Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 31, 1855, Image 6
lIM 2gritaltural. Seasonable Hints As you are now entering upon a new year ta few remarks with regard to your field operations, your farm economy, and the general management of your affairs, may not be amiss. Should the field you intend for corn next spring be tenacious clay land, and opportunity should offer through the wi to do so, have it ploughed, so that its texture may be meliorated by the fro.-t; if such land is sound, that is, not wet; plough it at least S inches deep, lay your furrows at an angle of about -15 0 in or der that they may lap, and thus expose the greatest possible surface to ,the action of the weather. ln the spring, as soon as the ground is sufficiently dry to per mit your team to go on it . vithout (Lin or ,po.tehing by the horses, have it rolleLt hen apply- your manure, and cro.- p1 0 tt. 2 ,11 it in about I inch-s in depth„ - then rn'l it, and harrow until you have a fine 1 ill :1 Iteepileet.h;wever, that clay soils never be ploughed while in a vo.t ,t,lte, or when very dry, but when in a :.-,:t-cond-ition. Pcrore sprit, you should stnily, out the zip!, at you mean to pursue throughout the; be careful in forming that sys tem ; let it be formed in accordance with your resources, and having, after mature reflection adopted it, be careful to carry it out with energy and particularity.— The work of each 'week should be laid down a week beforehand, and except when prevented by A i ther, should be adhered to. Let us now turn to things claiming at tention on the farm. SURFACE DRAINS Let careful hands go through your grain fields, every few weeks, and remove from the water-furrows every thing that that could possibly obstruct the free pass age of the water, as there is nothing more injurious to winter grain than the accu mulation of water around and upon the plants. It should be considered a posi tive duty to keep them as dry as possible. A field, which has been ploughed deep, with water-furrows judiciously laid out and kept open through , the winter, will rarely show any eviden`ce. of. winter-kill- D YOUNCI COLTS AND YOUNO CATTLE There is DO greater error in the raisin! , of young animals, than that which is oiie(hueses practiced, of f.ciiity ilicin To stint them in their food vitt, as- a necessary consequence, stunt them• itr- they Broth. Nothing can be truer than this : to build up a horse or an ox, in the wholeness of his proportions you must give him the materials—the proper food to fabricate his structure with. A finely developed, full sized, muscular animal, never was yet, and never_;,vill he raised upon the half starvation system. If you wish to raise an animal that will do credit to you, and= prove profitable withal - , you must so feed him from the beginning, as will keep him at all times in good condition, moderately fat, and in high spirits. While you.. should ab stain/from making him fat as .Falstaff, you should be sure to guard him against that other extreme, of being able to count. the number of his rib-bones ,just as readi ly as you can the .number of rails in a fence. Avaid - ektrenies, and yon wabi! 'very near the right point. • MATERIALS FOR COMPOST Let us enjoin upon you as a matter alike of duty and of interest to collect all the rough material on your farm, and form them into compost heaps. Marsh, river, creek and pond paid, woods mould and leaves, ditch and road scrapings, pine scrapings, weeds, sea . weeds, when mixed with one-third their quantity of stable or cowLyard manure, will all be persuaded into a state of decomposition, and will all form exeelent manure, and add to the mould of your soil, And you Should recollect that mould changed with organie and inorganic matter is the , very soul and life-blood of every fertile soil. THE POULTRY HOUSE As everything connected with poult now-n-days has a peculiar interest, we give the following remarks from an En glish paper: 1.4, - of the roost and nest house. The floor should ba sprinkler' wifb a.4ltes, loam pulverized peat, or tine charcoal, and the floor should be cleaned every week. The yard should contain a grass plot, some fine gravel, slacked limo, dry ashes and pure water. The, nests should be lined with moss, heath and straw. Evidently the dorkings are the best breed; they will lay an average of 185 eggs per annum: Fowls with black legs are best for roast ing, while those with white legs are best fol. boiling. If you want them to sit ear ly, leave the eggs under them. Fowls in their native habits never lay more than they can hatch. Remember that 11,) success can he expected - Frain poultry keepinff, if ,their houses be • damp, cold, unclean, or badly ventilated ; if their food does not approximate to that which they get in a state of mauve, viz.: a mix ture of animal and vegittble food ; if the water they drink be stagnant; the drain age of the manure heap, &c., or if the strongest- and hand6omest are not bred from. ICE IIOUSES Being a practical farmer and a subscri ber for some years to the Baltimore Sun, and having noticed with sonic interest the different modes there presented for preserving the luxury, ice, I here over you the very simple.mode which I use, and by which I keep 'ice in plenty from year to year. Ido this as it might bene fit some one, viz: My ice house is dug eight by eleven feet, and fourteen deep, with a hole in the centre fora• or five feet doep, and the bottom made draining to it. This well or hole I cover with plank. I stra \N- at•xt the earth at the —hottmtrand-•sitles—by-shoutitt!t—frotti- tin e:trts, aild never—pm ntl, ;Alien -full I eiiver with chaff and straw. • oil the edge :110 pit is raiscil one story of logs the ered tivor and roofed. - The entrance i•; On the south side, which !renerally enn.ri open d tiringwarnrweanter, Wit le iowt;tl years experience, 1 'find toy ice keeps much better than we used to keep it, in a house tonateen feet, sentare, with lobs next the earth, or 'lined with logs: .The earth, in my ()pinion, acts as a dry and good non-conductor, "while the damp ness is evaporated iu the commodious vacuum above the ice. Confined air appears to evaporate ice much faster than free circulation. aticotion. 1 1 l Al 7 ETTVILLE FEMA SEM I , NARY.—This 'lnstitution will open un the first Monday of March, in. a new and commodious building erected for that purpose. under the direction and stilton intentlenee of Rev. J. Kennedy and Samuel Thomson.— The location of the Seminary is healthy and retired.— It is the design of the Principal that the course Of in struction he thorough, and the extpeuses moderate. The best female teachers will Ito employed. Pupils wilt Ito arranged iu classes accenting to the din eetion of the Priutipal. There will be three closes—Primary, Junior and Senior. TE It NIS M Eit SESSION. For Isiard, washing, fuel and light, per session WA of i months, Slo 1.1) Tuition In Senior class per acsslon, •• Junior •• Primary Greek. Latin or French, (nn Piano and use of instrtunent, 011 paintiug and drawing, For further informal inn adarete3 =I January 17, 1555.-2.111 Fa:Jett vine, Franklin Co. Pa. NIT il IT l': 11A 1414 A C .1.1 )E' NI l', dace iniks ,vet of imnistarg. Tho oolti, Sessi.i of the: p pular 'and lletickliing will is ea in.uice en Menday, the Cth ~ ,1 N.,veitilior next. under the in •,-t is erable auspirc.4. ll tiring; All,' prOM•lit year such inipne,e7llelltr, 3114 additiffilS tins e bel.ll 1113.10 as it • I is ereasinu patronage demanded. The Principal will be as sisted by a full corps of ennipetent and eXptlrlelleOd t,.adlers, :ilia special attention will Le paid to the health aml canifert of the Stivlents. (loarding, Washing 1111 A . 1 . 1.110011 111010 1:11411S11 Branch ea. and Vocal Mash% per Seasion, to months) $55 no lustruellon iu Imtla and 44 rcol:, each, - 6.00 French and llerman - - 1.1)11 Instrumental - - 10.10 The .attention 1)1 parents and gu irdlang Is earnestly le.:ilea to this lustllutinn. Circulars will he furnished aud any inf win:III a ill be given, on apidleat ion, either pers.oual lir by letter to D. MIN LINI111:1, Principal, Sept. 13, ISM. I larrishurg, l'a. 'DIAINFI.I47,LI) CLASSICAL, ACAI)- I:D1Y, tiear Carll,le. l'Lf: , l . lw, 17th Se,sku will eillp ut..nee ou MoNoav, November CC, Number of (louts Hittiteldand VoitAatit Mb its used for their moral and intellectual iniprovmueut. Term 111 per tie It ti. Circulars with references and Coll Information furnish ed. by I:. K. 11UltNS, Pri:telpal and Proprietor, twpC2,7-ISi4. Plikhdleld, Cuißheiland 411,ASS - WA Li A N LITERARY Vi ;II Selhl.M., New v Ille, Pa.—The W INTER. SE.:- a 1 ON will conummee on Tursday, the 7th of November. sad emtinne five months. Careful Instrwt i.ot is given by competent teachers in the &Figments hf - Clusleal, M Aionnit:eal :Ma Englbit cdusttfon. Thu whole es ponaes e)r tmltlm, tavail* and 10,1:::Ing, with :t room urnlshed. $53 per term. For further particulars, apply to either of the subscribers at Newdile. Pa. Roma MeCACIIIt Prinelpal, 'W.'ll. LINN, A. M., et it. MeCACIIItEN, jr., A. 8.,} Pc°"s°"' f'II.I:II.I3ERL AN I) VA LLEY Turf:. 'Maio and Female, noperate and distinct.— At tYleallUllti, PA. Po:. JOS. S. LOOSE; A. M., Principal, assisted by 'lvo 're:toilers. The %V hit or Session of this Institution will upon to reeolve sludonts nn this, lst Not'. 'rho facilities w blob tiro olierod by this Inslitutbn to both sews, Ibr o.dd:till ing a tlnbdied education aro tinsurp.tsv...l by any_ Idaillar SOIlli11:11'S ht the Stato,- Tho Buildings aro now and connwallotts, and the nritatnented. 'rho FEMALE or I.Awrm ENl' is now until ely sep.trato, and e.dititu.ted by Now England Tetohot a. it lit located in the beautiful valley ~f eunt• holland. iinsurp:v.sed lie its ir. , althililness—aceessible by Ball Road-8 adios distant from Harrisburg. Ono hundred and Comity andonto have boon hi at milanco this Collo;Ltto year. T 19 IL Al 3: 111. 'r it i lan, and Room Furalidled per Session or 21 - . - - 00 14,r Circulars and intlrmation address 1t0v..10,4. S. ILOOSE, • 1 , ,ret211-it 31...eltanie•hurg, Cund.. Co., Pa., 01"1"S PAT M tVlll.EltS.—Theqo 11 . 1.9,111 1 ,1 311 IM% lllltOgo OVIII . , 1111 'Mors in boing ininto With on outside iron ralomg, \O&M , oAtly oceounnitirs ftml mot prorooti, Ms:: of heat, Thoy ro mado of vorbotO, from . 10 to 1'29 galloon. Thry I),)rtublo, mul may bo sot hi tho L'ito,hou for house or out of doors conroolont to tho balm, pig Cro 1) ding fi.oct for st-rk. For mite by • PASCHALL .N1(1111:IS A:. , ;rieultur.d Wartilmuse Scod Store, N. E. Corner 71,4 and Market stroottl, L4oet's4 tarlisle peralb. Frofessiond (Clubs AN. GREEN, Attorney at law, has • settled In 'Mechanicsburg, for the practireofLis prOktiBioll. All kinds of Legal NVriting, Colteethe*, Court business, Ac., promptly attended to. Mire oppir site Dr. Longs residence. SURVLY Ml' in all its diffe rent branches promptly attended to. (11 13. COLE Attorney at Law, will at k_A 'tend promptly to all busitm; , sentrmitl to him.— °Mee in the room fmmerly crezipled by William Irvine, Esq., North Hanover street, Carlisle. _ April 2(1. 1822. It. C. E. 131,17.1)1 ENTIIAL, 110- / maior.vrtitc I'IIVSICI AN. 01lire and residence slt ',outlier street. ono door east of the German Re formed Church. Pr. Blumenthal respectfully utters his prore, , sionl services to the citizens of Carlisle and vi cinity. .tko - -POCROnti from a distance labwing umbir chronic • disensom may consult by letter. q 1. 9 A. M., end 2 to 4.1'. M. 1114, C. S. 13AKER respectfully offers j , his professional services tv the citizens of Carlisle !" 01 surroundiug country. Ofnee and'reslence In Snnth IlanOver street, directly oPnosito to the Volunteer Office." Carlisle, April '2O, 1553. I,AR. S. B. KiIIiTFER Oflice in North _ j'llauover street two doors from Wvise & Campbell's stoil , . Ullico hours, more particularly from 7 to U o'clock, A. M.. and from sto 7 o'clock. P. M. ' , CYO W v1411),ICIE e arw E(►. . , DENTIST carefully 11t0.1111S ttl nil -- operation:4 upon the teeth and adjacent parts that disease or irregularity may munlie. lie will also insert Artilleial Tooth of every de•aliption, such as Pivot. l , ingle and illicit teeth, and teeth with "Contin uous (lams," and will construct Artificial Palates, tant. ors, llepilating I•ieces, and every :1)1111121nm used in the Dental Art. —Operating mom nt the residtmce of Dr. F.:unuel 1:11lott, East nigh street, Caellshv. ii I'.()P,G E Z. B',{l , ,TZ, D. " , ' 7 ;;ZZ-4:. k i ~ D. s.. DENTIST. --I:e•ps , lltillr . ~. t, - nnlnrs his prnfoss er ional s,L es to Ili. , itrb _LLII Artlin•inl teeth io , t•rietl, n - sim:ll - -t— , th — t,, ntr colt iro - 1,0n• t ho-10;....1-on.l -Most... ! II pr_ove4 pri• ,11,1(s. ',wit a , : Si 1:01t. Ith.A. and "C.'', titl , l .11 , t :ktin Tel th. " Itisunst. , (.1 the liouthThool - Ir- - 1,011,1!”... , nrefully t6ntoll. I )1•' FWE at the n$6100“. 01 hi , 10,t , 0..- on NWril, Vitt Stroet.l'aviislo. !jou lo 11(..1. ('. I MO _A NHS porforth all ~perali,iis tlisit are requirkd fur ilieir pri•si•r, stlrli Plugging, v. ill rest ...• tin! t.l thorn I.y Ins.•rt,lng from 1..14 to a full t.rtt. (nitro nn Pitt ,tie.q a fe.. - ',nab ..f the ilailroad Rutnl. Dr. L. 1 ,, 111,eilt fryqi Car lisle the last ton days or rf ery month. 1 4 1 N. 110 S I , ',N ST 1 , ',1,, 11.)11se, Sign. Fancy fold Ornamental fainter, .fertherl‘ Ilarpn's) Row, near llitner's Dri o”eds St , ,re. lio %yin :spend promptly to all the IliONe descriptions 01' paint ing, nt reasonable prices. The various hind! , i.f ifyaining attended to. such-to mahogany, calk, walnuts, Sr., in the Improved styles. • Stores nob Stjoits „ITol,'Esl_sic.ivEs sTo N' ES !!!---,- k JOIIN 11. (lORIIAS would inforni the 'addle that he has non* on hand nt his establishment, on Main St.. next tt..or to Marion HMI, the - largest amt most COlll - assortment of ('((OK. OFFICE A l'Alt 1,41 Lilt STONES to be found In this county. which will be sold at tire lowest prices for p . jars cash oritpproved credit. His stock consists - of a large assortment of new and highly ap. proved PATENT COOK !NO STOVES, finished In the nit cotnplete manner, and calculated for either wood or coal. ..c lot li. All the old standard patterns which hitv stand the test of oviierience. may Is. found at his establishment. Also. n great variety of the most approved and beautiful PARLOR OFFIVE STOVES. In eluding a number of POSY styles, possessing very supe= 'dor WIN an tages over those heretofore In use. Families and housekeepers are respectfully Inlited gi‘e him a call before purehasing elsewhere. Stores delivered t o any part of the eountry and put up et the shortest Me Eke. lie ..on hot, to do all kinds of TIN AN S I MET IRON WARE, and Copper Work, and has constantly on hand or w ill make to order every aracle required by housekeepers Or others In this line. Ills stock of Tin and Popper Ware embraces every kind .if houseboi l and kitchen utensll. warranted equal to the best manufac , Lured. Perseus in want of articles In his line may al wvys he sure of being rie,,mmindated to their sat Isfac by giving him a call. nov I -1 MEI tio 4 t)(1 1: 09 (it, I )11 E l'A HE 1.1 ) H IV 1 N 'l' Mt '. PAllholt AND C410K.11 , .i; ST&)VEg. The sul,,iher at his old stand on North Hamner st., Cat lihlo, Ow sign 1.1 tho ••314Iniut , t,ii 11.1 Oat, PIA, - de-- ~Ires to call the attention of the public 1., hls large as ,,ertnient of STOVES, of the newest and tnest fa,hiena ble styles, from (Inc host than ufict' - ‘tl;, in the , t a 'l._ country, and at all prlees from 53 to $l5. 4 - Among his PARIA iii it' ellA3llthlt STOVES -t ':`.7l re the Mirror . tiros e, the Arctic. Revere. Star. •-rl,„,s; Persian, Union anti ..Ettut Air Tight, together, ..* with other patterns witi.ll Le has of all sizes ft o. parlors or chambers.and eel uinted for burning either wood or coal. Also, the ,'Etna. 111-be. Astor. Allany. Flat-top and Pandbox or Poor Man's, with other Ct OK INII sToV ES, comprising the latest inipm.vements in kitchen stoves. and Intend , d for either wood or ma i,— Alt, t, the Dining !teem ('coding Stove—a new and Ile pant artlele. to which he Inv It cc I tin, particular atten tion of families. Ills cooking staves ranpo in pi ice from $lO to tr,, with the fixtures oanplete. Also, Nine Plate Stoves of various patterns and diin.roit prices. Also, ENAIIELLED AND TINNED WARE eta. Cool:- lug Stovits, Brass Kettles. &c. Also," every artist' in the line of Tin and Copper Ware. The public aro resp,ct fully Invited to call as he Is confident witil his lin,N. steel:, variety and cheapness. of being able to pie ,• en tire satislitet ion to every purchaser. Call and CVO. Oct. 25, 1551. 31. 310It)t IS. 'r - . 1144 `. h*.er"i- pA T E N T SELF-SIIATIPENING YASKER FEED CUTTER:, manufactured for ALDRICH & 13Altilli7a, N 0.410 .haricot street, Naiads Thb cutter is superior to any now iu use, for strength durability. and simplialty of construction: It cuts fast er, and-is the only tel thy, :+traw and Corn Stsli: Cutter ever made. it lass but 1/NE 1 4 '1'11.11(MT KNIFE, which any parson ran grind and set NOtit ease, but in ordinary rase, Is ground in the Thou sands 11110 already been sold, and the demand is dolly increm4Mg, In most . C:ltik'S nu ON:l11111111t lon Is tjulnelont to convince 0110 of its superiority. NV °Peddler a short trial would'part -With It for any other. All sizes of the above constantly un hand and Mr sale by " .1. P. IN Sole Agent for Cunt) perland c,.un ty. =I M UST RECE IVE D ! 8e.:4 1110, Mooha and Itoazted Coffees, • .ertndied, Pulverized und Loaf Sw • -ar, PorL, Rim. New Orleans and Cuba do, Imperlal, II unirowdor, I(nttn:t . I lyson an d B1:Irk TKILF., Bost. Syrups, N. 0. and Suyar Ilou e )lolus,es, Que-nsware, Cedar; :out Stonowuro, Owes°, Fish, Salt, 5.1.1 p and Starch, • Cavendish, Nut oral Loaf. Fig and Congrtss 'fobaeco, Pickles, Pine Apple an.l Tooetto proserros, , liete,tinn and Spleen of overt' varloty; "My stork Ints boon 5e100t.4,1. NO! h strict ref...renee to family use, for Halo very JOACI . OI' INtA I NV 11, hy. . WI LLI AM::, ea 1 Family Orecer. • 'ours, from 7 to septa; t t u:sil GROCERIES! 31tisceCtineous. • - TEAM SAW MILL, near • . Papertown; buntherland 11 ASK & SEY Mot; continue te suit -I:mot-ma ply lonnher of all kinds, at the shortest - endive, and on Lerma lower than can be had elsewhere. All orders directed to pertoiyil, or Wm. L. StAtioutt, Jr. , Carlisle, will be prompt ly' attended to. Feb. 22-ly R 1 AS PITTING AND PLUMB • INtl:—The undersigned would infirm the , k..i% onions of Carlisle that he has made in range ments todoll Al.; FITTING and PLUMBI NU at shoat nu tter, and on reasonable terms. lie has engaged the ser vices of a first rate hand from Philadelphia, and luts sup plied himself with an extensile assca talent of .11NT IIIIES, which will enable him to fill all orders promptly. All nark will he wart anted. Ilia stock of. tins I ixtures will be found In the room exactly opposite his Tinning establishment on Ilbrthllanover street, a here he hi% Iles a cell. TINNING, FrOUTIMI, is nth() prepared to furnoh, or make to order, every article of TIN WARE used by houpeUerpers nod others. lie Will nb..o attend to FPOUTIN(I, 1101.;;FE-11001 , 1NO . , 111,1.1. lIANO I NU, and PI.I.IMIIIMI. Thankful far the patronage Is ith,whlch he has already been favored, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. Carlisle, June 14, 'r,4 R 0 M CALIFORNIA.-C. VON 11E1 LEN nopect fully informs the citizens of Cnr- „lisle and vicinity. that he has just ret urn j ed. fium California, and 'is pi reared toes 0- s7rair cute all Lititis of work eenneeted a ith bis 3, line of business. lie has ale s 4.11 lituld a large assortment of ready-made It ills s, t. nits. Pistols, Locks. Keys, thin Trimmings, &e.. all of which he will sell N, Iltdo 4 lllC retail. Ile also attekds to repairing limo, to o ls, e: migra, es on brass. copper nod hut, lie hopes that by strict attention to business. and a desire to plear3e, he W. ill merit and reccite public patron:lgo. Lty) - All binds of Fire Arms made to order. Carlisle. April '26, IK,l—ly .., Q 1 'LEN .1)11) .11:11'- f" .- L - 1 EI,ItY I I klitlay I'l vs ..g' 'AT ' ' 2 I 2.,. ..,,.. 1.1115. &C.- TII 1$ 'NI A S 1.1,N -:IP ',O 2 'l - , .."` - 5,.... I. N . .). •N% , sst I I 1!_ li st la el.:. li. 'IN -' ; ',..'.,5.---- — 3 :Z '-`, 1 1 1,1, r5 - W( 1,11-, 1 -- Iiiiri7litilden. - ‹ .1 . •5',.,,T.,;',4,,S ._ _. 4_ "iii i .,...itti,„::- . . ip tel, Carii , ..le : lin. jui.t. re sit..,-,.-.:.•,.. 7 ‘,; 4 * :'el. ..: 4 "..... ,eh etl iite - lar,l`.l.t 111:(1 110 ,t.. ...k.,,,t - ek...‘,..k.:Z.,,,Ajy."-sitt .„ :.: 's ele,:,i,t, :,:lf rtiiiiint il i..upi i ier Jewell, el el. ~itend in (',labile.. ,', , l".t.b.litiL ill 1:111 .r thild anti Siltri•r Watelie , ui et ery viiilvty. end et all ['rive , . eklit day I 1,11110 4 . :liver liit le and I,:1 •p , . ,, 11.- silver tally f rigs and butter liiii'ves. t.:1.111 art sib. 1 ,I , ‘ , 1:111.1 Intlit.S . 1111,1 gi.iltletnevis' geld pen awl pi ni il, arvild-rhain,r7fur - very-tlesririptirim-ettr-tiral-ndrigiiti-1-inaP-i Irma, pins. &r.. at till prices. .Usii Arra Nil ells .11.11 Ilti siral I :WO, ~ ith It ). real variety of l'iliey Ai tie!,.. Fe , 1( . 11,11 ii,pres , ly f r the Iliiliday 4. I's rani. /I, siring t.s 'purl 111100 ar, li,i. lied tn rail and e_xiiiiiii etliii - in.e4 t tn - ert %Ve :ere preparial tf• 1 , 41 at N cry' reasainalite pi lett•. Qual ity i.t . vontls NA:tn.:tilted Li be, as flue tl , 1.111 It M. i Tlll/711AS"CliNLYN. 'West 11 kb st. A 1110 N II A Li. PA Gl' 14: ERE A N IT ROI a3IS.—A. 11. REET having ta'ken the liagiter reap Loans in Mallon Hall. known , as A. B. Tubb's Gal lery. desires to harem the Ladies and Oen denten of Car lisle that he is prepared to take Likenesses in the u., st superi , c sty Mot the art,_suett as will fully'sustain the reputation of this Popular establishMent. ills mans are large. pleasantly situated and comfottaLly furnish ed. Ito iA provided - with the most pow erftal and pet let t intdrument for taking pictures and warrants satisfite tion in all cases. A full supply of cases of every variety of sty le and aloe, plain and ornamental. kept constantly on hand. Engravings, Paintings, tke., accurately copied and duplicates taken of original likenescs. Likeneses taken of sick or deceased persons. Prices moderate and satisfaction given In all cases. The public Itl my Iced to call at tale Marion BallDaguerrean Rooms - and examine the n umerous specimens. J2:ir Daguerreotypes inserted In Lockets, Breast Pins, Finger Lingo. Pencil Heads, Le. C4lrli le. June 14. '54. A1)1)LE AN I) 11ARNE - SS MA K -1..,) INC:. The subscriber continues to carry nit the above business. in all its various branches-in North Itall- ON Or street. Carlisle. too doors North of Leona rd . ! , corner where he Intends knoping on hand a general assortment In his line, consisting of till kinds of fashionable I.t li 111.ES,,..1.1ridles. Martingales ' irths, Circingles mi Halterhalters,al i s Th tray cling and saddle ,4 , 3\41 . 1. bags. Ile also man- 11' 11 '' o:alums the tioNt • ••••4 • a t B 3 l- , ; 11 1: 1 17 :11 . • ' 7) 1d" ISlP;l"A'ltS4l;:t':ti.:vtitl.slTtt:%l In liar o ill 1111 dell to 11111 111111 ,12t them. lie a also manufactures harness, Collars atnl tl hips in all thefr lark , ties, and confidently believe!: front the gei,ontl pfi lA , mint , mera, that he lli uratrnt tun (1 1114 gears, In all their vt:riety of built h. that It made the e,mitty. Ife also mates 311 Muds of \tatrnnsds to order. viz: Straw. Busk, Curled Hair oral `pelt;; Malt rasses. All (tie Illint o art ivies will I r ninth. of the lest material and workmanship, and ofth the uttorrt des -1/>4ell. It 31. ont qtN. ( - ILOTHINC; Al' COST—The subFerib k_/ or inn. an aksortinent of fashion:llle and well made in hit Mall It at IA it rt.'. f`,ol. The 141,1?), cuus i stsOf Cloth and t'avlin.alett en and flingliant l'onts.'rweeti and .leant'ints; Silk and Satin Vesting; Cassiineis..lealCB and lout rifiri. Linon and Ccttoinali, pantaloons. N 5 ILE all timid.' of Clething usually found in a clothing store. Into; ding to relinquish thin Wand; of My k t isii i e ss , great hari.rains t un I thy ridn.i, stmt.. of 1•11 A oil i 11.11 Y. • few jc:trccchcdfr. In auction and soiling vi.r) low. =BEI ansunince. 4 1111174 [MA NUE.—Tor. ALLEN AND EAST PENN: 4 IIORO '.‘II:TUA FIRE IN NI l'irkll*.tN YOf Culla erland county. inctrpo- I:11 , qt by tin n. 4 of Is now fitlly ortmiti7od. raid in operation 11/1110r the umt:tv,entutil 02 the lullue lug c..meti,leilerg, , . Daniel Bailey. tlorfras, Michael Coeirlin, :11elchoir Brenneman, ChriAlan St al xnan, John C. l`un la 11. Cooler, Lewis llyer, Ifonry Logan, Benja min 11. )lusser, jaetd, Alumina, Jt sq,it % la ersltata, Alexander Cathcart.. The rides of insurance are as low and r.s any Company of the kind in the unto. Persons wishing to menthers are invited to mate application to the tozents of the vorunny, who are Is Wing to wait 'upon them at any tine."- RNNJ. Ti. MOSSEIt, President. 111 NIfY LOGIN, Vire PreMeivia. LEWIS RYER ; Secretary MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. Ali I,NTS CM1111:1ILAN1) covyrir.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cunt berlami: B. Herman, liingt , town; Ileury . 7.earing, Shiromunstown ; Churies ; Pr. .1. Ahl, Churchtown ; Graham, iVest Peousterough ; .htmos 31e Dowel, Fro11104d; Mode Griffith, South 311.1- Mom : ; Samuel o,over, Benjamin Ilmerstioh, I. 4 herrich, Lisburn; Pseld Coover, h s t n. coUNTV.--.1(.1 , 11 Itmvntnn, • ltillhl.nrg; 'Peter IVolfm.l. Pian Jilin Swift. Waslilngto); 1 , 1,.1.1 1 1. ! „ It,vlll J. W.Craft. I•.trndLc. II A It lIISIIU !ousel. A Loclitunn. Monbers or the romp: my litrving polides s3l+nut to . ex pire e:111 linvo them renewed. by npililug applient ion to wily of the a:,etits. • 1112. , IT 0 Sl' 0I? E FO ILS ALE L—'ll) c sttlsel iter offer 4 at private FM() thr r.t..01; nm i it, tures of It Prwg - ;lore, late Olt property or Niteltnel Ns: col: (4 , 4.'4. in Churclitown, tointerhunt eounty. Tiler() is no other Drif:r : , tore ln the phtee, mut it tine ..pp. rtu nity Is lIIAT PIV , 4`III,NI to pay young luau v. Witt% to roinuteneo thls bushte.;:s. 1 , ..r trunk, n 6 .341SES MOI I uII ' T, Anull. APEOCII E SITAWLS.—A lot of I,ong D rzotl F•mare llroelm ShawNP Also, Itlauket Shawls iti:4t reerive , l from New York andselling A‘e:ry low at the clteito store of . . . novS 7.1A8. WHIST. NITATCII ES, J EIVELRY ; SILV ER . WARE and FANCY GOODS.—A fine assort• moot of the finest quality, for sale at the low est cash prices. al NV 111. C: ELTON lIEA WS, No. led Si uth Fecund Street between line and Union, west side, PLitedelphia., The assortment embraces a • large oral' select tits .1, of Fine 'Watches, Jewelry tither IN nre, A 'luta NI are. plated with fine silver, hi S.poons, Furls. barn, s. Ac.—Jet gctds, Fans and fancy all hies of a superior quality', deserting the exaniinntlon of the se who dclsire to pun me the I, st (... • ) . goods at the lowest cash prices. •" flaying a practical know ledge of —.-...., • ~,, , ,J., . the business and all a vailalle fact li• .'" " '"' . 4 `-'" ties for lmporting and Ilan utactur • 1..... tut' sui scriber contidentl) int ices pt.r, LP:, rn. le, liming that ho out supply them on tel ms as fill 4 ratio as tiny other estaldishntent in either of the Allan lia Cities: .A II kinds of Diamonds, afill Jon elry and EIF er Ware mancfnetured to order, 'Ninth! a ream.nal le time. c9..N1 niches, Jewell y and Hirer N%nre,gnitlifully re paired: .V I. F. u r Al), :e.N4 South 2d St. a few dot re fit o. a the Mar het. Went ID the SOUtil tt Indow of the 5t ore. may Le Feen the ittluouF Bird Cloth, which ecitinifinds the of the s: ientlfic old exit 1. .us. (Fej't. , 1 HWY ED SUPER 11108111 A T P.--brum City Chem'. a 1.6 Union I% , rbs i mnde after the must in mood at tielesand vet psuperier. Prepared Al , lO d) its 'l snare made otter the hnglish or. title. and most nuperier, being much inner than Guano, find fully Nitta. attent:ct nf lb alms and l , atnlet d Ia partleularly (Idled 11)re Pa) ti lab Also, letulian am). in large or small quantiti. s. for salt; by 1.1.0N11013 MORRIS J(.IIN 1,. I 401.1.P.0Y. Sottth Wharves, :1(11 door al ON e Chest L tit ;zept.'27. r,-I. CILSO.N '8 I'.ATEN T IL.N LA :HMI IL liNACE.—'llle Hil.criter the • • tittriltioh 4,1 all pat ttee , requil ing It debitulle I tu 1 - aice UHL:A/N . 16 CE.1..1.1.11:A/lir al,mmd note %I.:VI/IA:i:. I- PAP-111 r. The reputation cif this lut tine ' r is 116 u htem it, La( i(tg CCII (]recd tturitia the purl hae Sets isle al cut Jail( putilii 1,101.11(4s alai tuarrt that, ;Alm prilste dtt eat tepitlier illt tl:1• vl `tilt a tiler) is Ihe Lest el (deuce that clan le Val , i tll r its raped: city of er all other li3 the use el ( Misr a s to 1.111.,..31 , 11,1.eruze the :ensuing ad( aiitsp b• l'l.l I. 1 1 N'lll..l'i I I r. AJE-1131 - hco.irg sui tares teing. at a tt ra that et t iiessi I he air. 61{1..1) . .)111.11:11,1'41,—LVIL4:. Illlate Chihli} 111 tJron, not hul 1., In t l 11l 14 I,lls. Ill:1 1: ;111 11.0 till —it I , Pill-H . \ II “1.1,,11 .1.11 SN 11;lt I 1,1 , 11 ILO I lAA lIIL 111 v.llll 11. Ds 1•11', liht ILO ii.• I 11111.11 S. N 0 hunt tiu• trstitiii,i , inh'i t I I ILe c st • 14 V :0.11,1.• !obi: LI i • s • 11.4 I.t. 1111 4..1 M 11 , LI. It 1.. i ti 11 t• I. `t 1.1111. 1 ,1.111 . 11`. 11r hrtrwillt :41.1,X lit, 1 11 1 1 0 , ell pr. is. i• 1,1 1 11 11.4 I 111.1.111iildly ftiri.islied : .Itllll alp r. I u t. w. 11. Mien. l'rt,f. Uni NINE 517.F.1. 1 e hare intreduced this 1 , 1'11144s lire new sloes. ii that all parties may lit nil Itemselets of this Et rat in intuit at a tors nu ilet ate cc st. i• are now pi el art u to largish all Clll . llllillB to It at Li rei !met the Istlj- Vat I uilding us the et onto . • No. 1 Fort able Is teplete, do do du do 4 du - for brick tank do do 3. Extra Isadiater, (N 1 ith Foci, ai.d French', Plates,) 70 3 t do do do Fll 5 do • do do lts7 6 do do do 113 'V his No. 7 is the largest and most jsou erful Eitronee made in this ta h untu, and is admit ally' isdal , stt d ler (hutches and other large class 1 Me continue to sell the apparatus nt the Sluice 1.111 . 0 as is hen tut reduced. fit e utrs ago. A Ithism.h the present high price of film has ii.erenscel their is st r centess ing to their great iieig,ht, still we art es,al l l,l hy - the grer.t 'tierces° of salts to 'furnish the al tido at 11,0 low eat itostsll.4e - lirice. Oise f011l:dry alone, 3tessts. 11r oink cI Leilsritiolt•. lint t• s tusti tit tc d to fureish us is ills WV:: tit FilfllllleS thin 1.1..1151 , 1t. MP thirst VI arc LIN'. 1,1,1 ed to furnish them ilht lesale mut retail. NN c superint red the erection id nll Furnaces. is hen required, and I,t ar• rant them in all cases. _ • 1.:1111.1111,1TA N llAMl.ll.—\\"c have alio , the meld. Vi.a.phLeCCOLILV Lai p. that has iii I .eu in troduced, tow Weil IVe call the attention of all tt ho piny to secure the twist jetti, t arid desiralfecork iut•np paratus ever invented. I:111:; },I•F I'.l .'l'.,VENTlLicron.-11'e are tie only Agi4ht, it, Penns. lama for the macula. tutr nod dale id this entilittor, Mhurl is - achnum ledged to le 11,0 !vet entrilziti•r vier wade for , Vlle , tit p the dr:fin:lit in owl:, liinivies, and tic NVlLihttill: 1 cull trigs of all kinds. As there ale a great many i-s f this valuable article Loss' ( (find r init., lait hp si ill he careful to examine that it has the l-ne.ii.nn 1 ?d l ., :it tached. vATENT ELS ..AND NTI !AWL:- —Ge horse largl . o. tilt]. UP n t en letilete assi i I mint -i t .11: Registers and Ventihit, r: to l e :I uu,l it, ILt I d tales. l'ai tics Vi lei a ish to In:r, 1111..0 eithei to i• or is will I.nd It fl eat 13 . to Ili( ir t+.o/ to oxittuble their flock. 5L.11.1. -12 , , Ls% e hand nit extensive its::v.rttnent these I,:kiditto n ill cling, linitatitn 14;) rt t , i , :tuisti. other rzire•tartles. t.3IIATE:. , .—For A ntlirseite and I iti.n i 01.5 C, al. Alto, air ,entire Lew pattern 0 th e nct ,f 4 v Giztt,4 made front the En t2llOl Patterns.. to d ci Iti,:y new iti this Ull At. INTS . 11 r thoOM. Env:am!le I I g Tile, (la' ul.irkt 111. , itittl Terra( otter I.n tin t t- Ita• Catt . tlett Vlll.l,`S. &a. uilklitnr uctild do %%t , ll e r or sthels Iveti,re pturliw.itg 4.o:q.tvlale. L-itors, 0I t flee itur, latedop: 4.r utt. at trdially ttrlttnud totesl4 hiVe ‘t art rot rat, and whet olio t litadd It' laq4p3 (4. any any 01 11 . a. t j (any It (Whirl:lt A 1 tot, of) NI using Mid 1 van I.e had grid ultuutly at our e ttro. ritLt fat 0 1.. 1:y or I4)' letter. ;44. A. 11A1.1:1:4s, WA( ming aud Von t •ling 11 at. hot!! (4. 1411 \Valuta Et., I Mott tlt 1'1111,11.1 I cute. ell A 14. QT/11.111 3l'ay ---- ---- N1.10i./LAiti), Prelnimil Arti:, , te iii I!:tir y I u venter of the Celel,niti it 11, t..,:ant•r Vtii.t II:, t 11. 1 : ; ii• lu,tl Ellt,!•1 le Bond lourtrs. Is,tru( liotin to ,1"1 Iu I,:taies nbd 6vutlemor to ttiecoqtre Illkir hinds II it i. ;,..t.- I IltlteV. .. , • roll Wive. inehes.—\o..l. The conhd of the Lead; e. 2. trout ferehend to or the bend to the bee);; ;;. ..1:11tu- ear to ear oNer the top; for r,tintl the forehead. 'l'i•lliteeS and scalps, inches.—fie. 1. Prim ft reheati t..) lack as far as laid; No, 2, tfP er fort bead as far as telitlie. ell: No. a, Over the crown of the bead. IL DoLLARD has alsi•ays ready fur sale a Eplr stork of (lents' Wigs, Tulip:es, Ladles' 'Mat:. hall W i e. Frivots, Braids, beautifully fonnufeetuicil itt.d as eheap as any enfablishment in the I'filon. Dullards Ilerbanium .Lxtrito tar Lustrous. Ilair , prepared from South American heels and Eel Is, the most nueeessful article el er pt educed pret el t lug the hair from falling out er chatigiug 'euit ietteriug and preserving it in,a healthy and luxuriant state. Alneng other reatous 'why Dollard's 'hair tut tug sal« frsin• talus its immense popularity is the fact that lilt Toi le is appiit d to every bout of hair cut at Lin i•tablitlitct t t, consequently it is kept lit Letter pretert ation\thati fir• der any known application, It teiug thus prat tit ally tested by thousands, fifers the greatest gtiarattee of it.t eilleitey. Sold . whelesale and retail r.t his (lid Establishment 177 Chestnut street opp,sito the tqate lil .11F I', I'ifil3ddi , lll3. _ ii. Dollard has at least dista,vereti the tie plus ;flits of II Alit DYF., and anut.n tires it fc.r sale '3 It It perliwt et ti-,.. faience in Its surpassing . every thing of the.l,lNi li(.v,. In nset, lt'istilt - Fs the hair either I,lte Ii cr brown' Iss,runy ~ in deldriWnial is tired IN itheut irjitry ttAlit hair cr shin either 1;!, - or ntherst Ise. ean I e washed tIT in ten minutes after appileat P . m, witheut tictiaeting fr, in its efficacy. l'ersonsvisiting the city are InVittal to git e 11113 3 1'3 . 11. Lett I', Illitirt•SF(3l-42 11. POLLAtiII, 11'7 Chestnut FL, Philadelphia, 'will reetave latent it•u. ,inn. '2r-i1 ..... _, ciiLOAK r .lll 1)1 iNIING S.—J mt , oteiled :it VO - enl s ariety or Float: and Dret•s l'rina,:inFs:— A ,sl. Chdh Cha:tugs, tvillt a 'variety or N 1 holey t;ertill , Nov. 15 (I. Iv. 111TNElt. • ft:LACK SI lali: LACE q;.-=—,ltist operyd, Jul , marl; hilt: !.:,, , c . F, Of vnput I.r quality, thilTeteut .w hlths, ...1,., BLACK fq LK Tle1113!1`:0 F. Gimps and other ti ilowitigs. (IEO. W. IIITNI:14. / . . • Ffitfabefpf)ia. E 3 '25 45 48 (0