Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 28, 1855, Image 6

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From the Binghampton (N. Y.)'Standard.
We are indebted , lo our friend, J. M. Eells,
of Marietta, Ohio, fOr the following graphic
sketch. Our readers are assured that . the
factsitranspired substantially as narrated:
4, A Methodist clergyman who has been la
boring in this vicinity, was, not long
Preachitig_Nto his people ou the miraculotis
power of the Apostles over the demoniac
spirits of their day. As he wakpursuing his
theme, the audience wore suddenly started
by a .voice from some one in, the congrega
tion,- demanding, . in a half-querulous, half=
authoritative tone, 4t Why don't preachers do
such. 'things now a days ?" In an instant,
every eye in the house was turned upon the
individual who had the efl'rontery thus to in
.Vade.llie sacredness of their sanctuary.
" The speaker paused for a moment, - and
his penetrating gaze full upon the - lace
•of the questioner. There•was - - an interval of
intense silence, broken at last by the speak
er in resuming his subject. •Not content with
a silent rebuke, our. redoubtable questioner
demanded again, “, Why don't preachers .do
such things now a days?" and curling his
lips with a sneer of self-complaceney, - drew
himself up - pompously in his seat.
, c Our reverend- friend, (who,'by the way,
is a young man of great muscular
calmly left the desk, and walked deliberate
ly to the pow where the interrogator sat, and
fastening - one hand firmly upon the collar of
his coat ; the othdr on the waistband of his
, 4 unmentionables," lifted him square out of
the seat, and bore him down the aisle to the
entrance. Pausing - fora_ moment there, he
turned his eyes upon hisaudience, and in a
clear, fulLvoice,_saidff:.and..they .cas t oat the.
devil iwthe form-oCa_dislitler, and sui9ig
the action to theword, • out went the knight
of the mash-tub, a la leap frog fashion, into
the street.
"The - good pastor quietly returned to his
desk, and 'convicted his discourse. Atter
closing . the ,services, as lie was passing out
of the chureli,"'the out-cast distiller, with an
Offleer—el the law, escorted our clerical Mend
to CVO: Tice of a magistrate, to answer for an
assault upon time .person of said distiller.—
After hearing the case, the magistrate dis
missed the clergyman, and after roundly rep
rimanding the complainant, fined him for mo
lesting the services of the sanctuary.
4t Since.that day, we believe he has never
for a moment doubted the power of Metho
list preachers to cast out devils, at least with
in the limits of the Ohio Conference."_
I Queer French. gentleman.
late Pails paper relates that the country
— lnseur C— was lately advertised
•. It' was-called Chanspiignetie ; and
is hci'tnid live7Were for ten years, dispen
nng great hospitality; the place was well
rnown, and many went to see it. The visi
ers were surprised to find, in the midst of a
wantiful collection of rare and exotic plants,
t very elegant summer house, which served
os the home ofa large ,:number of monkeys
&all varieties. Each monkey had his espec
al niche in this little house, and above it
vas written his name, and the date when he
,ecame an inmate of Champagnelle. The
:am es were all familiar, such as Edward, Lou
:, Hortense, Pierre, Clotilda—two or three
ozeu of them, at the least. The monkeys
tern included in the sale. One day a visi
or asked the proprietor, who chanced to be
here, what bad been his fancy to hive this
ien'Avrio,, and why he had made it /I the or
ament of his garden. cc Ah,” said he 4 , they
re my Itunily. I lodge -them out of'ratit
de. They are also some friends; re ations
rould not have been sufficient. This great
Main who is grinning so, is my Uncle
'Ghls little black-looking one who is
ricking the prone, is my Cousin Emile.—
'his very droll one, who twists his tail so
ctively upon that branch, is my last passion.
,he is called lleloise. Ah ! it makes me sad
'hen I look at thess poor creatures. The
xperionce of my life is there !" The key to
-am mystery was at last given. Each ii a.o
IA a relative or a friend of Monsieur de
!— hailed to keep his word, or, in his es
mat.on, committed any one of the peccadil-
ms to which friends and relatives so often
lait , l guilty—such as a lie, an equiroc aloft,
betrayal of conlidence, or the like-he
algid a monkey, placed it in his nicnagor
., and iinad3 it the namesake of the offender,
In ten years,'' said Monsieur C---,'k.
save bind twouty-nine monkeys.' All my
.tions ara there, except one 1111111 and my
randmothert --Ars-to my--frienda,-two-- only
iv alisent. Nevertheless,..l. have 'prepared
heir niche for - them; and in a year or two,
. th,t most,•l shall hAve • atrinyeviends and
.Litmus caged."
