Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 16, 1855, Image 7

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The Englislr papers contain letters from the
Crimea, giving details of the bombardment of
Sebastopol, up to the 14th'of April. yri: make
UM following selections:
Before Sebastopol, Easter Monday, April 9.
—This morning at daybreak the Allied batter
ies simultaneously opened fire on the defences
of Sebastophl: It is now four o'clock In the
afternoon, and the rain, which began to fall
last night, is descending in torrents, accom
panied by a high breeze of wind. . The ,enemy
were taken completely by surprise when we
opened fire.
.They replied,.
,indeed; pretty
briskly at once to the.Freneh fire on our left,
and the Flagstaff Battery.and works were man.
ned immediately. The Garden . Battery, and
Redan Battery, came into play soon after we
opened fire, but some time elapsed before the
Round Tower works or the Mame,lon answered,
and for half an hour their guns were weakly.
handled. .
April 10.—During the whole of the morn
ing, the fire continued on our side with little
intermission—while that of . the Russians was
evidently slackening. At about four o'clock,
however, all the enemy's lines and batteries
suddenly sprung into life and vigor. Volleys
of from 100 to 150' guns were fired - at, once
from the Redan, the Flagstaff, Barrack, Garden
and Malakoff batteries ; even the Mamclon
which all thought destroyed and untenable,
fired five or six guns in succession. Their shot
came in upon our works like hail. On every
point along
.our.lincs, bulls were to be seen
bounding and plunging, and ' , hells bursting
like fireworks in the air. Never, perhaps, was
such a concentrated and destructive cannon
ade witnessed since the commencement of the
siege. All felt that if it. continued two or
three hotn•s,our works would be levelled with
the dust, as though both English and French
kept up a terrific fire, the enemy in spite of
our utmost efforts, gave five guns in reply to
our one; The rapidity and deafening uproar
of the fire brought nll who were at leisure to
the front, and the ol.lcst and most experienced
artillery officers augured very unfavorably of
our prospect of taking the fortress which could
command such a fierce cannonade. Soddenly,
and in the midst of such-nemarkti, the enemy's
batteries made n dead pause. Fur nearly a
quarter of un hour not a gun was fired.
Our long guns ceased firing a little after
beVell, the enemy's about. eight, and then both
Russians and Allies resorted to their mortars.
The fire of these latter was maintained all
It is something awful to steal upon the hills
which overlook the town and watch the prog
ress of the nilhtly bombardment. ' The Con
greve rockets rush from the French batteries
with a deafening roar, leaving a trail of fire
behind just sufficient to truce the course of the
missile as it darts vaguely hither and thither
through the air, settling down at last with a
loud crash in the Flagstaff. This wild; erratic
course occasionally lands them outside the
Russian lines, and now, arid" then forces them
clear over everything into the very centre of
the town.. From both right amt. : left the mor
tars arc discharged with a heavy, painful ex
plosion, and with a flash which, even at a dis
tance, is almost blinding. As the dull boom .
shake') your very frame, you hoar the shell
with a kind of whistling roar, mount higher
and higher Into the air, till having reached its
zenith, it desoends with redoubled speed and
force into the enemy's works. The shook with
which it strikes the ground can be distinctly
heard even in the Allied camp, followed in a
second lifter by the sharp ringing explosion,
in the bright glare of which the earth is
thrown up like a cloud.
A letter dated April 10th, says,—At 120
rounds a gun per diem, we can fire for about
ten days; without much damage to our guns•
If the place does not full then, it is not in the
power of artillery to take it, and we must ei
ther got ready to invest) the north and south,ei
try the dreadful alternative of a general storm
unaided, by the ships, which seem at present•
all but useless.
A PROM:Wt.-If a lady were lame In the
arm and iu the left leg, if she were blind in
ono eye and eould'ntasee cut itir the other, if
she bad no teeth and her gums were worn ,off,(
if she wore olub-footed awl had a cancer on
her nose, and if she, had a spit fire temper and
oirned forty-nine' negroos, with seveuty , fire
thousand dollars, low many suitors would she
ES„,„Orto•of our Westreru villages passed an
ordinance forbidding taverns to sell liquor on
the Sabbath to any person except travelers.
'hie next Sunday, every other man in town
was. seen walking around with a valise in ono
band and a pair of saddlebags in the other.
Ingenious people.
tic ,Terome's clock factories in Now Haven
urn out 800 clocks a day
The Puzzled Swine.
A country exchange tells the following hu
morous incident. A farmer in the neighbor
hood of the writer, was nnnoyed by the, fre
quent appearance of a favorite sow in his corn
, field. There being no breach in the fence, it
became a mystery how she °Wined entrance,
and every effort to drive her out the way she
got in, proved futile. The farmer finally re
solv9a to watch her proceedings; and posting
hi / self in it fence corner he saw her enter at
46. end of a hollow log, outside the field, and
emerge al the other end within the enclosure.
