Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 02, 1855, Image 3

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cutFi 1 Fntl~~i.
4' Vltnt nrae yoit':i . oi!yr, to do with it? W 117.0
are you vilpj, it ?" exel-iimed hal
a dozen r• 1 2 ,1 . o r,dns, to hrlght eyed,
thinly clod udm mis holding a splen
did purse io ono td . 1.1.4 purple, cold hands, that
he had hri< n bo: a, rew moments previous
from the si
"Return it t t h e owner," answered the
honest fellow. in n. firm ti'ine.
A fool !" 91I'Mtl'.1 the hors "Yon wontl
not catch retoening a purse that looked as
though it It i gots (1 , 1 rnon.v in ir, as that does,
let's see how flinch there is," spoke the of
of the group. and mode an attempt. to wrest
it from the
It shan't 111',openoil•. It is none of your
buqiness svh:tt it c , mtains. it is none of ours.
and if you (lon't loose your grasp upon it I
will cAll the p returno(l limiest Johnny
in a cominnoding tone
The boys knew that loboy would do as he
said ; hence, they only ceased tormenting him
but stole awaY as if the police weep already
upon their tracks.
When alone, my began to consider what
it was best to do. There was no way, thaehe
saw, by which the owner could be ilentified
by him A theaght struck him—he weal l de•
liver it to the onion of the chief police But
he shout I lose the sale of his papers if he
attended to it then, amt if he did his mother
and little sister must go without bread that
night; for th,2, , htd nothing to cat save that
which the daily sale of the ticwvapers brought.
What should he do ? Ile paused awhile and
then said : •• Mother, you hail rather go hun
gry, to' night, :tin su-e, I ild rather, too,
than keep the purse until to morrow morning.
Let's see I he put his hand into his ppeket,
and after fumbling a^ short time, draw forth
three cents; I've got money enough to buy
loaf for little sister's supper and breakfast and
I will go without ; so I will go at once and
carry the purse where the owner can obtain
it." Thus saying lie truggod off, with the
purse in one hand and a large bundle of
newspapers in the other. He whistled as he
went; for although pinched with cold and
hunger, he felt happy because he was doing
After dispsing of the purse, and being call
ed an •‘ honest little fellow," by the police he
returned home, and related to his mother how
he had acted. She praised him for so doing,
and said he must do right if ho perished in
the attempt.
The neat morning, Johnny went from his
home a little bluer and colder than usual, for
he had no supper or breakfast to fill up his
stomach, thereby keeping the cold out.
At nightfall he was going home with a light
heart, for lie had sold papers enough to buy
bread to last his mother, sister and himself
one day ! when ho was met by the gentleman
to whom he bad delivered the purse on the
previous day.
~ 711 y little fellow," exclaimed the gentle
man, patting him on the shoulder; the purse
you left me has been returned to the owner,
who; - bY the iSanAritimate friend of mine
and to reward you he has offered to take you
into his employ, and see what he Can make of
"Will he give wages enough to buy mother
and sister bread !" anxiously inquired the Ind.
"Yes," returned the gentleman, "and more
than that Come !" he added "we'll soon see
what he'll do for you." Thus saying, ho led
the way to a large brick dwelling, nearly op
posite to where they had been talking.
A slight ring
. of the door bell broughtlhe
owner of the purse to the d'or. He was in his friend that the lad before him
was•tho one to whom be was indebted fur the
recovery of his lost property. Johnny was
met with a warm and hearty welcome from his
new friend who nut only promised to take the
honest boy into his employ,*but that his mo•
Cher and sister should be made comfortable
and happy. Tears of joy tiled the little fol
low's eyes as ho hastened to inform his mother
of his good fortune His mother was overjoy
ed at the pleasing tidings of her son, and she
and Johnny never after had occasion to regret
the latter's conduct respecting the "Lost
--The New York Times states that on Tues
day a flare up occurred in Brooklyn, which re
stilted in Col. Jack, a lawyer, chalenginva
professional brother, named Shoemaker, and
that the letter declined accepting the invita
tiou, " unless the Colonel would fat himself up
aufficiently to he a mark to shoot at." Col. J.
1193 not yet indicated , his intention to accede
to the request.
s i s ,.lt's the little troubles that wear the
heart out. It is easier to throw a bomehell
mile than a feather—even with artillery.—
"Forty little debts of one dollar each, will cause,
you more trouble and dunning than one big
one of a . thousand.
~ -- S~ --
J AA NS At't; IA. N'.ll,l(;ti., M. I.).,—Lit t c
it . roliseier of Anatomy and fiurger) in the Phil:filet
phia Col leg. of Medicine, and Acting Professor in Mid
wafer, ; one of the tionsulting I hi sicians ,a . the Phil
adelphia Hospital, Blucliley; late ment her of the .-:.t
tional eledical Association; member of the iMilitilet
pith Medical Society; Member of the AltalictsChicorAi
elti Calle-go of Philadelphia; formerly Prdshieht and
Professor of Anatomy alai :surgery i o t 'as' let,,nl Alili
mil ilollege, Vermont ;' s
and also, late Professor of An
utility and Physiology in llerlisliire hledical Institti
ti in, Pittsfield, Alois.. &e.., ,tc. -
11aslately iletrodneed in a popular form, several of li if
vont° proscriptions ler the principal diseases el this
cliertte. The name of cavil article will Imply the dis
ease for whieh it is intended to he used.
DR. MO( rocß's PEcroaat. St - MIT, $l.
Da. Matliatf TOCR'S COLD AND COMM Ali XTUltr,---For Colds.
Oiler *25 ets.
DY. P, tol rt.%
rifying the Blood. Price $l.
Da. MeCiasrous's Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving toile
to the stomach, relieving pains after eating, heartburn,
and all disagreeable symptoms arising frau indigestion.
Video Si.
IlleClasTocK's RHEUMATIC Mix.rtntE—A Purely Ve
getable Remedy for internal use. Price 50 els.
tism, Sprains, &c. Price 50 cts.
Muelitsremit's ANODYNE Mi xvnts—For Pains, Tooth
ache, Headache, Neuralgia, &e. Prke 50 cts.
DR.:Met'thsToeK's PNVER AND AGUE cortaiti
cure for all Intermittents. Price $l..
vitsrtvs-4 Saila Remedy.
Costiveness, Headache. &c. Price '2,5 cts.
. . .
Da, Nlelhateremes ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS—For irregularity
in the Functions of the Lit or and Dowels—the best Liv•
or l'illanade. Price 25 Mx. a box.
For sale by Dr. J. McOLINTOCIi.:. his Medical Depot,
N. W. Corner NINTII and Pt ILBEI.T Streets, PhiladeL
Mita, and all Druggists. Druggists and Dealers in 51ed
eines who wish to be Agents, will rioaate address 11r.
McClintock, 111mi:thing rofere.fice, 11l No of Post otric,,
county and State.
fo_For sate by W. A. Kelso, Salllttel Elliott. Carlisle:
J. IL Cri.wol i. Shippensburg: Emminger co., b. Kauld
man, Mecitaniesburg; .I..sith Herron, Newville; J. U.
Zimmerman. Anderson burg; Ferlig,
town; A. G. lillu k, Now Bloomfield; Harriet M. Singer,
New]] el.: 11. F. Gardner, York Springs; A.. 1. Miller and
J. S. Nixon, I.lll , ,lNtrSbUrg: 11. Menttter, Waynesboro.;
]leorge Bergner :tad D. It. Jones & Gs. Ilarrisburg•
ran Le consulted, without charge,
daily. from 10 to 12 o'cl lett, A. 51., at his Den it.
December 51,
lAN (, I P"l' ka. kr. .•
%V. II A 1 has just recei, ed eats
and Is now ~poning a splendi I , ii‘play of l'ANl'l' I I
suitable 1 . . n. approaelllng 11011ftly : , 011-SOll, 1.0 a Weil
110 desirns to e:11 . 1 th, :mot the
ititilu-s.m . t:liont In this ling, cannot be ,:nricis..4e,l
In 110% city and elegance, and both iu quality and price
of the :trt Ides. eazinot fall t t please purchase's. It w.nil I
be itlipohsilile Lu outlinertie his
It )1,111.11 . I , .INeY 17 h)11:7,
which comprise every variety of fancy article of the most
exquisite shape such as
Maehe ❑nods,
Elektul. alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays,
Fancy it,ry. pearl and shell card cases,
Ladies' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy Work Boxes, with sowing instruments,
Part >Lntnab's, of every variety,
tluld pens II mid peucels, 1 , 3 , 110 y paper weights.
Papeteries, and a large variety of ladies' Fancy station
Mott.) sells and wafers, Silk and livid pur Ne s,
Ladles' riding whips. elc,..tantly finished, Lidles' fine
cutlery, •
Mu &al instrument:l, of all hinds and al all rives
togothur with an innumerable varlet.). of artielerielergau
ly tinkherl and suitable for holliday prevents, to whir h
he in v item 'gperial attention.
MSI/, all exteosi ye and elegant collection of
comprising the carious English:ind American ANNUALS
for Dififi, richly embelished and (lust rated I'OrrICAL
children of all egos. than which nothing can he 1111 l ro
appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. His assort u.•ut
ii , 7110 , 01 1110115 2.1111 5111 . 1,01 Stn I inn ry Is :Ilan rompkto,
and cum over)' thing used in College and thu
Schisds. lie als p desires call Ole partkular attention
of Families to his elegant l'i*At v cf
I, AMPS. 111 It .tNDOLES, se.,
from the extensive establi , hments of n'Prnelluq. A Tenor
and ethers of Philadelphia, eumprlsing every style of
Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamp's, fer burning either
lard sperm or ethereal oil, together with Flower_ Vases,
Fancy Screens, se. 111 s assortment in thili line Is un
eq Wald in the borough. Also,
in every variety, and at all prices, all of which are pure
and fresh, such as can be confidently recommended to
his friends and the little (las. Ills stock embrascs
every thing in the line of Fancy ,foods. with many other
articles useful to housekeepers which the public are
especially Invited to eall and see (luring the lodidays.—
Remember the Ohl Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on
North Hanover street.
doe 13 145-1 8. W. 11AVHRSTICK.
is now and will continue to be supplied with the great
est novelties up to the close of the season, comprising in
part CONFEcTioN A RIES of the choicest varieties, such
as Flue Candy Toys, Jelly Cakes, Botillons, Gum Cordial,
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose, Vanilla, and
Burnt Almonds, French and exploding Secrets. Also
all the common varieties, all of : whieh will ho sold whole
sale and retail at low rates. We have just received
FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest Importations such ns
Oranges, heinous, Raisins, Figs, Prue ns, Citron, Currants,
soft and paper shelled Almonds, Filberts, Cocoa, Cream
and Ground Nuts. In connection with the above the
largest assortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of every
kind from all parts of Europe, 'manufactured of wood,
glass, china, papier mule, tin and India ridden., sink,
&c., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed Dells, sewing
and Card Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases,
Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Music Boxes_ Port Mutinies, Battle
Doors, Unice Hoops, Masks, Drums, (tuns Trumpets,
Dominoes, Lotto and other games, &c.
.Fancy Soaps and
Hair Oils of every variety. In connection with the
above a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, such as
pulverised, , Crushed and brown Sugars. of every grade,
coffee, Molasses, Starch, Green and Black Teas, Spices,
Butter, soda, Sugar, Water and other Crackers, cheese,
&c. •
Thu subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a gener
ous public for the patronage heretofore bestowed on him,
and hopes, by tv desire to please, to merit a continuance
of the same, .
jowb have just received. from Philadelphia, a large
assortment of new and SPLENDID ANNUALS, and GIFT
BOOKS for the Holidays, which 'haring been purchased
below the }usual wholesale rates, we are enabled to
sell at ratty reduced prices. They have now In store
a splendid stock of
Gift' Books,
Illustrated Poets,
Standard Works,'
Bibles, nil sizes,
Prayer Books,
Hymn Books,
Sunday School Books, '
Tract Books,
Juveniles, ke., SM."
MI of which aro 51.1:1V HOOKS, fresh from the publisliem,
splendidly bound and embolished and got up expressly
for the Christmass Holidays. Also FANCY STATIONUT
and Fancy articles generally,ln great variety. The pub
lic are invited to call and examine samples now ready
for Inspection.
Le-Remember; the place to buy books, cheap, is at
• PIPER'S, !USD street.
Deo'r 20, 1853
1 - EATIIER.—Fritz a', - Hendry, Store,
14 29 North 3d at.. Phllodulphia, Morocco Manufactui
a, Curriora, Importers, Con=lssion and DononAl Lot.
r t
WHOLES ALI: AND RETAlL—Manufactory 15 Arai
IV drool. Sup. 7-1 y
t-3tarv.i nub
Pereoute baskets aid
Brush••.. of every kind thr the toilet,
Roussel's Veriutues of tiler :irivuN 6 mils,
Carlisle, Dec,r 7, 1854
glithigtht 1 930 1 1).
J(AIN I'. 14YNE—Wholesale, and Ito
till thuifiir i 6 A inorivaii, hul,lisli and (lomat.
ii.ll:lAVAlti . ., idl e, Valuta ; &e., R. Aiuchanien, buihrehi
Loot the public g,olowally, win, are hi , lint in hardware
~ td any hi,.d, are invited to rah iu and
cir..,",, exandne my • uniequilly hog stock of
.._%.W;,roils, iihith 1 ant selliug at, very low
p.!..:,.. .00v voi) ili; it will only lilt (Ali II you a Verb
oh , min otos to be Court/teed that what everybody trays
—that Lyn's is docidetily the place to r ot 8 . od goedn at
law prices—must La true. r2B llyrdwure Store,
11 est Side Noah IlaaoN or street
11 L 11;
ha:AT ILIIII3 1. N
he snoserllnn in CiJ1.11.4 um,ce of ill•health, offers his eio
ti o ,,,,t o ed of II A Itr. to any perSoll or pores,ns wish
ing to enter into the Hardware business. Ile 113% fug so
resolved In quitting the business, will give a bargain,
besides his influence and custom. Any 0110 desirous o.
getting into this business will do well to call soon, and
if not disposed of by the Ist of October next, he will
then COIIIIIIOIICO Selling elf at cost at the 4,1 d and well
hitown stand, in North Hanover street, next door to
Charles Maglaughlin's JAt!011 SENER.
T u
R I I Vlt SA f ON.
sulnwriber having returlied from the city would call the
attention of his fi lends and the puhlic generally hi the
large aid well sclectedassortnimilt of Hardware n filch be
has just received:consisting lit part of BUILDING MA-
Trllti A LJ, nails, sormes, hl tiges, halts, bolts. glass, putty,
paints, oils, Sc. I', Kt LS—edge toils: saws and planes o.
every description, with files, rasps, lilmWers, anvils, kc.
A general assortment of SIIDEN AK KID; AND SAD.
DLERS Too L,s, together with morocco, lining and bind
ing slsing, sine thread, was, pugs, lasts, harness mount
saddletrers, kr:
WACII (plain, enameled, fig
ured and eathosmold latent and enamelled leather,
axles. springs, tin Ls, spokes, fello,t, taunts, kr., tic.
Cabinet Makers will find a large assvtinent of varn
ishes, mahogany and walnut vlinet:ll4, moulding, rosettes
hair cloth, curled hair, A.
Chr stick of Iron is large und well selected, compris
up; all the kinds in general use, as liatinneredlind rolled
inns of all sizes,tlat, bar Lend band Iron, rani t..
.ind oval iron, horse-shoo iron Ulla nail mils. w,itttit large
lot of east'and sjiriiig steel, nod Alituricut blis
ter steel..te.
Housekeepers and thrigo admit commencing will tird it
Li, their ads awtage to coil nod e%adnine our cutlery, drit
tania 311.1 I,l:and kettli s, cedar ware, Ls-skids,
In addition to tin nhmr we )(:, eree i e ,. 2 l a splendid
assortment of 11 .11212 PAPER, mating the st, rk eon.
plete. and at raeast rail I. VI. Sat 14Ite
t Wu in , . to all is imols to est', dile ing it ccillbn to
lhcir unc us ath al Ilemeinher the mil stand. 1.-rist
I11:11 litrood.. Al:oil:di:, Pa.
()rt. r•fhl. I.l.lN'f , N.
L ~R1",SII A !tit( V Al, OP 11 It 1)-
‘‘. A It H.— The subs..riher Inkrini; returned from
the city la a,. jint opened for the Foil trade a large and
vil •0•100.0.1 offand doinrstie Hardware,
enkl.raeikk , .•rythintf usually found in-that line of bu-
Tl ' le at len ~r trivilds al , (1 the pritilir "generally
rt'respeetfully directed to the assoitinent on hand. nit
silting them (Lot goothi of all hinds will Ike stdd for rash
It a 01 . 1 Nina)! 3,1 V.lll ce 011 manufacturers prices. Re
member the old .Laud, East Main Street, Carlisle, Pa.
r Ot)TU NV AS I I.—lkatttiful White
Teeth Ilealthyliluins and a sweet Breath—All who
::re destr t.l obtaining these Lenehts should use
)1 IN'S VfliD TinVill %VASIL 'Nils dell Jnus
article e o l nlan es so Many 1111,1111. JCS that it
now beemne a standard fa rbrite w ith the citizens 0.
New York. Philadelphia aud Ihtltlinore, Dentists pre
scribe it In their practiee annst stierecsfully, and from
every source the most nattering laudations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding gums are immediately benefit
ted lit a •thai upon them it Innd, sothing'
utteeti v.' I t 1 . 111.1.115tu the teeth SO thoroughly, that
tin) are Mad.' rii ii pearl iti whiteness, and diffuses
thrJtigh the mouth such a delightful freshness that the
breath Is rendered exquisitely sweet. It I.:lull:4 to Oink]
Impurities which tend to protium, decay, nd. as a con
se111:71,•, art . stun., ed the teeth mu,t al
ways remain sound. Itead the following from [Jr. J. A.
Carman 1
Mr F. Zerman—Sir: Having used and remunnended
Four TIN/a, WaOt in my practice for Futile I find it
t ho moot effectual Dentrilien in tve, and therefore rerotn
mend it to the public.
Road the following testimony :
Ma. %rem %N.---Dcar I hare fully tested the merits
of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita
tion. recommend it as the best that-has mime under in)
notiee during hie experience as Dentist of more than
teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hat dens
Irritated limns, and imparts a delicious fragrance to the
Breath. •Friiin the mouths of those who make use of It.
however, It mill certainly speak for itself. - -
GEo. P. SCIIIWELY, Surgeon Dentist,
2:9, South Tenth st., Philadelphia.
it is used and recommended by all the eininent Dent
ists in New Turk, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and othei
cities where it has been introduced. All should Oyu it
a trial.
.0:6- Prepared only by Francis Zermatt, Druggist and
Chemist, Philadelphia, and sold wholesale and retail by
Samuel Elliott, Canislc, .1. Dorsholuter, 3lechanicsburg,
J. Herron, Newt - ille, .1. C. Williams, Shippensburg, and
by all Druggists at only 25 cents per bottle.
I: I 4 PILEPSY Can be Cured. Laice's
LEPSY or FITS! is performing more wonderful mares than
any other medicine yet known or beforetho public.-
The proprietor hall'in his possession numerous certifi
cates, narrating the astonishing and miraculous Mires
effected by this medicine, and directs attention to the
following only; to assure those who are so unfortunate
to be afflicted with the terrible disease heretofore regard
ed incurable, that LARK'S preparation Is ALMOST INTALI
From Mrs. Brooks, widow of Maj.-Jam. Brooks, late of
Conneaut, O. . .
Mr. Z. I.Axr.--Sir: Please send mo another bottle of
Fit Monet ne, as 1 do nut like to be without it on hand.
When I commenced giving • tho medicine to my son Ed-
I:Tr, lie had from one to three fits per day, lie has now
taken the medicine over five months, and his had, I
think, but two fits in that time, and those very light.—
Ills body and mind arc very much improved; and by
the bles:ing of Ilod, I feel that the medicine will restore
his body and mind to their wonted activity. lie is 28
years old, and has had fits over 12 years, which have
been very frequent. and very destructive to his consti
tution and mind. Hundreds of dollars have been ex
pointed for medicine to " cons FM." but nothing has
relieved him until ho used your medicine. Respectfully
From Judson Landon, County Superintendent of the
Ashtabula County Infirmary.
Knvasciur., Feb. 4, 1853.
Mr. Z. List—Sir: Please send a few more bottles of
your "Fit Medicine;" I may not need-it. but think saf
er to keep it on hand. Tour medicine has done wonders,
I gave it to Miss Jane De!anat. she has had fits for 26
years, brought having the weasels when but four
years old, which could not be brought out to the surfitee.
After taking the medicine a few days, sus min A FINE
CROP or ateLSFJ.S; and has had no fits since. She had fits
or symptoms ahnost daily. She and her Dither concur
with me In saying that we believe the medicine has or
will work a perfect cure. I also gave the medicine to
Miss Jane Henderson and Arts Carby, who have had fits
almost daily, for a number of yeart,-- Their fits have
ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the desired
Wert. Much money has been expended by the friends
of the above patients for doctoring, all to no purpose.—
The cure was left for your medicine to parlitrm, and I
can cheerfially recommend it as a valuable discovery.—
Respectfully yours, JUDSON 'LANDON,
Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary.
Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. URA Conneaut,
E. F. WELLER, traveling agent.
Sold by S. W. Haverstielt. Carlisle; E. IL Thomas, Mo
chanicahurg; D. W. Gross, Harrisburg. Oct. s—lye
ICORN SHELLER S S. T A large atut C ort U ment E o l f l i S m ?
I i
mitre( Hay. Straw and Fodder Cutters, new on hand.—
Also, double and single corn shelters thr either hand or
horse power. of the very latest manufacture, including
the premium atelier at the late Pennsylvania State Fair.
For sale by PASCHALL 'MORRIS & Co.,
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of 7th
nd Market, Philadelphia. Dec. 0, 1851—H
Dr. J. A. CARIUM Dentist,
Harrisburg, Pa.
• •
r ' tEAT EST. DI SCO V .liltY ,Oli'
Til F:=Farrnurs, Fain i lies and othei s, can per
lailfiU nu remedy equal to Dt.'40.131.A13' Nenttlan I.iisi
moot, Mr Dysentery, Colic, Croup, Chronic I.l.ettinutitui
quinsey, Sore Throat, Toothache, Sea Sickness ' Cuts
Burns, Swelling,, , Old Sores, Mosquito bites, 1111,31.
Stings, Nails in the Lilian, Chest, back, dc. 11 it doe.;
not gi‘e relief, the money will Le refunded—all that is
asked, is it trial, arid tine it aceording to directions. 'The
firth-le is an English. remedy. and was used 1.3 N‘ in. It,
ding of Lind:did, and certified to by Min, its a cure f, r
!then mathen. when everything else recomutended by his
Mid. had tidied.
liver 10,000,000 of bottles have Leon sold in the Übit
oil States, without a single failure, and lasve
stated that It was worth $lO per tattle, they reAer
would In) without it, In case of Crimp, no it is as cei lain
as it is applied. It euFes Toothache in three ntientes;
headache in Galt an hour, and l halcln, when lord tak
en, in a few hours. it is perfectly Innocent to take in
ternally, and has tho recommendation of many bf the
un st eminent Physicians, in the United :States. Price,
25 and 60 cents.
Dr. Tobias has also put up a Liniment for Horses. in
p"lt bottles. n Lich is warranted—chenper and letter
th .n any other, fur the cure of Colic, Ualls. Sucilln s,
old Sores,-Cuts, Bruises, Scratches, Cruaed'Heel,
Price, fin (cots.
hr. Tobias _could fill a dozen newspapers with the cer
tificates and letters received, relating to tho'wonderful
cures accomplished by Ids Liniment, but considers that
warmpting It is sufficient, as any person iho decs net
obtain relief, need not pay for it. There has teen so
much worthless medicine E.. Id to the public,-that Lr.
bias wishes his article to rest on its own merits and if
he gives tho Value of the money roc( ivcd, the)+Marilis
the patronage of the public. art otherwise.
DR. TOBIAS' Office, 240 GREENWICH Street, New
For sale by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut streets:
Dyott. & Son, 132 N. Second !Arita; T. IL l'tillender. FH
8. Third street, and by the Druggists through( at the
United States.
a particle of Mercury in It. An infallible remedy Mr
S<•rofuhr, hues bit 11, It heutnatkm, Obstinate Cute 111,118
Pimples or rtistules on the Face, Blotches,
Bells, Chronic Sore Eyes, King Worm or Totter, Scald
Ileati, Enlargement — itittr - Pnin of the Runes and Joints,
Stuborn L leers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal
Complaints and all diettmses arising from an injudicious
use of Mercury / Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the
cso_This great alterative medicine and Purifier of the
Blood, is now used, by thousands of grateful patients in
all penis of the United' States, who, testify daily to the
remarkahle cures performed by the greatest of all medi
cines, "CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE." Neuralgia,
Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Lis erlis
emir. Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys
Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and
Aching of the Bones and Joints, tire very speedily put
to flight by using this great anti inestimnblo remedy.
For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet leen
found to compnre to R. It cleanses the system of all
purities, acts gently and efficiently cn the Liver and Kid
neys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stunt
ach,, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the
Constitutilm, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the
excesses of) omit, to Its pristine vigor and strength.
For the Ladles it Is incomparably better than all the
cosmetics ever used. A few doses of CAB:TEJON SPA! , I• 11
NIXTVIM will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring
the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the
step, and improve the general health in a remarkable de
gree beyond all the medicines ever heard of.
The large numbs-r of certificates which we have recelv
'ed from front persons from all parts of the United Stotts,
is the last evidence that there Is no llmnbug about it.
The press, hotel-keepers, magistrntes, physitians, and
public men, well known to the community. ail add their
testimony to the wonderful effects of this OR EAT BUM)
Call on the Aorter, and get a Circular and Almanac,
and rend the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all
Medicines has performed.
Bone genuine unless signed BENNETT & DEEDS, Pro.
prlotors, No. 3, Pearl stmet, Elchinoud, Va. to whom all
orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed.
And for
in by S. Elliott, S. W. Haverstick, Carlisle;
Ira Pay, Merlianiesburg; J. 11. Herron, Newville; J. C.
Altic, Shippensburg, and by dealers in medicines every
For the cure of Saltrheum, Chilblains, Common
Sores, Chapped or Cracked Hands, Burns ttr Scalds, Cuts
or Wounds, Piles, Inflammation of the Beast, bites of
insects, Sore Lips, Pimples on the Face, and Breaking
Out and Sores on Children, and all diseases of the Skin.
This Ointinont will cure the Saltriteutn and Burns. or
Chapped hands, quicker and surer than any ether medi
cines of the kind before the public.
To substantiate the above, I can glee hundreds of cer
title:des, but I consider It no use,
as (any person ran do
the samo, if they- have friends, fer even a 'worthless ar
ticle) I rely solely on the mortis of the Ointment for the
public patronage.
N. IL—A single box of this Ointrur.t will keep any
Blacksmith's, Farmer's, &aloes, or I le hanic's bands, let
them chap or crack ever so bad, son and in good work
ing order all winter. Prepared amtby
510.'1108 r IEItBEL,
Aaugatuck, Conn.
Sold also by the principal Drugg,strtnndeountir 3lor
chants. Price 21 rents per box.
Nov. 16, 1551-1 y
HAVE you a cold 7—Galloher's Elixir
hos acquired a just celebrity for the cure of all
diseases arising from seven) colds, and Its efficacy bee
Teen attested and approved by hundreds of our most re
spectable citizens. In every Instance luunediate relief
has been given, as the following certificate from those
who hitve tried it bears testimony Manufactured and
for-610 by
We the undersigned do certify that we have used Gal
loher's preparation for Consumption, Colds, Diseases of
the Lungs, Liver, Ac., and having experienced immedi
ate relief therefrom would recommend it to all afflicted
In that way.
Thos. U. Skilos, Mrs. M. GonM, R. If. McCoy, E. L.
Wolf. Peter Monyer, 11. B. Ilackettdosvph Lobach, N.
W. Woods.
Carlisle, April 25, 1854-ly
TY.--From entirely original Surveys, by actual
measurement throughout the whole county, by li. W.
The subecriber Is now engaged In melting Surreys
preparatory to publishing a new and complete Slap of
Cumberland County, upon n largo scale. Every Public
Road anti Stream, with tho locations of all Mills, Stores,
Dwellings. and Public Buildings, will ho accurately laid
down. All the Public Buildings In the County will be
distinctly Indicated, and the names of owners of proper.
ty generally, will ho inserted In their proper positions on
the Map.
A Table of distances, Statistics of the County, en
larged plans of the principal Villages, and a few of the
most attractive views In the County, will be inserted In
the margin; thus giving every satisfaction, and render
ing the Map most valuable to the Owners of Property,
Merchants, Travelers, Conveyancers, anti the inhabitants
generally, of the region delineated
In as much as this work is to be made up of actUal
surveys made upon the ground, it will . require time In
accomplish It; It is not expected, therefore., that it will
-be ready for publication much under -the period of Two
Years. The size of the Map will be about Ave &et by
four, and will cost five dollars.
11. F. BRIDOENS, Publisher.
N. E . Corner of Marshall and Wood St. Philadelphia.
Sept. 27—lnipti.
1110)itill C 9.
1_,41414'1, •
I V E It 60AJN''T,' Dyspeps:
Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous debility, Ids , aosi.
toe asidneys, and ell diseases arising 11l an a dall I (Ai
Laver or Stbanach, such as ConStilattnell, Ina 11, 11 li I,
fulness of blood_ to the head, acidity of the Ni , no. !
illaea. heartburn, disgust.fbr lied, fulness or n eight i
he stomach, sour eructations, sinking Cr IA (Ate; la g ..
he pit of the stomach, swinuning,ol - the head. Lon'
and difficult breathing, buttering at the heart, du kin
ar suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, din
..less of vision, (b•ta or webs, Labs° the 5h.,11t., Ibler an
IEIII pain I n the hood, deficiency of perspilatitai, 3 I 111)1
need of the fit in and eyes, pain in the side, hio k, I htt!
111111 6, fie., sudden flushes of hunt, burning hi the ilesi
constant imaginimo of evil; and great depressh n ta Cl,)
Its, can 161 011al tiaally cured by Dn. If out EA N 'l'B Cl. Li
lIJtATEI) WOMAN 111'1TEllii, prepared by ha. C. 14
JAegsoN, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. • •
Their power over the above diseases is not excelled,
equalled, by any other preparation in the hi.ittil t i:ate.
methe cures attest, in many cases after skilful phys
clans Mal failed.
These bitters'are worthy the attention of in valids.-
l'usliestilng great virtues in the rectifiCation of disease
of Um Liver and lesser glands, exercising the awe
searctiffig powers in weakness and affections el' the el
gestivo organs, they are withal sofa, certain and plus.
.1. D. Spring, Lareyville Pa., April' C,, 1b54. says, "•
can get you some good errellicates f o r your Gel no.n 1W
tern in this vicinity if you wish then,. A lady urchin
lug some of it this week, says that it Is by for r he hes
medicirm she ever knew, hating done her and he
daughter muchrid,
S. H. Lawson, .enfard's Store, Somerset eo, Pa., Aus
15, 1553, says, "I am much attached to your derma.
Bitters, having used two bottles of it, whieli I pr,‘ are
fmm S. Kurtz, your agent at Somerset, and font d grea
relief from It in disease of the I.lter. .1 Ind it h e
grant effect On my lungs, strengthening andlut i,;eral in
them, which, as 1 am a public speaker, Is a great help 1
Dr. Giles, Newton ilamilton, ]Tay, 1951, said:
have used myself half n dozen bottles of 3 our Gel ma
bitten, for Liver Complaint and diseases of it neriot
character, resulting from tho at use of mercury. 1 wt
poisoned and alli led w ith spasms Cr rn the use If th
latter article. The Gertnan bitters is the flirt silk:
Weil 1 ottmlued any relief. 1 have also Hit en tl
article to many dyspepths, with the most sslutaly
sults. I think at teeny mere tattles will ,mre me.•,
J. C. Young. Esq. '
of Dauphin, l'a., n rites May 5, '5
••1. was afilluttill with General DeLinty, Irteetital We e ;
nessmmi L', for w 1.11,11 1 used ninny diflcret
marmites withent relief. I at last need yeur 11, rued
itertnan 'litters. I trek a few I.ettles aeerdirj..; to d
reetions. and was completely cured. 1 Lave net 1 1 . 01)
healthy for ton years as 1 have tern since I tech yr , r
Bitters, which is moist eno year ago,"
I lies(' !litters tfru FT TIII FLY V LlicrAvLE, always; strengti
ening the sf stem and 711!T er pr strating It.
Fold by ffealurs in znedirine and sterekecr'rs eror•
where. and by Faniutd l.lih ff., S. W. !Ito Or,t ts and
W. Cantintan, Carlisle;_ Fun liger & to., riled
Snyder k Muhl, Nooburg, and Ly Uulnrs , in .Ordichn
Nov. 22, 1 Stsl-1 y
.1)OCTO1t l'ul'l:
cents, 11 ine311,4 Of th e l'ul'l
IsT A:m.7I.I(APII.IS. or I.. Vet
Thu tic irty-sia t li Edit in. n it
one hundred ongrav ingS,Nho,
ing Prliate biFallSl.!: nnd Ma
formations of the (lento alit
System, ill every shvp• all
ro. l l - 111: to w Iliac Is added
Treatise on the Illsenses of 1 ,,
unties, intended fhr the use 4
females only, (see page l'. , n) I.
lug Of the highest impoi tam
to married people, e , r thoser..§
ly. Wm. You:co, M. 1)., Gradual
...crafty or . _ insylven la, Meinlor c f the Its
II Collegouf Surgeons, London, and Honorary Mends
of the Philadelphia Medical society. Tin Valli l , Pan
of Secret diseases, Seminal 11.'40(nes), ld,,eas i s of ti
Prost ride Gland. Impotency, scAitary habits of 3 out 11, al
faithfully described, and all the receipts given in plat
language. The chapters on self ~,1.,,, ai „i : ..,,,, i , ,
Weakness Is worthy of particular attention, anti slt, el
be read by every one. Young Incn who have Ll,ll 1.1
fortunate In contracting disease, prey lons to pl nit
yourselves under the care of any (lector. no unit ter 51.1
Zile pretensions may begot la copy of this truly valuta)
Sen Captains and persons going to sea :tumid msse
1/r. Young's Treatise on 'Marriage, the Pocket :I.e, elan
us, or Every one Ills own Physician. •
Alfs) - Let. no father be ashamed to present a et t I
lEsculapins to his child. It may nave him t)., men ear
grave. Let ne young man or woman enter into the ,
cr t obligations of married life without reading the pee
e „Esculaplus. Let no one suthaing fn in a hack 0.
cc gb, pain in the side, restless nights, nervous feelin
and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and riv,
up by their physician, be another moment without co
suiting the il:sculaplus. Hale the married or the
about to be married any impediment. read this tiu
useful Book, as It has been the means of saving tho
.ands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws
death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of this vela rat
-- work has been sold In this country and Europe since I
38, when the fret edition nes issued.
ft.a- Any perion sending TIVENTY-VIVE rents •
hosed In a letter, will receive one copy of this Loo); ;
nail; or five copies will be sent fir $l. Address I
.V I IGLI.kNi YOUMI, No. 152 Spruce street, Philatielphl
N.)St paid.
Twenty years practice In the city of Philadelphia et i
'duly entitles Dr. Young to the ronftlence of the vi
Icted, and he may be consulteZyany of the disease M
leserlbed In s different publicati ns, at his office. 1:.:
4 pruce street, every day betty • 9 and a u 'ein,ek, s un
lays excepted) and persons at any distance can cnnsah
lr. Young by letter, VOST PAID.
.A F E—S PEEDY —S U 1 . 1 !—S e •
adaptod to general use, greatly superior to other,
ind within the moans of every individual.
.100 141,1.9 for twenty-live cents! No extortion
,ricer-no Calomol—uo mineral poison whatever.
Do. TowNsEned HEALTH PILLS fully merit the ow:
•oputation they haveaequired . They are called for thole
dl parts of the land, because Tiler ARK ALL THAT 1/41
WHAT THEY {TILL DO—They purif}• the blimad,tin . 7
I,lllFe tin, System of Humors, they cure Dyspepsia in
ndigestion, they create an Appetite, they cure ;ie.,.
ileadaelie,Dissiness and Low Spirits; they arrest Foi.' •
they proluctea healthy action of the Liver, they are
sure cure lhr Costiveness and Habitual fUmistipatlei
they are highly efficacious in Female Complaints, thy,
strengthen and give tone to the System. They an:, Ile
best Family Medicine known.
It lean obvious inquiry, how one medicine ran cure.,
many different complaints. These Pills, however, in ••
compounded of curative materials that persons have ,L,
ly to 'DRY THEM and the answer will be peund in n r,
stored body and an invigorated constitution.
Each Dos contains 100 Pills, at the ast,ditishinitly Ir
price of ?.5 cents. Every Individual should have the.,
For solo by the Druggists and Storekeepers generan.
F. A. PALMER, general Ager.t, Stonington, Ct.
C. L. Nailing, of Mechanicsburg,
coon y; Pa., announces to these afflicted with Tullio..
Wens. Cancors, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, S,
ula. King's Evil and all diseases that have been
treated with Cau‘stic or Kn i fe, lie can remove them will:
out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chloroform
Ether Is admintsterad to the patient. It Is no mitt
on what part of the body they may be, he can rem4l.
them with perfect safety, and in a remarkably 1 , 11 , "1 •
lime. No Mineral of Vegetable poison is applied, and 114
money required until a cure is perfected.
Prolapses Uteri, Pemie Complaints, Ch r om e ,
real and all other diseases treated with positive sue', •.
ft}ilparticubvs can be obtained by addressing in el, .
English or tierman, post paid. Patients can be RIM!,
modsted with Roan:lon reasonable terms. •
Mechanicsburg IN ono of the prettiest and health,:
towns In this or any other (Mato, It Is it miles Tr
Harrisburg, on the Cumbutland Valley Rail BI ad, aii
accessible from all parts of the Union. The Doctor s
vlsikeases In fatly part of the ;Stake when desired.
ten Klnd reader If you know any afflicted fellow c.ow
turn, delay not to toll them of this treatment' -
VIONNETS . AND BLOollEits.---•
A very large assortment of tho latest styles
.ngitsh Danatable and split etraw, Neapeiltne,
Hair, Lace, Loghornand Florence ilrald It( ent•tF. •
'albums and Chlldron'a Bloomers of various kindv,
Straw Draide and (Jimpe, Artificial Flowers.
Donnot linings and Ribbons, ko., nil of which vill , , .•
told cheap at the store of the sulascrilwr.Fouth Ilanc, cc
Ytreet. - ROBERT DICE.
Carnal°, April 25, '55. ..
B 1