Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 25, 1855, Image 5

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    Nem ,qhnertiseinents
NOTIOE.—The stockholders of the
Carlisle (las and Water Company will meet at the
Arbitration Chaniber in the Court house in the borough
of Carlisle, on MONDA V, the 14th day of May next, be
tween the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock, P. M. of that day. to
elect a President and leivO Managers for said Company
for the ensuing year. ' FItED'K. WATTS,
LEW'. Totm, Sec`ry. apr2s President.,
855. „, 4 ),1 0 1, } I„ rcii .A rA N I ,D FO S R U cA l‘ s l i l li ER
i c
am 111 , w receiving a large assortment of i
Shots of the most fashionable styles anti ex-DY
make. fresh from the best manufactories,
which I will sell extremely low„for Cash.
/ LADIE4' Tan-colored Gaiters, of Willis's make, a hand
some article, only $1,25; BIM Jenny Linda. rosettes,
from 87 to 1,25; black Lasting Gaiters, Willis' make,
C.., 1.25; French Itlon , cco Buskins, single soled 75 cents;
, French Morocco Boots. double soled, 1.25; Paris Boots
1,25; 31tnes Sloe mm Simes. bottle 111:1doc„1,23.;_litx , ts.
ditto 1.31 ; Kid Tics;'llo cts ; Polka Mots 1,31; Cush
man Ties, 1,31; Sontags anti AlhoniS 1,25, &e.
ENTLEM x's Extra Flue French Calf roots, a beautiful
article, only $4,50; Calf Walking Shoes 1.50; Calf
Congress Gaiters. 2,25; Cloth Moniereys 2,0 ; • Patent
Leather Oxford Shoes, 1,75; Jullloo Ties 2,50; patent
leather Congress Gaiters as low as 2,00; also patent
Pump Ties, fine Cloth Gaiters with patent tips,
kart's A No. 1, patent lelither glove-top buttoned Con
gress Gaiters. enamelled, patent leather, &c. at very
low prices. Also Carpet and Velvet Slippers.
itlissm Polka Boots, Opera Boots and Jenny Linde ;
Colo,d Gaiters, patUnCtips, 57 ets; fine Kid Boots at
75 cents.
CnitnAcs's Highland Boots, Eurekas, Excelsior': and
Ankle-tics. Roans for 20 cents; Calf, single soled, for
25 cents.
EIF.N°A Kip Boots in great variety, some as low as $2
Stout Brogans $1,00; Calfskin shoes $1,60.
WOMEN'S Kid Buskins, double soled, 75 to $1.25; Shoe- '
tees. Calf 76; Heavy Kip Boots Linnen Gaiters 75;
Half Gaiters 02; Slippers 17.
BOirs' Heavy Hip Boots, Fine Calf Boots, Brogans as low
as 75 cents; patent Congress Gaiters, patent leather
Monroes, patent leather Jullien ties, kc.
CARPET BAos of evert , description-Oil Cloth. Union, Brus
sels. Velvet from 50c to $2
0.A.,A150 several thousand' dollars worth of
Country Merchants and other, dealera are invited to
call. All who wish to buy'good shoes and save money
will gall at. Porter's old stand, Main street, near Ital .
hoed Depot.
April 18th '55,
flal.,neo duo tlie Dor. at settldment 1 370.3.934
. ..:a.41, received from I'. Willley, ColleCtor• nofi,oo
do do do d 0 200,00
a do do do do 200.00
do do do do 107.50
NIQII received from Jas. Postlewalte Collector
for 1802 . __
41. sh received from Alex. Woods Collector . 1000,00
do do do do 650,00
do do do do 450,40
do do do' do 580,20
Cayb refunded from David lihoads 12,50
Cash received for flag and stone_lo,oo
do from
.Stophen Keepers 49,31
do do A. Noble Chf. Burgess 75,00
do do na rent for inner stalls 120,00
Loaned from Carlisle Dep. Ilk. for, use of Dor. 800,00.
Cash recd Crum Car. Gas and Water Com. 317,62
du 'do do do 750,00
Balance due Borough
Starch 28, Paid on Check No. 124
do do do 125
do do do 100
do do do 127
do do 103
April do do 126
Noy 14 do do 128
Sept. 14 do do 148
Oct. 2 . do Parker's order
A ug. 21 do do
A ug. 10 do cheek No. 138
July 13 do do 135
July 10 do Parker's order
Aug. 21 do do
one 8 do cheek No. 132
Juno 10 do do 134
July 13 do do 136
une 8 do . do 128
do do do 131
do do do 1113
do do do 130
Aug. 10 do do 137
do do do 141
Sept. 14 do do 144
Aug. 10 do do 140
do • do do 189
Sept. 14 do do 143
do do do 147
do do do 145
do do do 149
Aug. 10 do do 142 14 do do 146
J(t. 12 do do 161
do do do 164
do do do 156
do do do 160
do do do 163
raid the discount on note in Bank
June 8. l'oid check No. 120,
Oct. 12. do do 152 5,81
do do do 156. 7,12 . %
(let. 26 do do 158 20,00
Nov. 24 do Porkers order 154,06
Nov. 22 do do 42,05
t let. 19 do Gartley's and Mathias draft 600,00
(let. 25 do Lewis-Jain& draft , 324,21
Oef. 10 do Samuel-S. Criswell's draft 375,00
(let. 26 do Parker's order 235.00
t ),.t. 13 do check No. 157 56.25
Nov. 9 do do 160, 4,95
Nov. 9 do do 169 34,78
Dee. 14 do do 162 51,42
lice. 23 . do Parker's order 25,00
Dee. 7 40 Colwell and Co's drafts. 523,01
Jan. 1,'66 do Parker's order 4,60
Jan. 11 do cheek No. 107 1,00
Oct. "4,'54 Paid to W. Bell for extra labor, for
curbing and drawing
Nov. 9 Paid on chock No. 161
do Parker's order
Nov. 21
do chock No. 105 10,00
.Inn. 24, '55 Paid discount money to Carlisle Pop.
Bank on loan of poo 8,53
Jan. 11 Paid on check No. 108 1,00
dd do" - do - 166
do do do 161
do do • do 163
do do •do 169
Fa. 8 • do An 171
do do do 170
March 8 do do - 173
do . do do 174
'do do do 177
do do do 178
March 22 do do 185
do , do do 183
Mandl 8 do !* do 175
March 17 do to Geo. W. Shoafer, interest on
two Bonds against tho Borough 84,00
March 22 Paid on chock N 0.182 , 19,76
'do do do 184 ' . • 02,14
-do ' do do .180 3,8734
do do do 18600,25
• .
do" do` do 170 8,00
Mori:h Credit by coupons from Alex. Woods 18,00
' Credit by coupons redeemed 01214
, ' Borough notes redeemed 0,803(,
The above and foregoing account. of Daniel EchelS Bor.
Treasurer, having been examined liyuls, and found to
le correct and true, we have passed and approved of the
tome, and find a haluacoßto the Borough of $194,63.
7iiirefftt FRESH- STIAD.—A few
barrels of prime No.l SHAD, just
• relvei at
aril It
paid for OLD METAL, much as Copper, Braes and
at the Carlisle Foundry and Maohino Shop.
EGAltreign P 9a./WN.
j. seribor is now opening n largo andeneral assort •
ment of LADLESDRESS GOODS, coacletin k of Black and
Colored Silks, Challi Ruroges, Hour de !sines, French
and English Lawns, also a general variety of goods for
boys wear, a full assortment of Ladles and Childrens
Hosiery, Gloves Handkerchiefs, also English and other
STRAW rmoNN 801 l not Ribbons, Bonnet Lawns.
with the usual variety of Spring Goods at, moderate prl.
April 1.8, 'B5
PEMOV AL .—The undersigned
411„, has removed to the Store room ffirtnely occupied
as the Post Office, hmacdiately opposite ti Volunteer
office, where he is now opening a large. and general as
sortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, embracing an ex
tensive variety of British, Frhneh and domestic
Straw hats and bonnets; Wall . papers., which WiilTho
offered at the lowest prices. Purchasers are respectfully
invited to call and examine for themselves.
Carlisle, April 11 1855. ROBERT DICK.
1 - )ENTZ & BROTHER.—Ifave
) caused a very great excitement by their large and
magnificent stock of NEW GOODS, just opened among
which will he found.
Cotton and LineiO•eat and pants stud'. Ladies Dress
goods in .great variety, consisting of Plaid and Striped
SILKS, the best brands of Black Silks. Barge, De !Allies.
