Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 06, 1855, Image 3

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    Xifitt ffolito.
Something for Children.
There are a great many good children;
yet once in a while we meet those who,
we•itre sorry to say, do not belong to the .
class of those we love. Such a ; boy was
You would not have given a fig to play
with him. lie had carpenters' tools,
and books, and checkers, and chess, and
drawing materials, and balls, kites, and
ships, and skates and snow shovels, and
sleds—oh, could not toll you all he had.
Well, if you wont on a Saturday af
te-rnean-to-play with him y ho-would—wach
all these things as closely as a cat would
a mouse and if you were within reach of
them, he ; would sing out, " 11-o n-'t;
Of course it was not much fun to go
and see him. You had to pay every
thing he wantod, or he would poUt and
say he would not play at all,
Then Matthew was such a baby ! I
love a brave boy. le would go scream
ing, to his mother if he got a scrach, as if
a wild tiger were after him and if you said
anything to him about it, he would pout
and stick out his lips. '
It was like drawing teeth to get him to
g.o across the room to hand you a news
paper. He ought to have had a little 1 1
world all to himself, he was so selfish. li
When his mother was told of his faults
she would say," Oh, he will outgrow theM
by-and-by." I knew that his selfishness
would grow as fast as he did ; and that
when he came to be a man he would be
unfeeling to the poor, and make hard
bargains with them and wring the last
penny out of their threadbare pockets.
Oh, dear children, be. generous. If
you have but, half an apple give so/iv:bud!'
a bite of it. Perhaps some child will say,
'lit I have not anything to give." That
i a tuNtrke ; that boy or girl is not living
who has nothing to give. Give your
sympathy ; give pleasant words and beam
ing smiles to the sad and weary-hearted.
If a chi'd gals to your school who is
poorly clad, patebed, darned, nay even
raged; if the tears start to his eyes when
your schoolmates laugh, and shun, and
refuse to play with him, just go right
up and put your hands around his neck,
and ask him to play with you. Love him;
lave sometimes is meat and drink and
clothinc , . You can all lovo the sad and
sorrowful, Then never say you have
"nothing to give,"
Illustration for Children
I once saw a preacher trying to teach
the children that the soul wouid. live af
ter they were all dead. They listened,
but evidently did not understand. lle
was too abstract. Snatching his watch
from his pocket he said,
James, what is this I hold in my
'Ai watch, sir,'
4 _ . little clock,' says another.
'Do you see it ?'
'.V es sir.'
'llow do you know it is a watch ?'
,'Very well. Can any of you hear it
tick ? all listen now.'
Aftera pause—'Yes sir, we hear it.'
He then took off the case, and held
the case in one and and the watch in
the other„ . „
'Novi children which is the watch?
You see there are two which look • like
'The little one in your right hand.'
'Very well again. Now I will lay the
ease aside—put it away down there in
my hat. Now leCus see if you can hear
the watch ticking.'
'Yes sir, we hear it !' exclaimed se
veral voices. •
'Well, the watch can tick and go, and
keep good time you see, when the case
iN tuken'affond put. in my hat. The
Wziteh.goes just as well.: So,. it, is with
yeu, children. Your body is nothing
hut the,case 7 -the body may be taken off
buried up in the ground and the soul
live thinkj well as tltis
wAtelf will go, as roll: see when the 'case
is OE'
'store9 nub 51)opo.
.„ .
. W. lIAVERSTICK has just received &Con the city
and is now opening a splendid display of FANCY 1_1003.)5.
suitable for the approaching. Holiday Season, to which
ho desires to call the attention of lila friends and the
public. His assorttuent In this line cannot be surpassed
in novelty and elegance; and both in quality and price
of the articles, cannot fail to please purchasers. It would
be Impossible tonnurnerato his
which comprise every variety of fancy article of the most
exquisite shape such as
Palpor Macho Goods,
Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays,
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, 0
Ladles' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing Instruments,
Port Monnales, of every variety,
Gehl pons and poncel s, Fancy paper weights,
Papctoriesiand al argo variety of ladles' Fancy station
Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses,
Ladles',riding whips, elegantly finished, Ll es' fine
Perfume baskets and bags,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet.
Roussel's Perfumes of the mime:: kinds,
Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all prices,
together with all Innumerable vallery7d:TraMil-TilMpTctr
ly finished and suitable for holliday presents, to which
o Invites special attention.
Also, an extensive and elegant collection of
comprising the various Englishand American ANNUALS
for iso:, richly embelished and linstrated POETICAL
WORKS, with CM WREN'S I'lCToltl AL ROOKS, for
children of all ages. than which nothing ran be more
appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. II is assortment
of School Books and School Stationry is also complete,
and comprises every thing used in College nod the
Schools. Ile also desires to e••x!! the particular attention
of Families to his elegant cl
from the extensive establishments of I'o.•nellus, Archer
and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of
Parlor, ellambor and Study Lamps. for hurniw either
lard sperm or ethereal oil, together with Flower Vases,
Fancy Screens: NIC. Ills assortment in this line is un
equaled in the borough. Also, -
in every variety, aud at all prices, all of which aro pure
and trash. such as can he confidently reaoinmended to
his friends and the little folks. Ills stork einbrases
every thing in the line of Fail'eyittliolit 2 ny ether
arti des inedinl to hon.:i:y.loN are
especially invited to call and see ilnriti
the uhi :ititud, nearly open: !tank on
North ifanover st rave.
tier 13 1,:51
IL II; AT ATTRAt 'T I )N ? 11( )
is nuts• Itlift tt, 1.0 ,111)pli0.1 With 111 0 arvntL
t novelt Ms up to tho elt)so of the season. comprising in
trt CO), FEVTION A RI ES of the eheieest varieties, such
Finn ettntly"roys, Jelly CakeS, Bon 'Boric, (hull Chrilial,
calm, Chocolate ii 1 Fault Drops, Ruse, Vauilla, and
Burnt 'Almonds, French and so pi ding Soerets. Als o
all the common varletles,all of willeh will he sold whole.
sale and retail at low rates. We hare just reach ed
FR ITS AND Nrrs of the latest Imp olutions such as
()ranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, (lateens, Citron, Ctirran to,
soft and paper shelled Almonds. Filberts. Coena, et-ertin
and Ilround Nuts. In connertion with the above the
lar , n ost assortment of TOYS AN!) FANCY U)b )BS of every
kindkid crow all parts of Europe, manufactured of wood,
glass, china, papier macho, tin and India rubber, zink,
At., suet] as fine Wax. kid and jointed Dolls. sewing
and Card Baskets. Work and Fattoy noses, Flower N . /otos.
:Motto Clips. Tea Setts. Mtob• Part Monaies. Battle
Dors, ilrma• limps. Masks. lb ens.-ti tins Trumpets
Dominoes, Lot to and other games, ;i.e. }alley„ape and
Bair Oils of (trete; 'variety. In ronneetlon with the
above a large stock of FAMILY U at. , CEI:I ES, suit a,
pulverised. crushed and brown Si, rats. or every ...,,ropto.
Starch, I coon amt Illaek Teas. t.:Aires.
nvttl'r, mdu, Susan. \Yutvr and ullwr L‘mrkcra. (‘hvus
SUlPSeriller returns his ~meta, thanks to a gener
nnihe fir the patecm.i . _7o heretofore I...stomed on 1)1,n,
by a .I..sire to pietist., t.• merit tt continuant,
001(ii felt 1 /
We have just mad% ad from Philadelphia, a large
:Assortment of Ilew and SPI, I.: ND I I) A NNI' A au dt.IFT
BOOKS for the Holidays, which having boon purchased
below the usual wholesale rates, no aro unaided to
soil at gm:My reduced prices They have now In store
a slendid stock of
Gift Books,
Illustrated Poets,
Standard AVorks,
Bibles, all sixes,
Mayor Books.
Hymn Books,
Sunday School Books,
Tract Books,
Juvonilos. &c., &c.
All of which ore Sf:W S, fresh from the publiThorq.
ulAundblly bound and 0110)lisped and got np expressl V
for the Christmas:: ilolidays. Al,. FA WV tiT.VI'I(IN IIY
and Vaney. artieles generally, in vrent variety. Ti..' pub.
lie art; Invited to call and examine sample:, now ready
firr Inspectii n.
ktip-itemember, tho place to buy hooks, clioap, is at
PI PEICI 4 , Jlnin vtreat.
lEATII ER.—Fritz & Hendry, Store,
, j 29 Nnrth 3d fA. Pidladol ph la. Aloro,ro Ms n nfartni
et's Carriers, importers, Commission and General Loath
or biI4II4.SS.
V, HOLESA LE AND DETAlL—Manufactory. 16 mu
lis :instruct. Sop. 7-ly
1) EINIOVAL '.-1.1 , ',55(:).N &, SON,
k, hog leave to inc"rm you that they have rentov
..,1 the PIIIT:11,1,1.1.111. , FAMILY rthalltrO.NO t'TOr.r. from
So, ft 2 Sonth-Seeon. Street, to the new ltulitilug No
..ltlf, Chesnut Street. (tiro iltnnrs ahnilt 'Eighth, South
'amide) Whore they will oiler no ilierell!A•ti tteek Ai re
treed priors. vs, ;New Spring Coeds daily opening.
No. 129, North Third street, Philadelphia,
ers of FRENCII CALF SKINS, and Dealers in Red am
Oak S4ile Leather and
No. 1.15, North Third arca, Philadelphia
Wholesale Dealer In
Fancy Dress Trimmings and Millinery Goods,
and Manufacturer of Fancy Silk Bonnets,
keeps constantly on hand a very extensive assortment
of Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Flowers, Bonnet
Frames, Gimps Fringes. besides a great variety of other
Fancy (lends, fle solicits a call from Country Merehants
visiting the City, and assures them that they will be
sure to find any article above mentioned at taw lowest
prices. miretl4-2m
136.7 MILLINER Y G( ) ODS-1855
4 ,..., 301 IN STONE & SONS, N 0.45, South Second
Street, Philadelphia.
Ifitvejust opened their Spring Importations of
a; LA(ES, CRAPES, &r. ke.
