Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 28, 1855, Image 1

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1, 3 4.0rR18T01t. AND, PUDLIBILERs
' , to - RAJA or r'vlit.itiA4Tort"
The Cquastac lyeelciy on ft larAd
hoot, containing FORTY em..miss, and furnished tosith 7
oribors at'the rittoof $1.504f/paiti• 'strictly in advance;
.1.75 if paid within the*,,; or .jr2 in all calies when
riyinent is dela.;ed until lifnr"tbe (Ixidratlmi of thq
'oar. No sulis,:riptiono.reeelved for O. lova period than
iz nilrithii, cited norio diseuntidued until all aiTeltrages
.ro paid, 1.101(TS itb,,thniailibtt , uf the publialnir, Papers
not to subs •rilirs living tit of Cumberland cellnly ,
anst ho paid' Tor In ad Vance, or the payment assumed
y gomo cusp msible person IMng in Cumberland emin..
y. Those terms will be ri . _;blly adhered to all cases.
Advertlsom - outs will tko shartrod $l.OO por sitiaro of
srel hoes r throe insertions, and 26 coats for each
übso t two t iosorti m. All ails ol tisontouts of loss tiuto,
.wols.n Hoes .c6uNl,lortort a 4 a square. 'no filloo:irtg rates'
vili bosh trxo:l for Qn.trt,orly, Il ill Yearly antl Yearly
N1.5.1t,115, 0 'Nfoiiths..l2. slnt!tlis.
1 Sqlutro, '(l2 Ilue3 ; ) .$3:1.00 .±8.5.60 • sA;ou •
b.uu, B.uo . •
8.00 1100' 'lO.OO
12:,00 - 20,00 ,v 0.40
28.00 36,00 46,00
.• • •
ti •
Advertisemeuts insorted' lilarriages ti.ndbeaths;
ir cents per Ilub for first insertion, and 4 rents per line'
fur subsequent itisertionSo Coinntiinlcatlonitun subjects;
rf lituitiod or Individual interest will be charged in s cents
iar line. Vize Proprie6 w will nbt be respensibledam-,
;es ter errors in advertisements.: Obituary - notices riot
Oceeedlng five lines, will be holerted without charge.
'• .M 1 al
C talk) JOB PRINT 11 6PFICE is the
acrgust mid most, complotoLostablish main the comity.
Throe go ni Pres: , Ms, Will a goneeal variety of material
ettitoti fV.Piala n ttl Vail work ofevery bind; enables
as to do Job Printing at t to shiaiest ...notice and on tho
most reasonable torins: Panionn in want of Bilis. ilianka
nr any thing in Um 'Jobbing line, will find it theirlir'
terest to give Li 9 o. call. Emery variety of BLANKS con
stoutly on hand. .
Ara* All totters on business must be 'post-paid to sc
lure attoutign: .
4eneraf it Coed ',lnformation.
t Pit:LeFL
IWO PI, F OA Won t—,de facto), I). It A TellE9oll.
Secrotary of State—Wm. 1,.
&cretin" of Interior-1431)MM :%11.1CLIILLAND.
Secretary of Trucuiury--.l.runs
Iketvtary crem...:eN
Secretary of Navy—.l.o4, C, 1)UoIn N.
Port ll.o;ter CAMPLIELE,
Attorney i.l4unral—Cat,En CUSHINO.
Chief Justice of United Antcs—lt.fl. TANSY
Governor—J.tmr.d Pot.Lcieg.. '
F..ureta C U
Surveyor (loner:if—J. P. firAwLET.
Tr a.quver—Joiod.ii It 10.1 . .1".
U vi the i-2tujirtriiii Cgurtr—E. I.e..wds, J. S. Inace,
Sc. u. I.oWit I:, U. W. VVUOIPX tat., J. C. KNex.
oi)trav iZorr.
31.1i40.-L-Tron. k\O-S IL Gr.tlßM.
Jehti 'Rupp, batuuel Wood
u .n.
vistriet Attemey—Jolla 31. Sli.:arer.
I'oo.llo'lot-try iel Noell.
Iter , rder. SI. regi:
Ite,;ister-IVt;iiali L, tle. •
Ili 411. She.ll--J. , soph. :11.,..Derutt.rl; Deputy, James
V Fumy treagitror—X,AV. Woods.
