B af , ltil ~'utkL e rx U.PILIGHT. "Sit ttpitglo•' Pit upright,, my son!" lady to th:r • • orge, who hail tor •, •tiqt , o6E - 1 - Led . eliding whetiovar t 0. ., •, L down rq read. .111.1 mother L. 1.4.1 told him L:10. right lilll 'ss oat tip he could rot breathe, right. Put it vra:-. of Uu use ; baud over Ile would, in si.ito his mother could soy "Sit uprigLt, Muster George!" cried 111 teacher, us George Ivut over his copy hook at school. "II you don't sit upright like Mils ter. Courlcs, you will ruin your health aud pos- Hay die of consumption." This stanleu Master George. He did not want-to die, and he felt alarmed.. So after school he ”aid to his teacher, •.‘Pl.easo sir ex plain to me hew bending over when 1 sit, can pause me to have the consumption." "That I will George" replied his teacher, with a cordial 8 wile. There is an element in the air called oxygen, which is necessary to make your blood circulate, and to help it pu rify itself by throwing off what is coiled its carbon. When you stoop you cannot take in a sutlioient cuantity of air to accomplish these purposes; hence the blood remains bad, and the air cells in your lungs become irritate I. Presently the lungs inflame. The coughcomes on. .Next your lungs'ulcerate, and Then you die To avoid this you must learn to sit up right. Give the lungs room to inspire fresh air, and you will not be injured by study.— Do you understand the matter George ? "I think 1 do sir, and I will try to sit up- right hereafter," said George ? George was right in his resolution. Will all the._boysiftatirlswhe ; reattely_Magazine im itate him ? I fhey will 1 know ii they wish to live he l filthy lives. Now don't forget it.— You t 81 'sit upright.—Furester's Magazine. SELF-GOVERNMENT A modern writer says: "I know nothing more touching than the efforts at self govern ment, of which little children are capable, when the best parts of their nature are grow ing vigorously under the warmth and light of parental love. How beautiful is the self con trel of the little creature who stifles his sobs of pain because his mother's pitying eye is upon him in tender sorrow! or that of the babe who abstains from play and sits quietly on the floor, because somebody is ill! I have known a very young child slip over tp the cold side bf the be I on a winter's night, that a grown up sister might find a warm one. 1 have known a little girl submit spontaneously to hours of irksome restraint and disagreeable employment, merely because it was right. Such wills as these—so strong and yet so humble. so patient and so dignified—wore never imparted by fear—but flourished thus under the influence of love, with its sweet ex citement and holy stlpports." AN OBEDIENT GIIILD.—No object is more pleasing than a meek and obedient child, He reflects honor upon his parents, for their wise management. lie enjoys much ease and pleasure, to the utmost limit of what is fit. Ho promises excellency and usefulness; to be, when age has matured the human understand ing, a willing subject in all things to the go• vorumejit of God. No object, on the contrary, is more shocking than a child under no man agement. We pity orphans, who have neither father or mother to care for them. A child indulged is more to be pitied; it has no parent; it is its own master-4cevish, forward, head strong, blind born to a double portion of trouble and sorrow, above what fallen man is heir to: not only miserable himself, but worth less; and a plague to all who in future will be . connected with him. pWO SPLENDID FARMS FOtR SALE.—The subscriber will soli at private sale ho two following described farms, to wit: - No. I—la situated north-west of Carlisle, adjoining the inhabited part of sahl Borough, cent:Ling ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES of first rate Lime stone Land;having thereon erected a new large DANK BARN, a large lIAY HOUSE, a comfortable CATTLE fiSTABLE, Ac. Also, a comfortable DIVELLINO .g; HOUSE, and other out-bulidings. The laud Is in a high state of cultivation and 'all under good post and rail fence. It Is bounded on the north b heirs of Samuel Alexander, deed., on the east byJohn Noble, Wm. 17 Seymour and others, ou the west by Jon. Moore, David Grier, Sc., and on - the south by the public road leading frum Carlisle to IVaggoner's bridge. No. situated in North Middleton township, Miles front Carlisle, ou the Harrisburg and Carlisle turnpike road, about 134 miles front Middlesex Mills, founded, as follows: on the north by the Conodogulnet Creek, oulhe west by Irvine's heirs, on the East by J. Noble and Jesse Zeigler, and on the south by Abraham Ilotrick and the Harrisburg turnpike road, containing TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE ACRES, about 100 acres of Limestone and the realdue is black slate, about 160 acres of this tract cleared, under good fence, anti in a good state of cultivation, the balance is very heavy timber.' A large portion of the f ' land. The improvements are a large -LUNG HOUSE a largo LOU AND FR stone Spring House and other out-tail Orannd and a largo quantity of other 1 No, 3.