Including a general assortment of MILLINERY ARTI
cLEs_, of the most fashionable styles. no Shov e Good.
here been Imported eqpressly for our Spring sales mu
comprise the largest and best assortment in our line tt
he found In nil. market. _ nutreht43m
QI M 'MEE II Al'S.—J - ust received a
Swill of ItuREItT DICK, a largo assortnund
Youth's and Children's SUMMER RATS, con
v nist Imt Panaina, • Lo.flawn. Frond' Straw, Canton au(
11 011.1 . arlelle9:part of which iou colorod and block
Sow,' qulte low In pried. nulyl2
. . .
Tik 1)i Ti 1
.3 DE I , ',EZ S. ''G 0 ObS.----ju s t
. 4
opening a largo assortment of..Fprltig and Suunner
'oro,,z, (loals, consisting Of I MO Ill“Irell 11,1F4efi,
.12-I+,il/ 1111 a I , lo.irozl SLII Tl.Fili'S, 11:1111p1 do Laines, Plaln
Lawns, Viztured , 4 o is.: )luslitzs, 1 Ireandies, s,,,t e h Gi t i g .
loons, and it areal enriely anther g.mils at as low priers
us mit 1?1 - 1 found any Whoro in tint toWn. ,- • . +
Mny tlt h. '55. 01:0. W. lIITNEII
JOLIN P. T. and Be
tail dealer English and Oerntan
11 ARDWA EE, Oils, Paints, Ae.., A. Mechanics, builders
and the public generally, who are In want of Ilardware
of any kind, are Invited to fall In and,
examine my unusually larg stock 01
goods, which ratn selling at very low
prices. not stop in; it will only detain yon a very
lbw minutes to be Convinced that what overylody soya
—that Lyn's is decidedly' the place to gut good goods at
law prices—mast be true. NWS Ilardware Store,
{Vest Side North Hanover street.
itith 00K 11 EMI ? !-A
The subscriber in consiquenco of ill-health, oilers his en
'tiro stock of 11 ARWA RE to any person or . liorsons wish
ing to enter into the hardware business. Ile hiving so
resolved in quitting the business, will Ova n bargain,
besides Ills in fl use and custom. Any one desirous o.
getting into this business will do 0011 to calnoon, and
if 'not disposed of by the let of October next, lie will
then COIIIIIICIWO selling off at cost at the old and well
known stand; In North Ilanorer street, nest door to
Charles )laglaughlin's Hotel. JACOB SENkilt,
i j -I RESIT
knit] V Vi
subscriber 1111 s-lug returned-from the city - would call the
attention of his friends and the publin generally to the
large and well selected assortment of hardware vilikh he
has just received, con b-611On part of BUJ LDI NO MA
TERIALS, nails, screws, binges. locks: bolts. ghiss. putty,
paints:oils. &v. TOOLS,—tidge tools; saws and planes o.
every description, a ith tiles, rasps, lumuners. Burits, Ac.
A general assrptment 'of SIIOEMAKERS ANI) SAD
DLERS TOOLS', together with morocco, lining and bind
ing skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount
ing, saddletrees, &e. •
iIOACII IMMI NO—canvass (plain, enamelled, fig
ured and embossed,) patent and enamelled leather,
axles. springs, hubs, spokes. fellers, stunts,
Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment of sum -
ishes.mahogany and wrilMit veneers, moulding, rosettes,
hair cloth, curled hair, &c.
The stock or Iron Is liirge and well selected, compris
ing all - the kinds in general use, as hamlllered and rolled
iism of ME sizes, flnt..Lnr and band Iron, round. square
and oval num horse-shoo iron and nail reds, with a large
lot of east and spring steel, English and American Mis
ter steel, &e.
housekeepers and tin se about commencing will fled It
to (heir advantage to call and examine Our cutlery. brit
tank' and plated ware pans, kettb.s. cedar ware, 1414Cts,
assortment of IVALI. PAI'LIt, malting; Ow. stork roni
pl.l o, and at sorb price, 21S to gix
WP invite all frimids to call, VAIVNVIIIV.. IL will ho to
tli.•ir own mit:int:l4o. 1:•tuotal cr (lie old :.taml, Last
Walt Street. Cal HMO, l'a
141. 1 i , e,•;,:t,
,- NV ---7-
It1:' 4 11 AERIVAL OF II Alt D
W Ali sul scriLer baying returned from
ow c ity h a s : jest opened for the Fall trade a largo and
well selected stork of forcitru and domestic Hardware
umbra everything, n• fthind in that line of lot
sines. The a ttcliti;•• , ;trol t h e public generally
is respeetfully dill ad to t .o assortment on hand, a,
curing them " • ' goods n all hinds will be sold for cast
at a very Il ea ..% WO on manufacturers prices. B e
member I o old mod, Pat,t Main Street. Carlisle, I'a.
Aug: f,185. -11. SAXTON.
UT II \VAS LI .—J;eautiful \ V t
'Perth [tea ithpliuin.3ll.l ri SN,eet
are liestrour f olitnining these li••urlit shuuhl Use %ER
NI AT Eli WIN/1 II iN A :-.11 .
