Tern Ilimertisements. THE subscribers in Ercildoun, Ches ter county, have obtained a right to make and tell ALLEN'S .MOWER AND REAPER, patented 11th mo. Bth 1853. Five hundred of the Mowers were sold last season, and when well made give universal satis faction. A great number of eirtificates on hand to that acct. The price is $lO5 with two cutters. The Reaper and Mower combined has a high character receiving premiums at a number of County Fairs, as well as at the late State Fair. Price $l.lO with two cut ters. To be had at W. W. DiNGEE'S Manufactory, York or by addressing early the subscribers at Ercildoun Chester county. they will be delivered at any station on the Cumberland Yeller Rail Road, the purchaser paying the freight. PEIRCE S.: N El LDS. iip~il - l7 , ba f EA PING AND MOWING MAC CHIN ES.—MANNY'S latest patent combined ad- R. instable Reaper and Mower, with Wood's Improvement, will be offered to the farmers of Eastern Pennsylvania, for the harvest of 1855, on usual terms. viz: $125. Cash' AT Boor. Customers would do well to semi in their orders early, as precedence will be given to first orders. Address. J. WINEBRENNER & CO., sprit 11 2mo. Ilarrisburg, Pa. PATENT, CHAMPI- fF SAFES, with Hail's Patent ,wder Proof Locks, which were carded separate Medals at the 'orld's London, 1551, and m at the World's Fair, New 1 1 563 and '54. The subscri- Ts are the solo manufacturers id proprietors in this State of to above unequalled Safes and AIL The reputation of the mulno "Herrin..'s Safe" is world Ida, and for die last thirteen ears the mereantlie community ,vo witnessed and borne testi mony to their ?men FAILING tiro proof qualities. More tbaml2,ooo of these Sales have been actually sold, and over TWO HUNDRED have passed triumphantly through accidental fires. The public aro assured that all ...fates manufactured by the subscribers aro not only guaran teed to be fully equal, but in many respects even supe rior to those which have been so severely tried by fire. Few will forget their services in the burning of the "Tribune establishment.," New York, and at the Great Fire In Strawberry street, at the large fire last July. opposite the Girard llouse; and still more recently In the Fire at Fifth and Chesnut etc., in the city of Fhildelphin ' in which these Safes came forth the ac knowledged CHAMPION,.whoa .many other securities failed. FAitlttL & CO, IRON SAFE AND BANK LOGE MAKERS, 34 WALNUT Street, PlffladolphlA; Chilled Iron 'Sails', with Powder Proof Locks, manu factured expressly for Banks, Brokers,. Jewellers, and others requiring security from rogues. Bank Vaults, Doors, &e. on hand and made to order. All the most celebrated hocks for sale at manufacturers' prices. Second band "Safes," "Salamanders" and "Iron Chests" of other makers, hare been taken in part pay ment for Herring's for sale at half price. apl.ll FRENCH TRUSSES.—hernia or Rupture successfully treated, and comfort insured, by use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and made to order expressly for his sales. All suffering with Rupture *ill 1,6 gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure a Truss, combin ing extreme lightness, with ease, durability itml correct construction, in lien of the cumbrous and uncomforta •ble article usually sold. An extensive assortmen always on band, adapted to ovary variety of Rupture iu adults and children, and for sale at a range of price to suit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $3, $4 and $5; Double, $4, $5, $6, $3 and $lO. Persons at a distance can have a Truss sent to any ad dress by remitting the amount, sending measure around the hips, and stating side affected. For gale Wholesale and Retail by the importer. CALEB If. NEEDLES, S. W. cor. of Twelfth & Ham Sts., Philadelphia Depot for : Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace; Chest. Expanders and Erector Braces; Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Props and Sur ports. Ladles' Rooms, with competent lady attendants. awn e . VAPER, PAPER..—Persons wanting WALL PAPER, will find an extensive stock for , sa very CHEAP at It. DICK'S. CArlisle, April 4, 1855. T HAVE received iny Spring supply I of GARDEN SEEDS from Mr. Landreth. All seeds wid by me are warranted FILF.BII and arsons. Carlisle, April 4, 1855. S. ELLIOTT. DISSOLUTION OF AR TN E SIIIP.—The partnership heretofore existing ho- Frank. Gardner and Wm. T. Brown, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will here after be carried on by Mr. Gardner. Tho Books remain in his hands for settlement, and in view of our late disaster, we earnestly request our customers to - settle their accounts immediately. • FRANK. GARDNER, , • WM: T. BROWN. A CARD I deem it necessary to state as a truatter of justice to Mr. Drown, that tho Dissolution of Partnership was entirely at my own request, and unthought of by Mm until my proposal to dissolve. Ills withdrawal at this particular time renders this statement impera tive on me. PRANK-..GARDNXII. Carlisle, April 4,1855—1 t, IS OLUTION OF PART N ER in hereby given that the firm of .W. ECKELS, of Hampden township, Cumberland' county, has this day (March 27, 1855) been dissolved by mutual consent, and the books placed in the hands of Wrn. 11. Eckles (r collection. All parsons Indebted to said firm will make immediate settlement. JONATHAN ECICELS, WILLIASI ECKELS. spr4pd BALTIMORE CARD.—SaI/f4 Vino Factory filled and Oround Alum Salt, con k:l3AV ,on hand and for sale. CAltlt, GIESE & Flour, Grain and Lumber CoMmiselon Merchants, Spear's Wharf. Alen, CFAENT and CALCINED PL'ASTER. Agent,' of the N. A. and Itosendale Co. Baltimore, Jan. 22, 1855. A MILY COAJ4.-500 Tons Lykon's Coop r nl,.broi en and HereNiod, prkvired en Ounily tore, re , elviDg and I'..r f•JdO tiy„ . fIOMMERCIAL COLLEGE, v.) N 0.127 BALTIMORE STRUM, BALTIMORE, Md. This Institution presents superior facilities to joung men desirous of obtaining a practical business educk lion. The course of study embraces Double Entry Book- Keeping, as practically applied to the management of Mercantile, Bank, Manufacturing-and Steamboat Books —Business Penmanship and Mercantile Computations —familiar Lectures on Commercial Law—upon the sub ject of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Contracts, Partnerships, &c., kc. The exercises are strictly practical, being deducted from actual business transactions, and so completely combine practice with theory that students, On comple tion of the course. are In every respect competent to conduct, on scientific principles, anti set of Double Entry, licioks. The students have access to u Commercial Li brary procured expressly for their accommodation. • Usual length of time to complete the whole course, from 8 to 10 weeks. For particulars write nod receive a circular by mail. April 11l HOWARD IL ASSOCIATION, = To all persons afflieted with Sexual diseases, such as SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORIUDEA, OLIiET, SYPHILIS, Ac., The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions NT!lah are practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL - ADVICE GRATIS, to all persons thus of-, flicted,(Male or Female,) who apply by letter, (post-paid,) with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in extreme poverty and suffering to FERNDiII MEIHCIN.ES FREE OF MARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epi demic diseases." and its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the Association comnunids the. highest Medical skill of the age. , Address, (post-paid,) Dr. (IEO. R. CALIIOIIN, Consult log Surgeon, Howard Association Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D: HEARTWELL, President. surf] 11. GEO. PARECIIILD, Secretary. LIST OF DEALERS It --G nods, --s `V-area-and- -:Merchant] i ze. Also, Distillers, Millers, Lumbermen, ke.. within the county of Cumberland, returned and classified in accordance with the several acts of Assembly, as follows, CARLISLE. A. Boaz A Ilro., Phillip Arnold, 12 12 II) Charles Ogilby, b, 12 12 50 ileorgo W. Ilitner,' 12 12 :i N. W. Woods, Agt. 13 10 (HI R. pick, 13 10 00 Jasnia W. Eby, 13 10 00 C.lnhoff. Agt. (Liquors) 10 30 00 John (1. WilHans, 12 12 50 Joseph I). Halbert,l2 12 FO S. W. iincsrstick, (Liquors) 13 15 50 Stimuli Elliott, 14 7 00 William Kelso, 14 7 00 Ste Wei & Bro. %William Sheldon, =I It. M. Rawlins, Samuel C. Ilnyelt, (Liquors)l3 ; .14 ' 15 00 11. W. Caufman, (2 stores) 14 00 Wm. M. llontlerson'k Son, 10 20 00 Woodward & Schmidt, Henry Saxton, John,. P. Lytle, - 12 12 50 lf,aniel Echols, (Liquors) 14 10 50 John Faller, ((Liquors) 14 10 50 $.l. R. D. Rhoads, 14 7 00 O,lVm. B. Murray, Agt. 14 7 00 Thomas COnlyn, 14 7 00 l'eter Ntonyer, 14 7 00 ilallor & Jeohror, 14 7 00 John N. Armstrong, 14 7 0(1 MUM Prof. li. M. Johnson, S. M. Hoover, E=M11:11 Arnold A- Livingston, 13 10 00 John Keeny, • 14 T CO Philip Messorstnith, 14 7 00 ilorkness fi Grove, ' 14 7 00 James l'U'Oratinban, 14 7 00 A.11'4. Piper, Agt. 14 7 00 Hay iil Cornman, 14 7 00 George Libcy, 14 7 00 Jonathan Cornman p 14 7 00 Jacob Hoover, 14 7 00 David Martin, 14 7 00 John Fredericks, . 14 700 , James Callio, sr., ]4 7 00 Jonathan Cornman, a., 14 7 00 Henry Glass. 14 7 00 1911IPPEN81111R0 John Criswell, MIEME3 13=1 D. W. Totton de., C. F. Kunkle, 14 . 7 00 RIO Stambaugh, 14 7 00 EEMZEI MIME MEM J. C. Williams, W. D. A. Naglo, M==:22l John Gish, S. 11. Swansey, mum Hock, Hubley & Co., 12 12 60 Nevin & Redding's, 11 16 00 Meddinger & Bro. n 16 00 N. A. Cornelius, 11 16 00 J. B. Duncan, Agt. 14 7 00 Philip Deitrich, (Liquors) 14 10 60 'John Wonderlich, 10 20 00 Christian Shade, 14 7 00 MECHANICSBURG. F. A. Mateer, ~ 14 7 00 Emlnger & C0.,13 10 00 , Jacob 1/oral - Amer, 14 7 00 Kaufman. Rupp & Co., (drugs) 14 7 00 Simon Arnold. , 12 12 50 Blizzard & Swisher, 14 7 00 Ilursh & Bee!man, (Liquors) 14 10 50 Kaufman, Rupp & Co., (hardware) 14 7 00 Joseph Alossor, John T., Ayres, 14 7 00 Levi Snell, 14 ' 700 George W.:Albert, 13 10 00 Henry Lowy 14 7 00 John Relgle, 13 10 00 Ira Day, 'l4 7 00 John Ilarlen, 14 7 00 Ephraim Zug, 12 12 60 Goal-offinglsar, 14 . 7 00 . Oswald & Kaufpan, 14 7 00 Lewin Shut,' 14 7 00 Bingizeir & C0.,10 ' 20 00 , Isaac Blizzard, 10 20 00 Josoph.lllillizen, , 10 20 00 NERVILLZ. Anthony foreman, 14 , 4 t 00 William Stitzoll, •14 . ' 7 00 William need, • .._..,• 14 ' • 700 Joseph Laughlin, - -,-- 14 700 Thomas Stough, 12 12 60 William Bratton, (Liquors) 14 10 60 John M. Davidson, T. & J. M'Crindlish, J. H. Herron, N. G. Wild, Bar & Cuban& )fI►PLIH. John J. Crawford, = WESTPI:riNSUROVOII Davidson & James, Edward Rodgers, 14 7 00 Woodward et Schmidt, 14 7 00 John Hood,lB 10 00 , • ' NEWTON. . S. W. Sharp, , - AO , 20 00 ini , olt Swoyer. 13 10 00 W. & J. 0 racoy, 14 7 00 J. W. Vandorbelt & Co., . 14 ' 700 M. &.I. A. Kunkle, , 14 7 00 John Mtn kb,' 14 7 00 Kyle .Cs Washlnwr, 14 7 00 I'uier Gerver. 14 7 00 • J leergliqore, 14 ~Lacol, Au, (I.itiuorm) John holler, Shoemaker & Elliott, Thaddeus :11:Clli1. - FILOKFORP. W. Ar.J. 1 4./reen, (Liquors) 14 10 b0 4 HOUTIIAMPTON. .John W. Clever, 14 " 7 00 , I;eorge Clever ' 14 7 00 William Ilauelc, 14 7 00 J. F. !Tilghman, 14 7 00 .Ine,,b Fasnaught, 14 7 00 Mt:KIN:ION. Hays & Palm, 14 7 00 Russel & Dien, ' 14 7 00 W. A .1. Green, 13 10 00 1). 1,. Beaman, ' 0 13 10 00 Joseph L. Sterner, 14 7 00 Francis Williamson, 14 7 00 Wm. M. Watts, 14 ''' 7 00 Benjamin Plank, ' 14 7 00 % .lintel Nogle, - ' 14 700 ' SOUTH MIDDLETON. A. W. Leidigh, .13 10 00 S. N. Divert, . 14 7 00 _Mullen & Alexander, 14 7 00 It. (lien A Co., 14 7 00 NORTH MIDDLETON. Norton A Owen, 14 7 00 Elks Light, . 14 7 00 . ~.. MOI.F.OE. Deviny A Hull, 13 10 00 Mrs. Mary Flesel, 14 7 00 Singizer At :audurson, 13 10 00 UPPER ALLEN. Peter (lingering, 14 7 00 ilitain bongneeker, 13 10 00 ClOsweiler A 'Mak, 13 10 00 Jonathan Eekels, c'' 14 700 LOW Ell A LI,LN. Isaac Ilarton, (Liquors) 14 10 50 W. Loyd, 14 7 00 Brunt A: ifaines, 14 • 7 00 ilrnwer & 91arthlaud, 14 7 00 Walker & Gehr, . 14 7 00 NEW CUMllr.nwin John Miller, .1. F. B. H. Mosser A Co., John Horn, Valentine Foarnan, Charles Oyster, John A. Machlnn, EAFTP ENNSTIOROUII R. ileorgo W. Fustier, (Liquors) 14 10 50 A:I d noir 14 7 00 J. 111) WOmnick, Jarool. Longnovlivr, 14 7 00 Jacob itenningur, (I.lquorm) 14 10 50 Bucher & Sun, 13 10 110 Ker.& Hummel, 11 15 00 -Miebnel-freerte , ,--: -43 - 10 Att D. A: .1. IZayntoll, 14 7 oil 1) tidul oh us White. 14 7 0 4 1 11101'0E3. John Rutz, 14' 7 00 Henry Rapp. 14 7 00 Henry Neidir,h, s . 12 12 50 LiCoo4F V-0 VII 01.199 10 EMMEII Shaffer S: Bro., SILVER SPRINO John B. Leidlg, John Coyle, .John Itunrk, David.Stroln, - 13 10 00 :lamb Simmons, (Liquors) 14 10 00 D. IL S‘riler, 14 7 00 D. M. Leidigh, 14 . 700 Andrew liinglzer, 13 10 00 PATENT MEDICNES. 13 In 00 14 7 00 CLAIM LICLNBE Wherry & Co. ' - Hopewell, 4 $.5 00 Shoemaker A Elliott, " 4 5 00 31: & .1. A. Kunkle, Newton, 4 i 00 Kyle & Washinger, " 4 500 MI E I EEO John W. (ler, or, Southampton, 4 5 00 .1. F. linelunan, '4 5 00 flays k l'elin, Dickinson, 4 5 00 Russel .1z Dice, " - 4 5 00 John D. Lehlig, Sirer Spring, 4 5 00 20 20 00 12 12 50 John doylo, • 4 500 4. W. Leidl•_L, South Atiddloton, - 4 4 500 , tinsweller & Zook. Upper Allen, 4 5 00 ►lenry Noldigh, Hampden, 4 5 00 Ernst & Haines, Lower Allen, 4 f, 00 G. W. Fesler, Eastpennsboro.' 4 5 011 !ludolphue White, " 4 5 00 .1. A. Muchlan - , N. Cumberland, 4 5 DO 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 John 0. bllller, ~, 4 ~,to 00 BEER, OYSTER & EATING HOUSE. Wm. Whiholts, Westpeunsboro' . 8 5 00 Harriet Watson, 14 8 b 00 Jacob Rixler ' " ~,0. 5 00 George Murphy, Newvllle, a' -' 5 00 Jane Kershaw, " ' , 8 500 Charles Brewster, Newton, 8 5 00 7 00 George 51111er, . 8 b - 00 J. IL Diehl, Hopewell, 8 5 00 John Brow novrell, " 8 500 James Mackey. Shlpponsburg, 8 5 00 Spoeso ik Lenny, " 7 8,00 airy rtsßoi, hroitroe 6 1 00 James Machaidasburg, 8 500 _ _ _ it David Long, 8 5 00 Peter Baker, w 8 5 00 Samuel It. °rove, Lower Allen, 8 6 00 14 7 00 Samuel Shlnman, Abm. Coble, Eastpenuaboro' 7,00 win. Phillips, 13 10-00 John Huston, " 8 A 00 A. G. Smith, New Cumberland, 8 b 00 Jos. lirownewell, Silver Sprin g , 8 6 00 19 10 On 14 7 00 George Ilughos, 14 7 00 JaroL Low, 14 7 00 Henry Peters 7 00 Henry Werner, , g Onthelb Sweltzer, . 14 7 00 MargAret Miller, " 7 00 Jacob Stratton. " John Small. 13 10 00 12 12 50 700 Marshall James, Westpennaboro' 13 10 00 Diller & Kritier, 41 14 7 00 Jacob Shellebarger, " 14 700 Zeigler & M/I .Myers, 14 q 700 Isaac Marquart, II 14 7 00 Emanuel Barnhart, " 14 700 Andrew 31. Middleton, Newton, 14 7 00 John Moore, Dickinson, 14 7 00 Jacob Barnitz, " 413 l 10 00 John D. ShoatTer, South 'Middleton, 13 10 00 W. L. kT. B. Craighead, " 13 10 00 Sheaffor & Shupp, " ' 14 7 00 hooter & Son, “ 14 7 00 David Voglesong, Monroe, 13 10 00 0. W. Leidigh, " . 14 7 00 J. A. AC. W. Ahh " 13 10 00 Benjamin airier, " 14 700 Iwo Blizzard, " 11 . lb 00 Miller it Zug, blechanieburg, 10 20 00 Christ. Eberly, Lower Allen, 1, , 11 15 00 Semi-. Bitner, " 13 , 10 00 14 7 00 MIIMMM'iI C. Rupp, Horn, J. M. Haldeman, " 11 .. 15 00 Jacob Coovor, Jr., Upper Allen, , 14 700 J. S. Haldeman, Eastpenneboro' 14 . 7 00 Henry ltupp, Hampden, 14 7 00 T.ll. Brylon, " ' . 11 15 00 John Shaffner, Silver Spring, 14 - 7 00 Q. H. Dueller, " • 13 10 00 David Shank, 411 14 7 00 David Hoover, " 14 7 00 W. M. liendorlon & Soo N. Md. 12 12 60 , Gabriel Hitcher, ':), ' it, l2' 12 60 P. A. k J. A. Ahl, Newton, 12 50 Joseph Ramp, 8 00 Robert Quigley, 'aB 00 Martin Coovor, Southampton, 8 00 A. holder & Son. South Middloton, 12 50 Henry Glass, rt 1 1 6 00 M. G. Reltahoover, Monroe, J. A. &C. AM, II l2 50 12 50 13 /0 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7.00 John Bowman, Upper Allen, - 9 8 00 Henderson k San, li. Middleton, 7 20 00 Mon. Bottler, - lt 9 f ' 800 William BArlittz' '' Carlisle 9 8 00 II U. W. Brandt, I 8 5 00 John Hoffnian, " 8 5 00 14 7 00 7 00 13 10 00 riirmni David Long, Mechanicsburg, Jncob Ilenneinau, North Middleton, Merehanta and others who feed thamselvep aggrieved by the above classification, are hereby notified that I will h o ld an appeal at the ()out% 1101160. in Ca rl isle, on Friday the 27th day of April, f5r , 5, between the hours of 0 and 12 n'obwk A. 11., and 2 :Hid d delnek P. when and where Mclean attend If t hey think proper. ' C. Till 1:111 rc, )113: , 0131.1: ,11'.0t415.4:17. 13 30 00 1 CarllelP,.laril IRil5-It. EEO darti9lc tjeralb 14 10 60 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 • 14 7 00 12 12 51) 11 14 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 • T 00 v, 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 (1(1 13 10 00 14 7 00 8 aOO 8 sOO 8 IS 00 8 600 Carlisle, 8 6 GO 8 6 00 8 600 8 5 00 8 5 00 8 5 00 MILLS 13 10 00 •• 13 ]OOO DISTILLERIES & BREWERIES. TEN .PIN ALLEYS Pru .floohs. NEW GOODS;; NEW GOODS-! THE LATEST SPRING STYLESI I am now reoelving from Now York anti Philadelphia an Immense stock of now, desirable and Cheap Goods.to which I would call the attention of all my old'frlends and customers , as well as the public generally. Having purchased most of mygoods"from the largest importing houses' in New York, I am enabled to give bettor bar gains than can he had at any other house In thecounty. Our assortment of NEW STYLE DRESS (1001)9 le large, complete and beautiful. Another lot of those elegant and cheap liLACK SILKS, embroidered hand kerchiefs, alcoves, collars, ruffles, edgings, and insert ing's, a stock that for extent and cheapness defies all competition. Muelins, ginghams, calicoes, de teges, de Nines, tit:kings, chocks, a tremendous assortment.— (neves and hosiery cheaper than ever. Cloths, case* meres, cords, cotton:Ries, fir. fir. a full assortment and very low in price. CARPETINGS AND MATTINGS An entire new stork of throe ply, Ingrain, cotton - and Tenitiati carpeting, bought Tory cheap and will be sold very low. Alan white tud colored Mattinkre, BOOTS AND SHOES A large supply of lalli o and gentlemen's boots,'shoes and gaiters. Intending to give up the Grocery . depart, ment,l will dispose of what 1 hiLvo on band in that lino, at low prices. Also some well made Clothing on hand, which I will sell for leis than cost as I want to close it out. Come one and all to the Old Stand on East Main street, and select your:Goods from the largest and cheapest stock ever brought to Carlisle. apr4 CHARLES 0f11.1,14Y. Ilf)ifaticfpf)ia. r*JULIUS STERN', No. 14fi, North Third Street. I'hiladtlphln. Wholesale Dealer in Fancy Dress-Trimmings and Mill'finry Goods, and 31enufacturer of Fancy Silk Bonnets. keeps constantly on hand a very extensive assortment of Silks, Ribbons. Laces.' Embroideries, flowers. Bonnet - Frames, pimps,-Fringes. besides a great variety of other Fancy (Mods. lie solicits a call from Country MerehentS visiting the City, and assures thorn that they will be sure to find any article above Vuentloned at the lowest prices. marrhl4-2m MILLINERY GOODS-1855- 1 )R SIRING SW:SI JOIIN STONE & SONS. No. 45, South Scowl Ftrect, Philadolphin. Unvo,iost oprned their : 4 pring Ilup , Ttations of SILKS. BONN ET It lIIBONS, ED AVERS, LACEiI,-CR APES. ke.. kr. nel uding a gr•nernl assortment of MILLINERY A RTI OLE'S. of the most fastilimable styles. The nbove floods linvo been Imported eqpressly for Our Spritig sales 1111,1 emnpriso the lamest and best tilisortment In our line to be found in the-market. marehl44lin EMOVAL !-BESSON & SON F 4 leave to inform you that they have moor ' ed the PIIIIATELPRIA FAMILY MI/171L41N0 STORE from No. 52 South Second Street, to the new building No. .206 Chesnut Street. (five doors above Eighth, South :dile) where they will.otTer an increaSW stock at,. Arced prices. ite..New Spring Goods daily opening. - - • _ MEI I TUTHER ! LEATHER ! FRITZ. IFENDRV & vo. No. 29, North Third Street. Philadelphia, MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS, Curriers and Import ers of FRENCH CALF SKINS, and Dealers in Red and Oak Sole Leather and hip. Fe1,28--ly t H. FItANCISCUS, MANUFACTUTEIt OF COTTON LAPS, Madding, Tio Yarn. Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarns, LAMP, CANDLE AND FLUID WICKS, which he offers to sell at the Lowest Cash Prices at No. 05 Market Street above Second, North side,Philadelphia 174,TREE5,,,.14',yP,R-GitEENS, 110- L.-- , ES, FLOWERING SIIRUBS, PLANTS, Le.— ,I n great variety and size, cultivated and for sale in arge or small quantities, at the Rising Sun Nurse ries and Garden, Philadelphia.. /Ery-Plants, Roses, Seeds. &e. ran h. had every day In the Market, below Sixth Street, Philadelphia; where or ders aro also received for the Nursery. . _ All ordors promptly attended to. Descriptive Cata logue sent to post-paid applications gratis. Address S. MAUPAY, marell2l Rising Sun P. 0. Philadelphia. 4 • • •••••• "-"-C.' 6 1.7 1 3-. 1 11:, - -' -.11- 1 .1"- ,, 111 4 - 410 -.WC" CUMBERLAND VALLEY R A IL ROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS! On and after MONDAY, March 26th, 1855, Passenger train:: will run daily, as [allows (Sundays excepted: FOR HARRISBURG : Ist Train. 2d Train. Leave Chambersburg, 5.30, A. 11 4.30, P. M. Shippensburg, 0.09, " 5.09, Newvllle, 6.40, " 5.40, " Carlisle, 7.18, " 6.18, " " Mechanicsburg, 7.50, " 6.50, At Harrisburg, 8.15, " 7.15, " FOR CIiAMBFRSIIIIIIO. . 6 00 Leave Harrisburg, " Mechanicsburg, " " " Fhippensburg, 11.02, " 3.30, " At Chambersburg, 11.30, " . 4.00, Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, at 6.45, A. 31 12.30, 31..(via Columbia) and 7.40, P. M. For Baltimore, at 8.45. A. M. and 1.45, P. M. For Pittsburg, at 3.20 A. M.. 12.55 Noon, and 5 P. M. • For Pottsville, Reading, and points on the Dauphin and susquebanna Rail Road leave Ilarrlsburg at 7.15, A. M. SO-At all Stations where Tickets are sold, Farm aro TEN CENTS LESS than when paid in the Cant A. F. SMITH, Superintendent. Rail Road Office, Chaurbersburg,l March 21st 1855. ' WALL PAPER.—Just received a splendid stock of Paper Hangings, Window Shades and Fire Ward Prints, embracing all the newest and most approved styles. The designs are neat and !haste, and the prices such us cannot WI to give satin ['anon. We invite our friends and the public general ly to call and examine our assortment before purchasing elsewhere. 11. SANION, marcli2l. Fast Main Street, Carlisle llal SCRIVENER AND CONVEYAN CEIL—A. L. SPONSLER, late Register of Comber. laud county, will carefully attend to the transaction of all such business as nay be entrusted to him, such as the writing of Deeds, Mortgages Contracts, £c. Ile will also devote his attention to the procuring of Land War , rants, Pensions, &e. as well as the purchase and sale, of Real Estate, negotiations, of loans , 4c. llA_Oflice on West High Street, formerly occupied, by W. M. Penrose Esq. near the Methodist. Church. 1I AM NOW RECEIVING CC .my erpring stock of PAPER HANGINGS i st e largest and most varied assortment ever opened in Carlisle, to which I invite the early attention of the public, as I intend selling at prices which cannot fail to please the closest purchaser. merch2B IiriONEY WANTED.—The subscri ber being in want of money to meet demands upon Mu, desires all those indebted to him for Mer chandise purchased in 18t4 and prevlomiyears, to settle up without dolay. OEO. W. 111TNER. HARDWARE.—Mammoth Spring Arrival at.LYNE'S on North Hen ;!. over Street, where the public are Wog supplied with every variety of Hardware, Paints, Oslo, .tc. at the LOWEST CAM( PRICES. Call in, we can accom modate n few mere. 30 00 30 00 30'00 41, A ID CA SI 1111111F,S, &e.—The sub 111,r lutu Jurt .qa , t,cd a ty I;labb; and i! r.vr: at rei.lved pt Vet!. Ibt Train. 24 TrAlO: 8.45, A. M •1.15, P. M 9.18, " 1.43. 9•55," 2.25, 10.30, " 3.00, JOHN P. LINE lot 8 VVLTJABL AT PRIVAT' the property slow owns and cern _ pies, formerly owned by the Lev. T. V , 7 Moore, situated on Eolith Hanover grt •la c 4; 2 rg s - i' Carlisle, adjoining the property of Mr Pkat: ...M.11131, near the Walnut Dot tom !toad, consisting 'Of a TOWN LOT AND A ITALY 00 by 940 feet, upon which are erected a good two story A MT , . IIOUSI, 'Wood Houo and Stable, together with other out-buildings. There Is also a good brick cemented Cistern, capable of heading forty-five hogsheads of water. The property is in good repair. Also, for sale, a full TOWN LOT adjoining the ahoy, GO by 240 feet. Any one 'wanting such property will (I. well to call and examine. - n 0122.1 'l'll MBER LAND FOR S A LE.-- 41i, The subscribers will at private sale about ' 450 ACRES OF MOUNTAIN TIMIIFIt LAND, in ots to ,suit purchasers, Tim timber Is, yellow pine fit or sawing and building purposes, as also oak and chest nut. The land Is located very near the urry road lea ding from James Weakley's saw mill to Laurel Forst., and extends up said road as high as Cold Spring, adjoin Ing Richard Woods, JOhn'. Sterrett and Haskell and Seymoues saw mill. A draft of tho land ran be seen at the house of A. Comer.) , at WealtlY's saw mill. Feb.2o, 55. R. & 8. GIVI ••:,, J/141STRABLE BUSINESS En ..,::0 LOCATION—the pr iporty or 'sill liam N .MS I Biddle, Esq deceased, FOlt SALE. All 4, E , "" - i'! that Valuable LOT, situate at the west ~ S .' 1V" 4 . 4:-.. • end of Maln etreet, Carl We, formerly the pr4erty of S M. Hoover and Emory's heirs. The lot has a front of 225 feet along the Rail Road, and 240 feet . College Lane, and has erected upon It a LAM E FHA MENVA REHOUSE. From its fine position, facility of nree,ss, ke. it is si hig.lily desirable business ]:cation, and sinco the liar°. duction of NVaterinte the town, and the prop , sediritro durtion of Gas, it`bss become an admirablO cite for tho .rect ion of Factories, Steam Mills, d c. or for the carry lug oil a ('pal and Lumber business. For full partleu are enquire of E. M. BIDDLE, Carlisle, l'a. inarcli7 ot?„..littrrisburg Telegraph copy l times and send Lill .o this office. ‘IIERIFF'S SALE.---Bv virtue of a kj writ of vendlthlni exilonas, issued out of the ('ourt , 117onunon Pleas of Cumberland county, and to me di ected. I will expos, to piddle vendue or outcry. et thr 'oort Hour° in the borough of Carlisle, on Till IA T, the f.th day of April, I 556, nt lu o'cl...ek, A. I.th., 'd lowing described Real Estate, viz: A Lot of Ground, Fituate in Mel:in -I-41 township, etiiiilsirland county; containing gime oral an acre. Innre or leh., hounded on the peril' by a mblie road, oN the west by A. Clandy. nn the nth a , d •not by hinds (AT. C. Miller, haying therein ere,•ted a wo stt.ry 1.4)0 HOUSE. dzr. Seized and trl,en in ry e ution as the property of hsvis liens. and to I e y .no. McD.4ItMONII, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, March 7, 1(55. A TALUABLE FARM of ONE HUN ! rot ED ANT) FORTY ACRES, more nr less, rate sale.—The subscriber intending to go west the en suing spring, will sell his farm on or before the first ~f April neat, on favorable terms. The farm is situated one mile from the town of Newlin° and three quarters of a mile from the C. V. 11. R. depot. The impro‘ emen tr. consist of a BRICK HOUSE, a frame barn. together with other out buildings, all of which are entirely new Thers is a flue well of never falling water at the thaw and a spring near ,the barn. For further inthrmation address the subscriber at Now.tille.. Fob. 1.1„55. 'W. K. McFA RLAN VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY OFFERED FOR SA LK AND POSSES:3ION o I VEN IMMEDIATELY.—A large TRY. - t7 , ; :. STOUT 110USB, with stablin g and Bath- IT • Bowes. The lot of ground contains 5e•114,... great variety of elude@ grafted fruit trees This property is situated on East street, bounded by the Letort Spring. Also, TU . . Stone and one Erame DWELLINU HOUSES, situated en Itedtbrd street, north of the Lutheran Church. and lu an improving part of the town. Also, a 'sniall'ElEl,l) For terms apply to Carlisle, Dec. 2T, 1854 W. M. I'ENItOSB. Arj t TANNERY FOR R E N T.—The .lAaa. Tannery, late the property - of It. MeCulloh, deed on Market street, Chambersburg, is offered fur rent. It has 42 Lay-a-ways and 10 Leaches, all In good circler, and the number can be increased if desired. There is ales an eight horse power Steam Engine connected with it, by which all the Bark is ground. Bides milled and week ed and heather rolled; and n new holler from which the Leaches; are heated. There is an abundant supply et running water belonging to the Tannery. The build trigs are In good order and ample for the business. Them is also a large Bark House and Brick Stable on a lot convenient to the Tannery. The building Is cape Me of holding 400 cords' of Bark, and it and the Stable are in excellent order. The DWELLING ROUSE which is on the same let with the Tannery Is a very large and commodious build iny . and will be rented with the Tannery if desired. There Is but one other Tannery besides this In town at present, and as the location is an admirable one, it la believed this establishment offers inducements to a man who understands his business, such as am seldom to be had. Possession given immediately. Apply to (0.28 LY.ITAN S. CLARK.," R I TWE , CARRIAGE ,FOR SALE:- A tust-rnte Family Carriage for one or two horses. It IA strongly built of the best materials, and will be sold low for cash. Apply to march? 4m WM. D. SEYMOUR. TAR. J. B. MARCHISI'S CELL // MUTED CATHOLICON, FOR THE RELIEF A CURE OF SUFFERING FEMALES. It stands preeminent for its curative powers in all the dis eases for which it is cocoa. mended, usually called FE MALE COMPLAINTS. 0 H these are Prolamin,. Uteri, or Falling of the Womb; H un. Albus,,or Whites; Chronic In ilannuation and Ulceration or the Womb; Incidental Manioc rhago, or Flooding; Painful Suppressed, Sr Irregular Mon struation, drc., with all thole accompanying evils, Weimer excepted,) no matter how as Tore or of how long standing This medicine has never been introduced by empty puffs, and misrepresentations, nor is It intended that its prerent popularity shall be sustained by any medium but its merits and the appro bation of the public NOTICE TO THE UNFORTUNATE FEMALE. I feel it a. duty incumbent upon myself to declare publicly the great blessing Dr. MarchisFs Uterine Ca tholicon has proved' to me. For two years my health' was miserable; I was almost' unable to walk.' Physi• clans pronounced my case falling of the womb, exten sive ulcerations, commencing with fluor album. The pains, irritation, trostration, Ac., rendered life a burden In this miserable condition,Dr. F. r. Newland recont• mended' Dr. MarchisFe Uterie Catholkon. After tak ing four bottles I find myself in perfect health. °nal Ludo for my restoration makes me ardently desire that all my sex, alike unfortunate, may tind sure relief front this inestimable medicine. ELIZABETH A. NEWLAND, No. 19 Weet-et„ Utica, N. Y The above statement 1 know to be true. . F. P. NEWLAND, M. D., Utica, N.AY • have no hesitation in saying, Dr. Marchisl's Uterine (lath°Henn' is invaluable in uterine diseases generally I have used it In Fluor Albus, Arnenorrlra, ['Manaus Uteri, and at z r extensive ulceration of the vagina and es uteri. Its - •orthy of the notice of the Faculty. JOHN C. ORRICK, M. D., Baltimore, Md. Let all interest;4 call and obtain a pamphlet (free) containing ample proof, from the most respectable sources, of the beneficial results of Its use; together with letters Dom highlps,experlenced Physicians, whet hare used it In their practic i e, and speak Amu their owa ObSt.rVilti.lllS. 44-11. J. Witrriat, Druggist, South Banorer street. sole Agent for Carlisle. Pa. .1. 11. M ARCMS! & CO.. Proprietors, ' Central Depot; .D 4 ltroAwny, N. Y, January 24, P4;:5-6m _ .. .. 1 1 - oils. I)) I;ECJ:S.----.111-d revolved 11, r0,,,T vlsr ) r r'. ,qr ci,, , ,., t , ;,.111, 1 ,-.-. it,i,i ,,,, :0,.i I. . , , . , M 0 I) 316'W PROPERTY subscriber it ill sell =NEWT LAW