Qupops--Jps.pb. Tiontps
Oku,, ty ut.trs —John Robb, .Tamos
altorivs 11. tlrutu.a. Clark to Conunissionors.
Dirextoo ..)f the Poor —George Sh...tfnr, Georgo
tlu, .1 atoi C. lirAn. .....toporintontiont of Poor
Joseph Lobach.
7303.017/111 OFFICERS.
Chief Buir;.Tegg—C.l, Alm.iTnosa
As list.litt. Itur.cess—Clirles togil
couglilL-Jklia 13. Virker, ( I. Be3tty
noisy Alyerss,,L. S. Egibvrl.: 1.13v1t1 lats;ul6.l.3lr
'tar, John utshAIII. Peter evionyerohy. Z. Bretz..
Clerk to Council—James
tlonsttblos—Jo7...Th t 4 towaft, 1.11311 Cootito.}.lo; Robert
leictlattfloy, Ward. Cost Lblo.
First Presbyterian Church; northwest angle of Centro
Square. Rev. C4)3IWAT I'. \Vice, faster.--Lierviees every
Su-iday morning atl 1 o'clock, A. M.„ and 7 o'clock,
Se tool Presbyterian Church, corner of south Iranover
and Pomfret streets.' No paster 'at present, but pulpit
el led by Presbyterial appoint taunts. Servites commence
at 11. o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, P. M.
tit. Johns Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of
Centre Squire, Itor. JACOB 11. Moults, Rector. Services
at 1 L o'clock, AM., and a o'clock, I'. Id-
English Lutheran Church. Pedford between Main and
.1, euther streets. ltov. Jacou Fay, Pastor. ~'orvlcus
at 11 o'clock, A. M., and G 1,4 'dick, P. M.
iier.nan ltofored Checchi, Loather, between Hanover
ant Pitt streets. 11ev. A - . 11. lint:mist, Pastor. Services
at 10% o'clock, A. M., and 63 P. M.
Mettislist .E.Chureh, first Charge) corner of Main and
Pitt stre As. Pee. S. L. M. Ces,fist, Pastor. Seri ices at
ll o'clock, A, M., and o'clock, P. 11.
Methodist E. Church, (second Charge) Rev. .1. M.
Jos ts, Past•er. Services in C(41.1.:44, Chapel . , at 11 o'clock,
A. M.. and 5 o'clock . P. M.
ConranCatholic s elturrli, Pomfret, near East street.—
Se •v ices by 11ev. Mr. Dusan:re, overy second Sunday.
A german Lutheran Church is in course of erection
on the corner (d• Pomfret and hinds'. rd streets. 'file rein
grez,atdm, Which 11:14 yet nu stated Pastor, hold their
servrc,n4 in Education
46. 7 )Viit,n changes in the above are necessary the pro
per persons acre requested to notify us.
Rat% tiliaries Colfus, rrosideA and Profegsor of Mora
Hernia:l M. Johnson, l'r.,t'css.•r • of 1%0014,4)11y
Artd English Literature.
James W. 16u•shall, I'rof•:seor of Ancient Languages.
Rev. Otis H. Tiffany, Vrofessor of Mathematics.
William M. Wilson, Luturer on Natural Science and
Curator of tho'
Alexander Schaal, Protesspr of llebrow and Modern
llonjaMin Arbogast, Tutor In Languages.
5111111 . 31 1). 11111111:1111, of the Grammar School.
William A. Snivoly, Assistant In the Grammar School
CVV.1.31.% D.Wastr B tN:c.—Presitlent, Richard Parker;
Cashier, Wm: M. Reptant; Clerks, Fleury A. Sturgeon,
JosPitli G. if tibr. Direpters, Richard Parker, Henry Haa
t:et, .I.tha R. Sterrett, John Zug; Henry leigan, Robert
Wore, Samuel Wherry, John Stindertem, Hugh Stuart.
CUM inatf.A ND VALLEY RA 11. Ito D Com AN V.—Presi dont,
Pretlarialt Watts; Sepretary and Treasurer, 'Edward M.
pla ; SuperintentLint, A. F. Smith. Passenger tntitts
twieta day Eastward; leaving Carlisle at'clock,
A. M. slid 3.14,A:1 , OC, P. M. Two trains usury day West
ward, leaving Carlisle at 9 o'clatd:, A. M. and 9.2,1, P. M.
k mast,t; the AND WATER. CoNlVNY.—PrOSident, Fred
erik Watts; Secretary, Lemuel Todd; Treasurer, W
It Bo Aunt ; Diretttlrs, F. Watte, Richard Parker, Lemuel
Win. M. Beatn, Br. W. IV. Dalt+, Franklin Gard
ner, Itenry Glass.
l'ou•k r •in:—Politaize OIL nil i letters of ono-hal.
wei„glit or under, 3'coiits pre-pail, dr td cants im
p LI I, (except to Califirnln and Oregon; wheli t•en to
po•i•pd I, or Illjti,ritS 11 11palit,)
IY.P.S.-I, , ostsigu on Cho !Inn tho
• ra , 3•,.. Within the State 13 emits por. year. TO
w ay vtrl. or, Lilo unit,...a stltoti, 2•I cents. .-
P,litago on all transient papers under 3 ounces in
weight, Vomit pre-jcild or 2 cents unpaid°
IN TIM REAR OF 111 K COpla 1101.1S11. •
'olv6r; (I , 3s:trlption of Bonk and .Tol. Prluting ezencied
ellortoit notko and on roasonaldu.torina.
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VOL. L .
Eji,TALD 11111 l EXPO',..TECE,
ApluCuLmurtm. MEETING.
An adjourned meeting of the Cumbe.rlann
county Agricultural Society was held od
Saturday the '„?.-ttli of February; George 11.
Bifeher, President, in the chair, Joseph
Culver, Vice President—Mr. Moore being
absent, John Miller was appointed Secre
A Constitution and Bylaws were reported
by . Dr. Dale, chairman of the committee np-.
pointed fur that purpose at last meeting, and'
the fUllowing officers appointed for the ensu
ing year:.
President—CAEO. H. BUCHER.
Vice Preside Ms—tippe - Allen, •Samnel
Statler; Lower Allen,•Martin Best; East
Pennsborough, Houeliberger; Hamp
den; 1'..8. Bryson . ;' Silver Spring, C. B. Her
man; unroe, Benjamin,Niesly; North Mid
dleton, John Miller; South Middleton, Wil
Liam Craighead;•Frankfurd, John Wallace;
West Pennsborough, George ileiks; Diekin
sUn, Tholipson 'Galbraith; Southampton, It.
C.llayS; Mifflin, Samuel Megaw; Shippcns
'burg, Win. 'lila man; Newton, John A.
Sharpe; Hopewell, D. S. Buolihaw; New
.Cumberland, B. It Mctsser; u.g,
SaMuel Couver; Carlisle, Wm. Line,; New
ville, T. A. MeKinnen Shippensburg, Samuel
*ltecortliti - g - Stseretary—R. Morire; •
Corresponding Secretary—F. Watts.
Treasuler—Ut W. SticatTer.
Mttnagi.trs— G. Clarke, North Mialeton;
Stiel Wlierry;SotithaintAiikSainitel Myars,
[tic.kin:ion; C. ',Staym, Carlisle; Win. Line,
Dickinson ;. A. Hosier, S9ittli Middleton ;
Won. M. Watts, Dickinson; Win. , W. Nevin,
On motion, it was agreed, that when the
society- adjourn, they adjourn to meet, on 'the
first Inesday,of Mareli,•at"ll o'clock.
On motion agreed that each Vice Prcsi
dolt be- authorized to solicit memberships
and report to Treasurer.
~motion it was resolved that the pub
lishers of the different' papers of the county
be requested to publish the-proceedings of
this meeting.
On motion—lies:Jived, that the officers
elected at this meeting be especially re
questol to be present at the next meeting of
OF EL BLICaEIt, Pre. dent
%lOUS MILLER. Set:re:Arc.
IlitoisTEß or SAr.r..s.-Sale bills for
the following sales have been printed at the
• Sale"' by Martha C,'Dundan, in Carlisle, on
Saturday the 10th of Nlareh.
Sale by A: 11. Iloyle, or Carlisle, of Black.
smith's Tools,. on Wednesday the 28th (of
•Sale by Michael Landes, of Monroe town
ship, on Tuesday the '4oth day of March. ,
Sale by Elias Grabill, of Lower Allen
township on Thurs , lay the ath of March. •
Sale by John Brandt, of Monroe township
on Friday and Saturday, the 'AB and 10th-of
'Sale by the admini trator of Andrew
Senseinan, dee'd., of East Penusboru town
ship, on Monday the sth of March.
Sal( by Adam Gisler in Lower Allen
township. on 'll urstl;t3y March Ist.
Sale by Joseph 11. Stayman, of Hampden
tp. on Friday, the 2d of March.
Sale by John Carmony,, of Carlisle, on
Wednesday, the 14th of March.
Sale by Rudolph Ileberlig, of West Penns.
boro tp. on Wednesday, the 7th of March.
• Sale by Lafayette Moore, of South Mid:
dleton township, on Friday the 23d of March.
Sale by Daniel Myers, of Frankford town
ship, on. Thursday tho 15th of March.
„ Side by Israel Bear, of West Pennsboro'
township, on Saturday the 10th.of March.
Sale by Christian Hass, of North Middleton
township, ou Toes lay the 20th of March.
Sale by G. Keestnun, of Churchtown, on
Friday the 9th of March.
Sale by John Strohm, of West Pennsboro
township, on Tuesday the tith of March.
Sale by George Priest, of West, Pennsboro
township, on 'Thursday the 9th of March.
Sale by Maj. Henry Snyder, of Mifflin
township, on Saturday the 3d of Maj:jth.
Sale• by J. L. MeDcwel, of Frankford town
ship, on Wednesday the ith,of March.
Sale by Daniel Myers, or Franlcford town
ship, on Thursday 15th of March.
MARRIAGES ExTnAottnixAny.—A marriage
occurred lately near the Mississippi Jine, on
board a „railway train, while the car's were
going at full speel. The noose was Scientill•
cally adjusted by a magistrate who happened
to be present. On the.3oth a marriage took
place on a cake of floating ice in the Ohio
river _opposite Rising Sun, Indea,tn, where
It • , f; Collard ,united the Rev. 11. 13rick•
•ng to Sallie Craig, a11,.0f Boon C.)., Ky.„, .
paper fur flit iftwilti
Wii:IINISPAY.; . yEBRIM RV 2B, 185.5
Congress.—Yesterday, Mr. Cass delivered
to the Senate his previouslyannotinced speech
on Angloderench intervention in American
affairs. Mr. Mason followed, both gentle
men attacking vigorously the intermeddling
officiousness of England. Mr. Clayton made
the concluding sliced' of the debate, oppos
ing the acquisition of the Sandwich Islands,
and saying that the Monroe doctrine way
one which Mr. Monroe had advocated but
never adopted. In the Iloase, Mr. Berinett's
land bill wasittid on the table by a majority
of two, and passed' the act ame-datury of
the land graduation law. In Committee of
the Whole, the Civil 'and Diplomatic Appro
priation bill was discussed, and amended by
the addition of items approp 'ating $3OO.-
000 fur the extension of the ' reusury Build
ings/ at Washington, and similar amount
for the extension, of the
.A General Post 011 ice
Perinsylminia Legislature:—Yesterday, the
Senate pitssed on second reading the house
hill to prevent tl,e Bale of liquors_ on_the,
Sabbath. Mr. Price's bill relative to the
rights and duties of husband and wife, pa
rents and chi:dren, was also passed, as well
as-the-charter fur the Philadelphia and Nor"-
ristown Telegraph Company. In the House,
various bills of no Public interest were pass
ed,' and two new county bills went through
Committee of the AV hole.
Thirteen persons, • who recently died in
Pittsburg Pa., of starvation and exposure to
the cold, were, it seetas, part of a band of
twenty : two German tampers Who recently nr
rived in New York; ono
,child was left in
New York in a dying condition and has
since died, and in all, sixteen of tim twenty:'
two have died since their arrival in the
country. The recent firing upon the Ameri•
can steamer Ben Franklin, at St. Thomas,
has been made the subject of a correspon
dence between the United States Consul
there, and the Governor of theisland, result
lug in sonic important commercial conces
sions. Heretofore, any vessels leaving the ,
port were liable to be stopped by firing on
them, if they left the smallest due unpaid;
The Governor says, that other regulations
are contemplated to avoid this practice. The
Arkansas Legieluturc,,on the lltklof Janu
ary, passed, resolutions denounciag - the Knew
Nothing*Organization,4nd the very same day
directed them to be expunged froth the
Congress"—Yesterday, the Senate, con
curred in the House'amendment*to the Inva
lid Pension i bill, and the bill passed 'finally
The railroad iron duties bill was then taken
up, debated and pasSed. The bill from the
House for the settlement of Revolutionary
claims, also passed, as did the.Ho use bill au
thorizing the purchase or- construction of
four additional revenue cutters, and a bill
relative to the United States Courts. in Florida.
The House adopted the report,of the confer
ence committee on the Swamp Land bill,
and passed finally the bill for the establish.
inent of an Insane Asylum in the District of
Columbia. The bill granting lands to aid in
construction'of railroads in Alabama was
laid on the table. The General "Appropri
dtioli bill was taken sup In Committee of the
Whole,,and - discussed. The sum of $lOO,-
000 was inserted for a east iron dome on,the
Capitol. An amendment,appropriatingsBoo,-
000 fur the Washington Aqueduct, was re
jected. A joint resolution was reported, ap
propriating $200,000 for .the - completion of
the Nationtaldonument.
peansolania Legislaturc.—Yesterday, the
Senate passed, a supplement to the charter
of the Philadelphia and Westchester Rail
road Company, in which six Senators entered
a written protest, on the ground that itvio•
lates the rights of the majority of the stoa.
holders of the Company. The. House con
curred in the amendments of the Senate to
the Sunday Liquor Bill. Both Houses met
in convention, and had Washington's Fare
well Address read to them,
Congress.—Yesterday, the Senate adopted
a joint resolution, subject to the concurrent
action of the House, providing for an ad
journment sine die, at midnight, on Saturday
next. A bill to protect officers and others
acting under the. authority of the United
States, was iip't4nd an animated
debate, and passed finally, yeas 29, nays 9.
In the house, a resolution of inquiry Was
passed relative to the objects of the Ostei,d
Contirence. A bill 'was passed, to carry into
effect' the treaty with Great Britain on- the
subject of clitims. The General Appropri7
ation bill was taken up and passed Committee
of the Whole, with an amendment Providing
that articles now bearing duties of one hun
dred; forty, and thirty per cent., shall, after
the first of dilly next, pay eighty, thirty-two,
and tweaty-four per cent., or reducing the
. ;:
.~ ~'..
SUMMARY (i.F. revs. '
FRIDAY, Feb. 23.
r s,
present duties twenty per cent. A numb r
of articles paying twerrty•fh'F per cent. to' be
reduced about twenty per cent., and some
slight transfers made.
Pennsylvania Legisialare.- 7 -Yesterday, the
Senate passed a bill relati(T ft) the Cambria
Iron Company, and a supplement to the
charter of the Lochhaven.and Tyrone Rail
road Company, The suplementary act regu
lating railroads passed Committee of the .
Whole, and the' supplement -try act relative
to banicrupteies was discussed, and amended
so as to apply only_to Allegheny county aTl'
Philadelphia city, and. to exclude from
opetations of the bill all debts due froursale
by commission 'merchants. In the House,
the bill to define and punish bribery was
amended and passed second rending. • In its
present shape it -relates to criminal, as wall
legislative inquiries, and requires other than
circumstantial evidence or the testimo ly of
an accomplice.
Advises from Santa Fe m6v4on the mai
sacre of fourteen whit e . men . - a party of
Apache and Utah Indians, who 'left behind
two wounded women, supposing them, dead,
and carried off three other women and two
children. The Indians numbered one hun
dred. Cceat excitement prevai'ed at Santa
Fe in'eonSequence of an apprehended gene
ral ndian-war:---
Congress:—'-On Saturday, the General. Ap
propiation bill, with the tariff amendthent,
passed the House and was received in the
Senate,-where it Was read twice and ordered
to be printed. The Senate pissed bills np
propriating $125,900 for fortifying a landing
in Louisiana,and various other sums for Har
bor improvements, amending the judicial.
system, and giving uditional powers to the •
municipal 'corporations of Washington and
Georgetown. .
Penngylvaniet Leyislatare. l- - - -011 Sattirday,
r-solutions passed both Houses, requestinfs,
pur Congressmen to resist the bill allow
ing a credit of three yetirs fur duties on rail
road i..on. The Senate received several ve
toes from the Governor of Private bills. The
supplement to the Philadelphia consolida
tion act was amended and passed. The
charter for the Butchers and Drovers ssso
ciation was rejected..: The suppleinent to
the charter of the Cleveland and. Pitisburg
Railroad Company was amended and passed,
A via* passed to-incorporate the North
Branch bridge. company ; another to regulate
the companies; and another to extend the
tune,for relaying the track of the Greencas
tle, Chnmberaliurg, and Hagerstown Rail
road. In the house a large number of bills `
were reported.
Congress.—Yesterday, General Cass pre
sented,-on behalrof the family . of General
Armstrong, the sword worn by General Jack
son nt the battle of Now Orleans.. It was
formally accepted, and a resolution of thanks
to the donors was unanimously adopted. a.
The Naval Reform bill was taken up, dis
cussed, and passed, the Serrate concurring in'
the House amendmet t. The Post Ullice
Appropriation bill wits also passed. , In the
House, ti bill was passed granting the right. )
of way to all Plank and Railroad Companies
,through the. fpnblic lands, in the
territories as well as in the States. The
House received the sword of Jackson, and
adopted the Senate resolution accepting it,
and:ordered the printing-of 100,000 copies
of the speeches in both Houses. --
A terrible fight occurred in a tavern in
Now York city, on, Saturday night; in which
six men attacked 'and desperately wounded
the prize fighter, Bill Poole, who at first was
thonght Mortally'wounded, buta l is since re
covering: The fighting was entirely done
with revolvers, and most of the' parties were
wounded, but several of them shot Poole
after he fell. The California Legislature has
adjourned sine die, thus defeating the election
of a Senator. Slavery has been abolished
in Peru by the new . President.
STOCKTON AND RAYNER.—There are twelve
clubs organized in Philadelphia, composed
of men who prefer STOCKTON, Of Rewilerscori—
and HAYNCR, of North, Carolina, for the
Presidency and Viee'Presideney. The
deiphia 'Daily Sun commends this ticket as'
one eminently worthy the confidence of the
country, and expresses the opinion that au
open American organization;and their names
on the Standard, would sweep every - State(in
the Union.
WINTER WHEAT.—Thus far the Narions Re
m nts rt.‘specting the prospects of the wheat
clips - are highly favorable. Respecting
. the
crop in Michigan, the Detroit Free l'iess
saysl) "Fame all sections-we hear . that the
IvlteA, is looking exceedingly well; The
quantity upon the ground is greater thatt in
any former year,- and, with w 3 intervening
calamity, the crop will he unprecedented."
MoNnAi' 7 . Feb. 26
Tur.sDAY, Feb. 27
- .
1404' TAKEN.
Dissoktion of the British Ministry
The arival of the Ba puts us in - poscssion
if caid weeps I,th r news from Europe. The
natter of mostimportanee to this I onntry in
he"ncwsi is the formation•of : the new Min.
;try in Englantl&ith that enetetie and cod
istent enemy of the tTaited States at its head
—Lord' PahnerSton. The Earl of 'Clarendon
—he who bodstingly notified us,tbat
'fiance between ,Erauce,and lagland, was-to
adjust our affairs alSo—is still Secretary o.
Foreign Affairs. -The bill regulating the
British An er' c. n fisheries, has pissed Parli
meat. Admiral Napier has made a terrible
mslaught upon the Government for - its con
luet of the war in the East. The Peace
Congress bud not been opened. There was
no change in the condition of things for the
better in the, Crimea, at.d- there seems to
have been a mutiny in the French cainp n•
mong her best soldiery—the ZOIIIIVC3. It
'oust. have been a pretty extensive affair, as
our hundred of that class of So'di, TS were
ient to Constantinople. The Russians are
eontinualy mak:ng sorties, from which tb,
suffer considerable loss. Sickness,
•till prevails in the Allied: camps to an ll'
'arming extent. There was a report of a bat
tle between the Turks and Russians on the
Danube; in which the former were said to I , e
successful. •
Adviees from London, of the 10th
bring a report which is 'generally credited,
that negotintionS Inr peace have been bro
lien off, and that it is the determination (.!.
he Allies to_pi•usoeute
.the war with utino6'
iget•. Ther k e is no probability whatever to .
to early heave.
1 ,4 110111 IC* A Litronra A.
The steamship George Law arrived a:
;ew York yesterday, bringing $1,000,
go!d, and intehligcuce of 'interest. The
team Pearl burst her boiler near Sal:-
amento, and seventy lives were lost in cnm.
No ele'etion of U. S. Senator La.
,ccurred. The members of the Legis'ntnre
oted themselves $1001) each overa veto of
,he measure by the Governor. The Calitia
aia papers teem with records of-more than
the usual quantity of crime. Two I. Kilian:
have been hung by a mob on the San JOI ,
quill, for cattle stealing. They confessed
having committed numerous murders. Ao•
other mob.. at 'Oakland hind bung a mute
named Ge&rge Sheldon. The Indian trar•
tiles in the neighborhood of the Klamath
river are becoming alarming. A number Or
white men have been killed, besides about
thirty indians. It is expected that there will
be a general rising of the . Indians of the
North.., The twelve 13etgium paupers who
recently arrived at New York on board tilt.
ship Rochambeam fram Antwerp have been
discharged from. prisori-,,the New Yerk Sn
preme Court kaving so ordered. According
to the Washiligton Star, the late excitin!:
news fnom Cuba has stirred up the filibm
ters all over the United States, so that tl/c :
have again commenced to° enrol men, umi
prepare for another expedition.
—The Chicago Democrat has a long
of the suicide of Gcorge.W. Green; the bank,
er, convicted of the murder of his wile.—
The deed was committed in his cell at
o'clock on Sunday morning last, With great
deliberation: 13;, - means of his morning
, gown, handkerchief
.and towel, he made a
cord, thstened it .to the - wall, tied his hand::
behind his backs fixed the curd around
.4teek, mounted a table, and kicking it from
under him, was Suspended, and probably
d'.ed in a few minutes. The only record
'eft by.him was the following in a pamphlet,
marked with a pencil. "How rain i.e the
vre•guess qf this world Bow fraVul
Ike gift genius. it In? abused! 11 "ha
'I/tat is 'now liidug would nut, rather die?"
The sir fortunate man had .been in jail
live months, and had been convicted of tntsr•
der its the first degree for killing his wife,
but had been granted a second trial.. At
first he monifested but a little anxiety,
lately he gave way considerably, isud Leconte
-quite emaciated. The Ilemocrat says;
We understand that Green leaves propert%
variously estimated at from $311,000 to $Mi.
000. It is the intention of the family and
relatives of (ireen to em.test the will on the,
ground of his insanity; they holding that
none but an insane person would commit
suicide. Green, sitrce• his incarceration.
had also 'exhibited souse rather strange ne•
lions. For instance, 'stymy er had taken off
the greater portion of this garments. Ile
never took off his under-clothing, except to'
change his shirt occasionally; has cleft iu
his pantaloons,
1 hus ends this .the most apPalling
gedy_ ever enacted its this, eity,__Traul_iirta—
to last it has been a fearful rword of crime ;
a record, the perusal of which would shod:
the most hardened heart.
•spondent of the Philadelphia North - A
an states that the title of Lieutemint4lene
ed does not deprive. Gcii. Scott' of his full
tnk of Majoi• fleneralcms the fjrnicr
lerely to he conferred by brevet. There
ill, therefore, be no oecasiGn for env erattest
- ..tween the
of Generals Wool and
'wiggs lin• the succession. Ile further,stetes
int in full rank (Brigadier •Geileral)
the senior of Twiggs 'I more OM. live
ars;' but by brei'et Twiggs ranks Wool,
te commis , sions of Major (.leveral by brevet
dated Sept. 23, 180, :tad Fob: 23,184",