Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 14, 1855, Image 8
S Ili Ae _Markets-. PHILADELPHIA DIARICET- PIIILADELPnIA, Monday, -Febr. 12 Cloverseed is wanted, but at 4 price below the views of holders ) and $6,50 per bus. has ,been freely offered and refused to-day for prime lots. Flour is about ,scattonary, but the marketli very quiet to day; and shipping. brands are firm at $9 per bhl. The, only sales we hear of are in a smaltway, fur home use, within the range of $9 a 10,25 per bbl. for common to extra and fancy family brands. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are also quiet at previous quoted rates. Grain—ThPre is very little utfering, and the sales of Wheat are limited to 12 a 1501) bu. good Penn'a red, in lots, mostly at 215 c, delivered; white is held at 225 e, Without sales. Rye is about statio nary ; the last-sales were at 123a124c. Corn i.i wanted, but buyers and•sellefs are apart in th e i r views, and.only some 2a3000 bus. Petal% yAlow were disposed of at 97 ets, in store. tats are steady, with further small sales of L'onn'a at 511 e, from store. DAM TIDIORE DI A ItIKE T BALTIMORE, Monday, Febr. 12. "l'hortr - 2t - N1 Mi.:AL—There £were stiles this iruinr. on early 'change, of 1,300 bbis IN).lrd street Hotta, being a settlement. at U. On late 'change the market was very No sales all oward street brand', o I !en fow buyers. who were not dispased to "• r over s.•ylo. A sale of 200 bhls City I,.is favorite brands, at $ 371 - 0 bbl, on n t,Miller & Co., elos._l qoiet. Rye Flom ; lthl. Corn Meal—We qnote country. t I rd.l, and city do. at $1 73 y bbl. S nail 1 1 1 11N AND SEE ' DS.—Whettt--:Th ' e suplilY rc light ; only 50 bushels is white and 1 r l olll,red—no sales. The roaikot i 3 :it 1. I)::rit2 25 , and red at 1 900‘.52 1 : Corn—N sales reported. There : 1 34)0 Int-Aids in all off-dretly 1 t i lof white and It:300 of yellow. lioldors were asking an advance on the last which was 90 cents. We quote white 6, -is cents 0 bushel, notnihal. Oats . 1 . '10:'0 wore 3000 bushels offered, and sales Pennsylvania at 520154 cents- We quote lan:land Oats nominal at 52 cents - 0 bush. 1:,-o . --TILire were 800, bushels offered,' no Seed.s.—The market is steady. A :Co Uni ( ) prilild 110 V Clover at $7. V e quote sti .50. and small lots from uis at $3 75. Titnotlii 3 25®53 50.1), Mo:o:AN• Fouxo--The Mas )hie Min.& ..11,1141tes a rather curioils'story, to the effect :at Morgan, who, it was alleged, was mur -I..;red by the'Free Masons for disclosing their eerots, has been found in Smyrna in Turkey; he now goes by the name of Mustapha, ml is engaged in teaching the English lau -tago. The authority given for this report s one Joseph A. Bloom. According to the • irror, this man Bloom met Morgan at a louse in Smyrna, to whom the latter gave a letailed account of his adventures. It. is Wed that Morgan left the country in the hip Mervine, which sailed frim Boston to .:nvrtia, and helonged to the firm of Lang- S. Co. The captain's name of the Mer i::e wat Welch, It matters little ndw, per : a IH, wheiter the story be true or false. 13Loony A MAY.--The "Afarshall (Texas) ?..-pubiicaut! gives account of on affray in a •:sik - irg house at Sugar Lisll,Passola county, .1 which three men were killed, stud another eiperately, if not mortally wounded. Two n-n, Glass and Grain, were about to- use -iitols on each other—an old man named "cary, the only' sober man, except some tranqers, interfered, and was shot dead by ;Isis. Young Yeary killed Glass, and' an ther Glass was killed by others while at mpting to kill young Ycary, who was badly 'o,stided. I:I , FERING AMONG GERMAN' EMIGRANTS.— .. 10G' families of newly arrived German emi rrants have b:en found in Allegheny city, 'a., who were in a shocking state of desti : ution. They lauded t , I I IN. York, and had Daly money enough to J . ,their way to. Pitts• urg. On the road io . men denied them- fo:id in order to give it to their wives arl children. Nevertheless, four of the lat er have (lied from suffering, slid one of the .iris have been carried to the City Hospital 0 a hopeless condition. The subscriber has just .1,1 to his fouier awe!: a general selection of C1101(1: it.l^P.llll;: 4 , a.: well as all the other variety of articles --- Nwsuilly kept in a timeery Since, embracing Ilia 'olTee—roasted and green—at 12M and 14 cents .0r11,,, (Winans, Clarified, Crushed and 'Pulverized -+ ll .;egars, of 11 nu Chorohttes, Spires, fairy alt., and a variety hf Panry artielesoill , of which are at We lowest cash paves. We are thankful for the former situp wt given us, and invite a farther call from our friends and ettstmners. J. IV. EDY. ‘larion Hall, Carlisle. OE )LAC-4..,'5311.'111..'S COAL. - 5,000 ,ilushOs s itlarkswiltles C6al, a first ratearticlo 10- 010111.' Alia firr halo by Janl7 310 ItOCHE SILA.WLS.---A. lot of .....ono• and Squitre ltr3c . he Shawls. • Also, blanket SIlaW/H i s t vod frOnt. New York and selling very low at the cap Ntore 04 • itovB , 14; 611 the attention of the public t . . myrADLE °ARDEN Olt FIRE ENGINE, for::I V at !ring g.trJ'ii or oXtitigulsbing 11r08. An oxeellont •t1 , 1,i, nest, cheap nod o.nvolilunt.. t):t} wil at r 1 nv1 ,7 1 151 SAXTON'S. --)o(yrs AND MMES.—A very large ass . n . ctitont of 11-lota and Shoos of ovorrdeserlp 1 0,10ived.:10Li selling vory, cheap. vet '5l. • CIIAILLE..S ACI f nrticlu of OIL for grAising marble oivud awl for cilo eboap F ill& Id EAS COFFEE- W. B. MURRAY, Agt "LIAS FIQILIt OG I LB Y iillpOrt 0, Just re- LTONS. Stores ant SOops. STYLE OF HATS for 1854. E KELLER respectfully announces to his and-the public generally that he has just re the ,FALL STYLE OF GENTI.ESLEN'S , manufactured ut one of the best establish in Philadelphlq, to which ho invites special itfeutl, n Ile has also constantly on hand a large and varied lir sertinent of his own manufacture as well as city made Hilts and Vaps, suitable 11,1. the Season, comprising every variety of Russia, heaver, .)loloshin and Silk Ilats, fin ished in the latest style, together with a full assortment if CAI'S of ci cry Fll4po and dCseription, and it every pile... Ile .particularly Invites the public to roll Lou: ex amine his exoensivu assortment, irliliii hi style, mate ritl 'zind finish, cannot be surpassed by any In market, And V, Well held able to put at prices lower titan ever. Remember his old stand on North Hanover street, be tween Humor's and Senur's stores. FALL STYLE OF HATS & CAPS. w3l. it. TROUT, desires to inform his old friends ,that he has removed to ails new establitallllmllt on High street: near the Dept, and is now opening a r 4) large and elegant assortment of the VA 1.1. STYLE eta ILAT:t3, just received from Philadelphia, which the gt,entlenten of Carlisle aro requasted learn and examine. Ile has alb} a large ass.attment of Silk, nut :130 Slouch Hats ite his own manufficture, got up itt the I :style and at various prices, the exe - ellettee and finish m which ho will warrant. Ills stock he is confident on ly needs to be examined to I e approved. a large ,apply of Men's, Boy's and Children's CAPS, of Ch , th and Fur, and of every variety of style and price just re .mived from Philadelphia. Let all who want a lint Mt 'ap give him a call, as they may he sure of being suit ed to their own satisfaction. latt riIIINA, ANI) QIII4,F,NS k) \V AR E—Old houselivepOrs and young, oltit thaw: ismw 110 are expecting to become heusekeepers, are Bildt eil to call 'at liAl.BElt'l".9 FAMILY 0 IinCERY and ex amine b oleg'ant susoknient if Clibia.l ilass and Queens ware :inapt her articles In the housekeeping lino, s u ch as Fr •nch and English tea sots, heavy handed and plain, Whitsbiranite. glided and blue plain, Dinner sets of ev ery i .trkty and price, bowls end pitchers, tureens, dish s, Ac. Elass•ware—ventre. table and mantel lamps, Candelabras and, other hoops. great rarity. table and hit. tuialders, grabbers, ke. Fruit :insl preserve dishes. in Va rioty. Cedamware ; —tmbs, buckets, churns. bon Is, butter poi its and ladles, meal buckets, A:e. Brushes—sweeping, white wash, scrubbing. hand and shoe hrtL hro, dusters, ke. Market. clothes and travelling - baskets. A:s ach doe assortment of To hares snob t , egars. ('all ye islee anti fond of eh , der brands of Seger': and try the Itealias.Steffanimis and id lierEnbaA arietics, and tint will lint them of -unimpeachable quality. ,11Iso half lot Common L'egars, with choke snuff and rdoovin „-,,-„,_, _ ii ,1.),,,_,,,.1-F.•• 'l.l-1,6.1(-)N'- ~., PA PER. ~,:..=-••_ • e; ,-...•'.:-.--, I :I 11l j lIA, 11'1,01 ill,' no' Fall • • - i 1 1 1 , r.-_-,-.- - -, - ,„. ,•110 FACINES .i.,-1, ,,, .., 'tuck of PAPER. II ANG !NOS, Illr.t. ,- — • -- •. iiirli surpass in style. :luallty '"'' '"`•'' --1111 prier irrr:. - that - 11.18 e - el - cm iiiiiill 1, /IOW( t -, i ill I'arlill, I rl,liNstfilily soli , it ii rall :rout 1 , 1, ,, 11 , In Willa of Paper Hangings of any descrip tion, :14 I illii v.:tide:lt by a44urtment Er snrinvse• any tu.t.lo• thwiutglt: and in style mist price , has lilt few ri vals In the rity. I only not :4 tiro pullte to eat] and I.X. Amin. Elty .:, , rtuntnt. 144. re Turd/I:king. as I tun 1;o1111.• dent my ,haste tleklou, c•atuid Ertl to pleilse the in: st fusti:ll,us 3011 N P. I.l'N E. West side of North Ilanover titreet I-0 0 K 0 1.1 'l' 1 N 'l''lN E '.—Cholern- A morhus, Dysentery, - Diarrhiva, ,t.e., ere mahing their I,ppearaue. Vim know the remedy. If you hire toy re , zard for the weilfire of ynurselr, your wire. or y.m e .1111,1itin, supply yourselves with BEECII EICS 31AT1 . 11- I,E-;: , CORDIAL, otherwise elide the mosey nonce re sulthm from 41 1.114,1e.1 :1111101•011,•,. to 1.1,1 , [ll3,•kory. Ills •• Matchless Remerly" can be had at the Drim ; 4 t' re ..f B. J. rt IF:Ft-En. s..uta, ll,.inver street, a few . doors south of the Court i l o use, Carlisle. I) OUTS A N 1) SITOES. TI 1) or has noir on hand a ter n extoilisi , . .. . .... . enc.! st,ok a 0 Ti'and 9 it tl E K , iviiioh he will sell at unuuially low pric es. Purchased from wbrAlcsale dealers. at fo~c rate,, ho can otter such induce ments to purchasers as will make it their interest torts-, It his establishment. lie tuts every article in the Duet and Thom line—for Ladies' or Gentlemens' wear—he theref ,ro deems it mine:vagary to particularly.c. Persons klestrin; good and cheap goods are vit ,d to give him a call ,fitrailttre t . ) 13E1{T B. SMILEY, CA BIN VT I m ER UNDERTAKER Nor strvet, 111...Nt * alOotr 1.0 Ile would respectfully iufin•ot the citizens of Carlisle lind the public generally, that he lais new Olt hand a lar4e and elegant assortment of h Uit- N in part of IVardrolms.l'ard and ;411- ..rlde4, -Sofas, Bine tus, limbiteads, •plain and fancy Sewithz stands. sr.. manufactured of the best material and quality warms toil. Aho a general ii,sortincut of CHAIRS at the lowest prices. VENITUN Itimus made to order, and repairing promptly attended . ...... . . 611.1 , 1 NS made at the shortest [lntim; and bay- I tt: a splendid hearne Ito Bill attend funerals in town or country. Aro- Remember the stand—next doer to 11. Glass's !lAA - It. 11. :SMILEY. FXTENSIVE FURNITURE ROOM. A -,JAMES R. WEAVER would resneefeully call the attention of ilouse-keepers and the public to his extensive st.s-k of elegant FURNITURE, including Sofas, Wardrubes. Con tro and Tables. _ Pressing and Plain Bureaus, and every other article in his branch of business- Also now on hand, the largi!st amortunint of CIIAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. ~ k t *TINS made at the short est notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. lie s.dielts a call at his establishment, on North Han over street, near tilasse's hotel. ni)•Furnituro hired out by the month or year. • ea .4ST , , y oucORNER of Harr over 2111 d Loather sts., CA — w" C. ItLISI.E.—The vndersign ed has always on hand a largo stocl«d . superior Calinet, Ware, in all the different styles, which he Is prepared to sell at the lowest prices. Ile invites attention particu larly to the PATENT Sritmo BOTTOM BEDSTEAD, a mist useful article, which entirely obviates all objections.— The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfaction to all who have them in use. 41-.6 COFFINS math to order at the shortest notice. JACOB FETTER. ,for Safe anb 3tent. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. —A t•neeniont store room fin runt. Thorn in not a bettor situation in town fin• business. 'Enquire at this aloe. Jana ATTLUAI3LE TOWN PROPERTY • v , AT PRIVATE SALII—TIM subscribor will sell . --, the property ho now owns and wen - W..' pdes; formerly owned by the Hoy. T. It p i p ; kr . ~,')",_ MOOro . . situated on South Ilanover ert Sy r : ,. .eA Carlisle, adjoining tho property of Mr i '.... ..! -yo.• Wm. Graham. near the Walnut lint tow Road. eomisting of a TOWN LOT AND A HALF 0,) by '240 feet, upon which are erected a good two story ERA ME lIOIIBE, Wood llone and Stable, together with other out-buildings. • There Is also a good brick cemented Cistern, capable of holding forty-fivo hogsheads of wa t er. Thu property is in good repair. Also, 1 , ,r sale, a full TtiWN LOT adjoining the abOve, 00 by 240 feet. Any one. wanting 'such property will 0 well to call anti examine. nov22---0m BENEDICT LAW. VALUABLE , 'TOWN PROPERTY OFFERED ;FOR SALE AND POSSEPSION GIVEN „ • POMO! ATELY.--4 largo double, TWO ty.* - STORY 1101.RIE. with Stabling and Rath Houses. Tho int f ground oantains e l l . ;rent variety of choke grafted frultgrons. • ridsproperty Is situated on East street,. bounded by tho totort. Spring Also TWO Sttmo " stono and one' Frame DIVELLINit 111.11151 , ,5, I , ltuatell on liedthrd street, north Of the Lutliuratt Church, nod lu an improving part of tlio town. Also,a swan:VELD. @.)r terms ripply to Carlisle, Doc. 27, 101 W. M. PENllO.9lii. GOOD BOOKS BY MAII, r Published by FOWLER & WELLS, New York. In order to accommodate - The People" residing in all parts Of the United States, the Publishers will forward by return of the first mail any book named in the !bi llowing list. The postage will be prepaid by them at the New York Whet.. fly this arrangement of prepaying postage in advance, fifty per cent is saved to the pur cyas}•r, All letters containing orders should tie post paid and directed as follows— ,llV LEES fi WELLS, UOS Broadway, ,NOW York. Constitution of Man. By George Combe. The only au thorized American Edition. With twenty engravings, and a Portrait "f the Author. Price, muslin, t vents. Defence of Phrenology. Containing tin Essay on the Nature and Vaine of Phrenological Evidence; also, an able Vindication' of Phrenology. By Boarding. Price STeents. Domestic Litb. Thoughts on its Concord and Discord, with valuable Hints and Suggestions. By N. Steer.— lo cents. Education: its Elementary Principles founded on the Nature of Man. II? .1.0. Spurzheim, 11. D. With an Appendix, containing a description of the Tempera ments, and an Analysis of the Phrenological Faculties. cents. Wo regard this volume as one of the most important that has been offered to the public for many ye:II-A.—Me:4ex Stmt. ANI, Set. JOURNAL, Lectures on Phrenology. By Geo. combe. With Nytos, an Essay on the Phrenological Mode of 1 nvestightiOn, and an Historical Sketch. By Dr. Boardnian. Illus trated. $1 25 cents. Marriage: its llistory and Philosophy. A Phrenological and Physiological Exposition of the FIIIINiong and Qll:difiCati,hlS nefefi:lary 'for Happy Marriages.. Illus. totted. 75 cents. Memory and Intellectual Improvement; applied to Self- Education ami.luvenile Instruction. Twentieth edi tion. illustrated. ST cents. Matrimony: or, Phrenology and Physiology applied to • the selection of Nngental pm panioini foe Life; in cluding Directions to thu 3 . lnrried for living together Affectionate)) end I lappily. :to cents. , Plironolt,gy I.rove.l, I nustratedrrnid — ATlplfid; accompa nied by a Chart.embracing an Analysis the 'Primary Mental PoWers in 'Melt. VallinS Degrees of Develop., meet, the Phenomena produced by their combined A ctivity, and the Location of the Plume logical 4 1 1 . g:ins, Together with a View of the Sits-al and Theological Bearing of the Science. Price $1 25. Phrenological Alinainic. With Prd - tralts. 6 cents. Phrenolory and the Sculptures. An able. the small work. Joint Pierpout. 12 cents. Plurenologleal Goble. Designed for Students' of their na n Characters. Price 15 vents. Self-r tilt um and Perfection of Char:lollre: including the Edurzition and Ma attement of Youth. Mee 87 cents. - SEIT-M-..1 , 11, or NEvill %tit:. is the motto. No hff. I herely.—Ctanbiti reht.,l Ailveeate. Solf-Instriwtor in Phretioh.i:y aII I Physiology. rated with One Hundred I:iigravile,s; including. a l'hart fir reeorilitiv the varii nc Inc reii of levelei inenT. viper, cents. lin roil Aocnionts and Eineigentles: A Iloilo, containing. Di fur Treatment In Blooding.. Cots, Bruises, Sioains. itrol;on-Bonds, Disinrations, Railway and Steamboat AccidOnts. !turns anti Mies of Sled Cllnlora. Injured Eyes, ('linking, Puois , mn,' Fits, you-9I rut.. lightning, Drowning, Sr-, AT. A pp mi di, lmy Pr. Troll. .15 cents, {III SN l'OrbVS. .and I 11 , 111.:11t..11 On the 'Water Treat ment. C" , ul ,ll : , tion of I•npers and le•rtures on the Sul;je , t ifl Hygiene rind Hydropathy. • Edited by Houghton.- - ;111.:15. Consumption? its Prevent ion and Cure by the • Wuter Treapnent. 11'itb Advice concerning Ilenmrrlrtgeof the lamp.. Coughs. Colds, A511111)4, Bronchitis. and Sort. Thront. Ity lir. Sliy. ti 7 cents. Aoinc:::tio Practice of ilvdr.patily, ‘vith a Form of :t r. 'pert for tho Assistfaiire of Pathlas in coivNiiiting their Corrosirwalence. By M. er , n. of l'hysiM.irs and others in the Praetiee of the 1111.ter-4'ure. By J. 11. Ilausee. u n the Germ:tn.— :AI CVOS. lydropatilie Family Pity:di:inn. A Ready PreForiber and Hygienic Advisor. ith mt . ...tenet. to the Nature -- Punk+, Prevention. anti Tmatinent of Diseasos, Aryl• dent , , and Ca.sunitios of curry Mild; with :1 1 1.1102 , Sary 'Pablo of t'ontents, and ludoa. Illustrated with nearly Thli , e; - inindrod Engravings. Be Joel Show, 111. 1). One ltintelvelritn6 of $2O pag e s . , gotstantioly bound. Prtoo psopaid Ilydropathle Encyrlopiedia: a System, of Ifydropathy and Hygiene. Containing Outlines of Anatomy: Pllyslolo.:y of the Human Body; Ilygiebic Agencies 'and the * Preservation of Ilenith; Dietetics. and fly dropathie Cookery; Thet - Ty nod Practice of Water- Treatment ; Speen! Pell..logy, and Illydro-Therapitis tics. including the Nature. Ca oats, Synipb•lns. and Treatment of all kilos% ultisetses; Applieation of Hy dropat hy to Mid, ifery and the Nursery. Designed Its a Raid,. to Famines and StUdell tS. lind a Text- Book for Physicians. thy T. Tratb4,l, Mos trated with opus inds of Three Hundred Engrat Ingo and Colored i'lat es. l'inbatantially bound. Pre'pald by until. jB, Ii w. FITELMIN fi l l,: 1 . , the most eomprehenshe anal popular vork yet iml,ll4teti on the suljeet of Ilyslr,pathy. Of all the publications ‘vhiph lune attaimul such a . whle popular ity, as issued hy FoWlers and AVoll. perhaps none are more adapted to general utility than this Hell, eompre hensit u, anti qvell Enelopa,n,___N. V. Praellet. of Water-Cure. Containing n detailed account of the various processes used In the IVater-Treatment, &c. Ity Wilson :Ind Gully. dents. Philosophy of IVater-Ctrre. • A Oerelopment of the true Prinei pies of health aria Longo\qty. Ily 30 cents, New I lydrepathic Cook Book. Hy H. T. Trull, M. D. A System of Cooking on Ilydropathie Principles, con; taming an Expo • kt, n of the True Relations of all Alimentary Subs &J . ' ei to I I calth, with Phil n Receipts for preparing a proprlate Dishes for. llydropathic E m stablishen ec,ttriau Boarding-houses, Private • I . ~;-; It is the Cook's Complete Outdo for all who "eat &' t o t:" Paper. O'2. eta: muslin, Si etc. Science of Swing. With instructions to-Learners. Illustrated. 5 cents. Water-Caro in America. Oyer Three Hundred Cases of Various Ph:oases treated with Water. With ('aces of I)oniestte Practice. $1 '25. Water Cure, applied to every known Disease. A New Theory. A - complete Demonstration of no Advint• taps of the Itytitupathic System ,of Curio. , Diseases: showing also the , fallacy of the Alkpatiti7. Met boil, and Its utter Inability to effect a renrument Cur 6.— With Appendix, ;.ontainin4t he Ilydropiithic Diet, and Rules for Bathing. By Mosso, 67 cts. Water-Cure Manual. A Popular Ntiork. embracing De scriptions of the Various Modes Of Bathing, the Hy -0111111. and Curailre Effeets of Mr Exercise, Clothing > Deception, Diet, Water, prinking, Together with Descriptions of Diseases, anti the lrydroplthie Remedies. By Dr, Show. Si* tents. Water-Cure Alumnae. Illustrated. 6 cents. Comb's Pysiology. Applied to the Preservation of ficalth and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Ed ucation. With Notes by 0. S. Fowler. ST co l as. Chronic Diseases: especially the _Nervous Diseases of WOlllOll. By D: Bosch. Front the German. GO cents. Digestion, Physiology of. Considered with litlirttion'to the principles oFPlutetics. By Comic. Illustrated. • Price :t0 cents. Food and I , let. With Observations on the Dietetic Reg imen suited to Disordered States of the Digestive Or gans; and nn Account of the Dietaries of some of the Principal Metropolitan and other Establishments for Paupers, Lttnatirs, Criminals, Children, the Sick, &e. By Perkm. Price $1.26. Kansas: embracing, the descriptions of Scenery,Clinatte Productions. Soil, and Resources of the Territory, in terspersed with. incidents %Adventure and Anec dotes of Travel, • By Max Green. 80 cents. Hereditary Descent : its Laws and Fads apPlied to Du man Imyrovement. By 0. S. Pewter. 87 cents. Maternity: or the Bearing and Nursingtof Childred. in cluding Female Education. By 0. S. Fowler. With Illustrations, 87 cents. Natural Laws of Man. By J. 0. Spulzhelm,'M, D. An Important work. Price 80 cents. ' Physiology, Animal and MMital. Applied to the Pre servation and' Bestoration of Health of Body and . Power of Mind. Illustrated. 87 cents. Setter and Temperate LIM Discourses and Letters and Biography, of Louis Corium). 30 cents. Tobac,o, Three Prise Efisays by Drs. Trall;Shew, and Baldwin. 15 cents. Teeth: their Structure, Disease and Treatment, with nunnovms.illustrations. 15 cents. Future of NotituS; in what consists its „Security. A lecture. By Kossuth. With a likeness. 12 cents: What this Sister' rts Teach as to Farming. An Address. Dy llorace Orreley. 12 cents. True Desk of /Werke,' lodepenslence. An Address.— Dy lion. W. 11. Steward. 12 ' Labor: Its History and Prospects. Dy Hobert Dale Ow- on. 80 vents.. 41 ; ' Hints toward Ref , rms. Consisting of Lectures, Etaays, Addrosseffl, and other Writings, Sepond Editioh, En larged. By hforaeo Greeley, $1 '25. Ilopos and Helps Yor tho Young of Both Sexes. Belot- Ing to al o Formation 9f CharacteriChoicO of Acorn: tgartiole. fjeralb, .FORciitions. don*, Health, AthuSeinont, !gush., Conversation, Cul tivation of Intellect, ;Moroi Sentiments, Sectal Affec deo, Courtship nod MairrindO. By hey. S. Wo,v,r 87 cents. [Nolan Rights and filch. Political (11,tarantion. Ily Judge Horlburt. With Noico, by George COllll.lO. • • cents. thane for All. A New, Cheap, Convenient and Superior mode or BOWhig, containing , full Directions for con structing (travel Walks. With Views, Plans, and En graved Illustrations. New Edition, Revised and En larged. b 7 Theory of Population. Deduced from the General Lew of Animal Fertility. Introduction by Dr. Trull. It, cents . • IVonon : her Education and Influence. M'y Mrs. lingo Heed. NVlth an intnainctiun 11 Mrs. C. M. liirkland. • With Portraits. 87 cents. Eithor of these works may be7lrdered and reeolved by return ..1 the first Nall, postage prepaid by the Pub lishers. Please eneb,se the amount In bank notes or p mtage stamps, and address all orders, post paid, to FOWLERS 4 WELLS, :108 Broadway. New York. An B. Name your Post °Mee, Comity and State." Notices. INTOTICE is hereby (riven that the Cunt- BERLAND VA ;SAVINGS INtiTITUTION located at Cumberla id Hall, in Diel.inSoll township, l'ul , lLeriand county, will make implication to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of .I•en nsilvaida for an act of ineorporatium with a C . : Wit/11.f not less then Tun Ilor more thou Thirty Thousand Dollars. f ,, r the per po , e of receiving deposits of money lsdli truusitory awl on Interest, and of making, loans aml discounts, with such other privileges us are usually granted to avings Institutions. by order of the Directors. " • WM. GALBREATH, Trcns. P. L. IR:ELMAN, cey p une , OTIOE is hereby given that appl,ica -ou will he made to the neNt Ledslature a , niTec 1N Lly ta ton the coastitut lon and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Mr an alteration in the 'charter of the Carlisle Deposit Bank. so as to cantitr Upon saidltank the rights and mil. Heges of a tuna: of, and to change t,ke vain, to that of the Csi:tiNta BANK: 1150: to increase the capital stock Coe htnidred.and fifty thougand dol. 'ars, it practicable. By order of the Board of Directors. ' W. N. DEETEM, :lune 23, 1F.:4-I{m) Cashier. • • isTA TE W G It G E I I )1)Elt, DECEASKIO.—N. Wee is hereby gilt. that letters t:try on the estate of Ururge N hitler4 11110 Of m•inity. deed., love been ,rutted by the Ifyglnter fir said th, out n,ido,),:in...Ate mule tow 1,,10p . t; reNtid. .411 , hig ilWirilVe;.. - iiiiiebt - ed to raid estatr trio required to matte inanedialt• payment, ai.d hating chime to present them f.e. settlement. to DAN II) J:Limnry 17, I•5L= 11 . 4 EXth`titnrs I, I STATE OF Jt A (EASED.—Notice fs hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of John late of MAL MO Cllllfie.thilld county. deettWed. have 'been I.:tainted by the Register of said county, to the Sui,Sell- I•er, residing in the same tom nship..All persons kill. ing then:selves indebted to Said 1.1411.te are required to maid , immediate .parinent, aLd hating .!alms to Kosind them for settlement to Dec. 27, 155.1.--tdial PETER 3111,1.E11, Executor. :1 -1 4 STA YE OF 16 I 1 N • 1111 OADS, sr. B Deceased.—Notice Is beray given that Mien; of administration On the estate of Joint It (Math:, Fr. late of West hafusberit MIN nship, Cumlwriand county, deceas ed, Ve t cell granted Ly the Registor of said county to the suhseriber. residing In the borough of VarlislY., persons kmming themseive,s indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to DA Atim'r. jST OF JOHN HALE', DE -4 -1 STE cgAsEn.—Nottee Is hereby given that letters o, aontiastrntion with the will 1111111•XV4i, on the estate of .helm Hole, late of Newton township, t umberland coun ty, State of Pennsylvanhy lieeCaSea, h:l% this day been issued by the ltegister In and for s:dd county, to thesub. .critter iii n reaides in Newton to winthip :dbresald. All perSOTO, haVilig ...Jahn or demands against the estate of the said decedent are requested to mabehnoe n the same Without delay, and Chun indebted to make payment to "11.1.1A51 'Nov 15, ism-ct Ailtu'r with the Will annexed. ESI'ATE OF MARY ANN KEEP- , Eict: j 4: IC4).—Notlce is hereby ei% en that letters at admlnistration on the estate id Marc Ann Neepeis. late of the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, decd. have been granted by the'llOgister of said county to the subscriber, residing iu the borough of Carlisle. Cumber land county. All pet sons knowing themselves indebted to alibi ostate are requested to make Immediate faiy meet. and those ha lug claims to ereseht theta for Me mediate settlement to Nov 8 at FTEPIIEN KEEPERS, Miner. ESTATE OF CHRISTIAN FORRER DECKASED.—Notire Is hereby given that Letters estamentary on dhe estate of Christian Ferrer, late of Upper Allen township,Cumberland county. deed., have been granted by the Register of sold county to the sub. scribers residing in the mute township., Persons indebt. ud to said estate are molested to untie immediate pay. meet and those having claims to present theut fur set Clement to I • • JOHN WINELAND I '"" Executors TOBIAS MILLER, • Nov. 8, ISSI-Ctpd "IMOLA AI A 'l' 1 0 N.—Whereas the Hon. James 11. Graham; President Judge of the several Courts of Common Pleas in the counties of Cuni• berlaml. Perry and Juniata, and annul W.a.dburn nod john ltnpp, Associate Judges of the said Court, In the said county of Cumberland, by their precept to me di rected, dated the 1::th of Deer., 1a54, have ordered all adjourned Court of COI7IIIIOII ]'lens to be holden at Car lisle, vi the lirtlu day of February, 1855, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to entitinue one week. Notice in,, hereby given to all persons Su terested to bt then and Mete in attendance. JOSEPII INIcHAILMOND, Sheriff. Car January 3. '1,54. [IMPORTANT NOTICE.—The sub [ intending to dissolve partnershipnn thelst of February next, respectfully. ryiquest those indebted to them to call and pay up, and 'those having claims a gainst us ore requer:ted to present them humedintely thr settlement. tr.:t„still en hand, a very large and splendid stock Al 11001iS, which we w ill dispose of at prices "cheaper than the cheapest." jan3 BENTZ & IIIiOTITHItS. AUCTIONEERING.--The subscribdr Tespectfully informs the citizens of Cumberland county, that ho will attend to the business of 'AEC 'NON EERI Nti and,CitYl NO OF SALES in any part of said vounty on the most reasonable terms. Iluving large amount of sales on hand, it will he for the 11(iY1t11- tap) of those hating business of this kind to apply im mediately. Ills resittenvo is at Bridgeport, in this coun ty, where he will always ho found when not otherwise enraged, January 10th, 1555. 11. W. DUMBAUtiII. , coppll4 i 1 \ 1 ,,,,,T1 A T 3 1 1 , ! € 1da , 1 4,t fe ih strca t , sixth store :Move 11. C. EVERETT'S Patent Graduating l'nesStireTitUSS,Ter the con) of Hit pture; Shoulder. Wares, .'supportom, Elastic Stockings, Suspou§ary, Ilemorrlioldal, and Bandages fbr deformities. (i 0 DS. —lll9 •Bttbsc ihe e is just 11 .opeuhut n frvsh assort mon tof very r'll F.AI).(OOODS bought at radueed view. .Call and see them. ' Aug. 23. tIEO. W. 111.T.N1Elt THRASHING MACIIINES of the b,,c-mitko constantly on hand Aral tin• gale at the 4 6 ,0r1151e Foundry and Machine Shop: • GARDNER BROWN. LT I AV YOl T 111, OLDVITA .I,—. Cash for 01.1) M ETA stteli 1114 it - ,:pnor, Brass and Iron, at stlie Carlisle' Foundry and Alachlito Ali 111tOWN. Meat . (;state Safes VALUABLE TOWN LOTS AT TRUSTEE'S SALE...—Dy virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, the undersigned wilPexpose to public sale, on the premises, on SATUR DAY, the 17th of February, 1855, at 2 o'clock' I'. M., all that desirable Town Lot, commonly hncwn as POPLAR, LCT, situate at the south west end of Hanover Street, in the borough of Carlisle, containing about TWO A CRES, bounded by said street, the Walnut Itottom Road, :Mot of PSPhillips heirs'atid by South street. 'The terms of sale will be ten per cent. of the purchase money on tile Lay of sale, one-fourth on the confirma tion of the sale, and the balance to be secured by mort gages orjudgmeut bonds, or faith, as the Trlndeb may deem advisable, conditioned for the payment of the interest thereof semi-annually to Mrs. El iritheth Dwin, and the principal at her decease to her heirs at law, or to Uwe,: who may be entitled thereto. Attendance will be given by the undersigned, Trustee under the will of Thomas Hagan, decd. CarlLsie, Jan. 24.1856 VALUABLE 'TOWN g Y PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. ,The subscriber will sell at private sale, 's •- • that valuable business stand on the cor =3-2. net' of Hanover and Lotither streets, in Carlisle, Pa. The lot is3o feet front by IMO feet In depth. There is a large THREE. STORY STONE PLASTERED ijot; E. well finished, a large yard and garden, and dery thing necessary to make it comfortable and con venient residence. For terms enquire of Dec'r. 20.1864. 1 1 W 0 SPLENDID- S FOR A.thl::.—The sulqieriber will sell at IWhltte sale tbo taro following (14..surtheti farms. to wtt : No. 1-1 s situated north-west of Carlisle, adjoining the inhatited• part of slid Iforiingh. containing ONE HUNDRED AND EiHaY _AMES of first rate Lime stone Land, having thereon erected a new large BANE DARN, a large HAY HOUSE, a comfortable CATTLE 1-ITr-STABLE, Ate. Also, a romfortable„ hAVELLING HOLISM and other ont-brilidings. The land Is in a high state .of cultivation and all under good post and rail fore, Tt is bounded on the north by the heirs of Samuel Alexander, deed., on the east by John Noble. Wm. D. Seymour and others. on the west by Joe. Moore, David (trier. Ste., andmn the south by the public road leading front Carlisle to Waggoner's'bridge. Ni. '2.—he situated in North Middleton township, 44 miles from Carlisle, on the Harrisburg and Cnrlisie turnpike road. about 1I.O: miles from Middlesex Mills, Ntuntled as 'follow s: on the north by the Conodoguinet Creek, on the west by Trvine'S heirs. on the East by J. Noble and Jesse 7.tigler, and on the snuth by A brali:un 'Hetrick and the Ilarrisburg turnpike road, tmntaining TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE ACHES, about lttOrteresMrttniestone thi - y about Int acres of this tract cleared. under good fence, and In it great state of cultivation, the balance is very heavy timber. A large portion of do farm Is meadow hind. The- improvenients-nre-e--1-trge-r-TO-.NE-D-WED---- 1.1 ,(I lit thSI: a- large LOG AND Ell AM E BARN, Spring Ihntse and other out-buildbugs. nit Apple Orchard and a large quantity of other buit trees. No. ;L—ls tl small tract of lend :dealt mile west of No 1., on the Baker road leading Item to goner's containing TWENTY-SIN At I; ES of fret rate limestone land, bounded by said road on the north, by John Noble On the solithrhY'Erown's heirs on the east, and by - Baker its the west: The subseriber will also sell a nunilr of oUT LOTS to suit purthasers.— Th,, above described property will ho said on Or:15 , 1)10de terms. ARMSTIIONH NOBLE. .Tanuary In, 1154. • ITAPPINESS HAPPINEISS. !! lIAT CAN Al-AK} US BAITS!? "Henson's w hole pleasure, all the jop; of sense, Lie in three words—ilealth, Penee, and C,mpetence. (Pope.) But when we have - pains, affliction br.atignish of die eases. is not our pleasure, our joy, and our happiness thereby destroyed? ,Why let our sick follow.teing suf fer} Hoes not Christ soy : "With the FRIIIC Illowure ye mete, -it shall ho measured to you agnint"—,-Mat. 7, 2. "Who is wise Mall and endowed with know ledge a mong you. let him chow out or a good cons creation his sets-ks with meek mess and wisdom."—James 3, 13. 14141(1111i1 . AND 3fEDICINB.—Doetor. 1' C. CAILB- Dl7l, Surgeon and Physician. who is Botanist and Physiologist, and is Ornduate of our best Medical Collo• gee, and has made himself acquainted with all the vari ous systems of Medieal Science, and with the recent discoveries and impros cutouts ht till) various deign t ments of lhe Belding Arts. faithfully attends to ordm s for Surgical and 3ludical are all mad e or c. wpos'ed NtriVtiy it. llevt.rtiilliee w nth the Sciellerl• of Pathology, M tany. Itydrolunhy and Physi and w11..50 are all composod holo some redo. plants, 3111 i !Mir pithy. p,4 hi all diseases, and to Si loon the aillicted me ins Bed to apply timely. llis Character by lioNiertrible Neighbors, Sc Copy of 3 letter froio the ley. V. TI. Lehil , itell to Mr. 11. 11. Etter, of the rut r•pi Respected lrir :----A low me to intrethwe to s ur h hinny limier, lie. ram, ni:lt of New York. I have known Dr. C. for sixteen years, he has done I 11Sire,. MO 55 lilt sobriety, hon esty and with net near: there lire I do I.Olest' him to Lr perfeetl) sober. Lot tst trustworthy. Any fat( rs yOll dilly >eo rit.p•r I. reeler on him. will be hlAly Up misdated I.) his t. unterous friends, and by none intro highly than yt •ur sineeri ft lend and humble servant. C. IL LIEN RACIL Landisburg. .Ittly 15th. 1 , :t1. Copy of a letter tins tleorge Spahr, • Esq.. County Treasurer.-1 It) certify that the tactile:a advice of Dr. earthier han surpassed any other a Well 1 havv !Alberto had in the cure of severe force In on - Mtiffly.— I would therefore recommend' him to such persons who may be afflicted with aforesaid disease or rttherc, t4PAILIt. 111oinnfli,1(1, Augurt 20t4, 1851 DD. CARDDER ileeingiroll acquainted with the ro -cent French discoveries, with their new tend safe modes of tametment, and. the speedy and certain rennslies and cures foe' Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Dysentery, CID '- era Morhus and all Complaints of the Bowels and Ste4a ach; Superior Remedies for the prevention and cure of Asiatic 4. holera._ Remedies far all the. defeats and dis eases of the blenerative Organs and reprodnet ITO CIOTIO. tny in men and srlaue.n; Jtetnedies for ; re: tato and timely ewes tier all Consumptimes,. Impotenee. Styr. Ility. Sexual Abuses. Yedereal Diseases in all their forma Suppressions and other, delicate female complaints. All there remedies emanate from the most noble iwknee of Ile teeny and .llydropathy combined. (but no pviseoM--.- "Heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. New Testament, "It is for healing that Christ commen deal ithe Samaritan.—Luke, 10, to 37, and With cone— mon means. "Prove all things, hold fast that ahieh is good."—lst. Thessalonians, it, 21. "Therefore let us be ware of laying op what we should lay ifartier health, for there is that scattereth and yet inerebseth, and thorn is that withholdeth more than is meet, tut It teudeth." Proverbs. 11, 24 The different medicines and their direetie ns will ho soot to thee afflicted in hay direction by mail oe'exi Address Dr. I'. .C. CA RUDE e, Cum Leant d con n, tv. Pet., post paid, and the fee $1 always amble; a' ying the letter, with the order. together with a dm crif 100 c. the feelings and the symptoms of 4 10 complalr to of the :Meted Inclosed. It is this system of Zeledical Science OM Books and the modes of cure only, which De, Card tier epiploys that allow of medicines entirely made or cencr'sed of Wholesome Roots, Plants, and ll,:drepathy,' good in all disease's, (no poison), and. which ran make speedy and certain reined es anti cures for "all waterer of sickness and all manner of diseas4" and which sur, pass • all other medical means , in-Told& of goodness, he all It of comparison. OFFICE adjoining Mr. C. Meager, East Pomfret street, near eolith Ilanover, Carlisle, Pa. Testimonials firer' numerous persons of the highest respectability le this and the adjoining counties, give authentic evidence of 'the goodness of Dr. Cartidoe's diameter, tend can bee seen at his afire. 1 , ;,1.1. The afflicted can receive superior m e di c i nes an d the directions for' their use by the first return of mall or express. If interviews be desired, or visits requested,' Dr. O. will endeavour to ,neelonmudato applicants as far as he mut, The .Doctor speaks the'lleagllsh and the tier- Man Languages, etc.. .[ Jun.:17,1855 • tA.- 7 V1411V ' STO _ °NEW DODDS !—The un dersigned is new s,opening in the etoro moll of WlMatti Leonard, on the corner of Danoror and linither stmets, In the Doren h of .Csirlisle, a largo and general asses inept of spA 'l,ll AND FANCY •DRY DODDS null rnc log almost ev ry kind and variety of gte de aLated to this market, ts. -ether with no assortment of 0.1100:- RIES. His stock aving I s cen nearly all purchased the last two wee ,s, buyers will 'have the advantage of eel ling .frs in a I I t•TtH 'IC, as well as of this late in this price f many articles. Ile will le ham to exhibit gecds.o all who may ihre'r bins with a call, and pledges him elf to sell every as title nt lower than they eau he purchased elsewhere. Carlisle, N0v.15,1854. 11014:1;T rick. = JACOB SIIROM J. Iik:TTER.