Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 28, 1855, Image 7

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FLOUR,--The Flour. market steady,
hut not active. Sales on 'eddy 'exchange•to
day of 200 ibis:l - Toward street choice brands
at $8,87. Also between 'exchanges, 400 bbls
do. at the same price; and on late 'change
100 bbls do. same; 400 bbl mixed at $B,BO
and 250 bbls do., to be delivered in twPI
lays, at $8,75 per bbl. n 1
4 .. • „
S,l 5 per bbl. The market closed
somewhat unsettled, with more sellers than
buyers at. the above rates. Rye Flour—We
q uote a; $5 871 a $6 per bbl. nominal and
dull. :Corn Meal—A moderate demand. We
quote .country at 4 25 a $4 . 311, and city
manufacture at $4 50 per bbl.
GRAlN.—Wheat—The supply is very
light, and we note an active demand. There
were 2000 bushels--in - all today, in
cluding 1800 bushels white' s altd 400 red•
Sales of good to prime white at 2 12 a's2 20,"
and good to prime red at 2 05 a $2 12 per
bushel. No fainily flour white was . offered.'
Corn—A steady demand and receipts light.
There were 13,000 bushels offered, including
3,000 white and 8,000 yellow=sales of white
at 37 aBB cents per bushel. No mixed
sold. Oats—A steam demand, and prices
tending upwards.
1 r g RN. CENS o_ the. lion
orable Judges of tho Court of Quarter SCFSiOIaS f
:ate Pease of Cumberland County, at April SI!SSIMIS,
potit ion of.lohn C. Penske, respectfully represents,
that your petitioner is provided with the necessary re
quisiLX tOriteeping n horse of publie entertainment, in
the house new kept by NV illinm 11. Boyle in the borough
.4 New Cumberland, your petitioner, therofore, prays
your honors to grant him a Livens.. for the ~ante the l`n-
Auin4 year, commencing ou the first a April next, us in
duty bound will ever pray, to.
Mar. 14. .1011 N C. TEASLEE.
We the undorsigned citizens of the borough Of Now
Cumber-hind In the county of Cumberland, do certify
that we aro well acquainted with tho above named ,lidut
Noslee; that he is of good repute for_ honesty and
temperance, and is well provided with house room and
enivcnietices for the aceomodatiou of strangers and trav
ellers', and that such inn or tavern is necessary to ac
comodate the public and entertain utrarngers and tray
ellerg. John F. kee, Lewis . Young, John
.1. Hull, John Ourtner, Josph Kriger, M. A. Stever, .1 no.
R. Church• John Ripe, Charles Oyster, Josiah Mebane,
A. ti
r A v ERN Li( l , ENSE.—To the lion
r I,ie.ludgesoftho(2ourt of_ General Quartor Ses
s,,,,. of the Peaceof Cumberland County, at April Ser
. 4:Atart in (lUn 1: el respectfully
represents, that your pet ttionor pro% men anti -roe
necessary requlstis fir keeping a house of public enter
tAl nnunit in the ° house now (templed as Such' by'Patitr
Mowrey in the township of Hopewell, Your petitioner
thorefore prays your Honors to grant Itint'a licence thr
the Flame , the ensuing year commencletg on the second
Monday of April next, as in duty hound he will ortr
pray &e.
We the undersigned citizens of the township of ilope
well in the county of Cumberland do certify that we are
well acquainted with the above trained Martin tiuuliel
that he is of g,ood repute for honesty and temperance
And is well provided with house room and couveniew•cs
for the accomodatlon of strangers and travelers and t
MI 11 11111 or Tavern is necessary to accomodate the put.
11, and entertain straterms and travelers. John. M. Mi . -
ler, hay hi Mowerey, John McCoy, Robert Quigley, Jt
.oph liamp, J. W. Vanderbelt, James Henderson son.,
Jameir Henderson .Ir., Robert 11. Laughlin, Robert Elliott
William Ruth, William Yin:cry Michael •Morrot, I)avid
TAVERN EteENSE.—To the hon
orable the .ludges of the ()mend Court, of Quarter
Sessions of the l'eace, of Cumberland county, et April
I oNsi , ms. Inis. The petition of .1. C. Ileoeher respectful
ly represents. that your patilloner is provided-with the
uoccssary requisites for keeping a house of public rut cc
!iinmen t in the house niece occupied by hint as such In
:North Middleton township. Your petitioner therefere
prays your !loners to grout him a License fur the name
the ensuing year. commencing on the second Monday
April next, and us in duty bound he will over pray.
marbtpd C. 13EN:CHF:11
We the xi ndersigned citizens of the township of North
Middleton in the county of Cumberland, do certify that
are well acquainted with the chore named Beecher,
est he is of good repute for honesty and temperance,
sod is well provided with house room and emtveniences
fir the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and
that such Inn or Tavern Is necessary to accommodate
the public and entertain strangers land travellers.
Philip Baker, Levi Monfort; .1. lt. Beistlin, Jacob Cot.
shall, Daniel Malone, John Thomas, Matthew Wynkoop,
Christian Kinert, Christopher Orris, DavidNailer.Albert
tiillach, W. F. Swiger, Wm. Shugert, jr. Henry Snyder,
Alexander, 0 risinger, Kinard.
ortiblo the atulges of the Court of (toner:Ll Quarter
ttessions of tho of Cumberland County. at April
1851 t, Tho potition of Scott Coyle resprel fully
roprosonts, that your politioner Ia proviiiet grit It the nr•
requlsitos for Iteoping a usp of oo h,.
:iiuttieut in the hunk now orellpit (1 by 111111 u,•11 in
•Ittlllu tor; nehip. you, r titimi, tLwrlOie piny:: your
:I alias to grant. hitii a ,Lirense I l, r Mr 53P:0 tln• tit .41i1;g
y•iar, entninititeing en the Keeollll 31innlay Of April next,
And as In duty hound he will over pray. ,te.
tnnrl4 SCOl"r 001'1,11.
We the undersigned eit lzons of the township of NIII . -
• tin; in the ettinity-of Cumberl.i.nd,
•11 acquainted with the above 11:1111,1 `colt Colyie, I t
or is of good repute fur honesty and temperance.-amt iv
rll p.-..vlded with house route and et , IIVeIIIOII,I , S for tho
of strangers and traveltere and that :inch
Inn or at is 111.1,A to accommodate the public
Ind entertain strangers and travellers. '
I (miry .l I'm ton; Philip,
. -11,1cennedy.. 11.-Porry, 1:rorgo 11,.nry, Wm. S. :Me
n Lnuell, John F. 1V is,. A. 11. :11 iddleton, V.O.Brow n,
Christian Vallor, John Al. Darldron.
riTAVERN LICKNSE.—To the lion
& oraltlo the Judges of the Court of General. Quarter
2 ,,dens of the Penee of Cumberland County. at April
.„lions, 1855: The petition of A. P. Erb respeetfally—
, • ; o•osents, that your t titian er is proviiiedsZli ihe
lo;,:try requisites for keiiping n house of plift.lle enter ,
lament In the house now occupied by him as Such In
ut l'enOstre township / . Your petitioner therefore
7,r.tyli your lionors to grant hint a License for the same
ensuing year, commoneing on the second INionday of
A ,0.11 md, and as In duty bound he will ever pray,te.
ontrl4 , A. P. Eli 11,
Nti the undorsignnd citizens of the invent:hip of East
I.,, l ushore. in the county of Cumberland, lo certify that
...•s see well acquainted with the above named A. P Frb,
1 ..„ 0.1 ,„ i s of good repute for honesty and tuulperatiee,
~ 1 IS well provided with house room and r0u v ,,,,1„,,,,
f the neventriodatiou of strangers and travellers, and Stich inn or Taverif Is neae , sary td itecommodate
.1%, nubile and en tertrlit strangers and travellers.
I,..m4enerler.:4ainuel Illmelrich. Frederick Arnold,
11. IC.llllolr . r..lonas I I tintsberger, h'l
ileoh Itenin . John 3lcCann,
• 41.11T1 el • oer. .. .
lf Pewter, Paniol itapp, Jeremiah Poivet;t:
I: )!IN !,7 DER , s ) A , r
i; .ILN Na klvel Ow a, 4 1
.' , W lit urn 4110,t,1
I', I'olli:dry :L;skl `;110j), r
MONDAY, March 2G
...,so, t,OO bbls City
(.3 A 1:1$N Elt & BROWN
orable tliti..liidges of the Court of i4eileral Quarto--
Sessions of the Peace of Cumberland county •r,', 11
sessions, 1855, The petition of Henry 11i0.. ,- , 4 ;;; J - s i r ' . t.
fully represents, that your petitioner bls•ico—vided
the necessary requi4ites for keepimr. "
a house ofpublic
entertainment intim house I
mw .oretipied by him no
such in Newton townshin '-
our petitioner therefore
prays your 'loners to f;
the ensuing year, r^
.ant him License for the same
April next, are' -..inmeneing on the second Monday of
marl 4pd ~A as in duty bound ho will over pray, &c.
e the undersigned, citizens of the tOwnship of New
inn in the county of Cumberland, do certify that we are
well acquainted with the' above named Henry Ilursh,
that ho is of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house room and conveniences
for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and
that such Inn or Tavern Is necessary lo 'accommodate
the public and entertain strangers and travellers.
John Westheffer, Jacob Loy, Daniel Dyers,, J.lf. 111 C-.
Farlane, Lehman, Daniel Derrick, Daniel Kin
dig, David Waggoner, Joseph Diehl, Peter, 'llemberger,
.1. IC. Situp, Henry Sipe, IL/hickey, Henry Hardy, Joel,
rill E
AVR L ENS B. —To the Hon
orable the,ludgesmf the Court of General Quarter
sessions of the Peace of Cumberland county, at April
Sessiens,lBss. The petition of Joseph Merkel respect
fully represents, that your petitioner is provided with
the necessary requisites for keeping a house of public
entertainment. In the house formerly occupied by IL S.
Alcorn, in the East Ward in the borough of Carlisle.—
Your petitioner therefore prays your honors to grant
him a License for the same the ensuing year, common
chug on the second Monday of April next, and us in du
ty bound he will ever pray, &e.
We the undersigned citizins of the East Ward of the
the cOunty .. tif Cumtawland. do
certify that We are well acquainted with the above nam
ed Josoph Merkel, that he is of good repute for honesty
and temperance. and is well provided with house room
and convenient-PS Mr the accommodation of stringers
and travollers, and that such Inn or Tavern is necessa
ry to al.or.uninodate the public and entertain strangers
and tntvellers. ,
It. McCartney, Wm. Aloxander,,,Janob Zur,'Wm. Park,
Francis Eekels, Robert D. Eckels,"Edward Shower, Alex
ander. :Wavelet:ter. William Cilllll9, Charles Fleager, Win.
'Let tie. C. Imhoff, JanMZ‘Widner, M. I folcomb, Jam os
Wit , , , gioier, Peter Ilutshall, John Gillen; Wm. Ilaraitz,
Michael Minich. Win. Doll, Undorivood, J. Mimi:bey
r 11AV EltN LICE NS E. —To the II on
-orable th.c_Judges_uf Live_COurt _ol,ooler:it:quarter
Sessions of the l'iSaco of Cumberlaini - county; at Awl]
se'ssions, ISS i. The petition of A'exander Wills. respect
fully represents, that your piititioner is provided with
the necessary requisite: for ktoqiing a lions° of publi
entertainment iu the h.niss he now occupies as such in
Worialersitur,r, East PetiliShon) tovinship. Yotn• yeti
Li•ou•r titerefitre prays your Ibtleirs to grant him a Li
cense ir 1111 . WllllO the ensuing year, commencinzOn the
s••r.nut :Monday of April next, arid as in linty bound he
will ever pray, ke. A LES A N DElt WI 1.1.5.