ADVICE TO A iIItIDE.---1 beg to remind my
ow daughter, that the husband has a thou
ma elements of disturbance in his, daily ay
;Ations,_ to which the Nvife iiinn
ei;; •und it will be her privilege, acid
tie to the respect of till wit6se respect is
•orth'having, to 'inahe his own fireside the
1 6t attractive place in the otniverse for the
ihn repose fa weary body or excited wind,
'Ale editor of Punch, who, somethnOs Nyo
ii•gii'ett to joke—nod thi,3.perhopo
say.B it is found that women make
110 best clerks for the Electric Telegrard),-
rery rarely indeed are they et fault. The
my Alliculty is to prevent, cudlt * young dady
end of the line frJtn "luring the bust
Itgi..Paddy McShane was annoyed exceed
ingly by a strange'dog. On a cold winter
night, the wind cutting like a knife, after the
dog had been turned Out of doors no less than
three, times, Pat was awakened by rather
expensive fracture orthe glass. The.deig was
in the house again. Paddy waited upon him
out, and both wereilment - some fifteen min
utes, so that his old wotnan becoming 'alarm
ed at such prolongued absence, rase and went
to the window.
" What are.Saes doing out thero, Paddy,
acushla ?" said she,
There was such a chattering of teeth that
the answer for some time was somewhat uain
telligible, at last it came:
I am thrying to fraze the divilish baste to
A PADDY. AND TUE LAW--A Few days.sinee
Timothy No entered a 'complaint a
gainst his wife for disturbing the peace.
Squire. "Do you wish to have her arrested
and fined ?"
Tim. "Yea to be sure I do"
nire. "If she is fined, don't you know,
sir that you will have to pay the fine ?"
Tim. "Will i 1? Geld to the divil wid'er
thin. .Divil recuive the bit uv a fine pay
for_her. lit'erstay at,home-and mind the
Itla,..They have got a fast operator in -1 r•
krinsaa. He cuts up clover and hay, and
sells it for black tea. As good as wooden
nut mega, anyhow. That customer will do to
p ubv , shed by PUWLUR & WELLS, Soar York.
ru older t o aw , o uuuudate ••The People" residing in all
the Publishers will ton% alm
Parts of the united states,
by return ( l y th e tirst mail any hook mimed in the fol
lowing list. The postage will be prepaid by thou at the
New York Office. liy this arrangement of prepaying
postage in advance, fifty per cent is saved to the pin ,
cyaser. All letters containing orders should be post
paid and directed as follows—
Constitution of,Man. Dy (leorge Combo. The only au
thorized American Edition. With twenty engraVings,
and a Portrait of the Author. Price, muslin, 8" cents.
Defence of Phrenology. Containing an Essay oar the
Nature and Value of Phrenological Evidence; also, an
able Vindication of Phrenology. By Boarding. Price
Si cents.
Domestic Life. Thoughts on its. Concord and Discord,
with valuable Hints and Suggestions. By N. Shen
-15 cents,
Education: Its Elementary PrinC • inles founded on the
Nature of Mau. By J. Spurathelm, 31. D. With an
Appendix, containing a description of the Tempera•
monte, and nu Analysis of the Phrenological Faculties.
87 cents. We reg ard this volume as one of the most
important that has been offered to the, public formally
years—BOSTON Mrn. Asia Sac.. JOURNAL
Lectures on Phrenology. By GOO. Combo. I VlthNotea, '
au Essay on the Phrenological Mode of Investigation,
and au Historical-SA:etch, By Dr.
,Boardman. Illus
trated. $1 25 cents.
Marriage: its History and Philosophy. A Phrenological
and Physiological EXpOsition of the Functions and
Qualifications necessary fur Happy Marriages. Illus
trated. 75 cents.
Memory and IntellectuaLimprovement ; applied to Self.
Education and Juvenile Instruction. Twentieth edi
tion, illustrated. 87 cents.
Matrimony: or, Phrenology and Phy - stolotor applied to
the selection of Congenial Connetnions for Life; Bo
eluding Directions .to the Married fur living together
Affectionately awl Happily. 30 cents.
Phrenology Provol, Illustrated, and Applied; necompa.
Med by a Clert,outlaracing an .Analysis of the Primary
Mental Powers in their various Degrees of Develop.
ment, the Phenomena produced by their combined .
Activity, and the Location of the Phrenological Organs.
Together with a View of the Moral and Theological
Bearing of the Science. Price $1 25.
Phrenological Alumilic. With Portraits. 6 cents.
Phrenology and the Scriptures. An able, though small
work. lty Rev. John (gement. 12 cents.
Phrenological tinkle. Designed fur Students of their
own Characters. Price 15 cents.
Self-Cuiture, and Perfection of Chametatre; including
the Education and Majagement of Youth. Price 87
"Stax-MAns, or Nev:Ett MADE, is the motto. No indi
vidual can read a page of it without being improved
Viet - cll.—Common Sclusol Advocate.
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trated with One Hundred Em., , ravings; including a
Chart for 'reeordieg the various Degrees of Develop
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• Mtaslin 50 cents.
Accidents and Emeteeneies: A Gulde, containing Di
, rections for l'reatatient in Bleeding, Cute, Bruises,
Sprains, Broken-Bones, Disloeattions, Ilailwey and
Steamboat Accidents, Burns and Scalds, Bites of 31ad
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Sun-Stroke, Lightning, Drowning, Ac., Ac. Appendix'
by Dr. Trull. 13 cents.
Dail aver, P.arlaes, Dud Houghton oil the Water Treat anent,
Completion of Papers and Lectures on the Suliject of
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"onsumptionl its Prevention and Cure by the Water
Tavaiment. With Advice concerning Hemorrhage of
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Sere Throat. By. 1)1.. Show. !••7 cents.
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port fir the Assistance of Patients in consulting their
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D. $1,50.
Ilytin TAU,. Encycleptliat; a System of Ilydropttlay
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-411,P:01110 C.4 . ..crY; Theory 'and Practice of Water
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ties. iticlualing the Nat :Amos Sy tande ms, a n d
Treatment of all ,1,110 ' I,llboaSt:S; auks,
of 113--
•••,1,.. 1 „,thy to 311,brifa -y and the Nuiscry. Designed
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trated Willi upwards Of Three Hundred Eegraviegs
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. This i, the most COMpreIIOIIFIVI , RIO popular work yet
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Prawtke of Water-Cure. ,Con tat ning a detailed account
of the various proves: csitset.LiaitheAVaterar(.atattatat.,-
Itv Wilson 1001 0 tally. 80 cents.
Plaila,ciplay of Water-Cure. A De velopano»t of the true
Principles Of I lealth and Longevity. Jay BalLimile.—
New I I yElrepalllW Cook it k. fly It. Troll. 7.1-. 1). A
System of t 'ol, log on II:, IlropaChlc P. inclph -c .1 .
• ig tab lan 1•:,,p-411100 of I lia_Trao, I:cial mos of ail
• Aii F‘;‘,o-0,02, 1 bill 111'
1;4 pr all. appr. pri.tte. for 11 . 0,,tv1r
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I . lllllslit'S. It is Ilan l'ook'a Complete 1,1041 e l• r
all who - oat Cu live." 1'ap0r.,1.2 eta.: tuna in; et.
Se'.e.nre. of .-;al Menhir. With a ustructions to Loan era;
lniii-ti heel. 1., coati'. • '
IVulra-Coro in America. Over Three lianntrei Cases a.a
ariotam Heated with Irater. With Cases 0
1) octestio Plarlp et. t 23.
IV 0. ;'ore :Applied t a °very lanowo imeo re. A No,
- t h! jry. A emard.da, Demonstration of the Al, an
in of the Ily,li -p,ltdii , teata of Cm lug Di' , gnaws
" aim; il,/ t.111.n y the Ail.patlalaa pl. th. d.
n .4 411, utter imabiiitv to (''tort n l'err. a rant t 001.—
" Pla Appendix. the - dr, ll:Mile] let; and
11, kr Lathing, . Eausse, 87 els.
30S Broadway, Nuw York
tattisle ."15eralb.
Water-Curo Manual 'A
Popular Worli,'embruchig De
scriptions of the: Widens •Modes :of ]lathing, the Hy
gienic and Cuiail%:e Effects of Air, - Exercise, Clothing,
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Descriptions of Diseases, and the .113 1 / 4 1ropethle
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Water-Cpre Alumnae. Illustrated. 0 cents.
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ucation. - With Notes by 0. S. Fowler. 87 cents. .
Chronic Diseases: especially the Nervous Diseases of
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Price 30 cents.
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man Imyrovement. By 0. S. Fowler. 87 cents:'
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eluding Female 'Edtuution. By O. S. Fowler. With
Illustrations, 87 cents.
Natural Laws of Man. Dy J. G. gptusheim, )1. D. An
' important work. Trim 30 cents.
Physiology, Animal and Mental. Applied to the Pro
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Sober and Temperate Life Discourses and :Letters and
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Tobacco. Three Prize .Essays by Drs. Trail, Show, and
Baldwin. 18 cents.
Teeth: their Structure, Disease and Treatment, with
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en. 30 oents.
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tivation of Intellpct, Moral Sentiments, Social Affec
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87 cents.
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Judge Huriburt. With Saco, by George Combo. 87
Berne fpr All. A New, Cheap. Convenient and Superior
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structing Gravel NVellis. With Views, Plant,. nod En
,grnred 111 tistmtions. New Edition,-Revised-and En
larged. 87 cents.
Theory of .Population. Deduced from the General-Lam
of Animal Fertility. Introduction by Dr. Trail.
cents •
Woman: low Fduention and influence. By Mrs. Truwo
with an Introduction by Ms. 0. Kirkland..
With Portraits. 87 . cents.
Elthor of these works may lm ordrred and nacelved by
roturli of tho fast Mall, wstago prepaid' by the I'ulr
-161;ers. Please enclose the amount In lank notes or
p,stage stamps, and address all orders. pent. paid—to ,
• :los Ilrf.hdwny. New York.
N. D. Name your Post Office, t. Janty nod Kato.
Drug .Stores.
pItUGS ! latUaS ! DItUGS ! Fresh
7 SUPPLY! I have just received a flesh stock of
Medicines:, Paints, Glass; Oil. .t: r., which. having
„AR been purchased a Itli great care at the best city
houses, I
cancontidently recommend to Families.
Physicians, country Merchants and Leviers, as be
ing fresh anti pure.
DitUliS—Patet4 . Medicines, Fine Chemicals. Instru
ments. pure Essential Nis, liethiand Exiracts, - Fpices,
ground and whole, Essences, Perfumery, t.e.
Cod Liver 011—warranted gehuine..
DYE-STUFFS—lndigoes. Madders, Sumac, Alum, Log
and Cam Woods, Oil Vitrhd, Copperas, Lae 11/,)e.
PALli'l—Wetherill '4 Brother's Pura-Lead. Chrome
Breen and Yellow, Paint and Varnish. nrhshet,Jersey
'Window Maas. Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Copal and coach
Varnish. and Red head. rorwhichlwin im sold at the
very lowest market price. . . .
Al',s a fresh and splendid assOrttnent of FANCY
Wrol l ri t Fruits. Confectionary; and innumerable other
artleirs,ollculated for use,,and ornament, all of which
are offered at the lowest eash prices. nt,the cheap Irrug,
Book and Fancy Store of the, subscrlber on North Ilan•
over street. ',.., - '-. B. 1." BAVVISTICK.
have Just received from Philadelphia and
New York very extensive additions to my
+Cr' former stook, embracing nearly every article
~."Lrlierr of Medicine now in use, together with
,II -7 Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turfauatine, Perin.
mcry, Soaps, Stationary. line Cutlery, FiFll.
••• tag Tackle, Brushes of almost every deserip
ion, with an endless _variety of other articles, which I
am determined to sell at the VERY. LOWEST prices.
All Physicians, Comte). ►lerchunts, Pedlars Lind oth
ers, are respectfully requested not to . pass the OLD
STAND, aathoy may rest assured that every article will
ho sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable terms.
Muhl street, Carlisle
May 30
North Hanover street, nest door to ;a
ti lass's Hotel. 1 14,4:4.=•••••,, , ,,c,
Ile. would respectfully Inform the
citizens of Carlisle and the public generally, that he
has now on,hand a large and elciantassoitinent of 'TB-
Nrfi!t:hl,ennsistlng In part of 1% ardrobes,Card and oth
er Tables, Sofas Ilureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Smviug ; 4 tatuds, ni.nuractured of the best material
and quality warranted.
Also a general assortment of CI( AlltS at the lowest
priers. \1:. s BLINDS made to order, and repairing
prompt Iv attended to.
6IFFINS made at the shortest notice; and hav
ing a splendid hearse ho still attend funerals in town or
Itothomber Cho stand—noxt door to H. Glass's
...4 --3.‘m ES R. WEAVER would resneefeully (•all
, .-
__ 4 the zit teution of I 1,,U5(1-1: evlloll,llll‘l the public
4 ... , ..;} - -'...•-, ta 111SON.1.011SINliS1.11Ch of elegant FU RN ITU ItM.
....,,,,, 6
~,,,,,,,th,,z,„„,,,, Centre 111141T:tide},
—l.-:! -. :. '.• lies,ing and Plait Bureaus, and every other
article in his hrtnelt of land :less- Also 110 W 4111 hand.
(11 , I:ll*!` 4 .St tl,` , l•.tinla of 111 AIRS,. In Carlisle, at ,-- . .
the lowrspprires. - - .Attt , lS't4 - made - at - tin', short- , : /4„;"
est Doti,' .tad a I b,use provided for funertbt
i. Ile ' 4 -... , -I
solicit: , a ran at Itht Natal lishment, on North Ilan-. 1
user slroet..ncas lilat , so's ltotAtl.
AtipPurniture hired out by the month or year.
ob; s :. CO RN 1.:11, ''qf Ilan
• / over Lonther sts•.
t:W It 1.151.E.-I'he thiersign
has always on band II largo steel( of superior Cabinet
Ware, In itll the different Ftyles, whleit he is prepared to
sell at the lowest price. lle Invites attention partieu
larlS- to the PAresr Rratyu POTTOM a most
useful article. whieh entirely obviates all objeet
Thoo„.ttoot t . :111 be ~ift,telt(l,l to old Bedsteads. They hare
_gil'inLentlie sat Isrett all who havo-thetudn-use.
COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice.
—„._.— • -
sTA) ( s u
.4 "
1:14 4:0111):n-411..
i l4 1' 1 . 414 '. 1 114 1,4 1 11 / 4 111 tll , ' 141 IV I'M 11l of N‘
6onrurif. i•• 1i 3 .0 411 ,11,113.% 4414,1 1,11411.31 stroqis
114 1/I.' V. 003111 11 4 r ( 1 .10111.1 V,
140.4.1 of :••i•:, .1N1) l'.%NtSl
'vt'ry Mod 11131 410if.t.5. : 131.141:. 414b13t431 to
0113 11141034. t 4 wlth 1111 nhAortment of
1111:S. Ills 1 , t•iiI,11:11 log' 'Ten 1401441 y r n i nn•ono;, , ,t within
rho Ins' two WIVI.A. I , nyers will Ln o tint
soloiliog crow it 1'1:1::-1 I F'ff.ieli, n. troll no the lot'
prim of nanny 1 lu will
in wiliff if 141-I to all rho 144445 fitv, , r 141141 o.lth it
pliiiir - es lo o.'ll ovory :111 low or.
C,4411, 10, '4.V, 7 , A
- q‘ I.:.RY 0114.—Avery I , ti pet ,-
It or art ii.lo of oil. for LTP.Aiflng 144
odived,atl.fvr atlo cht4l) at Y. F I.vioNe.
•-....,, tt
''',''''t 7 ~',,..,,..:,,4' ~,f..,'
, Oro ()oohs.
NEW 000D61 ' , NEW GOODSiI
; 'l4:
e subscriber has just returned front the cities of N.
Irci: and Philadelphia with the cheapest and most
:sp. dld assortment of FALL AND WINTER. GOODS
over ~ , ;cought to Carlisle. having purchased from several
Of the lattg."`C.lmperting, houses in New York for t.. i ,
'will m ai, ;Let.° offer *greater Inducements anti g ve
tt v old customers and nil who may
better barenins to ..* -: ' I had atany other store
facer me With a call, ihati , -7 a ' o
in the town or county. ' ' ' •. 4
tinetts, Cloths, Kril
-1 have the cheapest Flannels, t-tc.,. 'tt , s, Tickings, Sze.
lucky Jeans, De Lains, Do lieges, Must....'
Sc., ever offered in the borough. ' , :- r""" -.him—.
It is impossible to enumerate one-half tia, a. .-^ for
Come ono and all in want of cheap gtmds and jecti,
yourselves. - No trouble to show our goodS. Recollect
the old stand, East Main Street
'.oet-i '54
14004. BE I
T V z have returned S.
l'idlddelplifa and aro now unpacking a complete
assortment of FALL AM) WINTER. GOODS.
A full assortment of Cloths. .
A full assortment of Cassimeres.
A full assortment of CAsslnets.
A full assortment of Vesting&
• A full assortment of Ladles Press Geodi.
• A full assortment of Poinestle llocods. •
A full aSsortment of Filks and ..Alparns. . •-
A full assortment of Filk,Thibet &Cashmere Slum
A full assortment of armories.
A full assortment of Queenswaro.
With a full assortment of Miscoßennetts articles gene
rally keptin Stores. Purchasers will find it greatly to
their interest to call and examine our Stock before pur
chasing, as gopds have materially depreciated, and will
be sold ace Jingly, 'Come ono, conic all, and judge for
yoursely . [sept2t)
The largest stock of Clothing ever breught to Car
at their cheap and extensive' CLOTIUNG HOUSE, in
North Hanover Street.
The prices of clothing at thishousc have been reduced
to such a very low standard that it is now in the power
of all who wish, to wear good clothes.
The assortment 6gpvlsts of Overcoats of every descrip•
.tion, Dress, 'Frock nod Sack Coats, a great variety of Box
coats, Monkey coats. la% Superfine Cassintere I'ANTS,
black and fancy. Silk and Satin VESTS, and a fine va
riety of Valencia and other vests. Also, shirts. cellars,
stocks, pocket handkerchicik,suspenders.gloves,laslery,
and all other articles generally kept in this line I),
bliNillUSS. All articles sold At this establishment war
ranted whet they are represented to be,
Also, a splendid assortment of goods In the piece.—
Superfine French and English C L will F iu,d cAs
slll-ritE4vf -e v ery-h neon d- sha do:Tattle': silk; and Veto
yestings, satinetts, itc.; all of frhirh - will - te - malleto
order at the shortest notice. - and -In the neatest and lest
ma. rt.r.' All garments warranted to lit. BOYS CLOTH
alwa7,,, on hand. ,
The public aro respectfully invited to call' and exitrit-
Inc the superior assortment of clothing at this establish.
intit, next door to Lyne's Hardware store, opposite to
lifin;laughlin's hotel.
fit'pt. 27-46. te. LIVINGSTON.
LIP_ ..
--'rll i 11' MAGAZINES, AND
Elemelits of Character, by Miss Chandler. '
Closcrnook, by Alice Carey. •
Cr:tab-IA by author of Mary Barton. ..
Passion :and Prejudice, by Mrs. Gum
Henrietta Temple, by D'isrucli.
Ohl Redstone, or Historical sketches of Western Presby
terianisin,'.tc.. by Joseph Smith. D. D.
Village Sermons, by lies. Geo. Burden containing one
hundred and one plain short discourses on the princi
pal doctrines of the Gospel, just published by Lippin
cott, Grambo & Co.. Of Philadelphia.
Siinny Memories of Foreign Lands, by Mrs. IL B. Stowe.
Splendid Gift Books and Annuals fir 1855.
Harper's, Putnam's, (Imbibes and Oodey's Magazines
for 00t01...,
0(14 A. M. PIPZIC.
IA GROCERY STORE of the subseribei, n Ma
on Ittill,
,-, Soda. butter, Pic Nic and Sugar Buisruit,
Parina, corn Starch, Tapioca, Sago. Pearl Harley.
Extract of Coffee, Rice Flour. flaking Pon - der, ke.,
A new lot of superior Tails Dil,
Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard. Bay
num. Le. .3. W. EBY.
i i
Lof you who have been afflicted for years with this _
bothersome disease, and who have been using almost
every Nostrum before the public without relief we say
to you try ', Kieffer's Anti Dyspeptic" and you will soon
be convinced of its great superiority over every other
preparation, We could give you sunny certificates comb
orating our assertions, but a single trial is worth snore
than all. This remedy is - prepared and sold at the Drug
Store cf 11. J. KM FEEL South nanover street, a few .
doors south of the Court House, Carlisle. ..,,
The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and
the public generally, that he has just returned from the
city with a large and varied _asscrtment of
ORtall:lt1 liS, CLASS and .QUEY.N.9-11' AR I , "or""' "
Pi Sil, &c. 7.1,:., which lie offers for sale on it,. 1111 '',"1
most reasonable terms. at his New Ston '1 1 1 !
corner of North Hanover ntreet and the Pill to 0
lie Square, directly opposite the Carlisle he.
posit Bank. lila stock embrases everything usually
in n Grocery and Variety store.
no-publie are invited to call and examine his stnek
before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can
sell this best goeds at the lowest prices. '
113 est Itio, Nforha and 'Roasted Coffees,
Crushed. Pul verlred and 1.,0af Fugar,
Porto Rico, New I Weans and CON& do,
'lmperial, Gunpowder, Young ply son and Mack Tens,
Best Syruns. 0. and Stemr lions(' Molasses,
Queenswam, Cedai• and Stoneware,
Cheese, Fish. Salt, Soap and Starch,
eavondish, Natural Leaf. and Cong.ress ToLacco,, , ,
Pickles, Pine Apple and Tomato l'reserves,
Ketehup and Spices of every variety. &e•
My stock has been selected with strict ref6rence tc,
family use, for sale very for ,a,l l wio.l.s,ale o r retail
by LLIAM6,
cell '5l Family Grocer.
Surgeons ' lladair,e
' 4 32 351 .. RI:INIOV El) to No. .1. ;tit
!Area, Kb:l It h above 31:n1,0.. 1.. e,
I:12 I'atant Ilronutting Prvsl-ure TI,t . SS, for ti,
qtre of itunt ore: ;Ixonitlor Vra , es, Stipp , rters„ 'Elastic
'l.oe6iov•;, susrnsary, Hemorrhoidal, and I , a 'Wages rer
formities: Jan. 11-Iye
t ( A. 1,T.-5000 Sucks A.
SALT, for s:ilu 11 .
Clitlt. (1E151.1
Flour k Oral') Commis:don NlorrhatitH, Svelte , : white!,
lialthisoro, Dee 5
11,0 C EIE SIT AwLs.—A lot of 4,ong
) and Square Drorlm :qu wlh. Alem,lllauket
ret.elved 11'0111 New 'Ywk and 24rIllug very low at the
clit.arr i:LOrt-of—
ttklV; ' , SAS 0t111.111%
•\•Ar E call the ai ti - mtion of ihe public to
Poit'rA Jim: 1i.111111.,N 11N I 11:i: '1::\ 4:INE. ii.r
w - :it, , ri,,A ..:.,,a1,,,0, ~..f ~ ,, tingiti:,l,ll,g fill,. An ~xeellunt
atti , l, , . ',at, 4.11, , a1, and ~,iiveiller.t. liar fah. at
nt,rl-1:',.", 1..`...N.1.11N'5.
