Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 14, 1855, Image 6
=I MI Agricultural. . „ - Farther 3 ProspeOts for 1855 What aro the prospects of the farmers for the coming year, as to the probable crops and prices'? •In, our opinion good , in both respects.. First as to crops ; it las always'bea n fund that a SQ . :1$011 of severe drought hi d a beneficial effect on the soil, so that bountiful crops are _pretty sure to be ob tained the following year. (Au explana tion of this Lie cannot attempt now,. but will in our next.) Besides the drouth the past year taught some valuable le,- soas in regard to the importance of deck er and better tillage, iVhieh most farmers will put in practice the coining season.— (We shall say more - about this, also, be 101'0, long.)• Then the hard times have had die effect to drive men hack to their favors ant to industry, who before ined that they were rich enough to live more genteelly, or smart enough to live more easily at other employment. This, ligether with the cheaper cost of labour, card the contintlal high price of farm pro dnee,,must ton 4 to secure a large increve of crop., the present year, sup:la-lin: 4 the se Hi] proves ordinarily favorable ; and in - re . , and to the grearsta.ple, wheal, il!- Te Lily in the ground, its pre , ent appear aloe° is quite as good, we believe, as in the average of seasons. Seeond, as to prices for the coming sea a ; we think there is but little prospect of any, denline from present; rates, but much probability that prices will advance' especially of such articles as are suited for exports. Of course it is impossible now to prediet'what will be the extent of the war movements in Europe the coming season, or to what extent this will create a foreign demand for our products ; but from all that we can see at present we are of the opinion that all our surplus bread stuffs and provisions will be wanted to feed the armies and suffering people of other countries ; and - if our crops are a bundant, the tide of gold and silver that has for the past year flowed so continu ously from this country, will reverse, and with its return will conic a return of pros perity and the 'redemption of. our public improvements. Such are our hopes and expectations for the future ; but these results can on ly be secured by industry and frugality, klo we must all learn to !aber and to w.iit for . "gool time cowing, boys.—Ohio Cul tivator. Best Vegatables for Milk Cows A oorrespondent of the 'Northern Far mer' says:—The vege!able I wish to recomend as the best, all things consid ered, for' milk` cows in winter is white flat turnips. Sonic perhaps will object to the turnip, because it will affect the taste of the milk and butter. So it does if fed raw. This can be avoided by boil ing. For each cow boil half a Rishel of turnips soft; while hot add five or six quarts of, shorts, which will swell, and you get thefull.worth of it. A mess like this fed to a cow once a day, will produce more milk of a good quality, than any other feed at the same cost. Turnips fed in this way do not taint either the milk or butter.. One thing that may be said in -faVor of turnips as feed for cows, is, they can be sown in August, or a.s.late as the first of September. 1 sowed some as late as the first of September last year, which were very fine. ,Turnips are also very profitable feed for pigs, when bailed in the way as for cows. . low 3fuoit lag DmO.SoILS We have latoly.had occasion to remark that less lime is needed in soils than many suppose. Prof. Emmons, in his report on the Geological survey of .North Carolina, says--" If we may appeal to observation and . expOriment,Tt is' estab lished that a s nail per centage of limo ()Lily is necessary to the highest degree oV fertility; and yet this 'small per tent age is necessa) / . If there is present' one-half of one.per cent, it seems to be sufficient; for it is rare to find a largo quantity in productive soils." Prof. E. is a chemist and a goolo ,, ist of lotix.expe ricnce: and - Was one of the first .(perhaps the first) to ascertain that some of the most productive soils for Wheat in Wes 'tern New York contain comparatively little Hum—Boston Cultivator. • " Ile that by the plow would thrive Himself must either hold or dgive," ~~c}~ ~~~J R TERMS :—StaiM ER SESSION. For board. wasking, fuel, and light, per cession of 4 inontint. $lO 03 'nom.. id Senior class per session, $ 00 ,kunlor _• ' 6 00 . Primary /A 4 00 drunk. Latin or French, fp 00 31usi, nu Piano and use of Instrument, El 5 09 . Oil panting and drawing, 5 00 For further inforsuati in address .1. KENN EDY, Principal, January 'l7, 1.955.