Tissues, Barge do Wws. Chally's, Grenadines, Tissue
Sebastopol. Lawns, Gingham,. Alp:mints, !'lad, Striped
and Plain dress muslins, Chintzes, Prints of all qualities
and a tremendous stock of them, Flannels, Tickings,
Muslins, Linens of our own importation. Parasols,
Laces, Edgings, Dross trimming, Hosiery, Gloves, and a
full supply of _
From 25 cts. to $3. for bonnets. and f 44 to 3736 ets. par
yard for Ribbons, Ilati, Caps, Oil Cloths, Window• Shades
and an immense variety of goods in our line, all to ho
sold at prices that defy competition
april 11
lam now receiving from Nn York and Philadelphia
an immense stock of MAT, desirable and Cheap Goods,to
which I would call the attention of all my old friends
and customers, as well us the public generally. Having
purchased most of my goods from the largest importing
houses In New York, I am enabled to give better bar
gains than can be had at any other house In thocounty.
Our assortment of
islarge..complete_aud.beaut iful—Anc.ther_lot.of4hOsc
elegant and cheap BLACK SILKS, eralynddered hand
korchiefs, sleeves, collars, ruffles, edgings, and insert
logs, a stork that for extent and cheapness defies all
competition. Muslins, ginghams, calicoes, de beget', de
haloes, tickings, checks, a tremendous assortment.—
Gloves and Hosiery cheaper than over. Cloths, cassi
meres. cords, cottonades, Se. ice. a full assortment and
very low In price.
An entire new stock of three ply. ingrain, cotton and
venitinn carpeting, bought very cheap and will bi sold
very low. Also white tnd colored Mattinge.
. .
A large supply of ladies and gentlemen's booth, shoes
and gaiters. Intending to give up the Grocery depart.
ment, I will dispose of what I have on hand in that
line, at low prices. Also some well made Clothing on
hand, which I will sell fur less than cost as I want to
close it out. Coins ono and all to the Old Stand on East
:debi t street. and select your Goods from the largest and
cheapest stock ever brought to Carlisle.
ft HEAP GOODS.—The subscriber
now opening a fresh lot of seasonable goods, at her
now location, opposite the Railroad Oflice,in Main street,
Carlisle, which will be sold at the„lowest price.
VA78,97 1 4
07 ' 9 4 %
59,76 .2
_HE subscribers in Ercildoun, Ches
ter county, have obtained right to make and
sal ALLEN'S MOWER AND REAPER, patented 11th
mo. 6th 1858. Five hundred of the Mowers wore sold
last season, and when well made give universal satis
faction. A great number of cirtiticates on hand to that
effect. The price is $lO5 with two cutters.
The Reaper and Mower combined has a high character
receiving premiums at a number of County Faire, as
well as at the late State Fair. Price $l4O with two cut
ters. To be had at IV. W. RINGER'S Manufactory, York
or by addressing early the subscribers at Ercildoun
Chester county, they will ho delivered at any station en
the Cumberland Valler Rail Road, the purchaser paying
the freight. PEIRCE A NEILDS.
april 11 '55
CIIINES.—MANISY'S latest patent combined ad
will be offered to the farmers of Eastent PennsylVania,
for the harvest of 1855, on usual terms, viz: $125, COM
AT SHOP. Customers would do well to send in their
orders early, as precedence will be given to first orders.
Address, J. WINEBRENNER & CO.,
april 11 2mo. " Harrisburg, Pa.
- 2.00 -
undersigned respectfully informs the Farmers of
this and the adjoining counties,
that ho continues to
manufacture more extensively thaw/Ivor, 0, Hussey's
so generally in use, at ills shop-three quarters of. n mile
north of Hanover. Farmers wishing to engage a licap.
er, or a Reaper and Mower combined, for the next sea
son, can have, their orders filled with promptness by
sending them on Immediately. The prices of these ma
chines are as follows:
For a Reaper, - $lOO
For aiMaper and Mower, from - " - $lO5 to 1'25
Addreos me through the Hanover Post Mice,
York county, Pa. CONRAD MOUL.
. ,
ja 01-5 m
$5Ch4,1.43.e' t
aro now prepared to furnish 11. It. HERM Patent
MANURE EXCAVATOR'S to farmers, immediately on
receipt of their orders. Which id warranted to ansirer
well for cleaning stables, or gathering manure In harn
yards,and the same machine with a Very'rdight.--4114T
ation Is alsit warrated to rinvwer better for elevating h ay"
in Barns than any other 'Hook or Fork in use.
Price slo,ooiter machine. For farther particulars.
Address 11.11.11URST, Now Cuttiberhaud, Agent for Cum,
Berland County. . april
WafAil kinds of Printing done here
dattiele fjeralb
# 7
Thiq Institution presents superior facilities to youla,'7,
men desirous of obtaining a practical business ecruca:
lion. '
The course-of study embraces! Double Entry Book
ficeping, as practically applied to the management of
Mercantile.. .Bank, Manufacturing and Steamboat Books
—lln4iness Penmanship and Mercantile Computations
Lectures on Commercial Law—upon the sub
ject of Bilk of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Contracts,
Part nerships.
The exercises are strictly practical, being deducted
from :lethal business transactions, and so completely
combine practice with theory that students, on complo
don of the course. are in every respect competont to
conduct, 011 scientific principles, any set of Double :Entry
Books. The students have access to a Commercial Li
brary preured expressly for their arcommoditlon.
Usual length of Lime to complete the whole course,,
roan 8 to 10 weeks.
Vor parti , ulars write and receive a circular by mall
To all Dersuis afflicted with Sexual diseases, such Its
LEHI'. SY Pill LI i:3, Rc. , &c.
view of the awful destruction of .hutuan life and health,
caused by Sexual diseases. and the deceptions which are
practised upzet the unfortunate victims of such diseases
by Quacks, have directed their consulting 8111-germ, as a
4111RITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give
M !WWII I, ADVICE GRATIS, to all persons thus of-
Meted, ( Mule or Female.) who apply by Jotter, (post-paid,)
with a description of their condition, (age. occupation,
of life. Ac..) and in extreme poverty and suffering
The lie Ward Association is a benevolent Institution,
established by special endowment, fur the relict of the
sick and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epi
demic diseases," and its funds can be used for no other
purpose. It hal no* n surplus of means, which the
Directors haye lilted to advertise the ,above notice. It
is needless to add that the Association commands tho
highest Medical skill of the ago.
Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. It. CALHOUN, Con • H
im{ Surgeon, Howard Association Philadelphia, P,
By order of the Directors,
april 11. GEO. FARECHILD, Secret ry.
.01?-Goods,' , W-ares—and—lbarohandize.
I Also, Distillers. :Millers. Lumbermen, Lc., within
the enunty of Cumberland. returned and classified in
accordance with the several acts of Assembly, as follows,
A. Bentz - & Rm., , 10 ' $2O 00
Phillip Arnold, 12 12 50
Charles 00lby, 12 12 50
110 , r , ..t , W. Hither, " 12 12 50
N. W. Woods, Agt. 13 10 00
R. Dick, 13 10 00
Jason W. Ebv, 13 • 10 00
U. Diboll', Aa.. (Liquors) - 10 no 00
John G. Wititans, 12 12 50
Joseph D. Halbert, 12 12 40
S. W. Haverstiek, (Liquors) 13 15 50
Samuel Elliott, 14 7 00
William Kelso, 14 7 00
Steiner & Bro. 1 113 10 00
William Sheldon, 14 7 00
IL J. Kieffer, •.- 14 7 00
11. 51. Rawlins, 14 7 00
Samuel C. II uyett, (Liquors) 13 15 00
lI.'W. Caufmam (2 stores) 14 14 00
Wan. M. liendorson A Son, 10 20 00
Woodward & Schmidt, - 20 20 00
Henry Saxton, , 12 12 10
John P. Lyire, 12 12 50
fmniel Eckels, (Liquors) 14 10 50
John Faller, (Liquors) 14 10 50
.1. & D. Ithomis, 14 7 00
Win. R. Murray, Agt. 14 7 00
Thomas Conlyn, 14 7 00
Peter Monyer, 14 7 00
Haller A Rohrer, 14 7 (40
John N. Armstrong, 14 7 00
.1. A. Lehn, 14 7 00
Prof. 11. 51. Johnson, 14 7 00
S. Si. hoover, 14 7 00
Thos. 11. Stiles, 14 . 7 00
Arnold & Livingston, 13 10 00
John Keeny, - 14 7 00
Philip Messersmlth, 14 ' 7 00
Harkness & Greve, 14 7 00
James .11 . Grannban, 14 7 00
A. M. Piper. Agt. - 14 700
David Cornman, 14 7 00.
George Libey. 14 ' 7 00
Jonathan Cornman, 14 7 00
Jacith Hoover, ' 14 7 00
David Martin 14 7 00,
John Fredericks, 14 7 00
Taines.Callio, sr., 14 7 00
Jonathan Common, sr., 14 7 00
Henry Glass. 14 7 CO
John Criswell,
14 . 7 00
J. C. Altirk, 14 7 00
Kunkle A Steviek, 13 10 00
D. W. Totten &e., 13 10 00
C. F. Kunkle, 14 7 00
Jonh Stambaugh,..,. 14 7 00
.Jacob I'auge, 14 ....-.71,0
D. 11. Miller, 14 7.00
J. Bridges, ..14 7 00
.1. C, Williams, 14 7 00
W. D. A, Nagle, 14 7 00
Satnuol Stigartb, 14 • 7 00
.John Gish, 13 • 10 00
S. 11. Swanse,r, 12 12 50
P. S. Arta, 14 7 00.
heck, II übley A Co., 12 , 12 50
Novin & Iteddin'gs, 11 15 00
Metfainger A Bro. 11 15 00
N. A. Cornelius, n 15 00
J. 11. Duncan, Agt. 14 7 00
Philip Deltrich, (Liquors) 14 10 50.
John Wonderlielz, 10 . 20 00.
Christian Shade, l4 .
~ 700
F. A. Mateer. 14 7 00
Emingor A C 0. ,! 13 10 00
Jacob Dorsheimer, . 14 7 00
Kaufman. Rupp & Co., (drugs) 14 • 700
Simon Arnold, 12 12 50
Blizzard & Swisher, 14 ~, 7 00
!hush & Beelman, (Liquors) 14 . 10 50
Kaufman, Rupp & CV, (hardware) 14 700
Joseph !dosser, . 14 700
John T. Ayres,' 14 • , 7 00
Lovi Snell, l4 , . 700
George Webber; fl 3 10 00
llonry•Leas,l4 7 00
John Belgic, . 13 10 00
John linden, •• 14 700
Ephraim Zug, -12 , 12 50
George Sim:leer, ~ 14 • . 700
Oswald A Kaufman, k. 4 14 7 la)
Lewis Shut,l4 7 00
Singizer & - Co., ' , 10 20 00
Isaac Blizzard, 20 00
Joseph 111111ilsen, . .' '" 10 . '2O 00
Anthony Foreman, , 14 7 'OO
William Stitaell, ' 14 700
Willinut Read, ' - • . 14 700
Joseph Laughlin, . l4 7 CO
Thomas Stough,• . -12 12 50
William Ilratton,"(Liquors)', . 34 10 50
John M. Illtaldson, ' : .• ' 13 .. . 10 00
T. 11: J. .I.l!Ciititillsh t
.1. 11. Herren,
S. 0.
Bear t Cubitugh.
John J. Crwerfnrll,
lenry Snyder
Davidson .4 James,
,Edward Ihuhrors, 7 CO
Woodward 4; Schmidt, ' 14 - 700
John Hood, • 13 . 10 00
S. W. Sharp,
.Tacob Swoyer
W. kJ. (Tracey, 14, 7 00
J. W. Vanderbelt ‘t CO, : I 14 7UO
M. k.l. A. Kunkle, 14 7 00
John Minkb, N. - • l4 . ,7 00
Kyle A Washlnter, 14 • 700
Peter Garver.l4 700
John Ferguson, 14 r 700
Wherry & Co., 13 10 00
.kieob Au (Liquors)
John Ronne,
Shoemaker k Elliott,
Thaddeus Wenn:
W. & J. Grooo, (Liquors)
' solJrnarerrom,
John W. Clover,
14 7 00
George Clever
14. 7 00
William liauc ' t - ,
14 7 00
I. P. Dughman, "
14 7 00
Jacob Pasnaught, ,
14 7 00
nays & Palm, 14 7 00
Russel & Dice; 14 7 00
W. &J. Green, 13 - 10 00
D. L. footman, 13 10 00
Joseph L. Sterner, 14 7 00
Pnincis Williamson, 14 ' 700
Wni. IL Watts, l4 7 00
Benjamin Plank, 14 . 7 00
Michael Nogle, ' 14 ' 700
A. W. Leidigh, 13 10 00
S. N.•Diven ' ' 6 14 7 00
Mullen & Alexander, 14 7 00
H. Given & C-4 , .i; 1; • 14 700
solvrit Winotrroit.
