EM ZIK ttALTIIIIOIVE DIATULE T. MONDAY EVENING, May 21 Iti:m.tnxs.—l3usines 3 is steady, but with iiiit any'spe'i a activity. Breadstuffs remain quiet, though 'raiders are pretty firm. Buy ers of Flour arc d'sposed to hold off in ex pectation of a decline, whilst sellers are not inclined to concede. The supply and receipts continue moderate. Recepts of • Grain are.' fiir for Ihe snasi n but not large. Fi.orat AND MEAL —The Flour market 111, Very (pia to day, and 00 Bales reported .n 'change. Not touch disposition the por no recent rains, dissipating to one extent apprehensions of a short crop, giN ing hope of an abundant. harvest, live:induced buyers to hold off. The very 111163 itest nccou•:ts, to ), from Europe, were not ;u tte so favorable. Under these ciream -•antes _purchasers are disposed to hold ofT '•,n• the pre-tent. There were sellers on ex e'ntn:ze this morning of Tioward street brands ,t s7i, but no buyers and no sales.— 'its w..ro ofFerel• at $lO 75 per bbl., ithout finding pureltasTra. The market •herefore closed rather dull. Rye Flour -iipply very limited and holders firm; sales f 20( 1 blOs during the close of last week at .s') per bbl. Corn Meal—A good de : land." We note sales during the.lattcr part f lest week, not heretofore noticed, of , entry at $1 5-tll, and city : manufacture at per Md. The sane prices are contended to-dav, at which sales have been made. IN,—Wheat; the receipts are nu) .., derate ,d holders f:rin. About 3000 bushels in all , tfered this morn•ng, and parly sold—good pr:ine white at. 2 60a42 70, and red at 2 per bushel. Inferior lots 18 to 23 cents •wr.lrt.hel less. Corn—A steady demand. 20,00;1 bu•helg offered on 'change to- 'ay, and mostly sold—white at 1 05a.S-1 07, yellow at 1 07a$1 OS per bushel. No mixed “Ifyred. Oats—Market steady. About 1,200 hnshels offered to-day, and sales of Mary and Virginia, Pennsylvania •smi Ohio Oats ..t lit; cants. We quote the range nt 60 a 66 ',lllB per bushel. Rye--About 1150 bushels ,fferel to-day, but no sales reported. It is of quite so firm. We quote Pennsylvania nominal at $1 GO, Maryland Rye at $1 45 a 51 per bushel. D R. J. B. lARCIJISI'S nr.ATFtb evroiILIOAKST, FOIL TILE ItELIEF Ic (IRE OF SUFFERING FEMALES. It stands pre-eminent for its curet To powers in nll the di•- ayses for which It is meow rnendoil, usually relied FE MALE COMPLAINTS. Of these are Prolapsus Uteri. or Falling of the NVocub; Fluor Al bus, or Whites; Chronic In flammation awl Ulceration of the Womb; Incidental llemor rha,re, or Flooding; Painful Suppressed, £ Irregular Men struati,a, he., with all their areouipanying evils, (Cancer excepted,) no matter hoe veto or of lion' long $lll Hai 11X. ion introduced by empty and nib:representations, is it intended that it, present popularity shall .oLoinvd by any tuudhun but its worits and the appro. ntl lof the public NoncE TUE UNFORTUNATE FEMALE. • I feel It a duty incumbent upon myself to declare I.ohliely the Rreat- blessing Ur. Slarehisi s Uterine Cm t helicon los proved to tne. For two years my health miserable: I was almost unable to walk. Physl- as pronounced my case falling of the womb, exteit - tee ulcerations, commencing: with fluor albus. The 1 , dos, irritation, postcation, Ac., rendered Brea burden. n this miserable condition, Pr. F. P. Newland recoim oondoil hr. MarchisFs Uterine Catholicon. After Ink .ng four bottles I hind myself hi perfect health. lima. • ride for my restoration makes me ardently desire that .11 my sox., alike unfortunate, may find sure relief from 1./estimable medicine. ELIZABETH A. NEWLAND, - N 0.19 West-Ft., Utica, N. Y The above statement. I know to be true. I'. P. NEWLAND, M. D., Utica, N. Y I have nn hesitation In saying, Dr. MarehisPs Uterine 'atholicon IS invaluable in uterine diseases generally I have used it in Flinn• Albus, Amenorrinca. Prolapsus I 'tort, and in eases of extensive ulceration of the vagina nd us uteri. It Is worthy of the notice of the Faculty. .101lN C. 01111ICK, D., Baltimore, Md. Let all interested call and obtain a pamphlet (free) . fl t.dattig iniude proof, 'from the most renpeet: thin .11rVt.A, or the hOlitliVial re,llits of its nse: togethei with letters front hitcblv experienced l'hy,Aciaus, who rune used It In their pra ctice, and speak their own diserviit lons. lilexvrn, Drucgist, South Hanover street de Agout for Carlisle, Pa. J. B. MAIICIIIST .t CO., Proprietors, Central Depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y. January 24, 1855—Um qta fIUMBEItLANI) VALLEY' B A IL ROAD. CHANGE OP IWURS 1 011 and ate, 51ONDA1, March 2601, 1855, Passenger trains will run daily, as follows (Sundays excepted: 1•'.111. HARRISBURG : Ist Train. 