K 2 New '3buLttiscinctit.9. SCHIEDAM AROMATIC SIINAPS, TO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA, — , I beg leave to call the attentbm of the citizens of Pennsylvania to the above artiele. manufactured by my self exclusively, at my factory in Schiedam, hol land, expressly for medical purposes. .. It is made from the best Barley that can be selected in Europe and the essence of aronialiC Italian berry, of acknowledged and extraordinary medicinal properties: and It has long since acquired a higher reputation, both in Europe and AttiOriCa, than any other dietetic beve rage, to Clatvsi., Gem and RHEUMATISM; in obstructions of too Bladder and Kidneys, and debility of the urinary functions, its effects are prompt, decided and invaribly reliable. And it is not only a remedy for these mala dies but, in all cases in which they are produced by drinking bad, water, which is almost universally, the cause of them, It operates as a sure preventive. The distressing effect- upon the Stointuh, Bowels, and Bladder, of travelers, new rosidents;and all persons un nocustomed to them; produced by the waters of nearly all of our great Inland rivers, like the Ohio, Mississippi and Alabama, from the large quantity of deraved Vega table matter contained in them, in a state of solution, is well- known ; as is also that of the waters of limestone re,thins, in producing GRAVEL, Cvi.cum. and stone in the llnAuns,a. The AROMATIC SCHIEDAM : SCHNAPPS is an absolute corrective of all those injurious properties of bad water, and consequently prevents the disease which they occasion. It is also found to be a cure and preven tive of Fever and Ague, a complaint caused by the con joint effects of vegetable malaria in the atmosphere, and vegetable putrescences In the water of those districts in which it principally prevails. The Aromatie!.Schiedem Schnapps Is consequently In great demand by' persons traveling. or about to settle in those parts of the coun try espeeially ; as well as by many in every connnunity whore it has become known, on account of Its various 1 other remedial properties. . More than three thousand phy Mardis, among whom are Oninbefeilthe greatest -- names belonglng„to the facul ty of medicine in this country, have certifi, over their e sd own signatures, to the valuable medicine roperties of such an article, as the severest tests ha •13 proved the Schiedam Aromatic SchnetrPrtto — trand ve ccepted it as a most desirable ayldition to the MATER Imam Put up In quart or,pint bottles, enveloped in— yellow paper with my name on the bottle, cork and seal. For sale by all respectable Druggists and Grocers. UDOLPII WOLFE, - - 18, 20 and 22 Beaver street, New York. 2.4 South Front street, Philadelphia. I be leave to call the attention of Hie public to the following letters from physicians : • LAAPRATOII.V.N. V. May 2. 182..3. "Ma.I3DOLPII Wetvn—Dear Sic : I cannot speak too highly of the purity of your Schiedam Schnapps. It i s decidedly superior to anything of the kind in the mar. ket. It is perfectly free ,rom the admixture of fusil oil. or of any of, those anvil , : compounds which produce such a mischievous and impartible effect upon the con stitution, and which very few alcoholic distilled liquors are without—most of them being largely impregnated with it.. I have personly inspected the various process of distilation practiced at Schiedam, and know that un usual care is taken to separate the noxious elements from the pule alcohol, and your Schnaps is a striklne proof of its success. As a medicinal agent for chronic and renal affections, I have successfully prescribed it, and recomond it as an agreable cordial and harmless stimulant, and shall continue to do so; as well as to use it as a source of pure alcohol for chemical Investiga tions and experiments. Yours obedient. ISIAH DECK. , Coustilttrlg Analytical Chemist." Dr. Charles A. Leas, Commissioner of Health, Balti more, writes as follows in relation to the value of Schnapps as a remedy in chronic catarrhal complaints, &e. Thu letter is dated July 27, 1853 : "I take great pleasure in bearing highly creditable testimony to its efficacy as a remedial agent in the di same for which you recomend It. Having a natural tendency to the mucous surfaces, with a slight degree of stimulation, I regard it an one of the most linportant remedies in chronic catarrhal affections particularly those of the genito urinary apparatus. With much res pect your obedient servant, CHARLES A. LEAS, M. D. "Pnit.Anat.rmi. July 15, 1853. "Mr. Udnlpho Wolfe, No 22 heaver st. N. 11.—Pear Last season the writer received, through your agent in this city, a bottle of your Aromatic Sehiedam Schnapp-, and since that period has prescribed the same in certain Things of urinary complaints; also-in eases of debility in aged persons. So far, the Schnapps has been 'of much benefit to those using it $ * • In conclusion, where a . iliuretic and stimulant is required, I should use the A r omatic Schiedam Schnapps. Thanking you - for your kindness, I am respectfully yours, A. D. CIIALONEII, M. D.,180 8, Eighth at. The subjoined letter from Dr. Paine, of Manchester. N. IL, relates to one of the most valuable medicinal prop- erties possessed by the Aro:audio 'Schnapps- and shows that It acts as a specific in a very painful disease—the G ravel : .Mee. WOLFE:—Permit mo to address you a few lines. which you are fa liberty to use if you think proper, In respect to your medicine, called Schiedam Schnapps.-- I have bad a very obstinate case of gravel and stone, of seine five years' standing, causing very acute pain in every attempt to urinate. After using many remedies without much relief, I was induced to try a bottle of your medicine. In the course of three days it proved effectual, dialoging largo pieces of stone, some of which was as large as a marrowfat pea. I continued the cor dial according to directions, and the patient continued to gain, and is fast recovering. I think amedicine of so much value in so distressing a complaint, should be known to the public, and the world at large. And I for one. must give it my approbation and signature. THOS. PAINE, M. D." From Dr. John S. Reese,Chemist, Baltimore, Aid. Sept. IS, 1852: "A number of our physicians are ordering the article. and several have already prescribed it. Personsto whom I have sold it speak very highly of its qualities. A Gentlemen of my own personal acquaintance, having suffered greatly with an affection of the kidneys and bladder' took two bottles and subsequently pa ssedn stone of considerable Elise, and was greatly relieved. It will no doubt go into general use," gm • - CARLISLE FOUNDIt AND 31ACHINE SHOP, Tho subscriber has too satisfaction of in ,7:111(07;111111 forming bin old friends and patrons that his establishment Is again in active ope ration, new buildings having been erected since the late disastrous fire and the whole ustabilshment put in min.. plot.. working order. Orders are therefore respectfully solicited for work in his line, which will be dune with promptness and in the best manner. STEAM ENGINE/3 BUILT TO ORDER and repaired. All kind% of Machinery In Paper Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired at short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. HORSE POWERS and THRESHING MACHINES such as Bevil Gear Four Horse Power, Horizonte Gear Four Horse, and Two Horse Powers, Ploughs, Shotlers and Crushers, Ac. Patterns made to order. Iron and Dress CASTINGS , executed to order, if not on hand, at the shortest notice, such as Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil 'Wheels, Gudgeons for San Ming, PROW Castings, Cutters,Toint Shears, Wagon and Coach Box es, Spindles, Car 'Wheelie, Car Chairs, Ste. has also en hand a large supply of Philadelphia and Troy COOK ING STOVES, and ix constantly making Cooking Stoves of various improved patterns for coal r ail w ten plate Stoves, Grates. Ac. Repairing done to kinds of Ma, shinty. All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken la exchange for work xnayt. ROSES! ROSES!! The most splendid as assortment of Roses over re• caved in Carlisle may be had at the Whitehall Nurseries, east of the railroad bridge.-- Comprising China or Daily, Isle de Bourbon, Toe, Nolsetto, liyhred perpetual or Itemon dant, an, Damask Roses, of all the newest itml most desirable sorts. The plants nro all in bloom which w ill enable pur• chaser to make their selections attroolAy to tlitir rospertive ta.stt3o. Tito assortment comprises almost cvory shruln of C 4 tor, and will- 14ft , ' , 10.1,11 f city pricen. nANICI,IN GARDNER Car May 911 i •rgi Ni tu 2borrti9Litunt. LIST OF DEALERS. (1F Goods, Wares and Moridlandizo. Also. Distillers. Millers, Lumbermen, &e., within the county of Cumberland. returned amt classified by .ltetren C. Timm VSON, errautils Appraiser ' in deem d a nee with On. several nets of Assembiy, ft.tllowE: cAnusi.g. A. Bontz A Bro PhilUp Arnold, Charles Ogilby, 12 12 50 Ucorgo W. !Moor, 12 12 50 N. W. Woods, Agt. 13 10 (10 It. Dick, 13 10 00 Jason W. Eby, 13 10 00 C. lnhr ff, Agt. 10 20 00 John U. Willians, 12 12 50 Joseph D. lialbert, 12 12 50 S. W. llaverstick, 13 10 00 Samuel Elliott, 14 7 00 William Kolso. 14 7 00 Steiner & Rio, lB 10 00 William Sheldon, 14 ' 7 00 B. J. Kieffer, 14 7 00 IL M. Rawlins. 14 7 00 Samuel C. lluyett, 13 10 00 11. W. Caufittan, 14 7 00 Charles Barnitz, 14 . 7 00 Win. M. lionderson & Son. 10 20 00 IVoodward & Schmidt, 20• 20 00 Henry Saxton, 12 12 60 Joliii,V....L„ , ne, , 12 12 60 Lnuicl Eci;elsl John Fanor, .1. & I). Rhoads, Win. B. 3lurrn3. Agt =I =II Ilnller A. liohrer, 34 . 7 oa , John N. Arinstr..ng, • 14 7 . 00 .1. A. I.ohn, 14 • 7 00 Prof. 11. M. Johnsi.n, 14 7 00 S. M. Ilixwer, TI;os. 11. Skileg, • Arnold A Livingston, • 13 10 00 John liouny, 14 7 00 - - • 11=1= Harkness & Grove James Nl'Granahan, l4 7 00 A., M. Piper, Agt. 14 • 7 00 David Cornman, 14 . 700 George !Ahoy. 14 - 7 00 Jonathan Ci•ninan, 14 . 7 00 Jacob Hoover, 14 7 00' John Fredericks, 14 7 00 James Caillio, sr., Jonathan, Carmuun, sr., henry Glass. Arnold 4: Son, MI PPENSIItrIta. John Criswell, 14 7 00 J. l'. AMA. 14 1 00 Kunkle & Stevl , k. 13 10 00 D. 11'. Toltml Sr., 13 10 00 U. F. Kunkle, 14 7 00 • Jonh Stambaugh. 14 7 00 Jacob l'augts, 14 7 00 D. 11. Miller, 14 7 00 J. Bridges, J. C. Williams, W. D. A. 'Nagle, Sannwl Sugurds, John (U li, S. IL Sw•nnsoy, P. S. Arta, 14 . 700 flock, Hullley & Co.. 12 12 50 NI , ill Si: liedding,,, 11 15 00 Nleddingor *. Br, 11 15 00 N. A. Cvrnelius 11 lb 00 J. It. Duncan, Agt. 14 7 00 l s hllip.Deltrich, 14 7 Of John Wkaiderllch. 10 20 00 S. C. !Lollar, 14 ..,7 00 Christian Shade, - 14 7 Of , MECHANICSBURG. F. A. Mateen 14 7 00 End:lgor A: Co.. 13 10 00 Jacob Dursheimer. 14 7 00 linutiinn. Rupp a Co., Arugs) 14 7 00 Simon Arnold. 12 ' 12 51 Blizzard k Swisher, 14 7 00 Ilursh k Beelrnan. 14 7 Ot Knufthan. Rupp .1 Ct... (hardware) 14 7 0' Joseph Messer, 14 7 i/ .1.,1in 'l', Ayres. 14 i 0. Levi Snell, 14 7 01 tieorge WebVaal, •13 111 (1 • Ilunry Loan, 14 7 0, John Ileigle, 13 10 0 , ' Ira Day, • 14 11, John Harlon. 14 7 4: Ephraim Zug, 1:1 10 0 Ijoorge Singlzur. . 14 7 • Oswald& Kaufman. 14 , ; 00 Lewis Shut, 14 7 00 Singlzor &Ca., 110 • .20 0 Isaac Illizzattl, .10 20 0 Joseph Mlllizen, 10 20 0 NIAVVILLE. Anthony Voreman, 14 ' 7 0 William Stitzell, 14 7 0 , William Reed. 14 7 0 , Joseph Laughlin, git 7 0 , Thomas Stough, 12 . 12 b. William Itratton, 14 7 5. John M. Davidson 13 10 Cs & M'Candlish, • 13 10 O• J. 11. Herron, S. G. Wild, Bear & Cobatigh. MIFFLIN. John J. Crawford, lienry Snyder. 14 7 0( WEETPIL4NSLITIODOO. Davidson & James, 13 10 0( Edward Rodgers, . 14 7 04. Woodward & Schmidt, 14 7 04 John Hood, , 13 10 00 NEWTON. S. W. Sharp, 10 20 0( Jacob Swoyor. 10 10.0 W. & J. (iracap. 14 7 (th J. W. Vandorbelt & Ct . , 14 7 0t• 11. & J. A. Kunkle, 44 7 (k John Minlob, ' 14 7 0 Kyle & Washinger, 14 .7 04 Peter Garver. 11 7 0 , norgwEtz. .. . .... , John Ferguson ' , 14 7 h Wherry & C 0.,. ' , , 18 10 0. John 1 loller 14 , 7 0 i Shoemaker r. ElllOll, 13 10 0 Thaddeus M'Clitf. 14 6 70. . FRANEFON.II. - ' .. : 1 ~ W. & J. Green, , ,14 7 0, souenalsit'oN. John W. Clever, . 14 7 04.: (leorgo Clever, 14 7.01 -William liana, 14 7 01 J. V. Bughman, . i 1,4 701 Conned Fasnaught, 14 . 7 01 Henry Myers, . .. 14 700 DICEINBON. Hays & Palm. 14 • 7 Kum! & Dice, 14 7 W. &J. Green, 13 ' 10 04 D.' L. Geolman, 13 10 01 Joseph Is, Sterner, 14 7 Ot Frahrjs Williamson, • 14 704 Wm. M. Watts, gm 7 04. Benjamin Plank, 14 7 04 1300TIIIMPDLESCW. • , A. W. Leidlgh, 13 lo Ql , . S. N. Dive) . . Mullen & Aleimulbr, 0) It. Given & Co, 1 . * U 0 • NORTH KIDDLITOT. Elias Light, 14 ' - 700 lIONIIOR. . Deviny & Hui!, .. . , .3 10 00 Mrs. Mary Figol, 14 7 00 Singleor & Sanderson, 13.... , 10 01 UPPER ALLEN. Peter Giugerlng, . 14 - 71:',. Hiram Longneeker, 13 10 (X, tloswolhir A Zook, • 13 10 01, Jonathan Erkell , , • ' 14 7 (X, LOISER ALLEN. iShile illlllr/11, . 14 , 7. 00 W. Loyd; 14' ' ~•.1,00 Eenst S: !fairies, , 14 7 00 10,wer k Nis rthlao,l, 7 00 NY411.04 .tl;l4tr, ~ 14 7 00 1:w rot am AS P. - I I ' 7 04, MEI . . . EASTPENNSCIOIIOI2OII. (leorgo W. Feeler, 14 7 00 Andrew _Eslinger, •14 .7 , 00 John 3iYerniich, 14 , ,f 7 do Jacob Longnech, - ' 14CA i" 7: ,00. Jacob Henninger, 14` 7 00 Bucher & Son. • 13 10 00 tier & 11 0 tunnel, -, ' 11 14 oil Mlehnel Frecae, 13 10 00 0. & .1. Itaynard, 14 7 lii) Rtldulplitili Mate. 14 7 00 Cl.OlB. LICENtir. $2O 00 11 12 50 n.tMPDFN. John Kota, Ileury Rnl.p, Ifehry Nehllgh, Win. 11. lichels, Shutter .1• Bro., INF:11 tPIONO lobo 13. Leidig, John 1*.03 10. Johu David r't.rlnn, . 13 .10 00 Jacob Simmons, J' 14 7 00 U. 11. Swller, 14, 7 00 I). M. Leidigit, 14 - 7 00 Andrew ,!.. ,, ingirer, 13 10 00 Winholtz.3Vestponnsborn' 8 5 , 00 liartiet Watson, 8 5 00 lamb 8 6,.(10 I eop, Mll rph v. Now villo axle Kerwhaw • •• 'utiles Ilrowster, Nowton, 8 6 On .: :5: rge '3llller, 8 , -.5 00 '. 11. Diehl, llopemoll, 8 5 00 ohn Ilrow newel]. " 8 600 - -- .050.: Thiel:sy. ShippensbUrTh, 8 500 1 14 700 I 4 e.e I: Lenny. '. 7 800 14 700 34 - 7 00 14 7 00 7 00 mues Meloy, ilochnniesburg, 8 0 00 Invid Long, -1 , g 5 (10 ,'eteeLlaker, ' .' 8 - ii 00 . ;mono) It. (bore, Lower Allen, 8 0 00 f.i.reuel tilliremen, .. 8 b 00 Alan. Coble, Enstpeensboro' 80 00 Wm. Phillips, **, 8 7 6 uo 7 00 14' 7 00 14 7 00 =CM , . %. (. Smith, Now Cumberland, 8 5 00 los. Brow newell, Silver Spring, 8 b 00 :emu Hughes, ^ 8 5 00 7 00 - :scot) Low, Carlisle, lien ry Peters, 16 , I len ry NI nrner, " , 14 7 00 =MI lncob Stratton larsbull James. Westpen II slkiro' 13 10 00 ' 'Hier & lirider, 14 • 7 tin incob Shelleharger, " 14 7 00 .cigler & Myers, 14 7 00 .ssee Marquiart. '6 14 7 00 manuel Barnhart, " 14 7 00 john Moore. Dickinson, 14 14 7 00 14 700 114 700 14 7 0( :)der linrilitr., .13 10 (11 , lohit I). r•honlrr, Smith Middlelnn, 13 10 00 & T. It. Craighead. 13 10 00 Inenffer 1111.1) wsler A: Fon, an id \'u«.:lrsun;.'. Mnnrc I*, . .A. A: W. Ahl. '• mane Blizzard. 14 7 00 la 14 700 14 7 00 . . . liller AI %Avg. Nleclianicburg, 10 -, 20 00 laist.l:llerly, Lemur A HOD, ' 11 ~. 15 00 . and. Fltnur, 13 10 00 I. K. Kaufman, " 14 700 '. It u pp, 13 10 00 vlin 1 1 .rn, - " 13 10 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 12 12 50 .M. Ilnltlen.nn, " 1 II lb 00 nenl, Crover. Jr., Upper Allen, 14 7 00 . S. Haldeman. I,,ti.ebt,sl4oro' 14 7 00 lonry Rupp • llittupdfon Brygon. . . . . obi Sludirwr. :ilver Fpring, 14 7 00 . H lineber, 13 10 00 a‘id -hank, -" 14 7 00 " 'avid Hoover. 14 7 00 .V. 31. Henderson A Son, N. Mid. 12 12 30 Inbriel Natcher, DISTILLERIES k MIEN% ERIES. Award Shower, 0 8:00 '. InhulT, Agent, • 9 ... ' 800 •'. A. t. J. A. ALI, !Coulon, 8 12'60 'oseph Ramp,9 8 00 _ :411,0rt Quitlloy, " 9 . .... 800 k. lk.sler it r..ou. south Middleton, 8 12 60 lettry dint(, o 10 . 500 i. 0. Ilelty-liootor, Nlonroe, 8 12 60 A. k C. A hi. 8 12 80 . . . .. . +MI llot mon, Upper Allen, 9 . 8 00 'et.dertion h Feu, ~.. Middleton, 7 . 2 0' 00 Ism. &Met,• 4, 9 '` t '. 8:09 illlnm ll4lrnitz, enrlbile, 9 800 .. W. l'randt, 8 ' 71 00 oh,, I Wiring 0. " 8 5 00 TEN PIN ALLEYS acob Low, Carltsle, lavid bong, Meehanlei:burg, 'acob Hannon:tan, North Middleton, It3111):11ANT , Cot:NTT, so. I d • hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list Ithe Dealers in Merchnudize, Patent Medicines, Militerti Distillers, Lumbermen, fie. In Cnnitsarland county. as :eturnod to me by Joseph C. Thompson, Mercantile A ppraiser. All persons returned and classified as sleeve, me hereby notified to call and take out thole Licenses mor before the 2d day of July, 1855. All licenseanot 'lfted by that time will be placed in the hands of au MU ,:3r for collection. May 2 N. W. WOODS, Co. Treasurer. • 14 7 0. 14 7 o 14 7 0 , 14 70( HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. IMI ORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT To all poisons afflicted with Sexual diseases, such IIS •EMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORBIBBA, ILEET, SYPHILIS, Ac., Ac. Thu HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia, itt dew of the awful destruction of human life and health, •aused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions tildel(ans draetised'upon the unfortunate victims of such disdasets 1 Quacks, have directed their consulting Sutitertn, as n 'HABITABLE ALT worthy of their name, to give HEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all persons •Ihns of dicted,(Male or Female,) who apply'by letter, (pelt paid;) with a description of their rendition, (age, occupation. habits of life, the..) anti in extreme poverty andsmaturPig to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHAIRIF.:,:,-• The Howard Astmelation is a beneVolunt IttatUttron, ,stablished by spuds! endowment, for the teener . of the ick and distressed, atUleted with "Viruletit,riiitr Fid lemic diseases," and its funds can be used for no other - Insists°. It has now a surplus of means, vtlikit the mirectors have, voted to advertise the above notice. It s needless to add that the Awn/nth : in commands the tigitest Medical skill of the age. Address. (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHODNi Consult; ng Surgeon, Howard Association Philadelphia; Pa: By order of the Directors, EZRA D. BRAMWELL, President. April 11. GEO. FARECHILD, Soeretary. t i .ANCAST.ER COLLIERY. . TO COAL DEALERS. - • % e beg leave to introduce ourselves to your' Actin:dn. tance Its extensive Miners and Shippers of 'WHITE 'ASH . ANTHRACITE COAL, at Lancaster Colliery, NO , thtim'icrland County, where we have very oxiensiVe Improvements and a Breaker, which for capacity to pre pare and clean Coal cannot be surpassed. Our sixes of Coal are as followit: • Lump, Zor smelting purposes, Ateakribilikt, for smelting Mid steamboats, Stomp, Sir Runny sus° and steam, Nut and,Pea,for Litneburnereand steam. (Mr Limehurners Coal is a vety, superior quality, to whie Aso would o9ocially call the attention of dealers awl consumers. 0 m ~point of shipping !s Sunbary,wherearrangemen4 are 'm .ila to load boats without any delay, Orders sad dressed to us at Shamokin, Sunbury or Lancaster, will receive prompt attention. '_ ' aprlB COCIIRAIL PEALE & Co. J. J. Cochran, TA caster. ,Iten,Pitelnhold, Lancaster. C. W. reale, Btunnukin, 'II. Baumgardner, do. Meptants and others who fool themsolvea aggrieved -by-the above classification, are , bcreby notified 4.hat will hold an appeal at the Court liens°, in Car Half, on Piiday the 27th day of April, 1855, botween the hours of 0 and 12 ololock A. M.; and 2 and 4 o'cloelt 1 , . 11f. ' when and whore they cau attend if they think proPr . ›.4.,, JOH. C. THOMPSON, MERCANTILE Apribustn. Carlisle. Heil 4,1855—1 t. I snlyeribor 1 , 01 1 0 iti'l' tol s It: ti,lll.lto tir it at t,i ` ,11.6ilit 11,1.1.146. krifilizita BEER, OYSTER. & EATINO HOUSE hi 1 LLF , 1111) &ohs. _..________ - N - EW SPRANG GOODS.—Tho, su j 1 fanner la new evening n largo and general ass Wont Of LADI Clt_ODS, coneisting of Black t Colored Si'ks, Omni Enrages, Mous de laines, Fre) and English Lawns, Mao a general variety or good, bays wear. a full assorttnent of Ladlea and Childr. 1 , 11 . 05 Handkerchief:4, also English and otl Sill AIV (DONN LYS, Bonnet kilibona, Bonnet Lll,l with the usual variety of Spring Iletcds at moderate I rca. tiEORCIE IV. MTN Eh. April 18, 'M 14 7 . 00 14 7 00 12 12 1)0 14 00 14 ..7 ob E has removed to the Store room formely oceup as the Post Office, immediately opposite the Volta,* office, where ho is now opening a large gmlf general sortment of NEW SPRI,V4 GOODS, embracing an tensive variety of British, French and domestic DRY 0001)8, G RuCHG I ES. Straw bats ittid bonnets, Wall paper &c., which will offered at the lowest prices. Purchasers are respectft, invited to call and examine thr themselves. Carlisle,.April 11 1855. ROBERT DICK 13 10 OD 13 10 00 LtEMIIIM ENTZ & Blt T 11 - E ,P caused a Tory great excitement by their large magnificent stock 'of NEW GOODS, just opened am which will he found. 5 no 8 o(I CLOTHS, CASSIMEIM VESTINGS, Cetti-n and Linen cent and pants stuff. Ladles I) goods in great variety, consisting of fluid and Slot , i7.11.1i:: 2 , the best brands of Muck :lilts, Barge, Lab Tissues. Barge de Laines, hally's, Grenadines. Tit ebastopol, Lawns, tlinglatuns, Alpachns, Find, St.i and Plain dross musl ins, Chintzes. Prints of all quali and a treinendous stuck of theta, Flannels, Tickh Muslin& ~Linens of cur own isopertation. Parte LaCCR, Edgings, Ilres!. trimming, Hosiery, Cloves, ant full supply of BONNETS' AND RIBBONS, From 25 cis. to $3, for bonnets, nod I !,/, to 3i j cts. yard for It ibi.HMS, Hats, Caps; Oil Clotbi, Window Silo and an immense variety of goods In our line, all t, sold at priced that defy competition. nptil 11. BENTZ di, BRO NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS THE LATEST SPICIND STyLESI R 6 00 8 fiOo 8 B Ou tl 5 8c I am now receiving from New York and Mita&lpt an Immense stock of new, desirable and Cheap Good, which 1 would call the attention of all my old foie, or d customers, as Ivell as the public generally. Hay, much iced Most of my goods from the largest Rupert: houses In New York, I ant enabled to give better I gains than ran . be had at any other house In thecom Our assortment of NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS ., is large, complete and beautiful. Another lot of a elegant and cheap 'SLACK SILKS, embroidered Its kerchiefs, sleeves, collars, ruffles, edgings. and Inc. ings, a stock that for extent and cheapness doles competition. Mullins, ginghams, calicoes, do beget , . lalnes, tickings, checks, a tremendous motortinout Moves and hosiery cheapei than over. Cloths, .(11 metes, cords, rottonades, &c. &c. a full susertment very low in price. IMMI 8 , 5 00 7 0(1 7 00 • 10 Vi 14 7 00 13 10 00 15 00 A n,eutire new stock of three ply. ingrain, cotton lenitlata earpyting, bought very cheep and will M t very low. Also a bite tad adored 51 ratings. - A large:Supply of ladies mid gentlemen's boots. sl. and gaiters: Intending to give up the Grocery dep. tool, t. 1 will diFputm 01 what I have on hand in t line, at" Tar fu. res. )114. sumo well 'made Clothing hand. width 1 ill ladl for less than met as ] wan• rh se it, out. ft one and all to the Old Hand on I Main street. and select your (lords (rout the largest t ..beapest stock evar brought to Carlisle. apr4 CHARLES OGILIIY REM (.111EAP GOODS.—The subscriber now opening n fresh lot of sensonable goods, at cloth , locution, opposite the Itailmad Olllett. in Main str. 17:trill:I°, which will be sold at the lowest price. npril 11. 4f. MARGARET MNODGRAStt 1.1 50 a OCP Cou ;5000 ►. 00 E e 1 r 1 11 14; subscribers, in iilreildoun, Cli , - ter county, have obtained a right to mate 1 s ALLYN'S MOW Nit AND PEA Ph It, patented ) a mu. 1- th if :41. live hundred of the Mowers were + 1 last season, and a hen well made give universal as - tertian. A great number of cirtlticates on hand to 1 t effect. The price is $lO5 with twn cutters. The Reaper and Mower combined has a high charge .. rood) lag premiums at a number of County Fairs. well us at thu late Rate Yak. Price $l.lO with two • kw:. 'lb be had at W. W. I)INGEKI3 idanutertory, 1 or by addressing early the subscriber); at Ereild , Chestver calmly. they will be delivered at any station ~ the Cumberland Taller Rail Road, the purchaser pa) ; the freight. .PEIRCE & NEILDi april 11 '65 • . REAPING AND MOWING M CIIINEN.—MANNYI4. !idea patent combined justahlo Reaper and Mower, with Wood's Improver'', will be offered to the farmers of Eastern l'ennsylra for the harvest of 18b5, on usual term'', via: $125, AT 8110 P. CUStOISITIS WRllkid 10 well to Tend In ill Millers early, as preeedunceNll &given to filitorden. 'Address,. sprit 11 - 4 tan. . ;.„ ' '4larripburg„ Pe „ , 'Ur UBSEY'S REAPER ! - NOTICE TO FAIIMMIS.' o Undersigned respectflilly Inferrns the Farmer f `ads and the adjoining counties, that be continue• raanuGteturo more extensively than ever, 0 Huss, celebrated REAPER AND 'ROWING MACHINE, r • Po generally in use, at bin shop three 'quarters of a n north of Hanover. Fanners wishing to engage alb or, or a Hooper and Mower combined, Or the next i • sou, eau have their orders filled with promptuilut, sending them on immediately. The prices of these, - chines are as follows: For a Reaper, , - - - • For'n Hamper and Mower, from• • $lOll to se:l.„ Address me through [the Hanover Post 011 , York county, Fa. CONRAD MOU L. jan3l—Lm • TMPOItTANT TO F A RAI E R .3 Aro now prepared to furnish 11. R. 11URST's' vat t EXCAVATOR'S to ragmen:, linnuatiLitoly receipt of tlnir orders.. IVldch is warranted to an,. well for clo'o'her stallo,:, or gathoriv_ than tiro in l • yards, and t ~.nor in:whine N, It I. :I ' , r:^li;•lit . 11 , nliat 14 •:tht. aI , it. , 41 . 4, \ , in nano , . It o spr tt r ii , l"l, lA' rl CARPETINGS AND MATTINGS ROOTS AND SIIIDES By LAST WAILS, FROM CALIFORNIA. By the arrival, at New York, of the steam ship Bitola, we have advices from California eight days later. She brings iDt,115,000 of the treasure titived from the wreck of the steam ship Gulden Age, which vessel struck on sunken rook ofthe soutbwist end of the island of Kicaron, and commenced leaking so bndfy that she was run ashore. After a detention o' two days the passengers, mails,and troasiffe were taken off by the steamship Jahn L Sfe phens, and conveyed to Panama, whither she had been sent for the purpose. - Although the Golden Age is styled a wreck, there is a strong probability that she will be got off. In California, business was very dull, 11114 many failures had occurred. The money mar ket continued tight, though confidence was partially restored. Seventeen vessels from Atlantic ports had 'arrived tit San Francisco within six days. The mint had not resumed operations. The miners were doing well, but owing to the .scarcity of coin very little dust reached the market. Rain had fallen steadily in the valleys for a week, and in the mountains snow had fallen to a great depth. From the Kern river .diggingS the news is still contra dictory. In the • local electiots throughtut California the Know Nothings have triutupheii every where. except at San Jose, where they 'were beaten by a fusion of all fragments of the opposition. The uns itisfactory state of commercial en 1 other avocations was driving large numbers of clerks and mechanics to the mines A secret society, opposed to the know Nothings,'lms been organized all through Cali fornia. It is called Freedom's Phalanx, The Legislature had fixed April Nth for its_ ad journment and it is thought doubtful whether another attempt will ho made this session to e lect aU. S. Senator A stringent law against gambling has been enacted, the effect of which, it is thoug,ht, will be to shut up all the gam ing houses- A municipal election in Portland, Oregon has resulted in a - Know Nothing triumph. Meal estate Safes lAND FOR SALE R OR BARTER..-- j 1 will Sell or Barter, a tract of lat.d In MOYMON township, itedfonl comity, l'enna. containing SIX BUN DU DD & SIXTY FIVE ACRES. It is situate three 111114• from the town of Clearville, ten miles south of bloody run, and °lilt teen north of Hancock Nld—the latter place situate on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and contigu ous to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, affording at ali time.s an excellent market for lumber, prodUce, k.c.. and furnishing supplies of plaster salt and Groceries at very little above city prices. AboUt two hundred acres of the land is cleared, fifteen of which Is natural meadow laud, the talent.° in under tolerable cultivation. The soil is of medium quality, part slate, part red shale '. dint, itc., The improvements aro a two story ../ • LO O ROUSE, log kitchen au d log Tarn, and a lt 1 good saw mill—this property would divide very very well into three firm givin to each a portion of cleared land, with a good sprln, in a suitable place for buildings, or it would altoge i - cimake an extensive stock tarn fur which it is well adapted, being well wa s e .ed and having a large quantity of meadow land yet t , clear. The terms wilkhe made easy forthe purchaa. o - r..- f. ROBERT DICK, VALUABLE SLATE FARM AT Public Sa subscriber having determined to change his location, will sell his FARM at public safe, on reasonable terms, ON SATURDAY, the oth of Juno next. T.ils Farm is situate in Fmnkford township, Cumbe laud county, nine miles north west of Carlisle, ono mil north of Fralu's Mill, and a quarter of smile east of Itl . serville. The Fenn contains ONE HUNDRED AN TWENTY-NINE ACRES and 120 Perches, striet meta& ure, about 20 acres of which are covered with valuable Timber and the residue cleared, of which a large port!, n Is meadow or bottom land. The improvements are a g;atviod substantial LOG HOUSE, Log Barn and nil , other necessary out-buildings. The farm is under good fence, and there Is a fine young Orchard of good fruit. Also an unfailing well of good water near the door. There Is alsoci spring of good sulphur water adjoining this fawn and but a short distance from the house. This farm Is artscoptilde, at ordinary expense, of great improvement, py means of manuring and lin, lug, fir lime can be purchased cheaply at a distance cf odly two or three miles, and as the farm has an exceed. Ingly even surface which effectually prevents washing it may be unmated and limed permanently and profits bly, It Is also a well known feet that slate land, by rem 61111 of its cheapness and moderate taxes, pays much bet ttr than limestone land, considering the extraxagard prices and oppressive taxes of the latter. The subtle] - her hating resolved to change his location and engin e in his profession for which 1 - 0,160 . 11 the said property w 11 assuredly be sold. The right and title to this property are perfectly good. For further Inlbruurtion enquire of the subscriber and proprietor who resides In Carlise: and those who wish to see said farm prier to the-sale can de to by calling upon his tenant Henry Smith, who lives upon the farm. I'ho terms of sale will be easy. Sale to commence hi ono o'clock In the afternoon when at tendance will be given and terms made known by may 2 LEVI MEI IN. TWO SPLENDID FARMS FOR SALE.—The subserlberwlll.sell at privatotale the two following described farms, to wit: No. I—ls situated north-west of Carlisle, adjoining the inhabited part of said Borough, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES of first rate Lime steno Land, baying thereon erected a new largo BANK BARN, a I:nue HAY HOUSE, a comfortable CATTLE fgt.:TABLE, de.. Also, a comfortable DWELLING •::: HOUSE, and other out-buildings. The land la in high state of cultivation and all under good postand rail conta.• It Is bounded on the north by the heirs of Samuel 'Alexander; deed., on the east by John Noble; Wm. E. Seymour and others, on the west by Jun. Moorc,, David Orler, Ac., and on the south by the polite road leading from Carlisle to Waggoner's bridge. No. 2.—ls situated in North Middleton township, Sri' miles from Carlisle,-on the Harrisburg and Carlisle turnpike read, about 114 miles front Middlesex /GM, bounded as follows: on the north by the Conodoguines Crook, °tithe west by Irvine's heirs, on the East by J. -- Noble and Jesse Zeigler, and on the south by Abraham 'Hetrick and the Harrieburg turupillo road, containing TWO KINDRED AND TWENTY-FINE ACRES, about 145 of Limestone and the residue Is black slate, about 100 acres of this tract cleared, under good fence, and in -a good state of cultivation, the balance is very heavy tiro*. A large portion of the Wm Is meadow land. Tire improvements are a large STONE DWEL. LING HOUSE a large LOG AND FRAME BARN, stone Sprlng.flourn , and , other out-buildings, an Apple Orchard and a large quantity of ether fruit trees. No, 3.—ls a =all tract of land about mile west of No 1., on the Baker road leading from Carlisle to Wag. goner's bridge, containing TWENTY-SIX ACRES of firs* rate ii tons land. bounded by said road on the north, by .10106 Noble on the south, by Brown's hells on the east, and by Baker on the west. The eubscalber will also seli . a nuttiber of OUT LOTS to suit purebaserA-• The above described property will be sold on ros.socutttlo brine. ARMSTRONG NOMA.: Carlisle, Jonuary 10, 1654. CA.RPITING.—An entire new assort-- IL/231mA of Carpeting3net received. Vonition and cotton, t,elling very e beap by May 9 CHARLIB 90ILITY. FRESH S LIM ): A few pritun t N . 0.1 'MAP. iust I ,, virod - %SALM AM I'ANSTIX OINVIMY. M