Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 21, 1855, Image 3

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r A 4.11),8 I)V.CLINTOCK, M. D. ,1--.4;afe.
; Annt...y and Surgery in the Philadel
phia t20119,1.4if Medielne, Mel Acting Professor et hi , .
‘ilfcrY: , &te.oilhe emnallting Physicians of the Phil
'fiospitul, .111(4 , 1(10y ; late monitor of the Na
thoml.Medical Association; member of the Philadel
phil,Meilical Society; inemherof the Medico-Chirurgl
'"i 1 " 11 vg 6 (if Philadelphia; formerly :President and
Pr!d'q , ,,sor of Anatomy and Surgery in t'astleton
l'uitu,o, Vermont; and also, Into Professor or A
limey, and Physiology in Berkshire Medlealinstitu-
I la , ; rat ely introduced in a popular form, several, of hit
•orite prescriptions fir the principal disea,ses of this
I:he Immo Of each article will imply the .dis
,c it, la Intended to be med.
. .
. • .
DI! ..1!C1 I.rsivcies l'keronAT. i4vntrr,
I)IL 11 NTocies COl.l , C011011:1118TUILE--For COMS,
lt;loi. i`rlcC 115 ets.
I'i ire RU ets.
ying the Mood. Priem $l.
NloCt 'work's Dyspeptic Elixir-For giving tone
the stomach, relieving pains after eating, heartburn,
!I all disagreeable symptoms arising from indigestion.
Dr..ncrusTorlt's 51iXrunr—A Purely Ve
tahte nenaaly for internal me. Price 50 eta.
Prfee Su et m.
tott.‘lle(l. l :v . r , lciCskettur.3llxTunt*,--For Pains, Toeth
he, leadaelte, Nenralgin, &e.
llnCLl:vroiiVs FErrit ANn Anut.:l:mete—A certain
ro fl , t• nil Internatonts. Price $l.
Ti Sale Remedy.
Liz:. nt'C't,txtoe VI:1of:T.111LE Punt:ATl VI! PILLS—Por
St tVetiess, headache, &e. Price 21 cts.
Mre4.lNroex's'AxTi-lit1.10(5 P11.1,1--For Irregularity
the Functions of the hirer and Dowels-411u best 14)
1111 tondo. Prlee;2l . cts. tt Islx.
sale by Dr..). MeMlNTot7l.nt his Medieal Depot,
IV. currier NINTIU and FILItERT Streets. Philadel
and all Druggists. Druggi,,ls and healers in,Ntid•
ho wish to I,u Agents. silt please address Fr.
•Cliure.•lt, furnishing reference, name of fist °flits,
tit,t, and State.
SUN! by IV. A. Kelso. Samuel rai
IL rckwell, Shirpenshurg; Eitnninp;er,t 1,,
1 1eoltaniesborg; .I , sepli 'Herron. Ni.e s Ille: .T. It.
'.lo , nlan, A ndorsonburg; Haloes & Fertig. Jliltertr
" A• C. ICltnk. Now 1110undield; I tarried 11. Fitly,.
; ht. F. Gardner..lerk Spring's; A.. 1. Miller 01111
I vinl, Chain bort:l4ll'g: It. 3lentzer. Waynesboro.;
Ilergner and U. It.. Jones
11,('1,!ST,1('N rau be ,onsulied, wit liGut cliargu,
:).,on 1(1 to A ac.. 81
1 ()11 11()I,I1)AYS!
- - FANek — com,bs. t":1:1 th)l)Ks..
vlatsTicK has Jam, hparth,, - ,ity
111ir opening n qpiondi.l.ll. , play Nil . GO , , 1): 4 .
it .1.1.1.• tor tiiiYaiiiirtwogiing: Itnliday Suasoii. to which
rc's t _thiLattentiun. of -iiim-h-tolitts- atid - the
,`• Ile. ills assortment 'in this line cannot I o,orptissed
non pity and elo:4:toce, and I,,tit in quality and price
he ar:peles, raonnt 1.01 to ploase purelitisors. it
emu:a:rut() his
c , lnprist• every varlet) of fancy article of the ITIGA
ti kite shape such as
"tlacho Booth:,
It za tlt alabt+E;tor loc-r4t an d, and tra3s,
FILL) and ,(101l card rases,
1,t1) Fat t y Baskets,, 11 ,sl. 11.txos. with sewing instruptotits,
rt ,vcry. 'variety. „
p.. 1 itcns. and iteticels, Valley paper weights,
l'Apc , arlcs. Hatt a large variety of ladies' Fahey station
..als and Ma A , vs, Silk and Lead purseg,
La riding whips : ele , rantly finished, Ladies' fine
Perftale baskets and leigq, •
c%ery kind for the toilet,
l'orAnke of the callow. 6iuds,
iustrunientst, of all hind\wiltl at all prices.
Irith'an inntoner:o , le varictNt art hies elegant
-111, h.lllll and ruitudle f.r bolliday pre,ents. to which
• in, att,intion.
Also. an y/1,11)111'1 , and elegant cnllectinn of
.1101.111.1 Y (171 T HOOKS,
dinci -Inv the ,arhAIS E1141i5114,1111 ilwrican ANNVALS
hly enthel ishod ;11, , 1 P.11.11:11e11
ith LI kN'S 11001:S, f•n•
dldren of all a,zus. 111:111 N% 111,11 nothing can I,e Inort.
.1,, . 1 0 nap pleasing us holiday gifts. Illtia.Y.ll'llll4`lll
, and : .4 ehot , l; 4 Liti. , nry Is also complvto
... , a,priscs every thing used in College and the
.1, 110 ale., desire, 1.. 11 1 1: iiartilltaill'llll.lMlloll
V 11 1 .11: elOiZ:1111 • f
LA ]I I ItA NDoLE;-z,
the extensive estatilishmetits of l'orttelitis, Areitot
,t hers of L , Lery style of
r 1,.. I 113111)41' udy I.:imps. for hurtling eithe
r‘f sperm or ethereal oil. tivettior with
L., , 1 / 4 L.. Ills if sitalittent iu this lire is we
it the horititelf. Also,
rr ry variety and at all prices. all of which aro pur r
of f,rsh. such as ran he eon lidentiy recommended to
flirlois and the little folks. Ills stork viola-uses
(Idol; inAhe line of Fancy 10..q5. with ninny ether
Li I, useful to housekeepers which the puLlit are
ion invited to call and aye during the holidays.—
•00.u11.0r the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Punk on
rr ii Hanover street.
1::1854. S. W. I.I.AVERSTWK.
fills HOLIDA It ISS LE 'S / 11A LI,
new. and
,wlll continue to be supplied with tliegl cat
pp 14 th e llo se of 'be season, comprising It
x t )NEECTIONARI I tlf the cholcc“ varl, ties, such
VI,. Candy Toys, del IN' ealtt.s. 11111 Irons, d Inn eVrtiitil
”ill,ll. Chocolate Mill Fruit Props, Bose, Vanilla, and
Ira Almonds, French and exploding Secrets. Also
I the colWinoh varieties. all of which w ill lie sold whole.
I„ :Lod retail at, low rates. We have jut received
t 'l'.t 4 AND NtiTS of the latest importations such as
-urges, Lemons, 1 taisins. Figs, Pruens, Citroi Commits,
t't and paper shelled Almonds. Filberts, Cocoa. Cream
ti round Nuts.. In vohnection with the above the
assortment of TOYS AND FANCYBOOBSof every
tai fc. iii all 011 - of Europe, manufactured of wood,.
chinn.,papler niacin!. tin, and India rubber,
Hue Wax, kid matt jointed Dolls, sewil-g,
C.u . d Baskets. Work'and Fancy Boxes Flower Vases,
.t t 'ups. Tea Setts, Music Boxes, Port )lonaies, Battle
; nice Hoops, Masks, Drums, Cans Trumpets
l,dto and other gullies, Ac. Fancy Soaps and
jr dh, of every variety'. In connection with the
largo stock of ;FAMILY tiItOCEIIIEB, such as
vcrb-ed. crushed aod .brown Sugars, of overt' guide.
ce. NhdasseiLyt , titreli,, Green and Black Teas, Spices,
Sirzar, Water and other Crackers, cheese,
,11 , svr11,er.rotairiks his sincere 'thanks ton goner
puL toe the, pativ,nage heretofore bestowed on Linn,
de: ire to please, to merit a emitiimance
r 411 P,
isto, De'e,r 7, 151,4
IV,. ivive just. received from PIIIIMMIpbta, a 'largo
taunttofnewnudSPLEINDIDANNUALS, nod Girt
K frc the Itondays, which Mut rig been purchased
w the usual
,wholosalo rates, we are tumbled to
tt tromittY roducod prices. They have now fit store
'redid stock of
Gilt 'Rooks,
FllustrO toil Poets,'
'tanzintil Worlzs i ,
/libles, ill sizes, . .
. Prayer Boobs '
' •.11yzno Books,
t , unday Pclowl, Books, '
. '-• ' : - . 'Tract Books;
Juvenno.R, ke., &a.
,1 libtoia are NEW ROOK ti, rush from thoptibllaberg y
"MILIIy bound'M.l embellsbect macl got up tucforesslY
h o Vbeintrp.reis llolkMye. Also PANCY WfAT WNW , /
r mto y li aides gun many, in great variety,.. !Pbepulo
o I iivitmt-twe4l :Mr oszunino tothiplos 310 W woody
~ ,j,,.t.t0,,,,• „ ,
110,,tinex,r, tho Otto to buy books, cheap, is at
, :irt;, grop,A.r.e.pc
~ ~i ) 1854 - • .
• •
. 51 - I.I3J;LERS.-:-X.ANDER's PAT ,
. 0)11N deel,h'Ally tla hest and elieni,
use: Farurerg requested to 1A1111.1,1
• ;i t tbo Orritifte Fnutitiry and liziehliir,Fbop,'or
it•ul's Hardware ititora, For salu itt rttawaltklAt
,hr • ('
2.4-41 . 11:11 ' , GARDNER & DROWN,
How often it happens, that the wife lingers from
par to year in that pitiable condition as not even
n. ono day to feel The happy and "exhilarating lona-
RICO incident to the enjoyment of health
But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth,
and buoyancy of
. spirits;,rapidly, end apparently in
explicably, becomes a, Cobble, sickly, sallow, debili
tated wife, with frame emaciated; nerves unstrung,
spirits. depresSeAbi countenance bearing tbo impress
of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros
tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and
plainest rules of health as connected with the Mar
riage state, the violation of which entails disease,.
suffering and misery, not only to'llie wifo, bat often
ICING'S EVIL, and other and
worse Diseases, es a•
, .
"And must this continue P Must this LOP Is thoro no
romody P No relief? No bops?"
The remedy is by knowing the canoes and avoiding
them, and knowing . the remedies, and benefiting by them.
Theso aro pointed out in
One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), ISmin., pp. 250
'fm,rmis RAnrc, V 1 111 A $1.00.1
A standard work of established reputatiOn, foun3 classed
In the catalogues of the groat trade sales In New York,
Philadelphia, and other cities, kohl by the principal
000ktellers in the United States. It was first published
in 1647, since which time
bare been sold, of which there were upwards of
ffi.tin g no high estimation in which it It held asp ro
liable popular Nhalical •
BOOK FOCI. „F: 11 , 7. F 1A L E;
the antlinr having devoted lib; exclusive attention to tho
treatment of complaints peculiar to females, in respect to
which he is yearly consulted by thousands both in person
and by letter. _
here every woman can alecover; 'by comparing her - iwn
symptoms with those described, the nature, cle
causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints.
Tho wife about becoming a 'mother has often need of
Instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her
future health, In respect to which her sensitiveness for
bids consulting a medical gentleman, Will find snob' in
;traction and ailvipo, and also explain many symptoms
which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all
the peculiarities incident to her situation aro described.
How many aro suffering from obstructions or irregular•
Rion ,pectiliar to the female system, which undermine the
- huattirrthrs - effects of which they are ignorant, and rot
which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice.
Many suffering from prolapitits uteri (falling of the womb),
or from fluor calms (weakness, debility, &a.) Many are
in constant agony (or many months preceding confine
ment Many hare difficult if not dangerous deliveries,
and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose livee are
hazarded daring such time, will each find in its pages the
means of prevention, amelioration and relief.
It is of course impracticable to convey fully the various,
itubjects treated of, an they. are of a nature strictly in
tended for the married or those contemplating marriage
Reader, are you a husband or a father? a wife or a
mother? Haw yen the sincere welfare of those you lore
at heart? Prove your ainc,crity, and lose no time In
learning what causes interfere with their health and hap
piness not less than your own, It will avoid to, you aria
yonrs, es it has 'to thousands, many a day of pain and
anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the
mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting those
means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised
nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining
years, the Rah-milks of ago and the proper education of
your children.
In consequence of the oniversal popularity of the work,
as evidenced hp its e \tram . ..Unary hale, various imposi
Urns hero been attempted, on well on booksellers o on
the public, by Imitations of title page, spurious editions,
and Kurreptitions infringements of copyr.ght, and othel
ievicet, and deceptions, it has been found necessary,
to buy no book unless the words'' , Dr. A. M. MAUMIN:Iti,
129 Liberty Street, N. Y." Ia on (awl the entry in the
Clerk's 011ie° en the back
of) the title page ; and buy
only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by
guih, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau.
sir Upon receipt of One Dollar " THE MAR
PANION" is sent (mailed free) to any part• of the
Milled States, the' Cannclas and British Provinces.
All letters mast be post-paid, and addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAUEICEAU, box 1224, New-York City.
Publishing Ofilco, •No. 1.29 Liberty Street, NCR,.
mere that 1w k ati pß
an admi
diteetured by himself. The
excellence of this Tonic SA testified to by all of Ills elm
touters who here used It to be MeV of tie hest articite
known for cleansing the hair of dandruff. lie also num
ufacturcs a hair Restorative, known as the `dsoreshoe
num," for giving flow growth to the bale on bald heads.
kmplotestimony exists or the efliency of this excellent
It estorptive: While the Shemansagner clears the hely
of dandrOf lola prevents It from coining out, the Co-
Ntsheenum supplies a new growth to those who have
had the misfortune to lese their bats. The public i s 1,,.
vited to Alit, examine and .porchase theso inv a i n o,h,
Articles, (IS he is oxlntitleut they Will render setlafacflon.
:WAVING. 11Allt DUESSINO, and C131.71N0, and
SITAMPOONING attended to in the hest style as usnal.
at Lis old rooms on \V est NI ain 641 , 0... near Marion Ilall.
,Carilgtd, Pee. 27, 165.1. • .u3l. Buitacss
I ) -
Ti. t o .uudursigited Leg just returned fr o m
,phit n .
withn fresh simply oft hUIYYtiutICU>NFECTIONARY:
Tho former in connection with hk static on hand will
lamina his nottartment of Mugs. Nietlicittes mot Chemicals
munpßite. His assortment of CONFECTIONARY, Is also
dice; tfOht;litting of lini'o sugar Male a nd tra sprout
`Andy Tftys; Candy, commomasserted, and lino Candles
f ity e mynrkiv '
• als• - • Fruits, - Nuts. mei every thing
I,l(.lwing to that iimpnrtinont or bade. Up would rail
attention to his supply 'of FANCY ARTICLES
tr the Holidays. geyernlMo, 1111WrIg N\lll.ll
(.011(1 (110 good, the to iti fiil, and the uroful. All are
tithed to call whether they wish 6) 1.11!j4:11: 00 or not.
Carlisle, Pec,r ,rl4 •
YOU 'SEED A'P pitEi9:NT.
—Tho subscriber respectful.
ly.luftrios the Indies ntid
, Motiotnen• of Caribilo :Lod
leioity that ho has now on
haw' at 'his Unir Dressing
Stinying itoton on West
Greet. no elegant nssortroot
ilbotiontenht WitiS, nod enn
Cornish to order at shortest
' , ...0ti0n ovary hind of Ifnir
Work of tin) best quality.
go niso.bels Waco to in.
rm his 6101111 i unit custo.
',,ti . ttrO - tilt ;:ilytiSO:
'Oarquinre: -
TOIIN e and Re
4ur dealer in American, English and aerman
II Al; DIVA lt.E, Oils, l'airits, Sec,i IdechanicS, builders
and the palate g oor r any, who are to want , of hardware
teAltOolany kind, are invited to call in and
, my unusually larg stuck of
R • goods, which 1 am: selling at very low
utirws. Just stop in; , it will only detain you a vary
few minutes to be convinced that what everybody says
—that byn's is decidedly the place td getrgood goods at
lair pricks—must be true.. !AXE'S Third Ware Store,
West Side North Ilatiover street
jqR WA R e 00IC HERE 1-A
V1111A1N1111 , 1:1111:1/.
The slll,l3l:lTher in eenvitimeneeo f oilers Via en
tire stock of II A ItIVA LIE to ptirson or persons %loll
ing to enter, into the Hardware business. Ile having so
re. ,, d rod In quitting the business, will give a bargain,
besides his iullueuee and custom, Any • one desirous o.
getting Into this biudness 111 n du well to call 80011, tind
if Hot disposed of by the Ist nt October next, 11P will
then commence selling idf at vest nt the old 111111 well
known stand, In North llantiver street, neat door to
Charles Magian:4llllll's lintel. JACOB tIEN Mt.
A A Intl - VL 1 .
:41ilmetiber - lvolug retttrned.from the city would call the
attention of his friends and the public generally to the
large and troll selected ass4tment of 1ia1 . .1‘,111.0 whirl( Ile
has just received, eonsist,ing In part of MA
TERIALS. nails, serews. - bingos. locks, led s. glaPs; putty.
paints. oils, &e, ll'OULS.—edge toids; saws ,tud:planes o.
every Aespription, with fdes, rasps, hammers, ani its, &e.
A general 111 ,, 111111ellte K AND SAI) ,
bLElqi 1 1 . 001,5. together With meroeeo. lining and lina
ble: skins, shoe thread, as, pegs, lasts, harness uMunt
siddlotrees, A.%
co, Cll Tul3lNllNO—canvass (plain, enamelled, fig
ured and embossed,) patent and, enamelled leather,
axles. s 1 rings. hubs, spokos, fellons, shasts. Ac.
('!((.lust 3lalsers will 11l a large assnrtnient of varn
isliestnallivims and walnut veneers, noulding, rosettes.
hair cloth. curled hair, Ar.
The st.lch. of Il'9lllS largo and well sokrted. eninprls
lug all tho kind,: in general a::11;t111Illerr , I and ndled
frill cif all sizes, flat, bar and liana iron, inuntl, , qttare
, tll d, i tsai iron and nail nods, n ith :t large
if toast arid spring stoel, English and Anna-lain
and tho,-o about ciamitenclug will lied It
t tli:dr ad, t nrol y-tataino our uth , ry.l,l it
:II/1i pliltOti NV:11 . 0 Imps, kettlt , s, radar Ware. logkas,
IV 11,1, maid,lg the q•••at
i.l.,,ti., and at Anvil ),rlvo- as rawart fail to give
ti 11, hi\ P.' Ali 1 . :1! I. 1,11/“W it 1 , ill lA` t(I
'flit +. or 0 advanta , A i . , ._ Iteniendiiir the old slat., I. Elul
6A 12. 111:NRY
- - • -
P.S I 1 ;1 Iflt IVA (W 11 . 1)-
1- ‘‘• A It imi , vrtivg returned term
th., rity ha. jut opotted the Fall laver and
stm - k I; 'vizir and doini..-tii• ILi • rdr ore,
vpryilling fi.ond in that line of
UPI'S. Tile attention of Irlenda and the nubile mortally
f. re , p , o•t rutty directed to the ast.orrnient or, ciaind, :is
-4111.'1,14.01nm that zoods of all Hails will 1.0 sold fir rash
at a virry ailranee un untruifdi - turers privies.
meniber the old stand, I:ast Main Street. rarlislis, l'a,
An:. an, - 11. SAXTON.
, 31/cOicittes
rjl () ()T IT \l'ASll.—Be;littiltil White
To,th ito:othv Own. :vitt Sweet
are .47tiiiiingtitt,•Iwil,•11L; sleth! are ZIA:-
'l'.)(rf 11 S ASII. This dellcklzr
•irtirlo r r,uLiurn n.t many that it
standard IhrOritt, with tilt. eitin'llS 0.
inv V.rk. and Itnitimurc. DentiNts pre
• rib , It in their practice rivet successfully. and front
dr dry source the turd 4 flattering lat4latiunr—are awarded
att.l Itlot:ding :puns are litimetliatoly benefit,
tit , ' ft) It, wit . : its itrti it tifirtti titoltt i nHhh. sot:thing,
tail tate. tiVt.. it t•11,,,t, Ihr tr . 1 .111 eu th41,114111y. th.a.
Ilt.y are Ittati.. la II va! pearl itt tt It ittitita,t. it,!
lartiti:ll = t It • :watt!, curls a il4l;ilitriii fre•lthe , s tlAat
t , rtat.kettil itxrittisitelyewe,tl Ft (hieinfectßtli-s,
tai hr dap, i'lora). att.!. :ts a ..ttli
t• l want.,. When them, till retii.leed. Lill, troth 11AI:4 A
t Up" IT!11:1111 SOllll.l. ,Ito;1 illg fritut Pr. J.
:dr Zornvin—Siv: aced and rei ,, ininenib.d
oiiir th nay pt.:active 11,r thin:, I find It
tho nu,,t rlirrtu nl I lout-111kt, I u use, and xenon.
Itietnl it to Lilo public.
1)r I A Cknm %N. lh•'ti , t,
Ilarri,l.ur, , s. Pa.
Head 11).‘ f.,tinoing trstim" , Y:
Mit. 7.4P.M l\—Dear Sir: I bare fully tested tho morlt
rf your laluable Tooth \Va.4ll. and i•an. without liebita
i• n. re...nunciod It nt the hest that has erano under my
notice darling. On experience its llontiA of 1111 cc thansix
ieoll V:11,:. 1t cleanses the Teeth, a iothes and hardens
irritated limns, and imparts a delirious fin:a-alive to the
lireath. Froin the inentlw,if those 1010 make use of it.
pnwever, it will certainly spcal4 for itself '
Il ye. P. Soslvi 0111' 1 .',V , A1 Dcut lot.
370, Seuth Tenth st., Philadelphia.
It Is nsed and rerinumended by all the Dent
:yew York, ,
11211(1111011., 11111 i ether
•itit, Where it hits 1,414 m Introduced. All should give it
a trial.
k,.).• Prepared mils by Francis Zermatt, Drugh-t anti
Philadelphia, mut :old retail t,
~ : k..1111111 EMMA, Oarlisle, 3. 1). T: 11,1 11 1 e r, meo l abh.,),u n. ,
I, I lerron, Mo. J. r. : 4 ltippiiAlatriz. and
by all Itrnr.ggist.r4 at only 2.5 vents per bet tle.
1 1 1)ILEI'SY Can be Cured. Lake':
J I'EuETAIn.r. COM POVN P, :or the cure or Eel
6 'iT^ l ivPerfo r ming 1110 re wonderful NUTS ilnin
any medicine put k now ti or before the publio.—
The proprietor has in his posseSsion numerous certitl.
cafes. nerrating the asbniGhhlg and miraculous cures
effected by this inedleine t and 41recta attention to the
following only, to assure those who are so unfortunate
to he afflicted with the terrible disease beretofhreregard
ed incurable, that tsAKE . t3 preparation is AiIIOST VirALI
-111.1: IN'ITS CURE!
From Mrs. Brooks, widow of Jai. Brooks, hie of
Coupe:tut, O.
CONNEAUT, Feb. 3, 1F53.
Mr. Z. Like—Sir: Pica Se., fiend me another bottle of
Fit Medicine, as 1 do not like to be without It on hand.
%Viten I commenced giving the medicine to my son Ed
gar, he bad halm ono to t It; ce fits per day. He has now
taken the medicine over - five, menthe, n d lint 1 10 ,41
think, but two tits in that time, and those very light.—
His body and mind tiro very lunch improved; and by
the blessing of DO, I feel that the medicine will restore
hie body and mind to their wonted 'activity. Ile IN 2S
years old, and has had fits over 13 years, which have
been very frequeia, and very destructive to his constb
tittle!' end mind. Hundreds'of dolling have lawn ex
ponied for medicine to , t riVs "- but nothing 'bar
relieved him until he used yourmedivine. Respectfully
yours, POLLY pitOOKS.
From Judson Landon, County Superinteident of the
Ashtabula County Infirmary.
iChsaavna.r., NeiZ).l, 1863.
Mr. Z. LAKE--Sir: Plume send ti few More bottles el
your "Fit Meddeine•" I may tint need, it, but think oaf
or to keep it nn hand. Your medicine has ileno wonders.
I gave It to Miss Jane De 121101; tube bat had fits for a
years, bronght on by hey Intt the nwasels when but four
years old, ~ , t hielt (amid not be brought out to thesurliwe.
After taking the uthlichw a few days, Slit It to A PINY
coon Or ttkl l / 4 SP,I.R, and hat , had no tits since. She had fits
or symptom% altmt.t doily. She and tier dither Plinew
with me in saying that we believe the medicine has or
will weal( it perfect euro. C, also gave the medicine t o
Miss Jane Henderson and Arlo Carty, Nam have had fits
almost daily, for a number of years. Their tits have
ceased, mut I belie\ e the medicine will have the desired
effect. Much - money has been expended by the Men&
of the ahoy° lizitionts for doctoring, all to no purpes6,—
The mire was left for your medicine to perfOrin, and
unit elioercully Peoontillend It at a valuable discovery.—
liespectfally !paws, JUDSON 'ASIR/11,
Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Inthnotry.
PrepttiOa and tad lit wholesale by Z. LANK., Conneaut,
Ohio. ,
Sna by S. W. liaverstlelt. Carlisld; E. 11. Tholua% Alp
chanicsburg W. Uross. I larthiburg. Oct. 11-1 y 1;
et it;); FnELI.E”S.—A largo wont, of ltu
prOveil Hoy, Ftttnr and Fodder rot on hand:—
Also. double turd billgie 1111 . 11 Flu.llrrt; for either hand or
horse 3 , t'wer• of Ow vol•Y lAtest manufacture. 'Deluding
the premium at 'Ito! late PenusylvaillaFt3toVair.
For tole by I'AFCIIALL MOItIttS & Co.,
Agricultural Warehouse and :seed Store, corner or 7th
and Dlarkot, Philadelphia: Dec. 6,1854—1 L
Miebicin es.
,161 4 , l—Farmers,. Earn ilit;a anti others, eat pur
chase no kenedY equal to Dr. 'l'O.lllA b' I enttian LIM
meet.. for!Dyseutery, Colic, Crnnp, Chronic hhetmuttlarm
Quineaty, born Throat, Tooth/aim, nes.s. Cults
Burns, &hotline, ~010
...Musquito bites, Insee
Stings, Pains in the Lhubs,,thest, hack, If it ,loot
uot give relief; the nry will be refunded—al/ that IS
asked. is, a trial, and tpe it according to dhc,tiuns. The
artielok am English •aitgllcas'lnied by IT in. 'IV,'
King ot England, Old c4tifigi to i'y %ha, as, a /lire tot
Rhotniatimm, when everything else recommended hyhis
bver:l o ,oVo,l4/0 of bottles have been , sehl in the Unit
ed States. without 11 single sthilure, and families have
stated that it ens worth - $lO jaw bottle. they never
wriuld by a itht , nt it. to rate of Cioup, on it is an curtain
as it Is applied. It cures 'forth:lolM In three minutes;
Ileadsrhe in half an hour, and Cholera. when first tak
en, ht a few Mears. It is perfectly innocent to tate in
ternally. nod has the recommendation of many of the
most eminent Physicians iu the United States. Price,
In and 511 olds.
lir. Tobinii has rtiso put np it Multiunit fer nurses. In
pint bottles, nhich is war: ant ed—ehea per rind luttcr
than ally other. for thu cure'of Dally.
old Sixes, Cuts, Bruises, i.ienitelief., Urnel.ud Bed,
Nice, MI tents.
Hr. Tobias eculd fill a dozen newspapers with the rer•
titivates and letters received. relating to the Irbil ful
cures srrenipllrtied l e bis Liniment,lut considels that
warranting ft is snffir feet as any pelwn who di es hot
obtain relief, need not ray 14 it. There has 1 p.m an ,
much worthless medicine s, Id to the nubile. that Jr. To
him; wishes his article to rest 131/ its own merits, tird if
ho !Ayes the A sire of_the numey received, then he'in.ks
the 1410'o/sage of the public. net -, ',therwiso.
DB. TOBIAS' ()theft, 24U EEN Street, New
Por sale by .1. Sinitb, 54.11.1101 and Chestnut reels;
„pyot.t k 1•;:on,1:32'N, For,,nct Street; T. IL Cnilmider, FS
S. Third :Area. awl by 'the Drug.p.igts tbroughk ut. the
' 1
1 •
, :6' .E ' ? ..
. . .•
• ), 4 • r .
\ • ‘..
-C r' '.. - •• r ' ,: ',•• . 4. °\,
. &
. : "•'47, C.i.1 ! • ..\.,
• j - .%.' ''' \ , ,- .r •
' 4 ' ' t
• .t / •• L '••"• : 4 ••
V "- Ar,..../".b. i
• 01: , c,', ' ..,t. - 1 '..,:_ . ' f...:
. ' . 4.• .k 4', ' : 1 ,4•• i ' j 4 {, . /
""i• • -- —7- pc -n-.. -1 ::., • --•- ......N . : i .ti
:ii., „ . ..,,,
..• 1. 4 . fn
ir os., ~ . ~.., ,
I. ' ' ti• s i
...4., ye 4_43.• .... t ... if
~,..-4„,...P4. - . .. i .. ...--
- ' '''4 2 oillt• - -.." . ..,‘,. - 'rk. • a ktl. , /f '..:•4 4 ,,ic -'
ite.,.......5.- ..16: 1. ..... ... -
THE GEEAT PrElFlcrt OF THE 111,0M),—N, t
a rirtiple ,•I' 31ereorp to It. au infallil.h• rutile,() VI
l , crufola. King's Evil. Ithempaticr,,,rll,,,thlatpe ll f,,, e . i p.
Erupt ii:.. l'implovi Pr Pustules on the Faro. Illotpl•F
ia.ils. ChrOute `'pre Eyes, Elug Worth ..i. 'Vetter. F,a1,1
Woad. Enl,er:,ll,pot awl rain of the 14 i:,... ai:(1 .11 h IA,
:.t. , (11,1 . 11 1/I , :era, •Syplitlitic: Dita.y r ,le,... Ltruallgr,, Spit ril
I 'ptoplaiti ts aipt all I WeaSt•S li iiSI II g full) au fujinHei, t r
use pi' Mercury', Imprudence ill life. Pr I11:1 , 111ity of the
1111.'1'1,Is great atterttrive 011 , 11 h ime tool l'itrifer of the
Blisd, is note used by tlitaistnu s ,d grateful putientist,,,
ali pieces of the United St:IIPS. W h.. fi•stiis Daily' Lr the
r, marka clues pertmined Ly the g,reatost of all meat
•I`..lltTEl,'s; 1 4 1t.t.N.E.:11 '.lllxTr I:E. - Neural. iii
llheuniytlstn, IMrottila. Eruptions on the I , kia„. Liver! in
case, Fevers. l'lcort4, 11h1 tt , la es. AfTecth ns of the hidnets
.I)lSo3 , Ofi of the l hroat. Ettinale l'altis and
ehing of the Bones , and Joints, 300 ter) ShOO,lllV PO{
to flight by using thin great and inestimable
1'.., all diseases of the Iliad, nothing. 1,85 yet feel,
found to compare to it. It cleanses the *stem of :4!
puritirc, note; ratty 41:1,1 erlit lenity on the Lit ,•r4,4,,1 id
s, strengthens the Digest git es tone to the I , torn
41,11. makes the skin elear and healtltv • and rest, rt.. the
t' „ u•litulh at. un/ 1 .04 by disease or heOkell dents by Ihe
ott4'olllfiTlT . ll; mist hie igror h.
ttO LH:lh, It 11100111parahly letter than all the
eosmeties 1.1.00 used, A n•,,-,i, e s
MI 811 1.. t: tt iii 0011100 C Lti I sallowness of eeinw o cion, hi inv .
the roses I11:11111hli! to thl` 1.1101.•h', glee tla,.t trite to the
stop.. /Old 11011,0000 the gene, al health in a ronarkalte de
g 4 a,.. I ey. 44,1:111 the medicines es ee irC
'rho huge liinal.vr of eolith itte:4 whit It lre hate recelt
4.41 from ft.f.m . per,tals from all pills 1.1 (Lc (AI ;•,(,,,
i• 010 that there Is no num) itz til,•tit it.
pull(,' icew el llClllMl) to the (1 , 111.1111.111t1y. all 'add tht
te,t lawny 1. , the wonderful effvela 61 thi s tilt 111,1 a ID
PI 111 VIER.
Call on the Aor.Nr. and get a Circular and Almanac,
and read the rtonderfrtl eures this truly greattid cif all
Medicines hat. performed,
rono.g;•ntrine unless sio:ed HENN Err A. lit: r..l:s. Pro
prietors, N.., lt, Dear! street, 14ellinend, Va. to Atli( m all
nrders fr , r sumdius and agencies !mod I.e addres. , i.d.
And for Fah, Imy : , ...1:11iott, S. W. linvitstick. ('sirlitdu;
Ira Day, :Meeliatilisiltarg; 3. 11. Ilerrod. New) We: .1. (..
Shlppeusburg, mid I.y dealers In medicines el cry.
11,' IV ( I.N I)Et OF T
the. cum of Saltrhetttn, Cconnun
Sores. Chapped or CraelA , tl !hinds. limns o r ; 1 / 2 thi N , Cut,
W 1.111 1 ,15 , Piles. Inflammation 'the Dreitht, 1 tee et
itlhert 4, Sole Lips. l'lmphs on the Face, nod 1:m414
Out anti l rue I,li C11)111101, Alla a (11,1,1t , es of the
'flag t tinhucnt Will cure the Snitt hem and Burns. or
Chapped hands, quicker and surer than any other toodi•
clot sot' the kind ',f ee the 101 l lie. •
To sul staut late the ahoy,,, I ran give hundreds (Teel.
tifcatus. but I qnsldor It no use, as (any pei soli ran do
the same, if they have fi lends. f r even a wort liTees
title) 1 roly solely on the met its (4' the Oihtnient fit the
public putmnage.
N. U.—A single lox of title Olittrie .t will keep wry
Ithiekianities. Farnier'e, Sailor's. or ' Jainic's hands. lot
(bent chap or emit ever so WO. aou ti tad in goc.dwork•
hug ardor all winter. rrepared me/ Add by
-.etattattirk, Conn.
Sold also by th e principal Pru,k.sts,44 - A
n 1 Country Mor.
chants. - cents,per box.
Nov, 16, ISfid-1y
-- . ..
1.1AV 1.4,
.you a cold ?—(iillober's Elixir
n has acquired a Jul.. eelet city for the cure of nll
diseases arising , from tal vere r01d, , , atlil Its eilleacy has
114'011 attested and approvt.. 1. by hundreds of our most re
spectable eitiZellS. In every Instance Immediate relief
has !wen given, as the follna lug certificate from those
who have tried it lists tehtithony• Nanufactured and
tbr sale by , •
We the undiirslizned do certify that we hare upeiltial
loher'a" preparation for Gonsitniption, 'Colds, Disoasea
the Imnivi. LI ver.rite.. and haying experienced
ate relief therefrom would recommend It to all afflicted
in that way,
Thos. 11. Stile's, Mrs. M. °nub!, R. y. L
Wulf. Peter 31onyer, 11. S. Hackett, .1.m.1,11
W. woods.
April '25,1851-7y
MAP OP 01531131 1 ML.A ND COIN '
TY.—Frent entirely origin/0 Surveys. l y setuii
ineasnronient throughout tiro uloile;tounty, IL 1
The subscriber Is now engaged In irgl: flirt Surrey ..
VrePartitOry to publishing a new and csniplete Map
Cumberland County., upon a large scale. Es ery rUbli
ihtui a n d Stream, with the 'locations of all Mills. Store
Threllinv, and rul,lle hundings, 1011 he neeunitely lab
down. A. 1,1 Illy Public nuilillngs in the County will 1
'distinctly In rated, and thelnunes f owner's of prove,
ty generally, will be Inserted In their proper prsitiont, ni
ttio Ship, ,
. A 'table of distances, Ptatisties of the Cem.ty. en•
larged plans of tI o prltielPal Tilltges, and a few of the
most attractive lows in the County, will be insert e d in
the margin ; thus giving every !atlslitetien, and render
ing the most villinible to the IhrliorA of
Merchants, Travelers, CkinveYancers and the inhabitanl
gellerldlY. Of the 1 . 001)11 (Mil/MICA
In as tomb as this work is to be made up a t • fle t thi i
SUrrOSS matte upon the ground, It will :require time to
aeeeatplisb it: 11.1twoot expected, thererme, that It u
be read). fin• Plalkttil , lllll.ll9ll under tbo period or Two
Years. I.rhe sixentibe Map will , be about fire feet by
four, nod will five dollars.
, H. V.IIITW:EN: 4 , 1•111 , 11f:her.
N. 1;• ronier of 514rs11a11 hvid IVl,r•ti : 4 3..1•111101.1elplilat
Sept: 27-1
ATACUTNERT 011.4.—Avery,., super.-
ll nr article pr 01r, foi:grausing. x.rhelitenfi just ro•
*died and for saki rlie'si) at 11. 9 IXTONF,
~itcaicines — ~ -
. .
~.x V , E I
R CO3PLAIN T Dyspopsra
A Jadndiee. Chr . onie Or' Nervoul; dAility, I ii:ense ' e
Lim Kidneys, lind.all disenses arising 11l in a die , rdere.
Liner or 6toinaeli, such ne Constipation, tuward,pths
.fulness (.f.1,100 1 ,1 to the head, witlity of time t-euttlaci
nausea, hearthurn. disgust fir food; fulness or Weight I)
limo btouitteli, sour et ukittbous, sinking ortiuttering a
t.lto ',it of the Fto‘IIIIICII, SIVIIIIIII lug et the, head, hurtle
'and difficult breathing, tinttering at:the lagtirt. rind< fr.
or suthwatitux sel,satiors 'when in tt4yin.rpt,utute, din
news of vision. , th is or urehr before the sight. fever an,
dull pain in the bead. der eienes of peiNdration. 3 ellott
nes, of the t.d:iti anti evrs, pain 11, Ike side. I a. li, , )31,1
' limbs, &'.. -tolden - nosh,: erhent,l44ning in Lila fie. y
I ' ,l, tat.t.lll.a.,ritTitio, of e‘il ut.d great dvps , l4-1 1. t 1 ~., i
its, can I, ear, tnatly cured hy,,,,lnt. Ilcurt AM , , i . .r. I. i
DRAPED tt Eli )lAN L111'11:1, , S, prepatell by biz. C. It /
..) \ Ci:;,,r,N, NO. 1;!.0 Arch Ft reet. i Itilatiellida.
'Their pricer eye 1 the aln , Ve diNepoes Is 1. , t e. I t /lea.,
equalled,..ll :Inv ether piTparation hi, the t r.l!t 4 r if, Pc
te• tleyelh 6: ml Lest, in :many co-es 'iifter 14,i.,',., phyl ,
elite 4 he,' *Med, '
Th.,. bitter'are Worthy the nttet.tion of i I . i:intl..-
- I'..ssessing prreat e trtlieg fit the. rcitif•cnth - h t 1 Ithia:t
of the I.iyer and luE,sur glands, e:A•reisll.g Al, n:.o
searching j,•,» ors hi mleaki,rt, and au,,,ti,, 1 , , , I n n di
gestivo organs, thity are Nt filial FOP, certain a . nd
~., ..._ . .
i t l - . , PENNSYLVANIA .
J. D. Spring, 1,111..y1 i 11... April rl.
ran s'et you sonnt i;"‘.l cortiE4 atrs III• your t.h.,0•a0
tors in this vlolnity It' pct( ish them . . 5 hul.
.4 It thin xt•rtc. , cats that it is by fi t, the
0411 r 1,,5, hat 111 g (.1(.11(..
dan2ll . tor 11111(.11 go(,(1,
11. tax sou, Bolan/ 4,l'n e . torn.,l 4 t no, In A
13, .11 , ; . (:. 1 , titn mu( II attach. ii to y,•or n- i;,
Dittors. linring u.a ( . 1 t0 . ,1 it ttl, r , of it, .I,i I. ore
bout Kurta, Your ngelit nt
relief In It in tlisinstil the it it:
grent r.n rny Itmge ongthou in..; told Jo :04 1
01011. 'I, 11 . 14 1111 a plll lic! , 1.111)“.1... a i
Dr. 01 , 0,t, 7:010‘,11 Tl:tioVl.on, ht.. Nt:n. 1661.
tth,ll iluwll . halt n dr 7(.11
ILtttr•trfr if f❑'t ; • t . ‘
cl.aract;:r. fi'tli!t , i;;;.; 1/I 11 f!reury.
p cll !it a 0 , 1 Is ,1: , ; , Ito Ft, Ili Ow r
Into r niti•ll•. '11..• lite ft,L ntl4 ,
1:,.. 11 1 1,10, 11 I 1.1.1ni! VII tnn r ( . 111•( If,, :11.1, f i .11 it
i; tri'ii.;llJ . s Wtlll the P i.St i•v
r. 1, ti lr. t, ii) ,
. 1. 1 . , v, UtIG. I'of 1 tyl/111.
1 •1 v rL, ..1.'i0t.•.1 t, illl Isero,ll 1.,1•1.1ty, I • t
1' , .,111,11111,1.1, I i I 11. s, II v
„111 .TO 1, 1 1,11 1 ..( ,
t4•rro Ii 1,111, I f•k few
t 11.01 i ttn tprr;
1.1 7 1, l';-11;,;•
11 .11E1
I TT e
litt••,. ale r:\ r. 7.1 eCrl ;
1. ,, •t•.:;?,• it.
r r
Ntlitlrt.. ::n1.:1‘ , 1 I l!t tt .
W. :rutin :u 4'4% ,
urz. 11%.1 1. ) 1
i.,t•lit I iii
1 to ()(:t.r1().1,1.11.Y() I
contic, by memis of the
L.% r 1.1 - ct
One MS -01Y.N.P.111.H111
thirt - y - si , :th U ii. if
one hundred oneravine6.Flo
ing PHI ate - InsteMeff and Ytla
recut:atone , of the 01 , 1 oratit
f - fystem. iff every Filaint an
f l / 4 , 1111: to which IA added
Trentj,, cm the r f
•111:11eN. ill tolt(11 , 41 fie - the nec
fiebnlos set , page I tel•l.
tug of t h e lip 'Lir(
t, man -1,-d rwiil , lo,. r th• seri
BY. AVM. M. 11.. fl,:i.10;r:
of tho:l"flivor:city rumlylv,inia, the. Iln .
al e,flegocd.m ill nn . London, and If o. norari - 11c11,1
of the -Pliiholelphin
Sect - ot diSellNeA, Sefalthr\ll'elihness. cl"
Proqtfatt , (;tend, llnprl,
faithfully detteritol,land, till the leg iptac give,, il.
1:1.11r11:l.l... TN' ' 1 11:11 , I1•11, 1 , 11
tl itaktioss Is worthy or partiOttlat - at tent li , n, wad ,I,r 1.6
i•very env. Young mon It Ito hare Icon LI
fort mutt: , In contracting dbccase. pcotd, to it
~ 1 ,11. - colt.ot, tinter t Ito cane ef cagy (Motor, no matter win
Inci pretormiong inny Im'srt a copy of this truly rain:ll,
Captains and persons f2 . 1111f! to Fen should 11( •,0
11r. N'• Trp41.11 , 0 on : % Sitriktge. tho Poeliet
,1 sculaj
0 0 , or Every nee II is own Pliy•.l,•ian,
.t . r6 Let no !hiller Iv to,lainital to present It ropy rf tl
.V.s•-nlapho. to his 011111.
,1t may s:n c him 1:- In all 1,1
graTe. Let 101 y 01.110.! man or Wi,olll enter ink , the •
trot of married lin. e it le ut leadinv • hej 4 •
et us. Let 110 •ine suffering from a h a .
couch. pain in the Mile. restl es , m,ht s•
and tho whole train of •Dysta•ptle sonsatb , rm. nrd pie,
tip by their physician. be another int mom ti ith o out
sultitt4 the .Esettlapitm. Ilave the married or 111,
about to I e married any 1111reflilitent. read this tilt
useful It•slb. imp: has boon the means of saving tho
•cands of unn•rtunate ereatturs from the very Jo liS
death. rpaarcis of a MILLION r• pies of thiseelehr: I.
work has been sold in this eon ntry and Pam pe since 1
Hitch the first edition was iFguni.
Of, .lay person s•unlim.: nviwry-Firr rents,
closed in a letter, will reetive one eopy of thlii book I I
mail: or five copies will 1. , l o ot 'fi,r $l. .1 ddrei•s
WI 1.1.1 AM YOUNt 1. No, 1 ht! Nprive street,
Pest paid.
'twenty years prartice In the city of Philadelphia r• •
tainlv entitles Dr . V•mag tht,
d• and he may hirconntilte4.l the •
desrrlird ill his dilfrreot puldirntious, a i his 0114-e. 14.2
street. every tiny hutAveers 5,)411/1 °,u•‘•
days excepted) and persons at any 411Mance COVSIII
Dr. Young by letter. l'esr PAID. • •
. .
cl A F,E.---S.PE'EDY—SURE!---8
ern., adapted
to general use. urea Um iii crier to others.
and within the means of every hold Muni.
100 P11.1.$ for twenty-five rental No extortion lii
price—mo Cal. mud-110 mineral whatel er.
pit. Tow NsyNn's II EALTII PILI.B fully merit the urea t
reputation thy - MiVe acquired. They are called f"..r
1111 partß Of 0/0 11111 d, 1 .Wea1.1.140 'MET .111.. E ALL 11147 71t1:1*
e1,k1711 TO OF% .
WHAT THEY WILL. DO—They purify the blood. they
claUse the System of Ilutmrs, they core Dyspepsia and
Indigestion, they create nu Appetite, they cure Sick
1)17.7.1m , 5,and Roil' Spirits. they arrest FeverS,
they promote a healthy action of the Liver. they are a
sure cure for Cestiv (mess and llabituill Constipath
they are Richly efficacious in Fennde Complaints, the:.
strengt hen and vire tone to the Syirtent. They are lhe
hest Family Medicine known.
It Is an obvious Inquiry, how one medlcinc.can cure so
many different complaints. These Pills, howefer, are so
compounded of curative materials that persons liav,o en.
ly to TRY 'MEM and the answer will he round in a Fe .
stored hotly and an Invigorated tumstitution..
Each llox contains lot) Pills, at the astonishingiy
price of 25 cents. Every Individual should have them-
For sale by the DrnuOsts and' Storekeepers 1:v11°110 Ir'
F. A. l'AtmEn, general Agora, Stoningtori; et.
111IltACL14) - OF SCIENC.I , 3.-111•.
I'. 1.. Roiling, of 31oelutrileOttrg, cumherlm A t
comity: Pa.. antioniices to those afflicted with Tuna ?F.
Wens. Cancers. Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, ft • tr:t-
l/1:1. liht,Cs Evil ill , :voses that hare been inquilly
treated willt Caustic or Kulfe.l.ll.lnull remove them 'with
out cutting, burning or pain: neither Chloroform or
Ether landntlulytered to the patient. ''.lt Is no matter
on what part of the hotly they niay he, he Call remove
them with perfect safety, auil Lr rt remarkably short.
Hine. No Mineral of I - eget:o.loll(4,m Is applied, rind no
money nsiiiirril until a pure is perfected.
Prolopsits tried, FP111:11 1 ` Complaints, Claottie, Vero
roal and ail other diseases treat rd with pOsitire erVere , n.
Fall parth•ulars can Lo OH:tilled by addressing In either
English or tierniaii, iiost paid. )'-olie»114 can he amen'.
toodutetrivith Doan! 011 reasen:rbft•
Mechanicsburg is ono -of thin prettiest.- innd healthy
towns in this or any nihcr Ftate. It 15-$ miles fr in
Ilarrisburg. on the Cutabellanil Valley' Pall Iteoil. e•
neeeAsible from all parts of the Ilnlon. !rite h.etf.j. via
visit eases in any port of the State titan
,111L.ICIlld reader if you know tiny MC-Ivied ft•Ilow
turn, delay not to toll them of this troottlikt , •
N.. .20,, en ESN VT ElotTlob.llVll
b:170 SOUTH 1 4 1 , :e0INI1 STI:11:1`, 1:elow fLit
ad¢lpLtn. 11'c Inritn st,tootion to our coinplot. , i'VV/
iiisfOrl In out of Plush and FM. rrinl.,t,:,ll4:tlo•
and Sittphl Trinnol n of ton. own I inport nth n ard n I ll
ufheture. •
,r„,?),,.01,1,4,4 exti ht i l a t o row .
J. )1.4 it3J. th SON.
206 Chesnut St. rind 170 ScOatll f..(t St., rbiltvloltiltla.
Philadelphia, Decorah& (I, 18k4-4-3.m0.