"Ncw 3 th.rti - Eiculcut.c3:— .. zr i 1 The most splendid a 5.... ....- • ill assortment of 'loses ever re '- t, '"itji ' .q - sewed in Carlisle may Lm had ''' ~,„ ~ ~ at the -Whitehall Nurseries. . ''• . - Ar Ile east of the railroad bridge.— ,_ ,^4 Comprising China or Daily. i , - i r . ,.. , ,, , , isle do Bourbon, Tea;Noisette. - q • "TA Ilybred perpetual or Romoo - t • e 31 r. fm- Mtn t,gold Damask Roses, of all 't • —. the newest and most dotilmbm i ~. sorts. The plants are all in bloom whirl! will enable pm clam. to malts their soledt ions airreehly to their respective tastes. The assortment comprises almost every shade of Color, and will be sold below city prices. T 4 AND FOR SALF , OR BARTER.- I will Sell or hurter, a tract of land in Monroe t .woship, Betlf rd 0 nnty, Penn:LcObtaining SIX lIIP. • fItDDS: SIXTY FIVE ACRES. is miles fom the town of Clem - 0110, ten lt milessituate souththree of bloody ran, and eighteen north of Hancock Did—tile latter place situate on the Chesapeake anti Ohio Canal and contigu ous to the Baltimore :Lad Ohio Railroad, affording sit all timesain excellent inarket.,for lumber, produce, &c., and furnishing supplies of plaster, salt and Groceries at rely little above city prices. About two hundred acres .of the land is cleared. fifteen of which is .natural ineatio‘t land, the' balance is under tolerable cultivation. The soil • is of medium quality, part slate, part red shah. 1 s.. tlint, &c., The improvements are a two story 1 111 LOG HOUSE, log kitchen an d log barn, nod a tII good saw mill—this property would divide very very well into three farm giving to each a portion of cleared land. with a good spring, in a suitable place for btuldings, orlt would altogether make an extensile stock farm for wlt eh it is well adapted, being well wa ttered mid havin, a largo quantity of meadow land yet t t clear. The ten s willpe made easy forth° purchas er. nonERT DICK,' §lllaS 5.:55 . _ at / NEW BOOKS! DS AMES AND 11IV, • ' LATE PUBLICATIONS T The 'll'hite Tell. a Bridal (lift, by Mrs. Hale, a splendid ly Illtistrated gift book. Lornellow. Byron, Moore, \lt's. Ilemans and other roe et Intl works. beautifully embellished. Irving's Sketch Book, plain, Jerusalem and its Sacred Localities, by Rev. W. 11. 0- denheimer, Rector of at. Peters, Philati'm Pickering's tireek Lexicon, limner in the original, Miranda Elliott, a new and interesting story. Nov :old December, by Mrs. II &back. Ellen Norbury, by Emerson Bennett. Grace Lee. by Julia Kavanagh. Robert Orahatn, by Mrs. II ursh. II tram's, ntham's and Rode) 's Magazines for May, Wall numerous other new publications:M.. l cecd at may 2 PIPER'S t heap Book Store. ssEssmENT. Notice is hereby given that an assessment of FOUR PER CENT. has been laid on the premium notes of the Cumberland \ alley Mutual Protection Companv, o Lirlt were iu force ou t . ho Ifith day of Matadi last. The members of said Company are hereby required to pay their pro rata to The authorized Colleet , rs or Treasurer of the Comparre within thirty days, In ace - ddance with the By-Laws and Cll•rter of Said Company. Ily order of 111.. Board. n.ye Tows T. t;I:KEN. VALUABLE SLATE FA 1i NI Al rum, rubs.—The suliscril or hai ing determined to change his location, 1111 sell his FALB at !midi, sale. on reasonable terms, ON SATI:RDA Y. the 11l hof Sun( next. This Farm Is sltll3 to in Frank ford township, Cumber Isn.l county, nine mites north west of Carlisle, one mile north of I, and a quarter ofa mile east of DM. servllle. The Farm contains ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE ACRES and 120 Perches, strict mints. ure, about 20 acres of which any covered with valuable Timber and the residue cleared, of which a large portion is meadow or bottom land. The improvements are figood substantial TAIG lIOUSE, bog Barn and all ' other necessary out -buildings. The farm is mulct good fence, and there is a tine young Orchard 0. good fruit. Also an untilling well of good water emu the door. There is also a spring of good sulphur watei adjoining this farm and but a short distance from tin house. This firm is susceptible, at urdihary expense of groat improvement. py means of manuring and line lag, for lime