Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 23, 1855, Image 6

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Beans with Indian Corn
Mn. EDITOR :—As a general rule, I
a n not in favor of "mixed husbandry,"
bit there are few rules in husbandry,
15 , 11,.ih do not admit of etceptions. It
hu long been .an undecided question,
wl).3..her beans planted with Indian corn,
a.e an actual injulky d to the crop. I have
a' vays supposed thej are not, but until
t past season, had taken .no pains to
a certain by experiment. Last year
nl a piece of corn on the South side of
a hill` or rather gentle de's - cent, and as it
presented a favorable opportunity, I de
ter,nined to make the trial. 'There were
tifty rows of thirty-six hills each,,in the
p ce. Commencing on one side, I coun
t I off eight rows, and planted the ninth,
t nth, eleventh and twelfth to corn and
b ms—.lropping the beaus nut with the
rn, but about sib inches on one side.—
tno a - 3 rows were • then counted off
aid the ihnxt fonr folttlit4l in the same
way : the remainde: of the entire piece
w a ; planted in corn alone.
I.t harvest the first rows having the
beans in them, were cut and weighed,
a Id then the four rows immediately con.
t igoou-; on either side, were cut and weigh"
e I The sante course was pursued in
fel'ence to the other rows, and the rows
nearest therm on either hand, and the re
sult was that no perceptible difference
existed in the amount' of corn produced
by the•rows having beans in the hills,
and that of the rows having none. The
soil throughout the piece was as nearly
the same quality as it well could be, and
the management of the entire piece was
in every respect the same. The bean'
made a very good crop, were all filled
plump and fair, and the corn was also
good. The manure used, was short muck shovel full to the hill. The crop
was hoed three times, and a gill of plas
ter applied to the hill at second hoeing. "
It is_probable that as different vegeta
bles require a different specific aliment,
the bean finds enough of its, appropriate
food in the soil without at all infringing
upon that which is required for the sup
port of the corn plant, and thus bothgrow
,tad flourish on the same soil without in
terfering with each others right..--
There may be other and more philosophi
cal explanations, but this satisfies me.
Lime on Fruit Trees
"A Fanner,'' in the G ring ?down Tel-
• r. Vt thinks that lime, applied by itself
in a caustic state, as freshly made white
wash, such as is frequently put on young
orchards indiscreetly, although serving to
_kill the
,insects with which it comes into
c intact, very generally injurest he trees by
its potency. But I unhesitatingly reco
mend, after the rough bark has been
scraped off, to whitewash the trunks and
limbs within- reach, with a mixture of
lime, fresh cow manure, flour of sulpher,
the soot carefully saved from stove-pipes,
,some refuse salt, and a portion of spent
ashes; a small quantity of saltpeter is al
so very useful for the peach trees. This
mixture is an admirable wash to put on
trees with a common whitewash brush,
and all who used it will be well rewarded;
and I think lime is an important ingre
dient that should not be omitted. Here
let me add, that, those who can afford
the time and expense of the extra cost
and labor will be amply repaid by having
their trees, after being scraped to rid
th!m of all rough bark, washed with di
luted soft soap; and, when dry then up
'ply the above mixture. It is usually
prepared by having old tar barrels or
casks partly filled with common lime
whitewash, into which you put the sev
eral above named ingredients, stirring
and admixing them gradually by tho use
of a strong stick or paddle.
Plaster Paris.
The Editor of the American Agricul
turalist states that in a conversation with
a Mr. Chandler, he had learned how
he could use green or, unfermented ma
nure in the hills, of corn, instead of groW ,
ing thrifty, as is the ease when well rot
ted manure is used in this way, would be
come yellow in color, and -seemed to be
injured_ratherthan .improved by it.—
Having read that Plaster of Paris would
absorb, and change the action of ammo
nia, he tried it in this.. After placing a
shovel full of green Manure in the
hill, he covered it over with sod, and on
this threw a large spoonful or more Plas
ter of Parii, then dropped his corn and
covered Pit. When thus planted, the
corn grew rich and rank, and filled the
ears as if the manure had been through-,,
ly composed and decomposed. One
spring,/when planting, his corn in this
wayrhe had not plaster enough to go
over the whole field, and accordingly was
under the necesity of placing a portion
of it with green manure in the hills and
no plaster over it. -- -The result was an ex
cellent crop so far as the plaster was used
while in the remainder of the field, the
corn was' yellow and sickly during the
whole season, and yielded comparatively
From practical experience we have
long been convinced that Plaster of Paris
might bo Ivied much more freely and
generally, than it is as a fixing agent for
the volatile portions of stubble and barn
manures. Containing as it does sulphur
and lime„ elements found in animal and
vegetables tissues, the sulpher in the
form of sulphuric acid unites with the
ammonia present in the decomposition of
manures, and render a highly - 'volatile
gas, a stable product.
Those who are most careful to save the
elements of nutrition, will very soon find
that they will have more t 6 save, while
those who allow the sun and rain todis
sipate the agents of fertilization, and feed
the valueless manure, will get but little
reward for their labor.— Gen. Far.
NARY.—This Institution will open on the first
nonday of March, in a now and commodious building
'rested for that purpose, under tile direction and super
i tendence of Iter..l. lionnedy and Samuel Thomson.—
of the Seminary is hostility and retired.—
It k the d.'ehru of the Priocipal titut the course of in
struction he thorough. and the expenses moderate.
The hest female teacil.., will be employed. Pupils
will he arranged in classes according to the ((keel ion 01
the Principal. 'Mere will he three classes—Primary.
Junior nod Senior.
For board, washing, fuel and light, per session
of 4 months, $lO 00
Tuition in Senior class per'sesslon,. $ 00
Junior 6 on
Primary . 4 00
()reek, Latin or French,. 5 00
NI USi.l on Piano and use of Instrument, 15 09
Oil painting and drawing, 5 00
For further informatd,9 address
J. KENNEDY, Principal,
January 17, 1855.-thu Fayettvllle, Franklin Co. Pa.
SHAPE liAP , Huntingdon County, Penn.
The next session of this well known Institution will
open the first Wednesday in May. It Is located at &dim].
Hap, eighteen miles front the Mount' Union station on
the Pentisylvania Railroad, from which place there is a
daily line of stages. Being situated In the country it is
rounived frunbuil the vices and temptations of town.—
The buildings are large, airy and commodious, capable of
accommodating some 50 hoarders. These who cannot
be arcomodated in tho institution can eLtaln good
goarditig inlha neighborhood at $1 50 per week.
TERXIB.-50 per session of five months payahlik quar.
ly In advance; Washing 30 cts per doz; light and fuel
extra. For further particulars address.
W. 11. WOJDS; Principal.
The Principals address will be Easton Pa. until the
Ist of April alter which time Shade Gap, Huntingdon
Co. l'a. March 11th.
miles west of Harrisburg. The ninth Session
of this popular and flourishing Institution will com-
Ine !MA on Monday, the 7th of May . next, under the
mootthvorable auspices. Luring the present year such
improvements and additions have been made as its in• patronage demanded. The Principal will be as
sisted by a full corps of competent and experienced
teachers, and special attention will be paid to the health
and comfort Of the Students. 4
Boarding, iVashing and Tuition in the English Branch
es, and Vocal Music, per Session, (5 months) $00.60
Instruction in Latin and (ireek, each, - 10 00
French and German - 5.00
The attention of parents and guardians is earnestly
Invited to this Institution. Circulars will be furnished
and any inforination will he . glion, on application, either
personal or by letter to
D. Di:NI:INGER, Principal,
liar. 14, 18515. ilarrisburg, Pa.
L EMY, near Carlisle, Pa. The lAth Session willcom ,
monce on TUESDAY, ?]ay Ist. 1855. Number of Stu
dents linolted.and constant efforts used for their moral
and intellectual improvement. Terms. ,SB5 per session.
Circulars with references and full Information furnish
ed, by It. IC. BURNS,
Principal and Proprietor,
April 18-1855. Plainfield. qumborland co. Pa
CQW/fl• r/
Tins Institution presents superior fitcillties to young
men desirous of obtaining a practical business educa
The course of study ombraces Double Entry nook.
Keeping, as practically applied to the management of
51ercantile, Bank, Manufacturing and Steamboat Books
=Business Penmanship and .Mercantile Computations
—familiar Lectures on Commercial Law—upon the sub
ject of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Contracts,
Partnerships, etc., et:e.
The exercises nro strictly practical; being deducted
from actual business transactions, and so completely
combine practice with theory that students, on comple
tion of the course. aro In every respect competent to
conduct, on scientific principles, any set of Double Entry
Books. The students have access to a Commercial Li
brary procured expressly for their accommodation.
Usual length of time to complote the whole course,
front 8 to 10 weeks.
For particulars write and receive.a circular by mail
April 11
t ref-rata Family Carriage for ono or two IMries. It is
strongly built of the best materials, and will be sold low
for cosh., Apply to
march?-3m WM. D. SEYNTOUIL
KNT Conn Samna, decidedly the best and cheap
novqn use. Fanners are requested to call and ex
amine It at the Carlisle Foundry 111141 Machine Shop, or
at Saxton's Hardware Store. For sale at reasonable
prices by
Aug. 2-3 ml GARDNER & BROWN
FAMILY COAL.-500 T9nfi Lyken's
Talley Coal, broken and Screened, prepared on
pressly for family use, resolving and for sale by
Jan. 17 3m ' W. it. MURRAY, Agt.
WOOLLEN YARN:--A lot of very
Superior Heavy (1.1111 Even Woollen Yarniudi
deceived, much bettor than tho city yarn, Mourn.
novs CHAS. °OXLEY.
Bumnes9 earbs.
NOTILCE.—Notiee. is hereby given
_L 1 that I have, thin day, associated with me in the
practice of my profetsion. Wm. M. Penrose and Thos. Id.
Diddle Esurs. All business, in future will be attended
toby the above under the firm of "Miami.: l'Erzoost:."
Feb. 14th Pim. W. m. DIDDLE, Atly at Law.
f 1 P.. lIUMEICLI, Attorney at Law.
--oinc,, In Beetem's Row. All business entrust
ed bim Will be promptly nttended o.
NAT . 11,1,1 AM C. RIIEEM, Attorney
y at Law. °Mee In !ilaln Street, Carlisle, l'a.—
ikirlluhlness entrusted to him will be promptly at
tended to. Fob, 7. 'so.
N. RE EN, 'Attorney at law, has
A ( • Meehanicsburg, for the practice of Mr,
profession. All kinds of Legal Writing, Collections,
Court business, &e., promptly attended to. Office oppo
site Dr. Long's residence. SU' EY INtl In all its diffe
rent branches' promptly attended to.
(4 B. COLE Attorney at Law, will at
tend pncnptly to all business entrusted t i n him.—
O4c In the room formerly occupied by William Irvine,
Esq.. North Ilanover street, Carlisle.
April 20.
R. C. E. 131,UMENTIIAL, 11.0-
j M(E d'ATII IC I'IIYSICIAN. Office and residence
On Loather street, one door east of the German Re
formed Church. Dr. Blumenthal respectfully offers his
professional services to the citizens of Carlisle and vi
41:a.Persons from a distance laboring under chronic
diseases may consult by letter. Office hours, from 7 to
9 A. M., and 2 to 4 I'. M. sept6,'s4tt
Dll. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North
ilanover street 6ro doors from W(1180 'a: Campbell's
store. Office hours, more particularly from 7 to 0 o'clock,
A. M., and from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M.
1re...;-4 . : DENTIST carefully attends to all
a operations upon the teeth and adjacent
parts that disease or Irregularity may require. Ile will
also insert Artificial Teeth of every description, !diet) as
Pivot, Single and Bleck teeth, and teeth with "Contin
uous Plurns."' and will construct Artificial Palates. 01.
!orator, lA.:id:ding Pie , es. and every appliance need In
the Dental Art. --.operating o.oni at tine residence of
Dr. Samuel 1.1111. tt, West thigh stn., et, Carlisle.
E( )R( ; E Z. BItETZ, D.
j s., DENTIST.--Itesport fully
ttoler% his pronis,sintial seryiees to the
public.. Artificial teeth iintertcd, from
a single toy th. to an entire set, on th. , latest and twist
approved principles. Such as Single, Block, and "Con
tinuous Gain Teeth." Iti•eases of the Mouth and Ir-
Tegularities vart•tully treated. OFFICE at the residence
of his hotier. on North lilt Street, Carlisle. i Jan 1.0
qw . r.
mit , will perform
all operations upon the
Teeth that are required for their preservation. such IV
Scaling, Filing, Plugging, &c., or will restore the Inns of
them by Inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth
to a full sett. fliiire on Pitt street, n few doors
south of the Itailriial Iffitel. Pr. L. is nitsent from ('or
lisle the last ten days of every month.
N. It( )SENSTEEL, flciuse, Sign,
Fancy and Ornamental Painter. 1 r'in'g (formerly
tiarper's 1 I{lllN, near I i t nor's Dry ctore. lie will
attend promptly to all lino above descriptions of paha
big. at reasonalle prices. The vitriolic kinds or graining.
attendmi t n..och as mahogany, oak, walnut, Sc., in the
intim, VII r. 1.) leg.
W. MIA N DT, Manufactuter of
k_fi • Mineral 11 ator.:. French Mead,
lints led Ale, Porter and
North East Street, near the Bail Bend Bridge, eittlirle
%tout: Sz.
TO VES ! ST( }V ES ! ! STO VES !!,'L . -
JOIIN D. 00110.1 S would inform t h e puldie that
he has now on hand at his estadlishmunt, on Main St.,
uext do,,r to Marion !lull, the largest and most mum
wit sTtiV ES to be found in this county,
which will be sold at the lowest prices for
. "..Ic.t• cash or approved credit. his stock consists of
is large assortment of now and highly ap
---,re proved PATENT COORI NO STOVES, finished
in the most complete manner, and calculated fiw either
wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns
which have stisod the test of experience, may be found
at his establishment. Also, a great variety of the most
approved and beautiful PARLOR OFFICE STOVES. in
cluding a number of new styles, possessing very supe
rior advantages over those heretofore in use. Families
and housekeepers are respectfully invited to give him a
call before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to
any part of the country and put up at the shortest no-
tice. He continues to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET
IRON WARE, and Copper Work, and has construttly on
hand or will make to order every article required by
housekeepers or others In this line. His stock of Tin
and Copper Ware anthraces every kind of household and
kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the best manufac
tured. Persons in want of articles in his line may al
ways be sure of 'being accommodated to their satisfaction
by giving him a call. f novl-1854
subscriber at his old stand on North Hanover et.,
Carlisle, the sign of the “Maunnoth Redtoffee l'ot," do
.ires to call the attention of the public to his large as
sortment of STOVES, of the newest and most fashiona
ble styles, from the best manufactories in the
country, and at all prices from $3 to $,15.
aro the Mirror Stove, the Arctic, 'Revere, Star,
Persian, Union and :Etna Air Tight, together
with other patterns which he has of all sizes
ior parlors or chew lairs, and calculated for burning either
wood or coal. Also, the :Etna, °lobo, Aster, Albany,
Flat-top and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COOK
ING STOVES, comprising the latest improvements in
kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.—
Also, the Dining Room Cooking Stove—a now and ele
'gant article, to which ho invites the particular atten
tion of families. Ills cooking stoves range in price from
$lO to 25, with the fixtures complete. Also, Nino Plate
Stoves of various patterns and different pikes.
ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, Ac. Also, every article in the
line Of Tin anti Copper Ware. Thu public are respect
fully invited to call us he is confident with hit, large
stock, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en
tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see.
Oct. 25, 1854. M. MORRIS.
YANKEE FEED CUTTERS, mamma, turNl for
0)11'01 & BAROiNT, No. 410 Market atreet, Philtela
This cutter is superior to any now in use, for strength
durability, and 6lmpllAty of construction ; it cuts fast
er, ando only soltsharponing Hay, Straw and Corn
Stalk C, gr over matie_lt has but ONE STRAIGHT
KNIf , which any person can grind and sot with , ease,
but rrordinary case, is ground in the machine. Thou
sands have already born sold, and the demand is daily
increasing. In most cases an examination is sufficient
to convince ono of its superiority. No ono after a short
trial would part with It for any other. All sites of the
above couptantly on hand and for Hale by
J. P. LYNN:,
8010 Agont for entuLorlanit county
%Al= .Papertown,.eurnberland county.—
Ati.. • ,"!Ph-Za4 IL-181(MA. Sla litOU It continue to sup
ra:EEO:pp= ply Lumber of all kinds, at the shortest
notice, and on terms lower than can be
had elsewhere. All orders direrted to E. IlAsata.t. l'a
pertown, or Wu. D. Sermon, J r., Carl lobo , will be prompt
ly attended to.
Feb. 22-ly
11.6 .'r itizens of Cm lisle that he has made al 1111111 . C.
molts to do IIAS VIITINti and PLUM RIM: at short u -
tire,-and on reasonalte (mos. lie has engaged the ser
vices of a first rate hand from l'lliladelphia, and has sup
plied himself At ith no extensive nw.rtment: of FIXT
URES, vc Moll w iil entitle him to fill all orders proMptly.
All work m ill to warranted. Ilis stork of (las Fixtures
will be found in the room exactly oppr site his Tinning
establishluent on North Hanover street, where he incites
a call.
TINNING. SPOUTING, &e.—lle Is also prepared to
furnkh. or make to order, every nitirle of TIN WARE
used by housekeepers and others. Be will also attend
to srouTrco. notsE-nooFINII, BELL, BANGING,
and PLI: M 111 NO.
Thankful for the pntronave with which he basalready
lx.en favored, he respectfully solicits a continuance of
the same.
Carlisle, June 1-1,
- E1 R 0 M CALIFORNIA. -- , --( 1.. VON
' Ii El LEN respectfully informs the riti7ens of Car-
lisle and leinity, that he has just return
ed from California, and is prepared toexo
• cute all kinds Of work connerted with Isis
K business. lie has always on hand
a large assortment cf ready-made Rifles,
(inns, Pistols, Locks, Keys, C.llll Trimmings, d'e.. all of
which be will sell is holesnle or retail. lie also attends
to repairing Guns, clocks. 10ck,., Air.: engraves to Li (IFS,
copper and Jinn. lie hopes that by sttlctjtitention to
business. and n desire to please he is ill merit and receive
public patn.nage.
41) - All kinds of Fire Arms made to order.
I' LEN D 11)
,114,Th . L - 1 ' , JAIN- lieliday Pres
. Dots, Se.--'l' II llll A S CON
-2 1,1 N. AN tII it.ll street. f
3 11 I. we st f I I
• flood, arlisle. litts just re
":.lted the lart,est and mist
• ; el .. gant asst.: intent t f
riurJettairyeu•r,dlemd in I+iiconsist lug in pat t
of (told and Sifter Watelies i.f vi es varkly, and at all
prices, ei0)t•Ila tai.le and tett spoons,
silver talde f, rks and kilter 1: Mies. gold and silt er
speetaeles ladies' and gentletnens' grl.l pen tint pemit,
gold chains of e •ry des. ription, yar and gofer
breast pins, .Ae.. at all pi i.. s. Also A ...oleo]. and !! u
plat Boxes, w ith a great t ariett rf 'alley A rtl. Ins. se
lected expo rely G r the Ilul idat s Persons desiring to
uFcLase are its, ited to call and examine the assvrtmant.
%V., are prepared to sell at tens reasonable prices. Qual
ity Of gut do wain:tutu,' to I.e as the as sold fir.
T I 01.1t 4 CON INN.
West High it.
_MAR ( 1 ) t o l m ( N A 1 ( l i ; t
. 1 ;k : i gr ‘ ue N r
man roonia in Marion Hall. kneyt n tie A. IS. Tulb's Gal
lery. desires to In fetal the ladle, and Gentlemen of Cur
ti:4o that-he is prepared to tate LlV:ene,ses In the most
superler sty 1.. of the art such as still fully sustain the
reputation i.r this pi-pular ta-tahllshment. roans
are large. pleasantly situated and citt.frrtatly furnhlt
ed. lie Is pr., ided will. the Mont puwurtul and perfect
instrument PT taking pkit/I - m. and Marrtints
GPM ht nil rase.. A full s uppl ) /11 eases or every varirty
of style and plain and erldimental. kept constantly
MI hand. Etwra‘ii.g.K. rainth.g, dr.. a,urrady aopled
and duplicates taken of original Hi:Put:sea. I.lteneses
taken or stet or deceased persons. 19 ices :tinder:etc and
stall:fart len JziNun in all tries. The - put lie is his itSii to
Call at the }l orlon Han Ihiguerrenn Booms und examine
the filltiliTotisspechnena.
Daguerreotypes inserted in Lockets, Breast Pins
Finger flings, Pen. II Heeds, Ac.
Owlish', June 14,'54.
LI A D 1)1,14] .A.N 1 ) IlikliN F.BB I 1 AK -
1., 7 INC,. The sill scriLer e. idly nes to carry , at the
above 1.11 , i11e,. 111 all it, %urn to, branch., in Nio th Ilan.
over street, Carlisle. two .I.s,r, North 4,1 Leonard's corner
where he intends keeping on hand a general iusortment
In his line, emisisting of all Lind, of fashionable SALL
hi.ES, Bridles, Martingales, Girths,
‘• Clreingles and Halters, also TRUNK S,
\`.,,...;::: , ,‘V,\ ~ traveling and saddle 44,,,
a %\\ bags. Ile al s 4, man-
iMict tires the wont 41
_1 15 3 I
11. 1 \\\ 1 . '611)Il' ir:
cuunl i v a:: l u:'Si.:t urd id: 4 l.l ! :: u ::,ver tt il ll i Sell in this
11 ' ' some, durable and pleasaift a i!i 'a d n dl i f:
will do well to rail and see them. He
:111• also manufa, tures Harness, Bridles,
Collars and \\ hips In all their varie
ties, and confidently pellet es from the general zipprol a
tion of his customers, that he makes the neatest tend
best gears, iu all their variety of tredth. that is made In
the country. Ile also makes tall kinds of Matrasses to
order. via: Straw. Husk, Curled Hair and Spring Mat
rasses. All the ,late articles will be made of the hest
material and workmamlilp, and with the utmost des.
patch. 11'31. OSBORN%
CcLOTHIM AT COST—The subscrib
er has an assortment of ri ! shionablo and well made
OT which will be sold off at cost for rash.
The stock consists of Cloth and Cashmarett Coats. Li
nen and Gingham Coats, Tweed and Jean Coats; Marseills
Silk and Patin Vesting; Cassimers..lean's and Cord pan•
taloons, Linen and Cottonade pantaloons, with all kinds
of Clothing usually found in a clothing store.
Intending to relinquish this branch of my business,
groat 14)rgnius ran be had by calling soon at the cheap
store of CHARLES (XI I 1.111%,
CARPETIN(I.—A few pleeeg - just received from nuetion
and gelling very low.
Juno 21,'6-1
:41-RANCE CIOyIPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo
rated by nn net of Assembly, Is now fully organized, and
in operation under the management of the 'following'
ommissioners, viz:
Daniel Bailey, William B. o°g:flu, Michael Cocklin,
Melchoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, Jelin C. Dun
lap, Jacob 11. Concur, Lewis llyor , henry Logan, Benja
min 11. MuFFur, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wiekerediam,
Alexander Cathcart.
The rates of instiranee are as Ion• and favorable as any
Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to
become tnembern are invited to make application to the
agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon
them at any time.
BENJ. H. MOSSEIt, President.
HENRY LOOAN, Vice President.
LEW'S 11 Fecretary
CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum
berland; C. 11. Herman, Kingstown; Henry Zearing,
Shiremanstown ; Charles Bell, Carlisle ; Pr. J. MIL
Churebtown ; Samuel Grahnin„West Pennsborough ;
James Me Dowel, Frankford; Mode Griffith, South Mid
dleton; Samuel Coover. Benjamin Haverstick, Mechan
icsburg; John Sherrlck, Lisburn; David Coover, Shen
YOUR COUNTY.--John Bowman, Dlllsburg; Peter
Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington; W.
S. Picking, nover; .1. W. Craft, Pantdisc.
IRMO 811111t0.-11ouser A Lochman.
Members of the company having policies about to ex-
Oro. con have then; renewed by making application to
any of the agonts.
—A full suply of the above celebrated Churn, now
en hand of the different size,, from 4 gallons te 50.
It received the first .promium at the y late Pennsylvania
State Fair, the first premium at thrt Franklin Institute
and Palawan) and Maryland State Fairs, nod various
others nt different places. It will make more and bolter
butter from a given .amount of cream, and In less time
than any churn in the market. For moo wi to t e , : th, and
romp liy) PAR - MAU MORRIS A; CO., •
Agricultural Warehouse and tzeed Store, ebrllOr of nil
and Market, Phlhnialphta. Pee. 11, Int —tf
, WARE and FANCY GOODS.—A fine assort.
ment of the finest quality, for sale at the lowest, rash
prices, at. %I m, C: ELTON HEAD'S, No. 11 , 1 St uth Second
Street let weep Pine and Union, west side, Philadelphia
The assortment millraces a large and self et sti k
Fine 'klatches. Jew eiry Hirer Ware. All eta VI are, platef
tt ith fine sliver, in Spoons, Forks. Ladles, 'l.—Jet gm dr,
Fans and fancy articles of a superior quality, deselling
the examination ci those Who desire to procure the best
goods nt the lowest rash prices.
;tB.}.""' Having a practical knowledge of
ties for Importing and Manure" t ur•
inc. the subscriber confiidently in . % lies purchase's. I
that he can supply thcm on terms as fat unite
es any other establishment In either of the Atlantic
All 1, lull,. of DIRIT , O7IIig and Pearl Jen elry and Fill er
Ware mantfartured to (,rd, r, althin a tear.tini le tin e.
h at, hes, jewelry and silver ware faithfully 10-
Paired: Wlll. F. ELTON H LAD,
No. 2e4 nth 2(1 ft. a few do( IT atore the 2,1 Ft. Mar-
Pet. West Fide.
ityl.) the 11ill AS Irdow of the store, rimy le seen
the famous Bird Ch,ek. which mininiands the nilintration
of the scientific and cork un. (Feld. 28, '54-Iyr.
A . OF LIME.—From City Chemical it: Union Works,
made after the meet impro‘ed a:Maki:and veipsuperier.
Prepared Anli3diite Manure. made after the English ar
tb le. and most superli r, being much lower than (Ammo,
ar.d fully equal. The attention of Dealers and Fanners
is larti flatly called hero for tiiii. Also, Perulian
atm, in large or small quabtitits. for rale by
22 South'Wharves, 3d door atom Chest - lint St. Edina.
Sept. 27, SW.
TING FUTINACE.-4Wsubscriber would call the
htten Lion of all parties requiring ri dtbiintle burutu
The roputatien of this furnace is now known, bating
I yen inttodured during the part fire years into atoll%
1:40 , public bnildings and more than 'MU private dwellt
Ings; this together with the immense illetrAFC of calla
et ery hoar Is the best evidence that can bo adduced of
its cui, it} of er till (Aber fur; cc, S. 1iv4.1.0:,4{1,14,C1
( hilt" ICS 1 . 1111111 , t . ... mu secure the ft ing - Mh antages-
Y}.4 . 111 ATION
I . '. an Mr—The heating surfaces being at a tut lera.
One Unit %ill ut t. dece,ratr the Mr.
Et , 11. I'LL.
I.1:1 AT DI RAI 11.11Y—Peing made entirely of Ca s t Irrn,
11. t :Odle to r 111.1... will rryuire no It I aft:: during a lilt
time— It is dx ill L 1 texiu.r IL.. 1 ulld
g iu mmllilL it is piaecti, to ilaiirvr frill:
e halt e the testbratztlalh of bundle& of the most
srieuttit, loon to nilel.t to the truth of the al
en r•L•etc
utont. all or 0 hum l'lmitaice it to he del ids 11l the 1 t st
fen I.lloe yet inrou.tetl 6.r pn d u o log a putt nt d ht ulthy
alma sph t , e. hieretnill. titilleX the rattle,. ti n few
well 1.111. 1 1e1l 111111 Olllllll . lll.proi, to es, N 1 he bate net S the
not hindly furnitliett ins their tutates and ref retires
Prof. John F. Ilattt t Pn•f. rather, Prof. \ott,n , 1 rt S
N 1 ti,. li. Allen. Pia. Parsotts,Prof. Daualds, huh It. tnl
hunt, Prot. Lipley.
We hare introduced this sem:out:ye new sizes. so
all parties n,n al ail thrinsrlien of thle: great
went at a lory nicrlerate er st. 11\ r ale nou pm:tatted to
fun irL «u upparat us to ninth a single mom, ur the 'g
est I.uilding In the e( tram.
\o. 1
do do
do do
do fr.?' briok err rk
do do
3 Extra Radiator, (ii l'nrr , aI. d Prrucld
3 do do do Eel
do do do 10;
0 110 110 110. 1.'43
Vhis No. 7 is the largest and nu at p, a erfol run too
n lode in Ulf; couLtry, and is 0110 lit ally adni Led 1 . 4 r
Churches nod other largo slows hoildlops.
W ~. cut, lit. ue to sell the apparatus at the same price
as a hen iit reduced, live )salt ago. Ait h, to. h the
present high price of fron loss increased their co st 26 per
mot ott log to their great weight, still a 0 are en t ai l ,' hy
the great it:crease of stoics to furnish the article at the
lowest possible pricy. One foundry afore, /Messrs. Mar ,
t. ick A.Leihrandt„ hate contra( ted to furnish us 11 ith Lig
tors of Fuo naves this rens - cif, so that we are met) prepar.
col to for,. ish then) NI holesalo• aid retail. We s operinteo a
the o t,,ti, io of all I tort: arts, ,‘ hen rtquired, aid to ■r
tao.t tin no in all cases.
(.001i1 NC; ItANGF.—We have also
the no,t to plete ohinu Eange that bus yet I ern in
ti( du, ed, to n bleb me rail the attrition of all n ay
nish to set use the most perfect and desiruble ccokii.g up
parat us e‘ or WI en led.
only Ar etts in Penusyhania for the manufacture ar
dale of this Ventilator. u hid] Is aclllosl ledF ad to I a the
only perfect Ventalatcr eser made for o netting the
draught in smoky chimnies, and fin- letttlath eLuild
huge of all Linda. Aa there are n great many imitations
of this valuable article now offered for sale, par tit a u ill
be careful-to-examine that it hat the Emerson badbe at
have the largest imp most complete assortment sf Ilct
Ai: Registers and 'Ventilators to Fe fc•uud in the United
Staten. Putties Who wish to purchase either fi.r priceta
use or e, holesale, mill find it greatly to their etliantage
to eNamine their stock.
SLATE AM) IRON MANTLES.—We have always on
Laud an extensive assortment of these heautiful man
tles, in exact imitatitn of Egyptian, Spanish, Galway at d
other rare marbles.
OPEN GRATES.—For Anthracite and Eitunitruue
Coal. Also, an °lithe new pattern of the kw down
Grata, made from the English Patterns, and entirely
new in this conntry.
SOLE AGENTS for the English Encaustic }leering
Tile, tiarnkirk hininey Tops and Terra Cotta Ornaments,
surh ns Gal den Vases. &e.
Persons about building would do well to examine cur
stock lefore purchasing elsewhere. Visitors, whether
purl-basing or not, arc cordially welcomed to our exten
sive Warerc,cms, and when. we should to happy to fur.
nish any intimmation respecting any of our goods that
may Le desired. A book on Warming and Ventilating
can be had gratuitously nt our store, either personally
or by letter. S. A. IiAItIIISON,
Warming and Ventilating Warehouse,
146 Walnut st., below Sixth,
CHAS. 0011 MY
May 31-7m]
I r
AOLLARD, Premium Artiste in Hair
. 7 I o eviller of the Celebrated Gossamer Yen tilating
NV g and Elastic Hand Toupees. Instructions to enal.lo
Ladies and Gentlemen to measure their beads with ac
Fon Wins, inches.—No. 1. The round of the bead; No.
2. Front forehead over the Lead to the neck; No. 3.
From car to ear. over the top; No. From car to ear
round the forehead.
Toupees and scalps, Inches.—No. 1. Eton -forehead to
brick as far es bald; No. 2. Over forehead as far as requir
ed.; No. 3. Over the crown of the head.
11.•110LLABB has always ready for sale a splendid
stock of Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Ladies' Wigs. half Al igs,
Frixots, Braids, Curls, &c., beautifully manufactured and
as cheap as any establishment In the Union.
Bollards Herhanium Extra:tor Lustrous Mir Tonle,
prepared from South American Herbs and Reote, the
most successful article ever produced for preserving tue
hair from falling out or changing color, restoring and
preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant *state. Among
other reasons - why Dollard'a hair cutting saloon main
tains Its immense popularity is the fact that his Tonic le
applied to every head of hair cut at his establishment,
consequently it„is kept in better preservation than un
der any known application. It being thus practically
tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of its
Sold wholesale and retail at his Old Establlslatient 177
Chestnut street opposite the State 'House, Philadelphia.
It. Dollard has at least discovered the no plus ultra of
HAIR 7)1(E, and announces it for sale with perfect core
Metier in Its surpassing every thing of the kind now in
use. It colors the hair either black or brown, (as may
be desired) and is used without injury to the hair or
skin either by stain nr otherwise, can be washed' off in
ten minutes after . application, without detracting from
Its efficacy. Persons visiting the city are Invited to give
him :veal].
Letters addressed to it. POLLARD, 177 Chestnut st.
Philadelphia, will receive attention. Jan. 25-If
NIORE CAR D.-saz 7 1 .7"
Fine Faetory filled and Ground Alum Salt, c
stantly on hand and for Kale.
Flour, Urals and Lumber Commission Merchants,
Spear's Wharf.
01 the N. A. and Cu.
Baltimore, Jan. 22, IS
it 25