Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 31, 1855, Image 7

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    ami9Jtlitlnni .
For tho Herold.
It was thought that the discoveries o
, science and the advance of the art of war
' fare during„ present century and espeei
ally since the overthrow of Napoleon T.
would be so deitructive of human life and so
successful in demolishing the defences of art,
that it would deter the nations from war and
tend to promote peace.
The, French, under Marshal Gevaril, who
captured Antwerp, in 1832, after an obstinate
defence, showed such skill in gunnery and in
the use of the 'mortarithaS, the fortifications
were literally beaten about the ears of the
brave garrison, and the whole reduced in a
short time to a mass of ruins. This seemed
to sustain the opinion referred to; but the
latetwriA:.with Russia has shown unexpected
ly to many, that a place may be so 'strongly
fortified as to defy the assaults of the best
equipped fleet, aided by land forces,'and all
' the inventions of war which skill has devised.
The fortifications of Cronstadt and ebasto
pol, do not seem to have been duly appreci•
ated or known Fra'nee and England. Im
melts° bastions of huge rocks, with rows of
the largest. Cannon, and.forts so situated as
to make a cross fire frOm numerous batteries,
render any attempt to enter the 'harbor a
serious business; and to complete the de
fence, the sinking of great men-of war 'and
heavy chains in the narrow channel, render
ed it altogether hopeless: this lattere3Tedi
ent at Sicliastopel does not appear to have
been thought of by the Allies, ner any means
. to meet "such a stratagem on the
part of the Russians. The French and Eu
glish are both well trained in gunnery, and
e4pecially in the use of the mortars; but
what has surprised' some, is the skill of the
), Russians, who are holly a match for their
` enemies in this branch of warfare, and who
°l'Srow butte ball and bomb with great pre-
What will be the effect of the floating iron
batteries, now constructing in England, in
assailing a fort is yet an experiment—lt is
said, the weight of metal is such as to be
proof against the heaviest cannon ball, and
worked by steam•power they can take the.
Most advantageous position. A kind , of tor
pedo has also been sent from England to try
to blow up the sunken vessels in the channel
of Sebastapol.
The owner of Perkins' steam gun . hus
made 'an offer to the British Government, to
construct a steam cannon of such immense
size, that no fortification could stand against
its effects,: there must however be some
failure about it, for we do not hear that the
offer has been accepted, or that steam has
been employed in driving° balls from the
cannon mouth's by either side: neither do we
hear of the use of gun cotton as a Substitute
for gunpowder, except that, we are told the
Austrians are preparing cartridges of this
material. -
Three new weapons of warfare have how
ever been brought in play at the seige of
Sebastopol, each of' which are most formida
ble in their place.
The first is the Minie Rifle, or rather the
Minie ball, for it is not any peculiar con
struction of the gun or rifle,,but in the ball
which is used. ~The French bad previously
invented what they called the . balk-a-HA
which requires ain't lige one inch and a bal.
long in the ehatnber of the gun, in order to
receive , the ball and • produce the effect of
slugging when well rammed down: but this
is not the case with the Minie ball which
may be fired out of` a common gun but is
best with a rifle-bore The Minie ball, was
invented by Major Minie and is called after
the inventor. "This ball is cast oblong with
a conical point, and with its base hollow for
two-thirds the length of the ball, into the
opening' of this cylinder, there is placed a
small concave section of iron, which the
powder at the moment of firing forces into
the ball, powerfully spreading it open and
,causing it to fit tightly-to the cavity of the
barrel in its course outi" this makes its
direction more certain and destroys windage..
The New England Farmer says the United
States have given up the manufacture of the
common musket and now make Minie rifles
with bayonets. The troops at our Barracks
are armed with this weapon and were prac
tiiing a few days ago in Mr. Henderson's
field, 'and one of the soldiers told me, he
could hit the head. of 4a figure the size of a
m an, at the diStatice of eight hundred paces.
• Tbn CleVeland Herald says, that the
United: tates have improved on MajOr Minie's
invention, by dispensing with the iron cup,
and merely filling the cavity in the balls With
The Minie ball or rifle has proved one of
tua moat•formidable weapons at Sebastopol;
to be shot down with such precision at hal
a mile distance must have its effect in the
maneuvring of troops, and especially in the
use of heavy armed cavalry.
The wounds made by this rifle are most
fearful and destructive of life, as the accounts
of the,battles of Alma and lekerman have
Another weapon is the Lancaster Gun,
'which is merely applying the advantage of
' fered by the rifle bore among small arms, to
ordnance. The Lancaster cannon has a
rifle bore, with balls cast having broad pro.
jections to fit in the bore. It shoots with
greater force, and can be used at greater
distances, but it is recently stated (with what
truth I do. not know) that it will not fire with
any precision so as to make sure of bitting
the mark as with other cannon. Still its
effects on the, fortifications as far as tried,
have been most formidable and destruCtive.
The third Weapon is Cult's Revolver,
which can be carried in the pocket or belt;
and six shots fired instead of one as com
pared with the old horse pistol; whether the
revolver is substituted for the horse pistol
with the cavalry of the Allies, have seen
no account; but that it would give the horse•
men great advantages in close fight can
hardly be doubted. It has proved in the
late battles most important in certain stages
of the action. Mr. colt is now in Russia,
manufacturing them for the Russian troops,
not having received sufficient encouragement
in England. It only remains to mention the
mining and countermining at-this great siege,
the effects of which are to be fully tested
when the attemPt shall be made to take the
place by assault. It cannot lie - Saidthat
mining is an invention of Modern Warfare,
for it has been practised, since the early
periods of History, but it will be perhaps
tested more fully as a means of 'defence, in
case of storming SebastBpol than at any other
siege; for it is said the
.mines under the
fortifications are most extensive, and filled
with powder to blow up the advancing troops
whenever the Russians are obliged to aban•
diiiitheir . works. - H
LIGHT SUPPERS.—One of the great secrete
of health is a light supper, and yet it is a
great self denial, when one is hungry and
tired at the close of the day ? to eat little or
nothing.—Let such a one take leisurely a
single cup of tea and a piece of cold bread
with butter, and Ile will leave the table as
fully pleased with himself and all the world,
as if he had eaten a heavy meal, and be ten
fold the better for it the next morning. Take
any two men under similar circumstances,
strong, bard working men, of twenty-five
years; let one take his bread and butter with
a cup of tea, and the other a hearty meal of
meat, bread and potatoes, and the ordinary
et ceteras, as the last meal of the day, and I
will venture to affirm, that the tea-drinker
will outlive the other by thirty years.
ronage' is a curious thing to some people .
The following, which hits in every commu.
nity- where newspapers are published, is as
good as true: 'A man lives near you; never
took a paper; it's too small; don't like the
editor; don't like the politics; too Whiggish;
or too locofocish, or too something else; yet
goes regularly to his neighbor, and reads . his
by a good tire; finds fault with its position,
and quarrels with its type. Occasionally
sees an article he likes; saves half a dime
and begs a number. This is newspaper pat•'
FOUR Goon liAnrrs.--There arc four good
habits a wise and good man earnestly recom
mended in his counsels, and also by his own
example, and :which he considered essentially
necessary for management of temporal con
cerns; these are, Punctuality, Accuracy,
Steadiness and Despatch. Without the first
of these, time is wasted; without the second,
mistakes the most hurtful to our own credit
and interest and that of others may be com
mitted; without the third, nothing can b e ,
well done; and without the fourth, opportu
nities of great advantage are lost, which it is
impossible to recall.
man who "saw it all," gives ua a grarhie ac
count of an interview which took place at
the St. - Nicholas Hotel last week:' between
Horace Greely, of the Tribune; and Daniel
Ullman, of the K. N. Councils. Mr. G. ap
proached Mr. U., and stretched out his hand
for a shake, with a "How do ye do, Mr.
man?" Whereupon the latter gentleman
erected himself to his utmost height,' and,
fixing a scowling look on Mr. G., said with
marked emphasis. "I don't shake hands
a liar, sir." "Very well," meekly re
plied Mr: Greely, "You can do as you like,"
and gradually took himself off.—Ercning
tettliele lijetalb
poultry show in Barnum's Museum, Mr.
North said he •did not intend to make a com
parison between children and chickens. His
father early taught him how in the fall to
raise, as a little boy, 149 chickeus - ..1(1 46
turkies, which paid for his tuition, his books,
and a balance for the Savings Bank. In
this way he commenced rolling up the dollars.
He recommended families to give to every
active boy a pair of chickens; it would do
better and.more than:keep him out of mis
chief. It , would find for him objects of affec
tion, and teach him the pleasure of industry
and accunthlation. This% very good advice.
If all parents who have more children and
land than they can take care of would but
follow the Advice of Mr. North, chicken fix
ings would not be quite so high as they' are,
and eggs would be selling at a cent apiece.
.tar It is observed, that the most censori
ous are generally the least judicious, who
haVing nothing to recommend - themselves,
will be finding fault with others. No man
envies the merit of ,another wlie has enough
of his own. •
- for the above fertilizer, which has been fully tested
for the last three years. 'Early orders solicited as the
supply will be Ilinited. Also, for sale best Peruvbm Go
vernment Guarico" No. 1.
Agricultural Warehouse anti Seed Store, N. N. corner
7th and Market ntreeta, Philadelphia. " (4oet'Csi
ILY OROCERY STORE of the subscriber, n Ma
A new supply of fresh Water Crackers,
SO(13, Mitt or. Plc Ste and Sutter Rulscult,
- Patina- Corn Starch„Taideca. :4:we—Pearl Barley, --
Extraet of Coffee, Rire Flour; Baking Powder, &e., •
A new let of superior Table oil,-
l'iekles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, Ray
Ryn. k 5:. J. W. EBY.
of you who have been afflicted for years with this
bothersoma disease, and who havo been using" almost
every Nostrum before the public without relief, we say
to you try "Beechen; Andhlyspeptic" and you will soon
be convinced of its groat superiority over every other
preparation. We could give you many certificates cond.
orating our assertions. but a single trial Is worth more.
than all. This remedy is prepared and sold at the Drug
Store of B.J.' liEIFFglt, South Hanover street, a few
doors south of the Courldlousk Carlisle.
Li GAINS! DAROAINS!—The subscriber intending
to relinquish business offers his entire btOCk of BOOTS,
il SHOES AND OAJTERS,. AT OUST! - Ilis.stork
f 1 e n est e‘,
w r o • r l: 4•l n d le e n of inte bt e 's i t ile m rl;litdosO and
of l
wining good bargains had bet.ta,t not let this
opportunity slip. MS they may not again halo the elifilVe
of securing such bargains as we now offer them.
_l t
1) UNI PS.—Just received a large assort
munt of PUMPS of every variety In general use,
em racing Iron and limas Cistern, and Cistern Me
Pumps. Also, Out-doer Pumps, so regulated as nut to
be subject to freezing in winter. Thcau pumps am got
up In the very best style In point of quality and work
manship. The manulboturers having had premiums
awarded for their ptunps at several State Fairs, where
they have been on exhibition. Also, constantly on hand
a full assortment of Iron IVell Curbs and Chain hump.
For sale low at
novl-1854 HENRY SAX-TON'S.
The subscriber AVOUlfit respectfully inform hisfelends and
the public generally, that he has Just returned from the
city with a large and varied assortment of
FISH, Ac.. A., which he offers for sale on the f" , ^
most reasonable terms, at his Now Store. 4
corner of Zsiorth Ilanover street and the Pub- • q, •
lie Square, directly opposite the Carlisle De.
posit Bank. His stock embrases everything usually
In a Grocery and Variety store.
The public are Invited to call and examine his stork
before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can
sell the best goods at the lowctt
T 4 EATIIER.—Fritz & Hendry, Store
21 North 3it st. Philadelphia, ht.iroero Manufactut
ere ' Currier:l, Importers, CommiFsion stud General Loa*
Cr business.
WHOLESALE AND RicrAlL—Manufactory 15 14Taf
garctta street. Sep. 7—ly
FAREIRA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in
all kinds of FANCY FURS, for Ladies and Children, pt
254 MA RKET Street, above Eighth, Philadelphia.
Having now completed my largo and beautiful assort
moot of all the different kinds of Fancy Fut*, that will
be worn by Ladles and Children during the present sea
son; this assortment of Furs is equal to any to bo found
In this City, either for quality, variety or beauty. Hav
ing bought my Furs in Europo for Cash, and have had
them manufactured by the must oumpetent workmen
underlay own supervision, with reasonable economy: 7 -
i am determined to sell them at small profits, and for
Cash only.
.6D- STOREKEEPERS would do well to give me a
call before purchasing. .1 YII N FA REM A,
281 MARKET etreet, above Eighth, Philadelphia..
LY—A full supply of the above celebrate'd Churn, rimy
00 band of all the 11ilieretit sizes, front 4 gallons 'to 50:
It received the first premium at the lato Pennsylvania
State Fair, the first premium at the Franklin Institute
and Delaware and Maryland Flat° Fairs, mut various
others at different places. It will make, more and better
butter &matt given . iliummt, of Create, and he less time
than any churn in the market. For sale wholesale and
retail by PASCUAL!, MOlUtli &
Agricultural Warehouse and Feed Store, corner of 7th
and Market, Philadelphia. Dee. 6, 185.1—tf
IK FERS.—Severalliatterns of the above on hand and
for sale ‘vholesale and retail by
AgHenltural Warehouse and Seed Store, earner, of 7th
and Market, Philadelphia. ' Deel - 6th, 1854—tf
A. Saaks , ,:gr: . A,
Cr. SALT, for sato by
Moor & firnin,Conimission Morcbanto,-Spimeg wharf,
Bolt loloroi Doe
- MO.'S 2 and 3 MACKEREL, of th 4
L I new crop just received and for sale at the Family
drocery of J. tl. WILLIAMS,
Jnly - 2(1, West Main street. •
)LAID CA S E RES; &c.—The sub-'
scriber has just opened a variety of. plaids and ,
belaines at red need prices.
Nov 15
,/ ENT S1113.1,1:11,11(1411.11,(113' tIW 11 1 /4 /111(1 (..111 1 :11).
111111' ill My - niers urn rontn-sted to 1%11 and ex
amine It at the earlislo troundry amt Madam! Shop. or
at Saxton's IlardwarJ Store. For Fah) at reasonahlu
•- • 0 23.1L1.1 .
11 et: DROWN.
The AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION, would respect fully
announce to the citizens of the United States and the
Ganudlia, that for the purpose of cnltivating a taste for
the fine arts throughout the country, and with a view
of enabling every family to become possessed of a gallery
of Engraving in"ritn FIRST ArrisTs OF THE AGE.
they have determined, in order to create an exteusive
sale for their Engravings, and thus not only give eno
ployment to a large number of artists and others, but
inspire among our countrymen a taste for weal: of art.
to present to the purchasers of their engravings, when
250,000 of which are sold, 2,50,00 u GIFTS, of the actual
cost of $150,000.
Each purchaser of a One Dollar Engraving. therefore.
rceclves not only an Engraving richly worth the money
but - also a ticket which' entitles him'to one of the Gifts
when tixey are distributed.
For Fide Dollars, a highly finished Engraving, beau
tifully painted in Oil, and FIVE GIFT TICKETS, will
be sent; or Five Dollars worth of splendid Engravingg
can be selected from tho Catathgue, and be sent by re
turn mail or express.
A copy of the Catalogue . , together with a specimen 01
'one of the Engravings, zaittailieen-at the office of this
For each Dollar wont, an Engraving actually worth that
emu, and a Gift Ticket, will lunnedintitly bo forwarded.
Tho Committee - hollering that the success of this
Great National Undertaking will be materially promoted
by the onergy and enterprize of intelligent and parse.
voring Agents, hare resolved to treat with such on the
most liberal terms.
Any person wishing to become an Agent, by sending
(post paid.] SIE, will receive by return of mail, a One Dol
lar Engraving, a "GIFT TICKET," a Prcspectus, a Cat
alogue and all other necessary information.
On the final completion of the mle, the Gifts will be
placed in the bands of a ComMITTEE of the PURCJIABI.I2E; to
be DISTRIBLTED, due notice of which will ke.givcn thni
out the United States and the Canada,,,
100 Marble bust of Washington at
109 " " Clay, - -
100 " " Webster - -
100 " " Calhoun - - -
50 elegant Gilt Paintings, in splendid gilt
frames, size Bx 4 ft. each,
100 elegant Oil Paintings. 2xa feet each
100 steel plate Engravings, brilliantly eol
ored in oil, rich gilt frames 24x;i0 In
10,000 elegant steel plate Engravings. mi
med in oil-of the Washington Mon
ument, 20x2Ginehes each - -
=7,000 steel plate engravings, from 100
'different plates now in possession
of and owned by the A I-04W Union,
• of the market value of from 50 etc.
tosl each, - - -
I first class I/welling in 31 st st,,N. Y. City
22 thillaing LttF li, 100'and 101st s,s, N.
V. City, each 25x100 ft. deep, at
100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 sq.
ft. in the suburbsof New York City
and commanding a magnificent view
of the Hudson River and Long Is
land Sound, at - - - -
20 perpetual loans of cash, without into.
rest, or security,
of $250 each
50 "
5 "
100 "
Referenoe. in regard to the Real Estate, F. J. VISSCHER
IL. Co. Beal • F:state Brokers. NeW York. Orders, (post
pald,J with money enclosed. to lw addressed.
J. W. 110L111tOOKE, Secretary,
tl:i Broadway, N. Y.
irri_Tho F.turravinga in the Catalogue are now ready
ter delivery. I.novS-6m
lho.subscrlber has just returned from the cities of N.
York and Philadelphia with the cheapest and most
splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER. GOODS
over br."mght to Carlisle. Having purchase&from several
of the largest importing houses in New York for Cash,
it will enable me to otter greater inducements and give
better bargains to my old customers and all who may
faeor the with a call, than can be had at any other stoic
in the town or county.
, I have the cheapest Flannels, Sattlnetts, Cloths, Ken
tucky Jeans, Do Lains, IM Itv•es, Mos Tickings, Ac.
Ae., ever offered in the borough.
It Is impossible to enumerate one-half the art Hes.—
Como one and all in want of cheap goods and judge for
yourselves. No trouble to show our goods. Recollect
the old stand, East Mall Street.
oct 4 '54 CAARLES 0011,11,
_lB "...
~,, WNEF A I, G' ii 991) 8.-
-i-. lIENTZ A: BROTHERS have returned
from 1' iladolphla and are now unpacking a complete
assortment of FALL. AND WINTER GOODS.
A full assorttuent of Clothe'.
A full assortment of Casatneres.
A full assortment of CARSillett4
A full assortment of Vestings.
A full assortment of Ladies Dress Goods.
A full assortment of [knuckle Gods.
A full assortment of Silks and Alpacas.
A full assalment of Silk, Thibet A Cashmere Shan Is.
, A full assortment of Groceries.
A full assortment of Queensware.
With atoll assortment of Miscellaneous articles gene
rally kept In Stores. Purchasers wilt find it greatly to
their Interest to call and extunine our stock before pur
chasing, as goads have materially depreciated, and will
be sold accordingly. Come one, come all, and Judge for
yourselves. (sept2o
The largest stock of Clothing over brotwht to ens'
lisle, has just Wen received by ARNOLD & LIVINGSTON
at their ebeap and extensive CIA/THING HOUSE, in
North Hanover Street.
" The prices of clothing at this househave been natured
to such a very low standard that it is now in the power
of all who wish, to wear good clothes.
The assortment consists ilOverroats of every descrip
tion, Dress, Frock and Sack Coats, a great variety of Dna
Monkey coats, ,te. Superfine Cassimere PANTS,
black and fancy. Silk and Satin VESTS, and a tine V2{.
Hay (W.Va.Muria anti other vests. Also, shirts, collars,
stocks, pocket han dkorchiefs, suspenders, gloves, hosiery,
A., anti all other articles generally kept in this line of
business. All articles sold at this establishment waf•
ranted what they are represented to be.
Also, a splendid assortment of goods in the
Superfine French and English C LOT ll S anti CAS
SIMER ES of every hue and shade, satin, silk, and We
ek% vestings. sat inetts, fir., all of which will be made to
order at the shortest notice, and in the neatest and best
nay tvr. All garments warranted to fit. I.lOl'S CLOTH
NU always on hand.
Thu public:aro respectfully invited to call and exam
ino the superior 'assortment of clothing et this establlsh
mont, next door tti littrdtiaro store, opposifo tai
Magla ugh! Ws' !lute!
Sept. 277-,:3m,
Elements of Character, by Miss Chandler.
Clovormeik, by Alio:, Carey.
Cranford, by author of Mary Barton.,
Passion and Prejudice. by.l4.lrs. Core. '
I fon Hotta Temple, by' D' Israel i.
Old Redstone , or istorical Sketches of Wcstern Presby
terianism, ,te., by Joseph Smith, D. D.
Village. Sermons, by Itev. Goo, hurler, containing one
hundred and ono plain short discourses on the prim+.
pal doctrines of the Gospel, jnst published by Lippin
cott, Crands, k Ca_ of Philadelphia.
Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, by Mrs. IL B. Stowe.
Splendid (lift Books and Annuals for 1855.
Carper's, Putnam's, Graham's and Godley's Magazines
fly October,
BELL lima just ro•
celved at their Store, in N. Banover street, Carlisle. n
large, hainlsoine and cheap storl«if PALLOOODS, which
we will sell eIIITAITEIt TITAN Evt.n. • (live us A call.
Carlisle. Sept. 13, IS:A. , •
1B Al' SILKS!— • now opening
1. large ne:n.itinent of 111,Allli SILKS. Also, nn
assort meal of now styles fashionable FALL SILK 5, Tory
Neni ljorft
cummEs .oanur
I E. GOULD, [Successor to A. Fiot.,
to No. 164 Chestnut St., Swahas Ruilding,'Phillidlal
phia, extensive Musk Publisher, and Dealer in Musits.
Instruments of ivory description.
Exclusive agent for the sale of Millet: PaNis k Co.
Patent Suspension Midge and oilier I'lANok,
(1111tert's Pia Los. Melodeons, Martin's' Guitars
Harps. Violins, :,:heet Music, Musk Bool.F. 4e.
Residents of the country. will he supplied by mall or
otherwise with music they may wish, as low as If pur
chased In person. baying .me of the largest st, etc iti
the United l , tates. 1 feel confident of satit tying all wht
may favor me with a call or , rder.
peakrs In Music sup - plied on the most IP eral tame
Pianos to let. Se« , nd-hand Pianos fir sole.
. .
r .r(_` f il.ES AND JEWEL
Ry, WHOLESALE and BETA] L. at the "Phila
delphia Watch and Jewelry State,"
fr N under 92 North Second SirCt.t... CI
nor of Quarry. Philadelphia. Gold
Lover Watches, full jewelled, 18 car
at casco, - - $2O 00
A ,: i , , Gold Lepine. 18 carat caves, 24 00
r o " 0- -1'.;',.......L.„..,' ' Silver jem els. 0 Pt)
.4 .- KO Silver Lover, lull jewelled. 12 O tt
Superior qua, tiers, - - - 700
Gold Speetaeles, - - - - 760
Fine. Silver Spectacles,
" %;., -
'Gold Bracelets, - . - 1 04
.', - (0
Ladies' Gold Pencils, - - - - IIX
Silver Tea 4 , pcons. set, - - • Z igt,
Gold Pens, with Pencil and.Sllt er Holder. - 100
Cold Finger li lop ;.:734 tents to $8; Wet, b Glasses
plain, 12, 1 ..', cents, Pritet 'fi 4 ,, ,, :,', Lunet 2A: other article*
in proportion. All hoods warranted to be islet they ate
sold for.
On hand. some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepiner
still loner than the aLove prices.
ATCII ! ; 1 13TC11 ! 0 LIN
11l DONNELLY, manufacturer and inventor of SA
No. 100 North POUIZTII et, cet tabot e liar - 49PM LAPEL-
Pill A. Matthes having become an Indispensable/11.dd..
in housekoping, the sutseraer otter i greatraserttiOe of
tifitc - alltnaMte..r; is'oniilbed to oiler to the Public an ar
ticle at once combining Utility and Cheapness. 'lire in
ventor kntoring the danger apprehended on act, nut of
the tilinsey manner in n Weir '.Hatches are generally
packed in paper, bas . by the aid of New Stearn 'slneldnery
of his own invention, succeeded in getting up a SA FLTY
far preferable, in as much that it occuplus no mete room
than the old round scrod box, and contains nt Mart
Two Hundred per Cent mcreMatchet+t which to Shippers
I/4 e nnidertble adsuntage . ; it Is entirely new, and secure
against moisture and spontaneous cenibustion, dispels
atl dangeron tranSpertation by means Of Railrorld,Fteau,
boat or any other mode of Conveyance.
These Mnteltes me parked so that one gross rr more
may be shipped to any part of the' World with perfect
safety. They are the west desirable article for Maus
Consumption, and the Southern and western markets
that have ever been invented..
12 000
DEALERS amt I 1%111 do well to call and
CM tun I e for themFehos.
vst_Thozo mateheg. are IVA Iir:ANTED to be sttpe: lot
to anything herctoforo offered to the l'uhlie.
106 North FOURTH St. Philtura.
Phila. Dee'r 4, 1814.
FRENCH TRUSSES, Weighing less
than 2 , 1 i ounces, fir the cure of Hernia or ltuptnre
ackilewtedgeil by the highest medical autheritiesot
adelphia, incomparably superior to any other in IMO.—
Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion DOW
offers to procure not only the highest and meld easy, but
at. durable a Trues AS any other. in lieu of thaeumtrous
And uneomfertable article usually sold. There Is no dlr.
foully attending the fitting, and a hen the pad is locat
ed it will retain its position milli( ut change.
Per Sons at a distance unable to call nu the subscriber.
can have the Truss sent to any address, by relDitting
five dollars for the single Truss, or ten for the double—
with measure round the hips. and stating side affected.
It will he exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning
at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer,
Corner Twelfth and Pace streets. Philadelphia.
Lenity, requiring. the benefit of Mechan ical sup
porters. owing to the derangement of the Internal Or
gans. inducing falling of the %Vontli. Vocal, Pulmonary.
Dyspeptic, Nervous andltpilial Wericness, are informed
that A. CtillilletClit and experienced Lute will be in at.
tendance at the itomm, (set apart for their excluahe
use) No. 11.1 TWELFTH St., Ist door below Race.
July 20,
AYES' Patent Tubular Oven .T -7, 4
AIR RANGE, various al:es tosultramilles,St .1
ug 1 °uses and lintels.
Those in want of a superior Cooking Apparatus u I
sited to cull at our Warehouse and examine this It: q
For durability, economy and pimplicity in operati
stands unrivaled. It has a t hot air sontilati a
and Meats baked in this (son will retain theirjuic.
flavor equal to that n acted before an open lire. I 11
and pastry cooked at the same time Al Itlmut one a 4
tug the other. It will supply sufficient heated r
heat additional rooms for the Oddest weath, r. lt
tiescending or return fitus. and la equally well ads
to bituminous or common hard coal. The steam
over the boiling part of the Range carries off the
and scent of e,:ok Ing, as well as heat in summer.
Every Range sold warranted to give satisfiretion,r I
expense to tho,purchaser.
HAVES' VENTILATOR, Patented ()doter, IlAf
Public halls. Factories, Railroad Cars, Chininios, F
Ships, Steamers, A'e.
Pure air is a stilled claiming the attention of 4 It\
Individual, and all building?' should be mot bled tit
the proper nicat.s of vet:WM.lot].
for Dwellings, :Slice! /louses, thurcbcs, Hails, Mit
Factories. Ac.
A large aseortnient of Office. Hall and Cooking Stew
Parlor I.lrotes. registers, Ac. Whole,ale and•retail.
S 2 North Sixth street, PMLx.
/Mir. personal attentlut gi% en to warming and v.. 1,1
lating 101 l publlo are, tuildings.
8,.,i ram] Loot; LNG LASS AND PIC-
Tt!r, I.; Ili Ant: NiANUF:ACT4)IiV, N 0.126 ARCH street., the Theater, Philadelphia.
& Co. revoked. tin only Prize Medal, awarded at
the Crystal Palace . exhibition, N. Y., 1F53, In the Milted
States, for (lilt, Decorated, Mantel aud-Pler
CRATIS !—Just, Published—A n.
A DISCOVERY IN NIEDICINE.—Afew words or ties
Rational Treatment, without Medicine, Spermatcribea,
or local weakness, nervous debility. low spirits,lassituda,
weakness of the limbs and lack, indisposition and Ines
parity for study and MI or, dullness of apprehension,
loss'of memory, aversion to society, love of SditUdt ti
uthlity,,felf distrust. dizziness, headache. Myopic's"?
discharges, rains in the side, affection of the eyes, pan,
pies on the face, sexual and other inf mit:Dies in man.
. From the French of Dr, It. I eLancey :
The important fact that these Manuring comr,lihila - ;"
may easily be remove:l WITIR'VT WINE. Is In this:span
Duet clearly deinonstiatcd. and the entirely :new and ,
libibly successful treatment as adopted by the Anther.
fully explained, by means of a hick eiory one Is em.Llod
to cure himself perfrrt ly and nt the least possible iistd,
melding thereby all the athertised nostrums of tb,
Font to any affiireHr, gratis and post inv. In a mallod
onvoloN., Ly romtttlue jiarat pub!) two postmo allaindl
to Dr. 11. Pe!Airway, 17 ILIRN;- and strvet o York.
Mari 1-ly
WOOLLEN YARN. -- 7 A lot4if very
Saipan' ;Heavy and, Mon Won Den Yarn just
reCAVC 4 I, much better than the city yarn ' all colour , .
nova CH AS. 0011,11 Y. I
.1.4 1 M 1312 011).12,:l2 I ES.--"---The largest and
n, , , , r(liient- or Ncv(110 Worhed C,Harri,
Ilantltovltloll , . f himlzettg. ELlp.lngs, In
sertiugs, lakes, now opening at the cheap Ftooo of
oct 1 ';A • ell All LES 0(111.112.
May 20, 1F53-11