. . . .
J.) - .LAtIKSAI 1.1 ' 11.!S COA L. 5,00(1
) iiiishos tiiso.siiiittes ccai, a Ilrht rate article re
iseielog will Ita• Nth! by
.I:tali :.'att I W. 11, It' I;ItlIA. V, Agt.
1 1 Vl ' llA ill TC K WTI EA T . F Lt)1; 11,
~1 fu ,4:,,.1.: , f , , r fiv,ily ma , . 4I , 11. Cr.l:ll.orf it!S, It, mi
d') • 1 1, .ans, ,to jo , .:t. 1., , ,.., 1%, , a1 at the l'amil 4 11.1`,TV .I'
ji,r, 10 .l. D, ut.11.13!'.1.T.
Q :VI, 1 . 18 1:IN1 VA N T I . : l ) .--A ii ex pe
- L 7ri.,,i ;, , itiesisati is wsiitca ill a Dry 1;1,, ,1.: ;i'.,r, , ..
,Ipply to .' • O. IV. MT,N42I:.
10r, WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at the "Phl/0-
- delphla,Watch and Jewelry Btoto,.'
Number t; North Second Street, c i.l•
.of Quarry, Philadelphia, Gehl
Lever Watclum, full jewelled, Itl sw
at cases, - - "- $2O CO
Gold Lepino, 18 carat cases, 24 00
Silver •• jeuels, 0 00
Silver Laver, full jewelled, 12 09
SuPerlor Quartiers, - - 700
(lold Spectacles, - 7 OD
Fine Silver Spectacles, - - 1 00
Gold Bracelets, -- 3 to
. ...
Ladies. Gold-Pettells, - . - 1 00
Silver Tea Spoonal set, - , - - - 5 la)
Hold Pens, with Pencil and „Sil•ter Helder, - 1 00
Gold Finger. 'Rings 37% cents to $8; Watch Cdasem,
Ain, 12.!6 cents. Patent IF 3i, Lunet 25; ether artier"'
proportion;" All goods warranted to be what they ace
Id for. -
, . .
..., a ,
._........,. .
1:)korl:, j.121.t;.
I'ATENTSQUAItE tlptouirr wool) Lox 31ATi nizit
IoG North FOURTH ;•:treet (alevelleee)lllll.Al4.l,
lA. Matches having become an Indispensable artide
- M.m.sokeeplug, the subscriber after n - great - $.ll - crifee - of
- Ate and monoy.-is enabled to:offer to -the PUblie an ar
. to at once combining Utility and Cheapnecs. 'lhe in
•ntor knowing the danger apprehended on accrunt
tlimsey manner in which Matches ate generally
nebed In paper, has by the aid of New Ream 3iachineu
his own invention, sueceeded in getting up a 6A Fr.Tv
k TENT SQUARE UPRIGHT WOOD 110 A:; this lox la
r preferable, in as much that it - Mccup4a no more roam ,an the old round word box, antr,aitaius least
Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shippers
, modderable advantage; it Is entirety new. and sreursi
ni nst moisture and spontaneous centhusilom dispels
n ger on transia.rtatien by means of Bail Gad, Stcam
at or any other mode of • ,
TII(IF-0 Matches are packed so that" one gross or Mow
ty be shipped to any part of the World with perfect
fety. They are the most desirable article for Items
msumption, arid the Southern and western markets
.at have ever been invented;
11 4 1 RENCII TRUSaES, hum
ine cure el itemiser Ruptnris
auowledged - by the highest medical authorities of Phu.
.111phifi, Ineouiparablx . sniktior to any otlier in ussw.--
dierers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now
'era to procure not only the highest and most easy, lint
durable Trams as any other, in lieu of the cumbrous
uncomfortable article Usually sold. nu re is no dif
ilty attending the fitting, and when the pad Is low,-
it will retain its position without cham.e.
Corner Twelfth and Pace streets Philadelphia
LAnics, requiring the benefit of Mechanical ;..'up
,ters, owing to the derangement of the Internal Qr
inducing failing of the Womb, Vocal. Pulmonary
,:fprptler. Nervous and Fpinal Weakness, are informal
at a competent and experienced Lena will to in
ulance at the Rooms, (Fet apart fl!r• their excludirs
a) No. 114 TWELFTH tit, let door below Race.
July 26,'53.
Patent Tubular Oven 74
AIR RANGE, various al. tO uit 11 •.4
; douses and Hotels. In want of a superior Cooking Apparatus al
ell to call at our Warehouse and examine this RI 4,
r durability, economy and-titopiicity-In opernti
Anis unrivaled. It has a perfect hot air veutilatl u
.1 meats Inked In this oven will retain theirjuics
v,r olunl to that masted before an cpon lire. II sn
pastry-mo6rd at the same time n 'theta one a t •
the other. It will supply, standout heated r
at additional moms for the coldest weather, Ith'
:cowling, or return lines. and is equally well ado.
Htuminotts or mimeo hard real. The steam
it the boiling part of the Range carries oil the al
, 1 scent of cooking, as well as heat in summer.
livery flange sold warranted to give satisfaction, t
,)oeso to the purcluo4er.
!IA KS' vENTILAToit, Patented Octal er, 184 f •
.I.lla llnlls . Fnctpries, Railroad eara,l.lltanies,
Ips, Steameto,
Vora air is a subjr.rt elaitning attention of e
ll~lduni and all Luildln4F should bo provided Nit
I pr..per !neut.!: of VC:1(11110.111.
S North Sixth street,
ir' PerNonal attx)ntion given to warming and •..0
Ing both putill'i•lit'ol private bud/dings.
!—,3 1 - 1( 4-
)r I,,,COVERY IN MEDICINE.—A few vi de o,- 040
alai Treatment, wit: iint, Spiumnitor
400;ii iieryo us debility. lois spirits. larsit ude.,
oil iiint
ter study and hilicr, (lulln , ,:suf apprelierskit,.
~f as er.litin to society, lose ornet., H
ilts'. sell' distrust. (117.11nehs. headache. nay
..haelf,es, gains hi tho side, ritreet bin df the
ever, I:lam
<nnn the iitta , i sexual rind other inCtio [tics hi Ina 0.
From, .
tin important fact that (lingo alurniinif reu pi: itch
iy easily lai - rernered tlii,F
.•i ri, tirely lit•NY and
Illy sneeessful trealllleVi. en adopted by (11, lutbn
whi.ti every ono is en.-'
nee 16111,4,4 and iit the lens(. noseillo
:ill the advertised nostrum:l tit the
IrATIN.—A lot of very
V 1 :nd W.nlh.n Yarn,just
) , ,u,lll,i.ttor than the city y,ur. nil c.,1,
TE. GOULD,A . Successor to A. Fiot.
No. lel4 'ChestnutSweim'e Building, Philartei ;
.in, extensive litisie Publisher, and Dealer in ilueleo.!
struments of every doscription. -
Exclusive agent for the solo of Ilnllet, Davin & Co.
, ent Suspension Bridge Audinn and oilier PI ANi
Boudoir Maros. Ni (+Aeons-, Martin's Guitars
t.aitt, Mork, Music Boas, •te.
.. he
arils Vielins .
Residents of the country Ti
;iambic with music they may wish, in, .
one(' In parson. - having ono of the largest Fti. ci a ,o
.o ;United litotes, 1. feel confident of sati.t•fying all who
ty favor too with a call or order.
itealers In Music sup plied on the most literal term'
aims to let. Second-hand Planta for sale.
May 20. 786:3-11,
IMAyand. some hold and Silver LoYen: and Lepti
111 lotrvr than the nbuto prices.
DEALERS and SILIPPERS, will do well to call and
amino f4..1. themselves. .
ttli:Theso matches, nro WARRANTED to bo rupwier
anything heretofore offered to the. Public..
-100 North FOURTH St. hhilad a.
Phila. Doc'r 4, 1854.
Persons at a distance unable to call Oil the sUbSCribelr.
Ti have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting
e dollars for the single Truss, or ten for the double—
t!' measure round the .bins. and stating side affected.
will be exchanged to suit if not fitting. by returning
once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Import( r,
1)s efliDO, 6chool Houses, Churches, Ilalls, Eftcrt
A large assortment of Office. Hall and Cooking Stc.l%
rlor Crates, Registers, e. Wholesale and retail.
) 1.1)10V E N EW LAN i) & CO'S
w and retail li l (1 \I) VIC
'I; ' , TAME 3IANIII•AC7i V. No. ARCH street,
,itn-the Theater. "
L. N. A Co. received the only Prize Medal. andiriltil at
• Crystal Palave exhibition. S. Y., 1758, in the Vnited,
,t lid Gilt. Decinateil, Mantel and Her Clastes.
to gratis and lasi t free. in n Fenkil
poet paid) lAtn
Pr. It. lik.lgincpy,l7 e.heet, Yurlc.
1 1IY.1 SI I,lcB.—T am now opelling
, r 1 went f %(');, f 4 I 1C ,4 - n "
cf Ike W lay fa.hi• FALL Chi
icti 'Zii