Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 11, 1855, Image 7

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utjc i~latkcts.
FLOtrtt AS4DMEAL =The flour market con
tinuee Very Saledon early, 'change 'to
day of 400.blis liciward street brands et $O, :
871. Also 500 libbido., to be dolivirod June
Ist, sellers option, at 9,50. On late 'change
there wne a steady inquiry, and holders gen
erally asking $lO, at which price 100 bbls
choice brands were taken: , , Also, •CO bbls
Howard street were, deliverable Juno Ist,
sellers option, at $9,621. Also, 1,100 bbls
City Mills at $lO 'on time, au advance; and
200 bbls Family Flour at $1i,25
,per bbl.
Tho - Market closed firm. Rye Flour—The
last sales were at $0,75. It generally
held at $7.00 per bbl. CorpMeal—Wo quote
country at 9,18 a $1,25, and city manufacture
at $4,50 per bbl, nouvnal.
Grain.—Wheat—The receipts this morning
were light, only 5,000 bushels offered, mostly
white, and sales of good to prime white at
2,40 a s{i,so, a choice lot at $2,53 We
quote red at 2,30 a $2,90 per bushel—small
sales. Corn—About 20,4300 bushels offered
and the market firm. Sales of white at 93 n
95 cents, yellow 98 a 99 cents, and mixed at
92 cents per bushel. Rye—Sales of 300 bush
els Pennsylvania at $1,33, which is an ad
vance. Oats—Market steady. About deol
bushels offered, and sales of Maryland and
Virginia at 58 a 62,4 cents per bushel.
I I LN,1 1 \ l ' 1 1 1) ( 1. ):1 ( ) lal ,W Il i t t ‘. l l tin i : 4 :4l l‘l n l l : ;tmtv; Penn.
The next session of this well known Institution will
-- app - n - theltrst - Wrdnrsdayin — May; -- Itialorated - at --- :•shado
from the Mount Union staticn on
the Pennsylvania Railroad, from which place there is n
daily line of Ft:l , ms. Being situated in the country it is
ratinived from all the viers and temptations of town.—
TIII. :Imildincs are large, airy and commodious, Snpable of
arm annalating sonic fit boarders. Those who cannot
let , dated in the institution can ehtnin good
gearliii: In the neighborhood at $1 50 per weok.
'l'mtws.—sso per session of five months payalle gnar
ly in ad. :thee ; Washing :10 its per dna ;. light and fuel
uxt.a. For further particulars address.
Ay, 11. WOODS; Principal.
The Principals address will be Easton Pa. until the
1,4. of April after whicil time Shade Hap, Huntingdon
Co. Pm. starch 14th.
, 4 (;F:N, doceaged.—Notiro is hereby given that le
admini;traiion on the estate of Thomas Sweerico
gen. of East Puunshoro township, Cumberland county,
deceased. have been grunted by the Register of said
e , IITI ty to the subscriber, residing in the same township.
All persons knowing theinsoli'es indebted to said estate
retp tired -to Mahe innnwdiate payment, and those
111,111.11 - iii to presen - CtheM for settremont to
Feb. 20, '65 BENJAMIN 11111, Admin'r.
NOTICE. -All persons knowing them-
Felves indebtpl to the subscribers, either by note
or book account, are respectfully requested to call and
settle the Fame on or before the 3let day of March t ins.
After that date the books will lie placed In the hands of
a proper person for collection.
tm_The STORE ROOM now occupied by us will be
rented from the Ist day of April next. It is a first rate
business stand and convenient room. Apply as above.
Y miles west of Harrisburg: The ninth Session
of this popular and )fourishing Institution will civil
memo .du Monday, r Abe 7th of May next, under the
most favorable auspices. During the present year Such
improvements and•additiens have been made us its In
creasing patronage demanded. The Principal 1,111 be a*•
slated by a full corps of competent and experienced
tearhera and special attention will be paid to the health
and eon:fort of the Students.
. . .., . ..
lioariling, Washing and Tuition in the English Branch
us, and Vocal Music, per session, (s,.niontlis) stliiou
Instruction in Latin and t;reok, each, -i( (N.
French and (ierillall - • ,f) .1 K
Thu attorition or parents and guardians is carne4l3
Invited to this institution. Circulars will be furnisbcd
nod luny informal I .n will be given, on lippiication, uithun
personal or by loiter to
1). pIINLINiMit, Principal,
llarrisburg, l'n.
Mar. 114, 1865
4 A DIES FANCY 1.3 RS.---J 0 IIN
Tmperter, Manufacturer and Dealer in
Miami, of FANCY FUItS, fn. Ladies and Children, at
SSI Si IRK ET Street, above Eighth, Philadelphia.
114 ving now completed toy large and beautiful assort
moat of all the different kinds of Fancy. Furs, that wil
be worn by Ladles and Children during the present sou
son: this assortment of Furs is equal to any to be !horn
in this City, either for quality, Variety or beauty. HA%
jay bought my Furs in Europe fbr Cash, and have had
them manufactured by the most competent workmen
under my own supervision, with rimsbriable econenny.—
I am determined to sell them at small profits‘'and for
Cash only.
Ai SWItEKEEPERS would do well to give me a
call before purchasing. .OLIN
251 3.IARKET Street, above Eighth, rhiladelPhia.
I i )111EVE L. Ic.NRIIIT, (Successor to
li d Hartley lIE D DDINO AN CA itPE'l
AIL iti , IIIOUSE, No. 1.48 Houth Seeond Stree,t, five doors
above Spruce street, Philadelphia, where he keeps con
stantly on hand a full assertniont of every article in his
lino of business. Feathers, Feather Beds, Patent P2rliag
Mattresses,Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, ik USSItiR, Three-
Ply, Ingrai, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpetings,
Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, CUCollatid Spanish Mat t ings
Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Doer Mats, Talde
:ind.Plano Covers. To which he-invites the attention of
purchasers. f•loct*:4
LIME—The subscribers are Agents in Philadol
p or,the *bozo fertilizer, which has boon fully tested
for the last throe years. Early orders solicited as thi
supply will be limited. Also, for sale best Poruylan Go
vernment Guano No. L
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, N. E. corner
Tth and Market streets, Philadelphia. • fdoct'.s4
NI O R F O r I T LE ' S R& F T A he rr sot2e4 a l n v l ndva t n i‘ t l ag l e i: Ov i c t ‘r s all
others In being made with an outside Iron caSmg, which
, economises fuel and prevents loss of heat. They
Are made of various sizes, from 10 to 12.0 gallons. They
Aro portable, and may Is) sot in the kitchun for house
hold use, or out of doors convenient to the barn, pig
puns,,kc., for bulling food for stock. Forsalo by
Agricultund Warehouse and Stool Store, N. E. corner
of 7th and Market streets, Philadelphia. - poct's4
ar c.,RN SHELLER, docidudly the best and cheap!
w+. now in use. Farmers ftro requested to call and ox:
toulno it at the Carllslo Foundry and Nlachlno Shop, or
at Saxtou'a Hardwaro Store. 'for Wu at reasonable
pd , ..ulm by
j "PLotlltjbtitC-r`ribel:lofrieillot4llprilv4nOtelltinleStl;el42l,l;k
and flx
locs of a Drug Store, law the property of filicifeel
sci, ilec*.A, In ChureMown, Cumberland county. The
liomtner Drug liters In the 'place, andm fine opportu
liit v IF 110 W presented to any young roan wistipig tki
, nonce Ills business. For terms enquire of
cembinatibn of ingredients in these Pills is the re
sult of a long and extensive practice; they aro mild in
their operation, and certain of restoring nature to its
proper channel. In every Instance have these Pills pro
ved successful. They invariably open those obstructions
to which Females are liable, and bring nature into its
proper channel, whereby health is restored and the pale
and deathly countenance changed to a healthy one. No
female can enjoy good health unless shots regular; and
whonovorlin obstruction takes place, *whether fromex
posure cold or any other cause,the general health im
mediately begins, to decline, and the want of such a rem
edy has been the cause of so Many consumptions among
young females. T. holies whose health will not rermit
of an increase of their family, these pills will prove a val
uablo acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.-- ,
headache, pain in the side,.palpitatlon of the heart, boa
thing of food, and dl turbed sleep do mostl ( always arise
frost she Intern/01.n of nature; and whenm / er that is
the case, the pills will inviirlably rented3kall thert
Nor are the less efficacious in the cure of Loncafthom,
commonly called tini "Whites." These Oils should nev
er be taken during iwognancy, as they would bm sure to
, cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable, and
4 free front anything injurious to hid or health, Fulland
explicit directions accompany each box. •
These pills arc put up in square tint boxes. • Persons
residing whom there IN no agency established; by onclo.
slog Oee Dollar le a letter, pre-paid, to Dr. C. L. Cotes-
No. 21;7, hittecker street, hew York. can have them
soot to their respective addressive by mall.
Stores nnh Shops.
11, A Lb STYLE OF HATS for 1854.-
-1 o BURGH KELLER rC.9l)Carlllly LIIIIIOIIIICTS td , his
old Patrons and the {Judith: gonerally that he has just re-
/ iIA 'S; unintillietured at ono of tho best establish
ients In Philadelphia, to which he Invites special
attention. .
lie has also constantly on hand a large and varied as
sortent his own manufacture . as well as city made
Hats and Caps, s'ultable for the season, comprising every
variety-of Russia ' Bearer, Moleskin and Silk lints, fin
ished in the latest style, together with a full assortment
of CAPS of every shape and description, I , llli at every
price. Ile particularly Invites the public to call and ex
amine ids'exemudre asswtment, which in style, mate
riti anti finish, cannot be surpassed by any In market,
and which he Is able to put at prices lower than ever.
Remember his old stand on North Hanover street, be
tween Hunter's and Sener's stores.
wm. IL. TuouT, desires to inform his old friends
that he has removed to his now establishment, on High
street, near the Railroad Pcpot, and Is /1.1% opening a
jAn large and elegant nstrwtment of the ALL STYLE
, OF HATS, just received from Philadelphia, which
the gentlemen of Carlisle are requested to acil and
examine. Helms also it large assortment _of _Silk, bur
and Slouch Hats on his own mantufactmv, got up In the
best style :LIM at various prices, the excelleneeand finish
01 which be Mil warrant. Ills stock he hi coolident on
ly needxto be examined to he approved. Also, a large
supply of Men's, Boy's and Children's CAI'S, of Cloth
and Fur, mud of every variety of style end price just re
ceived from Philadelphia. Let all who want a Hat or
Cap give hlm a call, as they may be sure of being suit
ed to their own satisfaction,
V) WARE Old housekeepers and young, with tiles
als, who are ex pert iop t u become housekeepers, are hi% it
ed to rail at II A I.BEI:1"F , FAMILY II OCLRY and ex
amine his elogan t ass.:rt Men t ~ r China, lass and Q mms
ware and other articles in the housekeeping like; such
as French and English tea sets, lieavy Landed andplain,
White Granite, gilded and litho plain, Dinner sets of ev
ery variety and price, howls and pitchers„tureens, disie
eq. c. Olass.ware—eentro table and mantel lanaps,
Candelabras and other lamps.great verity. tal:lo and bar
tumblers. goldets. Ac. Fruit and preserve dishes, in va
riety. Cedar-ware—tubs, buckets, churns. bowls, butter
priuts and ladles, meal buckets, tr. hrushos— sweeping.
white wash, serul.Ling, hand and shoo brushes,-dusters,
tmaans, Ac. Market, clothes anal travelling baskets.
Also a choice ass”rtmont of Tobacco and Sepses. Call
ye who are fond of choice brands of Sugars and try the
Principes, Rogalias, Ftettarionis arid other Cuba varieties,
And you will find them of unimpeachable quality. Also
half Spanish and Common Sugars, with choice snuff and
-chewing. tobtwer4.-
I 1 OH Tli l'l 'MILL] ON
iatk PE,l l 's ~-..,, A
4 , 4 in,‘. ~,,,,,--,- I am just receiving iny Fall
•61:414.1NC111CS 1: , .,.7-+ — "' - '-f•:: stook of PAPER lANUINUS. I
*** ' - .4l%lwilicit surpass in style, quality .
. • , ,Ni and price any that have ever
hoeii exhibeted In Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a cull
from parsons In want of Paper Hangings of any &scrip I 21111 comm fidoll t by assortment far'snrpasses ass
In the Borough; and In style and prises has but few ri
vals in the city. I only ask of the public to call and ex ,
amine my iiFsortniant before purchasing. as I 11111 confi
dent my chaste designs cannot fzill t please the most
P.ll .r;.
'West side of North finnorer Stre,t,
morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhea. dc., are mnking
their appenrane. Ynu know the remedy. Jr you base
any regard for the wellfare of yourself, your wife. or your
children. supply yourselves with DEECHER'S MATCH
LESS CORDIAL, otherwise hide the consequence
suiting from n bigoted :Obero,' to old quackery. This
"Matchless Remedy" con Le led at the DrIM Store of
South Hanover street, It few doors huuth of thu Court
House., Carlisle.
I)00TS AND SHOES. Thasubscrib
) er lots now on hand a very extensive and well se
ected stock of h 0 0 T S nod 5 11 0 E S..' ''.., 4 " 4
which ho will Sell at unusually low pric- iliz
es. Purchased' front wholesale dealers. ..
at low ratoo, Ito can calor anelt Intlttoo- ‘---. - • ..... .
molts to purchasers as will make it their interest to via"
it his establishment. He has every article. in the hoot
and Shoe lino—for Ladles' or tiontlemens' wear—he
theref we dooms unnecessary-to particularize.
ktii- Persons desiring good and cheap goods arc invit
ed to give him a call. . _
r - CIA - 7 -
A.l" h , " 1 ". "
A I nun' "
." I"" nod
r'''v receiving at tho following t n :
Laupitln 1411111WOlil - - - $2 50 to 3 00
Stovi, - - • - • 300 to 4 50
Lykens ValleY Liute - - 3 75 to 4 00
Stove - 4 00 to 4 75
Pine Grove lAum - - 3 75 to 4 00
Stove 4 1,0 to 5 CO
Pittston Stove Coal - - im to 5 Si)
Blacksmith's Coal, per bushel, 22 to 25ets.
Cr..A het LUMBER of all k hide. Commtos Boards and
Scantling from $lO to $lB per 100 feet. First (211111111011
anti Panel according' to quality.
The FUllseriber has just
added to his former stork ageneraln selection of CHOICE
11ltoCERI1K as well as all the other variety of articles
ff 2
..; i
usually kept in a Grocery Store, embracing Rio
X , . eAdfee—roasted and green—at 12 1 ,1 and 14 vents
.... , '. , .;; 1 S per 11,.. Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Puiveriaed
!Or Sugars. of tine qualities; Chocolates. Splees,balty
Salt, and a variety of Fancy Halides, all of which are o.
fired at the lowest cash prices. We are thankful for the
tamer support givelk us. and Invite a further call from
our Howls and customers. J. W. EBY.
'clarion liall, Carlisle.
No. 69 Chesnut near Second, philadelphia
i Ilas now arranged and completed his
stock for the :zuring,4lBss, as follows:
VaIk:TABLE SEEDS—in great varie
'‘ ty, including the finest varieties of Beane
Deets,' Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, On
ions, Melons, Egg-plant, Tomatoes, Peas,
Radishes, Ac. At-
FLOW ER NEEDS.—IIIs collection is unequalled hy
any in this country for extent and quality, and embra
ces the finest varieties of Asters. Stocks, Carnations,
Pansies, Wallflowers, Daisy, An.
GRASS SEEDS—Ad all kinds, including ItlueandOreen
Grass, White Dutch Clover, Sweet Scented VernalOrass,
Rerrennial Ray limns, Durum), Ae.
RoSES, &e,—Choice ever-blooming Roses, Camellias,
Verbenas, Dahlias, Orapa Vines, Fruit 'Trees Shrubbery
At. ' S. W. VEIiSTIOK,
- - feb.2B - Agent for Carlisle;
l I IMEI3URNERS' COAL. - 2,(00
i'opaitykonla Vallay.Nut Coal, a iu,berlor &Aldo
rice viiik anti fora by .
Janlo Diu , • W. D. DIVRRAT, Airt.
PPEALSat.. 1855.—'The . .under
signed. Commissioners of Cumberland Cottony,
o ould hereby give notice that the set end Appeals will
be hold aeihe Commissionere' Office lu Carlisle, as fol
lows, to wit;
Lower' Monday, April 23d,
Allen, Upper, do. do.
Merhaniesteargi do. do.
Met Ponneboro, Tuesday, April 24th..
Hampden, do, do.
New Cumberland, do. do.
Monroe, Wednesday, April 2oth.
Silver Spring, do. do.
Frank Ord, Thursday, April 20th.
North Middleton • • do.
Mifflin, Friday, Middleton,
Hopowoll. do. do.
NOW Vine, do. do.
Shipponsburg borough, Saturday, April 28th.
Shipponsburg twp. do. do.
Southampton, do. do.
Dickinson, Monday, April 30th,
Newton, do. do.
South Middleton, Tuesday. May Ist,
West Penneboro, do.
Carlisle, Wednesday, May 2d.
Any persons feeling thotnielves aggrie+ed by altera
tion!' made will be,heard at swill time and place stated,
JOHN 801111,
Coin's Office, arch 28. Commissioner&
VOTICE.—To all Persons interested
.1..1 tho Ilea! Estate of Dr. John Simpson, dee'd.
and the reeognizanees of Dr. William A. Simpson,
earnuel Alexander and Andrew Carothers, Esq., In tho
Orphan's Court of Cumberland county, to secure the
interest of the respective heirs of said Decedent in said
Real Estate.
'That on motion of Samuel Hepburn, Eaq.,
for D. "William A. Simpson.—lt is ordered' by the
Orphan's Court of Cumberland county. •That a rule
upon all the parties in interest be entered in said
Court, to show cause if any they have, why the said
recognixames shall not be marked satisfied. ho far an
the interest of David Simpson is concerned.—And that
said rule be returnable on the Al Monday of April
next: Notice of which to be gireu bi publication in two
newspaper printed in said county, until the said day of
appearance. By the Court.
Of which . parties in interest will take notice.
'test, Jolt N (hit Et 10, Clerk (Sr. Court.
LOA N.—The Carlisle (ins and Water Company de
sire to complete their Works by the Introduction of liar
this SllllllllOl% anti for this purpose u lilt to obtain on
-Loan- TW ENTY- N in H.L. they
eill gi re the most ample security, and pay the interest
half s early at the Carlisle Dels.sit Bank, for sums not
less than $5OO. ft Kir K. NS ATTS,
marAt l t l',esolcyt
1, 1 ST Arr OF SA 'IVI WAG (; (
N deeeased.—Nntier is hereby given that bet
the estate of ealnuel agge-
Tier, late of Nevotitncoirtiship, Cumberland ebunty,
el.llSoi, has e been' granted by the Iteeister of said ro uro
ty to the subscribers, residing it, the same township,—
All persons It nliving themselves Indebted Lo sold oldster
are required tirrnrilio iiimiediate pas :tient, end those
having claims to 'present them for , e to
2 . .4 noLDER, .r. decen.• , cd.—Notire is horeby given
that Lottors Tertainentary on the eNtalo ef AI rabani
Burkholder, into of l , raint lord toniudlip. Cumberland
county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of
Kahl county to the sill-peril yr. residing In the emus twp.
All persons-knowing-thimlselvesindobted to-said-ostate
are required to mate immediate payment, and those
ha' ing claims to prci.ant thou for rettloinent to
maripd ABRAHAM mAuTIN, Ex'r.
'" -- --
deceased.—Notice is hereby given that Letters of
Administration on. the Estate of Elizabeth Smith, late
of Lower Allen township, Cumberland county, deceased.
have been granted by the Illegirtor of gold county to th•
subscriber, residing In the same township. All persona
knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requir
ed to make immediate payinentauld those having claim
to present them for settlement to '
feb2FAtpd WM. 11. SMITH, AdfiVr.
W. 511E1,04
ZEIt, dereased.—Notire iK hereby given that Let
tois of Administration on the estate of Susanna Sooß
yer, late of Shiremanstown, Cumberland (minty, fieelll.-
ed, have been granted by the Register of said emtuty to
the subscriber, residing in the sonic township. All per
14011h knowing theinselves indebted to said estate ars re
ittired to make immediate payment, and those haying
claims to present them fur settlement to
feb2S-Ct. WM. 1). 811001 ) , Adm'r.
XEC UTOR S NOTI(' E.—. Letters
J Testamentary having been gaited to the subseri
i,ei s, under the will of tleorge A. Lyon Esq.. dee'd.. late
of the borough of Carlisle; nil persons Lavine clam is
against the estate of the said decedent, nro requested to
make known the wee, and thi se indeLted, to make
pay moot without delay to 301 IN LYON. Bedford l'a.
ALEX I'. LYON, Pittsburg
(t. Jan. 31st '55 Exeeult,rs.
decensed.—Nuthe Is hereby given that letters of
administration on the estate of Martha Bowman, late of
Frankton] township. Cumberland coon ty,deceased. have
been granted by the Register cf anid county to the sub..
scriber residing in the same township. All persens
&Med to said estate - are required to make immediate
payment and those having claims to present them for
set tlemetti, to JAMES L. MeIIOWELL,
Jana Att'mr.
BRIGHT, DECD.—Letters of Administration on
the Estate of Susannah Albright, deed., late of East
Pennsborough township, Cumberland &Indy, have
been issued to the subscriber residing in the same town
ship. to whom all persons having claims against the
. said estate will present them fur settlement and those
Indebted make payment.
Jan. 24, 1855 MICHAEL ALBRIGHT, Aduer.
NOTICE.—At it stated Orphans court
began on TUEFDA the 25th day of December A.
D. 1854, and holden at Carlisle, in and for Cumberland
county, before the lion. James II Oraham, *'resident
Judge, and Samuel Woodburn and John Rupp, Esquires,
Associate Judges, Se., the following proceedings 'were
hail, to wit:
In the matter qf the writ of Partition and Valuation
on the Real }stale of Elizabeth Shenk late of Dickinson
township, deceased, the same having been returned by
Joseph McDarmond, high Sheriff of Cumberland county,
duly executed, &c.
Now to wit, 26th: December, 1854, Inquisition confirm
ed and Rule on the Heirs and parties in interest to imp.
pear at the next stated Orphans court, and take or re
fuse to take, otherwise to show cause why the court
should not order the property to be sold, Notice to be
served personally on the parties residing within forty
miles and by publication in one newspaper on those re.
siding beyond forty mile's.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto sot My hand
and the seal of said court, at Carlisle on the 2Sth day
of December ' A. D. 1854.
JOAN M. GREGO, Clerk Orphans Court.
ISSOLUTION.---The pnrtnesrhip
heretofore existing' between the subseribera, trey
( Ing under the firm of BENTZ & 11110T11EIt8, was dhe
Ilved on the first inst., by mutual consent, ell persona
ndebted to the firm are requested to make- an early
settlement of the same to either of the milloyilgried.
The undorsignOd having purchased the interest. of W.
Houtz in the, above business, Inform their friends that
they will emitlnue the business as heretofore at the old,
stand under the name of Bentz l hrothor.—They havi
just received a large supply of NEW (1110115, such as Cal
icos, 44inghtuns, :kluslitis, Cheeks, Flannell, Satinetta,
Needle Avoilted Collars, Spencers, Sleeves, AC., also , on
case Irish Linens, containing .19 pieces of their own im
portation some of it very fine which they can sell mud'
lower than the usual prices. They respectfully requart
the public to give them a call as, they are determined to
sell' eap. ABNER W. MENTZ.
Fob. lb, '55 JAMES BENTZ,
earil.oe Licralb.
notices. -
Jleaf Estate Safe
Titht;TEE'S SALE—By virtue of a ord' of th,
kh.plim ; s• court of Cumberland county, the uude
till expose to public sale, on the premise , on S, 'PUP
PAY. the 17th of February, 1866, at 2 o'clock' 1., a.
that d—h-awe Town Ind, commonly It new n as P ICPLA
iA.I, situate at the south' wad, end of lianover Streit
in tbe burg ugh of Carlisle, containing about TW‘I A
CH ES, bounded by said street, the Walhut Bottom
Road, a lot I'. Phillips' heirs and by South street.
'html terms. of sob, will be ten per cent. of the purrhas.
money on the day of sale, one-fourth on the continua
of the saleralol,the balance to 1.3 i „„ rt .
gm P 5 or JudgmOit Wide, or both, an the Trustee m:
deem advisable, conditioned Mr the pay mutt of CM
interest (hereof' sonik 1111 l unity to Mrs. Elizabeth Dwin.
and the principal at her decease to her heirs at law, or
to theme who may be entitled thereto. Attendance wil,
be given by the undersigned, Trustee under the will of
Thomas Hagan, (We'd.
Carlisle, Jan, 24. 18&6. JACOB SMIOM.
y .A. ritorunTY AT ,PRIVATE SALE
The subscriber will sell at private sale
that valuable business stand on the tor,-
nor of Ilanoyer and ',outlier stree6,
l'u.- The let is :tti-feet front by 210 feet in depth
HOUSE, Well finished, a large yard and garden., and
every thing necessary to make it comfortable and' con
venient residence. For terms enquire of .
Carlisle, 1)00'r. 20. 1854
SALE.—Tito subscriber will sell at privatosale the
two following described farms. to wit:
No. 1-15 situated north-west of Carlisle, adjoining
the inhabited part of mid 'Borough, containing ON b
HUNDRED AND FOrin ACHES of first rate Lime
stone Land, haling thet eon erected a new large BANK
BARN. a largo IIAV •HOUSE, a couni.rtable TLE
t. STABLE; kc. Also, a ennui rtable DWELLING
and ether out-buildings. The land Is In
a high state of cultilation and all under good
Post and rail fence. It is bounded on the north by the
heirs of Stun UM Alexander, tlce'd.. on the east by Jolin
Noble, Win. t , :eytnour and others, on the west by Jim.
te. Dan Itt (trier, Sc., ai.d on the south by the public
road leading frotu Carlisle to Waggoner's bridge.
No. '2.—ls situated in North Middleton township, 41,;
mil e s fruit t ad isle, on the Harrisburg and (l.irlisle
turnpike raid. :thout It 2 tulles front Middlesex Mills,
Is.unded ns rtAkiwa : on the north by the Conodogninet,
reek, on the sweat by Irvine's heirs, on the East. by J.
Noble and Jesse Zeigler, and on the south by Abraham
Hetrick and the Harrisburg turnpike road. containing
acres of Limest.dto and the residue Is black Mate,
ab. nn OM acres of this tinet cleared, Under good knee,
good Stt/te of raltivation, the balance is v er y
heov) A large pea tine Of tilt; farm Is meadow
lat.d. The improvements are a large .TONE DM EL
IA:NI; 11.0t'SE a large DA; AND k;ttAylE BARN, ,a
st , -Ite Spring House and ether out-ItOillit,gs, an Apple
, rdiard tied a large quantity of other fruit trees..
No a small Ima of land about 1 ,1 mile west of
No 1.. on the Balter i t . l4 , Bll leading. from Carlisle to Wag
goner's I I Mgt., taint:intim; TM ENTY-S1 X ACRES of nrst
rate lislei.tono hind, bounded I;y said I , lld WI Ihb north,
Nelda ou the south, by Brown's heirs en the
east, and by Italier ;01 the_ ttrst. The subscriber will
sell II number of 017 LOTS to suit purchasers.—
The :thole deseribetEm uperty will I a sold on reason/11 , h
Carlisle. January 10. nnt.
"Ileaswn's whole plow:lpr, All the joys of Fense,
Lig` iu three words—llea:ox, e, and Competence.
Hut when we hare pnlnM, aftliction or anguhli of dis
eases, is io,t our pleasure , our joy, and Our happiness
thereby destroyed? ‘rhy lot uur fellow-bets; suf
fer? Does uut Christ say : ••Witti the sours measure ) o
more, it shall Le measured to
,)eu agaiut•'—Slat. 7, 2.
••VSho is,a wise num unit endowed with knowledge, a
mong you.ket him bhusr out. of :5 good WU% vrshtiou his
works N% 111e14,110FI: And ifr.4l6/1/. " --Jallit. :3,
AND :Iit.:DICINII.—Mctor. P. C. CARI/
DE, Surgeon nod 11,pdcima, wilt) IN .E...tantit slid
physh,h,gp,t, and is laradliAl . l , l (ME best Medical Cr lie
and has made himself 11.11u:1111frd with all the art
utts systents of 'Medical `cieuce t and with the recent
discm et ies and libidos rhumb; iu the vatinus depart
ments of the Healing Arts, faithfully attends tu orders
for Sureical and Mettle:ll Aid. nittl whose medicines are
ail made er c,anpused strn ii) iu accordant e n ith the
Scient us of l'zithelopy. Itctany , Ily drepathy and
and us hese full tics are all composod of irT 11(40-
:WIIIV ruts, plants, and hyd,pathy, gave in all diseases,
and to whom this allib Led are Invited to apply timely.
Ills Character by Respectable Neighbor., &c.
('my of a letter from the Itev. C. 11. Leintach to Mr.
11. 11. Etter, of the Warm Springs. Respected Sir:—Al
low toe to Introduce to your friendly nonce, 1/r. rAltn-
PER of New, York. ' have kuowtt Dr. C. for dioteen
years, he has done I usiness for me with sobriety. hon.
ea.ty and wrtb neetnney; Iherefote I do believe him to
be perfeetly sober. honest and trustworthy. 'Any ilivors
you.noty see proper to miter on him, Will IT highly ap
prethtted by his numerous friends. and by none more
highly than y(.ur sincere friend mad humble servadit.
C. 11. LtENEACH.
Landisburg, he., July 16th, Itsl.
Copy of a letter from t:eorge Spahr, Es . q., County
Treat:tut:n-1 Ito certify that the medical advice of Dr.
P. Cardder has surpassed any other w idch I halo
hitherto lout to the cure of severe fever to my thud'? .-
1 would therefore recommend him to such pers,t,s she
may be afflicted with aforesaid disease or otherwise.
ti EOM) 1: SPAHR.
Bloomfield, August '2oth, 1851.
DR. CARDDERIbeing well acquainted with the re
cent French discoveries. with their new and safe modes
of treatment, and the speedy and certain remedies and
cures for Dyspepsia, liver Complaints. Dysentery, Choi
ern litorbus and all Complaints of the Dostela and Stom
ach; Superior Remedies fur the prevention anti cure of
Asiatic Cholera. Remedies fur all the defects and dl.-
eases of the (Amorally., Organs and reproductive econo-
my in mon and women; Remedies for Insanity; certain
and timely cures for all Consumptions, Impotence, Ster
ility. Sexual A buses, Vedereal Diseases in all their forms;
Suppressions and other deliotte female complaints. 411
bees remedies emanate front the most noble selenee . o
Botany and Ilydrepathy combined, (but uu poison.)---
"Beal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.
Now Testament. "It is for beeline that Christ cowmen
doth the Santaritan.—Luke, 10, 33 to 37, and with coon
111.01Intranr. "Prove all thlngsibtold fast that which is
good."—lst. Thessalonians, f, 2L "Therefore let us be
ware of laying up what we should lay out for health.
for there is that scatiereth and yet increaseth, and there
Is that withholdeth more than is meet, but It teudeth."
Proverbs. 11, 24.
The different medicines and their directions will be
sent to the afflicted lu any direction by mall or'express.
Address Dr. I', C,CArtmmt,eneibile,Ctunlitairond coun
ty, Pa., post paid, and the fee iJ always accompanying
the letter, with the order, together with a description cs,
the feelings and the syumbons of the cemplaints of the
afflicted Inclosed. It is this system of hledieni Science
the hooks and the modes of cure only, witch Dr. Card
der employs that allow.of medicines entirely made. or
composed of Wholesome Roots, Plants, and llydropathy,
good in all diseases, (no poison), and which can make
speedy and certain remedies and cures for ."all manner
of sickness and all manner of disease," and which sun.
passell other medical means in point of goodness, be
yond all bounds of coutparlson. °Met:South ilanover
street, East side near and below the Presbyterian Church
Carlisle, Pa. Testimonials frtnt numerous persona of
the highest respectability in this and the adjoining
counties, give authentic evidence of the goodness of
Dr. ()udder's character, mid can be seen at Ids office.
N. it. The afflicted can receive superior medicines and
the directions for thou use by the first return of mail or
express. if interviews be desired, or visits requeided,
Pr. C. will endeavour to necommodate applicants es far
as he can. The Doctor speaks the English and the Ger
man languages, etc. [ Jun. 17,,
The undersigned fins just ieturned from Phila.
w lb it fresh supply of MUMS and CONFECTION ARY.—
The former in connection with his stock on hand will
make his assortment of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals
complete. 111saisortlnent of CON FY.C, IiINAItY is also
fine; consisting of pore sugar white and transparent
Candy Toys; Candy, common ' assorted, and tinerandies
of every variety • litho Fruits, Nuts, and every thing
belonging to that ' department of trade. Ife would call
special attention In his stumly of FANCY ARTIOLES
for the Holidays, and general use, among which tray be
found the goad, the tasteful, and the useful. All tiro
Invited to call whether they wish to.pusuli: to or not.
airHal*, Der,r ,44
How often it happens, that the wife lingers from
'oar to year in that pitiable condition as not even
Cr ono day to feel the happy and exhilarating' Ma.
Leo incident to the enjoyment of health
But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in
explicably, becomes a feeble, Moldy, sallllow, debill
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves,unstrting,
spirits depressed, countenanco.J bearing the impress
of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros•
tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and
plainest rules of health as connected with the mar
nage state, thif: violation of which entails disease,
suffering and Misery, not only to the' wife, bat often
KING'S EVIL, and,other and
worse Diseases, as a.
. ,
• "And meat this continue? Must this be? la there no
renvidy? NO relief? No hope?"
The remedy ia by knowing the causes and avoiding
them, And knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them.
These are pointed outin
ritbratum ot , Eamon OP WOMPL`J.
One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), 18ntn., pp. 250
(ON MR turrft, ASTRA 111.NDING, $1.00.1
A standard work of established reputation. found classed
in the catalogues•of the great trade lialex In New York,
Philadelphia, and. other. pities, and sold by the - principal
onoksellers in the United 'States. It wan first published
, n 1847, eine° which time
bare been sold, of whicb there' wore upwards of
stiesting the high estimation in which it is held as a re
liable popular Medical
the anthor having devoted' his exclusive attention to the
treatmentoleoroplaints-peetiliar-to , fetnales,i n-reapeet-to
which he is yearly consulted by thousands both in person
mad by letter.
Here every woman can discover, by-compering hor• - mm
tymptoma with those described, the nature, character,
eatumn of, and the proper remedice for, her complaints.
The wife about becoming a mother bas often need of
luatructiou owl advice of the utmost importance to her
future health, in respect to which her Rensit&eness for
bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such in.
{traction and advice, and also explain many, symptoms
which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm 113 all
the peculiarities incident to her situation are described
llow many are suffering from obstructions or Irregular
'Hies peculiar to the female system, which undermine the
IMaith, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for
I which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice.
Many suffering from proiaptve uteri (falling of the Womb),
or from fluor anis (weakness, debility, &c.) - Many are
in*constant agony fOr many months preceding confine.
ment Many bare difficult if not dangerorttr-deliveries,
and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are
hararded daring such time, will each find In its pages the
means of prerention, amelioration and relief.
It is of cOurso hnpracticablo to convey fully the variotu
OubJects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly In•
tended for the married or those contemplating marriage
Reader, are you a husband or a. father? a wife or
mother? Have you the sincere w-elfaro uf thoso you lore
at heart? Prove your sincerity, and lose no time in
learning what causes interfere with their health and hap-
plaints not less than your own. It will avoid to you and
yours, as It has to thousands, many a day or pain and
anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the
mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting those
means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised
nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining
years, the inflnuitiea of age and the proper education of
yoar children
In consequence of the universal popularity of the work,
lus evidenced by its extraordinary sale various impost
tibris have been attempted, 1111 well on booksellers as on
the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions,
and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and othet
lot ices and deceptions, it has born found necessary,
therefore, to
to buy no book unleas the words "Dr. A. Mat'alcr_to,
120 Liberty Street, N. Y. t ". is on (and the entry In the
Clerk's Office on the back of) the title pive ; and buy
only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by
and address to Dr. A. 51. Idaurlceau.
ai- Upon receipt of • One Dollar "THE MAR
PANION" is sent (mailed free) to any part of the
United States, thu Canadas and British Provinces.
All lettere must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAL/RIDEAU, box 1224, New-York City.
Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, Nett-
The undersigned respectfully informs the Farmers of
thIS and the adjoining, counties, that ho continues to
manufaeture more extensively than ever, 0, Hussey '0
oelebrated It EA PElt AND MOWING MACHINE, now
so generally In uso, at his shop three quarters of a tulle
north of Hanover. Farmers wishing to ougrigo a Reap
or, or a Reaper and Mower eonibincd, for the next sea-
son, ran have their wailers filled with promptness by
sending them out immediately'. The prices of theso
alines aro AA follows :•
For a Reaper, - - , - •
.- $lOO
For a Reaper and Mower, from - - $lO5 to 124
tkirl„. Address - mu through the Hanover l'ost Office,
York county, Pa. CONRAD• 510 UL.
=A full supply of the above celebrated Churn, now
on hand of all the different sizes, from 4 gallons to 50.
It received the first premium at the late Pennsylvania
State Fair, the first premium at tho FrAnklin Destitute
and'belaware and Maryland Stato Fairs, and various
others at different places. It will make more and bettor
butter front a given aniou,nt of cream, and in less time
than any churn In the mar t, For sale wholesale and
retell byl PASCHALL MORRIS .t Co.,
"Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of ith
and Market, Philadelphia. - . . Dec. 0, 1854—tf
lEATHEIL—Fritz & Hendry, Store,
'29 North 3d et. l'hiladolphin, Morocco 51anufhrtuf
ore, (7ml-ion', Importers, 0011111118tiital and tionoral Leath
or In:lnce e. •
WDOLESALE AND RETAlL—Mernulhetory 15 Wase
gftruttm strut. sop. 7-1 y
GOONS.—The subscriber is just
opening n frenh unto yrt MUD t of very CITHAP OtH)DS
bought at reduced juices. Call nod Fee them.
Aug. trl. ]JITTER
pow for obri METAL, sneli na Copper, Brass end
Iron, et the Cerlisle Foundry nod MeeMoe !..zher.
11tIACITINERY OlL.—Avery sullen
',r article of OIL fur gratairig machielis,jrat le
e veil sad for Ws clump aill D. I tilt $