.... '' 8 'l)e BALTIALORE 'MARKET. MONDAY EVENING, April 23 littuilt.ts.—The European advieeS.; by the steamer Nashvillo,•tbie morning, lttive'had no effectivbattiver upt;M:breadstuffs,':bee, it wilt be seen, have slightly deelined,„fieugh the news seems rather favorable. Holders oontinUe firm under the knowledge of light receiptka short supply and an active home demand. singers, however, are but little dis posed to purchase.y The receipts of Wheat ar& very moderate, and we have but little change to note in prices—the tendency is rather downward. A fair amount of Corn of• fered and prices maintained, though less dis position to purchase. FLOUR. AND MEAL.—The Flour market to day was somewhat unsettled. We note sales of 350 bbls Howard street brands at $lO 62,1 further decline. Also, 800 bbls city Mills at $lO 25, cash. A despatch was received ou late 'change announcing that the ° steamer Africa was below Halifax, which:tonged to check further operations. Rye Flour—Supply moderate.. We quote at $7,60 per bbl. Corn Meal--A steady demand. We quote country nt $4 50 a $4 62i, city manufacture at $4 75 a $4 8711 per bbl. GRAlN.—Wheat—The supply this morning was very light. Only about 2000 bushels in all offered. Market not so firm and sales small. We note sales of good to prime white at $2 65 a 2 72, very choice do. at *2 75, and red at $2 50 a 2 55 to $2 55 per bushel, as to nality_Cern,,Ma att.. steagy)lit.Lnot, qui e so firm. About 2 ',OOO bushels offered to-day, and mostly sold—white at $1 a $1 02, and' yellow at sl'o3 fi $1 04, mixed 97 a 98 cent per bushel: Oats—About 8,000 bushels of fered to-day, and sales of Maryland and Vir ginia at 60 a 65 cents, and Pennsylvania at 66 a6B cents per bushel Rye—Sales of 300 bushels Pennsylvania at $1 47 per bushel. R. J. B. -MARCHISI'S CELE BRATED, CATHOLICON, FOR THE RELIEF A PR. OF SUFFERING FEMALES. It stands pre-eminentfor its curative powers in all the ois eases for which it Is re , —.“ mended, usually called Fe:- MALE, COMPLAINTS. ..11 these are Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb; Fluor Albus, or Whites ; : ehronie Ile ilatuniation and Ulceration of the Womb; Incidental Ihumr dingo, ,or Flooding; Painful Suppressed, S; Irregular Men struation, Ac., with all their accompanying evils, (Cancer excepted,) no. matter how se vere or of how long standing. This modleine has never been introduced by einpty putTs, and misrepresentations, nnr is it intended that its present popularity shall be sustained by any medium but its merits and the appro• button of the public • NOTICE TO TILE UNFORTUNATE YESIAT,E. I fool it a duty Incumbent upon myself to declare publicly the groat blessing Dr. Moralist's Uterine Co tholicon has proved to me. For two years my health was miserable; I was almost unable to walk. Physi cians pronounced my case fulling of the womb, exten sive ulcerations, commencing with fluor tabus. The pains, irritation, f,restrotion, &c.., rendered life ft burden. In this miserable condition, Dr. F. P. Newland recom mended Dr. Moralist's Uterine enthollcon. After tak ing four bottles I find myself in perfect health. Oratl tude for my, restoration makes me ardently desire that all my sox, alike unthrtunatu, may find suro relief „ from Cols inestimable medicine. ELI ZABETI A. NEWLAND, No. 19 West-st., Uttra, N. Y. The above statement I know to be tame. F. P. NEWLAND, M. I)., Utica, N. V. I have no hesitati in in saying, Dr, l'archisi's Urtdrine Cal.lkon Is lovaWahl° in utorino Siseasos genoritily I have into(' it iu Fluor AMA Auidnorrlnex;Vrolapsta. Uteri, and in cases of oxtousivo iticoration of the vagina and us utori. It is worthy of thu notice of ti> Faculty. 30111 , 1 O. °BUICK, 31. D., Baltimore, 111. het all interested call and obtain a p:unpillet Trreel containing ample proof, from the most resportablc sources, of the beneficial results of its use; togethet with letters from highly experienced Physicians, sv b. have used It In their practice, and speak from their own observations. . . At 3-11. J. Itinrpsn, Druggist, South Hanover 43treot, solo Agent for Carlisle,' Pri. 3..11.. MAIIOIIIBI & 00., Proprletorii, Central Depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y. January 24; 186;i-din r 101; tt'l9.2.='?.‘ 21 -=at: ;spoe; 4432a,- IP UMBERLANVATALLEY It A I.L - ROAD. CIIANGH ,OF 11011 R Ott and O and after b O:+IDAY, March 2601,1855, Passenger trains will 1 . 1111 daily, as follows (Sundays o:cc:opted : • FOIL HARRISHIJRII: int `Tral n. 21 Traiu. Limy(' Chamborsbung, 5.30, ,1. M 4.::0, P. M " Stilpponsburg, -,. 6.00, " 5.9 J, - " Newlin°, 6.40, 6. 15.40, .. " Carlisle 7,18, " 0.18, " :" Mucloatesburg, 7.50, " 6.50, " it, Ilarrle!trg, 8.15, " . 7,15, " .FOll. CIIAMBItILSBURG, - • • ' Ist Tratn .Leavo Harrisburg, 8.46, A. M .1.15, P. M. " Mochanicriburg, 0.18, " , 143, " '" Carlisle, . 0'55, " 2.25, ".. Now villa, 10.30, " 3.00, " ..' Shipponsburg, 11.02, , " 3.30, " At Chambersburg,, ' 11.30, " ' 4.00 i, " , arains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, nt 8.45, A.M 12.80, M.,(via Columbia) and 7.40, P. IL, • For Raltimore, at 8.45, A. 61. and 1.45; P. M. . . For Pittsburg, at 3.20 A, M., 12.55 Noon, arid 6 P. M. . . For Pottsville, Reading, and points on the Dauphin and susquchanna /MR Road kayo Harrisburg 4:7.15 . • 4b-At all Stations whom Tickets are sold,' Farce arp ON 9ENT8•41333 than when paid in the Cars. A. P. 8911TH, Superintendent. . :Rail Road Office, Chtuuborsburg,} ' : March 21st 18b5. "AT OUS. DE BEGES.—Just received another lot or Clioap Do Doges, 'Moines and l'or =Motto Cloths. _ 0. W. LIMED. APER,' PAPElL—Porsons wanting WALL PAPER, will find an extunslvo stock fur a very 0111 SAP et ea 1 ) R. DICK'S. Carllele, April 4,1865. I . HAVE received my Spring' supply of GARDEN SEEDS from Mr . Landroth. All goods 11 , by me ore' GARDEN, rar.su and ol:Numr. purl gYe Aprll 4, 11155, P. ELLIfrrT. yoNNY'WANTED.—TIIO .2_ , bet , being went of money to meet demands non desires all those, ludobted to . him for Mrr shandltepurettased In 'OA and previous }oars to settle I:Ay - without depv. (11W. nTNER. IFII. SMITH, PORT MONNAIE, 1 . MO NET BOOK and DRESSIM; CASE Manufacturer, N.W. corner 4th and Chesnut streets PHILADELPHIA, Are-Always on hand a large and varied assortment of l'ort Monnalos, Work Boxes. . Pocket Books, Callas. Bankers Gases, Travelling Ikum Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men, Portable Desks, Pocket Memorandum Books Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, .t.c. Also a general assortment of English. French andOer man Fancy Hoods, lino pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Ate-Wholesale second and third Floors, aprlB F. IS. SMITH, N.W. corner 4th and Chesnut strecis. N. B.—On the receipt of $1 a superior Gold Pen will bo soot to any part of the country by mail—describing pen thus, medium, hard or son. VREN C H T HUSSES.—Hernia or Rupture successfully treated. and comfort insured. use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and made to order expressly fur his vales. All suffering with Rupture will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure ti . Truss rombin big, extreme lightness, with ease. durability and correct construction, In lieu of, the cumbrous and tine:Min/Alt hie article usually sold. An extensive essortmen always on hand. adapted to every variety of Rupture in adults. and children, and for sale at a range of price to suit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $3, $4 and $4; Double, $4, $l, VS, s4 . and $lO. Persons at a distance can have a Truss sent to any ad dress by militant: the =nun t,,sending measure around the hips, and stating side affected. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by the importer. CALEB 11. NEEDLES, S. W. cur. of Twelfth A Race Ste.. Philadelphia. Depot for Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body trace: Chest Expanders and Erector Braces; Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Props and Sup ports. Ladies' Rooms, with competent lady attendants. april 11. ITERRING'S - PATENT, CHAMPI -I_, ON FIIU .11,0:)F SAFES, with • liters Patent Powder Proof Locks, which Were , arded separate Medals at the 'mid's Fair, !Amnion, Mil, and 3c, at the World's Fair, New 1851' and 'SI. The subseri ars are the sine nom ufneturers aid proprieeers in this State of the above unequalled Safes and Locks. The reputation of the fide,-and - for -the-last-thir eel,- ars the mercantile co nun II I t it _ LVO IV itness.l and borne te.t , l- MOill to their NEVER FAILING fire proof qualities. Morl ,-- than 111,000 of these Safes have been actually sold, and over Two UUNDRED have passed triumphantly throw:b accidental fires. The public are assured that all Safes manufactured by the subscribers are not only guaran teed to ho fully equal, but in many respects even supe rior to those which have boon so severely tiled by tiro. Few will forget their services In the burning of the "Tribune establishment, " New York. and at the theta Fire in Strawberry street, at the large lire last July. opposite the Girard House; and still LRCM) recently In the Fire at Fifth and Chesnut sts., In the city of Flablelphia, in which these Safes came forth the to knowledged thiaamott, when ninny •tither securities failed. FARREL kW., Chilled Iron Safes, with Powder Proof Locks. menu factured expressly for Banks, Brokers. Jewellers, and others requiring security front rogues. /lank Vaults. Doers, &e. en hand and made to order. All the most celebrated Locks for sale at manufacturers' prices. Second hand "Safes," -"Salamanders' and "Iron Chests" of other makers, have bean taken in part pay ment for herring's for sale at half price. - apLII (TAII:JULIUS STERN, No. 145, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Wholesale Dealer In • Fancy Dress Trimmings and Millinery Goods, and Manuftcturer of Fancy Silk Bonnets, keeps constantly on hand a Very extensive assortment of Silks, 'Ribbons. Laces, Embroideries; Flowers, Bonnet Frames, Gimps, Fringes. besides a great variety of other Fancy floods. Ile solicits a call from Country Merchants visiting the City, and assures them that they will be sure to Anil any article above mentioned at the lowest prices. niarvbl4.2ni .. t MILLINERY 0001 S-185- FOR SPRINO SALES! JOHN STONE k SONS, No. 4.5, South Second Street, Philadelphia. Have just opened their Spring Importations of SILKS, RONNET ItIIIBONS, * FLOWERS, LACES, CR APES, kc. kr. Including a general assortment of MILLINERY ARTI CLES, of the most fashionable styles. The atone Goods hare been Imported eqpressly for our Spring Fnles and comprise the largest and best ASEOrtllll2lli In our lion to be found in the market. • marchl4-flm D EMOVAL !—BESSON et SON, . beg loaye to Inform you that they have minor , id the P111111.41 , F.L1.115A FAMILT lloutioutai STORE from No. o 2 South Second Street, to the now building , No. 206 Chesnut Street. (five doors above Eighth South ,side) whore they will o ff er en Increased stool: at r Aortal prices. 111.1.,-Now Spring Goods daily opening. 4T 11ATITER ! LEATHE ft I FRITZ. HENDRY & N 0.29. Nt.rth.third Street, Philadelphia, SIOIIOVCO' MANITPAiMiItERS, Corners and Import org of FRENCH CALF SKINS, WU! Dealers in Red rind Oak Solo Leather and Kip. Feb2B—ly \: FILANCISCUS, • • MANIIPACTUTRIt OF COTTON LIPS, a3dluF, TicYorn. Carvet Chnin, Cotton Yarns, LAMI', CANI)Lb AND FLUID WICKS, whlelt he otters to sell ht the Lowest Cash l'rices at No. t 1.5 Market Street above Second, North ride, Philadelphia TREES, EVER-GREENS, Ito sEs, FIA)WERI.NG SHRUB:4, PLANTS, &c.— 'Ja::lu rreat variety and size, cultivated and ter rale in arge nr small quantities, at the Rising' ries and harden, Philadelphia. 4i3-I'lantA,ltesne. Semis. 3c. eon be hods the Market, below Sixth Street, Philadelph dors are also reeelved for the Nursery; All grden, promptly attended to. Des; log,tto aunt to post-paid anilleatious gratis. ../tairross S. M. marelql Rising Fun I'. O. :NI Train TH - PI - G - R - EAT - DISTOT - E - PLA KROLLEIHON I FOR CURLING T 1 for many years it has been the objec of, ,with chemists and others, to produce a I plied to the hair, would cause It to wave at in beauty to the natural curl. THR gib the only article over offered to the world tin....__ .this most desirable of ject. put three or four tipplioi. tions are necessary to curl It as much :as may be desired, and for any length of time. From the ninny tertimonials of those who have used It, the 'subsoriber does not heel. tate to warrant the Crollerion to give satisfaction, and prove as rucomanded in all eases. The rocelue for making with full directions fir use. will ho sent on the receipt of and dollar, post paid. The Ingredients silll not cost over 19 cents. - birecelo_ H. A. FIIEMONT. April 18, 'ss' Warren, Trumbull Co., O. llARDWARPh—Mainnioth !r , ' spring Arrival at INNrEF. on North Ilan over :Arcot, where the public are being supplied with evert variety of Hardware, Paints, Oils, e&. at the towEtrr CAIIII HIKES. Call in, we can accom modatu a few more. SETTLIN U UP !—The Bubscribors havo put their hooka Into the hands of W. C. Eileen] Esq. for settlement: (Mee in Maln street nearly opposite Marion 11411. All persona "who are indebted to us will please call immediately upon him and save themselves further trouble. • April 18, 1855 • F., AMILY COAL.-500 Tolas Lykeit's Valley Coal, broken and Screened, prepared es pronely fur family use, receiving and for solo by an. 17 3m B. MURRAY, Agt. I.l(jifatierptjiti. uino I orri n 1.f:8 Safe is world InoN SAYE AND BANK LOCK MAKERS, ZI4AVALNUT Street, Philadelphia & CAMFDEhL ktariitile ijcralb. Stores unb SOops. VA LL STYLE OF HATS fur 1654. j_ GEORG 1.1 IiELL Elt respectfully HIIIJOUTICet: to his oid Patrons and the public generally that he has just re i / --. rely ed the FA LL STYLI : / -,./ II ATM, manufactured at one of the bust establish ( ments in PhiladelPhia, to which he invites special attention. Ile has also constantly on band a large and varied as sortment of his own manufacture as well as city made Ilats and Caps. suitable for the season, comprising every variety of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Siik lints, fin ished in the latest style, together wi th fulA assortment of CAPS of every shape 111111 description, and at every pace. lie particularly invites the public to eall and ex :anius I,is eXOCIIFIVI3 assortment, which in style, :nate ritl and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market, and which lie is able to put at prices lower than ever. Remember his old stand on North nano% er street, be tween limner's and Sener's stores. FALL STYLE OF HATS & CAPS. wm. ii. TROUT, desires to inform his old friends tmit ho has removed to his new establishment on II igh street, near the Railroad Depot, and is now opening a r„ ti large and elegant assortment of the FALL STYLE 6-4 . 1 of RATS, just received from Philadelphia, which .4 " the gentlemen or Carlisle are requasted to nen and examine. He has also a large assortment of Silk. Fur and Slouch Huts cc his own manalheture, got up in the best style and at various pricesf-the excellence and finish mwhich he will warrant. Ills storlt.ho.is confident on ly needs to ho examined to ho approved. Also, a large supply of Men's, Roy's and Children's CAPS, of Cloth and Fur, and of every variety of style and pH«, just re ceived from Philadelphia. Let-all who want a Ilat or Cap give him a call, :IS they may be sure of being suit ed to their own satisfaction. CIIINA, GLASS AND QUEENS wA It E—Old housekeepers and young, :wit h tiles also who are expecting to become housekeepers. are invit ed to call at Timor:Bl - s FAMILY (71:01.'EhY and ex amino hjs elogantAmsortment of China. Glass and Queens ware and other articles In the housekeeping, line, such as French and English tea sets, heavy banded and plain, White Uranite, gilded and blue plain, Dinner sets of ev ery variety and price, bowls nod pitchers, tureens. dish es, Ac. tilass-ware---euntre table and mantel lamps. Candelabras and other lamps, great verity, table and bar tumblers, goblets, Ac. Fruit and preserve dishes, in va riety. Cedar-warn—tubs, buckets, churns, bowls, butter prints and ladies. meal buckets, Ac. Brusites—sweeping, white wash, scrubbing, hand and shoo brushes, dukters, brooms, Ac. Market, clothes and travelling baskets. Also a choice assortment of Tobacco and Segars. Call ye who are fond of choice brands of Segars and try the Principes, keg:alias, Stetfanonis and other t varieties, and yen will tind.them of unimpeachable quality. Also half Spanish. and Common Segurs, with choice snuff and - Cherritte.; • TIIE I lAA ON ,PAPER I am just receil ing my Fall stock PAPER • hid) surpass In style, quality and price any that have over been exhlbeted in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a call from persons iu want of raper Hangings of any ilesm Lion, as I ain confidentity assortment far enlrliumut, any iu the Borough; and in style and prices has but few ri calsla the city. I only ask of the public to call arid eX- Mtnine my rissortmant before., inn - chasing, no I sin 'lent ray chaste designs cannot fall please the most fastidious. LOOK OUT IN TlME!—Cholera tiiorbnA, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, ,te., are making their appearanc. Von k now the remedy. If you have any regard for the welifire of youmelf. y,ii r ,wi re, or your Andron. supply yourselves with BEECH blit'S MATCIE LES:, Collin Al.. otherwise abide the consequence ri•. suiting from a bigoted A dilcrefire tf., old quaekery. This "Matchless Routed) . " eau bo bud at the Drior Store of 11. J. kIEFFEIt. South Mutterer street, a few doors south of the Court !louse. Carlisle. I OUTS AN I) tiF 0 ES. The snbseri b er has now on hand n very extensive and well se. card stuck Of 'it 00 T and SIIa E S, which he will sell at unusually low pric, es. Purchased from wholesale dealers, at, low rates, he can otter- such '''' moots t~ purchasers as will malio it their interest to v It his estal lishment. lle' has -every article in the Root and Shoe- line-Ltlir Ladles' or lientlemcus' wear—he therefore deems - It unnecessary to particularize. .4 - h— Persons desiring good and cheap goods are invit ed to give him a call -0 _. - .., , T• 2000 TONSL.I3IE AND ~G,_. - L \\,N\ STOVE COAL, now on Land and - 5,.'-'n A. .. f). receiving at the following prices: Dauphin Lime Coal - - - $2 50 to 3 00 Stove, - • 3 00 tv 4 50 Lyitons Valley Lime - • - - 3 75 to 4 tw Stove - .. . . 4 fb , ) to 4 75 Pine grove Limo '175 to 4 011 Stove 4 60 to 5 00 Pittston Stove Coal - - • _ -600 to 5 50 131:tagmith's Coal, per lmAiel,. • - 22. to 25cts. tY4...A No LUMBER. of all kinds: Common 11 • oardr• and tc.antling from $lOl to $lB per 100 feel. First Common and P5llOl according to quality. deel3-5m S. M. itoovEn. fGRO .r 1 EA S, c E RI ESP I The sithseriter` has just added to his former stock tiguncral selection of C 11010.: GIt.WEItIES. as well no all the other vuriety•of articles lusnally kept in a Grocery Store. renbrnalng Rio i l ;(..`olTee—,roasted and green—at I•2 , t i and 14 rents Clarified, Cr ushed 'and rttivorized Sugars, of fine qualities; Chocolate. Spices, Pa ry Salt and a variety of Fancy articles. all of which are 0, fend at the lowest cosh prices. We are thankful for the Ammer support given no, and Invite a further call from our friends and customers. J. W. EBY, Nfittion '+JTEW GOODS. , ---The subscriber is just opening n fresh assortment of very CIIEAP GOODS bought nt reduced prices. Call Alia see them. Au '23. Olia W, lIITNER DIEBURNERS' COAL. - 2,000 Tons Lykeu's Valloy Nut Coal, a superior article and for sato by Jaul.o 3m supply of „neuumsagner," an admi rable Wlnzir for the hair, manuftictured by himself. 'The excellence of this Tonic is testiged to by all of his ens, towers who have used it to , be one of tile best articles known ti , r cleansing the hair of dandruff. lie also loan u fhetures a hair Restorative, known, as the "Corusheo num," fyr giving new growth to the'hair on bald beadi. Anopletestimeny exists of the efficacy of this excellent Restorative. While the Shwnsagner clears the hair of dandruff And prevents itTrom coming out, the Co rasheunme supplies a new growth, to these who have had the misfortune to lose their hair. Thu politic is In vited to mil, examine and purchase these invaluable articles, as ho Is confident they will render satisffiction. SHAVING, HAIR DRESSING, and CUTTING, and SHAMPOO:VINO attended to in the best style as usual, at his old rooms on West Main Street, near Marlon MIL Carlisle, Dec. 27, 1851. WM. BURGESS WALL PAPER.—Just received a splendid stock of Paper Hangings; Window Shades and Fireboard Prints, embracing all the newest and most approved styles. The doslgns aro neat and chaste, end the prices such as cannot full to give satis faction. Wo invite our friends and the pnbllc general ly to call and examine our assortment before purchasing. elmewhere. -11. SAXTON, march2l East Main Street, Carlisle "DLAI I) CASIDIKRES, ho.—The Hub scriber has just opened a ♦arlety of Plaids and Slues at reduced prices. o.w. rI .PIIIN P. LYN E., West side of North Ilopovvr Ftreet, W. SHELDON W. B. MUlt/LAY, Agt if EIH , : IS WIJAT 'NEED AT PRESENT io sul , serilKn• respeetful• :elbow' the ladies and tlemen of Carlisle and lay that he has now on at his Ifalr Dres`sing Milviln; /Thorn on West it. an elegant asrortmet , DIF.;; • 1111 AIDS and Denim's W fi,y,and eau Ash to order at shortest lee every kind of Mar rk oftho host quality. le also he4s leave to In. his faunas and rusto that ho keeps ronstan- Rotices. I ) 1 SSOLIJTI ON OF PARTNE 11- iiii P.—'rhe partnership heretofore existing bv tween Nrunk. (lard nor and {Sm. T. Brown, is. this day aiss.avett by mutual consent. Tito Mishit:telt will hen after be carried on by Mr. liardner. Thu Buoks remain in his hands for settlement, and in view of our Lite dn.aeter, wo earnestly request our customers to settle their accounts tunirMiately. FRANK. WM. 'l'. BROWN. A CARD I doom it neressary to Ktrito ns a matter of j us ti,, to 51 r. Brown, that t h e Dissolution of Partnership wa, effilrely at-my Own request, and unthougift of in him until toy propaual to dicta lvn, Ilk ~,itior n„ .„l at this, a vrtieular time renders this statement inipera tive.rrh'.(mo. FRANK. O).lMM:it. Carlisle, Aprii 4, itifift—it.. II.ISSOLUTION OF PA It N Ell roup.—Noticein hereby given that the firm f W. ECKP.LF, of Hampden township, Cumberland eounty, has this day (Mar:.ll '27. 11466) been dissolved I y 11111tUlll cvnseut, and Hui beol,s played in the h en ,h, of Eeklef. for rollecth.n. All persona indebted to said firm will make immediate settlement. JON ATI! AN ECI: npr4pd WILLIAM ECKELS. ssEssIVIENT.—The m e In b e r - 8 of the Allen niid.East. Ponnsboro Mutual Fire mat rene6 Company, are hereby notified that a tax of FOUR PER CENT. liar been Mid oti all premium ni Leo duo en the 2.ith tiny of :%farelt.last. attethat a COlertor will roll nn them for the purpose of collecting-immediatelv. LEWIS IlYlilt , Sorry. t I ISTATE OF JOHN'SPROUT, de -1 eettsed.—Notiee is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the Estuf o ofJohn Sprint t,lat e of Iltimpden township Cumberland county, deceased, have been' Is sued by the Itegltter of Fuld county to the suliserllier, residing in the slime township. All persons knowing theintiel coo I nclohted to said estate are required to 1110 h humediuto paymnt, and those having I.lalrF to present them for settlement to nprP , pil 'I . YMAS II.IIT;YPON, Adm'r, U I )ITOR'S NOTl('E.—Theubtler- At ,v signed. up C ed Auditor by the Orphans ourt. rdOtinikerhind e 7 to marstmi ,Lild distril ute the fund in the initohi . t 0. T. Mel-410)1ln, AskridOetrutor of dames ('anthers. lato of the bor;heh of ttitimaM ski deceased, to and antom; the creditors of raid dtemtiot t. 10 attend to the duty I,siglied to him, at his .•triee iu (INVVifie. on t' A TIM ItA V, the kit day 01 May. t,e t . tre _twee n. tha hour/4744 . .10 t,.4tlecit,_.l.-2.1-and_::__Malork.,-..1'.-.M. „hen and where those interested are notinell t•, attend. mad Fiel • J3.3lEti It. IS:VINE. Ii_PPEA I,S F( )R1855 . —A he de i :: signed. Commis:Miners if Cunibm'and County would hereby trite notice that the set oral Appeals wit be held tit the Commibsietturs' When in (arllsle, as lid lows, to Nit; Allen, b.•wer Monday, April 2nd. Allen, Upper, do. do. Mechanicsburg, do. do. East Pennsborm Tuesday, April 24th. -, Ilampilen, , do: '' - do. - New Cumberland, do. do. Mourhe, Wodnetolay, April 25th. S Thor t'pring, dm do. Frank ford. 1 bursday, April 25th. Hurt h Middleton do. 51111 in, Ifriday, April 27th. It. 1..! , /iell. du. do. New trine, do. do. Shippimsburg borough, Baturday, April 211th. Shippeusburg twp. do. do. 1.-!outhampton, do. do. ldeitinson, Monday, April 30th, Now ten, do. do. SOnth Middleton, TueAtiy. May lot, ‘i, ust Penrisboro, do. Carlisle, Wednesday. May 2d. Any persons feeling themselves aggrievi.d by altera tions made will Le heard at and' time and place stated.. JOHN 1101111, JANIE . .. 4 Ait m sTitoNo. hlolt E Al. 011 AI IA Com's ofilee, 47:arch 28: Commissioner,' NOTICE.—To all persons iii terestcd In no Real Estate of Dr. John Shppson, Jan d and the reeornizaturs of 1)r. William A. l'impson Samuel Alexander and Andivw Carothers, Esq., in the Orphan's Court of Cumberland cou nty, to secure Up Interest of the respective heirs of said Decedent in safe Real Estate. .„ That on motion of Samuel Hepburn, EM., Attorney for 1). William A. Simpsom—lt is ordered by th. Orphan's Court of Cumberland county. That a rub upon all the parties in Interest be entered in auto Court, to show, valise if tiny they have. why the said recoemizanceti shall not be marked satisfied. So far a. the interest of David Simpson is corm:med.—And that saki rule he returnable on the ::41 Monday of Ap r i neat: Notice of whielt to be gilron by publication in tare newspaper printed in said county, until the said day Ilpp..ntrallee. IV the Court. Of which parties in interest will take notice. Test; JOHN ()REGO, Clerk Or. Court. AND WATER CO.MPAN LOAN. --The Carlisle (jut: and Water Company de sire to complete their Works by the introduction of Ga. this 'mummer, and for this purpose V. 101 to Obtain 01 Loan TWENTY TnousAND DOLLA ItB, for with h the:, will give the most ample security, and pay- the Interest half yearly at the Carlisle Deposit Dank, fer,snms less than VW. FRED'K. WATTS, EMEMI F4ST, A'rE OF SAMUEL WAG CO - I\ LB, detensekL—Notiee is hereby given that Let tors of Administration on the estate of :-. , zurund Wage,o-, nor, Into of Newton township. Cumberland county, do eoased, have been granted by the Register of said coup, ty to the subscribers, residing •ln the :AMU township.— All porsuns knowing themselves indebted to sold estate are required to make immediato pltyment and those having clahus to present thentfor setdiemont to NANCY WAtItIONEII, marl4pd ISRAEL WA6I3ONER, f Admes. I:STATE OF ABRAILOI- BURK - HOLDER, sr. dereamal.—Notice Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of Abraham Burkhelder, late of Franklin d township ' Cumberland comity, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to the •Att bscriber, residing in the same twp. All persons 'twining themselves indebted to 2.411.1 . estate are required to make immediate paymeut, and those having claims to present them for settlement to . maripd ABRAHAM. MARTIN, Ex'r. -ESTATE OF 1411,AZAB_‘' (Al deceased.—Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Elizabeth Smith, hitt. of Limit. Allen township, Cutuborland county, deceased. have been granted by the Register of said county tolha subscriber, residing in the same township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said .estate are requir od to make immediate payment,and those having claim to present thorn for settlement to f0b:2;1441d )01. 11. SMITH, Adm'r. y i • STATE OF SUSANNA SWElT decensed.—Notice Is hereby given that Let era of Administration on the estate of Susanna Swett zer, late of Shiremanstown, Cumberland county, deceas ed, have hued granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber, residing in the same township. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re quired to make Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them fur settlement to fuldfi-6t WISI D. SHOOP, Aduer. J)ALTIMORE CARD.—Sarid . T.— FITIO Factory tilled 'and Ground Alum Salt, con stantly on hand and for sale. CARR, GIESE A CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Commission Merchants, Spear's Wharf. Also, CEMNNI" and CALCINED PLANTER. ,A • biney of the N. A. and Rosendale Co" lialtlittoro, Jan, 22, Mb. 011,N SIIELLERS.---X ascAMBER ' S PAT , I I*.:N T Corn Stnituat, decidedly tho host and cheep. now in 111,0. Farmers aro requested to call and ex• amino It at thu Carlisle lemindry and Machine Finn. , r at Ba :ton's Hardware Store. Ft.r halo at reasenahlo • prt• on by Aug : . 2,---3ml , L , 0111.1)NER & DROWN STARTLING, BUT TRUE! WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. How often it happens, that the wife lingers from par to year in that pitiable condition as not oven Er ono day to feel the happy and exhilaraling moo incident to the enjoyment of health THE BLOOMING BRIDE, • But a few years ago in the flush of licalth and youth, and buoyaney•of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of suffering,. and an utter physical and mental pros tration, arising front ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the mars nage state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering and misery, not' nly to the wife, but often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " UNTO TOD THIRD AND FOURTDOENNIIATION," Trannmitting CONSUMPTION, scnoPuLA, HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, GOUT, Ii INQ • S EVIL, and other mid worse Diseases, as a , DREADFUL INHERITANCE FltOM THE PARENTS. "And must this continue? Must this be? Is them no meetly? No relief? No hope ?" The remedy Is by knowing the Causes and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them. These aro pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, By DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, rnorrssoß or DIHEASIM or wourv. One hundredth Edition, (500,006);187no., pp. 250 (ON PTIVE PAPY.It , EXTRA niNniNG,rsl.oo.l A standard work of established reputation t found classed In the catalogues of the great trade sales in Now York, Philadelphia, and other "cities, and cold by the principal 000ksellora In the United Statea. lt WAS first published in 1847, since which time ' FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have been aeld, of which there were upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND, SENT BY MAIL, attesting tho high esthhation in which it is heti as a re liable popular Medical BOOK FOR EVERYFEMALE thtrauthorliating - ileebtM LIS eathiSTVVattentiorile the treatment of complaints peculiar to females, in respect to which lie to yearly consulted by thousands both in person and byletter. Hero every woman can discover, by comparing her -wen 'tyruptems with those described, the nature, character, glittliCA of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother has often need of Instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for bids conanlting a medical gentleman, will find ouch in.. otrnctiOn and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would .oceasion anxiety or alarm as all the peculiarities Incident to her situation aro described Bow many are suffering from obstructions or irregular• Moo peculiar to the female system, which ttralerminelhe health, the effects of which they are Ignorant, nod foe which their delicacy forbids seeking medics! advice! Many suffering from prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb), or from fluor cans (weakness, debility, Stc.) Many are in constant agony for many months preceding coullne meat Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries. , Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find in its pages the `means of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course Impracticablo to convey fully the various subjects treatod of, as they are of—a , nature strictly In• tended for the married dr those contemplating marriage. Reader, are you a husband or a father? a . wife or a mother? Have you the sincere welfare of those you love at heart? Prove your sincerity, and lose no time In learning what causes Interfere with their health and hap plums; not 1088 than your own. It will avoid to you anu yours, as It has to thousands, litany a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, Incapacitating the mind for Ito ordinary avocation, and exhausting those means for medical attendance, madicittes and advertised nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining years, Wo infirmities of ago and the proper education of your children. In consequence of tho universal popularity of the werk, 0.9 evidenced by its extraordinary sale, various impost Lions hero been attempted; as well on booksellers as on the public, by Mutations of title palm, spurious and surreptitious infringements of copyright, ant other lovices and deceptions, it has been found necessary, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless the words " Dr. A. M. Idsmamtno, 1:21) liberty Street, N. Y.," is on (and the entry in the Clerk's Office on the back of) the title (rage ; and buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. l'reAdent air Upon receipt of One Dollar "TEE MAR RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDIOA.L QOM• PANION" is sent (mailed fro) to any part of the United States, the Canadas and British Provinces. All letters roust be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. NIAURIOEAU, box 1224, New-York City. . Publishing Chaco, No. 129 Liberty Street, New. York. y u N t l? E t T Ourned h N A om 11 ith IL ffesh supply of DR COS and CON FECTIONA The former In connect-ton wit Ii his stork on hand will make his assortment of Drugs, Medicines aintAlieudeals complete. Ills assortment of CON rEcTIONAItY is also tine: consisting of pure sugar white and transparent Candy Toys; Candy, common, :warted, and title Candies f every variety; also Fruits, Nuts, and every thing belonging: to that Eh partment of trade. lie would call special attention to his supply of FANCY AllriChlai fur the 11011dnys, and general use, among which, may Igo found the god, the tasteful,- and-the useful.„-"'AD are ether thay_w/sh-to-poach.-ae-or-liot. 8..1. linikrifEit. Carlisle, Dec,r ,fs4 101" I'S PATENT FARMERS' 12011.}:1:9.—Those possess nn advantage over al l others in being made With an outside iron casing, which greatly eComindses furl and prevents lose Of heat. They are made of various sizes, from 10 to 120 gallons. They tiro poilidele, and only be set in the kitchen for house held use, or out of doors convenient to the barn, pig pens, for boiling food for steel:. For sale by PASCOALL IllollltlB & CO., Agricultural Warehouse and Feed Store, N. K corner of ith and Market streets, Philadelphia. poet",i4 • VLINE VL. KNIGHT,r (Successbr to J Hartley & Knight,) BEDDINO AND CARPET W REHOUSE No. 148 south Second Street, live doors above Spruce Area, Philadelphia, where lie keeps eon• stantly on baud a full assortment Of every article. In his line of business. Feathers, Feather Beds, Patent V;rlug Mattresses Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Ilros:•els, , Three- Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattin gs, Cocoa and ,Spaulsh Mattings Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Rugs. DeorMats, Table and Plano Covers. To which he invites the attention.or purchasers.' I4oet's I PIR G-- ESS & CLOAK TRIMMINS. No: 200 CHESNUT STREET, below Eleventh, 311 d 'O. 70 Sarni SECOND STREET, below Spruce, Phil adelphia. We invite attention to our complete itta•Ait zibraiii ment of Plush and Silk Bindings, Fringes, Mittel. , and Staple Trimmings, of our own importation and noon facture. 1111.0rders execut ett at a few hours notice, J. O. lit A X Wfl I.b .t SON, • 29g Clooutut St.grul 170 South 24 St., Phileitelutits Philadelphia, December 0, Met---Lluto.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers