Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 14, 1855, Image 3

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Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the Philadel-.
phia Collegt of Medicine, and Acting Professor - of
w}fury one of tho Consulting Physleihns of the Phil
adelphia Hospital, Itiockley; late member of the Na
tional SlOdiral 'Association; member of the Philadel
phia Medical Society; member of the Medierstbirurgi
cal College of Philadelphia; formerly President :Ind
Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Castleton Medi
cal Colle4e,, ymmout ; and also, late Professor ot An
atomy and Physiology in Berbshire Mydical institu
tion, Pittsfield, Mass., Ae., Ac.
llas lately introduced inn popular form, several of hit
averito prescriptions Mr the principal diseases of this
climate. The name of each article will imply the dice
case for which it is intended to be used.
Coughs. Price 25 etc.
Err. Price ets.
rifying the Blood. Price $l.
Da. MCCLINTOCK'S Dyspeptic 1.31 Ni For giving tone
to the stomach, relieving pains after ea heartburn,
and all disagreeable symptoms arising fro ndigestion.
Price $l.
,,getablo Remedy time internal use. Price 50 els.
Dn. AICCLINTLICK'S IDIEUIRATRU lamluksr-:-' l For litheuma c .
Maim Sprains. Srwellings, A:e. Price 50 ets.
M CCU s Tom's ANODYNE MIXTURE—For Pat s, Tooth
ache. Headache, Neuralgia, Ac. Price 50 cis.
cure for all hiterinittents. Prict,
Da. Metlivrees's VEO ETABLE PIIROATIV2 Pats—For
Costiveness. Headache, Ac. Price 25 etc. '
DR. 51eth.txTouR'8 A NTI-1111.101 , S Pitts—For irregularity
in the Functions of the Liver and Bowels—the best Liv
er Pill made. Prlce 25 et s. a box.
For sale by Dr. J. MeCLINTOCK, at his Medical Depot,
N. W. Corner NINTH and FILBERT Streets, Philadel
phia, and all Druggists. Druggists and Dealers in Med
icines 'who wish to he Agents. will please address Dr.
McClintock, furnishing reference, name of Post Office.
county and State,
sale by W. A. Kelso. Samuel Elliott, Carlisle:
.1. 11. Criswell. Shipinmsburg; Emmingor &Co., L. Kann'.
man, Meehanksborg; Joseph Herron, Newville: .1. B.
Zimmerman. A ndorsonburg; Haines A Fertig; Millers
town; A. C. Klink, New illoondlchl: Harriet M. Singer
Ne'wport; It. F. Gardner, - York Springs; A.J. Miller and
.1. S. Nixon, Chambersburg; B. Mentzer, Waynesboro.:
George Bor.:met. and D. I:..lones ,t, Co., Harrisburg.
DR. MccLINToCK can be consulted, is Mega charge.
daily. from 10 to 12 o'.•Iook, A. M.. at his Pols t.
FOR THEII01,11).1.1'8!
FA Ncy GoolV, GIFT GI)UKS, &r.
W. \ 111,STICK Las just revelled from the ell)
and is now opening splendid display of FA M'Y Gooln,
suitable for the approaching lb,liday Brame, to mlii<b
he tlesiryts to call the attention of his frinnds itinl the
public. ills assortment in this line cannot Le surpassed
tu novelty 141:1c7.:gal:co, and WAIL in quality and price
of the a: tficeN rail not fail to please purchasers. It would
be impossible to enumerate his
which comprise every variety of fancy article of the most
exquisite(' shape-such as
Paiper llache Goods,
Elegant alaial,ter and porcelain Ink• , tands and tray,
Nancy ivory, pearl and shell (lard cases,
Ladies Fancy Ilashets,
Fancy Work ilexes, with sewing Instruments, -
fort !,I,,nnates. of every variety,
lined pens and pence's, Fancy paper weights, -
Papeteries, and a large variety of ladles' Jitney station
Motto seals and wafers, Silk and lead purses,
Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladies' fine
cutlery, - -
Perfume laskets and
Bushes of evcry kind for the toilet,
ItAttMud's Pm-times of the
instruments, of all kinds and at all prires.
together with all inn umerahle variety or art isles 00ga lit
ly fi n ished and suitable for holliday presents, to which
he invites special attention.
Als(l 3 an extensive and elegant collection of
comprising the vnrinw: English and A 11lerifIlll ANNEALS
for 1655, richly emlwllshed and ilustrated I'HETII AL
children of ill ages, than which nothing ran Le m o re
appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. assortmen t
of Scho o Ihsdia :Ind Sehool Stationey is :II an
trod r, every thing to•ed in College and the
Sehonls. Ile also desires to ear the partieular attention
of Families to his elegant • - clsmcY cf
Enka the extensive itdaldishments of Cornelius, Archer
and others 'of ,Thiladelphia, comprising every style el
Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning either
lard sperm or ethereal uil,•together with Flower Vases
Fancy Screens. Ills assortment, in this line is u,,
equaled in the borough. Also,
Yu every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure
and fresh. such as can be confidently recommended h.
his friends anti the little folks. Ills stock embruses
every thing . in the line of Fancy goods, with many other
articles useful to housekeepers which the public are
esPoaally invited to call and Ken during the holidays.—
Itomember the Old Stand, nretrly opposite the Dank on
North Ilanover Streer.
dcc 18 16;4
ruE 'tom DA VS.—Rill SS K INC; LE'S OLD HA lA,
, i4eidiv and will continue to be supplied with the great
est,novelties up to the close of the spasm', comprising it!
part CQNF ECTION A RIES of the elicilcest varieties, such'
as line Candy"foys, Jelly Cakes, Bun Bons, Onto Cordial,
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, hove, Vanilla, and
-11uriit Almonds, French and exploding Secrets. A ISO
all the common varieties, all of is Weil 11 ill be sold whole
sale and retail at low rates. We . have just reeeived
vittlrrs AND NUTS of the latest Impertatlinis such as
Oranges, Lemons. Raisins, Figs. Pruens.Cition„Curratits.
gift and paper shelled Almonds, Filberts, Corea, Creaur
huttli round Nuts. In connection with the above the
largest assortment of TOYS A ND FA NCY 00011 S of every
kin from all parts of Europe, manufactured of wood,
glass, china. papier maybe, tin and India rubber, zink,
Ac., such as Fine Wan, kid and jointed Dolly, sewing
and Card Baskets. Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases,
Motto Cups. Tea Setts. Music Boxes. Port Mutinies, Battle
Doers, MVO MATS. MOSIiS, DrlllrOl, (11171 S Trumpets.
Dominoes, Lotto and other genies, Ac. Fancy Soaps and
nate Oils .. of every variety. In conneetionovith, the
above a large stock of FAMILY (I ROCERIES,'. such as
riverised, crushed and brown Sugars, of every grade,
NhiasseS, Starch, Cretin and Vault Teas, Spices,
lititter, soda, Sugar, Water and other Crackers, cheese,
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks ton goner
our, public for the patronage heretofore bostowed on him,
and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance
Of the Slone,
Carlisle, Dec,r 7, 1854.
yve have Just received from Philadelphia, a largo
assortment of new and SPLENDID ANNUALS, and U Iry
ipiiiiis for the Holidays, which having boon purchased
below • the usual wholesale rates, we aro enabled to
sell at greatly reduced prices. They have now in stare
a-splendid stock of
Annuals. -
Gift Books, .
Illustrated Poets, .
Standard Works,
Ilibles, till,si•res, ..
_ • Prayer llooks, ,
l. -.,
iymn Books, ' 1 -
lituaday flelicA Iltmkir, •
Tract hooks, . . ...
- duveniles, ie., de. .. . '
All of which areNEW BOOKS, fresh from the publishers,
splendidly bound and mulailished and got up exprisisly
• for the Christionss ihilidays. Also FANCY STATION EY
• .ftud.rancy articles generally, in great varltd6". Tho pub.
. lie are invited to call and esandno maiiiples now reedy
• for idsperilon.
07,-Itcniember, the place to buy books, cheap, hi nt
MEET-. Main street.
Pee'r 20. ISi4
) ENT ('vas SllEl.l.l'll, dl`Cilledly the best and cheap.
---- ao h
ost 111/1 1 ( in i 10 4 ,.. r111711(1lfg, 1 requested to .all and ex
amine It at the Carlisle Fon lry and Illathlne Shop
' Cr
et Saxton's Hardware Store. For salo lit reasonable
prices by
Aug. tai'
S. W. neV•E a tS'flCK
P. 1510NYE1t
'The undersigned lia s just. returned fium Phila.
w th a fresh supply of 'MIMS antICONFEOTIONA RV.—
The former In connection with his stock on hand will
make Ids assortment of Druo, Medicines and i'llenikals
complete. Ills assortment of CONFECTIONA WV is alse
fine; consisting:, of Faro sugar white and transparent
Candy Toys; Candy, common. assorted, and lino Candles
1.1 every variety; also Fruits, Nuts. and every thing
beitint:lng to that dePartment of trade. Ile would call
hpetial attention to his supply' of FANCY AliTlil,f.:t:
for the Holidays, and general WC, swig which may Iv,
f nod the good,, the tasteful, and the tuella., All are
invited to call whdther they wish to pasha so br not.
RDNER A DROWN. 1 carlislo, Doc,r ,64 . .
now often it happens, that the wife lingers from
!ear to year in that pitiable condition ns not oven
fa one day to feel the happy and: exhilttrating influ
ence incident to the enjoyment of health
But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in
explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,
apirits,depresped, countenance bearing the impress
of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros
tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and
plainest rules of health as connected with On
nage state, the violation of which etitails
suffering and misery, not only to the wife,
KING'S EVIL, and other ni
worse Diseases, as a
"And must this continue? Must this be? Is thero no
remedy? No relief? No hope?"
The remedy Is by knowing the causes and avoiding
them, and knowing the reinedies, , and benefiting by them.
These are pointed out in
One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), ISmn., pp. 250
A standard work of established reputation, found classed
In the catalogues of the great trade sales In Now York,
Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal
000ksellers in the United States. It was first published
in 1847, RiTICC which time •
have been son, of which there were upwards of
Westing the high estimation In which it is hold as a ro'
liable popular.llle),W
BOOK, 119i'
the author hav
treatmeet of o 1
which he is ye,
end by letter.
Hero every
a r
Iv ng dove led his exclusive attention to the
m oplaints peculiar to females, in respect to
ly consulted by thousands both in person
wrn lan can discover, by comparing her swn
'I those described, the nature, character,
bymptoma wit
causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints.
The wife about becoming a mother him often need of
instruction and advice of the utmost Importance 'to her
future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for
bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find soch in:
itruction and advice, and also explain many symptoms
which otherwise. would occasion anliety or alarm as all
the peculiarities incident to her situation:are described.
Flow Many aro suffering from obstructions or irregular.
Ries peCuliar to the female system, which undermine the
health, the effects of which the . y are ignorant, and for
which their delicacy forbids seekrng medical advice.
Many suffering (Min 'prbiapsus Merl (failing of the womb),
or from fluor allnu (weakness, debility, Sze.) Many are
In constant agony for many months preceding confine•
ment Many hare difficult if not dangerous deliveries,
and slow and uncertain recoveries. some whose lives are
hamrded during such time, will each. find in its pages the
means of prevention, amelioration and relief.
It is of course impracticable to convey fully the various
arthjecta treated of, as they are of a nature strictly in.
tended for the married or those contemplating marriage
Reader, are you a husband or a father? a wife or a
mother ? Rave you tire sincere welfare of those you love
at heart? Provo your sincerity, and lose no time in
learning what causes interfere with their health and hap
plum riot less than your own. It will avoid to you arm
yours, AS it has 'to thousands, many a day of pain and
anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the
mind for its ordinary avocation. and exhausting those
means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised
nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining
years, the infirmities of ago and the proper education of
your children.
In consequence of the universal popularity of the work,
1121 evidenced by its extraordinary sale, various imposi
Cons have been attempted, an well on booksellers as on
the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions,
and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other
levlces and deceptions, it has been found necessary,
therefore, to
to buy no book unless the words " Dr. A. M., MAXIM:Tao,
129 Liberty street, N. Y.," is on (null the entry in the
Clerk's Mice on the back it.f.) the title page 1, and buy
only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by
mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. •
/R" Upon receipt of One Dollar " THE MAR
PANION" is sent (mailed free) to any part of the
United States, the Canadas and British Provinces.
All letters must be post-paid, and addressed to' Dr.
A. M. MAURICEAU, box 1224, New-York City
Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New.
—The subscriber respectful
ly informs the ladies and
gentlemen of Carlisle and .
vicinity that ho has now on
hand at his hair Dressing
and Shaving Room on West
!Arcot. an elegant assortmet
.lentlemen's WlGS,anti ran
furnish to order at shortest
otiee every bind of Hair
Verb of the best quality.
I Ile alga be-m leave to In:.
!:rrm his friends and custo
mers that he keeps constan
,ty on ~ply' o. . Shemansagner,' , -Tm admi
rable Wash for the hair, manufitet tired by himself. The
'excelletire of this Tonle is testiged to thy all of his elm
turners who hose used It to be one of the best articles
known for cleansing the hair of dandruff.' Ile also Man
ufitetures a flair Restorative, lutown its the "Cornshem
num," for giving new growth to the hair on bald cads.
Ample testimony exists of the efficacy of this e limit
Restorative. While the Sitemansagner .clears he hair
' of dandruff and prevents it from coming out, the Co
rasheenunt supplies a new grow lb to those who bre(
had the misfortune to lose their hair. The public is
vited to con, examine and purchase these invaluable
articles, as ho Is confident they will render satisfaellen.
SIIAVINfI. HAIR mid etirrtm, anti
- 3111 M I'OONI Nti at leuite Pro in' the best style an usual.
nt hik - old mans nu West Main Street. near Marlon !fall.
Carlisle, Dec. 27,1554. 11 M. II !Kt I.:Ss
dartiolc pvcalb.
i ' URN I'. LYNE-IVholesale and Re
it tall dealer In American, English and lierman
11A an w A RE, Oils,'Paints, ,(c. A.
and the public generally, wM:fro In want of Ilardware
1 . ?4.T. 7 p .4 ,4 of any 111101, are invited to call In and
04a r oltii,d,oxamil/e my unusually hug stock of
' a goods, V.hirll-1 am selling at very Imi
prieeo Just stop in ;,• It will only dutain you a. very
few ro 111 U tes to 110 COll V Weed that what everybody says
—that Lyn's is decidedly 94,p,laye t,o get good goods at
law prices—must be trtum (LYNIS Hardware Store,
West Side North Hanover street.
001 i. 1.11 , 11tE
REAT 111M - 711N flrrungn.
Thu suffserilwr in eonsiqueuce of 111-healt 11, offers his en
tire stoek of lIA RWA to any person or fewsoino ,
tug to enter Into the Hardware business. Jle having so
re:adved in quitting the business, will give a bargain,
besides hls influence and custom. Any one desirous o.
getting into this business a 111 do well to call soon, and
If not disposed or by the Ist of October next, lie will
than commence selling off at cost at the viii and well
known stand. in North Ilanover sti cut, next door to
Charles Maglaughlin's 11(41.1. -
F }A's h. 4 . 1,1111 VAL
subscriber having returned from the city would call the
attention of his friends and the public generally to the
large and well selected assortment of Ilardware which 1w
has jest received, consisting in pareof BUILDIND MA
TERIALS, nails, s,rews, binges, locks, bolts .glass, putty,
paints, oils, &v. TOOLS—edge tools; saws and planes o.
every description, with files, rasps. hammers, anvils. Sc.
A general assortment of tiIIiIEMAKERK AND SAdi-
DLERS TOOLS, together with morocco, lining and Li ed
ing skins. shoe thread, wax, pe,o, lasts, harness mount s
111 g. baddlotrevs, Ac.
boAeu Tni3lMlNO—caAvass (plain,- enamelled, fit:
tired and einhosAttld patent and enamelled leather
axles, springs, hubs, spokes. fel loss, shatts, &e.
Cabinet Makers Will find a large assortment of rare
lakes, mahot:any and walnut 'veneers, moulding, reset tes
hair <dent, curled hair, de.
The stock of Iron is large and well selected, compris
ing all the kinds in genital use. as hammered and r,,tled
iron uY all sktes, lint liar and band iron, round, Squalle
and oval iron, horse-doe iron sod mill rods, a ith n large
lot i,r east and spring steel, Englkihr and American blis
ter steel. fie.
. . .
Ifeii-oilteepera and thiww about commencing will Ind it
to their advantage to c.l.ll:i.nd examine our entlery.l.rit
taiii.l and plated warp pans. Lettl..s. cedar ware, Inshets,
In addition lathe •itlarve we have received a splendid
lo,rt.tnotit cf IV AM. mahing the tt^r6 V(411-
,0.411,114 nt such prh•eg a' claw t to eivo
In. We in, Ito till friends to call. it Will 1.1.1 to
I h .ic 41,11 ail% Mita:if.. 111 . Old ntamt. 1,:v1
OA. HENRY S. c.•:•ri):c.
AlilllN'AL ()I , ' II AI: D_
\ A it mile.criher return - v.l filet
the cit v has just "pined 11 , r the Fall Credo it large and
at (101111,:i
niltracithf e‘erything usually found In that lino hu
t...—. Th., icishtis and th.• ally
s rogi.vt fully directed tv the assurtineitt on band. as.
tiring thou that got . als of tthh 4iuln u ill Lc r.. 1,1 fi.r vaKli
t a very small advance tin manufiteturers priees.
th.• old stand, East Main
Autz.3o, 1854. 11. SA vroN.
r () T kIT AS I .—Beauti rut 1111 it
a Sir,et
on, .I..sirott, of :OA:lining should
CP:Li:A:RA l'Elt T. kol 1 hi, delirious
irt ::lo 4,111t.i111 , 1 su mans tnecit"i iittalitina that It
, mitt la,oine a standard Envoi:lto with the citizen , : n.
l'orli, l'hiladcipliiit and Baltimore.
it their practice most stioa, , sfiilly. and trsini
,:very sotiroo the most liattoring laudation, are All:l:Lied
Inumod and Mending gums are inunedial - iily lieuidlt.-
ed by its use; Its tilt up in them ,is mild, soothing
nil eth•-tire. It eleansee Ihe teeth so thoroughly. that
hey are male to rhal pearl In whiteness. anti diffuses
hrough the mouth su c h a delightful freshileit that the
'real 11 is rendered exquisitely sit ret. It dist:dens those
input-Ines which tend to produce decay, and. as a rou
e:owl-lee, NN hen these are rentoiiiet the teeth must al
s reiniain sound. Ite4nl the fi 'Diming from Dr. .1. - A.
Mr F. Zerman---Sir: Itaving n..”. 1 and rOt . t.llllll ,, ll , leti
pout it.slt In LU) practice r,r wmn• time, I lied it
ILe in elTortual hentrlllor In xISO. and t herrfmei . ecom
mum! it , t".. , tic pu Lila.
Dr. J. A. ( 4 kilm.orT. Deurnt,
Ilarkburg, Pa.
Ityui the foll..witut testimony
Mit. Mitt MAN—Dear :7:1r: I here fully to,ted the merit,
,f your vatunble Tooth Wash, and 1,111, without
re.mninend it. as the best that has come r under firs
notice dnriu¢ un experienee as Dvliti,4 of ta. re than six
eon ye.trs. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and haidem
critated tl rims, and Imparts a delirious framnneo to the
Breath. From the months of those oho make use m it,
limvet er, it will ceitainly speak for itself.
GEO. P. SCRI VEIN, Sumeon flautist,
215, South Tenth st., Philadelphia.
It Is used and recommended by all the MilillVllt
i❑ e%V York, PhiladelPhia, haltimore, and other
;titles whore it has been introduced. All shnuld give it
11 trial.
Prqtre , l only by Franois Zermatt. Prtirgl,t and
rlaonkt, l'hlbolelphia, and cold wbule:;:tle rctail by
Samuel Elliott, Carlisle, .1. borsbohner, 111iyhanlcsbur4,
1. Herron. Nowville, J. .F:ltippenshurg., and
l nll Druggists at only 25 eentF, per battle.
1 4 1 t' 1 L t4) . PS'Y (.'an, be Cured. Lake's
IJ VEGETAitt,E.wmPrn:ND, :Inc the cure of Erb or Fyni! ',err:trilling more wonderful cures t Len
:Lily other nustieho‘ yet known or before the public.-- 1
plum: Five; 1)01,1,111S A lityl"fl,l.:. •
'Flo: proprietor has in his le , s , ession numerous vortif,
eatcs: narrating the astonishing and miraculous cures
effected by this tandicinit. 1111t1 directs attention to the
jol low i tutonly.. t o :tssure those oho art. st/ Illtfortl/11Ille
to le Ittllict , d with the terrible heretofore retnird
ed incurable. that lAKE'S IST-p:1111tIOIS IS AI.IIII/sT ISFII.I
From Mrs. Brooks, widow of 31nJ. Jas. Brooks, hate of
Conneaut, O.
CONN rr, Feb. 3, 1553.
Mr. Z. Lake—Sir: Please send nio another bottle of
,Fit Medicine, as I do not like to be without it on hand.
hen 1 commenced giving the wahine to my son Ed, he had from one to tlu•ee fits per day. Ile has now
taken the inedieine over five months. and has had, I
think. but two fits In that thou, and those very light.—
II is body and Mind are very unul linprored: and by
the blessing of Odd, I feel that the medicine will restore
his' body mod mind to their wonted activity. Ile is ;IS
years old. and has had fits over 12 years, which have
been very frequent. and very destructive to his consti
tution and Mind. Hundreds of dollars have 1„, o , rx
pointed f•u• medioine to "Cone 11Th,"' but notbing has
relieved him until lie used your medicine. Itespect fully
yours, PUMA" lilloOK S.
From Judson Landon, County Superintendent of the
Ashtabula Vounty lutfl•mary.
Feb. .1,185:3.
, Mr, Z. LAKE—.*:' Please send a few mole bottles of
your "Fit Modlehni;" 7 may not need It. but think saf
er to keep it on hand. Your modieine hasdone wonders.
I gave it to Miss Jane Delano; she has had fits for 20
years. brought on by having the 'teasels. when but fair
years old, which could not be brought out t , thesurface.
Afterf taking the IllediCllll , a few days, sae 11A11 A FINE
maw Cl' st EASELS, 111111 has had no tits Slum She had kits
or symptoms almost daily. She and her father concur
with ins lo saying that we believe the medicine has or
will work a perfect euro.. I oleo gave the median° to
Miss Jane Il&ndersou and Aide earby, NOI4I have liad,fits
almost daily, for a number of years. Their fits have
ceased, and 1 believe the medicine will bare - the desired
effect. Much money has been expended by the friends
of the above patients for doctcring. all to no purpose.—
cinkl was left If.,r your medicine to perform. and I
can cheerfully recommend It as 0 valuable diseovery.—
Respectfully yours, LANDON,
Superhitendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary.
Prepareddind sold at wholesale by Z. LAKE, Conneaut,
E. P•. 'WELLER traveling agent.
Sold by S. W..llaierAtirk. Carlisle; E. 11. TIIOIIIIIS, Me
chanicsburg; D. W. Gross, Harrisburg. Oct. 5-Iy*
couN 5111:1.1,P,1; 4 .—A hove assortment .01 ino ,
proved , lioy, Straw and Fodder Cutters. now on hand.—
Also, double ;cud single corn shelters for i Ither hand or
horse power. if the very latest inann thetnre. lecluding
the premium shelter at the late Pennsylvania FllElOl , 4lll'.
For sale l.y ' Pio , Cll A 1,1, 3:011BIS tt.
Agricultural Warchouseltud Said Store , corner of Co. ,th
and Market, Philadelphia. rrec..4,l
;ili icinN
j_ THE Au E—Fanners, Families and ethers, can i ,
chase no quietly equal to far. TOBIAS' \ enetimi Lt
meat. fur liS'S'en tory, Col le, l'ronp, ~CI bliymnati,
(INtlusey, Sore Throat, Tootlinrlio. ben iirliiiess CI,
'Burns, Swellings, Old :ores, Mosquito Li tee,
Stings, Pains In the Limbs. ( hog. back, &e, it i t c t,
not give relief, the !matey will to reftimled-Lail that
aslant, is it trial, and use it neetwilifig to dire, tints.
article Is an English remedy, and was used by Will.
Bing of A:ngl;uml, and certified to by him, ifs a cure t
Rheumatism, when everything else recommended by I,
physicians loiNi liu led,
ijvar 10,000.000 of bottles have been sold In the 1 - n1
ed :sates, withldit a Tingle failure, and S ha•
stated that it was worth $lO per . hettle, they tie‘•
wnuld be NVithpUt It, in case (lp, as it is as el le
as it is applied. It cures Toothache In three mit.uti
Headache In half au linur, and Indent. when fist to
en. in a few hours. It Is perfectly innocent to title i
ternally, and" , has the recommendation of many of ti
mast, eminent. Physicians in the Milted tStatos. I'lli
:25 and [lO cents.
Dr. Tobias has arse put up a Liniment ter ilerscs. i
pint bottles. uldch.h3 vartented-x-cheeper and I ett
than any other. for the cure of Colic. Galls. Swellint
old Sores, Cuts, Iteuises, Scratches, Crael..ed heel,
Price, r,O. routs.
Dr. Tobias could 1111 n dozen newspapers v Rh the r.
titivates and lotto's recoiled. relating to the wt who
rums arenniplblied by his Liniment, tut voosideis El
warranting It Is sufficient. as' any person NA ho sites
obtain relief. need not ' , ay for it. 'there has tern
much worthless werlivine s, , ld to the public, that l'r.
bias wishes his article to rest on its pm n merit r, and
he gives the value bf the, money reveßed, II en he
the patronage of the pul•liv, not slim wise. •
DR. TOMAS' Office. '240 GREF.SII ICU Street, NI
For snlo by A. Smith, Seventh and Chestnut street
—l.), IA A Soo. 1:2 N. eee.,:ul street: T. B. Callender.
rt and Ly the Itrug.::bt, through, ut tl
United : tau:.
4. ,, ,
te _r.v . 4 I- /..1,!,,.. '.
‘,...- I x -. ,-,.
~ ''';',,....,„ E t•;,-.4,, ,
'E...••,.. "6 :%"-g-Irz, ; .
0. , ,,.. , _
~..p.1: :. --• ‘ ..
~.....:,..Ig'c ,_. , 11 4 ,- .: ).:- -
- . ' i:/•= l _ - -- v f.1. \ : 4 2 .-- 1 ,, - -- 'l--$ ..-.,, ..58
e --- -.. f. ' '' 43 - , ; .-' l9 :sl, , k Zll l4 .4 ,t . .0.:01-,- , • - • 1
- -•., 41.
o, y
'.; - • . 1, ,1 .. ' - ';'_)A: ;-ed,itx,.. ; -R. e,'"- 4 `;;','W
.3. 1 ...„..
11.... ,• • ! : e'.. A ,,,.• , .„...,-,-....”..,:-.,,,:—....,—,---
'Li TIM 4:NI, \ T Pl. I:IfrILE OF I'IU 1t1.0 , 11.- :"
a particle of NlOl,llrN in it. Ann infallil lr it•tn n!)
crinfola, Hinds 1•: - )ii.•Itliconnatkin.01.stionte Cutal,l
Erupt et. lint Int tilt • FOC.% Elt I. It.
I Soils. I 'l,ronie nnknrcn E es, Mug %Venni nr Tet•ter.
Ealarr.ennent nand l'ain of tint• Et no, a n d
intanrin Minot. Syyleilltle Disorders, LUDO
I'4 1111)::til Is iti'd nil (ii,vliSeS 1111 , i1,7,1 . 1. 111 all injudirn
t , f error). hart - ohm., itt Lire. t r In.' on it) et
ith od. •
It" great :Llteiative mein , it; and 'rotifer of fl
ittic.d. is new used by tle,usatitls f crateful patiercf
all pal la of the Ironed Stan s. nlrt testify daily to I
roar. habis cures perfernosi i t tb.gittalest of till
L i s!' m x r i
Ithennottistn, 1...rupti0,.. on the et in, Lit, rl
CasV, Feyers, Ulcers, tad ttleres. A of the Kilt..
Ilisi' , asits of the lltrout, Veinal.. 'eutplands, ran t s t i,
Aching of the It, and .I.•lfits, fire very speedily i•
Lt using this great anti inestimable eetitetly.'
For all tikeases of the 1t1n,.(1. nothing hat' yet I e
found In con.pare to It. It clean: ea the system ef .11 i
ituriiies, acts gently anti elllciently nvol K.
intys, atreligt hens the Pigestit It, gilt, tte to the ate:
itch, makes the skin clene. and hedlilly. aril rest , re: , t"-
'Constitution, enfeebled by disease or holscu flowl, I.) It
eXoeSS , N ef youth. to its pristine tt<nr and sin I ell,
I , ol` Iho Latili•S it Is letter than all 11
resnietics et er used. A few tit Fp, f f'sll/C5
MIX] u.: trill fellit , t e all N1.110%,1.0, ton, lei:
the rocs InalitiinV. In the diet I:. cite cltotticity to I.
step, and improve the genotal 11.11111 iu n
•Zr..i . 1 , 4‘y , 41(1 all the InCilitit•es 1,; -
The n nutter of Vert r, tt 1:I. h are has e IN V.. 1
oil Iran Gem pr rsous fr. m till 11.. I Lill
the I,est ev Mein.° that, there in no !IMO Hg al
Ale prt,s, 11011 . 1 VaserrrS, 111:10 , 11.0( I‘llL, jar It•
wee. kDOWD to the 4 , 111111111.ity. alt Nati t lit
.'St to the wonderful eticeis thin li EAT LI,
Call ell the .liiEN'Tettn.l ;714 aeh cular 111 A 11 1 .211,
:old read the wonderful rores I.lll.\ ‘ t a
truly gretest of ,
edirines has perform, fl.
Item genuine unless silmed IIF:NNrI T & BEERS. 11
primors, N. 3, Pearl Itleluta ittl, Va. to wilt m :
orders f, , rf, supplies and, agencies Must. bo addressed.
And 1 ,, r Nile I,y S. S. W. 11.tverstic6.
Ira Pay, 1 orb:mkt:burg; .1. 11. 11 , rron, I`se%4 rills;
Attic. Sltipiwnsl , tri . g,:Lnd I , y dealer, in n. el
• 1111; NV ON.1) Elt OF• 1 - 11 ; L".—
Fur the eure of :•laltrtu
sores. Chapped or erneked !lands, Cu -ns S , ll , flF,
or l tlounds. Piles, lunnumuttion of the Breast„l4l.
Insects, Sore Lips. Pimples en 'the Porn, and Brent
ttul and Smut, on Childrvm and all di,rasesof the 51.1
This Ointment will cure the Saltrltcum and Fut us - .
('hopped hamts, quieter and ' , Mel" than :my tdher no,
nines of the Lind hefore the piddle.
sun stantiate the aLuve, I ran give hundreds of t
tlfit-ott.s, Lot it ctotsmer It no use. as rally pets , II rail
the same. If they hare frltuds. 11 moven a trot Ude,'
tiehd I rely solely on the melin, /If the Ointatiotit for tl
publie patrol:3;4e.
N. 11.---A single hox of this Ointr le .t t,e1.11
:I:l,4,StilitieS, Farmer's, Failor's. or ;
110111 clap or crack c% or so sou a And in gooLLltut
itg order all NI inter. Prepared an , ' ,0141
MC ' Tli1:1117.To
.inu,nd IA:. Conn.
Sold also by the princlpr.l Druf. - g.sts,:,nd
dnints. Price 25 centn per Loy.•
NON% 16. IS:Y.I-1y
11 AV E you a cold r
Y—(vallolte's Eli IX
Las acquired n jlt , t its for the eiu of
diseases arising front set ere coltb, and Its ell:Ntey I
Leon litteht"il and approved by hundreds of our tiv , st
speetable eitiiirtirs. In Pvery,lnsttivwe immediate ref
has been given, as•the follow hist eertif.eatii front ti
who halo triad it, bears testiiiiiiby :itanti facture& a
for salt? by
.1 A 111:8 A 1.1..0111:It, A golit
We the undersi:med do fertlfy that we have medC:
toiler's prel , aratkm for Con-Mmidlon, Ads. 1)lsen:•el
the I,u»gs, I,hrr, ke., and hay lug expel kneed lima,
ate relief therefrom would rerothmend It to all afflict
In that way.
Thos. 11. tikiles, Mrs. M. Clonid, 31eCov. 11, 7
Wolf. Peter Meuyer, 11. S. Hackett, Joseph Lefach, I
W. 'Woods.
eArlisl4.4. 25, 1A54-11 ,
Ty.—Frign entirely orlglluil Fuiveys, by nett'
liwasurement throtq,..b.iittt tho thole cout.ty, by 11.
The subscriber Is now engaged In making Surv ,
preparatory to publishing a new nod compli ty
Cumberland County'. upon n large scale. Every put
Road and Stream, with the locations or all Mills. Si , a.
nail Cublie Buildings, will be no mat ely
down. All the Piddle Buildings In the County will
distinetly indlviited, and the names of ow tiers of prop
tv generally, will be Inserted in their proper positions
the Map.
A Table of distances Stathities of the Cemityv
target' pious of the principal Pillage., find a few oat'
most attractiVe vlcwa In the County. will I e inserted
tile margin; thus giving every satisfaction, Mid rend
ing the . Ntrip nest valuable to the Owners ,of in pert
Merchants, Tea , eters; Conv'i , v nhcers. and the inhabita:
generally, of then region delineated
In' as much as this wort: Is to be made Up of act;
surveys made upon the ground. It a 111 orequlre time
accomplish It; it Is not expei tout. - there lore, that,lt '
baready for publication much under the peeledof Ti
Years. The size of the Map will he about five 'feet 1
four, and .. nlll cent five dollars.
11. F. muDoEss, Publisher.
N.F.- corner of Marshall and li'ood St.Philndelph
ACIIINERY OlL.—Avery super
artlchi of 01 I, for grAnslug .nineldens,jusi
colved and for sale Olen); at . 11. I' (XTONI
• -
IV E R ( OM I'LAINT, I)yspepsin
j artuittlice,f'hronie ~r Nervous deltlity, Piseace o'
I -
Lire ifiitlneys, arid all dlsenses arising trim a disorderio
-laver or imfttanat h, sueli Its Commsttpatieft, 11,611 d pilot
rruh.css of bloial to the head, avidity of the it. ii ,,, c y
iiittooma. heartburn, dist:furl f, r flirt fulness or %tel l :mitt im
Elio t timmutch, sour erttetatiot,s, sild s il i g mmim m i t i,i i mi i , i ,
the pit ,ii the st, woe)] 4:, iillIlliT.I.; of the Ile/..1. burl ie
nod dillienlt Lrenthimitt. titittvriog at the Ecru .).. hokin
or t<uit,,,ating sela•atiors whoi in a I.log 10i0 iii 0, ,Min
111.F.N of t tsion. ti. is or tm el s It f le the ,10 t :. 'Cr an
'dull pato In the bend deli, h aor et pimm tip itmat i• ayi II( I
nest, of Itto shin alai eyes, fialii it the Sidi , I si 1,. . I ( .'I
MD I F., 3r, soda., till:,l,lmS it Lent. I l!el.i. 0) it,. : .. I
eolistant imagis ini s ~i m evi l . i,i,m) great dopy. tm I I. . kmvi ),
its. eon be elieetuall.t, t ormfd Ly lit:. litmet LAM', ( I lit
1111ATElt OEIOI3N forriv,s. pillared be lie. I ' 3
1 trii,ttic, No. I'2o Arch rti.,,t, 11,11,„ 1 ,.41,! : ,.
'Their I ,,, wer mmer the above diseittie s if. 1.1.. i i f r . 111.d.
O.lllBllPd Inv any , flier proparaltott it, the um, .o m ) unto.
as the mire; attest ill urn ny 'noire after A., ~i 1 ,1 1 ,,,
chi, s hail failed.
Theve 1 itt imimq :lee ' WO thy . the aft enti , r of i .Wis..
Pt totessiug great i h tires In the 'l:tit:eat:loi m i ~ ira".
of mimic. liter at lesser ) .,litimds rxereisim., 11, trm,4
searching powers in Weill:ll4)Se and fillet tit , , of time ii
Festive or itios,.they are withal Niro, rertni: 'Ol a plop.,
ant. '
.1. IL Sio ing. Lacey %AIM. l'a.. April li, Ii sry r. •
ran get y, u some goi rt 001tif ',dos 1. r your ti
Iris in this t iciiiity if you nish them. A huly porchno
itm some el it this wrrk. ssts dud it is I , A i the hos
medicine sum mei. loom . , Mei tog, done hot AIM In•
daughter itioili.vmd. Sr.
Izl , l S"111, Li& FI nierfet. co, In., Au:
ISIS, says; ‘.l mn ism II ;died. it to y , ur tL min
Bitters.. litg used two Is ttls s of it,, Nllll' 11 I ',1.., tire
Irmo S. !init.:. cr nr At Si reersi-t. :tt it Il o; por
relief firm it i,n of the liter. 1 fid It 1.:
,t 1011;. 11211,11 W • 111, -
00'111. s, lii , ll„ . AS I Ant !.pcstl - re. IS A ttis-m l lip
Dr. (Meg. Nen ton IT:m.IID li l'n.. Nlsty 19:1
hal t—.•ti n (I, 7,11 I.+l , l • S I
rit't e for I.P. rr lcwpl:.lrt r.l:. 1 •
4.11 , i'r.:1 lir L.:I ir,y; I ii,. 1,1,1
j,4 n(..1 :it .1 :Ali , ft,' h ry. In 11,. I , , t ,;,
he I:01 i .iti
I:1. mr i. i.l: 11dt/01'141ni c talk-f. I I,l'l. Oin I • t!
I. ii) i Vll ti • •
I IHI •i I • P.' ••,• 1. .8 •.• •
.1. y, . ‘ , l ant, •
I ,t• i t , ..1 I . 1 1,1., •
, r • !. 1 .
t ~f. latlt C• 4 r
• 1 1%. •II . I / t /• 1 S
1.• ci• - i i 4 r.t , .1. I h., •
1., 11 , 1 I , I t.,ti
• •• :1! • T 1! • ,
11,, I it:••,,, t .-•• I\ I (sir,: I I .:11 , 21:1,
PHI,. r•i• iv V" 1 ,,
I Is:II st.
nh tt•
.to t• I.y S It.t,r t•tt I. :•1 tr
W. t .n t u.t: Isr ri ttt I ••.. j.• I
do 1 I I. r. at tl 1 Ittalr r, itt
'm. 22. 15'T..1-1y
th( )Cr( II L N( )1
F .
cents, by me:on , of the I"
11'1 .V.Fri I. kPI 1 r r I •
410 Illti ttll N t I 1Y;-1( IA - C
The thirty 01.111 ddition, e is
.1110 Itundred etigrel tees. t
log Private lei: iotses end !$
ontations cif the
Syslent, in every t$11: I e ..
form: V, witi, It is ,rid,
Treat', on the PN-1. , i 3 I
tunics. intended for the ll',
Ing of the highest Itnp. tt:it
to In t nevi perple.• r CA, $
templating marriage. Ily. Nrt, 31. 1 1 ..
of the-Vuhersity Mend t r a the I
al rellege'-ef Sur;zeotts. nth 0, and Ilonorney Mend •
of the Philadelphia 'Medical soei e ty. Th e f t ,
of Seeret d iseases. erminal Weakness. Discases of ti
Pr-qtrate tlt/pd. Impotrhey. . solitat y 1;111,0 s of youth
hitthrtiliy- described, and 1111 the receipts given In Or;
Intivnage. The rhepters 11 tell' al lt,e at d :'lllll,
\Veal; tie. , Is worthy of particular attention, and sill t,'
bo read by every tine. l'outto 11.011 10, ), m , 1 .,
fortumsto in contracting' disrnse, previi Its t o % F l it , i t
yoursoli es under the Vale of attyli, ter. be Il utter 14 1
his pretensions may Le. get a copy tit this 11111 y yid not.
is, rk.
Sea Captains and pitons Fning to Sec 0111131,1 prp - r
Dr. I'r.unt's Trr:ath:• )/ Ili° IN, bet .1
us. or Every one ilk UNI - 11 t'hvtic i:171.
.a.,) • l.rt nn fatlu rlO at•hmn r d 1,, prcset.t a 1,1,3 . (.I'l
to his chll4. It may ~ts I. him fr , to an e. r
gItIV r•t no young, mail rr 1 . 111 , 1 - jilt, tht• .
eret;ntionsnt tnnrrieil %rill - v.llf t
1•IIV StltkrillV f.. tun ha t I
rnn~h. pain in filo re , 1. ell!.
zind tho v, hole train ki* I ),). ,p,pt piv
up by their anAhor tw.itl..?lt ,
stittdim the .1 setil.tpitt. LiaL _Lht. nwrri e d „r
nhout to I o married any hopodintent. lend this tto
useful t h. as it lias Leen the means 4•11.4, th.,
lands of rreature ft, 111 1111.• err in ert
death. I Lw:tido of a ) re pies IJ iliS rd
Ivorl: has been sold In thiq eountry and Ent, pe shat 1
when the first edition mat. is>u d.
plosutl in :t letter, will receive into ropy of Oil, 1 04 1 ; ;
mail: or live et pies 4` sent for ;1. Address I
YOUteNtl. No. 1:.9 rltt nes , street, l'ltilattelpl,f -
Iltett paid.
Tnebty years practice in the elty ofl'Lilr:dell,
tainly entitles In.. Young tit the eenf.lonott the t
tlettsi. and he, nosy IP consulted. 611 any of the
tlesrrilted in his different puldleations. at his eltit e, 1!‘.:
Fps thee street, every slay between tt and d Welt it St tt
days evcrpt••d'•:nul pets this at any distance ce/t ! 1.111
Dr. I'oun7 ty letter, vett? PAID.
L,7 1' E—S 1'1? t E oto
) Till N i. I:01' Yill'lt OWN VEN EF1T!!! A N 112.11
ctur a lapted to pent•rtil us, gruAtly s,nprt tt,
:mkt witbill 'Um mean:: of oseiy ir.ili:l teal.
NO PIUS r tAvvtity-lire No•
I/I rail , l/10-110 I I neral pi,. in NlLate%. r.
II EA 1.111 Pulls inerit tt:e lrn al
replant:inn they levkenovlrell. Tlwy aro eldled P r from
nil part,. ef the laud, .11:1: ALL 1 IiAT )11,
CL I 0 DV,
11.%'1",r EV WILL They pin (he lloed the•
elen,e the of Ilintot, they en:,, byspersia
indh!estion, they create au Appetite, lhe, cute it I
lIINIII3/ . 1/ e. 1 nes!: and they anent 1r 111,.
they prenete a II":11thy netien et the Liter, they ate a
sine earn for Costiveness nllli Itabittrd (!nns'Cle,th n.
they are highly et - 9,11:40ns in Female Coutplaihts, thy ,
strengthen and Rive tone to the System. ''hey ate
best Family Nli,ll.ine
It is an aihvious Inquiry. how one medicine ran rum,...
many different L'omplahas. Thef,e fills. hoWever, rue se
compounded of curative materials that persons bine on
ly to TRI"111131 atutthe answer will be found In.a
eL•wed body and an invigorated constitution.
Each Pox contalus:loo Pills. at the astonishingly h , aa
price of cent , . Every Individual should have lb. rs
For stale by the Man:gists and :. 4 torel:eopers generalh.,
V. A. PAISIEII, general .AEent, Stonington, Ct.
66 . L. gelling, of 31e , hanirshurg, Omit mined
county; I`a., announees to these Mllictcd with
Wens. Cancers, Polypus,' Lupus, Moles or Mark, Se r ,i.
King's Es 11 and all diseaSCA that have been usuni'y
treated With Catistie or , can remove them SI Ith
out cutting . , burning' or pain ; neither Chloroform cr
Ethe Is administered to the patient. It Is ice matter
on what part of the lolly they may be, he can removo
there . wlth perfect safety, anti Ina TVlllark3iTly shoe
time. No of Vegetable pOiR , II Is applied, and no
money rOpilred until a cure is perfected,
Prolap , oo Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Vero
mit tn . d all other diseases treated tt itb p...sitive Out rms.
Full pitrt,lettlars can he obtained by addies.sing in either
Einifish tir (tomtits, post mrid. rat kilts can be necx
mnduted v,ith Maui du rea , pnalkle terms.
Meeltanieshurg Is one of the prettlee , t and healthy
towns in this or any other State. It is 8 miles fry ni
11.srrisintrg. on the Cumberland Valley Vail Road. at
fern all parts of the Union. 'the Poctor will
visit cones in any part of the State %Then destruct.
tt),liinti roofer if you know any anlicted fellow MCA
ture. delay not to toli•them of this nynt•
1 '
4 , No. V.tte, oIIESNUT STE RIM below Eleventh, an ' el
No. 17p liorrit SECOND STEEET, below eprueo, Pitil
add pliti.-We'invito a . btent lon to. ourirompleto lIETAIL
ass , rlme nt: of MO' aniT Silk Bindings, Ft I tu.ea, Bator c
anti Staple 'l'd mini ligs, of our non In) Tor I a t ir.n and incr.:
utitcturo. tr,,D.Ordarci
t i . exerut..l at a Iviy hours notk,
3. :%11 AX NV ELL & SON S
. .
, 2:ll.lCheFatut St. and VIO eotitilSt., Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, December 5, 1.054-4.1m0.