Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 28, 1855, Image 3

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T AMES "M'CLINTOCK, M. D.,-1; nte
Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the ['Minitel
- phis Cullegt otAlcdicine,,and Acting Professor of Mid
:Wifery ; one of , th e Consulting Physicians of the Phil
adelphia ItettpitaLlileckley; late member of tho Na
. tloittotTdodical` Association •Imenil , er .:f the Philadel
., 'olll4liiilical Society' ; inenler of the Medico-Chirurgi
- eatttAlege of Philadelphia; formerly Tee:4,lola and
- - ..,:Rteressor of Anotomy and Forgery icr'Castietion Medi
..,..,..16a1C011ege. Vermont.; and also, late Professor of 41 ii
• : . Monty and Physhlogy hi Berkshire Medical lostito
' ty..Aiony Pittsfield. Mass., fie.. Sc.
' klinfi lately introduced in a popular form, several of hit
-1, It . • .1 tl • f thep rincipal diseases of this
..,:,.: : -or o pi eset p fins or
4.lintatit. The nanic'or each article will imply the dis
ease for which it is intended to be used.
DR. MCCLINTocit'S PLCroltAi. STRUT, $l.
' , • DR. MCCLIN Tof 6 . . i t `limi AND Count MIXT ellE—FOr COW,
,:rXioughs, A:c., Prim 35 ets.
• RT. Price 50 cts.
rifylng the Blood. Priee $l.
Da. MeCtotTomes.Dyspeptie Elixin—For giving- tone
- - - to the stemachrrelieving painslifter - eatingTlWifetbuiro,
and all disagreeable syntptoms arising from. lodise:Olen.
Price $l.
Da. 111cCurrocK'6 RHEUMATIC MINTUREI—A Purely YO
getable Remedy for internal use, Price 50 Ms.
Da, McCurcrocK's litimmtAimo LINIMENT—For Rhemna
' tlsm, Sprains, Swellings. &e. Price 50 cts.
ache, Headache, Neuralgia, fie. Price 60 eta.
sure for all lntermittents. Price $l.
, varcrivr.—A Safe Remedy.
Costiveness, headache, &c. Price 2.5 its.
Da. MCCLINTOCK'S ANTI-DILIOUS Pitts--,...F0r irregularity
in the Functions of the Liver and Dowels—the best Liv
er Pill matie. Price 20 ets, a box. ~
For sale by Dr. J. McCLINTOCK, at his Medical Depot.
SL W. Corner NINTH and FILBERT Streets, rhilatiel
pitia, and all Druggists. Druggists Jiiiil Dealers in Med
' tines who wish to be Agents, will please address Dr.
McClintock, furnishing reference, name of Port I tflice,;
county and State.
ty,.AX.For solo by 1V . ..A. Kelso,-Samtiel Elliott,Carlisle •
J. if. Criswoll, Sillipensburg: Foloilliger A Co.. L. Ra on '
Man, Mechanicsburg: Jisiiph Herron. Nowville; .1. 11:
'Zimmerman, A wiersonburg; Manes A Fertig. Millen
town; A. C. Klink. New Bloomfield; Harriet M. Singe:.
Newport: D. F. Gardner, York Springs; .1..1. Miller awl
J. .i. Nixon. Chambersburg; D. Mentzer. Wat nesboro.;
George Bergner and D. R. Jones ... Co., I larrisborg.
DN. :11c..1..1NT. ii ea, i lo.consultisL ail halt charge,
daily. from 10 to I'S n'elook, A. M.. :it his Depot.
Devi ml .er li, 1 I .', I-1) .
1-_,11)1Z- Tlll , l 11()1,11),11 . 8!
i -•• • likht . l. titiarill. , -, - ( 1 1 - 1-"I' - 11(101c1. 1 ....itiV Sr~ ----
0. W. 11.1 \ V.l,sllCn has just 1,1 eii eal iron' the cily
' and is new openiag, a ,p 1 wodid display of I' \IN( 'V' to H de.,
stnLahle 111 , r the apps medico liV1)11.:$1,01, VI iikil
he desires to ea), tilt :line:tem of his la a, kJ- and 11,,
public. Ills assortment ie this line vain,' 191 , , , nrien.:.:ed
111 MA elty mitt elez;ance, and Loth in quatit:, ,11,0 i,,1.,
of the artyles, cannot kW to please pun base's. 1 t v..-iil,l
he itulii;siLle tu enumerate Ills
liol.l ItAY FA:\ CY GOODS,
Which eontprise ecery• variety of fancy article of the most
exquisite shape such as
Paiper )la, he lieods,
I:leg:int alahaster . and percelain ink-stands and trays,
Funey ivory, peal I and shell card eases,
Ladies' Frwy• Baskets, .
Fancy \York litotes, . ith sewing instrunicots,
Port Mummies, of every variety,
• Gold ports and pencels. Fancy paper weights,
Papeterles, and a large variety 1 , 1 ladies I am., station
Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses.
Ladies 'riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladles' flue
l'erimne'Laskets and hags,
Brushes et cc cry hind for the toilet,
ltoussels Perfumes or the various hinds,
Musical instruments. ul all hinds and nt all prices
t tli
together with an I t tinwrable variety or art tiles elega n
ly finished and s i itahle for hulliday presents, Lu which
Le invites Nevi, I at tentien.
Also, - an eats. one and elegant collection of
110LIDAY GIFT IlOttlirl,
0,,,,,,,,j,ing I ~,, ‘..,,,, A ,,,„ 1.,„„it,i,,,,,!1 ' , Jerk:III,ANS VS
~ m ..;„,n, richly ebelished and ilustrate l
d ' .A.F I.
- .1. a it h Cil I LI/It I.,:‘'S He'll /II 1.4 It Itt oohs , . fur
•ol ages, than 0 Molt nothing call he moat
r pleasing as holiday gifts. Ills assertinent
~ a 1141 1. 4 4 .1101.1 Stati , liry Is 11.1:1 colliplvte,
• l•i cry thing used in l'ellege and the
!so desires to cal! file Particularattentlen
. his t le,aht -a .... a !
Jr.4llll'S, tiIItANDOLES, d - e.,
fr as the that ensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer
and ot hers of Philadelphia, comprising every style 01
Parlor, Chamber and Sr tidy LalllllS, fon Iglrithig either
t laril spurin or ethereal oil. together. with F 4 over Vases.
Fancy Screens, Ac. His assertment in this line is um
equalled lia the borough. Also,
in every variety and at ILI 1 prices, all of which are pure
and fresh. such as can be confidently recommended to
Ids friends :Old the little folks. His stock enaltrases
every thing in tholtne of Fancy v.loods, withnianyotlitir
article's useful to housekeepers which the puidie mu
especially boll ed to call rind see during the holidays._
/temember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on
North Hanover street
dee 13 1854
TIIE 1101.1DAYS.—li RISS BING LE'S 01,1) HA 1,1
is now and will continue to be supplied s% ith the great
est, novelties up to the close of the season, comprising lo
part CONFECTIONARIES of the choicest vat such
as Fituftlandy Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bons, Own Cordial.
Lemon, Chocolate and Pruit Brors, Ihtse , Ynuill n, „ yw i
Burnt Almonds. French and exploding Secrets. Also
all the COHIIIIOII VlllietiVs, all of which will be so ld
sale anti retail at low rat 00. We have just received
FRUITS AND N UTS of the latest Importations such as
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Britons, Citron, Currants,
soft and paper shelled Almonds, pi hurts, 42,„„ n ,
and hiround Nuts. In connection with the al,ove the
largest ass,rtinent of TOYS AND FANCY (IOODSof B every
kind from all parts of Europe, nutouliulureihd wood,
china, papier loathe, tin and India rubber, zink,
tie., such as trine ax, kid and jointed Hells, sewing
a od,Card Baskets. NS ork and Fan c y Boxes, Flo w " v ases,
Motto Cups. Tea Setts. )I nileßoxes , PortMonnies, Battle
Boors, deuce !loop', Msts, Bruins, Huos • 'trumpets,
LOUT., and other garaes, &a. Fancy Steps Mid
,hair td' every variety. In connection with the
above a large stork of FAM 11,Y OROCER ES, such as
pulverised. - crushed and broWn Sugars, of every grade,
Coirce, Molasses, Starch, Breen and black Teas, Spices,
Butter, soda, Sugar, IVater and other Urackets, cheese,
The stil,,wriber returns his sincere- thanks to a gener
ous public for the patronage heretofore Widowed on him,'
and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance
of the same,
Carlisli!,.poc,r 7, 1854.
ftwo havwjust received from Philadelphia, a large
assortment of now and SPLENDID ANIMA LS, and GIFT
BOOKS for the liolidnys, which haring, been purchased
below the usual wholesale rates, 'aro enabled to
sell nt greatly reduced prices. They havisnow in store
a splendid stock of
Gift Books, •
Illustrated Poets,
Standard Works, •
Bibles, all sizes,'
5 Prayer Books,
llymn Books,
Sunday School Books,
Tract lkiolts, •
Juveniles, &c., &c. •
AYt of which are N EU' BOOKS, fresh from the publishers,
splendidly bound and embelished and got up expressly
for the Chrhitmars Jlu idava. Also FANCY STAT.' ON It Y
and Fancy articles generally, In groat variety. The pub
lie nro invited to call and examine r:unples now ready
.for Inspection.
IQ-Remember, the place to buy books, cheap, is at
MICR'S. Main Street.
Dao'r 20,
deenellty the befit And cheap.
024 now Jn luso. l'armor, a 11111 re iliected to call and-ex
/11111u° It et o
t Ito ("44 . 111c Fo lry "Id Maelli no Slup or
SH ole 1 lardwitru I? n• halo at ro mionAle
Aug. 2-3m]
Netn norft
now often it happens, that the wife lingers from
!ear to year in that pitiable condition as not oven
lir on ay, to feel the happy and exhilarating intla
once incident to the enjoyment of health.
But a few scars ago in the flush of health and youth,
and buoyancy of Nipirits, rapidly, and apparently in
explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,
spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress
of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros
tration, arising from ignorance of the simplefit and
plainest rules of health as connected with the mar
riage state, tho violation of which entails disease,
suffering and misery, not only to the wife, bnt often
KING'S EVIL, and other and
• worse Dltiostmes, AS. a
And must this continue? Iktust this be? Is there no
remedy t No relief? No hope V'
The remedy is by knowing the causes and avoiding
them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them.
These are pointed out in
One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), 18mn., pp. 250
A standard work of established reputation, found classed
In the catalegues of the groat trade sales in New York,
Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal
booksellers in the'United States. lt, was first published
in 1547, since which time
have been sold, of which there wore upwards of
westin g tho hi,h estimation in which it is held as a re
liable popular :Iliolieal
the Author livinc: devoted his exclusive athintion to the
treatment of coinpinints peculiar. to in respect -to
which he is pearly consulted by thon,nels Loth in person
and by letter.
hero every womnn can discover, by comparing , her -iivn
symptoms with those described, the tiitture, character,
causes of, and the proper remedies for, her coMplaiuts.
The wife about becoming a mother has often need of
Instruction and advice of the utmost importance 'ln lief
future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for
:bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find finch in :.
gtruction and advice, and also explain many symptoms
which otherwise would occasion anxiety or slam as all
the peculiarities incident to her situation are described.
How many are suffering from obstructiOns or ii regular
ities peculiar .to the female system, which undermine the
health, the effects of which they are ignorant, nod fox
Which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice.
Many snffering, from prolaptus uteri (falling of the womb),
or from floor albus (weakness, debility, &c.) Many are
In constant agony for many months preceding confine.
moot Many have difficult If not dangerous deliveries,
and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are
lianirded'dnring such limo, will each find in its pages the
means of prevention; amelioration arm retnir.
It is of courso Impracticable to convey fully um moms
natjects treated of, as they aro of a nature strictly im
tended for the married or thoso contemplating inartiago
Reader, am you a husband or a father? a wife or a
mother? Ilave you the sincere welfare of these you love
at heart? Prove your sincerity, and lose no Mae in
learning what causes interfere with their health and hap.
Illness not less than your own. It will avoid to yon and
yours, as it has to thoumads, many a day of pain and
anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, Incapacitating fthe
mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting those
means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised
nostrums which otherwise would provide fur declining
years, the infirmities of ago and the proper education of
your children.
In comiegnence of the universal popularity of the work,
RS evidenced by its extraordinary hale ' various imposi
tions have been attempted, as well on booksellers on on
the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions,
and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and °lima
- leviers and deceptions, it Las been found necessary,
therefore, to
to buy no book unless the words "Dr. A. M. MACHICEACF,
P 29 Liberty Street, S. Y.," is on (and the entry in the
Clerk's ()thee on the back of) the title page ; and buy
onlrof respectable and honorable dealers, or send by
mail, and address to Dr. A. 31. Mau& iceau.
6. - 0" Upon receipt of One Dollar "THE MAR•
PANION" is sent (math free) to any part of The
United States, the Canadas and British- Provinces.
All letters must be 'Kw-paid, and addressed to Dr.
A. M. MEURICEAII, box 3224, Now-York City.
Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, Now-
—The suh,criber respectful.
ly informs the ladies and
Gentlemen of Carlisle and
•ici oily that be has now on
mini at his Ilitir.Dressing
inl :delving Room on West
sect. an elegant nssortmet
1 wit :omen's WIHIS,and ran
nrolsh to order tit shortest
•otice every kind of Heir
Vdrk of the best quality.
110 also begs leayo •te In
. ,rm his friends and custo
_ mers tint he keeps conetit u.
Lly 1111 hand a supply of toe Shemansagner,' 7177 1011(1.
ratite Wash Mr the lair , manufactured by himself. The' .
excellence of this Tonic is testlged to by all of Ids ens.
towers who have used it to be one of the best articles
known fir cleansing the hair of dandruff.. Ile 41100 1111111-
lithetures n Hair Restorative, known as the "Corashee
num," for giving new growth to the hair on bald heads.
Ample testimony exists of the efficacy of this excellent
Restorative. 1$ 1111 e the Shenmusagner clears the hair
of dandruff and prevents It from coining out, the Co
rnsheenum supplies a new growth to these who have
had thebdsfortune to lose their hair. The public- Is III•
olted to call, examine and purchase these invalunble
articles, as he is confident they will render satisfaction.
SIIAMPOONING attended to itx the best style in usual,
at his old moms on West Alain Street, near Marion )(all.
Carlisle, I/cc. 27, 1861. WM. BURGI.SS
flu) undersigned has just returned from Phila.
W th n fresh supply of DRUGS and CONFECTIONARY.—
The former in connectl.m with his stock on hand will
make his assortment of Drugs. Medicines and CAMnitials
complete. Ills assortment of CONFECTION - AI - CY ix also
fine; consisting :of pure spgar white and transparent
titly Toys: Candy, connhen. assorted, and flue Candles
of eVery variety; else I:ratite, Nuts, and every. thing
belanging to that department of trade. lie would call
specitil attention to his slimily of FANCY A itTICI,EB
for the I lolidnys, nod general 111-4, among which may he
fano! Ihe geoil,lie tasteful. mill the towfol. All aro
Invited to Nether ilioy wish to r.r Dot,
D. J. lOC/TER.
Car, I)o:,r,LI
darilide . geralb.
JOHN P. LYNE-±-Wholesale and Re
t, tail dealor In A m erican, English and Gorman
AI{DWAHE,OIIs, Paints, kc., Mechanics, builders
and the public - g enerally, who are in want of Hardwa r e
e ,. f x
n k e i kind , are
ii” f u n s v u l a t l e l d y
r e: Ll,onck
- g - oods, which I am sellin g at very low
prices. Just stop in ; it will only detain you a very
few minutes to be convinced that what everybody says
—that Lyn's is decidedly the place to g ot g oad g oods at
law prices—must be true. LYNE'S hardware Store,
vv OOK 11 E RE!-A.
The subscriber in consiquenco of ill-health. offers his en
tire stock of lit MAHE to any persim or 'strums wish
ing to enter into the Hardware business. Ile having so
resolved in quitting the business, will give a bargain,
lost Ice his influence and etiVom. Any one desirous o.
, tetting into this liminess within well to call soon, and
If not disposed of by the let et Oetoisir next, he will
then commence selling off at cost at the old and well
known stand, In North Hanover st:eet. next door to
Charles Maglaughllyk's Hotel. JAColl SliNElt.
subscriber haring returned from the chi would call the
atte.itiou of his friends and the public generally to the
large and well selected assortment of hardware whit It
has just received. consisting in part of 111;11;h1,w
TER f ALS. nails. serves, hinges.l...dzs, bolts. glass, putty.
paints. oils. &c. T4lol.Sedge tisds; \saws and plumes o.
every description, with filo& rasps. lialinWers,
A . :general assortment of S1101i)1.1.1i ELLS AND r3AD
-1/I,liitS TOOLS, together with moroeco, lining and Lind
int.; skins. shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness Mount
saddletrees, Sr.
COACH TRlMMiNG—eanvass (plain, enamelled, fig
ured and emhes , ,e , l.l patent and enamelled leather,
axles, springs, Mitts. spikes, folloes,
Cali not lial; ors iv ill find a hirge le., , ...rtment of varn
ishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding, rosettes,
hair cloth. curled hair..C:e.
The stock of Iron Is large and well Foleaud, comprhe
ing all the hinds in general use, as hannueted and rolled
iron of all sites, fiat, har and b an d iron, round, square
and oval iron. horsy-.shoo iron and nail rods, with a large
lot of cast and spring stool, English and knerican Mho
tP•r ,1 el. Ar.
li,rokeopor, and those td font, comlnenellig will tied It
to 11 .. 0•ir 17111 :ind examine etir etttlery. twit
txlit and plated wore pails, kettles, cedar ware, letskets.
I 9 91 Ijl49ri t 4 1 .4410 9 , 91 PP WP 119%C.• re:N.l3'o:l:k epl,utdid
r•t" \V 11.1. l'AM.Ili. 111:0:1:14 tho
,11,1, a• PAP :101 1911 to give t
Li 171. %Vt. int it. , 1:10,‘,1, ter rall. l.navv hit.' It. Will
g ,, 1i•;:v1.,:e the uld
11.4 3 .:811. AIiItIVAL fl AR I) -
w A 11. The Dui tiL.•r hating returned frohl
1 1, .• city hn jii , t the Fall trio!, It Inr, , e and
•1! tod m" foreign a nd moue:4 larths are,
eml.rm - her everything temtdlyr flannl in that line
hit•itds and t h .• llll).l,l 2 x l ier,aly
Is dire:ted the assnrtnemt ham!, ;Is .
thin that 91 all kinds will Le held fnr rash
at a Very small advanee on man ofaeturers 'wire.% Ile
itiemr,or tho uld stand, East Main .:ttreet,
An.; ail. 1834. 11. SA X'CON.
r ()'l' I NV 1.-13e:tut W Hite
Tlv4ll llo.:Ithy Ihuua ::u4l A M:.A.A. I:raa CL —: 111 a Lo
El) Too vC.s.sii. This delici , ms
arti , l.• 1[a:1) hp•rit tut it
has !, Iwcomti a ,tam 1.31,1 f,tv, , rito_ivith LIIU rittzehs
1,•11,1da ih•htiNts
rlls• it iu th, it 1.1 o-ti,c• um,,t bti ,- .••••,1%111, and from
sottr,e the most gat teri I:,UJaliou.. are :LlVlLided
Inflamed and Ifleediug truths are infinelintely benefit
tf'l iv IL; fisui its fpliffii!_tilefu then' is mild soothing
awl effective. 1 t clo . inue,fs the te.fth sn thuretuffly. that
thrtV :nrn 111.11 to rival pearl in whitenl ss. and diffuses
t ile ~ 1411 /A delight ful frexhilioki that tit
hre.tlh it reniturut ex inkiitely swert. It ditiiiiterts !hos,
imp urine, wlii^L tund to riro.liire dorny, and. u s 'it run
when thosii are retnovoit the tend it nith+t nl
siays I lomiln VOLUM. I hi.lug f,oni Dr. .1. A
F.Zvrtitan—Sir:llarivig used and recommended
your Tooth ‘Vash In my praet le , . for s nn.• thneisi flint It
the most eae.dull hontrhiee in WO4 and therefdriirecom
mond it to the pulde.
Dr. J. A. CA:oux..DentiNt.,
Reid the following testimony .
Ma. 7..txt AN—Den r Sir: I have fully tested the merits
of your Valliable To , th wank , Mid 4 . 311, wit ,tut heAta
tirm, recommend it ns the hest that has come under my
n dice during an experience an Dentist of more than slx.
teen yearn. It Cb`flll, , ”S the Teeth, soothes and hardens
irritated Gums, and imparts a IirIiCIUUS fragrance t , / the
Breath. Front the months of those who make use of it,
however, it will certainly speak Tor itself.
tiro. P. SeutvriA, Surgeon Dent let,
279.Fouth Tenth st., Philadelphia.
It Is until and RV M1111P71,10 , 1 by all the eminent I)nut
i~ts in Yi•rk,
cities where it has been introduced. All should give it
a trial.
ale} • Prepared tmly by Francis Zertnan, Druggist and
Chemist. Philadelphia. 21114 WPM Ntiud.•s:de and retail by
Samuel Elliott, Carlisle, .1. Dersheinter, Mechanicsburg.
.1. lfert,n. Now .1. I'. Williams, :.:liipponsburg, and
by all Druggists at only 23 cents par bottle.
FPILE PS Y Can be Cured. Lake's
VEGETABLE COMPOUND, for the cure of Pm
I.t.cor or FITS! is perfiirming more wonderful cures than
any other medicine yet known or before the
Tni.proprintor has In his posSession numerous certifi
cates. narrating the astonishing and miraculous cures
effected by this medicine, and directs attention to the
following only, to assure those who arose unfortunate
to bit afflicted with the terrible disease herotothre regard
ed incurable, that LAKL'S preparation 111 ALMOST IZIOALI
HLI: IN yrs men!
From Mis. Ilnuokg, witlow.of 111pj. Jas. Broolcs, Into of
Conneaut, 0. •
CoNNY: %UT, Feb. 3.1553.
Mr. !Z. ARE—SIr: Please send me another bottle
Fit Medicine, as 1 do not to La without It on band.
When I commenced girtog the medicine to toy son Ed.
gar. he luol front one to three tits per day,. 11,. h as
btkon the medieles mor fife' months, and has' had,
think, but t we tits In that tints, and those very 111,ht.._.
Ilis body And mind ars very much improved: and by
the blessing of God, I thst the medicine will restore
Ids body and mind to their wonted activity. Ito Is 28
years old. and has had tits Over 12 years, which have
been very freutiont, and very destructive to his consti
tution and mind. Hundreds of dollars have been ex .
' , ended for medicine to ' elms FITS," but nothing hits
relieved him until he used yourmeilicine. Respectfully
yours, BROOKS.
From Judson Landon, County Superintendent of the
Ashtabula county Infirmary. ,
iiiivesvitt.a, Nob. 4, dial,
Mr. 7.. kticr.—Sir: Please send a few more bottles of
your Fit Medicine r! I may not need IL but think Ntf
er to keep It on hand. Your medicine has done wonders.
Ugaye it ;0 .11sa Jane Delano; she has had fits for 20
years, brought on by having the measeli; when but four
years old, which could not be brought out to thesurikee.
After taking the medicine a few days, sac 11.11) A FINE
CROP or MEASELS, and has bad no fits since. She had tits
or symptoms almost daily. She and her Gither concur '
with ins in saying that wo believe the medicine has or
will work a perfect cure. 1 also gave the medicine to
Mks Jane Henderson anti Anis Corby, who hive had fits
lIIMOSt daily, for it number of years. Their tits have
,eased, and i believe the medicine will imve•the desired
effort. Much money has been expended by the friends
of the above patients for doctoring, all to np purpose._
The cure was left for your inedkine to perform, and 1
ran cheerfully recommend it as a valuable discovery.—
Respectfully yours, JUDSON LANDON,
Superintendent Ashtabula Co.' Infirmary,
Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. LOU:, Conneaut,
Ifr - K F. WELLER, traveling agent.
Sold by S. W. Ibtverstirk. Carlisle; E. IL Thomas, Me
chanicsburg; I). W. Gross, Ilarrisbnyg. Oct. 5-ly• ,
4 - 101 IN SIIELLErt.s—A nsr•lrtment of If:-
proved flay, Straw and Fodder Cutters, In 4 n , un 1111 n
Aiso, double and single rN , rik fir eltlug ham, or
her,.eirnree: of the very latest DuLnutheture, lechnlinr
the p .. enthun shrller et the lade I'enesylNeela! , tatem L i e .
r ;Ale I.y .1'.V(11.114, A101:1:1:i Co,,
o , r urnd 1% - arlir,uso auk) Seed Store, corner of itli
tc.7tl An. Let, 19111adulptillt. Dee. 6,
Vest Side North Hanover street
THE AG ll—Fmmers, Families and others, cnn pur
einem .no remedy equal to Dr. TOBIAS' Venetian Lini
wont, for Dysentery, Coil; Croup, Chronic Rheumatism
Quinsey, Sore Throat, Toothache, hen Sickudss, Unto
Swellings, Old SOWS, Musquito bites, Insect
Stings, A d ds in the Units, Chest, Bck, tic. 11 it does
not „give relief, the mono* will he refunded—nil that is
asked, Is a trial, and use it according to tlirections. The
article Is an EngliSh remedy, mat was used by Wm; lA',
King of England, and rertitied to by Win, as a cure for
Rheumatism. when everything else recommended by his
phySiciatts had failed.
Over 10,4100,0110 of bottles bare loon sold In the Unit
ed States, without a single Wino, and fondill'S have
stated that it wire worth $lO per lo tole. they nes or
would be without it, In case of Croup, ne it is as certain
as it Is implied. It CUITS Toothache in OM! minutes;
Ile:Macho in half an hour, and Cholern, when firsetak
en, in a few 111,11r8. It Is perfectly InlUteetit to talc in
ternally, and Inns the iecommendation of ninny of the
most e minent Physicians In the United States. Price,
25 And So cents.
lir. Tobias has also put up a Liniment for Horses, in
pint bottles.-which is:warranted—cheaper -and Letter
than any other. ibr the cure of Colic. llalls:"Swellil,gx,
old Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Scratches, Cracked Heel, &c.—
Price, 1;0 rents:
1)r. Tobias could 1111 a dozen newspapers with the cer
tificates and letters reeelved, relating to the wonderful
cures accomplished by his Liniment., but hnsidemt that
warranting it Is sufficient, as any person who tires not
obtain relief, need not pay fir it. , There has been so
much worthless medicin+ s hi to the publinAbst Pr. To.
bias wishes his article to rest on Its own merits, nod if
In, gives the value of the money, rect rued, tten he asks
the patronage of the Public, not other-who.
1)R. TOMAS' Office, 240 GREENWICH. Street, New
For sale by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut Ftreets;
Dyett k 5 ,, n,11:'.2 N. Seeond street: T. D. Callender. 88
S, Third street, and by the Druggists throughout the
United Stntoa. •
I...zt i
--.. o.T. •
...- i t c• •,,". 1 `!" . .r4
. e. .J' J
1 : \ ,"IY<7 , ':.,
_A_,‘• ' • <A ,i- A. ' - ' ; - '
_,,, ..,„,.
~, 4 ,1 1 4 : , . ~ ,,,,I c e* - - . T , '" ,.? ..•: - ''' 61
'..q .- ,i,....“ ~ .t..• .4.f, • . -zit:fix - z - ita-.44.t.* , ?-7.,, - - -- ,_:-.•4:i
'ts- A - . (,-', —7,sf. V4iV4i-',!-A"•;A:-iitql
it:: •.:.:- ..:-..,,f,,,,t5",:z• NVZ.;•:-:,V...1i,i'....)
4io -;r1.1 1 -,... N.....-1-c::••1 ..,..2,-;:h-...:0:0.z;Tc,-,‘,4;e:.
i. -- ft , '- - ..,-,, ". 1 :1 4,,t1 _ ,.;- • ,* %, ,d -, ..r_'s•t f. - .•?,:et - _- - ,•;-::
-- ;, -- '4,, , erra 1 .r•f:i,,V. ,, , , ,,,,-.,2 1 41. - P•_,ivi ~:i;:k.,<---.
Vj.. - 3.ww149../. - ., - ,;* - ktlll-; :i t . ....,,,, 5 r 2 ,,,•14:--, ;. ..-, a ... ;
‘-' 1 l'IlE (;I::NAT PURIFIER UP TIII: 111.001).—N ,t
a partici(' of Mercury in IL Au in fallihle comedy it r
: , erflfutit, hol i es Evii. IC lie nmat ism, 01 stionte Untrinerrui.
Eruptir ns, Pimples or I'UNIIIIOS oil the Filer, LiotrlieS.
Bolls, Ch rnnle Fore Eyes. Piing Worm or Tetter, aid
Head, Erdal : gement and Pain id the Bones and iliritits.
Stuliorn Disorders. Lunilrago, phial
Complaints and all diseases arising front 1111
Use or mercury . , Imprudence in I.lfir, or Impurity 111 the
great alterative mod', in,• and l'urif or of the
1t14,441. is lto,, used by thousands Of glatelail I•ati• tit, in
ail parts or the united t , tutcs, oho lent ill th t ,i 3 to ,h e
reueirkablt• cure, porn moil to the greatest of all nit oi•
sines, ^t'.\l:'l'l•.lt'S SPAN l:•1i )11 ATI lii:. -
It he umatlsal, Scrofula, Et options on the rl
0w.... Feu Ult .•roe of the ‘2l4liit
thsert,es of the Thriatt, Female Complaint:, PlLilln an
Arhinior the Hones anti Jn rots , ire very speedily put
to !HAW by using this great :std indaltoable remedy.
For all or tho Illotal. nothing line yet loon
t'otind to compare to it. It cleanses the system oral! iln
puritire, WAS gently and efficiently on the Liver and I( id
iseys, strengthens the Digestion, gives lane to the :stom
ach, make: the slits clear and healthy, and restm es the
t4instit ut ion, enfeebled hy disease 4,1. broken dov, n by the
excesses or youth, to its.prisline vigor mid strength.
For the Ladies it is ineompaialay idler than all t he
co,oketies ever used. A few doses of C'SIZTI.It'S SPl7,lst
3lis . Tviir. will Irmo% e all sallowness of ,-.1,110,xi0n, i.ehu
the r 05.1.% mantling to the Cheek. give elneli , ity 1.. 111.
and itnprore the gol , ollll lie:1.1111 ill II remarkable de
gr.•u 14.3 . 011c1 all the meilkine, ever heard of.
The large number of eerlifi4.les n Mai we bay, reeds
oil from from persons from all !mils i•f the Totted Stat.-F.
is the best va Menet, that there is no llutuhu4 alr•ut it
The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates. plusl, balls, ni,
put tit' mon o Well 1.11(3 , 411 ID the cvmnnnaty , /111 add thei,
li.stimpny to the wonderful effects of this la It EAT tild:td,
vebt td{.
Call on the AG rxT. and get a Circular and A Inumnr.
:111(i read the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all
Medicines has performed.
Sono genuine unless sipied..BENNVIT & BEERS, Pm.
prietors, No. Zl,:Peart street, Richmond, Va. to a lam all
orders for supplies and ,agencies must to addressed.
And for sale by S. Y.lllutt, S. W. lia-veistick, Carlisle;
Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; J. 11. Ilerron, Newville; J. C.
Attic, Shippensbutg, and by dealers In medicines e%ery•
:I • 11.1?, W ONDER OF TIIE AGE 7 .-
For the cure of Saltrhetim, Chilblains, ('mouton
Sores, Chapped or Cracked Hand,. Burns or Scalds, Cuts
or Wounds, Piles. Inflammation of the Breast, bites of
Insects, Sore Lips. Pimples to, the Face, and Breaking
Out and Sores on Children, and all diseases of the Skin.
This Ointment will cure the Saltrlu•utn and Burns, or
Chapped hands, quicker anti surer than any other Jewell
rimes of the kind before the public.
substantiate the above, I can give hundreds of cer
tHicates, but 1 considkr it no nse. as (any person can do
the same, if they have friends, for ovcn a worthless or ,
tide) I rely solely on the merits of the 011itntent for the
public patronage.
N. B.—A single box of this Ointrie .t will keep any
Blacksmith's, Farmees, Sailor's, or ; le nanie's hands, let
them chap or crack ever so Ind , SOU'll And in good worlt•
lug order all winter. Prepared an•t sold by
Aangaturk, Conn.
Sold also by the prim-lila' Drugg.sts,aind County Mer
chants. Price 25 centa per box.
Nov. 15, 1,5:1-ly
HA V 1 , 3 you a cold ?—(i'alloller's
has Required a just celebrity fir the cure of All
disra , es mi,ing from Fever° colriF, and its cflkney has
been attested and approved by hundreds of Our most re
...ert able eillaens. ln retry Instance Immediate relief
hag been given, as the following certificate from tie.,7,
who have tried It bears testimony. Manufactured and
for sale by
WO the undersigned do certify that we inure used °al
lolter's preparation for Consumption, 'olds, Diwases of
the Lungs, Licor, Ae,anal having ex periemed homed!.
ate relief therefrom would recommend it to all afflicted
in that way.
Thos. 11. Skiles, Mrs. M. Oeuld, R. 11. McCoy, I'. 1.
Wolf, Peter Monyor, IL, S., Hackett, Joseph Lobed), N
W. Woods.
_earlisle. April 2h, 18fe4-ly
TY.—From entirely original Surveys. by nctua
measurement throughout the whole county, by 11.
The subscriber is now engaged in making Survey,
preparatory to publishing a micy and complete Map o'
Cumberland County, upon a large scale. Every l'uldb
Road and Stremn, with the locations of all Mills. Stores
Irellingti, and Public. Buildings, will be accurately lab'
down. All the Public Buildings in the County will la
distinctly Indicated, and the names of owners of proper
ty generally, will t- inserted in their proper positions cc,
the :dep.
A Table of distances. Statistics of the County, on
largest plans of the principal Villages, and n 44 of the
most attractive views In the County. will be inserted` ln
the margin ;' thus giving every satisfaction, nod render
ing the Map most valuable to the Owners of Property,
Merchants, Travelers, Conveyancers, and the inhabitants
generally. of the region delineated
In as much as this work is to be made up 'of actual
surveys condo upon the ground. It will . require thee to
accomplish It; it Isnet expected, therefore, that it will
bo ready' for publication much cinder the period of Two
Years. The sixe of the Men will be about five feet by
four, and will cost five dollars.
IIItIMENS, Ptibikber.
N. E. corner of Marshall and Wood St.Philadeplda.
Sept. 27-1
pup, I.vh , n'a Valley
,Nut Coal. a anterior artloie
'weir in.,: and. for aulo by
W. B. 111.71 MAY, Agt.
Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous debit/t . \, 1055,,,
the liidneys, and all diseases arising from a Ulf, i ,t•
I.lver or htonmeh,Buth as Constipation, inw al, a i .
fulness of blood to the head, acidity of the .t. ~t .
nausea. heartburn, disgust for food, fulness ~c ll Pi i
the stomael4sour eructations, sinking-or nut t,, ..
the pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, L. i
and difficult breathing, fluttering et the he,rt,',,b, ,
or sulthcating sensations when in a /tyl ng pi'f:f a.,
nosy of 54sion, dots or WiILS bet le tke , Wit, It is,
dull pain in the loud, deficiency id 1,/ , / sp./ a lion. y,
ne , s of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, bait., . ,
limbs, ke., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the .
constant imaginings of el 11, and grist deer, si4/1. 4
Its, ran LB effectually Mil l ed by Mi. lICP It lASI. S
ititArlin GM\ MAN 131TTE1.6, piepated by 1./... :
JAcusinv, No. 12u Arch Stmet, Philadelphia. .
Their power over the II iill ye diseases is m t excel.,
equalled, by any other preparation in the United: L.,
as the cures attest, in ninny cases after slqail 1.,
clans had failed.
These hitters are worthy the attention of invai•
Possessing great virtues In -the redtifieation td . m.
of the liver and - lesser - glandsr - Oacrvising the
searching powers In weal:laces and atrecti , :us 01 ti
ge , dive organs, they are withal safe, certain and I
J. D. Spring, Lacerville, Pa., April 6, 1t. , 54, sa)
can get you sonic+ good certificates for your urine•
ten; In this vicinitylf you wish them. A lady - pu:
in;; some or Jt this week, says that it is by tar On
noslieilie stn.! ever knew, basing thaw her tint
daughter intich good, Sr.
Lawson, ltenfard's Store, Somerset co, Pa.,
15, 1553. says, "I am touch rittaebeil to yr.ur
Paters, ha', lug used two Is tilos of it, whidi 1 In.. ,
from S. Kurtz, your agent at Somerset. and fount:
reliof from it in disease of the liter, I lied
great eireet en in) lungs, Strongtheeieg
them, which, as I am a public spiiaker, is a
Pr. Giles, Newton Mindlton, Pa., l sy,11 1 : 1 .1, i.
have us e d inyself half a dozen ladth (.Iy. nr ‘..
Rlttere for Liter C , niplaint and Ilia ses of a ni:
character. restilttntr front the n ' t 'se mercury.
!I'd:ailed and Milk led pith 1111111111111. 1 1 1.111 UL. WWI
latter article. The German Hitters is the f
Gam uhlelt I nlitidued any lellef. 1 hat e
article to tinily dy , pepties. nMI the 11111-1 1 , /1 1.
suits. I Glitch to- litany ne , rel:ottles x ill talc nu
.1. V. 1(f:1m:4, Paupliln. Pa., to 1 it, .I'lll.
''l atilicted tt ith General Del iaty, II:ta
lives :11,1 r 1,1 .1V0111 1 1 , . f r cchlell I In.ed lam
relnedies without rcitof. lat 1:.-t 11 , 1 1 iir
German a ti
re, ti :ns. and .pas cc-mph:Gar cured. 1 Lure ; et. •
hellthy ler ten yeas a, 1 have I t• 1•11 1 1 11.,. I t
I.l`l, liieh abeut. one
r •
Th•• - ••f• t•lri :r, i.ill LY VI •• r I n‘ A
ULIV4f . bV•••tf - Id11)111 DCVO' it.
S ' old thAVI ' S n! d „
Itt•ro. - rtr,il . nutlreltddrqt, 1 , . AV. Ilil t t.l,'a
NV. ; I A Y.l t t• •
ov burg, nLd I.y Deakin in
Cp ) 1 l) I
I route. by 1111,11 f. et the
(nle 11IS It N , •
.Thu thirty-sisth Edit i , , •
••11(.1 1,,, I: •
illg I'l tt :Itu
1 . 111•1 i•f tis• 1„•••,,
system, In e, err shspe s
In it lli. h is :.•i. •
Treittiso MI
I. I Ih , t
1V1:1:,, i•I: .•St •• 141.,
Ll t i ••I . in L. I :
'to inarrn,l p„ pie. • I I
_• r •
y : it M. 31. Nt is •
of I flit-I...:II orkity of l'entn•ylintiln Xteteh, ..1 t ti.
al I “11.-;e.ot n. it d I II
of the l'hiliwielphia flout ini sosieti . ir -
of :.'erret I.! o••+%. F
Got ill,
.)t , litb
ralithrtilly described, mid Till the receipts Or,
laiwititge. ' I hi' cht,pters un Ff. 1.1
NVoalinvsS Is worthy of partiettlttr attent nt.(l
rood' by every 0113^
.=; n
Pit•tti pate In (Viltrlietinq Uscnse, ref, I. 11, t 1 I •
yuursrlt es care ogittny (tort, .r.
his pretensions may he, get a copy on 0.11:1
Eva Captains anti persons going to s, , n 1 ,,
Or. Young's 'ireff the on Mat riage, the Pecket u
us, or Esrey one Ili!' nwn Pity:delay.
,( sr Let i n , father le o,,lntrned to 1a1,e14 a rcpy ,•i
21 , :settlapitts to his child. It may sa‘elftef 0, o f . •
grave. ',LIU, young man or It otnan enter ll.te tI I.
eret obligations of married life Si ithi t read P... the I• •
lA•t. uo our ;•111IrrIlag 11, 11 ltc, Lt l
rengli, pain in the side. rest less j,jri t t,, r e , I n . 1 „ „
anti the whole train of D . % sprptie sensatini,s.
up by their physkittii, ang.t her 1, ill],
stilling the ..dittrillapins. Have Or manic(' e,r ti,
abont to be married tiny
•1,,(1 this
useful, 11 , ,k. no it has been the meant, f.:„ saving the
sands of unfortunate ereat tins lion t theter)
death. Upwards of n3l I lAA fs pies of t
work has 1/0011 Feld ID (Ili,. Marray and Furl pe
3E, wizen the (irk edition tins isf.lied.
Gig - Any person sending 111 ENTV-1 , 1 YE met,
Cliaietl letter, will reerive ore e cpy of this I ook
null: or fire copies will he s e tt for $l. 1.;d:, ,s
VILMA )1 YOUNO, No. 11,2 `prucesttt'et,Phiiadtlpltl
Post paid.
Twenty years practice In the city of Philadt 1111 in r•
tat fly entitles Or. Young to the (4,1,11,1,1, 0
&OA, anti he may ho e(lnSttitell On any of the t:lscs,
desvribed in his different publications, at his odlice. 1.
Eprure street, "very day bet 'teen 1 , end llo'clf ek,
days trcrepted) and persons at any Call Clalht.l
(hr. Young by letter, Neer PAW.
Ac; 4 , SPEEDY-8 LIRE !-8 o
eine adapted to general use, greatly sup'erier to eth.•, •
and tvithin the 111Callti of et cry individual.
10U PILLS Mr twenty-tire cents/ No -extortion
price—no Calomel—no mineral poison a linieler.
TowN:ILND's ItEnvrit PILLS Bully merit thegruo
reputation they hareacquired. They nre called Mr ri
all parts of the land, because VIET ARE ALL THAT TH.:.•
WII V 1: THEY WILL DO—They purify the'ldood. they
Chmsu tho System of IluilleVS, they cute Ify eptlyd4 7 4,. v
Indigestion, they smite an Appetite, they effiNfri
Headache, Li....docss and Low Spirit, they aIA Yctett
they promote a healthy action of if, Lit er. they :si „
San: cure for Cof.ti‘eness and Habitual Constipatiot
they aro highly efficacious in Female Complaints, ti
strengthen and give tone to the f•iYstent. Ihey sire lbt
best Validly Medicine known.
is an obvious inquiry, how one medicine eurota
nuyitydifferent complaints. 'These Pills, however, arc FA
comp tided of curative materials that persons have or,
ly to Till' THEM and the answer will be found In a rt
stored body and au Invigorated constant ion.
Each Box contains 100.1111 s, at the astonishingly lot
pr!ce 01'25 cents. Every Dahl idual sln.old have thmu
For sale by the Druggists and Storekeep e rs generally
N. A. PALLSIt, general Agent, litunlngton, Ct.
C. L. soiling , of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland
county; Pa., announces to those atllicted with l'iimors
Wens. Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, Moles, or Marks, Ferri(
King's Evil and all diseases that litive licrn usually
treated with Caustic or libitu f he can remove them with.
out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chloroform us
Ether is administered - JO' the patient. It is no matte,
on what part of the body, they may be, he can romoit
them with perfect safety', and In a remarkably
time. No Mineral of Vegetable poison is applied, and to
money required until a cure is perfected.
Prolapsus Uteri, I-o utle Complaints, Chronic, Vcrie
real and all other di: ma treated With sitive sums a
Full particulars can I a obtained by addressing In tithe:
English or tierman, mat paid. Patients eau be :wens
midland with Hoard on reasonable terms.
• Mechanicsburg Is one of the prettiest and healfity
towns In this or any other State. it is $ mites from
Harrisburg, on the Cumlauland Valley Pail Hal , and
accessible from all parts or the Union. Thu Doctor will
visit Cases In any part of the State when desired.,
tia,„liind reader ityou know any afflicted folitilmerea
hire, delay not to tall them of this tri.,atniont!
R. & CLOAK TRlM.:)ll.ti(3B.
2a; 0111 , :SNUT Writ LET, below Eleveuth, stud
No. 170 SOUTH SECOND STREET. ),low Spruee,
:MeMbh. , \{"r.luvllo attention our , '"nuf' l . to PrrAn•
ms 'O.:ImM. of Plush and tillk 11111 , 1Dtuti, rrluo.s.ltuttol.?
and •tp`.o .1.111'1"111,1 imp .11111 ii
`Ltle:2. •VZ:l„ , li•ders eXolmtel nt ii 1011 11.•1In; ".14.103.
.1. CON,
2:l.lrhe•unat St. Anil 170 South 11,ttit.,t`ltIludvluhla.
Macomber 6, ibtl—oano.