Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 21, 1855, Image 7

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I'6 Hug ti 2.
Sut Lovegood's Daddy "Acting Horse."
'Hold that ere boss down to the-yesrth.
'He's spreadiu his tail to fly now.' Keep
him whar he is."Wo. - ' 'No, Shavet9ii„—
`He's a, dancitig a jig.' These and like ex
pressions, were addresSed to a queer looking,
long :legged , short-bodied, headed
whitehaired hog eyed, funny sort-of a gen uts
fresh from some bench-legged JeW'sclothing
store, and tnotmted on ‘Deerpoke; a nick
tailed, bow-necked, long, poor, half-dandy,
half devil and enveloped all over in a per
fect net-Work of bridle reins, crupper, martin
gale, straps, circingles, and red ferretin, who
had reined up in front of Pat Nash's grocery,
among a crowd of mountaineers, full of fight
and. mean whiskey.
'What killed him Sat?' says au anxious in
'Why nuthin,' - you 'tarnal fool; he just
died so; died a standin' up, at that. Want
that good pluck?--Froze stiff; no, not_that,
adzattly but starved fast, and then froze af
terwards, so stiff, that when dad and me
pushed hint-over, he just stuck out so (spread
ing his arms
,and leg,) like a carpenters
bench, au' we waited seventeen days'for him
to thaw afore we"
could skin 'im; well that
we was—Dad, au' me (counting on his fing
ers)—Dad, an' me and Sall, .an' Jake (Fool
Jake we•call him fur'short,) an' Jonass an'
Phineass, J and me, and calline Jane, and
Shalottean, au' SimonSaul,:an' Casius'Hen
ry Clay, an' North'D'au Webster, an' me and
the two -- twin am' Cathrine - Second, - an'
Cleopatry Antony; and Jane Liud, and Tom
Bullion, an' the baby, an' do prospect, an'
mam herself, all left without ara hoes to crap
with. That was a nice mess for a'Spectable
white 'family to be slushin about - in; wham
it? Ibe darned if I didn't feel like sorter
stealing a boss sometimes.
Well, we waited, an' wished and waited,
ontil well into strawberry time, hopite some
stray boss moot come along, - bat dog my cat
of eny Bich luck as that comes whar dad is
he's so dratted mean - tin'llizy, an' ugly, an'.
"Well, one nite dad he lay awake all nite
a thinking a snortin' an' a rollete-, an' a
blowia' an' a scratcliin' and a whisperin' at
mum, and nex' mornin' says he, `Set I'll tell
yop what I'll do; I'll be hois myself, and pull
the plough,. while you drive me, and we'll
brake up the corn groan', and the old quilt'
(that's mani) an' the brats kin plant or let it
alone fist as they darn please: So out we
goes to the paw-paw thicket and pealed a
rite pearl chance of bark, and mum and the
made geers for dad, and they becum him
mitily; and he would have a bridle, so I gets
an old umbrella what Pd i found, its a little
forked piece of iron, sorter like onto a pitch
fork, ye know, and we beat an' twisted it
sorter into a bridlebit, snafil shape (dad'
wanted it curb,) as ho sed he had'nt worked
for some time, an' mite sorter feel his oats
`andgo to cavortin.' Well, when we got the
bridle all fixed on dad, ho chomped the bit
just like a boss (he allers was a most corn•
plicated, duru'd old fool, eny how, and main
allers sed so when he warn't about) then I
put 012 the geers an' out 4TI and we goes to
the . field, I was a leadin' dad by the bridle,
and a totiu' the gopher plough on my back.
—When we cum to the fence, I let down the
gap, an' it made dad mad he wanted to jump
the fence on all fours, boss way. I hitched
him onto,the gopher, and away we went, dad
leanin' forard to his, pullin right pearl and
we made, sharp plonghin', dad goin' rite over
the sprouts and bushes same as a rale hoss
,only, differ wus he went
,on two legs.
Presently we .cum to a sassafrac bush, and,
dad to keep up hiS kar-aetor as a hoss, bulg
ed equarintu it, and tore doWn . a hornet's
nest 'high Unto as big as a hope's head . , at'
all:the tribe kivered him rite strate. He
'cared he kicked on co or twicei' foteh
ed a squeal wus nor ary boss in the destrict,
art' sot to runnin' away, jist us natural as ever
you seed. I let go the lines and hollered:
'Woe, dad r woa P but ye moat as well. said
'Woa s ' to'n locornotive.—!GeWhillicansl how.
he run I When ho cum lo a bush,
the top of it, gopher an' all; props he thought
their moat be another settlement ov bald
hornets itrit', - and that it wuf , sefer to go over
than .thru', 'and quicker* done: , every now and
then he'd paw the sides of hia.head . .with fast
one fore log then Vother,' then he'd gin hid
selra openhanded slap, that sounded like a'
waggin whip, an' a riumin' all the lime, an a
kerrin that gopher jist about as fast an' , as
high from the yearth as ever a gopher was
Carried, I swar. When he cum to the fence
he busted rite thro it, toxin' down nigh onto
seven paunch, scatterin' and a breake the
rails.mitily, and here he left gopher, geers,
singletree, ki c evi3, mixed up not wuth a darn.
Most of his shirt stuck On the splintered end
of a broken rale,, an' : nigh onto a pint of
honets staid with the shirt ft stingin'' it all
.over the balance on 'em, about a gallon and
a half kept on, with dad. Ho seemed to run
jist adzactly as a hornet could fly, for it wur
the titest race ever I did see. Dovin, thru
the selge !grass they all went,- the hornets
making it look sorter like a, smoke - all 'robn
dad's bald lied, and he with uuthin on yearth
on but the bridle, an' nigh onto a yard of
plough lino a Bailin behind.
`•I seed now that he aimin fur the
swimmin hole in the creek, who ;the bluff is
over twenty-five feet perpendickeler. to the
water, and hits ni onto ten feet deep. Well,
to keep up his kar-acter as a hoss, when he
got to the bluff he just• leaped off; or rather
he jist kept on ririMin.' Kersunge into the
creek he went; I seed the water fly plum ab
ove the bluff from what I was. Now rite thar
boys he, overdid the thing, if that was what
he was after, for there's nary hoss ever foalded
durn t d fliol enough to lope over 'em ; skin a
place a cussed mule mout a done it; but dad
warn't a acting mule. I crept up to tlieedge
and looked over; thar was dad's bald lied for
all the yearth likd a pealed onion, a bobbin'
up and down, an' the honets sailin, round
turkey-buzzard fashion an' every once and
a while one and sometimes ten 'ud, make a
dip at ded a lied. He kept up a rite peart
dodgin' under, sumtimes afore they hit him,
and sumtimes arter, and the water was kiver
ed with drowned hornets.
"What on yearth are you a doin in thar
dad? sez I. 'Won't (dip) . yer see these cuss.
edv(dip) infernal varmints (dip) rater me"?
What, sez I, 'them rife Hossjlies thar—ye
& i nt- feard—or- thew - are-ye?- --Boss
flies h—lll sez dad, they're rale (dip) gen
uine, bald hornets, you (dip) infernal cuss,!'
'Well, dad you'll hey tu. stay rite thartill cite,
an' arter they go to roe - SIT - yen cum home and
I'll feed ye. I sorter think ye won't need
any currier for a week or so.' I wish I
may never see to morrow, (dip) VII don't
ruinate you (dip) when Ido get out,' said
dad. ''Better say you wish you may never
see another bald hornet, if you ever play horse
again, sez I—and knowin'dadWuranollified
nature,' I broke from them parts, and sorter
cum to the copper mines. I staid hid out
till next afternoon, when I seed a feller a
travelliny an' sez -I, What was goin' on at the
cabin this side of the kreek when passed it?'
—'Why, nuthin much, only a man was sittin'
in his door, with nara shirt on, an' a woman
wus greasin' his back an' arms, his.lied was
about as big as a ten gallon keg, an' be had
n't the first sign..ov an eye—all smooth.
'That man was may dad,' ses I.—'Been much
fitin' in this neighborhood, lately?' sez the
traveller rather dryly. 'Not wuth speakin'
ov pussonally or particularly, sez I. Now,
boys, I paint seen dad since, and would be
feared to meet him in the next ton years.
Let's drink."
And the last I saw of "Ste, he was stoop
ing to get in at the next doggery door, with
a mightily mixed crowd at his heels. •
Sor.n.-- , -A clergyman having on a certain
occasion, delivered himself of what is called
a fine address, was met by one of his hearers
the next day, when in the course of conver
sation, allusion was made to it, the pari
shioner remarked that he had a book con
tai►iing every word of it, and had heard it
before. TO this the clergyman boldly as
serted that the address was written by him
self the week previous to its delivery, and
therefore the assertion could not be correct.
The next day he received a splendid copy of
Webslees Didionary. ,
The .Result.—A benevolent gentleman,
some years since, proposed to give an 'ele
gant Pocket Bible as a ,prize to each child
in. the State of Illinois who would commit to
memory and ; recite the whole of the West
,minster Assenibly!s Sliorter Catechism. It
is stated that More than five thousand Bibles
have-been already received, and nearly all
given into the hands of the children who
have perfectly committed the whole catechism
to memory, and recited it at,onee, :
Tom presented his bill to a neighbor Joe
for service rendered. The latter looked at it,
and exiii•eSsed much surprise at the amount.
Why Tom, it strikes me that you make out a
pretty round : bill here, 'eh?' 'l'm sensible
it's a round On cppth Tom, land camp for
the purpose of getting it scpiaredy,
GAmrt.txu, vnususca Tam ge
'nine out_ West was invited to take a game of
poker, but ho refused, saYing,'"No, Itha'nkee,
I played poker all one summer, and had to
wear nankeen pants all the next winter. I
bade had no -taste for that amu'sementsinee."
gay. He that earns four cents and spends
five has no need of a purse.
k11a..:40 le .-,,:petalb
The Auburn Daily Advertiser 'mentions, the.
the death tit Weedsport, Cayuga county, on
the 2Gth ult, of one Harmon Weedon, aged
SO. He had acquired a handsome compe•
tency, and many years ago made all the ar
rangements for his burial. He constructed'
for himself a stoop coffin of the Cayuga lime
stone, well finished, the cover setting over the
sides on a rabbited sholder, s and bolted td=
gether with six half-inch • bolts, running
through from top to bottom, and secured
with counter sunk nuts. He requested to
be buried in that, with " his cloak wrapped
around him," and no minister was to be al
lowed to come near him. Ills coffin weigh
ed one thousand five hundred pounds, and
he gave particular directions how to lower
him into the grave. All of his directions
were explicitly followed, and 'by
,his direct
ions the &Alin was not only bolted but ce
mented together so as to be water tight.
later intelligence from the new and flourish
ing territory of Oregon. "Sam" is on band,
and has been giving the politicians trouble.
Among the acts passed by the Legislature,
was one substituting the viva rove method of
voting at elections for the vote by ballot ! , in
order to head off the Know Notiting party,
who, it was feared, would soon exert a
formidable influence in the elections. The
Legislature has also, for the smile purpose,
divided several counties, created a new one,
and re-apportioned the territory -fOr rept esen
tatives. The majority of the present mem
bers being Administration Democrats, they:
were preparing to pass resolutions approving
of the Kanzas-Nebraska bill, and denouncing
Know Nothingistn. -
United States Senate, on Tuesday, after va
riously amending Mr. BRODHEAD'S Bounty
Land Bill, paned the same finally by a vote
of 30 to 15. It is very comprehensive in its
provisions, giving 160 acres of land to all
who served in any of the Indian or other wars
previous to and embracing the wars of 1812,
with deductions where grants have already
been made under former acts. It also, in
creases the ray of invalid pensioners.
Goon AnvxcE—Always have a pencil and
a pieee•of paper by you. Dr. Johnson ,said
that some of his best thoaghts were lost, be.
cause he was too lazy to go - into — his — study
and hunt up a little foolscap.
n Hall lY ,
subscriber, irGROCERY STORE of the n Ma ,
A now supply of fresh ‘Vater Crackers,
• Soda,liuttcr, I'lc Sic and Sugar Buiwult,
Parity', Corn Starch, Tapioca, SIVP), Pearl Hark)',
Extract of Coffee, Rim Flour, Bahing, Powder, Ac.,
A new let of suporior 'Pablo Oil„
Pickier:, Tomato Ketchup, Frenc .fusta`rd. Hay
Rum. Ac. J. W. EIIY.
of you who have been afflicted for years with this
bothersmno disease, and Who have been using almost
every Nostrum. before the public without relief, we say
to you try "Beechers Antitlyspeptie" and you willsnon
be convinced of its great superiority over every other
preparation. We could give you runuy certificates corob
orating our assertions, but a single trial is worth 'more
thAri all. This remedy is prepared and sold at the'Drug
Store of 11. J. KEIFFER, .South Hanover street, a few
doors south of the Court House, Carlisle.
•,k , CI AINSI BARGAINS!—The snbscribe'r ntending
to relinquish business offers his entire stock o BOOTS,
f 1 Is m,e n t eN , ;, or m k z o Ld it e ‘n of h t i l t t lm ,i s i t k i .s natcgt , l s tr
dosh f u ,y u. tl , l
scouring good bargains had better now let this
opportunity slip, as they may nut again have the chance
of securing such bargains as we now offer them.
The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and
the public. generally, that he has just returned from the
city with a large' and varied assortment of
FISH, fie...(.. Which he (Mims for stile on th e l if s 4 ;
i f
most reasonable terms, at his New Store. It ?.
corner of North Ilanorer street and the Puy l • 11 , ;••
lie Square. directly opposite the Carlisle Do. ,
posit hunk. Ills stock embusses everything usually
iu a Grocery and Variety store.
The public are invited to call and examine his stock
before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can
sell the best goods at the lowest prices. .
. . . ...
Best Rlo, Mocha and Roasted Coffees, •
Crushed, Pulverized and Loaf Sugar
Porto Rico, Ney Orleans and Cuba do,
Imperial, 0 unpowtior, Young Ryon and Black Teas,
Best Syrups. N. 0. and Sugar Rouse Molasses,
Queenswaro, Cedar and Stoneware, • •
Cheese. Fish, Salt, Soap and Starch
Cavendish, Natural Leaf, Fig and Starch,
Tobacco, ,
Pickles, Pine Apple and Tomato Preserves,
Ketchup and Spices of ovary, xuriety, &c. , •
My stock has Issia selected with strict rofMelie
filially use, for sale •very low for cash wholegale or retail,
by WILLIAMS, . •
auk IA Family Grocer.
'ho subscribers,' Intending to lettvo this place, offer,
their entire stock of GOODS AND GROCERIES ait
first cost. It conslsts of
LIMBS' DRESS (1000S.—Fino all wool Delanes and
Cashmeres, Bo Doges, Frond' Morinoes ' Black and Fancy
Dress Silks, Handsome BeMines from S to 20 cents per
EMIIItOIDEBTES.—A ' large assortment of Swiss and
Jaconot Spencers UndondeoveS, Collars, itufilings, Edg
ings, insortings, ' &c. Mourning Sponeors and Collars,
and EtninUirlorod Linen Cambric liandkorchiefs.
STlAWLB.—liandsoino Long and Square Black, Figured
and 'Millet Shawls. '
nom I*.:v.rics.--Clotlis, Casslmores, Fattiuctts, Ken
tucky' Jeans, Lluseys, Musllus, Checks, Tlekings, Cali
coes, Flannels, ite..A.c.
Also, a largo assortment of Blows, Cotton, CaSlinterO,
and Woollen Hose, Cloth CapS, Blankets, 4e. -
61t0fILRIES.—Sugar, Cabo, Molasses, Spleett,
We invite one and all to come and OXIIIIIIIIO our stock;
as now is the time to purchase thenp goods.
Ft. 'W. Corner of N. Hanover and Loather streets
Nov. 2J, HU.
pIIILA. Surgeons' Bandage
- INSTITUTE . GEMOVED to No. 4, 9th
street, sixth store shove Marliet. IL .0.
11VEItErrs Patent Graduating Pressure TRUSS, fur the
cure of Itupturo; Shouldor Braces; Supporters, Elastic
Stool:111gs. Suspensary, Itemorrlioidal, and Bandages [hr
doformitius. JAIL 11-Iy.
The AMeUICAN ARTISTS' UNION , would respectfully '
RIIIIOIIIICO tU the citizens of the United Stated and the'
Cantatas, that fu the purpM:u of cultivating a taste for
the line arts throughout the country, and with a view
of enabling every family to become possessed of a gallery
of Engraving lIY,TIfE FIRST AUTISTS ot"ritE AGE.
they have determined, in order to create an estonsivi
sale for their Engravings, and thus not only give on
ployment to a largo number of artists and others, bu,
inspiro among our countrymen a taste for works of art
to present to the purchasers of their engravings, who)
250,000 of which are sold, 250,000 uirrs, of the actin -
cost of $llO,OOO.
Each purchaser of a Ono Dollar Engraving, therefore
receives not only an Engraving richly worth the mono.
but also a ticket which entitles hint to one of the lila.
when they are distributed.
For Five Dollars, a highly finishe4 Engraving, beau
tifully painted In Oil, and FIVE (AFT uctivrs, will •
be sent; or Five Dollars worth ofsplendid Engravlngt. ,
can be selected from the Catalogue, and be sent by re
turn mail or express. -
A copy of the Catalogue, together with a spe, linen oi
one of the Engravings, can be seen nt the office of thh•
For each Dollar tent, np.lingraving actually-worth that
eum, and h Gift Ticket, vfiii Immediately be forwarded.
The CommateelbelieVing that the sUereaß of this
.Great National Undertaking will•be materially promoted
by the energy anti enterprise of intelligent and mime.
vering Agents, have resolved to treat with such on the
most liberal terms.
Any person wishing to becomemn Agent, by sending
(post pahl,lsl,will receive by return of mall, apne 1.101-
lar Engraving, a "arri"r[cKwr i " a Prtspectus, a Cat.
nlogue and all other necessary information. °
On the final completion of the sale, the Gifts will be
placed In the hands of a Comnirrns of the runcrtAssits to
be DISTRIIIVM, dun notice of which will ho given thro°-
out the United States and the,Conadas.
100 Marble bust of Washington at
100 " " Clay, - •
100 " Webster -
100 " Calhoun -
50 elegant Gilt Palutiugs, In splendid gilt
frames. slze 4x4 ft. each,
100 elegant 011 Paintings, 2x3 feet each
500 steel plate Engravings, brilliantly col- r
(nod in eiloich gilt frames 24x30 In
each - -
10,000 elegant steel plate Engrn' Ines. col
ored in oil, of the Washington Mon
ument, 20x20 inches each - -
' 7 1,000 steel plate engravings, firma 100
different plates now In 11054551011
of and owned.hy the A rtists' Union,
of the market value of from 50 cts.
to g each, - -
1 first class Dwelling In 31st et, N.Y. City
2'2 Batting Lots in 100 and 101sts,s,•N.
Y. City, each 25x100 ft. deep. at
100 Villa•Sltes, containing each 10,000 sq.
ft. in the suburbsof New York City
icridconifflanding a magnifirent view
of the Hudson River and Long Is
land Sound, at - - • -
20 perpetual loans of cash, without Bite
rest, or security,
.slslT ,i i.ach 5.000
" 5.000
50 " 1.000
20 " • -- I,otit)
5 10,000
Referenoo In regard to the Real Estate, EA. VISbCIIEIt
.4 Co. Real Estate Brokers, New York. Orders, (post
milk] with money enclosed, to he addressed,
J. W. 1101,111100KE. Secretary, -
505 Broadway. N. Y.
t.. - 9... The Engravings In the Catalogue are now ready
for delivery. rnov 8-fan
50 . "
1.1 "
NEW 6001151 NEW GOODS!!
-"he subscriber has just returned from the cities of N.
York and Philadelphia with the cheapest and most
splendid assortment, of EAU AND WINTER GOODS
ever brougbt to Carlisle. Ilaving purchased from several
of the largest Importing houses in New York for Cash,
It will enable me to offer greater Inducements and give
better bargains to my old customers and all who may
favor me with it call, than can he had at any other store
in the town or county.
I have the cheapest Flannels, Sattinetts, Cb‘ths, Ken
tucky Jeans. lie lains. Do Doges. Muslins, Tickings,
over offered in the borough.
It Is impossible to enumerate one-half the articles.—
COMO one and all. In want of cheap gods and judge f.r
yourselves. No trouldo to show our goods Recollect
the old stand, East Main Stmt.
oet4 '54 CA ARLES 00 ILEX%
IV F llader I
pliin ar TZ 4
0 11 r e
nowfrom ct!Zo led te
assortment of FALL AND IVINTiIIt GOODS.
A full assortment of Cloths.
- A full assortment of Cass Micros.
A full assortment of Cassinets. '
A full assortment of Vestlugs.
A full assortment of Ladies Dress Goods.
A full assortment of Domestic 00144.
A full assortment of Silks and Alpacas.
A full assortment of Silk,Tlithet. Catdunere Shauls.
A full assortment of Groceries.
A full asSOrtinent of qtli:011 are.
With a full assortment of .Iliscellatuxms articles gene
rally kept In Stores. Purchasers will find It greatly to
their interest to call and examine onr stock pur
chasing, as goods "VIVO materially depreciated, and will
be sold accordingly. Come one, come all, and judge for
yourselves. • isentlat
The largest stock of Clothing ever brought to Car
lido, tuts just !hum received by Al:N(11,11k LIVINGSTON
at their cheap and exteuslve CLOTHING HOUSE, iu
North - er Street.
The . prices of clothing at this house have been reduced
to such a very low standard that it is now in the power
of all who wish, to year good clothes.
The assortment consists of Overcoats .of every descrip
tion, lbws, Frock and Sack Coats, n great variety of Box
Monkey coats. Be. Superfine Cass[mere PANTS,
black and fancy.' Silk and Satin VESTS, and a fine va
riety of Valencia and other vests. Also, shirts, cellars,
stocks, pocket handkerchiefs. suspenders, gloves, hosiery,
and all other articles generally kept in this line 0.
Linings& All artielee!kold at this establishment war
ranted what they me represented to be.
Also, a splendid assortment of goods in the plere.—,
Superfine French , and English CLOT ITS and CAS.'
SIMEBES of every hue and shade. satin, silk, and Vale
eta vestings, , satinettsfke:‘nli of whieluvritl be - =dein
order at the shortest police, and in the neatest and best'
manor. All,gitrinerits warnatted tpfit:.lloYS CI.OTII.
INO always on hand.
The publicare respectfully Invited to call and exam
,inothe seperlor assortment of cdnlh ing+nt this establish
ment, next door to byne's Ilardeare store, oppesite to
Maglaughl in's hotel. '
J. D. , ii ALBERT
I•lleinents of Character, by Miss Chandler.
Clorernook, by Alice Carey.
Cranford, by author of Mary Barton.
Passion and Peqjudice, by Mrs. (lore
Ifeiwietta Temple, by D'lsraell.
Old Redstone, or historical Sketches of Western Presby
,fic., by Joseph Smith, I). D. ,
Village- Sermons. by Rev. Geo. Burdor, containing one
hundred and one plain short discourses ou the prinrb
pal doctrines of - the Clospeljnst published by
eott, (Immix) A: Cs., or Philadelphia.
Sunny Memories of - Foreign bands, by 'Mrs. IL B. Stowe.
Splendid (lift llopks and Annuals for 1655.
'Harper's ' Putnam's, Oraham's and Uodoy'e Magazines
for Oetober, ,
oct,4 A. M. PIPER.
tAIRY GOOD ' -----ti --: WEISE & CAMP
s‘•-•,-2- BELL have just n ,
coin(' at their Stem, in •N. Hanover street, Carlisle, a
largo, handsome and cheap stock of FALLGOODS,Itbich
we will •Holl CHEAPER THAN EVER. MVO us a call.
Carlisle, Eept. 13, 1651. •
„f •
CHEAP SILKS..--I inn now opening
u n. large nsbortinent of BLACK SILKS. Also, nn
I, assoriment of new styles fashlenable VALI. SILKS, very
' (+esp.
oell '64 ” 'CILARLES WIWI%
%. . . 4.9 •
Rao '►jorft
$lOO $lO,OOO
- 100 10,000
- - 100 10.000
100 10,000
100 0,000
00 0,000
Dry .6notts.
. .
pd - E.' GOULD, [Successor to A. Fitlt.
No. 104 Chestnut St., F. , waim's Philm"ei
a, a, extensive Murk Publisher, and Dealer in Musical
instruments of every description. •
Exclusive agent for the sale_of Millet, Paris k Co.
Patent Sip:pension Bridge !Eolian and oilier PIANOS
Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Meledeona, Martin's Guitars
Harps. Violinsi , Sheet Music, Music Books, fie;
Residents of the country will be supplied by mall or
otherwise with music they may wish. as low as if pur
chased in person. !laving one of the„ largest st ,- el.s in
the United States, I feel gonfldent of satiyfying all a by
may favor toe with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the moat literal terms
Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for sale. /
May '2O, 1853-1 ,
ItY..WIIOLESALII and IIF.TAIL, at the "Th.lia
delphin NVriteh and - .Jew elry Store. '
„Number tiff North Second Street. , , r
.., tier of Quarry, Philadelphia. r:, id
Lover 11'atches, full jewellcd.ll , ear
-17 .
. , at rates,.'2(l
i..4„1 ( • • /..:. . Gold Lepine, 18 carat eases, n '.,:4 (,0
;: =. 4, .-,: -- , , -4-, Silver '.• jewels. -.
- t 1 t e o o
V.0.60 . .,:nA1f. r ` Silver Lover, full jewelled, 12 (, i
Superior Quartiers, - . - - • 7i 0
Gold Spectacles, - - - , - 7 (.0
Fine Silver Spectacles, -
- i 14,)
Gold lirnoolets, - - 3I 0
Ladies' Gold Pencils, -., • - ' - - 1 it)
Silver Tea Spoons. set.' -; - - 8 iq.)
Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder. - 1 (.0
Hold Finger Rings '371,4 rents ~ ss; watdi ca: ...,
plain, 12,1 2 ' cents. Patent 1S:31, 'Anon 25; other snicks
In proportion. All goods warranted to be what they :try
sold for.
On baud, Some Oold and Silver Leven; and Lepir es
still lower than the above prices.
10 5,000
4 40,000
DONNELLY, manufacturer and inventor of FA 1 E
No. 10.3 Nort h FOURTH Street (a hve Mace) I'lll LADED
I'll! A. Matches haling become aminidkper sable talfr 1e
in housekeeping, the subscriber titter a great, kattif;Ce.LL
—tintenud-moneycis enabled - tic 6ffeti to the Public 71 :a--
ticle'at once combining Utility anti( heappers. 'lhe in
ventor knowing the danger apprehended on acermi t f
the iiiinsey manner in whieh )Itttehes are generally
parked In paper. has by the aid of New Steam Nat bhee,y
of his own Invention. succeeded In getting up a S.A Pr! 1 .
far preferable. In ni much that It occupies no n. m
than the old rtmnd wood box, and Ontains at least
Two Hundred per Cent more Matches. Uhltil Shippus
Is considerable advantage: It is entirely new. and smut;
against moisture and smintancous combustion, dispe/s
all danger on transportation by ut ea ns of Railroad. S tt AM
boat or any other mode of Conveyance.
These Matches are packed so that one {mss rr nit
may be shipped to any part of tb World with perft6 , t
rattily. They are the most desirable in tide for lit me
Consumption, and the. Southern and western markets
that have ever been Invented.
DEALERS and SHIPPERS, will do well to call and
examine for themselves.
co:i_These matches, are WARRANTER to be Mlpelln.
to anything heretofore
-offered to the Public.
12,00 A
1000 22,000
500 50,900
106 North FOURTH St. l'biltra
Minn. Deer 4, 1554,
_FRENCII,TRUSSES;: r ,NVei. , llin ,, less
than 2% oubees, for the cure of Hernia or It uptn re
acknowledged y the highest medical authorities ot l'hii
allidpltht, incomparably superior to any other in use.—
Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the Oreaf4,lll re w
offers to procure not only the highest and most easy. let
ns duinble a Truss as any other, in lieu of the etmiLll,la
and uncomfortable article usually sold. There is no dit
lenity attending the ftting. and when the pad is 'ant
ed it nil! retain Its position with, ut clampe.
Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscrn Cr,
can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting,
five dollars for the single Truss, or ten for the (Muth.
Ith 111103S1111, r..ttini the hips, alai stating side affected.
It will ho exchanged to suit if not fitting, be retutnli.g
at 00e, unrolled. For sale only by the Importer,
Corner Twelfth and Pare streets. l'hilad,lph!a.
air' Lim its, requiring the benefit of Mechanical i-op
porters:Z*l6g to the derangement of the Intert al [-
cans, inducing Ealing of the Womb, Vocal. Pulmonary,
Dygpeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, are hint int .1
that a competent died experienced LAST will 1 e in it.
tendance at the Mien's, (.et apart ter their va,elui , il
use) No. 114 TWELFTH St., Ist door below lince.
July 20, '54.
- -
AYES' Patent Tubular Oven 1 -. -t
Alit RANGE. various si 41,4, to suit D
itc oases and ilotols.
These in want of a superior iCeoking ApParatus ta I
vited to call nt our Werehouso and examine this Et
For durability, economy and siniplicity lu eperati
stands unrivaled. It has a perfect hot air vouttlatl
and meats' aked in this oven will retain theirjuici
flavor eqund to that nested before arPopen the. t
and pastry , cooked at the mine time without one a t
lug the other. It will supply suflident heated r
'beat additional rooms for the coldest weather. It h•
descending or'return flues, and is equally Ivell ad, tt.
to bituminous or common' hard real. Thu steam
over the boiling part of the Range (tarries off the st
and scent of cooking, as well as heat in Sunimer.
Every Range sold Uarrantelt to gisle satisfaction, n t
expense to the purchaser.
IIAY ES' , 'VENTILATOR. Patented Oetober, 'IS4E
Public nalls.'Factories, Railroad Cars, Chhanies, F
Ships. Steamers, Ac.
Pure air is a sulject claiming the attention of •
and all buildings should bo proi ided \r
,the proper means of ventilatimi. • .
for Dwellings, School Houses, Churches, halls, Stott
Factories. Re.
A Itirge assortreent of Office, MD and Cooking SUN*.
Parlor Orates, Registers, &e. Wholesale and retail.
5.2. North sl.xth atreet,
Persoriiil attention glen to warming and vela
lilting Loth public and private buildings.
VE 1).-E. NEWLAND '&;, (i - 0 4 S
- 11,) wholesale and retail LOOKING ULASS AND PIC
TUItII FRAM!: 3IANUFACTOKY, No. 1211 ARCll'stmt,
opp4lte tho Theater, Philadelphia.
F. N. & Co. received the only Medal. awarded at
the Crystal Palaco exhihitlan , N. Y., 1853, in tho United
States. for,ollt, Thvorated, Mantel and Pier Glasses.
GRATIS !—JUst Published—A w w
DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE.-:—A few words or,ths
Rational Treatment ;
_without Medicine, 'Spermatcr heft,
or local weak nosti, nervoub'debili ty, low spirits ; lassit tide,
Nroluexs of the limbs and bock. indisposition and ii,ro
paeltit for stud and labor, dullness of apifrohension,
loss of memory, aversion to society, love of solitoic ti
midity, self distrust, dizziness, headache. involUntary
discharges, 1 airs In the silo, ntleetion of the eyes, On.
pies on the Thee, sexual andlother Infirinities in inan,',
From the French of Dr. 11 , Delancey:
hap ortant fact that these alarming compl: lots
may easily he removed wirnovr n't mem:, is In this tyligi
tract clearly tientenstrated, and the,entirely new and
IlLaxly successful :treatment. As adopted by the Anther,
fyllp explained, by mennteof which every one is orniblvi
to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible offi,
avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums of tilt
t. , tnit to any address, gratis and post free. Ina sea /ad
envelope, by remitting (pokt. paid) two postage stgrotth
to Dr. It. DeLancey, 17 Lispo-ard street, N'ork.
Mara' 1-ly
. tl - ,OLLEN YARN.—A. lot of very
Superine Heavy, and Even Woollen NArrijust
received, much bcttur than the city ynne.'nll eeleure.
nnvs CHAS. OW LIM.
ITi.4 INIIIROIDERI.ES.—The . largest and
‘.,/ el;eapost .nFsortment of NeeAlto Worl.: - Collars
antikerelilok, Chimizetts, Under Sloovvs, Ziglora, In
sortln4s, Laces; Ae., now opening at. the /heap Ftorro of
evti '64 CHARIXS 001,141 T.