Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 07, 1855, Image 7

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Mr. Billwinning. No one had time to ob
serve Biddy and Tim popping their heads
half in the - door. .
Mr. Kil!winning commenced: "Ladies and
gentlemen—but especially the ladies—l en•
treat your compassionate and patient atten
tion to what I am about to say"—
" It's going to be his last dying speech and
confession," whispered Flint to Jens.
Miss Jenkens replied in the usual Sid joke
about "the halter," with a faint smile, in'•
tended to conceal her anxiety.
"I find myself in a some what embarras
sing position—l've done a singularly bold
thing; I've
,invited you to, a wedding, in the
hope that a certain lady would hotor me
with her hand; and I have 'yet to ascertain
whether I'm to be triumphant or suffer defeat.
As you are all pleased to call me eccentric,
you wi11, , 1 know, make., eccentricity my ex
cuse; but at the same time, my dear ladies
iu the present instance at ,least, allow sin
cerity to 'be coupled with it. The fact is, I
have—in plain words"—for some time past
been looking out for a wife; but among so
many accomplished and lovely women, I
could scarcely presume hope."—(Every
face beamed with an encouraging and radiant
smile towards Mr. Killwinning at this com
pliment.) "And if I am"to be rejected when
I name the lady—and she is in the room at
the present moment"—the greatest excite
ment now prevailed, with a faint cry from
the little Potters of "hear," (there?) but
whether the verb or the adverb, it were indeli
cate to guess—" I.confese that my presump
tion deserves rejection; and ihe. shall have
her revenge on the spot by a public refusal."
—(Here Mr. Killwinning most provokingly
began to beat about the bush.) "I doubt if
I should ever have had the good fortune—
the young lady will pardon my presumption
in venturing to say good fortune, until I
know my fate—were it not that thtre ap
peared to be a tacit -agreement among her
female friends, that she was "born to blush
unseen ;" and the gentle, quiet _resignation
with which she_seetneil to enter into this very
prejudicial arrangement was to me, I con
fess, the most fascinating charm that ever
lovely woman possessed.—Of all others she
is the one, and the only one, I would select
for a wife; and, eccentric though I be, I feel
assured that even her delicacy will pardon
the mode in which I thus testify to her re•
tiring, unobtrusive worth, even though it be
fatal to my present - pretentious, and I fear,
ruinous to my future happiness. I conclude
I '9- P"oltasinrr—nn: hy_ respectfully offeri
my:hand and fortune to your youngest, dauga
ter, Mrs. Clacked"
A very audible "Ohl" burst from all the
ladies at once. Ellen was on the point of
fainting, but was supported by her astonished
sister; Mrs. Clacket, in • a state between
laughing and crying, was giving Mr. Kill
winning's hand sundry convulsive squeezes.
Mr. Killwinning's "speech had made all the
ladies in love with him, though no one could
tell how the proposal was received, for Ellen,
her face buried in her handkerchief, was led
from the room. Mr. Killwinning, now really
looking the picture of unhappiness; followed;
and then of course all tongues were loosen.
ed, and Ali Killwinnin's singular declaration
loudly accused.
"A most indelicate proceeding I" exclaim
ed ' young Flint. "The girl's feelings are
outraged.—Of course, she'll refuse him."
- "Yes; but what a triumph!" 'said the
envious Miss Jenkens. " Who could have
'possibly conceived that he meant Ellen
Just at this moment, the door of the inner
apartment opened, discovered Mr.
Ding rising in rapture from his knees, pres
sing the hand of Ellen to his lips. He led
forward hiS blushing bride—attired, too, like
,bride, a magnificent marriage-veil being
thrown over her; Mr. Killwinning having
taken the precaution of sending to London
fora bridal trousseau, on the chance of ,its
being required, together with a special li
cense; while the Re . v. Mr. Tithe-ever had
been prepared to act upon it by performing
the ceremony,. which was on the point of
commencing, when Tim's voice was heard,
fondly vociferating : "Stop the weddin' I"
Mingled with the still more suspicious cry of
"Stop thief!"
All faces loOked"amazement. "'Pon
hanor," whispered Flint
,to Jenkins, "I sup
pose Killwinning Will turnout a swindler:"
At this instant, .Thu rushed into the room
eiclaiming.i• "Stop 1 What, the "(Evil are , ' you
'aboui? Would you be drivin' all the luck
from the weddin' without the wratho of or
anges that I'm to be hanged •for stealing?- 7
Didn't I when 'I saw masther was goipg to
hsore a rale wife, start off for Mrs. Pudds,
the milliner's and extract this issintial from
the window, and she sending s 'Spalpeen of a
police after me shoutin' "stop thafe 1" but I
sent the transmogrified lobster down stairs
quiciter than he came up I"
"Well Tim," said Mr. Killwinning, throw
ing him aten 'pound • bank note, "there,s
something to pay for your depradation ; and
grs; EillwitiningWill not forget your bold,
yet ecoentric devotion, Timorous Tim."
• Kate now encircled the "attractive ring
lets of her sister with Tim's wreath of or-
ango blossoms, which caused Tim to dance
about, throwing up his slipper in the air
something after the Eastern fashion, ex•
claiming: "Long life to her! She looks
like the Phenix Park when the May's out."*
The ceremony now proceeded j and at the
conclusion all was good humored congratu
lation. "What a'romantie marriage !" ex
claimed the little Potters.
" Allow me to congratulate you, Mrs. Kill
winning," said Flexible Flint. "'Pon honor,
Killwinning, it's too bad to take her by storm
in this way, and leave us poor bachelors in
the lurch."
How willingly now would the Jenkenses
have exchanged situations with Ellen, when
by the kind forethought of Mr. Killwinning,
she appeared equiped for the journey in her
elegant and appropriate apparel I But this
was not all; a new carriage with four beau
tiful greys, drew up to the door. Poor Mrs.
Clacket was in ectasies, scarcely believing
in the reality of her having a daughter about
to step into her own carriage, which the il
natured Jenkenses—who kept a spring-car—
•affirmed she did most awkwardly, and unlike
any one aidustomed to an equipage.
4 terrible disease had for ages afflicted the
world. - As early as the tenth century, Ma
zes, a fibisician,of Bagdad, in Persia, wrote
an account of its nature and fatal cense
sdquences. Throughout India and Arabia,it
was even earlier looked, upon with horror ;
gradually it spread towards the West; Bus
sia.'Germany, France, Spain, and England,
in turn, kneW by sad experience its fearful
power. It crossed the broad Atlantic with
the Spaniards to Peru ; it filled the beauti•
ful cities of Guatemala and Mexico, with
mourning and woe. The savages of North
America fell " like leaves of the forest: be
fore its silent but deadly stroke. Strong
men and' little children alike became its vic
tims ; and the castle of the noble and the
its f
ti fi NaP a gt w eG9l49WlL.B lll o.c*.Sf;
after long years of absence, but it was always 1
in the several countries—a universal scourge
and terror. When once stricken, the suffer
er generally lingered for eight or nine days
an abject of disgust and fear to those around
him, but recovery was almost unknown.—
, This circumstance, together with its, fearful
contagious power, had 'made the smell pox
an object of fear to all, while, at the same
time, it had'excitl the intense interest and
close study of many eminent medical men.
Edward Jenner was the son' of an English
clergyman who died when his little boy was
scarcely five years old. The eldest brother
Rev. Stephen Jenner, took the child to his
home, and watched over him with all a fath
ers love. It had been the good minister's
earnest wish that Edward should be educa
ted as a physician, and therefore, after a few
years at boarding school, he was placed with
Mr. Ludlow a surgeon in a neighboring town,
that ho might early become familiar with
the names and nature of medicine. At twen
ty years...of , age, he went to London, and for
two years was wider the instruction of the
celebrated John Hunter. By his careful and
diligent study, he won the affection of his
teacher, who through all, his after-career,
proved a warm friend.
From this he formed the idea of product
ing the lighter sickness in each individual
in the community by an, easy process called
vaecination; thus preserving them from the
deadly influence of small-pox, and limiting
if not entirely suppressing, its fearful rav
It was in 1776 that he commenced his in
vestigations,.but such was the ignorance and
superstition of the common people, and the
prejudice of .the higher classes, that for more
than twenty years he toiled on unnoticed and
almost unknown. Ilia statement's - in the
public journals and newspapers were con•
sidered us the day -dreams of an idle fanci
ful man, and the only attention shown them'
was ridicule and contempt. • .
But genius, aided by patient industry, at
last_ tri,timphed: In 1798, he published his
'celebrated work, entitled, "An ,Inquiry Ink;
the Cause and Effects of Kine•pox," which
is now founded in almost every physician's
library, and is considered tine of the best
over written on the subject. '" Attention.
was gradually called to' the matter, and
aftersome hesitation, his plari was adopted
in the hospitals and other public establish
ments of Europe and America. England
delayed longest to yield its sanction to the
great discovery, kat Dr. Jenner• lived to- see
his hopes realized, and his fellOW-men freed;
from one fearful destroyer. For a few year4l
public honors were, heaped upon him, but at
the age of seventy-four, in January, 1823, he
was glad to lay them all aside, and go to his
long rest. .
A man who in any degree relieves the suf
ferings of mankind, is a public
and the name-of Dr. Edward Jenner will be
one of_ the most honored.
Having oompleted his studies, and being
pronounced competent to minister to the
sick and suffering amo›.l-is-felkow men, he .
removed to . Berkly, his native place, where
he commenced - the practice of his profession,
though only twenty-three. His learning,
success, and kindness of manner, soon made
him popular, and his vi t sits were extended to
to a large circuit . of contltry. Cases of small
pox often came under his care, and caused
him much anxious thought
While a young boy, he had overheard a
-woman re6jark, that 'she couldn't have the
small pox / because she had the kine pox,"
The incident was never forgotten. Years
afterwards, he called to mind that no in-
stance of the disease had occurred among
the dairymen of the neighborhood ; while
the kine pox, as its name indicates, prevail
ed among them. The kine pox as its name
indicates, prevaled among cattle, and adary
men in milking and taking care of them al
so contracted it.
Dr. Jenner immediately . began, to.
inquiries on the subject, and after much ob.
scrvatiou and Many experiments, convinced
himself that a person once having the kine
pox, would never take the other, however
much exposed to it.
Sweetmeats and Sweet Temper.
One of the most iitlllotlB shops lorthe_sale
of bonbons, in the city of Paris, has for the
last few years,
obtained the services of
very beautiful girl during the holiday-sea
son. .11er exquisite,person and graceful
manners were certain to attract customers.
A few days before the New Year, a gen
tleman (whom we shall call the Baron,)
came into the shop to buy his Now Year's
gifts. The Baron was a wealthy bachelor
from the country. He asked the blonde
beauty. to show him• the prettiest things
which the store could (Abr. She spread
before him the most exquisite boxes, all
the curious and fanciful novelties----articles
which the confectioner elaborates from his
fragile materials of sugar and .card-board,
with as much taste and fancy as if they
sed the morns of eacei article. no was
kelt to please. Now ho chose this box, to
be rejected, and re-chosen ; now admired
and then found fault with another; ques
tioned the. subject of the painting upon a
third—found fault with the explanation giv,
en him by the fair and patient shop girl.—
How should she know anything of mythol. ,
ogy or history ?
A hundred pretty and novel things were
shown to the dissatisfied purchaser.' Ho
resumed his questions—now wanted this or
that—now threw it aside—asked rudely for
several articleS, only to find fault with and
refuse them. After thus annoying the good
tempered and intelligent servitor for two
ho quietly told her to select what
best pleased her fancy. She chose with a
faultless taste; and laid aside bon bons, to
the amount of fifty Louis ($250). The
Baron said he would leave the articles until
the following day, when lie should add to
the purchase and take all away at one time.
The next day witnessed on the part of the
Baron the same difficulty to be pleased—
the same testy waywardness ; and a repeti
tion of the same genre, winning patience,
and the same charming intelligence on the
part of the young girl.
As..Do you.romain hi this store throughout
the year 1" at length questioned the purch
"No, sir; I am only hero during tho
'' And. then."
•tt Then I return to the lingerse where I
am employed."„
" Sad lot, I suppose you earn something
like two francs a day ?"
c , It is sufficient for me."
In spite 011ie evident intention of thin
reply, the Baron pursued his questions fur
ther; but he was repelled with as much dig
nity as propriety, and he was forced to re
turn to his purchases. These were numer
ous and costly. lie filled his carriage, and
walked away.
At 'midnight on Now Year's eve, the fair
shop girl returned to her lodgings, and-dis
covered there all the exquisite Maveltittti,
all the delicious candies, which she had se 7 .
leated thr the liberal purchaser who had so
wearied her patience. A note accompanied
the present saying; "Bonbons are never
refused." But bonbons worth a hundred
Louis were too' much. They must be re
Yet how to return them Sho knew not
the name of the eccentric giver. Possibly
lie might return to the store; and, with this -
thought, the perploked and conscientious
girl laid aside the entire gift.
Tho fortnight passed. The giver canto
not. The young girl was about toiuturn
to her usual avocation; disappointeil innot
returning the gift, when one morning Ow
Baron entered the store again, and careless
ly asked for sonic trifle pf confectionary.—:-
The girl blushed, was confused, and vainly
tried to express what she !did' so desired to
have the opportunity to say. The Baron
came toiler aid; " Have the goodness to
iread this noto; in it you will find the ex
planation I owe to you." . .
The contents of the note arc easily guess
ed. Tho Baron was charmed with; the beau
ty of the fair shop girl:. He had tested her
patience and good temper, for hiMself; fur
ther inquiry assured him that her character
. was as excellent as her beauty was rare, and
ho begged her to exchange her pittance of
a few francs, for his income of sixty thou
sand livers, and accept his "forty years„"
in marriage.
Our story is true. The lady is one of the
most lovely and elegant notabilitieti of the
Chaussee-d'464g. Her saloons are Ire
quented by the to tent of .the city, and she
is the centre of th it attractions.
At the Being ° time, however, that , her
beauty and grace do honor to her neiv po
sition, she veils ,in no mystery her humble
origin. .
Oro ,ijoobs.
The subscriber has just. returned from the cities of E
York and Philadelphia with the cheapest and mos
splendid assortment of FALL AND• WINTER. 00t/D,
ever brought to Carlisle. Having purchased from severe'
of the largest importing houses in New York for Casb
it. will enable use to offer greater inducements and gh
better bargains to my old customers and a.ll who ma•
facor•mo with a call, than can be bad at 'any other ator
In the town or county.
1 have tho'clumpest Flbnnels, Satt(netts, Cloths, Ken
tucky Jeans, De Lains, De Ileges, Muslins, Tickings, hr
he., ever offered in the borough.
It is impossible to enumerate one-half the-articles:4
CM!) one and all in want of cheap goods and judge fo,
yourselves. No trouble to show our goods. DecoDee'
the old stand, East Main Street.
iact4 '54 CAARLES 00ILIIY.
iBs4 NEWFA LL . G 0 D S.-
BENTZ & BROTHERS havo returnee
from Phihuielphia and aro now unpacking a conmleti
assortment of FALL, AND WINTER, GOODS.
A full assortment of - Cloths.
A full assortment of Cassitneres.
A full assortment of Cassinets.
A full assortment of Vestings.
A full lutsoctraen
of Ladies Dress,Gooda...
A full assortment of Goesti.c_Sipod . s.
A full assortment of Silks andJ paces.
A full assortment of Silk; ThibotA Cashmere Shan
A full assortment of Groceries.
A full assortment of Queenswara
With a full assortment of illlsrnllationtis articles gene
rally kept in Stores. Purchasers will find it greatly G
their interest to call and exiuulno our stork before pur
chasing, as goods have materially depreciated, and will
be sold accordingly. Come ono, come all, and judge fat
yourselves. [sept2i
Tho largest stock of Clothing over brought to Car
lifi I°,li:is just boon received by ARNOLD44.IIIINO STOlc_
at their chrap and extensive CLOTIIIN9 HOUSE, il/
North Hanover Street.
The prices of clothing at this how:rainy° boon reduced
to such a very low standard that it is now In the power
orall who wish, to wear good clothes.
The assortment consists of Overcoats of every descrip
tion; Dress, Frock and Sack Coats, a great variety of Box
chats, Monkey mats, &c. Superfine 01.,ssimere PANTS,
black and fancy. Silk and Satin 'VESTS., and a fine va
riety of Valencia and other vests. Also, shirts, collars,
stocks, pocket handk orch uspen ders, gloves, hosiery,
&., and all other articles generally kept in this lino•o.
business. All articles sold at this establishment war
ranted *hat they are represented-to be.
Also,'n splendid assortment of goods In the piece.--
Superfine , French and English CLOTHS - and CAS
SIMEIIES of every hue and shady,-satin, silk, and Vale
cla vesting'', satinotts, &c., all of which will be made to
order atthe shortest notice, and in the neatest and best
=lawn All garments warranted to fit. BOYS CLOTH
!NO always on hand.
The public nre respectfully invited to call and exnm•
Inc the superior assortmentof clothing at this establish
ment, next door to Lyue's hardware store, opposite to
Mnglatighlin's hotel,
Sept. '27-4m,
vatzgampa rwar . rtirulTCS
Elements of Character, by Miss Chandler.
Clovernoek, by Alice Carey.
Cmnfoni, by author of Mary Barton.
Passion and Prejudice. by Mrs. Gore.
Henrietta Temple, by D'isniell.
Old Redstone. or Historical Sketches of Western Presbj ,
torianism. dc., by Joseph Smith, D. D.
Village Sermons, by Rev. Gee. Murder, containing one
hundred and one plain short discourses on the princi
pal doctrines of the Gospel, jnst published by Lippin
cott, Grambo,t Co., of Philadelphia.
Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, by Mrs. IL B. Stowe.
Splendid Gift Books and Annuals for 1555.
Harper's, Putnam's, Graham's and Godoy's Magazines
for October,
IF ILY CMOCEItY STOItE of tho bubscribor, n Mo
rton 11 11,
A new supply of fresh Water Crackers,
Soda, Rutter, Plc Nie and Sugar Buiscult,
Farina, porn Starch, Tapioca, Sago, Pearl Barley, .
Extract of Coffee, Rice Flour, Baking Powder, &e.,
A now lot of 'superior Tahh,
Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, Bay
Rum. &c. . J. W. EBY.
L' of you who have been afflicted for years with this
hot tersomo disease, and who have been using almost
every Nostrum before the public without relief, we say
to you try "Beechen; Anthlyspeptle and you iv win
ho convinced of its great superiority over every other
preparation. We could give you num)* certificates corob
orating our assertions, but a single trial is worth more
than a4l. This remedy is prepared and sold at the Drug
Storo cf it. J. KEIFFIiII. South Hanover street, a fen•
doors south of the Court, House, Carlisle.
Tho suls;,ribor YOU d respoil:fully inform his friends and
. . . . .
the public generally, that ho has just returned Rout the
city with a largo and varied assortment of „„...„, ~
GROCERIES, 0 LAss and QUEENS-1V ARE. .4- ,1410 '
}ISM kr., &., which be offers for solo on thi. I I ' '.
most reasonable terms, at his New Store at it'
corner of North,lianover street and the Pub- Ni
lie Square, directly opposite the Carlisle De.
posit Bank. Ills stovk enilwases everything usually
In a Grocery and Xariety store.
The public are Invited to call and exttNtne his stock
before purchasing elsewhere, as ho feels eonildent ho can
i \s,
14 41 the boot goods at the lowest prices. —_
Bost Rio, Mocha and Roasted Coffees,
Crushed, Pu'mixed and Loaf sugar,
i Porto Rice,•NowOrleans mid Cuba So,
Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black Teas,
• Best Syrups, N. 0. and Sugar House Molasses,
Queensware, Cedar and Stoneware
, Cheek , . Fish, Salt, Son; imilStarch ' t
Cavendish,'Natural Leaf, Fig dad Congress Tobitrzo, -
Pickles, Pino Apple and Tomato Preserves,
Ketchup and. Spices of every variety, Ac.
51y stock has been selected with strict reference to
family use, fur salu ,very low for cash wholesale or retail
uct I '54 Family Grocer.
Wlil call the attention _of the public to
Watering gardonß or extinguishing tiros. An oxcullent
article, - neat, chonp and comonlont. For sato at
novl-1364 , SANTO'S.
ipLAcKsmiTirs COAL. 5,000
Bushels Blacksmith's Coal, a first rats article ro
csieing and for sale by -
Janl.7 am W. D. MURRAY, Agt,
ACIILNERY OlL—Avery super,-
or mild° ar OIL fur groating innelitenn, just re•
valved mai r.r talo chanp at - tXTONII.
uE. GOULD, [Successor to A. Fiot.
No. 144 Chestnut ,St., Switirees Building, Philadiel
• plata, extensive Music Publisher, and Dealer An Musical
Instruments of every description.
Exclusive agent for the sale of linnet, Bevis E` CO.
Patent Suspension Bridge 2liolian and oilier I .lANOE.,
GliberUs Boudoir Pianos. Melodeons,Martins Ouitare
Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music Books, &c.
• Residentk of the country will bd supplied by mall or
otherwise with music they may wish, mg ILA as if pur•
t chased in person. Having- ono of the larva OA eke is
the United States, I feel confident of satikrylng
may favor ine with st call or order.
. Dealers Initiusie supplied on the most lil eraltermil
;'1 Pianos to Isit. Becond-hand Plants for sale.
Ex, WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at the "Phis'
iIV dolphin. Watch and Jewelry Stole,.
Number OG North Second Street, . et-
nor of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold
Lover Watches, full Jewelled, 18 mi
nt cases, - - $2O CO
id,„,,, ..,..„, (bold Lupine, 18 carat cases, 24 CO
..15.,,,.—•:-....'7...,-.' t.,',. Silver ••• jewels, 9 CO
' i.Ort:.OSltalL'.! Silver Lever, full jewelled, 12 oo
Sulierlor earners, - - - - 710
Cu dSp itneles, - ' - • - 7 (.0
Fine SI, ver •Spectacics,
? 1,1
- I, I;0 uold lacelets, - - • - 11 tO
Ladle: . (bold Pencils, -
Silver Tea Spoons, set. - r E tl•
(kid Pens, with Pencil and Silver Ilelder, - , - I et
Gold Finger Neg., 27!,•6 rents to $8; Watch Olars.e.
plain, 12N cents, l'atent I£%, bullet, 28; other articles
1,1 proportion. All goods warranted to be vrlait, they 11 , .
cold for.
On hand, some Gold and Silrer Levers and Lepinut
0111 lower than the atove prices.
XIDAOTi(ZI.L-1114y.;Sin!aniluffiacitTCH,14d3S1 Oncentor f
~I A . 11 . 1\1 :
No. 100 North FOURTH Street (above Bace)PII.ILAD.I.I.
3latches having become an indispensal le artirt.
in housekeeping, the sup scriber after a great Kt, dr& n ,
time and money, is enabled to offer to the Public an at
tide at once combining Utility and Cheapness. The in.
venter knowing the danger apprehended , on two not of
the tilmsey manner 'in which Matches are generally
packed in paper, has by the aid of New Steam Machinery
of his own invention, succeeded in getting up a SA FEll
far preferable, In as much that It occupies no more recto
than the old round wood box, and contains nt leapt
Two Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shippers •
is considerable advantage; It is entirely now, and recurs
against moisture and spontaneous combustion, dispels
all danger on transportation by means of Railroad, Steam
boat or any other mode of Conveyance.
These Matches aro packed so that one gross or nutwt
znarbo shipped to any part oftlM WWli.l with perfect
safety. They are the most desirable article for Wm+.
Consumption, and the Southern anti western markets
that have over linen invented.
DEALERS and Slift'PEß, will do well to call aA4
eiamlno for tbrinselvem.
VlV_These matches, are WARRANTED to be superior
to anything heretofore offered to the Public.
10G North POUETII St. Philad'a.
Phila. Dcc'r 4, 1854.
FRENCH TRUSSES, Weighing less
than 234 ounces, for the cure of Hernia or ltuptnre
acknowledged by the highest medical authorities of thil
adelphia, incomparably superior to any other In use.—
Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now
offers to procure not only the highest and most easy, but
as durable a Truss as any other, in'lleu of thetutubrous
and uncomfortable article usually sold. There is no dl
fealty attending the ttting, and when "the pad is locat
ed ft will retain its position without change.
Personsat a distance unable to call on the subscriber,
can hare the Truss sent to any address, by remitting
iltbritxibtr.s..frkr.the single Truss,or ten for the doubly—
Cr' LANES, requiring the benefit of Mechanical Pup
Porters, owing to the derangement of the Internal Qr ,
Bans, inducing falling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary.
Dyapeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, are informed
that it competent and experienced LADY will be in ab
tendanco at the 'Rooms, (sot quirt for their exclusive
use) No. 114 TWELFTH St., Ist door below Race. .)
July 26,'54.
fl -
I AlYitEßASLo l: l, l , lt n e ri n ou t s
sizß t Tub ular ui t
1, 0 Oven n 1 . 1
ng Houses and Hotels.,
Musa in want of a superior Cooking Apparatus eu i
'riled to cull at our Warehouse and examine this Ili i
For durability, economy and simplicity in (penal ,
stands unrivaled. It has a perfect hot air ventilati ~
and meats baked in this oven will retain theirjuieg ,
flavor equal to that roasted before an open fire. 1 . •
A. fl. PIPER
and pastry cooked at the same time without one a
ing the other. it will supply sufficient heated 1 c
heat additional rooms for the celdest weather. It h •
descending or return flues, and is equally well ad: . 0 .
to bituminous or common hard coal. The steam
over the (wiling part of the Range carries off the of
and scent of cooking, fts'well as heat in summer.
Eyery Range sold warranted to give satisfAction,l
expense to the purchaser.
HAY ES' VENTILATOR, Patented Octet er, 1841
Public Halls, Factories, Railroad Cars, Chhnnies, es,
Ships, Steamers, ke.
Pure air is a subject claiming the attention of •
individual, and all buildings should be provided ail
the proper menus of ventilation.
Also, a powerful WARSIINa ASP VENTILATING FvnneC
for Dwellings, School Houses, (lurches, Halls, Sim
Factories, &c.
A large assortment of Office, Holland Cooking Stet
Parlor Orates, Registers, Lc. Wholesale and retell.
82 North Sixth street,
Personal attention given -to warming and V. 412
lating both public and private buildings.
14.1 MOVER-E. Nli'W LA ND & - CO'S
NA ) whotesale athi retell LOOKINO.O LASS AND PIC
opposite the Theater, Philadelphia.
E. N. Co. received the only Prim, Medal, awarded ae
the Crystal Palace exhibition, N. Y., 1853, in the Cultic:
States, for Gilt, Decorated,'Mentet-and Her °leases.
tr - 1 RATIS !—Just Published—A . it( w
kJ(' DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE.—A few words on flu
Rational Treatmont, without Medicine, Spermator Mrs,
or local weakness, nervous debility, low spirits,lassltufts,
weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition and if Car:
parity for study and labor, dullness of apprehenskn,f
loss.of memory, aversion to society, lore of solitude ti
midity, self distrust, dizziness. headache, involuntary
discharges, rains In tho side, affection of the eyes, pin
pies on the Mee, sexual 'and other Infirmities In mat.
From the Piefich of Dr. D. 'DoLancey : '
The important fact that these alarming complthrti
May easily be removed niritour MEDICINE. is In thissmoU
tract clearly demonstriited, and the entirely new and'
111,:bly suceessful Valmont. ns adopted by the Author,
fully explained, b m enus of whit h every one is enultpia
16 cure himself I frfectiv and at the least possible coral.
avoiding Omni II thu advertised nostrums of ti.if
4 .
Sent to any address, gratis and 'post free. In a sisAffi
envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage alan7lo
to Dr. D. Daancey,l7 Lispeenzrd street, 'York. • ' '
March I-1y .
ATOOLUEN YARN.—=A. lot of very
lleavy and Evon Woollen Yarrdnet
received, much bettor than the city poll, all colours.
dr - 111EA I? SILKS.—I am now opening
n 'large assortment of BLACK Atso, nt
assortment of now !Oita &Alm ablo FALL SILKS, vary
oct4 '64
Corner Twelfth and Bare streets, Philadelphia
May 20, )853-13