Norton & Owen, 14 7 00
Wise Light, - . , 14•' . 700
. Mosnon.
Barley & Hall, 13 10 00
Mrs. Mary Flssel, • 14 7 00
Singizer & Sanderson, l3 10 00
Peter Gingering, 14 7 00
Ilinun Longnecker, 13 10 00
Gosweiler & Zook, • 13 . 10 00
Jonathan Eckols, 14 7 00
towmt ALLEN.
Isaac. Barton, (Liquor 4 l4 10 10
W. Loyd, l4 7 00
Ernst & !faints, 14 7 00
Br war & 31arthlatid, 14 7 00
Walker & Otthr, 14 7 00
april 11
John G. Miller, 14 '7 00
J. F. Loe. 12 12 50
11. tl. Ntesgerl Co., 11 14 00
John 'torn. 14 7 00
Valentine Feaman, • 14 700
Charles Oyster, . 13 10 00
John A. 3lachlan, 14 7 00
CARIPT:S1:81 , 01101:011. .
(looms W. Fodor, (Liquors) 14 10 50
Androw Eslinger, 14. 7 00
John 31Tormick, 14 7 00
Jacob Lornmeeker, 14 7 00
Jrunt Renningar.(Livux . e) 14 10 t 4
Bucher A Non, ' 13 10 00
Ker A liumthol, 11 15 00
D. A .1. Itaynard, 14 7 00
011,101plius White. 14 7 00
uzst POEN.
.Tob 0 Kutz, •14 7 00
Henry Itupp, 14 - 700
Henry Nebligh, 12 12 50
Wm. 11. Eekols, 14 7 00
Shallot . A: Bro., 14 7 00
Jelin B. Leidig,
.lidkri Coyle,
John Hauck,
David Strohin,
Jamb SIM mons, (Liquors)
D. 11. Swller!:
D. M. Loldigh,
Andrew tlingizer,
Wherry t Co., Hopewell,
Shoemaker & Elliott, "
M. & J. A. Kunkle, Newton,
Kyle & Washiuger, "
John W. Clever, Southampton,
J. E. Ilughman,
Hays & Palm, Dickinson,
Russel & Dice,
John It. Leidig, Slyer Spring,
John Coyle,
A, W. Leidgh, South Middleton,
Gosweiler & Zook. Upper Allen,
Henry lieldigh, Hampden,
Ernet & Ila Weft, Lower Allen,
O. W. Feeler. Eastpennsboro.'
Dudelphus Wpltu. "
J. A. Muchlan, N. Cumberland,
John G. Miller,
Wm. Wlnholte., Westpennsboro'
Harriet Watson, "
Jacob Itlxier.
George Murphy, Nowvllle,
.lane Kershaw,
Charlce-Brewster N ewton,
George Miller,
J. 11. Diehl, Hopewell,
John Brownewill,
James Mackey. Shlppeusburg,
Spoese & Lenny,
Mary Eisen', Monroe,
Jutnes Maley, Mechanicsburg,
David Long.
Peter Baker,
Samuel It. (Imre, Lower Allen,
Samuel Shircutan,
Abm. Coble, Eastpennshoro'
Wm. Phillips,
John !fusion. "
A. 0. Smith, Now Cumberland,
Jos. Brower:well, Silver Spring,
(lounge Hughes, ••
Jamb Low, Carlisle,
Henry Peters, "
Ileury Warner, "
OotDub Sweltser,
Margret Miller, ."
Jacob' Stratton. "
Marshall James, Westpennslkiro' 4 13
Diller k Haider, 14
Jacob Shellobarger, " 14
Zeigler & Myers, 14
Isaac 31arquart, .. 14
Emanuel Barnhart, " 14
Andrew 31. Middleton, Newton, 14
John Moore, Dickinson,. 14
Jacob liarnitz. '
" 13
John D. Elieaffer, South 311.1db:ion, 13
W. L. &T. B. Craighead, " 13
Shearer k Shupp, o 14
hosier & Son,. 14
David Vegleeong, Monroe, 13
(1. W. Lelifigh, " 14
J. A. &C. W. MO, " 33
Benjamin Ciller, " 14
Isaac Blizzard, " - . 11
Miller & '/.ug, Meeban!cburg, ,-10
Christ.EM7riy, Lower Allen, 11
Saml. Miner, 13
J. K. Kaufman, - " 14
f%Rupp, " Rupp, l3
1 John Horn, , wl3
I - J . . - 3,17 - 11ifldenian, '-' .
Jacob Conver, jr., Upper Allen, ' 14
J. S. Haldeman, Eastpennaboro' 34 .•
Henry Rupp, Hampden, 14
T. B. Bryson, " 11
'Jelin Shaffner, Silver Spring, 14
,(1. 11. Bucher, 14 13
Pavid Shank', 41 14
• David Hoover, " l4
W. M. Henderson & Son, N. Mid. 12
Gabriel Nateher, " - 12
P. A.& J. A. Ahl, Nowion, 8
. Joseph 'Ramp, , l.
Wilma Quigley, 41
Martin . Coover, Southtunpten, (3
A. Bosley & Son, South Aliddloton,
Henry Glass, oi. /0'
M. (i. lieltshoover, Monroe; 8
J. A.. & C.'Altl, II S ,
John Bowman, Upper Allen, .7 - 9 ~
Henderson & Eon, N. Middletpni 7
Ahm. Bolder,.. 7. 7', 0
William Ilarnits, Carißle,.
G. W. Brandt, . "
John Hoffman, " , 8 .
13 •:' 10 00
14 700
7 00
14 • •7 00
14. . r 700
14 7 00
Jacob Low, Owllile,
David Long, 11loclitInici!!nirg,
10 . 20 00
13 10 00
Jacob llounoulari, North 1.4
Merchants and Others who feel, themselves fmploved
by the above -classification, are hereby notified that
will hold an appeal nt the Court House, in Owlish., 09
Friday the 27th day of April, 1555, between the hours
of 9 and 12 o'olock -A. 111., and 2 and 4 o'clock p.
when and where they= attend if they think proper.
nate4Srlls Armin%
Carlisle, April 4,1854-4 t.
14 10 50
14 7 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 10 50
13 10 00
13 • 10 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
14 10 00
14 700
14 7 00
13 10 1)0
4 $5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
,4 600
4 6 00
4 5 00
-4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 500
4 6 00
4 5 00
Tiub Chicago Riot
CHICAGO, April 28,--Nothing further of a
serious chariictor :occurred yesterday or this
morning. Dung yesterday, 'large crowds
continued to collect, but they were dispersed
bythe police withont difficulty. The military
are still on guard at the Cdurt House: The
total number of arrests already made is 55,
and further trouble is apprehended at the ex
amination of the pritioners.
Cutcnoo, Nfonday Evening, April 23.—The
city is quiet, although the military are still
out, and the people much excited. There
have been eight or ten small fires since Satur
day. The license suits are progressing.
Steamer William Knox Burned..
LoutsvumE, April •28.--The steamer Wm.
Knox, bound -for the Upper Mississippi, was
burned yesterday, about 1(30 miles below thin
city; but fortunately no lives were lost. The
hull sunk in deep water, and everything on
hoard was lost,. including the books, money
and baggage. The boat wa§,insured.
Another despatch says the W. K. had over
200 passengers on board, bound for-Kansas,
all of whom were rescued by a steamer which
came along at the time of the conflagration.
Appointment by the Governor.
HAnnisnuno, April 23.—Goveriaor Pollock
118 appointed Henry Davis, of Philadelphia,
oather Inspector, in place of Thomas Hayes,
' ho declined for reasons highly honorable to
imself and gratifying to the Govenor.
Case of Arrlson.
''CINCINNATI, April 23.--L-The District Court
1.--day-granteti-n writ - of - error - 1m the—case-6f—
j rrison, convicted of the murder of .Mr. and
!qrs. Allison, at the Marino HoSpital, and nis
i •ended his sentence.
Four Boya Burned to Death.
Sr. Louis, April 23.--During-a violent storm
on the night of the 17th inst., the Arcadia
Iliqh Sohool, at the town of Arcadia, in Math- -
son county; was struck by lightning and set
on fire. Four boys, pupils of the school, who
were asleep in the building, were burned to
Non-Arrival of the Africa.
HALIFAX, April 23.—The steamship Africa,
from Liverpool, has not yet arrived. A steam
er was telegraphed in the offing at ten o'clocit
to-day, supposed to be the Africa, but which
proved to be an English war steamer. The
Africa's advices will be to the 14th.
Know Nothing Manifesto.
BOSTON. April 23.—The Know Nothings of
Massachusetts are about to publish an address,
setting forth the objects and aims of the or
ganization, It will be an Ole document.
FIRC'AT YORTL.-A fire occurred at York, on
Friday morning, which consumed the stables
of Gen. Jacob Barnitz and of Haat; Frick &
Co., and_nnotber belonging to the German Re
reformed Church. The Pennsylvanian says
Gen. - Barnitz lost a fine horse and cow, valued
at $l3O. The stable was only insured for
.200. The loss of Rants, Frick & Co. is
$300; insurance $2OO. .
/or Safe ant, Meta.
AT PRIVATE SAM—The subscriber will sell
thu property, ho now OVA fi and occu
pies, formerly owned by the Rev. T. V
A . Moore, situated on South Hanover srt
Carlisle, adjoining the property of Mr
Wm. Graham, near the Walnut lict
tom Rood, comisting of a TOWN LOT AND A HALF
00 by 240 feet, upon which are erected a good two story
FDA ME HODSE, Wood Holm and Stable, together with
other out-buildings. There is also a good brick cemented
Cistern, timable of holding forty-Ave hogsheads of water.
The property is in good repair.
Also, for ado, a full TOWN LOT adjoining the above,
CO by 240 feet. Any one wanting such property will du
well to call and examine.
. Tho subscribers will sell at priinte sale about
ots to suit purchasers, The timber le yellow pine Et
.a. sawing and building. purposes, as also oak and chest
aut. The land is located very near tho new road lea
ling from Janes Weakly's sew mill to Laurel Forgo,
rid extends up said road as high as Cold Spring, adjoin -
ng Diehard Woods, John Sterrett and llaskell and
'eytnour's AIM mill. A draft of the land can be seen at
he house of A. Comery at Weakly's saw mill.
Feb. 20, 55. • • It. LS. OIVIN.
LOCATION—the proporty of William ht
:4; Biddle, Egg 'deceased, FOB SALE. All
... i ',' that Valuable LOT, situate at the wert
~ ~.
~......,, ~.,: -.. end - of Witt streei;Carliele;firrnierly the
of S id. Hoover and Emory's heirs. The lot
has a front of 225 feet along the Ball Road, and 240 not
College Lane, and Las erected uponit a
. . ..
From its flue position, facility of access, &e. It is a
highly desirable business location, and slum the intro
duction of Water into the town, and the proposed intro•
duction of Gas, it has become an admirable site for the
erection of Factories, Etenm &c. or for the carry
lag on a Coe end Lumber business. For full parth u
Tare enquire of R. IIL:111DPLE, Carlisle, Fa
march 7
Imilarrisburg Telegraph copy 9 times and send bill
to this office.
-12 50
t, co V DREW AND FORTY ACRFIS, more or less. at pri
-12 50 veto sale.--The subscriber intending to go aerie the Or,
3:2 to suing spring, will sell his farm on or before the first of
to .April nest, on thvorablo terms. The farm is eituatt d
00 one 111110 from the town of Nowville and throe quarts ris
fi N) of a mile from the C. V, R. It. depot. The improvements
00 consist of a BRICK 110 USN, a frame lam together
6CO with other out buildings, ali . of which are entirely new.
500 There; is a one well of never .fidling water at the door
and a spring near the barn. For further information
00 address the subscriber at Newaille.
3(1 00 Feb.] ' 1 , uo. W. K. McFAIILANE.
Co 00
A_ 3 o A ,N er ,N_E ttr 'r g
1 u S lasortme ii nt of i i3 be li i ( at ) o ° st.'st, E le i s la---'.
lingralt bunatable and split Oran% Neapolitan,
Hair. Lse, Leghorn and Florence Wald Benin ta,
' Muses and Chnctren'a Meornens Or WU/CMS kinds,
Straw WALL! and Gimpa, Artificial FlowerF,
llonnet linings and liibboua, &e., all of which will b ,
odd cheap at the store of the subgeriber, South Hanna - or'
D. pale, April 25, '55.
~-~ - i