Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 07, 1855, Image 6

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This operation should ho performed in
early spring, as well as in midsummer. The
r /ugh, loose parts of the • bark should lib
:rood off, as well as moss and other para
4ites. The bark should then be covered
with the following mixture, as high as the
verator can reach, with an ordinary long
handled white-wash brush :
5 pounds whale oil soap, k.
I pound ale salt,
1 pound tine sand,
2 pounds potash,
2 ounces nitrate of soda,
dissolved or mixed with water to the con
sistency of cream, and thoroughly rubbed
von the bark.
Many kinds of insects aro kept from trees
').), a solution of whale oil soup alone, and
•nany such as aro resident in the crevices
of the bark, arc destroyed by salt. The
gne s Ind is intended during the rubbing to
4cratch the outer coating of the bark, ,and
assist the other ingredients Ihr more
perfect action. The potash and nitrate of
40(1 will decompose or soften the dead
parts - of - the --- hatlcTso --- that - d e
:tier they will be thrown on' by the healthy
action or the growing hark.
If the above mixture is applied in dry
we ather, it will become so hard as to re
main-during several' showers, and thus have
tune to perform its office. Trees with
smloth bark, such as the plum, many of the
cherries, &c., should be rubbed with a wet
roulit woolen cloth in u few hours after tipo
plying the mixture ; this rubbing will cause
the sand to clean the surface so perfectly
as to give the bark an improved and more
healthy surface.
Trees so cleansed, are not as likely to be
revisited by insects as those left with their
natural surfaces, nor are 'they as likely to
become bark-bound. Indeed we have nev
er known a tree to exhibit the disease call
ed the hark-bound, the surface of the trunk
of which had been softened by soap-wash in
early spring. The cherry, apricot, peach
and nectarine are subject when left in their
natural state, to this, disease, and it has
been usually attributed to too rich or too
moist a soil; and under-draining and split
ting the bark lengthwise with the knife are .
the usual remedies. The one is expensive .
and often impossible where choice trees are
planted, and the other unsightly, pausing
exhalations of gum and consequent canker.
In any ease,, a few applications of soap to
the surface of the part hide-bound will re
move the difficulty, and the mixture before
recommended may be applied, slightly
warmed, when required 41..
of hide-bound trees.
Guano for Corn.
One of our neighbors let a piece of land to
be planted upon shares in corn. He pro
posed to the lab6rer to try an experiment
with guano upon one portion of the field—
should think about one-fourth—while the
other portion received a good coating of
yard manure. The field being Well prepar
ed and marked out so as to show the place
for each hill, about one table-spoonful of
guano was dropped in each place. It was
then well mixed with the soil of the bill'
with the hoe. A little fresh dirt was then
hauled over the compost thus made, and
the corn dropped and covered. The result
was such that the owner offered to take the
guanoed portion as .his _ half of the crop.—
the laborer agreed to his proposition, and
the owner actua'ly got more corn from his
part than the laborer did from the whole re
maining part of the field. This mode of
applying guano is slow, but we think it am
ply compensates for the extra labor.
It should alwaysbe borne in mind, that
guano in the hill of corn must be well in
corporated with the surrounding earth, and
covered as indicated -in this article.
narrowing Wheat In the Spring'.
correspondent of the Michigan Farmer
says that Mr. James Worthington, of Ho
mer, Michigan, had last spring, a lot of
wheat which looked sobad that had not the
field been seeded down to clover he should
have plowed it up and sown it with spring::
crops. Instead of doing so, he took a
" sharp strap harrow," and with it " torn
the land thoroughly to pieces." He then
rolled it down with a smooth, heavy roller.
This covered the roots again and they soon
took hold and the wheat began to improve.
The field contained some forty acres, and
the result is that every acre of it will yield
over 15 bushels, and a majority of it 20
bushels to the acre.
Turkeys and Grasshoppers.
' It is stated by farmers who have tried it,
that there is no way to get rid of Turkeys
More effectually, than by keeping a flock of
turkeys. Farmers that have been perfectly
over-run with grasshoppers,
have by this
means been thoroughly freed from them,
, s )l,. \ not only for the time being, but for years.
WARTS ON CATTLE.—The cause of warts
on cattle, is not clearly known—perhaps, it
is the Want of proper action in the skin.—
The should not be used only to pare
thin slightly before applying the cautery.
A pencil of nitrate of silver touched to them
dilly often removes them. For dry warts,
give dnleemara, or sulpher ; for ulcerated
w Ws, a&seniculu. llonimpatidc treatment
ie sometimes successful.—N. E., Farmer.
Distemper In Horses.
Thomas W..l.addroflSinithfleld, Jeffer
son county, Ohio, writes us that he has
found a remedy and cure for " distemper"
'in horses. Ile says:' , 4 Having three colts
sick with this disease, an experienced' far
m& told me to use tar, and he thought that
the sick colt would soon recover, and that
those who had not taken the disease would
not have it at all, or but lightly, I followed
his direction, to my entire satisfaction. I
gave the colts, morning and evening, as
much as I could readily get into their
mouths with a paddle. After a few appli
cations, the sick ones commenced running
at the nose, their appetites returned, and in
a short time they had entirely regained
what they had lost from disease. The oth
ers never took it to my knowledge.
_ Some prefer mixing fish oil with the tar;
hitt I used it alone, and I believe it to be
entirely sufficient, if the article be good,
pure tar. I would have no faith at all in
the coal tar now in use in Sortie places.—
Ohio Farmer.
Poultry Manure.
Have this regularly swept up, packed a
way in barrels, and sprinkled over with
plaster., Dana says, with force and truth—
cc The strongest Of a❑ manure is found is
the droppings of poultry." Save it then,
and add to the productive energies of your
soil, •Do not look upon it as a trifling mat
ter. _ •
NALIY.—This Institution will open on the first
.•,nday of March, Ina now and commodiOus building
o‘ded for that purpose, under the direction and super
' .LI.II.IIiOIICO of 1t0v..1. Kennedy and Samuel Thomson.—
. .io loeatim of the Seminary is healthy and retired.—
is the design of the Principal that the course of in
. ruction be thorough, and the expenses moderate.
file best female teachers will ho employed. Pupils
111 be arranged in classes according to the direction of
to .Priuelpal. _Tluire bo..thrce-classes,-Primary,
a Mor and :Senior.
board, washing, fuel and light, per session
of 4 months $4O 00
'uition in Senior class por session, • 8 00
" Junior 6 00
Primary dg• 4100
reek, Latin or - French,. 5.00
I IISiJ on Tian, and use of Instrument, 115 09
it painting and drawing,' 5 00
For further Information address -
J. KENNEDY, Principal,
January 17,1555.--2 m Fayettvillo, Franklin Co. Pa.
miles west of Harrisburg. Tho eighth Session
( this popular and flourishing Institution will coin
cones on Monday, the oth of November next, under the
lost favorable auspices. During the present year such
Aprovements and additions have been made as its in
•easing patronage demanded. The Principal will ho as
sled by a full corps of competent and experienced
etchers, and special attention will be paid to the health
id comfort of the Students.
Bearding, Washing and Tuition in the English Branch
and Vocal :SIII6IC, per Session, (5 months) $55.00
Instruction in Latin and tireck, each, - 5.00
French and Gorman - • 5.00
Instrumental Music, - - 10.00
Tho attention of permits and guardians is earnestly
' sited to this Institution. Circulars Will be furnished
id any informati m will be given, on application, either
orsonalur by letter to
D. DENIANG ER, Principal,
Sept. 13, 1854. Harrisburg, Pm
CCnear.Uairlisle, Pa. The 17ili Session will coin
.ence on MoseAv, November 6,1854. Number of Stu
,nts Ihnited.and constant efforts used for their moral
d intellortual improvement. Terms, $65 per session.
Circulars with references and full information furnish
1, by R. K. BURNS,
said:l7-1854. Plainfield, Cuniberland co. Pa.
mon scluthn., Nowville, Pa.—The WINTER SES-
ItilS will confluence on Tuesday, the 7th of November,
.id continue live months. Careful instruction Is given
y competent teachers in,tho departments of Classical.
tathetuntical and English education. Tho whole ex
doses for tuition, boarding and lodging, with a room
arnislied, $53 per term. For further particuhirs, apply
.o either of the subscribers nt Nowville, Pa.
W. IL LINN, A. M.,
IL McOACIIIIEN, jr., A. 8., Praessora
L 1101LERS.—These possess an advantage over all
there in being made with an outside Iron casing, which
rroatly economlees fuel and privents loss of heat. They
ire made of various slum. from 10 to 120 gallons. They
ire portable, and may lie set in the kitchen for house
wild use, or out of doors convenient to the barn, pig
ens, &e., for boiling food for stock. For sale by
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed store, N.l•'. cdrner
f 7th and ?thicket layouts, Philadelphia. [4oct'f.4
REEVE 1.. KNIGHT, (SuccessOr to
Martley & Knight) REDDING AND CARPET
WAREHOUSE No. 118 South Second Street, five doors
%Love Spruce Arcot, Philadelphia, wherei.) keeps con
stantly on hand a full assortment of every article in his
line of 1111411W5% FOlttl‘Prli, Feather Beds, Patent S - ,wing
Hattresses, Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three-
Ply, human, Venetian,List, Rag and Hemp Carpetings,
)11 Cloths, Canton Matin),-s, Cocoa and Spanish Matt I ngs
Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats,Table
and Piano Covers. To which he invites the attention of
purchasers. 140ct'54
phia for tin; above fertilizer,. which has boon fully tested
for the last three years. Early orders solicited as the
supply will be Ilinited. Also, for sale best Peruvian Uo•
vernment Guano No.
Agricultural Warehouse and Sood Store, N. E. corner
rth and Market streets, Philadelphia. 14oct'li4
FAItEIILA, Importer,'Manufacturer and Dealer in
alisinds of FANCY' FURS, for Ladies and Children, at
'28.4 MARKET Street, above Eighth, Philadelphia..
Having now completed my largo and beautiful assort
ment of-all the different kin& of Fancy Furs, that will
be worn by Ladies and Children during the present sea
ion; this assortment of Furs is equal to any to be found
Iti - this City, either for quality, variety or beauty. Har
ing bought my Furs in Europe fbr Cash, and have had
shout manufactured by the most competent Ivorkmun
under my own supervision, with reasonable ceonomy.—
I ain determined to sell thorn at small profits, and fur
lash -only.
-eir• STOREKEEPERS would do well to give mo n
all before purchasing. JOHN FAItEIItA,
284 MARKET Strout, above Eighth, Philadelphin..
116-3 m
j—A full supply of the above Celebrated Churn, now
m hand of all the different sizes, from 4 gallons to 50.
It received the first premium at the late Pennsylvania
dtato Pair, the first premium at the Plunklin luatitute
and Delaware flint Maryland Stitt() Fairs, mid various
others at different places, It will make morn and hotter
butter from a given amount of cream, and lit lea time
than any churn In the market. For sato wholesale and
Agricultural Warchouao and good Stow, (Artier of 7th
and %tricot, Mina&lphia. Doc. 0,1854—tt
T EATHEIL—Yritz Hendry, Store,
El 119 North ad st. Ph Moroveo Mantilla:tot
ors, Ouryieni, tuiportun‘, Co nulxslun and tionorttl Leath
or huSioss)4.
WIIOI.ESALE AND RETAIL-114uufactory 15 Mok
omit& street. sop. I-1y
Frojessionaf tEartis
at Law. Office in Beetem's Row, Carlirle, Pa.-
413-I.luslueas entrusted to him will be promptly at
tentled to. - Feb, 7.'55.
AN. GREEN, Attorney at law, has
settled in Mechanicsburg, for the practice of his
profession. MI kinds of Legal Writing, Colloctions,
Court business, ,tc., promptly attended to. °Rico oppo
site Dr. Long's residence. SURVEYING In all Its diffe
rent branches promptly attended to.
GI B. COLE Attaney at Law, will at
tend promptly to all business ontrusted to him.- 0
011tco In the room f. .rinerly occupied by William Irvine,
North Hanover street, Carlislo.
April iO, 1852.
BUEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN. Office and residence
on Louther street, ono door east of the Herman Re
formed Church. Dr. Blumenthal respectfully offers his
professional services to the citizens of Carlisle and vi
AV-Persons from a distance laboring under chronic
diseases may consult by letter. Office hours, from 7 ,to
9'A. M., and 2 to 4 P. M. sept6;s4tt
DR. C. S. BAKER respectfully offers
his professional services to the citizens of Carlisle
and surrounding country.
Office and residence in South Hanover street, directly
Opposite to the '• Volunteer Office."
Carlisle, 4pril 20,1851
- nit. S. B, KIEFFtIIt Office in North
iflianover street two doors from Weiss S Campbell's
store. Office hours, moreparticularly from 7 to t) o'clock,
A. M., and from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M.
7 nR. 04',0. W. NEIDICH
ju DENTIST carefully attends to all
▪ '▪
0 ". operations upon the teeth and adjacent
parts that disease or irregularity may require. Ale will
also insert Artificial Teeth of every description. such as
Pivot. Single and Block teeth, and teeth with "Contin
uous Gums," and will construct Artificial Palates, Oh.
turators, llegulating Pieces, and every appliance used in
the Dental Art. —llpeOliting room at the residence of
Dr. Samuel Elliott, East High street, Carlisle.
s, DENTlST.—Roectfully
a l i "'l grgi,,-... v tenders his profeskional aer% ices W the
Artitimal teeth inserted, font
a single tooth, to an entire set. on the latent and
a'prON ed principles. Such 111 Single. Block, and "Con
tinuous ti um Teeth:' Diseases of the loutli and li
re' mlaritio , carefully treated . OF rlci, at the resod e
of his brother, oat North Pitt Street• Cal lisle. I jan 10
i ,R. J. C. LOO-
N Mls will yerform
opeentionn 010
Teeth that are required for their presem talon, such ak
Scaling, Piling, Plugging, &c., or will restore the loss of
them by Inserting MUM iza eeth, from n single tooth
ton full Batt. Office on Pitt street. a few doors
south bf the Railroad Hotel. Dr. 1.. absent from Car
lisle the Met ten an) hOf ev ery month.
FN. ItOSENSTFAIL, house, Skn
Fancy and Ornamental Painter, Irvin's (formerly
Harper's) Itow, near llltner's Dry.tiomb+ Store. lk n Ili
attend promptly to all the above descriptions of paint
ing. at reasonable prices. The various kinds of graining
:Mended tol suet' as mahogany, oak, walnut, .Le., In the
Improved styles.
Stores ant) Sfjops.
JIIItN D. liOlU AS would inform the public that
he has now on hand at his establishment,. on Main St.,
- next door to Marion Hall, the largest and most com
plete assortment of COOK, OF'F'ICE.: PA it-
LIM STOVES to be found In this county,
which will be sold at the lowest prices for
`a cash or approved credit. His stock consists of
a largo assortment of new and highly mt.
777.410 proved PATENT COMING STOVES, finished
in the most complete manner, and calculated for either
wood or cook or both. All the n old standard patterns
which hove stood the test of experience, may be found
at his establishment. Also, n great variety of the most
approved and beautiful PARLOR OFFICE SfO\ itS, In
cluding a number of new styles, possessing very supe-
Hor advantrozes over those heretofore in use. Families
and housekeepers arc respectfully invited to give hint a
call before purchasing, elsewhere. Stoves delivered 'to
any part of the country'ond put up at the shortest no.
tire. Ile continues to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET
IRON WARE, and Copper Work,,and has constantly 141
hand or will mate to order every article required by
housekeepers or others in this line: Ills stock of ' in
and Copper Ware embraces every kind of household Mid
kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the best manufac
turd. Persons in want of articles In his line may N.
ways be sure of being accommodated to their satisfacti .
by givinglilin a call. novl-1 54
The subscriber nt his old stand on North Hanover St.,
Carlisle, the sign of the "Mitunnoth Red Coffee Pot," de
drts to call the attention of the public to his largo e-
Sortment of STOVES, of, the newest and most fashio a
s - Lie styles, from the best manufactories in the
country, and at all prices from zt,3 to $l5.
ns , rgt. are the Mirror Stove. the AreticAlevere, Star,
l'erslnn. Union and :Etna Air Tight, together
_ with other patterns lie has of all Hies
for parlors or chambers', and calculated fbr burning either
wood or coal. Also, the zEtna, Globe, Astor, Albany,
nat-top and Bandislx or Poor Mated, with other COOK
/NO STOVES, comprising the latest improvements in
kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.—
the Dining Room Cooking Stove-7-n new and coo
glint article, to which he invites the particular atten
tion of families. - Ills cooking stoves range in mire from
$lO to 25, with the'fixtures complete. AlSo, Niue Plate
Stoves of various patterns and different prices.
ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, &c. Also, everyartiele in the
lino of Tin and Copper Ware. The public are respect
fully invited to call as lie is confident with his large
stock, variety and cheapness. of being able to give en
tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see.
Oct. '25,1854. M. MORRIS.
YANKEE FEED currims, manufactured for
A .DRICII & SARGENT; No. 410 Market street, Philads '
This cutter is superior to any now in use, for strength
durability, and simpl iaity of construction ; it cuts fast
er, and is the only self sharpening Ilay, Straw and Corn
Stalk Cutter ever made. It •has but ONE STRAIGHT
KNIFE, which any person can grind and set with ease,
but in ordinary (We, it ground in the machine. Thou
sands have already been sold, and the' demand is daily
hiTeasing. In most eases an examination is sufficient
to convince ono of its superiority.' No one after a short
trial would part with it for any other. All sizes of the
itbov6 constantly on band and for sale by
.1. P. LYNN,
()All Sole Agent fur Cumberland county.
pumPS.---Just received a large assort
ment of PUlf PS of every variety In general use,
embracing' Iron and Brass Cistern and Cistern Side
Pumps. Also. out-door Pumps, so regulated as not to
be subject to freezing In winter. These pumps are got
up in the very best style in point of quality and work
manship. Thu manufacturers having had premiums
awarded Cur their pumps at several State Fairs, %Own ,
they have been me exhibition. Also, constantly on hand
a tali assortment of Iron Well Curia and Chain Pump's.
Nor todo low at
norl.-1654,M0RT SAXTON'S.
..... Paportown, Cumberland egunty
it ASKELL SEYMOUR contlnde to snp•
n iiv,A li a ply Lumber of rill kinds, at the shortest
notice, and on terms lower than can be
bad elsewhere. All orders directed to E. HASKELL, Pa
pertow n, or Wm. D. SITMOVIT, J r., Carlisle, will be prompt.
ly attended to.
Feb. 22-ly
Njg ING.—The undersigned would intent' the
"-• citizens of Carlisle that be has made arrange
todoblAS FITTING and PLUMBING at short no
tice, and on reasonable terms. lie has engaged the ser
vices of a first rate hand from Philadelphia, tind has sup
plied himself with nn extenshe .tissortment of FIXT
URES, which will enable him to fill all orders promptly.
All work will be warranted. Ills stock of One ,Fixtures
will ho found in the nom exactly opposite his Tinning
establishment on North Ilanover street, where he Invites
a call.
TINNING, SPOUTING, he.—lle In also prepared to
furnish. or make to order, every article of TIN 'WARE
used by housekeepers and others. lie will also attend
Thankful for the patronage With 'which ho hen already
been favored, he respectfully solicits a continuance° of
the same.
Carlisle, Juno 14, '54
HEILEN respectfully informs the citizens of Car
lisle and vicinity, that he has just return
ed from California, and is prepared these
`lll.ZAllV cut e all hinds of work connected with his
line of business. lie has always on hand
a large assortment of ready-made Rifles,
Guns, Pistols, Locks, Keys... Gun Trimmings, he.. all of
which he will sell a holesale or retail. Ile also attends
to repairing Guns, clocks, locks ' hc; engraies on brass,
copper and Iron. 115 hopes that by strict attention to
business, and a desire to please, he mill merit and receive
public patronage.
4114 , All kinds of Fire 'Arms made to order.
Carlisle, April 2.11, 165-1-ly •
LLRY! 11,11 day Pres.
it 12 • ents. A.c.—T II ti M A S ('U\•
- 10 2 LYN, West High strcet, aft NV
'.9 3 doors west of Burk holder's
. Carlisle lots just re
eelved the largest and nn st
- elegant - assortment-of suite. -
rim . Jewelry (net' ollered in Carlisle.. resisting in past
of Gold and Silver Watches of CA ery variety, and at all
prices, clght-day CLOCKS. Silver tnile and ten spoons.
silver table forks and butter knives, gold sod silver
spectacles, ladies' and gen tlemens • geld pen andpencil,
gold 'halos of every kieseription, ear and finger rings,
breast pins, Ae., at all prices. Also Aceordeons and Mu
sical Boxes, vo nth a great variety of Fancy Articles, se
lected expressly for the Holiday s. Persons desiring to.
purebty , e are lac Ited to eat] and examine the assortment
We are prepared to sell at very reasonable pikes. Qual
ity of goods warranted to be ns fine ILS sold for.
West High st.
Rooms—A.G. BEET having taken the Darner
real, rotors In Marlon Hall. known us A. B. Tubb's (Jul.
lery..desires to Inform the I.adies tutu UCII Omen of Car
lisle that he Is prepared to take Likenesses in the most
superior style of the art, such as still fully sustain the
reputation of this popular estatlishment. ills rorms
are large, pleasantly situated and comfortably furnish
ed. Ile is provided with the must powerful and perfect
instrument for taking pictures and warrants satisfac
tion in all e:lses. A full supply of ruses of every variety
of style and size, plain and ornamental, kept constantly
on hand. Engrac hugs, Paintings, he.. accurately copied
and duplicates taken of original likeneses. Liheneses
taketrof,siek or deceased persons. Prices moderate and
satisfaction given In all cases. The public. Is invited to
call at the Marlon Hall linguerrean Enema and examine
the numermisMlCeimens.
GB' Daguerreotypes inserted In Lockets, Breast Pins,
Finger Rings, Pencil Heads, Ac.
Cat-lisle, June 14, '54.
-7 INO. The subscriber continues to carry on the
above busilless. In all Its various branches, in l‘o•rth I Inn
over street, Carlisle. two doors Nortlinf Leonard's corner
where he Intends keeping on hand a general assortment
lii Ws 11u.r.,..,”..1”1,11. 1 .; of 1111 1at1i11..4 fashionable SAU
PLES, Bridles, Martingales, (nabs,
Circingles and Halters, also TRU:\ li ~.: ,
*... , , , .,•,,e , A , traveling and saddle 1 0 44
-- \ '';‘ \\ 0 I „ " Lnur i e l .s e ":Isine man
ei. i ii t t
i approved S l'A N IS 11 ..
ii \l\ ' C '; o P 11 1 11:1: S V o ni S rtr i se s'e i e ji,lll '; :h d, a h lat t i b l d i s -
some, 'durable and pleasant saddle
will do well to call and see them. lie
also manufactures Harness, Bridles.
(Whirs acid Whips In all their citric , .
ties, and confidently Lelleves.frem the general apprula
tlon of his customers, that he makes the neatyst and
hest gears, in all their I ariety of bredth. that is made in
the country. Ile also makes all kinds of Matrasses to
order, viz: Straw, Busk, Curled Bair and Spring Mat
rmsses. All the alse,e artieles• will be made of the lost
material and workmanship, and with the utmost des.
patch. IV M. OSBORN.
k j or has an assortment of fashionable and well made
CLOTHING, which will be sold off at cost for cash.
The stock consists of Cloth and Cashmarett Coats, Lin
en and Gingham Coats, Tweed and Jean Coats; MarseillS
Silk and Satin Vesting; Cassimers,Jean's and Cord pan
taloons. Linen and Cottonade pantaloons, with all kinds
of Clothing usually Mund in a clothing store.
Intending to relinquish this branch of my business,
great bargains can lie had by calling soon at the cheap
store of ill Alt LES 04111.1;Y.
CAR ppriNo.—A few pieces just received from auction
and selling very low. _ _
June '2l, '54
SURANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo
rated by MI art of AsmmiLly, is now fully ergon lord, and
In operation under the management of the fullow
emnmissioners, viz:
Daniel Bailey, William B. Clorgto, Michael Cochlin,
Meleholr Bronneman. Christian Stayman, John C. Dm
lap, Jacob Coover, Lewis Ilyor, henry Logan, Benja-
II 11. MI.ISSpr, Jacob Mumma, Joseph AVickersbarn,
Alexander Cathcart.
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable'ar-any
Company of the hind in the state. Persons wishing to
become members are invited to Make application to the
agents of the company, m ho are willing to wait upon
them at any time.
11P.N.T. H. MOSSES, President.
HENRY LOOAN, Vice President.
LEWIS JIVER, Secretary
CUMBERLAND CoTlNTY.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cunt
berland; C. B. Herman. Kingstown; henry Yearing.
Shiremanstown ; Charles Dell, Carlisle ; Dr. J. Ahi,
Churehtown ; Samuel Graham, West Pennshoreugh ;
James Ble Dowel, Franhford; Mode Griffith, South Mid
dleton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin ilaverstiek, Meehan
leAburg ; John Sherriek,'Llsburn; David Coover, Shep
YORK COUNTY.—JoIot Powninn,lslntrir.;
Wol ford, FootklIn; John Smith, Esq., IVaiillingttin; W.
S. Picking. Dover; .1. W. Craft.
lIARIIISIIIIIZII-11ouser & Locliman
Members of tlio company Wilting policies Omit to ex
piro can bavo them renewed by untßing application to
any of the agents, .
sub/wither offers /A private mile the sleek and fix
tures of a Drug Morn, late the property of lillehael
dee'd, In Churehtnwm Cumberland county. There
is no other Drug Store in the place, and a fine opportu
nity is now presented to any young man wishing to
commence this business, For terms enquire of
n 6 ^ MOSES MORE ETT, Amd't.
BLACK SILK LACES.—Justivey - ed,
liineic Silk Laces of superior quality. mut dilTereut
widths.bin—BLACK SILK TRIMMINGS, Gimps and
,1 1
other / uulogs. (1E0.„11', lIITNIRIt. .
Auk` . ,
WALE and FANCY 0001)5.—A fine assort.
ment of tho finest quality, for sale at the lowest cash
prices, at Wm. C: hLTONIIIKA.DI3, No. ]E4 South Second
Street between Pine and Union, west side, l'bikulelphia.,
The assortment embraces a large and select stuck of
Fine Watches, Jewelry Silver Ware, Albata Ware,plated
with fine silver, in Spoons,Forks, Ladles,,te...--Jet goods,
Fens and fancy articles of a superior quality, deserving
the examination of those who desire to procure tho bee.
goods at the lowest cash prices.
Having . a practical knowledge of
the businem,and all available full/
tiesfor Innierting And Manufactur
ing, the subscriber confidently invites purchnsCrs,
]loving thathe can supply them on terms as favorable
as any other establishment in either of the Atlantic
All kinds of Diamonds and Pearl Jewelry and Silver:
Ware maurfactured to order, within a reasonaLle time,
ta.Vatches,jewelrY and sliver ware faithfully re.
No. 284 South 2d St. a few doors atom the 2tiSt. Mar.
ket, West Side.
14,191 n the south window of the Store, may !Do Been
the famous Bird Cluck, which commands the admiration
of the scientific and curious. (Sept. 28, 1.4-Iyr.
OF LIME.—From Clty Chemical & Union Works,
made after the most improved artbles and verpsupericr.
Prepared Anhydrite Manure, made after the English ar
ticle. and.mosbauperior, being much lower than Guano,
and fully equal. The attention of Dcalers and Farmers
is particularly called here for trial. Also. Peruvian all
ano, in large or small quantities, for sale by
.1011 N L. I'O2IIEIIOY,
22 Sooth Wharves, 3d door &love Chestnut St. Phila.
: 1 / 4 14.27, 1854.
j TING FURNACE.—The subscriber would call the
attention of all parties requiring a desirable Furnace
ho remitaflon of this furnace is now 'known, having
peen introduced during tho past five years into about
1500 public buildings and more than fiCoo.privitte &relit
logs; this together with the immense increase of sales
every year is the Lest evidence that can le adduced of
its superiority over all other furnaces. By the use
Chilson's }unlace, you secure the following advantage*.
um: VtrititATlON:
FLOE Air.—The heating surfaces being at a teMpern•
Lure that will notliessenite the air.
.I:CuNik3II42AL 1:24: OF
Uaev liti bll.ll T—Leing made entirely of Cast iron,
imt liable to rust,will require no repairs din lug a Ilio
tinn,--it is easily managedoind it ill' not expese the Lund.
ing in whirl, it is placed to danger hum Like the
other furnaces.
W e hay - e the teStimonials of hundreds of the mist
scientific men to attest to the truth of the aLoN e state.
went, all of where pre.nounce It to to decidedly the test
furnace yet Invented for pr, clueing a pure and healthy
atm( sphere. u herewith annex the manes of lt fee
well know n and eminent professors, who e used there
and kindly furnished us their names and references:
. .
Jelin S. Halt, Pint Inrker, pua. Nurt6n,
1% w. 11. Allen, Prof.
We Lurie introduced this season live new sizes . , so that
all parties may avail themselves of this great improve.
meet at a very tackier:de cyst. We ale'now Inquired to an apparatus to Harm a single room, cr the larg
est building in the country.
o. 1 Porta id if Complete,
Vida No. i is the largest and most powerful Furnace
made in this country, and is admirably adapted fur
Churches and (tiler large class huildings.
We continue to sell the 'apparatus at the same pricy
as , w ben intrtaiced, bee ems ago. Although the
present high price of iron has increased their cost 25 per
cent owing to.their great-weight. still we are enabled by
the great increase of sales to furnish the at tide at tho
lowest possible price. One foundry alone, Itlessm Nrar
nick BL,•lbrandt„ have contracted to furnish us a nth f.tO
tons of Furnaces this season, SO that we ate near VCVItlf•
ed to furnish them whok sale and retail. IV c superintend
the erection of all Furnaces, alien required, and la ar.
ant thc ut in all cases.
the most complete Cooking. Range that hes yet leen in
troduced, to which we call the attention of all l‘liu may
vvLsli to secure the most perfect and deslraLle cevklogap
parat US ever ityt ented.
only Agents In Pennsylvania for the nntnufactme and
dale of this Ventilator. which Is acknowledged to I e the
only perfect Ventalator ever made fir corm tirg the
draught In smoky chimnies, aid for Tentiktffg I nild
lugs of all kinds. As there are a great many indtntiens
of this valuntie article now ctlered for !tale, parties will
le careful . to examine that it has the Emerson hedge at•
hare the largest anp meat complete assortment sf ihlt
Al Registers and Ventilators to be found in the Unit' d
tates. Parties Al ho %Isla to purchase either fin m IT( t•
use or uhelesalii - will find It greatly to their tthantaks
to examine their stock.
SLATE AND IRON MANTLES.-IVe have always on
baud an-extensive assortment of these Leautiful man
tles, in exact imitatitu of Egyptian, Spanish, Galway sad
other rare nurrhles.
OPEN tillATES.—For Anthracite and Lituntinrus
Coal. "Also, an entire new pattern of the low de.un
Undo, mettle from the English Patterns, and entirely
new in thibcountry. '
SOLE AGENTS' for the English Encaustic Eicoling
Tile, thankirk Chimney 'Pt ps and Terra Cottaerrauneute.
Filth as (letzten Vases, &c.
Persons nbcut building would do well to examine our
Meek Leibiro purchasing elsewhere. Visitets, whether
purchasing ornot, are totality' Welerzned to cur exten
sive Wereforms, and where we should be hnppy to fur
l:loz any information respecting any of cur y it's that
may he desired. A book on Warming and Ventilating,
can be bad gratidtously at our store. either persenelly
or by letter. S. A. HARRISON,
Warming and 'Ventilating Warehouse,
146 Walnut at., below Sixth,
CHAS. 0011,111
May 31-7 m)
) °1 :!: ABil e Ir c
1 , t)lotheCe ratcG., n , r y cititthg
g and Elastic Fund Toupees. Instruetious to coati*
Ladles and Gentlemen to ruertsuro their Leads with no
Fon Wma, Inches.—No. Ljbo round of the head; No.
2. From foachead over the - lend to the neck; No. 3.
From ear to - ear over the top; No. 4. From car to ear
round the forehead. •
Toupees and scalps, inches.-No. I. From forehead tsi
Lack as far as Lald; No. 2. Over forehead as far us mull.
cd; No. it. Over the crown of the head.
It. DOLI.AItII has always ready for sale a splendid
stcck of dents' Wigs, Toupees, Ladles' Wigs. half Wigs,
Frizas. Ft aids, Curls % he., beautifully Man t; ihrturcd aLd
as cheap as shy establishment in the Union.
Dullards lierbanium I.)Am:tor Lustrous lisle 'Tonic,
prepared from Eouth American Herbs and Hoots, the
most successful article ever produced for prerening the
hair front falling out or changing color, restoring and
Preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant state. Among
other reasons why Dollard's hair cutting saloon main
tains its immense popularity is the filet that bisTOlllolB
applied to every head of hair cut at his establishment,
consekruently it is kept In better preservation than un
der any known application. It being thus practically
tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of its
efficacy. a
Sold wholesale and retail at his Old 'Establishment 177
Chestnut street c ',posit° the State !louse, bldhulelptim.
It. Pollard has at 'bast discovered the ne plus ultra of
IlAllt hY.I:, and announc e s It fcr sale with perfect con.
fidence in its surpassing every thing of the kind now In
use. It colors the hair either black or brown., (as may
i.e desired) and Is used without kjury to the linker
skin either by stain or otherwise, canrie unshed off In
ten minutes lifter iipplietition, without detracting let m
Its efficacy. l'ersuns visiting the city are invited to ply,
him a call.
Letters Addressed to It. DOLLARD, 177 Chestnitt Ft,
Philadelphia, mill receive, attention. Jam 121-1!
NO.'S 2, and 3 MACKEi;EL; of the
new crop just teceliedmild for sale nt the Family
(tracery of J. 0. WILLIAMS,
July .6, '54. West ?slain Ftreet.
writ er tiam just opened a 'variety of Plaids awl
be :UM'S at reduced pdcea:
bov 15
do do
do do
do P.4.'1)60. work
do 'do
3 Extra Radiator, (with Ears and Frenrl4
3 do do
6 do do
6 do do
$ 245
a.w • . 1137/ . .. r 3