Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 28, 1855, Image 5

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- Agritultztral.
r_Ty ,l lthlg.
. ........___ ,
During this and the sueeer‘il'.\.o,:',,v"' Nlt-'''
fruit trees shout,l . 1 1,1',..>"‘491' 31°''''
o' . 11‘ 1 ‘ av .. 'x'‘
0 P r Un o i P i AN '.....A'a
with. Deal.... „ itiliihej .BhtlUtit
invariably be cut low enough to secure
live bra nchs,an'd if the limb bo a large one,
it is better to trim itolfafter the saw with
nsharp knife or hatchet. The saw is a
poor pruning instruinent at the best; with
'out trimming after it, especially on the out
side of the wound; as it will scarcely ever
Leal over, whereas, if the branches are c► t
with a sharp instrument, and the tree
healthy; the surKounding bark will soon
cover tl►e wound, and thus avert decay.—
The 'Object in pruning, varies with the (lir-.
-Brent sorts of fruit.
Apples (10(1 peai:s, where allowed full
scope require thinning merely of weak and
cross branches, and all spay cut clean out
in the body Of tlie tree. Dwarf and espa
lier trees require somewhat different
punimg, but most .of which blioultl be
perforwediu the summer; all that is requ
ired t; t this season, being to silo rt',ll in the
unprodacti ye shoots of established trees
within two or three inches n' hcir length,
fait i trgcarn - t - o-preseTve- o-fru i
which .are readily known by their round
and plump form.
Peach, frees are much benefited by pro
fling, as, if commenced while young, thc
tree will always remain bushy and "close,"
while if left to itself; it will become in a
s'aert time, an ugly straggling tree with a
few bearing shoots at the top. Cut out
all weak spindly growth, eXcept, where
want'N to till up a vacancy, and shorten
in the leading shoots of each branch.
We prefer this to shortening the branch
es we intend to leave. If the tree is
inclined to be crowded, a third of the
young wood may be taken out with ad
vantage. It is better to leave the pru
ning of peach trees 'till all excessive cold
is past, as the fruit buds in extreme eases
are killed b, frost; and where this occurs;
pruning must be done accordingly:
The native grape vines that have re
mained uncovered arid unpruned, may .1e
done at any time. The fruit will cone
much finer and suffer less from mildew
and other pe's'ts if ample space is left for
the development of the foliage. Under
no pruning should the branches be near
er each other after they are dene than eigh
teen inches—three feet is better.
Currants and Gooseberries should also
be pruned; established trees of the red
and white currants require the young
wood well pruned back ; and gooseberries,
the last year's wood thinned considerably
leaving young wood enough to be free
from crowding during summer.
Tha black currant is much neglected
in this country. To grow it to perfection
requites a moist soil, very rich ; in prun
ing only requires, the branches thinned;
an occasionally the older ones taken out.
—Country Goitlenatn
Whitewashing Trees.
.• The assertion has of late been repeat
edly advanced in our agricultural and
other journals, that the practice of white
washing fruit and other ornamental trees,
is injurious This assertion we consider
as' having been fully attested by the re
sult of experiments, and by philosphy ;
yet we find the practieejS still continued
by' many farmers and torraculturists who
profess no slight knowledge of physiology
and whose experience, extending, as they
assert,through a period of many years,
_one would nattirLilly suppose , would he.
sufficient to convince them of itS utter
inutility, so far . as the growth of trees is
concerned, if nothing more. We can
suppose that the practice originated, in
the necessity of applying some caustic al
kaline liquid in Order to remove the mos
ses and other similar parasitical plants
which,so frequently abound on fruit and
other trees, and that having been once
introduced, it has been perpetuated un
der tie erroneus and uinrliilosophical pre
sumption that,whitewash is • highly effi
cient and salutary in promoting- vegt4a-
We health. It is no doubt true that
caustic, limeopplied to_ the bark of trees,
operates as a powerful stimulous ; but it
.has a tendency to induce a morbid and
sickly, not a healthy action in the system,
and to impart to the trees an appearance
of old age, and of premature decay.—
There-is a - striking analogy between the
rut it*, or outer bark of trees, and the ep.
itlowio. of animals. The office of both
is to afford protection against external
ctions of absorption and perspiration
juries, and to graduate•the important fun
through their pores.
cation calculated toobstruct
must of necessity prove
health, and' becbmo
an agent or cause of d• •
other parastieal fungi, Renee anytippli
these pores,
prejudicial . to
to a certain extent A;..
disease. - My -
which it ir • ''.
trees are infested with lice, licher,. °
tial to detatoh and distroy, - irp '-'-
. ,r" CSCII
- ree
°mend the appo, : p.: ..-- ,- •• '''''
and the 5te,, ,, ,,c-- 6 the "scraper"
ble to " 4s .- ' -se of lye ;is prefera
sseseQ s, effects of this upon the
..errally stimulating, and it
.this important advantage that it
es no sediment to harden on the sur
face and obstruct the poores. Where
the trunks of trees are incrusted with
sca'es- and parastieal fungi,.
thoroughly, and ,rubbing . down with
coarse sand till the roughness is removed
and the surface rendered perfectly smooth
add then washing.olf with lye, or soap
suds, produces an exhilirating - effect, and
communicates to the circulatory system,
and to the emun 3tories a degree of ener
gy which cannot so readily and effectua'-
ly be imparted by any other way.
When whitewash is applied, the pro
cess of - purification is always necessarily
slow and imperfect. The lime uniting
with the moss, etc., forms a hard, tena
cious and compact mass, which effectu
ally closes the pores, and arrests the e
conomy of perspiration, and by confining
the fluids which the system rejects, and
would, if permitted, throw all, lays the
foundation of diseases more fatal than
those it is designed to . prov , emt, or cure has not this effect.
r j 't E"1..".r VI I, :PI--VAI -A-I
N.sot Institittinn will open on the fist
•& inlay of March, inn and ronniCelkins
orr....ted ti.r that purpe.e. under the directinn and ,Ilper-
I utolultmro or ./1, , r. li cn newly and Santuel Tharns.m.—
Elie . ..cation of the Seminary is healthy at.. retired.—
It is the deNign of tint Principal that the s i'Witrse of in
:t ruction .he tibwough, and the expense.: moth:mite.
The best fenntle tea.thors will by employed. Pupile I
sill he arranged in riass:s ae.ording to the ittreetion
lie Principal. There will be three elasStri--Printary.
Junior aitilScnior.
For board, washing, fuel and light, per session
of 4 months,
Coition in Senior class per session,
rook, Latin or rrimelt, . ,
Masi., on Piano and use of Instrument,
ant painting and drawing,
For further information address
J. IC ESN tiflY, Principal,
Jaiinary IT, I srir,.-.2.m Fayottville, Przlnklio Co. Pa,
11)14,A.IN1'114:1.1) ChASSICA L ACA
4n1.1" near Cart die, Pa. Thi, 17th -n wlll omit
imineo Ir, November tt, Is 1. \n a, crof Stu
dents limitiaand constant tifyrts used for their moral
and intelleelual improvement. Terms, vir, per se.ismii.
Circulars with referuuccs lid full ha' furnish
by it. K. 111'11N,
Principal auci Pre.prictor,
I'luiu!l la, eurulwrlami t.n. Pa.
ntklit scii 110 I, NCNV Vine. I'/I.—ThP W NTEI: :J,Es
Fi - t\ Is iN commenre on 'Cuesilay. the 7th of NOV 01111,lq:
Ili 1,11( illllO live months. Careful Instruetion is t;hoi
eionlietent teaehers.ln the departments ..1
:Ithetit.ttical ntid,,Ett . 4 . ll , ll odueati,m
polifys fur t %fill n 4 boarding and ktiZillg., with a r(Ntfli
furnished, $53 per term. Par further particulars, apply
10, olthor of the stilis,Tibors at NCWviiitl, l'a.
76IrrAPIIREN, Principal.
W. R. LINN. A. M.,
It, 7iIeCAIMIREN. jr., A. 11..
on-8 PATENT rA .11M E
possess an advantne over all
other. in t' - icing made with an outsido iron catstit.:,
greatly o,ottonti.Vh lucl and prevents loss of heat. The)
:tro outdo various sites, front in to 1"2t) gallons. They
at-a portable, and may bo sot in tho kitchen for hotn,
hold use, ar out of doors convenient to the barn, pig
pens, Ltc., for bulling food to. stock. For sale by
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed store, N. N. corner
of ith and Idarhot streets, Philadelphia. [loot ;.,1
1)1 111111VE L. KNIGHT, (Successor to
Hartley 4, Knight,) BEDDING AND CAILM
\V A Kr:HAWSE. No, 144 Sonth Second Street, live doors
:thove Spruce street, Philadelphia, wßure Ito keeps con
stantly on Laud a fun assortment of every article In his
line M business. Feathers, Feather I)eds, Patent Siring
Mattresses,, Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, 'Brussels, Three-
Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Ilemp Citrpetings,
Oil Cloths, CAll tnn >lal tlmts, (Niemand Spanish Mattings •
Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Hugs, Door Mats,'rable
and Piano Covers. To which he invites the attention of
purchasers. F4oct'r,4
, L VX NI subscribers era Apats
pima for the above fort illiter, WlllOll ILLS been fully tested
14r the last throo yeas. Early orders solicited as the
supply will lie limited. Also, fur sale best Peturlati
verument ttuaus No. 1. •
A:zeieultural 'Warehouse and Seed Store, N. E. corner
7th and Market streets, Philadelphia.
FAItEIItA. Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in
&minds of. FANCY FURS, fur Ladles and Children, at
234 MARKET Street, Above Eighth, Philadelphia.
Having now completed my large and beautiful assort
ment of All the different kinds of Fancy Furs, that will
be worn by Ladles and Children during-tho present sea
son; this assortment of Furs is equal to any to be thund
in this City, eithAr Cdr quality, variety or beauty. Bay
ing bought my Furs in Europe for Cash, and have brid
them manufactured by the most competent workmen
under my own supervision, with reasonable eeonomy.—
I am determined to 6011 them at. suiall profits, and for .
Cash only.
44-tr STORNIKEItPERS• would do troll to glue tato n
oull-baforo pi) TC/111311/1.1% IOIiN PAIIEIRA,
• 284 MARKET Strout, above Eighth, Philadelphia.
I,7—A full supply of the alum celebrated Churn, now
tin hand of - nil the different sizes, from 4 gallons to 50,
It received the first premium at the tats - Pennsylvanin
Siete Fair, the first premium at the Franklin Institute
and Delaware and Maryland State Fairs, and various
others at different places. It will make ntoro and butter
butter from a given amount of cream, and in less time
than any churn in the market. For Rata wholesale and
retail by PASCHALL, MORRIS it CO.,
Agricultural Warehouse And Seed Store, corner or 7th
and Market, Philadelphia. . Dom 6, 1854.__tr
paid for OLD MDTAL, Ruch as Copper, Brass and
Dun, at tho Carltslo Foundry and Machine Shop.
While a superior article. No's. 1,
and :i Ma , :kerel, alsu Mtnlily, Deans unit Cranberries,
or trail Itt.
WILLIAM C. Attorney
at Law. Office in Maim's Row, Carlisle, Pa.—
Arja - llusinegs entruateti, to him will be promptly fit
tended to. Fob,7. '55.
_I L p settled 4t 31rellanicshurg, for the practiceofids
oll,ssion. All kinds of Legal Writing, Colloctlobs,'
t'ourt husiness, ke., prodptly attended to. Office oppo
site Dr. I,'s residenee. SUIR INO iu nilltu ditto.
rent brandies promptly attended to.
GB. COLE Attorney at Law, will at
tend promptly to al! entrusted to him.
°Rico in the nvan f'rmerly 110.1110 M by William Irvine
North Hanover street, Carlisle.
April 2(1, 1352.
f t E TT rE TIT ek I, II
y p 0 - 111e - e - a ' n - d — r ' ,.4l - il - e2 - e
on ',mailer street, one door east of the German Ito
formed Church. Dr. Blumenthal respectfully odors his
professional services to the citizens of Carlisle and vi
.0.6-Persons from . it distance lahnring under chronic
diseases may consult Thy letter. Ofliee hours., from 7 to
OA. M., and 2 to 4 P. 111. scpttylcltl
1.,C. S. BAI(ER respectfully offers
his professional services to the citizens of Carlisle
itißt surrounding country.
°dice anti residence in lireatit Hanover street, directly
atiPosif e to the o Volunteer Office."
Carlisle. April 20, 1553.
TIB. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North
. I I aII,,VP r
141 ',WO
doors from Weise k Campbell's
Offirtt hours. more prtfrithrly from 7 to 3 o'clock.
A. M., anti froUl 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M.
DE:v.II73T earnfully attends to all
operations npari the teeth and adjacent
parts that illy:vas, irregulatity may rtailre. Ho Will
else illsort, A reitivial Tooth of every description, such as
Pivot. l 4 inele atitl,lllork teeth, and teeth with
untie tl.tinis, - and h ill vortetritet Artificial Palates.. (de
twat ors. Neves. and every appliance used in
the 1,0111111 .Irt. room at the residence
Pr. le:mm.o EI lt, hist Iligh street, C'arliele,
V,( )1101 , 1 Z. t 1).
1, ; / )f 1. r,
pr , . t , +th
Ile. Mill. i.ti Its Ili 11,•••rtoll. 1'7••I•1
10:411. t • nn el • t• set. MI lII,' :1//11
I fir(ll arl priuriple . S4ICII :17,11 -I'lN
-I,,rlus Hnnl .r e ,. 1 1,,- 4)1 Lill. WWII 11.41 Ir
,:11t,11 it it' , 1 . .',61•• I. .1'; al Op r. •
I Irk Mrotitr•r, 1,11 11 Pitt t. jr,r. 1.1
. . . -
pAn 1 . 11-Ir.
ill .I,,rati,'lll's
-4,1 It that. aril roovaort presurr;tti , b. str. h ri ,
,illl rorrtrlro t
1,111 l,t Imrortitm A rtif,dal from a t., , ( 11
t full 1 , 11t,0 tm Pitt frit
milt llt Itailr,,arl rif,tol. or. 1.. is rars,nt from Car`
Sir Gil , Lust. 1.•••1*I . N, ~f rt pry mr,t;tll.
N. ):•.I.:NSTEE 111)trzr-z-SiLfit,
railev and 1
.tryt..... It. l'ar‘ I
t 1,..t0pt t ail tla .• at , av0,.14•....wi1ai lams
, n. 0.1.• 1 ., 1• rrr The sarit.ltildlt , l ,
tilt I". 91 intk, wufu uf, dr y ,in t
$44) (ti
1 u,l
4 tio
5 tp‘
115 It I
5 (ru
\' ES ! ST( VES ! ST( VES !P.-
woti!d ii , form the pttidir tdati
foo+ nnm (111 his ostrthlislnixeut. on
ilext door t )I:trion largo,t nod ~,, ' s r eton-
Oct° :v4+ortment of f`i)Oli, P.lf:-
M... 1 Lilt aTOV i.B to ho found ill this et.unty.
.. ,.e.
~.1 .:..... „high will he sold at (II,• lowest io ices t.r
i , '. -., cash or Or PrOVlttl ii. Ili, stock ecolst.. ~1
~..,,a.; a large astortuteut .1 new nod hi,llly .-4.-
1 -- - ,
.:_,, preyed I , ATICNT CO, IN IN( it ..,--:To V KS. finished
in t Ilt. 11,,,,) etIIIIIIIOLO manner, and valeifinted 1 ,, r elfin I.
Nl 0,01 I,r real, or Loth.--All the old gilt oda rd pat terirg
„Ili, h h 3%1. stood-the trot of 1 . ,17iplO•lelleO, 111,1 y 1 0 1, , 11011
at his ey,tabliidunent., Alm, a great variety of the clot
approNed and beantiful P.klthOlt OFFICE STOVES, i f , -
el tiding a number of now styles, pessesAng - very f..ilpo
ri,,r advantage.. oei‘r those heretofore In llt:(14 l',llllil4es
Mid 11, ,11.01,14•11orN :ire rospertfully invited to tier Liar a
call het .re pilrellasinr e 1.,. here. Stores ,tell, prod to
IllQ, 11:11.t of the eon f.try :tit put up it the }111' , 1•1O,t1 Ott.
lice', 110 ti,llllllll,t, 1., tl,l 311 Itillilit 111 TIN AND SIMET
I It, IN w A iii-:, fold Popper \t I , rk, nod has constantly on
hand or will nial.e to onicr el cry article required by
lnvisel.eopera or others In this Inc.a Ilia stock in Tin
and Tupper \i'aro e:ahraces l'‘'lll'y lii Oil of 1111118011 , 4 d 311 d
It Itollllll utensil. warranted equal to the best manta:le
t tired. Persana in 'Want of articles in 111,1 liotl 'nay alv..
a ,nyr. be 5111 - 11 of being accommodated to their F 41114111,1 ~ O•
by giving him a rail. 1 noel —1 afel
• ymo.on AND ontms4; sTovE.s
Thr ,uh,riltor at Lis tAld Amid on Nta-th ilanover
C.l tkl, tit° Fign of It,. ••Amttigali I:ed 04.4, Pot," dr
lies to call the attention of the public to hi s ju L . A .,, n s ,
g ortment of .e,'TOV ES. of the-newest stud lllt , St, rikSlitbna•
S MO StVieS, from the best manufactories in the
.._ c milt ry, tool at all prices from $3 to $l5.
p 7 l .
:: ~,,
ire the M I i i r n r i c o .r ii ti i t:;:e a e , .. l l it h n e a A A rl• r t I , , i . ig l` h m t v ar o:.
, S t. Star,
tr.. with other patterns which ho has of ail Ala
fOr parlors or chambers.and calculated for learning Dither
wood or coal. Also, the :Etna, Olthe, Astor, Albany,
Flat-top mid ilandbox or Poor Man's, with other CIIOK
-INO S•rov ES, comprising the ladent - improvements In
kitchen stoves, and intend , d for either wood or coal.—
Also, the Dining Room Cooking Stove—tt ncw and ele
gant a rtrele, to which he invites the particular atten
tion of families. Ills cooking stoves range in price from
$lO to '25, with the fixtures complete. Also, Nino Piste
Stove: of various patterns and different prices.
ing Stove , . Brass Kettles. ke. Algo„ every artlclo In the
line of Tin and Copper Ware. Tho public are respect
fully invited to call 114 Lc id confident with his large
stock, variety and eheapne,s, of being able to give en
tire satislin•tlen to (.:very purclotser. Call and see.
jet. $5, N 10111119.,
VANNES FEED CUTTERS, inanuffik;ored for
ALDRICH & SARGENT, No. 410 Market street. thIIMIa
This cutter is superior to any now lu use, for strength
durability, and simplicity of construction; it cute fast
or, and is-the only solfsharpenlng Hay, Straw and Corn
Stalk Cutter ever ;node. It has but ONE STRAIGHT
KNIFE, which any person ran grind and sot with case,
but in ordinary case, Is ground In the machine. Thou
sands have already been sold, and ,tho demand is daily
Incroasiilg. In most cases an examinatien is sufficient
to convince ono of Its superiority. No one after a short•
trial would part with lit for any other. All sizes of the
above constantly on hand and for, sale by
Sole Agent for CuMberiand minty.
UISIPS.---Just received a large.assort
moat of PUMPS ofovary variety in general use,
em oaring Iron and lirasa Cistern and Cistern Side
Pumps. Also, outdoor Pumps, so' regulated as not to
be subject to freezing in winter. - These pumps are got
up in the very beat style in point of quality and work
manship. The manufacturers having had premiums
awarded for their pumps at several State Pairs,
they have Wen on exhibition. Also, constantly on b 31 ,,‘
a full asaartment of Iron \Val Curbs and Chain Pump
Ptr iale low at
Frofessionat Carbs
Siorv , ; ma) SOops
ir - .- -. ‘i n l'EA.Al SAW 111114 L, near
e; ' lin '-'' ' . Papertown, Comberbrad county.—
''.... st . il Vti{.l• I I t Si'Y'llol. 7 It • Limit. tosui.
%now ply I.turtber. of all kinds, at the shortest
~,":-. . ''' ' notice, and on terms lower than-can be
had elsewhere. MI orders directed to E. lIASKY.LL, Pa
portown, or Wm. 11, Sr.YAIOLIn,Jr., Carlisle, will be prompt
ly attended to. ,
lob. :!2—ly
Thil.--The undersigned irould Inform the
eiri..eni: of Carlisle that he' has made arrange
ments I\(1 and PLUMBING at shunt no.
Gee. awl on reason:dile terms. Ile has engaged the ser
vices of a first rate hood from Plilindelpliih, and has sop.
piled himself with au extensile ars,,rtmens of FINT.
Ulll:S, whirls UM enable him to filhall orders promptly.
All work will be war; aided. II is stock of Gas I ixtures
will to limn,' in the mail exactly opposite his ;Lining
establishment onNorthlianover rtreet,o here he invites
a call.
TINNING. 81'111.:TINU, kr.-110 Is also prepared to
furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN VALI:
used by housekeepers and (.tliers. - Ile will also attend
to 1 , 1111.TIN1:, 111)1 . :,E-1101/FING, IIANGIINU,
It Nat ' l} It i NU.
'Mani:Cul for the patronage NN Ith which hr bar ahead}•
ueen favored, he respectfully soil, Its a continuance of
he same.
C'eu•linln. June 14, '54
1, 1 11. 0 In ('A I,IFORN A.—C. VON
21 EILEN respvet fully Informs the eitkons of Car=
lisle and v irinitv, that lie has just return-
IA front l'alifortlia, and is piepNred term:-
elite all kinds of work coutteeted a itii
line of 1.115i111.55. Ile has alma . ) t; eta Mind
a large assortment ..f rendp•tnade Ii [tics,
the Its. Keys. (inn Trilllllllllgs, 44e., all of
whieh lie aaill sell er retail. Ile also attends
t•i'7,•pn i t iff, It s. Melts, drt emrrn% et: 011 i•rnss.
Mice and 11 . 0«. liflpf, that t.y stria t attention to
lusiw•~s. turd ml Its sire to pleako, lie will merit and receive
4.. kt • All I.iuds f ATMs t»ntb. ll‘ order.
ettrli,le, Avid :26, It a f-
1 ,.. \1 - Ll I'l, EN I /11).1 Ell"-
~,..., - ).,71 1 - 11.111 : 11. litlay : l'i-_e! , -
, f4A - e — r"; ‘,.., ~..---:•-•. 4`);14 A/—l . ii I) N A et Pi\ -
" '''''','-'..:' 1. A N .. , 1‘ 0 , 4 17 i , ' If •
~ t 4` , e t.ll fort
',.-- t f'° ' 3i . 1 ...,- 11,, 1, — ..c•l of 1,111.1.1+! SI,C,
'..:.'",.. 1 2 19
~....k z _..,- , .....v. , s 4/ t .f. ,7 4' .. , tt k -- -!..,`.. ft te!. ( arhAe. lets 11)...t rt ..
‘.;.: - --r -'1a:5, 1 7 r, .5..... . ~.i ..4".... , t, tit tl , t• 1nt;.;,,,1 :Mit 111,4,
q.Y,e', -- rt.,..,: t t,,di,_ - ?.M.,,#°_- 4,. ' itk C t-'''''' ,I I • tt:: ti i t .I,—. 4`t tr t•4` I. , t ~%11.1.
ri..t../....,, Irs e‘et . il, rk .i In , ariki.... ~,,,is t i l: g in part
f I; .1.1 an t i :-.11% e t \ ..;. I e.... 1 ,•very xa; i. ty. MIA :11..111
1/$l O ,. eirbt-ila?,. C1,1n'11.: , . Sill, t - tall,. arta tea .p.. it,
sil‘or tal.le foe',.4 n,..1 halter 1.-rtires. grilil lira, .111,
it• N. 1,, 1:1 , 1i. ~' :u .l ..., :.tlena-,.' pt•ltl i.•t and p. la it.
f I , f,.!! o. i.t t t ~,,p., ill 1..11. l'nf :Ind 1 1 ).).re; Bails.
1., . t ..t p1e.,„1.,... at :,:. N 1,.: M. Aet t t.let-,:, net, .lIJ..
:LI i:,..., \stilt zi ~ n ,l tntivtt t./ 1.41,1 Atli, h,.
I. ,•1 , •.1 0 . / t, 4` .. -..i,.. I; r t Ile Ti. ii.l.r . , 4 I't r,,, t , ,1,•..i e li.g to
II it Cif 1 ,, Cltil I'lllt'
11•• ;.,.. cjity
IA; t , r.
".I 013't , ; - CIONLYN.
rsi()N 11.\ 1).11',11. - .1:11EAN
4 v A. 1;. 1. I..l.thaving, the 113:_uor
r, Nio noi in )I.n i•vi 11:01 ns A. IL
in , . rtst and 4;,•,711, It en of Car
that ho is premr.,l I,lw I.ii,en‘,..- , •• in the in 4 st
np,ri t• i.tyle of thr ,+rt, surh.s thr
r , pot if this p. ;Oar estninishwevt. Ins
f. rfisro., ph ;wt.( and covoliitali)
le Ifffi i. id) Ihr A i...mcrful and perfv(t
takil pi , lulls and ‘ldirralltt,
11 , in Carr.. A At Hay fif rfiffrs aver} - variety
• '•••:,...1.• ;flai•uuf • rnatarntah k..•pt rtaNstantly
hn )1,1. I.n)das Taint inlus, a••.-1 cly eopit ti
t.rigirvil Liheneses
if: or porsolis. h i liff fb•rat. and
'ono _given hi all Ito i•uh'i , is Ili, fled to
rail at the Marl, n liail Vagnrrrean Itoon”.• outtadue
ti • t ilifirrf •Iflff
Pagmrrer typps inserted in Lod.uts, Breast Pins,
PI 114. ii
1 . :ir1101`, .11111:C 1.1. .
k tr :t A1)1)1,1; 4 A: , n) 1iA11:N1 45 iSIA K_
1.1 INtl. The sill seril or email:nes to rare:, on Om
stibi,ve busines:., lit all its various branehes,lii Ne.rtli I trim
ot or si reet. Carlisle. lor dm es North of 1,,,,,nr,ri. et.ritee
IA lit, e Ile intends lieeping on hand a general assert heist
lit /1:s, line, voliNi,liilg, it ell Limit, of M 0,101,111,1,, i 4 al).
i I) 1,f, , ,, Briilles, Martingales, Millis,
....." 4 .--....„..,e - 774. Cirelimies and Halters. also Tr.uNiis.
‘„,t4i ., .... - ‘;' trat elii,ii and ratline r „,„„,.
1,...... §* ,‘,1 1 ~„,:s. !lc ~s„ „,„,,,_ ,1-- , ... : , .. 1
: 1 ...tit• .i ,
~ , , i i : .‘ , .. t., ::t• : _ sr it i !, , ,,e x m i , 6 , ,, t i .
: 1 , 1 1,. . • ' ' . ' , .. tits
,p i ,
,‘ .`,1 , 1 , .1• , 11 , tt , i.i.t.s ever used lit
iiiivili Iti ..i j, country, mot those 'wishing a liatel
'i*, '' some, der lit and plemant saddle
will de eeu to call :mil see than. Ile
Ahis , / WWI II till to 1..,1 I tnniess, Bridles.
Collars real tt hips in all their tacit.-
tieß. and P ,l llfidelill3 IK•liet en fnat: the geneval opprela
tioi, or hit, eusteee-e,„ 0 , ) ,,,,t he makes the t heatet4 and
Trost gears. lit all their variety of Madtli. that is made in
the country. Ile al. , niates all kinds of li,tritssioi to
order, viz: Strew. flesh. ()tried flair and Spring Mitt
rasses. All the Movie art lei, o ill he made . 1 the best
material and wtritthalashlp, stud with 1111. 111.111,14. des.
patch. 1V NI. OSBORN,
CIASI.IIINC Al'(!()S'f—The subserib
or has an ru , sorlment of faSilional.l4.nud null Made
CI NO, which will he Hold off of is t-t for ash,.
'f ho , ; too, e,o,lstA of Cloth and Caellotarett Coats, Lin
en and Ilinelsans Coats, Tweed and Jeza, Cents; Mareellle
Silk awl Satin Vesting: Cassliners,../aan's and Cord pan
taloons. Linen and Cottunade )lantaleuns, ill' all lands
of Clthiag nsunlß fnttnl In a elotblu!r store.
ltttett,!lug to refivaittl,ll this brawl' (4' my bllsiPeFa",
great bargains roll be tual by calling soon at the ellrap
CAR I'ETLN G.—A. few pieces just received trim:maim
and Felling very low. •
-:-CEANCE OIMPANY Combeiland enunty,
tate,' by tto art of As•embly. is IIII•NY hilly organized, and
in operatian under tho management of Mc folloning
ronanissionors, viz:
1%1 O°l.OR, Mitlaw] Corl,lin , Brenneman, Cbristiao Ftayman, .John C. Dun
.1 eoh Coover. Loci. flyer, Henry Logan, lieuju
Mill li. Musser, Jacob 'Alumina, Joseph IVlchcrsharn
Alexander Cathcart.
The ratan of lohurance are an low and favorable as any
Company of the kind in the state. Persons N 1 if‘hillg to
N'e4lllll.lllo/11Ler$ are invited to make application to tho
agoutis of the company, who aro willing to wait upon
them at any time.
BENJ. H. AIOSSEII, President.
LOGAN, Tice President.
LEVIIS lIVER, 'Secretary
laadand; O. 11. Herman, King - stown• Henry !caring,
Shirentank '
own • Charles Poll7C-ardsio ; Dr. J. Ahl,
Churebtown ; Samuel Orabam, Weid - -l'annsionantil ;
;Inman Me Bowel, Frankford; Mode Griffith. tin‘l!il Mid
dleton; Samuel Gooier, Benjamin Ilarerstiek, .Merhan.
iesburg; John Oherriek, Lisburn; David Coerce, Shop
YORK COUNTY.—.IAn Bowman, rotor
Wolfimi, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington; W.
8. Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft, Paradise.
• •
INlembers of the company having policies about to ex
plin'eati have them relloiscci by inaklng.application_tO.
n ay of the agents.
subscriber offers nt privatNole the 'dock and fix
tures of a Drug 1.-Apr°, Into tho property of 1111ehatd
sel, doe'd. In Cluirchtmvn. Cumberland county. , yi n , ro
fs Mt other Prug Rom in the pinto, and a Ono opportu
nity Is now presented tu any young man wishing to
commence this business. For terms.enqulro
lad -1l O Efl JllUltltliTT , Anrt.
T EATITER.—Fritz & liendry, Store,
.11 21') T6rth Mst. lkforeero Ntatinfitelm ,
ors. Currt"rs,lmporlers,l'ollllllUslon And General Loral'
WiiulE; 4 ALE AND RETAIL---Manufactory Ih 1:1).11
gikrotta strewl.. . Sep.. 7-4
WARE and FANCY QOOl/S.--A five assort.
meat of the-finest quality, fur sale at the lowest cash
prices, at Wm. C:ELTUNIIEAVii, N 0.1 1 ,4 South Second
Strout etween Vino and Union, west tide, l'hiltlelphia.
