3lichiscetts. AMES M'CLINTOCK, M. P.,--Late. . Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the Plillndel j- phia Collegt of Nledichie, and Acting Professor of Mid wifery; ono of the Consulting Physicians of the Phil adelphia Hospital, illockloy; late member of the Na tional Medical Asseciation. member of the philadel phia Medical Swiety; men:bora 014 Meclief.eChirurgi fal Collage of Philadelphia; Milner!) , Pro:Went. HMI Professor of A nutomy and Surgery in Costiet,on Medi cal College, Vermont; and also, late Professor of An atomy and Physiology lit Berkshire Medical Institu thin, Pittsfield, Mass., &c., .t.e. . . ibis lately introduced in A popular form, several' of 116 Cori to prescript 1011 s for the prineirel diseases of this allmate. The !mule of each attiele ♦ , •1111 imply the dis ease for which it is intruded to be used. DR. Met 'LINTOI•E's PECToRAL STRUT, $l, DR. MtAil.lNTocles (:uLD AND 120 eu II 'MIXTURE—For Colda Coughs, &e,,.Prlce 25 cts. DR , ICIANTOCR'S ASTHMA ANTI IJOOIING COUOII Itr.tir• ret. 's co 511 - cts. • nit(3recuvroeivs Tom! ALTERNATIVE SYRL'I.—For Ptt. rifying, the Mood. Price $l. Da. MCCLINTocrs Dyspeptic Elixir—For gicing tone to the stomach, relieving pains after eating, lleartburo, and all disagreeable, symptoms arising from indigestion. Price $l. Dn. SIe...LINTOCK . B RIIEUMATIc MIXTURE—A Purely Ve getable Remedy for internal use. Price 50 ets. Da. NteCLINTwE'd RHEUMATIC LIMMENT—For Mumma- Usnt, Sprains, Swellings, kc, Price 50 ets. / ), I..MCCalll'OCa'SANODYStklMtwrtine.--For Pains, Tooth itche,dleadache, Neuralgia, kc. Price 50 eta. Dn. Meet.tyrneit's News AND AOUE Sl , Xei Flu—A certain tore for all Intermittents. Price $l. Dm AIeCLINIOCION DIARRIREA CoE4HAL AND CHOLERA PRE VENTIVE—A Safi , Remedy. • DR. MtICLINTOCK . 6 VECIETAIII.E, PURGATIVE PILLS—n.I Costiveness, I lentlache, Are. Price 25 ets. Drt, MeCircToeir's ANTI-m.l,lOEs Poles—For irregularity th the Functions of the hirer and ilowels—the I est I,lr air Pill made. Price 25 cts. a box. For sale by Dr..l. McCLINToCIi, at his Medical beret. N. W. Corner NINTH and Fll,llBlCl' Streets, Philadel phia, and all Druggists. Druggists and Dealers in sloi eines who wish to be Agents. will please address Dr. ileelintoek, furnishing icference, 00010 of Pest Oilier, county a n !! State. Ift-A_For Sidi. by IV. A. Kelso. Samuel Ellh/t&arlisle: J. 11. Criswell, Shipponsburg; Emminger ,k 1.20., h. Karin. autil, Merlionlesbn rg; Joseph Herron. Newv lite; J. K, Zlintiternifin. A tidersonburg; llohies .i. Fertig, Miller:- torn; :1. C. Klink. New lii..ontlield; Harriet M. singet. Newport: B. F. Bordner, Vrirli Springs; A. J. Tililler :not .4. S. _Nixon. Chanibersburg; It. Stun tier, It avneslowe.; George lb•r.•ner and D. It. Jones & Co.. Ibirrkbilev., lilt, 11.,CLIN'EOCK eon be consulted. w Hilton climb - c. daily. tr.on In to 1:2 o'clock. A M... tit his Dept... _Dere tub o r_ti. _Lr5l.--I.y_. 1 4 1 011 'l'lll. 110L1 DA VS t. • y i;ii r Bot)F.:J.. lIAI i..1:1 4 ill% has just rewired bum tie eilj and u,plandiddisrl,o ul FA\t 1 t• 1101.:, ttlitalee th • .1110 . 4sedlieg 'eat , it, to 0150 is he de,ll . eo to tats the atttuitiitu tt i tie public. lit, ,i,,,11111(.11t 111 'III, 5.11111 , 4'1.1',1111,1^,1 ht uttvelt‘ quit eletzurieo, and bittit lit yualnY al it t In la• of t h e tutu les. tepittitmt pureit.t.i.it, 11 vs s•ukl be its eittutterate 1101.11tAI it A NCI( 1.:0011$.„ which eitinprisu c% cry voolet . ) nintovy lutlele of the ton..st, exquisite o,hoope such as i'ooiper 1.11k.u0, Hood,, Lk...4.00t oolo,hooNter /tont po.rcelain Ink-stands and tra) s. .ktiawy ti ury, penrl - oonoi bIWII enrol rants, 1 , 41.11ey F311..2, 1\ orh itoxes, nit it sewing instruments, Port Alton aiun, of rn rr•) zorit•ti , Gold puns and pjla•Ols, F'anc) paper weights, laid - ?t iaige I strict) oil 1:11lies 1 itti) ,titin ar)',ry, :11,,tt0 srtals and wafers. Silk and head purses, ctdittg whips, elugahtly tialadieLL Ladies is Ile periumr• 'baskets mid Istgs, nruslif.s ivory kind It.r the tellel, ====IMMIIM!= 7110,0 al in§trunsents, 0/ all 1,i11,15 :11111 at all priecs together with an 11111(11,11,1%lli10 ,31ii•ty of :11114 ly Int I,le l and milta Lie for E ,, tt h t. p be ills IL, Spellai lilt 'Marion. Also, at, extunaile elegant collertit n of Lb./Lit/AI Glr'r rtimprisiog the varintts 1 . .nt;1611 and Ann.: hatn A N N I A for oinl.rlisloal iltistralvd lail;11: AI. will' All/LW, la lolls. of till nos, than t, laaatililag .111 141 lila I a appropriatti or tgo.istlii; as holiday gills. Ills areal [taro s•taitooir.v is itiso ,otorirte, anti voiiiiaAsos rt ely used and thr a'sir t at tutu, Luau Furniii, Vli7aallat ,Cc., frOnl the ~1 c„,!„uns, A rcheE. and , Altern er cry r7y le. .1 or, , (.11a1111,er kuriiiill4 eithri lard siwriu togt•LiwrAvltli Intwy etZ/lelit this line is In, 1A.11J111..1. Also, 4 : ltU 1 TS, 1.1.\C1: CUN FI,CI'I4 /NA fSt..lO 1,1) Flit in every satiety unit ut till wires, all of eidelt are pure and fresh, scion :15 eau be run adept cy natal: mended t' friecats unit the Ii is stock euchruses every the tht, in the line cd falley •tcsals, aith nattrytalica arti c les usmul. to.. Iteqseiteepers ic Welt the puilu' t• egpeetrAll %it , •41 t.i Ball anti :.et. during the hnlidalr.