tan be purchased cheaply at a distance m o ily two or three mih s,and as the tam has NH exceed In may be =lnu even surface whic limed permanentlyi effectually prevents washin It red and m hly. It Is also a well known fact that slate land, II) rca son of its cheapness and moderate taxes. piiys much bet for than limestone land, considering the extraingant prl:es and oppressive taxes of the latter. The subseri. per having resolved to change his location and engage In his profession fur which reason tho said property will assuredly be sold. The right and title to this property are perfectly good. For further information enquire of the subscriber and proprietor who resides in Carlise: and these who wish to see said firm prior to the sale can do SO by calling upon his tenant Henry Smith, who lives upon the farm. Pho terms of sale will be easy. Sale to commence at one o'clock in the afternoon when at tend:lmo will be given and terms made known by mar) LEVI MALY. NTIC .E.—To the heirs and legal . Representatives of MARY A. KEEPERS, late of toy borough of Carlisle, deed. Take Notice, that by vit tue of a writ of Partition and Valuationrissund out of the Orptem's Ctiurt of Cumberland County and to MO di rectal, L will hold an inquest to divide, part or valet, the (teal. &date of said dee'd., on the prominea,.out TRUK', DA Y, the alst day of May, A. It. I Sat, nt 10. o'clock, when and where you may attend if you think proper. JOSEPH McDARMOND, Sheriff. ili's Office. Carlisle, May 2. THE CHEAP CASH BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, North West corder of fib mid 'Arch 'Streets, rilnaddrilla.—GßY.AT BAUCIAM B to ROOKSl—Peetical, Juvenile, Miscellaneous Standard and Presentation Books, very cheap I • STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY. Superior White Ruled Letter Paper at 1.50 per Ream. Letter and Note Envelopes in great variety. Weddings Furnished at very moderate rates. Cards Written and Engraved. aillott's and other Steel Pens. Superior Motto Wafers, 323 on a sheet, for 25 cents. Inkstands, Penknives, Paper Weights, Au. Fine Turkey Morocco Porte Mammies, Port - Folios, Card Cases, Backgamtuou Boards, Ac. With a very large'lind choice assortment of . TOY BOOKS, (LAMES, DissarrED PICTURES, Albums, Scrap Books and Engravings. may 2—ly . P. THOMSON. fIENIENT.—The subscriber has on .bond a largo supply of eilMEN'fi matratctured lit the Cement Mills, in Scotland, Franklin county, Pa. which he offers to those in want of a superior artlele.at low rates. This effluent is very highly recommended by a large number of •persons who have used it 4, among whom is the Superintendent of the et:moorland Valley Jiakiltottd; who warmly testifies to its quality. • • ffnar3 , • • : ' . 11. - 13AVPCffi. • • SUMME R HATS.—Just received .at , tho Stare of ROBERT DICK; a liteu nstiortment of ,Youth'it and Chltdron'H' BUMMER TlA'fs, con stating ofeonartut, Leghorn, Pennell Strat!; Canton and other Iratietles, part 'of which' '4lro CclOqd and black— !onto TIDO' lovt,tit pride. ' ' • . CIA.BLISLE DEPOSIT BA N - firtatt DisPOStra' will beincolved'at this .Pink for any imigth of Almo over four months, , and Interest paid; at the rate of FOUR . PER CENT. per annum, and the principal pad back at any time after maturity without intorritt acmes after the eltpiration of the limo specified In the certificate; unless renewed fbr another Oven ported, in , which case the interest le paid up um. the time of the renewal. Bank opens at 0 o'clock, A. M. and closes at Wo'clock, P. 61. - - • PARKER,•Prosident. • • 'apr26 N. M. BEETEM; Cashier VALUABLE HARM of ONE'HUN-' DRED AND FORTY W AORRR, reore,orlese, at‘pri ottet sate>'lTha l'ObWit )ol. ending' 10 lel it :Wh ht wit; eithor spring , ,wUI salt hie farm on or before the; filt"ar 4 vpip at, op favorehlo terina. The Awn ;isltolatrot o n e fella *OM thil town of, Piewillle and throe iguarters. ,110 bout the C. V. R. R. d ppot , impmv,enunkts. cof a otogt. of a BRICK MUSA (nue° I;wrw, ,t o ott ier with other out buthtlnga, 41 of which aro ent irely new. There is a fine well of never falling water at the door g o d a 'piing near the barn. For. Vier Information address the subscriber at . AN 14,,5. W.'S. MeFARLANE. OF Goods, Wares and iNlereliandize. Also, PistiHers, Millers, Lumbermen, Li'., within the county of Cumber:and, returned and classified by .lower (.. Toomi.soN, Mercantile Appraiser, In accord. a lose , Ma the several acts of Assembly, as follows: canmsi.E. I' ci.tss. LICENS E. .0. Lentz A: lleu., 10 $2O on Phillip Arnold, 12 12 .01. 