-3ni Fayettville, Franklin Co. I'a. 111',1'E 11A ACADE3IY, three • liarrisburg. Thu eighth Session of this popular and 111/11.IShillg 1 IltititUt31 , 11 qin On Mnflllay, the .M 1 •,i NOVVIIIIPIT next, ttinlyr the n .st ftworable auspieei. During the presont year sipti niprovoments and additions have hum made as Its in -,tsing patronage demanded. The Principal will be as- Au 1 by a full corps of competent and UN perielleett . 32111.1'5, and special attention will he paid to the health ud conif.rt of the students. . . • , 1): DENT:INC; ER, Principal. Sept. 13, 1 , 131. Harrislnteg, i f a: (1 1 14.1.N1 1 114141) ('IJAISSE( ' A ACAI )- 1111 itoar l'arlisle, Pa. 'lli, , 'l7th Stisai 'it OM, 311 )1 Nil/11% Not ember Jl, Iffb t: Number Stu •,,t, iimitod 31111 1 . 111151.1111 t t 31.11 1131 1 11 for their infiral ,i 1 iatell,t nal improvement. Toms, $11:, per sto , f,ion. troutand with references :111111\111 information furnish- It. K. MIK NS, Principal and Propriotfm, stipt27-1,55 . .1. Plainfield, Cumberland ,at. Pa. 11 M 131 , ',1; LAN 1) V ALLEN' INS'I'I 'I'I' ^ Nlide and Feantle .operate and M ECU %. Rey. JON. LOOSE, A. 31., assi.ted by five Teachers. The M'inlor Sessi•nr of this In:AH.110.01 s. open to t•Ot V(' ,1111b.libti on the IS( NT'. Tll6 which olf,•red by this I 111.ittIlt kit En Loth sexes • for obtain a tiiii!=ll , ,l etineatien sire tittsuipaased by any ahniiite •ininare in the State. The littlldi niza aro new and COIIIMO,ItiIutt, Mitt the ..mutt. ornamented. The FEMALE lII..:I'.%IITNIENI' now entirely sepArate,and t'aidueted by New. England 'arbors. It is Ineatod in the bealltiltil s alloy of I'nut• •rland, nitsurpa , sed fir it. 4 , !t a il miles distant I'r•nu IlarrrlsimrC. lute hundred and twenty students have Lee❑ in at litlatll,l during the y ettr. ()1"1-S I'A'I'ENT FAIt M E S ' Ili)! LElts.--The,e passes.: an athanta.a..JVl. all in boing mad, with an onitshly it .11 whi,ll a•atly 1 . 1 . 11111111111 , 1• S 111111 :11111 iii . ( 1 11 1 11iS II The ) o neele of social' , siics. from td tok I'2l, gailans They • partalde and in 1 sot In thi4 Isitohon t 0.1 Ipos. ar ~ . rivaniont. to lII' Istrls, pig •ils, fa;sl far E E E L. I'NIIIT, (Successor to uzu-tiey BEIWIN4i AND C.II:I,ET 0.1:11.)1'SE, Ng). 14': South Street. five doors sfiaiet.' Philadelphia, he keeps eon. uttlt on hand a full ass i•treboit of every artielo In Ills Ile of business. Farther,, Feather l'atent ring '.ittr:sses, Velvet Tapestry. Tapestry, Itruc,els. Iv, I it,tralii, Vonetirtn. List.. :ttiii Ileinp earpetings, Canton Millings, binti tun] Deiutiits. !kart lbsir el Piano Corers. To which ho iiivitostho attention of nreliasers. ('lot 54 AYES' S U PEE PH OS PRAT E OF !31 H.—The subscribers aro Agents in Philailel• phia tor the ;diovu fertilke'r. which bats boon fully ti , ded fir the lest three years. .11arly orders solicited ns the supply will he limited. Also, for sale best Peruvian %liniment tiliano ,N - o. 1. PASCHALL MORRIS & Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, N. E. corner Ith and Market streets, Philadelphia. (Joel:3 ADIES FANOY FURS.-JOIIN J FAREIIt A, Imp. , rter, Maaufiicturar and Dealei In oi,ands.of PA NOV FURS. tbr Ladles and Cliildron, nt 2141. MARKET Street. Eighth, Philadelphia. romph,lted my large and beautiful ass art meat of all the dilferaiktinds of Fancy Furs, that will be worn by Ladies and ' (Wren during the present sea sm: this as,ortment of Ft .Is equal to any to be found in this City, either PW quality, variety or beauty. Hav ing bought my Furs In Europe P)r Cash, and have had 010111 manufactured by the most competent workmen under my own mmervision, with reasonable economy.- 111111 to sell thew at small KORN, and for Cash only. 61'01tElill.:1WERS (lo well to give too a call before purchasing. JOIIN FAREIRA, 2sl MARKET Btreet, Above Eighth, n6-Zut SPAIN'S ATMOSPHIatIC CHURNS —A full stipply of the above celebrated Churn, now tin hand of all the different sizes, front 4 kgllons 6%50. It received the first premium at. the Into Pennsylvania State Fair, the first premium at the Franklin fin:Mute and Delaware and Maryland State leaks, and various others at different places. It trill make more and better butter from a given amount of scream, and in less time than any churn in the market. For axle wholesale and retail by PASCUA LL MOItItIS & CO., Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store:corner of i th and Market, -Ph SAO ppla. Dee. (I, 1854—tf ' f I,A.TILEII.—Yritz & Ilendry, Store, L,4 '29 North :id st. Philadelphia, Morneeo ors, Furriers, Imparters, Commission and (lemma. Loath. or business. WIIIILESALE AND RETAlL—Manufactory 15 111nt orotta stmt. Sep. 7-1 y AUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUF kJ PERS.—Several 'patterns of the above on hand and for sale wholesale and retail by PASCHALL MORRIS LS; CO., A!!rieultural 'Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of 7th and Market, Philadelphia.. Dec. 61.11, 1854-a CI A. SALT.- 4 ,5000 Sacks G. A N.._A • sAur, for s;:tio by CABB., MUSE o Flour& Grain Commission Merchants, tipear'i & whe C itsr, Baltimore, Dec 6 B• 1., A.° K SILK ACES J ust . , opeued, Mack Silk Lacs .a.. 4 s for quality, and diftsrutit widths. AN.), .111.coK TRIMMINGS, Oinips and other trtytulugs. r ONO. W. 4A15t... 4 K • • nucotion. I,:IAYETTVILLE F.ENIALE SEMI-.- - NAY:Y.—This Institution will open on the first monday of Mardi, in a new and commodious building erected for that purpose. under the direction and super int.mtlence of Rev. J. Kennedy and Samuel Thomson.— The loation of the Seminary is healthy and retired.— it is tho deeigu of the Principal that the ceius.e of In struetion be thorough, and the expenses moderate. , The lest female to:tellers he employed. Pupils tel be arranged in classes accoydine; to the direction of the Principal. There will be three elm :L—Primary ? Junior and Senior. i ;11,1k f1..41{114 :111li Tuition in t Bratiehl . :11141 1'n..81 per Seg4inn; (t) Months) liistrwtion in Latin and lirook, each, - 5.00 •• and lionnan 6.00 Instrumental M - 10.00 Tho attention of parents and guardians Is earnestly rite.] to thi. Institution. l'ireidars will be furnished I any inflrmat I dI .be given, oil aPP:l"allmt, either or by letter to - II,ASS'ICAI, A N 1) ,LVET,It.III.I' WO. I NTE IZ S -;\ will onnuionve Tnostlay. the 7th ;d' Vnctpthor, .1.• tt tu. , tt oin .14tlig. l'arnful instrn,t •ui, .t.•lit to. 11 , .r , In Ow th•pArtmont. a , 1 Eii,lisli The ut at I.X -4..s bar •1 with a 1U..111 1,1,11041. $:).: pnr tern,. l'or flu th , r apply . either 01 the •nth , at Newvilie. Pa_ Rim kelt REV, Principal, W. It. LINN. A .N 1 , 1 , It EN, jr„ j r'..l""'" T I: it NI S: .ard. nod Ronnt Furnlhhod Se,:slon of '.!l Weeks - - $.55 00 Flireulars and inform:Won atl.lress Err. .10S. S, I,OOSE, sopt 20-1 t Mochanie,) ur g , Co., rl'a. Warehon , e 11,14 Seel Store, N. K. corner 7th and 11.0 'set ,treek, Phil +4arliste "Frofessioitur Turhs -NA T ILLIA . EHEEM, Attorney at Lew. Othre in Ileetem'a !tow, Carlisle, I'a. .4 - 6-11nNinel5a entrusted to him will too promptly at tended to. ,' Feb, T. '55. - A N. GIi.E.EN, Attorney at law, has settled in Mechanicsburg, fin- the practiceor his prothssion. All kinds of Legal Writing, Collections, Court business, Rr., promptly attended to. Office opprr site Dr. Long's residigiee. SU la EYI NO in all its diffe rent branches promptly nttended to. cc. B. COLE Attorney at Law, will at tend promptly to all busillesseldrust, , ,l to him.— Offire In the room ferinerly orrupleit„by Wlllium Irvine, nil., North Unilever street, Cndisle. April 20, 1552._ R. C. E. BLUMENTHAL, 110- f .M(EOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN. Office and residence On Luuther street, ono door east Of the (lemma Me fl•rined Church. Dr. 'llimnontbat respectfully pl,feS:41011:0, services to -the citizthis of 'l'arlisle and vi einity. 141-I'ursons from a dlqtance laboring , under chronic diseases may consult by latter. Office hours, from 7 to 9 A. M., mid . to 4 P. M. sepOyibitt C. S.,BA,K.E.R respectfully oilers y his professional services to the citizens of Carlisle aml surrounding country. ..-0111co and residence in South lianovcr street, directly el , P.4.ite to the `. Volunteer 01111:o." Curl Fhl t., April 20. 1853. KI EFFER Mice in North mooter fitroct two ao,,rs rpm, Weise c:oupfien...; 00 . 11 . 0 hour, 1110r0 Icu•ticularly from 7 to U o'clock, A.. M., and from :1 to 7 .o'clock. P. M. 111. (1-E(J. IV. N F,11)1(!li t , j DENTIST carrfully attends nII r operminns up,i, the tutu and ntljncrNnt parts that disease or Irregularity may rcy uiru. Ile will ids.) insert Artificial Tertll nt esery desig.iption, midi as Divot. Single and teeth. 111111 ith " Mil construct Artificial Palates. 01,- turntors. 14-.1141D:1g Pieces. and curry appliance used in. the I recital Art. —Ululating mioriC at thr rrsidener or Sr. Sitinuil Elilott, Ea-t High ,truet, Carlisle. 1':OR011 , ,' Z. BRIETZ, P. ‘A I). S. : 1) li.'l'lST.—l ertfully Lr i t , " 1:1 " • 1 1 ‘ tr t „:; single tooth. to an entire set, on the latest 111111 1111/t ir preyed principles. Such as :•litgle; Illurk. nail -I'oo -1111.111 1/1141 1 111-es 01'11111 Month and Ir riii.zitint ill,: carefully treated. I )1 , 11171 . : at the iit hi.: lin they, on Niirth fill :•treet. Corlislo, jso In 4 -"` MIS ~; n perform all , rpr.l t 110111 the To,th that are required 11. r titer presersat stilt as Scaling, filing. Plugging. it7e., nr tt is restore tug s, of them lay itoierting• Artilidid Teeth. from n idoglli to, th to a Dill tiett. t 111110.1 011 l'llt /11ea.t. n 1".•,v doors smith of the 1111111 , 1111 110101. Dr. 1,. is au - sent from Car l ink the litrt ten days lif, , ,o•ry ',mak ,I)1 4 1 N. 11()SENSI'EEL, ilot:`e, k LCi ~ • , , F. and Ornamental Painter, Irvin's tforinerlv I I arpces. ittur, near 'litho's Dry Iloodi `te a r. Ile m 11l attend promptly to nil the tthove deseriptions et paint, inv, at reasonaldt•plielc The various winds of g rai,,jh ff attended to. such as inaltOgany, oak, walnut, &c., in the Improved stylus. Stores. nab Shops. TOVE'S ! STOVES 1 1 : STO V ES'.!! k, JOHN D. WHMAS would Worm tho publie tha ho Ilex n o w 011 110111 nt . 1111 e,tabllshment, on Morn st. next door to MIIIiOIII !1011, the largest nod most txdo ploto :assortment of COOK, OFFII,'F, ~_ LIM STOVES to be Round. in this con tit v, ' which will be solii itt. the lowest prices for ,; -cash or a ppmved credit. Ills stock consists of ;Int a large assortment of new and highly tip -„ proved PATENT VOOK INO STOVES: finished in the most complete manner. fund calculated fitr either wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns a Itioll bare stood the test of experience, may be fimiol at Ids establishment. Also, a great variety of the nest approved and Is-intifill PARLOR OFFICE STOVES,'Im 4 eluding a number of new styles, p,ss e sslng very suk,- rior advantages over those herehlrere in use. rsmilies /Anil housekeepers are respect fully MI Rea' to gii e him SI Mil before purchasing ehen'llere. Stoves deliierell to any part . 1 . t h,, e ,, lllil,ry and put up at the short , st 11. , lice. li,, continues to do all kinds of TI N AND HI iwr IRON 11 . kII E. and Copper Mnric,fi a l lnis ~,T,Lnoly on 111141 or still limbo to order viers lirtivly required by housekeepers or others In this line. Ilis st,s, Of TI d ;Liutopper Ware embraces os cry kind of household am ,“ I, when utensil. uarra,uted ,rililil to the best nuanufait , Lured. Persons In want of articles In his line may al ways be sure of being accommodated to their sa‘thrliedi,n . by giving him a rail. I iMII--.15;,-1, I)11. l' AI t /It It' I Nl'l , l It I PARLOR kND Olin IV; UV rs The subscriber at his old stoud on North Ilanover st„ Carlisle, the sign of the -Mammoth Red Coff e e p i ,t," ‘ 1,.. Ives to call tin, attention of the priblie to Iris largo as sortment of STOVES, of the newest and no St tlishionre s btu styles, from the best manufactories in the _ country, and at all prices from .;; ; .t to SKr. Among his BAR Loll A Cil A MitElt STOVES : ,, a.r aro the Mirror Stove. the Aretle. Revere, star, -.;..,,, Persian, 111.11011 and .Irltiin Air TOO. together '' with other patterns II bleb he has of all sires for parlors or rhambers..andf•alcuiated fbr burning either wood or coal. Also, the "Etna, globe, Aster. Albany, Flat-hp and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with ether CI II )K -INO 6Tol'Es, comprisin g the latest Improvements in kitchen st. Ives, and intend,d fur either wood or coal.— Also, the Dining Boren Cooking Stove—A Ill' %V and ele gant :article, to a filch he invites the letrtieular atten tion of families. Ills cooking stoves range in price from Sln to 25 with the fixtures complete. AIR,. Niue Plate, Stoves 4.1 2 various patterns and different prices. Also, ENAMELLED AND TINNED WARE for riff/k -ing S toveS. IjI'LlSB Kettles, Ac. Also. every article in the line of Tin and Copper Wore. The public are respect fully Invited to call as he Is confident with his large stork, variety and cheapness. of being able to glyeen tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see. Oct. 25, ISIA. ' M. MORRIS. 'p A T 141 N T SELF-SIIAIIPENING YANKEE FEED CUTTERS, manufactured fbr ALDRICH it . . SARGENT, No. 416 Market street, Philada 'nth cutter is suporior to any now In use. for strongth durability, and simpliolty of construction; it cuts fast er, and is the only selisharpening Ilay, Straw and Corn Stalk Cuttor over made. It has but ONE STRAIGHT KNIFE, which any parson can grind and sot with ease, hut fir ordinary easo, is ground In the machino. Thou sands hero already boon sold, and the demand is daily increasing. In most VOWS an examination is sufficient to convin ono o Thr-enperiority. No ono after a shag t trial won d part with it for any other. All sires of the above constantly on hand and for sale by octfl J. P..LYNE, Solo Agont Tor Cuml,ol•lnud amity DUMPS.—Just received a large assort moot or PUMPS' of every variety in gonorlir use, embracing ism and Brass Cistern aneelstern Side Pumps.. Also, out-door Pumps, so regulated es not to bo subject to freezing In winter. These pumps are get 'up In the very host style in point of quality and WOrlo nmuNIIIII. The" manufacturers having hadpremiums awarded for their pumps at several State Fairs, where they 11laYO boon on exhibition. Also, constantly on hand n full assortment of Iron Woll Curbs and Chain Pumps, For sale low at novl-185.1 HENRI' SAXTON'S. 31/iscefaneous. • it•- "-•- ‘,ZTEA,III..SAW MlLL,,,near k.kio ... omb , t...." l'apertown, Cumberland county.— • , :,........,. .", g , 1A51it..1..1.&. SEYMOUR con tin no to aup- MZ: ply' umber/4f all klnda, at the short( st ~ ..., - •-m.tie.S, and on terms lower than can l'e had eleea here. All orders direeteo to,ll. 'intim. Lt., Pa• prrtawn. or \ N. 1). Si.y.mout, .1 r., Carlible, will be prompt. ly attended to. Feb. '...t1-ly 4tCI.AS TINGFIr AND PLUMB ..A.kI- I NU.—The undid signed would inform the . ‘3 citizens of Carlisle that he hue made arrange . inents to do li AS FITTIN9 and PLUMM NO at short no tice, and on reasonable Mims. Ile has engaged the ser vices of a first !into hand from Philadelphia, and has sup. plied hireFelf with an extensile assortment of FIXT URES. which will until In him to fill all orders promptly. All work:will lie warranted. His stork of Gas Fixturss will be found in the mono exactly opposite his Tinning estaLl Nunes' t ...ii oath Italie - vier street, w hero he invites is call. TINNING, SPOCTING, &e.—Tlo Ss nlso prepared to furnish. or Iloilo to ardor, every article of TIN WARE used by housekeepers unit others. Ile Hill also attend to SPOUTING, lIGUr;IIIttitorING, BELL HANGING, mot PLUMBING. Thumleful f•r the patnntmge With 'while), be hnq already been flt‘ (wed. he respectfully solicits it I:milli:twice (,) the Fame. Carlisle, Jun e 1.1, FR OIM CALIFORNIA.-C. VON 11 El LEN reNpectfnllS , informs tin. citizens of Cnr ,. -,. - ,„...lislo and s iefu ity, that he Int.:: ju,t, rettirie - ..,,-- ed from California, 871(1 in prepared teems ? ' cute till hinds of work conneeted with his -11 ---. line .of•businesm. Ile has always On lianti . ' a large assortment of ready-made Rifles, iiilllg, Pistols. Looks. lieys. Gun Trimmings, kr., all of which he mill sell 'ti holesale or retail. 'lle also attends to repairing ()nuts, eloeits, looks, &e: ergot es on toms~. e,•pper :int] hon. Ile hopes that Ily st,lll. 110.011t101/ 1, Imsines,.. and a desire h, please. he will merit and tut:rive plildie pat 1.1 , 1111.gP. , 110 All hinds of Fire Arms made to of der. Carlisle, April 11i, 11-5-1-1 y leiTs , Q P IeEN 1) . 1 - 1).JEN\ r - L:7 EL1l), ! I h.litlay l'res• efter. , -- . T's ',, la a ~„.' ruts, .le.--T 110 id A, ::, l't):` , ,- ..... l '"‘,..T.,.......-; s: LY :C. West I ; igh btree t. a few , --,, r a 3 >4 .. '''-... 11111 S W 1 , i. .f i orldothlet l s -.,::'."..rk k ..*, hotel. Cantle, has Just ref 1t5. , !;,: - Ti.t..,,,,....., 7 6 .5 ~ , if,l ' • 2l' .riled the Iftrgef,t hid] oast ... ft''' , ' • ' -- 4,,,,,::•-';:2 - ,..W. - l'i• r1; - ma assorttheot of sui , e• ri-r Jew elry et tr envied in Carlisle, eonsistiog it; twit of Vold evil Filver IVatelies'ef every I twit. ty. and at all pri..e. elght-day I Lf WKS, llil ver t:,l It and ten ,1.,, , ,t, sitter Inl , ll. I rlo: and Lotter Loives, geld ard silt; r 1,f , ;-tarleg. ladies' hod geLtlenTelts' gold Iwo need pelt, it h• 1 , 1 ehttioe el el ery 11,4 riptl,ll, ear nrd tiftefer tit gs, I;:ehst Li_n!., Sc., at ;di prices. Sirs Ar,,,rtleom. ard Mti - sked 1 1:. , .. es is MI a great variety of Faory Arti.les. Se: 10. led t`',lo:i ...13 f' r the 11 , ,lithly if. Persons desiring tee Ito, lee :in. batted L'. I and l`y.atuiLe thertss.rttLent 11 r , Rl,' pri1.514 d to sell at very reasonable pi ires. Tl.ual ity of g.. dg warranted to Le as floe as sold It r. T 11031.15 Ctil\ LYN. • . West High et. 11 - .1111()N lIALL 1)AG1'1:111tE/1N itooms.—A. i. Kl{F.Thatlugtaken the Dag tier. an TOllll , in 70arion 14111. 1.11(.1T11 as A, 11. Tubb's t hit ler) • desires to inform the I.:111k. nod I that he Is ptlllll.l-1.1.1 to take Likenesses in the ill Ft .1' at.) IP Um art, suite as 11 /II fully sustain the reptitatimt lids popular rr tmtlishment. are largo. pleasantly situated atol comfort:ll ly furnish ed. Ile is 111.4,V Wed it ith the most' pose' ful and perfect in,ttittitent for taking pictures and - surrants satisfac tion it all rases. A full supply of cases of every Nariety of styli; and size, plain and ornamental, kept constantly on hand. EngratiVWS, nceuriitely celled :I.lld duplicates taken of original 111.eneyes. Liheueses taken of sick or tIPVIUMI.I persons. In ices tot derate and Fat IsraPti..ll glrru ht all cases. The public is invited to call at the Itarion Ilnil Daguerrean Rooms and extunlvie the numerous 1 , 14. , 11110115. .P 4 limmerii-otypeit Inserted In Lockets, Breast Pins. Pincer Itings. Pencil Heads, &e. Carlisle. Juno 14, '&4. 4.1..1.1)1)1,E AND JIAIIN.EFS 1.1 I NO. The suhscritor rout in ui s to carry n the I.llsini,s, in nil its arinus Loan, Iles, in North lhur vo, tAI lli:NlrS Urtil c:nfn•r hoc:• 110 illtaadS k.a . 11111;1 haad a ger.eral gissori no r 1 ill his lino, consisting' 'of nil kinds of fashionable ;•A I/ Ii1.1.:: 4 , lii idles, Nal tinnialcs, t,irth.. Cireinglesnaid Ilalters,nlso • I I; i • NI: - .' i i'1f,....„ . I.lllS'eli nag and saddle ~.,:, 7-- . 17-- ) 4 ,11. 7 ~.„ ~,,,,,.„.,)4..„,,,. ~.....,,„ ii:an. .\,.,,.,,,. unmet tires the nmit I% • 1 1'. 1 .a , , a . y :, , ,%.i SI . A N I S . II - • . I. \ 1 1 1 \1\\ 'S 'i l l lt I :. G SAI.NL.4 ni - er used in this i,,i 1 ek unary. and those v. - hiding a Inatd ' ' I ''' some, durable :and pleasant saddle v , ill do well to call nod sea , them. 11, .11 also indnufactures Harness, lirialles. - Collars Mid NI hips ill all their a :,rie• tie.. and confidently le-liea a , . cram the general appra.l a t ion of his customers. that Ito males the neatest and host 1.• - ears, in all the it N a riPty a,! brealt It. that is made in the country. He also ionises ,nll kinds of Mat rm.,: to order, in: i'draw, llusis, Curled flair and Spring. 71i.1 ins:- es. All the ut.oxe :HIM,. 1, ill he made of the hest tau tea ial and wort:mai:ship. and with the nom st ales. patch. IV:51.0:41101tN. 1,01111 NO AT COST—The subscrib ,/ has au assortment of fashionalle and w,ll mode Well will ht , sold off at (,At f r eas t,. The stock consists of Ckth and Cayhmarett Cents, Li e PI, and Gingham Oats, Tweed and Jean Coats: Mart:dills Silk and : 4 actite Vefdlng: Cassltners, Jean's and Cord ' , an' cdoons, Linen and Ceth mole pantaleons, with all klnds of Clothing usually haunt in a ch thing ftrre. Intending to relinqui , b this branch of toy LUSiTICFS. ;Ural 1411).f:dos can I.e bad 11 calling soon at the Cheap store of ('NA LES 61111.11 Y. CARPETINtI.--A few pieces just received fromanetiot and selling very low. Juno 91.. ',lnsurance. 1 IE. 1.: INS RAN C.E. Tit E. 'ALLEN I . AND I , ,AsT DENNsnotto MUTUAL ylltli IN ;4IItANCE 013IPANY emoborlamt county, Income, tilted I,y an net o•AsEembly, Is now fully ~ rgunizeti, nut! In operation under the manngement of the thllowing connulssionere, ; hs: Daniel Balky. WI111:tm B. Ciorgas, Michael eocklin, Melehoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, Johu C'. Dun lap. Jacob 11. Coiner, LIM Is Byer, Henry Logan, Benja min 11. Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph 'Wickersham, Alexander cat -heart. The rates - of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of tho kind In the Rata. Persons wishing to become members aro invited to make application to the agents of the company, who aro willing to Whit upon them at any thno. BENJ. 11. MOSSEII, President. HENRY LOGAN, Vice President. LEWIS• lIYI R, Secretary. MICHAEL CIOCKLIN, Treasurer. AO EN Tff CUMTIEDLAND COUNTY.—lludolph Mirth], N. Cum berland; C. H. Herman, Kingstown: Henry Zoarliir, Shiremanstown ' • Charles Dell, Carlisle ; Dr. J. Alll, Churelitown ; Sainuel Draliam. West Pennsbomneli ; Jantes Me Dowel, Franliford; Mode tiriffith, South Mid dleton; Samuel Con Var, Ileulamin Haverstich, Meehan lesburit ; John Sherriek, Lisburn; David Coover, hertistown. YOl11( COUNTY--John Bowman, Plllsbnrg; Peter Wplf.rtl, Franklin; John' Smith, Ftal., Wa.Fltington; W, S. Pieklnv, Dover; .1./W,Crnft, Ptuadisu. II A II It Loclinntn. Monthern of •the romp:my bur hil poilden about to ex plro can' linvo,•tbern renowod by making appltration to nny ofthe ngentn. • 'DRUG STORE FOR SALE.—TIie Hulks,ribey offers nt private sole the stork and tlx tiues of ii'll/rug Store, Into the property of Michael tin sel, deed, In Cnurelitown, Cum'wino(' comity. There In no other Drug Store' In the phie, and n line opportu nity Is now Preiiouted to any young man wi.hing to COIIIIIIOIICO thin business. For terms enquire of nO MOSES MORItETT, Amin. CILO A K TRIMMINGS.—Just opened J. greAt "virility of Clonic.tind Dresii,Trltutoings. Alo, Cloth Cloakillgs,Arith a variety or Whiter (Buds, Nov.ll. G. W. I.I.ITNEN. WATCHES; JEWELRY, SILL' WANE and FANCY t100115.-LA fine a aunt of the finest quality, for sale j ut—the Icv, est prices, at Wan. C: ELTON II LAY.', No. ISt South Street between Pine and Utdeu, west side, Ihilad. The assortment embraces a large and Hd t .ct„ ct Fine Watches, Jewelry 'Sift er 11 arc, Altata R are.] with flue silver, in Spoom4,Forks, Ladles,/e.—dot Fan tilted fancy articles of u super for duality, des. the examinatirar of those win, desire to procure Iht P rro oils at the lowest cash prices' r, ), flaying a practical Lion let. the business, and all avallalte ''" :"- ak ties for importing and Man uta bug, the subscriber contildently un it es purchaser Ilei tog that he enn 'supply tht m on terms as fat as any other estat lishment iu ti oilarof the All Cities: All kinds (11M:won& anti Pee l Jewelry, nit W are many facture order. wit It In a rya sor Iv atches, jewelry and sliver ware Mithfull paired: WM. F. .11:1;ft ll\ II LA Se. 204 South St. a few dot ro at of e the 2.11-t. Let, W est side. Irs.k.ln the south window of the Store, nifty 1 e theMmons Bird Clock, Nvhirli commands the adm h of the scientific and curious. (Sept, 28, 'ft—i. MITOVED SUPER PHOSPII (iF LIME. ---From City themb & Miiou made after the most improved arth les.and yerp sup Prepared A uhydlll e Manure, made aft or the }log hs tick, and most so pericr, Icing olto h lower (hal. Gi and fully equal. The attention of Dcalms and I'm pa. Ocularly rolled here for OW. Also, U' lan anu f ill large or quaLtities, for sale by ' MONROE 1510RIRS .101 IN L. PCMEItoY. Seuth Wharves, 3tl door alovo ChtstO at 6t. I hi 1d.'27. VEIVI 11 I''UltNACE.—'lLe nuLeriber w, tint cal attention ol all ptu Lies requiring a desirable kin to Lllll./1):,b CLL.k.ll.ltA7'l3O VIM:MIMI AND \ . 11711.111;o S. '1 he reputation of this furnace is new to now e. 1.1. hen ictri (lured during the psi.' fiN I) years ii to IL 1:.01J public buildings' and 11101 t, than blalo Kit at, d. ings; this together With the ituteewe 1.5 of y ear is the hest el hienee that can Ie it, superiority fiver all ether fume( es. It . ) the t. ( Ltisou s F ill Lace, you secure the following ail\ aw l }Les. ) i."•111-t1ifeN II El. An;-1 he heating surflices being at it tee Lille Lint will not tiesi.ecate the air. La eNoslie.ti. hen or Pui 111 FAI Lt 1 -113eili1 made cr. tirvly t t t.. 1 I hal It 1.11 ito•t. trill require uo reptiiir. .t tiwc—it is c:«;It II 1111111.10.1,11111.i11 ill tiOt ;• Iti 1 i; g 111 tilll it in . pluced to tiaoget (11-111 1i.111,t lAA r 11111.arl n. e ho u the tekitt.otiiills of hundreds II IP iet lil. t. im to ;:tt(sl. to the truth of the :pl.„ ent. till of 1% loan picnic untie it to he derni. P;;3 Fut na, I' 3et intehtt d IP r profinch.Fn vult at 0 hp:: ,pl.llere. e 1101 01 itls 111.111 x he I nit I t d is. m lit Li.% and hindl3 furltished us their 11111111.$ 011(1 icf n I us Ind. li c it_ 111. f. I I • f , I . S‘ in. 11. Allen, Pr, ,Pl.l s.l - rn f. 1 ti•t. inian. Pref. hiple3. NINE 81%.1.5. 11 u hate intrnduteti 1116 SeUrOlt new Ki7l.t , t all Tart Ile. Ilott.N. at uii tII 11l llc rt of thin pt at in.; n Inent ta a oft nit tltw.te ctrl. \l p ate nt A , pit 111.. furz.b.tran - tiftpurzst tit to wlll-.ln ft Fit gle I, i fo : l I ; t.,,t I uilaln tl:e c, nutty No. 1 3 Extra r adiatur, (It ilh 1a s Ft et, II Plates,) 3 do do do 5 du . do , do 0 do do do ' 1 :No. 7 is the laigest and must poitircul Nut mode In this coot:tr . ), at (1 is admit auLpt 1 huich'es and other lingo class I oiltings. 11 a ctisnioue to sill the MN al:Ann St. 0, an N‘heu introduced. tie airs alio. Mil., o:1, csent high Price ot non has lot uttt ti tin t. tt , . , vent tug lv their Freut Nt eight rtitl tt I are the great in CreaFC et N 1111: to ftllnith the at Itt let, est pt price. um. &Leil ritinit., hate clai:trat teti tt it', toils el I urittites this ti-ttsttit, no tlult we are ed to turn isle them 'We 111rvii,.1‘ iiiv tilt all 1.11"1111CeS. V.11( . 11 1T1411,11 . 1A. Milt lilt 11, in !ill t lir, S. RAJ 1.•,1 . R t• 1 11,11• the tut . 6t el.Ditht.te rt , hl.itig I , .ttnge that lifts I , in der, d. to tt hi.h we toll (.11 , II tI 1j 5'1 , 11 tv wenre the 1111(tt rerteet and 4104110.1 r jj I , IIIIII.I.ISCAer ill\ eLted: I'A'll enly Arei,tt• in Pout sy IN nt to 1r r ILO II at : dale '.l Ills ehtilr.t, r. m Is; , r. 1,1) rtr,t r rtsr ; r , , ttran. lit 111 ruu,6y•, tl I. r 'AA I:I lit ;, lit 114 S A I all 1.11'11:-. I 115111 11 1 / 1 5) I Oiln lall11.1•It. ail 5 A I, 5 t 1.1 i d h.r tale. lartu> , 1101 It 11,1' f lout. II I i..tTENT I!! s ND YEA 1..1 . 11 11 . 1111 t e Int it: p Itttl 11 pli ttt ille. t t st I Iteiiisteii at ci \ of 1 , rs to 1 e tunuil in ti t• 1 11 tqlltll , . tit • Nt I • %.1111 to I t II o r %%1,, 11,kle. N 1 iit Id it peatiy It. tlaii ,:, i.l 1, , es.:in it , 111 . , , it . 1 , . 6. N Lt S.— Ile latee habil nu eieissit I nt, I (11.t . 1.1 Of tilt re I VA1.1111.. 11 t'oe, Ili exat.t itt ilLt,tLol t tiler tare tearl It .IL,lLrctilc ard 1 i.t n it (. al, 11147. an ehthe tcty Fall I u I 1 th, 1;. (;111.1, 111111:0 Shut the 1.1.g1101 l'Uttl.lll. :11 d i.t a....xv hi this ry. A( I:\'l rt ii: S the Frglhh Eltiree,tie'4l. r '1 htualley Ti ps rind Terra of t/I alk.4 tqueh a, (I 1.111 , 11 &SO. A. C. Pet t ors aLcut with' tlo leeil to (9,:th eti,re pat c lirtslrk; eltem here. 1 isit, is, et , t ',writ:l4.lm! Wall) I , CM 11,11 t , t 111 - • t tit r \\ :Irv, orris, aril \Otero tit e Fli, ul,l 1 1. Lnlln 1, ish leity itiletrattlier reskeetirg 111,1 t,l , 11,a) Lr dcsitt ti p A 1,, , \1 touting told \ eel t ear I , r Irtil gratuitously at our st, ie. either !At., 1, or liy letter. S. A. 11A111t1SitN. Warming awl \\ art 1, Ur 146 IV:ii)lUt Nt...31 , 11 , 1) Sixth, MI I I:1.1 CITA S. CC ILLy 3Tny 31-7 ml J I OLLARD, Pronium Artiste iii I; i Inventor of the Celebratt d (t, V. LI iln ii..; and Hest le Pam! Toupees. 'non ut tit ns to .t. Ladles and Gentlemen to imamate their Lends )1 111 enotry. Ton Wien, Inches.—No. 1. The routed of the la ad„ 2. From forehead over the head' to the Ilea: N From ear to ear over the top; No. 4. kuo; en. C. round the fen/Ole:1d. Toupees wolf Straps, inches.—No. 1. Frt ni ii rat n lark an far an laid; No. 2. Over forehead as far no ; u ed; Nu. S. Over the crown of the head. h. DULLARD has alwa3 a ready fer. sale a FPI,. stoel; of Rents' Wigs, Toupees, ladies' VI ips. Lair \ Frizets. 1115111 s, Curlt4.l:c., beautifully inanufneturel as cheap. as any establiSlinient In the Union. Pollards Herb:intim Extra,. ter Lustrous flair '1 ', re pair e d fnnir. South American Berta, and Ili i it, st successful article ever 'induced ter per ori it, Lair from falling out or changing color, testatinc preserving it In a healthy anti luxuriant stale, Ai tither rtasint i why Dollard's cutting 1 , 111(wIl toils its iffltueut.o popularity is the tact that his 'l, applied to el ery head of hair cut at his estriLlirl, risequently It Is kept In 'better ' , reser , . alio' Ilia • tier all' known appliestion. It Icing thins prai t tested by thousands, olio's the greatest guarantee efficacy. Sold wholesale and retail at his 01d rstalth.buol Chestnut street opposite the State Ifemv, 1 Mind. It. Dollard has at least dhcoveled the ue plus u; DAM DYE, and 10:1111,1111CC$4 It sale with pert, t!deuce in its surpassing every thing of the Isiml nail. It COlors thu hair either Mack or hrkiw be desired) mid is used without injury to the I skin either by stain or otherwise. can he Washc d ten minutes after application. wllhc•ut dean( tier its efficacy. Person& vitating the city as Invited t him it rail. Letters nthlref.sed to R. DO LLA RD, 177.01 tst gabutel ph la. IN in evolve attention. Jan. NO.'S 3 and 8 NACKERI43I,,oI now crop 'just rocolvod and for sale at tho , iimccry of J. U. WILLIA3 July 24 'ft. Wect 3lnin si 11l ) I , A 1 1) CA S Hit,lllllES, &c:—']'h:. secit , or has just cito cd a variety of Plai telaineti at reduced prices. ',' k- , -.- yv , lii 0. W. IIITX; 1./f)ifaberpljia. l'r.rtaLio coLoplCte, du do tho do do for Ii 1,6 HU Ic ' do do