Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 07, 1855, Image 3

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    E Ntisceffanous.
Profetor of Anatomy and Surgery in the Philadel
phia Collegt of Medicine, and'Acting Professor of Mid
wifery; one of the Consulting Physicians of the Phil
adelphia Hospital, Blockley; late imitator of the Na
tional Medical Association; member of tho Philadel
phia Medical Society;
,member of the Medico-Chirurgi
ml Colic go of Philadelphia; formerly PAisident and
ProDos, , r of Anatomy and Surgery in Castleton Medi
t•Ul Colle,r,e, Vermont; and also, late Professor of An
atomy and Physiology in Berkshire Medical Institu
tion, Pittsfield, Mass
' &a, Ac. •
11 as lately introduced inn popular form, several of hit
nvorite prescriptions for the principal diseases of this
inmate. Tif6 Mune of each article will imply the dis
ease for which it is intended to he used.
Coughs, l'rico 115. ctr. . •
mr. Price GO cts.
. .
rifying the Blood. Price $l.
Da,. MCCLINTOCK'S Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving tone
to the stomach, relieving pains after.eatiug, heartburn,
End all disagreeable symptoms arising from indigestion.
Price $l.
getable Remedy for internal use. Price 50 eta.
Sprains. Swellings, &c. Price 50 cts.
DR. Mceurroca's ANODYNE MIXTURE—For Pains, Tooth
ache, Headache, Neuralgia, &c. Price 50 cts.
aura for all lutermittents. Price $l.
VANTIVE—A Safe Remedy, °
CoStiVollesS. headache, &c. Price 25 cts.
DR. liicCiiNroces'Arcrl-mmous PILLS—For irregularity
in the Functions of the Liver and Dowels—the best Liv
er Pill made. Price 25 eta, a box.
For sale by Dr. J., MeCLINTOCK, nt his 'Medical Depot,
A. W. Corner NINTH . and FILBERT Streets, Philadel
phis, and all Druggists. -Druggists and Dealers In Med
trines who wish to be ,Agents, will please address Dr
McClintock, furnishing reference, name of Post Office
county and State.
sale by W. A. Kelso, Samuel Elliott, Carlisle;
S. IL Criswell, Shlpponsburg; Emminger &Co., L.liituff
man, Mechanicsburg; Joseph- Herron, Newville; 3. B.
VAIII.IIICIIIIItII. -.Andersonburg;. Haines & Fortig, Millers
town; A. C. Klink, New Bloomfield; Harriet M. Singer,
Newport; 13. F. Gardner, York Springs; A. J. , Miller and
J. S. Nixon, Chanilx,rshurg; B. Mentzer, Waynesboro.;
George Wegner and D. It. Jones & Co., Harrisburg. 3'
DR. 111cCIA STOCK can be consulted, without charge,
daily. from 10 to 12 o'clock, A. M., at his Depot.
December 6, 1.654-Iy.
S. W. lIAVERSTICK has just received from the city
and is now opening aside' did display of FANCY GOODh.
suitable for the approachi g' Holiday Season, -to which
he desires to call the att tion of his friends and the
public. Ilis assortment in his line cannot be surpassed
In novelty and elegance, an both In quality and price
of the articles, cannot ail to please purchasers. It would
be impossible to enumerate his
Which comprise every variety of fancy article of the most
exquisite shape' such as
PaiperThlache Goods,
Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays,
Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cases,
Ladles' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy Work - Boxes,'Avlth sewing Instruments,
. -Pert Mummies, of every variety, ..
Gehl pens amd.pencels, Fancy paper weights,
l'apeteries, and a large variety of ladies' Fancy station
.Nlf,tto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses, •
Ladies riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladies' fine
cutlery, ~
Perfume baskets and-bags,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
lioussers Perfumes of the various kinds,
Musical inStruments, of all kinds and A all prices.
C. kc_it
together with apviti numerable variety of article . legant
ly tin islic,Pierfa - suitable fur holliday presents, to hid.'
be Invites special attention. .
Also, an extensive and elegant collection of
&Implied lig the various English and American A Ntit'A LS
fur 15:55, richly embelisbed and ilustrated POETICAL
WORKS, with CIIILDREN'S ricroitlAL BOOKS, for
children of all ages, than which nothing can be more
appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Ilis assortment
of School Books And School Statioury is also complete,
and comprises every thing used in College and the
Eirltools. lie also desires to .-111 the particular attention
of Families to his elegant '.lsv tf .
LAMPS, 0111,ANDOLES, be.,
from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer
ainlifthers of Philadelphia, comprising every style of
Parlor, Chamber-and Study Lamps, for burning either
lard sperm-or ethereal oil, together with Flower Vases,
Fancy Screous, &c. ' ilis assortment in this line Is um
equaled in the borough. Also, .
ht every variety and at alkatrlces, all of which are pure
and fresh such as can be confidently recommended to
his friends mid the' littlo folks. ins stock embraces
every thing in the line of Fancy hoods, with many other
articles useful to housekeepers which the public are
especially invited to call and see during the holidays.—
Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on
North Hanover street
dec 13 1554
Is now and will continue to bo supplied with the great
est novelties up to the close of the season, comprising In
part CONFECTIONARIES of the choicest varieties, such
as Fine Candy Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bons, G um Cordial,
Lemon, Chocolate and Prult Drops, Rose, Vanilla, and
Burnt Almonds, French and exploding Scants. Also
all the common varieties, all Of which will be sold whole
sale and retail at low rates. We have just received
FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest importations such as
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Pruens, Citron, Currants,
soft and paper shelled Almonds, Filberts, Cocoa, Cream
and Ground Nuts. In connection with the above the
largest assortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of every
kind from all parts of Europe, manufactured of wood,
glass, china; papier macho, tin and India rubber, sink,
&c., such as tine Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, 'sewing
and Card liaslretS. Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases,
Motto Cups, Tea Setts; M tisk...Boxes. Port Monai es, Battle
Doors, Grace Ifoops, Masks, Drums, Guns Trumpets.
Dominoes, Lotto and other games, Am. Fancy Soaps and
Hair Oils of every variety. In connection with the
above a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, such as
pulverised, crushed .and brow n Sugars, of every grade,
Coffee, 'Molasses, Starch, Green and Black Teas, Spices,
. Butter, Buda, Sugar, Water and other Crackers, cheese,
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a gener
ous public for the patronage beretofor4 bestowed on him,
and hopes, by a desire to please, to Merit a cot‘tinuance
of tho Fame,
Carlisle, Dec,r 7, 1854
m. have just received from Philadelphia, a large
assortment ofliew and SPLENDID ANNUALS, and RUT
BOOKS for tha Holidays, which having been purchased
below the usual wholesale rates, wo are enabled to
soli at greatly reduced prices. They have nowt store
a splendid sleek. of
Gift Books, •
Illustrated Poets,
Standard Works,
all glees,
Prayer Books,
Hymn hooks,
Sunday School Books,
Tract Woks,
ke., &c.
All of which aro NOW BOOKS, fresh from the publishers,
splendidly bound and embelished and got up expressly
for-the Christmess Holidays. Also FANCY STATIONIIY
and Fancy articles gencrally,in great variety. The pub
lie are invited to call and examine samples now ready
for inspeli
. .07,—lretnember, the place to buy books, cheap, is at
PIPER'S. Main street.
lloe'r 20, 1551
011. N .9 TIELLERS.---X
) EN l' CoMI 86 - 1:11,1:1i, dOCidelliJi the beSt 1111‘i cheap
es nOW in IBtl. Fortnpro, nro requeANl to ..olt nod ex.
amino It ,Dt tho Corllslo Fouorlry mitt Maciiine Shop, or
at Saxtored l[ardwaxo Store. For slit° at roosouilble
priat4 by
Aug. 2v-3m]
How often it happens, that the wife lingers from
tear to year in that pitiable condition as not oven
Ihr ono day to feel tho happy and exhilarating inflm
Km incident to the enjoyment of health
But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in
explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,
spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress
of suffering,. and an utter physical and mental pros
tratiOn, arising from ign,orance of the simplest and
plainest rules of health as connected with the mar
riage state, the violation of which entails diseaso,
suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often
KING'S EVIL, and other and
worse Diseases, as a
"And must this continua I.. Must thin be? Is there no
malady? No relief? No hope?"
The remedy Is by knowing the causes and nvoiding
ihem, and knowing the remcdaes, and benefiting by them.
, These are pointed out in
One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), 18our., pp. 250.
(ON EINE PAPER, EXTRA 'lmm:to, 11:00.]
A standard work of established reputation, found classed
In the catalogues of the great trade sales in Now York,
Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal
nooks°lien in the United States. It was first published
In 1847, since.which time
have been sold, of which there were upwards of
attesting the high estimation in which it is held as a re
liable popular Medical
the author having devoted his exclusive attention to the
treatment of complaints peculiar to females, in respect to
which he is yearly consulted by thousands both in person
and by letter.
Hero every woman can discover, by comparing her iwn
symptoms with those described, the nature, character,
causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints.
The wife about becoming a mother has often need of
Instruction and advice of the' utmost importance to her.
future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for
bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find each in
;traction and advice, and alno explain many symptoms
which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all
the peculiarities incident to her situation are described.
How many aro duffering from obstructions or irregular
ities peculiar to the female system, which undermine the
health, the effects of which they aro ignorant, and for
which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice.
Many suffering from prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb);
or from fluor afbus (weakness, debility, 8... c.) Many are
in constant agony for many months preceding confine
nent Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries,
ei.u - 'd-tilnw and uncertain recoveries. Some whoso Brea am
hazarded during each time, will each find in its pages the
moans of prevention, amelioration and relief.
It Is of courso impracticable to convey fully the variom
eubjeete treated of, as they aro of a nature strictly In•
tended for the married or those contemplating marriage.
Bender, aro you a husband or a father? a wife or a
mother? Have you the sincere welfare of those you love
at heart? Prove your sincerity, and lose no time In
learning what pauses Interfere with their health and hap
pluses not less than your own. It will avoid 'to you and
yours, as It has to thousands, many a day of pain and
anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, Incapacitating the
mind for Its ordinary avocation, and exhausting theist
means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised
nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining
years, the Infirmities of ago and the proper education of
your children.
In consequence of the universal popularity of the work,
as evidenced by its extraordinary ' various iniposi.
lions hare beau attempted, , an well on booksellers as en
the public, by imitationn of title 'Age, spurious editions,
and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and Mlle'
levices and deceptions, it has been found necessary,
therefore, to •
to buy no book unless the words 4 ' Dr. A. If. NAURICPAII,,
1 4 29 Liberty Street, N. Y.," ili on (and the entry in the
Clerk's Odic° on the back of) the title page ; and buy
only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by
mail, and address to Dr. A. 11. Mauriceau.
p®-Upon reocipt of One Dollar. "TELE MAR
PANION" is sent (ntaikur free) to any part of the
United States. the Canndas and British Provinces.
All letters must be poet-paid, and addressed to Dr.
A., M. MAURICEAU, box 1224, !Vow-York City
Publishing Ofh . co, No. 129 Liberty Street, Now-
ty on too._ . supply 01 •Shemansagner," an admi
rable Wash for the hair, manufactured by himself. The
excellence of this Tonic Is teetiged to by all of his cus
tomers who hove used it to be ono of the Lost articles
known for cleansing the hair of dandruff. Ile also man
ufnctures a flair ItesteraVve, known as the "Cortishoo
num," for giving new growth to the hair on bald'heads.
Ample testimony exists of the offiency of this excellent.
Restorative. While tholihemansguer clears the hair
of dandruff and prevents It frtnn coming out, the Co.
rnshcenum supplies a new growth to those who have
had the misfortune to loss their hair. The public he in
vited to cell, examine and purchase these Invaluable
articles, as lie it: Confident they ,u 11l render satisfaction.
SHAMPOONENO attended to in the best style as usual,
at his old rooms on West Main Street, near Marion Ilall.
Carlisle, Dec. 27, IS:H. WM. BURGESS
BY ißt..k. M. MAURICEAU;
Tho undersigned has Just returned from Phila.
With a fresh supply of l)1 UGtinmICONFECTIONARY.—
The former in connection with his stotit on hand will
make his assertnumt of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals
&intact°. Illsngortment of CONFECTIONARY Is also
fine•. conshiting of pure sugar' white and transparent
Candy Toys: Candy: c,dollloo. assortmiond lino Candies
of every variety; also Fruits, Nuts. and every thing
belonging to that department of trade, Ile would cell
special attention to hi; supply of FANCY ARTICLES
for the Ihlidays, rind general use, among which may he
founditho gold, the tasteful, and the useful. All acs
Invited to call whether they wish to puFeh; so or not. •
Carlisle, We a r ,53
"JOHN P. LYNE—Wholesale and Re.
tail dealer In American, English and german
RDWARE, Oils, Paints, &c., it. Mechanics, builders
and tho public generally, who are in want of liardwaro
ty of any kind, are invited to call in and
. i, 6 44 4 A.examine my unusually hug stock of
7 • `,. ) : . 7 - -'• goods,
which I am selling at very low
prices. Just stop in; it will only detain, you a very
few minutes to be convinced that what everybody_skys
—that Lyn's is decidedly the place to get good goodd at
law prices—must be true. JANE'S Hardware Store,
West Side North Hanover street.
The subscriber in consiquence of ill-hcahli r offers his en
tire stock of HARWARE to any person or porsons ulsh
ing to enter into the hardware business. fie having so
resolved in quitting the business, will give a bargain,
besides his influence and custom. Any one desirous o.
getting into this business will do well to call soon, and
if not disposed of by the let of October next, he will
then commence selling off at cost at the old and well
known stand, in North Hanover street, next door to
Charles Maglaughlin's hotel. JACOB SENEIt.
subscriber having returned from the city would call the
attention of his friends and the public generally to the
large and well selected assortment of hardware which ho
has just received, consisting in part of BUILDING MA-
T ERI A LS, nails, screws, hinges ' locks, bolts, glass, putty,
paints, ells, Ac. TOOLS—edgy tools; saws and planes o.
every description, with files, rasps, hammers, anvils, Ac.
A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS AND SAD
DLERS TOOLS, together with morocco, lining and bind
ing skins, shoe thread, wak, pegs, lasts, harness mount
saddletrees, Ac.
COACH TRlMMlNG—canvass (plain, enamelled, fig
ured and embossed,) patent and enamelled leather,
axles, springs, hubs, spokes, felloes, Blunts, Ac.,
Cabinet Makers will find a largo assortment of varn
ishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding, rosettes,
hair cloth, curled hair, de.
The stock of Iron is largo and well selected, conmris
ing all the kinds In general use, as hammered and rolled
iron of all sizes, Oat, bar and band Iron, round, square
and oval iron. horse-shoe iron and nail rods, with a large
lot of cast and spring steel, Engl6ll and American blis
ter stool, Ac.
Housekeepers and those about commencing will fled it
to their advantage to call and examine our cutlery, brit
tania and plated ware pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets,
In addition to the above we have received a splendid
ass wrtment of \VALI, PAPER, making the stock com
plete, and at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfac
tion. We invite all friends to call, knowing It will ho to
their own advantage. Remember the old stand, East
High i 4 tri , et.rarlis7e, Pa.
Oct. 12, 0853.
W A It E.—The subscriber having returned from
the city has just opened for the Fall trade a large and
well selected stock of foreign and domestic Hardware,
embracing everything usually found in that line of bu
siness. The attention of triunds and the nubile generally
is respectfully directed to ,die assortment on hand, as
suring them that goods of all kinds will be sold fur rash
at a very small advance on manufacturers prices. Ito
member the old stand, East Main Street, Carlisle, Pa.
Aug 30, 1854. - 11. SAXTON.
rr 0 O T II \VASlL—Beautiful White
Teeth Healthy Hums and n Sweetbreath—All who
aro desirous of obtaluitm these benefits should use ZER
MA:si!S CELEBIL 'room WASH. This dollOous
article combines'ho many merittelqns qualities that it
has now become a standard hvorite with the citizens o.
New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists pro,
scribe It in their practice most successfully, anti from
every source the most flattering laudations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding gums are Immediately benefit
ted by its use; Its action upon them Is mild. soothing
and effective. It cleanses the teeth so th4oughly, that
they are made to rival pearl to whiteness, and difTuses
through the mouth such a delightful fresbner.s that the
',math Is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinfects those
impurities which tend to produce decay, and. as a con
sequence, when these are removed the teeth must al
ways remain sound. Read the following Crum Dr. J. A.
Mr F. Zerman—Sir: Having used and_ recommended
your Tooth Wash In my practice for some time, I find It
the meat effectual Dentrifice in use, and therefore recom
mend it to the public.
Read the following testimony: .
Ms. ZERMAN—War Sir: I have fully tested the merits
of your valuable Tooth trash, and can, without hesita-
Den, recommend It as the best that has come under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of more thansix
teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens
Irritated (lulus, and. imparts a delicious fragrance to the
Breath. From the mouths of those who make use of it,
however, it will certainly - speak for itself.
(ice, P. SCIIIVELY, Surgeon Dentist,
279, South Tenth st., Philadelphia.
It Is tiled and recommended by all the eminent Dent
ists in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other
cities where It has beau lutmlucod. All should give it
a trial.
Xt. - 1)- Prepared only by Francis Zerman, Druggist and
Chemist. Philadelphia, and sold wholesale and retail by
Samuel Elliott, Carlisle, J. Dorsheimer, 'Mechanicsburg,
.1. Herron, Newviile, J. C. Williams, Shippenshurg, and
by all Druggists at only 25 cents per bottle.
-The; subscriber respectful
' informs the ladies and
mtlenten of Carib& and
icinity that he has now on
hand at his Hair Dressing
nd Shaving Room on West
trout. an elegant assorttnet
f LAMES nnArns and
lontlemon's WlDS,nnd can
arnish to order at shortest
:otlee every hind of Hair
York of the best quality.
lie also begs leave to in
mu his friends and ettsto.
tors that.he heops copstan-
dartiolc I)eralb.
Dr. J. A. CARMAN, Dentist,
Ilarrlsburg, Pa.
IFPI LEPSY Can be Cured. Lake's
-1,1W6Y or Ins! is performing more Wonderful cures than
any other medicine yet.l:nown or before the public.—
The proprietor has in his possession numerous certifi
cates, narrating the astonishing and miraculous cures
effected by this medicine, and dii - ects attention to the
following only, to assure those who are so unfortunate
to be aillieted with the terrible disease hereteforeregard
ed incurable, that LAKE'S preparation is ALMOST ISPALI
From Mrs. Brooks, widow of Maj. Jas. Ilrooks,"inte of
Conneaut, 0.
Mr. Z. LAKE—Sir: Please Send me another bottle of
Fit Medicine, as I do not like to be without it on hand.
When I commenced giving the medicinoto my sou Ed
gar, ho had from ono to three fits per day. Ile has now
taken the medicine over tiro months, and has had, I
think, But two fits in that thus, and those very light--
Ills body and mind are very much improved; and by
the Messing of God, I feel that the medicine will restore
its body and mind to their wonted• activity. Ile Is 28
bears old, and. has had fits over. 12 years, Which have
een very frequent, and very destructive to his consti
tution and mind. , Hundreds of dollars have been ex
pointed for medicine to " WILE errs," but nothing has
relieved him until he used your medicine. Rospeethilly
From Judson Landon, County Suporiutondout of tho
Ashtabula County Intirmary. . .
Mr. Z. LAKE—Sir: Plenve send a few snore bottles of
your "lit Medicine:" I may not need it, but think saf
er to keep it on hand. Your medicine hasdone wonders.
I gave it to Miss Jane Delano; she has bad fits for 2(1
years, brought, on by having the mesas when but four
years old, which could not be brought out to the surface.
After taking the medicine a few days, SHE HAD A FINK
CROP OP Al EASEIA, and has had no tits since. She hadfits
or symptoms almost, daily. She and her father concur
with me in sa)ing that we believe the medicine has or
will work a perfect cure. I also gaVe the medicine to
Miss Jane Henderson and A ris Carby, who have had fits
almost daily, for a number of years. Their fits have
ceased, and I believe the medicine' ill have the desired
effect. Much money has been expended by the friends
of the above patients fisr doctoring. all to nu purpose.—
The, cure was left for your medicine to perform, and I
can cheerfully recommend it as a valuable discovery.—
EesPectfully yours, 'JUDSON LANDON,
Superintendent Ashtabula CO. Infirmary.
Prepared and sold aesSholesale by Z. Lou, Conneaut,
E. V. WELLED, traveling agent.
Fold by S. W. Ilaversticli. Carlisle; E. 11. Thomas. Me
ehusnir:sburg; D. W. Dross. Ilarrisburg. Oct. 5--Ips
coRN SIIELLERS.—A largo assortment of itn
proved IGiy , Straw and Fodder Cutters. now on hand.—
Also, doulde Mat:lngle e o n shellars f.r either hand or
horse power. of the very latest manufa , ture, including
I he premium Owner la the late' Pennsylvanialltnto Fair.
For sale ' . PASCHALL MORRIS Co. Agricultural W a rehouse and Seed Store, corner of 7th
and Market.; Philadelphia. Doc. 0,2 t 4—tl
-1 TII E AO E--Farmers, Families and others, can pur
chase no remedy equal to Dr. TOBIAS' Venetian Lin'
moot, for Dysentery, Colic, Croup, Chronic Rheumatism
Quinsey, Sore Throat, TOothache, Sea Sickness, Cuts
Burns, Swellings, Old. Sores, Musquito Bites, Insect
Stings, Thins in the' Limbs, Chest, Back, tee. If It does
nut give relief, the money will be refunded —MI that in
asked, is a trial, and use it according to directions. The
article is an English remedy. and was used by Win. IV,
King of England, and certified to by him, es a cure for
Rheumatism, when everything else recommended by his
physicians had failed.
Over 1,0,000,000 of bottles have been sold in the Unit
ed States, without a Single failure, and families have
stated, that It was worth $lO per bottle ' they never
would be without it, In case of Croup, as it is n 8 certain
as it is applied. It cures Toothache in three minutes;
Headache in half an hour, and Cholera, NVII(111111'St tak
en, in a few hours. It is perfectly innocent to take in
ternally, and has the recommendation of many of the
most eminent Physicians in' the United States. Price,
25 and l 0 cents.
Dr, Tobias has also put up a Liniment for Horses, in
pint bottles, which is warranted—cheaper and better
than any other, for the cure of Colic, Gans, Swellings,
old Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Scratches, Cracked Heel, &c.—
Price, 60 cents. ,
Dr. Tobias could 1111 a dozen newspapers with the cer
tificates and letters received, relating to the wonderful
cures accomplished by his Liniment, but considers that
warranting it is sufficient, as any person who dean not
obtain relief, need not pay for it. There has I een so
much worthless medicine sold to the public. that Dr. To
bias wishes his article to rest on its own merits, and if
hosglves the value of the money received, then he asks
the patronage of the public, not otherwise.
DB. TOMAS' Office, 240 GkIIEENWICII Street, Now
For sale by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut streets;
Dyott k Son, 132 N. Second street; T. B. Callender, 88
8. Third street, and by the Druggists throughout the
United States.
a particle of Mercury in It. An infallible remedy for
Scrofula, Ring's Evil, Itheumatism,ObstinateCutaneotts
Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, illotehes,
Boils, Chronic Sere Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald
Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints,
Stuborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal
Complaints and all diseases arising . from nn injudicious.
use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of 'the
Blood. _ _ _
tty_Thls great alterative medicine and Purifier of the
Blisal, is new used by thousands of grateful patients in
all parts of the -United Mates, who testify daily to the
remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all mein
fines, "CARTER'S. SPANISH MIXTURE." Neuralgia,
Ithetunatism. Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liverbis
ease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys
Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Palms and
-Aching-of -the Bones and --Joints, are very speedily-put ,
to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy.
For all diseases of the- Blood, nothing has yet been
found 'to compare to it.- It cleanses the system of all im
purities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Rid ;
tiers, strengthens the Digestion, give's tone to the Stom
ach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the
Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the
excesses id' youth, to Its pristine vigor and strength.
For the Ladies It is incomparably better than all the
cosmetics ever used. A few dome of CARTER'S SPAMSII
MIXTURE will relllOVe all sallowness of complexion, bridg
the roses mantling to the cheek . , give elasticity to the
step, and improve the general health in a remarkable de
gree beyond all the medicines ever heard of.
The large number of certificates which we hare receiv
ed front from persons from all parts of the United States,
is the best evidence that there Is no Humbug aboutit.
The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians, and
public teen, well known to the community, all add their
testimony to the wonderful effects of this OREAT BLOOD
Call on the AGO?, and get a Circular and Almanac,
and read the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all
Medicines has performed.
Fonu genuine unies.s signed 11ENNg9T S BEEHS,Pro
prietors, No. S. Pearl street, Richmond, Va. to whom all
orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed.
And for sale by S. Elliott, S. W. llaTerstielic Carlisle;
CONNEAUT, Feb. 3, 1353
Kisasvit.ti:, 14b. 4, 1853
Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; J. 11. 'Herron, Newvilie; J. C
Altic, ShippensbUrg, and by dealers in medicines every
• Fori th WONDER T
e cure of Saltrheum, Chilblains,Cotinnon
Sores. Chapped or Cracked Hands, Burns or Scalds, Cuts
or Wounds, Piles. Inflanunation of the Theist, bites of
insects, sore Lips, Pimples on the Face, and Breaking
Out'and Sores on Children, and all, diseases of the Skin.
This Ointment will cure the Saltrhetim and Burns, or
Chapped luinds, quicker and surer than any other medi
cines of the kind before the public.
To substantiate the above; I ran give hundreds of cer
tificates, but I consider It no use. as (any permak ran do
the same, if they have friends, for even a worthless nr•
tide) I rely solely on the merits of the Ointment fur the
public patronage.
N. B.—A single box of this Ointrie .t will keep any
Blacksmith's, Farmer's, Sailor's, or llf hank's hands. let
them chap or crack ever so Lad, soul( and in good wcrk
ing order all *inter. Prepared anihoold by .
Aftu k ratuck, Conn.
Sold also by the principal • Drugg.sts,imd C'uuntmy Mer
chants. . Price 25 rents per box.
Nov. 16, 'Bra-1y
HAVE you a cold ?—(lallober's Elixir
has acquired a just celebrity for the cure of all
diseases arising from severe colds, and its efficacy has
been attested and approved by hundreds of our most re
spectable citizens. In every instance immediate relief
hos boon given,
as the following certificate from those
who have tried it bears testimony Manufactured and
for sale by .
We the undersigned do certify that wo have used Ord.
loher's preparation for Consumption, Colds, Disc.ases of
the Lungs, Liver, dec., and having 'experienced immedi
ate relief terefrom would recommend it to all afflicted
In that way.
Thos. IF. Skiles, Mrs. 31. °mild, H. if. McCoy, It, L.
Wolf, Monyor, 11. S. Hackett, Joseph Lame)), N.
W. Woods.
Carlisle, April 25, 1854—1 y
TP.—From entirely original Surveys, by actin
measurement throughout the wholo ceunty, by H. V
The subscriber Is now engaged In making Survey's
preparatory to publishing a now and complete Map of
Cumberland County. upon a largo scale. Every Public
Road and Stream, with the locations of all Mills, Sterol,
Dwellings, and Public Buildings, will be accurately laid
down. All the Public Builldings,ln the County will be
dlstlnctly.tudicated. and the-names of owners of proper•
ty generally, will be Inserted In their proper positions on
the 'Map.
A Table of distances, Statisticii„ of the County, en
larged lilting of the principal VillngiiS,.puil a few of the
most attractive views lit the County, will be inserted In
the margin; thus giving every satisfiwtion, and render
ing the Map most valuable to the Owners of Property,.
Merchants, Travelers. Conveyancers, and the inhabitants
generally, of the region delineated
In as much as this work is to be made up of actual
surveys made upon the groulid, it will .require time to
accomplish It; it Is not expected. therefore, that it will
•be ready lbr publication much under the period of Two
Years. The size of the Map will be about live feet by
four, and will cost five dol hrs.
11. V: BRI WIENS, Publisher.
N. E. corner of Marshall and Woad Et. Philadelphia.
Sept. i27—lnipd.
1_,4 Tons Lylcon's Valley Nut Coal, a superior artle
receiving and for sale by
Janlo 3m
V E II COMPLAINT,. Dyspepsia
Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous ;debility, Disease 0
the Kidneys, and all diseases arising front a,disordora
Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, inward pica
fulness of blood to tho head; acidity of the stoniacb
* nausea, heartburn, disgust for loud, fulness or weight it
the ',haunch, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering a
the pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, burrito
and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, chokifb
or suffianting' sensations when in 'a lying posture; din
noss of vision, dots or webs before,the sight, fever an,
dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, yellow
loess of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, lack, chest
limbs, &e., sudden flushes or boat, burning in the fleet
constant imaginings of evil, and great depression of apt
Its, can be effectually cured by Da. lieostAttn'S CELT
IntATED' GERMAN 111311111 S, prepared by Da. C. N
JACIWOM, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia,
Their power over the above diseases is not excelled,
equalled, by any other preparation In the United State
furthe curer, attest, In many cases after skilful phyS
clans had failed.
Theme bitters arewerthy the attention of invalids.-
Possessing great virtues' in • thirrettilleation of 'disease .
of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the snot
searching powers in weakness and affections of the 41
gestivo organs, they are withal safe, certain and play
J. D. Spring, Laceyville, Pa., April G, 1654, !Jaya "
can got you some good certificates fur your ( iermau BM
tors In this vicinity if you wish them. A lady pureba,
lug some of it this week, says that it Is by far the bee
medicine she ever_ know, having. done her and Be
daughter much good, &c.
S. B. Lawson, lienfard's Store, Somerset co, Pa., Ain
15, 1653, says. "I nin much attached to your Germal
Bitters, having used two bottles of it, which I precnre
from S. Kurtz, your agent'at Somerset, and found gres
relief from it In disease of the Liver. .1 find lt _hi
great effect on my lungs, strengthening and in vigoratin
them, which, as 1 am a piddle speaker, Is a great help
Dr. Giles, Newton lintellton, Pa., May, 1951, said:-"
have used myself half , a dozen bottles of your (fermi
Hitters for Liver Complaint and diseases of a norvoi
character, resulting from the abuse of mercury. I we
poisoned and afflicted with spasms fmm the use of th
latter article. The German - Bitters is the first artici
Limn w Web I obtained any relief. I have also given tl
article to ninny dyspeptics, with the most salutary 11.
suits. I think as ninny times bottles will cure me. '
J. C. Young, Esq.. of Dauphin, Pa., writes flay b. 'l
"I was afflicted with General Debility, Intestinal Weal
ness and Costiveness for o hick 1 used tunny differer
remedles•without relief— I nt last used your noon:it'd
(Jarman Bitters. I took a few Luttles according to d
rections, and was completely cured. I have not been t
healthy for ten years as 1 have been since I took yet .
Bitters, which is about one year ago."
tersa ts . TI ItELT vraeventp, al Wily fl strengD
ening the system and never prostrating it.
Sold by Sealers in medicine and storekeepers ever
where,. and by Samuel Elliott, S. W. Ihiven.t.ick and I
W. CaulTninti. Carlisle; I:minger & Co., - 31 e 0,,,,r i l m i, ur ,
Snyder & Diehl, ,Newburg, and by Dealers In rtledielm
Nov. 2'2, 1.554-1 y
1)0CT011 YOUR
lilts, by means of the I'OCI
he thirty•sixth Edition, wit
ne hundred engravings, shot
to Private Diseases and Ma
, rmations of the Ueneratit
tystem • in every shape au
non: to which is added
'reetise on the Diseases of F
idles, intended for the use I
t males only, isee_page-190)4.----
tg of the highest importani
, married people, or those cot
_ Yemi, M. D., °mama!
of the.d . niversity of Pennsylvania, Member of the Ro
m c o n„."^,of surgeons, London, and honorary Mend,
of the Philadelphia Medical society. The various kan
of Secret diseases, Seminal 'Weakness, Diseases of ti
Prostrate Gland, Impotency, solitary habits of y. 111.11, al
faithfully described, and all the receipts Olen in plop
language. The chapters on self abuse And Errilitli
Weakness is worthy of particular - attention, and sboul
he read by every one. Young men who have been 111
fortunate in contracting disease, previous to placit
his pPettYnsionit may he. get :t copy of tide truly valuab
Sea Captains and persons going to sea should peso*.
Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage. the Pocket lEseulai
us, or Every One Ills own Physician.
Let no father Ire ashamed to present a.copy of tl
Nsenlnplus to his child. It may save him from Ito ear
grave. Let no young man or woman cuter into the
cret obligations of married life without reading the poe
et iEsculapius. Lot no ono suffering from a hacked,
cough, pain in the side. restless nights, nervous (cello
and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations. and give
up by their physician, he another moment without co
suiting the iltsculaplus. Have the married or the
about-to t-e married any Impediment, read this tru
useful Book, as It has been - the means of saving the
aands of unfOrtunato creatures from the 'very jaws
death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of thiscelebrate
work has been Sold in this country and Eiiklie since 1
38, when the first edition was issued.
AB - - Any person sending TIVENTY-FIVE cents .
closed in a letter, will receive ono copy of this book 1
mall; or live ismies will be relit for $l. "Addreks I
WILLIAM WINO, No. 152 Spruce street, Philadelphi
Post paid.
Twenty years practice in the city of Pleiladelrhia a r
tainly entitles Dr. Young to the confidence of the sif•
tided, and he may be consulted on , any of the dhotis., e
described in his different publicatiOns, at his office- 152
Spruce street, every day between 0 and 3 o'elech. Sun
days excepted) and persons nt auy distance can consult
Dr. youn g by letter, I . OBT PAM.
Q, A 1? E—S PE E DY—S VIRE !—S o In e-
C 173 adapted to general use, greatly superior to others,
and within the means of every individual.
100 PIUS for twenty-five cents! To extortion In
price—no Calomel—no mineral poison whatever.
Dn. Tow EN I's 11EALTIL I'lLLS&ully merit the great
reputation they hat eacquired. They are called fi.r from
all parts of the land, because TIM' ARS ALL THAT llIbT
ICIIAT TIIhY.WILL DO—They purify the blood, they
dense the System Of Humors, they cure Dyspepsia and
Indigestion, they create an Appetite, they, cure Sick
lleadaelie,l)litihess and Low Spirits, they arrest Fevers,
they promote a healthy action of the Liverlithey aro a
sure cure fur Costi% ones» and Ilabitual Constipation,
they are highly efficacious in Female Complaints, they
strengthen and give,toue to the System.. Thoy are iba
best Faintly Medicine known.
It is an oln loos Inquiry, how ono medicine can cure so
twiny dlifemnt complaints.. Those Pills. however, are so
compounded of curative materials that persons have on
ly to TRY THEM and the answer will be found in a re
bored body and nn invigorated constitution.
'Mach Box contains 100 Pills, at the astonishingly low
price of 25 cents. Every Individual should have thorn.
For sale by the Druggists and Storekeepers generally.
F. A. PALNIER, general Agent, Stonington,
C. L. Kt , lllnti, of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland
coital y; Pa., announces to those afflicted with Tumors.
Wens. Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Fernf
ula. King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually
treated with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them with.
out cutting, burning or paint; neither Chloroform or
Ether Is administered to the patient. It is no matter
on what part of the body they may be, he can remove
them with perfed safety, and in a remarkably short
limo. No Mineral of Vegetable poison is applied, and ne
money required until a cure is perfected.
Prulapsus Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Vent ,
real and all other diseases treated with positive success.
Full particulars can be obtained by addressing in either
English or Herman, post pail. Patients can be amour
mothdethwith Board rot rensonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is one of the prettiest and healthy
towns in this or anytother Rate. This' 8 miles from
linrrisburi;, the Uuntlauland Valley rail !toad, and
acces:Ole from nil parts of the Union. The Doctor will
visit oases In any part of the Hate when desired.
t.f.t_icind reader if you know any afflicted fellow crea
ture, delay not to tell them of this treatment*
1 - 111ESS & CLOAK '1111:11.1%1INGS.
No. 29r, citEsNuT STREET, below Elaventh, and
NC . .. 170 Souxii SECOND STREET, below Sprure,
adelphia. We iinito attention to our eompleto a LTA IT,
assortment or Plush and Silk Binding" Fringes, Bulimia
anti F.thplo Trimml of our (PNVII importation at.‘l num.
ufacture. 1}!) _t executed at a few hour:. notice.
J. O. 7 , 1 X Whht..t SON,
------ eNnut St. and 170 South :2,1 ~11111tiCe!.1., 1 11.3.
• Philadelphia, Peionasr
W. IL. ncvrltAY, Agt.
~lteafcine .