U RN licts. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PHILADELRIna, Monday, Jail. 29 . Flour—There is little or no demand fur export, and the market continues very dal', The only sale made public is 300 bbls. timore City mills'at $8,75. Standard Penn'o, brands are offered at the same price, without finding buyers; some holders ask more, but there is nothing doing except lots for home use at from $8,75 to $9,50 per bbl - Lir common retailing to choice brands and extra. ltye Flour is also dull, with a small 'tusiness doing at $6,25 Per bbl wh ch is 4 decline. Corn Meal is inquired for but at a price below the views of holders. Grain comes forward • slowly, and Wheat, portico. :arty red, is scarce and 4tvalemiLi today at Sill rates. About 20001msh., i mostly prime Southern, brought 20Se.,and 500 a6OO bush. l'enn'a. white 214 a 217 c., as in nuulity. I'Ve .s steady, with further small sales at 425 c. jorn is about statiotiary, and sales of 40410 a 1900 bushels Southern yellow are reported, part at 91 cents, afloat, and a part at a price obe fixed. Oats are without Change and at previous quotatiolis. Mrcn IxFottM.t•t'tox IN FEW Woans.—As •m evidenCe of what has led to foreign in lebtedness and domestic extravagance, we 1•1010 From the Secretary of the Tremor) the I: 4 -1-1 the popel_ation of ,he Unieo was 1 9,24-1,60 - o — rthe tinportittibitS :or that year amounted to the sum of $96,- )50,031) heimr ' 'a trifle over five dollar:0o each inhabitant. In 1854 the population is CSti tted (allowing for the increase-since. the In. censts) at. 25,500,000 ; the importation It. mor the year amounted to $279,712,000—be in,,, nearly -eleven dollars to each man, woman and child. That is we have inure than doub led the average portion of ,our importationi fir each individual in the country. The Se cretary of the Treasury also tells us that in our last financial year we inported thirty three millions worth of silks. These facts need no comment. =ED= MOTHERS MADE THANKFEL.--ne local .ditor of the Buffalo Republic has made iitnself one of the immortals, by the publi-, ration of a discovery which Ile has made of great importance to mothers. It is an infal lible means of keeping babies, from-two to •en months old, perfectly quiet for hours. modus operandi is as follows: "As soon as the - squaller awakes, set the ;:hild up, propped by pillows if it cannot sit .lure, and smear its•lingers with thick mo- Li,3ses. Then put half a dozen feathers into i s hands, and the young one will sit and pick the feathers from one hand to the other, until it drops asleep. As, soon as it wakes, core molasses and more feathers, and in place of nerve astounding yells, there will be silence and enjoyment unspeakable. kir "01. n BULLION" made terrible havoc in the Haase, the other day, on the French ;pollution Bill. The claims that are set up, a that "scheme," he characterized as "en. bunded" and "impudent"—devices only to dander the federal treasury, and fill the oekets•of the birds of prey, who hover over .he Capitol to rob and devour it! The bill tas passed, however. /te' THE ANTI•KNOW NOTIIING caucus at Washington had another meeting. A cor :•espondelt of the Baltimore Sun says, "it is much doubted whether any strong resolutions will be passed, there being evidently many 4entlemen, even in the highest places, who, .whatever the papers may say to the contrary, ire sitting on the fence." VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY OFFERED MOIL SALE. AND POSSESSION GIVEN LNSIEDIATELY.—A large double TWO STORY 110 USE with Stabling and Bath Houses. The lot of ground contains a • . , great variety of choice grafted fruit trees. 11 I This property is situated on East street, hounded by the Letort Sprha..r. Argo, Two ‘tone anti one Frame DIVELLINO 110U:4:S ' situated m Bedford street, north of the., Lutheran Church, and to an improving part of the town. Also, a small FIELD. For terms apply to Carlisle, Dee. 165.1 QTORE' ROOM FOR RENT.—The cnnachnis and central STORE ROOM on the corner Matg and Pat streets, now ,wrupled by Henry Pete, s, Is offered for rout from the lot of April next- Fur terms °wink° of [noy29] ROBERT NOBLE. 4 ..OR ' RENT.—The con -,-;, 1 , i nor STORE ROOM, now occupied : tifirj'7 -.--- 1 yW. 'Sheldon UK a shoo store, one of I" 2j5, c ,t,L,., the beat situations In the borough. .=• "7 - 7- ''' ' .1 on Uocaue Ego. Timer 20, 186-1 . • WE "call the attention of the ,public to raitTABLE GARDEN Olt EIRE ENOINE, for restoring gardens or extinguishing fires. ' An excellent srticle, neat, cheap and convenient. For sale at novl-1354 SAXTON'S. OOTS AND SITOES.--A very large assortment of Buds and Shoes of every &snip t on just lecolved and selling very plump. 1404 'L4 ' CHARLES OCULIST' ITVLUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT •rjuvATE SALE.-The subscriber will sell • ' the property he now owns and oven 'sl. i' - .7." - ). 1 pies, owneil by the Rev. T.,V 4t , ii,.....: . It at ,d on ,oath Hanover art Cr ii.trr , '‘ esrlisie, adjoining the property of 31r .... .. y es- .. Win. Graham, near the' Walnut not tom Itottd, consisting of a TOWN LOT Ave A HALF JO by 240 feet, upon which are erected n good t wo'story V 11.1311.1 HOUSE, Wood (louse and Stable, together with ,(her out-buildings. There in also a gond brick cemented Cistern, capable of holding...forty-five hogsheads of water. The property is in good repair. .. . Also, for sah., n full-TOWN LOT adjoining the above, .50 by '2lO ithei.• Any ono wanting curb property, will do well call and examine nos - 22--t h e xt - AcurrN Ern- err,.—Avery super,_ Ltior Ikrticle bf 011 for grqusiog ron,hiens. just re .-dred anddbr sale , henp at ~,,,, . •IL F iNTONS, I 4 1 A)1. STYLE OF HATS & CAPS. 11'31. 11. TROUT, desires to Inform his old friends imt he has removed to his new establishment on High treat, Hoar the Railroad Depot, and is 4. a / large :tad elegant assortment of t 1 Lld just received from Phi el) the gentlemen of Carlisle are rep nd ••amine. Ile has also a large assortm and Slouch Hats se his own tutunfitetu the test style and at various prices, tiro exc.: . sh .o which he will' warrant. Ills stock Ile IR Colliidellt on ly needs to be elamined to lit) approved. Also, a large supply of Men's, Iley's and Children's CAPS, 'of Cloth ln.l Fur, and of every variety of sty le and price jUst re ceived from Philadelphia. het all aho want a Hat or :11) give him a call, as they may he sure of being suit : I to t heir own satisfaction. CILINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WAR E—cild housekeepers and young, with thus also who are ezperting t beet §me 'housekeepers. are ill Tit 0.1 to call at HALBERT'S FAMILY But EliV and ex amine his leg it 3SSI .rtUle t :1 China.Ulitssand Queens ware and other articles, in the housekeeping Hue, s u c h as Frosich mid English tea sots, heavy banyilediand plain, White 17 vault°. gilded and blue plain, liintier sets of ev ery variety and price, bowls and pitchers, tureens, dish es, Ac. Blass-ware--rentre table and mantel lamps, Candelabras and other lamps. great N'arlty, table and bar tumblers, giddets, Ac. Fruit and preserve dishes, in va riety. • Cedar-ware—tubs, buckets, churns, bowls, butter prints and ladles. meal buckets. Ac. Brushes—sweeping, white wash, scrubbing, hand and shoe brushes. dusters, brooms, Ar. Market, clothes and travelling baskets. Also a cla , hv ms..rtusont of Tobacco and Segars. Call q ve who are bmil of choke brands of Sugars and try the Principes,:ltegalias. Stelfanon is and other tuba varieties, And vets will li ud them of unimpeachable quality, Also MIT Spanish :tail Common Segars, with choke Snuff and - - t..‘bacco. NI I LLION PA PEN oa .1 am just rereiving my Mall . ••VNANGINCS 5:; - '•;;,. 1. sock of PAPER 11AN4.11NOS, • a •• which surpass in styk, 4putlity and prim any that have ever been es hiladed in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a call from petons in want of Paper ilangings of any deserips ties, as I nut confident by assortment far surpasses any in the Borough; and in style and mires has lint few ri vals in the city. I only ask of lb...public to call unit ex amino my assmtmant before purchasing, as I am confi dent my chaste designs cannot fail to please the most fitsthliotts. .14/11N P. ll\ N West side of North Hanover 6treet, LO 0 K '0 IJ TIN TIME !—Cholera morbus, Dysentery, Dinr'rholt, ..te., are making their.apponranc. You know the remedy. If you have say retntrd for the %venue of yourself. Your wife, or your children-supply yourselves with BEECHER'S MATCH LESS CORDlAL,,otherwise abide the consequence re sulting from a bigoted adherence to old quackery. This •' Matchless Remedy" eau be had at the-Drug Store of 11. .1. KIEFFER. South Hanover street, a few doors south of the Court I louse, Carlisle. • I)DOTS ANI) SHOES. The subscrib- I er loss now on hand a very extensive and ;roll se. ected stock of it OOPS and 811 0 8, which he will sell at unusually low pric es. Purchased from wholesale dealers, at io' rates; he can offer such induce ments to purchasers as will make it their interest to vis it his establishment. lie has every article in the Hoot and Shoe lino—fot Ladies' or Oentiomens' wear—he theref re dooms It unnecessary to particularize. tri}' Persons desiring good and cheap goods arc invit ed Lo give him a call. . . OBERT B. SM I LEY, CABINET NI AK E R and UND ERT A KER. North Ilanover street, next door to tile 4:., ", lilass•s Motel. Ile would respoct run:, Inform the eitixeus of Carlisle and the public generally, that ho lots 'tow on hand a large and elegant assortment of FUR- E, consisting in part of 11.introbes.Card and oth er Tables, Sofas, Itureans. limb:tends. plain and fancy' rlew lug Stands. fir., manufactured of the Lunt material nud quality warranted. Also a general its:ortment n( CHAIRS at the loweast prices. V ENITI kN BLINDS made to order, and repairing promptly attended to. COFFINS made at the shortest notice: and bar hi g a splendid hearse ho wilt attend funerals in town or coun try. eh- Remember the stand—next door to 11. Glasa's Hotel. It. B. SMILEY: XTENSIVE FURNITURE ROOM. —T.\MIS It, IV EA VER would resnecfeully Cali .?,; the attention of llouso.keepers and the public to his extensive stock of elegant FURN ITURE, including dans, Wardrobes, Centre and Tables, Dressing and Plain Bureaus ' and every other article in his branch of business- Also now on hand, the largest assortment of CHAIRS In Carlisle, at the lowest prices. AOFFINS made at the short est notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. lie solicits a call at his establishment, on North-Han over stroll, near Olasse's Hotel. Alb-Furniture hired out by the mouth or year. e l m - "a - C - -- 4 1 / 4 6uIcORNER , of Han ,,,mo wm: G S: • --- v - over and Leather sts C C. RLISI,E.--Theundersign . - ed 1138 always en hand a large stock of superior Cabinet 'Ware, in all the different styles, Which he is prepared to sell at the loweA.priees. lie Invites attention particu larly •to the PATENT Srnlvn BOITOII BLDhTEAD. a IlloSt useful article, which entirely obviates all ohjections.— The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfaction to all who.have them In use. CiFFINS made to order at the shortest notice. JACOB FETTER. IS. M. PENROSE a STORE ROOM FOR RENT. —A convenient siert , room I'm rent. There Is net a bettei situation in *town tbir business. Enquire at this office. Jan FOR RENT.—The 1318ek .= smith Shop on the corner of Pitt street _;.. . and Dickinson Ailey in this borough, wilhln bnllu 14flunto of the Hull ikent Hotel, tbrmerly (w -mpled by Mr Hope, to otTereil for rent from the Ist tiny If April utxt. ler terms enquire of Jana ItODERT NOBLE. . : 4 1 01t RE NT.—The two sto &. . '... .ryF E DO RA3IUAI , . Minute on West tits - 1 '.'7,' , ::,, , la 1 in street, opposite the itall Road Depot, I I I .'q ' ',' now in iflue weaponry of .1. N Artastrong,av ' t •.- .. a Toll:tee. stork% It is suitable le' a store or shop, being, ono of the best business lorationa in the town, ' ...., . Also, for .sale,'a first veto FAMILY CAR.. ? 1 RIAD 11, for ono or two horses. The carriage Is built strong and of the boat materials. it. w I I be HO I !OW fir rash{. Apply to ' , nov '2O WM. I). SEYMOUR. 51r.. 14 RENT. SALE OR ENT. 11. 1 , ; That desiroblo private reshlones , situated on Moll) street In tho t .1:: of Carlisle, irtiolnlng property of Mitehel ;McClellan and others, and now In the oecupanny of 11. 1,. Burkholder, Possession given on tho•lst, of April, 1855, for termsapplyto Deer.. 21, W. M. PENROSE. DEIN:EDICT LAW AIN — STYLEOI 7 IIATS for i , 864.- 3 - - - 1.11::01101il IikILLP,It respectfully announces to his mid Patrons and the public generally that he has just re ceived the PAM. STYLE Or OENTLEMEN'S HATS, manufactured at one of the Lest establish ments in Philadelphia, to which ho. invites special attoution. Ile has also constantly on hand a large and varied as sortment of his own manufliet.ure as wcli nn city made flats and Caps, suitable for the season. comprising every variety of Russia, heaver, Moleskin and Silk lints, fin ished inp.iiitiatalst_style, together with a full assortment of CAP:. life% cry Shape and description, and at every price. Ile particularly invites the public to call anti ca mulue his exeensive assortment, Ni bleb, in style, mate ritl and finish, camint lie surpassed by any In market, ,nd a hich he is able to put at prices lower than over. Remember his old stand on North Hamper street, be :1,0011 /turner's and Server's stores. furniture. ,fat Safe nub :Rent. (1001) BOOKS BY MAIL VI Published by FOWLER $ WELLS, Now York. in older to accommodate "The People" residing. ih all parts of the United States, the Publishers will forward by return cu the first , Mall any book named In the fOl lowing list. The postage will be prepaid by them at the New Veit Office. • Ity this arntugement of prepaying postage in advance, fifty per cent is saved to the pur cynser. All letters containing orders should be post paid and directed us follows— Constitution of Mau. By George Cooti). The only au thorized American Edition. Witit twenty engravings, qind a Portrait of the Author. co, niuslin,B" cents. liet;:nce of Phrenology. Containing an Essay on the Nature mind Value or Phrenological Evidence; also, an able Vindication of Phrenology. By Boarding. Price gi cents. Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Concord and Discord, 4rith valuable Hints and SuggeAlons. By N. Sizer.- 1. cents. Educ ti: its Elementary Principles founded on the Nature`of Man. By .1. U. gpurzhelm, 31. D. With an A ppludix, containing a description of the Tempera ments, and an Analysis of the Phrenological Faculties. 87 cents. Wu regard this volume as ono of the' most important that has been offered to the public Jim many years.—BosToN Mrn. ANII SUR. JOURNAL. Lectures on Phrenology. Ily (leo. Cembe. With Notes, an Essay on the Phrenological 3lotle of Investigation, nod an ',Historical `ketch. Ily Dr. Boardman. Illus trated, $1 25 ct:nts. :Martilige: its Ilisti'vy and Philosophy. A Phrenological anti i'lp•siologleal Exposition of the Functions anti Qualifications, necessary Cur Happy Marriages. Illus trated. 75 cents. Memory and Intellectual Improvement; applied to Self- Education and Juvenile Instruction. Twentieth illustrated, H 7 rents. Matrimony: or. Phrenology and Physiology apldled to the selection of Congenial Companions for ; eluding Directions to the !Untried for living t gether Affectionately and Happily. Su rents. Phrenology Proved, Illustrated, and Applied; necompa nied by Chart. embraeing an Analysis of the Primary Mental Powers in their various Degrees of Develop ment, the Phenomena produced by their combined Activity, and the Location of We Phrenological Organs. Together with a View of the Metal And Theological Bearing of the Science. Price $1 20. Phrenological Alm:ode. With Portraits. 6 cents. 'hrenology and the itcriptures. An nide, though small Nrc•rk. By Rev. John Pierpont. 1 eenta.. lirenelegleal Guide. Designed fur Students of their own Characters. Price 15 cents. Of-Culture. and Pot:tot-Um) of Clutrart ore; Invhiding tlie Edui•atiou 'and Ala age neat of-Youth. Trio. tq. cents. 'Sur-SLIDE. or NEVEII MADE, IS the motto, No imp vidual can read a page of it without being improved thereby.—Common School Advocate. cif-liistructor hi Phrenology and Physiology. Dins. trate.' with One Hundred Engravings; including a Chart for rechrding the various -Degrees of Develop. ment. by 0. S. and 1.. N. Fowler. Price hi paper, au rents. Muslin SO cents. Accidents and Emetgeneles: A Guide. containing Di rertbms for Treatment in Bleeding, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains. Broken-Bones, Dislocations, Railway and Steamboat'Accidents, Burns and Scalds, Bites of Mad Dogs, Cholera, Injured Eyes, Choking, Poisun, Fits, Sun-Stroke, Lightning, Drowning, &c., &c.. Appendix by Dr. Trail. IS cents, Bulwer, Forbes. rind Houghton on the Water Treatment, Compilation of Papers and L....tures on the Subject 14 Hygiene and Hydn)pathy. Edited by Houghton.— $.1,9‘). CensUniptiont its Preventlon and Cure by the Water Treatment. With Adviro concerning Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthrua, Bronchitis, and Sore Threat. By br. Show. 87 cents. o 4. Domestic Practice of Hydnipathy, with a Form Of it re port for the Assistance of Patients in consulting their Physicians by Correspondence. By Ed. Johnson, M. ' D. 0,50. Errors of Physicians and others in the Practice of the Water-Cure. By .1. 11. Bausse. From the German.— .30 cents. Ilydropathic Family Physician. A Ready Prescriber and Hygienic Adviser, with reference to the Nature Cause, Prevention, and Treatment of Diseases, Acct:. dents, and Casualties of - every kind; with n Glossary Table of Contents, and Index. Illustreted with nearly Three Hundred Engraings. By Joel Show, M. D. One large volume of 820 pages, substnuthilly bound. Price psepaid by mail. $2,50. Hydropathic Ducyclopirdia ; a System of ilydropathy and Hygiene. Colitnlning Outlines of Anatomy; Physiology of the Human Body ; Ifygteitir Agencies and the Preservation of Health; Dietetics, and Ily droputhic Cookery •' Theory and Practice of Writer- Treatment; Special Pathology, and Hydro-That -optic tics. including the Nature. COll5Oll, Symptoms, and Treatment of all known Diseases; Application of Hy dropathy to Midwifery and the Nursery. Designed as a Guide to Families and Students, 111111 /1 Text- Book for Physicians. Ity it. T. Troll, M. D. thus . tratod with upwards of /Timm Ilundred Engt as It. gs - and Colored Plates. Substantially bound. Prepaid by moil, $3,00 This is the most comrehensive and popular work yet published on the subject of Hydropathy. Of all the publieatiens which have attained such a wide popular ity, rue issued by Fowlers and NVell, perhaps none are 'More adapted to general utility than this rich, compre hensive, and well arranged Enclepardia.—.N. V. Tribue. Practice of IVater-Cure. Containing n detailed account of the various processes used in the Water-Treatment, Ac. By Wilson and Gully. 30 cents. Philosophy of Water-Cure. A Development of the true Principles of Health and Longevity. By Thilhirnie.- 20 cents. Now Hydropathic Cook Book. By It. T. Trail, M. D. A System of Cooking 011 Hydropathie PrinciPlcs, con taining, an Exmailtiop of the Truo Relations of all • Alimentary Substaneesto Health, withl ain Receipts for preparing alf appropriate Dishes Pm Hydropathic ....)Establishments, Vegetarian Boarding ouses, Pritate Families, Ac. X.c. It is the Cook's Complete Guide for all who "eat to live." Paper, 02 cts.; muslin, 07 cts. &donee of Swimming. With fristructlons to Learners. Illustrated. 16 cents. Wnter-Cure in America. Over Three Hundred Cases of Various Diseases treated with Water. With Casesof Iktinestie Practice. $1 26. Water Cure applied - to every known Disease. A Now Thoory. A complete Demonstnition of the Advan tages of the ilydmpathic System of Curing Diseases; —showing also the fallacy of the Allopathic Method. and its utter inability to effect a Perananent Cur...— With Appendix, containing, the Ilydropathic Diet. and Butes Mr Bathing,. By Itausre, 07 ets. Water-Curo Manual. A Popular Work. embracing De scriptions of the Various Modes of Bathing. the Ily glettle and Curative Effects of Air, I:Xveellie, Clothing, Occupation, Diet, \Voter, rAlcing, Ice. Together with Deseript ions of Diseases; anal the Hydropattile 'Remedies. By Dr, Show. 87 eepts. • I Water-Cum Almanac. Illustrated. 0 cents. Comb's l'ysiology. Applied to the Preservation of Ilea] th and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Ed unstion. With Notes by 0. S. lowler. 07 cents. Chronic Diseases: especially the Nervous Diseases of Women. By D. Resell. From the Gorman. 80 cents. Digestion, Physiology of. Considered with Relation to the Principles of Dietetics. By Combe. Illustrated. Price 80 cents. Food and Diet. With Observations on the Dietetic Reg imen suited to Disordered States of the Digestive Or gans; and an-Account of the Dietaries of some of the Prlncipal Metropolitan and other Establishments fir Paupers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick; Sze. By Portent. Price $1.26: Kansans: embracing the descriptions of Scenery,Climate Productions. Soil, and Ilesources of the Territory, in-' terspersed with incidents of Adventure anti Anec dotes of Travel. By Max Green. .80 emits. Hereditary Descent: Its Laws runt Facts applied to Hu man Imyrovement. By 0. S., Fowler. 8, cents. Maternity : or the Bearing and Nursing of Childre.i. In cluding Female Education. liy O. S. Fowler. With Illustrations, 07 cents. Natural LAWS Of Man. Iv J. G. Spiushelm, M. D. An important work. Price 80 cents. ' Physiology, Animal and Mental. Applied to the Pr.. , servalholl and Restoration of Health of Body and Power of Mind. illustrated. 07 routs. Sober and Temperate Life Discourses mid Letters and Biography. of Louts Cornam. 80 cents.,, Tobaeco, Three Prize Essays' by Drs. Trail, Show, and Baldwin. 18 courts. Teeth: their Structure, Disease and Treatunent„with nuntemns ill tistra t lens. 15 cents. Future of Natitns; in what consists its Security. A lecturb. By Kossuth. With a likeness. 12 cents: What the Sister Arts Teach as to'Farming. An Address.. lly 114 ace Greeley. 19 cents. True Basis of American Independence. An Address.— By Wm, W. 11. Steward. 12 eblits. Labor: its II istoey and Prospects. By Robert Dale Ow en. t5l eents. Hints toward Reforms. Comdstim of Lectures, Essays, Addresses. and other Writings, record 1:1111101 1 , 11,... lan:ed. By ilorsee Greeley. $1 .25 0 li,,p, and. mops ahr the Young of Hot II Sexes. Relat ing tootle Fortaidion Of Character, Choice of Avoca- SHELDON eartiolt linfifications. FOWLEIII.3 ik WELLS, 808 Bmidwny, Now York - - • - t 1,,, Health, Amusement, Music, Conversation, en]. tivation of intellect, Moral Sentiments, Social tlen, Courtship and Marriage, fly ltov. Cl. S. Weaver. 87 rents. itunian Rights and their Political 0 naranties. By Judge liurlburt. With Notee . , by Ocergb Combo. h 7 yenta. Ihnne for All.' A Now, Cheap, Convenient and Superior unAle of Building., containing full Directions for con structing (travel Walks. With Views, Plans, and En graved Illustrations, ' ;Now Edition, Itevhed and En larged. 87 cent s. Theory of Population. Deduced from the General Law er Animal Fertility. Introduram by Dr. Trail. 15 emits Woman: her Education and Influence. Hy M rm. Hug. heed. With nu .li - dr - Auction by Ira. C. M. Hicklam With Portraih:. hi cent,,,. Either of these works may be ordered and received by return of the first Mail, postage prepaid by the Pub lishers. Please enclose the amount hi bank notes or postage stamps, Alla address all orders, post paid, to FOWLERS & WELLS, :34% Broadway. Now York. N. B. NaMe your Post Office, County and state. Notices. NOTICE is hereby given that the Cum- BERLAN D VALLLY SAVINGS I:STITUT.ION located at Cumberland Hall, in Dickinson township. n 1 county', will make application to the Ile:. t Legislature of the Counnonwcalth l'enogylvania for an act of Incorporation, with a capital of tot less than T e n no r more thou Thirty TWA:sand Dollars, tor the pur pose of receiving deposits of money both tr:nisitory scut on interest, and of making loans and discounts, with tutu other prim lieges as are usually' granted to : , :tvings institutions.. 11y order of tho Directors.. 11 M. GALBREATH, Treas. /June D. L. DEF:ot.AN, Sce'3 NOTICE, is hereby given that al-Tilt:a -1 thin will be made to the next Legislature, agrees hly to the constitution. and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for an alterathm In the charter of the Carlisle lieposit Bank. so as to confer upon Said Bank'the rights and pH, il e ges of n bank of Issue, and to change the name to that of the CAnusi.v. BANK: also to increase the capital stock One hundred and fifty thousand dol lars, if praetienble. By order of the Board of Directors. Lune 2:3, 185.1-13m1 ST ATE OF EOll6 E IDDE DECEASE:D.—N(4kt; is heroby given that letters testamentary on - the estate of George Whitler, late - of Diekinson township, Cumberlrnd county, deed., have been granted by the Register of salt county to the sub -0.1-11.rrN residing in the same township eountv ar.resaid. All persons knowing themselves indebted to saidestate are required to make finmediate payment, and those having claims to present them for ,settlement to DA VII/ IJI;M 1711, JOSEPII Executors. Jrinunry 17, israi-ctra 1 1 4 STAT E OF JOHN MILLER DE CEA§EI).----Noticei Is numby given that lettere testamentary on the estate of John Miller. late of Mon me township, ('timberland county . , deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, to the subscri ber, residing in the same township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims to ',resent them fiar settlement to 1654.-(4101 PETER MILLER, Executor. • ST ATE OF lOHN .RH OA DS, sr. _A bereased.—Notice Is hereby given that letters of :tuniiiilstration on the estate of John Rhoads, sr. late of Wes,t l'ennsboro township, Cumberland• county, deceas ed, have been granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber, residing In the borough of Carlisle, All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, arid guise haying claims to present them for'settlement to nor.22—thv DAVID RHOADS, Adm'e. -ESTATE OF JOHN HALE, DE CE.ASED.--Nutice Is hereby given that letters m nutamthdration with the will annexed, on the estate of John Ilale, late of Newton township, Cumberland coun ty, State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have this day been Issued by the Register in and for said county, to the sub scriber who resides in Newton township aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent are requested to make known the same without delay, and those Indebted to make payment to Nov 15,1851-ft Adtu'r with the IN ill annexed. ESTATE OF MARY ANN KEEP DEC'D.—Notire Is hereby given that letters ui administration on the estate of Mary Ann Keepers, late of the lado,ugh of Carlisle, Cumberland county, deed_ hare been grunted by the Register of old (-minty to the, snbseriber, residing ha the borough of Carlisle, Cumber lalol miify. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to Nihl estate are requested. to untie immediate pay ment. and those ha' hug claims to present them for hu mediate settlement to Nor 8 (t STEPHEN KEEPERS, Atlna'r. IF-14STATEEP.—N OF Cl IRIS h . 1 IAN.F ORE ER DECEASotIee ishereby given that Letters I estamentary on the estate of Christian Ferrer, late t f Upper Allen tow. nship,Cumberland county, dec'd., have Teen granted by the Register of said county to the sub scribers residing in the seine township. Persons-indebt ed to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claims to present them fur set tienient to JOHN WIN I: AND, TOBIAS 311 Lay ecutors. Nov. g, 1554-644 pRT OCLA MAIO N.Wherens the non. Joiner 11,. "Graham, President Judge or th;? several Courts of COMMOU Pleas to the emetics of CUM berland. Perry and Juniata, and Samuel Woodburn and John Hupp, Associate Judges or the said Court, in the said county of Cumberland, by their precept to we di rected. dated the of Der'r., 1551. have ordered an adjourned Court of 0 , 11111)011 Picas to be holden at Cur lisle, on the 111th day of Februavy, at It) o'clock in the forenoon, to continue one week. Notice is, therefore, hereby given to nit porsons tu terested to be then and Clime in attendance. JOSEPH MeliAlt3l(lND, Sheriff. Carlisle, January 3. ISt-l. IMPORTANT .NOTICE.—The sub . grrawrs intending to dissolve partnership on the Ist of February next, •resrootfully mitirst those indebted to them to call and pay up, and tiln:io having claims a gainst us are requested to present them immedlateli for settlement. la u_Still on hand, a very largo and splendid stock 01 000h3, Iv hirh 'wo will dispose of at prices "cheaper than the cheapest." jan3 .11ENTZ 6: 11ROTILE11S. AUCTIONEER I NG .--The subscriber respectfully informs tho citizens Zit Cumberland 0 moil. that ho will attend to tho busi BOSS of AUC— Th ) NCERING and CRY !NU 01? SALES in any part of said county on the most reasonable terms. Having a large / 411110mA of sales on hand, it will he fur the advan tage of those hosing business'of this kind to apply im mediately. His residence is at Bridgeport, in this coun ty, where he will always be found when not otherwise loslgnged. January 10th, 1851, • 10ITILA. Surgeons' Bandage INSTITUTE REMOVED to'NO. 4, et c h street, sixth, sta. above Market, I. 'C., Elt Errs ' , scent GraltithittrressuromUSS, for the cure of Rupture; Shoulder Miters, Supporters, Elastic Steeklutts, Suspensory, flontorrholdal, nod itandages for defortult Jan. 1.1-Iy. 11.1\V 000DS.—The subscriber is just (Toning ;t fresh amortanont ; very CHEAP GOODS bought at redtworl prteoi. Call and 1 , 011 Au•x. •23. OF,O. - riIIIitASIIING ItIAOITINES of the ronßtantly on timid ttud for WO id the flarlisle Foundry rind Machine Slop. .OAItDNER Si...BROWN A V 14; N' OIJ It OLD 31 ETA L=.. Cash paid fol. OLD METAL, such nx Copper, ihuss and nt.d,ho Curllsle Foundry and Mullin(' Shp, 10.kltDNER S.-. BROWN. • . • W. M. BEETIIM, enshlei FOR THE 1101,IDAys FANCY 601JUS, GIFT BOOKS, &e, W. HAN' EIOiTICK has just received from the city and is now opening a splendid display of FANCY GOoDS, suitable for the approaching. Holiday 54.111 , 011, to a hich he desires to call the attention of his friends and the public. Ills assortment in this line cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance, and both in quality awl priee of the articles, cannot Evil to please purchasers. It would be inqsissibleln enumerate his HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy article of the most exquisite shape such as Pallier Mat he Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and, trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, l'urt Nlonnaies, of every variety, Gold pens and peneels, Fancy viper weights, l'apeteries, and a large variety of ladies' Fancy station ery, Motto seals and wafers, Silk and Semi purses, I.;atiles' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladies fine cutlery, Peifume baskets and bags„ Brushes of every kind for the toilet, Roussers Perfumes of the various hinds, Musical instruments, of all_kinds and at all prices, together with en innumerable variety of artieleselegant ly finished and suitable for holliday pimento, to {I bleb he invites Special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of HOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS, comprising the various English nod American ANNUALS fur 1h to, richly embelished anti ilustrated POETICAL WORKS. with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for children of all ages, than which nothing can Ito more appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. His assortment of School lbsths and School Statlonry is also complete, and comprises every thing used in College and the khools. lie also desires to call thit particular attention of Families to his elegant display of - LAMPS. GIRANDOLES, ,te, front the ext•nsive establishments of Cornelius. Archer and others o ' Philadelphia, comprising every sty le of Parlor, Chamber and Study L.nmps, for-burning either ~. lard sperm or thereal oil, together with. Flower \ sues, Fancy Screens, .1• c. is assortment in this line is un equaled in the borough. Also, FRUITS., FANCY CON FECTIONAIIY—NII7! SERNED FRUITS, ,te., In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh, such as can be confidently recommended to his friends and . the little folks. His stock end rases every thing in the line of Fancy Goods, with many other articles useful AO housekeepets which. the public are especially invited to call and see during the l,lidays. Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Rank on North Hanover street. dee 13 Wel BEAT ATTRACTION? 110 FOR THE MILLDAM—Kid KINGLE'S OLD HALL Is now nod will continue to le supplied with the gi eat est novelties up to the close of the season, comprising in part COM , Ecr ws: ARIES of the choicest varieties, stub as Fine Candy Toys. Jelly Cakes, Bon lli,ns, tlum Cordial, Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, hose, Vanilla, and Burnt Almonds, French and exploding Secrets. Also all the (1111111)1,11 varieties, all of which will be sold whole sale and retail at low rates. We have just received FRUITS ANDNUTS of the latest !wpm lotions such as lining,. 5, Lemons, linisins. Figs. Fruens, Citron, Currants, soft, and paper shelled Almonds, Fill erts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts, In conneetion with the above the largest assortment of TOW AND FANCY COON: of VI cry kind.from all parts of Europe, manufactured of wot'd, glass. china,papier macho, tin and India rubber, rink, &e.. such as Fine IVaic, kid and jointed Dolls, sew log and Card Baskets, Work and Fancy Box e s, FIOVVI4III , CF, Motto Cups, Tea Setts. Mush-Boxes. l'ort Monales, battle Boors, Unice !loops, Masks, (hums, Guns Trumpets, Dominoes, Lotto and other games, &e. Fancy Scups and Hair Oils of every variety. In connection with the above a large stock of FAMILY GROCEIGES, such as pulverised. crushed • anti brown Sugars, of every grade, Coffee, Moldsseri, Starch, Green and black Neas..Sldeen, butter, soda, Sugar,. Water and other erackoirs; cheese, e. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks ton gener ous public for the piitronage heretofore bestowed on him, nod hoes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the Mono, Carlisle, Tme,r 7,18&1 "[WOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.- Ai We have just received from Philadelphia, a large assortment of now and,SPLENDIP ANNUALS, and 0111 HOOKS for the Holidays, which having lamit pun haft,. below the usual wholesale rates, wo are enabled ti sell at greatly reduced prices. They have now in Ftc: g it splendid stock of Annuals. (lift Books, . • Illustrated Poets, . Standard Works, .. , • Bibles, all sizes, Prayer Peeks, Hymn Books, - titmday School Books, Tract Books, :hiveAles he., &c. All of which are NEW 800 KtOresh frt - in the pWl,l6lter , pplqntlidly liculal and end Milted and got up vsPte , s l for the Css hristma Ilolitia, a A lim, FANCY STA TioNti ) and Fancy articles genera ly. to great variety. The pal He are invited to call nod) examine samples•now read for in spect lon. -, •r We - 11esnember. the place to buy looolisolonp, is * _ Pl PEWS, :thin street. .. Deo'r '2O, -I iis-k OIL IL W. 1)133111AVOU • CLOAK TIUM:11 ING S.—just (Tone ) a areat catiets of Chad: hod Imo-t: Trlmadog Also, Ch - dh clottkingg, with a rarloty of Wilitor (ioce Nov. 15 G. W. 111T2i.ER,___ FtjifithefpVa. J Al ES 111.'CLI N TOOK, N. D.,—Lato ey Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the Philadel phia CoHem of Medicine, and Acting Professor of Mid. ifery ; one of the Consulting Physicians of the Phil adelphia Hospital, Blockley; late member of the Ka. Holm' Medical Association; member of the Philade'. phia Medical liveletY; member of the Medico-ChirurgY .eat College oT Philadelphia; formerly President-OM Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in CastletoniMialb , cal College ' Vermont; and also, late . Professor of An. 6tmay and Physiology In 'Berkshire Medical institu tion Pittsfield, Mom. &c. ' alas lately introduced In a popular form, several of hit inorite prescriptions for the primipal diseases of this climate. The name of each article will imply the dir ease n.; which It is intended to be used. Int. !Iltifl.lNTM CoC I'LC7 ORAL SMUT, $l, DR. MCCLINTOCK'S COLD AND Cotes MIXT uttE—For Colds, Coughs, &e., Price 25 cis. Da. McCuNvoca's APT DMA AND DOOPIND COUGH MISC. DY. Price 50 ets. NICCI.INTUCK'S TONIC ALM PINATIVE SYRUP—For Pu rl(*) Mg 1.111 , 1A100d. Price S. lilt. NluCtmot lI'S Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving tone to the stranach, relieving pains after eating, heartburn, and all disagreeable syniptunis arising horn indigestion, Price MeCtiNvoca's linarmaite filLvvror—A Purely Ve getable Remedy Mr internal use. 11 he Mi cts. 1111, McCLlVlOcit's Ittmuk;A:t,te Llama NT—For itherama than. Sprains, Swellings. &e° Price 5n els, Dm 31 uCttaroca'S'A xonvai: Thal - ear—For Pains, Tooth. ache. Headache, Neuralgia, 8:e. Price 50 eta. McCuaTotg's Filvra axn AGUE. SPICII IC—A certain cure for all Intermittmits. Price $l. Dn. MiCtta'rocK's InaltallmA C 01114.11. AND CIIOI,EItA VENT, vr—A Safe Remedy: Do. 31CCLINTOCIeti DuRGATIVE ruu—For et.SIiVeID4A, lINDIDeIIO. &e. Price 25 eta. Da. 31rettwrm It's A almaLiava Pitts—For Irregularity in the Function,, of the Liverand Bowels—the best Liv er PHI made. Price 25 eta. a box. For sale by Dr. J. McCLINTOCK, at his'Medfral Depot, N. Corner NINTH and FILBEWP Streets. Philadel phia, and all Druggists: Druggists and Dealers In Med icines who wish to be Agents. will please address Dr. McClintock, furnishing referi,nce, RAMC of 1.% at Office, county and State. iltri.,For sale by W. A. Kelso, Samuel Elliott, Carlisle; .1. 11. Criswell, Shippensburg; Enuninger & Co.. L. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg; Joseph Herron. NeWs Zimmerman, Andersonburg; Haines & Fertig. Sutlers town; A. C. Klink. New Blrsonfield; Harriet M. Singer, Newport; 11. F. ILardner, York Springs; A. J. Miller and .1. S. Nixon. Chamhersburg; B. Mentzer, Way neslx.ro.; George Bergner and D. It. Junes & Co.. Ilarrislatrg. DR. MeCLINTa'K can T.e consulted. without charge, daily. from 10 to 12 o'clock. A. M., at his Depot. - December k 104-1 y. 31tiscerfations 2= EIS S. W. HAVERSTICK P. MOILS ER 1.