New '3 zhiti.9cnictit9. • ‘ICIFIEDAM. AROMATIC SIINAPS, iJ TI) THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYINA NI A.- 1 bog leave to call the attention of the cltiAems of Pennsylvania to the above article, manactured by my self exclusively, at toy factory in Schiedam, Ili 1- land, expressly for medical purposes. It Is made from the best Barley that can be selected in Europe and the essence of aromatic Italian berry, of acknowledged and extin trdinary medicinal properties; and It has longsinee aequired n higher reputation, both in Europa and America. than any other dietetic hove ' rage, In (411 %A' El., Bore. 01111 1111E1231 ATISM 111 ObSIFIIetiOBS of Um Bladder and Kidneys, and debility or the urinary fonetfons, its elicits are prow pt, derided and invaribly reliable. And it Is not only a remedy for these main . dies, •but, In all cases in which they are produced by drinking lad water. which is almost universally, the cause of them. it operates as a sure preventive. The distressing effect upon the Stomach, Bowels. and Bladder, of travelers pew residents, and all persons un accustomed to them, produced by the waters of nearly ,all of our great Inland rivers, like the (Olio, Mississippi and 'Alabama, front' the large quantity of decayed VOl4ll - Ma: tor contained in theta, in a state ofsolution, is well known: ns is also that of the waters of limestone 'regions. In producing tie AVM, CV Lew. and stone in the BLADDER. The A ROM Ayle SCIII EDA M scllNAprs is an absolute correAlve of all these injurious properties of bad Irate r. and consequently prevents the disease ‘t hich they is also found to be a cure and preven tive of Fever and Ague, tt complaint caused by the con joint elfe.-to of vegetable malaria iii the atlnnsllOre, mid vegetable putreseences in the water of those districts In which It principally •prevails. The Arming le Schiedam Sehnapps is consaquently in great demand by errs ms D.:noting. or about to settle in -those parts of the roan try especially ; ILS well as by many in every emmitunity where it has become known, on account of Its a arious ti other remedial properties. More than three thousand physicians, among whom are numbered the greatest names belonging to t he facul ty of medicine In this country. have certified, over their own signatures. to the valuable medb i nal properties of such an article, as the severest tests have proved the Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps to be and have accepted It AS a most desirable addition to the MATERIA Mt:met. Put up iu It-wart or pint bottles, enveloped in yellow paper with my name on the bottle, cork and seal. For sale by all respectable DruggiSts end ti ro. yrs. UDOLI'II WOLFE, IS, 20 and 2'2 Beaver street. New York. 25. South Front street, Philadelphia. I beg leave to eall the attention of the public to the Milowing letters from Our-Plans iiii I,lll , llttannY.N. Y. May 2. 1..c23, "M it. ITheteit \Void-at—l/ear Fia : I cannot speak toe hlghlyot the purity of your schietlam Schnapps: It in dr.•idedly superior to nitythittß Ittlei In the tn:u•- ket. it is perfectly free ,roin the :hind x titre or fusil or of any o f these :troy lie comp:lt nits a hi•h product, such a mischievous and irreparable elfe• I Upon the Cell stittlattlt and whlr•h very few stool/. it' ;nor., :u•e with , nt—most of them being largely impregnated with it. I have personly inspected the vari••u,s process nt pent iced at Seldedam. and know that on ' nsual earn in taken to separate tile not foes 010111011te Gem the puma alcohol, and poly Slehtuips in a striking proof nit its success. Asa naolielnal agent for chronic and renal tithsdions. I have snecessfully presrribcd it, and reeornend it as an agreable cordial and harmless stimulant, aunt !than retrtinne to do au , : as well as ' Use it its a source of pure alcohol for chentival investiga tions and experiments. Yours obedient. - Li-IA DECK. Consult lug Aunlyti,al Chemist." • Dr. Charles A. Leas. Commissioner of lienith, Italti m ire, writes as follows in reltathat to the I:due of t. , elinaple, as a remedy in chrtinie catarrhal eon/plaints. tie. The letter is dated July 27. take great pleasure in bearing highly ereditabic testimony to its efle:n•r as a remedial agent in. the dl Slane fur whieit you reconu•nd it. Having a natural tendency t,, than tolle pus snrf.•aee. , , a ILL It ailtfilt. lieeeee Ot Stint llittlinll. 1 . ie . ;:leti Was use 14 the must ittlpiletallt r unedies in ehmode c.ttarrhal affestions, partieularly those of the genltu urinary apparat us. With much rt pert your obedient servant. CHARLES A. LEAS, M. D. "Mr. Ildolpho Wolfe, No 22 !leaver st. N. i'.--Dear sir: Last season the writer received. throuzb,your agent in this city. a kettle of your Aromatic Schiedam Schnapp,, and since that period has prescribed the same in certain loves of urinary complaints: also in cases of deldlity in aged persons. So far, the Schnapps has boon of muck henent to those using it *.t. in conclusion. where a diuretic and stimulant issequired, 1 shonkruse the Ar omatic Schiedam Schnapps. Thanking you for your kindness, I tun respectfully yours. A. D. A LONEII, NI. 11., 150 S. Eighth st. The subjoined letter from Dr. Paine, of Manchester, N. 11., relates to one of the most valuable medicinal prop erties possessed by the Aromatic Schnapps. and shoes that it acts as a specific in a very painful disease—the I ; ravel : "Mu. 'Pout::—Permit mo to address you n few lines. which you are at liberty to use if you think proper, in respect to your medicine, called Schiedam Selnuipps.— .1 have had a very obstinate case of gravel and stone, of s ome five years' standing, causing very acute pain in every attempt to urinate. After using many remedies without much relief. I was Induced to try a bottle of your medicine. In the course of three days it proved effectual, disloging large pieces of stone, some of which was as largtoas a tuarrowfht pea. I continued the cor dial arcenting to directions. and the patient continued t ; gain, end is fast recovering. 1 think a medicine of so much value in so distressing a complaint, should be toown to the public, and the world at large. And I for ono. must give it my approbation and signature. TllOB. PAINE, M. D." Prom Dr. John S. Deese, Chemist, Baltimore, lid. Sept. 15, 1852: number of our physicians are ordering, the articlo, and several have already prescribed it. Persons to whom I have sold It speak very highly of its loyalties. A Ikentlomou of toy own personal acquaintance, having sulfured greatly with an alfectton Or th o kidneys and bladder' took two bottles and subsequently passed a stone of considerable size, and was greatly relieved. It will no doubt go Into general use," it- • ••• CARLISLE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SlioP, t .., — ;}o r The suhseriber has the satisfaction of In- EIMILIWIAS luau forming his old friends and iiatrons that phis eStabilShlllolll Is again in active ope ration, now buildings having been erected sine.. the late disastrous tiro and the whole establishment put in coin pleto working order. Orders are thoreti , re respectfully s lielted for work in his line, which will be dons with peutuptness and in the beet manner.. STEAM ENGINES Duna TO ORDER and repaired. All kinds of :Machinery in Paper Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired at - short notice. Mill Spindles drossod and turned. IGaItSE POWERS and THRESHING MACHINES Such ns Bevil Gear Four Ilorso Power, Horizontal Gear Four iij roe and Tw erne Powers, Ploughs, Corn Shel ters and Crushers, de: Pa rim made to order. Iron and Brass CASTINUS exacta to order, if . not on hand, at the shortUst notice. such as Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur anti Devil Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Plow Castings. Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and Coach 'lox es, Spindles. Car Whoels, Car Chairs, de. Ile has also cm hand a largo supply of Philadelphia and Troy COOK ING STOVES, and is constantly making Cooking Stoves of various improved patterns for coat or wood, ton plate Stoves, Grates, kc. Repairing done to all kinds of Ma chinory. All kinds of old Iron, Mass and Copper taken in excitant:a for work mayo # OSlll' ' ROSES!! ~_ _ • t.})11 4 ) The most splendid a5 .,4, . , 4, assortment of to ev ro t, , ..,.., .:, cetvcd In Carlisle may ho had , 4. ..s .---; 3 1 15 ""'"2 at the Whitehall Numerics, ffl' -10 ' ~. ettst of the railroad bridge.— " plit- ...' - : Comprising China or Daily, I -",- Isle do Bourbon, 'fen, Nnisette, • 4/4.' ,s' II ybred perpetual or Rennin -1;1. dent, and Damask l'it'ers, of all the new cst and mnst desirablO 11 , 11::.i The plants 111 . 0 311 In 1 , 10.0 1 . , h1..11 kill enable intr . Ovis, , T. I') mini',, tln.ll* , , 0 •r0,,.1 , 1' t.; I heir r:,:14.0:11ve tot -o. T 1,,, :r.,5 wtin,nt ~nprlFns nlint , ..t over sli.L.l, 01 f 't..l,•r t and AV ill •1,0 t,,1,1 ,•14 ,, rily pri,, ES "Puil..tran.rurt. July 15. IS5n FRANKLIN GARDNER I. Efl r.c:tht 111111eR, ‘lart111:1:1•1 !ty ;11 an : r.i' A r, I= Nem '2burrtisonctit. LIST OF DEALERS OF Goods, Wares and -Merehandize. Also, Distillers, Millers, Lumbermen, Ac., within the county of Cumberland, returned and classified by JOSEPH' C. TIMBIrs" Mercantile A moniker, in zw,ord :ince ,$ MI the several acts of Assembly. (U 4 follows: CARLISLE. A. Bentz A Bre., Phillip Arnold, Charles George W. Hither, N. W. Woods, Agt. lb. Pick, Jason 11'. El.y, C. Inlndr, John It, Willians, Joseph B. S. W. Ila verstlek, Samutil ' 'H illl:un Kelso, Steiner k Bro. 11 illkun Sheldon, B. J. Kieffer, U. 31. Rawlins. Samuel C. Iluyett, 11. W. Caufmait. Charles Ilarnitz, Wm. 31. Itenderson A Son Woodward A Solintivit, INtiry Saxton, John P. Lytle. bail lel EdielB.l Job" fathe r .1..@ Ithwls, Wm. 11. Murray, Agt Thomas Cool) n, Pet er 3lony or, Goner S Itobrer, Jelin N. Armstrong, .1. A. helm, Pod. 11. 31. Johnson, S. 3!. er, Thos. 11. Shiles, A mold & hit ingslon, John Jimmy. Philip Messersmith, I Int - kmis k Grove, James 311: ran/than, A. 31. Piper, Agt. 10,-id t !ornman, tlfmrge I.lbey. Jonathan Common, or. Join. Fredericks, James Callio. Jonathan Culman, sr.. I leer)' Glass. Arnold A Sot. SIIIITIINS/111“1..„ Jr.llll Cll.:Well, .1. 1 . . .k Rid, K tinkle & Ste lel:. 1/. W. Toll 1.. n ..,.., 1 C. F. l'in(ll.lp. .1(m11 Stiliall.atill, 14 7 1. Jarool. P:111gli, ' 14 7 1.4 1/. 11. )liller, . 11 7 (In .1. 111.i(1,41., ; 11 7 110 .1. C. 4411112m5. 11 7 (10 NV. 11. A. Nagle, 11 7 00 5a1111.11.1 Stigards, 14 7 00 .1111111111,11. 13 In no :,. 11. St , :tilsey. 12 12 ;01 I'. S. .11 . 1.4. 14 7, 00 H 0414, 1101.ley & C,. l'.. lii 50 !Nevin & llt•dilings. I I 1:, 00 ilimidi nger ‘S: Or''. .11 16 0 , , N. A. Corbel ims, 11 15 00 .1. It. Dullealt. Agt. ' ' ..-, 14 700 I'llilip Deltrlcli, 14 7 {( .1.4 m., 1 Voilderlle.ll.lll 20 110 S. C -C. lIOIIar. 14 7 00 Clidstinn Slnttk, 14 7 ell mta . u.kNiesativa. F'. 1. )liitocr, Etiiinger k 0%, Ikaufillan. Hupp Simon .Irnnl d. Blizzard . ishor, Ilursh .S Beelinan, Kaufman, !Cupp I.C. .Iyres, Levi ell, 13noritre 11 eLI et t, Ifenry Le.iv, Ira Day, hobo Marten, Ephraim Zug, 4;tvirize linutman Lewis Shut. :iiturizer Isaac IlliAzardi Joseph 31illizerit 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 700 700 1t.1,1‘,.0.6 11 7 00 V K%V141.E. entlemy Foreman, 15 illiain Stltzell, II iili,uu hoed. Joseph Laughlin, Thonno. Stough, William Bretton, .Sohn M. Bal hisnry, T. & .1. 31Vam11141, .1. 11. Tlerrun, t. (5. Bear & Ciobaugh. CIMIIM lolin .1. Crawford, Maury I,nyder. Etil PEA NF.IIRO4 G 71 v hjj., Jnuu•s, rd k Salm lilt. .101.111 llon d, NEWTON S. W. Shlll'l, Sw,lyer. R .1. I:rnvey, .1. W. Alm,lobelt A Co M. A: .1. A. Kimble. .1 tin Min Kylk; IVBKIIInger, Peter ttrYl.r. uovr.wm.t.. Fergus , m, Wherry .I,,hn Holler, Shoemalcur .1 Thaddeus Fll\ilCFf'l'll W. S .1. 0 rum:, IiOUTIIAMPTOS. .101111 W. Clever, George Clever, Hauck, J. F. Ituginnan, Cpurod Fasnaught floury Myers, DICKINKIN. nays .k Palm, Russol L Dieu, W, (hour, 1). L. McMinn, Joseph L. Sterner, Francla Williamson, Wm. ht. Watts, itelijliMi it Plank, SOUTH MIDDLETCM, A. AV.ldlgli, 8. N. Dlven, Mullen S: Alexander, It. (liven Sc. Co., NORTH' MIDDLET3P Elias Light, • EMI= Dovinv & 3lary Singizer & :?under on UPPEd ALLEN. 'eter (lingering, I )yam I,,,ugneolor. 1 )o;:wviler & onallian .Eckels, =I LICENSE. $20,00 12 ,0 12 50 12 50 10 00 10 00 10 00 211 00 11 50 12 50 70 00 QM i 7 pr 7 OL 7 00 7 0, 7 110 7 (111 7 Ou 7 00 7 0, ( 7oi 10 00 7 ok 7 00 MI 1 L II 10 W 7 00 10 1 1 7 0 , ) 10 In 7 0 7 If i 10 00 7 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 01) 7 Oh) 12 ro MEI 7 Oti 7 00 7 ut.) 7 00 7 00 MEI 7 ix io tt 10 20 ld 10 7 00 7 0 0. 13 10 14 7 1 13 111 14 ' 14 7 Ou 11 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 (n) 114 7 00 7 00' 14 700 y ANCASTER COLLIERY. TO COAL DEALERS IS 7 or) 14 7 Ot) 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 11 7 00 gl4 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 0 k • 7 tro On point of shipping is Sunburyovliereareangenionts aro wade to load 'boats without'any delay, iniers'ail tire4sed to us at Shamokin, Sunbury or Lancaster, will revive prompt attention. apriS COCIIKAI, PEALE A: Co. J..Y. Cochran, Lancaster., Benj. Ileinhold, 'Lancaster. C. W. L'yile, Shamokin, ll.ktunntardn9r,''-do.' liforrh.ints and others who fool theinsolviis ngttrieved by the clove classification, aro boreby notified that will appeal at the Court. House, h, ( iirlisle, on Vt.l.loy tins ^ 7th 1,1,iy of ApHI, 1 bi, , lel,okruo Lite hours 4.9 MU! . 12 Colnelc A. :11., and 2 no,' ‘ , llOll nod v hero theycun uttrnid li they thin), proper. JOS. C. TitompsoN. )!MCANTILY AP:TAMER. . Parlifile. A mil 4, 7 00 13 10 00 11 7 00 13 10 00 14 • 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 U • • • 7 0 it 7 00 7 co i 7 00 7 (U 11 ' • 7 00 t t 11'1)1 II e.4t11);49 . 11.1e1* s 11:IS 011 %. - Bla{toitei _i).:s3.iklt'k EASTPENNBIIOROUOII. • Deorge IV. Felder, Esiinger, Jacob Longito,k, .lne.d, 14411111110 r, & Son, let• .' llmeunol, 11 ir•luu•l, Ti. & .1. Ray 11111 , 1, Itudolplius 1161te HAMPDEN 11/iiil K ut Ileory NVin. Eel,'ls, Bro., SILVER SPRIN.I John IL Loidi,4, John Johb Mock, David i-trohin, Simitioms o It. 11. trailer, 11. M. Lohligh. Androo ~i uglier, I BEER, OYSTER & EATING 110 . 1 1 S1 \Via. ‘Vinheltz, NVestramnshoro' - 8 - - Harriet Watson, 81 .Ile I, 1 - •.1VI, ‘• 8 • tleerge Murphy. Novk, illo, 8 dane I‘.erslinw. 8 Charles Brewster, Newten, • S Ilverge 3liiter, 8 .I. J. Diehl, II open ell, 8 .14 lin ltr.'wieuroil. .' 8 James !•liielmy, :••Ifippensburg, R Sid•se .t I.enn, , •' 7 James klaley, Sluelianiesburg, 8 Pavel Lung. - g Peter 44 8 Samuel if. Greve, Lows•r ".•141en, 8 Samuel &Minima°. '• 8 Alan. l'ol. l o. l'...:l,t.pellnsborti 8 %Vtii. Phillips, 8 Jelin If ust.m. " 8 .1. O. Smith, Neki Cumberland, 8 ks. jirMlll4 , lVOl. SIIVCr Spring, , 8' ()verge Hughes, :_ > 8 Jams Lew. Carlisle, R 'leery Pet era, . 8 . Wary. It artier. 6 8 I lellirli ;Meltzer. " 8 Jaeob Strut ton. " 8 11113,1,5 4 . Ilarahall Jaies, West penntsboro' 13 Diller 3 liriller.l4 ... . 1 a,o1.) l) , 1011olarger, " 14 -.7.).0,, , ,1er & Myers, ••• 14 I saal• )lar.lilart. " 14 FiLanut I Barnhart, .) 14 .1.1: 1 )pore. likkinson, '' 14 i 1.10,r Ilarnit 7, " 13 I .1.,bil I). :Inaitiar. South 10 i,1,11,•1nn, 13 lIV. 1.. & T It. Cr:Wheal!. " 13 .-01).alle , r A 1-hupin 14 II sir A : ,, 01., " 14 lavi.l Vo , leanniz, 11c10-,), 13 _ •.• il. li. 1..0•Iiy1). 14 7 In i . 1. I. & t•. 11. Am. ). 13 111 00 • •so n,• B " lizzal 0, 11 11) 00 11i11,:r & %Inf. Merlutnirl uri, 10 .211 00 i print. hl I II), Loner Allyn, 11 Le) on 'anil. liittivr, ' 13 10 (gl J. K. Kaufman, " 14 7 (.1/ 1 . . Hupp, 13 10 IA) .haili Ilr•rn, " 13 It) Ills .1 M. 11.111.0tnin. " 11 15 00 .1a,..,1, )•,,,,v cr. Jr., I),ror Allen. 11 7 2) .1. ~. I I a hlOlllOl. EllSil.(111110..1u . 14 7 131 11)00y 1:01)1), 11.001,,81 1 , . 7 00 , T. li. 1ir 3 5.,,.. -Ii It ~1, .1,1,,, : 4 11:11Tror. Fil VII' Spring', 14 7 ) )1 11. 110.1.0 r, 13 i t) .-Itat,t no i, " 14 , 1):1‘1.1 ii ' , OA cr. ‘• 14 1 77 i( : . :. 1:1 ) : 1 11 R, 11. 11,•mlorson ,i l-).)n, N. Ilid. 12 12 1,..) , ;1114 in Natt her, 12 12 in / DISTI LLELIT 1 VS 0.1,. art! 511. , ,i er, 0 S 1.1.1 I '. 1111,ff. .Igent, 9 S 0,) 0. A. S:. J..k. thi, !.co‘s ton, M )2 10 Jot.opli ramp, 9 t , 00 1t01.,..t Quiltlvy, t. 9 S to A. ll ,, gler tt :NA. :'( , 1,1t11 7tlidtllettio, S 12 50 11 , inry ttho.s. 10 •' GO 4 ,1 (;. Ile!! v.le.ever, ?lour, 0. 8 12 ( , 0 .1 .%::. I'. Alt!, 8 12 (.0 .11 I/ ii 0, , e000‘, Vpper .10. en, 9 8 00 Ii ~,,1,,,,,,, At Z . 4.q. 'S. '0 iddlet.n, 7 2. 0 00 11. m. ISe-ler. ' 9 1. 1 ( 011 ' \t Winn, l'av 1111, C:ir/isle, 1/ I/ NV. Proolt. 8 604.1 .1,1,11 Ilotrom,,, .• li t CO TEti..Pl N ALLEVS = D:tvid Long. Meelmniesl.urg, Jrtcol, Ilonnozmin, Nuith Nliddleten, ('I AI etEn.t N( l'or:rr T. sa I do hereby certif.) that the foreg.eina k a correct list the Iloalers in )lerellandiae, Patent Medicines. Millers Pktillers. Lumbermen, de. In Cumberland county. as returned to are by Joseph C.'l hompson, li:ercanllle Ap prniNor. All persons returned and classified ns above, ni e hereby notified to call and take out their Liceuses oc before the 1d day of July. 18'55. All licenses not lifted by that time niil Ire placed In the hands of &nett eer for colluetlon. .May '2 N. W. WOODS, Co. Treasurer ELOWAIII) ASSOCIATION pm LA DE Lri lA. IMPORTANT A NNOUNCEM ENT To all iwrsono wttli Sexual diseases. such as SEMINA 11 I:IIPoTENCE, U S V PI I I LIS. e. The POWAltil ASSOCIATION Of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction 4,1 human life and health, eau sed by,,Sextlui dioceses. 'lnd the deceptions which are practio.,i upon the unfortunate of such diseases Lase directed their consulting Surgeon. ns a CIL A MTAIII.P. ACT worthy of their name, to glue MEDICAL A DV R ICH GRATIS, to all person, mu , of mrtr,i, oho,' or v,,,,,000 who apply by let ter, (post-pat,) with n deJ Hutton of their rendition. (age, occupation, habits .te.,l and in extrilme poverty and sulfuring to FURNISH M EDICI NES FREE 4IF CH A EON. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, establithed by speeial endowment. tbr the relief of the nick and distressed, afflicted with '6 Virulent nod dilpt• tenth. flaws -s.'' and its funds can be a=o for no other iirpose. It has now a surplus of Means, ahioli the Directors have voted to advertise the attune ?totter!. It is needless to add that the Asse.datien commands the. highest Medical skill of the age. Address, tipost-paid,) Dr. thin. It. CALI 10I1N, Consult ; log Surgeon, Deward Association Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. lIHARTWELL, President. GED. vmmoinLy, ioeretnry. ni rll 11 We beg leave to int mine° ourselves to your neunnin tanvo nn extensive Miners, and F. 4 liippers of WHITE A Sll A NTllltACltli COAL, atTLitici , aster" IV or thiniu.,erland County, where we have very extensive improvements and it Breaker, width for eaparity to pre pare and clean Coal cannot be surpassed. Our sinus of Coal are as follows: Limp• f , r smelting purposes, Ftentutsstr, fpr smelting And steanthontit, ltrehen, timrand Stowe, for Family lino and steam, Nut and Pen, fit Litneburners and Meant. Our l.imolnn•ners' Coal /,3 a ♦very superior qualltyc'hi Whiell would especially call the attention of deniers and c..nsttinert.. 'or a Itcapor, - r • s loo ror n ih•aper and 3lower. from 7 - $ 10:5 to 1,28 Qty. AthlrcsA mu through ' L tho Ilanorer Pot-t. (Mee, York county, l'a. CONRAD MOUE,. jail:U r -5m t)oRTANII TO FA I{ ri Eli S.—Wik „,„ furoh.h fl. E. 111 1.4.N1 1 1;f: ~,,•11 , 1 of tlo•Ir h am, „it lbr eln . td l i t s.(alacs. or 1., I 31, , 1A, :1114 OW , ,7111 a, :ttieli I. 1 ,, r 14'n, I;7y C3,1‘1, 1;;:r; ;:ny .11), i• 11,1•,: i,, T , !11 1:4 7 on 7 On 14 7 oil r 14 7 on ti 14 700 13 • 10 Oh 11 1 rt . Ohl, y 13 RI Oi . 14 7 no' 14 7 0o 7 00 7 00 12 10 7 00 7 00 I 0 GO 10 I t. 7 «, lci to 7 00 7 00 7 (10 1U (0 I)ENIZ & BEOTIIER.-11ave _.,) eaiised a lery great tiocititiniut by their large andl unumitirent to k of NI.‘V (il/01)S, iiii4 opened /11/11 111; 11 Weil 1111 i IN! f.lllO. C D allS, C.AS::I I II.ItS. VI . SI'I.:`,(IS Col fru and tlinin cult aril pants oluff. 1 :it les I l i i - sr getdo lii great variety, euusjsl jug r,f Plaid , id Sniped :•11.1i.5, the Lost brituilo of Illaok Silks, Ifarge I , e I aloes, 'f issues. liarge its Laiiies.' I holly's. firm:minus. 'I ii , :ue ; 4 ellistopol, Lawns, ilinglinnis. Alliarlins, i'laol, Hifi Id and l'hliii tlre., inusliiiii. I'lliiiizes. Printo, , r lilt ,04:, 1 111,.. 11111/ 11 1.1 . 111111,11t11/11/1 Stock rif them, Flannels. 'I irkiiu-K, 31111•Htlf, LIE.I.IIg Cor CUT', 1/111/ 11W rtittion. Pato:4ls, Laves. Jolgilu s, Dross trimming. ilisiery, ill( 's e.,, aid a full supply of /NNI'II4 . AND RIBBONS, Fri iii ets. b. $.l. for bonnets. rind .1,, to rts. per yard for Hits. C:11, i ail Clot he, IA iIILIOW Fhadee :111 , 1 all 11111111'W, u uioty of riauls Su our line, all to Le sold at prices that defy compotiliuu ap,ll 11 EIV C 0( 11)8 ! • NEW ( ( ( )1)8- ! LI( - Til F. LATEST- STY - lot - SI - - am now reeek log from Yew York lied Philadelphia an immense 14, ek of new, L 11,4111.11. anti ( lnatit ,N 1.1i..11 1 n,,01d ran thi• nt.tOlition of all Joy old friends ne d emtomet, as ell :es the pul geriemll 2 ,. }la% log purchased most Vlet!S 1 . 1,111 the largaait impol tutu liollses lii on Sark, 011ahltd lu git Iwttey I'm-- gains titan pan 1 e hid at any olio.' house In the,ounty. tur aNsvrtinevt of r rp Of} ..... .4-.14.1 6 00 5 00 5 00 Jo (O 110 7 NI 7 i 1 7 vo NEW sTYLE DRESS (loops A IK large, complete and dea MIMI. An. tiler lot of thi sc flegan Itllll ,heap Itl..kt K ellndsoitirro.l Itefelti-lit, sleet no. rollars, rull!es. edgings, and in.,' t.- illl . ll, n et...Vh thi,t tl, 11 1 X tent /11111 ( 1 111,111.1, 1 • 1 1 V 1111 4 111 11/11et it ion. )1 itslinic, gitutliams. ettlii.t e•-, 4e lop, de Mines, ti, heck, a M.S. 1t.1111.1.t.-- (tll l ll l l , :11111 lio.iory cheaper than of cr. CliChs, s men,. cords. cott,isatic,, Ar. Ac. i 1 11111 ars. rtment and very low in prh.o. (i'MiI'rEEMDS AND mArriNns. An entire 111 1 Cc 1.4 11 1 1 1 i of three ply , ingrain. er Itcn turd ressitlan eartieting. Eought t err cheap and will L, 'add I rly low, Also In bite Ind eoloreit !litt. Um:so Inlt ITS AND rill tEs. A lart, supply of ladies and gentlemen's liott,, rh, es and traitcrs. Ihtentling ti. fit it up the droner} Mirk! d mead I will di=p. sr of what - hale cis hand in that line. at low pric,.. R 1•11111 well Dlllll l l l hi, thing on banal, which I will sell Ii r 11- 1 , 011111 1 1 11. t. 11A I want 0 1 141 it 1 Ilt. ( 1 1 err 01115 /lied 1111 111 the tlld M on Earl )tnitt sit c.d. at .1 select you. ponds fit In the largebt and cht,spcht st,ck en or ht ought to Carlisle. nisrl , OULIST. 7 i ) 10.00 JO 00 10 00 T I o 7 )w) 10 I 0 VI EA .1) G)( )1 )S.—The subscriber is I,ow n h ai.t n, n fresh lot rods. at her new leention, opposite the Railroad Mlle., In )lain street, Carlisle. which will be sold at the R•west price. april 11. 4,1. :.0 00 30 00 rrlll 7 , subscribers in I•.:reiltioun, v, biro el trifned n ;iv la make i u Il ALLEN'S SIOIVER AND 11F.A pitetit,4l nth ”.fi:t. Rho hundred rf the :Mower, ne,o ( 4 ,141 Ifist ~en Rk I. nr ,1 %Olen wo.ll rlvu tttilverFal Fatl.- fnaleti. t drat lantal to that t.. Tho prim k i:ltrr, ait lr two rink:re. The lioubcr and Ni.wer comlinod b u s u hi g h ch u n n .i, rereis pirmintits ut s rumhor of County Pairs. ns well as. at the Into State Fair. Prim ,Sl.lO with two cut ters. be had nt NV. 1%. MI FF.'S :11anufartnry, Yeti: or by addressing, curly the sill wrribers at .Errildoun (Mesita. county, they will be delivered at II ny station on the Cuntberi a ud Valler hull Road. the purchaser paying the rrrichi. 1' El !it'll NIA LDS. nprll 11 '.sb pIi.IAPING AN!) MOWING MA CHINES.—MANN'S latest patent contlined nd juistatile Reaper and Mower, N 1 ith WICWS to ofroied to the n ters of Enstern for the harvest of 181,5, off usual tertus. viz: sl , ,n, Cnsu AT SHOP. CoKtomers ,wculit'ilo well to In their (intent early, as lireeedtrill`q will to given to 11 rf.t order F. Address. J. 'WINEBRENNER & :writ 11. Ittno. Iln rri:4l . tirg, Pa. TILT SSEY' S REAPER ! NOTICE TO FAEMEES. Calle undershrited rei.eetruliy it , forms the ' , antlers of thlit and the adjoining counties. thnt. Ie continues to limmiractuiv loom than el cr,•4l, celebrated REAPEE AND MoWINO MACHINE, now so generally ha Übe, at his talon threo ituarters of a mile north of lianover. Farmers wishing , to engago a limp er, or a itearcr and Mt wer combined, for t h u next sea son, can have their orders tilled with pr.zoptnera I y sending them on Immediately. The pikes of them. 1111 V. aro an follows: Dru ()oohs. MEIV SPRING- GOODS„—The sub serii.r IS 111,W opening n large iii)d general assort. moot of I, ADIESDRESS (IQCDS eoncisting of Mack and o,loredlll ltaroges, ' Mous do lainen, French .and English La us, alSo a general variety of goods for lx , ys wear. n full assortment of Ladies and etiffdrots llostery, (times Handkerchiefs, also English and other Slit AII [DONN lA'S. Bon net Ribbons, floodlit LaW 1181 With the usual variety of Spring Goods at no:idol:do pri ces, 0. 11 0/Ri E W, lIITNER. April IS, '65 ) 11; Al 0 V A L.—The undersio•ne I has removed to the Store 'ratan /Mutely aerttpled :IS Iho foot (lice. Immediately opposite the Vetuntoer oubm, tvitere ho is now opening 1101.1 general as sortment of NEW SPitl:Nti ttoODS, outhunting au ox tensivw4variety. Pritish, di.olostic 1)111! tit tODS, (M)t tEit I Est, I Straw hats and bonnets, Wail paper k , ., tthich N% 0 offered nt the lowest prices. Purchasers are respet (fully. invited to call and oX:1111the fir theltWeli Ps. April 11 18:,,5. 111111E11T DICK. rrO\VN 1 ) 11()IY.E1iTY Al' PIIIVAT SALE: --I am nuthorl,tl to eller nt private ,ale S riiNe; Hilt:SP, and It of gr and Lu fret front by ii a in depth situ:lto:l on the houth side of :1;n1 St. in this Borough—ell ining r. Irutlon's Ito Store. The sale e 11l be tan& ul, t2rms, Ma) 9. 5., IA N D FOR SA f,E Rl3 A RTEII .- .4 1 vI. Still nr Barter, a tract of lard ' ?deur t•twashlp, r 1 enntlty,.Penns. containing ;al:\ III? WWI) 'l'l' Ft ACTIES. I.t IF 141 mat, three to; front the town of Licarvifie. ten Miles south of blo , r. run. ailed I.l..dttcen north of ILI ncoek dill—the Int ter 1.1. t. situate en the Cites:Weal:a and tfleitt Canal and vld.tigl • Ile to the Celli re cud ,111.1 It:Oh-lad. affording at a fill., 1111 e 111,114,111. I.'l', KAM., .t.e„ 311 furnishing. euppl les hi piaster. salt. Ilreefirtes al , littlosho ve . it, pH .th..ot t wo hittotr, el act I, 'ln , land k flo , •11 of shi.'b k. natural nuatho laud, the Nantes, iv 1111flerteihleable '1;n0 111.41111:1 15.11't slate. par t ,rd sine: 111 tlhot s Se., 'l'ho , iniproe eithhts are II st, r UN!Ritro ,,, l vary well into three Perot t erhd, a portion t; •loAred lands with a good sprin in of cuitable for hoildinz.g r r It weuld e,.:1,.. /1111....1 1 , .1% stock farm for kshl,ll it bI Wen veil ICII ttered and haring it large quant,t2. ..f Enea,l.•w :and 3 ... t• clonr. 'I he tenth; will le .1011, 1, It1.111S1:1' DICK, VA LI: :113 I, Sl..l'l' I , : I'.\ 11 AI 'AI Public Sale.—The Qut c- ri! r 11:1, the doh mined to change his loation. nil; ..l I,k I.ll'll at 1,3;0, 01/ /1,1....14.11./I. Ivrl/ (IN; s.yrt - nove. the 917‘ This Karat is :tit that° ill lin t... nsllip, ET Isn•1 county. 'trio tin is El,rt • f t lie hi:. north of ,Frain's end a quart., of a tulle t act tit ill • sere We. The 1:111.111 ttN r. II N I , 1: hi , i•Nv S 111. 1 1'2 , 1 Perellec -1 - t ot T o. nro, about no: es ..I will- 'a , Olt!, 1..!1, II I• 11111Ies and the reri,lue ,•1e v/.1. of nlo. t/ a 1111.,,, , .•/ :. • rin.ado,r ol' 10 , 1 t httNi. 1 . 11 , 0•1111.1 - g ood .a 1,1,11 11 , }1.1.,. a:. t all • - 2. 41, r 1atd•1111,... Thp I tint i- nu l• • .4t14/41:0n.-e. and Is :I 1,,.,' 11 ood fruit. .V.ce 11 ,1 it fut. .• 1 I i I a. , .1 ite.ll h,.ri ter . .1111,• S .. al. , n y , r i uc . r • ki , dlllll'.;.thls. 1111 /11:11.1.1 1.111 3 short elicth• eov to 1,, t ~ . . use. 'l . lll, 111-111 Is S 11,11•1 /11 ''iii :,1v vm•••1••• great intitrosentont. pc 1.1:111,Ir I.lttl sg. for lint, ...en 1.. pur.liaced .heaply at n '1• 1 1.1.- e • 1 ly two or Ciro•e ati.f he la., Iris li, gly e‘..11 -,1 era., n Web eh./ tually yee. et c 11.1.11 j•. 111.1 r be in.llllll Isl .t +I •.111-1 , ., I,y a, .1 r • y It i• I: 101 l non In. •t th Et • ar. E-. 1. ot of it. 111,11.11, , S 11121'11..,11,11,• 1,01.5.1,1:.. ;, t than Iline•t , road. 00l ti„ . n 1 tri..os and eporec•i, t• 1.1111, of the 1 111,1. b / .•r II:11111:Z rvN , •11,..1 L • c1...111, 1...,111 11 •111.1 v., .1.. 111, pt•ofossi ,16,11 Co , • 311 pt. , •uredly Is! sold. Th,. 11,111A:111 pc,• terfeeti, good. For feu tiler ii.f intati..ll • subserii,.., propriet , .r ','l.'s 111 e 'III and ! I ISO who wi see s•,id flirt,, 111 Sot to the solo on do her calling 13)/••11 his 1....1,“1/1 Henry • 11.:111 the farm. Hie 11,111$ or sale will he IqiNy. at one itt the afterEnKm when at •,/auce will Ix, givolii and tern", ts..a.b. El by LEVI Nit:lLl'. .1 1 V‘ r () S1 ) 1, EN DI D 1 4 .11.E.--'n“o stel.criller will cell at privates:llc th • ti following described faints. to wit: No, I—ls , tituate.l north-. ect adjoi, In s kie inhabited part of said Itoreir.:ll. F. I UNDRED .I.lett 1' I 11:T1 ACU h.: , of first rat. Lithe tone Land. having there o n erected n new large HANK tAItN, a largo II Al' IlollteE, a eninfortaldo vAliht STABLE, Als t, cotatl rhad o Dll Fo,Lrett. t'ffg IfOUSE, aid othor outhuildings. 'Ph , land i.. it, a high state of cultivation and all undenovel p net and rail fonee. It is 10.titeled 4EI the nvrththe heirs of Sainund Alexander. dee'd., cr, the east by ; .Jr hit - Noble, Win. If. Seymour and 44.11N:h0t, the west by gm. Moore, Ilavid (trier. Fr, and en the s• uth by the pul.ll. reed leading front Carlisle, to M'aggt•nor's bridge. • No. situated in North llidelkton town:hip, .It,, wiles front t'arlicle, on the Ilarrichurg and I arlic: • turnpike rust. ~bunt i t,: miles front 11i.ltilecex Dt ilk. hounded al, follons: ~n trio 11,1 th 1/) rroek, on the west by ire 1 , 11 the Fast hy Noble and Jesse Zoig:ttr. and en tho.contl, by Al robe to Detrick and the Hat ,Ichurt turnpike rand, cotttainity TWO lIIINDILED AND I fIVFNI'VePt '1 1.1 AtlltEzt., ab o u t 100 acres of folinestono and tile residue, Sc Itlaelt- tate. shout 1130 acres of this tract cleared. under good tone..., 3,./ In a gu•al st.dro the 141131 - WO Is vet, heavy tiniber. .1 largo 11 , 11.ti•Ill th, 1.31 tit S. 11iva t h:1.1 loud. 'The improvements aro n litre, sToN E LING 11.,11:41 a large LOG AND El 1.1111: ot mu Spring House, and other out 1.101/liitec. an ATI:- 0,1,8 rd and a large, quantitl .'f ether fruit Oyes. No. °.—ls a .rinall Inlet of land sleet I, toile n,.t , No 1., on the Baker road hording from, sv i n t e , ~, BR() . . , wer's Itritt.w. containing 'III rato litnest - ow lad, bounded by said riVAI 011 the 11 , I. John Nol•le on the south, by grown's hoirs •on 1 ) 1 1 , 410., and by !taker on the west.. The subserarr .odso Kell n n tunlber of OUT I. l .)Tri to suit In elnisetst ' The abete des:tilted property nil! I t, Prda utt run:equal. AlOl ONO NOBLE. Carlisle, January 10,185-I.' ATV - M1.1131,141 TOWN PROPERTY V AT PRIVATE SALTI—Tho suh:crilTr WI Ihe property 110 111• w 011 118 111111 1. pro 4 ,cf, - _ n ... OP.. 111111011 y 01v1led by the lle ~ T. 1 y. % ,i-i-4 44 ...„.. ..110ere, el ttetto4l on South llata, Cr sr* tr., , Carlisle. tolj,•11:Itliz the property of 11. 4.1.1 r lon lioad.,' coliststiog of a TO\, M I.i tT AND A If ALI, r„) I, 210 foot, tals.ll whlell are creete.l a •,.tooll t,,,. stet ..• ilt.i. \11.; MUSE, 1141110 anti Stabl.., te,tether will. Thor out-huilalovs. 'lllore Is also a g, R.,1 tale. oeteloilloil Llktera, eapablo of hohllng forty'-tire h.vslioads of w at et Vito proporty I.s In good repalr. Also. 1 .r sal-, 3 11111 'l'' 11V N LOT adj.,itatig, the above, 11l by 2II) foot. Ally 0110 NV:lilting su4 11 pr pert} will a IV t• 11 to call and exatultio. t 0.% '.:2---llnt - 111:Nr.1)1("r 1.111". 1 ) .1K Elt Y II E .)1 () V E.) ),--- ( i eorge 11 )(tros ,, tunts informs his cusfcmers thnt his Dread and cake Itali•ery has berm reinm ea to the roc m re: met it ~ , enilie(ll), Mr.. l / 1 C01) S . 011(1r, 05 a Hardware tm re. on North If:newer 'street, so hors he has made extensil 0 arrangements than beretarore in his lathing department, o it h the vinw 01 awcemotiating the inereaeed den nod for Dor:tootle (trend. 110 mill hake 1r1t.F.: , 11 IIItEAD and 1:01.1.S ovary day from the verry loot Flour, A 'variety of cakes kept constantly on hand. Families supplied at short nutlet! with Ilronkfast and Tea cal:es. Thankful t..) the public Ivy the pa trumtgo huretuflas) reeeiNed, h i , rospectfully Hallett s 0 eontintianre of their favors. 1 tn. May, 0 '55. 0 F.01:0 I.: (IItOSM AN. ARIES I)llli,'SS G OODS.---,j u s t J opening a large assortment of Spring and Suuunei bI ress thaithi.riansh-tiMar-Plain and Figured Intrages. Plain and Figured :ill): TiNSIIeJ:, Barage de Lalues, Plain Lawns. Floured Swiss 7Sluslins, Orvandle::. Scotch 0{ ng Lame, and n great variety of other goods at as low price.. as ran ho haunt any so litre in the town, M!ky 9th. 'LS. 0 I:0. W. 111TNElt. )ONNETS, BONNETS.- ' The suhal 11,.r Is just recall i u arn.tber supply vf i:r t i lig a n d summer ittaallet H consisting ot English Strsv .hip, Wald. Kahl-Straws, Neopolitain, and lien Pram. alFt, n new supply ..f very elwiee Coll•red and IV file Itonneytll.bons varying in pike Irvin.- to 50 cent.. per yard. Also It htrge assortment of Childress and MiQses Straw and Itral.l Hats. F.O. W. TN Nay n entire new assort,- Jincut of Carioqingju,t Vonitimk tind eotbm, honing vary elte u np by )lay 9 (711.thLLS U IILItY. Fit lf,S II till A T).—A few 1 :t.T r IN (') prim° N. 1 FRA D. just \1"!1.1.1.VA1: 4 ' FAMILY liltiu'LltY. 11'10 i I I it al.! tt it. ;... .th.u, al, con 3ictif Q. 7 51fite Safes .I\U. B. PARKER. Atty. fdr thn (.1v ners M