"Eureka ?" cried .he, "I have you now, oil
lady ?" Accordingly he proceeded after turn
ing her out once more, to so arrange the log
(it being viry croaked) that both ends o; ened
on the outside of the field The next day, the
animal was observed to ,enter at the nocir4-m- .
ed place, and shortly emerge again. "Her as
tonishment," says our informant, "at finding
- herself in the same field whence she had start
ed, is too • ludicrous to be described ! She
looked this way and then that, grunted her
dissatisfaction. and finally returned to her
Starting place ; and after a deliberate sarvey
of matters, tog satisfy herself that it was all
right, she again entered thslog On emerging,
yet once more, on the wrong side, she evinced
even more surprise than before, and turning
about, retraced the log in an opposite direo
Lion. Finding this effort likewise in vain, af
ter looking long and attentively nt the position
of things, with a short, angry grunt of disnp
pomtment, and perhaps fear, she turned short
round, and started off on a brisk run, nor could
either coaxing qr driving ever after induce her
to visit that.pnrt of the field."
A Pte - rnan.—.L tall ladder leaning against
a house—n negro at the toii, amd a hog scratch
log himself against the bottom ..o'wny—
g'way dar ! You'in makin . mischief.
" There's not ~dust that floats in air
But once n•as living man:"
(400.1.) 1300K8 BY MAIL!
published FOWLEit 11 ELLS, Ncw York.
.e order to arconatanidake ••Tile •:.I.ling in all
parts ,d the United States, [b.. aili [ll,- Aar d
by return oi the land mail any book 11:1111lIll in the 1. 1.
lowing list. The posta r x will be prepaid by trwui at the
New York Office: By this arr:u y ;c u u•nt of prepaying
p••stage in advance, fifty per cent as steed to the pur
ryaser. All letters containing orders should be pest
paid and directed as follows--
3.1 b• Broadway, New York.
Constitution of Man. Dry , r p, Combo. The only au
thorized At/Writ - MI thin. 11 ith twenty engravings,
anti a Portrait t.l the A uthm. Price. littl , lllA,f"
potence ul Phrtroology. C•ottain lug an I,stay et a the
Nature anti I it no-''' vitro, t:t.,,icat hvid.•tne; :fist', 1111
attic i ndicati of Phrenology. By nirding. trio
57 rents.
Domestic Lite. Thoughts on its flotic -, r , 1 and Dis•ord,
with valuable !tints and ...‘-tiggo.tione. By N.
lit rents.
Education: Its Elementary Principles imitated on the
Nature of Man. - By SpurAtelut, M. it. With an
Appendix, containing a deseription of the Tempera.
wants, and an Analysis of he Phrenological Faculties.
87 cents. We regard this volume as one of the most
important that has been offered to the public for many
years.—BOSTON 31so. AND 5t11., JOURNAL.
Lectures on Phrenology. By (leo. Combo. With Note - s,
au Essay on the Phrenological Mode of hivestlipation,
and an Illstorical Sketch. By Dr. Boardman. Illus
trated. $1 25 cents.
Marriage: its History and Philosophy. A Phrenuloghail
and Physiological Exposition of the Functibus and
Qualifications necessary fur Happy Marriages. illus
trated. 78 cents.
Memory and Intellectual Improvement; applied to Self-
Education and Juvenile Instruction. Tweutioth edi
tion, illustrated. 87 cents.
Matrimony: or, Phrenology and Physiology applied to
the selection of Congenial Companions for Life; in
cluding Directions to the Married fur living together
Affectionately and Happily. 30 cents.
Phrenology Proved, Ilinstrated, and Applied; accompa
nied by n ('hart, embraclug Sit Analysis of the Primary
Mental Powers In their various Degrees of Develop.
remit, the Phenomena produeed by their combined
Activity, anti the mention or the Phrenological ()rpm,.
Together with a View of the Moral and Theological
Bearing of the Science. Prim $1 25.
Phrenological Alm:tole. With Portraits. 6 rents.
Phrenology and the Scriptures. An able, though snuill
work. By Rev. John Pierpont. 12 cents.
Phrenological Caddo. Designed fur Students of their
own Characters. Price 16 cents.
Self-Culture, and Perfection of Charactuiro; Including
the Education and Ma figment of Youth. Price 87
"Sifts-Mang, or Ntsta mans, is the moil,. No' indi
vidual can read in page of it without being tailored
thereby.—Common School Advocate.
Self-Instructor In Phrenology and Physiology. Illus
trated with One Hundred Engravings; including a
Chart for recording the various Degrees of Develop
ment. By O. S. and L. N. Fowler. Price i n paper, 30
cents. Muslin 50 cents.
Accidents and Einutgencies: A Guide, containing Di
rections for Treatment In Bleeding, Cuts, Bruises,
Sprains, Broken-Bones, Dislocations, hallway stud
Steamboat Accidents, Burns and Scalds, Bites of Mad
. Dogs, Cholera, Injured Eyes / Choking, Poison, Fits,
Sun-Stroke, Lightning, Drowning, So., Se. Appendix
by Dr. Trail. 15 cents.
Butlwor, Forbes, and Houghton on the Water Treatment,
Compilation of Papers and Lectures on the Subject of
Hygiene and Ilydropathy. Edited by Houghton.—
Consuniptiont Its Prevention and Cure by the Water
Traviment. With Advice concerning Hemorrhage to.
the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, and.
Sore Throat. By. Dr. Show. 67 cents.
Domestic Practice of Ilydropathy, with a Porno of a re
port for the Assistance of Patients in consulting their
Physicians Li Correspondence. By Ed. Johnson, M.
D. $1,50.
Hydropathic - Bucyclopawlia: a System of Ilydropathy
and Hygiene'. Containing, Outlines of Anatomy;
Physiolo g y' of the Human Body; Hygienic Agencies
and the Preservation of Health; Dietetics, and Hy
dropathic Cookery; Theory and Practice of Water-
Treatment; Specirl Pathology, and ilydro-Therapue
tics, Including the Nature;'Cannes, Symptoms, and
Treatment of till known Diseases; Application of Ily
dropathy ta,.. Midwifery arid the Nursery, Designed
as a Outdo to Fatuities and Students, and a Text-
Book. for Physicians. By it. T. Trail, M. D. illus
trated with upwards of Three Hundred Engravings
and Colored Plates. Substantially bound. Prepaid
by mail, $3,00
This is the most coniprohonsive and popular work yet
published on the Guided of Hydrepathy. Of all the
publications which have attained such a wide popular- .
By, as Issued by Fowlers and Weil, perhaps none are
more adapted to general utility than this rich, eompre:
hombre, and well arranged Enclopetflita—N. Y. Tiibtiu.
Practice of Water• Cure. Containing a detailed account
of the varlaus prOcesses used in the Water-Treatment,
An. By Wilson and Gully. ;10 cents,
Philosophy of Water-Cure. A Development of the true
Principles of Health and Logovity. By Balltlroie.-4
33 coats.
New Ilydropathle Cook Book. Ity It. T. Trull; M. D. .A
Brit ai n of ilo,dting at Hydropathic Principles,,con
training an Exposition of the True .Itelationn of
Allmon Lary Substances tollualthovith Philn Receipts
for preparing all appropriate Dishes for Ilydroputhle
E,tablishmonts, Ve„,•etarian Boarding-houses, Private .
ke. &v. It Is the Cook's Complete Guide for,
all wh i "eat to live." Paper, t.d, ets.; muslin, bi eta.
Science of Swimming. With Instructions to Learners.;
Illustrated. 15 cents.
Water-Cure lu America. Over Throe Hundred Ctwesnt
Various DISe3BI3B treated with Water. 15 ith Cases Of
Domestic Practice. $1 '25,
Water Cure applied to every ii 110 1 ,711 Disease. A Now
'!'bury. A complete Demonstration' of the Advan
tages of the Ilydrupathic System of Curing Discasua
showing also the fallae&of the Allopathic Method
i i‘
and its utter inability tool out a Permanent 'Curo.—.
With Appendix, containing a Ilydropathic Diet ; and
Roles for Bathing. By I:atlas+, tacts.
Water-Cure Manual. A reptile Work, embracing Do
scrlptions of the Various Modes of Bathing. the Hy
gionic and Connive Effects of Air, Bxercibe, Clothing,
Ocempatim, Diet, Water; Drinking, &e. Together
with I),,,riptionF 14 Discuses, and the 11ydrepathic
Itemedies. By 11s., show. Si cents.
Water-Cure Almanac. Illustrated, 0 cents.
Pyslalegy. Applied to the Preservation of Health
aod Li the Improvement of Physical and Mental Ed
ucation. With Notes by 0. ta.. owler. 87 rents.
MINIM: Diseases: especially the Nervous Diseases. of
Women. Ily D. Rusch. From tha (Jarman. :3Ucmas.•
Digestion, Physiology of. Considered with Relation to
the Principles Of Dietetics. By Combo. Illustrated.
Price Jul cents.
Food and Diet. With'Obserrathrts on the Dietetic Reg
imen suited to Disordered States of the Digestive Or
gans; and nu Account of the Dietaries of some of the
Principal Metropolitan and Other Estaliishinents for
Paupers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick,'&e.
By Porlera. Price
Kansas: embracing the descriptions of Scenery, Clininte
Productions. Soil, and I:es mrces of the Territory,
terspersed with incidents of Adventure and Ane
dotes of Travel. By Max (hewn. 30 cents.
Hereditary Descent: its Laws anti
,Facts applied to Hu
man hay rovement. By O. S. Fowler. bi cents.
Maternity : or the Bearing uud Nursing of Ultildred, lw
chiding Female Education. By 0. S. Foe ler. With .
illustrations, 87 cents.
Natural Laws of Man. By J. O. Spwzheim, M. D. An
important work. Price 30 cents.
Physlultkv, Animal and Mental. Applied to the Pre
servation and Uesteration of Health of Body and
Power of hand. Illustrated. 8i ceutir.
Sober and Temperate Life Discourses mid Letters and
...Biography, of Louis 0.1111t11). 30 rents.
Tobacco. Three Prize 'Essays by Drs. Trail, &heir, and
liAdwin, 15 cents.
cunt: tholi — Structuro;Dispasa mid Trrattutant, with
numerous illustnttions. 15 cents.
Future of Nutitus; in what consists its Security. A
lecture. By Kossuth. With a likeness. 12 cents:
What the Sister Arts Teach as to Farming. An Addwss.
By /low° Greeley. 12 cents.
True Basis of American Independence. An Address.—
By li m. W. H. Steward. 12 cents.
labor: Its history and Prospects. By Hobert Dale Ow-
en. 30" cents. ..
was hdi•nrd Reforms ConFigting of Lectures. Essays.
Addresses. and other Writlnp, Second Editioh, En
arged. By Ilorave Grocky. $1 25.
llopes and Helps for the Young of Both Sexes. Relat
in.4 t • ahe Vormilimi of Character; Cie •Ice of .horn:
ti m. Boalth, A mu,oment, Musle, Conversation, Unl
tivatinn of Intellect, Moral Sentiments. Social A ffec
tion, Courtship and Marriage. By Rev. (1.5. Weaver.
87 cents.
limn/tin Rights and their Political (luartinti es. By
Judge 11 urlburt. With Notee, by Geor4e Combo. 87
Heine for All. A Now, Chap. Convenient and Superler
mode of liuDilleg. containing' full Dhoti'id.s f: run-
Ilravel Walks. With Views. Plans. and En
graved Illustrati , us. New Edition, lieNised ai.d En
larged. Si vents.
,Theory of Pepulatien. Deduced from the General Lau
er Animal Fertility. Introduction by Dr.
Woman: her Ediioalien and Influence. fly Mrs. Huge
'lead. With an Introduction by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland.
111th l'ortrails. hi cents.
Eithor of these works way he ordered and received by
return of the fh t Mail, postage prepaid by the Pub
livhers. enclor.e the amount in bank notes or
postage fit:gulps, anti addrera all orders, post to
;0.18 llmadway. Now York.
N. B. Name your Post Odium, Conaty and State.
Surniturr. ,
At MAK 1.:1 , 1 r od I! I.ENTAtt
th st rrct, next door to
Ho would re.pectfull) inform the
eiti4ens of Carlisle and the public generally, - that he
bas now on ham' lar,;e and elegantassortment FUR-
N conslstdmi iu part of M ardrans.ctu - d and
or Tables, Saw, IturcAns. lirdstoads, plain and fancy
Sewing Stands, Ltc., manulactured 01 the best material
and quality warrantvil.
Also it ;funeral assortment of CII AI itS at the lowest
prices. ENtri.o4 Rusts made to order, and repairing
promptly attended to.
OFFINS made at the shortest notice; and hav
ing a splendid hearse he will attend funerals lu town or
Remember the stand—next door to 11. Ohtss's
—.TAMES it. WEAVER would reinenfeUlly call
•, < L7l . .r - the attention of [lmmo-keepers and the public
to his extensive stork of elegant FURNITURE,
y j including Sofas, Wardrobes. Centre and Tables,
J Dressing and Plain Bureaus. and every other
article to his branch of business- Also now on hand,
the largest assortment of CiIMIIB in Carlisle. at
the lowest prices. MATINS made at the short
est notice and a Hearse linivided for funerals. Ile
solicits a call at his establishment, on North Ban
over streel, near Glasso's IMO.
4i - 1 - Furniture hired out by the mouth or year.
--4,6iCts ORNER of Han
° itTe -WA vor and Louther stS.,
C?' liLlßLE.—Thomndersign
-9 ),t)
ad has always on hand a largo stock of superior Cabinet
Ware In all the different styles, which he Is prepared to
sell at the lowest prices. Ile invites attention partlon
lady to the PATENT SPRING Sorrom BY.DBTRATS a most
useful article, which entirely obviates ull ohjections.—
The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have
given entire satisfaction to all who have them in use.
COFFINB made to order at the shortest:notice.
ei E xNEW LI 001)81—Tbe u
dersigned Is now opening in the , store room of 191111 an
Leonard, on the corner of 'Conover and •Louthor streets.
In the Borough of Carlisle. a Itirtos okild general. assort
ment of 8 TALE AND FANCY . DICLOOODS; ombriu. ,
log almost every kind and variety,of go6ds dthiAtud to
this market, together with an ; assortment of 0110Cil.
111E8. Ills stock having been imorly ell purchased within
the last tiro weeks, bli,vers will - haVolho' advantage
selecting from a FRESH S'Et;BC, as,well, as of the latq
decline in the price of many articles. 'De will ho' hippy
to exhibit ,his goods to all who may favor him with a
call, and pledges himsolf to 'soli. every article as low Or
lower than they can be purchasedrolsowbere.
Carlisle, Nov. 15, 1854. ROBERT DICK.
host. maker constantly on hand and for salo at the
Car Wu Foundry and Mach ina BLop. '
I_3l.llNlPS.—Just received a large assort
ment' of PUMPS of every variety in general uso,
embracing Iron and Brass Cistern and Cistern Side
Pumps. Also, outdoor Pumpsilio regulated as not to
be suWect, to treating in winter. These pumps are got
up in the very best. style In polut of quality and work
nuinship. The manufacturers having had premiums
awarded for their pumps at several State Fairs, whore
they have been on.exhibitlon. Also, constantly on hand
a full assortment of Iron Well Curbs and Chain Pumps ,
Foi sale low at
novl-1854 lIF.NitY SAXTON'S.
c •
CER.—A. L. SPONSLER late Register otCumber
land county, will caroftilly pttond tolito transaction of
all stwil business as may ho entrusted to him, such as
tim writing of floods, Mortgages Contracts, to. Ito will
also dovoto his attention to I ho procuring of Land War.
rants, Pensions, Sze. as welt as the purchnsti and sale
of Real Estate, ne,,,totiations, urlutuis, 0111,0 on
West High Street. formerly occupied, tlt W. M. l'eurvit .
Esq. near the Methodist Church.
"Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense,
Lie in three words—Health, Peace, tied Ccmpetence.
But when we have pains, affliction or anguish of dis
eases. is not our pleasure, our joy, and our happiness
thereby destroyed? %Shy lot our sick felloa4elng suf
fer? Does not Christ say : "With the same measure yo
mete, It shall be measured to you again l"—Nlat. 7, 2.
"Who is a tribe man anti endowed with knowledge a
mong you, let hint show out of a ¢ootl conviirsatisu his
works w ith meekness and wisdom..'—,Lames 3, 13.
SUM/ lila AND IMED CINE.--Doctor. I'. C. .CAIID
DEIt, Surgeon and • Phy hie who Is Botanist and
Physiologist, and Is Grad t of our Lest Medical Colle
ges, and has made iduiSel acquainted aRh all the a , s
ous systems of Medical FlieTlCO;atol with the resent
diw:ot•eries and improvemelits in the 't arb•lllt depart
ments of the floating Arts, faithfully attends to orders
for Surgical and Medical Aid. and whose medh Ira s are
all inside or (~:inpused strictly In accordance a ith the
Sciences of Pathology, Botany, Hydropathy and Physi
ology; and a licse medicines are all composed of a hole-
Seine r 0 4 ,61, plants, and hydropathy, good In all diseases,.
and to a bout the afflicted are In: Usti to apply timely.
Ills Character by Respectable Neighbors, h.c.
Copy of a letter from the Bev. C. 11. Leinbach to Mr.
li. Etter, of the Warm Springs. nespected :—Al
low me to intrndure to your friendly notice, Dr% CAnn—
M:a of New York.. I have known Pr. fir sixteen
years, he Lets done business for me with sobriety. hon
esty end with accuracy; therefore I do believe him to
tre perfectly sober. honest and trustworthy. Any favors
you may see proper to eon for on blut, will to high]) up
predated by his numerous friends. and by none more
highly than your sincere friend and bumble servant.
Lfindisburg, July Ifdll,l/.51.
Copy of a letter from' George Spahr, Esq., Ceurty
Treasurer.--1 de certify that the medical nth ice of 1)r.
Y. C. Cardder has surpassed- any other m !deb I have
hitherto had in the cure of SUN ere feVer in my family.—
I would therefore-recommend him to such persons mho
may be afflicted with-aforesaid disease or otherwise.
(1 EOM: StAWt.
Bloomfield, August 20th, 1651.
DR. CAM/DER !being well acquainted with the re
cent French discoveries, with their new and safe modes
of treatment, and the speedy and certain remedies and
cures for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Dysentery, Chid
eta Atorbus and ell Complaints of the how els and Stom
ach; Superior Remedies for the prevention and cure of
Asiatic lholrta. Remedies for all the defects and dis-
CMa of the (loin:relive Organs and reproductil,o econo
my in men and women; Remedies for Insanity; certain
and timely cures for all Consumptions, Impotence. Ster
ility. Sea ual Abuses, Yedereal Disesses in nil their forma;
Suppressions and other delicate female complaints. Ait
therm rentediaa emanate from this nu St 'Wilde science
Botany and Ilydropathy combined, (but on piison.)---
91eal all Manner of sildctiess and all Manner of disease.
New Testament. "It Is for healing that Christ minium
deth the Samaritan.—Lebo, 10, 33 to 37, and Vo Ith r m
in= Incites. "Prove all things, held fast that
good."-Ist. Thessalonians, 6, 21. .-Therefore lit no le.
ware of laying up whet we shetild lay out-for health.
for there is that autttereth and yet incienseth, and these
LW that within ldeth more than is meet, but it tcudeth."
Prerorl s, 1144. •
The different medicines and their directions will be
sent to the attn.:led in any direction by mail or express.
Address Dr. I'. C. CARLDER, Curl isl e, Cwinterland coun
ty, Pa., post paid, and the fee $1 always accompanying
tie letter, with the Order, together with a description o.
the feelings and the symptoms of the complaints of the
afflicted Inclosed. It is thin system of Medical Sc co
the .11oolis and the modes of cure only,.which Or. Curd
der employs that allow of medicines 'entirely made or
composed of Wholesome Roots, Flouts, and illy droputhy,
good in all diseases, (no bless), and which can make
speedy and certain remedies and cures for 'lOl manner
al sickness mid all manner of disease," and which sur
pass all other medical means in point of goodness, le
paid all bounds of comparison. OFFICE South lin not er
street, East side near and below the Presbyterian Church
lhrlisla,l'a. Testimonials from puniest us persons of
the highest. respectability hi this
_and the adjoining
counties, give authentic evidence of Abe goodness of
Dr. Cm"dder's character, and can he seen at his office.
N. 13. The afflicted can receive superior medicines and
the directions for their use by the first return-of mei] or
express. if haterviceb ho desired, or visits requested,
Dr. C. will endeavour to accommedate applicants as fat
as he can. The Doctor speaks the English and the Ger
-1111111 LIIOgIIIIpIS. etc. [ JCn.l7, 1566
The combinntion of ingredients - In these Pills is the its
suit of a lung and external e practice; they are mild In
their operation, and certain of restoring nature to its
proper channel. In every Instance have these Pills pro
ved successful. They MI ariably (pen those obstructions
to n bich Fvutales. are liable, and bring nature into Its
proper channel. s hereby health is restored and the pale
and deathly muntenance changed to n healthy enc. No
female can enjoy good health unless she is regular; and
nhenetor an obstruction takes place, n bother than ex
wince, cold or any other cause ' the general health lut
medlately begins to decline, and the want of such a rem
edy has teen the cause of so many consumptions among
young females. To ladies whose health will not rermit
of an increase of their faintly, these pills will prove a cat
uable, acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.—
Ilattdaatte, pain in the side. palpitation of the heart, loa
thing of food, and di tur bed sleep do most always arise
from she interruption of nature; and whenever that Is
the case, the pills wl,ll invariably remedy all thert evils.
Nor are the less aillcaleious In the core of Leucorrinra,
comtuonly called the .1% hites." Those pills should no - -
or be taken during pregnancy, as they would b. , sure to
cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable. mid
free from anything injurinus•to 11111 or health. Fulland
exldleit directions accompany each box.
These pills are put up In square tint boxes. Persons
residing wherethere is no agency established. by unclo
sing Ono Dollar In a letter, pre-paid. to Dr. C. 1.. Custar-
MAN'. No. 207, Bleecker street, New York, can hove them
sent to their respective tuldressive by mall.
icy MY °ROCKET STOKE of the subscriber, n 31n•
don lfali, .
Apew supply of fro% Water 'Crackers,
Soda, gutter, Pic Me and Sugar iluiscult, •
patina, Coro Starch, Tapioca, Sago. Pearl Barley,
Extract of Coffee, Rice Flour, Baking l'oirder, Fe.,
A gleIN let of superior Table Oil.
Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard,/ fla,
Awn. &c. J. W. KEY.
Thu subscriber would respectfully inform his friends sod
the public generally, that ho has just returned from the
city with a largo and varied assortment of
4., which he offers for sale on tie ..I t
1110 tit reasonable terms, at his New Stoll 1 It,, .$
corner of North Hanover street and the l'ul,
lie Square, directly opposite tho Carlisle De.
posit llis stock marrows everything usually
in a Grocery and Variety store.
The public are invited to call and exa mine his steel
before puransiug elsewhere, ns ho feels iobildent he can
soil tke best goods at the lowest prices.
41111°HILA. Surgeons' ,Bandoge
INSTITUTE: No. 4; 9th
f' il
_2_ 5 rout, sixth store abovu Market. 4E , C.
EVERS - MS Patent Graduating Pressure TRUSS, fir the
cure 6/ Rupture; Shoulder Braces, Supporters, EMMA(
Stockings, Suspensory, I teinorrholdal, and Bandages for
defortraties. - Jan. 11-Iy.
(1 SALT.-5000 •Suks G. A.
X • SALT, for solo
CAllit; OWE & Co. ,
Flour & Grain Commission .llorclututs, Opear's ' , wharf.
Baltimore, Doe 5
WE call the attention of the public to
watering garden,' or extlngulsitlig tree. An excellent
article;, 'mak cheap anti convenient,' Per sale at
noel-10511 ' SAXTON'S.
- ILACKSMITH'S , . COAL.' --5,0 - 0 - 0
linahala Blarlarnith's doal, a Arid rate, aiticlo re
co ulna and for Tale by . -
Ja'nllBra ' ' " %S. l'lj. MURRAY, Agt,
•y spring stock et 1%1.'1'4 liANii I Nih
;Titlelt% the largest and 1.1305 t varied assortment eve,
()pencil In Carl isle, to whicli . l Invite the early ottentloi
of the public, es 1 Intend selling at priccs'u Web 01111Ibi
fell to Plea& the erotical purchlise'r.
marelt26' JOHN P. LYNE.
rE. GOCLD, [Successor to A. 1 lot.
No. IG4 Chestnut rt., Bwalin't Building, I I iii del
phis, extensive 41tislc l'uhliSher. and Dealer iu ,II ,it al
I obtruments of of cry description.
Ex, lush e 'agent fe.r the tale of Ballet Davis t Co.
Patent tittxpeotion Ilrld, , e ihk.llan and oilier I'l A?:( F.-
1; utorr's liothieir Pintos. Mel deers, :Martin's Cunt Is
harps, violins. Sheet Mimic. Music Becht. Sic.
ite•ideot... or the country will be supplied t, wail or
~ therwise with musk they may wish. at low as if pt.r•
ehesed in pert in. liar big one rff the'slit gest iu
the United States. I feel rettnient of sati fiviog all 'Si).
niay savor nu, m lilt a call or triter.
healers in Mush. supplied Oil the most lii ral te;TnE
Pianos to let. tlecond-haud Pianos fit Hale.
May '20,1F63-1,
ity, R 1101.1.1i./.1,1.1 nail RETAIL, ktt the 1 Lilo
delphla iVat..h mai Jen (dry Slum,'
u tuber Oti Not th Eccond itrrtd , • or
ner of Qikarry, 11)1111,101141in. Cold
Lover 1\ etches, fulh,juwelled, 11 car
at cares, - - $2O (K 1
(lola Lupine, IS carat ritses, 2.1 00
•• jev. els '
0 00
Silver Lever, full jewelled, - 12 041
Supck Inc Quarticre, • - - - , 00
(101 l Ppertarles. - i 1 , 0
Flue ;Miser Spectacles, - I (S
()old Ilr:keulets c r • :1 CO
Ladles' (kohl - - 1 ('0
Sllvor TVA ('O
Cold Pens, with Pencil anti Sliver Holder, - 1- (.0
Gold Fita.ok- Macs ; 1:11.
Wain, Intent t r ay,Liknet the, et ticle4
1:k pmpoilion. All goods warranted to be 14 I,r,t (lay ale
holil for.
' :- 14 k
iok -
1 :'•
. __. ,!1.;:;.::.-
f 4 TAT'I•'FETt &
On hand. some (1.:l t aud Sitx cr Levers and L. line:
!tin lower than 1 by more pikes.
Ti, N'ELLY. manufacturer and inventor of F.A i 1
TY i•ATENT:.teI:AIth UPIit(IIIT WOOD DOX ,51.11:( II t
No. Ph) North VOUIVIII t•trect (above 11ace)1111/..11'i
I'lll k. )latelme hat my bee, rile,antindispensable at tit I,'
lu hott,elseeping, the mil scrileratter n meat sitrif re ot
time and money, is ennl led to offer to the Italie Cr ar
tick at onto combining L Linty and t hcapnees.- Ite
, t utor kn, n tog the danger apps cher:lied on tlet , ll t t;
the Ilitneoy mann, r which 'Matches are getto.iLtl)
racked in pamr, Ims by the aid of New :learn Nat-lifter).
of his own lit , thot, euccc('ded in getl lug up aFA I Ell'
far preferable, In as much that it occupips no more man
than the old round wood) box, and contains at , Irrtti,
Two hundred per Cent more Matches, which to FLlp o re
is considerable advantage; it is entirely new. and tee*, e
a4ainst moisture and spontaneous combustion, dism, is
nil danger on transportation by nIeADIS offlallrond, ltce:m•
boat or any other4tiodu of COriveyanee.-
These Matches are packed se that one gross or Fiero
may be shipped to any part of the World with perfext
rarity. They are the most desirable article for - ll'cm.•
Congumption; and the Southern and 'western tberkel
that have 0, er leen lovented.
and SHIPPEItti, will do well to call r n
:utimtic for themselves.
tnntclaes. are WARRANTED to To u: trier
to anything heretofore offered to the Public.
:IOO North FOUItTII Bt, Phracrtt
Phila..Pee'r 4, 154.4
.1 .- . I RENCII TRUSSES, Weighing less
than 234 ounces. for the cure of Hernia or 1: upturn
acknowledged by the highest medical authorities of 1 hil
ndelphia, Incomparably superior to any other in use
:offerers a ill be gratified to learn that the 0(1.1181(.11
`offers to procure not only the hightstand umstensv.i.ot
nn durable a Truss as any other, in lieu of the mull rc us
and uncomfortable article usuallY . sold. There le no clt
1. ulty attending the fitting. and when the podia 1t..z.6-
ed it will retain Its position without ebanol.
Persons at a distance unable to call on the sub.triler.
can hare the Truss sent to any address, by MU: ittir g
bre &liars fur the single Truss, or ten for the &Lao—
ith measure round the hips. and stating side are. ted
It mill be exchanged to suit if not biting, by retort Itg
nt once, uns , lled. For sale only Iy theJuirporter,
L ilpTh
lAntr.s, requiring the benefit of Mechanical ..up
porters, owing to the des angement of the Intem.r.l
pins, inducing falling of the Womb. Vocal. Puluu 1114:4.
Dyspeptic, Nervous and Epinal IVeakness, at, intone d
that a competent and experienced LADY will 1, if
t.qlance at the Remus. (set apart for their r 7(
use) No. 114 TWELI.7II St.,lst door below lluen.
July 213,
IaAYES' Patent aubular Oven
AIR RANGE, varloup tt, suit nuniliels,33l
Ing llt , uso..s nu,l Hotels, ••
Those in want of a superier Cooking A paratus at
% ited to call atour NVarehouse and exam net this It• ,
For durability, economy and simplicity n t ;anal •
stands mu (waled. It has a perfect hot air ventilati
and moats Inked in this oven will retain theirjule,
niev. , r equal to that raided before an open die. ..!
and pastry cooked At the sane time Withvllt OEO a .:
lug the other. , It will! amply sufficient .heattd t
heat additional moms ter the coldcatweather. It li• 0
descending or return huts, and is equally well ath +
t% bituminous or coalmen hard' coal. The steam t .
over the lolling part of the Menge carries off the 5 L A A
and scent of cooking', as wallas heat in summer.
Every Range sold warranted to give satisfattitm,o 1
expense to the purchaser.
DATES' VENTILATOR, Talented Octol er, lE4f
Public Halls, Factories, Railroad Cars, Chimnica, N . .
Ships, Steamers, A c. •
Pure air Is a suljeet chaining - the attention oft ~1
liniTridna), and all buildings should be provided t.
the proper means of ventilation.
fir Dwellings, School IfouSes, Churches, 1101 8 . SD s;
Factories, &e.
A large assortment of Office. Hall and Cooking I
Parlor Unites, Registers, etc. Wholesale and retail
82 North Math street, Ph" la
Personal attention ON en to warming and v,33
la Wig both public and private buildings.
LA.,• wholesale and retail LOOKING GLASS AND
TUltl: FRAME MANUFACTORY, N 0.120 ARCM street,
oppoolto tho Theater. Philadelphia,•
L'. N. & Co. reeelyod the only Prize lledal, awarded
the Cryotal Palace exhibition, N. Y., 1853, In the . United
Mates, for Gilt, Decorated, Mantel and Pier Glasoes.
GRATIS !—Jiist w
DISCOVERY IN MIDICINE.—A few womb or the
Rational Treatment, without Medicine, Spermatonlita.
or local weakness, nervous dobility,loW spirits, hissittide.
weakness of tho limbs and back, Indisposition and 1 ea
p.mity fir study and labor; dullness of appreiremb n.
loss of nurniory averalon to society, love of selitudt ti.
inidlty, self . distrust , di/iciness, headache,. inv.olur lacy
discharges,'lalner in the side, affection of the eyes, pita-
Plea on the face, sexual and other Infirmities lu man.
From the French of Dr. It. Ire Lanes),"
; , L The important fact that these alartnint(totipli fats
'may easily be removed ailment If I. TWINE. Is In this small
tract clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and
111.4111 y successful treatment. se 'adepted by the'..kuther,
fully explained, by, means of which eaery one Is mini lad
to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible n at,
avoiding thereby all the advertised tort:lnns . or the
cat to any address, gratis and post free. In n•sealoil
envelope, by remittltur (post paid) two postakr stamps
to Dr. 13. Delancey, 17 LtspePard street, York.
March I -ly '
/OLLEN YARlsit-A lot of very
limperier Heavy and Evon Woollen Yarn ju
, received, much better than the city yarn. all colours.
nosß CHAS, (411.1.1tV.
A ItIYW A 11 E win ot h
• ,4 Spring Arrival nt LYNXS rm Northjfaz •
over/Street, where the publir Aro I..irT
supplied with every inrioty of Hardware, l'alniP, Oils,
e& at tho Tzwur CASLI PRICES. C4lll 112 i ao can Ar 4.111 1-
modate nfew more. -