'Charles Ogill)y,- 12 12 MI (Ictorge IV. Ilitner, . 12 12 )00 N. IV.lVtitals, Agt. 13 In Of t It. Dick, 13 In ut Jason W. Eby, 1•1 10 )5' C. InhofT. Agt. In 2 , ) la John U. Williams, 12 Joseph 1). Halbert, 12 12 .00 8. IV. Haverstick, •, 13 . 10 00 Samuel Elliott, 14 , 7 ol 'William lielso,l4 7 o p - Steiner .0 Him, ti 13 10 lc William Sheldon, 14 7 00 11..1. Kieffer, 14 7 pp 11.11. Rawlins. 14 7 00 IFaninel l'. litlyrat L. 13 10 1.0 11. W. Caufniiiii, . 14 7po , l'llarles forth e. 14 7 OP Win. Al. Henderson .0 S , .11, ' 1,) 20 00 W..o.hvar.l A Schinitli., 2kl 20 00 thorny Sast 11 , , 12 12 :0 .John P. I.vre, .. 12 12 .00 bailie] Ibtf:els, 14 7 no John Faller, • 14 7 PO .1..0 0. !timid., 14 7 on Wm. It: Murray, Agt. 11 7 no Thomas Conly,i, - 14 7 on Peter Ilonyer, 14 7 i, Haller A: 11ohrer, 14 tri 00 John N. Armstrong, 14 . 7 On .1..0. Lain, 14 7 00 Prof. 11. M..lolinson, 11 7 On S. M. Hoover, 14 7 00 Thos. It. Fkiles, 14 7 00 Arnold A Livingston, „,,,,,,__ 13 10 On .I.4in lieeny, „. 14 7 on Philip Messerstnith, 14 7 on Harkness .0 Grose, 14 7 im .lmes 11l toratinhan, 14 7 00 A. 11. Piper, Agt. 14 7 (Al ['Pavia Portman, .144 l4 7 on Ileorge 1.114. y, ' 14, 7 00 Jonathan I •ornlnan, 14 7 00 Jacob llt.over, Mall I 14 7DI John Fredrikks,glagl 14 7 oil James Cain., sr., EN 14 7Po ' Jonathan Cornirnn, Sr., 14 7 on Henry l'ilass. rAi , :14 7 00 Arnold A 5i,,,, 14 7 00 Carlisle, May fit John C7i,wt..11, 1. I'..tltick. 1. W. K Jodi :^tanibaugh, to.b In age. . 11. Miller, . Bridges, . N‘ Winans, D. A. Nagle, Fugasds, 11. s , %atisay, . Ariz, fleck. Ilui lln A. Co., Novin ‘l.l,linger k Brn. N. A. Cornelius. .1. It. Ininonu. Apt. rich, ohn Monderlich, '. C. Millar, 'hristian Shade, kNII'BIII.IIIO P. A. Nfatt.er, ==ll .13enlr Doi.sltelmer. 1 ' Knufman. Hupp ,f. Co., (drugs) 14 Simon Arnold, 12 Blizzard & SwiFber, 14 ilurtdi & 11eclumn, 11 ::ILifili:iti, I;lii,i, 0, Co., ,Itardwnrr) 1.1 loser!) M,SSCr, 14 lolin '1`..1, res, 11 Levi Fuel}, - , II i.e, rge Wehl , e. t, 1:1 !Ivory Len', 14 .14.1 in 1440 e, 13 Ira D:: v, '' 14 John Darien, 11 El)lnnim Zug, ld Singityr. dtviad A IClmfulan, owls but, ShlOsee S Co I sane Illizzird, Joseph NEW VILLE. Anthony Foreman, Stita.ell, William Heed, Joseph Laughlin, Th,,,mas :tough, William Walton, John M. 'Davidson, T. & .T. M'Candlibh, J. 11. Herron, o: Wild, - • Bear A Cobaugh. MIFFLIN. .hdln J. Crawford, Henry Snyder. \V EST PYNNSBROVOTI. 1):1 V WPM A Jitmvs, Edward Itodgers, Woonwnrd & Schmidt, John Thood, Ik:F.WTON. S. W. Sharp, 10 N) 00 Jacob Swayer,, 13 10 00 W. & .1. Gracey, ' 14 700 J. W. Vantlerbelt .C: Co., 14 7 00 At.. & 3. A. Kunkle, 14 7 00 John Minich , 14 700 Kyle & Wae4;lnger, 14 7 00 Peterliarser. — • MIN:WELL John Ferguson, . 19 700 Wherry & C0.,N18 10 00 .lohn holler, 14 7 00 Shoemaker & Elliott, 13 10 00 Thaddeus 311.1111. 14 7 00 • PRANKFORD. W. & J. ll roan, 14 7 00 SOUTHAMPTON. - John NV, Clover, 14 7 00 George Clover, 14 7 00 William Natick, , 'l4 7 (10 J. F. Bughninn, 114 7 00 Conrod Pnsilaught, 4 . 700 paltry Myers,, 14 7 00 DICKINSON. • • . Ilnys &.l'alua, „• .-- 14 .• 7 6 Ituasol,& Dice, 14 • 700 IV. & .1. Green, 11l 18 • 10 00. 1).1.. heohnnu, - - " .. 13 10 00 Joseph L. Sterner, •,, • , .14 . 700 Francia.)Vilitaithsou, - .; : 14 700 Wro.M. Watts,.. 519 '• ! • 700 Denjaudn Plank, 19 7 00 ' • SOUTH MIDDI.STON,- ' ' ' ~ A. W. holaigh, ~ '•' '. •'• • ' ' 10 ..- - : ,' , '.lo' 00 8; N. Dlvon, r • - • •'• ' ''" 14 -'' • '7 00 Mullen•& Aloiander,' "' ' It. Given & Co., • ' "• •• • - “14 :' ' 7 00, NOILTII isnmeror. .., . Elias Light,SON„' 55 .., . . 5 . ~ -, ...4 .. . - 7 . 00 ; Gl izmorlitor:= . .„ . . Tiovlny &,,Mull, ill •.. .r • ' ,l 3' '.• •.•. H 10 FOO Mrs. Mniy Eiasel, Slugizer & Sanderson# • . ~ • , - r. 18 • • -,-• •10 00 UPPER ALLEN. . . ~ POter Gingering, ~• ''' ,' ''' ~.. 14... ', • 7'oo litrant Longueeker, ' '-• ' " ' 'l3 '' - 10 00 Goswofler & Zook, 18 '' 10 00 Jouathan Eekels, ' ./4" • . 700 iiusigi, ' A ii.ll2i, , ii . ,1 - - ~ - •: . ~ „ 'lsaac Dorton,. , . :I: • • 14 W. ,Loyd, - : • . • .'' ArusA, & 114 Ines, Brower as Marthlanda • YVOOkier A Oehr, • • law 01111 - 9EALLIM John O. Mlller, ' B. 11. Mosser A Oa, John Horn, 7 Nalentins Yemen, Ilbarles Oyster, John A. Machia. New' 2buctztif:iontut. LIST OF DEALERS 14 7 g 10 00 N . -13- 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 , 13 10 00 14 700 14 7 00 13 10 00 . v..‘,Tri.N:c:•znotwt:(iii. . 14 '7 00 l; eorgy IV. Fesh.r. 14 7 00 • A n (pow Es; inger, 14 7 00 . .10110 )i '.:0110 irk, 14 7 00 .1: , 1111 I.oiigneck, 14 7 00 Jacob 1100010ger, 13 10 , 00 llucher & S.n. • - 11 10 00 ICer & 1101100v1, '.. IliEllael Freest.. 13 )0 00 14r I). & .1. Hayti:o'd, 14 7 00 'Rudolph 0 s 11.1iite. 7 00 11.1MPIIES. 11 - 7 00 John I tit /., I len ry Ru p p. 14 7 00 12 . . 12 1,0 . WM,' NVitligh, Wm. 11. Erlo.ls, .. 14 / 7 00 14 7 00 :•halter & M., .1 , .1111 .lithn I latick, David : 4 t1 , 11111. Shmnims, D. 11. Sun 1111., U. \I. A 111.11 . iNV Si I . 111 , 11 , :11, OYSTRIt 3: EATINIi lilillSE Wm. Winholt, NVestpennsbolo' 8 Ilarrit. WIli.Sll, o .Ine.t,l , Ilixler, 8 I ;oorge )11n.nliy . . News . 'lle, 8 .line ler,-11:11r, 8 ellarle. Itrew, , ter. Net, ton, S Ile..rge Miller, .1. 1:. Diylll, .h,he ltr;;‘, ile‘‘ ell. " James 1,1. hey. ShippenAdtr,s. 8 5p..., .V 1,1.111, . '' ETa2l . 7 Janie , Mal ,, y, li...lianicz.l.ttrg, Da% iii 1..,ng. S 5 till " l'eLer 'toter. li 5 fill Samuel It. ilrove. l.;;Aser Allen, 8 r, On Samuel Sliireman, . .. b SMI Alin,. 0,1,1 e. Enst.ponnsig,rt,' • 8 .8 00 Win. Phillips, 8 8.00 , John li ((sten, .• . 8 5 On A. 4 L'tilllitil. NOW Cumberland, . 5 ' 500 ,lns. Iln.m new ell. Silver Spring, 8 ,5 tni ii,,,r 4 0 II u g hes. 8 5 On .1 ; ;;;;;1, Low, Carlisle, 8 • 5 Oul !leery Peters, 8 5 (0; I Warner. " 8 sOn Go) lieu. SWl•itZer, " 8 5 00 Jacob Stratton. " 8 -5 (5) . . Marshall Jatnes,:elVestitenitsboro' 13 10 00' Diller N Kt itler, - 14 . .. 7 00 1(0...1. :11ellebargor, " 14 7 0(1 Zeigler k. (h ors. 14 7 00 14(.0 Thug (tart. 0 14 7 (10 EntAnnt I Itarnhart, " i 4 700 John Nlot re. Dieldnson, 14 7 uo Elder Ital nit 7. •. 13 111 (41 .1110 It :- h. (iller. H , nth 111.1111,10 n, 1.1 10 oil (V. I, .(' 'l' It 0-11,:bentl. " .1:1,.: lo (HI 14 7 On til 14 7 CO It.ts id I 0.:1( ~ (lg. V. tut 0, 13 10 00 '.. AN 1..1.1i h. ' " 14 7 0(1 .1. I. 4. l' It. AIII, `• 13 10 00 1.4111 r 11l it/.11111. 11. ._ 15 00 1a ar 14 7 ot. 1:1 1. , ni 1:1 11 14 7 ut 11 7 Lit, 14 7 ot , 11 7 It, 14 7 mi Alillcr A %I,Z, 10 ist. I.umer Slir u, 11 - . . . S:0111. llitner 13 10 00 .1. K. l'aufnin, " 14 7 00 C. Rupp. 13 10 00 .It.hu 11orn, . " 13 10 00 J. 11. Ilttl.lent:.n. " - 11 lA 00 ~ : t...1• I . . I ,E. Jr.. Um., r Allen, 14 7 00 .1 S. 1/n1.1.•0010, 1.:1,-Iri nt,slolo' 14 7 no Ilevry I' lII.p. 11an.i..1.11. - 14 7 00 T. it. 110....11. - 1-1 ' 15 00 7 00 7 ( ) 10 ou 72 .0 1:. . . . .101111 :1),)T, r. i-iiVer Fprlr g, 34 7 00 t:. IL I. her. 13 10 00 Dai fil i-diiiik, '• 14 7 00 Ih id 11,, Or. ••1 4 7 00 W. 11. Ilendersnn fi Son, N. Mid. 12 12 MI litiLricl Nittclier, 13 12 .50 44 - 7 00 700 30 00 7 00 7 00 12 c.O 7 00 7 00 7 ( , F.dnaril Shower, Agent, 9 P. A. A J. A. All, Newton, Joseph Cutup, 9 t. .t .curt :Middleton, 8 10 11. IL e. .1. A. ,1 Ikon e•Lti, ridt i Allen, I ln,' A Son, N. A! With ten, At tn. 1n...1 e i, Willi:nix hit Litz, earli.le, it, W. Ili andt,, Hoffman, =I 10 tti 7 ot 7 0( 10 00 (W 7 00 701, 20 (NI 20 00 20 00 aoct , Carl Ve, a% hi .1,0rt7. Mechanicsburg, Ica) Ilentiemati, North Middleton, 10 30 (TWO:ILAN COUNTY. Fp. I do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a correct list of the Peelers in Merchandire, Patent Medicines, \I tilers Distillers. Lumbermen, ..Ac. In Ciunberland county, as returned to me by :Joseph C. Thompson, Mercantile Ap praiser. All persons returned and classified as aboYe, are hereby notified to call and take out their Licenses on or before the 2d day of July, 1856. All licenses not 7 oo 7 oo , 700 14 7 00 12 13 bo lifted by that time will be placil In the bands of an eft rer for mileet lon. . - . ME lI °WARD ASSOCIATION, P HI LA DEL PIIIA. • IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT To all persona at with Sexual (11SMISPIi, such as SEMI NAL IVEAhNESS. IMPOTENCE, lONOIIRIItEA, LEET. SYPHILIS, Ac.. The 1101VAIID ASSOCIATION ,of Philadelphia,. in view of the awful destruction of hunoin life and bealtit i caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions whlchltre practised upon the unfortunate vietimN of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their consulting Surgeon. as a CHARITABLE. ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE 'GRATIS, to all 'persons thus of tlieted, (Male or Female.) who apply I,y letter, (post-pad,) with a description of their condition; (age, occupation, habits of Ills ke.,land in catmint , poverty and Butteringto FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARM% , , The Howard Association Is a benevolent established by special endowment, Mr the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epi demic diseases," and its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It Is needless to add' that the Association eommituds the highest Medical skill of the age. Address, (post-paid.) Dr. OF.IL R. CALHOUN, Consult ing Surgeon, Howard Association Philadelphia, Pa: My order of the Directors, EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. april 11. OEO. EARECHILD, Secretary. 14 7 00 14 7 00 I - AN kO ASTEIt COLLIERY.TO COAL DEALER; 4 hog I..: , arq,te introduce ourselves to your acq;min- Lance as', eatclodve Miners and Shippers of WILITE Mill A N'I'IIItACITII COAL, at Lancaster Colliery, Nor. thumberiand.County, where we have very extensive improvente4tratittetllrtekker, which Sir capacity to pre pare and groan Gad 'tzlitinot be Surpassed. Our sizes of Coal omits felloiss: ''''%' i 1.4 p, fte aine3tl4 touporea,• ,_ . ._ , ••••, '....,: ;31. • Steam hoat t .l'er tnneltintandateaintiosW - Bleu, .Egge,oo.otnyelbr"Findly, use and steam, NO and Pisti h - for;Unifburners and steam. ' Our ' mehurrierle,COalpii very ptitourier quality, to ; which itli-wimliP,esitootillyAall the attention of dealers Land consionersi I' l , -I , ;ti i Our polif&gfiddirping hi linpbury,wliere arrangoinOnts titre made to lead boats iiih6ut any 4,01ay,. Orders ad dressed to us at ShatitOkitiiSttiabury o t Laiidnite r , will receive prompt atigutlon.•.. • ' ..- _, - ' •,.:••' 0, •'•,' ' aprlii '^ ::-' ' ;'.-ClOgnit, Alii:aigUill: & eo. 1 J. J. Cochran;Taticasttirinlitikt..lleliihold, Lancaster. C. W. Peale, Stuintoklu,' - 'll. Ilautngardner, do. 1 Morel:rants and,othere who feel thenatelyerreintletil by the above elaisalileationi are lkeroby notified, that will halals - appeal at the CSOfirt ilourie, hi Carliele, en. Friday the 27th 'diy'ef AprilielSZis; tetween' the hears' of _O and 12 o'oloek •A,-IkL, rind '2. and 4' o'eletek ,HZ 11 ,.. mina and where they can attar - Alt the think S' i reirr. ".., ~ • Jps:nom Pso , •• '' • , • . 7 annieattrita MTRAILTI. Carlisle, Anril 4,1285-44 •" • ' ••! -" -''' " ' '' . 7 00 I 7 00 7 00 + IF 00 700 IA a 1100TIC.E.—The . iiitookholdofs' 1.1 Quasi. Qaa and Water Company will meet at the Arbitration Chamber In the Oourt Hauge lathebormigh of Carlisle, on MONDAY, the 14th de,rof litertleitt, be* tween the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock, P. Ti. of that day. to elect a President and Viva Manages for said Company' for the ensuing year. FIIED'IL WATTS, Liner.. Tenn, Seo'ry. apr26 President. li 7 00 . 12 .'l2 00 Oo' , 14 14 00 18 170 2 0 0 114 T 00 ugla. - 4:iALt _s'tlfiav4 14 7 o , i 14 7 Oil 14 7110 . 10 oil 1 i pc ks ull, CM DISTILLERIES & BREW EIII ES TEN I'IN ALLEYS. 00 30 00 N. W. WOODS, Co. Treasurer ‘TH ENV SPRING GOO DS.—The sub scriber is now ripening it large and general assort ment of LADIESDRESS r4OODB - , consisting or Black and Colored Silks, Chant Bareges, Motto do hdnes, French and English Lanny, also in general variety of rood, for bays wear, a full assortment of Ladies and- rilli.ll,lls ❑usierv, Gloves Handl:m . ol6l's. also English and other BONNETS, Bonnet Ribbons, Bonnet Last ns. with the usual variety of Spring. Goods Itt moderate pri ces. GEORGE nyrN Ell. April 18, 'l5 I) D 1 OIT A undersigned has remorod to the Store room t 1 )1 . 11101y N . r111.1( . .1 as i Post Ofliee, immediately opposite the Volunteer office. where lie is 110 W npnuing n I:trg."l, and general :IS sortment, of NL\V INti (An it embracing an ex tensive rariM) of British, French and domestic GOODS. MO ter:III Er,. 10 • ln nO In no 11 7 tin 13 1(1 Ot) Straw bats and lonnets, Nall paper Se., at the lowest pelves. Purchasers arc respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. Cairn :de. April 11 IS. -15 • . 1) 1 , 3 NT Z & 1311 () 'l7 II l', it .-lIIIN-e - ) caused a very groat oxeitono.nt hp I tel large and anagnitiront (4.ork. of NEIV GOODS ; just opotted among whirl( will lit , rue d. cl,(Y1'118, CA 551:NIERS, VESTINCS, Cotton :m(1.1.11(011 coat and pants stuff. Ladies Doss goods in grunt variety: v. - insisting of Plaid and Striped :‘,11,1.04, tin) Lust brunds of Black 1 4 ilks, Barge, Be iAiII , CS. Tissues, Barge (I(. Laines. I hall) . s. Oren:onto,. Tissue Sebastopol, Lawns, tlinglaunth Alva has, l'lnd. Striped and Blain dross muslitith Chintzes, Prinlt.(ll all qualifies and a tremendous stork of I il.'lll. Flannels, 'I ioldsgs, NI uslins. Linens of our own imporLatic , n. Purn , l Is, Lces, Edgings, Dross trite wing. I losior3 , OloNos, aid a full supply lli - BONNETS AND RIBBONS, 4, 00 5 00 5 00 I 00 ;I( 0 5 On : on oil o on Sou FroM 25 rte. to $ll.. for bonnets and I r, , to :17, 1 (11, per yard for It ildm , usellatsl ('app, 011 Cht Window I , lladr , and itll nlllllolo4' Vririety of g 0,41,. in rnrr 111.1 e, 1111 10 1 e old nt prier's that defy competition apt 11 11 E (OOPS ! N G ( )01 ! 111 E LATEST SPRING SIYLES! I am now reedving from Now York and Philadelphia all immense stock of new, desirable and Cheap th•od,„to which 1 would call the attention of all me old friends and customers. ire well Ile the publfrgencraily. liar ing !atoll:used mod of ray goods from the largest imputing houses in NOW York, 1 tun enabled to girl letter bar gains than mu i.e had at any other house In theeounty. Our assortment of NEW STYLE DRESS On01)s large, entniilide and beautiful. Another lot of tle.se elegant and elie.ap enildreidrred.hand kerelliets. sleerrs. cellars, ruffles. edgings, and ins. I: that for extent and ellerlpile, , defies ;11.1 ef , thipei It ralirnes. de beget., do laines. lirtiugs checks, a trelnelld.w. hilu~es and lh,dery cheaper than over. Cloths. most mere, eord,.. rot tonades, ,ce. a 11111 flF,Fortllleilt and Very Cue in price. C.% 111 LTINGS AND An rnt Ile Ile , ' stu. k or three ply. ingrain, cotton and ratpeting. bought very rheap and mill be sold \ 1,0 11.1 V. Al,l is bite tint eolor.•d '0 111 to 01 . . DOM'S AND : , 111(11 . :S. A faro , supply of ladles and g - elltlettlett'S Loot. 1111 d gaiters. Intending to pile up the deport ment. 1 u 111 dibp(so hf what 1 hale on hand in that lino, at low prit IS. Also shinewell tondo l lolling on Lund, ti hit It I is 111 sell for loss- than cost as I \‘;ojt, to cirso It out. el,llll . [WU and all to the ()hi `toted nu Last Malts street, toil selecyour thuds in in the largost anti cheapurt stuck vier La ought to Mori CHARM . ; OG 'Lin% • f I EA P k-R )0 1 /S.—The subscriber is ,p,ning 3 fresh int of SettSeTiftlile rcHHIS fit her new lrtition.,pp , sito the thxilmul Unice in 'Main street, Carlisle, Wilk!' will he NOM al the InWeSt price. nprll 11, 41. itt,t Ullman SNOIAIItAK4. 8 00 E, 12 80 00 8 00 12 nu n 00 12 lA. 12 1,0 '8 09 .0-00 9 8 00 8 00 8 6 00 8 6 ,00 E. r e l l HE subscribers in Ereihioun, Ches ter county have obtained a right to make and sALLEN'S MOWER AND III.:APPAL patented 11th Mo. Sth IS5a. Five hundred of the Mowers were sold last season ' and when well made give universal satis faction. A great number of clrtiticates on hand to that effect. 'the price is $lO5 with two cutters. The Reaper and Mower combined has a high character receiving premiums nt a number of County Fairs, ns well as at the'inte State Fair. Price $l4O with two cut ters. To be had at W. NV. DINUEE'S Manufactory. York or by addressing early the subscribers' nt Ercildotut Chester county, they will be delivered at any station on the Cumberland Waller nail Bond. the purchaser paying the freight. rumen ,k, NEILDS. apill 11 '55 , , I G „AN A N N Y' D S I„l‘e!(i)rNOVeti r itilen6r„ll,l„etiljnd-l1 i - just:thin Ronan , and /dower. with Wwwt's Improvement, will be otTored to tho farmers of Eastern Penns) Itnitin, fur OW hatiost.uf , /845. on wand. terms, via: sl24,Caan pT Sum". CuFtoinors would do well to send 1)1 ,thofr Ordersi'Oftly, at; protOdooco will bo given to tiYht order, Addrens, , J. WINEBRENNER d; 'npril 11 2mo. liarrhiburyt, PP. ti.,, -1. T ., SSEIC'S Itt.A.PER 1.. , . . . • • . • NOTICE TO FAltlillillP. r • The undersigned respeetrully informs the riirthers et is and the adjoining 'emirates that he 'rontinueS to - A ""'"-- mttendyclY__ l _ l ? l " .r.M_q3...!!!1"°14 immularture hfore , eitenvively • Coin , ever, v, ~ 'celebrated , RkIAPEIt , A ND ' MOWING MACHINE; now io generally in use; atilt, shalt three' quarters il a mile torth of Ilanover. Fanners wishing to engage a Reap. r, or a Reaper an4,lkßrtior cotnbinedl, tbr the next sea- Son, ran have thole - Orders' filled with pr.toptiiedi 10 , ,y„ ientilMtlhoniiin imineatateli. 111 . c prices of 4 tAttiVelptittt idet' Ard'ati fellows': -: ', '• ' -, ,,,.„.- ',. , ..'v `or4t. //Caper, , '' .'. ‘, ',,.;: 4/001 POT , a Seaperand' Dowel+, from - -', .. -' • 4205,10 226 taw : Addrovi me ' t.hroFFh'i,Dte t lieMovefkeviVOo l ,4; orit , oeunity , ; Pa: • , , , " CONRAD 2204. Jtin3l 4 .-6m , ~,, : . ~' ' • • ' - ' k1!111VRT.,A3,%11" l'O FARMERS: I 7We KO now prOpared to furnish B. R, fivilersoratA ta t 1 upt ExctiViier4A's to fanner% linuoodiately on racei pt" of their orders. Willett, tewarrontod to answer well fa cleaning etahlos, of gathering manure In barn yards, and. the . Nano. stouiltins,with avery slight alter otton is also worsted to answer better for elevoting lay tailoring than on/ other Rook or Fort, In. use. Price VOC3 . pp iim _ranchirts,. , For further particulars. Address C . LlURAT,NowCumberland, Agent for Cum, befload County.: april 11- se-All kinds of Printing done here. `,Dru foals. Eff= BENTZ A lIWI BY LAST IVIAILS, STILL LATER FROM EUROPE ARRIVAL OF THE ASIA A Protracted Conflict in Prospect NO HOPE OF PEACE IfAmtrAx, May 7.—The royal mail steam ,hip Asia. from Liverpool, arrived at her w liarf ~t nen o'clock to night, bringing dates limn Liverpool and London to the 28th ult. The advices from the Crimea are to the from and from (lie llussinns to the 221. The iliomllardment of Seliazitoio i;iintinue,l without any decisive results. The Vienna conference having utterly failed, the appearances indicate only a protracted war, and brace itdrices from the Crimea arc laxiolisly looked for. • The inauguration of the Fronch holustrial Exhibition has been postponol to the 10th or 15th of May. TIT,' WA R The getieral tone of ',utile ()pinion in Eng nd is, that. the war must continue for a ngthened period. • The London Times speaks of the policy of the new Czar as too audacious than thaV n Of li!s predecessor, and is so regarded through out Enroll°. _ Nothin;.! llefin'te is known r,lative to the condition of the siege. Thegeneral impression is that. it is favorable to the allies, but the I:us sians return tile lire in a spirited manner. A despatelt received :it Brussels reports a suspension of the bombardment, but this is not credit d. The details of news from Sebastopol state that up t , April 14th the bombardment c( r.- tinned night and day, fruit] five hundred guns, o eh firing one hundred rounds every 21 hours. Th. 'n ,w, had been silenced, and mime of the Round Tower guns Ili! , Inn I u. the ltedan and Garden batteries mil ke p .up a heavy fire. There was no immediate If -0 pee of an assault. --. g the night of the 14th a most San guiltar b ink: raged between the 'French and Russians, in which the former detroytd the Russian rifle ambuscade in front of tae Nlalakoff tower. The latest accounts front Gortsehakoff are to the 22d. They state that, after twelve day's bombardment, the fire of the Allies be came weak, and caused but little damage. =1 Tn Parliament much energetic question!ng of ministers had - Wien place respecting the war: the scope of all the questions being to hasten matters. S;r George Gray stated that authority had been given to the Governors of the British-A merican Provinces to enlist men for the regular nr ny, not for the f ireign The Roebuck Committee still continued ite s:ssions. The duke of Newcastle's testimony tended to exculpate hithself. Some interest has been excited by a II port that the American squad•on was about to make a slemonstration against Cuba. It is not thought that a war between Spain and Amer i:a would essentially ad-d to the present cOm plicat on of Euro;q an Jolitics. FnA:ccr. It a still reported that Napoleon will lre ceed t the Crimea to take the conintitn , l cf t ie allied nrinies, but it is not generally credi ed. It is officially r...ported that the Emperm's .leparture for the Crimea is postpoued for a short time. 1855 _SPRING - AND SUMMER . SHOILS!--ellE A FOIL CASH t 3111 Hoe' receiving a large assortment of Shoes of the most fashion:o:le styles and ex. F . ellent make. fresh from the heta,ittanufactories, 'Odell 1 will sell extremely' low for Cash. I,OOK AT TITE PRICES! I,xteux"fan-colorcd Gaiters._ of Willis's make, a band- F. , 111c art loin, oil $1,25 • tine denny hinds. Swett es, front s 7 1,25; - !,leek L asting Gaiters, Willis' 01:11,e, 1.25; French Thence° Buskins, stogie soled 75 colas: Brooch Nloroeco Boots. doul ; Park 1(1 is 1.:25: Men's \TIMMY, Sheee. holne made, 1,25; heats ditto 1,31; Kid Ties, cis; Polka Boots 1,:t1; Cush man Tteß, 1.81 ; Alto os 1,25, Ac. Fine French Calf Boots), an. Leantiferl article, only SI,:.M; Calf NValklng tE.hoes 1,50 : Calf Coingress (tailors. 2.25; Cloth Nllllllereys 2.00; Vat et.t Leather Oxford tillers, 1,75; Jullleat Ties 2.50; unteut leather Congress !!alters as low as 2,00; also patet.t Pump tine Cloth tialters with patent tips, lien •kert's A No.l, patent , leittlier glove-top buttoned Ctn. 'gress OnlOrs. enataelled, patent leather, etc. at vfry ,low prices. Also Carpet and Velvet Slippers. Mlssts' Polka lks‘te, Opera Boots and Jl:flits LilltIS;•- 0010Ded ll:tilers, patent tips, 87 eta; fine Kld Boots at 75 cents. CHILDREN'S Highland Boots, Eurekas, Exeeisiora and Ankle-ties. Roans for N."O roots; Calf, single soled, for 25 rellt.S. M EN'S Kip II:KIts in groat variety, some as low as $2 ; Stimt Brogans $1.00; Calfskin shoes $1,50. WomEX's Kid Buskins, doulde soled, 75 to $1,25; Shre tees, Calf 75; Heavy Kip Roots Llutten Llaitvre 75; Half (inhere 02; Slippers 37. Bove heavy Kip Boots, Flue Calf Boots, Brogans - as Ic.v? as 75 emits; patent . Cointress• Gaiters, patent leather Nlonroes, patent leather Jolliet* ties, AC. Causer to a- of evore demi ption-011Cloth. Union, Brat-, Fels. Velvet from Leo to $2 ''.Also several thousandjollais worth of • . BOOTS AN DI:10M; AT wiIoLEsALE. oouutry aterouint.i . atia 'Other dealers are Invited All rho wish to lity.gcKal 'shoes sin' ease morfpy. DID 'ran at Porter's old stand, gain street„ near Rail 140.i/cwt.' • April lath '55, Alr.;f," AND . ..14} OUR. SPRING AND' AU51518 sul,sera.crs bov‘i ivat rixolved rrom the cities, at the OLD STAND, in Nortltlisnovet-struet, one of the most shr µlint assortments'of Spring' and kiuunner clothing. over °dared hithe , people of Cumberland county. The prices of the Clothing at this House have been reduced to such a lOwstatidsid:that it Is now within the power of - all who wish to wear good clothes, to secure them, ,Their : stock consists of the best nud moat desirable Dress and Frock COATS, Habit Cloth do. Linnen Drilling do, Tweeda /le.; superfine Black Cassioaere PANTS and Pansy tip. ; Silk and Satin . vps"rs, and a fine variety Valencia stud other, vests; with a.great ,variety of Bo 'a Clothing, con sisting of Jack Coats, folks lackits, ?donkey Jackets; Yeats and Hound Jatkets,rnario of Tweed, Linnen; Drib ling, Cloth Alpaca, Cassbnere ; Doeskin, co.' Also, Shirts rtockei Handkerchiefs, M.., all of which ire offered at. the lowest possible cash price and ai.cheile of bet' Clothing Store in - the Union ' Also a tplehdhir assortment Of Fords 'alba piece. Vl.• portico Etpuctt and Bnglish.Claha and Cassinters of Ty hue And shade, Sattin, Silk, and Valencia veititigs, '44.ttluets,Ae,iall 'of which made to .brtter at the dutriest notice mud in the heatestand best il rlht zees 'w anted/1 are warranted to fit. +t he import r ea e • poetlvely I.ll;4lted to call and etas/door h. mortineht htelsthlug at this establisbm e atlNOßTOlC, • Aptil,l6, '65. AUNOLDIk L.W El .V, RAWLINB