2d Train. Leave Chantbersbury 5.'.10, A. Al 4.30, P. 11 • Shippensburg, 6.00, " ' 1.00, " " New villa, 0.10, " 5.40, " • Carlisle, 7.18, " 6.18, " • Mochauicsbum, 7.50, ' " 6.50, ' 4 At Harrisburg, 8.15, " 7.15, " FOR CHAMBERSBUIRI. Ist Train. 2d Train: I.eavo Harrisburg, 8.45, A. 51 61.1.5, P. 31 • Mechanicsburg, 0.18, " 1.43, " " Carlisle, 0.55, " 2.25, " " Newville, 10.30, " 3.00, " " Shippanslnirg, 11.02, " 3.:i0„, , ,," At Cbauthersbiirg. - 11.30, " 4.10, Afir-- Tralmi leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, at 8.45, A. 3 12.30, M..( via V 010101111) am) 7.40, I'. M. For itaitimmv, at 8.45, A. M. and 1.45, P. M. Fc.r Pittsburg, at 3.'20 A. M., 12.r.5 Noon. anti 5 P.M. For Pottsville, Heading. and points on the Dauphin ml susunebanna Rail Road leave Ilurristuirg at 7.15, A. M. 114-At, nil Stations where Tickets nro sold, Fares are TEN CENTS LESS than when paid in the Cars.' A. F. SMITH, Superintendtint. HMI Road Ont.e. Chninborsburg,} Matr•h 21st isss. ATOITS. Bli;(,; ES.—Just received ork mmt , ter lot of Cheap Do 13mos, DAttititts Anil Par mutt t.t cloths. [novi 'I ti. W. 111.1TNER. This in.. 41 lel tie has pier or FtjiinhefpOia. ri l lllll OH HAP CASH BOOK AND k STATIONERY STORE, North West corner of.iCtli and lArch Slresis, Philadelphia.--(11:VAT II trinAiNe tv Mu)Kt-ll—Pi...thud, .1 uveuile, M iseel lan eons Standard and PresontatLin Books, very cheap! STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY. Suporlor White puled Letter Paper at 1.50 per Ream. Letter and Note Envelopes in groat variety. Weddings Furnished at very moderate rates. Ckird. Written and Engraved. • 0111 , 1trK and other Reel Pens. Suporta• Motto Wafers, 323 on a sheet, for 25 cents. Inkstands, Penknives, Paper Weights, i.e., Fine Turkey Morocco Porte Montdes, Port Folios, Card Cases, Backgammon Boards, &c. With a very large and choice assortment of T.:117 B /ORM. tIAMES, DISSECTED PICTURES, Albums, Scrap Books and Engravings. may 2—ly TuomSON FII. SMITII, PORT moNNAIE, . pocK,T BOOR and DRESSING CASE blanufiteturer, N.W. earner 4th and Chesnut 'streets eint.kament4, • - Arry-Always on hand u large and varied assortment of Port Monnaies, Work Boxes. Pocket Books, Calms, Rankers Cases, Travelling Rags, . Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Frdips. Chess Men, Portable Desks, Pocket Memorandum Books Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases. &c.. Also a goner'al as , ortment of English. French andrier inan Fancy floods. fine pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Str,ps and nom pens, kr,4-Wholes - ale second and third Floors. ai.rlB F. 11. SMITH', N.W. corner 4th and Chesnut streels. • N. li.-011 the rorelpt of itt a supthinr (laid l'en will Ln i;,nt, to any pert of the coutttry by mail---describing pan thus, medium. hard or soft. • • rR E U TRUSS ES.—Hornia or upture successfully trtmhsl. and comfort insured, by 'II ql of the elegant French Trusses. imported by the salts •rilter. an .1 made to order exprpssly for his sales. All sujering with Rupture a ill ite gratified to learn th it the o.tea4in now offers to procure a Truss eombin extreme 11 . 0itness with ease. durability and carrect oon , truetion. in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomforta ble artirie tynt.tlly sold. Att extensive asxortmen always on level adapted to every variety of liaptilre in adults and children, and for sale at a range of price to snit all. of Slagle Trusses, $2, $1 and $5; Doulde, $5. VI, :11141 $lO. Pert. es at a distance 'a It area Yruss sent to anew-I ly,. lty remit tin .7 the amount, seuding.met.sure artluud the hlps and stating side .dfeeted. rar Bale wind.,side and Retail by the importer. - CALEB 11. NEEDLES, S. W. ear. of 'f‘relfth Mace Sts„ Phlladelphla. Ilepd far Ur. Iladning's imprnved Patent 11ndv Brace: Chast Expanders and Greet, - -.r Braces: Patent shoulder 11r.tees; Suspensary Itandnues; Spinal Prate; and Sup p ads. Ladies' Ratans, nith eollipetelit lady attendants. npril 11. I TEEMING'S PATENT, cHAm 1 1 _ (0; FIRE I'ILOIIF SAFES, w ith Patent Iwiler Proof hooks, whlrli were rardcd separate Medals at the orlirs Pair, London, Is:IL and Is° at the Worlirs Fair, New ork, 1853 and '54. The sul,seri •re are the sole nunusfvtur••rs Id proprietors in this State ne above unequalled Safes and .arks. The reputation of the "Herring's Sato" Is world hie, and for the last thirtepia mrs the mercantile community ~eve witnessed and borne testi mony to noir SEVER F VTING fire prod finalities. More than 12,000 of these Safes have been a...tunny said, and over TWO OUXIOIEI , have passed triumphantly through accidental fires. The public are assured that nll Safes of inufactured by the subscribers are not only guaran teed to be fully equal, but. In many respects even SUN rim- to those which have been e n severely tried by Ore. Pew will forget their servieeS in the burning of the -Tribune establishment." New York, anal at the (treat Fire in Strawberry street, at the large fire last July, opit edte the Girard 'louse; and still More recently in the -Fire at Fifth and Chesnut sts., in the city of Phildolphia, in which these Safes came forth the ac knowledged CitaurteN, -when many other securities FAititEL ,k CO., Ines SAFE AND BANK LOCK Magma. 31 WALNUT Street, Philatiolphil. Chilled Iron Safes, with Powder Proof Locks, manu• factored expressly for Banks, Brokers, Jewellers, and others requiring security from roruns. Bank Vaults, Boors. ,t, on band and made to order. All the most celebrated hocks for sale at manutitcturers' prices. SOC,/rld hand "Safes," "Salamander's" and "Iron Chests'• of other makers, bare bOIM) taken in part pay ment for Herring✓s for sale at. half price. illecticincs. jA M ES M 'C LI NTOCK, M.l).,—Late p - Profess mr of A natomy and Surgery In the Philadeb Olin College of 31eddine, and Acting' Professor of Mid wifery ; one of the Consulting Physicians of the Phil adelphia Hospital. Blockley ; late member of the Nn • ti.mnal Medical Assm.ciation; member of the Philadel phia Ntedical Swiety: member of the MedirtrChirurgi. cal College of Philadelphia; formerly President and Pr,fes,r of Anatomy mind Surgery in Castleton Medi cal College, Vermont: and also, late Profess.mr of An ntomy and Physiology In Berkshire Medical Institu •tion. Pittsfield, Mass., &c., Lc. lia-m lately initroduced In a p mular form. several of hit vorite prescriptions for the principal diseases of this elimate. The name of cavil article will imply the Ws ".“,forwhich it Is intended to be.used. ,_, Du. MeCLINTOCK'S PECTORAL STRUT, $l. I)R.MCCLINTOCK'SCoLD AND CoUO II MixTunE—For Colds, Coughs. &e., Price 25 els. Du. MCCLINTOCK'S ASTHMA AND Iloorma COUGH Rum or. Prim 50 cts. Da. MCCLINTOCK'S TONIC ALTERNATIVE Sraer—For Pii rifiing the Blood. Price O. Ds. MeCLINTICK'S Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving tone to the stomach, relieving pains idler eating, heartburn, and all disagreeable symptoms arising from indigestion. Price $l. Da. Meewsrocs's fincumme Mixrrer.—A Purely Ve getable Remedy for internal use. Price 50 els. Da. McCurriors's IturomATlC LINIMENT—For Rheuma tism, Sprains, Swellings. Au. Price 50 cis. Du. MeCLINTOCK'S ANoDYNE MIXTURE—For Pains,Tooth :who, Headache, Neuralgia, .t.,. Price 50 cts. Du. MCCLINTOCK'S PETER Axe Aoretiescate—A certain mire for all Intermit lents. Price $l. DR. 'MCCLINTOCK'S MARI:MIRA CORDIAL AND CHOLERA Pat- VENTIVE—A Safe Remedy. DR. MCCLINTOCK'S V FGETAIILE PURGATIVE Pars—For Costiveness, Headache, &e. Price 25 cts. Da. MeCtimocs's - ANTI-findons Pi LtS— For Irregularity •In the Functions of the Liver and Ikm - els—the best Liv er l'ill made. Price 25 cts. a box. For sale by Dr. J. MeCLINTOCK, at his Medical Depot, N. W. Corner NINTH and FILBERT Streets, Philadel phia, and all Druggists. To.-ogglsts and Dealers In Med eines who wish to be Agents, will please address Dr. McClintock, furnishing reference, name of Pest Office, county and State. 0.1).,..F0r sale by W. A. Kelso ' Samuel Eillott,Carlisie; J. li. Criswell, Shippensbum;Emminger &Co.. L. Kann . man, Mechaniesburgloseph Herren, Newville; .1. 11. Zimmerman, Andersonburg; Haines A Fertig, Millers town; A. C. Klink, New Bloomfield; Harriet M. Singer, Newport; 11. F. Gardner. York Springs; A. J. Miller and ,I. 8. Nixon, Chambershurg; B. Mentzer, Waynesboro.: George Bergner and D. It. Jones A Co.. ilarrisimrg. DR. MeCLINTOCK can be consulted, without charge, daily, from 11) to 12 o'clock, A. lil., at his Depot. December 6, 1654-Iy. ATTENTION DYSPEPTICS—Those of you who havo boon atilirted for years with thia bothersome disease, and who have boon using almost every Nostrum before the public without relief, we sny to you try " Kieffer's Antillyspoptic" And you willootn be convinced of its great superiority over, every other preparation. We could give you rushy certificates eorol, orating our assertions, but a single. trial is worth more thou all. This monody is . prepared and sold at the Drug Store if D.J. KEIFFMR, Louth Hanover street, a few doors south of the Court House, Car'lsla. -...., 2 ;—.lARDWARE.—Manamoth Sp Street,v nt !NNE'S on North limn ever, where the public aro being_ supplied with every variety of Hardware, Paints, Oils, -.4. at the LOWEST CASH COI/ in, we can ftovOlil outdate stow more. ') SCHOLARS II IPS in Dickinson Col e )logo for sAo. at a roducod price. Envire at this (I -n c . Slay,7 'a 2 t. gli4SAl6kt Orv&lilV,. Stares tuttlS(jops. FALL STYLE OF HATS for 1854.= G. Emu; r; N. .111.11:R respeothilly announces Co his old Patrons and the public 1 qmerally that ho hills N 9t• SA ,-. :2 4 --,, ceived the FALI.,`"S'i , YLE OF GENTLEMEN - 'II ATS, manufactured at one of the best astaldish ments in Philadelphia, to which ho invites speCial attention. lie has also constantly on hand ;e and varied as sortment of his own manufacture .cell as city-made Hats and Caps, suitable for the Sell:,i,ii. comprising every variety. of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hats, fin ished in the latest style, together with a full imsortment of CAPS of every shape and description, and of ovary price. lie particular y Invites the.public to call and ex amine his xnensive assortment, which In style, mate- HU and finish. can a t be surpassed by any in market, and which he is abl, to put at prices lower Than ever. Remember his clu stand on North IlanoNer street, be tween limner's and Sonar's stores. h I ALI, STYLE OF HATS & CAPS. 161. 11. TROUT; desires to inform his old friends that ho has removed to his now establishment on High street., near the Railroad Depot, and is now opening a jAlarge and elegant assortment of the FALL STYLE ~. OF HATS, just received from Philadelphia. which '"' the gentlemen of Carlisle are requested to sell and examine. Ile has also a large assortment of Silk, Fur and Slouch Ilats cc his own manufacture, got up in the hest style and at various prices, the excellence and finish of which he Will warrant. Ills stock he is confident on ly needs to be examined to be approved. Also, a large supply of Men's, lloy's,fand Children's CAPS. of, Cloth and Fur. and of every variety of style and price just IT eeived from Philadelphia. Let all who want a Hat or Cap give him a call, as they may be sure of homing suit ed to their own satisfaction. .2 CHINA ; GLASS AND QUEENS w ARE—Old housekeepers and young, with thus also who are expecting to become housekeepers. are inv It cd to call at HALBERT'S 1 , 20,111.1" GROCERY and cx amine his elegant assortment ruf Ch i um, G lass and Q u eon s ware and other articles In the housekeeping line, snch as French' and I , :nglish.tea sets, heavy banded and pla km ul i White (Ira glided an blue,plaln. Dinner sets of cc cry variety and price, bon s and pitchers, I ureens, dish es, Ac . Blass-ware-- con ro table anti mantel lamps, Candelabras and other lamps.great varity, table and bar tumblers, goblets, Ac. Fruit and preserve dishes, im va riety. Cedar-ware—t nits. buckets. churns, bowls, butter prints and ladles, meal buckets. Am. Brushes—sweeping, White wash, scrubbing. Inunkund shco - brushes, dusters, breoins, Ace. Market, clothes and tfavelling basket.. Al." a rho ic. , ass-rtment or 'Foliate. and Fegars. Call ve who are tidid or choice brands of Segars and try the i'rincipos. Regalia.s. Stuff:monk and other Cuba - rarictics, and you whl find them 4, f unimpeachable quality. Also halt Spanish and Conumun Segars, with choice snuff and chewinz tasit,s-A. ~,,..., PAP r 0., THE 3111,1,10 N ~,ET‘,., ,, ,, , - i va -",.' --;',- lam i u,t. receiving in Full a•o WiliCltiCS 4 ... ; . , : -. &:.:; stork of PAPER liANtx.N6s. ... Arum --- ,4 ,. .- which surpass in styli, quality and price any that have ever litsm exhibetect In Carlisle. 1 respectfully solicit a call from persons In want of Paper Hangings orally descrip tion. no I am confident by assortment far simpassos any In the BO ray..ft; and In style and prices has hut few ri vals in the city. I only ask of the public to roll and on amine my :tssortutant before purchasing, as I ant mull dent my chaste designs cannot fail to please the most thsthlltms. ' JOHN P. LYN E., West tilde"( Noith Hanover Street, I-OOK OUT IN TIME !—Oliolern- J . morLu<. Dysentery. Inarrluca. &e., are makinc their appcaranc. You k flow tho remedy. If you have :my rogard.r,r the crentde of yourself, your wile or your children. supply yourselves with II I'A.CII Eit It M.l TC.II - C , MtIMAL. otherwise abldc the consequence re sulthuz fr o nt a Ihnded adherence to old qiiackery. This "Matchless Itentedy” can he had at the Drug Stero of IL J. South Hanover street, a few doors south of the Court Muse, Carlisle. IDOTS AND SI WES. The subserib , 13 If . - h as now on hand n rem extensive moll ' well Fe• °etc/1 stock of BOOTS and S h.o E S, which he mill sell - at unusually low pile- I! R. Purchneed from Icholmde dealers, nt low rates.-he. (nu offer such induce ments to purcluiseis as will make it their interest to, (s -it his establishment. Ile has every article in the Root and, Shoe line—for Ladies' or I;eritlemeus' wear—he therefore deems It unnecessary to Tuticulnrize. Ara.. Porsons desiring goad and cheap goods are Inuit od to glto hlm a call. - - 2000 TONSLIME AND 00Ai r ,„ STOVE COAL now en hand and receiving at the following priers: Dauphin Lime Coil - • Vsoto 3 00 Store, • • 300 to .1 50 Lykes Valley Lime • - • -.375t0 4 On SUM, • - • - • 400 to 4 75 Pine Grove Lime . 3 75 to 400 Stove 4 50 to 5 00 Pittston Store Coal - 00 to 5 50 Illachsusith's Cool, per bushel, - - to 25••• ts. VL.Also LUMBER of all kind.. Common Boards and Scantling from 4:111 to SIS per 100 feet. First Commim and Panel according to quality. docl3---3m S. M. HOOVER. R Cre S, COFF.II'4E— ERI ES. The subscriber has just ridded W his former stock n general selection of CIiOICE IiItOCEItIES, as well as all tiro other variety of articles 47-7Ausually kept In a Grocery Store, embracing Rio NO Coffee—roasted and green—at 12 1 ,, and 14 cents OUC, per lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverized Suzars, of fine qualities; Chocolates. Spices, Dairy Salt. and a variety of Fancy articles, all of which are o. fered at the lowest cash prices. We are thankful for the former support given us, and Invite a further cull from our friends and customers. d. W. EIIY. Nlarion Hall, Carlisle. W GOODS.—The subscriber is just opening a fresh nEeortment of very CHEAP GOODS bought at reilueed prices. Callan(' see them. Aug. 23. GEO. W. lf ITN ER IMEJ3URNERS' COAL. - 2,000 Tons Lykou's Valftij , Nut Coal, a superior article receiving and for sale by Janlo 3m W. B. Agt. Shemansagner," an admi tfactured by himself: The excellence of this Tonic is testiged to by all of his cus tomers who have used it to ho one of the best articles known for cleansing the hair of dandruff. Ile also man ufactures a Hair Restorative, known as the "Corashee num," for giving new growth to the hair on Laid Ample testimony exists of the efficacy of this excellent Restorative. `it Idle the Shemansagner clears the hair of dandruff and prevents It from coming out, the Co rasheenum supplies a new growth to those who have had the misfortune to lose their hair. The public Is in vited to call, examine and purchase these invaluable articles, as he is confident they will render satisfitetion. SHAVING, HAIR DRESSING, and CUTTINO, and SIIAMI'OONINO attended to in the hest style as usual, at his old rooms on West Main Street, near Marlon Hall. Carlisle, Dee. 1854. WM. BURG ESS WALL PAPER.—Just received a splendid stock of Paper Hangings, Window Shades and Firebeard l'rints, embracing all the newest and most approved styles. The designs are neat and chaste, and the prices such as cannot fall to give sat's. faction. -We invite our friends and the public general ly to call and examine our assortment before purchasing elsewhere. 11. SAXTON, urareb2l East Main :Street, Carllsle • • rikLAID - C A SHINIER:ES, &c.—The rub scriber has jilst opened a variety of Plaids and flues at reduced prices. • a W. SIII:LDON IIERE IS 'OIT NEED AT PRESENT •Thu subscriber respectful : Informs the Indies and ,entienien of Carlisle and icinity that ho has now on land at Ills Hair Dressing lid Shaving Bann on West :root. an elegant astortinct f LADIES BRAIDS and .entlotnon's WIGS, and can urnish to order at shortest lotico ovary kind of flair fork of the best quality. He also be. leave to in .rm his friends and cost,,, tors that he keeps mnstan .. Notices. CARLISLE. DEPOSIT - 14 N K DEPOSITS will be rereived nt n . S Bank far any length of lime Over four mouths, and hits .st paid al the 1111.0 Of FOUR l'Eit CENT. per annum, a t the principal paid back at any time after maturity without notice. interest ceases after the expiration of the time specified In the rertificate, unless renewed for another aiven period, In which ease the Interest is paid up un til the time of the renewal. Bank opens at it &clack, A. M. and closes at 2 o'clock, P. 11. W. M. Itp.r.rEm, ('ashier. NT 0 C E.--To the Heirs and legal i ll Representatives of MARY A. KEEPERS. late of the borough of Carl Isle. deed. Take Notice, that by vir tue of a writ of Partition and Valunt hal, issued out of the Orphan's Court of Cumberlaud County and to the dl reetod, I Will hold an inquest to dlt ide part or ral no the Real Estate of said deed., on the prendi or, DAY. the alst day of hay, A. P.18.`7,, at 10 'o'clock, .11.1 H. when and where you may attend If von think proper, JOSEPH MeRARMOND, Sheriff. Sheriff's °Mee. ('artiste, May 2. j . SSESSMENT. —Notice - is hereby ILI given that till asses:uncut of 1 , 111 . 11 PER CENT. iits Nan laid on the preminin notes of the cumberland V a ll e y M u tual ' , rotation Company. which were in force on the lath day of March last. The members of said elqnrany-ary hereby required to pay their pro rata to the nutliorimi Collators or Treasurer of the Companv NV Rhin thirty days. in accord:tore with the By-Lawtt and Charter of Said Company. liy order of the Board. may 2 Toll N T. OREEN. Seer'y. Ellissoi.rrioN o F PA: RTNE R , SIITP.—Tbe partnership Ill'lTtliftTl` existing be wean Frank. tlardner and Wm. T. linovn, in dills day dissolved by mutual consent. The business mill here after la carried on by :lir. flardner. The Hooks remain in his hands 11T eottlement, and in view of our late disaster. we earnestly reptrot our customers to settle their acenunts immediately. MEM I deem it necessary to ntate as a matter of justice to 31r. Drown. that the Dissolution of Partnership wan entienly nt my own request, and tinthought of by him until my proposal to olksolve. Itie withdrawal at this particular tithe renders-this statement impera tive on me. N A . pt II 4. 181;:--4t. 4,Z E'l"r I. I\ (7 IP !-'l' he su liscr i burs bare put their 1..01, Into the hands of W. C. 11lieetn Esq. for settleinen t : Ofllee in linin stivet near]) oppositb Marion 11411. 111 persons %On. ere Indet,toii to u s tali please call immediately 11p)11 hint and save themsel, es ul tiler t oath!, IS. 11 , 45. WEISE & CA3II'IIEI.I, 11-SS(H.U'I'I 1_)1' . l' Alt N Eli- Is lit•rel.y Oil en that the firm 4t W. ErK ELS. of lisinpilen totem:hip. l' lerlan.l county. liss this ita:. , Mar..ll 27, Is:Z) lesni mutual e•alseut, and the hrit.ks plncett in the Minds II tn. Eckli, r. collection. All persons intletted t. said (ism a ill mill"! Mime:dint° settlement. A N ECK IV! LLIA ECI: ELS. npr4pd ssEss )1 EN T.—The members of the.illen and East l'ennsla.vo Mutual rive 'OSII - Company. are herehy uolifed that a tax of Ft l'Elt CENT. has leen Id on all premium notes due ov the 24th day of March last. and that a Collertor a ill call on them for the parii..se or collecting immediately. nprla.rw 111 - Eli, Fec'ry. j; STATE OF' SA 1C EL EA ,1 ) 14:- ,ICE.ASED.—Ni tire is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Samuel Itear, late of %%est Dentist urn township,Cumberland county. tiCCIII! , 44. have NUM duly granted by the Register of raid county to the subscribers. tin , first residing In Dickinson end the latter in West l'ennslorti township. All persons knowing themselves indebted in said estate are require eit to mate linniedlate payment, end Ouse having claim to present them for-settlement to • DAVID BEAR, PHILIP 11FAR, May IG—pd. I 1 • s . ESTATE OF JOHN SPROUT, de ceased.—Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary un the Estate of John Sprout. late of Han pdtn township. Cumberland county, deceased. have leen 1,- cued by the Register of sold county to the subseriber. rr.lding In the conic (4%1;1144. All persol.s knowing thembelves indebted to said estate UM' required to make Immediate payment, and these having claims to present them (Or settlement to aprlb-pd THOMAS 11. BRYSON, Adm'r. tUDITOR'S NOTICE—The under , idgned, appointed Auditor by the Orphans C o urt of Cumberland county, to marshal and 41114011 a.. lin fund in the hand,: M C. T. McLaughlin, ,Admiuistratol ofJAITICR Carothers, Into of the horom,h of Shippensl,ury decrared,•to and :,In. tn.; the creditors of Fnld dccedelit, ill attend to the duty a&sletied to him, at his "Mee on SATURDAY, the .71.11 t day of May, next, be tar, the hours of in o'clock, A. M. and 3 o'chwk, P. ft when and where those interested are petit:v(l to attend. apriSpd JAMES R. IRVINE. IVOTICE.—To all persons interested In the Real Estate of Dr. John Simpson, deed. and the reeognizaucrs of Dr. William A. Simpson. Samuel Alexander and Andreve'Carothers. Esq.. in the Orphan's Court of Cumberland county, to secure the Interest of the respective helm of mid Decedent in said Real Estate. That on motion of Samuel Hepburn, Esq.. Attorney for Li. William A. Shnpsidi.--lt h; ordered by the Orphan's Court of Cumberland county. That a rule upon all the parties in interest be entered in Feld Court, to show cause if any they have, why the said recount:milers shall imt be marked satisfied. So far as the interest of David Simpson is concerned•—And that said rule be returnable on the 2d Monday of April next: Notice of which to be given by publhation fu tw,• newspaper printed In said county. until the said day of appearance. Ity the Court. of which parties in interest will take notice. Test, JUAN GREGO, Clerk Or. Court. GAS AND WATER COMPANY LOAN.-Thu Carlisle Gas and Water Company dr sire to complete their Works by the Introduction of Gas this summer, and Mr this ptn pose wish to obtain on Loan TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, tier which they will git V the most ample securliy. andpay the interest half yearly at the Carlisle Depcsit Bank, for sums not Ices than VAX). FRED'K. WATTS, marehDt President T i ISTATE OF SAMUEL WAGGO _LA NEIL, deceased.—Notice is hereby given that Let ters of Administration on the estate of Samuel {Vegan nor, Into of Newton township, Cumberland county, de. mused, have been granted by the Register of said coun ty to the subscribers, residing In the same township.— All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them for settlement to - NANCY WAGUONEIL reartipd ISRAEL IV-t6UI/NEIL f Admr's. ESTATE OF ABR Alll BURK HOLDER, sr. deceased .— Notice Is hereby given ,Lettors Testamentary on the estate of Abraham Burkholder, late of frankfbrd township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted by the ltegister of said county to the subscriber, residing in the saute twp. All persons knowing themes Ives Indebted to said estate are required to make Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to . untr7pd ABRAHAM MARTIN, Ex'r, JAPER, PA PER . —Pe IT on s wanting WALL I'APEIt, will tint an extontive 'deck for ea o very cut At. at It. DICK'S. Earil.le, April 4, MS. I)ONNETS AND BL00:11ERS.- A vary large assortment °POI° latest styles glish Inmstable and spilt straw, Neap.titan. Hair, 'Are; Leghorn and 'Florally. Braid Bonnets, Misses . and Children's Bloomers or various kinds, Straw Ilmids and Gimps, Art 111,1'31 -Flowers, Bonnet linings anthitild,ms, .te., all or which will be sold . heap at the store nt tim stil.set Ikon South I lnnover street. s HOBERT BleK, Carlisle, April 25, ~ E. PARKER, President. nprlS Ili NK. GAIt DN W3l. T. mum:si. STARTLING, BUT 'TRUE! WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW, How often it happens, that tho wife lingers from bear to year in that pitiable condition as not oven r ono day to feel the happy and exhilarating 'Mk. Ince incident to the enjoyment of health. THE BLOOMING BRIDV • But a few years age in the flush of health and youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, end apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili tilted wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of suffering,. and an utter physical and mental pros- tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the mar riage state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " UNTO TUE THIRD AND FOURTH OENERATION," Transmitttntt CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, GOUT, KING'S EVIL, and other and . worse Diseases, as a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE PA RENTS "And must this continuo? Must this bo? Is there no remedy? No relief'? No hope?" The .remedy is by knowing the causes and avoiding them,iind knOwinirthe remediee, and benefiting by them Those are pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. lIIAUMCBAu, TROFMOR OF DISEASE:B OF ITOIII.N. One.Hultdredth Edition, (00,000), 18mn., pp, 250 [oN FINE. PAPER, EXTRA IIINDLNO, $1.00.1 A standard work of established reputation, found classed in the catalogues of the great trade Hales in New York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal 000ksellers in the United States. It was first published in 1817, since which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES hare been sold, of which there were upwards_of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY 3IAD„ Ittesting tho high estimation in which it is held as a ro• liable popular Medical BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted his exclusive attention to the treatment of complaints peculiar to females, in respect to which he Ls yearly consulted by thousands both he person and by letter. Here every woman can discover, by comparing her IWri ymptopas with those described, the nature, character, causes of, and the proper remedies fer,,her complainta. The wife about becoming a mother bse often need of instruction and advice of the utmost Importance to Ler future health, in respect to which her sedsitiveness for bids consulting a medical gentleman, will !Ind such in 'traction and advice, and also explain many—symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all the peculiarities incident to her situation are described How mans are suffering from obstructions or irregular Kies peculiar to the female system, which undermine tilt health, the effects of which, they aro ignorant, and tot which their delickcy forbids seeking medical advieo. Many suffering from prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb), or from floor cabus (weakness, debility, Sc.) Many are in constant agony for many months preceding confine went Many have difficult if not dangerous delivoriea, and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some'whose liven are hatarded daring such time, will each Ond in its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course Impracticable to convey 'fully the various Tirtbjecta treated of, as they are of a nature strictly In. tended for the married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, are you a husband or a father? a wife or a mother? Have you the sincere welfare of those you lore at heart? Prove your sincerity, and lose no time In learning what causes interfere . with their health and hap. pines pot less than your own. It will avoid to. you "ono youri, ns it has to thousands, many a day of pain and Anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, Incapacitating tht mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhamaing them means for medical attendance, medicines and adrertined nostrums which otherwise would provido for declining years, the Infirmities of ago and the proper education of your children. In consequence of the universal popularity of tho work, as oildenced by it,, extraordinary sale, various Impost tiring have been attempted, as well on booksellers as on the public, by imitations of title page, sikurious editions, and surretplitious infringements of copyright, and other levices and deceptions, it has been found necessary, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless tho words " Dr. A. 11. lilAviumv, 120 Liberty Street, N. Y. is on (and the entry In the Clerk's °nice on the back of) the title page ; and bay only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to lir. A. Al. hlauricean. *VT Upon receipt of One Dollar "TEE MAR RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION" is sent (mailed - free) to any part of the United Stales. the Oanadas and British Provinces. All letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURIOEAU, box 1224, ,New-York City. Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New. York. TARUGS AND CONFECTIONARY. /no undersigned has Just returned from oath a fresh supply of DR tillS and CONFECTIONA RV.— The former in connection with his stock on band will make his assortment of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals complete. Ills assortment of CONFECTION:kin! IN also couvleging of pure sugar u - bite and transparent Candy Toys; Candy. common, assorted, and tine Candles of every variety; also Fruits. Nuts, and every thing belonging to that department of trade. " Ile would call special attention to his supply of FANCY AIITICLIS thr the liolidays, anti general use, among which maybe found the good, the tasteful, and the useful. All are invited . to call whether they wish to puseb. so or not. KIEFFER. Carlkle, Dee,r .54 )1 ° ll l olTlTl. P The T se E p N ess l e ' sq Au n ad i r t an i ta l g l e :'' o l v t er S all ot UM in !Ming made with an outside Iron casing, which greatly ceonomises fuel and prevents loss of heat. They are made of various sizes, from 10 to 120 gallons. They are pia-talkie', aid may be set in the kitchen for house hold use, or out of doors convenient to the barn, pig pens, Ar., for boiling food for stork. For sale by PASCHALL. MORRIS & CO., Agricultural Warehouse and Feed Store, N. E. corne r of 7th and Market streets. Philadelphia. ~,..,[4Ol.W'. ...,, IiEEVE L. KNIGHT, (Successor . to , Hartley & Knight ,) BEDDING AND. CARPET 'A 11:110USE No. 148 South Second Street, five doors above Spruce street, Philadelphia, where he keeps eon. sleuth' on hand a full assortment of every artiele In his line of buelness. Feathers, Feather Beds, PateLt itring Mattresses. Velvet. Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three Plv, Ingrain, Venetian, last, Rag and Kemp Car stings, 00 Cloths—Cant eit Mat Rites, (Won and Spanish Mat tings Floor and Stair Druggets. Ilearth hugs, Door Mats,Table and Piano Covers. TO which he Invites the attention rf purchasers. [4octl4 • LI PA IA 'S ATMOSPIIIMIC Cl I URNS pup ly of the above celebrated (tarn, now on hand of all the difTerent elves, front 4 gallons to 50. It recehed illy lb 6t preni I fain at, the fat e Prllm:yltanlft State Fair, the tiret premium at the Prauklin Itetitule anti ifelaware and 31ar. land State Fairs, and ,arltus others at different p'nees. It pill make mere and boiler Amiter hem a amount of ereani, and In h fa time than any churn In tl:e market. Far f,ale whaler:ale and retail 41 PAc:011A1.I. MOItItIS A CR. Agricultural Warohouse and Sood Store, corner of 7111 and, Market, Philadelphia. Doc. 0, 185,1—tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers