Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 09, 1855, Image 5

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The Potato.
As the, season for planting potatoes is
drawing near, let me describe the best
varieties of this fine root. I will begin
with the white and yellow varieties :
Mercer or Meshanock.—This potato is
called the Mercer Potato from its having
originated in Mercer county, Pennsylva
nia, about the year 1812, from the ball
or seed of a potato planted by Joseph
Gilkey, who raised on the banks of the
Meshannock,'sometimes. called Meshan
nook creek, Vih'itih - has given rise to its
riaare, of the Meshannock Potato. It is
also known in some places as the Chenan
go l'otato. The Mercer -Potato is an
carry white variety, remarkable for the
whiteness and mealiness of its flesh, of
medium size, and equally if not
prior, to any other -for table use, and
"c..nronands a higher price in the Market
than the Pink-Eye, the English White,
the Long Red and most other potatoes,
and hence is the '' , eneral favorite L and ex
tensively cultivated, although rather un
Pink E,vc.—The Pink Eye Potato, so
called from its eyes being of a pink and
pinkish color, consists of two kinds, sim
ilar in their quantity, a long and a round
variety. White-skinned, with pinkish
eyes, very productive, excellent for table
use. And hence it is a universal favor
. ite;_and largely cultivated, as it is found
to be one of the most profitable that can
be raised, There is also a yellow-skin
ed variety with pink colored eyes of the
same quality.
Old English or Spanish ti h ite.
The old English or Spanish .White is a
productive and choice white variety,
nearly like the Pink Eye in quality, and
equally good for table use ; indeed some
regard it as the best of all varieties for
this purpose.
- White Blue-nose.---The White Blue-
Nose is a very early and mealy potato, of
medium size, and although not so pro
ductive as the Long Red and the Orange
Potato, is extensively cultivated in the
States of Maine & - Vermont,where it is so
highly esteemed for table use, that it-com
mands a greater price in the market than,
and has very near superseded, all other
varieties, as it is found to be the most
profitable kind to raise. The editor of
the Npw England Farmer says that the
White Blue-Nose, though a moderate
bearer, unless it receives generous treat
ment or culture, is decidedly the best po
tato for the table he ever cultivated.—
Origin of its name is unknown.
White Kidney or Foxite.—The White
Kidney, sometimes called the Foxite, is
an early potato, fine for table use and prof
itable to raise, and considerably cultiva
ted. It is called White Kidney from its
exterior color, and oblong and flatish or
Kidney shaped form.
Early Jane.—The Early June, so
called because it is, in good seasons,-fit
for the table ear y in' June, is a round
white potato; very early, yields well, and
is fine for the table for summer use, and
hence one of the most profitable varieties
that can be cultivated. It is sometimes
called the Mountain Juno, but for what
reason I am unable to say.
arheart.—The Oxheart, so called, I
presume, from its resembling in size the
heart of a full grown ox, is a large round
White potato, with pink colored eyes,
rather coarse grained, but productive.—
This variety is apt to-be -unsound or hol-
low at its core or heart, but has on suita
ble soils, sometimes grown of such extra
ordinary size as to weigh from one to two
and a half pounds each, and still be sound
and solid at the heart.
Flesh-Colored - Poialo.----The Flesh
Colored Potato, so called from its resem
bling the skin of the white man, in color,
is a productive variety, more solid than
tie Mercer and the Carter, also more sol
id and better for table use than the Me-
lino Potato, and is on all accounts wor
thy of cultivation.
. 0 rive Potfao.—The Orange Pot*,
so palled from its round or orange like
forrn,and color, is also hardier than the
°Metter and the Charter Potato, very pro
ductive, and is. by , some esteemed the
best Potatoe, -or at least among . the heel,
and every way worthy of ouTvoCorissab
• Irish Grey.—The Irrah-Grey .r .ualle#
suppose from the grey rte.% of.rtgi , (Abr.,
also milks among the best varieties, suoh
its the Mei.Cer, Pink-Eye, Orange Pota
to, Blue and Red Meshannoek, &c., and
is a good deal cultivated in some places.
An Antidote to the Potato Rot.
Professor Bollman, of the Russian Ag
ricultural Institute; has published a pana- -
pith - A on the potato-rot, and he announces
to the world that mere drying, if conduc
ted at a sufficiently high temperature,
and continuediong enough, is a complete
antidode to the disease. This result was
ascertained by repeated experiment con
ducted for a series of years. The tem
perature required to produce the desired
result is not very clearly made out. Mr.
Bollman's room, in which his first pota
toes were dried, was heated to about sev
enty-nine degrees, and much higher. By
way of experiment, he placed others in
the chamber of the stove itself, where the
thermometer stood at one hundred and
thirty-six degrees, and more. He also
ascertained that the vitality of the potato
is not affected, even if the rind is char
red. This hint may be useful, and with
similar experiments, carefully conducted,
the fact may be established.
1 21.171111.1W1LLF.1 FEMALE SEMI
NARY.—This Institution will open on the first
Monday of Nardi, In h new and commodious building
erected for that purpose, tinder the direction and super
intendence of Rev. J. Kennedy and Samuel 'Photos
The location of the Seminary is healthy and retired.—
It is the design of the ••Principal that the course of in
struction be thorough, mid the expenses moderato.
The best female teachers will ho omployed. Pupils
ern be Arranged in classes according to the direction of
the Priuripal. There will be three classes—Primary,
Junior and Senior.
For board, washing, fuel and light, per session
of 4 months,
Tuition in Senior class per session,
II reek, Latin or French,
Masi.. on Plane and usesif Instrument,
Oil painting and drawing,
For further information address
J. KENNEDY, Principal,
January 17, 1855.-2 m Fayettville, Franklin Co. Pa.
11'1. SHADE tliP, Huntingdon County, Penn.
Ti,” next session of this well known Institution will
open the first Wednesday In May. It is located at Shade
(lap, eighteen miles front the Mount Union station on
the Pennsylvania Itallrortd, from which place there is a
dally line of stages. Being situated In the country It Is
ramoved from all the vices and temptations of town.—
The buildings arc large ' airy and commodious, capable of
aotuntodatim , some 50 boarders. Those who cannot
be acconamlated in the Institution can obtain good
guarding in the neighborhood at $1 50 per week.
TERMS.-$56 per session of five months payable guar ,
ly in advance; Washing 30 cte per doe; light and fuel
extra. Nor further particulars address.
W. WOODS; Principal.
The Principals address will he Easton l'a. until the
Ist of April after which time Shade Oap, Huntingdon
Co. Pa. • March 14th.
miles west of Harrisburg. The/ninth Session
of this popular and flourishing Institution will com
mence on Monday, the 7th of May next, under the
most favorable auspices. During the present year such
Improvements and additions have been rondo as Its In
creasing patronage demanded. Tho Principal will bo as
sisted by a full corps of competent and experienced
teachers, and fipocial attention will be paid to the health
and comfort of the Students.
Boarding, Washing and Tuition in tho English Branch
es, and Vocal Music, per Session, (5 months) $50.0(i
instruction in Latin and Greek, each, - 10 00
41 French and German - 5.00
• .• •
The attention of parents and guardians is earnestly
invited to this Institution. Circulars will be furnished
iid any Information will too given, on application, el thew
personal or by letter to
D. DENLINGER, Principal,
Harrisburg,. Pa.
Afar. 14, 1855
L EMY, near Car Pa. Tho 18th Session will com
monco. on TUESDAY, May Ist, 1855. Number of Stu
dents liralted,snd constant efforts .usod for their moral
and intellectual hnprorement. Terms. $65 per session.
Circulars with reforances'and full influmation furnish
ed, by It. K. BURNS,
Principal and Proprietor,
April 18-1855. Onmberbpd co. Pa
This Institution prosents suporior facilltios to young
men desirous of obtaining a practical bualness educa
The course of study embraces Double Entry Book
eeping, as practically applied to the management of
Mercantile, Dank, Manufacturing and Steamboat 'looks
—ilusiness Penmanship and Mercantile Computations
Lectures on Commercial Law—upon the sub•
ject of Dills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Contracts,
Partnerships, kc., &c.
Tho exercises aro strictly practical, being deducted
from actual business transactions, and so completely
combine practice with theory that students, on comple
tion of the course, are In every respect competent to
conduct,M2 Scientific principles, any set of Double Entry
Books. The students have access to a Commercial Li
brary procured expressly for their accomModation.
Vaunt length of time to complete the whole course,
from 8 to 10 weeks.
For particulars write and receive a circular by mall
april 11
1, of you who have boon afflicted for years with this
bothersome disease, and who have been using almost
every Nostrum before tho public without relief, we say
to you try Kieffer's Anti Dyspeptic" and you will soon
be convinced of its great superiority over every other
preparation. We could give you mar y certLOcates carob.
orating our usortions; but a single trial is worth snore
than all. This remedy
is prepared and sold at the Drug
Store of D. J. !MIFFED-, South Hanover street, a few
doors south of the Court House, Carlisle.
No. 59 Cho/mtt near Socomi,Fhiladelphla
• y Iles now arranged and completed his
stock for the Spring of 1.855, as lbllows:
:7 VEGETABLE SEEDS—in great Varie
t ' ty, including the finest varietkui of Beans
Boots, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lottuce,oo-
Radlshos, Ac. dm.lons, Malone, Egg-plant, Tomatoes, Peas,
• • •
. . ,
FLOWER SEEDS .— IIia collection is unequalled by
any In this country fbr extent and qu ality , end embra.
ter the threat varieties of Asters. tocks, Carnations,
ranslos, Wallflowers, Daisy, &e. • •
GRASS SEEDS—of all kinds, including7tineandOroon
Grass, White Dutch Clover, Sweet Scented Yarnell:hem,
Rorrounial Ray Grass, Ducerne; go.,
ROSES, &a,—Choice irter.hlooming Roses, Crimolltai,
V erbenas, Pahlliti, Grope Vines, Fruit Trees, Shrubbery,
ie:• • S. W. IfAVEIISTICK,
feb2B Agontibr
.:;i1k. , !.)
gs&ttioa:t , 4).ti-ellatoa
i3u9inetio barbs.
yTlCE.—Notice is hereby given
teatj I have, this day, associated with me In the
practice of my profession. Win. M. Penrose and Thosl-M.
Biddle, Esqrs. All business, in future will he attended
toby the alx,vo under the firm of —ltmaLe & PENIIOSC"
Feb. 14th 1855. W. M. BIDDLE, At'ty at Law.
11 P. HUMRICH., Attorney at La,w.
—Office in Bootem's 110 W. All business entrust
ed to him will be promptly attended to.
nt haw. Office In Main Street. Carlisle, Pa.—
thy - Business entrusted to film will he promptly at
tended to. met), 7. q,15.
A_ N. U REEN, Attorney at law, has
• settled in Merhaniesburg, for the practice of his
profession. Alt kinds of Legal Writing, Collections,
Court business, &c., promptly attended to. Office oppo
site Dr. Long's residence. SURVEYING in all its diffe
rent branches promptly attended to.
( ii .
- 1 B. COLE Attorney at Law, will at
tend promptly to all business entrusted to him.—
0 co in the room formerly occupied by William Irvine,
Esq., North Ilanover street, Carlisle.
April 20,1852. .
WRWATIIIC PHYSICIAN. Office and residence
on Louther street, one door east of the German Re
formed Church. Or. Blumenthal respectfully offers his
professional services to the citizens of Carlisle and vi
Ard - "l'ersons from n distance laboring under chronic
diseases may consult by letter. Office hours, from 7 to
9 A. \t., and 2 to 4 P. M. septfl,'s.tti
TAR. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North
street two doors from Weise & Campbell's
store. Office hours, more particularly from 7 to D o'clock,
A. M., and from to 7 o'clock, I'. M.
UJr DENTIST imrefully attends to all
-seas operations upon the teeth and adjacent
parts that disease or irregularity may require. Ile will
also insert Artificial Teeth of every description. such as
Pivot. Single and Mori: teeth, and teeth with "Contin
liums." and will construct Artificial Palates. 01,
toraCirs. I e ulating Pieces. itlid tit Cry applimoie used in
the Dental Art. --4 )IWIT MOM at the residence of
Dr. Samuel Elliott \\est High street, Carlisle.
(I El 1111 ; E z.Bit ETz,.l).
X s.. nENTIST.,--Itevevtfitlly
'llll 4- ' * " . " . tenders his protesslongl serving: to the
public. Artificial teeth Inserted, from
a single tuft an entire set. on the alert and most
a-proved principles. Such as :single, Mock, and "Con:
thitunis (inn' Tooth. - Invesisos of the ylouth and Ir
regularities :girorully treatnl. (IFFIrE at the residence
of his Mother, on North l'itt Street. Carlisle. jan 10
MIS will perform
it l operations upon the
Teeth that are required for their preservation, such as
Scaling, Filing, - Plugging, &e.. Or will rostoro the loss of
them by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth
to a full sett. .0:4- Office on Pitt street, n few (Mors
south of the Ii dlr nd Hotel. Dr. 1.. Is absent from Car
lisle the last ten days of everylnont h.
N. ROSENSTEEI., House, sign,
Fancy anti ornamental Painter. On in's (formed)
Harper's Row, near [Domes Dry (Mork Store, lie trill
attend promptly to all the alxue descriptions of paint
log, at reasonable 'krAces. Tito seldom, kinds of graining
attended to, such its mahogany, oak, walnut, &c., In the
improved styles.
$4O 00
8 00
0 00
4 00
5 00
15 09
W. 1311ANDT, "Manufacturer of
k_A •• Mineral Witten:. French Mend,
Bottled Ale, l'ortor and Cider,
North Ens( Street, near the Hall Road Bridge, Carlisle
Stour, & Olin-ware.
QTO V .P:8 ! sT( ) v Es,! STOVES !!!-
Ly JOHN D. GORGAS would Inform the public that
ho has now on hand at his establishment, on Main St.,
next door to Marlon Hall, the largest and most coin
plete assortment of COOK, OFFICE A: PAR
LOR STOVES to be found In this county,
11 . 1 ' which will he sold at the lowest prices for
Llzi cash or approved credit. His stock consists of
, a large assortment of now and highly ap
proved PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished
In the most complete manner, and calculated for either
wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns
which have stood the test of experience, may be found
at his establishment. Also, a great variety of the most
approved and beautiful PARIAMt OFFICE STOVES, in
cluding a number of now styles, possessing very supe
rior advantages over those heretofore In also. Families
and housekeepers are respectfully invited to give him a
call before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to
any part of the country and put up at the shortest no
tice. lie continues to dealt kinds of TIN AND SHEET
lItON WARE, and Copper Work, and has constantly on
hand or will make to order every article required by
housekeepers or others In this lino. His stock of Tin
and Copper Ware embraces every kind of household and
kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the best 'manta*.
tuned. .Persons in want of articles in his lino may al
ways be sure of being accommodated to their satisfaction
by giving him a call. f novl-1854
o subscriber at his old stand on North Hanover st.,
Carlisle, the sign of the “Mammoth Red Coffee Pot," de
sires to call the attention of the public to his large as
sortment of STOVES, of the newest and most fashions,
blo styles, from the best manufactories in the
country, and at ail prices from $3 to $l5.
Among his PARLOR & CHAMBER STOVES are the Mirror Stove, tip Arctic. Revere, Star,.
Persian, Union and "Etna Air Tight, together
1 with other patterns which be has of all. sixes
for parlors or chambers, and calculated fur burning either
wood or coal. Also, the "Etna, Glebe, Astor, Albany,
Flat-top and Bandbox Or Poor Man's, with ether COOK
ING STOVES, comprising the latest Improvements iu
kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.—
Also, the Dining Room Cooking Store—a new and °le
gaol. article, to which ho invites the particular atten
tion of families. His cooking stoves range in price Orem
$lO to 25, with the fixtures complete. Also, ?v ino Plate
Stoves of various patterns and different prices.
ing Stoves, brass Kettles, &c. Also, every article in the
line of Tin and Cop per Ware. The public' are respect
fully invited to lashe is confident with his large
stock, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en
tire satisfaction' to every purchaser. Call and see.
Oct. 25, 1854. M. MORRIS.
RICH &ARGENT, No, 410 lEarket street, Phlbsda
This cutter is superior to any now in use, for strength
durability, and simpltoity of construction; It cuts fat.
er, and irthe only selfsbutrponing Hay, Straw and Corn
Stllk Cutter ever made. 111 has but ONE STRAIGHT
KNIPE, which any person can grind and sot with ease,
but In ordinary ease, is ground In the machine. Thou.-.
esitds have already been sold, and the demand Is daily
Increasing. En moat cases an exinilnation Is SUMCIOnt
to convince one nf its superiority. No ono after a short
trial-would part With it ler any other. MI si r es of the
Shove constantly on hand and tbr saint.) , . .
J. P. LYNE,.
Sole Agent for Cumberland county.
s, ' i
luti a k) Papertown, Cumberland county.—
'; ASICELL SEY MOUE. continuo Whop
taturN gm ply Lumber of all kinds, at the shortest
notice, and on tonne' lower than can be
had elseichere. All orders directed to E. HASKELL, l'a
pertown, or WM. D. Smrnetra, Jr., Carlisle, will be prompt.
ly attended to.
Feb. :22-ly •
jr INt:.--The undersigned would inform the
, eitiiens of Carlisle that he has made arrange
ments to doll AS FigTl NO and PLUMBING nt short to.-
tire, and on reasfaiable terms. lie has engaged the ser
vices of a first rate hand from Philadelphia. and has sup
plied himself with an ex tensh e assortment of FIXT
URES, whi. h will enable him to fill all orders promptly.
All work will he warranted. His stock of Gas Fixtures
willls, found in the room exactly opposite his Tinning
establishment on North Hanover street, where ho invites
a roll.
TINNING, SPOUTING, ,4c.—fle Is also prepared to
furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN WARE
used by housekeepers and others. Hell also attend
and PLUM NO.
Thankful fbr the patronage with which he hasalready
been favored, he respectfully solicits a continuance of
the same.
Carlisle, June 14, '54
lIEILEN respectfully informs the citizens of Car
lisle and vicinity, that ho has just return- .
~...'\` . i i ed from California, and Is prepared teem).
....ttzelo' cute all kinds of work connected with his
x-'''.l , -:-. line of business. Ile has always on band
~' .-,, a large assortment of ready-made Mrs,
Guns. Pistols. Locks, Keys. Gun Trimmings ' ac., all of
which he will sell N%holosale or retail. Ile also attends
to repairing lions, clocks, locks, Ar; engraves on brass,
copper and iron. Ile hopes that by strict attention to
business. and a desire to please. he will merit and reeeive
public patronage.
Jr - All kinds of Fire Arms made t . o) ._ rder.
Carlisle. April '26, IFS-I—ly ...
a 11. • L P LEN DID JEW
„ • 1., j ELIIIN Holiday Pres
-, u , ents. A:c.—T II OAI A $ CI IN•
j ? .O I.V N. West High street. tifew
.t 9 3 rot et ilurkholdeCs
8 Hotel, Carlisle. has just re
- 't 7 6 5 •' . l relved the largest and most
-, •
elegant assortment of supe
rior Jewelry ever o iterr ! in Carlisle,. consisting In pal t
of toll and liver NI /Itches of c‘ery variety. and at nil
privet,. ttbtlit-day CLol•hti. and tea spoons,
silver table fists aid butter knives. gold and silver
111.11C`W• I:11 gen t I enteu s • gold pen and point),
gold hairs of et err tr I lit ion. ear and finger rings,
breast pins. A at nil pt I. es. Also Arg otatons and Mu
steal Motes. It itit a great tirlety of Fancy Articles. se
lected eN pressly tor the llolnlity F. PV rot desiring to
pureba•e are Imtited t • (tall and examinetheassortmont.
We are prepared to :tell at very reasonable pikes. Qual
ity of goods vrarrnuttrd to be as Um', as sold for.
T 110 :11 A:4 CoN LYN.
West high et.
i ARLON II ALL 1)A (11. 1 1:1113 EAN
.. i ltOO7llS.—A. G. l(F.F.Thivt log taken tlw Papier
man rooms in Marion liall. known as A. It. 'fultb's Gal
lery. desirts to Inform the ladies and Gentlemen of Car
lisle that he is prepared to take Likenesses in the most
supoil .r style of the art such as e 11l fully sustain the
reputation of this popular establishment. ills roe ms
are large. illt•aNnitly situated 111,1 et nifitrtably furnish lIP is pros hied IN it it the roost powerful anti perfect
instrument fttr tat log pittures - anti warrants satisfite
lion iti all eases. A full supply of rases of every variety
of style and size, plain and ornament:ll:kept constantly
on hand. Engravings, Paintings, he., accurately copied
and duplicates token of original likeneses. Likeneses
taken of sick or deceased persons. Priers moderate and
satisfaction given in all cases. 'rite public is invited to
call at the Marion Hall Daguerrenn Rooms and examine
the nutnerous specimen s.
Ale • Daguerreotypes inserted in Lockets, Breast Plus,
Finger Dings. Pent II Heads, tic.
Carlisle, June 14. '54.
kj INC.. The sit} scriber continuos to carry on the
above busines,in all its various branclies. in North Han
over street. Carlisle. two doers North of Leonard's corner
where ho intends keeping on band a general assortment
In his line, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD
DLES, Bridles, Martingales, Girths,
Circingles and Iledtei solso TRUNKS,
V 4 1 ,. OVA v traveling and saddle =I. ~•••%,..„
'.! 114\M t ul g to g ium " s e a re ros n ; .ein t
IT" mp r io l v N ed o S s f d . „, s o N lii
I': 'ovcoac ;•
! t i red Inthis
cliL some. durable and pleasant saddle
. . will do well to call and see them. Ho
:a also manufactures Harness, 'ladles,
Collars and Whips in all their sorb
ties, and confidently I...Beres from the general approba
tion of hts customers, that ho makes tho neatest and
best gears, In all their variety of /medal, that Is made in
the country. Ile also makes all kinds of Matrasses to
order, viz: Straw. Husk, Curled Hair and Spring Mat.
moms. All the alarm 0 nrtIVICS Will be mule of the best
material and workmanship, and with the utmost des
patch. WM. OSBWIN.
) or has an assortment of fashionable and well made
ITIIIMI, which will he sold off at cost for cash.
The stock consists of Cloth and Cashmarett Coats,Lin
en and Gingham Cods, Tweed and Jean Coats; Mariwills
Silk and Satin Vestibg; Cassimers..lean's and
taloons, Linen and Cottonnde pnntaloons, with all kinds
of Clothing usually found in n clothing store. ,
Intending to relinquish this branch of my busindss,
great bargains can be hod by calling soon at the cheap
CAIIPETINo.--A few places Just reedvnlfiomauetloi
and Fell' ug very low .
Juno 21, ',54
SCHANCK' CAYAIPANY of Cumberland county, Incorpo
rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully orminised, and
in operation under the management of the following
commissioners, viz:
Daniel Bailey, William It. Como, Michael Cocklin,
Moichoir Brenneman, Christian BLnp:flan, John C.. Du
nlap, Jacob H. Coover , Lewis Byer, Henry Logan, Benja
min 11. Alusscr, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wickersham,
Alexander Cathcart.
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable an any
Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to
become members axe invited to make application to the
agentiof the company, who are willing to wait upon
them at auy time.
BENJ. 11.
HENRY LOGAN, Vice President.BlOSSEß, President.
MICHAEL COCK LIN, T LEWIS RYER, Secretaryreasurer.
Itudelph Martin, N. Cunt.
berland; C. B. Herman, Rlnavtown; Henry Zearing,
Shiremanstown • Midas 8011 , Carlisle ; Dr. J. Abl,
Churehtown gamuel Grahain, West Pennsbommih
James Mc Dowel. Frankford; ModeOrlfrlth, &ith Mid
dleton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Ifaveratleß, Meehan
leshurg; John Sheri-lick; Lisburn; David CooVer, Bbep-
. .
YORK CODNTY.—John Ikurman, Dlilsburg ;, Peter
Woithrd, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington; W.
8. Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft. Paradise.
liAltRISDURO.—Houser & I.ortiman.
Members of the company haying policies about to ex
pire can have them renewed by making application to
any of the agent..
full supply of the above celebrated Olitiria, not
on hand of all the different sizes, from 4 gallons to 80,
It received the first premium. at the late Panoratrent&
State Valr, the first premium at the Iltanklin Institute
and Delaware and Maryland State , / Palm, and 'various'
others at different places. It will make more and better
butter from 'a given amount of cream, less time'
than any churn In the market. For sale wholesale and
retail byl rAseirma 4 MORRIS 4 (A,
Agricultural Witielmuse and Scott Store, corner of 71. k.
and Market, Philadelphia. Dock 0, 18“—.u,
WARE and FANCY 000 1 / B .= l -2441 e
I HMS , , I
meta of the finest quality, for sale at the lowest rat
prices, at Wm. C:ELTONIIEAVS, No. Ib4 South Ser. n
Street between Pint! and 'Union, west side, Philadellb
The assortment embraces a largo and select st, . t.
Fine Watches, Jewelry Silver Ware, Anuta Ware, pla t.
with fine silver, In Spoons, Forts, Ladlesolic.—Jet to - 4 d
Fans and fancy articles of a superior quality, (losers ii.
the examination of these who desire to procure the I .:
~,, . 71 goods at the lowest cash prices.
-se - ,_I" Having a practical know lude,
:1-i-1.r...„,___.:„.( - ! - : 6 1 , , the business,and all availahle fa. II
- ---, - , --' -`-- ties for Importing and Mar ono 111
'ing, the subscriber confidently MI ites purchnsets. 1
Ilevlng that he can supply them on tot ms as fill I 11, I
ns any. other establishment in either of the Alla' t
All kludi - : Dlnmondrc and Penni Jewelry and Sil
Ware inanlfncturud toe rder. NN itLin n rent•tnnt Ie the
11 , 9_1Vattlies, jewelry and silver ware fiiltl fully !-
paired: W5l. V.ELTON 11 I' ft I),
No. 284 Sconth 2d St. a few doors above the 2.1 St. 51a
ket, West Side.
tr - 9 , „..1n the rs nth window of the store, may le Crs
the famous Bird Clock, which coinnuinds the adndratit
of the scientific and curious. (Sept. 28, 'B4—lyr.
AY - I,l3lE.—From City d: Union Won . ),
nufde after the most impnrced arts.losnnd verpsuperir
Prepared Anti) di Ito Manure. made after the English a
Lisle. and most surrerier. Icing much lower than Guam
and fully equal. The attention of Dealers and Forme,
in pattVularly called here fortrial. Also, Permian CI
ann. in large or small quantith n, for sale by. •
.1.2 South Wharves, 2d door al ovo Chestnut St. Phila
Felit.27, ]SM..
TING FURNACE.—'IIie subscriber would call th
elation of all partite requiring n dCalrable kbron,
The reputation of this furnace is now known, havir
hem intrcdueed -during the past five years into al, t.
Ifitl public buildings and more than GOl,O private duel'
ings; this together with the immense increase of sal,
of try year is the best evidence that can 10 adduced ,
its superiority is or all other furnui es. fly the use,
FUITI:Iee. you secure the ftlltAitilg advantage:
lore VI:NIP/MON:
BE Air.—The heating surfaces 1 ring et a temper:
Lure that will ni t desrecate the
vii Al. :41 t
DURAl l ll.l)Y—lleing made entirely of Cart irrr
not lial la to rust, u ill inquire no repairs dui kg a lili
time—lt Is easily isianapi.d., mud will 11(4e1k IA Sr tic I
ill!. fn o I lnh it is placed to danger lir in file: like IL
4.ther furl arr S.
We len e the testhnonials of hundreds of the true
scientific Well to attest to the truth of the aLmo shit,
ment. all 14 An h, in pronounce it to he derided') the I es
furrace yet ler ei ted f..r pi - educing. a pure anal health
atmosphere. We herewith — annex the r 33103 of a fur
well kfICAN In and eminent professors, n ho har e used thou
and kindly furnished us their names and roferetai s
Prof. John S. Hart, Prof. Parker, Prof. Norton, Tree
Al in. 11. Allan, Prot. Parsens,Prof. banalds, Prof. it. Cii
iman, Prof.
We have introduced this SCIISOD ill o new sizes, iwt tha
nil parties may as nil themselves of this great intprc.‘e
meat at a vory moderato (-est. II e ure nprepured t.
furnish au tips:lotus to warm a single ruin, ur the larg
est 1 %Wiling in the reentry.
Nu. l Portable Complete, $
2 do do
3 do do ..
4 do for brivk work
5 do do
3 Extia Radiator, Ca lib Tors and rm.(
3 do do do . Fr
5 do _ do do lb 7
6 do do do l::'
\his No. 7 is the largest and most powerful Furrun 4.
made in this country, and is admirably adaltod tit
Churches and t tiler large class buildings.
'he continue to sell the apparatus at the same price
as when introduced, live yrzus ago. Although the
present With price of *on has increased their cost 25 per
cent ()whip to their great weight, still we are enabled by
the great increase of attics to furnish the at th le at the
lowest possible price. One foundry alone, Messrs. IA ar
nick Aheibrandt„ has° contracted to furnish us with ,bg
tons of Furnaces this reason, so that we are now prepar
ed to furniSil therm wholesale and retail. We Euperint era
the erection [loll lurnaces, w hen required, and war
rant them in all cases.
the nit st complete Cooking Lange that has yet I cen in•
trrdtired, to which we call the attention of all u he a ny
wish to secure the most perfect and desirable cooking ap
Paratus el or Invented.
only Agents in Pennsylvania for the manufacture end
dale t.f . this Ventilator, n Melt is acknowledged to Le the
only perfect Ventaintor ever made fkr correttirg Ito
draught in smoky chlmnies, and for ventiletli g build
lugs of all kinds. As there are a great many imitations
of this valuable article now offered tier Fa le, pains will
be careful to examine that it has the Emerson tadge at
have the largest anp most complete assortment of lint
At: Registers and Ventilators to le found in the Unit' d
Stites. Parties Who wish to purchase either for pat ote
use or wholesale, w ill End it greatly to their Villallibiye
to examine their stock.
SLATE AND IRON DIANTLES.—We have ahisys on
hand an extensive assortment of these beautiful u:ax•
tics, in exact imitatitn of Egyptian, Spanish,Gaiwny and
other rare marbles.
OPEN ORATES.—For Anthracite and Ilituminons
Coe Also, an entire new pattern of the low down
Grata, from the English Patterns, and entirely
neu in this ',try.
SOLE AGENTS for tho English Encaustic Floorirg
Tile, O arn k irk Chimney Tops and Terra Cotta Ornamen t
Ruch as Oarden Vases, de.
Persons about building would do well to examine fur
stock before purchasing elsewhere. Visitors, attethcr
purchasing or not, are cordially welcomed to our exten
sive Wareroems, and where we should Le happy to fur
nish any information respecting any of our gods that
may be desired. A lx.ok on Warming and Ventilating
can be had gratuitously at our store, either perssusily
or by letter. S. A. HARBISON,
Warming and Ventilating Warehouse,
146 Walnut st., below Sixth,
I'lllLl nmen lA.
CHAS. 0011.11 Y
Mfty 31-7 ml
jc- )(1);1114.-1•niAtoritoPtIliele)
r e
l e e l b t
m l I
t ll e ll d 1
a(.. Artiste niurv i o n .
ti l m i t Zl i
n i
g r
g and Elastic Band Toupees. Instructions to enable
Ladies and Gentlemen to measure their heads mitb ac
Fon Wino, inchea.—No..l. The round of the head; No.
2. From forehead over the head to the neck; No.
From ear to ear over the top; No. 4. From ear to ear
round the forehead.
Toupees and scalps, Inches.—No. I. From forehead to
back auslar as bald; No. 2. Ctror forehead as far as requir
ed; No, 3. OTOr the crown of the head.
•• • .
DOLLARD has always ready fOr sale cc splendid
stock of Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Ladles' 11Igs. hell Wigs,
Fillets, Braids, Curls, de., beautifully manufactured and
as cheap as any establishment in the Union.
Dollard, Hertanium Extractor Lustrous lisle Tonic,
prepared groin Routh American Herbs and Roots, the
most successful article ever prodneedibr preserving the
hair from Alan* out or changing color, restoring and
preserving it In a healthy and luirulant state. Among
other reasons why Dollard's hair cutting saloon main•
tains its immense popularity is the &et that his Tonic is
applied to every head of hair cut at his establishment,
ceasequiently It is kept In better preservation than un•
der any known application. It being thus practically
tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of its
Sold wholesale and retail at his Old Establishment 177
Chestnut street opposite the State House, kblladelprus,
R. Dollard has at least discovered the no plus ultra of
HAIR DYE, and announces it the sale with perfect core
fidonee in Ito surpassing every thing of the kind new In
use. It colors the hair either black or brown, (as may
be desired) and. is used without injury to the hair er
akin either by stela or otherwise., tan be washed off in
ton 'minutes after application, without detracting bout
its efficacy. ' Pertionsvisiting the city are invited to give
him a call.
Letters addressed to R. DOLLARD, 177 Chestnut eLta
will recollfe attention. An. 21-7/
- I.llllE.—The uubseli m' bers u Agents In
p r tho above fbritUre_,i whl,ebium been fully tustett
lbr the led three years. 'H url y orders - uoliclted as the'
supply will be limited, Also, ter sale' beet'Perurfau
mamma Guano 149: 1.
. .
`Ol, • pAsCrfAtL monnTs & -
Agricultinll 'lrtlieboum and Feed Store', E. corner
Ith and 31arkid streotk, /1111adetphte. fhcl'Goi
" ipliilabclpl)in