NVe the undersigned citizens of East Poonshorq town
ship. in tlia county of cumiwri3r,a, do ,ortlfy that
are well ac t in:dam' W ith tiro above named Alexander
Wills, that he is of goad rptitre for honesty and tempe
rance, and is won providcd with haute room and craw
wieners for the :tecommodation or strangers and travel.
!ors, and that such Inn or 'ravern is necessary to accom
modate the piddle and entertain strangers k. travellers.
11. W. Dombmogli, Jame , Eiclielberger, John Holtz.
David Eiehelberirer, David Drown. Daniel Neltiliammer,
Martial Kreger, .1. LI algeottektir, Henry Krei g er, John
Bretz, Daniel Erb.
ges of the Court el Cieneral Quarter Sessions of the
Prate of runtlierlend il,lloty, at April sessions, _1355
Tim paw,. of.lames A. .Moloy respectfully represents.
that your petitioner is proded wt h the necess to
o—,enut ~ ,,,vi pu i tete ontertaininen ary t
the house now occupied liy him as such in the b rough
of Meautnicsliurg. Your petitioner therefore prey. , your
llonors to grant him a License for the same for tho
suin - year, commencing on the soeund Monday of April
nest, and as imiluty bonnd ho will ever ,pray..te.
meretti JAMES A.
\Ye the undersigned citizens of the borough f Me
ehaniesburg, in the remit) , Of Cumberland, de eortify
that we are well arquainted with the above 1111l111".1
A. Meioy, that he is „I - zoisi repute for honesty and tem
perance, Mid is N ell provided irIIL house room and con
veniences for the nermninollatiltu strktizerq soil trAr
el I e 6. and that such 11111 or Toss rn Is tio•es.ary to or
rommetiale the public and entertain Strangers:nod trav
(larrotson, A. Hauck. G. Ilobb, Startler, Simon
Arnold, John T. Ayres, Henry 11. Eberly, It. 1111.4,1), I).
I). Sirmsler. Joseph Milloison, John Koser,John 'louver
l'rlch, \lc u •tin Rupp.
P'lA VP. RN LICENSE.—To the Hon
g orable the Jud.nts of the Court...lQuarter SPSSitillS
nj Catuberland county. April term. I-55.—The petition
of the undersigned respectfully represents, that your
potithnor is providod with the nere:mary requisites for
keeping a hottqa of public enteetainment, in the house
now oeouplod by Joseph Mack, at the Trindlo Spring. In
Sill or Spring township. Your petitioner therefore prays
your Honors fo grant him a license for the saute at the
ensuing term of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and as in
duty hound-he will ever pray, &c.
We the undersigned. citizens of Silver Spring town
ship, in the county of Cumberland, do certify that we
are well acquainted with tho above named Peter Hada
cher, that ho is of good repute for honesty and tempo
ranee, and is well provided with house room and conve
niences for the accommodation of strangers and travel
lers, and that such Inn or tavern is nueessary• for the ac
commodation of the
William M. ',Wiley, °corgi ' , Ilrenizer, John McColister,
Daniel alinfort,.h.ho lirownowell, Samuel Cock lin, Ilea.
Brenner. John P. D. limiver. George V. Coover, Charles
Shreiner, John Nisley, Jacob Salmon.
r 1 1 A V ERNLICENSE.—To the Hon
orablo the Jutitteit of the Court of (lenoral Quarter
5..-siom, April term, 1855.—The petition or Jr/111 . 1_1S flan
respeetfullv represents. that. your petitioner lvtil leased
tt, s i w e lt known tavern stand to bower Allen township
mot now oovitpied as htl,l) by Peter Hari/teller. that he is
w e lt pr., hied with the necessary requisites fitr beeping
AL butts. , of I.llbl k entertainment. lie therefore pars
von r licetise for the saute for the
tot-tin; year, mutt he will ever pray, ti.
lVe the, tuntersignetl, eiti . rens of Lower Allen top. .10
eortity that we nre'Well nryuaiutod with the .th,e ziam.
0 ,1 that. he Is of good I,llllto for 11. , nesty and
twill...ranee, and is troll prut•ial,^t with ana l
Niii`lllys for !Ito avelllnillohtit,i, of an d
that - such- ion or ttiverit to
to neconintodato the publie anti 011 eortalti traveller..
John slieoloy. ar. Frederick Sheeley, 11. Rupp • .141,4
Long. Samuel Zilllllll.ll.lltll, INV id Bollinger. 111
7;tepltett,,lttlitt .Shet9tn. jr. Fretterlek Itt.ttitr, .1011111
13mb:they. 'MIHam Mittlel Hart, :•hittiuel
Daniel Erb, John Iteetitte, .101313 !Miter.
riIAVEIiN I,IOE N E.—To the I fon,
orable the .ludges of !ha Court of Deneral Quarter
.:o.sAons of Cumherkind county. April t•rni, I > !:ss.Tlie
petition of David Bollinger. resimrtfully represents, that
your petitioner occupies that moll known tavern stand
situate in Shiremanstown, Lower Allen tow nship,which
is well calculated for a lornso of publie mite' toltiment.
and- .of_st ril tmerSand t ravellers, and_
that be is well provided with the necessary requisites
for lo:eping a publiM house. De therefore prays your
Ilenors to grant him n'license fur the saute for tho
suing year, and lie will ever pray, &e.
We the undersigned, citizens. of Isfw - M'Allnn twp. do
certify that wo are Well acquainted wlth the above nam
ed David Bollinger, that he is of good repute for hone,,ty
411 , 1 temperance, anti is well provided with house roma
and cenvenleuces for the eccommodation :of, strange:4
and travellers. and that such inn or lavurn Is necessary
t accommodate the piddle and entertain travellers.
Is tar llnslts.rt, Petri- B. Jacob Ilatr,:.JuhnFhee•
Danic.l Nislov, li.•urgu Eleltellte.v,er, It.