•ii Ito!, s motilei inns qualities that it
n, nett 1 , 4,• , .1111 . a nt.1,1.111 In rite ttif I. 11, eit i is n.
Ne, and It pr.e
-writ,r it in their yrat Un t• trout
every Mute the mist ilntteriri latriat ion., are
Inflamed and bleeding ittus are immediately henefit
tad iky Its use; Ito anti .JI upon them Is mild, soothing
sod tire. It .deanses the teeth so hio , r that
Linty art' wade t, rit ai 11,1.11 In whiteness, and diffuses
thron.:ll the mouth sm it a delightful cryshoms that the
I reath is rendered evittisitel) su cot. It disinieats thu so
impurities I. hi. 1. temi t pr , dire .I , o:ty, and. as a 1 , 11.
..•.tueneo.-u Ikon the:, are rem., ed the teeth must al
, op , remain sauloi. fleo.l the f .llon ing nom hr. .1. A.
I'. MI)NY'EIt.
3dr" Zertzutn—: 4 lr: re ,, lnittentlott
your 'l'ooth nstt in in prnetico for s.ono ttnot, 'find it
them st effo.-tuttl Dontrilice In uso,and therofure rtcotn
-11111 ud It to thy public.
Meta the f.,ll.,wing testim o ny:
)10. Man IN—Den r I have fully tested the merits
of your lalualle Tooth %Vasil, and ean, without hesita
tion, recommend it as the hest that loin come under my
notice Miring, an ex pe w snore Dentist of ore than six
teen years. 'lt cleanses the Toth, wnows and hardens
irritated Guilts, and impart: a delirious fragrance to the
Breath. From the mouths of those who make use or it,
hoe ever, it uill certainly speak fit. itself.
(leo. Szeinvin t, Sure:eon . Dentist,
9711, South Tenth st., I'Liladi'il hen.
It Is lIROft n nil reenenneinled IT nll the eminent Dent
ists In New York. Philadelphia, and other
ci tie: where It has Leen introdured. All should give it
/lit- Prepare , ' only ,y 7.ONT1:111. a nd
Chemist, Philadelphia. and sold wholesale and retail I.y
Smiting Elliott, Dort.helmer. li , eltaniesTurtr.
.T. Herron. New villa, J. C. Williams. Shipponsburg, and
by all ltruggibts at only cents per I,rttlo.
1 -1 141.14',P5Y Can he Cared. Lake's
,V Ell ETABLE COMPOUND, for tiro curt, of EPi•
or Fits! is p•rforming more wombizbul runes than
any other modloine yet known or before the public.—
The proprietor has In his possession numerous certifi
cates, narrating the astonishing and miraculous cures
effected by this medicine, and directs attention to the
followpm only, to assure those who are on unfillunate
LO 100 afflicted with the terrible disease heretofore regard
ed incurable, that LAKL's preparation IS AL:4OBT INPALL
MS. IS ITS cum: I
Front Mrs. Brooks, widow of - Maj. Jas. Brooks, Into of
Conneaut, 0. .
Mr. Z. I...ttm—Sir: Please send me another bottle of
Vit Medicine, as I de not like to be without It on hand.
When I commenced giving 'the tuedrine to my son Ed
gur. ho had from one to three tits per day. Ito has now
taken the medicine over five months and has had, I
think. but two fits in that time. and those very Ihxht.—
Ills body and mind are very much improved; 'ma by
the blessing of Uod, feel that the medicine will restore
hls body and mind be their wonted activity. lie is 28
years old. :nut has had fits over 12 years, which hare
been very fre.inent, and very destructive to his consti
tution and mind, hundreds of dollars have been cx
pended for medicine to " etmr. FITS." hilt la:thillg has
relieved him until he used yourmedicine. Respectfully
yours, POLLY II WOKS. '
From Judson Landon, County Superintendent of the
Ashtabula County Infirmary.
KINGSVIT.T.E, Feb. 4, 1853.
Mr. Z. Ltxs—Sir: Please send a few more bottles of
your "Fit Medicine*" I may not need it, hnt, think sail
or to keep it on hand. Your medicine hnsdone wonders.
1 gave it to Miss Jane DeWiwi, she has had fits for 20
years, brought on by having, the measels when but four
years old, which could not be brought out to the surface.
After taking the nullelin; a few days, SHE 11511 A FINE
ate' , OF SIEASEI,H, and has had no fits since. She had fits
or symptoms almost. daily. SIM : and her father concur
with me In saying that we believe the medicine has or
will wont a perfect cure. I 111110 gave the Medicine to
Miss Jane Ilendersen and Acts Carby, who have bad fits
almost daily, fOr a number of years. Their fits have
ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the desired
effect. Mueli money has been expended by the friends
of the above patients ft- doctoring, all to no purpose.—
The cure was left for your medicine to Terfinan, and 1
can cheerfully recommend it as a valuable discovery.—
Respect folly yours. , JUDSON LANDON,
Superintendent Ashtabula Infirmary.
Prepared and sold at wholes:do by Z. Lxen, Conneaut,
• E. P. WELLER, traveling agent.
Sold by S. W. Ifaverstick. Carlisle; E. 11. Thomas, Me
chanicsburg; D. W. Gross. Ilarrlshurg. Oct.' 5-Iy*
; AT CORN SIIELLERS.—A - large assortment of hn
IWO \ NI Tray, Straw and Fodder ('titters, now on bond.—
Also, double and single corn shelters for either lenut or
horse l ewer: of the very latest manutheture, Including
the prem ixiva sheller at the late Pennsylvania State Fah,
'For sale by • PAS/WALL, goruus
a Agricultural Warehouse and'Seed'State, earner of'7th
nil Ntorket Philadelphia, Doe.'OClBs/—tf
Ett ic vs
Dr. J. A. Ctl:m Or, DentlA,
Ilatrislntrg, I'a.
TIIE AGE—Formers. Families and others, ean pur
chase no remedy equal to Dr. 101:IAS' Venetian Lin!
taunt, for Dysentery, Celle, Croup, (Anomie I. }Lunn:man,
Quinsey, Sore Throat, Toothache, Sea Sickne,s, Cuts
Borns, Swellings, Old Sores, 111 m-quite llio s, hoe, t
Stings, Pains In the Limbs, Chest, Pack, ,tr. It it dues
not give relief, the money will Co refunded—all Chet is
asked, is ti trial, 011(1 use it necording to direidict '1 he
article is an English remedy. MA r is used I,y Wm. Il',
King of Englrind, and certified to by him, as m cure fir
Rheumatism, when overything else recommended by his
pllySirlallS had failed ,
Over 10,000,000 of bottles have been Fold In the VIM:
ral States, without it single fail ore, and families have
- stated that it 000 worth $l.O per b, (tie. they nes Or
would be without it. in case of Cioup, as it is as eolith,
as It is applied. It cures To, in three inlnntes;
Headache In belt en hour, and Cholera. whim first tak•
en, in a few hours. It is perfectly Innocent to lid,
mad hoc the- rerommendatioD of many of the
most eminent Physicians in the United States. Price,
25 and IA cents.
Dr. Tobias lees also put up a Liniment for Horses, in
p!nt bottles, which is warranted—ehenper and 1 otter any other, fer the cure of Colic„ Halls, ~weliiii a,
old Sores, Cuts. Bruises. &Tattles, Cracked Heel, ac.—
Price, to cents.
Dr. Tobias could till a dozen newspapers with the cer
tificates and letters received, relating to the wonderful
cures - accompllibed by his hi fi inftwt t, t ut con sidei s flint
warranting it is sufficient, as any person who does not
obtain relief, need not pay for it. There has been so
much worthless medicine sold to the public, that Ur. To
bias wishes his article to rest on its own merits, and if
he gives the value of the money received, thou lie asks
the pat rona , e of the public, not otherw
Dlt. TUBAS' 0ffice,..4240 UItIiENIVICII Street, Now
For sale by A. Smith, Seventh.aud Chestnut streets;
Dyott Soo, U*.! N. Second street; T. N. Callender, Fti
S, Third street, and by the Druggists throughout the
United States.
: 4 AXT , )N
ir"-This greet ilterative medicine and Pm Hier of tho
111 ood'is• used by thousands or mato ul patients In
all parts of OM gaited F tat es, a hi, testif3 daily to the
rbinarifit'Oe cures performed Ii the greatest of ail midi
clues, -C. .11:TER'S :IPA:\ tql NI I \Tr Nettralo:,,
Htioninati:mt, ore Alla. Eruptions on tho Main, Idycrl 1 , -
03,0. Flll UrS, (11 , 1 fist es. <I Met ions of I hu
Diseases of the Threat, Female Complaints, Painsna il
1,-.liing of the Bones and Joints, are lery speedily pat
to night Ly sang this great and inestimable remedy.
For all diseases of the Mood, nothing has yet teen
found to ennyetre to It. it cleanses the sysitom of all im
purities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liter and Is id
nevs, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the :dm
acb, make. the shin clear and healthy. and restores the
Constitution, enfeebled by dismo:e or I rohen down by the
excesnr.4 of youth, to its pt ist inc t 1;or stud Mt ength.
For the 'Adios it is ineomparably better than all Ilie
catanoties ever used. A few domes of C.tlat It't%
MIXTCII4: tt ill reitioN e nil salloNVllegSt of complexion. brim!.
thi. roses mantling to the cheek, Ole elnstit ity to the
step, and imirwt e the general heolth in a remnrhable de
slant beyond all the medicines et cr heard of.
Tho Tarn° number of certificates whir' we inter receiv
ed fans front persons front all parts 01 the I:cited
i. 010 11, St Pvidonce that there Is no Humbug about it.
The Ness, hotelAteepers, magistrates, ph) sielaek, ned
publle 111,11. well linown 1.4) the community, al: mid ILrlr
testimony to the wonderful affects 01 this lilt EAT 111,4.)01)
Call on the A GEZiT, and get a Circular nod Almarnc,
and read Ole wonderful cures this truly greatest of nll
NfitiLießiciqns performed.
Fone genuine unless signed BENNErP & BEERS, Pio
printers, No. 3, Pearl street, Richmond, to a hem all
orders for supplies and agencies must In , n.iiiresi.ed.
And fir sale by S. Elliott, S. W. Ilaveistleh, Carlisle;
Ira Day. Mechanicsburg; .1. If. Nei% villo; J. C.
Shlppensburg. and IT dealers in medicines every
, rll E WON 1 ) F,lt 01? 'IIIE AGE :
it- For the cure of Salt, Ileum, I hilblains, CouLmon
Sores. Chapped or Cracked Ilauds, 'Burns or Seulds, Cut s
or 'founds, I'lles, lollaninia lion of the breast, lite:-. f
Insects, Sore 'IA e c Pimples on the V,
ac. and ItrenFlog
Out and Sores vi Children, and all disease, of the Skin.
Tills Ointmen Ns iii vote the Salt, Ileum and Purim. or
Chapped hands, l i enjvher and sitter than any ~titer medi
cines or the kind tefore the put Ile.
To substantiate the above, I ran give hundreds of eel
titleates, but
I consider It no use. as !any person eau do
the same, If they lime friends, b r co en IL 11 n•rtiliet-ti ar
ticle) I ri ly solely on the met Its of the i liniment for the
public patron:lg.%
N. R.—.l single 'box of tints ()Mime t ti ill keep any
Illueksmlth's, Farmer's, Sailor's, or : le .honk's hands, 1, t
them chap or crick ever so lad, 5.0 ii ?Old in good work
ing order all winter. Prepared mot t old by
- • MO 'lt( P. TPM t EL.
CONNEAUT, Feb: 3. 1853
EIA V .1?, you a col (1 , ? -0 alloher's Elixir
has acquired a just celebrity ter the cure of all
diseases arising from severe colds, and its cheery has
bums attested and approved by hundreds of our most re
spect:lMo citizens. In every.instance immediate relief
has been given, as the follon lug certificate from these
who have tried it bears testimony* Manufactured anti
for sale by
JAMES G A Lumunt, Agent.
We the undersigned do certify that we Inive used Cal
Inhere preparation for Consumption, Colds, Diseases of
the Lungs, Liver, :Le., and having experienced
ate relief therefrom would recommend it to all afilicted
in that way.
Thos. 11. Sidles, Mrs. M. Gould, It. 11, itlcCoy, FL L.
Wolf, Peter Monycr, IL S. Hackett, Joseph Lobed], N.
W. Woods.
Carlisle, April 25, 1854-1 y
TY.—From eutiroly' orlginul Surveys.' by rictutil
turnsuremOut throughout the whole county, by U. F.
lticbicit tes"
a particle of Mercury -it. An infidlible remedy li•r
Scrofula, E lim's Evil, Rheumatism, 01 st inate Cuts it , ' us
Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Notches.
Rolle ; Uhnmi,• Sore Eves, Bing Worm or Tet ter. Scald
Head Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints,
Stul.orn Ul e ers. Syphilitic Pl. i derv, Tamil
Crimploints and all diseases ari,ing from au injudich us
use of i'aer ury, Imprudence In life, or Impurity of the
A a k COD n.
Sold niso by the prinelpnl Drugg,srs, l aw c oun t, M or.
hants. Price 25 rents per box.
Nov. Itt;
• The subscritier Is now engaged In ranking Surveys
preparatory to publishing a. 1:0w and e,mplete Ilia! , of
Cumberland County, +upon a large scale. Every
Road and Stream, with the local ions of all Hills, Mon s,
ldwellings, and Public Buildings, will be necurately laid
down. All the riddle Buildings in the County
'distinctly indlcated, and tliv names of oil Tiers of proper
ty generally, will be Inserted in their proper positions on
the Map, •
k 'fable ofdlistanees, Statistics of the County, en
larged plans of the Prlnelpal Villages, and n few of the
most, attractive;v lows in the County, Arm h e i nser t e d i n
thednargi ; thus giving every natisfaetion, and render
ingthe Nap most veluable to the Owners of Property,
Merchants, Tray dors. Conveyancers. and the Inhabitants
generally, of delineated
la as rsl.llis tied. Is t o I, e 'm a d e l ip of ar t u m
surveys toad,. up ,, n the gr,,und, it. will ,require time to
arromplish it; It 1,41114 I”..p(Wtelt illAt iI will
he ready ter publiention much perird of Tire
Years, .The silo of the Map will be 'about dive feet by
four, and will cost :Ivo dollars.,'
• r IL. el;INS; Publisher.
N. K cOrnor of 7414 - shall and Wood St. Philndelphia.
Sept. VT —luird. •
.11 . U.icinc5;
IV E t CONII'LAINT, ..Dyspepsi:
rhronid or Nervous debility , bistaes%
toe it ldneys, and all' diseases arising from a disc rdh e.
Liver or stomach. such us Clillbtipatio7l. inward plc t
fulness of blood to the head, acidity of the 141 note 1
1a1.1,1•11, 111./1116111.11, disgilst f ulness fir weight I ,
the ,torniteli, sour eructations, sinking Or fluttering a
the pit of the stoinach,kwindning of the he. d, berrie
Lod tilt breathing, fluttering at the heart, • 'addl.'
sensations when In a lying pasture, diu
lIPSS of a kion„dets or welts before the sight. fever so
dull pant in the head, deficiency of perspirati.n,y
nose of the skin find eyes, pain in the side. bat It. chest
,Ve., sudden [lushes ol heat, burning in the hest
constant inatginings of el il, and great depressit a of sets
Its, can be effect wally cured by Da, IloostAN , t's t ELI
Bit AT hn EItSIAN ItITTPES, prepared by Jut. C. kl
JAcksos, No. 110 Ault S.treet, Philadelphia.
Their power over the above dit:rases is not et:celled,
equalled, by any other preparation in the United State ,
as the cures attest, in many Caves after skilful ?bye
01:1.91, )11141
These Litters are worthy the attention of invalids.-
'ossesstng great viitkes in the rectification of disease
if' the Liver and lesser glands, exercising, the moo
earthing, powers in weal: neFS and affections of the d
;estil e organs, they are withal safe, certain and plea
Flu trig, Lacey's Ille, 11g5 , 1, says. "
•an get you ntne gmtl certilleutes for your I;ertnitn Li+
ers in this vicinity if you. wish theta. A lady lurch::
int; FOlllO of It this )veel:,.says that it Is IT far the Les
111( . (11eitee she ever know, having done her and he
.laughter murk got•tl, Re.
IS B. Lawson, Beptir.l's'Store, F.otuervet co, Pa., Atli
15, says, "I am much attached to your (Irma ,
ilitters, having used two bottles of It, I procure
.1..111 our Ilgt•nt at Somerset, and found grey
relief from oit in disease of the Li rer. I thal It 11 , 3
:reat ~11 my lungs, stleugthenimr and his igOritt In
them, Ai hich, as 1 nun a puhlle speaker, Is a great help I
Itr. (tiles, Newton ITatnitten, Pt., May, 19.51, said: "
101 Used in half a dhoon bottles of your Ile. zna
Itittere litr Liver Chtni,laint and diseases of a north
resultine to rn the abuse of mercu r y. 1 et
:I , isned and nfilieted eith spasms from the use of lh
latter artiele. 'I lie liertuan hitters is, the first artt
tttnt ti 111. 11 I attained coy relief. 111110'0 also rivet: tt
tetiele to In:my dyspeptics, will, the .nthst salutar:,
:tilts. 7 think cc many no re bottles will sere 1110."
was afflicted With flefletal laestif ff ) Peal
mess and Lostivenrss, for r• Nall 1 used nal, fliffer•c
eofpedies ni thefft relief. lAt 1151, rased yonr H. I,E.ITIti
ililtors. I took a tow 1,. ttk,. gto d
, a•ethq..s. :fiat Eras f Ildr.Whdy email. I hove ?lot Iwo. •
healthy f• r yealS as 1 lIANC I•een since 1 tti.k con
Pit ter.. ,E hi. 11 I , fila tat fa, year ago." •
These Ditto's are szETIkl.f.Y vtof.EAPI E. PiWayt. :trengt
tLe sei:t ern 'lever pret ritt int; it.
:•1.1 I.y rieiileis in medicine :aid I.toreketTers el er
here. and 1.116 ti, R. W. !Invent irk nrrl 1
5". •hi ; Etiiitiger Liitdest
' , nyder t :.rat I.tirg. :led ly Dealers in Medi( h..
Not. 22, 1854 ly
1 kOCTQR Yol . li
1" sEfV-vnivATrLy •J
cents, by nears td the Iq,CI
rho thirty•sixth t1i .. ! 1, .1,, nit
one hundred ong a t it "X. OP s
log. Fri vnte 11{SI ISeF 0 : t 1 Nln
forinuti9ns of n e i ;enema I r
Systiqn, in el. ry Alone au
forth to 1‘ h Jell is :whirl
Treatise on the Piseasrs of I
nlale-9, Intended i'ut Ow use
tema'e , only. (see ro'e PAI
ing of (ho higlii.4 iinpurt a n
to married peA)le.q r i terse •,-,
.11.1 y. 11 Ikt..'Y OM . 0, M. 11., ()nu! 1.•
. .
of t. 13.1 Pniversity 33f Pennsylt unlit, Member of th.•
al ColbegatsOf Surge(ns.. L)ndon, and Alvin t 3
or the Philadelphia Medicat's , ciety. 'rho curb tu , Arc
of Secret diseases; Seminar Wcadmess. Discascs cf
Prostrate Gland. lxopotency, solitary habits of :3,3 uth 33 ,
fidthfully deseribed. and all tho receipts given in pins
language. Ihe chapters n self 3313 u,, and :3 7 3. Li ii..
Wcokness is worthy of particular attention, and rht u,
he read by et ery ono. N'cut3g men ahn ha tern ul
fel t mint , . In contracting lie to. previous to phd to
t•at , ..11 is art!, the rflre 01 any .t r,ut, It tilt. r It,
prt.1,10 , 1 , ma may Le. get a mil). truly Nallla
Sea Caphins rind persons rnintr to sea slo ‘ll/1 pr s•a
young's Treat !,e On Mat-Hope, 11;e r..chnt
us, nr Every one Ills own Physi, inn.
4n -- Let nu father Le ashamed to present a c. y' of t!
I:,eulapins told: child. It may sot e him from nn ear
grave. Let no young man or n entan ertt r jilts the
reel 1,. liens morried life wit hr reodirg the p, •
o 44%:efilapi us. Let no one suffering tole a hark t:i'
~, u on. lain in the side. restless Nights. nor, f us teelin
and the whole 'train of-Ifysto'ptie sensations. and gif
up I , y their physieion, he another mrinent
, :ulting the A:Fetal:lons. Ilave the married or tho
fisrfft to he worried any Impediment, read this Ulf
useful Ihsfk, as It has ('eon the means of rating tho
fords of onf , rtunoto creatures (rem the Ivry jaws
tenth. Upwards of a 311 LLI ON copies of this celebr4 t
work has been sold in this country. and Enrf pe since
34, when the first edition trite Issued.
t:n• An y person sending TNVE.NTY-F1 E cent, e
closed innletter, v. receive one rally of thin hock I
laid; or Lte e pie, Nill I, sc ut for .:•••1. Address
WILLI ANI YCittNO, No. 1r.2 Spruce stroet, Philadelphl
Vest paid.
To onto yours practice in the city of Plillndelphla ct r•
tainly entitle , 14. Yeting the confidence of the of
.letett, and he nuts , Ira e. insult...l on any of I.he disease •
toncrilod In Id' linrieul put ii. Ilk grin, 0,
n'pen,e of reel. . every day bet oeen 9 and iie'clock, Son
days excepted I and pet nal, at an) distance ran consult
Pr. Venni; Lc letter, POST I' AID.
‘ 3 l , \ F E—S 1 DY—S 7 R E —S! o e
v. 2_ TiliNo DOC. ot\ N ISENEITE!! A Medi
:rim minted to gilueral me, greatly nuperlor to uthrrc.
Ana withio the i•Nery
100 PILLS ILA* toent2,-live vents! Psi extortion Ii
p r t t lin nilomol—no mineral piti.on ulaitetor.
lie. TOWNSEND . 6 HEALTH. PILLS Italy merit the great
I.i.pntati.m they have acquired. y r from
all pnrts of the land, beelttlbe THEY ARS ALL TIIAT SLILY
1:1.11:q TO nE.
WHAT THEY WILL DO—They purify the final. they
dense the System of Ilninors, they ewe Hyspele.ia and
liidbzestion. they create no Appetite, they emu hick
Ilendaelie,Dizziness and Low Spirits. they arrest Fevers,
they promoto a healthy action of the Liver, they are n
sore cure far Costiveness and Habitual Constipatior,
they ere lOhly offlenefolis In Female Complaints, they
strengthen aii;l give tone to the System. They are ltz
best Family Modiehie known.
It is an 01,vions Inquiry, hang one inadiVino can cure sc
nttny different complaints. 'fheso J IlSs. however. ore 80
Nilliponlided ofyuratiee mntorinls that parboils have ou•
y to THY '1111.:7t1 bud the answer - will be found in n rim.
st.weti tody and au inv im ted constitution.
Each B ox - cantatas too nits, at tha astonishingly los
price of '25 cents. Every Individual shouid have them
For sale by the Druggists and Storekeepers general])
F. A. P 1.1.31 ER, general Agent, Stonlington, Ct.
, e. L. }Ceiling, of Meclumiesburg, Cumberland
eeoniy: In., announces to those afflicted with Tlllll' , i
Wens. Cancers. Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Set
elm King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually
treated with Caustic or Knife, he cam mmovethern
out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chloroform or
Ethef Is administered to the patient. It Is no matte'
en what part of the
. lsaly , they may be, he remove
them with perfea. safety, and in a remarkably shot!
time. No Mineral et Vegetable poison Is applied, and ut
matey required until a cure is perfected. - '
Prolapses Uteri. Fetnale Complaints, Chronic, Vent ,
real and all other diseases, treated with positive Surref,s
Full particulars can be obtained by addressing In either
Km:l6h or German; post paid. Pat lentil can 'be acccru
;unaided with Inured en rimeGaloblit toms.
Mechanicsburg Is one t f' ills prettiest and healthy
towns in this or any othet tktato, i t is $ milee lion
Harrisburg, on the Catote.ththil vi,thy Bail Wad, and
aeressible front all parts of the 'Union. The Doctor will
visit eases in any part of the State When desind.
Ind reader If von know any afflicted fellow crc I
Lure, delay not to tell theta of this treatment'
.ivaoived a
stovk of Vank\r ,Window
'SlindeS find VITA toard Print :4; ' nil the notwvt
and Itanq Tt+o'ileFigids :r,l tii.,t and
Oro-to, dud tlttl prleog '21 , 4 rannot full to giro
faet lotho ito frion4s :tad tbrk,pul!flu,,vnerad
ly 611 hiid'exardne our usHortinout loßlrePtirrilui , il4:
olsowd.iro, - 11. atraTON,
'wain:l4l • East Hi& Strbet, Carlirie