8 /MI LATER FROM EUROPE! AkIRT.VAL: OF' In P: 161 HM PEACE CONGILESS. AtAnoli on Selbaktopol Condinnod. Tiotiatennsleip Anuirica, arrived , at Halifax, on Thurdday, )with Liverpool dates to'the 731st nit lier news was irrmediately telegraphed to the city merit TITS VIENNA CONFERENCE The steamer Baltic brought intelligence that thr first of the four bases of peace was uncon ditionally accepted by-Russia —and that -the iecond was proceeding favorably. Since theta, the second has _likewise been accepted, but difficulties of a serious nature have occurred on the third. The Wegtern Powers, foreseeing trouble, did not propose the deratAilion of Sethiskopol, but modifie I their demands into a raducti,in of ltussi..n power in the Black Sea—in rcio u pens() for which, they offer to evacuate the Russian territory. Thu Russian Plettipotenti nries reply that they lire not authorized, to no (Ted to any such terms, and Must remit the matter to St Petersburg. Waco tho Confer race stands still , .411 the pelenipotentiaries have sent to their : ctivernment for instructions. and the Conter coca will probably be adjourned until final VII 1)06 ty shall arrive. Meantime, the fourth point is under discussion. Prince Gartscht- Loff. en the 2Gth, moved for the admission cf FROM TIIE SEAT OF WAR The special correspondence of the London Times describes the condition of the army as touch improved. Weather fine. health and •ipirits of the troops better, provisions ohtin lant,. and sanatory regulations stricty_en bircki but the actual works of the siege , n Ike no progress to justify favorable proPhe :les. Actual increase of the fines and bat. cries there is, bat it exists on both aides, and there has been no comparative advantage gained by the Allies. Tho effective force of the British army is now reported at 26,000 m Another account says—"We have now 90 000 men and more alive; . and of t eso be tween 16,000 and 20,000.0 f the noblest and strongest troops that over handled muskets." Tim Pdris coreespowlent of the London Post ssys: ••Before the month.of April is a week old, another 10,000 of the elite of the French army will have lefefor the seat of war. The latest official intelligence from the Crimea in forms us that Gen. Cunrobert would bombard and storm a portion of the town of Sebastopol as soon as the English army were ready to do so, which it wouldbe within a week at the latest." Accounts from the Crimea up to the 24th ult , state that the bombardment had not em. met-seed, although the batteries had been fmiab• ed since the 16111. A camp letter _says the Russian works np pear in splendid condition, and quite crowded with troops. The heavy fire which they kept up had materially abated. NAPOLEONS VISIT TO MILANO The arrangements for the visit of the Em peror of the French and the Empress Eugenie to England nye now said to bo oOmp:ete, unit on the 16th of April the Imperial Court of France is expected to arrive on a visit to her Majesty the Queen, either at Windsor Cast e or in London. It would seem from .this that the projected visit of the Emp!ror to the Crimea has been..abandoned: It is understood that the Emperor and Em press will renHin in England about a fortnight. They will visit London, Osborn, Wo. Portsmouth, Greenwich, and Other places, hut reside principally at Windsor Castle. Tho York and Lancaster Towers are being fixed up for that purpose, and the whole of the apart• ments in the Round Tower will be placed at the disposal of the attendants of the Emperor Napoleon. - -• • = The British phrliament Ilse passed the bill repealing the stamp duties on newspapers. This will afford encouragement for cheaper newspapers.. The subscription of daily news papers ,in England is from $3O to $5O per year. PARLIdIEENTAMY INVESTIGATION. The Sebastopol Inquiry Committee on the management of the war, continues its sittings, and the revelations made become every day more and more appaling. Mr S. G Osborne was examined on the 24th of-March, and as an eye witness of the adenes which ho describes, gives the last touch to the dreadful picture ► y informing the by that the wounded and elok soldiers, by hundreds and by thousands, were literally starved to death. • 4 4 LAST SECTIONS OF LIIaIIION LAW. and maintained in violation of this not; and it shall_ be the especid _duty of the judges of 1.1 ( nt F the said courts to sceihat this ,return 'a faith fully made; and if any person s 11. make known to Such constable the name o aes of any one who shall have violated ki 1 act, With the names of Witnesses who can`prove the fact, it shall be his duty to make return therof on oath or affirmation.to the court, and upon his wilful Allure so to do, ho shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon indictment and conviction, shall be sentenced to imprisonment in the jail of tho county for a period not doss than one, nor more than three months, and pay a fine' not exceeding fifty dollars. , . Seetton 14. That this act shall not interfere with any persons holding a license heretofOre granted, until the time for which the same was granted shall have expired; nor shall any license which may be granted before the first day of July next, authorize the sale , of said liquors or admixtures thereof after the . firet day of October next, contrary to the provisions of this act. DEATH FROM OMIELESEINEII3,--4 physician in Philadelphia wrote a presoription for a lady pitied Murray and another for her child, on Wednesday, but unfortunately a clerk in a ,drag store where they were put up misdirected them, so that the one intended for the mother Was_ given to the child, causing its death in a few hours. The author of the fatal error has been arrested. c~ ijc £ltu ket BALTIMORE DIARIMT. MONDAY EVENING, A Aril 1 6 FLOUR AND MEAL.-The - Flour mark •t to clay is rather feverish Prices have gotten , o high that dealers are cautious. Sales thh , morning 100 Ws. at - 10,60 a $10,75, Rye Flour—supply light —Sales at 6,25 a $7.30 per bbl.-- Corn Meal, at 4,37 a $4,50 per 1,b1., Onsirt.—White Wheat-6000 Has. &fere I, sales. tit 2,68 n $2,75 ; choice 1114 70 ; red nt 2,45 $2,55 per hug. Corn selling nt 1,05 a t. 111,06. Oats selling at 70 cts. Rye 1,49 $1,50. pjfinbefifijia. frhutitrNG'S PATENT, CRAM PI ON FIRE PROF SAFES, with, Patent Powder . Proof .Dicks, which Well e warded separato Aledals at the l'orld's Pair, London, ISM, and lee at the Fair. New ,9rk, IS5d and '6l. TlllO Irs are the sole mant,nt,turert id proprietors in thi. :•tate to above unequalled Pais and ycks. Tho roputati , a2 of the Inning "Iforrlng's safe" is world Itle;and for the last ..thirte.nt ;ears the, mercantile ccuntnunit have witnessed and borne testi mony to their ,!svalt. FAILING fro proof qualities. More th 12;000 of these Safes have been actually sold, end over vwo HUNDRED have passed triumphant].) through ac..itiontal fires. The public are-rassured • that all Sao, m anuftetured by the subscribers are not only gunman tee I to ho fully equal, but in many respects even supe rior to those which have been so severely tried by fire. 144 will forget their services In the burninfr of the "Tribune eslabilshnient,"'Nevr York. and at the Orilla Fire in Strawberry street, at the large tire last July. opp site the Olratrd House; and still more recently in the Fire at Fifth and Chesnut sts in the city et Phildelphla, In which these Safes came forth the ac knowledged CEIADIPION, when many other seenrlties -- FARR CO. i - --- IRON - SAFE ANN BANK LOCK MAKERS, ai WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. Chilled Iron Safes, with Powder Proof Locks. menu• factored expressly for Banks, Brokers. Jewellers, end others requiring security from rogues. Bank Vimlts, I) ors, &c. on hand end made to order. All the most celebrated Leeks for sale at manufacturers' prices. Se-smd hand •" Safes," "Salamanders" and " inin Chests" of other makers, have been taken In part pay m Int for Herring's for sale at half prim. apl.ll 4 E JULIUS ST RN, - No. 145, North Third Street, Philadelphia Wholesale Dealer In Faitcy Dress Triminings.nnd Mlninety Goods, and Manufacturer of Fancy Silk Bonnets, keeps constantly on hand a very extensive assortment of Silks, Ribbons. Laces; Embroideries, Flowers, Bonnet Frames, Gimps. Fringes. besides a great variety of other 'Fe hey Goods. lie solicits a call from Country Merchants visiting the City, and assures them that they will be sure to find any article above mentioned at the lowest prices. timrchl4-'.im MILLINERY GOODS-1855- I.'OR SPRING SALES! JOLIN STONE & SONS, No. 45, South Second Street, Philadelphia. Hare, just opened Weir Spring Importations of SILTS, BONNET ILIBBONS, El/AYERS, LACES, CRAPES, &c. Le. including a general assortment of MILLINERY A ItTV CLES, of the most fmshlonable styles.. The, above Goods have been imported oqpressly for our Spring sales and crimpriso the largest and best assortment in our line to be fund In the market. marchl4.3m EMOVAL !-BESSON & SON, bog leave to inform you that they have meow ,d the l'un.ter.trutit FA sos Afewtsiau Steno frost So. 52 South Second Street, to tho new building No. ..06 Chesnut Street, (fivelloors above Eighth, Sent! .lde) where they will offer an increased stock at r doced prices. vp,..Now Spring Goods daily opening. LEATHER! LEATHER! L FRITZ. HENDRY & co. No. 29, North Third Street, Phlhulelphla, MOROCCO mAN urnemntmcs, Curriers and Import ers of FRENCH CALF SKINS, and Dealers In Red and Oat: Solo Leather and Kip. Feb2B--ly A%ad-- H. FRANCISCUS, • mAN ti FAMTIT ER OF COTTON LAPS, ding, Tie Yarn. Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarns, LAMP. CANDLE AND FLUID WICKS, which he offers to sell at the Lowest Cash PrfreS et No. 05 Market Street above Second. North shle,Philadelphiti , TREES, EVER-GREENS I , RO- S ES, FLOWERING SHRUBS, PLANTS, &e.— In great variety ands's°, cultivated and for sale in urge or small quantities, at the Rising Sun Nurse ries anti °anion, .Philadelplikt. ltic.4—Plants. Roses, Seeds, &o. can be bad every day in the Market, below Sixth Street, Philadelphia, where or dors are also'reecived for the Nursery. - All orders promptly attended to. Descriptive Cata. Woe gent to post-pold applications gratis. Address S. HATIPAY, loarcUt Rising Sun P. 0. Philadelphia. 3 - 21.1 1 ,14.1:17%. HI '" ;At , ' Alb CIUMBERLAND. VALLEY 11, AI L ‘_.) ROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS! On and after tiIv:IDAY, March 2nth, 1855, Passenger trains will run dally, as followi (Sundays excepted: • FOIL 1.1A111111:3111.111.0: . . Ist Train. 2d Train. taco Chareliersburg, 5.30, A. 51 4.30, I'. 111 shiplainshuM, 0.09, " 6.09, ', 't . Newvlllo, 0.40, " ' 5.40, " " Carlisle, 7.18, " 8.18, " 4 ' Mechanicsburg, 7.50, " 6.50, " 8.15, " 7.15,. " At lirarrislPrg' FOR CIIABIBERSDURG. Ist 'Frain. 2d Train: 8.45, A. 85 ' .1.15, P. mi 0.18, " 1.43. " 0.55, " 2.25, " 10.30, " 8.00, " Leave Harrisburg, " Mechanicsburg, " Carlisle, " Nowville, Shlpponsburg, At Chamborsburg, Tralna leavo Harrinborg for Philadelphia, at 8.45, A.M 12.20, M.,(via Columbia) and 7.40,P. M. . For Balt!Oro, at' 8.45, A. M. and 1.45, P. M.: For Pittsburg, nt 3.20 A. M., 12.55 NM], and 5 P. M. For Pottsville, Reading, and points on the Daupbb and susynehanna Rail Road leayo 11nrrisburg at 7.15 A. ht. Jrz-At all Stations where Tickets are sold, Fares are . TEN CENTS LESS than when paid in the Cars. ' A A. F. SMITH, Superintendent. Hall Road Office, Chamborsburg, } 'Match 21st 1865. WALL PAPEILL—Juat received a splendid stock of Paper Hangings, Window Shades and Fireboard Prints, embmeing all the newest and most approved styles. The designs are neat and chaste, and the prices such. as cannot fall to give antis. &Alen. We invite our friends and the public general• ly to call and examine our assortment belbre purchasing elsewhere. 11. SAXTON, • march2l East Main Street, Carlisle tIiLA CAS H MER ES, &o.—The sub scriber bas JUst opened s variety of Plaids sad Ines at reduced prices. . . -11 k(?) 'I AM NOW RECEIVING •my spring stook• of PATER lIANOINGh w itch s t o largest and most Varied assortment ocei opened in ladled°, to which I invite.tho early attention of the pub e, as I intend zoning at prices which cannui fall to ploaao the closest purchaser. fear li4B 11.02, " 11.30, " 3.30, 4.0(1„ O.W. IIITNBR JOHN P. LYNN Stosres - anb SQops lIA Li, 81Y.LE OF 1-IAIS 6JIUIr. I: ELLER respectfully a 1,,, patrons and the public generally that rug cot the 1A LL STYLE OE U, . y II .ITS, inanufa..tured at one of the . ,iciits in Philadelphia, to which ht, Ir. otte..tien. lie has also ronstaatly on hand a large s„.-tnic,st of his own manufacture as net: .1- • I ha; s acid Caps. suitable for the season, r:p,ccy ussia, Beaver, Moleskin and .-. isti..d in the latest style, together with a fn,.. of i A t'ti of every shape and description, V. pri,m. Ile particularly invites the public to amine his extionsive assortment, which in ritl and finish, cannot be ant-passed by any and .which he Is able to put at prices lower Remember his stand on North Ilan. vr t o eoo Ilutnee's and Sener's Attires. FALL STYLE OF HATS & WM. 11. TROUT, desires to inform his 010 • coat lie has ronnived to his new establishment It. street, near the Railroad Depot, and is now large and elegant assortment of the FALL OF HATS'. just received from Philadelphri ". the gentlemen of Carlisle are requasteci examine. Ile has also a largo assortment of r cii and Slouch lints CO his own manufacture, got up test style and at various prices, the excellence trod ! which Ito will warrant: 'lll5 stock he is ly needs to ho examined to be approied. Also. a la: r . supply of Moil's, lloy's and Children's CAI'S, , 1 AM and Fur. and of every variety of style and pri,e calved from Philadelphia. Let all who wart n H.O Cap give him n call, as they may be sure of Leto•; -nil 011 to their own satisfaction. - 1111 NA, GLASS AND QUEI ' W ARE—Old hopsekeepers and young. with 11, also NO, are expecting to become housekeepers. ere ins • od to rail at HALBERT'S FAMILY billta.'LllY al d amine his elegant assortment of China. (Hass and tltieens• ware and other articles In the housekeeping line. aun-t as Frock and English tea sets, heavy bandedand White Oranite. gilded and blue plain, Dinner sets el cn cry variety and price. bowls and pitchers, tureens, dish es, lie.' Wass-ware—centre table and mantel lamps, Candelabras and other lamps,great verity, table and 1.4. r tumblers. goblets. Ac.......Fratit-andlizserve dishes. In va riety.' Cedar-ware—tubs, buckets, churns, howls, butter prints and ladles, meal buckets, Ac. ,Brushes—sweepinp. white wash, scrubbing, hand and shoe brushes, dusters, brooms. Ac. Market, clothes and travelling baskets. Also a choice assortment of Tobacco and :4 - gars. all ye who are fond of choice brrinds of Segars and try the Pri i Mai ; regal I as: Stella n s 'au - a - other Cu I fi' - v fe . s7 - and you will find them Of unimpeachable quality. Altin half Spanish and Common Segura, with choice snuff and chewing tobacco. PA r:c, 14 1 OR THE 11111.1.1 th. , I am not receiving my Fa . ll : Aln j es stock of PAPER • Illst style, ti which surpass in virttx •tivlos '• and price any that have o•cr been exhibeted in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a cull' from persons in want of Paper Hangings - of any descric, Lion, as I ant confident by itssonment far surimssi in the Borough; and In style and prices bas but f..e ri vats In the city, I only ask of the public to call and yx amino my ass.rtmant before Illirehasing. as I nlll confi dent my chaste designs cannot fall to . please _the on.e t fastidious. .11)1IN P. LYN West side of North linnover Ft, ect 11 00-K OUT IN TlME!—Cholera. A morhus. Dysentery, Diarrhma. arc., are runt 11,;. their appenranc. You know the remedy. If you ha , e :iny regard for the welltire of yourself, your wife. or your children, supply yourselves with BEECHER'S M ATt 11- LESS CORI/JAL, otherwise abide the consequence rt suiting from n I , l4oted ndhorence to old quart.ery. 'Phil. •• Matchless Remedy" min ho had at the I)rug Store of 11. J. KIEFFER. South Hanover street, a few doors south of the Court (louse, Carlisle. j . .OOl'S AND SHOES. The subscOb j/ or has now on hand a very extensive and well sc ectedstuck of B 0 0 T S end SHOE which he will sell at unusually low prir- Mi. Purchased from wholesale deniers, at low rates ; he can offer such Induce ments to purchasers as will make it their interest to vis It his establishment. He has every article in the Soot and Shoe line—for Ladies' or iientlemens' wear—he therefore deenik it unnecessary to particularize. 4 Persons desiring good and cheap goods are invit ed to give him a call. itoOA L . d,, -, 2 , OO9 , TONSLIME AND .as ~ STOI 1.. COAL, now on hand and 4.4r.r. ' 177'; receiving at the following prices : Dauphin LimerCeol - . . $2 50 to :1 oo •• store, - - - - 3 ('0 to -4 no Lykens Valley Limo - • - . 3 75 to 4 on Stevo - . - - 4 00 to 4 75 Pine Grove Limo - - 3 75 to 400 o Stove 4 50 to 5 00 - Pittston Stove Coal - - - -500 to 5 50 Diarksmith's Coal, per bushel, - - 22 to 25cts. 11m,..A150 LUMBER of all kinds. Common Boards and Scantling from $l6 to $lB per 100 feet. First Cvmunoti and ('and accenting to quality. decls-8 ' S. 'M. HOOVER. - &bee r , ~.., ri l l4l - AS,COFFEE--- , ....Emi i The subscriber but Jose added to his former stock a general selection of CHOICE GROCERIES, as well 11.9 all the other variety of articles , . usually kept in is Grocery Store. embracing Rio )0 Coffee—roasted and green—at 12% and 14 cents ttita.' per lb., Orleans, Clarlfied,Crushed and Pulverized 7 l , Sugars, of lino qualities; Chocolates, Spices,llalry Salt, and a variety of Fancy articles, all of which are n. fared at the lowest cash prices. We am thankful for the former support given us, and Invite a further call from our friends and customers. J. W, LILY. Marion Hall, Carlisle. / NEW GOODS.—The subscriber is just opening a fresh assortment of very CH EA!' GOODS bought at reduced prices. Callum! sec them. Aur. 23. OSO. W. lIITNER 1-fiql EBU RN EILS' COAL. - 2,000 Tone Lylten's Valley Nut 0.41, a tiperlor article men li ring and for Gala by Janlo 3m W. B. 311:11111AY, Agt. . ..ty on hand supply "Shoutatisagner," an admi rable Wash for the hair, manufactured by hinelf. The excellence of this Tonic Is testiged to by all of his cus tomers who have used It to be ono of the best articles known for cleansing the hair of dandruff. Ile also man ufactures n Hair Restorative, known as the `•Comsheo num," for piviag new growth to the hair on - bald hoods. Ample testimony exists of the of of this excellent Restorative. While the Shemaiisagner clears the heir of claudruff andprevents It from coming out, the Cc"- rashwanum supplies a new growth to those who hove hod the misfortune to loartheir hair. The public Is in vited to call, encomia° end purchase these invaluable articles, as ho ls. confident they Will render satisfaction. SHAVING, HAIR DRESSING, and CUTTING, and SHANIPOCINING attended to In tho best style as usual, at his old rooms on West Main Street. near 'Marlon Hall. Carlisle, Dec. 27,1854. WM. BURGESS MONEY WANTED.—The subscri ber ;being In want of Molloy to Moet demands Vothitn, desires all thcso indebted to him for Mer- Chandiza purchased In 1854 and previous years, to nettle up without delay. " (IEO. W. 111TNEIL HARDWARE.—Mammoth Spring Arrival at LYNE'S on North Han ':.:eihr4N.,;.. over Street, where the public aro being supplied with every variety of Hardware, Paints, 011 s, dire. at the LOWMT CASH PRICES. Call in, we dill aCCOM- Inotlato a few more. 12=fflIM ,ITERE,IS WIIAT YOU NEED AT PRESENT —The subscriber respectful ly informs the ladles end gentlemen of Carlisle and ricluity that lie has non on laud at his flair Dressing and Shriving Room on West Areet. an elegant altortmet f LADIES BRAIDS and gentlemen's \VMS, and ran furnish to order at shortest otice every kind of Heir Mork of the best quality. Ile also begs leave to In-_ rm his friends end custo- lore that ho keens conotan- ,;(alicc4 'MIMI I a( I EZMEME Apr . . u. o.tday. A it: 11 ch nti.ty. Ai.ril . • . r,tay, Ap, I: tiJ Aril 1:71 I.n•ugh, bat rday.• April 2hth ,• • Ovp. - do. . •:, I,day, April do. '..4-1:.•ton. Tuesday. Ntay let, :nesday, May Id.. thentseLves alti.trleved by nltera• Le heard at :Awl) time and plaru stated, .1:t11:‘ !P IM), JAMES A:.MtITIIONCI. tlE.tittiE M. GILAII.t Commissioners e arell f 0 I .• 1. o all persons interestetl v.?..tato of Dr. Joint Shops:tit, der .1. . ••:Of Dr. Willittut :Shute:on. .tmid Andrew Carothers, 1,1 , 11.. In the tututteriand comity. to. centre the tot tte reltactii e heirs of.sald Decedent in Mill • • :1/f liitintuel Hepburn, Esq.. Attorney fi r 1 .....:Mar 'A. a inqi:oll.-11 is nrtlered by tin Orplutt's It; flan erland • 1. hat a rule ti In p.trtio, in lutenist it, entered bt said nurt t.• sit a rats)- if any they have. why the raid roettgo Amin .1..t.1 ta.t. Mt marred satistintl. rin Mr tt the luta, ext I Simpson is ennrented.--Aral that said ru,n • tett. liable en the .d .V.tinday of Apri next .• C.• r. 4 t, hlah ti. Ue ghat. ley I,oll.lkatioll iu t • ni..VSll3lll , r 1:1.1.•t.:LI in till eout.ty. until the said thi) appears: it' tLe Court. It arhich pat ties in Interest will Gtke natice. Test, Clerk I Pr. Court. 1.V 4 .\NI) WATER (10\IP:kN11 T;rl.l flaSltudiV;itiii'remifitftiy - d 5.., Gn t . l:111.,e11 . their %%l.rks by thu In tuAtirtiou 01 Gas this ,1/11111...1 . , 11,1 .r 1111.4 purp,ra Irish to obittill 4,1 T‘i I.:•TY TIbiLISANI) Ir ItS, for a1)1,11 1111, 1;1 t in-st smple security. aid pay Um it:wrest 11.'iTLX.K.11*i1 at Ibt , Curns!, Depcsit bank. Pa. sums 11. t oess thith . Arus, MEM 1 I STAT E OF SANUEL IVAGO -4 N llovvasvd.—NO.l.co Is hereby given that Lot tt•es of Adniii,hteation on the estate of :rninnot t 1 agtio trnr, Into of Newton township. Conilwriand county. d. •,ea'sett. have Leen grunted by the hegister of said your ty 1., the suhserthers, residing in tho salmi township— All pot s.rns thawing thornselves indebted to said estate aro required to make Immediate pn:onent and tilos& having china to present them for settlement to AMS:I( 1 inarl4pd 'ISRAEL IVAGGONEIt, f Adair's. S 1 ATE OF ABItAIIAAI nt;IIK- A_A WILDER, sr. deceased.—Nutire Is hereby given . hat Lettt.rs Testamentary en the estate of AI raham I;urldieltter, late or Franitford township. l'utitherint.d e,tuity, deceased. have_ Leen granted by the Register of said count) to the subseriltr, residing lit the same twp. MI persons know.h.g themselves indetted t., surd esta,u are requited to make Immediate payment, and those having chains to present them for settlement to ma pd MIRMIAM MARTIN. 1 1 ST , ITE OF EL 17, A. 13 ET 1.1 SM j • deceased.—Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration co the }.stato of Elital eth Smith, late of Lower Alien tou whip, Cumberland county, deceased. hare been granted by the I:cgister of said county to the subscriber, residing in the same township. Al! persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requit ed to make immediate paymont.and tht4o having claim to pr,sent them for settlement to feb2S-ntpd 'WM. 11. SMITH, Adm'r. EST ATE OF SUSANNA SWEIT - deceased.—Notice Is hereby given that bete tors of Administration on the estate of Susanna zee, late of Shiremanstown, Cumberland county, deceas ed, have been granted by the Register of said county t, the subscriber, residing in the saute township. All per s,ms knowing themselves Indebted to said estate aro re quired to make immediate payment, and those havinn chilies to present them fur settlement to feb2S-et Wal. D. SHOOP, Adm'r. r xEcIUORS NOTlCE.—Letter: AATestamentary haring been issued to the sub.eri hers, under the will of George A. Lyon Esq., deed. lat. of the borough of Caritsle; all perrons having ;lamb avtlest the estate of the said decedeot, are requested t. make known the same, and those indebted, to teak. payment without delay to JOHN LYON, Bedf:rd ra. ALEX I'. 11YON, l'lttsimrg tit. Jan. Mat '55 Executers. FSTATE OF MARTHA BOWMAN deceased.—Notice Is hereby given tint letters (I aduiluistration on the estate of Martha Bowman, late of Frank tbrd township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to the sub scriber residing In the same township. All pers'ns in dated to said estate arc required to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them fa settlement to ' JANES 1., 31cDOWELL, jan3l Atrtnr. - 1 4 1 STAT E SIJSANNAI.I AL- A ItEIGHT, DEC'D.—Letters of Administration on the Estate of t:;tuctintalt Albright, dee'd.,late of East Pennsborough township, Cumberland county, hate been issued to the subscriber residing In the Same town ship, to it horn all persons having claims against the said estate will present them for settlement and those indebted make payment. Jan. t 4, 1856 MICHAEL ALIIItICIIT, Adner. Ikr OTIOE.—At a stated Orphans court 11,, begun on TUESDAY, the 26th day of December A. 1b54, and holden nt Carlisle, in and for Cumberland county, before the lion. James It 'Graham, President J udge, and Samuel Woodburn and John Rupp; Esquims. Associate .TiEdges, dm, the following proceedings were had, to wit: In the matter of the writ of Partition and Valuation on the Real listed.) of Elizabeth ehenk late of Dickinson township, deceased, tho same having been returned by Joseph Met/ Armond, high Sheriff of Cumberland county. duly executed, Au. ' sow 'to wit, 26th December, 18t3, Inquisition confirm ' od and Rule on the heirs and parties in interest to ap. pear at the next stated Orphans court, and take , or re fuse to take, otherwise to show cause why. the court should notrbrder the property to be sold. Notice to be served personally on the parties residing within R.rty miles and by publication in one newspaper on those re siding beyond forty miles. BY TilE COURT. In testimony whom:4 1 have hereunto set my band and the seal of said court, at Carlisle, on the 28th day of December, A. D. 1854. JOHN M. (IRMO, Clerk Orphans Court. PI ISSOLUNION.--Tho partnesrhip heretofore exhitimv between the II übseribors, tra- , d lig under the firm of lIENTZ & BROTHERS, was dis solved on the first lost., by mutual consent, all perilous Indebted to the firm are requested to make an early settlement of the same to either of the undorsignod. . AIINER W. lIENTZ . . . WM. lIENTZ • . JAIIIES 11E1STZ. ' The undersigned having purehased,the interest of W. Bents In the above business. inform their friends that they will continue the business as heretofore at the old atand under the name of Bents k brother.—They have just received a large supply of NEWIIOOI/9, such as Cal icos, Gingham', Mullins, Cheeks, Flannel, Satinetta, Needle worked Collars, Spencers, Sleeves, &e., also one case Irish Linens. containing 45 pieces of their own im portation some of it very flue which they ran sell much lower than the usual prices. They respectfully request the public to give them a call as they are determined to sell cheap. ABNER W. BENTZ. Feb. 15,'55 JAMES BENTZ. STARTLING, BUT WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOW , KNOW. J. he 11:aiD. ki 'II ; .04 How often it happens, that the w from ear to year in that pitiable contlq , even Ibr ono day to feel the bnppy and , influ ence incident to the enjoyment of hens s. THE BLOOMING- 1311 ;', But a few years ago in the flush of hoot : ..1 )outh, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, end ant ...en,iy in. explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, ..I'..w, debili. tated wife, with frame emaciated, 111. t Vl' : unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing : tn• mime'ws ? of suffering, tiie and an utter physical and otol byes tratiou, arising from ignorance of the simptest and plainest rules of health na connected wit , the mar riage state, the violation of which comils , itsetUle, suffering and misery, not. only to the wife. lint often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " UNTO TIME TIMID AND FOURTH aF:xvit.l.ri,4," Transmitting CONSUMPTION. , HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, GOUT, KING'S EVIL, and other sand "And mast thin continue? Must thin he? In there no twEn. , l3 , / No relief? No hope?" The remedy le by knowing the cannon and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them. These are pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL C,0 1 :11PA N lON, RY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, • riiorm:oß or DIMULSF2I OF WOMIN. One Hundredth Edition, (500,000 pp. 250 A standard work of established reputation. found classed In the catalogues of the great trade Rules in New York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and Rohl be 91 , , principal onoksellers in the United States. It wan first publi,hed in 1847, since which time • FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND - COPIES ' bare been sold, of which thOre wore upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY M Wonting the high estimation in which it ix hob! RNA re liable popular 2declical OtiK . -- FOlt - EVEITY - F 1: the author haring devoted hie exclusive att.bill'no to the treatment of complaint., peculiar to females, in respect to which he k yearly consulted by thousand. , both m person tad by letter. • Fiero every woman can discover, by eotnitring her a wn President symptoms with those described, the nature, character, muses of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother Las often need of Instruction and advice of tho utmost importance to her future health, in respect to which her sensitivenons for- bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find 4,101 in struction and advice, and also captain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm /14 all the peculiarities incident to her situation are described how many are suffering from obstructions or irregular• Hies peculiar to the female system,' ',lila' undermine that health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and fen which their delicacy forbids eeeking medical nd I' ie . *. Many suffering from proloprus uteri (falling or the womb), or from fluor dims (weakness, debility, &o.) Many are In constant agony for many months preceding conilno. ment litany have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are hazarded doting such time, will each Ond in its piece the IRMA of prevention, amelioration and relief. - It le of course impracticable to convey fully the various enbJecte treated of, as they are of a nature strictly In. tended for the married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, are you a husband or a tither? a wife or a mother t Rare you the sincere welfare of those you lore at heart? Provo your sincerity, and limo no time in learning what mince Interfere with their health and . hap pines not less than your own. It will avoid to you and yours, as it has to thoilsands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting thews COMM for medical attendance, medicines and advertised nostrums which otherwise would,' provide for declining years, the Intimitlea of age and the proper education of your children. In consequence of the nolrersal popularity of the work, as evidenced by its extraordinary sale ' carious impost tions hate been attempted, as well on booksellers at on the public, by Imitations of titlo page, spurious editions, and sorreptitions iutringements of copyright, and othet latices and deceptiosio, It has *en found netossary, therefore, to CAUTION . THE PUBLIC to buy no book tmleis the words "Dr. A. M. klausumstr, 129 Liberty Street, N. y.," Is on (and the entry in the Clerk's O ffi ce the back Of) the title page ; and bay only of respectable anti honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Or. A. M. klauriceau. sfir Upon receipt of One Boller "TEE MAR. RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION,' Is sent (mailed free) to any part of the United States, the Canadas and British Provinces. All letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MADRICEAII, box 1224, Row-York Oirs Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New. York: • • H USSI?S'S REAPER 1 NOTICE TO 'FARMERS. • undersigned respectfully Informs the Farmers of this and the atljoining counties, that he continues to manufacture more extensively than ever, 0, liussey's celebrated REAPOR AND MOWING MACHINE, now so generally In nsa, at his shop three quarters of a mile north of Hanover. Farmers wishing to engage a Rear.. or, or a Reaper add Mower combined, for the next Rea. son can have their , orders tilled with promptness by son:ling them on immediately. The prices of these ma i:,.hines are as follows: • For a Reaper,' - - -. -. - $lOO For a Hooper and Mower, from - - $lO5 to 125 1119._ Address mo through the Hanover lost Office, York county, l'a. CONRAD MOM ;,,..ro —sm )Tlioit FECTIONAItY ti t u j u S A darh - 11, 1.4, no l dta tl a ° Ju N st, returned from I'lllin: with a fresh supply of DRUOS and CONFECTIONARY.— The former In connection with his stock on hand will make his assortment of Drugs, 'Medicines an d Chemicals complete. Ills assortment of CONFECTIONARY Is also fine; consisting of pure engiat white and 'transparent Candy Toys; Candy, common, assorted, and fine Candies 4 every variety; also Fruits, Nuts. and every thing helonglng to thst department of trade. Ile wnuld call special attention to his supply of FANCY ARTICLES for the Holidays, and general use, among which may be found the good, the tasteful, and the..usufni. All are Invited to call whether they with topusih,so or not. B. J. KI EFFER. • Carttple, Dele,r ,54 fiIAY T D STRAW CUTTERS, 11 CORN large assortment of Im proved Hay, Straw and Fodder Cutters, now on band.— Also, double and single corn shelters for either hand or horse power. of the very latest manuiluturo, Including the premium shelter at the late Pennsylvanirilltate Fair. For sale by PASCHALL MORRIS d Co., Agricultural WI v. 'house and Seed Store, corner of 7th and Market, Philadelphia. Xlike. 6, lis4—tf cORN SHELLERS.-XANDER's PAT ix? CORN flustlan, decidedly the best and cheap es now in uso. Farmers are requested to rail and ex amine It at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop, . r at Baston's nardware Store. For 'We at rnaponable ptires by Aug. :4--guil Mir All kinds of Printing done hero worse Diseases, a• a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE PARENT :5. [ON FINK TAPER,. IqTRA nrcrfixG. $l.Olll GARDNIMAY BROWN