Jliisceffaitous. JAMES M'CLINTOCK, M. D.,—Late Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the Philadel-. phia Collegt of Medicine, and Acting Professor - of Alid w}fury one of tho Consulting Physleihns of the Phil adelphia Hospital, Itiockley; late member of the Na tional SlOdiral 'Association; member of the Philadel phia Medical Society; member of the Medierstbirurgi cal College of Philadelphia; formerly President :Ind Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Castleton Medi cal Colle4e,, ymmout ; and also, late Professor ot An atomy and Physiology in Berbshire Mydical institu tion, Pittsfield, Mass., Ae., Ac. llas lately introduced inn popular form, several of hit averito prescriptions Mr the principal diseases of this climate. The name of each article will imply the dice case for which it is intended to be used. Da. MCCLINTOCK'S PECTORAL STRUT, $l. DR. M CCLI NTOCK'S COLD AND CON II All XTURE--FoT COIdR, Coughs. Price 25 etc. Die. MeCLINTOCK'S ASTRAL% AN/IDOOPINO COCO II REDID. Err. Price ets. DR. I.cC , l.lN"roctc's TONIC ALTERNATIVE STRVP—For Pu rifying the Blood. Price $l. Da. MCCLINTOCK'S Dyspeptic 1.31 Ni For giving tone to the stomach, relieving pains after ea heartburn, and all disagreeable symptoms arising fro ndigestion. Price $l. Dn. MCCLINTOCK'S 11.11ECIOASJC MIXTURE—A Purely Ye ,,getablo Remedy time internal use. Price 50 els. Dn. AICCLINTLICK'S IDIEUIRATRU lamluksr-:-' l For litheuma c . Maim Sprains. Srwellings, A:e. Price 50 ets. M CCU s Tom's ANODYNE MIXTURE—For Pat s, Tooth ache. Headache, Neuralgia, Ac. Price 50 cis. MoCIAN TUCK'S 14:vt.n. AND AIIILLiPECIFIC—A certain cure for all hiterinittents. Prict, • DR. MuChni•nnit's DIARRIMA COIUSAL AND CHOLERA PRK. V ENTI VC—A Seib Da. Metlivrees's VEO ETABLE PIIROATIV2 Pats—For Costiveness. Headache, Ac. Price 25 etc. ' DR. 51eth.txTouR'8 A NTI-1111.101 , S Pitts—For irregularity in the Functions of the Liver and Bowels—the best Liv er Pill made. Prlce 25 et s. a box. For sale by Dr. J. MeCLINTOCK, at his Medical Depot, N. W. Corner NINTH and FILBERT Streets, Philadel phia, and all Druggists. Druggists and Dealers in Med icines 'who wish to he Agents. will please address Dr. McClintock, furnishing reference, name of Post Office. county and State, sale by W. A. Kelso. Samuel Elliott, Carlisle: .1. 11. Criswell. Shipinmsburg; Emmingor &Co., L. Kann'. man, Meehanksborg; Joseph Herron, Newville: .1. B. Zimmerman. A ndorsonburg; Haines A Fertig; Millers town; A. C. Klink, New illoondlchl: Harriet M. Singer Ne'wport; It. F. Gardner, - York Springs; A.J. Miller and .1. S. Nixon, Chambersburg; B. Mentzer, Waynesboro.: George Bor.:met. and D. I:..lones ,t, Co., Harrisburg. DR. MccLINToCK can be consulted, is Mega charge. daily. from 10 to 12 o'.•Iook, A. M.. at his Pols t. December FOR THEII01,11).1.1'8! FA Ncy GoolV, GIFT GI)UKS, &r. W. \ 111,STICK Las just revelled from the ell) and is now opening splendid display of FA M'Y Gooln, suitable for the approaching lb,liday Brame, to mliiu d. EMBEIMMII plosutl in :t letter, will receive into ropy of Oil, 1 04 1 ; ; mail: or live et pies 4` sent for ;1. Address I YOUteNtl. No. 1:.9 rltt nes , street, l'ltilattelpl,f - Iltett paid. Tnebty years practice in the elty ofl'Lilr:dell, tainly entitles In.. Young tit the eenf.lonott the t tlettsi. and he, nosy IP consulted. 611 any of the tlesrrilted in his different puldleations. at his eltit e, 1!‘.: Fps thee street, every slay between tt and d Welt it St tt days evcrpt••d'•:nul pets this at any distance ...in ce/t ! 1.111 Dr. I'oun7 ty letter, vett? PAID. L,7 1' E—S 1'1? t E oto ) Till N i. I:01' Yill'lt OWN VEN EF1T!!! A N 112.11 ctur a lapted to pent•rtil us, gruAtly s,nprt tt, :mkt witbill 'Um mean:: of oseiy ir.ili:l teal. NO PIUS r tAvvtity-lire No• I/I rail , l/10-110 I I neral pi,. in NlLate%. r. II EA 1.111 Pulls inerit tt:e lrn al replant:inn they levkenovlrell. Tlwy aro eldled P r from nil part,. ef the laud, .11:1: ALL 1 IiAT )11, CL I 0 DV, 11.%'1",r EV WILL They pin (he lloed the• elen,e the of Ilintot, they en:,, byspersia indh!estion, they create au Appetite, lhe, cute it I lIINIII3/ . 1/ e. 1 nes!: and they anent 1r 111,. they prenete a II":11thy netien et the Liter, they ate a sine earn for Costiveness nllli Itabittrd (!nns'Cle,th n. they are highly et - 9,11:40ns in Female Coutplaihts, thy , strengthen and Rive tone to the System. ''hey ate best Family Nli,ll.ine It is an aihvious Inquiry. how one medicine ran rum,... many different L'omplahas. Thef,e fills. hoWever, rue se compounded of curative materials that persons bine on ly to TRI"111131 atutthe answer will be found In.a eL•wed body and an invigorated constitution. Each Pox contalus:loo Pills. at the astonishingly h , aa price of cent , . Every Individual should have lb. rs For stale by the Man:gists and :. 4 torel:eopers generalh., V. A. PAISIEII, general .AEent, Stonington, Ct. AI‘IIIIACLE OF SCIENCE.-1)r. 66 . L. gelling, of 31e , hanirshurg, Omit mined county; I`a., announees to these Mllictcd with Wens. Cancers, Polypus,' Lupus, Moles or Mark, Se r ,i. King's Es 11 and all diseaSCA that have been usuni'y treated With Catistie or Itnife.lu , can remove them SI Ith out cutting . , burning' or pain ; neither Chloroform cr Ethe Is administered to the patient. It Is ice matter on what part of the lolly they may be, he can removo there . wlth perfect safety, anti Ina TVlllark3iTly shoe time. No of Vegetable pOiR , II Is applied, and no money rOpilred until a cure is perfected, Prolap , oo Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Vero mit tn . d all other diseases treated tt itb p...sitive Out rms. Full pitrt,lettlars can he obtained by addies.sing in either Einifish tir (tomtits, post mrid. rat kilts can be necx mnduted v,ith Maui du rea , pnalkle terms. Meeltanieshurg Is one of the prettlee , t and healthy towns in this or any other State. It is 8 miles fry ni 11.srrisintrg. on the Cumberland Valley Vail Road. at fern all parts of the Union. 'the Poctor will visit cones in any part of the State %Then destruct. tt),liinti roofer if you know any anlicted fellow MCA ture. delay not to toli•them of this nynt• • 1 ' IRESS & CLOAK TRIMMINGS.- 4 , No. V.tte, oIIESNUT STE RIM below Eleventh, an ' el . No. 17p liorrit SECOND STEEET, below eprueo, Pitil add pliti.-We'invito a . btent lon to. ourirompleto lIETAIL ass , rlme nt: of MO' aniT Silk Bindings, Ft I tu.ea, Bator c anti Staple 'l'd mini ligs, of our non In) Tor I a t ir.n and incr.: utitcturo. tr,,D.Ordarci t i . exerut..l at a Iviy hours notk, 3. :%11 AX NV ELL & SON S . . , 2:ll.lCheFatut St. and VIO eotitilSt., Philadelphia. Philadelphia, December 5, 1.054-4.1m0. M