8 gil)e MI El 'BALTIMORE MARKET MONDAY EVENING, April 30 FLOUR AND ATEAL.—A sale :this meriting of 275 blatsOity Miffs at t 1 0 .25. • This sale is somewhat :below the„ ;market price-4edders generallzaak $lO s&`.'lAlio, a sale of:solibbls City MilliVon4rivate terms. Ott„lata 'change therd2Weie sides of 900bnIsiloward str.g.o`, ll t $lO 50, Which is a decline. The market closed quiet and not much disposition to pur chase at this price.. Nothing done in City Mills. A sale of 100 bbls Canadian Flour at $lO 873 per bbl. Rye Flour—We quote at $7 25 as 7 37 per bbl. Corn Meal 7 lVe'quote country at $4 50, and city; manufacture at $1 75 a $4 81i per bbl. CiaAtE 7 Wheat—The market this morning was dull and prices gave way somewhat. Hol ders, however, were not disposed to sell, and transactions were light. About 6000 bushels offered. We quote quite nominally at 255 $2 68, and red at 2 4b.i5258 per bushel. Corn =About 20,000 bushels offered.: • Sales, of white at 9 'Ms $1 01, yellow at:l- 0241 03, closing dull 96,08 cents per bushel. Oats—There were 7000 bushels offere Ito-daY. Sales of choice Maryland and Virginia at 65a 97 cents ; Pennylvnnia at 68 cents per bushel. RYE—None offered ; no sales. LI R. J. B. MARCHISPS 0131,12- / BRATIM CATUOLWON, 1' )It Tilli LELIEF & COLE OF SUFFERING FEMALES. This inedielue has never lam introduced by empty puffs, and misrepresentations. nor is It intended that its present popularity shall be sustained by any medium but Its merits and the appro bation er the public NOTI TITS UNFORTUNATE FEMALE. I feel it la (tatty incumbent upon myself to de c lar e imiehay tau great blessing Dr. Marehisils Uterine Ca tholinon has proved to me. For two years my health was miserable: I was almost until* to walk. Physi 111111 S pmnounced my Min falling of the womb, exten sive uleenttions, commencing with fluor albus. The irritation. I.rostration o Sta., rendered Urea burden. In this miserable condition, Dr.l.. I'. Newland recum. mended Dr. I Mandlisi's Uterine Cattralicon. After tak ing four betties I Mad' myself in privet health. CI ratl tude for my restoration makes me ardently desire that ell nay s alike unfortunate, may find sure relief from this toestiumble medicine. ELIZABETH A. NEWLAND, No. 19 West-st., Utica, N. Y. • Tho above statement I know to be true, , It; P. NEWLAND; M. D.:Utica, N. Y. - Time nn hoAltation In saying, Dr. 31nr4hisi's Uterine Oath , 'Dein Is Invaluable in uterine diseases generally I have used It In Flu 4 Mint% Amenorrbcca, erolapsits Uteri, and in cases of extensive uleenttlon of the inAlne and ea uteri. It Is worthy' Or the net - 1(01'0in Faculty. JOHN C. OILIIICit,.III. D., Ihiltilnere, d. . „ Let all interested call and obtain a pamphlet (free; eentainiag maple proof, from the most. respectahir sources, of the beneficial results of its uso; together with letters from highly experienced Physicians, why have used it iu their practice; and,speak from their own observa;lons. J. Kittyraft, Drwmist, South [leftover street solo Agent for Carlisle, Po. J. D. &t.A.ItOIIISI & 00., Proprietors, Central Depot, 401 Drotadtvay, N. Y. January 2.1,1855-6,m, ,r• 4 j`t•,..4 •%01,. ;• 'MAC Jagivel CIUMBER LAN]) VALLEY R A I L I,_) !WAD. GUANOI OF HOURS: On and aftis MoNDAV, March ddth, 1555, l'assunger trains will run daily, as follows (Sundays esropted : FOR HARRISBURG : Ist Tritin. 2d Train. L ‘aro Chamborsburg, 5.30, A. 51 4.30, P. 5' " Shlppensburg, 6.09, ... 5.09, " " Newt!llo, 8.40, .