, it is yet, as a party, in its in cipient stages, without fixed and well as certained principles and measures, and can hardly be said to have National char acter and enjoy a National . existence. The first and important business will therefore be, for the members from the various States to come to a general un derstanding among themselves, as to the character, principles and measures to which the party shall be publi&y pledged and their next step ought to be, after having come to an understanding along themselves, to be understood by the country." The Convention will evidently ave a stormy time of it, as the South- is fully represented, while among the Northern delegates is the Hon. Henry Wilson, one of the United States Senators from Mass achusetts, who in a recent speech to the order in Brattleboro, , ,Vermont, declared that the Know Nothings must abandon their secret organization, make open nom inations and take a firm stand against slavery and its further extension. Mr. Wilson is the man who started the great " flare up" in the Whig National Con vention of 18-14, and if he carries the same spirit into the K. N. convention there must be considerable " agitation." The result will be known in a few days. A FUSION MovemENT.—The Whig and Democratic Standing Committees of Allegheny county-have both resolved not to call conventions to nominate county tickets for their respective parties the present year. The object, of course, is to make a fusion ticket, and unite in its support all who are opposed to the Know Nothings• The mode adopted to accom plish their object will make their move ment a formidable one, and it behooves the Americans to act wisely in making o their nominations. SOULE vs. PERRY.—The' Louisiana fire-eater, Pierre Soule, publishes a let terin the New Orleans papers stating" there o is not one word of truth in the re cent letter of Mr. Perry, the present acting charge at Madrid in Spain. He says the baseness of the impudent wri ter is only equaled by his hypocrisy and cowardice. Mr Soule says ho is now preparing for publication a picture of Mr. Perry'S doings during his (Soule's) mission to Spain. DEFINING POSITIONS.—The Hon. James C. Jones, one of the Tennessee U. S. Senators, has declared his opposi tion to the Know Nothings. Senator Toombs and Hon. A. H. Stephens, the aeorgia • disunionists,' have taken a sim ilar position A ""SETTLEMENT" UNSETTLED! The " Final Settlement" of the sla-. very agitation, so Solemnly declared by Congress a few years ago, is wofully un settled just at present. North, South, East and West, we find, says the North American, very little else in the columns of our exchanges than slavery and the topics connected therewith, and all the resolutions of Congress and two great party national conventions, to say noth ing of the monster meetings in . Philadel phia, New York, and other large cities, have apparently been only so much amu nition wasted. Things never looked so threatening as at present, not even at the epoch of 1850. While the whole North seems aroused to indignation and resentment at the perpetration of the outrages in Kanzas territory, the whole South is in a fury at the Masschusetts law nullifying the fugitive slave act.— The Charleston papers open the /War by reviving the scheme of disunion as the only panacea against the great bugbear,.-- abolition. The _Richmond Enquirer ad vocates the expulsion of the Massachu setts delegation from the next Congress. The Louisville Journal advocates the laying of a prohibitory duty upon all goods-of Massachusetts production im ported into ary slave State, and these journals are all apparently in earnest, and argue fiercely in favor of the positions they take. Other distractions also enter into the agitations of the times. Vari ous influential Southern journals have commenced a persevering effort to get the foreign slave trade reopened, on the ground that it would give to the South ern% States the same impetus and pros perity which the Northern States derive ftom European immigration. Then the Georgia politicians want slavery recog nized formally as a national institution. Of-course, all such things aro very visionary, but they show how foolish an act it was in Massachusetts to pass a law which amounts to a mere bravado, but serves the South an excuse for vindica ting the Kanzas iniquity. The peaceful law-abiding position of the Northern emigrants in Kansas gives them an ad vantage in the eyes of the whole country which must eventually secure for them full protection in their constitutional rights, unless such movements as this Massachusetts nullification act. interfere with it.. As regards Kanzas itself, the St. Louis papers are busily engaged in telling us that peace reigns upon the frontier, but every mail which brings th-ese assurances, conveys also praCtical contradictions thereof. Since the lynch ing of Phillips, by a Weston, Mo., mob, several other Northern emigrants have been warned to leave the territory on specified days, or remain at their peril. Phillips himself has gone back to Lea venworth, armed, to defend himself to the last extremity. A hotel, kept by a northern man, as Kanzas City, Mo., has been mobbed by a band of desperate out laws, and only saved by the fact that the place was well armed and defended.— The Mayor and Marshal of the town were sent for, but refused to protect the hotel. 'Meetings in favor of mob rule arc also being .held in all the Western counties of Missouri, and a general mass gathering of the Atchison partY; for the same end, is to be held at Lexington, 1119., on the first Monday in June. OPEN ORGANIZATION.—Sineo the Virginia election the clamor for open or ganization has been loudly renewed by many AmeriCan papers—the Harrisburg herald among the rest. A movement to the same end has been started by many of the leading K. N's. of the city of New York, who have called a meeting for 'the purpose of not only urging the abandon ment of the secret organization, but also to make a public declaration that " the American party does not desire thb ex clusion from office ()cony Foreigner who is, a Protestant I". This is a new plank for the platform. VIRGINIA ELECTION.—ACCOrdifig to the Richmond Enquirer, the majority for Wise in one hundred and thirty-nine counties is 10,159 gwa{toL qt).tvla/ EDICT FROM,y,HIGINIA The members of Congress from Mass achusetts are.not to be allowed to take their seats! This is the edict of the South, promulgated through the Rich mond Enquirer : • The slaveholding States can no longer, with safety, delay to act. What course shall they pursue ? This is a grave question, but it must be promptly and resolutely met. If the act of Massachusetts goes into effect it will be the duty of the South to resist the-entrance of the membertpf either branch of Congress from that State into the Capitol until it is expunged from her code book. The metropolis of the Republic is located within the limits of the South. .That metrop• olis it must control, and expel therefrom the Goths and Vandals who are undermining our great political edifice. No member of eittier House, who comes from a State which sets nt defiance n bonstitutional provision, or law pal pably in conformity with that constitutional provision, should be permitted to take his sent. Language like this is too ridiculous to h3ve any other effect than to excite a smile. Yetit is significant as indicative of the temper of the South. A SCREW LOOSE IN TENNESSEE.— Hon. A. J. Ponelson—Gen. Jackson's Private Secretary, then Charge to Texas, &c.—a distinguished private man in in Tennessee, is out with a letter, in which he intimates his decided opposi- tion to re-electing Andrew Johnson, the present Governor of the State, who is now stumping' the State, with llon. M. P. Gentry. his letter is addressed to the Editor of the Nashville Union, from the subscription list of which he wishes his name erased, because not a word is ever found in its columns warn ing the co.'nty against the nullification treason and other dangerous factions.— lie also denounces President Pierce, whom he charges with specially seeking the adherents of these treasonable fac tions to fill the most elevated and res ponsible national trusts. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS.—On Fri day last the first issue of bounty land warrants, under the act of March 3d, 1855, was made from the Pension Office. There were about eleven hundred in all issued, of 160 and 120-acre warrants. A warrant of 160 acres was forwarded to the President of the United States for military services rendered by him during the Mexican war A similar warrant was forwarded to ex-Presideid Tyler, for military services during the late war with England. lion. Wm. L. Marcy, Secre tary of State, receives an 80 acre. war rant fur military services In the same war, lie having already 'received a bounty of 80 acres under the act of 1850. Bnirisn'Ornctris at the siege of Se bastopol, one might suppose, would find enough to occupy their time in preserving the discipline of their corps, remedying defective arrangements, inspecting the moments of the enemy, and endenvorinz to perfect themselves in the art of war. But the officers themselves appear to be of a different opinion. A recent letter fromthe British camp to one of the London papers, gives an exciting acconut of a horse race; and it seems that they have these diversions regularly. The same writer tells us that "dog hunting" is also a favorite sport in the camp. These officers are evidently of the same sort as a party of others sent by the British commanderS to Heligoland, in the Bal tic, and who took with them such nn amount of baggage, , that the people of Heligoland thought they had come for a long stay. Among the articles they brought with them weie pianos for their families. DEATH OF "DOESTICKII."-II IS announced that Mr. MORTIMER Tuonrsos, better known to the public as "Doesticks, was accidentally killed on Wednesday morning at Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he ° was spending a few days. Ho was out shooting nt a mark with some companions, when an occidental bullet put an an end to his life. The Tribune says that Mr. THOMPSON was a native of Michigan, about 23 or 24 years of ago, of a singularly modest, simple and manly nature, and endowed with taleitts and aspirations which would have secured for him an honorable place in larva taro. His "Doesticks"'letters ho himself re garded as but a youthful extravaganza, and their Yemarkablo popularity never caused him to exaggerate ,their worth. IT 131101.71. D CZ UNIVERHALLY KNOWN—for It is strictly true—that indigestwn lathe parent of a large proportion of the fatal diseases. Dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera morbus, liver complaint, and many other diseases enu merated in the city Inspectors weekly catalogue of deoths, are gonetated by indigestion alone. Think of that dyspeptics! think of it all who suffer from die ordered stomachs, and if ,you are willing to be guided by advice, founded upon experience, resort at once (don't delay a day) to liotland's Gorman Bitters, pre pared by Dr.-C. M. Jackson, warh, as an alterative, curative, and inVigomnt,stands alone and unapproach ed. General depot, 120 Arch street. We have tried those Bitters, and know th it they are excellent fur the dileases specified above.—Phlladelphia City Item. Bee adyertidemeht. • ._ Town (nth Counto Matters. MORE RAlN — Another old fashioned soaking rain fell on Friday and Saturday last, thoroughly _aturating the ground. The most sanguine expectations are now indulged of abundant crops. P>•.PARTURE OF TROOPS.—The • four Companies of the Second Regiment of U. S. Infantry, under command of Gen. Hitchcock, who have been stationed at Carlisle Barracks the lust year, 'left on Sunday morning last about 2 o'clock, in a train of cars provided by the Central Rail Road Company. They arri ved at Pittsburg, we presume, the same even ing. The detachment numbered about 360 men, rank and file: They are bound - for - Fort Pierre on the upper Missouri, but will stop at Fort Levenworth to .awilit a rise in the river. Fort Pierre is about eight. hundred miles a bove Leavenworth, in the heart of the Sioux country. INDUSTRIAL E x IBITION.—The • offi cers of the Big Spring Literary Institute ad vertise their . Second 4 -Anual Exhibition this week, and we Trust our Carlisle mechanics will avail themselves of the occasion to make a creditable display"lf their skill. But few of them - contributed any thing last year, though what was sent from Carlisle was highly credi table. The managers of the Eair are making every arrangement for a full and sati-factory exhibition, and with their increased experi ence and.facilitles we have no doubt the sec ond Fair will far surpass that of last year. THE FOURTH IN MECHANICSBURG:— Arrangements are making, we are informed for a grand celebration of the Fourth of July in Mechanicsburg. All the military companies in the county are expected to beTresent—a public dinner is to be prepared in a grove near the borcugh—an oration is to be delivered and a display of fire works exhibited in the even ing. An efficient Committee of arrangements has been appointed, and the celebration pro mises to be a most enthusiastic and attractive demonstration. Ms.% I'l'ol NTMENT. —The Continentals who were announced to give a concert on Thurs day evening last, were prevented from doing so by the sudden illness of Mr. Frisbie, one of the party, who we regret to hear is suffering from an affection of the lunge. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION.— At the recent meeting of the standing Com mittee, it was directed that the dernocrati: del egate meetings should be held on Saturday the 16th of June and the County Convention 011 Monday the ISth. The Convention is called at nn earlier period than usual in order to op point delegates to the State Convention which meets on the 4th of July at Harrisburg. The Convention is also empowered to nominate a ticket nt the same time if deemed expedient . The Committee directs also that the votes of all those who continue to act and vote-with the proscriptive and intolerant Know Nothings shall be rejected at the delegate meetings. Of course they will be—us they wore last year PARADE.—The " Quitman Guards" of Churchtown paraded on Saturday last nt Boil. ing Springs. The inclemency of the weather marred the attractiveness of the display, but they were compensated by the excellent en• tertninment of mine host COSTANAGNA, who furnished the dinner on the occasion and did it to the satisfaction of all. Marriages. _ on the loth ult. by the Rev. Jacob Fry, Mr. WIL -1.1.AM R 11ARIS6N, to Miss EMMA KEEDNER, both of Carlisle Barracks. On the 31st ult., by the same, Mr.. ARMSTRONG (DOZIER, to Miss MARY JANE UPDEGRAFF, both of Perry Co. pocKET BOOK LOST.—Lost on Monday morning last, between Glass's Hotel and Mell's Brickyard in Carlisle, a Port Monnele, containing about $2O in money and some papers of no value to any one but the owner. A reward of $5 will be paid to the finder, on leaving it at this office. Juno 6. BONNETS, RIBONS AND PLOW ERS.—A vorc ortonsivo, and now stook of Bonnets Unions and Artinetals, now opening at the cheap store of Slay, t), CIIA'S. 0111.13 Y. WATER COOLERS, Of various kinds and of the very best construction, for sale by the subscriber on North Ifonover street. Also a lot offirst rate COOKING STOVES, which he is anxious to sell at low rates for cash. MONROE MORRIS. May, U, '55. . .1 - ADIES ! please call at RAWLINS' Li 'Wholesale and Retail S 1101: STORE, opposite the Rail Road Depot, if you want . • Good French Morocco Boots for $1 00 Tan colored (halters, foxed, 87 Fine French Morocco Jenny Linde, 75 Linen Lustre Gaiters 02 (hood Cloth Shoes, 5O French Morocco Ties, , 37 (hood Madras Slippers, ' 25 Children's Roans, ' 12 Carlisle, May 23 SUMMER HATS.--7-A large invoice of men's and boy's Panama, Canton, Rutland, Ped al Braid and Dunstable Straw hats, now opening and selling uncommonly low at tha cheap store of May, 9,'66 . ORA'S, OGILBY. TiOUS. DE BEGES.-L-Just received another lot of Cheap Do Degas, Delalnes and Par mAtta Clothe. [nov]s) G. W. lIITIVXII. New innertisenients. COUNTY Th.E.A.SURER. - TO TUE VOTERS OF CUMBERLAND CO•Y. I offer myself a's a candidate for the olilee of County Treasurer, and respectfully solicit your sunray,. at the ensuing general election. JAC.OI 811 EEM. Carlisle, June 6, 1855. SECOND ANNUAL FAIR 01? THE BIU SPILI N(1 LITERARY INSTITUTE. for the promotion and encouragement of Agriculutural, liorti cultural and the Mechanical and Useful Arts, will be opened IN "LITERARY lIALL," NEWVII.I.E, ON TUESDAY, To this Exhibition, Farmers, Manufacturers, Mechan ics, Artists, Inventors and all others desiring to display the results of their labor, skill, ingenuity and taste, are cordially invited to contribute. The success of their Brst exhibition warrants the expectation• that the second will not be inferior to any ever held In this, or ally of the adjoining counties. The Managers, there fore, Ibel, that In inviting contributions from this and the adjoining counties to , their second annual exhibi tion, they are offering to the producer of excellent articles n valuable opportunity of making known to the country their novelty and utility, the s - uperlor style of their workmanship. and their adaptation to the pur poses for which they may be intended. Materials, Mo el and Manufactures, which have elicited com mendation at similar displays elsewhere, may here find new admirers and a new market. The managers Auld respectfully solicit the Unties to contribute specimens of elegant handiwork, which heretofore have formed so attractive and important n feature of these displays. The Board of Managers 0 ill make every effort to AR play whatever goods may be recek ed to - the very best advantage. Ontlpetent judges will be selected to ex amine then,. and premiums awatded to at tides of su perior merit in the several elasses. • The Ilan will be opened fCr the reception of gen& on Thursilny. A naust °d: and on T uoida y. A up, tut i t h. the Exhibition will be opened to visitors and run tin ue t.Pen FIVE DAYS. No article deposited after Monday evening. A up. tut can ho entered upon the juilites list for competition or preThium, except such as the manager% shall be satisfied were deiipatched from a distan4 in time but from unavoidable detention failed to reach the Hall by the day specified. . . .110IIN DILLER, President, W. It. LINN, Corrextrnuding 'Sect. D. AUL, Vinanel:ll .1. 11. HERRON. Treasurer. Newville. June nth 1155: NT - 14,'1V • COAL YARD ! I AT TILE EAST END OF CARLIST.I. The subscriber would respertfully rail th eattention of Litneburners and the citizens of Carlisle a n d the ntc• rounding country generally, to his NEW Obi], YARD at the eastern end of tl u • borough, and immediately rp posite the Gas Works, where he will keep roust ant h• on hand a large supply of superkr 1 4 ALLEY COAL, of the carious sizes. together with such other Coal an may be desired, all of which he pledge!, himself in sell at the lowest possible prices. The best lusllty LIMEBURNERS fi 131,Ae1iSMITIIS always on band. All orders left at the yard. or at his residence in East Ftreet, or at the syires of 11. 6axt , n or P. Monyer, will be promptly attended to. juntifltf .lAO ill SHRUM. LitTOWN LOTS AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber will sell at private mie THREE S of ground In this borough. two of them situated no the south side of North street. west Pitt, and con taining each 60 feet in front by 2:n deep. The other Is on the north-west corner of Pitt street and Locust Alley. Sales will be made on moderate terms. Carlisle, June 6th BINGHAM, DAVIS & - Co., fril Market Street, Philadelphia, AGENTS FOR JACOB RII - FE3I, CARLISLE, and Philadelphia. Cars leave both places Eat and West, twice every Week, Tuesdays and Fridays. All business entrusted to Bingham. Davis A Co., will he attended to with promptness. whether in sales. produce or freight. A. 11. lIAIINITZ, North street, Baltimore, has also entered Into this arrangement, and n ill attend prompt ly to all business entrusted to him. ay:A-3m. VALUABLE TOWN PROPETITY FOR SALE.—WiII be sold at private sale, it very valuable TOWN PROPERTY, the late residence of (le o. A. Lyon. Esq., lived. The property comprises two full town lots, each nO feet in front and 210 feet in depth, situate on north side of East Main street. bring a Taoist desirable locality, either for business or a pHs ate resi dence. 'fie Improvements: are a large A,, , ,1 - "Th.„ Its o story STONE MOUSE, A, ith en cf kri. s 0- flee attached a la F'lle I bre° , tory ' di *I . ~I . BRICK ItAdi. MAI:DING. a Smoke -4 - 1 : ^ " ''''''' Hillier, tWO large cisterns. ,Of W ,If them with elegant filtering apparatus 1 an lee house and t !h -er necessary out buildings. There Is au t•Ilfallt I i AP DEN e.mneeted with the house. and the finest and best select ion of fruit trees in the borough. Also laclA•fltes, .te. For terms and further parlieldarti ellll uire of May :W. A. L. A'ONSLER, OT OF GROUND FOR SA j Will be 5 , 44 at pmate rode n lot of Finound. f rm• erly I,elonging to Hobert McClan deed. Ht tat in the I.:trough of Carlisle. on the north s id e of St,,h, lane, near the Seceder Church, adjoining 114, lately Ilto pni erty of John :Knew tlee'o. Johnston an d other. The abort, lot for salp reason.ll , le terms. A prl) to J. t. COLWELL. Attorney In fart for the owner. Ably 30 1855.—1 tn. EAPING AND - MOWING MA CIII NES.—The subscribers are now executing or ders for the flillowing Reapin4 and Nion Mg Machine., believed to lie the largest assortment to be found at our one establishment in the United States: A tliino' Reaper and Self Raker freight added, INleCormick's Combined Reaper and Moser, . Itorrar s Reaper anal Mower, Retch out's Reaper and MOW Cr, Ketehum's Mower, Mei s, Allen's Mower. 2 Krill - es, lIIISSOy'S Rsuprr and \lower • with front carriaim and side MiTery, Nanny's Combined Reaper, and Mower depending on Territory, Samples os the above in store Or examination. PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., Agricultural Ware House and seed stir,'. May3o tf evrner ith and Market sts. Phila A GRICULTURAL AND WHITT- Ia_CULTURAL TOOLS.—Superior Unloading Hay lurks, 3 and 4 pronged ; Improved Horse ilues,Cultiva tors, Cast Iron Garden Rollers, Garden Engines, Tubular Iron Scythe snaths, English Lawn Rakes, English Rive ted Beek Lawn Scythes. Grass Hooks, hedge Fhtiars, Ladles Garden Shears, Weeding Forks, Transplanting Trowels. with other fine Horticultural Tools,per late ar rivals front Europe. PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., Agricultural Ware House and Seed Store, Nay 30 tf Corner of 7th and Market sts. Phila. 11 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING &T Co. HANTCH & Co. have opened and now f.f. for for sale at their Store on West High Street, ono door west of the Hotel formerly kept by C. tough, an entire new stock of Ready Made Melling FOR MEN AND BOYS WEAR. Also, Cloths, Cassimered and Vestings, which will IN mnda up in the best style and on reasonable terms.— Shirts, Shirt Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Satin and Summer Stocks, Handkerchiefs, &c. of the newest styles and best manufacture kept constantly on hand. Confident of their ability to please, they respectfully sir Heil the public patronage. ENV SPRING GOODS.—The sub -111 .criber Is now opening a larde and general assort. mold of LADIESDRESS GOODS, ooricisting of Black and Colored Silks, Chain Bareges, Mous do brines, French and English Eawns, also!' general variety of goods for boys wear, n full assortment. of Ladies' and Childrens Hosiery, Gloves Handkerchiefs, also English and other STRAW BONNETS, Bonnet Ribbons, Bonnet Lawns, with the usual variety of Spring Goods at moderate Pri• cos. OROBGE W. lIITNEII. ENE nAY AN D STRAW CIJTTEILS, CORN SMELLER:I.—A largo assortment of tat p - Arta May, Straw and Fodder Cutters, now on band.— Also, double and single corn fawners for either band CT horse power, of the Tory latest manufacture, including the premium shelled. at the late Pennsylvania State lab. Por sale by I'ASCHA LI, - MORRIS & C".. Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of 7114 nd Market, Philadelphia, Dec. 6, 1854—if 111=EMIll .tntvnt FIUEV, Atzt., for the owner El It.sgtss 1'.5 1.6 115 105