' The assortment embraces a large and select stbek of
Fine Watches, Jewelry Silver Wute, A Meta Wareadated
with tine silver, in Spoons, Forks, Ladles, 4e,—.let ge( da,
Vans and fancy articles of a superior quality, deservi»g
the examination of those who desire topreeure the beat
•» goods at the lowest a ash prices':
Haring a prattieal kilo, ledge of
the business, and all available facili•
•-" ties for Impel ting and Idanufactur
fang, the subscriber contlidehtly ladles purr basers, he
lloing that tie can supply themAin leru.t as Mx ahle
as any other .estaLllshment in either of the Atitoilia
All kinds of Diamonds anti Pearl Jewelry and Silver
Ware intuiNfacturrd to crier, within a ream nal le Um%
oln,„ l Anlelies, , ,jewelry and silver ware faithfully rce
paired: M. F. ELTON HEAD,
No. 2R4 South 2d St. a few doers al - ove the 2:l St. Mar-
Pet, %Vest Side.
to„lo the south wiudow of the Store ntaY Le seen
the famous ltlrd Clock, which cornrenuds die admiration
of the scientific and curious. t;!. (Sept. 28,
OF LIME.—Prom City Chemical & Union Yorks,
made after too most improved nal, les and verpsuperitr.
Prepared - Anhydi lie :Una re. made after the-English-or
ae, and 'mutt superb r, Leiug much 14..eur than Guano,
and fully equal. The atteuton r,f .11t alms and Parmers
is particularly called here for tt Also, - Pettit tan Utt.
alio, in large ur small quantith s. for sale by
22 South Wharves, 3d door a 1
N ove ChestnutPOMEßOY St. Phila.'
Sept.l:7, 1854. .
ACE.—'IIA su6ctibel weidd cell the
at teLation ,cl ail jat tics ', q ui' ga de,4la) le 1 uri ace
to Cllll.66S'fi A:S.I) l L:1111.4,7 .12 , C Ai,
reputation of this furnace is now known, haying
teeithitreduced .during. the part. bye ) tan; into al cut
lititt public buildinkis and mule than rt.ou ptisate dte e ut
nies; this together pith the iinhiehre nut er.,e ni :ales
every year is the 1 ert evidence that VIM is itddllet d of
its ruperiurit) user all other ion 3c,,, by the ye, of
hil,"ll . h I aunt. i sou secure the to V. ing ads unt;; l ew
Ain--1 he heating surfai es icing at a tempera
ture that ss ill is t dense ate the air.
.1'.00.01g Al. t nit ot
1 / 1 .CAL11.171.-- CeiuH nlntle Cnt Irtn,
runt. 11 in s eqttiro 110 n• 1 R iilll
laiitutigt d, timi t 4 ill I.t t, er the L udt
in. Wirutt it in d: ll, g , rin.w ht e, like the
other funattt.s..
Nt e have the testireohialb of Iluslif ds of the tOt Ft
,ioutlf c 11/1.11 tfr at tt ff. to the Ltul h t.l the el of e stat e _
nuuL. :di ( . 4 n ht , ut i , rene (lore it to i u tic”.itio lily tin 11 Yt
2.01 ili‘vlf.t•ti g• prt ducir.g a 'Atte aid hetol hy
:111.4 opl.rt e. We ith atiLeN. the :.11.Q: 4 If it low
i l.ut,e It and rd ;
alai iticdip iteroistor d It
_l.4thvs t0..44 I . eheos
hot. If f, list I. 1 itri.te,' pre.s
NV no- it., t
We hole I,trrdured thi, so,hou live Low f 47.1 1 ,. so tilfit
:61 14111 i II , a) /11l tLrtt,.olttm Ili tI.IN gnat tiopn.‘e
::,•l,l at vol; flit titlate cost. 11e ate 114 ii pra latnt to
foookh uu I.l.l.anaus to 1)a, tri n aioglo 1 , 4 lit t,r tho hog-
I,O;Oiog /1/ tho et,lthtr).
No. 1 l'orttalo Complete, tz 25
do do JS
tin do
du ihr I Tick vrrk
3 Ea to Radiator, (with hats :AA Ft(1,04
t .
;.1 do do do SO
5 dot do du 10
1.1 do do do, 133
- lids 5 o 7 Is tile Illrgest and mast p. tverfni Furnaro
ran'ile in title, country, and is not It ly adayttol for
t ii arches and Libor loop, class 1 twilit:gm.
W continuo to salt the apparatus lit the saute price
as Si hen 11, trill tired, btu pats :Iwo A Ithotigh the
present hich price of trot hag - loctt est d their (a it '.'G 1 or
coot on log to their groat Si cii.l.l,.still o 0 ate ('001154 IT
the great increase 01 rides to torn isit the article at It)
ton ei , t possible pricto line fotiotiry alone, Mersrto War
• rziolc 4, b.ilf t a ollt " 1,5 V 0 Vl'lfltrrltteit 0.1 turn lab us whit Cl ^
tuns Of 1. urnaces this reason, so that 11,. m t . 1,, I .•
nil to furnish them wholesale and Ottali. 11 e,oto
the erection 01 all 1. ur Durcs, a hen revs
rant flit in itt all cuscb.
. SILTIIOItti.II A .7‘ (1.101il:Sti II.A101:,. I
the inost cutnplete CC:OMIT 'EAT ge that It"
tntinceth to stliii It NC lb]) the attiott it 1,0 ,
It Ist, to 5t. , 11t.6 , the 1111":4 UVI'IVCI. 411.1 tlehirli:i t i o , -,.. r •,
paralet OE Inclncooted.
tatz-t,:Vr; I•ATI.NT I • ENITLAT(..II.—We are the
only Agents in l'ennh,ltattia Ar the nittnlttat turn ond
dale th this N'ehtilati r, tyl,tich is aehht nhdpt d to I I` the
lady perfect 1 entalator ever nutde for errreetlng filo
draught sits,hy ttutl iifr__tentlintirgl.itld
itzps of all hit tis. A. tlief ave gnat many in ilati,its
of this talnahle artiole 110 \V Olen. d Ii r sale. ' , attics till
Le ranefol to exaodne that it has the I ltd.rsnit l'tnlg' at
PATENT r.r.oisTrits AND \TNT]
hity, th, IsrFest nnp fl st cr roplete Ls:4 rtlr.'llt j
ill'gihterti and \ to le f m.ll in the Li INA
States. Parties tilho n i,}l lu portinoe ritkrr r Fris, to
MSC` or V. Itt•il`,lttv: pill ill' It trrutiy u,
to examine then - stuck.
ANI) lit I.)N MANTJ bto nn
Land nn C.Nl4 , l)bil w,s(rtnlo.t of thoa• I,:t till: 11.31-
llns_ in
exnet itnitutitnl4 !Ain z),
other rare tlinrt.le,
OPEN IntATES.—For Anthracite end, p.
Cent. Also, All entire heir P a ttern the 1,,N,
made frum the I:nglitilt Patterns, and enlndy
new in this enuntry.
SOLE AOF:NTS for the Engll,ll Eccaust.le flt rhg
Tilc, Cartairl. himucy ps an 1 Tetra ottn Oruttuu
such RN Gurtlen Vtows, kr.
Persona about building would do well to examine nt
Ftock before porch...sing ch=ew here. isit. rs. sob. thee
pnrchnsing tv not, are cordially welt med to oar
sire Wail:rooms, and ahem n e sin uld le happy to fur
ni,ll any Inh ) mutton- respecting :toy c 1 i ur goods that
may be desirt d. A look on Warming and Veutikting
can ho had gratuitously at our stole, ellht r peal pally
or by letter. 1.4. A. WM: LI:tON, -
Warming and Ventilating Warehouse,
146 Walnut st., beton 6ixth,
May 81-7m]
OLLAItD, Premium Artiste iti Hair
Inc miter of thttl'elebrated li, ::,;Likier \ cut ilikt i lig
1 it; and Elit,t ie ifutitl Tellpees. 111:1 rot lions to et u 1 1u
Ladies and tient letheti to nit:tsutv their he , ;:th, o it), ni...-
eurncy. •
nit Wros, inehos.--No. 1. The rchntl of tht:liend;
2. From forelo ad over the hood to the neck;
From ear to ear over the top; No. 4. Eii'm'Lar to ~ e r
retied the forehead.
Toupees and senips, inches.—No. 1. From forehead to
brick as far ax laid; No. 2. O er forehead as far as min» ,
cd; No. a. tiver the crown of the bead.
It. DOLLAIM has always ready for sale a splendid
stock of Bents' Wigs, Toupees, Ladies' Wigs, bolt igs,
Frizots, Builds, Curls, 4:c., beautifully man uthet tired and
as cheap as any establishment in the
Dellarda lierbanium Extractor Lustrous. llair Tonle,
prepared from South American herbs nod rtels, the
most successful article ever predated fur preserving the
hair from falling out or changing coler, restoring-and
preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant state. AtC e m,g
other reasons wily bollard's hair tutting saloon main.
tains its lannense popularity Is the feet that b is
applied to every head of hair cut at his establishment,
consequently It Is kept in better preservation than 117 S.
der any known application. - It being time practically
tFided by thousands; offers the greatest guarantee of its
Sold wholesale and retnll fa Lis Old V.Ftablitlirnert 17;
Chestnut street opposite the Mato licatae, I illindelphia.
It. bollard hits at least dlkevcred the no plus ultra of
HAIR DYE, and f/111101111C1.8 It fi r sale with perfect ef , ll.
fidellCO In Its surpassing every thing of the hind now in
uso. It colors the hair either block or br i m n, (u s luny
Le_Jlesited) and In.used without Injury ti. the hair i.r
akin eitlierl , y stein or ntheraise, rate he washed - oft In
ten minutes after application, without detnwting from
Its efficacy. Persons visiting the city nro /al Red to gii a
him a call.
Letters addressed to R. POLLARD,'I77 Chestnut et.
will receive at t , ctiipit. :fan, 21-1#
NO. ' S 2 and Ti. R FAA, of ti?
now crop just re, elt t sao at the Fhtonj
aincery of WILLIAMS;
:Inl y 2n, ,04. West Main street.
1 A 11) CA M REES , ,S; e.—The Fa.
lin.4 just (Toned 11 idri(ty rf Pluida cud Nt i1..../121.11 prir:
O.W, II 17?',