—ln a small tract of land about No 1., OIL the Baiter road .leading from t goner's bridge, containing TWENTY-SIX rate Bluestone laud, boundod by said feat by John Noble on the south, by Brown'a we east, and by Baker on the wort. The Jr....edit/Pr will also sell a number of OUT LOTS to suit purchasers.— The above described property will be sold on reasonable terms. • AIIMSTRONO NOBLE. Carlisle, January 10,1854. coi RN SHE LLERS.---XANDERI S PAT iiii? Conit SIIBLIXR, decidedly the best and cheap. 143 .011111 use. Farmers are requested to call and ex 11lialleit at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop, i r pt, Baston's Hardware Store. For solo at reasonable prices by _ Aug. 7,--4ml AVIA NTOUK, M.D.,—Late ';)„ ..rm Anatomy, and Surgery in the 'Philadel • , Modieino, and Acting Professor of Mid , ~,, the Consulting Physicians of Phil , •, , ,I,,spital, Blot:kitty ; late member of the .tia , I....twat Association.' member of the Phil:idol • /I . l%;trY ; nieillher Of the Medico-Chirurgi l'hiladelphia; formerly President and oatonly and Surgery in Caste too ; and also. late. Professor of An .• , siology iu Iterltshiro yledictl Institu i.ll:lB.s.s &C., 'We. li.. i .; r tLitl•Td Inn popular form. several of his the diseases of this •e : ii,• di.no of each-article will haply the dis whi,•ll it Is intended to he used. 4 t•le6 l'f,,rrount SYltUr, $l. Xll INIt 041011 MIXTURE—For Colds, Price 25 cts. DR, M , DAN 1001C8 ASTHMA AND HOODING COUGH ItEmr..- T. Prier fnl ets. D.:. 'lca 'LI SToe T.N lc AIT ERN ATIvE So aui . —For l'u rifying the Price $l. de . .liaNT.SileS Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving tOTIO at, stn win ch, relieving pains :tiler eating. heartburn, and all disagreeable symptoms arising front indigestion: Price liii...ticCiticydeg's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—A Purely Va Getable Ilentedy for internal use. Price 50 cts. Du. M CCM N ICA'S It a EUM .ATIC LINIMENT—For IthottlDa lisut, Sprains, Swellings, &c. Price 50 cts. Da. Met 'LINTeeII'S ANODYNE MlETmitEr—For Pains, Tooth- Ache. ileadaclui. Near:tight, Ac. Price i3O cts. OIL LI NTOCK'S FEVEP. AND ADM; SPEcinc—A certain cure br all inturinittents. Price I. • MO,'I,INTVICA DI ABRIUSEA CORDIAL AND CHOLERA PRE,' ENTIy Remedy. Dn. 110 , . - .!LusTiwg's VEGETABLE PURGATIVE PILLS—POT Corti Von oss &c. Price 25 cts. M CCLINTOCK'S A LIMN PII.LS-POT irregularity in tho Funotions of tho Liver anti liuwels—the best Liv• or Pill made. Priv., '25 rts. a box. For sale by Dr..l. NiceLiNTOCK. at his Medical Depot„ N. W. Corner IMI and FILBERT Streets, Phihotel:- Oda, and all Druggists... Druggists and Dealers in Med eines who wish to he Agents, will please address Dr. McClintock, furnishing reference, name of Post lace, county and State. u a.. For sale by W. A. Reiss, Samuel Elliott, Carlisle; .1. 11. Criswell. Shipponsburg; Ennulnger &Co., L. Knit'''. man, Mechanicsburg; Joseph Herron, Now rine; .1. B. Zhamerman, A mlorsonburg; Itainos Fertig, M fliers tow ; A. C:Klink. New liks,mllehl; Harriet M. Singer, Newport; B. P. I/ardnor, York Springs; A.. 1. Miller:snd .1. S. Nixon, Chain bei;shurg ; 11. Mont zer. Waynesboro.; Item:re Bergner .aml D. It. Jones & Co.. Harrisburg. M eLINT.IIIIC ran be consulted, without charge, daily. free 10 tr. 12 o'cleek, A. SI., at Lis Depot. Uceember U, 16.5.1.—1 y. r OIL Till: HO Ll T)A YS ! FANCY 0001)8, (11 FT BOOKS, Sx. Ac s. \V. II A V I.ISTICIi has just revelled from the city and is newopeniug a splendid display FA GO( IDS, s ult i rbl e for Gm appimac lloliday Season, to he desires to call the atte Lion Id his friends and the pulps. Ili, inoeirtment in this lino eannot liesurpas,ed in novelty :old elegance, and both In quality and prier of the articles, rail nut Mil to please purchasers. It would he Impossible to enumerate his II•rLJIIAV FAi , ,CY GOODS, ,vhbh comprise every variety of fancy artlelo of the most exouNite 'shape such as l'aiper ylarhe (lo a ds, Elegant alabaster and porcelain - ink-stands and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card eases, • Ladies' Fanc) Baskets, • • Fumy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, ri..lLnu,aies• Of ever) variety,. Gold pent, :mil pencels, Fancy paper weights, Papetertes, and a large variety of ladies' Faney station ory, T.Nlette seals and wafers, Bilk and bead purses, Ladies' riding whips, elegantly* llui.shed, Ladles' fin. cutlery, Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all prices, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suitable for holliday presents, to which he In vi Lea special attention. Also, an extensive acid elegant collection