EMEEI Jtikaltithrnuei Che,mi.eal Marvels. Popidar nltrusoologr. a hie!' contains fre_ qbently the ger II ut• troth, lots long borne wit• tie,ss,to the analogy hetivec•n Laoll nos nod sceote by the . expressi.m, aloud " An oc he • iferons piano may lle constructed as that by Striking one ahoy 1 .% on shall in,•reeive vitt (It! ,Cologne.• nu l l by striking a second. a vote iht• idea of lu'•cndcr wetter. while by ronning up or down the 1 4 1:11 It you shall have every air odor, in suceessiA, from the homlie.t ft•rtgrotoce of fitrniy•.rd and 10.‘44.1d. Vie. (lie mo s t expri,'e of DClcrnix or :Itotshigittit. As :the ro mance of smell has Atts'int,t}te,',OUe.sj(le.n . ” in_ teret4 for Collard, on the et i ietliStilf,it :this its inte , gists for the eopk, too 'alert:hunt the ha i 'dresser, and the neisior of the ~rd nanoe.----11arre lire balsams suggested by Mt , tore and improved hi.art, which will serve to make a deliehatSntaenialiide froui an. vegota ble pulp. indebteil : ociaslon• ally to coal-tar for ifs,rigrceable qualities, and gccosienally to .less delightful and less men tionable solistances. -Ilippnric acid !lad itiit isli are allies of a very old date.— Ham . and pyroligneous acid have long since Passed into oquivalciit notions.—Vinegar and potato-etlier are- the god-fathers of till ti e taste which lives in jargonelle pears; valeritio rind potato etherore'lhe sponsors of the rtib stone pippin ; u similar ci miiound stands for the represett nti 4's of (induce, another for pine'. apples. another for melon ; a similar compound .transmutes•ltritisli brandy into the choicest cognac; onotlier will turn alcoholic buss into whisky.--lle would be.a clever cook who could construct an oyster patty without an oyster, but the chemist will do it for you at thte minutes' notico The tricks of trade are• notorious, but the tricks of philosophy mount' Higbee', and descend deeper. The modeln Thille is not content with burning up the wine presses. He can turn any gooseberry into. Champagne. There is yet another aspect of smells, the reverse of this favorable picture, under which they appear, not a sources of pleasure, but as weapons of aggression. "A single grain of a compound of the metal 'tellurium,' adminis tared to a healthy man, will make his ,neigh borhood perfectly intolerable for weeks, and sometimes even for months, after ho has swat lowed ft;" and there are compounds - of arse nic, not one or two alone which can be used as tho'nuiterial of- the "fusee asphyaienne," and which have the' double property of taking fire as soon as they arc exposed to the air, and of destroying all animal life within the range of their italikume. Nor are these the only con siderationkwhich argue the sometime eaten- Sion of chemistry to the-purposes of war. It promises, as we bave' seen, to make a man competent to any fatigue, but it promises also to fortify him against all miasmata,. whether exhalations from soil, or vicious conditions of atmosphere. Let all the air which enters the, lungs.pass through a medium of carbon, and you may go to sleep safely under rho shadow of the apes tree. The charcoal respirator of Stenhouse will procure immunity to'him who eojourns in a rice swamp, or shoots in a jungle. • The betel nut and the pepper-leaf, Showed together, keep half-starved races alive in the deltas of the Irrawaddy and the forests of Sumatra. A French traveler, "preserved tits health during a long and difficult voyage, by the habitual use of betel, while his corn• *intone, who did not use it, died mostly of dys entery." The nitrogeneous compounds to which all nations resort in intermittent fevers, have a'oonservative ns well as a curative pow er: the'pepperwrorts contain "a solid, white, crystalizable substance, known by the name of 'Piporin,' which is said to equal quinine." The Indian, by instinct, chows the betel and the pepper together—the rationale is this: "While in betel chewing, the astringent prin ciplo of the nut checks the tendency to inter nal relaxation, the fever•ehasing principles of the paper-leaf preserve the health amid the steaming vapors which the hot sun draws forth front swamps, andjungles, and irrigated paddy fields." It 'stands upon record that a certain military officer, at a certain period critical to health,. paraded all his regiment for black draught the nottt morning.—See what an additional force is concentrated in a very little knowl edge I The time may come when an army shalt plunge boldly into the most malarions dititilati, parading only in - the first place for betel-nuts and peprer quid ; shall make tom ed marches of fabulous distance with an acul rco of cocoa-leaf in their mouths; with a similar preparation, or a fraction of a grain of arsenic, shall climb !tights lilto those which the ' Zouaves scaled on the day of the Alma, rind arri r ve at the_summit with ample wind,for charge; shall ninnteuvrc to got the water gage •of their enemies, and discharge into their rucks a few rockets charged with cyanides of 16uildyle.; and having done this, , shall sit . ,sewn aticl feast like, Britons arm! their glory, :old, like the Ottonmcs of the Orinoco, upon n roasted' 11 of potter's earth.—London Time INTICRESTINO TO II EN FA:VCIFIRS -0110 cf the ti.ost verions obstacles hi the way of keep ing hens ahmit n honk has been the hitherto ihne , initt• rat , le pretliketion for scratching up ganiens. An ingenious Yankee has at length tii:4eo‘ereti a"reinetly f r this difficulty, and i 4 tilting nuntpctll'On ti/ inivoltice it into gentn..l use Ii consists el n small instrument some wh.t resembling a loug spur. attache I to the hind part of a hen's leg The inornment is Si, arranged that when dm hen is about fo sernich the earth, the spur Cltchos in the before h• r foot has f.ir;y descended, and obliges her to bring the foot down quietl; and harmlessly n. little it front of the prime where she has aimed at. The hen thereupon tries the other font, with a like result. She keeps on trying, and before she is Aware of •t the anwhisa has Wal her riyht out of the de gar?, ! An Agency 1i: been opened in Chi cago for the sale of these "hen walkers." DESTRUCTION OF ANTS —A correspond. nt - of the Philadelphia Ledger says—" We give I you a sure remedy--Procure, a large sponge, wash it well, press it very dry ; by so doing it leaves the small cells open—lay it no the shelf where they are most troublesome, sprinkle fine white sugar cn the sponge (lightly over it) two or three times a day, take a bucket of hot water to where the sponge is, carefully drop the sponge in the scalding water, and you will slay them by the thousands, and soon rid the house ollthese troublesome insects.— When you &ipecac the sponge you will be as tonished at the number thut•had gone into the cella." 1=1:11 A Mount Witmer. —The following verdict, delivered at Rome, Georgia, in the case of Ahe Johnson, vs. Thomas Cameron, sliev that Philadelphia does not monopolize all the in nt "jurymen" in the United States:— .•We the gory choszen and swoarne ogre that tom kamyrou must pa able gou,,ing the ful mount of 20 fire seats that the planetif pay over the won kwart of hiker for the benefit of the gory and kosts will be reeled out." publitatiolo. I - lOW/BOOKS BY MAIL! .. , Published by FOWLER & WELLS, New Yerk. iu der to acenumnalate "Thu People" ienitling In all ports of the United States, the Publishers will forward by return the first mail any balk named In the fol lowing list. The poitage will bo prepaid by them at the New York Of By this arrangement el prepaying postage in advance, fifty per cent. is eared to the pur cyaser. All letters containing orders should be post paid and directed as follows— FANILEitS A WELLS, 308 Broadway, Now York. Constitution of Man. By George Combo. The only au thorized American Edition. With twenty engravings, and a Portrait of the Author. Price, muslin, ic cents. Defeo.* of Phrenology. Containing an Essay on the Nature and Value of Phrenological Evidence; also, an able Vindication of Phrenology. By Boarding. Price 67 cents. Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Concord and Discord, with valuable Hints and Suggestions. By N. Fixer.- 15 cents. Education: its Elementary Principles founded on the Nature of Man. By J. G. Spui:sheim, M. D. With an Appendix, containing a description of the Tempera. theists, and an Analyilis of the Phrenological Faculties. 87 cents. We regard this volume us one of the most Important that has been offered to the publieformany years.—BOSTON MEn. AND SUR. JOURNAL. Lectdres on Phrenology. By Coo.Combe. With Notes, an Essay on the Phrenological Mode of Investigation, and an Historical Sketch.' By Dr. Boardman. Illus trated. $1 25 cents. Marriage: its History and Philosophy. A Phrenological and - Physiological Exposition of the Functions and Qualifications necessary for Happy Marriages. Illus. trated. 76 cents. Memory and Intellectual Improvement; applied to Self- Education and Juvenile instruction, Twentieth edi tion, illustrated. 87 cents. Matrimony: or, Phrenoloiry and Physiology implied to the selection of Congenial Companions tiv Life; in. eluding Directions to the Married for living together Affectionately and I iappily. an cents. Phrenology Proved, illustrated, and Applied; accompa nied by a Chart, embracing an Analysis of tile Primary Mental Powers in their various Degrees of Develop mot, the Phenomena produced by their combined Activity, and the Location of the Phrenological Organs. Together with a View of the Moral and Theological Bearing of the Science. Price $1 25. Phrenological Alutaulc. With Portraits. 6 cents. Phrenology and the Scrip/tits. Au able, though small work. By 11ev. John Plerpont. 12cents. Phrenological Guide.. Designed fur Students of their own Characters. Price 15 cents. Self-Culture, and Perfection of Characture ; including the Education and Ma figment of Youth. Price 67 mtg. 'SELF-MADE, or NEVErt itanr, is the motto. No indi vidual can read a pap of it without being improved thereby.--Common School Advocate. Self-Instructor in Phrenology and Physiology. Illus. tratod with One Hundred Engravings; Including a Chart for recording the various Degrees of Develop ment. By 0. S. and L. N. Fowler., Price la paper, ZIO cents. Muslin 50 cents, Accidents and Emetgeneles: A Guide, containing Di rections for Treatment in Bleeding, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Broken-Bones, Dislocations, Beltway and Steamboat Accidents, Burns and Scalds, Bites of Mad Dogs, Cholera, Injured Eyes, Choking, Poison, Fits, Sun-Stroke, Lightning, Drowning, .tc., Ac. Appendix by Dr. Trail. 15 cents. Bulwer, Forbes, and lioughtd‘n on the Water Treatment s Compilation of Papers and Lectures on the Sulthat of Hygiene and Hydropathy. Edited by Houghton.— $1,26. Consumption; its Prevention and Cure by the Water Treatment, With Advice concerning Hemorrhage e. the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Sore Throat. By Dr. Show.. 87 cents. Domestic Practice of Hydroprithy, with a Perm of a re. port for the Assistance of Patients in consulting their Physicians by Correspondence. fly Ed. Johnson, M. IL $1,50. Hydropathic Encycloprodia; a System of Hydrepathy and Hygiene. Containing Outlines of Anatomy;- Physiology of the Human Body; Hygienic Agencies and the Preservation of.llealth; Dietetics, and Hy &viable Cookery; Theory and Practice of Water- Treatment . ; Spocirl Pathology, and Hydro-Therepue ties, D1(.111,1114( On, Nature, Causes, Symptoms, end Treatment of all known Diseases; Application of ily deepathy to Midwifery and the Nursery, Designed ne 41 Guido to Families and Students, and • a Text , Book for Physicians. By It. T. Trail, H. D. Illus trated with - upwards of Three Hundred Engravings and Colored' Plates, Substantially bound, Prepaid by Mall, $3,00 This is the most comprehensive and popular work yet .published on the subject of litycimpathy. Of nil the puldleations whirl, have attained such a wide popul ar . Ity, as issued by Fowlers and Weil, perhaps none are more adapted to general utility than this rich; ermine. hensive ' :cad-well arranged Eitelopedia.—NrY. Talmo. Preetice of Water-Cure. Containing a detall4 account of the various proce: , srs used In"the Water-Tettinent, ' ,tc, Wilson and (Jolly. cents. Philosophy of Water-Come. A Development of the bite p r iuoploa of Health anti Longevity. By Baltdride.— . lin cents. ' New Hydropatble Cook Book. By 11. T. Trail, M. D. A. System of Cooking on Hydropathic Principles, con a(fr.ril:ll - 5.14 O - : a uDi Lai ai VAtlONithll of ilia Truo of all A awitary iiii.st:tiltiCH to Health, with Hain ltereilits for proinwia4 :111 appropriate Mallen fur l.irdr4atltir rAtalilisiononls, l•rleadc Faun Hos, Ace. Le. It is the Cook's L 0111140.0 U tilde for na who ••cut to lives." icionco of Swimming. II ustra tad. hi cents. • ‘Vater-t 111, iII Amurira. (Ivor three Ll O Cases m Various Diseases treated with Water. With Cases 01 I/Lonna:le Praetire. $1 25. Water Cure applied to every known Dhieame. A Nim 'rhoury. A complete Demonstration of the Advitii ta....ais of the II) trepathie Sylitem of Carin••••DiSeases shoving; :Use the ialluey of the Allopathe Method and its titter inabLity to eliect a Permanent Cure.— With App ,10.11:t. containing the Ilydmpathie Diet, and Rules for Bathing. Cy Ilitusso, hi eta. Water-Very Ihtianal. A Popular Work, embracing Do. t•eriptiohs or the Various Modes of Bathing, the and Cu rad ye hlteets of Air, Ii eat Clothing, oecupothm, DIA, Water, Drinking, Aro. Together with Ileseriptions of Diseases, and the IlydropaLbie humedies. icy Dr, chow. o 7 cents. Valor-Lure Alm:teat:. Illustrated. 6 cents. 'ow i'ysiology: Applied to the i'yoservation of Ifeallh 411,1 to the liiipm% ',anent of l'hysical and Mental Eti tleution. With Notes by 0. S. Fowler: hi cents. . !ironic Disc:tics: especially the Nervous DitatlMlA of Women. By 1). Ruseh. From tha thulium. ao cents. llgestion, l'hysiolug3 W: Considered with Relation to the Principles of Dietetics. By Coinhe. 111ustruted. I'rL•e 30 cents. 'ood and Diet. With Observations on the Dietetic Rag linim suited to Disorderad States of the Digestive Or gans; and Account of the Dietaries of some of the Metropolitan and other Establishments for Paupers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick, &e. Ity Verivra. Price $1.25. nsas: embracing the deseriptians ofSeenery,Climate Productions, Soil, and Itesourees of the Territory, in torvorsed with incidents of Adventiire and Anec dotes of Travel. Ity Max tireen. • ,:g1 rents. ereditary Descent: itg Lairs rind Factri applied to Ilu man luvrovement. By 0. S. Fowler. 8 emits. liternity : ur the Bearing and Nursing of Childred, it , eluding Female Education. fly O. 6. rowlur. Wlt Illustrations. h 7 cents. Natural I.am.: of Matt. Dv J. G. Spu.lzheitn, M. D. A important work. Price 'eA) rents. lysit.logy, Animal and Mental. Applied to the Pre servation and Uestoration of Health of Body and Power of Tliud. Illustrated. S 7 emits. Sober and Temperate Life lthumurses and Letters and Biography, of Louis Colmar°. :IO cents. ilwoo Prizo Essays by llns. Trail , Shaw, and MEM Baldwin. 15 cents. Tooth: their Structure, Disease and Treatment, with numerous illustrat . ns. lb cents. Future of Natitus; in what consists its Security. A lorture. lly Knss nth. V. tth a likeness. 12 cents: • What the Sister Arts Teach 111 , to Farming. An Address. By I inrace d rooky. 12. con ts. True MIAS .f American Independence. An Addn,o4. py Hon. IV, 11. Steward. U cents. Labor: Itslstory anti Prospects. By Robert Dale Oe OM 30 cents. Units t,waril !interims. Consisting of Lctures, EfiS43ll Addressee. uul other Writings, .7. , 0c0nil Edition, In large& By Horace tireeley. $1 25. Hope:, and Helps for the Young of Both Sexes. !taint ing to alio Formation of Character, Choice of A% VCA lion, Health, Amusement, Music, Conversation, Cul tivation of intellect, Moral Sentintents, Social A at. Lien, Courtship and Marriage. By Rev. G. S. Weaver Si rents. !Inman Rights and their Pet it lea] Ouaran ies. liy Judge liurlburt. ith Nettie, by tieerge Combo. bl eon t F. Homo fur All. A New, Cheap, Convenient and Superior finale of Building, containing full Directiuns for eon slrurting Gravel 11'a Witli'Viens, Plans, and En. graved Illustrations. Nun .Edition, Revised and Ep- I a rged. S 7 rents. Theory of Poptilation. Deduced from the General Lau of A n luta! Fertility. Introduction by Dr: Trail. if (wag w o man her Education and Influence. Bp Mrs. liugo need. With an Introduction by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. With Portraits. 87 cents. Eithor of these works runy be ordered and received by return of the first Mail, isastege prepaid by the Pub• liqliers. Please enclose the amount hi bank notes or p,.stag,.. stamps, and uddress all orders, Vost toil. to FOWLERS ft WELLS, 30,4 Broadway. New York. N. D. Namit your Post Office, Con my and Stite. Surniturc. itOIiERT B. ...5111,11,1, CABINET MAKER and - UNDERTAKLII. - . North - Hanover street, next door to • t I lasfes Hotel. Ile would respectfully Inform the • ' • citizens of Carlisle and the public generally, that he has now on hand a large and elegant asserttnent of FUR. N !TITRE, consisting in put of %Vardrobes,Card and oth er Tables, Sofas, Bureaus. Bedsteads, plain and fancy Sewing Stands, dc., manufactured of the best material and quality warranted. - Also a general assortment of CHAIRS at the lowest prices. VEYIIIAY MINDS made to order, and repairing promptly attended to. az— COFFINS made at the shortest notice; and hal ing a splendid hearse he will attend funerals In town or country. tlfe- Remember the stand—next door to H. Glass's I Intel. R. B. SMILEY. XTEN SIVE FURNITURE : ROOM. —JAIM; It. WEAVER would resuecfenlly call the attention of House-keepers and the public to ilk extensive Ftodt of elegant YURNITURE, including soac, Wardrol es, Centre and Tables, •••"' • Dressing. and Plain Bureaus, and every ether article In his branch of business- Also now on ha the largest assortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at - the lowest prices.. AOSIII NS made at the short est notice and a Ilearse provided for funerals, Ile solicits a cull at his establishment, on North Han- • o•er stree.s, near tillasse's 41 Furniture hired out by the month or year gostriN. cORNER II:m -e over and Louther CAS C undersign• ed has ye on hand a large stock of, superior Cabinet Ware, in all the ditlorout styles, which - he is prepared to sell at the lowest prices. Ito invites attention particu lirly to the Parma. Smusal BOTTOM lINDSTIAD, a most useful article, which entirely obviates all objertlons. The bottom can be attached to old Misteads. They have given entire satisfaction tooth who have In * use. Arir COI TINS made to Order at the sbortestnot JA I QOI3 WAVER. 01TETV STORE & NEW 0001)8I—The uto designed is now opening in the stare room et Leonard, on the corner ll:mover and I.outbef streets. in the Borough of Carlisle, a large and general assort. mont of 8 TALE AND FANCY DRY COODS,*erro.m:. Mg almost every kind And variety of goods.adnated ta this market, together with an. assortmontyd (AOC& It 1118, Ills stock having been nearly All purebitsed Within the last two Weeks. buyers will - hare. the "advantage ro selecting front a FIIFSII STOCK. as well as of the IMO decline in the price of many articles. lie will be happy to exhibit his goods to all who may favor him with a call, and pledges himself to sell every article as low cc lower titan they can be purchased elsewhere. Carlisle, Nur. 15, 1651. • ROBERT DICK. = rAiHRASHING MACHINES of thehe hest make constantly on hand and for sale at t ar Isle Foundry and Machine Shop. GARDNER & BROWN DUMPS.—Just received a large assort meat of PUMPS of every variety In general use, embracing Iron and Brass Cistern and Cistern Side Pumps. Also, out-door Pumps, sn regulated as not to be subject to freezing Ireorintcr. These pinups are got tip iuthe very best style In point of quality and work. manship. The manufacturot si lun•lug lied premiums awarded for their punips at several State Fairs, where they have bouts on exhibition. Also, constantly on hand a fullUssortment of Iron Well Curbs and Chain Pimps For sale low at novl-1854 ( - ,ZOIIIVENER AND CONVIYAN. CElt.—A, L. SPONSI,EIt, Infe Register of Cumber c‘Midty, will carefully :tttoud to the tranntrOon of all such burducl.,, as may be entrusted to Idra, mud) lIE the Nrriting of Derds, Mtativt 7 ,4e.fi Contracts, Lc, Ife a 111 law" dov.te Ids attention to the procuring of Land Wor• rants, Pensions, Lc. no will as t h e runliztFo mid vide of Heal Estate, negotiations, of ails, tc. t, sx,fdlice on West With Street, formerly occupied, s y W. M. Perim' s, Esq. near Otto Methedlot enure-b. Piper, t. 2 ets.; muslin, hi ,ctv. With Instructions to I,tarnois IIENItY SAXTON'S JAPPI NESS ! AP PINES'S ! WHAT CAN MAHE Us HAPPY Wi Ilie/IFUre, till the joys of fil!l!FO, Lie iu three week—health, Peace, itlld Competence, (Pope.) But when we have pains, Milli:Gen or anguish of di eases. Is not our lIICILSUPC, our joy. 41111 our hill/piny, thereby destroyed, lot our sick fellow-Lying fort lious 111 - 4 - Chrira, say : "NS ith the sanie.tneasure ye unto, it shall be measured to you again ?"—Mat. 7, ho is is a wk..) man chill endowed with knowledge si nning you, lot him show out of a good eon ersatlen his works with meek nem and wisdont."--.ltunes 1:1. SGlttit.ltSl AND IsltAAClNr:.—hoct or . I'. I:. CAM-i -t/Mt, Furgeon and Ph3sichut, who is IMtai.ist and Physiologist, and is Graduate of our Lest Medical Ct.lle. ges, anti 111111 made himself acquainted with all the vari ous systems ~,Icaleal :Hence, and v. the recent discol - eries And Immo% ono, to in the. at 1,11114 depart ments of the Ilealing Arts. fititlifully attends to orders for Surgical and Medical Aid. and whose medicines at-s all made or e.,,Sriposed strictly in lieu:Mance with the Sdctices of Pathology; Botany, Ilydropaihy ar.d I'h3 sl 4110gy ; and whose medicines are all cumposod of whole some roots, plants, and hydrepathy, good in all diseases, and to et ham the afllicted are invited to apply timely. Ilia Character by )(expectable Nelghtxxx, &c Copy of a letter from the Rev. C. 11. Leinbach to Mr. 11. 11. Etter, of the Warm Springs. Respected :Sir :—Al low mo to introduce to your friendly notice, Dr. CARL DER. of New York. I have known • Dr. C. for sixteen years, he has done business fur me , , with sobriety, hot, esty and with accuracy; - therefore I do believe him to be perfectly sober, honest and trustworthy. Any ii/VrofF you may see proper to confer on him, will to highly 711- pro , lnted by his numerous friends, and by nom, mom highly than your sincere friend and humble servant. C. 11.LIENIIACJI. LandisLurg, l'a.; July 15th, ILSI. Ct:py of a letter from George Spahr,. Esq., County Treasunm.-1 do certify that the medical :Wilco or Dr.. P. C. Cardder has surpassed any other which I have hit herte.had in the rum of moron, foyer in my 'hinny.— would therefore recommend -him to such persons who may Le afflicted with aforesaid disease or otlierwite. - • Bloomfield. August 20th, 1851 CARDDRE. ;being well acquainted with the re era French disenverlescwith their new and safe modes of treatment, and the speedy and - *thin remedies and 'urea for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Dysentery, Cho) era %Anis and all Complaints of the Bowels and Stem. :Leh; Superior Remedies fur the prevention and cure of Asiatic t htlem. Remedies firall the defects and dia• eases of the Generative Organs and reproductive econo- my in men and women: Remedies for Insanity ; certain and timely cures for all Consumptions, Impotence, Stec• illty. Sexual Abuses, Vedereal Disu.ses Wall their forms; Suppressions and other delicate female complaints. All Chace remedies eliminate from the most noble science cl Itatany and ilydropathy comlined, kbut no plson.)— • Heal all manner ot sickness and all mannerof dist ase. Now Testament. "It is fur healing that Christ. commen deth the Sainaritam—Luke, 10, 33 to 37, and with COM mon moans. "Provo all things, hold fast that a bleb is good."—lst. Thessalonians, 5, 21. "Therefore let us ware of laying up what we should lay out for health. fur there is that scattereth and yet inereasell, and there Is that withholdeth more than is_meet, but it toudeth." Proverl s, 11, 24. The different medicines anti their - directions will Lc sent to the affil zted In any direction by mail or express. Address Dr. I'. C. CARDDEE , Carlisle, Cumherinitd court-. ty, Pa., post. paid, and the fee $1 hlways accumpanyine the letter, with the order, together with a description e. the feelings nod the symptoms of the complaints of the afflicted inclesed. It is this system of Medical t , cievec the Boobs and the modes of cure only, which Dr. Card• dor employs that allow of medicines with ely made Or composed of Wholesome Roots, l'hluts, and llydrupathy, good in all diseases, (no poison), and hia, can - speedy and certain remedieNund cures for "all manner of sickness and all wanner of disease," and which sur pass all other medical means In point of goodness, be, yond all hounds of comparison. OFFICE South' Ha never street, East side near and below the Presbyterial) Church . Carlisle. Pa. Testimonials from numerous persc•os of the highest respectability in this and the adJcining counties, give authentic evidence of the goodness of Dr. Cardder's character, and can he seen at his office. N.H. The afflicted can receive superior medicines and the directions for their use by the first return of mail or express. Ir-interviews be desired, or visits requested, Dr. C. will endeavour to aecomtnodate applicants as far as he can. The Doctor speaks the English and the Der. mar. Languages, etc. [ Jan. 17, 1 FM, IMPORTANT TO FEMALES! DR. CILEESESIAN'S PILLS. The combination of Ingredients In these tills Is the re. snit an long and extensive practice; they are mild In their operation, and certain of restoring nature to its proper channel. In every Instance have these rills pro ved successful. They Invariably open those obstructions to which Females are liable, and bring nature into its proper channel, trlierchy health is restored and the pale and deathly countenance changed to a healthy ono. No female can enjoy gocalhealth unless she is regular; and whenever an obstruction takes place; whether from ex- D.sTire, cold or any other reuse, the general health Stn. mediately.beginsto doellne, and the . want of such a rem edy has been the Cause of sontany consumptions among young females. To ladles whose health will not remit. of an increase of their family, these pills will prove a vai 'table acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.- Headache, pain In the side. palpitation of the heart, Ira thing of food, and dl turbed sleep du most always arise from she interruption of nature; and whenever that is the case, the pills Wlll invariably remedy all Mint evils. Nor are the less efficacious in the mire of Leucerrhaa, commonly called the 'Willies." These pills should nev er be taken during pregnancy, as they would he sure to cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable. and free from anything hojurlins to VW or health. Fulleni explicit directions accompany each box. These pills arc put up in square lint boxes. Persm residing where there Is no agency established. by encl• sing one Dollar lo a letter, pre-Paid. to Dr. C. 1,. CnErs May. No. 207. Meeker street., New York, can has c ther sent to their respective addressivo by mall. JUST RECEIVED .AT THE PAN ILY GROCERY STORK of the subscriher, n rion ;1011, A now supply of fresh Water Crackers, Soda'. 'Nutter, Plc Isac and lioOluiscult, Farina, Corn Starch, Tapioca, rearl Barley, Extract of Coffee, Rico Flour, linking rowdier, &e., A now let of superior Table Oil, Pickles. Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, Ka. num. Ae,.l. W. EBY. . . 14 "CE1 ---- 11FMIN TEW GROCF,RI NP TETA" STOP E. :The subserlber won d respectfully Inform his friends and the piddle generally. that he hasjust returned from tin city with a large and varied assortment of Wet:RIES, PLASS and QUEENS-WARY 4 "--X7 l FISH, ke.. 4%, which be'offers for sale on tip 111 'nest reasonable terms, ,at - his New Stun % 11± corner of North Ilminverstreet and the l'ul ; Ile Square. directly opposite the Carlisle Pr. , posit Punk. Ith stock ombrases everything usually in a tirm.nry and Variety store. The nubile are incited t 6 call and examine his sterl. before inirelu , lng elsee here, 71F he feels confident he can sell the beet good', itt the lowti,t prices.. 4 0011.1 I I ‘ I s L TIT t u . TSEtitar§ceooluls:D! toNo, Bandage 4 street, sixth stnre above Market. B. V. EVERETT'S Patent GI admitting Pressure TRUSS, for the cum of Rupture; Shoulder IngleCF, Supporters. Elastic Stockings, Suspensary„ Hemorrhoidal, end Bandages for determines. .• Jan. 11-Iy. vA. S A LT.L..5000 Sacks G." A. SALT, for sale by , CATtR, GEM fi ,Co. Flour .t Oraln Commission MerchantS, "Spear's n hart lialthnere, Bee 5 Wl4; call the attention of the public ti youTAutt: OARDEN OR FIRE ENOINE:f watering cardcns or mitingnithlng An oxvoilcb iscat..chcap and convenient. For sale at in(o/1.-Est , 4 SA X TON'S. ---- lILACKSMITiI ' S COAL. —5,00 f. Umawls Blacksmith's Coal, a firq rate article 'l:r ceivilig and for saki by 4artl7 1‘2,- - ;,":, .1 AM NOW Ii . IiCEIIANC Clej t j e iny spring , stoolt of PAPtitt 11ANCINtli• 1104 is tho largefit ttlid most varle.l assort tovot (4,1 ord:ited ill Carlisle& to wljklt I invite Ow en tly attentho of t h e poldi,.. ns I lottoot soiling nt privet, v, hicli 'cannot fall to pliantthy rI4 mit rurchnskr. marelf2S no. = J. n. 1111.111.31 T W. B. }IIOIIIIA-li, Art .10 . 1 IN P. tArlsilt Mitabciplpa • I E. GOULD, [Successor to A. Fiot. CV No: 164 Chestnut St., Swaim's Building, Philndel phis, extensive Music Publisher, and Dealer in Idusica; Instruments of every description. Exclusive 'sgent for the auto .t linnet, Dayjp & Co. l'etoLt liuspeneien Bridge &Ohm and.olhor 'PIANOS,— Plahos. Melt deens, Martin's Cullum harps, Violins, Sheet Music. Music Books &e. liesidents .4 the c, untry will ho supplied by mall or otherwise with musk they may IrIA.IIO 1r w ns if . pur clutsed in person. !laving ono of the lari.est st. cks lu the United Elates, I feel co i.fident of sathfyiny ull 1,11( may favor me with a (all or enter.. healers Music supplied on the must eral tee ms Pieties to lot. ticeot,d4utt.d Plates fer sale. ____._.________________._ fillEAl' WATCILES AND Jk.AV.EI,- / SY, ‘VIIOLESALIi and RETAIL, at the "1 lAN. tltt, delphia NVat,h and Jewelry Rol 0." 4 • tv umber 06 Rath Son d Street, . cr. ......., 0k .... nor of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold ..i i \\ , .at newer ~,W nteber, full jewelled, s l . e ,o raj o . 4,, . .:,. (bold Levine, 16 carat cases, 24 00 ..,.- ,„,... : --2.... 7 41. Silver' " jewels,. ~ • • c () IVItAD: Silver Lexer, full jewelled, 12 06 Superior Quartiers, - - - 7et - Hold Spectacles, - 7 (.0 - Fine Sliver Spectacles, - 1 (K., . Gold liracelets, - - • :i to Ladies' Hold Pencils, •- - - 1 01 , - Silver Tea Flumes- - vet, - E 90 (bold Pena, with l'unell.arid Silver Holder. - .'1 UU (lob! Fingor Mugs 37 . 1 /_; ' , N rents to SS; atlh Gi t. ntt s. plain, 12, 1 ,4: emits. l'atent Liinet 25; ( thor nrtieltf In propsrtiou. All goods vrarianted to lm hnt tto y arc sold for. STAUFFER & 11ARILEY. On hand. porno Gold and Silver Levers and I.epinoP A OII lower than-the liikTO prints. ATCIiES ! !—JOII ;H k i T S ( N l F E :l l .l l .;( l9 ,n l iat 'A it l itacturcr an d Inc enter of SA FE, TV PATENT SQUARE UPI= lIT WOOD BOX MAT( .111.1 , N 4 ...10ti North FQURTII Street (above Pim/4111i LAIM,I, ;MIA. Matches having become an irtin;pensable article in housekeeping, the subscriber after a great. Earrifice r time and money. is enabled to eller to the Public an ar ticle at once combining Utility and Cheapness. The in ventor knowing the danger apprehended on account of the tilmsey manner in which Matches are generally picked in paper. has by the eider New Steam Machinery of his own invention. succeeded in betting up a SAFETY PATENT SQUARE 11PRIMIT WO( IP BOX; this lax is far preferable. in as much that it occupies no more room than the old round wood box, and contains at lent Two Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to tißlimere Is considerable advantage; it is entirely nevv.and secure against moisture and sponteneouttembustien, dispett all danger on transportation by means of Railroad, Steam boat or any other mode of Conveyance, These Matches are packed so that ono gross or more may be shipped to any part of the Wei Id with perfect safety. They are the most desirable article fcr Dome Consumption, and the Southern and western markets that have ever been invented. DEALERS and SIIIPPEItS, will do well to call and examine for thetriaelces. • • ti:g_Theae matchea, aro 'WARRANTED to be superior to anything heretofore offered to the Public. JOHN DONNELLY -106 North FOURTH St.Thillle Phila. lYec'r 4, 'I Rb 4 RENCH TRUSSES, Weighing less than 2.im . ounces, for the cure of Ilerniaor It uptnrs acknowledged by the highest medical authorities of Phil adelphia, incomparably superior to any other in use.— Sufferers will be gratified te learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only the highest and most easy, but ns durable a Truss as any ether, In lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually sold. There iii no lenity attending the fitting, and when the pad Is locat ed it will retain its position without than, e. Persoffs at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any address. by remitting five dollars fir the single Truss, or ten for the double— with measure round the hips. and stating side affected. I t will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning at once, unsoilefl. For sale only by the Importer, Corner Twelfth and 'Pace streetn fri)- requiring the ter:edit of lifecbanlcal Fop pruter, owing to the derangement of the Intrrual toe gang,' inducing falling of the Wornh, Vocal, Pulmonary. hyspoptlei-Nerrous and Spinal Weaknres, aro informed that a competent and experienced LADY will be in et tendance at the Rooms, (set apart for , their exchisiT c nee) No. •114 TWELFTH St., Ist door telow Race. July 26, 'b4. JAI LS' Patent Tubular Oven AIR HANdg, various si ea tosult Families 11 trig I oases and hotels. ' Those in want of a superior Cooking .Apparattis in 1 I tad to call at our irarehouse and examine this lb For durability, economy ar.d timplicity in cpernil stands unrivaled. It has a perfect htt air VC/101,11 •, and moats baked In this oven will rctain theirjuic. a flavor equal to that rcastod before an oven fro. and pastry cooked at the same thee w itle•ut ( re a ing the other. lt w ill f UM dela heated heat additional rooms for the c01d,44 weather. It descending or return Ilnew and is equally well Mb ,* to bitutninous or common bard c , al. The steam over the toiling part of the Hang,: carries off the and scent of cooking, as well as heat in summer. Every Range sold warranted to give satisfaction, < 1 k•xpolise to the purcbasor. II Al' ES' VENTILATOR. l'at en ted Octol er, IF4i • Public Sails, Factories, Railroad Can, Chlumies, Ships. Steamers, tte. l'ure air is a subject, claiming the attention of t individual, and all buildings should lo provided •tv.:l the proper moans of ventilation. Also, a powerful Waiiimto AND VENTILATING VCRIL..O for ftwollings, School lic:uscs, Churches. hulls. St< rt Factories. tc. A largo assortment of Office, Iran and Conking-St' II Parlor Grates, lie;;lntera, and retail. TANI) d 11A YES, 82 North Sixth , street, Personal attention given to 'warming and v I u ting both public and pi ivate Luildings. EM0V.1.0.-E,NI4 . IWLAND& wholrsule and retail LOOKING AND Flu. T1.1t6 FItA,M it MANUFACTORY, N0.12t; Altell et reit, epposlie the Theater. Philadelphia. E. N. S Co. raeolved the only Medal, awarilcil the Crystal Pahtee exliltition, N. Y., ISM in the Iluittd States 7 for lalt, Decorated, Dtautel and Pier Classes. (4.IIATISI—Just .Published—A w DIFOVIERT IN MEDICINII—A few words ot ti,r national Treatment. without Medicine, Sprlnuttor Neu. or local weakness, nervous debility, low spirits, tots. weakness of the limbs and back, intlispetition and it ea parity for study and labor, dullness of appntheuslon. loss of memory, aversion to society, love of solitud e midity, self distrust, dizziness. he-attache.. luvolunlar) discharges, I sins in the side, affection of the eyes, pim plea on the thee, sexual and other intirznitles fn men. From the French of Dr. 11. llehancey: The important fact that these alarming oomph into may easily be removed WITHOUT Mt TnelNe. is 111 this srual! tract elvarly clemonbtrated, and the entirely new and 111 4 11 Y successful treatment, as adopted 11 the Autlu r fully ex plalnecl,by means of will, b every one Is enable s !, to cure himself perfectly and at the least petsible ry st. avoiding thereby all the advertibed nostrums of the clay., Sent to nny address. gratis and post free, hi a stedeo etivelopo, by remitting AINICt paid) two postage sisal t to Or. 11.1n3Lancoy,17 Lisp.. apt et vest, York, Ihirch 1-ly IVOOLLEN Y.A.11,N ; ;,--Alot of ver.}. Fuliertar Heavy and rxen Wpaltrn Yarn Just reMvelb much better than the city Mauro. • Cir.ks:-COITTIY. (MEAT' °penillr it far —it io44ortment (.4" BLACK SILKS. Also, t it csortmene4 new styles foditoontle FALL. SI 1.10 4 , YCI • (+heap. oot I 'si In Mny 20.1E53-1; M=l=M CILAILLM, OGT Lill