II tittlt A BEAUTIFUL STORY. In cowing down the North River, I was sea ted in the cabin of the magnificent steamer I saac New ton, in conveisation with some friends. It was becoming late in the evening, and one after another, seeking repose from the cares and cares and toils of the day, made prepare Lions to retie to their berths. Some, pulling off their boots and coats, lay theruselve down to rest; others, in the attempt to make it seem as much as,pbssible like home, threw off 'More of their cluthing—each one as his comfort, or apprehension of danger, dictated. I bad noticed on the deck a fino.looking tle boy of about six years old, following a man around, evidently hislather, Whose appear ance iMlicated him to ben foreigne'r, probably a German—a man of medium height and re• spectfully dressed. The child was unusually fair . and fine looking, handsomely featured, with au intelligent and affectionate expression of countenance; 'and from under his 'little German cap fell his chesuut luir, in thick, clustering beautiful curls. After walking about the cabin for a time, the father and sou stopped within a few feet of where we there seated, and began prep•irations for going to bed. I watched them.—The fa_ ther adjusted and arranged the bed the child was to occupy, which was an upper berth, while the little fellow was undreSsing himself. Having finished this; his father tied a hand kerchief around his head to protect his curls, which looked as if the sun•lightfrom his young happy heart always rested there. This done. I looked fur him to seek his resting-place; but instead of this, he 'quietly kneeled down on the floor, -put up his little hands together, so beautifully childlike and simple, and resting his hands on the lower berth, against which he knelt, he began his evening prayers. The father sat down by his side, and waited . the conclusion. It was, for n child, a long prayer, but well understood. I could hear the murmuring of his sweet voice, but could-not distinguish the worts he spoke. But what n scene! There were men around him—Chris tian men—retiring to rest without prayer; or, if praying at all, a kind of mental desire for protection, without sufficient courage or piety to kneel down in a steainhuat•s cabin, and, be fore strangers, acknowledge the goo bless of God, or ask his protecting love. This was the training of somvious mother. Where was she now? How many times had her kind hand been laid on those sunny locks, as she had taught him to lip his prayers? A beautiful sight it was, that child at pray er in the midst of the busy, thoughtless throng. He, alone, of the worldly multdude, draws nighio heaven. I thank the parental love that, taught him to lisp his evening prayer, whether Protestant or Papist, whether dead orliving, whether far off or nigh. It did me good; it male me better. I could scarce refrain from weeping then, nor can I now, as L see again that sweet child, in the crowded tumult of a steamboat's cabin, bending in devotion before his Maker. But a little while before I saw a crowd of ad Miring listeners gathering about a company of Italian singers, in the upper saloon—a mo ther and two sons, with voice, harp, and vio lin, but no one heeded, no ono eared for the child nt prayer. When the little boy bid finished UN evening devotion he arose, and kissed his father most aTeationately, who put him into his berth to rest for the night. I felt a strong desire to speak to them but deferred it till morning. , When morning came, the confusion of landing prevented me from seeing thein again. But if over I meet that boy in his happy youth, in his anxious manhood, in his declining yenra, I'll thank him for the influence and example of that night's devotion, and bless the name that taught him to pray. Scarcely any passing incident of my life ever made a deeper impression on my mind. I Went to my room, and thanked Go,d that I had wit nessed it, and for its influence on my heart. Who prays on a steamboat? Who train their children to pray, even at home ? Tua ,111druma.—It has boon truly , "The first being who rushes to the recollection of a soldier or a sailor, in his heart's diffidulty, is Lis mother. She clings to his memory and affection, in the midst of all 'the forgetfulness and hardihood induced by a roving life. The last message ho leaves is for her, his last whis. per breathes her name. The mother, as she instils the lessons of piety and filial obligation into the heart of her intent son, should always feel .that , her labor is not , in vain. She may drop into , the grave--but she has left behind her an influenee that will . work for her. The b,w is broken, but the arrow is sped and will do its offlos.'? tta,.One pound of gold may be drawn into a like that would extend round the globe. So ono good deed may bo felt thro' all time and even extend its coneequeneo into eternity. Though done in the first flush of youth, it may gild the last hour of a long life, and form the only bright spot in it. Something Advantageous. I==l I looked in thd direction he indicated, and thbre, to my astonishment, I saw arriving carts coaches, cabs and wheelbarrows, and each, con tained a tombstone. A regular fight endued at the entrance to tho churchyard, and engaged in the fight I recognized the relations of Mr. Jordan. Heavens! how they cuffed each oth er. . _ 'Hold !' cried 111 r. Shaw 'you are too late,' although you had information you ought not to have had. There is already'a stone on Mr. Jordan's grave, and placed, too, - by one who knew not, what. you all knew. Listen to the conclusion of the will—'And to that one of my relations who will erect a tombsto .c to my memory, I bequeath my blessing and forgive ness, and eighty thousand pounds in bank :stock. Madam'—to Mrs. Grantham-4 con gratulate you.' 'And there's your ring,' said I; 'Mr. Shaw, let us shako hands. I understand you now.' Ha, ha!' said Mr. Shaw. 'Ladies and gen tlemen, you had better all of you keep the tombstones for yourselves. You can get the name altered, for if.you don't I'm very much afraid that you will not find them 'something advantageous.' alO Sipp9. 1 011. TI111; . JL FANCY nouns, GIFT BooKs, kc: ' 6. W. iIAVERSTICR. has just received Irma the city and is n o w opening a splendid display of FANCY 0001)6, suitable for the approa.liing ll,liday Season. to,which hb desires to call the attenti .11 .f his frjemis :1111 the public. as.sortmeid. in this line cannot basin-passed in ii,velty :tad elegance, add b.,1.11 in quality and price of the articles ' ean not please purchasors. It would be inipassilde to ennui...rate his _ IL d.,IDAY FANUY (1110DS. which comprise every variety vt fancy article of the most exquisite shape such ns Frame. Machu Goods, LleganCrllabaster and p ircelain Inkstands and trays, Taney i%ory,l3LVI and shell card eases, 1,3,11 c5' Fancy Basket , , Fancy Work Boxes, with se win 7, Instruments, Port :110111111lei, Of every varlet',, • 1.1..1d pens and peaeuls, Fancy piper weights, Papoterles, and a large variety of ladies' Faii4 station ery, M, ate seals and wafers. Silk and Int nl purses, Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladies' floe out' cry, Perfume baskets and bags. Brushes of every kind the the toilet, ii , Mssel's Perfumes of this various hinds, Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all prices, together with aii i nun amiable variety of articles clo,ant lytinkbest and suitable for holiblay presents, to which ho invites spucial a itent .n. - Ales, an extensive tiqd collection of 11OLIOAY 1P1,) KS, comprising . the various Vaiclishand American AN 1555, richly °mind:shed 311 , 1 'lust rated 1311:TII' WORKS, with I I.llltl,'N'ti Pii"FORIAL BooNS. tul children than m ii h m thin. , ' can be inure sppropriate riessi•lc Ilisassortinen I gulch 311 d :Statiol.ry is also sad emnprise, evcr:, I inc.::: used i n Colleer,e 311 , 1 the ticbo 4 )lr. If s.. t !sn o.o' • 0 PirtioUltiratten I t i k o,;alit i --• I, from the irttelici%•o ..tstablkliments of coeliellus. A rThci and ethers of 'Philadelphia, cJuipri.sing usury style of Parlor, Chainher rind ,1.11 ly Its Itti s, for ho rn i ng .lard sp..,riu or I•Cliere.tl oil. V. l .;etlier with Flower Case,, Fancy Screens. Ills assortment lu this lieu is un equaled in the borough. Also, FRUITS, FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUT:I, —PRE SER WED FRUITS, A c., In every variety and at all prices, all of which fire pnro and fresh, such as can be confidently recommended to ,his Nett& and the little folks. ills stock ombrases every thing In the line of Fancy ..loods, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the public arc especially invited to call and see during the holidays.— Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Dank on North Hanover street. dee 13 1354 S. W. HAVRIISTICK. GIU.?;AT ATTRACTION? HO FOR £II lIOLIDAYS.—KRISS IiINOLE'S OLD HALL is now and will continue to be suppled with the great est novelties up to the Mose of the season, ceinprising in part CONFECTIONARIES of the choicest varieties, such as Flue Candy Toys, Jolly Cakes, Bun .Bons, Gum Cordial, London, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose, Vanilla, and Burnt Almonds, French and exploding Secrets. Also ail the common varieties, all 01' which will he sold whole sale and retail at low rates. We have just received FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest importations such as Oranges, Lemons. Ralslno, Figs, Preens, Citron. Currant.., sort and paper shelled Almonds, Filberts, Coop ) Cream and Ground Nuts. In connection with the above the largest assortment of TOYS AN D FANCY4IOQDS of every kind front all parts or Europe, matittfacttakva of wood, glass, china, papier macho, tin and India rubber, sink, tc., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed Dulls, sewing and Card ila,dtets. Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases, Motto Cups, Te Setts, Music Boxes, Port Mutinies, Bat tie Doors, Grace 'Hoops, Hasler, Drums, Guns Trumpets, Dominoes, Lotto and other games, de. Fancy Soaps and Hair Oils of every variety. In connection with the above a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, such no pulverised, crushed and brown Sugars, of every grade, Coffee, Molasses, Starch, Croon and Blank Teas, Spices, Butter, soda, Sugar, Water and other Crackers, cheese, dc. Thu subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a gener ous public for the patronage heretofore bostowed on hint, and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the saute,, . P. MONYEII. Carlisle, Dec,r 7,155#., BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.- havojuqt received from Philadelphia, a largo assortment of new and SPLENDID ANNUALS, aud tit 1.". f BOOKS for the Holidays, which having' been purchased below the usual wholesale rates, we are enabled to sell at greatly reduced prices. They have now in store a splendid stock of Annuals, 0111 Books, Illustrated Pouts, Standard Works, • Biblos, all sizes, Prayer Books, hymn Books, • Sunday School Books, Tract Books, Juveniles, .44.11A0f which are &UM BOOKS, fresh from the publbleri; splendidly bound and embelishod and got up expressly fir Ula ChriStnutsslidays. Also FANCY ATIONItY and Fancy articles generally, In great variety. The pub- Me ere Invited to call and examine Isunples now . ready fOr Inspection. . SS-itemember,, the place to buy books, cheap, Is at PIPZIt'S. Main street. . ' Deo'r 20, 1854 , TTENTIONDYSPEPTICS—Thoso of yetywhe h'ave been - afflieted for yenta with this hot ersomo disease, and who bare boon using almost every Nostrum before the puddle without relief we say t you try 1 ° Kieffer's Anti Dyspeptic" and'you will soon be Convinced of Its great superiority oVer every other preparation. l We could give you many certificates emelt. witting our assertions, but a single trial Is worth more than all. This remedy Is prepared and sold at the Drug Stove of It. J. REUTER. South/ Hanover street, a few doors south of the Court House, EATIIER.—Pritz Hendry,, Store, j j 20 North :Id nt. Philadolpldn, Morocco Mriinifartut ors,!Curricni, InipO u rters, Commission and amend Loath or bushings. WHOLESALE AND RETAlL—Manufactory 10 Ma.. sbrill street. Sop. 7-1 y : . - guatklizi4 ~ ,03144, 1 0) '4 pathwarc, , . . ''.O . llN l?, LYNE—Wholesale and Re '"tail dealbr in American, kinglfeh and German HARMS' AR E, Oils. Paints, .tr, Sc. Mechanics, builders and the public generally, who ere in Wall t of Hardwer'e tyy .:11... •,of Ani i h o ilid, ,. nre , u hi s lit i e l d to i c i -I , ill t inand f ' '! l .. . i.. .. x ..:"( u 15 i , I NI 121 1 1 1:1111 " :::: ' lling n a r i ' cry lo k ( W priees. dust stop in; .it will only detain yror a very . few 1111111.IteS to he convinced that .whet every body mil's' —that by n's is decidedly the place to get gcod, goods at law prices—must be true. INN E'S Hardware Store, :West Side North I er street. A ()()K II ERE! -A WAR r- lIREAT BARGAIN (YFITIIt P. 'rho subscclber iu consiquemou of ill-boaith, otters his en tire stock of HAI:11 ARE. to any nelson or persons wish ing to enter i nte tioe llardwate business. U. lug s e resolved in quitting the business, will giro burgaim besides his 11111110 MT Zllld chstom. Any one desirous 0. getting Into this bIISiIIOSS will 110 Wen to call scull, and if Mot disptsed of by the Ist of octolaw next. ho will thou commenco soiling off at cost at - the ell and well known stand. in North Hamner •stltlet. next door- to 'Charles Alaglanginin's Hotel. JACOB SEINER. 1 11ESII ARE IV AL ! D WA • 401,3--- • nEN VII SA XTON. The subseriber having returned frolll the city would call the attention or his friends and the public generally to the large and well selected :I.:seam:Alt of Harthlllre which he lots just received, consisting In part of BUILD' NO 'I A 'Pl It I ALS, nails, screws, hinge:, locks, bolts, glass, putty, paints, oilp, TOM.S.—edge tools: saws and Manes o. 05E47 description, with files, rasps, hammers, anvils, &c. A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS ANIPSAD DIJERS TOOLS, together with morocco, lining and bind ing skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount ing, s:iddletrees, &e. COACH TRlMMlNG—eanvess (plain, enamelled, fig ured. and embossed,) patent 'and enamelled leather, axles, springs, hubs, spokes, felloes, shaits, Cabinet Makers will find a largo assortment of yarn kit es. mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding, rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, Ac. Tho stock of Iron is largo and well selected, compris ing all the kinds in general nse.ns hammered and rolled iron of all sires, that, bar and land Iron, round, square and oval iron. horse-shoe iron and nail rods, with a large lot of east and spring steel, English and American blis ter steel. Ac. lionseheopers and thr.se clout commencing will fled it to their advantage to call and examine our cutlery, Mit tania and plated ware pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, Ac. in addition to the above we have received n,splendid as,,,rtment pf WA LI. l'A mothin , the ,'t vl, tour Mete. and lit such as rive sill, it eiil 1 vtt , 'Choir Rvilit,ilixf tilt , OW I.a-t MAI Street Carlisle. . . gets 12, etM3. Ilea ICY_ XTO:sl. ES LI Altlll.l' A L OF 11 All P W A 12 E.--Tho subscriber having yet orned from the city has just opened for the Fall I rade a largo and urollselmited stock of forohfn and domestic Itaidualre, embracing everything lumeily found In that line f The attention of friends and the public C,olllsfally Is respectfully directed to the assortment (AI hand. a.. staring them that goods of all kinds will bo sold for ram!, at a very small advance ou manufacturers prices. lie. member the old stand, East Main Street. rarliale. Ea. Au, 30, Ixs 1. 11. SAXTON. • ~liel~iciit('s. V . II I 0 0 T 11 WAS 11.—Beautilu I NV hitt, Tooth I I oultily (hints 1111(1 .1 Sweet ho are th.:4lridts or olidoning thee...bullet:Ls should uss Zr: I:- MAN'S 0111,1.:11;t2ITED ASII. Thd+ I,llrious article. ,:dinhiuos try In:my merit'', i,als qualities that it. st.,edard farJrit , . with the iLlarlw ‘,. New Yeik. Idltla , lidithift and nallithere. Ldntlst iire• s.•ribi• it in their priedi, rdw,..entsfully, and tridn ewer, NOUN., the :11 , 1qt It:MOH:1:f 1:1111:Itil.IIS 3, awarded In'la'iu 1 , 1 , 1140 e ;;n:i,s Umn.sliotely Led by t, usoi it- avtiou upon them is mild. so,thing 011,1 t•if, tiro. It 4.1,,1n5es th, t•••••tli s, that an• woulr t., rival paarl In ivtlitolll , S..and the a LI-11.411t101 (rush s that 10,004 is muttered ov - ittigitel) 'we...l. I tdialisto s.‘ which told to pr.dit,... &city, autt. ns o,n -a • 111l11,1•0, Oh,. the tt) , (11 1/111A.. retn.thi ennui. it,,ati the .11,.stiag remit Dr. J. A. Cartiiatt: Mr F. 'Lerman—Sir: 11. wing u6ed and recommended your Tooth Wesh In my practleelor srmw time, I find It the mostMiertnal DontrMee Muse,and therefere recom mend It to the public. Dr. J. A. C.texvi, Dentist, MlTlshurg, Pa. Read the following testimony: Mn. Mast kN—De,ll . Sir: I hare fully tested the merits of your valUaido.Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita tion, recommend it as the best that has roma under my notice during an experience as Dentist of snore than six teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hzudens Irritated Hums, and imparts a delicious fragrance to the Breath. From the mouths of those who snake use of it, however, It will certainly speak for itself. Ore. P. Scuirct.v, Surgeon Dentist, 210, South Tenth at., Philadelphia. It is used and recommended by all the eminent Dent ists in Now York, Philadelphia. Baltimore, and other cities where it has been introduced. All should give it triaL riir Prepared only by Francis Zerman, DruggLst and Chemist. Philadelphia, and sold wholesale and retail by Samuel Elliott,.Carllsle, J. Dandle Wier, Mechanicsburg, .1. 11,0-ran, New ville. J. C. Shippemibuig, and by all Druggists at (ally 25 rents per bottle. EPILEPSY Can be Cured. Lake's VP.OETABLE COMPOUND, for' the cure of EPI LEPSY or Fits! ls performing more wonderful cure. than any other medicine yet known or beforo the PRICE FM DOLLARS A DirrTl,E, The proprietor has hi big possession numerous certifi cates. narrating, the astonishing and niira. culotte cnres effected by this medicine, and directs attention to the following only, to assure these tv he are so unfortunate to be afflicted with the terrible disease heretofore regaid oil incurable, that LAKed preparation 'IS ALMOST ITd CLIRF.I From Mrs. Brooks, widow of 1114: Jas. Brooks, Into of Conneaut, 0. CONNEAVT, Feb. 3, 1858. Mr. Z. LAKE—Sir: Please send no another bottle of Fit Medicine, as I do not like to be without It'otf hand. When I commenced giving the medicine to my son Ed ger, be had from ono to three fits per day. Ito hes now taken the medicine over Ise months, and has had, I think, but two fits hi that time, and those very light.— Ms body and mind are very much improved; and by the blessing of- Clod, 1 feel that the medicine will restore his body and mind to their wonted activity. lid is 28 years old, and has had fits over 12 years, which have been very frequent, and very destructive to hill consti tution and mind. Hundreds of dollars have boon ox punded for medicine to ".mats visa," but nothing has relieved him until ho used your medicine.' Respectfully yours, POLLY BROOKS. From Judson Landon, County §upeiintondent of the Ashtabula County Infirmary. Kriosvf tut, Feb. 40863, ,Mr. Z. TAKE—Sir: Please send a few more bottles of your "Fit Medicine;" I may not need It. but think tatt er to keep it on hand. Your median° has done wonddrs. I gave it to Miss Jane Delano; she has had fits for 20 years, brought on by havingi, the weasels. when but, four years old, which could not be &ought out to tho Surface. After taking the medicine a few days, BUS UAL A' Mt nor os )SEABWS, and has had no fits since. Rhohadfito or symptoms almost daily. She and her father concur with me in saying that we believe the medicine has or will work aperfect cure. I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane Henderson and Ails Corby, who have had fits almost daily, for a number of years. Their fits have reused, and 1 believe the medicine will have the desired effect. Much money has been expended by - the Ohends of the above .patients for doctoring. all to no purpose.— The ellrn was left for your medicine to perform, and 1 can checaully recommend It es - a valuable discovery.— Respectfully runs, JUDSON LANDON; Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary. Prepared and soldnt wholesale by Z. LAKE, Conneaut; Ohio. E, F. WELLF,II, travollog . apint. Sold by A. W. Haverstick. Carlisle; I. Thomas, Ivo.. chanicsbucg; D. W. Gross, Harrisburg. Oct; e-"ly* TRAW CUTTERS, HA C( Y )RN A ,II N EL D LER S s pn.ved Hay, Straw and Fodder Cutters, now on hand.— Also, double and single corn shelters for either hand or horse power, of the very latest manufacture, including the premium shinier at the late Pennsylvania State Fair. For sale by PASCUAL', MORRIS Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of 7th uJ Maiket, Philadelphia. Dec. 0, 1854—tf nlcbidtie9. ruHE GREATEST 1)18COVE1{Y OF •I'llE E—Farmers, Families and others, can pur chase no remedy 'equal to Dr. TOBIAS' Venetian Lin moot, Mr Dysentery, Colic, Croup, Chronic Itheuniatisni Ouinsey, Sore 'Throat, Tot Macho. p,O Sl.l.ncss, Cots Burns, Swellings, Old SureS, Munluito bites, .1 s.. t Stings, Pains hi the Limbs, Chest, Paek..t... lf it d. h 'not give relief, the money Is ill 1 e refunded—all that is haslnKi, in a trial, and use it are, Ming to direct ions. he article is an English remedy, and w - ts used by Wm. IV, KIM! of England. and certifed to by him, as a 1211111 ti r ltheumatlion, when everything else recommended by his ph) sit inns had failed. Over 10,000,000 of, bottles have been sold in the Puff: ed Staten, without a single MINI e, and families have stated that It was worth ;1 , 10 per bath>. they neve' would lo without it, In ease of Croup, as It Is as rektaln as it is applied. It ours Toothache In three Minutes; Headache in half an hour, and t Indera, 1, hen first thli• en, in a few hours. • It Is perfectly Innocent to take in ten:idly, and has the rt commendation of many of the oust eminent Physicians in the United States.- Trice, and :41 rents. Dr. Tobias has also put up a Liniment for 'Horses, In pHt bottles, which is warranted—cheaper and I titer th m any other. for thee — eure of Colic, Gans, Swellings, oldl.7ores, Cuts, Bruises, Scratches, Cracked Heel ; Price, 50 rents. Dr. Tobias could fill a dozen newspapers with the cm, titivates and letters received, relating to the wonderful cures accomplished by his Liniment, Lut considers that warranting it is sufflrient. AN any person who dries not obtain relief, need' not pay for it. There has been so much worthless medicine schl to the public. that l'r. To bias wishes his article to rest on its own , merits, and if he gives the value of the 1110111,y Ived, then he asks the patronage ISf the public. not otherwise. DR. TOBIAS' °Mee, 240 GREENWICH Etreet, New York. For sale by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut streets; lly ott & Son, 132. N. Second. street : T. It. Callender. SS S. T1)1111 street, and by the Druggihts through( ut the United states. eIARTER'S. SPANISH MIXTURE. -"•-• THE unvAT PURIFIER OF TIER t particle of ;Mercury In it. An infallible remedy h r Scrofula. King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Erupticno, Pimples or PUstules on the Face, Blot{ hes, Boils, Chronic t•oro Eyes, Ring Worm or Totter. Scald ilead, Enlargement,. and l'nin of the Bones and Joints, Stuborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, I.muhrigo, Spinal Complaints and all diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence In Life, or impurity of the vol_Thts great alterative medicine and Purifier of the is now used by thousands of grateful pal harts laa all teirts of tho United States, who testify daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatt•st, of all Limit "CARTER'S SPAN 1511 MIXTURE." Neuralg is, Rheumatism, mfula, Eruptions on the Skin ' bs. Liverb e. Fe\ ers, Ulcers. Old Sores, Affections of the Eitlne a - 111,,,,a5es of I.lm Throat, Female Complaints, Pains nod A: I.ing of the Bones Mid Joints, are very speedily put to algid by using this great and Inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing lots. yet been I mod to compare to it. It cleanses the system of nil Im purities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kid neys. strengthens the Digestion, gives tom to the Stom ach, makes the skin clear and healthy. and rest( res the Constituthm, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the exceres of youth, to its pristine Vigor and strength. For the Ladies it. It Incomparably hotter than all the costnet Ms ever used. A few doses of CUM.:WS : 1 1‘.01:11 MViTultx a ill remove all sallowness of complexion, bring the roses mantling to the ebeeb, give elasticity to the step. and improve the general health In a remarkable de graelvyrool all the medicines over heard of. The large number of certificates which we have receiv ed from from persons from all parts of the United Suites, Is the best evidence that there is no Humbug about it. The press, hotebleepers, magistrates, physicians, nod public men, well known to the community, all add their testimony to the wonderful effects of this iiBEAT 11.1.C0U PURIFIER. Call un the 'AGENT, and get a Circular and Almanac - . and read the wonderful cures this .truly greatest of all Medicines has performed. Fono genuine unless signed BEN NETT & BEEBE, Pro• prietors, No. 3, Pearl street, ltichmonti, Va. to whom all orders; for supplies and agencies must be addressed. • And for sale by S. Elliott. S. W. ilavetstieir, Carlisle ; Ira Day, Meiclutulesturg.; J. H. Berzon, Newvllle; J. C. Aitle, Shippensburg, and by dealers In wediethes every,; THE WONDER OF THE AGE:--t. For the cure of ,Saltrhenin, Chilblains, Common Sores. Chapped'or Crovbed Minds, Burns or Scalds, Cuts or 'Wounds, Piles, Inflammation of the Breast, bites of insects, Sore Lips. Pimples on the Fare, and Breaking put anti Sores ou Children, and all dbeases of the Rh!. This Ointment will cure the Soltthetuu and Burns, or Chapped bands, quicker and surer thou any other utedb clues of the kind before the public. To nubbtantlatu the above. I MU glvu.bundtCds Or CO , {".- tifitlitOti, but I consider it no km., as (any ',taunt ,Can do , the same, if they have friends. Pr even a worthless or. Cele) 1 rely solely on the merits of the Ointment for the public patronage, N. 11.—A single box of this °lntro! .t will keep any Blacksmith's, Fanner's, Sailor's, or re Louie's Minds, let thoul • chap or crack ever so had, sou it And in good work.. lug order all winter. Prepared au•t cold by 3111."ItOE TERitEI 4 Asugattick, Conn. -Sold Also by the principal Druggcsts, unit Counti y Mors chants. Price '25 cents per box. Nov: 111, 1553.-1 y • HAVE you a cold ?—aallolier's Elixir has acquired a Just celebrity for the cure of all diseases arlsingiwshimsevere colds, and Its efficacy has been attestod„adfd approved by hundreds of our most re spectable,cifisens. In every instance immediate relief has 'Rani - given, as the following certificate from those who have tried it bears testlmony• ,filanufucturcd and for sale by • JAMES GALLOIIER, Agent. . . . We the Undersigned do coillfribiiiii - e - h - tire 'used Gal loher's preparation for' Consumption, Colds, Diseases of the Lungs, Liver, ecc., and having experienced immedi ate relief therefrom would recommend it to all afflicted in that way; '' Thos. If. filrileS; 'Afro. M. Gould, It. If. McCoy, D. L. Wolf, l'otor Monyer,lll. , 8. llackott, Jaoph L9bneh, N. M. Woods. • Carlisle, April 25, 18b4-ly MAP OF CUMBETtLAND COUN TY.—From nnt►roly original Surveys, by actual measurement throughout the-whole county, by li. E. B1&ID11}INS,, - - ,The subscriber la now engaged In making Surreys preparatory to publishing n new and complete .Map of Cumberland County. upon n large Ado. Every Piddle Read nod Stream, with the locations of all-Mills, Reyes, linelllogs. and Public Buildings, will be accurately laid down. -All the Pnblie Buildings In the County will he Aistinetly Indicated, and the names of owpe c aor p co pa r • ty geneirdly,yill,ho.insertod in their proper positions on the Map. A Table,- of diatnnemi, statisties of the County, en larged plans of the. principal Villages, and a few of the most attraptive Awe in the County, will be Inserted In the margin; thus giving every satisfaction, and render. log the Map most valuable to the Owners of Property, Merehants,Travelers,ConVeramers,and the inhabitants generally, of the region delineated In as winch as this work is to be made up of actual surveys made upon the ground, it will require time to acco mplish ;It is not expected, therethre, that it will be ready fir publication much under the period of Two Years. The Site of the Map will be ahout fire feet by four, and will cost five dollars. 11. F. MON:if:NS; Publibher: N. E. corner of Marshall and Wood 6t. Philadelphia. Fept. 27-11epd. tkflcine9. 1 V E K COMPLAINT, llyspejitit Jaundice, chronic or Nervous debility, Dims sot t; oeys, and all diseases arising frr.m a dire, viii o Liver ;:tontach; such ac COliStipation, in ward plei Itliness of blood to the - tieu.di acidity of the sl+nrnsl nausea. hearthurn . ,:disgust fur food; fulness or weight It the stomach, sOuroructations, oinking or that,' li, 3 the pit of the fftonmelf, swlnarang of the he. d, hurt lo- :tint di 'Scutt:breathing, fluttering at the hem t, chr.1:111( or ,ffiforating sensations when in a lying imsture, dim ness of vision, dots or webs before) the sight, fever an , dull pals in the bead, deficiency- of..perspirath , o, yellow nes,. of the skin and eyes;'rffin hi the side, ba, k, hest k lins, it e., sudden flushest heat, burning in the fleet (a .nstant imaginings of evil, and great depressh n of spu its, ran be effectually mired by pr, Mot ta,:ofe CELL , !MATED GERMAN RATERS, propturd Po. C. Id ItelftioN,No. %Arai Street, Philadelphia: • , Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, equalled, by any other preparation in the United litatei us the cures attest, In many cases after skilful plus! chile( had fatted. • , The.° bitters nee worthy the 'attention of invalids.— l'essessing great vietues' in the rectification of disease of the Liver and lessor glands, exert:thing the zaps searching powers in weakness and affections of the di gustive organs, they are w Ithal safe, curtain and pleas ant. TESTIMONY FROM PENNSYLVANIA J. D. tSpring, Laceyville, Pit., April 8, 1854, says, can get you some good certificates p,r your German Bil hers in this vicinity if you with them. A lady purchai lug some of it this week, says that it is Ly far the Les medicine she mor know, having . dono her and he do ugh ter much good. ,t c. S. B. Lawson. Benford's Store, Somerset co, Po., Am 15. 1858, says, "1 nut much attached to your Genoa; Bitters, having used taBo 'bottles of It, vhich I procure from S. Huai., your agent at Somerset, and foubd grey relief from It in disease of the Liver. I 1 aid it he great effect on my hues, strenOhening and ix. igoratin them, which, as 1 am a public speaker, is a great help I tn.." Dr. Giles. Newton Munilien, Pa., May, 1051, said: " hay , • used myself half a dozen lx.ttles of your Gerzra ❑Mere for Liver Complaint turd disenses of a nerv, , t character, I et , illthog fry to the abuse of mercury. J a: pt Ist mill afflicted with Epaßms from the nun of tic latter art ivie. The German Litters is the first aril. , fore a huh I ohtalned any relief. I lifts e tali ell II article to many ()sviptivii, aRh the neat enltitary r stilts. I think as many snore bottle: will eure rue.' J. C. Young. Lay., of Lnui bin. writes Nay 5. '5 •`1 was afflicted with lletieral lute:Ulm] Weal iris and Contivenef n. for which I wed many ililTerer remedies o ithout I:nilief. 1 at last used your lb.utinod German Bittern. 1 tcelc it few bottles urearding to n•ections. and was vompletely cured. 1 limo lAA Loon healthy for ten years an I have been since I took )(A 111 01 ern, eehieh is /03• lit, y ear 14:' ," • These Bitters are 1 , ;1 . 1 , 1 , 3Y yr ,rC nea r. always strongtl ening the system ,and never prustiating It. cell by dealer< In limn. i and store! , espers orerl o here, and by INltuttol Elliott, S -W. llaversthk and W. Caullman, Carlinle : Enamor ,t Co., 'Meehan!, slur; Snyder 4: Dlehl, Newburg, at d by Dealers in 3ludielm generally. Nov. 22,1854-I.y DoUTOR YOUR SELF—PItIYATELY cents. by niekns'of the MCI ET iI.ht,CLAPIUS, Cr Ete! One HIS OWN PHYSICIAN The thirty-sixth Edition, wit one hundred engravings, shot log Private Diseases and Ma forinatiot , s of the Oenerati. System, in every shape, an form: to which is lidded Treatifie on the Diseases of F. ndes, intended fur the use females ouly,(see page 40) Is lug of the highest hors - Atm to married people or thosera *. Youxn, araduai of thollutversity of Pennsylvania, Member of the ilor al en of Surgeons, London. and Honor:11y Membe of the Philadelphia Medical society. The yarioue fora of Seeret, diseases, Seminal Wenklit.FS, Diseas,e of tt Prostrate Gland,lmpotency, solitary habits of youth,ai fdthfully described. and all the recelpts given in plal language. The chapters on kir abuse and Semita Weakness is worthy of mu ticular attention, and shout Le road by every ono. Young I men Mho have bean ut fortunate In contracting disease, pro t, no to piaci& yourselves under the rare of any dot tor. no matter win his pretensions may to, get a ropy ,•I this linty %alma. work. Sea Captalor and persona going to sea 'should posse Dr. 'Young's Treatise on Marriage. the Pocket ..tEseu/41 tie, or Every one Ms own Physichm. 4.72" Let no father be ashamed to preSent a copy of 11 21;scullyitts to his child. It may. sot hint fn ni an ear grave. Let no young man or tremor' enter into the t riot obligations of married life wit bout rerallugthope,, et Xsculapius. Let no one sinierinr, flion a haeknit cough, pain in the side, restless nights, nervous frelin and the whole train ofDyspeptie sensations. and gtv, tip by their physician, he anuther moment without to suiting the J'Esculaphis.. Have the married or the about to married any impediment, read this tru Useful llook.as It'lins teen•thp means of sating the minds of unfortunate creatures•fron. the tory Jaws death. Upwards, of a MILLION copies of this celetint. work has been sold itt this country and Europe since 1 39, when the 'first edition was Issued. : ' ' Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents e closed in,a letter, will receive one copy of this txx)k mall; or five copies will be sent for $l. Address' I WIELIAM YOU No. 11 . .2 t , pruce strea, Philadelphi ' Post paid. Twenty years practice in the city of Philadelphia Cl r tainly entitles Dr. Young to the c‘mticlence of the of dated, and lie may be consulted on any of tlin disease 3 &Meal/ell ill his II he re t publications, at his otlice. 152 Spruce street. every day - between 9 end 3o'cleek, Sun. days excepted) and persons at any distance con, consuk Dr. Young by letter, rear PAUL ' . Q A FL'—SPI?,EI )Y—SURE I—S o ni e- TlyiNG FOlt YOUR OWN BENEFIT!!! 'A —Medi cine mbpted to general use, greatly, superior to others, and within the menus of m-ery Individual. -.,p luU I'ILLS fLr twentydive antal No .oatnrtiop Sn prierno Calomel—no mineral poison whateCer. Dn. TOWNELNII'I,II.EA_LTII PILLS fully merit therreat repuilltion they have acquired. They are 'called for from nit parts of the laud, because Ztur .1.11/::41 2 . 11.1 T TEST CLAIM' TO 11E. •. WIDLT•THEY WILL DO—They purify.the bloo4:l,they dense the System of Riiews, they cure Dyspepsia and indigestion, they create an. Appetite, they curojilck Ileadache. bintinest; and Low Spirits. tbey arrest Fevers, they promote a healthy 'action of the Liver; they ire a sure cure for Costiveness and Habitual Constipation, they aro highlyeflicacioun in Female. Complaints; they strengthen and give tone to the System. They are ;be host Flintily Medicine known. • It in an obvious inquiry, how ono medicine can cure so many different complaints. Those Pills, hoirever, sire so compounded of curative materials that persons have on ly to TRY TILE,\I and the answer will be found In a is. stored &My and au invigorated constitution. Faah'ltox contains 100 Pills, at the ruitonishliskly price of 2d cents.. Every individual should•havathens- Tor sale by the Druggists and Storekeepers generally P. A.: Paiute, general AgeiA, Stonitigtoo.yCt., • r. A ....-MIRACLE OF SCIENCE: O. L Kolling, of Mechanicsburg, D Mechanicsburg,Cumberland co un, yi Pa., announces to those afilleted with Tumors. ‘ti t .ue.,Cancees, polypus, 'Avne r ?.toles or beret ula. Ring's Evil Alla nil diseases that have been usually trenaodwitb Caustic or Knife, he can remove thorn with out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chloroform of Ethoria administered to the •ruttlent; itis foe Matter on what part of the body they may bi‘, he ran remove thorn with perfect safety, and in a remarkably short Limo. No Mineral of Vegetable poison is applied, and tat money required until a titre isperfileted. Prelapsus Uteri, Female Complaluts, - Cluortie* Fens 're:timid all other diseases treated with positive success Full particulars can ISO obtained by adtirettalnithicelther English or Berman, pest paid.' Patients can bu 'aecom modeled with Board on remelted:de Lonna. • • • - Muchtualesburg Is one C. the prettiest -and healthy towns in, this or any ether • fltette. It Is b miles from liarrishurg, nn the Cumbeinand 'Valley Ball Read, and accessible from all parts of the Union. The Doctor will visit rises In any port of the State when desired. rys_Rind reader if you know any afflicted fellow rem tun), delay not to tell them of this treatment. IViI'ONNETS AND 13LOOMEItS.- A very largo assortment of the latest styles • fl Dunstable anti malt straw, Neapolitan, Halr, bare, Leghorn and novena+ Braid Bonnets, Minos and Children's Bloomers of various kinds, Si raW lir:this and Miura, Artiti,lal Flowers, Bonnet linings and Ribbons, dc., all of whlrh w pi b. sold elinap at the store of the subscriber , South Hanover F t roe t. RaRRAT DICK. ertrilslo, April :5,'65. . • M