31 - etu litiWefigeiiie Is. . . V . .- - ti lt i STATE Or 'SAMEL U . A 1 00, -7 y NEII, decoased.,-1\ °tiro Is hereby given tit het ors of AdministrOtion on the estate of Samuel } aggo ndiclate of Newton township, Cumberland county, de :ceased, have been granted by the Register of said coun ty, to the subscribers, residing in the same township.— All persons knoiting themselves indebted to said estate •are required to,inake immediate payment and these hoeing claims to present them for settlement to. NANCY W.MIGONER, 1 . ISRAEL WM/GONER,' I Admr's. marl4r 1 REMOVAL !-BESSON -& SON; bog leave to inform you that they have i mem , the PLIILADELPHIA FAMILY Mounputvo STORE from No. t,2 South Second Street, to the now building No. !Oa Chesnut Street, (five doors above Eighth, South aide) where they will offer an increased stock at r filced prices. 1:0)__NOw Spring Goods daily opening. • • 10 1 AVERN LICENSE.--To the Hon orablo Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of t Pease of Cumberland County, at April Sessions,lBss. The petition of John C. Penslee ' respectfully represents, that your petitioner is provided with the necessary re q.U(BR5 fa> keeping a house of publio 'entertainment, in the house now•kept by 'William IL. Boyle in the borough of Now Cumberland, 'your, >petitioner, therefore, prays your honors to grant him it Llconint for the sonic the on suing'year, commencing on the first of April next; as in duty, bound will- ever pray, '&c. Mar. 14. 'JOHN C. PEASLEE.. - We the undersigned citizens of the borough of Now Cuinberland In the. county of Cumberland, do certify that we aro well acquainted with the above named John C.Ponsleo, that ho is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and Is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accomodation of strangers and tray client,. Mid thatsuch_inn or tavern is 'necessary to ac comodnto the public and entertain strangers and trav ellers. John F. Leo, Lovris Lewis Young, John J. null, John Curtner, Josph Kr.bger, M. A. Stever, Jno. ll:Church, John Ripe, Charles Oyster, Josiah McLane, A. 0. Smith. TAVERN LICENSE.—To the Eon orable Judges of the Court of General Quarter Ses sions-of the Peace of Cumberland County, at April Ses sions, 1855. The petitionnf Martini - luta:el respectfully represents, that your petitioner is provided with the necessary requistis for Wiping a house of public enter tainment in - the house now occupied as such by David Mowrey in the township of Hopewell, Your petitioner therefore prays your Honors to grant him a licence for the same the ensuing year commencing on the second Monday of April next, as in duty bound ho will over pray die. MAitTIIcHUNKT:Ti. We the undersigned citizens of the township of 'lope well in the county of Cumberland do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named Martin Onnkel that he Is of good repute for honesty and temperance and is well provided with honio room and conveniences fir the accomodation of strangers and travelers and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accomodate the pub lic rind entertain strangers and truvelers. John M. Mit: ler, David Moworoy, John McCoy, Robert Quigley, Jo seph Ramp. J. W. Vanderbelt, Janes Henderson sell., James Henderson Jr., Robert B. Laughlin, Robert Elliott William Ruth, William Wherry Michael Morret, David Wherry. r 1A V ERN LICENSE.—To the Hon orable the Judges of the court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Cumberland county..at April sessions, ISbu, The petition of Henry litunsh respect fully represents, that your petitioner is provided with the necessary requisites flu. keeping a house of public entertainment in the house now occupied by hint as such in Newton township. Your petitioner therefore prays your Honors to grant him a License for the saute the ensuing year, commencing on the second Monday of April nest, and as in duty bound he will ever pray, .1:c. marl4pd HENRY 11014511. We the undersigned, citizens of the township of New ton in the county of Cumberland, do certify.that we are well acquainted with the above named Henry Hursh, that he ix of good repute for honesty and temperance, and Is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that such tun or Tavern is necessary lo accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers. John Westheirer, Jacob Loy, Daniel Dyers, J. G. Mc. Forione, Witiia, , Lohman, Daniel Darrick, Daniel Kin dig, David Waggoner, Joseph Mehl, Deter Ilemberger, J. K. Shop, Henry Sipe, H. Mickey, Henry Hardy, Joel Bricker. TAVERN LICENSE.—To the Hon orable the Judges of the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Pram, of Clunberlaud county, at April sessions, 1555. The petition of J. C. Beecher respectful ly represents, that your petitioner is provided with the necessary requisites for heaping a house of public enter tainment in the house now occupied by him as such in Nort4i Middleton township. Your petitioner therefore pray your 'loners to grant him a License for the same the ensuing year, commencing on , the SOMIlli Monday of April next, and as lu duty bound he will ever pray. nsarl4pd .1. C. DEWIER. We the undersignod citizens of thetownship of North Middleton in the county of Cumberland, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above natnethileecher, that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and Alvah provided with house room and/conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers. L'hilip Baker, Levi'Mordorf, J. R. Belstlin, Jacob rot. shall, Daniel Malone, John Thomas, Matthew Wynkoop, Christian lituort, Christopher Orris, DavidNailor.Albert Oillach, Swiger, Wm. Shugert, jr. Henry Suydor, Alexander Grisinger, William Kinard. AVERN LICENSE.—To the Hon °rublele the Judges of the Court of Oeneral Quarter Sessions of the peace of Cumberland County, at April sessions, 1855. The petition of A. P. Erb respectfully represents, that your petitioner is provided with the ne cessary requisites for keeping a house of public enter tainment in the house now occupied by him as such in East Penusboro township. Your petitioner therefore prays your Honors to grant him a License for the same the ensuing year, commencing on the second Monday of April next, and as In duty bound he will over pray,ke. marbt A. I'. ERB, We the undersigned citizens of the township of East Penneboro, in the county of Cumberland, decertify that we are well acquainted with the above named A.l l Erb, that ho is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with howie room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that such Inn or Tavern Is necessary to accommodate the public and ontortrin strangers and travellers, .1, Longenecker, tiattmel 1111molrIch, Frederick Arnold, Henry Kreiger, 11. Eilheffer ' Jonas Huntsberger, Albright, John hoover, lieninger, John McCann, Geo.,W. Assiut., Daniel Bopp, Jeremiah Bowers, rrIAVERN LICENSE.—To the Ilon a orable the Judges of the Court of General Quarter Sessions Gif the Peace of Cumberland County. at April sessions, IMO. The petition of Scott Coyle respectfully represents, that'your petitioner Is provided with thb ne cessary requisites fur keeping a hOUNO of public enter tainment in the house now occupied by him as ouch in Mifflin toWnehip. Your petitioner therefore preys your Honors to grant him a License for the same the ensuing year, commencing on the second Monday of - April next, and as in duty bound ho will over pray, Ac. • marl 4 • Scow COYLE. Wif the undersigned citizens of the township of Mif flin, in the county of Cumberland, do certify that we are well acquainted with tho abovo named Scott Coyle, that. he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and it well provided with house room and Convenienensfor the e•aommodndion of strangers end travellers rin dth a t such Inn or Tavern is necessary to aceemitualato the public and entertain strangers and travellers.. floury boyder, William Patton, I.hillp A. 11, Kennedy, J. D. Perry, Hearne Henry, S. Donnell, John F. Wise,'A, Il..lliddlefon, N. O. Ibnwn, Christian Vallor, John M. Dayhir4mi, EJt 11 . . FRITZ, lIILNIMY CO. ‘l . O. 20; North Street, l'hiladelTn, 1 M 4.1110CC0 ANI:FACT WI EltS, Cut - cirri: I, d Import er. ni PI; lINCI , CAI,I , SKINS, nud Dealers n Ited and at'. 50 , 1,1 Leather and Klll. . . _ _ FRANCISCUS,' ,t e MA NUFA('ITTEIt uF COTTON. LAPS, W.tdding% 'no Yarn, Carpel Chain, Cotton Yarns, LA m p.. N MA; A NI) I'Ltil It WICKS, he otTer'fi to sell fit the Lowest Cash PI'INJH at No. !t. - .'Marltet Street :drive Second, North side, Philadelphia IN fizonaz Bnmne; Jorm: C. linowN, and JOHN ciANntruN, Esquires, Pirsctors of the Poor and of the House of Employment of (lumbarland county,atCouut, with said county, from We Ist day of Juuunry to 31st day of Decenaber, A. D., 1854, inclusive, ' Received from County Treasurer, $OOOO 00 Amount in hands of Treasurer at last rettlel • mont, 393,.(i _ Of D. Wherry for use of Roe. linllcr, ILO 00 Of James Clendonin and M. Minich for hides MU= Of U.O. Sanderson for uSe'of Mary Knottle, .., 90 00 Of - Ihnutninger for use A. E. lieflie -11 nger, . 91 4.1 Of R. Snodgrass for nso of sort, -05 00 Of John Laughlin for use of C. Laughlin, 00 00 For drove pasture, 35 75 For Tallow, : 27 70 Of John O. Brown fbr use of J. 0. Thompson, 11 00 For Segars, 6 25 For Sundries, 3 37 For Indentures, 3 00 Of D. Crouse for xiso, For Timothy-sead, Cash duo Jacob Squire, Trcaauror, Jcuvm SQUIRE, Esq., Treasurer of the Poor House and I with the Directors of the said Institution, from th Inclusive, VIZ: By payment of Directors orders, $7.443 471.:c 7 head of Horses, 13 Much Cows, 17 head of Steers, 3 Dulls, 23 head of stock hogs, 20 Dogs, average weight, 225 pounds, (6,025 lbs.) 21 -Beeves, average weight, 400 pounds, 111,81:0 lbs.) 17 Sheep, average weight., 50 pounds, 050 lbs.) 4 - k - Iliad and 1 Narrow wheeled Wagon, 1 Stono Wagon, 1 Wagon Red, 1 pair of Wood-holders, 2 pair of ]lay-ladders, 1 Cart and Cart-gears, 1 Tilbury and Harness, 4 Plows and 4 harrows, I Double Shovel PioWA and 3 Singh) Shovel Plows, 1 two horse Sled, 1 Threshing Machine and Horse Power, 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Rolling Screen, 1 Corn Sheller, 2 Cutting Boxes, 2 Grindstones, 34 Cow Chains and 2 log Cabins, 050 bushels of Whaat, 43 do Of Rye, 750 du of Corn, 000 do of Oats, • 40 du of Potatoes, 2 do of Cloverseed, 1 do of Timothyseed, 2 do of Soup boons, 6 do of Bunch beans and pea", 161 Shirts and Chorales, 73 Frocks, 10 Caps, • VS Aprons, 21 Chaff-beds, . 4 Bolsters, 37 Pillow Casco, 5 Sun-bonnets, 25 Sheets, 22 pair of Stockings knitted, 20 pair of Stockings footed, 25 Towels, 14 Comforts, 9 Table Cloths, 60 pounds of hard Soap, fy '3O barrels of soft Soap. Number of Paupers In the Tnstltution Ist January 1854, of whirlrl4 wore colored, 106 Number admitted up till 31st December 1854, of which 17 were colored and 3 born In the house, W 8 Making the whole number through the year, 314 202 Of which 18 died, 6 children bound out, 10 eloped and 168 discharged, Leaving the number of paupers in the Poorimuso Ist January 1855, of which 16 aro colored, Out-door paupers supported at public expense through the year, Whole number remaining chargeable at the end of the year, Of those remaining In the Door-home 31st December 1854, there ;re— ndes 71, of which 8 aro' colored, Females -10, of which 3 are colored, Out-door paupers, Moro nro itO nOar no ran be aseertained, 2 under 1 sear; O'frotn 1 to 5; 0 iiiinf.s to In 4ft from 10 to 204-12 cralla ,to :.;u: 14 - feoni Su to 40; 14 froia - 46 to 5o ;17 fron t /10 16 - I‘4 '23 front nO to 7 0 ; 10 - {toui - 70 to RO; 1 from FO to UO. lit midi tion to the above, 177 I ran,sient paupers or travelloro, horn been receivtid and supported for &bort periods I thout rogntnr orders. ' ' _ Directors of tam Poor nail of thu lions,. of ob. ployment Cumberland county, .lo certify tllGT 4 ldiu abovo and foregoing ciatement to contaln Just nod Ulu) exhlbit of the notitution atirin g poriod altos o stated, according to thll I cot of our ' Given under our hautlAJbls lint day of January, A.B. 