of. HOLIDAY OUT , DOCKS, comprising the various • Englishand American ANNUALS for 1555, richly embelished and ilustrated POETICAL WORKS, with CIIILDREN;IS Pit-roiti AL _BOOKS, lire children of all ages, thah which nothing can be more spproprlate Or pleasing as holiday gifts. Ilis assort smut _it School Rooks and School Stationry is also complete, and compilses every thing used in College and the Schools. Ile also desires to ea:: the particuLsrattentiou of Families to his elegant • z,-,1. LAMPS, OIRANDOLES, from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer' and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning either lard sperm or ethereal oil, together with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, etc. Ills assortment in this lino is un equaled In the borough. Also, FRUITS, FANCY CONFECTION AI IY—N UTS—PRE SERVED FRUITS, Ac., in every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh, such as CAII be confidently recommended to his friends and the little - folks. stock embrases every thing iu the lino of Fancy greeds, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the' public are especially invited to call and 'Soo during the holidays.— Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover street. dee 13 1854 S. IS. itIATERAVICH. HEAT ATTRACTION? HO FOR kfi THE HOLIDAYS.—KRISS BINDLE'S OLD HALL is now and will continue to be supplied with the great est novelties up to the Close of the season, comprising in part CON FECTI ON Alt I ES of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bons, 0 um Cordial, Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose ' Vanilla, and Burnt Almonds, French and exploding Secrets. Also all the common varieties, all of which will he sold whole sale and retail at low rates. We have just received FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest ithportations such as Oranges, ',omens, Raisins, Figs, Preens, Citron,Currants, soft and paper shelled Almonds, Filberts. Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. Jin connection with the above the largest assortment of TOYS AND FANCY UtH/DS of every kind from all parts of Europe, manufactured of wood, glass, china, papier macho, tlu and India rubber, sink, Ac., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, sewing and Card Baskets, Work and Faucyßoxes, Flower Va,ses, Motto Ciips, Tea Setts, Music Boxes. l'ort Monaies, Battle Doors,"Grave (loops, Masks, Drums, Guns Trumpets, Dominoes, Lotto and other games, Ac, Fancy rkstps and Bair Olis of every variety. In connection with the above a large stuck of FAMILY GROCERIES, such as pulverised, crushed and brown Sugars, of (Week grade, Coque, Molasses, Starch, Green and !Beek Teas, Spices, Butter r soda, Sugar, Water and other Crackers, cheese, Ac. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a gener ous public for the patronage heretofore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the same, •I'.MONYER. Carlisle, Doc,r 7, 1854. ROOKS FOB. THE HOLIDAYS.- W° have just received from Philadelphia, a large assortMentof now and SPBBNDIDANNUAIX, and GIEP BOOKS for the Holidays, which having been purchased below the usual wholesale rates, we are enabled to sell at greatly reduced prices. They have now in store a splendid stock of Annuals, Gift Books, Illustrated Poets, . Standard Works, Bibles, all sizes, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, • Sunday School peeks, • Tract Books, • - Juveniles, &c., &e. AU of which are NEW ROOKS, fresh from the publishers, splendidly bound and ernbelished and got up expressly for the Christmas lieliday a. Also FANCY STATIONEY and Fancy articles genentliy,ln great variety. The pub lic arc invited to call•and examine samples now ready far inspection. .G.W'Remember, the place to buy books, cheap, is at PIPER'S, Main street. Deo'r 20,.1854 • T. 4 EATHER. , Fritz & Hendry, Store , 20 North ad st. Philadelphia, Morocco Manufactut s, Currioni Importers, Commission and General Leath business. WHOLES ALE AND DETAlL—Manufketery 7—115 Mat ket street. Pep. y Air otTS. G BEES.—Just received A_ another lot of Cheap Do Dogoo, bolalnes and Par coaottaClotha.a - . Encvls) O. W. ILITNIM. OARDNAB, &-BROWN Jliebiscens Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for tho toilet, Roussel's Perfumes of the various kinds, dartiste 15cralb. dartituare. To 11 N P. LYNE—Wholesale and It e f, tail dealer 111 American, English and Gorman HARDWARE, Oils, &. Mechanics,builders and the public generally, who are in ovaut of ardware of any kind, are invited to call in and 4:, 1 " - 1/a examine my unusually larg stock of `r• . goods, which I am selling ut very low prices. dust stop in; it will only detain pluaa very few minutes to he ...evinced that what ever) body says —that Lyn's is decidi•dly the place to get good goods nt law prices—must be true. LYN rTS hardware Store, West Side North Hanover street. D J , • •00I{II 7, .-A WA R The subscriber in consiquence of ill health, offers his en tire stock of IIARW Alt It to any person or portals wish ing to enter into the Hardware hUSiSeSS. Hu having L.o resolved hi quitting the business, Nl' ill give a bargain, besides his influence and custom. Any one desirous 0, getting into this business will do well to call soon, and if not disposed of by the lot of October next, ho will then Cl/111111e11,e selling off et cost at the old and well known stand, in North Hanover street, next door to Charles Maglaughlin's Hotel. JACOB SEN ARRIVAL L i ei:Ear 1 lIENYR SAXTON. The subscriber having returned from the city would call the attention of-his.fi lends and, the public -generally to the large andeinnselerted assortment of Hardware n Web he has just received, rbusistlng in pak of BUILDING MA- It I A 1.8, nails, screws, hinges, locks, bolts,glass, putty, paints, oils, Ac. TOGl,S,—edge tools; caws and planes y. every description: with files, rasps, hammers, anvils, fir. A general assortment of tiIitIENIAKERS AND SAD- D1,1411S TOI)I,S, together with morocco, lining and bind ing skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount ing, saddletrees, &e. COACH TUDDlLNU—canvass (plain, enamelled, fig ured and embossed.) patent and enamelled leather, axles. springs, hubs. spokes, felloes, shaits, ae., Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment of yarn ish esonaimo a ny and walnut veneers, moulding, rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &c. The stock of Iron is large and s well ,selected, compris ing all the Wilds in geniaal use,as hammered and rolled iron of all sizes, Hat. bar and band iron, round, square and oral iron, horse-shoe iron and nail rods, with it large lot of cast and spring steel, English and American blis ter steel, &c. Housekeepers and those about commencing will fled it to their advantage to call and examine our cutlery, brit tanin and platod ware pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, In addition to the above we have received a splendid issortment of %V !,I, I'A PER, making the stock com plete, and at such 'rives en cannot fail to give sat istive ion. We in‘ Ito all friends to mil. knowing it will be to their , W 11 ta . .Ce. Ibuueutl , er the old stand, East itzli Street. eat lisle, Pn. act. 12. HENRY SAXTON. ~itE s Alt It - IV - A I, OF 11 - A lt W A It E.—The subscriber l u returned fn nn the city has just (ironed fer the Pill trade a large :old well selected stock of foreign and dom e stic h a rdware. embracing everything Usually found in tbat lino of bu siness. The attenti ,n of friends and the public general I) in respectfull) direCted to the assortment On band. as suring, them that pods of all kinds will be sold Mr cash at a very small advance on manufacturers prices. he member the old stand, East Main Street, Carlisle, in. Aug 30, 1854. 11. SAXTON. 3liebiciiies r(1 00'VII WA S . —Beau ti rul White Teeth I budltltpt ; inns and n is eat lircath—A II Ni are desirous of obtaining these benefit,' should use ZEI:- M AN'S CF,LEIMATLD ASII. is 1101jr/OUS article combines so miny meritorious qualities that it has now Ileeialle a standard ti,, mite n iIII the eitixens n. New York, Philadelphin and ttalthnere.. Dentists pro scribe it in their practice most successfully, :ind h•om ee.try source the most flattering laudations are awarded it. Inflamed and !donator gums are Immediately benefit tad by its use; its action upon them is mild. soothing and effective. It cleanses tho teeth so thoroughly, that they are made to risal pearl in whiteneSs, and diffuses through the mouth such a delightful freshne , s that the breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinfects these impurities which tend to prod use decay, and. as a con sequonee, when these are removed the teeth must al ways refindu sound. Read the fdloning from Dr. J. A, Carman: Mr F.. Zeman—Sir: Having used and recommended ',ur Teeth ‘Va..411 in my practice for sung, tine, I And It , he most effectual Dentrillce in use,and therefore recoth uend it to the public. Dr. J. A. Claim ot, Dentist, Harrisburg, Pa. Read the following testimony: Mn, ZIMNIAN—Dear Sir: I have fully tested the merits of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita thin, recommend it as the beet that has come under toy notice durtug, an experience ns Dentist of more than six teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens irritated Gums. and imparts a delicious fragrance to the Breath. From thomionths of those who make use of it, however, It will certainly •speak for itself. Geo. P. Seinviax, Surgeon Dentist, .270, South Tenth st,, Philadelphia. It is need and recommended by all the eminent Dent. lots in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other cities whore it has boon introduced. All should give it a trial. 4jY Prepared only by Francis Zerman, Druggist and Cbemist, Philadelphia, and sold wholesale and retail by Samuel Elliott, Carlisle ' J. DOrshe!mar. Mechanicsburg, J. 'Terrell, Ncwrille, J. C. Williams. Shlppensburg, and by all Druggists at only' 23 cents per bottle. FPI LE PSI' Can be Cured. Lake's VEGETABLE COMPOUND, fur the cure of Epi. LErsr or F/TS: lu performing more wonderful rum than any other medicine yet known or before the public.— PRICE FIVE DOLIARS A BOTTLE. Theproprietor has in his possession numerous certifi cates. narrating the astonishing and miraculous cures effected by this Medicine, and directs attention to the following only, to assure ehose who are so unfortunate to be afflicted with the terrible disease heretofore regard ed incurable,' hat LAKVB preparation Is AL510.41 MALI OLE 11 ITS cunt! Prom Mrs. Brooks, widow of Maj. Jas. Brooks, Into of Conneaut, O. CONNEAUT, Feb. 3, 1853. Mr. Z. 14xE—Sir: Please send me another bottle of Fit Medicine, as 1 do not like to be without it on hand. When I commenced giving- the medicine to my son Ed gar, lie had from one to three fits per day. lie has now taken the medicine over five mouths, and has had, I think, but two fits in that time, and those very light.— His body and mind are very much Improved; and by Ow blessing of (Ind, I Seel that the medicine will restore his body and mind to their wonted activity. He is 28 years old,-and has had fits over 12 years, which have been veryibequent, and very destructive to his consti tution and mind. Hundreds of dollars have been ox pointed for medielnelo "CURE PITS," but nothing has relieved kW until ha used your medicine. Respectfully yours, POLLY BROOKS. From Jndsgin Landon, County Superintendent of the Ashtnbula`County Infirmary. 1650t)vltt P, Fob. 4, - 1853: Mr. Z. LAICE—Sir: Please send a few more• bottles of your- "Fit Medicine*" I may not uoed It, but think saf er to keep it on hand. Your medicine has done wonders, 1 gave It to Miss Jane Delano; she has had fits for 26 years, brought on by having the Measels when but four years old, which could not be brought out to the surface. After taking the medicine a few days, sus 1150 A PINS CROP OP AIEA'SELS, and has had no fits since. She hadfits or symptoms almost daily. She and her father concur with me in saying that we believe the medicine has or will work a perfect cure. I . also gave the medicine to Miss JanaJfenderson and Aria Carby, who have had fits almost 'daily, for a number of years. Their fits have ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the desired effect., Much money has bean expended by the friends of the above patients for doctoring, all to nd purpose.— The cure was left for your medicine to perform, and I can cheerfully recommend it as a valuable discovery.— Respectfully yourg , JUDSON LANDON, • Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary. .• Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LAHR, Conneaut, Ohio, R F. WELLER, traveling agent. Sold by S. W. Haverstick. Carlisle; E. 11. Thomas, Me chanicsburg; D. W. Gross, Harrisburg. Oct. b-ly* lIAY AN D STRAW CUTTERS; CORN SIIELLERS.—A largo assortment of Im proved Hay, Straw and Fodder Cutters, now on hand.— Also, double and single corn Owners for either hand or horse power, of the Tore latest nianufacture, Including the premium shelter at he late l'onnsylyardst State Fair. For sale by PASCHALL MORRIS ‘t Co., Agricultural WarohouSe and Seed Store, corner of 7th and Market, Philadelphia. Doe. CI, 185.1-rtf ~lieaicines. riIHE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AtIE-4`armers, Outlines and other Kain per chase no remedy equal to Dr. TOBIAS' Venetian Lini moot, for Dysentery, Colic, Croup, Chronic Rheumatism Qulnsey, Sore Throat, Toothache, Sea Sickness, Cuts Burns, Swellings, Old Soros, Illusquito Bites, Insect Stings. Pains in the Limbs, CheSt, Back. 2:v. If it does not give relief, the money will be refunded—all that Is asked, is a trial, and use It according to directions. The article is All English remedy, and was used by Win. I V, King of Lngland, and certified to by hint, no a cure for Ithimmatism, when everything else recommended by his physicians had failed. Over 10,000,000 of bottles have been sold in the Unit ed States, without a single fhilure, and families lime stated that it was worth $lO per bottle, they never would be without it, in ease of Cutup, as it Is as certain as it is applied. It cures Toothache In three minutes; fleadaehe in half an hour, and Cinders. w hen first tak en, in a few hours. It is perfectly innocent to take in ternally. and has the- reconunendation of many of the most eminent Physicians in the United States. Price, 25 and Si) cents. Dr. Tobias has also put up a Liniment fin• Horses, in pi•lt bottles. which is warranted—cheaper and better thin any other, fbr the cure of Colic, Galls. Swellings, old Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Scratches; Cracked lied, c.— Price, 50 cents. lir. Tobias could fill a dozen newspapers with the cer tificates and letters received. relating to the wonderful cures accomplished by his Liniment. Int considers that warranting it is sufficient, as any person who does not oldain relief. need not pay fir it. There has been so Much worthless medicine sell to the public. that Dr. To bias wishes his article to rest on its own merits, and if .he gives the value of the money received, then he asks the patronage of the public, not otherwit.e.. Dlt. TOBIAS' Office, 240 GREENWICH Street, New York. For sale by A. Smith, Secenth and Chestnut streets; Dyott .t! Son ; 12 N. Second street; T. It. Callender. 88 S. Third strut, and by the Druggists throughout the United States. • CIARTER's SPANISII MIXTURE. TILE PURIFIER OF TIIE t partiele of Mereurr in it. An inlidlilde imuctly for rofula, King's Evil, itheumatism.Obstinate Cutaner ue bruptl,ms, Pimples or Pustules on the Fitee, Mulches, Iloilo, Chronic More Eyes, Ring Worm or 'letter, tzeald Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, i-tuborn lavers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinni 'omplaints and all diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the blood. ut9...This great alterative medicine and Purifier of the Blood, is note used by thousands of grateful patients In all parts of the United States, who testify daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medi cines, ••CARTEIIS SPAN 1511'311N.T OLE." Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Di sease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores. Affections of the Kidneys Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Niue and Aching of thp Bones and Joints, are very speedily put to flight by using this great and Inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare to it. It cleanses the system of all im purities, acts gently and efficiently on the Lit er and Kid neys. strengthens the Digestion, gives hum to the Stom ach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the excesses of youth, Lilts pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladles it Is incomparably better than all the cosmetics ever used. A few domes of CARTfleti SpA,a,n MixTutte 1011 mauve all sallowness of complexion, Ming the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the stop, and improve the general health in a remarkable de gree beyond all the medielnes.evor heard of. The large number of certificates which ne have receiv ed from from persons from all parts of the United States, is the best evidence that there is no Humbug about it. The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians,. and public men, well known to the community, all add their testimony o the wonderful effects of this GREAT .111.AAJD PU RIFI ER. Call on the AGENT, and get a Circular and Almanac, and read the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all Medicines has performed. Fono genuine unless signed BENNETT A DEERS; lyre prletors, So b 3, Pearl street, Richmond, Va. to whom all orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed. And for sale by S. Elliott, S. W. , llaversticli, Carlisle; Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; .1. li. Ilerron, Newville; J. C. Altlc, Shippensburg, and by dealers In medicines every where. T HE WONDER OF THE AGE !- = Fe,r the curo.of Saltrbeum, Chilblains, Common Sores, Chapped or Cracked Hands, Burns or Scalds, Cuts or Wounds, Plies, Inflammation of the Breast, bites of insects, Sore Lips, Pimples on the Face, and Brveking Out and Sores on Children, and all diseases of the Skin, This Ointment will cure the Sultrheum and Burns, or Chapped hands. quicker and surer than any other medi cines of the kind before the public. To substantiate the above, I can give hundreds of cer tificates. but I consider it no use, as (any person can do the same, If they have factids,f d. even a worthless ar ticle) I rely solely on the merits of, tho Ointment for the public patronage. N. lI.—A single box of this ()Bane .t will keep any Blacksmith's, Farmer's, Sailor's, or I le banle's hands,let thorn chap or crack over NO bad, sou Ai And in good work ing order all winter. Prepared idiot .old by I410: 7 1t0E TERTia., A l an gat lIA. COllll. Sold alsp,by. the principal Drum Ats, wad t.Nauntry Mar ebants.e, Price 85 cants per bus. Nov. Ira IS5a-]y FIAVE you a cold ?—Gallolicr's Elixir has acquired a Just calebrity for tho cure of AM ,disemes 'arising from ,severe colds, and its efficacy has 'been fates and approved by hundreds of our most re spectable citizens. In every instance immediate relief Las beetigiven, as the following certificate from those who have tried it bears testimony Manufactured and for sale by • JAMES GALLOUER, Agent. We the undersigned do certify that we have used Gal haloes preparation for Consumption, Colds, Diseases of the Lungs, Liver, &c., and having experienced immedi aariellartlierefrona would recommend it to - all afflicted In that way. Thos.' 11. Skiles. Mrs. M. Gould, ,11. 11. McCoy, E. L. Wolf, Peter Monyor, H. D. Hackett, doseph Lobach, N. W. Woods. Carlisle, April 25,1854-1 y i l k MAP QF CUMBERLAND COUN TY.—From entirely eibilnal Suryoye, by actual measurement throughput the whole county, 'by It. F. BRIDGENS. The subscriber - is now engaged In making Surveya preparatory to publishing a new and complete Map of Cumberland County, upon a large scale. Every Public Boad and Stream, with The locations of All Mills, Stores, Dwellings, and Public Buildings, will be accurately laid down. All the Public Buildings in the County will be distinctly indicated, and the names of owners of proper ty generally, will bo Inserted in their proper positions on the Map. A Table of distances, Statistics of the County, en larged plans of the principal Villages, nud a few of the most attractive views in the County, will be inserted in the margin; thus giving every satisfaction, and render ing the Map most valuable--to the Owners of Property, Merchants, Travelers, Conveyancers, and the Inhabitants generally, of the region delineated - In as much as .this work is to bo made up of actual surveys nule,upon the ground, It will . minks time to 'accomplish it ; it is not expected, therefore, that it will bo ready fbr publication much under the period of Two Years. The sitar of the Map will be about lice feet by four, and will costilve dollars. F. isiunor,Ns, Publisher. N. re 'corner of Mamba and Wood St. Pl.Wadelpb' tigt. 27-Iwd. 3B eaicines. L -Dyspepsia.. I V E It COMPLAINT,-Dypepsia.. Jaundice, Chronic ur Nervous debility, Hiseasef ' - the Jiidueys, and all diseases arising from is (Hamden. Liver or Si much, such 118 Constipation, inward pile fulness of blood to time head, acidity of the stoma nausea, heartburn, disgust for thud. fulness or ((eight li the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering a f the pit'of the stomach, swituraingot - the head, hurrie', and difficult breathing, fluttering , at•thd heart. choldu or suffix:ding sensations when In a-lying posture, din ness 01 N NOM, dots or webs .before the sight, leer an, dull pain in the head, deficiency of persphatiou, y Mina mess of the skin and eyes, pain hi the side, back, cheat limbs, &r., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the tient constant imaginings of evil, and' great depression et NM Ito, can he offectiially cured by, Dn. 1100FLANVIi CELL!MATED OERMAN Birrials, prepared by Da. C. hi ,inritsox. No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. • Their power"oi er the above diseases Is not excelled, equalled. by any other preparation in the United State/ iis the cures attest, In many cases after skilful phya' clang hail failed. , These hitters are worthy the attention of invalids.- P055....46g gnat virtues in the rectification of diseast . of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the mom searchingAlowers In weakness and nifeetions of thu di gestil o organs, they aim withal safe, certain anti _pleat nut. TESTIMONY- 131014,.•rt.'NNISYLVANTA.•" J. 1). Spring, Laceyville, l'a., April 6, 1854, says ' a can get you boom good certificates for your Getman MI tern in this Sicinity if you w ish theta. A lady purehiu lug some of It this week. says that it is by far the bey medicine she ever know, having done her and by daughter much good, &c. S. H. Lawson, Ilenferd's Store, Somerset ce, Pa., Au 4 15, 184.'1, says, "I am much attached to your Oormai Hitters, having used two bottles of It, which I procure from S. Kurtz, your agent at Somerset r and found ere* relief from it In disease of the Liver. 1 tied it ha great effect on my lungs, strengthening and lin igoratii thorn, which, es 1 am a public speaker, is a area helpl ins." Dr. Giles, Newton Hamilton, Pa., ➢lay, 19M, said: « have used myself half a dozen bottles of yuur flertna flitter° for Liver Complaint and diseases of a nervot character, resulting !rota the abuse of mercury. Iwa poisoned and afflicted with Fiutsms frimi the use of tit latter article. The Gelman Bitters is the first ludic:4 fnun Nyblell I olitained any relief. 1 have else given tt article to many dyspeptics, with the Illt!ht. salutary A 8111 W 1 think as many more bottles will cure me." .1. C. Young. Esq.. of Dauphin, l'a., writes Nay 5. "I was afflicted with Gemini Debility, Intestinal Weal ness and Costifeness, fur u lath I used many I liffi:ree renxedies withAt relief. lat lest used your !holland , lerinan Bitters. I took a few bottles according to d raglans. and was completely cured. I have not been e healthy for Lou years as I have been slues I took yos Bitters. w hich is about one year ago." These Bitters are ENTIRELY VEGErmax,alwayF strengti ening the system and never prostrating it. Sold by dealers in medicine and i4OrOktN3perli ever; bore, and by Samuel Elliott, S. W. Ham orutiek and li Wyt 7 null nintr.-Carl i-Eininger-it: iklectinnirshur{ -- zinyiler if: Diehl, Newburg, and by Dealers in Modlelut generally. Ni v. 22, 185.1-ly hOCTQIt YOUR tiMI,F--- , PRIVATELY 2 cents, by means of the POLA zESCULA PIUS, or Ever One HIS OWN PHYSICIAN The thirty-sixth Edition, wit one hundred engmv ings, situ! leg Private Diseases and Ma formations of the (leni'rati• System, In every shale• an form: to which Is added Treatise on the Diseases .4 . 1 0 1 males, Intended for the use I females only, (see page Its)) too lag of the highest important to married people, or those fOl 4y. Vomm, 31. D., tlraduall eennsylvania, 3lember of the Rc al College-of Surgeons, London, and Honorary Membi of the Philadelphia Medical society: The various fora of Secret diseases, Seminal WeaknesS. Diseases of tk Prostrate Gland,lmpotency,solitary habits of youth. as faithfully described, and all the receipts given In plat language. The chapters on self abuse and Semint Weakness is worthy of particular attention, and shout be read by every one. Young men who have been us Mantua° in contracting disease, previous to placia yourselves under the care of any doctor, us matter \ , to his pretensions may he. get a copy of this trulyialtusta work. Sea Captains and persons going to .sea should puss* Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket .3 , :sculat us. or Every one Ills own Physician. .e.t) - Let nn father be aslunned..to present a ropy of ti msculaphis to his child. IL may save him from an ear. grave. let no young man or woman enter into the e eret obligations of married life Hit hout reading the pea it ..tsculapius. Let no one suffering from a hankult cough, pain in the side, restless nights, nervous fella and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and girt up by their physician, be another moment - without no suiting the .S.sculapius. Have the married or the about to ho !married any Impediment, read this tru useful Hook, as it has been the means of saving the sands of untbrtunater creatures from the very jaws death. Upwards ofn MILLION copies of thiscelehrab work has been,sold in this country and Europe since I 38, when the fart edition was issued. ArZ-- Any person sending TW EN TY-El YR nen ts • closed In a letter, will receive ono copy of this book I mail; or five copies will be sent for LI. Address II WII.I.IAM YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce street,PhUatielphl, Post laid. Twenty years practice in the city ornilladelphla cer tainly entitles Dr. Young to the conlidenre of the el deted, and he may he consulted on any of the (Meese described in his different publications. athis calve. 16 2 Spruce street, every day 'between 9 and a o'clock, Sun. days excepted) and persons at any distance can comma Dr. Young by letter, ewer PAID. QAFE—SPEEDY—SURE !—S o m (I- Q . THING FOR Yomt OWN BENEFIT!!! A Medi rile adapted to general use, greatly superior to others, and a Rhin the means of every individual. 100 PILLS for twenty-five cents! 510 extortion La price—no Calomel—no mineral poison whatever. Da. TOWNSEHH . B HEALTH PILLS fully merit the great reputation they have acquired. They are called for frees oil ports of the land, because TILLY AA/. ALL THAT TILE CL kIM TO DE. WHAT THEY WILL Do—TheyTjty the blood. they dense the System of Ilumorti cure Dyspepsia and Indigestion, they create au Appetite they cure Sick Headache,Dizziness and Low Spirits, they ' arrest Fevers, they promote a healthy action of the Liver, they era 11 sure cure for Costiveness and Habitual Constipation. they are highly efficacious in Female Complaints, they strengthen and give tone to the System. Thep are tb best Family Medicine known. • It is an obvious inquiry, how one medicine Can cto many different complaints, Those Pills, however, compounded of curative materials thist persons hr ly to TRY THEM and the answer will be found, stored body and nn invigorated constitution. Each Box contains 100 Pills, at the astonial price of 25 cents. Every individual should For eels by the Druggists and Storokoopo• F: A. Noun, general Agent, Stonhigte AbILRACLE OF . SLIT 0. L. Kolling, of Mechanic• comity; Pa., announces to those al' Wens. Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, T ula. King's Evil and all diseases' treated with Caustic or Knife, is out cutting, burning or pair Ether is administered to th• on what part of the body * ' them with perfect safety time. No Mineral of Veg , . • • money required until a Prelapstut Uteri, Per • real and all other die , , Full particulars Can English or (lermar mediated with he Mochanirsbur towns in this Ilerristurg, accesfilble fr visit:cases ' _KI• two, do' IMO .~ M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers