Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 18, 1855, Image 7

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    E 2
[Translated from a Francb paper for tho Home Journal.!
The winding up„ of a romance in rent life
Las recently taken place in the guns -official
world of Par's=- • Thus rune the story:
At a Court• Ball, some twenty yenta since, n
young officer of the French cavalry met, 'and
was chartred by a beautiful English girl. - He
obtained an iutroduamit, and danced with her
as often as he could, without challenging the
remark of Hi:, grace, the young ,lady's papa
Our hero was handsome, amiable, ,witty, and
in every W - lly a iferisoirtn — win - the - good will of
the fair ses He was , of, good family, and had
the,uristecraticdiaifixed to his naive, although
he could - boast nOlintrimonial estate.
• The young lel : VMS' of England's",privileg
ed la- - sr 7- 6 of i\n'o de-and wealthy. This, how
ever,\rk our lover dl d not know when first he
bowed before the c arms of her beauty. Love
begets love, and wo en are grateful; and the
ftiir. girlifettiened the young soldier's devotion.
They Met often:—how or 'where we cannot .
say ; but Paris is large, and English customs
are convenient for young people. This was
01l charmingly agreeable, but unsatisfactory;
fur theirs was a flirtation with a serious inten
talon affixed to it—marriage!
At length our heroine discloses her wishes
to her parents. They aro horrified ; Mei,
daughter marry a Frouchilinn, merely a Lieu
tenant, a man without estate! It is not to be
° thought of. She listens to thi.-.3le„r s .isicn it.
tears. A first weakness passed, however, a•(
__LfecisiNattire's didate and the strength whicl ,
love gives! She next boldl3 and firmly do
Mares to her parents, that she loves the young
officer with her whole heart, and him alone
will she marry. That if they will not permit
her to judge of her own happiness, she c3n
wait till she is of age, when the clergyman
may marry them without parental leave.
.-. My Lord and My Lady are made conscious
that their fair ,and gentle daughter has a will
of her own, and also a patient determinatiot.
to' gratify that will. They ootne to a parley,
and enter into negotiations with the young
The lovers are\to be separated for two years
—it shall not be ocnsidered an engagement—
and the young lady shall receive the addresses
of other suitors.
On the other hand, the lovers are to be per
witted to correspond, and if they remain
lovers at the end of two years, they sial
marry with full consent and approbation.
The young lady consoles her anxious lover
with assurance that her love is unchanging,
and that two years' absence will only serve to
prove their affection for each other, and endear
them to ono another, still more.
They parted. The ,English party returned
home. During a month they exchange letters
daily—and" Such letters! Of what a length,
and how full , of 'terme of endearment! How
poor 1ang.14,8 iieemed to them!
But, one:daY;''Ourrfair heroine listened in
vain for the aCCUstO , tiked postman's knock, so
well known to every 'Londoner. He came not.
The text day pass 4 d,-.and the noxt—and no
tidings; :and thus many days 'Pissed, and
brought disappointment only. Weeks length
ened into months, and no letter cheered the
sick heart of the poor girl. The third month
came round, and her hope became faint; then
"My Lady" consoled with her daughter, up
braided—the young soldier,•aud urged tho ac
ceptance of Lord , a suitor for her
hand. "It was thus that a true English heart
should resent an insult." Three months more
passed. Meanwhile, the unhappy damsel,
writes lettere, and solids them in every possi
ble way, in the hope of obtaining an explana•
Lion of this long silence. None comes; doubt
becomes conviction—she deserted. She
stifles the love in her heart, and pride comes
to aid her self-respect. Having no longer a
desire Of her own, she yields to that of her
mother "My Lady, I will marry Lord —;
but since I have so decided, let as be married
- -It was done,
Fifteen years pass by. Our
heroine is a widow ! Five years more, and
•"My Lady" lies ill unto death.
She calls her daughter to her bedside, and
- confesses that she had detained -the letters of
the young officer—that he bad been faithfuh
The proofs of it pore by the hundred in such
a desk. "My Lady" dies. Our heroine seeks
these letters . of the lover of her youthful days,
and finds heaps of his, end also then' she had
written, in the vain hope of obtaining emplane
lion of his silOnao.
Twenty years of disappointment were for
gotten in reading the expressions of aftqction
and devotion which they breathed. She was
young again; end her heart had known no
'care; it was again the spring time of her
Sho took these lettere with her, end went
to raria.
She'sought information from the Minister of
W a r ; of him who WAS Lieutenant in the cavalry
in 113 1 54. -The nuthoritities replied that the
Lieutenant of that time, was now Ceminand
log 'General, and that he was stationed In one
'Of the . Sdulhorn Departments. The 'whieW
wrote to the General that she was at Paris,
and Desired to see him. He obtained leave of
absence. old hastened to meet the lady. Al
is explaiited>and_our lovers are married. To
be sure, the General is no longer young ; but
his manners have the same charm, and his
elegance and style lessen his apparent age.
The lady carries her inadmissible forty years
as if they numbered but thirty. The latter
\verity years of their lives are likely to b
appier than either of the first.
Anti so a real life romance, that is very
iko one in a story book;
The North British-Review for February. has I
a most humorous and withal a valuable artio'e
on -Diet and Dress," from 'which we extract
the following
It has often been said that he must have
been a bold man who first ate an oyster.--
This is said in ignorance of the legend which
assigns the first of oyster-eating to a very
natural - cause. It is related that it man walk
ing one day by the sea-shore, picked up ono
of these savoury bivalves just as it was in the
act of gaping: Observing the extreme smooth
ness of the' shell, he insinunted his finger be
tween them that Ito might - feel their shining
surface, when suddenly they closed upon the
expl ring digit'with a sonsationless pleasura
ble than he anticipated. The prompt with
drawal of his finger was scarcely a more
natural movement than its 'transfer to big
mouth. It is not very clear why people when
they hurt their ft, gers put them to their
mouths ; but it is very certain that they dct;
and in this case the result was most fortunate.
The owner of the finger tasted nyster•juice for
the first time, as the Chinaman in Elia's essay
having burnt his finger, first tasted Trickily.
The •avour was had made a
.1 1,reatildiscovery f ; so ho picked up the Oyster,
lorced open the shells, banqueted upon their
contents, nud soon brought oyster-eating into
fashion. And unlike most fashions, it has
rioter gone, and is never likely to go out.
FitOfica tons.
Published,by YOWLER & WILLS, New York.
lit order to nce ommodate The People" residing in all
parts of the u n ited States, the PUblishers will (Oro - toll
by return oy the first mail any book named In the foL
lowing list. The pestage will lie prepaid by them at the
New York Mee. By this arrangement of prepaying
postage in advance, *fifty per cent is saved to the pur
cyascr. All letters containing orders should be post
paid and directed as follows—
30S Broadway, New York.
Constitution of Man. By George Combo. The only au
thorisod American Edition. With twenty engravings,
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Defence of Phrenology. Containing an Essay on the
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87 cents.
Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Concord and Discord.
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15 cents.
Education: its Elementary Principles founded on the
Nature of SIAM By J. U. Spurzhiiim, U. lb With an
Appendix, containing a description of the Tonipora•
moats, and an Analysis of the Phrenological Faculties.
87 cents. We regard this volume as one of the most
important that has been offered to the public for many
Lectures on Phrenology. fly (leo. Combo. With Notes,
an Essay on the Phrenological Mode of lnvestigatioB.
and an Historical Sketch. By Dr. Boardman. Illus
trated. $1 25 cents.
Marriage: its History and Philosophy. A Phrenological
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tutted. .78 cents,
Memory and Intellect:ma Improvement; applied to Self-
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Together with a View of the Moral and Theological
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Phrenology and the Scriptures. An able, though small
work. By Rev. John Pierpont. 12 cerAn.
Phrenological Guido. Designed Air Students of their
owe Characters. Price 15 cents.
Self-Culture, and Perfection of Clutracture; including
the Education nOd Ma agoment of Youth. Price 87
cents. -
"Sxtr-Manr., or NEV6II of
is the motto. No
vidual can read a page of it without being improved
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Self-Instructor in Phrenology and PhYisiology. Illus
trated with One Hundred Euglevlugs; including a
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ment: fly 0. S. and L. N. niwier. l'rice in paper, 30
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Accidents and Etnetgencles: A Guido, containing Di
rections for Treatment lu Bleeding, Cuts, Bruises.
Spralins, Broken-Bones, Dislocations, Railway and
Steatiaboat Accidents, Burns and Scalds, Bites of Mad
Dogs, Cholera, Injured Eyes, Choking, P e lson, Fit s ,
Sun-Stroke. Lightning, Drowning, de., de. Appendix
by Dr. Troll. 15 coots.
lintwer Forbes, and Houghton on-the Water Treatment,
Compilation of Papers and Lectures on the Suldoet of
Hygiene ,and Ilydrepathy. Edited by Houghton.—
Consumption ? its Prevention and Cure by the Water
Trod went: With Advice concerning Ilemorrliago o.
the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, and
Sore Throat. By Dr. Shaw. 87 cents.
Domestic Practice of Hydropatlty, with a Forum of a re
port for the Assistance of Patients in consulting their
Physicians bi Correspondence. ,By ltd. Johnson, M.
D. $1,50.
Hydropathic Encyclopedia; a System of Hydropathy
and Hygiene. Containing Outlines of Anatomy;
Physiology of the Human Body; llyglimie Agencies
and the Preservation' of Health: Dietetics, and Hy
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Treatment; Spochi Pathology, and Ilydro-Therapue
tics, Including the Nature, Causes, Symptitina, and
Treatment of all known Diseases; Application of ily
dropathy to Midwifery and the Nursery. Designod
as a Guide to Families and Students, cud' a Text
" Took for Physicians. Sly It. T. Trail, U. D. llius•
Crated with upwards of Three Hundred Engravings
and Colered Plates. Substantially bound. Prepaid
by mail, $3,00
This is the most comprehensives:lnd popular work yet
published on the snldoct of ilydrepathy. Of ail the
publications which have attained soak a wide popular
ity, as issued by Fowlers and Weil, perhaps Ilona a re
nmr adapted to general Utility than this rich, ctimpro
bonsivet anti Well arranged Enclomedia.—N. Y. Tribue.
Practice of Water• Cure. Containing a detailed account
'of the various proteasses used Its the Watcr-Treatmcnt,
&c. Ilv Wilson and Gully. 30 cents.
Philokopity of Waterfiure.. A Development of the true
Prittolplex of health and Vulgovity. By Balbirtile.—
30 cents.
Now Hydnmatble ('oak Book. By it. T. 'Trail, M. D. A
System of Caking nu Hydrepathic Iriucipies oon-
datfislt f)Teral6
taining an Exposition or'tho ' True Relations of all
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all who •'cat to live." l'apur, li2 ets.; n,uslin,.B7 eta.
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Water-Cure in America. Over Three Hundred Cases ot
Various Diseases treated with-Water. With Cases of
Domestic Practice. $1 25.
11 - ater Cure -milled to every known Disease. A New
Theory. A complete Demonstration of the Advan
taw of the flydropatiiie System of Curing Diseases
showing also the fallacy of the Allopathic Method
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ith Appendix, containingtho Ilydropathie Diet, and
Rules for Bathing. By Sumac, 87 eta.
Water-Curo Manual. A Popular Work, embracing De
scriptions of the Various Modes of bathing. the Hy
gienic and Curalive Effects of Air, Exercise, Clothing,
Occupation, Diet. Water, Drinking, ite. Together
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Remedies. By Dr, Shrew.. 87 cents.
Water-Cure Almanac. Illustrated. 0 cents.
Comb's Pysiology. Applied to the Preservation of lite:tin)
and to the improvement of Physical and Mantel Ed
- ucation.—With_Notes.hy 0. S. Fowler— 87_conts,
Chronic Diseases: especially the Nervous Diseases of
Women. Dy D. Roach. }rout the German. 30 cents.
Digestion, Physiology of. Considered with Relation to
the Principles of Dietetics. By Combo. Illustrated.
Trice 30 cents. - •
Food and, Blot. With- aservltions on the Dietetic Rog-
Mien suited to Disordered States of the Digestiveor
guns, and an Acceunt•of the Dietaries of sumo oftho
Principal Metropolitan and other Establishments for
Paupers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick, Ac.
By Periera. Price $1.25.
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Productions, Soil, and Resources of the Territory, in
terspersed with incidents of Adventure and Anec
dotes of Travel. 'By Max Green. 30 cents.
Hereditary Descent: its Laws and. Facts am 1101 to Hu
man Intyrovernent. ,By 0. S. Fowler. b 7 cents.
Maternity : or the. Bearing and Nursing of Childred,
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Illustrations, 87 cents. •
Natural Lawst_,,of Man. By J. G. Spudzhelm, M. D. An,
- important, work. Price 30 cents.
Physiology, Animal and Mental. Applied to the Pre
servation and Uectoration of Health of Body and
Power of Mind. Illustrated. 87. cents.
Sober and Temperate Life Discourses and Letters and
Biography, of holds Corium. 30 cents.
Tobacco. Three Prize Essays by Drs. Trail, Show, and
Baldwin. 15 cents.
Teeth: their Structure, Disease and Treatment, with
numerous illustrations. 15 cents.
Future of Natitus; in what consists Its Security. A
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What the Sister Arts Teach as to Farming. An Address.
By licence Greeley. 12 cents.
True Basis of Amer lean independence. An Address.—
By lion. W. ii. Steward. 12 cents.
-Labr :--its-Ilistocy-and-Prospects. -
en. 3o rents.
Hints toward Reforms. Consisting of Lectures, Essays,
Addresses. and other Writings, Second Editioh, En
larged. By Horace Greeley. $1 25. •
Hopes and helps for the Young of Both. Sexes. Relat
ing to ahe Formelion of Character, Choice of Avoca
tion, Health, Annisenient, Musk. Conversation, Cul
tivation of Intellect, Moral Sentiments, 'Social Affec
tion, Courtship and :Marriage.. By Rev. G. S. Weaver,
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Human Rights and their ?enticed guaranties. By
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cents.. ,
ilonoi for All. A Now, Cheap, Convenient and Superior
mile of Building, containing full Directions for con
structing ((ravel 'tl alks. With .Views. Plana and En
graved Illustrations. New Edition, Revised and Ly
largeol. si emi ts.
The,ry of Population. Deduced from the General Law
of Animal Fertility. Introduction by Dr. Trail. 15
Woman: her Education and Influence. By Mrs. Hugo
Reed. With an Introduction by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland.
With Portraits. 87 'cants.
Either of theke works uuty he ordered and received by
return of thi) drat Mall, postage prepaid by the Put,
lishcra. Please enclose the amount in bank notes IJr
watage stamps, and address all orders, pest paid. to
308 Ilroadway. New York.
N. B. Name your Post Office, Cmoty WO state.
North Hanover street, next door to
Glass's Hotel.
110 would respectfully Inform the
citizens of Carlisle and the public generally, that'be
has now, on hand
NlTUlti.consistag h iupart d o fe l Wan n i t r a o s l so s. t Ca e rdnt of FUlt
and oth
er Tables, Sofas Ifureaus. Bedsteads, plain and fancy'
Sewing Stands, Sofas,
manufactured of the best material
and quality warrantwl.
Also a genoral.assortment of CHAIRS ,at the lowest
prices. VENITJAN Iltixns Wade to order, and repairing
promptly attended to.
4 s - 6- COFFINS made at'the shortest,noticei and hay
ing a splendid hearse he will attend hinends in town or
country. „ • .
air- Remember the stand—beat door to H. Glass's
llotol. It. 13. 53111..EY.,
1 —JAMES It. WEAVER would resoecfettlly call
in. X ....
... . the attention of House-keepers and the public
to Ms extensive stock of elegant FURNITURE,
" including Sofas, Wattlrobes7Centre and Tables,
..7 , 4. Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every other
article in his branch of business- Also now ou hand,
the largest assortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at
the lowest prices. AOFFINS outdo at the Short
est notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. Ho
.solicits a call at his establishment, on North Ift‘n•
over strool, near Glasses clots 1. •
.(kir Furutture hired out by the month or year:
et,' caRNER of Ilan"
Tr -0 7 over and 'Louther Rtg.,
b, 'C. ILISLE.—The undersign
ed has always ou hand a large stock of supetior Cabinet
Wnre, In all the different styles, which he is prepared to
evil at the lowest price& lle invites attention particu
larly to the PATENT SPRING 1110111 X AILDSTRAD, a most
useful article, which entirely obviates all objections.—
The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have
given entire satisfaction to all who have thorn In use.
4 COFFINS made to order at
the shortes
FE t übT ben.
• NEW GOODS !—The no.
dersigned Is now opening the store room of William
Leonard, on the corner of !tawnier and Loutber streets,
in the Borough of Carlisle, a large and general assort
went of S TALE AND FANCY BEY GOODS, embrac
ing almost every land:and variety of goods teln:ded to
this market, together with: an assortment of 0 ROC&
RIM - Ills stock havlngbeen nearly all purchased Within'
the last two Nrcokß, buyers will have the advantage in
sulectitig from a FRNSIX'STOCK. as well as of the late
decline in the price of many articles. He will ho happy
to exhibit his goods to;all who may favor him with
call, and pledges bimielf, to well every article., As low or
lower than they can be purchased elsewhere.
Carlisle, Nov. 15, 1854. iouilwr DICK_
best make constantly on hand and for sale nt the
Carlisle, Foundry and 31nchlne
)Ul‘lPS.—,,Tuat received a large assort
moat of PUMPS of every variety in, general use.
embracing Iron and Brass Cistern and Cistern Side
Pumps. Also, out-door Pumps, so regulated as not to
be subject to free/Aug in winter. These pumps are got
up In the very best style in point of quality anti work
manship. The manufacturers: having had premlitins
awarded for their puntps at several State Fairs, wlibre
they have been on exhibition, Also, constantly on hand
a full assortment of Iron, Well Curbs and Chain Pumps
For sale low at ~yNnyakirox'
►CHII.—A. L.. SVONi3fikal. lee Register olCuinber
laud county, will carefully attend to the transaction of
all such business Its may be entrusted to him, such as.,
the writing of Deeds, Mortgages Contracts, kr. lie will
also devote his attention to the procuring of iznd War.
Pensions, &c. its well as the ourehase and sale
of Real Estate, negotiations, of fetus, & 121)...0f1ice on
West High Street, ibrinerly occupied, by W. Si. Penrod,
Lug. near the Idetbodist hgreh.
"lieasun's whole plensure, all the Joys of sense,
Lie in three wurtls—health , Peace, and Competence.
tint when• we have pains, affliction or anguish of
eases, Is not Our pleasure; our joy, and our happMe
thereby destroyedr Why let our' sick fellow-being ru
fur ? Boos nut Christ say : ith the, same measure ;
mete, it shall bo measured to you again?"—Mat. 7, 2.-
' , Who is a wisp nun and' endowed with knowledge
mong you, let out of a good conversation I
works' with meekness mid Wisdom."—James 3,13.
DER, Surgeon and Physician, Arrho s.lfotnntst
Physiologist, and is Graduate of otirrliest Medical Cf.l.
gee, and lois outdo himself acquainted with all the ye.
005 systems of Medical Science, and with the rec.•
discoveries and Improvements in the various della
'minas of the healing Arts faithfully attends to ord.
for surgical and Medical Aid. and whose medicines
all made or c.-mposed strictly in accordance m ith ti
Sciences of Pathology; Botany. Ilydropailly and Ph 3
ology; and whose .medicines are all comm.sad of who
some roas. giants, and hydr, pithy. good in all discast
and to wham the afflicted are invittd to apply timely .
Copy of 'a letter from the Rev. C. 11. Leh lm oh
ti. Etter, of Um Warm Finings. ltespre'id
low me to introduce to your friendly notice, Dr. Cu t.
Pen of New York. I havo known Dr. C. for gate,
yean, ho has done buSiness for we with sobriety. It
esty and with accuracy; therefore I do , belleve ,- hini
be perfectly sober, holiest and trOstwoftLy. Any Tim.,
you may Rea proper to confer °whim, will be highly
predated by his numerous friends, and by none uu ,
highly than your sincere friendd - and humble iumant.
handleburg, Pa., July 15th, IEGI. •
Copy of a letter from George•Fpahr, Ysq., 6u1.1
Treasurer.—l - do certify that the medical :Advice of lo
P. C. Cardder has surpassed . any' other' which I ha)
hitherto had is the cure of severe fever hu my family.-
1 Would therefore recommend hiht to sui•h'Forsons N he
may be afflicted with aforesaid disease or rtherWise.
Bloomfield; August 20th, IESI. .
DR. - CARDDER (being well acquainted with the re
cent French discoveries, with their new and safe made,.
of treatment, and the speedy and certain remedies and
cures for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Dysentery, ( liol
era Merhusand all Complaints of the Bowels and Stom
ach; Superior Remedies for theprevettion and cure of
Asiatio 1 ra. Remedies •for all the defects and di&
eases of the Oonerative Organs and reproductive Ccene.
my in men end women; Remedies for Insanity; term& n
and timely cures for all Consumptions, Inge.terce, Ster
ility: Sexual Abuses, Vedereal Diseotce in all their forms
Suppressions and other delicate female rvinidaints. .All
theca remedies emanate-from the -miist noble scieneeof
Botany and- Ilydropathy-ecniLined.Atut _no 4it150n.;.,--_
'Heal nil manner of sickness and all manner of discus'.
New Testament "it is for heath g that Christ commen
deth the Samaritan.—Luke 10, 53 to Si, and with min
mon means. "Prove all things, hold fist that which is
good."—lst. Thessalonians, 5, 141. ' Therefore let us 1e•
ware of laying up what we should lay out fir health.
for there is that seattereth and yet Ina and there
is that withholdoth more than is meet, Lut it teudeth."
Proverbs, 11, 24.
The different medicines and their directions will be
sent tolimafill:ted in any direction by mail or express.
Address Dr. P. C. CARDDER, Carl isle,Cumberland c, un
ty, Pa., post paid, and the fee $1 always accompany ing
the letter, with the order, together with a dose' ipti, n 0.
the feelings and the symptoms of the complaints of the
afilicted inclosed. , it is this system of Medical Friel ce
the Itooks and the modes of cure only, which Dr. Card
der employs that allow of medicines entirely made or
composed of Wholesome Roots, Plants. aud Ilydreprithy,
good IC all diseases, (no poison), and which can make
speedy and certain remedies and cures for "all mariner
of sickness and all manner of diserise," nod. which sus
pass all other medical means In point Of goodness, lie
y end all bounds of comparison. OFFICE South Hanover
• street ! , 'East side neatindbelow the Presbyterian Church
Carlisle, Pa. Testimonials frum numerous pertains of
the highest respectability in this and the nijeining
counties, give authentic evidence of the goodness of
Dr. ('a'dder's character, and can be seen at his office.
N. IL The afflicted can serial e superior medicines and
the directions for their use by the first return-of
express. If interviews be desired, or visits requested,
Dr, D. will endeavour to accenurictlate synth ants as tar
as he can. The Doctor speaks the.Erigllsh. and the Ger
man Languages. ,iteli'L. ( Jun. 17, 11,55
The combination of ingredients - in these tills is the re
sult of a long and extensive practice•, they are mild' in
their operation, and certain of restoring nature to its
proper channel. In every instance have these i'ills prix
ved successful. They invariably open those obstructions
to which Females are liable, and bring nature Into its
proper channel, whereby health is restorectand the pale
and deathly muntename changed to a healthy one. No
female can enjoy good health unless she is regular: and
whenever an obstruction takes place, whether ex
posure, cold or any other cause, the general health im
mediately begins to decline, and, the want of ruche rem
edy has been the cause of so many consuinptionn among
young females. To ladies whose health will not remit
of an increase of their family, these pills will prove a val
cable acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.—
Headache. pale In the aide. palpitation of the heart, loa
thing of food, and di turbed sleep do most always arise
from ahe interruption of nature; and whenever that
the case, the pills will invariably remedy all thert
Nor are the less efficacious in the cure of Leticorrlura.
commonly called the "Whites:' These pills should nev
er be taken. during pregnancy, as they would to sure to
muse a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable. and
free from anything (Omit us to lifd or health. Fulland
explielt directions accompany each-box. ...
These pills are put up in square tint boxes. Persons
residing where there is no agency established. by encic.
sing Ono Dollar In a letter, pre-paid. to Dr. C 7. 1.. ell El 81: 2
MAN, No. 207, Dieecker street, New York, can have them
sent to their respective addressive by mail.
11'1 ILY GROCERY STORE of the subscriber, n .?da
A no* supply of fresh Water Crackers,
Soda, Butter, Pie Mc awl Sugar Buiscult.
radius, Corn Starch, Tapioca. Sago, Pearl Barley.
Extract of Coffee. Rice Flour. Baking Powder, ke..
A new let of superior Table Oil,
Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard.
' Rum. &c. J. NV. EllY.
The subscriber would respeAfully inform his friends ani
tho pubibl generally, that ho has Just returned from th
city with a largo and varied assortment of
GROCERIES, (LASS and Oil EENS.IV AR/ 4.-14..a+!,.
FISH. he., k.. which he offers for sale on th.
most reasonable terms, at his• New Sten
corner of North Hanover street and thelM)
Ile Square, directly opposite the Carlisle Pc.
posit Bank. Ilia stock. embrases everything usuall:
In a Grocery and Variety store.
The public are invited to call avid examine hiestoe)
before purchasing elsewhere, its he feels confident he cr..
sell the best goods at the lowest prices.
EW , STO R E &
-- ,
CIO l l l N l s l y a
TSE‘RirgetooNnTs.D'. t B . ,
s an d
, o4, ar t e i
s roet, sixth store above market. B. C
EVERETT'S Patent Graduating Pressure TRUES, for th
cure of Rupture; Shoulder limps, Supporters, Ehutti
Stockings, Suspensary, lientorrimidal, and Bandages S
deformities. , Jan. 11-Iy.
A. SA:LT.-5000 S.Acks G. A
( 13 1 f , SALT,torealo .lY
WE call the attention of theto
watering gardens or extinguirllng fires. An excellent
article, neat, cheap And convenient. F ur eale at
novl-1,354 lIAXTONII.
.Afi bushels Blacksmith's Cooi, rate article r,
coining and for wile try ,
Jaull•ant W.
s 5. I ,
• AM NOW fist . (,
e r it in 4 ti
m tO o e s k t o v f t i l F t sc ! r i t . un iOs e N o
A s pi " , " iii the lurgneied
opened in Carlisle, to which I invite the early intenth
of , the pubil., us 1 Intend gelling at' priced which CRUID
tell to peace the eleFest purchaser.
Jltc iciiic
111 s Clineter by ReFpeetable Neighbors, Lc
Flour & Oraln Commission Moreballs, Spear'a wbuci,
Baltimore, Doc 6
QOULD,-,[Successor .to' A .
ty No. 164 Chestnut tit, Swaim's Building, 1
phis, extensive Musk Publisher, and , healer hi 3
Instruments of every
. descriptlcar.
Exclusive agent for the DIITIF
rlttollt Bridge 2Eollan find oiher Vials
011 bed's Boudoir llamas, Melodeons, Martin's t 7,
Violins,:Bheet Mush, Music Books, &C.
Itesidentsof the country will be supplied by nu..
otherwise with music they nifty wish, es low us i
chased In person. Having one of the largest 5t. , .• •
the United litates4 feel confident of satisfying a)
may favor me with a.vall or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the most literal to•
Planes to let. fecund-hand Planes foraxle.
itY, WHOLESALIC and littAlL, at the "
0 . , ,,, , dolphin WatAi and Jewelry il
-- A K •Number 96 North Second i..-'7tret t
, nor of Quarry, Philadelphia.
\ _ Lever Watches, full jewellod.
A c at cases,' -
, J ' Gold Lepinc , 1.8 carat cases,
E'." + :::: • '
~..' -„,-..._.,- —,- Silver " jewels,
' l3 • r u tiN 11,1 i ) ."' Silver Lover, full jewelled, I ,
Superior Quartiers, - -
Gold Siusctaeles, - - -
Fine Silver Spectacles, -
Gold 'Bracelet?, - -
Ladies' Gold Pencils, ,-- - -
Silver tea Spoons, set. -
Gold Vans, with Pencil and Silver Holder. -
Gold Fituter Rings ;',73,e, cents to s.Bj Wat.h, Gle
.ploin,P44 cents, Pateiit ft-%, Lunet ...r. ; other u rn
In propordon. All goods Aran anted to be what ti,
sold for,
Op hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Ler
s till Jeerer than the above prices.
inanufiteturer and or of:
N 0.106 North MUItTII Street (above Bact)PHILA .
PIII A. Matches having become an indlspensable , • ,
in houselteeping,,lhe 'subscriber after a great set
time and money, iv enabled to'Oita .
tide at once combining, Utility and Cheapness. 't
venter knowing the danger apprehended on, ace( o. I
the ti imsey manner- in which Matches are gyve,
packed in paper, has by the aid of Kew Steam Marl•r.
of his own invention, succeeded in getting up a oA I k
far preferable, in as much that it occupies no more
than the old round wood box; and contains at it, -
Two Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shirr ,
is considerable advantage; it is entirely new, and mtet,,
against molature and spontaneous combustion,
all danger on transportation by means of Itailroad. d
boat or any other mode of Conveyance.
These Matches aro .packed so that one gross or v
may be shipped to any part of the World with
safety. They are the most desirable article fir I
Consumption, and the Southern and western 11 , 211 .
that have over been invented.
DEALERS and silirrenS; will do well to cal; .
examine for themselves.
irruThese matches, are WARRANTED to be tut- , •
to anything heretofore offered to the Public.
Phila. Doer 4, nu
than 254 ounces, for the cure of Ilerniaor h •
acknowledged bythe highest tnedicalauthoritiesot
adelphis, incomparably superior to any other in
•Sufferers will bo gratified to learn tluit the occlude]
offers to procure not (filly the highest and most rzn•
as durable a Truss ea any other, in lieu of Moen') 1., • •
and uncomfortable article usually Bold. There is I k •
icony attending the f i tting, and when the pad 6 1, •
EA it will retain its pceltlon oltlicut change.
Parsons at a distance unable to call on the suls.
can have the Truss sent to any, address, by rem! ,
fire dollars for the single Truss, or ten for the derl
with measure round the hips. end' stating side affect
It will be exchanged to suit ILnot , fitting, by rcturvt
at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer.
Corner Twelfth and Race streets. Fhilndel•
humus, requiring the benefit of lilechardea ,
porters, owing to the derangement of the Inter: •
flans, Inducing failing of the Womb, Vocal, Vulva.
Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, am int •
that a competent and experienced Lim! will ue
teodanco at the Dooms; (set apart for their each •
use) No. 114 TWELFTII St., let door below have.
July 20,'54.
HAYES' Patent Tubular Oven
Allt II ANGIE, *various .11.4, to cult Families,
ctrliouses and Hotels.
Tiwso in want of a superior Cooking Apparatus a,
sited to call at our 'Warehouse and examine this h.,
For durability, ceontany and simplicity in operuti
stands unrivaled. It has a perfect hot air vanillas..
and meats raked In this ovon.,w ill retain their jule
flavor equal to that roasted before an open are.
and pastry cooked at the same time without one , a
ins the other. It will supply sufficient heated .
heat additional roma for the es idestweather. ]t b
descending or return flues, and Is 'equally well ad:
to bituminous or common bard coal. The steam
over the boiling part of thahange carries off the e
and scout of cooking, as well st.g beat In summer.
Every Range Ftlld warranted to give satisfaction,
sixponse to the purchaser.
HAYES' VENTILATOR, Patented October, 154.
Public Halls, , Factories, Railroad Cans, c1111111:11ea, I
Ships, Steamers, Ac.
Pure airds a subject" claiming the attention of
Individual, and all buildings should .be provided
the proper means of ventilation.
Also, a powerful Wstatilisa AND VANTILATI Tr a'
for Dwellings, School Mouses, Churches, Halle, Fi
Factories, de:
A largo assortment of Office, Hall and Cooking St
Parlor Orates, Registers, Ac. 'Wholesale and retail.
8^ North Sixth street,.Ph
dfir Personal attention given to warming and s
lating both public and private buildings.
, •
wholesale and retail LOOKING GLASS AND i•
opposite the Theater, Philadelphia.
Co. received the only Prise Medal, award,
the Crystal.Paßtee exhibition, N. Y., 28.5 A, In the • i
States, for Gilt,.ltecorated, Mantel and Pier
G RATIS! --Just Published--4 T.
national Troatmont;without Medicine, ffprruuttor
or local weakness ,'nervous debility; low zpirits,lassitu
weakness of the limbs and lack, indisposition and .
parity for study and labor; dullness of epprehensi
less of memory, aversion to society, love of eolith&
midity, self distrust, dizziness, headache, involunl e.•
dischargea,*fains in the side, affection of the eyes, p;-
ples on the face, sexual and other Infirmities In man
From the Fronch of Dr. It. Delancey:
The important fact that these alarming oomph Is.
may easily be removed WITIIOVT lIEDICIN*, Is In this atm `.
tract clearlY demonstrated, and the edthnly new so—
highly successful treatment, es adopted by. the Auth.
fully explaioed, by means of which every ono Is enh
tercure hitits.'elf perfectly and at the least poraible nt et s
avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums of
day. •
aunt to any 'address, gratis and put free, in a stale
envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stomp
to Dr. lit. Delancey, 17 Lispoottrd street, fort.
)larch 1-ly
IFOOLLIIN. lof . of ye:
v supArtne" !wary and Even Woollen Yarn
rt4elved, much bettor than the city yarn, all M
CCHEAP SILKS.-1 am ,now copemn
a large assortment of MAC K SiLICB. Also,
n llSolnient of now styles fashionable TALL BILKS, 'se
• '
51 . ny 20. IF:,
106 Norih r
FOUILTII St. rtillne
mauls OGILD,