Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 30, 1855, Image 1

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    L. E A rivir ,
PROPRIETOR A . N . 17 - ' s l 4 -1J B
The C•lmdsf.E 111;SA1.1 , 18 published weekly ell a large
-.sheet, containing roarr - em.r !Ann. and furnished to sub
scribers at the rate of 1.51.50 if paid in advance:
$1.75 if paid within, the year: or in all cases when
'Sayment is delayed ontil after the expiration of the
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six months, and rome disoontinned Until all arreantgoa
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Advortisomonts will be charged $l.llO per square of
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. ... . ... . - --
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The Emiusti: .1011 PRINTING OFFICE Is flu
largest and most complete estalilkhment in the county
Three good Presses, and a general v: u •inty of materia
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us to do .lob PriLting at the shortest notice and on tin
most reasenabie terms. Perions in want „f
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torest to give no a call. Every variety of IYLAN KS con
stan tic nn hand.
APr)' All lettors on business must be post-paid to se
cure attention.
6eneraf(t, Coral Thiforninlion
Prosblen t—Ftt.S. , I: LIN Pillen. '
fact , o, D. It. ATOIIIISON.
Se.llllPtary of State—Wm. L.
So...rota.ry of 1 nturi,r—ltourAT
S,...retary nt Troasury OIL , IN tow:.
S...eretary of IVar—.lr.yrritSoN DkvH.
Stuuutary or Navy—.ll. , . I'. I 1.11.1. V.
Ile:ler:11—. 1 IM , . 011`111.1.1..
A 141,v1,11 ;Mau.
C;IIIIf .lu-11, of I'ultr.l ,- t itrs --IL It, T.lNfx
lrernor-- .1
1, 1 wrqtary or is. 1 1 . 11.,t .
cs KS.
t ri•.k.t , llivr- ,1.1.11 It 111,1 Y.
1.11- 1 4 111.1.011, P. , ttrt 1.r.w14 1 111.
11'. IL L 1 I 11;I: 17. 11. 11 wunl AR:). .1.
t . 1 011. EA I . lIA ,t.
A John It ui.p. Samuel Wiald
At t •1 - ,te., - --.1i•1111 31. Shearer.
Pr ,th - -1),,1101 •t.! I.
It • • on. 11•1-. Ure . ;g.
1te.;,1•.1.-- \PI li. It Lytle.
Ili 31,1)0rm , 41.1: Deputy, James
C )tc) Cr Troaqltrer--- , 1. IV. 11", , ,15.
1' •ronor—A, , 1.11 C. Thwali..
C II 1,„Inno, Irla.trones.
31. Graham. Clerk LI r.itnloi,shmers.
lli r.
lkinicl , rs ~f SlwalTor.
(110, I. Supocinte.w.. , llt.of Pour house- 0
33.017G1E orrxcnns.
Chiefßur~ra+—P MIMSII;OS.J N.OIILE.
A s.bitaill,
Cone. - is. C. 11.,iileac1, tl'r,•'jul Henry
Myers:. John I; Peter Nlenver. F. ilardner. 11. A., Jvlin •Ihurllllt.Jll, David
Clerk to Co_linril---NVilli tin Wetzel.
Constables Calller.ll 1 COlVitable; Robert
%Vara Coli,tablO.
C Z-7.0 C S •
r r Preslo Church. northwest ..ngle of Centre
S oNn \\lsu, Pa.M.or.—Sel, iveo'clS ery
S., ty morn ot 11 k,'eleck, A. M., nod 7, 1 /..j0 , k,
1. M
tech n Ch arch. corner of South Hanover
a .1 I.o.nfret No pastor at present. but pulpit
1,11,1 by Preslt) Lorlal aI, Ilk, iIII.IIICIIIS. COr ICeS COl/11110110)
Ut I l 1,..•10ck, A. M., :het i tt‘t+uk, P. M.
Johns Chureh, Prot. Episcopal) northeast, angle of
Contrn S learn. Rev. .JACOLI B. I_lOll,S, Rect,r.
Geri ieea
at 11 ~'clock. A.M., and 3 o'clock, P. M.
IM...;11911 Lut hero u ('hurch, Bedford between Main and
ett her st, ect,. Ito e. k eou faster. ,surlives
at 11 o'clock. A. M., and 7 !,: y o'clock, I'. M.
Gorman Ref waled Church, Luther, between Ilanover
an t Pitt street , . her. A. 11. KILEVItiI, i'llSlLir. Cervices
at 144,o'clock, A. .11., and M.
Metttodist 17.C1 urch. ItirSt t barge) corner of Maitland
tilt streets. Pee. S. L. M. Ceatma, Pastor. Services at
A. M., and 7t. o'clock, P. :AL
Mot!, Mist It, Chureit, (second Chartte) - Rev. .1. :11,
JoNr.4, Pastor. Services in l;oilege Chapel, at 11 o'clock.
A. NI., and L o'clock, P. M.
Roman Catholic Church, Pomfret, near East street.—
Services by her. Mr. Inasaltom every second Sunday.
I,orman Lutheran Church. corner of Pomfret and
Belford street , . Rev. 1. I'. Nus Mold, Master. sett ice at
A. M.
41;,-Wiwn (.I,lll2;eti in the alto , . (I are necessary the Pro
per persons are requested lir ify Ile.
Ito;. Charlo, , t`,.lllos. otol l'rfes,or of Moral
Herman • M. .1 Proh,sor of
W. Mai -hall, Piolmoor of A licicut Lailattm,,es.
'Rev. (ills II 'f itrany, Pr, .fe,s a. of Mathematics.
11 tillani•M. ihm a. Lecturer ou :Nat urn! Science awl
Cur tt..r of Lhr 1t 1.1,11111.
A le\aniler LlCLecn, PrufossJr of Hebrew Itild Nloklorn
liiin)autitt A ritogast, Teter in Laugmages.
I'l,l,lll4olU.lininlllll, Principal of the tiratumar School.
.1. linively, Assistant lu the llratumar School
C UtLISIX DEPAsIT U.V.M.—President, Richard Parker;
Wm. Iteetern; Clerks, Henry A. Sturgeon,
Joseph C. heifer, Directors, Richard Parker, Henry Sax
ton, Johit 13: - Sterrett, John 'Zug, floury Kogan,
Nl‘We, Samuel Wherry, John Sanderson, Iltigh Stuart.
CulfttEßLtNi, - VALLEY ROAD CoMpANY.—President,
Fredarlek Watts • Secretary and Treasurer, Edward
Biddle; Superineendant, A. F. Smith. Passenger trains
twice a day Eastward, leaving Carlisle ut 7.18 o'clock,
A. M. and 6.lSFelock,P. M. Two trains every day:West
ward, leaving Carlisle at U o'clock, A. M. and 2.211, I'. M.
lltutasi.r. tits Aisti WArsu COMPST.—President, Fred
erick Watts; Secretary, Lointiol Todd; Treasurer,
NI. Ileetom ; Directors, F. Watts, Richard Parker, Isininel
'Tars. Win. M. Rectum, Dr. W. W. Dahl, Franklin Gard
nor,'llenry (Hats.
LETTER POSTA9E.—Postage on all letters of olushal.
ounce ‘volght or under, 3 cents pro paid, or 5 rents im
p ad, (except to California IV prorgon. which are cents
vv ,-paid, or 10 cents unpai d: "• .14
limsrsPrits.—Postsize On the lliutito—tvithin the
tti catty, ease. Within the State 13 cents per year. To
tiny part of the United States, Bti cents.
Postage on all transient papers tinder 1 ounces In
weight, 1 cent prelmld or 2 roots unpaid.
VI.TIIE REAR OE 'nil: cotricr itousE
I:TOry tlov.ripti It . 1 ( an , l J•!b Printing exoncted
at,:lhoAltOrfest w.tioe and on ro:ownfibi,to.„,s,
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'A great anti-Liquor Law meeting took
ping • • Boston last which 1V:IS attend
ed ' .r ltl) out 6000 persons. trong resolnti , ns
denunciatory of the law were passed, and
arrangements made to have its legality tested.
The ,;hip_Ourling arrived at New York yester
day with 578 Mormon emigrants front Eng
land. A hotel, bank, Methodist church and
other buildings were dt.troyed by fire yester
day in Danville, Vermont The general sy
nod of the Associate Presbyterian Church is
in session at Pittsbur, discussing a plan fur
the - union of the various di visions of the
Scotch Presbyterians, a matter which has
been under discussion for several years.
An election took place in Massachusetts,
yesterday, t.) decide on several proposed a
mendinentsCO the State C , nstitution, among
which arc the establishment of the plurality
system of eletiom the electhm of C : uncillors
in districts by the people ; against the rip
propriath,n of the pithEc money to sect:it - ion
sch els. The returns received imicate that
the amendmepts were adopted. The Virglnitt
election for Governor, Conciressmen, and
the State Legislature, takes place
to day. The c,se of Hiss was again beiore
the Nlassachusette Sapvetne Curt yesterday.
Chief Justice Shaw overruled the application
for a release from imprisonment, iiind decided
that he was not privileetlfrom arre•d, as
the had ail inherent right to expel hip
and having exercised that power„.. he c ould
claim no privilege of exemption. He was
therefore remanded to jail. Aleaneline the
Lejslature has dissolved, and the purpose for
which three proceedings were. instituted re
mained umiccomplished, yet this decision
stir retaPis him in jail. Amendments to the
constitution of Connecticut pas , ed the Senate
of that State yesterday. They are to strhe
out the word 'whir' in the qualifications of
electors; also to require all Voters to be able
to read; that there shall be our; represents
tive from each town, and that there shall be
one State capital .instead of two. All of these
proposed Sruemlmontl were to be voted on by
the people.
A terrible tornado passed over Jefferson and
Cook counties, 111., on Wednesday last, doing
iinmense damage. A house near the Illinois
and Wisethisin Railroad was taken up com
pletely by the wind and torn to pieces. Of
nine persons who were in it, four were imme
diately killed, and the rest are not likely to
recover. Col. St. Frain, with three compaa
ies of United States troops, in persuit of the
Utahs, fell in with a party of Apaches in the
Ratoon mountains, ant in a fight with theta
killed six men and took six women prisoners.
The steamship George Law has arrived at
New York. with Calibmnia news to the Ist of
May and $1,321,000 in - gold. The Walker
expedition has not yet sailed. An act has
been passed by the Legislature, nri signed by
the Governor, to levy n capitation tax of $5O
on every Moist) emigrant arriving in the
State. Two parties of Chinese in California
have had a pitched battle near Wsavville,
in which seven Chinamen were killed, and n
great ninny wounded. One Streak., who in•
terfered, was also killed. Ono party num
bered -111 and another 120. In ilonolulu, I.
Swan, of the firm of Swan & Clifford. has
been detected in circulating lil-14,000 of f o rged
drafts of whalers, and both he and his part
ner absconded. The steamship America has
arrived at Halifax, bringing news from Em
rope ono week later.. Several extemive fail
ures are said to have occurred , at Liverpool
No event of importance has occurred at Se
bastopol, and affairs continue much in the
same position, althpugh some trivial succes
ses on the part of the Allies had been am
Aditional intelligence from Europe by the
steamer America, says that the Emperor Na
poleon expressed strong disapproval of the
course of M. Drouyri do PlNye, no plenipoten
tiary at Vienna, for his dispo4ition to accept
dishonorable terms from Russia, and to place
too much reliance on the good faith of Austria.
Tlio Virginia election returns received yester
day faver.the probability that Wise, the Dem•
ocratio candidate•for Governor, is elected.—
AdVices from Texas announce that the drought
in that State has ended, Inkvy rains rains Imv•
ing fallen every -where. A. railroad bridge
over Grande River, nt Painesville, oil 'the
Lake Shore Railroad, was finished yesterday
and trains 'of cars will commence riming
over it to day. A number of prominent hotel
keepers in Boston, have been arrested for
brelking the new liquor law. The Washing--
ton Union announces the appointment of Bre
vet Major Sedgwick no Major of Cavalry, vice
McCiflough. declined; Brevet Major George
II Thomas Major of Cavalry, vice Bragg, de
clined: BrovitHMajor 'Robert S. Garnett . Ma
jar iJth infantry, vice-Benham decline 1. The
Itl),llptt Itir 1 - ,lft - )Familq eirrlt:
11T14:1)ESDAY, MAY 30, 1555.
IVEDNE...+DAr )Inc 23
Turusviv Mny 21
imports of foreign dry goods at New York last
week, shown filling off of *Sit).l33, ns c•om
pared with the same week of last year. A.
despatch from Chicago says that eye witness
es or the recent tornado in Livingston county,
Illinois, report a still greater less of life and
destruction of property. They state that the
families which have smtTrred by it are in a
dreadful state of destitution and misery. The
It'ev. lir Lin.lsloy, a delegate from New• Al
hiny, Indiana, to the•t)lul School Presbyterian
(leneral Assembly at Nashville. died suddenly
yesterday at that place from an attack of apo
The result in Virginia is still in some doubt
though the returns favor the election of Wise,
and his friends are confident of victory. At a
nice ing in Washington on Saturd.ty evening
Mr.. Wise had difficulty in addressing his
friends on a-ectint of the disorder and clatn-o'r
raised by the Know Nothings. A destructive
tire broke out in Baltimore on Saturday eve
ning, on Italtiumre street. des'roying several
large stores and ware houses. A. destructive
fire .ecurred nt IVilkesharre, Is , on Fridny
evening consuming the wrnings of Lord But
ler, Itr I.h.yd aml other.: the puh'ic
with the storeq or Mt. Molgan, Fr , ltieh and
bit properties
were in-ured A ship arrived nt New
York on .!•;•iturday with 2.700 more - lornion
etMgrants from Eughind 'rho steamship
Orl7aka ived at New (Itleans on Fri Inv
from Vera Cruz, luiiigiLg dates From the viii
of Mexico to the hilt inst. Santa Anna had
renched Mereha, with n large nrniy; un his
march to Zamora, where the insurgents had
concentrated, nail w-here it was exrected,
decisive engrigentellt liould take plum). A
letter says the insurgents had Fucceedol in
separating Santa Anna ' s army, which was
marching in three divisions. A body of the
insurgents under (limns Junta, had bet a he
rya ted by the governmt-nt cavalry A des
tractive hurricane occurred in )lexiao en the
The Virginia election returns still contirue
to favor the cleetionf Wise, and there no
10n2 , r remains any doidirthat he is elected,
as is also nearly, if' 11.4 quite, every Demo
cratic candidate ror Congress. The hotel kee
pers of Philadelphia have raised their charges
to transient borders. Thi, hotels Ail) divided
into three classes; those of the first class
charging from $2 to $2,50 per day for board
lodging ; those of the second class $1,75, and
those of the third class $1,50. Other charges
arc in proportion. The Toronto Colonist says
that a `Southern slaveholder named Shewan,
being in Canada, called at Chatham Canada
West, to visit some of his own escaped slam
in response to an invitation they had extend
ed to him. On.his arrival becoming known
in Chatham, a large um., of colored people
collected around the hotel whore he had been
stopping, and-commanded Mr Pritchlrd, the
proprietor of the hotel, to turn him out, which
of course was not complied with. They also
warned Mr Shewan to leave the town before
the setting of the sun, to avoid serious conse
quences. Tha Mayor arrived shortly after,
and the crowd dispersed. On the 10th inst.,
at mid-day, a mob of one hundred men with
blackened faces, armed with rifles, and pro
vided with martial music and a national flag
deliberately marched to the llirch Creek res
ervoir of the Wabash and ,Frio Canal, and cut
a hole in the embankment, so as to destroy
the reservoir. They then stood grind until
the water hail all escaped,
ton Union publishes a letter dated, Douglas
district, Kanzas territory, May '2d, with the
proceedings of a meeting appended, bold at
the Shawnee Mission on the,fith of April, " to
take into consideration the course to be par
sued by them in the event of a new election
icing culled for the purpose of electing mem
bers to the Kanzris legislature, to till the pla
ces of those who have been refused certificates
of election by Governor Reeder!' At this
Meeting resolutions were passed 'recommend
ing all law abiding and order-loving citizens
of Kanzas territory not to attend said supple
mentary elections, but to rely upon "the re
turns already made to sustain the claims of
those returned heretofore to their seats in
each house." The pretext for this is set forth
in the preamble as being that the right of de
ciding upon- contesting elections rests alone
with the majority of the Legislattire, to whom
cirtifioates have boon granted , by the 'Gover
This letter conveys the impression that the,
Missouri invaders intended to pay no atten
tion to the supplementary elections, and yet
a few days ego a despatch was received 'from
St, Louis, announcing, on the authority of in
telligence from Kanzas, that the "Pro.Sluvery
party" had triumphed in every dititriet. Their
mnjor,ity in the Leavenworth district was given
nt 61. , Which of these statements are we to
believe ? We' are inclined to think that in the
Union correct.
was arrested in Boston, on Friday, for driving
a load of ale through the street, and bail be•
ing refused, he was committed to answer.—
The ale belonged to his employer. His horse
and cart were also seized.
• i„„
; 4;
• . 47's
f , X. ;,4
fft 0 it •e!
We don't know whether the following
story, which we find going the rounds
of our exchanges,' is authentic or n o t,
but at any rate it is a good thing. 'The
incident itself and the sound advice
which -is based upon it, we especially
commend to the serious consideration of
business men.
JUST IN air PLACE WAlllNn.rnic.
Some twenty years since Mr. Watts, a practi
tioner of iaw in Carlisle, Pa., and one of the
ab - est in the State, hail some difficulty with
the president judge of the Court of Common
Pleas. One morning before the court was
called to order, Mr Watts placed himself di
rectly before the bench, and looked the judge
in the eye so sternly and so long, that his
honor 'IN - its annoyed that lie demanded, "Why
do you look at me: - !" at the some time casting
hack n'ilefiant look. "Just in my place ; wait
ing, for business,' was the reply of the alma
renCY imperturbable lawyer. The court was
immedintelr called to cd'aler, and Mr. Watts
c•onmeneed an able and Co. - pieta appeal to the
jury on nn important case, which he won.
Put the reply of the lawyer is worthy of
consideration by every business man. Ile was
imhis place, and ready to attend his clients or
customers, if you please. Ills attention to
business, together with his ability as a jurist,
secured to him a large and a lucrative practice.
tin it will be with every man who attends
•tiietly to the ditties of his calling and pro
fession_ They never have long to wait for
businesS—it will come to them, while the man
who neglects Dist place of business to run
around to hunt it, seldom finds it, In saying
- this we do not wish to be understood ins
mating that exertion is not necessary to at
tract customers as probity is - to secure them.
But neither of these ends are secured by
leaving a place of business to drum up custo
mers, if, when they call, the principal is not
to be fun nil. A man should always be hi his
place, whether it be in the shop, behind the
counter, in his office or in the court-room—
To attract custom, advertising is much
cheapest plait, because an advertisem i lit
resehes, hundreds tricot° that a' solicitor
could not stle. Therefore, to succeed, he al
ways in your place, and if not doing business,
waiting for it, and if you advertise it will not
be long before yon will have as much as you
en.n attend to.
Dimn.ts•, May 28
Trr.snAy. May 29
Mail 24, 1835.—Accounts rea!lied this
city Inst night of a most terrific hurricane and
whirlwind in the town of Jefferson,' Cook
county, and other places north and west or
hero. On Tuesday afternoon a revolving fun
nel shaped cloud passed swiftly along near the
ground, about sixteen miles north of here,
carrying up large sticks of wood, stones, Sze.
It described a semi-circle towards the south
east, twisting off large trees, and whisking
them opt of sight instanter. The whirlwind
then b'roke in two and disappeared, but almost
immediately formed again, and passed directly
back, north and west, with redoubled violence.
It struck a heavy frame house one mile from
the Illinois and Wisconsin Railroad, tearing
the roof instantly oil, and almost immediately
afterwards taking the whole house up the
-spout with all its contents. Nine persons in
the house were drawn up and hurled (enn In
different places, Four of them were instantly
killed, and others mutilated beyond any pros
pect of recovery. The whirlwind then passed
over at post and rail „fence, leaving not the
slightest vestige of it. It next took up a barn.
and threw it upon the horses and cattle it (;42 11 •
tinned, crushing them at once. The timbers
of the house and barn were hurled down to
the ground with such violence as to bury them
almost out of sight I The house belonged to
Mr Page, whose wife, 11011 and two grand
children were killed. Additional intelligence
from the locality more than confirMs the
above. Accounts aro given of persons being
curled up one !winked feet in the air, and
then hurled down with, great violence. A
number of eye witnesses have testified to the
ravages of the tempest mid describn it as most
terrific. The same 'afternoon, a severe hail
storm occurred in this city, after which the
sky presented a very singular appearance to
the northward, end the weather changed from
the most oppressive heat to the most chilling %
The Chicago papers contain full nccounts of
the great whirlwind that passed over Cook
county, 111., last Tuesday. It was accompani
ed by hail, and the stones aro said to have
been as large as walnuti. The Tribune says:
In one plaice some twenty rods of post and
rail fence—the posts, firmly driven in the
ground—were torn up mid carried no ono
knows where. • Not a rail or post of it could
be any where found. A number hf pigs found
their stye delmolithed about their ears, and the
ground swept of the fragments. In its fury
the wind also lifted the pigs bodily, and
whirled tie n in its girntions to a spot many
rods distant.
One of the children of Mr. Pape (whose
houso was demolished and four of the in
mates Jailed) was found twenty rods from
where the li&use stood, its body mutilated in a
moat shocking manner, and stripped of every
particle of clothing.. The liouse was a frame,
and stood tivon - a solid t,tone foundation - , from
which. it was lifted bodily the wind and
dashed to fragments.
i\ - 0 . 3o
Affairs in the Crimea Unchanged
Mny 24 --Tilt' Royal htail sty
ship Amerien, arrived nt linlifLx, Cnpt.
rams Liverpool on Bnturdny :t-fterztooti.thc; 12th
arrived here nt ti o'clock !hie (Thoistil.y)
Anollllll 3 z, nol will bo due at Boston on 'ay
No vrent of importancu had oceurreil
ie,ti,bas;ripol, and affairs oc , utinued much in
hr siittie position, although some ttikial s,ic
iisiqis on the pll't of the allies have tiecti
The English press adinits that hopes of
peace have fled, and that nn assistimCc can be
expecnol from Austria, and but little from the
rest of 17.urope; consequently, that Englai,d
and Fratice must fight jt oat. London
l'inies has also 111,1 editorial on behalf of the
government, stating -that it is impossible to
peruse the official documents of the Vienim,
Conference without seeing flint Russia AV!
never in earnest in her pretended desire for
peace. Some, however, think differently, and
Earl Grey, in the 'louse of Ltr Is, has given
notice of a motion fur the 21st, that !111 ad
dress he sent to the Queen, "tlep'orit g the
failure of negotiations, and stating, as the
opinio n of Parliament, that the proposals of
Russia were siti•li as to afford a fair proqpect
of concur frogs peace, by which all the origi
iml f.b . jeet; of the war might have been gained,
and by II iirh t h e allies might have. obtained
all the advantages which can ressonasly he
demanded from ltussia Cason made
ncition in the House of Commons.
AFl' MIS IN THE cart
A correttpotletie, from the Camp, April 276:„
explaimt the d:fficultie4 of (lie siege, but states
confaleht'y that the allies advanced over the
t.ttel lit by hit, and that, white the works
s o advai ee, there ran he no doubt r f n'tinpite
succes., hied the I:e-, , hinS in the field nr ,
uo,b).. to f lii o allies to raise the s•lege.
ell. it)! 11:1•: :t , itiouriCed (het, when re
itiforccments arrile. he will vuhirge the eirch•
of his oper ohms, imphi ins. that he will httmk
the Russian fiel,positions. (hi the 28th of
April, l'anrobert writes to the Emperor that
the English army has tecoverod its health and
efficiency, :14 , 1 is on cordial heats wilt the
hunch, The Infest official advices from Z3ol`fl"
topol are to May 10th. On that day, in the
morning, the ltuttsians made a sortie with a
large body of troops
.on the allies'
vaoce trench, but were driven back i n tuit di
ately, and a secon I and similar attempt shared
the same trite. Nothinge better than
the conduct of the troops ok part in tint
alfair. The lose of the e ny was serions
Mann ors has arrived with 11(1(1 Sardinis
troops. rrocrastination and jealousies ar,"
damaging the proposedeehetee of a Turkish
c tntingent, commanded by English officers of
the Indian army. Not a man hail been raised
for the contingent.
The English fleet is working' - up towards
(lothhind as ice permits. It iv said that
Frajace asks permission to establish a French
camp on Swedish tematoly; and it' refused.
Itomarvund %Nill be occupied lull fortified by
the alitea.
Symptoms increase that the Austrian and
PrimAtin Cabinets are attempting to effect a
general amoug the German States.—
Editors of sonic official journals have been in
vited to favor the movement.
The documenis,of the Vienna Conference,
the whole extending to ninety pages, are
partially republished in the English news
papers; ami have excited much interest.
Palmer:Ann has evaded answering the ques
tion, whether the Conferences are not finally
broken Mr, hut it is said, as the accredit,d re
presentatives of all the powers, Russia inclu
ded, continue to reside in Vienna,-the elements
,1 the Conference perm - atm t exists, should
Russia, or Austria on beim tr-sia, make
:it any time proposals offe prospect of
Mr. Roebuck's Committee is still in session
'4itlney Herbert and Admiral Dundas have
wen examined. Lord Aberdeen and Dervos
save been cited to give evidence.
The movement in favor of an administration
reform gains ground, and indignation meetings
against aristocratic mismanagement continue
.o be held. -Lord Palmerston is rapidly be:
emntaing as unpopular as his predecessor,
Lord Aberdeen, was.
The London Tunes,,iti ta r t editorial which
has attracted some notice, says that the cir
cumstance that Aknerica does not sympatlike
with the Alliesis shocking and revolting.
The police have discovered a vast plot,
having iv' rainifi9itions throughout Europe, to
promote an insarection, and hence the execu
tion of Pianoria has been postponed, with a
view to trace his connection therewith. On
the day the attempt - was made, it was freely
stated in various cities of Italy, Spain and
Germany, that Napoleon was dead, and Paris
in a state of insurrection.
In the , Spanish Cortes on the 2d, Senor
..Reeilla declared in the name of the Demo
cratic party, that it never entered into any
negotiations with Mr. SOule fur the sale of
Mount Vesuvius is in an active state of
It wits reported that the King of Naples had
been tired at by an assassin, at a review, but
it was found, uptn inquiry, to be nothing more
than an accidental discharge from a gun by a
The Vienna correspondent of the London
Times remarks, that as long ns no revolution
ary elements are brought into action, Austria
will leave Russia to get_ out of her difficulties
es she bust caw; but if England and France
would resolve to form a corps oftrofugees, and
d employ them on or near her frontons, the
Holy Alian:•.o would assuredly again be formed.
It said that Austria is on the point cf de
&tiring her complete neutraliti•, as well as that
.1,4 - 4 v Wht , le of Germany.