— Itewvutl e. lit• ;Id Maud. clearly ..ppe site the tin North 11:u11 :41 ru . dee 1:t "1,534 G REAT ATT ACT 1()N? II() .1 : (1111k: 11.11.1. ,01,1 „tu voitfiltlit , lu ft• t 01111,11,1 at t est nut. ales up to lite t 114.:, n 1 tin. :•••:I,,ll.elsillterl , log 111 pan I,l'l 11).\ .11(11,z , td the di•ncost ,to 11 :IS Finn Cand) Toys,.lelly lion limn, t. nut t /Annuli, t.lnivolatu :tint t nit In-nr,, Itnriit. A hound:, French awl eoph.dihg all (IR, 1,..,111111,r1i %itrieties, t ill ul I , fi w t,ll 1 ".• Sake ILLOI Cet,lll at I,oy role, 110 note Just revv:%tal ;-1 It Ur:, Of Lief latt•:4 Ortmg , , , , li:111.1 I t eOlt,l urrnul.. Boa and pawl' . Owned Almonds, }illwrias, and ?, us, Iti conile, lion tt ith Lb, )11:01 the largest. ant.ortintiiit fan, \ ..i.A...1)1 , AM, tiotan-.of UN et.) Mod free! :11l 1,:11.1,: tut' hOrepe, inwittfacturvd et ewoi, gloss, chi Oa. pa l lier 11111011 e, till atilt 1111111111.1111,111.: 41111:. Ste.., !nit It as inn 11 as, kid and joilit,d hulls, sraibg and Ca - d hasiwts. 11..rk .t l'aiscv thrXe,i, }')„tact lloi t.• k taps. Tt.:t Mtn it• I;n‘..N. I'l , ll 110,11,5, Musks, 1/111111:1. lines lhanhwoo. and Where:ones, Faiwy ;.4.aps nuJ Ilairuiic A es ery variety. lit e..atu, that I, tilt the at.:Vu a I,kt,k• of ligitCl.l.ll..S, said' as palveriNell, vllo.ll°ll :Ind brow 11 1.11:„1/11.11, tut oVery Stile , •ll, I , tutu :111,1 !dank :"1•11.,,, it later, 1 , 11i:1, ,- . 11 , 11 1 1. 1 N all.r and °Mei' Crackers...U.l.-c, The Stl6, , eilwr returns bls ,incore thaliks to a goner. one putde , lor the p.itnolazo heretofore hostowed and hopes. by a denial to please, to merit a volt intinocu of the emoe, Culihtv, l‘no,r 7, 114.:11 110( )KS .14.111 TIIE 1101,11.):‘.Y5. y\V.. hay just- receria.,l rrom farm , lieu and zil'l,4N DJ/ ti IVI • lot the I folidays, which hal, lug been purchased below the usual icholt. , :ile rates, we are to sail at :.2,rimtly reduced irrieex. They hare now in simri• t splm.l s ~11tock of n ,trite. l 111 11 4 .0itt. " J Till 41'M I'd Nett, Worhs, Bibles, all slaps, • ...I.`rayt , o 11001,s, a . It uw ilamix, • iiitnilay School Tract ' Jiiiaiioll,h, Ace., itr. Alt of wiii.•ll are NNW frm,b li• o thiliubllshers. and calla-1101ml oxpressly for the •, 'hi llolhlays. IsiTi• i.".TATIO:\ and Fancy 111.0,1,ts..1,1!erilly,Iti great..iiiiii•ty: The pill, lie are Int i call anti examine baniples now really for inspect not. the place to buy books, cheap, la at Mali; street. •20, I Xr••1 . (10 IRN SII 141 - 41:11S.--'-A A PA C r.;s (h....00111y thin h•st am( rbeiir. -d‘rt rtirtlierti nr,, ropit! N t., 4 l „AI attit!lpittt. lhn Cnrli,da Potiridry MAI 3litt him, ol At •:it reason:o,ll pri , .!.•c• Aug 2- WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. How often it happens, that the wife lingers from par to year in that pitiable condition as not even Cr one day to feel the happy and exhilarating influ ence incident to the enjoyment of health THE BLOOMING BRIDE, But a few years ago in the (lush of health and youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, siehly, sallow, debili tated Wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits dcprcwed, countenance bearing the impress of sutfo r m,g, and an utter physical and mental pros _tratiou, arismg--from ignorance of the simplest-and plainest rules of health as connected with the mar riage state, the violation of which entails disease, suiloring and misery, not only to the wife, bat often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " avTo Tur, THUM AND FOURTH greNF:ItATtoN, " Tramomming cowsumerzetcr, senorvrA. lil rthritorwier.l, INSANITY, GOUT, KING'S EVIL, and other amid " worse. Distsawts, fot a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM TILE' PARENTS. "'And must this continue? Must this be? Is there no remedy? No relief? No hope?" The remedy is by knowing the sasses and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them. Theae are pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S'.. PRIVATE AIEDICAI COMPANION, One Hundredth Edition, (500,000),18mo., pp. 250. [o PINE PAPER, EXTRA ntNniNti, $l.OO ] A ntlerlard work a eqtablished classed In the catalogues of the great tra.le -mite, in Now York, Philadelphia. and other eitlei, and' sold be the principal nooksellisrii in the United States. It was .first published in 1847, Fiucc which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES ' have been sold, of which there were upwards of ON_Ell NDREI (111 SA IYSEN . 1111Y.11 alleAting the high e.timatien u Lich it is held as a' re liable popular Me.lical. BOOK FOR EVER Y . FEMALE the author baying devoted WO (,(ClOftire nitration 'to the treattneot of emaplaints peculiar to females., in respect to whirl' he to yearly consulted by thou-ands both in perbon and by letter, Hero every WOMAII can discover, by comp:lrina:l;er , VITI riympterns with those described, the nature, character, rinses of, and the proper remedies foe, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother has often need of instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness - for. bids consulting a inediscat gentleman, will find snob in• 1 %traction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all the peculiarities incident to her situation aro described. now many are suffering from oliNtructions nr irri•gulnr Ries peculiar to the female system, uhich undermine the health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and fel which their delicacy forhiilii seeking 'medical advice. Many finffering from prolapsus uteri (falling of tho womb),. or from floor aMta (weakneaii, debility, ,llze.) 3lany are In constant agony for many months preceding conCno- went Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, nod elow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are hazarded daring such timo, will each find in iM pages the 13Warek of prevention, amelioration and relief. It in of couri , impracticable to convey fully tho varionb anhjecta treated of, as they aro of a nature stalely Im tended for the married or those contemplating marriage Reader, are you a huabaud or a father? a wifo or a mother? Hare you the sincere welfare of those you lore at 'heart? l'rovo 'yeur sincerity, and lose no lime in learning what eausue•lnrerfere with their health and hap pines not less that ,your own. It will avoid to you and yaws, as it 1in.:410 4 .- thousands, many a day or pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting those means for medical attendance, 'medicines and advertised nostrums which otherwise would prorido for dt.clining years, the infirmities of ago and the proper education of your children In consequence of the universal popularity of the mirk, as itif• (teed by it., e‘truordinary ...ale, various impud Lions lunvt been attempted, as ttrli on booluddler+ as CO lhu ,u bile, I.y unlit...lion+ of title page. spurious i+litiona, and suireptitious itilriogrtnent 4 of corplgh , 11011 01 bet - lecke+ and deception+, it hue loon found necciu‘lry, therefore, to S. 'W. 11.0'E1tST1CK CAUTION THE PUBLIC to boy no book mites', the' wnr‘N " f)r. A. M. :41ArrarnAti, 1•19 Liberty Street, N. Y.," is on (and the entry in the (lerL'A OnICO on the back of ),,the title !Iwo ; and buy only of reaped:tde and honcorabie 41eAtt.ye, or send by mail, and addre:,s to Dr k Mauriceau. AZ- Upon receipt of One Dollar "TIM' MAR RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION', is sent (mailed fh-r) to any part of the United States, the Canadas and British Provinces. All letters must be post:pairL .and addressed to Dr, A. NI. MAURICLIAU, box 122 f, New-York City Publishing Circe, No. 124 Liberty Street,- New. York. P. 1%1 ON Y I.: It "Shenialmt!-Mer." an :tllllll - al,lO IVash fir the hair, uotinctfacturc.,l by hinisolf, The ~N.eelleuee of this Tonic.is testiezed to by :ill of his ring tocifers who hurt, used it to he Inc of the best artfeles hOONVII ft:r clettil,,,ing, the hair of dandruff. Ile als'o Ii1:01- llthl . tliCQS s flair Restorative, as till? “Vorashels auto," for riving clew fcroiclif t.. the lair on babllleads. .It.ple testi...fly exists of the eilleftey of thi s Itestorati‘e. While the 'Sliemaniehmer cleats the hair of &mai off mot prove:its It from .00nancc out. 111011r1111M supplies 21 1111• errorth to titae who hare had the rah-fortune to li.sn their hair. '1 h'e piibile Is to, riled to call, an.l pflrehT.o these invaluable artieles, as he Is confident they .11 ...der satisfaction. ::•11AviNc, I/.I /It till , 1.1..011 , (1(iNINt1 at feinted to In the hop 4 style as oslal. at his Oa rooms oft W..st Main C.;tc'eet. near ilarifi - nhii. Pee.Yi.ltiit. I:I`ICOPFS l'AAtt'.(;S , AND l'()NFE(71()N F'llu. ui:.lersi.7.lli:is just. 1..•1urn...1 from with n fresh supply 1/1114/SIiniII'ONFECTION Ai; y,_ Tho r 4 rt,111.1 . in 0,11110 , 0.11 with 111 , , 111 A 1111 11111111 o'lll 111:11:1 , 11;,^ 11 , , 11111.`lti oY Drulux. 11e,11111 , 445 . 111111 rb..11.1.7. 1 s :Issoyttuett.t of Or\ Fr.l'Ti(tNAll'3 Is ; ,I s . cr pure Fugal- and transpltro T vs: Calltly. 11111111 0 11, 11S:10111A. 111111 llllllCalulies f o 1 l•I'V A3l Iv( V ; 111,z11 Fruits, 1,1 , ll' 11••• 111..1 01.1..irtuwilf of truly I 1 , 11113 11111 In his supply' of r 1 . 1/.' 11. ':‘‘ :11i.I ,41•4.1 . ;11 11 , 0. :11114 , 117 1%1,1.41 hilly 110 111.1 1116 • 4 I 1,11 , '111, 11111 1.110 11-..1111. All nri. i. lilyd 31, they wish sir (I.tlll - 1S1+:11 111101 f N lt, .1, 1.i.11 - aTLit. Car11.10,11.:.•,r New &tit STARTLING, BUT TRUE! BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, PItOFF&9011. OF DMA:gni OF wourN 11 It Ei t 4 t‘' I I.‘ T YOU N EI.:11 .1T I'hEsENT. —The ,libsrrilwr rtnpootnil 'y Inf mul, thu Lillie,. Will :1•11( 1 / 1 10 1 ) , P 1 Owlish. and deinlty that he has to Oil hand hi, Itnir Ine-.llvg :ma Slinviwz thenn nn NVest •treet. ma elegant nv.nrtinet 1..1b11:S and hentlernmes t• 311 Inrnish ”r4lor at shortest. t Oleo every Lind Ilair Work of the hest opnilily. lie also he,:s lea vi. 01 ill t FIR lagfrhvt la and cn.to- [nut's that 110 keep.ponatnu- dartiole geralb. 4JurOware. JOHN P. LYNE—Wholosale and Re tail dealer in American, English and German LIARDWAIM, Oils,,Paints, tic, it. Illechnnics builders and the public. generally, who are in want of hardware Cr:oa nay kind, are invited to call in and examine my unusually larg stock of goods, which I am selling at very low prices. Just stop in; h. will only detain you a very few minutes to be ntvinced that what everybody says —that, Lyn's is decidedly the place to get good 'goods at law prices—must ion true. LYNE'S hardware Store, West Side North Hanover street. Arb--E,4; - 01/1C 11 E E !-A HA R P --E -MAT IlAeoms'Or'rkmt.n. The subscriber in consiquence of HI-halth, offers his en tire stork tti . UM :WAKE to any person ur persons Wish- log to enter into the Hardware business. 11e having so resolved in quitting the business, Bill give a bargain ? Irides-Lis ocauto-end euatotth---A ny- one-desirous gettittg into tilts ltttslmess will do %tell to call cl,Oll, arid not tuaregeil of by the' Ist of (October Heat. Le ail! then commence selling oft at cost at the old and well known stand. in North il . :MOVer street. neat doer to Chutes Maglaughlin'S Hotel. TACtIII vINIII 1, 1 It ESII A 100 VAL 1 . WARE"I2 II EN Yll SAXTON. The subseriher having returned frail the_rity would call the :tile:llion of Ills friends and the public generally tollie tar ,rand Well'ai•lectest s's'lttttetttrf liartiwarwwhich has „lost received, isinsisting In part of BC! 31A -I'Elt I %LS, nails. screws. hinges. locks. hilts. glass, putty, paints. nits, Ac, TOOLS.—edge tools; saws and planes 0. ever) IleS , Tipti.ll. wills tiles, rasps, hammers. anvils, ike, it general assortment of AND S.tit iii,Eits; Tool,:4, together with morocco, lining and bind skins. s hoe thrad, wax., pegs, lasts, harness mount saddletrees. TRIM)! I NO—CailVail (Plain, enamelled, fig sired and embossed., patent and enamelled leather, axles. springs, sheets, Acc, Ac. lialittet Makers Will find a large assortment of 'yarn {Shea. tnaltogany and wainutveneers,moulding,rosettes, hair clth, curled, hair. Ac. The , street of Iron is large and wall selec.ted, commis inc; all the kinds In ;Zt": , 01,11 uwans hannuured owl rolled iron of all sizes. Hat, Ivor and hand irn. rwtnd, sitnare and oval iron, horse-shoe iron and nail rod,. v. Ills a large lot of cast and spring steel, English and American blis ter steel. Ae. Ilimsekeepors and threw:J.la rommencing will fled it t ., th e i r 1.,,,a1 I and examine oar cutler). hilt- Muili and plated Wart. pans, kettles, cedar Wall. 141.1.1,145. In addition Is the a1,0v, , We have received ft 9.14•11 , iia ass irtinent of A 1.1. PA making the st,sis coin prlisa,r ca nit Iv,. i h site I. ran, know it wilt ieto their own advantage. liemenilier the old stolid Ea=t II i _ls Street, Carlisle, Pa. t4.•t 12, ••'35:1. lIENIIV SAXTON. F:(1 0 ,S11 ()F ,k I)- , %V A It E.—The sithstell•or Ent ut . g returned from the city t•jii.ol 0 0 0 0 1104 (..1 . 1,./0•• ,•1 ),0,,.0;1 0 and tvrll sele , ..ted stook of forek7n mut viontekt is IlartlWate, en 11,1.11101, 1.51. 4 1 tlift,'; tP ., 1,111)14 hound in that liw• attmitiou of trio:l'4o:am: the punlie generally i. ri,pe• I fully directed to the : 1 33ortiovot.0•U hand. as them that goods of %, ill be s.• 101 for •‘:00 , 11 :it a very •tuall /wee •oi ui,taislllo4urer3 prleev. 1:e -mea0•er the old stand. East Main :trout, 144 A u 3;'•111, 19:04.. 11. SA ATON.. 3liebtrines. () TII NV:lBll.—lleautilul White and n Sweet ~f hollotil. '41,11 , 1 1.1..1(- 11,A VS l'El.1.:1;11.1. r Et, Tool. ASII. This delieintis ar ti e l e e. na iii l i e s so ninny ineeitoi inns .itinlitais. that it II is umv lensilite a standard tit vorite wit h the eitiziins n. New laelphin and lialtltitme.. Dentists pro serihe it in their praetiee imset sueeessfully, and from every ssuree the tine.t 11;q eri 11 4 I, awarded it. tlitl 3 nwri and 1 . 1 ".` 11 1vA! Omi.. are Immediately benefit te.l by Its use; its :action tip in thon is mild, soothing 3n d effective. it eleanses the teeth s. tlmratt f .Ml,, that they tire made to rival pearl In witlteninss. and slitruses thrim.;li the month curb a delMlittul freshness that the lan,tlrl, rendered, e&c.intsltel It disiutects these. ImpuritleN whieh tend t.i .teat., and. as a rou se fur nee, when tiles.. Are rettinved the teeth must al ways remnln wand. Item' the I. llnu big loin Ur. .l. A,. Mr F. 7.ertimii--Sir: and rormtimenikil your Tnut St'asii in my prtivi Ire f.r some time. I find it timi.t. eitealuil Dmitri:me iu tu.e. and there:l , re lUe.lll - it to the public. Dr. J. A. CAll ‘N, Ilead tlie following te,thliony ZEHMAN—Dear Sir: I have fully tested the inerits of your valuable 'tooth Nash, end can, without liesite. tivn. reeenittuelot it es the hest that lies et ono under no notice during an experience es Dentist of tie re than dv toen years. It de:inst.,: the Teeth, wed hos mid lietd.oo , irritated tituns. and telParte a dell:dens fragratu e to lit itreeth. Frotn the uveath.• of tho,e who stake use 01 it. houvver, it will certain() sjoeth fur it,olf. iGEO. P. S ,, tivEtr, Stirxt•mi Dontist, ;!.79. Smith Truth ft k used nil (lip eminent Ilene- I-ts in Nun where It been Intri4live.l. All it trial. r Propare.l 01.1 y by 7,ralaii.l l rilvtlst elit•sal.t. tllotplita, and :4111 NVilillo•Mle and let“ji Ly II•.1 , 111.11111.r. I. 11..rron. Newiill , , .1. 11 illiaruv, Sliippuiodturg, ily nil Prti:tgist, ..111y J vent, per Iriatle. F1.1 ,' 41 ) 81 Can be • Cured. Lake ' s _ . „41 rui:r.t 4 . omouu:so, 1 . ,,g• the f ur. f,r PITS! is iwrr.Talil4.7 more Ally other ttti•dioitl.,, yet istioWil nr lwfore the publk.— PRICE FIVE DOLLARS A norrt.E. The proprietor lias numerous vertill ateq, reirratlnir the :M0111.111;10 and tub - m.oom cures .ifected by thiS motliriue. mei direct,: attendee to the blleaiffir only, tO :ISSIO•O those Inlto srr.ounfartanitte I. bit afflicted milb the terrible diseage lieretofere refraril -19,1111111, tiOtt preparatioit IS ALMOST IN V ',LI 1t1.1.1 IN ITS CI:lt ! From Brooks, widow of MIO. Jas. Brook', Ft to of C./Juno:Lot; 0. Mr. Z. Please mind ine another lad tie or Fit Medicine, 8 , 1 do not ill.e to be withent it on hand. hi hen 1 commenced giving the inellielne twiny suti Ed had (bun .nu• to three tits per day. Ito has irloW taken the uu•dieine over five months, /tnd has hail. think. but two tit, in that thaw, and these ',Try IL:M.- 11k I.oly and mind are very murk' Unproved; and by the blesql ng of (led, 1 tet4 that the n n •di,•ine will restore his body and mind to their wonted activity. Ile Is '2, years idtl, and has had tits over 12 years, w Weil lase 'Leen very frequent, and very destructive to his, consii tothin and mind. ltnndrvds of dollars have layn ex. Tended for inedirino to `• cart: I'ITS," 1114 11001111 g Itch. rellove,l him until lie used your medicine. Ite,peetrully Front Jinison Landon, County Superintendent or tio Ashtabula County Ititirmary. Feb. 4, 1R5:3,. Mr. Z. I,it:r—Sir: Ple/INC, Send /I fay IIII) your ”t'ithie:" I triay nit need It. but tllluk sal or to hoop it on hand. Your medicine has done wonders. I }:nee it to Miss Jane Drilann; she has Ind tits Mr :26 years, lirought on by haying the ousels 11111'11 Ind four years old, widith could not lie brought out to tlio surface. After taking the lllolliollo n few liars, our Ii in A ri NI: (IMP OV ME.OLLS, and ran had no fits oiucc. She loot Ids or symptoms almost daily., She and Either eonour with me in saying that we believe the medicine has or will wort: it perfect cure. I also tmse the ineillciTll‘ ti, MISS dant) Henderson and A rim Carty, who lucre had tits almost daily. thr number of years. Their Ills ha% and believe the medlci M. will bIIIT the desired effort. 'Meer money has boon expended by the friends of the above patients for dortorlmr, nil to no pimpose.— The curl, 55116 loft _r,t , your ineillAtie to perMriii, unit I ran cheerfully recommend It no II VAilltlbit. rliseovery.— Respect fully yours. JUDSON LAN DON, - 'Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary. l'repared and sold at wholesale by Z. 1.11:E, Ohio. .' 3014 by S. IV. Ilaversliek. 14tr1Is19; E. 11. Thonins. )Ic , clue Icsbu rg ; I). W. Uross, lln rrl sburg. Oct. 5-Iy* 1_ 1 - AN' AN 1) STRAW C.UT.TI(II;S, poRN 13r40 ars , w6nent of rin prr,t Ilay, St raw and tt,lt4 VE l'wttets, twsw olrttl , lrt mat slattle own Aloller,, tin• atthcr • lutnJ hr•rsv power, of Its vvry lakst luannfur•trur. tho prmiliwn sheNr al Om Into l'onurylval. S tat" Pair, F.dis PASCH A 1.1, Molt I:IS \Vareluntiso llnll '&1v1.1 Sinn., corner of it 6 and Doe. 0, lbsl—ti Cosx^..,vr, Fob. 3. I,:ri3 BiNi=2==l aliebicines. r TIITHEG ILE A TEST DISCO V Elt Y OF. E AoE—Farmers, Families and others. can pur I chase - no remedy equal to Dr. TOBIAS' Venetian Hid taunt, Ihr Dysentery, Colic, Croup, Chronic Rheumatism quinsey, Sore Throat, Toothache, Sea Sickness, Cuts Durns, Swellings, Old Soros, Bites, Insect Stings, Pains in the !Audis, Chest, hack, &c. It It does not give relief, the money will he refuhded—all that is ash(al, Is a trial. and use it according to directions. Ihe article is an English remedy, and was used hy Win. IV, of England, and curt lied to hy cure her Ilheumatism, t, bent everything ear recommend e d L 3 his physicians.had Over 10,00otion of bettles_have Leen P , lll nib Unit ed States, without a single failure, and families have stated that It tta.s a orth sin per I,ltie. they utter would he Witllolli. It. in rase orc roup . ug RN it is applied. It ctues_Tootha. he in three mi n utes; Ileadache hi half an holm-and 'Cholera, whoa first tak en, In it few hours. It is perfectly Innocent to tate in -ternally7find—has-Ilte recommehdation of - ninny of the Most eminent Physicians in the United States. Price, Ltri and Cut cents. Ur. Tobias has also put up a bitihnent for Horses, in pint bottles, wide') is wan anted,-eliraper ' and I etter than any Ober. for the cure of Odic, ilaliccitivelliers, old Soren, Cuts, bruises, ticratches,'Cracled Decd. e.-- Price, 50 cents. fir. Tobias could fill a dozen newspapers with the cer tificates and let liars rec-eived, rehtt lug to the a onth•rful cures•aecompl it lied by his Liniment. but considers flint warranting it is Futilcient, any._ Terstai_yako_th: list. ,a,toln not pay f r it. There has l een so Touch worthless medicine s,hl to the puhlie, that fir To bias w.ishes his article to rest on its own merits, an d if lie gives the I aim. sr the utszwy received, theta he ashs the patronage of the public, not otherwise. 011iee, 210 (1t WWII Street, New Fork. Fer salo'by A.. Smith. Feventh a5)(1 Chestmit streets: Dyott A Son. 132 N. Seeoillt t.tivet; T. It. Callender. ~++ F, 'Phird ,fivet, itml by the Druggi , Ls thrcughr IA the United Str.t..s. • . . . t i b. l * •''' ...\ ''. . , 4 4. , 13 ~ . i -,- t...,. ' ... 7 40.;, '• 'h , ' . s li, l : '"."- -- n --•••,. : \ 4 6 , ~ , ....• . ... ~,f 1 ',,.: ~. • -,: ' 4 , p l t '',.'•.. .p ' - sI•. .. A ' :9• . , r . 4 4 41 , ~..—) . , .• lir , r;:,'..:..ei lg., r.--• 4 .tri'Dl S C , t : .o ..,, * .:....,,,y 4....w5...,...5.,A..........A_4„....1 -y.v.........•....--.4,... 4 „...4.,g5,.:.„,...i.,..r,,,..,._::,,,i iii„.„, 4 ,... i p ...../.. 0 i1.,.. t .e...r, _ ..,..,...„.,...„.. ~.w..•..„,,,7,...,4x.....„0„....„.4...... ......,.._. IA UT Elr S Sl 'A Nf S T.I 31 INTI:l't E. THE t;iIEAT I'UIIIFIEII. tiE IHE 1 101111.—• .N. t a particle of Mercury in it. Au infallilte 11.111 Elly h r semfilla. King's Evil, littemnatism,ol...thinte Cut:litmus I:myth:lnt, Piniplest or Ptigttiles on the Face, 111(44 hes,. hoilt., Chronic N.l - ,s;, Eyes, hitit; )Voyin 4•lr Tel 1 . .'1':11‘,/ 11441 d, Elliargolllollt. 111:1.1 Pain'? till, 1:0111's /111(i .).I , IIIIS. :4111.41 I . Ivry., l-l)plillitie Ill.:orders. lAlitil . ago. :- pit:al Complititits Mini till diseases :WWII:4 from to injudicious tz.,,, , 3101 . auy, 10:14.01joh00 in LIR`, Vl' Im purity of the itto.A. great'ultornlire Medi. eC and Purifier of the Ithsai, is now used by thousands of grateful path its all parts of the United States, ohs testify daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all Medi eines, "CANTU:WS SPA Nonrab.ia, .Itheutnatism, - Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Livt ease. Fevers, Ulcers, told sores, AlTeetil•ne el the Kidneys imeases of the ecaiiplaibts, Pains nod Aehitut t , l the IF.nu•s and .1 dots, are very speedily put to Right by ming this great and inestimable remedy. for all diseases or the Blood, nothing has yet I elm found to colnpare to it. It cleanses the system of all im purities. acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kid neys, strengthens the 'Digestion, gives toot, to the Itch, wahes the skirt clear mad healthy. and restores the t'onstiluti,m, et.feetalc.l try dkett•e ~ r I , rid:eti di wit Ly the of youth. to its pristine tipir and strength. For the Ladies It is ite,iiiteirahly Letter llama till t h e c, , ltteticS et er used. A few doses ad - CALTEll'zi it to tell Mt sit mu: a 11l eemove all sail,nt rte.: , of complexion, bring the roses malatling to the cheek, give tlasticitV to the step. and Improve the general heateii Ina tenant..aid...de gree beyond all the medicines ever hoard of. The lar ge winder of eerillicates a Li ii e.e have revelv ed front frill persons from all parts.ithe uhitpit States, IS the he St w idunce that there is no II uniting about 'ft..• press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physielsts, at it public Sten, welt 1:1101V 11 to the rotunnuity, all add their testimony to the wonderful effects of title uItEAT PU RIF! En. -the An ENT, and get a Circular mid Almanac, awl read the N, ooderful- cures this it grt Myst of all Nt.,•dtchn, has performed. Font• geutnne unle.ss signed BENNETT A: BEERS, Pro pi ietors, No. ft, Pearl street, Itielmiond. Va. to %Omni all orders for supplies and agencies be addressed. And for sale S. W. Ilaverstielt, Ira hay. leellatiMshttrg; .1. 11. Herron. .Netv‘ille; J. C. All 1.. Shippmsburg, aLd by dealers iu medicines ery• hero. 11E; \\'()N DER ( 'HI I.; At; E For the ctlll3 of i'llitllll.lllll,' 5tir,..4.11.1‘19” , . I or Crickod 11:11.14 , , Mulls Cuts .r It ”umis. Pilos, Inflammation it lire:lst, Lit., .4 .11 . and Itre:.tling 0111 111111 SON'S I , t 11 . 111 IS 011111111 . 11 i ICIII 1 . 1111, t 1 and . . 'the kind ta•lote the To the ahoy,. ..d8 of err- Pal I consider it no tpie, nS •titty can do the game• it they hero &hoot , . Ii r ry,tt Nvnv A tide) 1 rely Solely hill the thrrits Id the 03'1011c:A 1, r the taildir pat ronago, N. rd' this 011itr so .t n 11l keep any hlarlistailliti. Fanner's. Sailor's. nr ' theft' (.11:111 Or, entels e% ee :hi, Sell if .tad in gtad nark- Ing order all wintry. Prepared :Al 1, ..... Mu TE1:1113, dauxtt itch. e'tnn. Sold also 1n• the principal bruy•g.tds,zottlC'eunt,ty Mer chants. Price 25 evlrlitt per 14,3:. Non•. 11A\ 1 yott a cold r—uallorier's was an n iirtql a just celA , rit y { I T tim of sll ilisru2 , ol4 arkilit: front St•Veru Void S, and it , °ilk:4,y ling 1,,,n at t,sted nn,t approved htmart..b, of our 11U , siqr, spe,tai,, ,a 17.1.115. ~(, 0 imaance imaastiate ha , 1.001, :'lcon, as he i fur ,•ertaleat, from tuneeh hare; triad it beltrA ietitiniotty• Man tired and for ,alt , by ANI (ALIMIER, Avont IVa the nnflerslgmall.lo 4aTtilAl hat w. Ila‘c`a. need loher . r. pn•latrati ,, a for 1/ , ` Li% l`r. ate.. and baying eauorlyni,l 11).1111,AI :qv relirf tlakreir”at irould rel . C•1111.111311li it 1111. 111 that way. Thos. 11. Skiles, Sire, M. (1,,a1.1. L. .‘Valf, Peter 111allyer, Lolzch, N. iVkaala. Carlisle. April '25. Isr,t-ly. . ..., _., 4 L 111 Al' ()F (..1 111_1 l'lll I. A NI) I'OITN- /, TY.-- From entirely orhdoal l.dr ' i ey ' s. Lt' act ual measurement throt) - iota the Whole count v, It). 11. y. Intl Dot: \ s. The subscriber ri.• now engaged In mat Int: Fitrvess preparatory to puldloldng a 11010 and complete l'11:111 of ( . 11101 , 01.111(1 Cnnllllty. 1111 , /11 a large i:cale. Every I`tilllc 1t...0l and 'lre•ani, w ith the locations Of till Mils. Stores. 11 \VP 1 )1 1 .Frs• ;Ind l'nhlic 11101'1(11cm, will Le neenvalely laid down. All'the Public Buildings In the County will he dist inet ly indicated, and the 11111110. Of 1/10110111 of proper iv generally, will be inserted In thole proper positions or the 31ap. . A Ti).).' of :I , kltri . xnys. 51,1th:tics of the County, ea larecd plans of the 14-inelpal Villages. 111111 A (011' Of 11 innst attractivo who In the County, 10111 to inserted 1 the maraln ; thus giving every' satisfaction, and remit, Inc tilt , Map in , tit velnalde to the Owiwrs of Prepert. Merchan to Tia Yolecs. Convey:m:4.m and the lidtall taw geneially, of the region delin,,t,,,A . In as pawl, ;is this work is to Lo Dania up of :tett; surveys made upon the gr , ,11,1,1, it n 111 equiro time , neeenialiA It ; It is not 00flect0,1. tllolot In. tint It 111 It (O:My n.,- 1 ,,,Lii,,,ti,,,i nom), ~,,,1,-, ti,,, period ~r 1.,. l'eart4. Tin size of 1110 31ap will I 0 ais•nt five na.t. 1. four. and will coot five dollars. If, 1; UNIDO ENS, I'llll6ller. N, E. rorner of l‘lzurlin11:1111,1 IV( ca FPO. :27--ltopil. y Dimluit's I l frY (''()A L. 2 MIA' R A Tow. 11.y1:110.. Valley Nut Corti, rt Nuperb.r mile , torching mul ilrr salt) by , • Junl 0 Vau W. IL MURRAY, Aft. • ho rltin. lUr 11% r her .1, 11 3lichicines. XV E It' ONWLAINT, Dyspei lr - 4 J Chronic aundice, or Nervous debility, his,. tim Aldneys, and all diseases arising from a dile., e Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, in wend ; fulness of blood to' the head, acidity of the sn , p no uses, heartburn, disgust for food, fulness or wen 1 the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or ii num i tim bit °Lilo stomach, swimming of the Mad, 1,, , and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, . le or4rocating sensations 'nhen In a lying pastor , ness of vision, dots' or webs before the sight, ti %. 4111 pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, ~ mss of the shin and eyes, pain in the side, baeli. , . limbs, &c., sudden 'flushes of Dent, 'burning in tf,. constant imaginings of evil. and great depre . ,l4 ,, u its, can be effectually cured by Do. IleOrb?l,\ D'S ' /MATED GERMAN DiTTDlffi, prepared by Pi.. JACKSON, No. 12u Arch Street, Philadelphia, Their power user the above diseases is not excel au nal led, - by , any - filier - prepara Mo . WI lie r . filf -00- `. as the cures attest, in many, cases after si:iltul „ cians had failed. These hitters are worthy the attention of invz.: I'us:•essiug great virtues in the rectification of ui of the Liver and lesser glands, exerelsliw the searehl rig powers in 'weakness and affections of 1 gestive organs, they are withal safe, eertain.ai.,l sot. TESTIMONY FROM PENNSYLVANIA. J. D. Spring, bareyrllle, Pa., April n. 1 , 54, sa vaiod certificates for your lien, term lit,this ririuity if you wish then). A holy pl.. Int; some of It this week, says that it is by far lA., tnedieitie slat ever knew, liming done 'her na , daughter much good. S. it. LatYson, lienfarirs Rork', Foluerset co, Pi.. 15, 1553, says, "1 ant ninth attached Lc,' ynnr ;litters, haring used two bottles of it, which I pi from S. litartz, your agent at Soinerset, and fou in relief from it in disease of the Liter. I End great eiTeet on toy htnis, strinnithriiing and hit them, iv I sin a pul tic speaker, is a 1 4 11 ,:,t, 111 P." Dr. liatnilton, Pa., May, .1951, sai , intee to.eit hair n dozen is ttles of yinir 4:4 Warr. , G r Liter Complaint and diseases of a I. rhararter. resulting fri.ni the abuse of nnmcu rt. and allltcted with spasms fn in the ups latter article. 'I lie liernian hitters Is the Pri.t Dow oldrh I .iltained any relief.. I hale 111+0 FI.. article to niatiy dysreidli e, with the in, st naln: salts, l think many it...re I.Mtlrs...ill cure is., Yi one. if Dauphin. in.. writes '•1 was MIRA (.1,1111 al 11P, , Rrld for NI 11101 I 1.1•, , I 111:111y f t• ' 11.11%,ti, o ilhollt relief. I lit last used ur . • ilernorti Pitlers. I took a few hot health:, f. , r ten :rears r.. I hare I ..er. since i I • Lit vrr , , whir It is tileAtt, o n e ear ;lg.:, Vlll'lll . VrcrTll , l,3:, AI way 0.6,, the „. ) :4011/ al:d or T , l , l4,riti III: it. =WM= here. :mil by Samuel 1,1114-I.t. S. W. 1141vcr,t W. Carl , lo: .1 r”.. • Inv burg; Jill by licalura gvuorallv. 22. 1;•:.-.1-ly 4 . I . f )1 rents, by means of the .111...C.1,1.AP11.5, . One lIIS OWN PlIVS1( thirty-sixth Edith Is one hundrtid engravings ing Private Diseases oil.. iiiinotforts of ti Gel ...:. System, In every shit)... .• fin : to o hick is ad.'. • Treatise on the Diseases .. males, intended liar • females only.aret. Fa k e lug of the highest hot. it tdianarrital _people, . lb e.. . V. 11 ti. l'ouso. 31. D.. li t a• of the4;piNersity of .Pet.itsyli gob', Men; lee of the al College-of surgeons. DOn'tion. and Iloh orar3 l of Om Philadelphia Medical society. . I Tliti saris us . of Secret diseases. Seminal , Glalld, l inpotettryi et youll faithfully described, and all - the Mreipl.. , 01,11 it% hut; c age. 'I lie rhtlpt.Vl'S on stir 111,1)r.e aLti 'Weal.ncits is worthy of particular attehtion, and read by every Ono. l ming unit Mho luivu it I..rtunato In centrieting disease, pres lout; yinirs”lves under the care of tiny doctor. no matte; I, is preteusi„us 1.1121 y 1,4,, get a c‘ity of this Iruly work. Sea rapt:lll.N anti por.dlF g(.l 11g to 4.1 - 11 Al. 111.1 Dr. , if,mr,'s-Tteati! , . t on lllurelapc. the l'oeltet "Est us. ur }:ver2. on,. Ilk I Itysivian, 4 , 41 - 4)- het no father be Itshauled to present a ropy • .T.scalapitis to his ,1111,1. it may MN Shia) ft , lll Bravo. Lot nieyoune; num or weinati enter ii,to IL cret obligations of married 1111 without reading the ut Illsculapius. Let no ono Puttering front a ha, rough, pain in the side. nor °us 1.11111 the whoto train or Dyspopiie srnv.tions. and _. up by their physician. be another nionieut 0 ithtai r suiting the S.settlapins. "lave the married or' about to to married any inipeinnieLL read this I uacful lintok, as It has I con the means or Wirin g 1 1, saints of unfortunate creatures from the very ja, • l'pwartis Of a )111,1.10N copies or this,.ohlo. , work has beet, sold in this coentry and Eurepo at..... m heti the first edition was Issued. .ttn - person seildlog 115 TY-} ITU can t . In a letter. V.lll , 01.0 ~py aC tbls h,, , Mail; or li‘e till scut for $l. NVIL1:1.111 YOUNt.I. No. lf. T rprucv sheet, I llinblel; I. t',.st paid. 'rnett“ year, prattle' In the ejty,of 14,11 , n1,1r1,1,, talnly ertitle. 1)1 , , Youte4 to the 0)1111111enro .1 On (hied, an4he unn be )1 , 1.1111,1 nn :Illy .• the di". (Ir.;vikl An Ilk dllfrtottt 1 , 111 lir:L(101k, nt his ollict• Spv:‘ , o arm. i.Vi...y h.( and :t ,t , t) wt-sevp( ,,, t vt.rs, na at an) di,t,t3ce .111 II I DC. VOllllg Ity I.•a. 1111. .•11 E—ti E E f)Y E . o , Foil 'OW1: (INV N ItEN r. eittj adapted to retteral 114.. Krratly superior to ~o. :ttat %%lOWA the Iu of vl ery iudtsidunl. 11111 Pi L I.S for VP ! Nu extorth, price—uo Othauel—no ufhieral Iwt.uu N't hiILt . VVY. ToWN,SEND'S NALTII PILLS tully merit tli reputatfau they have nequirekl. They art, roiled for t• • all part:4 Ili. land, tte,,i,aso THEY A !LE ALL THAT 1 1.. TO f 1).:. w it .yr TI I EV LL I)o—They purify the hlOl. t dense the 63 stti of II miwrs, they ewe llytirep.la n. IliAligeNthat. they Create all ApVetite. they olive si itegdgetie,Vlzziness and Lute Spirits, they arrest Fel,- they promote a healthy tieti , ,n of the Liver. th e y Mire eure for Cestitellese and Hat•iltlat ConstipnU Lilo) all, highly eitleaPitnis in remtii, (:,,,,,rajote. N , strengthen and give tone to the System. They are .14•4 1:MI11)y Medi. 111 e Is nu niiivinarii inquiry, luny one medicine c.tvt curt %unity ,IllTerent complaints. These Pills, ert!tlitt,latttett tit curative materials that pornilis 1,1111,, ly t. T1(1 - TI I Ell . 11.1111 the answer will he found in a r stored tinily ittligttratell eitTlst it t iti t tit. Vtattl/ itttN. rantaius lull PHIS, at tint tuitunitiltingly to price of ceu Is. ['ivory individual simuld 11:11e that Fur salt by the lUtigvists anti Sturclntepers genet:Ali. -,.F. A. PAL3lcn, general Agent, Stuningtort, Ct. AL. I\llll Alt' , L 14,' OF SC LE' N C., E.---1 1 j . : c. ~. Kellitui, of I . l)), , banieshurg, (*uniteliat emtoty; Pa., annouttees to those atittled with junto , %cons. Caney's, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marl; s, Serf , flit. !Ong's Kril a nd all diseases that lawn been fisuall tre..fted With Calltitie or Nolte, ho eon remove) then) 0 it) out cutting, burning or path; .neither Chloroform I:ther is administered to the pationt. It is..no matt , on what part of the) lofty they may ho, ho can rem, , f them with, per Met safety, and In a rem:nimbly :h, , : time, No Mineral of regetablo poison to aPPllodf out. I looney required until a eme is perfected. ProlApsus t`teri, Found)) Complaints, Chronic, ret . real amt all other IIISP:114e,, treated with positive oft) e. • Full patlh - 1031N eau bo obtained by addressing in fit , English or fiefdom), ptyst paid. Patients, eau he) aro e ~ modem)t with II and 011 reas.inahle tormic 31e,hani,stifir t ; hi ono or•tio. prettiest and lli,tl L . l.,vng In thk or any,othor Strtio. It is 8 ihrritilturg, un tlio rumbeJland Valley Hall !toad, 4.,1 ae , e , slhle'from all Firt4 of the Union. The 1 ,1 04d0r v vislt ra,:e.i in any part of the Stitn Len 111 . Sirea. .ttl,Kiuti reader if you 6in47 tiny afflicted fellow Cr) Lure, delay MA to 'tell them oeilds treatment' .. i . IRESS k CLOAK Tl{DlitliNGS. ..), N. 12.311 111EsNtrx S'Tlinc . r, mow y.h.yei,th,zo , . •0. 171) SOWN I, : 4 IMINI) S'Elltrf, below k 4 l'rukre• IT i alo!iiIII:i. .11'e in‘llo at tontlon to nor coniploto LEAS. a•sortmolit of PllOlllll4 Silk litirniwa, F0110.' 4 , 14, 1 o , Illlit '.t.liple Trlointiro. of our Own Importation roof 11111. 1.1140.11r0. ID' st.Ordon., W64,11f11011 AXWELL4 11/ . 01 11. , A 111%, 1 :411)4s101, 2)11 ch,,,,,,i gt.m, 4 l 170 south :.!11 St., Plillatlelull!1. l'ltittidulphls, Decioubor li, 16L-I.—Unio. M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers