Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 11, 1855, Image 6

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Spring Wheat.
We have a number of_inquires in re
ad to spring wheat, its, quality, pro
ietiveness, ckze. in answer,_we briefly
,te that our own experience with it has
.en limited, but the following, whiCh
• condense from a communication re
dyed some time since from Hon. W.
7.!:isup, of Susquehanna county, Pa., will
a reply in full to the inquiries.
Judge Jessup says " there are three
ejections generally urged against it :
. That•it is inferior in quality. 2. That
.is liable to smut. 3. That it is an un
..rtain crop, owing to its so frequently
ing blighted and shrunk,by mildew.
The first objection he meets by show-
. 4 . that with good cultivation, Italian
ring Wheat.weighs from 60 to 62 lbs.
the bushel, yielding 40 to 43 lbs. Su
'Clink; flour to the bushel. If color is
se pied, it is fully equal to any winter
hog it fur flour.
'rho stscond objection he obviates by
.1,1 - 5 - the seed — thoroughly in strong
!le water, when it rises the light seeds
the surface. While wet, it. is thrown
ur tho barn floor, and, tine quick Hine
tted over it in small quantities; t,he
r;rolr. is then mixed so thoroughly, that
vory kernel is coated with lime. It
he safely left in this condition for
~.voral days. This - process effectually
I ,revt;nts smut.
Early sowing is' the remedy for the
bird, and fall plowing is the surest course
.11 heavy clay and loim soils which re
the water a long time.
Spring wheat should be sown as early
Li the season admit, and special care
nceessary in the selection of the soil.
moist and cold soil is wholy unfit for
We observe notices in some of our co
cmpraries of several new varieties of
spring wheat. The " Tea Wheat," of
.vhich we have samples, both from the
eateut Office and frOm Mr. K. H. Bliven
if Bridgewater, N. Y., appears to be the
. - av cite, though Judge Jessup prefers
ha Italian to all others.
Of the origin of Tea Wheat, we hav
:le following account from a correspon
: 3nt of the Country Geationan: " Some
13 years since, a few grains of it were
bond in a chest,,of black tea, which were
•iwn, and the product sent to a gentle
!,.Granville, and thence dissemin
.ted through the State of New York,—
t combines many good • qualities, the
traw being stiff, and it is not liable to
ust."Prog. Farmer.
National Agriculture.
The total value of the annual products
the soil of the United States is now
,j) iut One Thousand Millions of Doila'rs;
ad no one who knows what science ' has
lone for agriculture", ;Till doubt that the
.:me amount of labor which is now eta
d(iyel in producing this aggregate might
so applied as to secure a total product
%lay precut. greater, or One Thousand
hundre i Millions. But scientific,
• thorough A gricul tu re 'always ern-,
toys_ more than the shiftless, slouching
ut too generally prevalent ; and it is
.rtainly witkin hiunil to e3timate that
Agriellture might be so improved
, by the help of nditional labor, now
'employed and unprnductive, to give
adulitional a;nount—an achievement
:lich Would double the wealth of the
p.intry every eight or top years. Who
>ever will carefully review the Agricul-
Ire of a single state; or even an average
'..Mpty, in any part of the Union, and
,timate how much its product might be
thanced by irrigation, manuring, deep
,aghing draining, 4t,u, will perceive
.11a, our .calculation is far within the
uth. • •
slut suppose that only half of it as an
! lition to our national wealth 'would
!I , l;.eby be insured ! Four fifths of this
v.)uld probably be permanently added to
Nyealth . of the country—that is, the
:tr.i)er whose anual product .should be
.s.dled from $l,OOO to $1,250, or from
..:12,090 to $2,500, would not eat or drink
tp the, surplus, but would invest thp
.01 'ter part of it in new buildings, fen
o+, barns, implements, furniture &c.,
riving profitable employment to meclm.
ics and laborers,•and largely increasing
t,:to business of merchants and the in
-I:es of professional men. Such an ad
d. i :u to the Ronal product of our Agri
eultti:o Would increase the consumption
of Manufactures, domestic and imported,
in a far greater ratio, since from the an
nual product of each flirm the, food of
those making a living on it must first be
,taken for home use, affording no busi
ness or prollit to any . one else' leaving
miry the surplus to form the . staple of
trade ; and an addition of twenty-five
per cent to the anual product of each
farm would probably double the anual ex:
changes and general trade of the country.
—N. Y. Tr i bune.
Lay around caWtree, early in the spring
say April, half a peek to a peck of air
slacked lime, or wtyd ashes. Spread
them over the grourid in the fall, and it
will make a good dressing. Renew again
in the spring. Besides this, examine
the trees severattimes during'the season s ,
and if the grub has made its way into
any of the trees, cut it out. Covering
the trees with muslin at the time fly lays
her eggs, might be effectual. The point
attaked is generally at the surface of the
TnEes.--Let the farmer plant out by
the roadside—WU trees at a cost of $66,
(and this is a fair estimate) in ten years
time that farm will sell fur $5OO more
than it would without them, and we ven
ture the assertion, the owner would not
have them removed for that sum.
tte3 6 :llle good farmer should be a close
observer of all the phenoniii4,.. of nature
within his range, and be always eudeavor
ing to I;repare hinisell for every ewer
geuey where his knowledge way no turn
ed to good account,.
_ l _ 4 l .1 f 1 I 41, E li .11_11.E SEMl
lioluiti.a will open on the first
....iday of March. in a new itta.e..tlxiiiothotis builder:
erected for that purpose. ~,,(wriho-- d ireLchm and super
ot net. J. 11,11 d . - .llllllel IlL,lllht , li.
1ue...0.1.11 of the conninary is health., 111111 retire J—
. is the tit!NiAll of tile Principal that tut. worse of M.
struetion ho thorough, aud the expenses moderate.
'rite bust female teachers will lie employed: Pupils
will he arranged iu elit.sses according to use direction oh
the Principal. There will be three elasses--rrimarY i
uuior and 6uniar.
Trtli.Nlti—SUNiNlEit SP:SSW:S . .
For board, washing, fuel :mil light, per session
of 4 months, ' $lO 00
Tuition in Smalor class per session, S 00
• Junior 0 00
Primary 4 00
ilreek, Latin ur French, 6 00
Musijou Piano and use of Instrument, 115 00
Oil painting and drawing, 6 00
For further Information address
J. lENNEDY, Principal,
January 17,'1855. lint Fayettville, Franklin Co. Pad,
!•:>I Y, noar Carlisle, Pa. Tho 17th Session will coin
-111511C1) On MONDAY, November tl, 1814. Number of Ru
dman Ihnited,and constant efforts usod for their moral
nod intellectual improvement. Terms, $0.5 per session.
Circulars with roterences and full information furnish
ed, by IL K. BURNS,
Principal and,Proprietur,
sept 2.7-1854. Plaintield„CUmberland co. Pa.
inuus.civ)..R.,Nowriik, pa. —The W INTER sEs
s: Js will emninence on Tuesday, the ;th of November,
:ind continue live months. Careful instruction 113 given
by competent teachers in the departments of Classical,
Mathematical and English education. The whole ex
poos,,s fir tuition, boarding end lodging, with a room
furnished, t',53 per term. For further particulars, apply
to either of " the subscribers at. MINT 01110, PU.
“mm" 3]c("-AU[UU‘3N, l‘rlncliml,
W. It. LINN, A. M.,
rt It. McCACIIRE:sI, jr., Professors.
torrs PATENT FA It Elt S '
LERS.—These possess an advantage over all
t itio,s iu being made with an outside iron C 34,11 ug, which
greatly 000nounses fuel and prevents lass of heat. They
arc in ale of various sites, from 10 to 12,1 gallons. They
are p ,rtahle, and may be set in the kitchen for house.
use, or out of doors convenient to the barn, pig
ite., fur baling fad for si ck. For ,alt by
A ;rinitturftl Irnr`ehouse and Send :-:tore, N. E. earner
of 7th nn•l Market streAs, I'h U:+d+•lphl;t,
V. 1 ,1 L. lc.N 11 T , tSucccssor to
LHartley finiglitrj AND CARPET
1VAILI;11.' >USN, No: 1.14 South Second Street, five doors
.Ve . 4 1,rue. , street, Philadelphia, WIWI . ° ho keeps con
stantl% on hand a full ass , rtnient tlf every article in his
business. Feathers, Feather Bed:, Patent !',,ring
Nl.l ttresses. Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three.
Ply, I ihrrain, Vt.nett:ln, List, Itug and hemp Varpetings,
dh., Canton uu l :vanish Nlattings
Floor and Stair Drug:lads, Hearth Rue's, Dam. Nlats,Table
and I'I:L.I.J - rovers. To which he invites the attention of
purAtasors. lue1;51
r P Eti' IT PE:t PI 10*,-; PH ATE OF
are A4ents in Philadel
phia oor 4.10. abovo fertilizor, which has Leon fully estal
t r the last three ywirs. Early orders solicitod to; the
supply will he limited. Also, for sale best Peruvian tlo•
voratunnt llunuo No. 1.
Avlenltural Warehouse and Seed Store, N. B. corner
rth and. Maiket streets, Philo&lphla. P9oct's4
.LA Importer, Manufacturer and Denier in
Mini:ids of - FANCY FURS, for Ladles and Children, at
288 JIARIKET Strout. above Eighth, Philadelphia.
Having now completed my large and beautiful assort
ment of all the different kinds of Fancy Furs, that Will
be worn by Ladies and Children duriw , n the present sea
s in; this assortment of Furs is equal to any to be found
in this City, either for quality, variety or beauty. Hav
ing bought my Furs in Europe for bush, and have had
them manufactured by the most' competent workmen
under my own supervision, with reasonable economy.—
tun determined to sell them at small profits, and for
gash only.
ud 81'01tEKEE1'ERS would do well to give me
mil hafore purchtudng% .1011 IN IeAREIRA,
2 . 41 MARKET Street, above Eighth, PhilauMph's.
tuf—am •
vir 11,11414 ACA.I).E3IY, three
utllcs WeSt of Ilarrlsburg. The ninth Session
of thin popular and iloutiNhlng Institution will cum
!atonal on Monday. the 7th of May nest, under the
nir,t fiv . orable auspices. During the present year such
Improvenients turd additions haie been matte as its in
cr.:A:4,lg patronage demandutt. The Prluripal will boas
slstell by a full carps compotunt 111111 0111011011C011
teaAers ' and 81)(0,101 attention will he paiti to the health
mitt elnufr,rt of the Students.
11,arding. Washing. and Tuition in the English Branch
es, and Vocal Mush...per St,A}4l/111, (5 months) $OOOO
'lnstruction lu Latin and tlroek, each, - 10 00
" • French and tiorinan ` • • . 5.00
- Tlin attention or parents and guardians is earnestly
Invited to this lostitutb,u. Circulars will be furnishod
and any Inrwmati .n will lavglven, on zipplcatiou,either
personal or by lettor to
DIINLINtigIt, Principal.
Mar. 11, 1850. Ihisrisburz, Pa.
lirofessioitaf (Curbs'
NOTlC.E.—Notice is hereby gi,ven
that I have, this day, associated with me id, Ono
mactlce of my profession. \tin. M. Penrose and Tho
}.wlre. All business, In future will be Falco ded
toby the otboNe under the firm of -BIDDLE & PENIIOB ."
Feb. 14th 15.55. .W. M. BIDDLE, At'ty at Am
I f 1 P. „HUAIRICII, Attorney at Law.
—olllmin Roamleri now; All Imsiness outruat
oct to him will be promptly attended to.
laT1.1,1,1A)1 C. RUEE3I, Attorney
y at Law. ()Mee in liootein's' Row, Carlisle, I'a.-
4,4-Itutduess entrupted to him will ho prnuiptly at
tended to. lub, 7.'35.
N. ( RE EN, Attorney at law, has
settled in Mechanicsburg, Mr the practice aids
Pcmossion. All kinds of Legal Writing, Collections,
Court business, &c.. promptly attended to. 011 ire °ppm
site' Dr. !snag's residence. SUR% EYING In all its dilim
rent branches promptly attended
( - 1 B. COLE Attorney at Law, will at
-ur tend promptly to all buhinessontrusted to him.-
016eo in room formerly occupied by Willi:tut Irvine,
Esq., North Hanover strut, Carlisle.
April 20, 1852.
DR. C. E. BLUMEN'LIIAL, 1.1.0-
VREOPATIIIe I'IIYt3ICIAN. Office and residence
on Louther street, one ,door enst of the tierman Re
formed Church. Dr. BlumenthaPrespeetfully offers his
professional services to the citizens of Carlisle and I , i•
ire-Persons from a distance laboring under chronic
diseases may consult Ity letter. Office hours, from 7 to
9 A. M. and 2 to 4 P..,M. septiVs4ti
F E llnnover street two doers rli r rom Weise k ( .1 , North i,,
store. Office hours, more partivularly from 7to o'clock,
A. NI., auil from 5 to 7 o'riork, M,
-- .
$0,7777.,,. : 1 Alt. (i FA). AV. NEIDICII
1. .4.,..- . I_,/ I,ENTI: ,, T carefully attends to On
' 0 11ailli operations upon t h e teeth and adjaccut
parts that iltsOase tit 1;1,111i:wit,: may require. no will
also insert A rtiticial Tenth of I' very description. such as
Vivid, `iu;:le and Illuck.leeth, and tenth with •• routlu.
mitts (lulus, - :aid u ill cutistril, t A, titiciai Palates nL
turnt•,rc. I e. • ulat ing I' , , ,ul,l ovvry rippliauen, used in
ti ne ii eu tui Art. --I l e , a t Jug c.aeu at the rcsiklence ol
p t ia . . 5 : ,,,,,,,.1 i.,i , :e,t t Nest 1101 .tact, l•::rl ihio.
1.:( )11(;P: Z. - 13 - 11 - ETT;AT.
t. Ilk 1.1 mat sort I, es to the
',Obi,. WO. , ii,seit• d, trout
a ;a i,,Ltir• 101 , 41/. to all eilt ire sot the latest and most
a"tiroved 'who 1td.... Such as tsinv.le. Mod,. :0111 • 4:1,111.
titlll. MS .111111 the 11"111.11 31)11 . -Iv
r..4ttini itie. carefully treat-•d. UFFICE 31 the residence
his brother. oil North Pitt Street. (Jittip
Vtt , Y NHS w perform
operat lops upon the
Teeth that are required for their io e.-er, allot., such as
Scaling, boiling, Plugging, ,(c., or a ill restoie the loss of
them by Inserting At thetal Teeth, from a .11t14.1e topth
to a full sett. a - a 1116, on Pitt street. a few doors
s'auth of the, Railroad Iktel. Dr. 1.. Is absent front Car
list., the last ton days of every month.
1 4 1 N.
, It( )S EN ST E.E I. House ' Si ,, n
Foamyy , and ( . vt.nn'inon tal fainter, Ira in's lfnrin .. ;rl;
llarper's) now, near Illtner's Dry (loud. ;'tore. lie mill
attend promptly to all the altoto deseriptiuns of paint
ing, at re-ts.atablo prit...s. Thu t art ,l/h lands nt graining
attended to, still as mahogany - , cak, walnut, &e., in the
Improved stiles.
GW. BRAN DT, Manufacturer of
• Mineral Water,, Frew h 3lend, •
Bottled Ale. Porter and Cider,
North East' Street, near the Hail !toad Bridge, Carlisle
Stores anti Shops.
LI JOHN D. HOEG AS would Inform the public that
he has now on hand at his establishment, on Main St.,
next door to-Marien liall, the largest and most com
plete assortfitent of COOI% OFFICE A PAR
DIE STOVES to he found In this county,
...;(x.; 31 which will be wild at. the lowest prices for
ItivA.! cash or aE,provud credit. stock c o nsists of
• ssortent of new and highly lip
proved PATENT C.IORI MI ST, IV ES, finished
in the most complete manner, and calculated for either
wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns
whieh have shoal the test of experience, may be found
at his establishment. Also, a great variety of the most
approved and beautiful PARLOR OFFICE STOVES, In
cluding a number of new styles, possessing vary Supe
rior advantages Over these hereto! .re In use. Families
and hotisekeepers are respectfully invited to give bhn a
call belbre purchasing elsonhere. Stoves delivered to
any part of the country and put up at the shortest no
tice. Ile continues to do all kinds pr TIN AND SHEET
IRON W A ILE, and Comer Work, and has constantly oil
hand or stake to order every article required by
housekeliers or others In this line. His stork of Tin
and Copper Ware elrliiraieS every k iJf household and
kitchen utensil. %variant ed equal to the best mantifac-'
Lured. Pe:sons In WWII of articles in his line may al
ways be sure of being accommodated to their satisfaction
by giving him a call. novl-1854
Tho tail.seriber at his 01 , 1 Ft.vat on North Hanover st.,
Carlisle, the sign of the —Mammoth Ilea Cotfee Pot," de-
Ores to roll tho attention of tho I.ollle to his larg.o as
sortment of STOVE: 4 , of the naives( :old most
stylos, from tho lust nuionfactories in the
roan try, and all price, from $:!to $1.5.
are the Mirror Stove, the Arctic. Revere, Star.
Version. Union and .limn Air 'fight, together
with other patterns whieli he has of all sins
for parlors or elionthers. and calved:o,d forlowning either
wood or cool. Also, the .Etna. (Nola., Astor, Albany,
Flat-top and Bandbox or Poor Mnt's. glib 14,1101 . COOK
NO 510 V ES. eomprishig the hito-ct improvements in
kitchen stoves, mid intend for either wood or coal.—
Also, the Dining Robin Cooking Stove—a new end
punt article. to %Odell he hi, ltvs the partEmlor atten
tion Of families. Ills c.s)hieg stoves range in price from
$lO to 25, with the fixtures complete. Also, Nino Nato
Stoves of various patterns and different prices.
ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, ke. Also, story article In the
lino of Tin and Copper Ware. The public are respect
rally invited to rail us hit is confident with his largo
stock, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en
tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and soe.
Oct. 25, 1854. M. MORRIS.'
YANKEE PEED CUTTERS, untuutzu. u—hl for
SARIU Nu, 41(1 Market street, !Ulm's
This cutter Is superior to any now In use, for strength
durability, and simplialty of construction ; It cuts fast
er, and laths only selfsharpeninglay. Straw and Cern
Stalk Cutter.ever . nutde. It has but ONE STRAIGHT
KNIFE:, which any person can grind and set with ease,
but in ordinary case, is ground in the machine. Thou
sands have already been sold, and the domml is dully
increasing. In most eases an examination Is sufficient
to convince one of its superkwlty. No one afterlrshort
trial would part with it for any other. All sizes of the
above constantly on hand and for sale by
.1. I'. •
~tct t l a Sole. Agent for Cumberland county.
Ca-All kinds of Printing done here
'‘ITEAM SAW A1.11,L, near
1„, l'aportown, Cumberland county:—
SLY MOURcontinne to sup
-I.lnher of all kinds, at the shortest
••• • ilUtico, and on terms lower than can be
..a.+ le. All Orders directed to E. IlAnktic., Pa-
Pectown, it. D. Shormoult,Jr.,Chrlisle, will Le prernpt
ly attended to.
keb. 22-Iy,•
• _ (i .
I AS N(1. 1 , ' , 1 1 ;1:1' I o
,i, N a
, G ig.d AND ,ii i: li,L:i Allrm 13.;
.1,...,i1s of Um lisle that he has made ariarme
th, l A,: mdoti AS FP.ITING anal PI.I3IBINti at shunt Do-
Lice, Mid on terms. Ile has engimed the ser
vices o f a teat rate hand from I hiladell.hia, ai.d has sup
plied himself with an extrimile itssortnum t i.l . lINT-
U ILLS, which will enable him to till till ottii , rt l / 4 prk 'aptly.
All work will lie warranted. Ills stock of GO Fixtures
will be found in the room exactly opposite his 'Honing
establishment on I\ orth Hanover street, where he invites
a call. ~ 41
TINNING, SPOUTING, &c.—lle is also prepared to
furnish, or make to order. every artide of TIN NI Al{}
used by houselseepern find others. Ile will also attend
to 51'0(371\6. 11UUSE-11.00FLNO, BELL lIANGINO,
Thankful fur the patronage N\ Ith which he banalready
been favored, ho respectfully solicits-It eimtinuanco of
the name.
Carlisle, June 14, '54
BEI LEN respectfully informs the citisens of Car
lisle and vicinity, that he has just return
t j ed from California, and is prepared totse
,fr,./ cute all kinds of work connected w ith his
line of business. lie has always on band
a largo assortment of ready-made lanes,
tutu, Pistols. Locks, Heys, Gun Trimmings Ac., all of
With+ ho Will sell wholesale or retail, lie also attends
to repairing Ouns.; , , clucks. locks, Ac; engrai es on brass,
copper and bon. Ile Jim es that by strict attention to
business. and a desire to please, he will merit and receive
public patronage.
shi t • All kinds of Fire Arms made to order. '
, Carlisle, April 2f, 155-I—ly
cll'LL'N DI lI,TEW
„,i ....
. Li 1.L111”. 111.11.1ay Pres
i 0 2 . . ..."„........ IA N. IV rot I I ii:ltst r. el,
, ii h iv
3 '''''....., dnolg tsist 01 Lutilll icier s
8 '. =,..... 5 .:: : 11..te1, ('arlisle. hits jitst re
v...`_- h,
7 6 3 .'. 4- ~, ^ reivial the at . 1 li.' rt
' --,• N.—l — Ad' '• .. ' • el , ;ant assartiaer •1 t . sup.-
riar -- .lr3rviry csi..r ,Iteridl Awl arlirle,, cadisistingdistait
.4 I.c id ai it tit Nor It :itches uf 12N er) • t arli ty. at 11 at ill
prices, eisl.t-dit CIA ( ht..., rilser taLle ai.rl tea !,p, 1 i:.
sitter la'-le f .. .r1-s aid butter I,nive , . cold and sitter
lad it aid o'lll lel/11'1:W ga l l pelt nod polo IL
m Id hains cl mecy descripti it. car and tiger !Mrs,
breast . pius, tr., at all pi L.,. Also A ocordeor s and )In
s. s. 1V..: 1:11 iets I tams
er ly f a th. Holiday s, riots dcshinF ti ,
1..11-, have an' Mined t vall ai .1 examint thi itrunut.
1.1 I. am ni Noy reasonable s. tomb
ity of go. it , Situ-ranted to le as lii as sold G r.
West Ilissh st.
.1 I{ 11 /N 11A1.1. DAG I: rniltEA N
iy_t 11(),,m5-A. 6. El:r t.tvli,g taken the huguer
r. ais rooms In Marion Ilan, known as A. 11. Tuld.'s
dishes to Inform the La.lics and Gentlemen of Car
lirte that he is prepared to take Likenesses in the most
stsperi. r style ot .the art. su ch its V. ill fully - sustain the
- reputation of this p. pular octal lislonent. Ilis rot 1151,
are lar.m, pleasantly situated and cornfurtably furnish
ell. Ile is pr..% hied•w ith the most powerful and perfect
instrument for taking pit t tires and warrants satisfac
tion in A full supply of civics ul c%ery variety'
of sty le and sire, ',lain and ornamental. kept constautly
on band. Engra‘ I . :dollops. Ac., accurately coiled
and duplicates taken of bikeinscs
taken of sick or dectenurd persons. lures moderate and
satisfaction given In all eases. The public is ini Ited to
call at the Marion hall fra,nterrean and examine
the unnierous specimens.
4.. a• linguerrectypea Inserted In Lockets, Ilreast Pins,
Finger Pings. Pawn Heads, Ac.
Atio,e 14, 'M.
-0 INIT. The sutscrlber continues to carry on the
'bore business, In ail Its branches, in North 11011-
over street, Carlisle. two (kers North of Leonard's coiner
where he Intends keeping on hand a general assortment
In his line, consisting, of all hi do of fashionable SAD.
DLLS, Bridles, Martingales, Girths,
~1 eirrioglrs and I tette' s, also TRU:\ fili,
ir , .. ' ~ l ik tray e110.,4 sod saddle
~ • 'lib
A!, h a gs. Ile also 111,11- _ l a
‘i 1, 'lib .i' 1.11 . 1 .. illreN till, 111 . 1,5 t. ...I' I
\ rime , ved SPANISH
• •',
1 ,‘ S e
country - . I n '
( tirvyaa,S,dmatt.s.oev.iserisluosnei.d,alLtilills
t some, durable and. pleasant saddle
will do well to call and see them. lle
... also manufactures Harness, Bridles,
Collars mot Whips in all their varie
ties, and confdently believes from the general approlm
tion of his cast, mers. d i rt he in:theft the ncatcst and
best gears, in all their variety of 14,41 th. that is made in
thr country. Ile :Om, makes all hinds of Matrasses to
order, vii: Straw. Husk. curled Ilair anti Spring :Ilia
rasses. All the :Move art Isles will Ii made of the lust
material and workmanship, and Si ith the tamest des
patch. W 3t. OSBORN.
f 11,0 1 .11 IN G COS'l'—The subscrib
} er has an assortment of fz,,hiunnuto and well made
CLOTH' Nib ',bid' will be :mid off at cost fir cllOl.
The stock ennskts of I loth and Casinnarett Ctuts. Lin
en and film-ham Ci.ats. 'cured and dean Coats;
and Satin Vr.ting; Cascimers ilean's and Cord yan
tal,ons. Linen and C. ttiomde rant:Mons, with all kinds
at Cli.thing usually Mond in a drilling stem.
Intending t. , mlinqui•ii this Manch of my business.
great Lar,mies can Le had by calling soon at the cheap
store of CIIACI,CS Ohl filfT.
I'AItPETIM:. A few piers i just received from auction
and telling VC ry kw.
.sUItANCE CoMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpe
rated by no act of Agsembly, is now fully orgnoired, nod
in operation under the management of the fullowing
commissioners, viz;
Daniel Bailey, William B. Gorges, Michael Cocklin,
Melcholc Brenneman, Christian Ftayman, John C. Dun
lap, Jacol 11. Coover, /WV:it; Her, Henry Logan, Benja
min It. Musser, Jacob 'Mumma, Joseph IVlckeraham,
Alexander Cathcart.
The rates of insurance are as low mod favorable as any
Company of the laud In the State. Persons wishing to
.become members are invited to make application to the
agents of the company, who are m tiling to malt upon
them at auy time.
BENJ. 11. 310,95 ER, President.
I.OOAN, Vice Prot , 'dent.
LEAVIS 11YER,Sjiiretary
COCIZLIN,, TrenNurer.
AI 1 ENI:,
CUMBERLAND ruUNTY.—Rudopi, Martin, N. e m p_ .
berland; C. IL Herman, Kingstown; Henry Zearitig.,
Shirerohnstown ; Charles bell, Carlisle ; Dr. T Ahl,
Churchtown ; tkintuol Graham, West Pennshorongt ;
James Mc Dowel, Frankfort]; Mode Griffith, South 'Mid
dleton; Samuel ('hover, Ilaverstick, Mechan
icsburg; John Sherrick, Lisburn; Path! Coover, Shen
YORK COUNTY.—.Tohn Bowman, Dillsburg; Peter
Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., 'Washington • IY,
S. Picking—Dover W. era! t.. Paradise.
IFARRDABEBB.z--unuser & !Arbroath
Ilititobers of the company baying pollelen about to ex
pire ens have them renewed by making application to
any of the agents.
A I,TI M ORE C A RD. -Saki T.-
Hue Factory filled and Ground Alum Salt, ctn
itantly on hand and for sale.
Flour, (.rain and Lumber Commission Nierehants,
Spear's Wharf.
of the N. A..and Rosendale Co.
Baltimore, Jan, 18f/5.
1 4 1 A 'lll 11,Y CO A L.-500 Tons Lyk e n's
. \Witty re3l, broken and Serpened, propured
pressly use, receiving end tl.r ! , ./11,. I,v
Jam 17 8m W. 11.11.1UltRAY, Agt. •
1V Jl4.Ati EIAtY ,
meta of the Idlest quality, fur sale at the low est, cash
prices, at Nm. t HEAD'S, No. It 4 Mouth Second
Street between Dino and Union, west hide. I bnutlelphis
The nest riment embraces a lafge and belt It etnrk
fine M etches, Jewelry hiller 1.5 are. All ate 1,1 me, plater
with Luc silver, in :Toon s, kerbs. Lao kr.. A c.—Jet got de,
lane ai.d fancy articles of a super ior. quality. tlehery IN;
the eS.LlLeiflatlth, Of those IV he desire to pr.. ore the Lest
• goods at the low cut cash prietqt.
4 %7 Hal log a practical know ledge of
the tau:Mess, and till et
ties for importing and .Nlanutactur
rte ,t4l hi rtter confihlei,tl) invitee volt Lavers, he
lieviog that ho con Supply them en terms t, noun/MO
as any other estatlishment in either of the Atlantis'
tAttes: .
All kinds of Dinmondii aiul.Toorl Jew dry and F. 4 ilret
Mare nianyfueturcd to order '
- within a 'ennui able time.
tit:olatehts, jewelry and silver ware mitidully ro•
paired: I.L'iLd‘llhAD,
2F4 south 2d St. a few docrs atoto the 2it bt. Ital.
ket. NS est Side.
11:( - 11.iii the moth window of the Store, may .he seen,
the famous bird Clock, which commands the aanitratiert
of the scientific and curious. , (Sept. f‘b, 'll4-Iyr.
OF LISIE.—From City Chemical 'St Union 11
n.nde after tho most improved ti, lesand vel p superior.
Prepared Anhy (bite Mat.ure, made after the I.i.t.hfill nr•
tick, and most superh r, Lying much tido, h unuo,
and fully equal. 'the ettent.on of builds and kart:l:ern
is particularly called hero tor tilal. Alho, lc, ut inn tine
nno, in large or !wall quaLtiths, for
JOIIN 1., li'il111.1:0Y,
22 South Wharves, 3d door alove thestuut bt. l'hila.
• Sept.2l, MCA.
CIiILSON'S .PAll.l\ \
suriber ,ulu tall the
utLelitioli of all pal tiel , lUI, on ILI, tletauta, turt.ais
to tiataOto , li (.2-I.E.I4:AILD AND \LLYIIASiZu AN
- Ihe reputation of this furnace Is hat lug
Lieu intic.uurett during the 1310,t Lee )rats• itto about
LAM public I Ilildilt6S altd 1211011, 11UB bl 0. , pi lAA; clwellt
logo; this til_ctlier a ill, the sales
el cry year Is the I esi e that tali le tanned
its superii•rity co,iir all it her huttnrn. 1) I Ll' use of
1. hilson's I urLate, you secure the 1..110w it t aciN at.tages
1. lint VI MAIM! , •
I t he Itiating surfaces Icing at 11 tor per&
tore that s% ill nit cies:4.i ate the air.
1.C ,, M , 5111 Al. tel. ta It IL.
GRIAT la EAlll.lll—Leillg 11Illtie en tlreiy rl (Est Iron,
11,4 iltil le to i ust,, D ili requite w n pun, 1111111 g a lifts
lime—lt is milli uittung,ethinci tt it; t si trier Mid
ttr - dmigur 7rt ts: 1 - 11, latiO the
11111:1 lul tact S.
e hut., the testimer.ialf. of huLJuvlt i,l the 'met
erieLtil.t 'eel. lu utteet to the ti nth t 1 el .e el ‘.3e Ante
went, ell 1,1 t, hi ut 1111.4.1.111/( 0 it to I c uci I, ill) the I eel
furl:ate Set iu.ented t nuell,F., at pa e cu a healthy
allat hot cti jib LIt.LUX nit. 12.11 eh 1.1 a lew
ell 1.1.11,14 ai.d vmh.el.t prutttt ci t., , LI them
and I. ill(113 fun - jelled tie tuulr Inaltt't• 111.111 eft t ebLe'
l'n 1.. k t, l n 1. I thlsea , 11,1.. ries
iii. 11. Allen, I - mt. Pal lid. I. tilatiGh; I ILL L. t.. 11
Inlnn, 1 mi. 1.11,1e3.
V... hove intr. &tired till. 14.1.,, la e bizes. soAhat
nil II: mire: Inn) 111 nil 01 thin dent u,.pio\lr
tbrlit Id n vol) nit.deri4o rent. N r air ni t. 1 JAl:llrd to
forubh an 4:lair:awl h.: v. nrm u fir gie rti.u, or the largv•
est huhufhg to 'the etuhtry
3 do
5 do
6 do
Vhis tin. 7 is the largest and most pawerriil Vuriiitee
this euuhtry, and is nairilaLly aciaptctio Sor
llitirrheaand [Mier large clas I nildioi s.
e tOlninUO to sell the apparatus at the Wile price
as when introduced, live )tats ago. Although the
present high price of iron has ineteastel their oust 26 per
cent owing to their great weight, still rte ate tooldod by
the great increase Cl salts td furnish the /tattle at the
lea ett, possible price. tme foundry alone. :hews. h ar
ick A:Leihrandt., have eon tracted to lure ish us a ith LL
tons of kurnaccs this reason, so that al, ate ouw proper
cd to furnish them a holesale and retail. Uonup
the erection of all }unlaces, when requited, and- war.
rant them in all cases.
the must complete ('coking Lange that has) et I con
truduced, to a Well a e call the attention, el all x ho may
ish to secures Ahe most perfect nod desh al le co, king ap
paratus over ins v o ted. '
I•A'll.lsT VENT] are the
only Agents in Penns) hurtle for the intuit octure and
dale et this entilator, w filch is rick lede to to le the
only perfect t entalater user made for ,y ere, tMg the
draught in smoky chitunies. and tor set. tilt tit g build
toga of all kinds. As there ate u great many imitations
of this valuable article now uttered to sale, rattles will
he careful to examine that it has the Lure :sou 1 ridge at
have the largest trip must cc mplete ass, rtment sf Hot
liegisters and ll:lanai, rs to Le ill, nits the 1 . Lned
States. Parties Who wish to purchase either tor pr h ote
use or Sc helesale, will hied it greatly It their our ao take
to examine their stock.
sLATE AND WON MANTLES.— W e have always en
itsitsud an extensile assortment of these 1 eautiful man
tles, in exact imitatitn 01 .1. option, Spanish, Cala ay at d
other rare marbles.
OPEN CHATES.—For Anthracite and Pitturim us
Coal. Also, an entlte new pattern cf the low di an
Undo, made from the English Patterns, anal entinly
new in this country.
SOLE AGLNTS for the English Foeaustie lit (wing
Tile. Crumb irk I himney T, ps and 'I erra Cella t , rraments,
such no Carden Vases. &e,
rigsons abtlit I uifding well to examine our
stock before purchasing elsewhere. lite es. bethor
purchasing or.utt, are c-ordlally w ela u,t4 toe to exert).
Hive Warerurms, and where we Outfit! 1 it happy to fur may Information respecting my of cur ads that
may be desired. A tr.olc ou U arming and entilating
can be bad gratuitously at cur store, either posinally
or by letter. S. A. AliltlmA,
Warming and Vent archouFe,
141 Walnut st.,
May 31-7 m)
lilol,l;AAll),Wrettiimit Artiste in Hair
y Inventor NI theCelchrutrti tirssair I r Vl'lltilnifrit
s g avid Elastic Itatut Tcuprett. Itlrtl ut Ili tis to ruitilli
Ladles and tielitleinen to.inctihure their Leads with ao
FOR IV IGH, ❑irhos.—NO, 1. The round of the head; Kw
2. Frczn forehead over the head to the nark;
Frew ear to ear over thp top; go: 4. Fa ear to iiar
round the forehead.
Toupees and sralp4', inches.—No. 1. Vront,forshead to
Tack as far as hold; No. 2. Over forehead asUr as rowels ,
ed; No. 3. Over the crown of the head.
It. DOLLAIM has always ready for sale' a splendid
stock of Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Ladies' It igs. half Wigs,
,Frirots, Maids, Curls, &e., Leautifully mannfactured and
as cheap as any establishment in theArnion.
Pollards Ilerbanitu Extrrartor Lustrous Hair Tonle,
prepared from South Amerhatt Heil a and 14 ets, the
most successful article ever preduc•ed Mr prererl lug the
hair font falliUg out or changing - color, restoring sod
preserving It in a healthy and luxuriant state. Among
ether reasons why Pollard's hair , cutting saloon main
tains its inllllOlllFO popularity is the fact that Ills Trade is
applied tb every head of hair rut at his establishment,
consequently it is kept In better presort ation than un
der any known application: It being thus practically
tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of ite
Sold wholesale and retail tit his Old Fstallisbnient 17T
hestnut street opposite the State House,
It. Deliaid has tit Icast.dlsevvered the r e Ous tints of
HAIR DYE, and announces it for sale with perfect con
dom* in Its surpassing every thing of the hlt.d now s in
t c. It colors the hair either I lack or 1 mwn, (so. may
Itt desired) and is used without Injury to the hair
ski either by stain Or ytherwke. ran l a wifshed eft Vos
teat minutes after appliration.-wabout detracting frods
Its eftleacy. Persotis visiting the city rue tov Red to gitto
hint a call.
Letters zultitested to R. POLLARD, 177 Chestnut alt.
Philadelphia, will receive attention. Jan. VA-10
and 3 ;MACKEREL, of Mt
new erop just, received and for talc at the Fam i ly iirocery of J. U. WILLIAMS,
.Inly Main alma.
11) LA I 1) C A S 11111 E RES, &e.—'.l lie
pail or I.nm jus opened a easn.ty cf lAitis and
alai neiat redncad prices.
.14r. , darr,
1 Port:Aldo Conllete,
2 do do
3 do do
4 do for brick work
du do
3 Extra Radiator, (with Barb and rrencl4