1856, Lotto: BRINDLE, '..1011.N.C. BRUIN N, .7.OIN.CLENDEN • birootors of thu Poor of Cumberlond Co. l i lt6 r lClt i Otr§E STATEMENT Oa 1854. ME ` CR STOCK ON THE FAR BEEF, PORK, 3LUTTON AND VEAL, FATTE FARNIING UTENSILS ON TII SCHEDULE SIIOWINO THE PRO MANUFACTURED AND MAD By payment of intekatt ow dower in favor of Mrs, O'Brien, on laud purchased of A. Nl'Dowell in 1842, $ 38 91 Groceries., merchandise, clothing and bed ding Included, For stock, Fur flour, grinding. &c., For support of out-door paupers, For Leather. For ',Weber for flooring, &c., For tailoring and hutting, For sboemaking, • For stone coal, For materials fbr improvents, kr., for house and farm, For wagonmaking and coopering, includ ing ono new wagon, For tin and copper-wore and rowing coal stoves and drums, For drugs and materials for drug 8114, 1 w hardware, .' racers of Mifflin township, Allegheny county, for use of M. Swartz, Carpenter work, Constable's fees for removing paupers,. Directors of Perry, "couaty, for support of MEM 2 50 8 25 124 0814 $7,443 463.4 paupers, For freight on lumber, coal and groceries, Lunatic Hospital at Harrisburg, for sup port of paupers, Sheet-iron for drum Storni, Out-door funeral expenses, Out-doto medical aid, For castings, For saddlery, For Gloverseed, For a windmill, For new Cooking stove, , • For illaelunnithing, For travelling expenses, For printing and stationary, • For sundries, - Joseph Lobach's salnry, hirelings wages included, Dr. A. J. Harman, physician, George ShoatTer extra pay as Director, George Brindle " John C. Brown " Thomas M. Diddle, Attorney, Jacob Squire, Treasurer Louse of Employment of Cumberland county, In account o 14 day of Jaduary to tLo 31gt. (1.4 of December, 1854., Received from County Treasurer, Received from J. Lobach, Steward, from different sources 4.4 exhibited in forego ing statement, 667 103,4 Cash reinalning in hands of Treasurer at last settlement, Balance due Jacob Squier, Treasurer, - ¢7,443 11ST JANUARY, 1555 head of Shoats, xmnil Pigs, head of Sheep, Chives. NED AND KILLED ON TIIE FARM IN 18E4. 13 Calves, average weight, GO pounds, (858 lbs.) making In all 20,113 lbs. E FARM IST JANUARY, MS 6 sett of Wagon-goers, 6 sett of Plow-gears, „ 1 sett of Carpenter tools, 1 sett of illauksmitlis tools, 1 sett of ,llutchering tools, 6 Wheelbarrows, 1 Cabbage Knife, • 6 Grain Cradles, 13 Mowing Scythes, 3 Mattocks, 3 Crowbars, . 6 Shovels, Quarrying tools, and a variety of Spades, Forks, Siekols, Rakes,Corn Hoes, Stone Ilarutners,Sledges, Axes, Wood-saws, Mauls, Wedges, Sc. ICE DS OF TILE FARM FOR 185& 25 do of Outons,l 10 do T of Parsnips, 40 do of Boots, 400 bends of Cabbage, 1115 doz. Cucumbers, 70 tons of Hay, 20 loads of Cornfodder. 18 barrolii if gotta Cider, 0 of IVator-cider. IN THE HOUSE AND SHOP 1S Coffins tondo In Carpenter Shop, 1 largo medicine Casa for Drug Shop, 1 large Kitchen Table, 2 now Wheelbarrows, 1 two horse Sled, ] largo Gate • 1 now Cart-body, 60 cords of wood cut, 400 Hails made, 25 dollars worth of 111ncicsmIthIng done, Modo new shafts for Tlllbury and for Sled, Singlo and Double-trees, Plek and Fork-handles, Stools and Benches fur P.oor Rouse, New door for Slaughter House, - • We, Ilre undersigned, Auditors of emnborland emnlty elected and sworn according to law, haling emintitual .1110 acenktufs anti 'vouchers of thu Pirectors..of the Poor and llotwu of Einployinunt, of said county, from thu .I.ld clay of January Li, the 31,4 day .11 De.eonkbur, A. incliudve. do cortifY that wo..find a balancu tin(' .ine,ll, Spkicr, Ebq., 1.1.,•:‘,,nrcr, by Oa , biructors of sac,' randitu. Hn. of Oa Hon of one hundr.al anti t wenty•four dollars and uin, ty-eiglit and one-furth rents. (oven utlilor our hands itt Carlisio, this sthofJonunry A. I)., hf,ii J. D. IBIAWBALTOJE, • ISAAC EINC tr A IN. JACOB STEINIB AN, Auditors of Cuunisirltind County. : 1 4) • 1) . 1 • at c eta DR IMI El dor Safe , ttilit) Rent. VVLUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT 1'l:IVATI! SALll.—.The 'subscriher Will '64 • the Property. lie now owns and ueeti 11. ""). pies, fornierly,Owned by the Rev. T. V Wry:, Moore, situated on South Hanover it 7'Carlisle, adjoining - the property of Mr Wm.,tirahatn, near the Walnut...hot tom goad, consisting .of a TOWN LOT AND A DALE 90 by 240 feet, upon which are erected a good two story FltA MB HOUSE, Wood Moe and Stable, together with other outbuildings. Thomis also a good brick cemented' Ciskyro, capable of holding forty-hvo hogsheads of water; The property is in good repair. Also, for sale, a full TOWN LOT adjoining the above, 60 by 2.10 feet. Any ono wanting such property will do well to call and examine, nov22,—Cm 2,379 10% 874.00 468 24 482 65 21401 M 278 47 137 60 149 19% 162 67 eA UMBER JAND FOR SALE.- 4 1 14Th6 subserihels will sell at private' sale about '-4450 ACRES VF IdOUNTAIN Tlllittrit 'LAND, in ots to atilt purchasers - ) The timber_ le yellow pine fit or sawing and building purposes, as also oak and chest nut. The land le located very near the new road lea: ding from James Weakley's FM, Mill to Camel Sorge, and extends up said road as Itigh as Cold Spring. adjoin. leg tidier(' Woods, :Sohn Sterrett and nuskell en , Seymour's say mill. A- draft of the land can be seen the house of A. Cornery at, Weakly's saw mill: -• ' Feb. 20, 55. R. & S. ti 119 08 119 32y,,:', 102 a 161 41, 1 ,:i 95 87% 84 60 63 12% 60 04% I • VALUABLE PROPERTY SALE OR RENT.--The spa taus 4, OWII nianslon, 'with two adjoining IT LL • LOT. 4, on .1 - ain street. Carlisle, tadonging to the estate of 001Drge A. Lyon, Esq. dee'd. Apply to NVM. 11. MILLER, Esq.. Carlisle. t< - n_ M A large variety of Household and 'ellen FUR NITRE, the property - of the said dece.tsed. will he sold at public sale at his late residence, on FRIDAY, the 12d of Eebruary, at 10 o'clock, A. M. 73 26 68 86,. BO 30 58 82 47 75 24 00 4i 10 28 073, 2 40 50 28 00 40 00 49 05 3 ,1; 23 91 1 6 9.,C 4 , 8 443' EiMffli!lll ATALUABLE FARM . of ONE HUN . ' DIM) AND FORTY ACRES , more or less, at pri. rate sale.—The subscriber intending to go west the en suing spring, will soli his form on or before the first of April next, on favorable terms. The farm is idttnited one mile from the town of Newrille and threo quarters of a mile from the C. V. IL It. depot. The improvements consist of a BRICK HOUSE, a frame barn, together with other out buildings, nil of which are entirely new. Thos is a fine well of never failing water at the door and a spring near the barn. For further Information address the subscriber at Nowsille. $ 7,443 48 % Feb. 11„45. W. K. MeFARLANE. 600 00 100 00 35 00 10 50 12 00 30 00 40 00 VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY OFFERED FOR SALE AND POSSESSION lIIVEN M EDI ATE LY.—A large double TIVt! BTORY HOUSE, with Stabling and Ilatb aa ~ r r i 7 li'mses. The lot of ground contains /gig . great variety of choice grafted fruit trees. II I This property Is situated on East street bounded by the Let, rt Spring. Also,Twt Stone and one Eratite DWELLING HOUSES, situated on Bedford street, north of the Lutheran Church, and in an improving part of the town. Also,a small PIELII For terms apply to Carlisle, Dee.,27, 1554 $OOOO 00 AFFICES FOR REN'r.—The three ~/oillees in the reAr of the Court House, south of the Herald office, will be rented from the Ist or April next] For terms apply to JACOB Silltelß. Feb. 14. Bequestrator. 601 1916 124 504 17,413 4834 rip) LET.—The property' situate . on 1 . Main Street, near the Railroad bridge, lido the property of James Thompson, dee'd., is offered - FOR REST from the Ist of April next. For terms enquire of Carlisle, Jan. 17, 1851-3 t 11. SAXTON. iIITANNERY FOR RE N T.—The Tnnnery. Into the proporty of It. Mrf:ulloh, decd m a -ket street, Chambernburg, Is offered for tent. has 42 UV-a-ways and 10 Leaches, nil in good order,and th e „„ ei ber can be increased if desired. There is also an eight horse power Steam Engine connected with it. by which all the Bark is ground, Bides milled and work ed and ',other rolled; and a new Boiler from which the heachos are heated. Thom is un abundant supply of running water belonging to the Tannery. The build. logs are in good order and ample for the business. There in also a large Bark Tlouso and Brick Stable on a lot convenient to the Tannery. The building Is capa ble of hotdilig 400 cords of Bark, and It and the Stable are in ex celfe n t 'order. . . The !MEILING 1101.7,b: which is nn the same lo with theaaleuery is a Ter). lame and orminiodbms build lug, and will be rented with the Tannery if desired. There is b t one other Tannery besides this to town at present, and as the hoeatbon Is an admir a ble One, It i s believed MIS establishment offers inducements to a man who understanty his lousiness, such as n.m seldom to be. had. Potowst;lon given immediately. Apply to feb2B . . LYMAN S. CLARK.ri. . CPR. J. B. .MARCHTSPS CELE _ lIRAT I ED CATIIOI,ICONI, FOR THE RELIEF ,t EE OF SUFFERING FEMALES. , ^ It stands pmemlnent for its curative powers in all the dis . oases for which it is recent mended, usually called FE MALE COMPLAINTS. 01 these are Probuisits Uteri, or Falling of the Womb; Flio.r Altus, or Whites; Chronic In. flammation and Ulceration m the Womh; I nehl en tal I lemor• rhagii, or Flashing; Painful Suppressed, ,i: Irret.,Pular Men struation, .tc-, with all their aecoinparqing evils, (Cancer excepted,) DU matter how se. yore or of how long standing. This medicine has never boon Introduced by empty puffs, and misrepresentations. nor Is It intended that Its present popularity shall be sustained by any medium but Its merits and the appro bation of the public' . NOTICE TO THE UNFORTUNATE FEMALE. I feel it a duty Incumbent upon. myself to declare publicly the grimit blessing Dr. Marchisi's Uterine Ca. tholleon has pruved to me. For two years my health WAS miserable; I was almost unable to walk. l'hyel. clans pronounced my case falling of the womb. exten sive ulcerations, commencing with fluor Mims. The pains, Irritation, prostration, &c., rendered Ii lea burden. In this miserable condition, 1)r. F. P—Nowland recom mended Dr. 31archisl's Uterine Catholicon. After tak-, Dig four bottles I lint, myself In perfect health. Brat' tilde for my restoration makes me ardently desire tha all my sex, alike unfortunate, may find sure relief Cron this inestimable medlelne. ELIZABETH A. NEWLAND, No. 19 Wesbst., Utica, S. V. Tho above statement I know to he true. F. P. NEWLAND, lib It., Utla, N. T. I have no hesitation in saying, Dr. MarAisi•s Utyrim Cathoneon is invaluable in uterine diaoases gen oraily I have used It in 4 , 'lnor Album, Amenorrhwa, Prolarsm Uteri, nod In Mehl of extunaire ulceration or the vagina and ON uteri. It is worthy of the notice of the Faculty. J011:si C. ORRICK, M. D., Baltimore, 11hl. Let all Interested call ant obtain a pamphlet (free) emit - 0111m; atriple proof, from the most respectable sources, of tho beneficial results of its use; together with letters from highly experienced l'hYsichillm, who have used it in their practice, and speak front - their own observations. El . 4411. .4. ICtErrEn, Druggist,. South Hanover street, solo Agent tin' Carlisle, l'n. J. B. MA WHIST & CO.. Proprietors, Central Depot, ::U.l Ilreatin ay, N.:Y. C Jimunry 24, 1855—llirt • 1;11:1\10111.1 (1 Alt D. nag, .1.1„„ Fadory 1:11cd and tiruund Alum eon tantly on lutod and for CARR,CIIFSE S: CO., rlour, Grain and Lumbar . 0 minds:Ann Mo , liallts, Spilt I's IV hart. Also, CEMI:IN'T and C,AI.OINW.II ri.ss'rEtt. Age•nci at tbo N. A. and Itosufillnle Ml; OUS. 1)1'7 BEG ES.—Jitq received imoti n ., lot of Cheap llokes. IMaition and Par niat (.17 ,- { t11(iV1:1 (I. It. 111TNE11. 1 0- lA)111,1r COA L.-500 T ons Lyh en , s 'idle} Coal, broken Sereeued. jr ePtired 01. prsily fitunlly use, receiving and rip & Th. L v . Jim. 17 3m W. B. MURRAY, AO. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.-L-I an t timin,n rays:cif a enfirildato for the office ( •1 .1 noi c e of t h e l'eaco for tht! IVO& WAN, at theentuin,.. , election. march 7, GEOlttlE•l A: F. , er 7 F-4 , (_%AItRIAGE' FOR • A nO ra 14. KAUAI)" c rria;eforone Or ttro horns. It IS Ft! ongly I nut of the beet touterlale, and will be Bold low fur co h. Apply to . • ' • Vf3l. I). SI623l()IlIt. ON 1-tY - 71YANTED.=---11w tubari ll' her being initant-oof money' to meet.- di tnnuar upon linnolegiren all' those indebted to hint for 7v.or -7 V ii ' mseialip3tl in ihtet and 'previouri years. to settle pp without delay., GEO. I.h. 111;N EDICT LAW - DP:4RA 13. LE B IN SS Loc A I'ION•LAhe property of %t illiorn SI 7,41 t e 1 1 .; Diddle, 1... r deceased, Fttlt :An that raillraltAMT, Fit untq' a' the west and or Main street, Carlisle. fe.rteedy the property of S M. Uoover and Emery's Lars. , helot has a front of 225 feet along the Bail „Road, and 240 feet College l.nne, and has erected tipenit 1 4 1tAl1P. 1611111r1ISE. Yrrsin Ite.finu position, facility of access, tt.c. 7 it is a hilly desicaLle LUSIIIPF}; h.cation, and since the intro. ductinn of Water Into the town, and' the prop , 1,1111 Intro duet ion of Gas. It his lemma an admiratle site for the erection of factories, Steam Mills, &e. or for the carry. log ou n Coal and Lund el. Lusi OCU. Fir full partlett , bars enquire Of E., Jt. BIDDLE, noirchi triy,..litirrisburg 'Telegraph copy a times and send hill to this office. QIIERIFF'S SALE.-L--Bv virtue of writ (f renditions exponas.llesued out ofthe Court ofl'emmon Hens. of CuolLerland county, mid to me di rected, I will (1/1/11FC to pollie voodoo or outcry. at tlu Courtefivoso In tho 10nm:zit of Particle, un TliVhF. DAY, the sth day of April. 1F55. at 10 o'clock, A. 31. the following deverfred Real Estate, viz: JOHN LYON, it LP X. P. LYON Executor-F. A Lot. of Ground, situate in Diekin ton toNyw.hip, Cumberland cm nuts", ctmtaildng nnu' ter of an acre. nn re er loa m ti unded on the :milli by Puldie road. 05 the crest by A. ("handy. on the South and «ant by lan& of T. C. 151111e.r, haying there(l) ere".oll a two .tore Lot 1161..:5E. 14e. : , elied and in eye eutkii no the property of D...vm Kern. and to h` Or./0 hp nle. MeDAIIMOND, Ll ,fl Shoriff 's OOleo. Cal 1 islo: March 7. 1855 1 -1 STATE OF A. - DEMI A tK - 1101.111.11, Fr. t.teccased. !V, Ike is borvi ON en That Letters Trqrn•entary ( n the estate of Ai ii.hant Burldeddec, late of Frnotal‘rd tort Fhip. Cum] erten d county, deceased. have been granted by the Register cf soil eimity to the subscriber, residing in the crate twp. All persons knowing thentseh es indebted to said estate are required to make Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to mailpd ABRAHAM . - Ex'r. 1 -N- OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that I have, this day, inewiciated with mein the pruetlee-of my-profession, Ni . 111. M. Penrese and Thos. M. Biddle, Esqrs. Alt business, in future will be attended WIT the above under the firm of “lhente & Primosk." 'Feb. 14th 185.5. W. Al. 811/1/I.le, Atly at Law. W. M. , PEN nos g p4STATE OF ELIZABETH SMITH . deceased.—Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Elizabeth Smith,. late of bower Allen township, Cumberland county, decease& have been granted by.the Register of said county- to the subscriber, residing in the same township. All persons knowing themselves Indettat to said estate are repair ed to make immediate paynalft,and those having claim to present tifeMtbr settlement to feb2B-6tpd, W5l. 11. 8341111, I i ST !at; OF SUSANNA SWEIT, 1-1 7.1.11 t, deceased.—Notice is hereby given,,that Let ters of Administration on the estate of Sus:dine So tit zer, late of Shiremanstown, 'Cumberland county, deceas ed. have been granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber, residing in the canto township. All per sons 'knowing themselves Indebted to said • state are no (tuned to m ike immediate payment, and those having claims to pn. unt them fur settlement to feh2S-6t WM. D. 61100 P, Adm'r. _FSTATE OF THOMAS SIVEARIN juux, deceased.—Notice Is hereby given that let ter. of administralion on the estate of Thomas liiseariu • gen. otEnst I:entishom towinsidp, Cutnlwelerd ccut,ty. deceased, have been granted by the Begibter of said county to the subScribur, ersiding in the same townsidp. All prisons knowing themselves Indebted to Rill estate are required to make Immediate payment, and ttlase haling claims to present them for settlement to Feb. 20, BENJAMIN ERB, Admin'e. VOTIOE.—XII-persons z, knowinr , thew • 1 selves indebted to the subscribers, either by note or hook aceount, aro respectfully rrquested to rail and settle the same on or hefpro the SIPt day of rtlarch,lBss. After that date the boots will ho placed in the hands of a proper person fur collection tv/..Tho STORE 1100:11 now occupied by us will to routed frnlan tito Ist day of April next: It is a first rata business stand Anil convenient N.M. Apply TA IS - SOLUTION.---The partnenhip /heretofore existing between the subscribers, tra• ding under the firm of BENTZ & lIItUTIIERS was dis wleed on the first Inst., by mutual consent, an persons ii debted to the firm are requested to make an early settlsunait of the same to either of the undersigned. ABNER W. BENTZ ' ' WNI. BENTZ ' JAMES BENTZ. The undersigned having purchased the interest of N. Bentz in the above business, inform their friends that they will continue the business as heretofore at the old stand under the name of Bentz R. brother.—They have just received a large supply of N.E.IVUOODS, such as Cal icos, tlinghtns, Muslins, Checks, Flannel', SatinettS, Needle worked Cellars, Spencers, Sleeves, ite. also ens rase Irish Linens. containing 49 pieces of their own im portation RllllO slit very fine which they can sell' much lower than the usual prices. They respectfully request the Public to give them a call as they are determined to sell cheap. AUNT R'W. BENTZ. Feb. 15, '55 JAMES BENTZ. )OROUCI ORDINANCE.—Be it )enacted by the Town Council of the Borough of Carlisle, and It Is hereby' ordained tutu enacted Ly au tdority of the same: That the tiro . plugs placed, or Moro- after to be placed, hinny of rho streets, lanes or alleys of the borough of Carlisle, aro to be OW or opened ,ply for the porposo of extinguishing tires: and If any:per s nt nu-persons shall open any fire plug'or draw water 'front the saute, or abuse or injure it, or any part of it, in any nintwor, lie, she or they shall be liable to a penalty Of TWENTY DOLCAIES . ProVithA, howover, that it shall not be considered a 'riot: tion of this (a - din:wen if the' tire plug and water bo used by. regularly organized Hose or Fire Companies,,they haying that oittalned the spe cial authority - 0, the Carlisle ties awl Water .Company for that purpose. ' A. NOM:, Chief Ittirg-tirli, Feb; 14, 'f,s. At test —JAMES 1111.1.1.1 N, Cl()IJ It 'I" .1), It OCLAMATI ON.— Nvhivens the PollOrable JAMES 11. 1311A11124, Prceb (I.)nt Judge of Um neternl etntuts of . Cnnauon Pleas of the eounties of Cwaerland, j'erry And Juniata. In lo..nns , ,lvanlit. and .Int4il.l , ,t severe 4 Courts of Oyer 41"4 and General All 1 / a livvey in Fah]. rtlktirl. .`.. 1111.1 shrllN itUIT 31111.i$ANICKL 110001(1:N jfidefil of (tin 01111 f 4,, mol TenUitter and “eneral ;sell Doi 1 ,, r the trial cif 111 nut , dber ofroulern in tin: conntv or thimivolind. by tbrir preol•ts to dir.. , t0,1;11.-ing late the :7+1,11 day of Jamffiry, the Court of (lye'. and Terminer and , n Jan ll , livery, to be hoiden at o.lllkith 1 , 11 Lila !,:d . ..‘I‘)NIMY April, 1: 4 :..1, (14+1u..1 the 9th day) At 10 unlink in Ill , ' foreloiat, thet . e.A , re hereby, risen to the Coronor, Jit•l of tit. , rea,-e Voit:i.ible . ,l of the slid Comity of Ciimborbi , iii. Ora they ale by 1110 501 preeelit rout 111.11‘'irl to I l r illl, l ll caul there iu their piper perFedis, with, thoir 111 , 1111,41 ,1 11, OX:(111111311.1118 and till ether r o i l I'II.IICIS. to 1111 1111.,1. 1 111111gti I {lllC/1 to their office.: apri , riiiiit to be .tot,e, and All I thAt tiro reeo4rikimees. to iii,i-eeittre firitivist the pHs that aro or Or,' shall to in the Jail of NILI county, ate to lit there to progertite them tot be Just. JOSEPIL MrDARMOND, Shorlff Neal tibliOrOottents .laVces. WEISE & CAMPBELL II El