Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 28, 1855, Image 7

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ant (Pattern Ifar.
The following extracts Prom a letter of a
New Yorker, named R. C. McCormick, jr.,
are published in the New York Courier:—
BALAKI.AVA, Dec; 29.—The Turkish troops
look stupid and dirty. Ido not wonder that
they are unpopular. They 13611 remain in
camp in great numbers, but have no impor
tant service to perform. The force of the .
,commands every valley and hill for
perhaps fifteen miles abbut Sebastopol.., At
present, rations are issued to 125,000 inen,
and. it is believed that full 100,000 men in
_fighting trim are upon the ground.
The French, English, and'Turkish'camps
are interspersed: some at a distance of
a mile apart.. After a.very long ride, Ise
cured a glimpse at Sebastopol----the mighty
the great unconquered. It was too late for
me to proceed farther, as I had to look out
for my Christmas dinner. Turning back - I
passed the quarters of Field Marshal, the
Lorditaglan, , commander-in-chiet ofthe forces
—an old fashioned housn (the late residence
of a Russian farmer) surrounded with barns
and sheds. The . Ensign and his lordship's
private flag floated in front, and a regiment
of servants, ostlers, &c., &c., inhibited tents
around the premises. 'The staff officers live
with the commander. The French head
quarters are about a mile distant toward the
sea. I made another excursion through
the camp, day &fore yesterday,. and had a_
grand view of Sebastopol and the trence op
erations. The day was a very fine ono;
contrary to all my expectations, the
weather has been very plesant nearly every
day since I arrived. With Colonel Robert
son and two other officers of the third di
vision, I walked down to the Green hill
battery and trenches, from the outer line of
tents. We soon came within the reach of
the Russian guns. Only.a short time since
a shell entered one of the tents of the divis
ion, distant a full mile and a half from the
batteries. •
We found the enemy busily engaged in
"shelling," and the appearance of the ground
beneath our feet, showed that they were not
at all provident of their ammunition. Balls
and shells of the largest size literally paved
the way. In a pretty valley, (appropriately
named the "Valley of the Shadow of Death,")
through which we had to pass, the balls
(thirty-six to fifty-six pounders) were fairly
piled in tiers. We could not walk without
kieking—against- them. They had all been
fired at the English batteries. During the
entire time of our visit, the impo:ite Russian
gunners amused themselves by sending enor
mous shellit around us. They came like lo
comotives through the air, and burst with a
tremendous concussion, fortunately quite be
yond our heads. We could hear them whiz•
zing along, but never saw them untill they
exploded. I was surprised at the great noise
which they made in their flight.
The- 41lies were playing upon the city
which was just at our feet. The buildings,
many of which are elegant, give no signs of
injury; and the - enemy's fortifications are
stronger than l ever. Strange as this •may
seem, it is quite the fact. Every breach has
been stopped with mud, which is a perfect
shield from the shot, no matter how heavy
they are. The city is a large one—larger
than one would suppose the harbor very
pretty. In the upper corner we saw the
Russian war ships. The inhabitants of Se
bastopol have nearly all moved away. The
military men continue to parade the•streets,
and the Allied riflemen in the lower trenches
aro now so near as to be able. to pick them
off at their convenience. The Russian sharp
shooters aro never asleep, and you have only
to stick your head over the trenches to have
the Minielb r ullets whistling abi . mt your ears.
Many of the noble fellows engaged in th'e
trenches have been billed. A few ev' o.
, 1 'n%
since, some men of the 50th Regiment were
surprised in the second row of trenches by a
sortie from the Russians. About a dozen
were bayoneted in their blankets.
The very heavy guns, Lancaster and
others, are nearly alt iii position. I have to
day heard that fifty more were to he put up
before the great bombardment will be com
menced. It is firmly asserted that storming
will not he attempted, but that a complete
investment of the place will be speedily per
fected. This cannot be dune without having
at least one severe battle—tieneral.Lipt:andi's
army being stationed outside of the city, and
or course ready to attack . tiny one who may
”eolc to advance to the. north.
On our rolnrn rroin the batteries, I called
at headluarti.!rs with a 16(91(1, \vim had
1,,,,140, 3 with the conitintrulim. in•ebiel. Lord
. •
ra ; Clan was iumnenading the baulk piazza of
nian•Mon. IL: is it fat,good•nutured iook
ilp:r old gentleman ; rather man.)."l:e•
spects his personal appearance reminded me
of our Gen. Winfield Scott, though he is not,
by any means, of such giant stature as the
hero of Lundy's Lane.
The several small villages within twenty
miles of Sebastopol have been-sacked—the
country devastated. No vegetables or fruits
are to be had, and beef or poultry is only to
obtained from. Varna, Constantinople, or
some distant place. Steamers are constantly
arriving with cargoes of bullocks, sheep and
chickens, and yet the demand is not met.
Vast quatities of hay have come in recently,
and it is to be' hoped that nu more horses
will die of starvation.
I find myself an oddity in the place=4„
live kicking Yankee, encompassed about by
men of almost every nation, except my own.
I 'should not do justice to my origin if I fa;l•.
ed to hoe my row with success. Trust me
for it, I get_ along capitally. I hope to in.
form myself upon everything of interest or
import in these excited quarters, and will try
to keep you posted as to my adventure. The
imperfections of this communication you will
forgive,' when I tell you' that, as usual, I am
short of time, and behindhand in my corres
Th 'rliuuroti~:,
Those calm and rational exhortations to
"Take it coolly," and "Never cry fo.Api,lt
- are all - very good till they are -needed..
They are extremely salutary before the fever
kindles or the milk is spilled; but in the
presence of pain, or-on the advent of a dis
aster, to those who are gifted with .fortitude
by nhture, or have been disciplined in the
school of affliction, they are about ais effectual
as whistling in the teeth of it northwester:
Their utter impotence in a storm of pas
sion, reminds us of the directions given by a
good New Nigland Deacon to his choleric
"When ver you feel your dander , rising,"
said he, " be sure to say the Lord's:Prayer,
my son, or else the alphabet clean through;-
and long before you get to the end oireyou'll
be as cool as a cucumber, or . an iceberg .
Promise me. faithfully, my son."
"Yes, daddy, I promise."
Off trudged Jonathan to school, carrying.
his bread and meat, with a,small bottle of
molasses in his jacket pocket, and his late
firth promise uppermost rh his mind.
A boy, who bore him old grudge, met
him, and'after calling him the "young dea
con," and many other scurriTouS nieknaufe - s - ,
caught him off his guard, and threw him tb
the ground, tearing his jacket and breaking
his molasses bottle.
4p jumped Jonathan, his eyes wolfish,
and his lips white with rage. But "there was
an oath in Heaveni" and he did not forget
it. So he proceeded to swallow bis Alpha
betical pills—an antidote to wrath not men
tioned in the "Regimen Salernitanuw," nor
recognized by the British College.
"A, B, C—you've tored my jacket)—D, E,
F—you've spilt my 'lasses!—G, H, I, J, K—
you're a rascal l—L, NI, N, 0, P,
learn you better manners, you scamp, you!
R, 8, T, U, spite yer picter, you
old wall eye !—W, X,. Y, Z—now I'll pound
your insides out o' you darned encroachin'
And with that Jonathan, whose passion
had been mounting alphabetically through.
out all his father's p C3C/iption of vowe!s
and consonants, caught the young scape•
grace. and throwing him down, was proceed
ing to work off each of the Deacon's twenty.
six anti-irascible pills in the shape of a dozen
hearty fisticuffs, had not the timely approach
°fa passenger• interrupted the manipulations.
So much fur rules to control the passions.—
After the news of the destruction .of the
stamped papers, had arrived in England, the
ministry sent for — Dr. Franklin to sonsult
with and offered this proposal;
"That the Americans would engage to
pay for the damage donvin the destruction
of the-stamped paper, &c., the parliament
would then repeal the net.
The doctor having paused upon this (Pies
tion for some time, at last answered as ful-
"This puts me in mind of a Frenchman,
who having heated a poker red hot, ran furi
ously into the street, and addressed the first
Englishman he met them, " ifa, Monsieur,
Neill yon give use do satisfaction to 111 n this
pokr only oncifoot into your body`!"
''Aly body?" replied the Englisbn al,
"what Ito 5(111 ((wally (,(
."Vel den, only say so fir," marking out
:3;X iheheS.
".Are you tmi(1?" returnea the other; "If
ou diol't go al)out yoixr b114111C33,. I'll knocl:
von down."
\Tel ; den,," the Frenchman, softening
113 voico cool 111301.1 e 1 *1 "v ll you my good sly,
)c so obliging 113 to pay the l'tir the troubly
Ind e:zprrc,:le healing thi, rohur?"
41taxlisle Acral6"
the remark Ghat a man has a rigl4_ a
living, in which the implication is very strong
that if he does not earn it himself, he may
claim in of somebody else who has earned .
it. A man has only n right to such of the
productions of labor as he himself has cre
ated with his own industry. He has no
right to a living independent of his duty to
earn that living for himself by his labor.—
Every man has the means of earning him
self, a living, iu the physical and mental pow:
er with which he is endowed. He should use
those means so as to command a living, by
making his labor useful to others. Society
under no obligation to find a man employ
ment in such pursuits only as he desires, or
finds it. convenient to follow. The object of
all labor is to satisfy some existing want. If
society eoef not want particular kinds of la
bor, it is under no obligation to .purchase
them, and the individual should turn his
labor to such productions as society does
need and cannot do without.—P.Lit. Ledger.
PAPEII.—Tn Judge Van Hamm's Court at
Cincinnati, - a witness testified that prior to
the decease of litury - Starr; - Esq., ho-em
ployed that gentleman to defend a suit
brought against bins in the Superior Court
of Cincinnati—that-be resides twelve miles
from the city—that he does not take• a news
paper, and that when be inquired about his
suit, some ten to twelve months afterwards,
he learned that Mr. Starr was deceased, and
that ajudgrnent was .rendered againstliim for
about two hundred &liars.
lI.Y UROCERY STORE of the subscriber, n Ala
don 11.111,
A new supply of fresh Water Crackers, _
Soda. totter, Pic Nie - and Sugar Buiseult,
Parina,' Corn Starch, Tapioca, Sago, Pearl Barley,
Extract of Coffee, Mee Flour, Baking Powder, &c.,
A new let of superior Table 011,
Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, Bay
Burn. de. • J. W. EBY.
of you who have been afflicted for years with this
bothersome disease, nud who have been using almost
every Nostrum before the public without relief, we say
to you try " Beeche' Antidyspeptic" and-you will soon
be conviuced of its great superiority over every other
tw.maratiMi. We could give you many certificates comb•
orating our assertions, but a single trial is worth more
than all. This remedy Is prepared and sold at the brug
Rom of li. J. KEIFFEIt, Fouth Hanover street, a few
doors south of the Court House, Carlisle.
GAINS! BARGAINS!—The snbscriber intending
to relinquish business offers his entire stock of ROOTS,
5.,0,...0,AND GAITERS, AT COST! II is stock ls now, made of the best materials, and by the
best workmen In the cities. There desirous of
securing good bargains had better not let this
opportunity slip, as they may not again hare the chance
of securing such bargains as we now error than.
The subscriber wou d respyctfully inform his friends and
the public generally, that he hasust returned Crnm the
city with a large and varied assortment of
IiOCE.SI (HAS* and QUERNS-WARE. 4 .2i0 , 74 . ."
FISH, &c., k., which he offers for wslo on the /
most reasonable terms, at his Now Store.
corner of North Hanover street and the Pub. t f t .
lie Square, directly opposite the Carlisle De.
posit Bank. His stock. =brain's evcrythlng usually
in n Grocery and Variety store.
tho public are incited to call and examine bis stock
boron, purchasing elsewhere, as ho fools confident ho can
sell the boot goods ut the lowest prices.. . .
BesP.Ble, Mocha and Itmsted Coffees,
Crushed, Pulverized and Leaf Sugar '
Porto Rico, New Orleans and Cuba do,
Itnperlal, Ounpowder, Young Byron and Black Teas,
Best Syrups. N. 0. and . Sugar House Molasses,
Queensware, Cedar and Stoneware '
Cheese. Fish, Salt, Soap and Starch,
Cavendish, Natural Lea, 1.14 and Congress Tobacco,
Plekleei, Pine .Apple and Tomato Preserves,
Ketchup and Spices of every variety, &c.
My stock has been sele,ded with strict reference to
arnily use, for sale very low fur cash wholesale or ret4ll
oct I 'sl'
Family Broeer.
- Plot sulserlbers, Intending to leave this place, offer
their entire stot'k of DRY 0001/S AND GROCERIES at
first It consists of
I,A DI ES' DRESS GOODS.—Vine all wool Potatoes and
Cashmeres, Pe lieges, French Merinoes. Black and Fancy
Dress Silks, Handsome Detainer. than 8 to 2U cents per
EMBROIDER' ES.—A large assortment of Swiss and
Jaconet. Spencers, Undorsteeves, Collars. RuClik ' vs, Edg.
lugs. loserthigs, Ay. Mourning Spencers and Collars
and Embroidered Linen elonbrle Handkerchiefs.
SG A W dsomo Long and Square Black, Vigo red
and 'naiad Shawls.
ESTICS.—CIoths, C . :M.6IIOMS, Sattinetts, Ken.
tucky Jeans. Moseys, Muslims, Checks, Tlckings, Cali
coos, Flannels, Ac. Ay.
AlsO. ii large assortment of Gloves, Cotton, Cashmere.
and Woollen liege. Cloth Caps, Blankets, Ae.
(11tOCE111 ES.—Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, niece, Ac.
We Invite one and all to come andmxtunine our stock.
as now is the time to purchase chimp goats,
S. W. Corner orN. Hanover and Louther streets.
Nov. 20, 1 554,
.430 pi n -LA . Surgeons' Bandage
INSTITUTE IZEM6vEr) to No. 4. 'Ali
ctreet, sixth stir( above Market. 11. C.
LIVERYTT'S Paton t raduatiog l're,:suro TIIHSS, for the
cure or Rupture; Shoulder Braces. Surpwt erg, Elastic
Sleeking', :ittsponsary, Hemorrhoidal, and liandages for
Jam 11-Iy.
SIIMVU: 4 . - -A lot of 4,ong
a .) and Squarn :-. l lrtwls. Alto, lllanhot `lutt t Is
roll o,l,fruta New Yur:i and st.iling- , 4 vry low at Ow
4.l,eap'st , no of
novti otII lan%
ITT 1 4. 1 call the attention of the•public to
y Pourkin.i:o.cuov.N ou
%, •••Itur tat,: 111'0'4. An tk!,,eiloilt
'irt 11 , : tt, eiloap ;Ma uuuronlooC. For Nilo of
wor ti.VNTON'S.
p()OTS ANI) very
0% 80.1 CN tnry Qrecj jr
ii-t I v•. , l‘ a,l nadn II ,t Ivry Oral,.
(11.11t1.1;:: On I 1,111:
1 I ()A R.llll 1l NG opened
n N - arioty or Clra% and Dyes:, Ttlottotioo;.—
M; to, CloaLings, With n va; ktv Oonaa.
Nov. t;) 12,,}1.
The AMERICAN Amur& UNION would respoctfull;
announce to the Titizons, of the United States and thr
Cheadle+, that fof the pArpese of cultivating a taste Al
the flue arts throughout the country, and' with a ally
of enabling every family to Leanne possessed of a miller)
of Engraving BY Tllh vino! ARTISTS OF TILL AUL..
they have ' determined, in order to create nu extel,slvi
sale for their Engravings, and thus not only give um
ploymout ton largo numbei of artists nod others, Lul
inspire among our Countrymen a taste for works of art.
to present to the purchasers of their engravings, when
250,000 of which are sqld, 250,000 Ginn, of the nettle;
cost of $150,000.
Each purchaser of a Ono Dollar Engraving, thereibee.
receives not only an Engraving richly worth the money
but also a ticket which entitles him to ono of the DIM
when they are distributed.
For Five Dollars, a highly finished Engraving, is u:
tifully painted in Oil, and _FL V E Gib"! TICKETS, will
be sent; or Five Dollars worth of Splendid Engravings
can be nolocted from the Catalogue, and be sent *by rei
turn mail or express.
A copy of the Catalogue, together with a' specimen el
one of the Engravings, can be seen at the Mee of this
pa rir r. each Dollar sent, an Engraving actually worth tint
sum, and a Gift Ticket, will immediately be forwarded.
The .Committee -believing that the IitIeCCAA of Me
Great National Undertaking will be materially promoted
by. the energy and enterprise of it4e:ligent and perse
vering Agents, have resolved to treat with such on the
most liberal term&
Any person wishing to become an Agent. by sanding
(post paid.] $1.., will rocolio by return of [nail, a Ono Dol
lar Engraving, a "0 Ifa TICKET," a Pri.spectus, a Cat
alogue and all other novossary Information._
IL) n the final completion of the gale, the Gifts will he
placed in the halide of a Cennytrag of the PllitellAßlßS to
tw lIIFTRIOUTSA, duo notice of which will be Oren thee%
ottt the United States and the Canada&
100 Abutlo bust of Vl'ssblnEton nt $lOO $lO,OOO
100 •• "Ciny, - - • 100 10,00(1
100 " Webster - - - 100 10,000
100 •" " Calhoun - - - 100 10,000
50 elegant Out Paintings, in splendid gilt
frames, size 3x - I ft. each, • 100 5,000
1(10 elegant Oil Paintings, 2x3 feet each' 60 6,000
500 steel plate Engravings. brilliantly col
ored in oil, rich gilt frames 21230 in -,
each- - - - , 10 6,000
10,000 elegant steel plate Engravings. col-
• ored in oil, of the Washington Ron
,- utnent, 20x20 inches each - - 4,, 40,000
237,000 stool plate engravings, from 100
dilTerent plates now in pessessbm
of and owned by tho Artists' Union, ..
of the market value of from 50 ,cts.
to $l. each, - - • - - "' 41,000
I first class Owollingin 31st st; N.Y. City 12,000
22 Building Lots In 100 and 101st s,s, N. .
Y. City, each 25x100 ft. deep, at 1000 12,000
100 Villa Sites, cor.taining each 10,000 sq.
ft. In the suburbs of New York City
and commandingamagnificent view
of the Iludson River and Long Is
land Sound. 5t...-. - • - - 500 50,500
20 perpetual loans of cash, without Into.
rest, or security,
of $250 each 5,000
50 " t. " 100 4. 5.000'
100 A 44 50 . e , 5.000
250 dll II CI 2 0 .e\
2000 " 14-- '. all 5 44 10,000
Reference In regard to the Real Estate, V. J. Visecurn
& Co. Beal Estate Brokers, Now . York. Orders, (Rost
paid,) with money enclosed. to Ire addressed,
J. W. 110LBIOX1RE, Secretary,
60.5 Broadway,
ferN,The Engravings In the Catalogue are now ready
for delivery. - (wove-Can
The subscriber has just returned horn the citiesof N.
York and Philadelphia with the ; cheapest and most
splendid assortment of FALL AKI) IViNTEIt GOODS
erer.brought to Carlisle, Having purchased from several
of the largest importing houses in New York for Cash,
It will enable me to offer greater inducetheuts and 'the
hotter bargains to my old customers •and all who may
facer me with a call, than can be had at any other store
In the town or county.
I Intro the cheamstylannels.?attinetts, Cloths, Ken
tucky Jeaus, De Mins. lid lieges, Musllns, Tlckings, &e.
&c., ever offered In the borough.
It Is impossible to enuanemte one-half the articles.—
Come one and all in want of cheap goods Itlld Judge for
yourselves. No trouble to show our goods. Recollect
the old stand, East Main Street.
oett '54 CAA It LES 00 [TAW.
. BENTZ 1: BROTHERS have returned
from P Gladelphia and aro now unpacking n complete
emorttnent of FALL AND 'WINTER GOODS. •
A full assortment of Cloths.
A full f assortmeut of Ca.Qalmerea.
A full assortment of Cm:sheets.
A full assortment of Vest lugs.
A full assortment. of Ladies Dress Goods.
A fall assortment of Domestie Goods.
A full assortment of Silks and Alen.pas
A full ussortmont of Silh.Thibet J.: Cashmere :gm%
A full it..sortmout of Groceries.
A full assortment of Queonsware.
IVItILa full assortment of . .Iliscellancous articles gene
rally kept In Stores. Purchasers urn find It greatly to
their interest to call Mill 11%111111110 our stock before pur
chasing'. as goods have materially depreciated, Mid
1111111 accordingly. Come one, come all, and judge for
yoursel yea. [sept2o
Molnrgvst stock of Clothing ever bmught to Car
lisle, his just Wen received by ARNOI.I) LIVINGSTON
at their cheap and Intensive CLOTHING HOUI:31; in
Hanover Street:
The prices of clothing nt thislietne have loon reduced
to such a very low standard that It is now in the power
of all who wish, to wear good denim
The ana.aturent consists of Overcoats of every descrip
tion. Dress, Frock and Sack (Wits, a great variety of Doi
cents, Monkey coats. Ae. .Snperllnc Cassintere PANTS,
blaek and fancy. Silk and Satin VESTS. and a line va-
Jloty of Valencia anti other vests.. Also. shirts, collars,
stocks. pocket Ita ndkereh hits, Suspenders. gloves, hosiery,
t., and all 'other articles generally kept In thls line o.
business. All articles sold at this establishment war
ranted what they are represented to he.
Also, a splendid assortment of goods in the piece.—
Superfine French and English. CLOT II S anti CA E.
SIM REES of every hue and shade, satin, silk, ii r i d vale•
eta vestlngs, satinetts, ,te., all of which will be made to
order at the shortest notice, and in the neatest mid best
'lnartor, All garments warrant: it t t. BOYS
IN(1 always on hand.
The 'midi, are respeetildly invited to call anti exam.
Inc the-soporlentistutrtment of denting at tltiget.tablitle
met t' next door to .I.yte's Hardware more, uppo.dto to
lkirwintittblin'ti hotel. ' '
Sept. 2i--nta: ARNOLD tt: LIVINasToN.
001 S!
Elements of Character, by 1 31iss Chandler.
Clovernoolc, by A Hee Carey.
Cranford, by author of Mary Parton.
Passion and Prejudice, by Mrs. (lore.
Henrietta Temple. by D'lsraell.
(Ad I:vdstene. or Historical Skoteltes of SVcidern Presby
torian ion, &u., by ,Lieseplt Smith, 1). 1).
Village Semen's, by Rev. Con. Hunter, containing' one
hundred:L:ld one plain short dlscourFes on the pd twi•
paldoetrines of tlw Cespel, pnbilOwd by 1.11 Ili,
e. Lt. rhantho .t.eo:, or phaadarlda.
Fnuuv Menn.dv.; sob% 1.3. Mrs. 11. r, Stone.
Fps - did Gift Books and A viiitals for,
tinrvt-cs, hill:a:ifs, a ro.barics and tit - Maga:
nvt.l 'A. M. I'IPEV„
kCA 2\l P.
0 00itis.1
v • rut, hnve
•eeke.t ht their t , tere, in N. Itannver stivet.
at;l benpytcel; of PA TAM
;11 F , •11 f•tir Pep 'I
CBrll , lv, '
flit P nt*v opening
Inr:;‘N at• ,, rl ineut of 1;1,..“ - K FYI NS. Alrr, nn
gw;:ortment of now stylo : i fashion:ll,le 1'.11.1, SILKS, lery
Cll At!lti (4;11.11Y.
"new liorft
1)n) 4001)5.
I 11: GOULD, [Successor to A. I ict.
1 No. 1.3 cbeatitut fit., liwahn's !funding. 1 - hiladel
ta, exte..sive Alt& Cub Hailer, and Dealer in Eurica
...troulonta of every. disruption:
F.xclubire agent f r the rain of 11aI1et, Pavia .S Cc.
tont Suskuslon Hip lieu aLd oiher 1 1 ANC t -
.berCa tiotnkir rim cr.. Mel-drone, Marlit.'s tiohar,
4rps. V6 , 11..5. Sheet Ni ogle. Iluatc Bioko Ar.
_ . •
ic.Ftdont. tiat untry will bc.supplitd Fy mail of
ilerwrise with music they may wisL. as h w nn if put •
' 0 " , . 1 peraon. 'laving mu. of the itugoet et. lu
.e United States, I feel coEtldeut of futtinfyiii„ all urea
ay favor mu with a tall or rder. . .
Dealers In Ilitede gutilled on the most oral Let me
Innea to let. Secondhand I lat.cs for sale.
May 20. l Still -1:
) RV, WIIOLESALE and Itt.l . Al I, at the " l'hi a
delphla.Watch and Jaaeda) time "
qi,..` Number 00 .tiOrth Fecund literet.. 44'
~• `ll ' per - of Quarry, l'hlladelpLis. Gold
7 .\
hover IVatches, full jewelled, 114 ear.
4,1 , at cases, - - - $2ll CO
; , ,t'N ..i,.. Gold ',repine, 18 carat eases, 24 ta•
'-',‘ ' • -..-•:':- . Silvei " 'jewels 000
_t(EtTilsrliA.O.'• Salver I;;Ter, full ' jewelled, 12 0
' Superior Quaitiers, - - - - 7GO
(kid Spe , daeles. ,- • - - 7 (4.
Fine Silver Ppectaelek - ' .- . - 1 4+4
Gold liraerlets, - - a 01
I.lllliCli Gold Penchi. . . - - - I ( 4.
Si ircr Ten Spoons., set, - - 6 IA
Gold Pens. a hit Pencil and Rater 11 , Mee.. - I'(a`
Gold Finger kings :37'4 rents to $8; NVateh Qhme
plain, 12 1 i cents. l'atent'it“,%. Lunet 25; tiler artleh.
In proptrlatm. All Kuods part anted to be what they art
sold for. ..
- / FTALTFP.II-1 ILA lll.} Y.
(in hand s• - ;re' Cold and Silver LCTerl. and Lariz et
A LM lower than the abot e trt es.• ..
111 d.:Blu!elntorj.f(isiiiil4.l.
0. lOC. North NoURTIL L-treet ,aboi a ivaCr) Ili I LAlibl,
• MIT A: Machete bri ing-toki.the inklii•pettsal le artbele
in housekeeping, the subscriber alter a great sacrlfer (1
time and money. it enabled to offer to the an at
ticle et once combining t:tility and Cheapness. The in=
venter knowing the danger apprehended on acct. ut,t of
the flimsey manner in which Matches are generally
packed In paper, has by the aid of New Stearn Alachirer.
of his own Invention. succeeded in getting up a SA /13 V
far preferable. In as much that it occupies no more refine
than the old round wood box, and contains at hart
'ewe Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shii•ptiP
Is considerable advantage; it is:entirely now. and I , C , CIIIre
against mOisturo and spontaneous combustion, dispel.
all dangeron transportation by means of Railroad, Steam.
boat or any other mode of Conveyance.
Theso Moteliesare packed so that one grosser lame
May be shipped to any part of the World with perfect
safety. They aro the most desirable article OO r Urine
Consumption,.and the Southern and western market
that have over been invented.
DEALERS and SHIPPERS, will do well to call end
examine for themselves.
vxn,,Theso matches, are WA4IY'XNTED to be stiperic.r
to anything heretofore offered . to the Puldlc.
-106 North FOURTH St. Ihllad'a.
Phila. Deer 405,54. ' • • • -
I, I RENCII TRUSSES, Weighing lees
than 1:34 ounces, for the cure of Dena:Coe huptiere
acknoWledged by the highest niedicalauthorities et Phil
adelphia, Incomparably Superior to any other in use.—
Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now
offers toprocure not only the highest and most easy, lent
as durable a Truss as any other, in lieu of the cumbrous
and uncomfortatlearticiexesually Fold. There is no dif
fruity attending the fitting, and when the pad is kcal
od it will retain its position without change.
Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber,
can have the Truss Font to any address, by remitting
five dollars for the Single Truss, or ton for the double--
With measure round the hips, andAteatlng side affected.
It will bo exchanged to suit If not fitting, by returming
at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Inaislrter„
Corner Twelfth and Race CAL strvets. Philudelpi la.
in,. LAME'S, requiring the benefit of Meehan teal Evil.
porters, owing to the deraiegoment of the Internal
Fans, inducing failing of the AVonah. Vocal, PulmemarY•
Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal We.akncss, are 'relegate'
that a competent and experienced LAST will be fa at
tendance at the Timms. (rot apart for their exclusive
use) No. 114 TWELFTH St., Ist door below Dace.
July 26,
II - AYES' Patent Tubular Oven .rt
Al It RANGE, various al- • .., to suit Fandlies, D
tog 'louses and go t ~
Those in want of -14 or Cooking Apparatus In I
vited to call at our ' OUse and examine this Ih i
For durability. economy and rimplicity in opera!) i
stands unrivaled. It has a perfect hot air Tentilati 3
and meats baked In this oven wilt retain their juie.
tlay..r equal to that misted befen) an open lire. / ..
and - pa-`try cooked at the same time without one a I .
log the other. It will supply sufficient heated • r•
heat additional rooms fur the ..x West weather. It b 4
descending orreturti Cues, and is equally well ad. #.
to bituminous or common hard coal. Thq, steam •••• :
. over the boiling part of the Range carries off the a t .:
and scent of cooking.. as well as heat in summer.
, Every Range sold warranted to give satisfaction,. I
expense to the purchaser.
ILA y EN' VEN TILA TOR, Patented Ortol er, I,F4i
Public Halls, Factories, Rallrcad Cars, Clilninies, F ~..
Ship:, Ftemzinrg, Ac.
Pure airis A subject claiming the attention
Individual, and all buildings should be provided ‘...
the proper means of ventilation.
Ake, ft prArerfUl IV ‘ll3llSti ANY, VI:NTILVIItqI 1:111:;(
fOr nwOn inggy &h.Ol Houses, Churches, Halls. st - ,::
Factories, Ae.
A large assAltnent of Office . . Hall and Cooking St. 14
Parlor Orates, Registers, Ac. Wholesale and retail.
62 North Sixth Street, nil,
.F Personal attention ten to !cunning and ii...n
biting both public and priv y e buildings.
N.I4_IIVLANI)& ('0 1S
wholet.i. anti retail LOOKINO . (ILAS AND Ply.
opp ;site the Theater, Philadelphia.
N. & Pe, received the cpiy Prixe"Ntedal, awnrdt dat
the Crystal Palare 03,1,1140 m. N. Y., 1F53. in the United
State a, fir prorated, Mantel and Pier Glasses.
It ATI S !—just n,w
ingeoVERY few words of Oar
leational Treatment, without Metlktne, .s•;perzualer
or I, rot meaknesi,,hervous dehility,low sph t t s,
weak rICFS of thu liinl.s and haek. tudisposltirn it rar
raelty for study ltlid 1 1111.1 r, dllnreNS of apiirellevfL
loss I , r memory, avershal to no irty, lov e of Folitoe,
self distrof.t. dizzinePs. headarho. 1111 . 01111.'1,1y
dlirhargos, f trths to V 14.1 side, atr , ett , .ll of the eyes. OM
plea nt the tare, FC:tnot and other Infirmities lu man.
Frtao the l'rettrh of it B. tletancey:
Th.. Lop ntazit. fart that these alarlr lug roitiht,
trwt eze:ily Lo rein4.redllll;A...ln } ll. lil , lNll. is In thiwonil
o,a:ly denp.PStl'ATiell. 1110 0 111Itly 11f11' . Al
811 treaft.trl.t. OS 114, ! COI I s the Author.
fully I yid by weans of h v..ry one IS 1 . 11..1:4i
e!Irl, 111 1).4.11 yoriertiv avol at the toast Or sit l‘•
avol./114: I:o , rel.y all tho s ert ht. d uostrun s liv
t” gt:s , •11 p•-t
-t free in n
11., ,mats nt
wo pert ago*
t'i ';'. P. ty, IT 1.1vp....- tr..1,C6.4 t, Ythic.
1-1 y
IA To( )1.,1,E.Nr1 0 t of
v W, - 9q1 , 11 Yarning.
I t I i., E. the ,ity Sou. all 4"4" 'r.*.
(1105. (1:711,111,
1 111. 01DERI ES —. 1(1 111 1 -
1 and
• A t.II•Nap. Noo-11.1 IVorkefl 0.11:st,
113:! 1114,, i littniietts..ll7ltke- 1 - -;14. , • - t 1-7t177:• , ;:7 , , To,
vow (I-tato:7 At tttt t (7t
t r • ° 00.1., Y.