• 5.40, " Carlisle, 7.18, " 8.18, u Itlueltanirsdtrg, • 7.50, " 6.40, " At llarrlsburg, 8.1E4 " 7.15, " FOR CIIAMIIItILBI.IIIIOI. . _ lat Train. - 2d Train: L'33 ve Ifarrisburg, 8.45, A. M 1.15, P. M. " Mechanicsburg, 0.18, .• • 1.43. I. " Owlish, 0.53, " 2.25, " " Nevrville, , 10.30, ." 3.00, " • " Shippensburg, , 11.02,, " . 3.30, ~ At Chambersburg, - 1/ . 30 ; " . 4.00, ~ Tr:dna leave ilarrisburg for Philadelphia, at 8.45; A:5l 12.30, M.,(vin Columbia) and 7.40, P. M. For Baltimore., nt 8.46. A. 11. and 1.45, P. M. Nor Pittsburg; at 3.20'A. M.. 12.65 Noon, and '5 P. M. Nor Pottsville, Reading. nod points on tho llauphib and ausqueltattna Rail iload leave Ilarrisburg at, 7.1:.. A. 51. • .@Z-..tt all SEitlotis whore Tlekets . nre sold. Fares orc TEN CEN 1.1;88 than when pahl to the Ours. A. SMITII, Superintendent. RAII Ito td 0111( . 0, 31ate't 21st 1845. 1 140 . 1...i t t. , 1 4 14 . 1 1.( 8 , 14] , G rp 1 0 15 0 . , - 4.. .l t t4s in t in r e e , t.:e n Vg i d , mart Li. Clothe. [nowl W. lIITNER. j~API 11, PAPER.—Pe sons . wanting: WALL PAI4:R, will And an co:toilaive 51a, 4 14' tla as e very CIIIAP at It. DICK'S. Carlisle, April 4, 1865. lot Safe nub )lent. ' VVIA -T 11,11 1, 1 4 %' AT PRIVATE siibscTll;er, ',Oll tip) the property he now owns -rind ore& i— ----, g , - , ^l s plea, formerly owned by ,tite hey, T. ~. i-, Aloore, situntrit on PiePth iltinovor 5 ' ' I', igir•: , Carlisle, adjoining the property of M .':,iiLf titz_ .. v Wm. Urnham, noar . the Walnut, get, torn Moan,annosting of. .a TOWN; LOT A,NI) A /LAM, 93 by. 240 foot, upon which are erected a good two otor:, FHA Mg 110l:SE, Wood Mono and Stable, together will' ether out-buildings. Thorn is also a good brick, cemented Cistern, capable of holding forty-ftve hogsheadi of water. The property is in good repair. Also, for male, n full TOWN LOT adjoining the above, 60 by g.lO feet. Any one wanting such property xill dr. will to cell and - examine, nov'4,—tlui TlMBleit LAND POI?, SA LE.— . Chet subscribers will sell At private sale nbotv 150 ACTIMS OF MOUNTAIN TIMBFR LAND, lo ots to salt purchasers, The timber is yellow pine ty, or sawing and building purposes, as also oak an d e b om nut. The laud Is located very near the new road lea ding from JAMBS Weakley's saw mill to Laurel Forge and extends up Said road ashigh as Cold Spring, adjoin log Richard Woods, John Sterrett and. Ilaslcoll end Beymones saw mill. A draft of the land ran be seen at the house of A. Cautery at Weatay's Fob. 20, 56, It. & B. OIVIN. It stands pro eininont for Its curet., I p3wors in all the - e sos it is recom mended, usually called }L id ALE C‘ Mel. AIN TS. • 01' these are Prolapses Uteri, or Falling of tho Womb; Floor All,na, or illtites; Chronic In liamtnation and Uleerati‘m of the Womb; lecideit tat l/0111"- rlogo, or, blooding; Painful Suppressed, Az Irre4ular Men struation, 4:e., with all their accompanying ovils, (Goner: exeupted,) - no matter how re vere or of true Inng stantlin;;. BENEDIGT LAW jiljit - uhefpOid 1, 1 11. 1)01111' 1110NNAW, BooK uud DR ESSINO CASE A.W. corner 4th and Cliaenut streets 4143-Always on hand a largo and varied assortment of Port %amides, Work Boxes. Poch et Boats, Cubits, Bankers Cases, Travelling Bags, Note Itelders, Bacitgammen Beards, Port Folb.s, Chess Men, Portable Desks, , Pocket Memorandum o ßooks — llresidifit Citses, Cigar Cases, &C. Also a general assortment of English, French andOer man Fano' GOOI.IB, fine locket Cutlery, Razors, Hazer Straps and Hold Pens. Ark) •Wholesale second and third Floors. aml 3F. 11. SMITH, N. P. corner 4th amid Chesnut struels. N. 11.—On the rwelpt of $1 a superior liold Pon will Lo sent to any part of the country by mil—describing pen thus, medium, hard cr soft. FLt F NCH TRUSS ES.—llernia or Rupture suceessfally treated. and comfort insured; by soot the elegant French Trusses, imparted by the subsJriber, and made to order expressly for his sales. All sulfuring-with Rupture will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure a Truss combin ing extreme lightness, with coso, durability and correct c mstractlm, In, lieu of the cumbrous and uncomforta ble article usually sold. Alt extensive assortmen always on hand, adapted to every variety of Rupture in adults WO children, and for sale at a range of price to suit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $3, $4 and $5: . Double; $4, $ sn. $8 and $lO. Pars ms at a distance can have a Truss sent to any ad dress by remitting the amount, sending measure around the hips. and stating side affected. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by the Importer. CALEB 11. NNINDIAIB, 8. W. car. of Twelfth & !taco Sts., Philadelphia. Depot for Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace; Chest Expanders and Erector Braces; Patent Shoulder !trues; Suspensory Bandages: Spinal Props"and Sup p arts. Ladies' Rooms, with competent lady attendants: april 11. ITER RI WAS_ W. TEN CHAM _L ON Flltl PROOF SAFES, with Ilan's Patent Powder Proof 1, , ,e1:0, which wore awarded separate Medals at the World's Fair, London, 1851, and also at the World's Fair, New York, 1853 and '5l. The sabsyri• hers are the solo niannineturers and proprietors in this State of the above untaidalled Safes and Locks. The reputation of the ..kgenttlne "Herring's Safe , "is world and for the last-tthirteen 4. i" L 'years the mercantile commniiity have witnessed and borne testi mony to their NEVER rtu.mo fire proof qualities. More than 12,000 of these Safes have been actually sold. and over me tif. , NDltEn have pltssed, triumphantly through accidentA fires. The public are nisurod that all SafiN minnthcturod by the /4111ISCribOrE ore not only guar:3 . ll- We! to be fully equal, but lu many respects even supe rhr to those which have been so severely tried by fire. Few will forgot their Services in the horning of the "Tribune establishment," Now York. and at the Great Fire In Strawberry street, at the large fire last July. opplslto the Girard House; and still more recently in the Fire at Fif. and Chesnut sts ,in the city of Plalelphin, in which these Safes came forth the Sc. knowlodged ettiatrioN, when many other securities FARREL. & ea, !nom SAFE ein TI AN 'LOCK MAKERS 31 IVAI.NUT Street,'Philadelphia. Chilled Iron Sates, with Powder Proof Leeks, manu factured expressly for Banks, Brokers, Jewellers, and others requiring security from rogues. Bank Vaults, Boers, Ac. on hand and made to order. All the most calebrated Lock's for sale at manufacturerie prices. - Sozond hand "Safes," "Salamanders" and "Iron Chests" of other makers. hare boon taken in part pay ment for Herring's for sale at half pric4. apl.ll (*JULIUS STERN, No 1.44, North Third Street, Phlindelphia, holefoile Dealer in Fancy Dress Trimmings and Millinery Coo ds• and Manufacturer of Fancy Silk Bonnets, keeps constantly on baud a very extensive. assortment of Silks, Ribbons. Laces, Embroideries, , Flowers, Bonnet Frames, Gimps. Fringes. besides a great variety of other Fancy (leads. Ile solicits a call from Country Illerchn nts v IRithw the City, and• assures. them that they will be sure to find any article above Mentioned at the 19w cst prices. marchl4-20 MILLINEAY FOR SPRING SALEBI WIOIIN STONE d: SONS, No. 45, South Second Strut, Philadelphia. hate just (Toned !holy Spring Importations of SILKS, BONNET RIBBONS, FLOWERS, LACES, CRAPES, Ac. Ac. Including a general assortment of MILLINERY ARTI CLES, of the most fashionable styles. The above Goods hare been Imported oupressly for our Spring sales and comprise the largest and best assortment in our line to be found In the market. marehl4-din lAiII.OVAL !-BESSON & ,S()N, ) hog leave to inforrit you that thoy have remov ad the Mutat/M.I4M ramtvr Mounsuao STOttr. from No. r 2 South Second Stroct, to tho new building No. 21)(1 Chesnut Streot ffivo doors above Eighth, South ids) where they will offer nn Inerensod stock at r laced prices. 10. Now Spring Goods dotty opOning. I_4E AT H 14311•! LHATHER,!. FRITZ, !MARY & CO. • • No. 26, North Third Street, Philadelphia, MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS. Currier* and Import em of FRENCH CALF SKINS, and Realer* In Rod and Oak Sole Loather nud Kip. Feb2B—]y Aia IL FRANCISCUS, j. . - . - • • MANUPACTUTER OP COTTON LAPS, Wed ing, Tie Yarn, Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarns, LAMP, CANDLIC AND FLUID. WICKS, which he offers to sell at the Lowest Cash Prices at No. tIS Market Street alx)re Second, North slde,Philadelphin TREES, .EVER-GREENS, RAJ -41'44,45E5, FLOWERINO SHRUBS, PLANTS, kr.-- ln variety 311,11 , 1 re, cultivated and fur sale in large ur small quantities, at the Rising Son Nurse ries and (harden, Philadelphia. rlZ^Platiti..ltoses. Seeds, Ae. eaU be had every day in h Market. below Slath Street, Philadelphia, where or tiers are also received ter the Nursery. All orders promptly attended to. Descriptive Cata logue sent to punt-paidapplleatlons gratis. ,Addreati S. MAUI'AY, utarchn hhdnic,Sun P. 0. Philadelphia. rt GREAT DISCOVERY. '• H FOR CURLING TU GAM!— ' or many yetars it hes hoes the objec ofdeepe-.4 study with chemists and others, to produce n fluid that, op plied to the hair. would cause it to wave and curl equal os beauty to the natural curl. TILE: KROLLIIIIION Is alto only article ever offered to the world that will effect this most 'desirable object. Rut three or four applien• tions are necessary to curl It as much ns may be desired. and for 4,0 length of thne. Eroin the ninny tortltuittilals f these who have, used it, the subsoriber..tboknot 2 heab tote to warrant the Crollerlon to give satisfaction, and prove as resontended ensue. Thu reeolpo fur maklin; with full dlrootionn fur use, • will bt soul on tho receipt of and dollar, post paid. The ingr a ir d is t w o 11l not coot over 12 costs. pity. 10NT, ..1 , April IA, '55 . . Warran t Trumbull Co., 0. LlARDWARE.—Allimenoth cf Sprihg Arrival at LYNN'S on North Ilan . • over Street, where the public are being c.c10c.... supplied with every variety of Hardware, Painta, Oils, cA. at the LOWLST eaten PRICES. Call in, we can amont uhalato a tow more. Q ETTLI N U UP I—The subneribers Cjhavo put their books into the hands of W. C. Rhoein gsq, for settlement : °Mee In Main street nearly opposite %triton Hall. All persons who are indebted to us will please call immediately upon him and save themselves further tmuble. April 18, 18511. WEISE & CAIRWELTZ I, AMILY COAL.-500 Tons Lykon's 'Calloy Co d, broken and Screened, prepared ex proxsly for tinnily use, receiving end for sale by Jan. 17 3m % W. U. MURRAY, Ake,. rtSwi.tizitei Sio eN all) bljops. FALL STYLE OF 11 ATS fui• 1554.—_ bi1...),,;u1., li.l.:1.1.1.;I: respectfully 1111111,11111,N t.:/ his old Patrons and the pulilie gonerally that ho boo juot, re eeived thu. FALL lir.is STY I,r; oF .'l I.L.M EN:S 4 4. II sTs, manuactured at one of the boot ostablioh ounits In Philadelphia, to which lie inylLes spOclal ottoutiou. lie has also minstrualy on hand a large and varied as. sertinent of his own manufacture as well as city made I late and Caps, suitable Mr the seasoli,c..inprisiwevery variety of_aussin,lleaver,lllelesklu_aud_tilf_Lints—llii- Ished in the latest style, together with a full assortment of CAPS of every shape and description, and at- every price. lie particularly invites the public to calf and ex nmine his exounsive assortment', wialell iu sn le, mute riff and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market. and which he Is able to put at prices lower than ever. Remember his old stand on North llanever street, be tween Ilumer's and Sener'e stores. FALL STYLE OF EATS & CAPS. WAI. H. TROUT, desires to inform his old friends teat he has removed to his new establishment on High strept, near the Railroad Depot, and is now opening a tki large and elegant assortment of the FALL STYLE aSi s UP HATS, just received front Philadelphia, which - ' 4 the gentlemen of Carlisle aro requested to aril and examine. lie has alto a large assortment of Fur and Slouch lists uo his own manulacture, got up In the best style and at various prices, the excellence and finish or Which he will warrant. Ills stuck he Is confident on ly needs to be examined to be approved. Also, a large supply of Men's, Boy's and Children's CAPS, of Cloth and Fur, anti of every variety of style and price just re ceived front Philadelphia. Let all who want a Hat or Cap give him a call, as they , may be sure of being suit ed to their own satisfaction. • CHINA, CLASS AND QUEENS, W AltE—Old housekeepers and young, with thus also who are expecting to become housekeepers ' are Inv it ud to call at limumatrs FAMILY UItuUERY and cx amine his elegant ru3sortment of China, lass and Queens ware and other articles In the housekeeping line. such na french and English tertficts, heavy bandedandplain v White Oranite, gilded and blue plain, Dinner sets of ev ery variety and price, bowls and pitchers, tureens, dish us, do. Glass-ware—centro table and mantel lamps, Candelabras and other lamps,great verity, table and bar tumblers, goblets, he. Fruit and preserve dishes, in va riety. Cedar-ware--tubs, buckets, churns, bowls, butter printsand ladles, meal buckets, lie. Brushes—sweeping. white wash, scrubbing, hand and xhoo brushes; dusters, bruoms, Ac. Market, clothes and travelling baskets. Ala, rh' Ire ass &talent of F 1 arco and Fe .7:o Cp.ll ye who are hind of choice brands of Seger: try Aii I'rincipos, Itegalias, tAeffaxionis and other Cuba varieth s. and you will find them of unimpeachable quality. Also half Spanish and Common Sews, with choice snuff and chewing trThacen. 1 - -: ,- Th , ,,,--,---_ lilt IE. TilE MI I, LION n Pa PEP.,--_ , :; - . 7 , -, i - i gen " "r"- - t' , - lam just meelAng my rnil, • WW I /NU:CS ::;,,,,--= -: stork -of PA PlOt II ANO I .(IS. ~ ell' .. which surpass In style, quality .., — ...,, and price nny that have el 01 been exhibuted in Carlisle. 1 respectfully solicit a call from persons In want of Paper Hangings of any descrip. Hon, ns I nm confident by assortment far surpasses any In the Borough; and in sty;le_and prices has but few ri vats in the city. I only ask of the public to call and ex• amino my assortninnt before purchasing, ns I am confi dent my chaste designs cannot fall to please the most fastidious. JOHN I'. LYNK, West sideof North Hanover lArcet, LOOK OUT IN TlME!—Cholera morbris. Dysentery, Diarrbrra. &c., aro wahine their appearane. You kIIONV the remedy. If yen have any regard f.r the wellfare of yourself, your wife. or your children, supply yourselves with BEECHER'S t i MATCII- LESS CO o CORDIAL, otherwise elide the mseit truce re suiting fmm n I.Lded adhorenoe to old quaehery. " Matchless Remedy" can Le had at the Drug t.:t.,,re of D. J. KIEFFER. South Hanover street, a few doors south of tlin s fourt hours, Carlisle. BOOTS A NI) SHOES. The subscrib er has now on hand a very extensive and well so ected stock tf BOOTS and 8 ll 0 E 5, which he will sell at unusually low pric es. Purchased (nun wholesale dealers. at low rates. Ito can olTer such induro moots to purchasers as will make it theh toterest to %is it his estahlishmonr:' 'lle has - every' article in . the Boot and Shoe Latlimi' or (lentlvnions' wear—hi ihrn.rf re (Isom , : it tinneeoki•nt7; to particularize. Xtri- Perkums ch‘slrfu s ,4 good and cheap goods are invit ed to give Lim a call. -.b . COAL : 2 000 TONSLIME AND - - : ..c,N, wrovE MAL, now on hand And , ttlt ,' •- v.4 , ragi l '.: +;. *---`• receiving at the following prices: Dauphin Limo Coal - - - $2 50 to 300 Stove, . - . • 300 to 450 Lykons Valley Limo - - -375t0 4 00 , Stove . - . - 400 to 4 75 Pino Grove Limo . • • - • 375t0 4 00 Stove - - • • -450t0 5 00 Pittston Stovo Coal - . - - 500 to SLA Blacksmith's Coal, per bushel, - • 22 to 25cts. tfq_Also LUMBER of all kinds. Common Boardsand Scantling from $l6 to $lB per 100 foot. First Conunon and Panel According to quality. decl3--3m S. M. 1100VER. oR IEAS, COFFEE -1,11 I IL The subscriber has just added to his former stock a general selection of CHOICE 01100 ERIES, as well as all the other variety of articles ~,;; usually kept Ina Ornery store, embracing . Inn 1 4,). Coffee—roasted and green—at nud 14 cents 1 per lb., Orleans, Clarificul, Crushed and Pulverized Sugars, of line qualities; Chocolates, Pplces.Dalry Salt, and a variety of Fancy articles, all of which are a. fermi at the lowest cash prices. We nrti thankful for the former support given us, and Invite a further call from our friends and customers, .1. W. EDT. Marlon Hall, Carlisle,, 'NEW GOODS.- - The subscriber is juSt opening a fresh assortment of vary CIIEAP GOODS bought nt reduced prices.' Odium) see them. Aug. 23. GEO..W. II IAI IJ ILN 113 S' .COA L. - 2,000 TOUR Lyken's Valley Nut Oml, a superior article 6,7_0 ling and for Sale by Janlo Jm W. R. MURRAY, Agt. HERE IS WHAT 1011 NEED AT PRESENT —The subscriber respectful. ly Informs the ladies end gentlemen of Carlisle and 'vicinity that he has now on hand at his flair Dressing Ind Shaving Room on West trod. an elegant alwortma f LADIES BRAIDS and iontlemon'a WIGS, and can arnish to order at shortest otico ovary kind of flair York of the best quality. Ile also-bogs leave to in- Arm his friends and MAO:. mers that be koopetanstan . tly on hand a supply of the "Shomansagner," an admi rable Wash for the hair, manufactured by himself. The excellence of thin Tonic Islostiged to 'by' all of hinaun totnere who hove used it to be one of the best articles known tbr cleansing the hair of dandruff. Ile Dino man ufactures a Mir Restorafivo l known as the "Corashoo. nuni," for advingnow growth to thohairan bald bandit' Ample testimony onletn - of.the eiflcacy of tido excellent Renter:dive. While 'the Shernantagner clears the hair of dandruff and prevouta it' from coming out, the Co.' rashoe'num supplies Allow growth to those who have had the misfortune to lose their hair. The public is in vited to call, examine. and , purchase these Invaluebli articles, as he is confident they will render satisfaction. SHAVING, 11Allt DRESSING, and CUTTING, and SHAMPOONING attended to in the best style as usual, at his old rooms on West Main Street. near Marlon Ilan. • Carlisle, Dec. 27, 1851. • WM. BURGESS WALL PAPER. Just received a splendid stock of Vapor Hangings, Window Shades and Fireboard Prints, embracing all the newest and most approved styles. The designs are neat and chaste, and the prices such as cannot fall to give sal& Elation. We invite our blends and the public general ly to call and examine our assortment before purchasing elsewhere. H. SAXTON, marches East Hain Street: Carlisle tILAID CASIDIERES, &o.— , 0 suf b . scriber has just opened a• variety of Plaids and nes at reduced prices. - . .Y 1 J ii ~' ,~ 7 1 )I , S II V . T i N ti FrantiTilardner and W in. T. Brown, k this day dissolved by mutual eonsent. The business will het...- after be carried au by Mr. Gardner. The Books remain Iu his hands lbr settlement, and - in view of our late disaster, we earnestly request our 'etistomers to settle their Recounts immediately. FRANK. OA lIBNEB, W7ll. T. BROWN. I deem It necessary to shit° as a matter of justice to ,tr. Brown, that the Dissolution of Partnership was entirely at my own request. and untlionght of 14 him until -my proposal to dissolve. Ills withdrauht at this particular lime renders this statement Impera tive on . me. FRANK. GA RDN ER. Carlit, April .1. ISM--It. -y,S;OI,IJTION OF' PAIt T N E ll sulp.—Notim is hereby given that the firm 11 c . c W. EK' E Cbti, of H m Hampden township, Cumberld I I county, has this dny (111nrch '27. isbro been dissolved by mutual onment, and the books placed in the hands of Wm. 11. tickles for collection. All persons indebted to said firm will make immediate settlement, JON AT!! A N ECK ELS, apr4pd WILLIAM ECKELS. A SSESSIWENT.—'—The members of the Allen and East Ponnsboro Mutual 11re Insu rance Company, are hereby notified that a tax of FOUR l'Elt CENT. hasheen laid on all premium notes due on the 2ith day of March last, and that a Collector will call an them for the purpose of collecting immediately. aprlS-em LEWIS RYER, Seery. FSTATE OF JOHN SPROUT, de roamed.—Notice Is hereby g t veu - that letters testa mentary on the Estate of John Hprout, Into of Ilampden township. Cumberland county, deceased. have been is sued by the Register of said county to tho subscriber, residing in the same township. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requirNi to mate immediate payment, and those having claim's to present them for settlement to aprlS-pd THOMAS 11. BRYSON, Adm'r. 11 DITOR'S NOTICE.—The under / 1 signed. appointed Auditor by the Orphans Ccnrt of l'untterland county, to marshal and distribute the fond in the hands of C. T. McLaughlin, Administrattr 4.lantes Ctu,thers, late of the INT< 11}h tfz'hippensturtt 11•