Innnthau Ilruhnkor, John Slitstly, Jr. t'atrawl tr:.llth,ley.
11. Rupp. David NV I:311.
il") IPS.—Just receive(' a large wit(ort
. flood, of PUMPS of elosrw vnrie,ty In goneral , n.vf,
....honing Iron 111111 firms Ctstorn and l'istf-rn Side
Pomp , ,. Also, outoloor Pinup:, 5... re. , y,ttlated no hot to
I.s Buhl, tto fr 00110.4 in wintf , r. Till'.o pomp; aro i , ot
op io tho very bast shin In poir.t. Of itnfility Alla )vorh.
In1:0;hir. Tho 111.11111fartnr"rS 11.11illg 11,14 1W:111111111S
111(11.r,1{.11 C , r ".tileir pa[all. , , al rot), cral Sjate Fair,. ,11.. re.
Clay !...,...1 I sun nn SA:liitpiLltlli, - Alaa, ea ...taut: v f , i) ilautt
, t r u ll ~,, ,o rtmont of froo '11:-;:fq Carl•s....„nd ( . 11,31: 1'f , A 1 1 ,4 .
I r ....•.I !I ,w at
non 1 -I'ffill, • /.12NItY r.A.., T )N S.
artiste gcralb.
Stormont, Sijops.
GEOJU KELLER respectfully announces to his
old Patrons and the public generally that he has just rp.
HATS, manufactured at one of the best establish
ments in Philadelphia, to which ho invites special
lie has also constantly on hand a large and varied as.
sartment of his Own manufacture as well as city made
Hats and Caps, suitable for the season, comprising every
variety of Russia,Deaver, Moleskin and Silk huts, fin
ished In the latest style, together with a full assortment
of CAPS of every shape and description, and at every
price. lie particularly invites the public to call and ex
amine his expensive atsertinent, which In style, mate-
HO and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market,
and which he is able to put nt prices lower than over.
Remember his old.stand on North Hanover street,'be
tween Humer's and Soner's stores.
Ir 4-1 A LL- ST YLE OF lIATS & _C A ;'S.
x . • wm. 11. TROUT, desires, to inform his old f4nds
that he has removed to his now establishment on High
street, near the Railroad Depot, and is now opening a
eitelarge and elegant assortment of the FALL STYLh
OF HATS, just received from PhiladebOhla, which
the gentlemen of Carlisle are requested to aril and
examine. Ile has also a largo assortment of Silk, - Fur
and Slouch Hats 00 his own manufacture, got up In the
best style and at various prices. the excellence and finish
in which he will warrant. Ilis stock he is confident on
ly needs to be examined to Re approved. Also, a large
supply of Men's, Boy's and Children's CAPS, of Cloth
and Fur, and of every variety of style and price just re
ceived from Philadelola. Let all who want a Hat or
Cap give hfirra call, as they may be sure of being suit
ed to their own satisfaction.
WAR E—z Old houseiseepers and young, with tiles
also who are expecting, to become housekeepers. are invit
ad to call at IiALDEBT'S FAMILY IiIIOVERY and ex
amino his elegant assortment of China, lass and queens
ware and other articles in the housekeoplugtine, such
- as French and-Englisleten setsidienvy banded and plain,
White (Druidic, gilded and blue plain, Dinner sets of in
ory variety and price, bowls and pitchers, tureens. dish
es, fie. Olnss-waro—centre table and mantel lamps,
Candelabras and other lamps, great verity, table and bar
tumblers, goblets, to. Fruit and preserve dishes, in Va
-1 lay. Cedar-ware—tubs, buckets, ehly'us, bowls.butter
prints and ladles, Meal Jnlckuts, fie. Brushes—sweeping,
white wash, scrubbing, band and shoe brushes, dusters,
brooms, ,tc. Market. clothes anti travellingtaskets.
. 11 clabre assortment of Tobacco and SeAars. Call
ye who are fond of choice brands of Segiirs and try the
Primipes, Uegaliac. Stelrammis and Otholl,aba varieties,
and you will find them of unimpeachalle quality. Also
half Spanish rind Common id we. With-CfMlFe-si;tilTand
chewing tobacco.
1 1 01 t i IIJLI ON
oniou Just receiv tog my tall
*a CaiCS stock or PAPER lIANU NOS,
• • • - • which surpass in style, quality
and price any that have tour
been exblbided in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a call
roan pens-ins in want of Paper Ilangings orally &scrip
as I am confident by assortment far slirpasso•s ally
ill OW Borough; mid In style-and pikes has but few
rids in cl, city. I only ask of the public to cull and ex
amine my assortmant• before puichie.log, as I am confi
dent any cletste designs cannot fall to please the most
fastidious. JOHN I'. JANE.,
AVest side of North Ilauorcr Street,
0 0 K a r tiT I.N 'l' 131 14).!—Cholent
nwrinis, Dysentery, Dlarrlnea, Ac., lire malcing
their appearanc. You know the reined). If yon hate
any regard for the wain:truer yeurs.elf, your wife, or your
children, supply yourselves with IlrEellEß'S MATCH
bh:Ss; CialtDlA 1., otherwise abide Ole consequence re
sulting from a bigoted adherence to ola quackery. MIN
"slatchiess Remedy" can be had at the Drug Storti of
11. J.
South h onorer Street. n few doors south of the Court
!loose. Carlisle
OTS AND SI-I OES. -- 'ik !41b.setib
er has now on hand u very extensive 31111 well so
ur!' (..1 of It 0 0 1!,8 04:
which lie will sell at-unusually m
low mit,- i lk'
es. Purchased 'fro wholesale dealers, ,
at 1.. w rates, he can offer such ' •
ments purchasers as will make It their interest to vis
it hi,: establishment. lle has every article in the Boot
and Shoe lino—for Ladles' or Gentlemens' wear—he
theref me deems It unne.:essary to particularize.
Ze- Venoms Ileiring good and ebeep goods are invit
ed to give him a call.
6 - 0 i LI , . .., 2000. TONSLIME AND
o.k , sTort! roAl,, now on baud and
), recvi v log at ttn, following prices;
Dauphin Lime C 4.411 - ' - - 's3 50 to 300
44 MAYO - - • • 3 00 to 4 50
Lyitens Valley Lima -s- • - -375t0 4 00
Stove - - - - 4 00 to 4 75
Pine Grove Limo - - - - 3 75 to 400
" Stove 450 to 5 00
Pittston Stove Coal - - , - sooto 5 50
Black stnitlia (ton], per Foliate], - - 2l to :nets.
WI),..11sol.11:1111(+it of all kinds. CI)111111011 Boards and
Scantling front $l6 to. XlB per 100 feet. First Common
and Panel according to quality.
civet:l—Stn S. M. 1100)7Elt.
FRIES ;!,' j_ The subscriber has just
added to his tlwmer stock n general selection of CHOICE
OROOKRIES, as well as all the other variety of articles
usually kept in a Grocery Store. embraclng Rio
.Asfe—roasted and green—at 12 1 /. and 14 rents
il per lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverized
Sugars, of line qualities; Chocolates, Spices. Dairy
Salt, and a variety of Fancy articles, 41 of m bleb are o.
fermi at the lowest cash prices. We are thankful fur the
former support given us, and invite a further call from
our friends and customers. J. W. EBY.
Merlon Hall, Carlisle.
11. A. DItEEII,
D , No. Chesnut near nul,Philadclphia
Ilas /M arranged and completed his
tml, tor the Spring (41855. as Pillows:
10: VEtIETAIII.I.I SP:EDS—in great
ty. including the finest varieties nt Bemis
Deets. Cabbage, Caul Lett nee. lin
ions, Melons, Egg-plant, Tomatoes, Peas,
Radishes, .t.c.
ED/WI:It St :EDS.—Ms collection is unequalled by
any in this country Mr extent and quality, and etubrt,
cm. the finest varieties of Asters. iitni&s, Carnations,
Pansies. Wallflowers, Daley, lc.
. .
URA :.,.; tiI.:EDS-01 all hinds, inel tiding IllueandGreen
tira, , , IN hlto Dni,ell Clover, Sweet Scen64l VernalG rusty
Iterrennial Ray Grasg;•Ducerne, S:e..
ROSES, .to,—Clu.lee,oining Itoses, Camellias,
Verbenas, Dahlias, tirapo \ln6s, Fruit Treea,- Shrubbery
,te. .1
521,23 ..... 6. W. 11AVERSTIUK,
Agent for t'arllsle.
- ....
he undersigned respectfully informs the Farmers of
this and tho adjoining counties, that he continues to
manufacture more extensively than over, 0, Hussey's
Ft , generally in use, at his shop throe quarters of a mile
north of Hanover. Farmers wishing to engage a Reap•
or, or a Reaper and Mower combined; for the next sea
son, eau him) their orders filled with promptness by
tending them on Immediately. The pikes of -these ma--
chines are as fellows:
l'or !super,. $lOO
For a Reaper dud Moiror, from - - $lO5 to 12,i
o'9_ Address me through the Hanover Pest Office,
York county, Pa. CONRAD MOLL.
171 4 1 - 1.',,1V GOODS.--7—The subscriber is . just
o penin g a fresh assortment of very CII EA P GOODS
bought at reduced prltes. Call and see them. ..
Aug. Zt. _ _ 01.0. W. lIITNER
.-..._ ________. _....
bmt, iivo“, constantly on hand and for halo at the
Carlltle'rqundry and Machine Floqv
_T AY A. N 1) STRAIN' . CI.; TTE.I.IS,
•vonr; tqlEia.cus.—A ossortmoot „t Im
- prot'od Ilay, ftraw and Voddet. ('tit tors, now hand ..._.:
.O; donldo nod :,Inglo r.o.n ,hell,r• for out h ot .
boron o, el.. of the t ory lah•gt. Inantillod itO, Hilll.llllr
Ot NiCaler At tilt , late 1'e1n01,1%,,,d, nth..
Vor ydo 1..1-d•11.11.1;AhlIll. I
w, .ohonno and e'ed bt, rr, vr,rher u t lth
and tf
1“ ~
F ' f: “'
, ,
r i, XECUTORS NOTlCE.—Letters
Testamentary having been issued to the subscri
bers, under the will of George A. Lyon Esq., deed., Into
of the borough of Carlisle; all persons having elands
against the estate of the said deeedeut, aro requested to
make known the came, and those indebted, to make
Paytnont without delay to JOIN LYON, Bedford Pa.
ALEX P. LYON, Pittsburg,
Gt. Jank 31st 'bs Excentori.
deeensad.—Notiee Is hereby given that letters of
muninist ration on the estate of Martha Bowman,
Into of
Frank ford township, Cumberland county, decease d, bay e
been granted by the Register ef aahi county to the sub:
scriber residhig in the same township. All persons in
debted to said estate are required to make Immediate
payment and those having claims to present thorn for
settlement to JAMES L. MeDOW ELL,
jantil Ad'mr.
■vuourr. Dl:CP.—Letters of Administration on
tau Estate of Susannah Albright, dee'd., Into of East
Pentishorongh township, Cumberland county, have
been issued to the subscriber residing In the same town
ship, to whom nil persons having claims against the
said estate will present them for settlement and those
indebted make payment.
Jan. 24, 1855 MICHAEL ALBRIGHT, Attar.
NOTICE,—At a stated Orphans court
li begun on VIE:I)AV, the 26th day of December A,
D. IBM, and holden at Carlisle, in and for Cumberland
county, before the Hon. James II Graham, President
Judge, and Samuel Woodburn and John itupp, Esytiires,..
Associate Judges, Ac., the fellowing proceedings were'
had, to wit:
In the niatter of the writ of Partition and Valuation
on the Real Estate of Elizabeth Shenkhde,of Dickinson
township, deceased, the wone having been returned by
Joseph McDarmond, high sheriff of Cumberland county,
duly executed, Ac.
Now to wit, 26th December, ISM, Inquisition confirm
ed and Rule on tin' Ileirs and parties in Interest to np.
pear at the next stated Orphans* court, and take or re
fuse to take, otherwise to show cause why the court
should not order the property to be sold. Notice to be
served personally qn the parties residing within forty
-miles and by publication in ono newspaper on those re
siding beyond corty
In testlinony Whereof t have hereunto !:et zny hind
and the fieni cf Said court, at Carlisle, on the clay
ut De:ember, A. H. 1S t.
.1011 N M. liltDIG, Clerk Orphans Court.
OTIC E.—Tv.. the 1 lei rs and le , ra 1
itepresentatives of Gootge NOgle. late of the' mum
ty of Cumberland. deeensod. Taho notice that I,y virtue
an writ of 'Partitionant. tatl eaten issued I,llt, of the
irphans Court of ( - wad erland county. and to rue direct-
I ed. I wilt hold an innurst to ah hie, part or value the
r,•al estate of cold oleceased, an the premises. on Till'ittL
DAV, the sth day of March, A. D. 1565. at 10
A. M. when and where you may attend if you think
"prr. .10:4:1•11 MeDARMOND, Fhetilf.
Sheriffs 11 . 1fic,, 1. 4 0, 7th
t 1)1TORS NOTICE.—In the mat-
I L ter of the petit ion of Robert nays
del tt.t Ti, Guardian of Mary W. Ilays and John Hays, for
a ritathat to Jahn Mei, rator of John Hays.
deceased, to It et tic the areount.ef his intestate as gtiay
dian of the sat. 4 liettert, Ilar2, and John.
The undersigned Aiutite•r nppointed by the Orphans
110 rcp t filets. !Liu, ail account, if the fnets
Ow.' that n•?pundetit Ought to account, will nitend to
the duties ...if his at.pointinent, nt his office. in the bor
ough oi Carlisle, on 'IIIFIiSDAY the tat 14 - Uan•h next,
it to oVlock A. M. when and whet call parties interested
aro hereby notified to attend,
Feb. 50.1.'5f0 Auditor.
LU 1)ITORS 4C n. , been
appointed' by the Orphans Court of Cumberland
,•ounty to dfstributo trio balance in the hand of John
Auld, Esq. administrator of Samuel Shearer, lot err Dirk
inson t,,unship, deren,4A, to and rillltnig the erialitors.
I Will atteird for that purpose at my erica, In Cnelitde.
'Mk:SPAY, the I:tth day of March next.
Feb. 7 th.'l,s. ' It. M. I IF:N DEBSON.
,111 1_
U I )11.TUR'S NOTICIII.—The under
„i- . signed,appointed AMlll , r by the °roar s court ol
..uiti beldam( county, to marsh:ill the iissetin tho bands
of Christian Bomberger. Atiminktrator of Christian
ALIO:, deceased. to and among the creditor: of F idd d o .
,edent, gives hotivo. that he will uttendlo the (tide as
signed to him at hio oflict• in Carlisle, on )Vh.liNESbAli
the 26th day or February A. D. ISt:.- between tin' hours
of ten ('(lick In the fornoen hut o'clock in the after
noon, on or bethnt which day those having olefins:liming
said deceased will present the same properly authenti
cated to him fur adjustincut. . .. . .
Jan. 7. Audi tor.
kiii-ShipponsliurgNews insert three tianex and send
Lill to auditor Wire day of meeting.
• • mt ••
I_A nEci.As—Notico is hereby given that letters
testamentary on the estate of tleorge Whiner. late of
tOW11.0111), mberlrnd county, th.e'd.. have
been granted by (ho Itegister of said enmity to the side
scril.erbl - rosining in the same townSilip county aforesaid.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate
are required. to make Immediate payment, and these
having claims to present them ler settlement to
DiV I DEM 1:Ttl,
January 11',.1855-Ctpd Executors.
CEASEbb—Nodes Is hereby given Hutt letters
testamentary on the estate of John Miller, late of Mon
roe township, Cumberland county, deceased. have been
granted liv the Register of said comity. to the subscri
ber, residing in the same township. Ali Alpersons knowing
themselves Indebted to said estJttv are required to make
immediate pay Int nt . anti thew having claims to preaent
them tar sett leau•ttt to
Dee. 27, 1854.-ctpd • PETIII 3111 ',LEL Exeoutor.
Ihe combination of ingrelliOnts iu t hes,. I ills is the re
...nit of a long Una eN.Lensien practice; they are mild in
their operation, and certain of restoring nature to Its
proper channel. In ' , Very InSt alien here these fills pro
ved successful. They invariably open tlwse astructhms
to which Females are lialde, mei bring nature into Its
proper channel, whereby health Is restored and the pale
and lily countenance changed to a healthy one. No
female mu enjoy goad health unless she is regular; and
whenever an obstruction takes place, whether ftom ex
posure. cold or any other cause. the general health Im
mediately begins to decline, and the went of such a rem
edy has heen,the alum, or so many COnSIIIIIOI4 , IIS MTh lug
young females. Ti, ladies whose health will not remit
of an increase of their family, these pills will prove a Vll
liable acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.—
Headache, pain in the side. ).al [Mallon of the heart, Ica
thing of food, and di turbed sleep do most always arise
from the Interruption of nature, and - whenever that is
the case, the pills will invariably remedy all (hart
Nor are the less efilearlous in the cure of Leueori ham,
commonly called the “Whites." These pills should nor
or be taken during pregnancy, fun they,wonl% sure to
cause a miscarriage. 'Warranted purelly Vegetable, and
_free fnan anethittg injurkus to 11111 or health.- , •Pulland
explicit directions accompany eat - di - box.
Theso pills ere put up In square flat boxes. Persons
residing where there is no le.;ency established. by enchr
slug Ono Dollar In n letter, pr-paid, to Dr. C. L. CIIEENn.
MAN, No. 244, illeecker street, New York, can have thcm
sent to their respective addressive by mall.
uilles west of iiardsburg.r' 'rho Session .
of this popular and ilmiri,bing Institution will com
mend, on Monday. the 7111 of May next, under the
most favorable auspices. During the present year such
improvententt_and additions hare been made as its in
creasing patronav deinapded. The Principal will be as
sisted by a full e.. 01, i t emnretent and expel lend,'
teachers, and special st tent ion will be paidlo the health
and tuft ,•:„,4,,t,,,t0. •
Bonn' W,lsillug mot 'initi.nn At thr English liraneh
es, and Vocal 311141 c. per 1 4 11Y , 11111, (5 11101411:9 $1 . 0 . 1;11
1.11!411111.1(111 in 1.111.111 111111111 ovh, ead t ,
Er, n,h nYnl 11,1111111 - • 11.11,
Thc , t.r t, t. 4 and guardian= I< .-irni , •l
i• it
Ind any tin si li 11 11111 Ilk' 'ti) 1 , 111:ITII,:t . r
14.3 hOilat or lry 1“ . .10 . ,. to
h. I)E7o,lNi:rtz.
Tin Y. I
Meal tstafe, Safes
TRUSTEE'S SALE.—By virtue of an order. ofths
Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, the undersigned
will expose tpitibliC sale, en the premises, en ISATTJR
DAY, the Pit of February, 1855, at 2 o'clock' P. M., all
that desirablaTown Lot, commonly known as POPLAR
LCT, situate at the south west end of ilanever FAreet,
in the borough of Carlisle, mutaining about TWO A
CRES, bounded by said street, the Walnut Bottom
Road, a lot of P. Phillips' heirs and by South street.
'rho terms of sale while ten per cent. of the purchase
money on the day of sale, one-lburth on the confirma
tion of the sale, and the, balance' to be secured by ibtorto
gages or Jinigment bonds, or both, as the Trustee may
deem advisable, conditioned for the payment of the
interest thereof semi-annually to Mrs. Elizabeth Dwin,
and the principal at her decease to her heirs at law, or
these who may be entitled thereto. Attendance will
be given by the undersi g Acd, Trustee mulclr the will of
'Monies Hagan, dec'd.
Carlisle, Jan. 24. 1855.
, The subscriber will sell, at private salti.
7'. that valuable business itand on the cur,
• ;her of Ilanover and Louther streets, in
Carlisle, Va. The lot is3o feet front by 240 feet in depth
HOUSE, well finished, a large yard and garden, and
every thing necessary to make it comfortable and con•
venieut residence.; For terms enquire of
Carlisle, Deer. 20.1854.
SALE.—The subscriberwill sell at private sale the
two following described farms, to wit:
No. I—ls situated north-west of Carlisle, adjoining
the Inhabited part of said Borough, containing ONE
HUNDRED AND FORTY 'ACRES of first rate Lime
stone Land, having thereon erected a now, largo lIANA
BARN„a-large HAY HOUSE, a comfortable CAME
STABLE, &c. Also, a comfortable DWELLING
HOUSE, and other out-buildings. Thu laud is in
a high state of cultivation and all under good
post and rail fence. It is bounded on the north by the
heirs of Samuel Alexander, dee'd., on the cast by John
Noble, Wm. D. Seymour and others, on the west by ./no.
Moore, David Grier, &c., and on the south by the public
road leading from Carlisle to Waggoner's bridge.
No. 2.—ls situated in North Middleton township, 4%
miles from Carlisle, on the Ilanistunz and Carlisle
turnpike mad, about miles from Middlesex - Mills,
bounded as follows: on the north by the Con, cloguinet
Cr,ok, on the west by irvine'S heirs, en the East by J.
Noble and Jos:M . 'Zeigler. and en the south by Abraham
lietrick.and_ltheilarrisintrg_trarnpike Toad, containing
'1 WO tit MIR ED AND TW EN TY =I ,, VCE Ael t
lOC acres of Limestone and the ,residue
_IS black slate,
about 100 acres of this tract cleared. under grill fence,
and in a gi)![.d state of cultivation. the I fibula• is very
heavy timber. A large portion of the farm is meadow
land. The Improt ethents are a large STONE LW EL
um; thru6E. a large I,fio AND bBAMS liAltN„,
stone Spring House and Other oubladidings. an Apple
Orchard and a lar g o quantity of other fruit trees:
No. 3.—ls /1 small tract of land about n ile west of
No 1., on the Baker road leading from t arlisle to Wm,
goner's bridge, containing TWENTY-SIN ACJ: LS of it'd'
fr iimu,Lunciaitd. bounded by_sald_rlad 1,1, the no__,Ah
by John Noble on the south, by Brown's hobs onT 114
east, and by Baker on the west. I lie subscriber will
also soli a number of OUT LOTS to snit purchasers.—
' The above described property will be sold on reasonable
CarlNe, January 10, 15t4.
II • wHAT CAN 111A - KE t« lIALPYL
whele pleinmre, all I.liejk)ti (.1
Lie in three N 1 Peace, and ckanpuience. •
- (Popo)
But when we have pains, affliction or anguish of die-
Ctnleg, Ili not our pleasure, our joy, and our happine“
Met oby destmyetil \\hy let ..ur sick tello.-Lein
fer Deis - nett Christ - say: -With the same nom
mete, it shallhe measured to ,sin t"--"
*.Who' Is a wise man and endowed
niong you, let him phew Out of It gocd Came tsatith hie
works with meekness and wistlont.•'—.ltunes
SUlR a il•h`i AND NIEDICINE.---Dector. P. C. CARD
hEIt. S114;1.11 and • 'Physician, who is- liothnist and
Physiologist, anti httiraduate of our Lett Illedinal Colle
ges, and has made himself aw - tinted with all the vari
ous systems of Medical Science ' and wlth the recent
diteosot ies and improlements In the raricus depart
ments of the Healing . Arts. faithfully attends to orders
for Surgfeal and Medical Aid. and whose ineditilies are
all made or t missed strictly In [teem tin tinnte r. illy the
Science?! of Pathology, }totally, Ilydrt path) laud Physi
ology: and whose medicines-are ell cc.uum,s,At td NI hole-
Some roots, plants, nod Ityth•tiliathy, 'mod in all diteasee.
and to whom the alliicte'd are its /Led to apply timely.
Ills C:baracter by Respectable NeighbiA:,
Copy of a letter from the Rev. C. 11. I.rild a. h to Mr.
.11. 11. Etter, of the Warm Springs. Respected Sir
low me to introduce to your friendly notice, Dr, C.iteg—
nrit of New York. 1 hare known Dr. C. Pl' sixteen
years, he ban done business for me with sol.riety. hon
est:, and with accuracy; therefore 1 do I elicit, him to
lie perfeetly toter, honest and trustworthy. Any farms
you !nay tee proper to roofer on him, will le highly ap
preciated by his numerous trienik, and IT utrr more
highly then your sincere friend and humble s. mint.
C. 11. Ml.:\ RAUL
Landishum, Ph., July Ikth,lFsl.
Copy of a letter from limirce Epahr, FN., County
Treasurer.-1 do certify that tho medical advice of Dr.
P. C. Cardder has surpassed any (alter w filch 1 11141 . 0
hitherto had in the curs of severe freer it; my Mmily.—
I would therefore recommend hint to such persolls who
may he afflicted with aforesaid disease or other. iHt.
Bloomfield, August 20th, ISSI.
DR. CARDDEIt 'being well acquainted with the re
cent Frond' discoveries, with their new and safe modes
of treatment, and the speedy and certain rrun then and
cures for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Dytent, ry, I b.:.
Ora )lorbus and all Complaints of the Pow els and Ftcni
ach: Fop et per Remedies f. r the prevention and quiet f
Asiatic" (Indere. Remedies for all the defe, is and dit-
CMA'S of the lienerat it 0 organs and termite( the ecune
m) in men and st onto): Remedies fir Insanity; ceiteln
and timely cures fir all Consumptions. Imptence. Ster
pity. Sexual A Oust cderval Diseat.cs in all Limit' (onus;
'tkuppresdons anti tither delicate female el inplaihts. All
111, CO rrutrdtr.Vpl:llllllo the science or
D elany anti Ilytirepellty et milord. (but no pkon.)--
`Heal all u.aiinrr 111 Witness :111t1 all manner disease.
Sew 'fest ament. "It in for healing that I heist
&Ali the Samaritan.-1.111:e, In, :lit and e, it
Itte.ii illejlllF. "Prose all things, hull f:12.1. 11113 ‘`. Well Is
good."—lst;Thesselonians , 0, 21. , Ilteretore lit us
ware td la) Mg imp what ue should lay out lir health.
for there is that !watt oceth and) et incieui.eth,:,tal.there
in that wlthholdeth inortet ban is.mret, hut it tendet.h."
Tile different mrilicine - s - find . their diret Lions
sent to the aftlizted in tiny direction by mall or e,...peefs,
Address Dr. I'. C. l'AßDDEß,Carlislo,( unit erland coun
ts, pa,, pest paid. and the lee elways accompanying
the letter, with tin:order, together with a trap ti
LIM feellm:s and the symptoms of the complaints of tint
uilllitgd Itieb.sell. It is this system I , f )It-(11:.:11 .I'elettee
the 110.10: and the modes of- cure only, it hid l's Card.
der employs that allow of medicines entirely mode Cr
composed of Witt-lest mo Roots. Kinds, and 113 dropathv,
good in all diseases, (tin poison), and which ran mai.°
speedy certain remedies and cores t r y .1,11 Trimmer
of FIAIICSS and tilt thalitier of disease," anti tt Medi httr.
'MSS all . other medical means in point of gtval nos, 14-
yolithill nasals of ct.nparlson. OFEII'E roljoiolug
c,Yleager. East Pomfret street, near Filuth • llanover t
l'a. Testinionials from ntinteronsti ersons of
the highest respectability In . this and the adjoining
comities, give. authentic ,eviOnte of the got 111:,141 of
Dr. Cardder's character, and can 1.0 NPVII at his (!fltt.e.
N. IL 'rho aillieted can receive superior nlediclues and
lho directions ror their use. by the first return pf mnil ur
INCjireSN. If IIItI`EVICNTS Le desired, lir visits requostcd,
DT; C. mill endeavour to aeretniwciate applicably!: iztr
r i„ ; b„ lawtor speal..s the Euglit It and the tier
iglngllageg, rte. I :Nu. liqiS
pßuct STOlt 1 , 1 F(1.11,.. SALE.—Ll'he
7 sttlotcrlber oilers /it prlott,t• Palo Dm :Al rl, and lixt
ture , t of a Drug ttltore, late tho Itmpel to of Mb Itto 1 Fig.
Fol, doe'il, Di Clam..Mown, Cumberland county. 'I
I s mt ',time I)intt, 'torn in the 1,1:1I-o, and a lin, ~plottun
ity Is now pre,tonted to ally fount; man •,k bling to
commotet. this. Fur leans onqulr, t t
nU MOSES Mt/IIIII:1"b, Aladl. ' t
- - -E.\ =l'll FR
, _ ... - Frii z
„ y i - t i mid
rv, ?'tore,
...' ..!•. ': , ..10 , -... ,t. i1,,:..1. 1 .1 d:,. N 1,,,,,,....: , ~.-,,i,..k.
~..... 1 , , lir i, I L' ;" , I '1.1e:11, i..3.n :ii," Cti.o.. I f ht,l ,
I , r I ,• 11 e
1 ,‘11 ,, Li IND ELTAII..-
r ;,,,-,,:t., altuvt.
Muria:lt AT:u
t.cp. 7-1 Y